#nct bulleted scenario
jenjibear · 6 months
What I think the dreamies twitters would look like
A bullet point imagine
This idea came randomly to me and thought it was a cute concept lmao
so i hope you enjoy my mind
2am quotes, drunk thoughts, poems or just how he is feeling he always manages to say the deepest things at 2am
guitar videos, hes just practising silently humming the melody along with his playing
he posts his song wips hoping to find inspiration from the people who read them and offer advice
if he isnt posting his likes are filled from his time spent doom scrolling
just a bunch of sad quotes in those likes
artistic is the only way to describe it, proudly shares his art with everyone also offers commissions for some money on the side
laughs slightly when a nctzen asks for a drawing of a member not knowing its him doing the commission
loves sharing his art with everyone
shares tutorials and videos of supplies he reccomends
very artsy
this account is barren
you'd think it was a bot acc honestly
mostly posts about his bike and the things he sees out on his bike rides
genuinely forgets it exists posts every 3 months if that
he's just a pure soul and doesn't really use the app that much
meme lord #1
he's posting candids he's taken of the members like he's a menace
he interacts with nctzen's and is living for the memes they post too
exposes the members on the tl constantly
i'm talking out of context screenshots of convos and starting random hashtags
cat pictures hourly
literally has alarms set up to remember to post a picture of his cats
doesn't matter what he's doing he will drop everything to post on the tl to not let the fans down
replies to the fans as if hes the cats like "thank you - luna"
very proud cat dad
meme lord #2
unlike haechan hes fully making memes and reaction pics
is the most followed nct meme acc on twitter and no one knows its him
very very proud of himself honestly
almost exposes himself in a video because he was editing a meme he takes his meme lord position seriously
he doesnt really know what hes doing so just posts like most of stan twitter does
joins in on all the quiz thread trends
interacts with the fans, hes became a nct fan acc of himself without realising
people think hes a sasaeng because he posts unreleased photos and is at the same events
he comes clean and does a space to reveal its him and gains millions of followers
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Bullet to the Heart
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Chapter 1
mafia!Johnny x fem!reader
wc: 1.5k
warnings: mentions of violence, mentions of gunshots, mentions of kidnapping (brief), mentions of alcohol, mentions of trauma (brief),
She's leaving behind her past, escaping the trap of perfection that she's been stuck in. Moving from Busan to Seoul, the possibilities are endless... though the universe has different plans for her... plans that she never in her wildest dreams would have imagined...
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He runs… as fast as he can… as far as he can… the memory of the gunshots ringing in his mind, the memory of the screams, the memory of fear, driving him to keep going. As his mind wanders to the events that just happened, he doesnt recognize the area he's gone to… he's always had a troubled past, born on the wrong side of the tracks. His father was an alcoholic, and his mother was a broken woman, living a life she felt stuck in, wanting more. HIs father left when he was six years old, leaving him with a depressed mother, and a revolving door of boyfriends that she would bring home. After Johnny's father left, he became… angry… angry with life… but this? This he never anticipated. 
As he runs, he makes his way into an area that he is not familiar with. He slows down, his run shifting to a walk, as he looks around at the surrounding area. As he continues walking a figure comes into view… a tall man with a strong build, seemingly studying him as he approaches
“You've got guts walking around this area at night kid…”
Johnny looks up at the man, a mix of defiance and anguish in his eyes
“What's your name kid?”
“Johnny? What are you doing here?”
Johnny's eyes widen as he thinks again of the events that led him here. The fear visible in his eyes as he looks at the man. The stranger lets out a small sigh.
“Come on Johnny, you shouldn't be out here alone. Come with me.”
“W-Where are we going?”
“Headquarters. We'll talk more there.”
“Headquarters? Who are you?”
“I said we’ll talk more when we get there. Are you coming or what?”
She sits at the dining room table with her parents. Another silent dinner as her father stares at his phone, while her mother keeps her head down, silently eating. The silence… The silence is deafening… ever since her mother caught her father cheating on her, things have been… tense… y/n, a pretty girl with a heart of gold… born into a rich family that lacks everything she values… connection, authenticity, love… Her father works as a CEO for one of the largest companies in Busan, and her mother stays home. A month ago, her mother caught her father cheating with his secretary, and since then, nothing has been the same… her parents think that staying together is helping her, but deep down, y/n knows things would be better for everyone if they separated…
The tension at the dinner table is too much for her… she grabs her plate and walks out of the room. Her parents watch as she escapes to her bedroom, but they don't bother stopping her… she sits in her room, her dinner growing cold as she looks at the stars outside of her window, hoping… praying… wishing for something to change… anything… her mundane life catching up to her… the routine becoming suffocating. She hates it, hates how she has to maintain a perfect image for the sake of her family’s reputation. On the outside, her life seems perfect, but inside, she feels as if she's drowning… as if she's just about to reach the surface, but something always pulls her back under. 
Six Years Later 
y/n has graduated from college, finally living a life she is excited for. She feels a sense of relief, being out of school, starting a life full of endless possibilities, new experiences, and things to explore. She moved from her hometown of Busan to Seoul, starting her life over. Living a life she feels excited for, and for the first time ever, she feels a sense of happiness. Despite the busy streets and crowded cafe’s, she feels more at home than she ever has. 
She goes about her day, working in a small cafe on her laptop when the aura in the room grows ominous… She looks around seeing a group of men walk into the cafe, all wearing black leather jackets, but one guy in particular catches her eye… a tall man with a scar that runs from just above his eyebrow, to his cheekbone. A chill runs down her spine as she sees the scar. The aura of the group instantly intimidating everyone in the room. As she looks at him with wide curious eyes, he suddenly looks over at her. His dark brown eyes give her a cold look, but there's a hint of surprise… She looks back at him wondering what's going to happen, but he takes her by surprise. He subtly shakes his head, as if silently telling her not to ask questions… her eyes grow wide again, but just when she's about to lower her eyes, he subtly motions for her to leave… sensing the tension in the air, she doesn’t quietly, inconspicuously, packs her things and walks out of the cafe…
As she walks back to her apartment, her mind wanders a million miles an hour… Who was he? How did he get that scar? Why did he motion for her to leave? Is something bad happening? She continues walking home, but even after arriving in the safety of her apartment, she can't get this mysterious man off of her mind… 
She walks into a bar, one seemingly casual night, with some friends from work. As they approach the bar she looks to the side and sees someone sitting in a booth… there he was, the man with the scar… still looking at her with the same cold eyes… she quickly looks away, as one of her friends speaks
“Y/n, you gonna get a drink?”
She gently shakes her head, as if shes shaking the thoughts out of her mind
“Y-Yeah, sorry… just a little distracted…” “Someone caught your eye already?”
“No no, I just have a lot on my mind…”
“Well, we're here for some fun… loosen up a little, you deserve it…”
She smiles softly at her friend before ordering a drink. As she waits, she can feel the man's eyes on her, but she doesn't look back to him. She tries to ignore the intimidating aura that she can feel from across the bar as she grabs her drink and follows her friend to the crowded dance floor. She tries her hardest to enjoy the night, but by the time they leave, she's drained, physically, mentally, and emotionally… Nothing sounds more appealing to her than slipping into the comfort of her bed.
Her friends all disperse and make their way to their own apartments, leaving her to walk alone… she looks up at the darkness of the night sky, but she feels like someone is watching her… following her… she turns to look behind her, but the street is empty… she slowly turns and continues walking, until someone pulls her into a dark alley, covering her mouth with their hand before slamming her against the wall… the man stares at her with a dangerous look in his eyes, a sinister smirk tracing his lips…
“Well well, I caught myself a pretty little thing huh?”
Y/N tries to push the man off of her, but her smaller build proves to make that difficult…
“Look at you, pretty girl… thinking you could actually fight me off… its cute”
She tries to scream, but her mouth is muffled by the man's hand… she squirms and tries to break free, but her struggle is pointless against the man's larger build… tears slowly fill her eyes as the worst possible outcomes fill her mind.
Footsteps are heard, seemingly running closer, catching both her attention and the strangers attention. Before either of them can process what's happening, a tall figure emerges from the shadows of the alley, sending the man to the ground with an aggressive push. Y/N gasps softly when the stranger's hand is suddenly gone from her lips… she looks at the scene with wide eyes of fear as the stranger that had snatched her is knocked unconscious… She freezes in fear when the man from the shadows turns to look at her… and there he was… the man with the scar… protecting her… her eyes widen further as she sees him up close for the first time… he's more handsome than she imagined, even with the scar… his deep commanding voice pulls her from her thoughts…
“Get out of here.”
His tone left no room for contradiction. A chill runs down her spine as his voice hits her ears. She hesitates for a moment before nodding slowly and walking quickly out of the alleyway.
As she walks out of the alleyway, he watches her leave. His thoughts consume him, questioning why he's so concerned with this stranger. Why can't I get her out of my head? I don't even know her? Who is she? His mind rolls, but shifts to anger when he looks down at the man who dared to put his hands on her.
“You're coming with me.”
He throws the man over his shoulder, walking deeper into the alley, disappearing into the shadows.
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hariboz · 1 year
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✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧 maise. she/they. infj. sideblog. . . . #forjebewon <3
rules | masterlist | tags | obsession
feel free to drop in my inbox any time!
requests: open
📝 brother’s best friend!gyuvin
📱 they prank you with “he’s busy”
📱 asking them if they would kiss their ex to save your life
visualz (ricky, hanbin & hao) biased, riyangi & chocollie from DAY ONE!! supercharger deserved better, OLLIE LOONG9 CENTER!! i don’t play about ollie so if u don’t like him GET OUT
i speak english, german & basic spanish but i’m also studying korean (not in the weird way!! i just want to watch gose while cooking please)
i’m a big reader & anime/manga enjoyer! (didn’t feel like enough of a loser with just liking kpop)
i also stan exo, en-, aespa, nct, svt & am a casual stan for tons and tons of other groups!
mainly fluff/angst & i like to vary between bulleted scenarios & fully written ones <3 also some fake texts here and there as well!
nonnie list <3: ☀️, 🎀
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nanaloco · 2 years
Being best friends with Jaemin
"If y/n says the sky is pink, then the sky is pink 🙄"
Genre : fluff, Bestfriend!Jaemin x Gn!Reader
Warnings : none (I only write fluff)
What it would be like to be best friends with Jaemin (who you secretly like) [who secretly likes you too]
Appart of the : It's complicated series
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• Very spontaneous
• Always checks if you're comfortable with something or if you like something
• He's just so himself and that's what makes him a people magnet
• He changes from soft and quiet to loud and chaotic  within minutes
• Normally ends up going w/ whatever you say
• If yall (group of friends) are arguing on what to get, if you suggest something, even if no one else wants it, you'll somehow all end up getting it
• "Y/n wants icecream so let's get icecream 🙄"
• Defends you in public no matter what!!!
• "If y/n says the sky is pink, then the sky is pink 🙄"
• Genuinely values your honest opinion
• You follow him everywhere,
• You love following him around so much to the point where he will tell you his plans for the day and ask if you want to come
• Will either complete errans together or on facetime
• Typical hangouts with jaemin would be
• Running errans, Cafe not really dates but kind of a date dates or going to try new things that you both suck at like pottery,
• You made matching mugs and they both sit on the shelf above his bed
• You also love baking/cooking together, definetly doing seasonal stuff together
• Like carving pumpkins or making ginger bread houses or buying and eating chocolate bunnies
• You follow him around but he equally if not more follows you around
• He's so whipped for you and will gladly show it cuz hes Na Jaemin
• Inseperable
• His friends call him your sidekick
• Because he will gladly do anything you ask him
• Therefore, you guys often do facemasks together
• Very affectionate
• Will hype you up and take LOTS of pictures of you and post them to his instagram
• Talks about you A LOTTT to his friends to the point where they all want to meet you
• The dreamies will have really random awkward chats with you saying that jaemin is a really good guy
• "You know Y/n, if my sister had to date ANY of my friends, It would definetly be Jaemin"
•"Have you ever considered Jaemin as...more than friends??"
• They can all tell jaemin likes you but you remain oblivious
• Sometimes he'll sit on the other side of the couch
• Others theres no space between you
• Random little dances he does which you find adorable
• If you catch him staring, he'll continue staring at you until you look away
• Will cook for you at any given time of the day
• "I'm hungry"
• "Omw rn!!"
• Randomly messages/calls you about cool things he discovers or 'fun facts'
• "Y/n! Guess what I just found out!"
• "Jaems, its 4am, why are you still up"
• Very expressive in how he speaks
• Large hand movements, crazy facial expressions
• You love him for it
• The type to yawn and put his arm over your shoulder
In a platonic way if thats even possible
• Once he knocks and you open the door, he either
• Hugs you immediately "did you miss me"
• Or waits for you to invite him in
• Aww what a gentleman Hyuck take notes  
Part 2 to my 'It's complicated' mutual pinning series where you're best friends :)
Might do a part 2 to when you actually start dating if enough people are interested❕
Thank you so much for reading ❕❕❕👾
@/hoshiiitrd on instagram and twitter [for mutual, friends or trades :)]
Ily guys!
Starting an @ mention list so lmk if you want to be added
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inumkii · 1 year
hiii guys!! heres a makeshift intro and masterlist because the main one is a work in progress
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ sunny, 20, i write for jjk, bsd, and genshin. i'm often in and out of this blog, mainly on suhnandmoon (enha + nct). requests are open if you would like to send in anything
makeshift masterlist:
genshin impact
kaedehara kazuha:
reunion (800 word scenario)
jujutsu kaisen
satoru gojo:
up to no good (angst drabble)
inumaki toge:
how you got together (1.2k words, bullet points)
after battle (900 words, bullet points)
okkotsu yuta
idiots to lovers (1.3k words, bullet points)
fushiguro megumi
if you know whats right (1.8k word fic)
music fan (short thought dump)
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catboyieejeno · 2 years
about: requests/asks
this 'about' post will be updated as more groups/options are available.
groups i currently accept requests for
please be aware that most of my posts will be nct dream and svt
nct dream nct 127 seventeen
content/genres I currently accept requests for:
imagines/scenarios: formally written, describing a scenario between reader and member(s) with backstory/intro and can have multiple parts if requested head-cannons: bullet point/list format, not formally written, just me shooting ideas of how i think they would be in that situation (!friends to lovers, !bf, !dad, !fwb, !domestic, etc.) drabbles: 200-2.0K words, formally written with little to no backstory or intro; reader is instantly inserted in the scenario, blurbs: 100-1k words, formally written little to no backstory or intro reactions: head-cannon/drabble format but for a whole group. texts: imessage texts. can be for an individual member, some members, or a whole group
coming soon: Instagram/Twitter posts: pictures + captions + other members/fan interactions
about the camera roll series
as of now, there are three categories for the camera roll series but you can request similar ideas and they can be added!
I DO NOT WRITE: serial killer, noncon, abuse, knife play/gun play, piss kink, anything with fecal matter, anal, high school au, gangbang
also, please keep your asks generally relatable. i will not write anything that is too specific, since it won’t be relevant to other readers (for example: nct comforts reader after to their mom gets hit by a car … like i’m sorry if that happened to you but i will not write that as a reaction)
NOTE: there's no formal way of asking for a request, don't let this post scare you! You can phrase your idea however you'd like in an ask and i'll do my very best to write what you're expecting!!!
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shop-korea · 8 months
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Amazon - with - Tax - Over $59
200 Lbs - Load
Dear Korean Girls,
Haiti - Blk - Miami Police
Men - Allied Security Armed
Front of Police - Car
USA - Illegally mskes $$$$
on - Right 2 Keep and Bear
Arms - My Tokyo - Male
Scientists will Make yes
Invisible - their websites
Dear Korean Girls,
Age 16 - and - Older
Never - Coed
Singers only - Tongues
Special Marines
Special Air Force
Special Navy
Opening in Miami
Aespa - Charlie Brown
Mailing - Services
Local - World
Forever - First Class - Mail
$0.05 - Self - adhesive
Stamps - Free Digital
Mailboxes - Remote
Stars - Huge - Sizes
Aespa - NCT - Itzy
BTS - Actors - Actress
Billionaire - Ji Chang Wook
IU - Se Eun Kim - Se Kyung
Shin - MGM - Classic
American - Marilyn Monroe
Elizabeth Taylor - Vivien Leigh
Elvis Presley - Bobby Darin
Sandra Dee - Rita Hayworth
Aespa - Charlie Brown Mail
Services - 24/7 - Holidays
Cargo Planes - See Thru
Capacity - Special Boxes
They become - See thru
Join us - We're the Courriers
New - Military - GPS
Our Vehicles - Fly
No Sound or Wind
Concealed Weapons
Jewelry like - Stretches
Mickey Mouse - Watch
Training - in - Seoul KR
Aespa - Charlie Brown
Carriers - Training Centers
Scenario - Korean - Girls
Miami - Haiti - Blk - Male
Miami - Police - Armed
Handcuffs - US Firearms
What 2 Do -
Outside - Vehicle
Shoot - Forehead of Blk
Male - Haiti - on - behalf
of - Former - President
Yesterday - also - Wednesday
He was shot at Midnight - 12
Times - including - Head
2 - Florida - Naturaluzed
Their - Interpreters fellow
Columbians - Coffee
Others - Former Army
4 - Hire - Terrorists yes
Born - in - Columbia
Former - President - issued
Forever - Not Allowed Entry
Countries -
Cuba - Columbia - Venezuela
Haiti - Iraq - Iran - and - more
Haiti - FL - Hires - Arms - as
New - Blk - Paid - Servants
Lost - South Africa - Slaves
and - produced - Over -
3 Million
Scenario -
Shoot - Car Window - Front
Shoot - Blk - Haiti - Man FL
Miami Police - Shoot Head
Shoot - Tires - Poisoned
Bullets - He - Disappears
Aim - Mickey Watch
Disappear - Vehicle
Hipnosis goes everywhere
Hidden Cameras reversed
Dear - Korean Girls,
Join Us
500 Billion - Won - x 2
Per Hour - Tax Paid
Combat - x 25 - Hourly
Brit Cat - Combat - Hat
or - 2 miniature - Dogs
Charlie Brown - Mailing
Service - Designer Combat
Clothes - Foot Apparel
Free - $500 Billion - x 5
per - Hour - Tax - Paid
Currency Adjusted World
Join - Korean Girls -
Special - Marines
Special - Air Force
Special - Navy
Free - Housing - Transport
Jesus - is - Lord - Korea KR
0 notes
innies-bunny · 8 months
You're new to Tumblr here?
I think, first is...Write your about me and your favorite Kpop artists and other stuff.
For the writing stuff...I think you could start off drabbles, soft and hard hours and not just only "would include" bulleted scenarios.
What are your favorite Kpop groups? Mine are Super Junior, EXO, NCT, aespa, Dreamcatcher, VIXX and ZEROBASEONE. (I've been into Kpop for a long time like in 2008)
Thank you for the Advice 💜💜💜
My favorite K-Pop groups are BTS, Monsta X, Shinee, Seventeen, Blackpink, Itzy, NCT, Zerobaseone and more. (I've been into K-Pop since 2017 but I used to occasionally listen to it in 2014)
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tensify · 6 years
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✧= bulleted scenario (headcanon)
✎ = full length scenario (fic)
✂ = drabble 
❀= fluff
▲ = angst
au = alternate universe
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moonie | animal shelter! au (✧,❀, au)
↳  when nobody adopts a dog, you and taeil plan to adopt together. 
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hey, you! | boyfriend! johnny (✧,❀)
↳meeting/dating johnny is like….
need help? | soulmate! au (✧,❀,au)
↳ need help getting that book? well, he can’t reach it either.
lovestruck | (✧,❀,▲)
↳ love still strikes the hearts even through the aftermath of harsh exchanges and thunderstorms.
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drawing hearts | barista! au (✧,❀,au)
↳ there’s a new guy working at your favorite cafe who you can’t help but fall for.
one long week | (✧,❀)
↳ being in charge of nct dream for taeyong is hard when you’re sleep deprived.
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red tulips | florist! au (✧,❀, au)
↳ you start to work at a flowershop despite not knowing anything about flowers. Luckily for you, a handsome florist helps you out with that.
detention buddies | high school! au (✧,❀,au)
↳ detention isn’t fun, but it can be made fun with yuta.
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nothing yet
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co-owners | florist! au (✧,❀,▲, au)
↳ owning your grandfather’s flower shop was your dream. co-owning it, was not.
midnight singing | college! au (✧,❀, au)
↳ your beautiful voice leads to a beautiful new relationship.
“shut up and kiss me” | (✂,❀)
↳ Valentine’s Day drabble.
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10 seconds | soulmate! au (✧,❀,▲,au)
↳ you had four years to find your soulmate, but now time is running out.
talk it out | boyfriend! Ten (✧)(❀)
↳ meeting/dating ten is like…
the scholarship | bad boy! au (✧,❀,au)
↳ you are given a chance to win a scholarship, but only if you turn a bad boy good.
a christmas confession | high school! au (✧,❀, au)
↳ what you thought would be a normal day turns out to be the best day of your life, all because of a heart fluttering confession.
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the ones with thorns | florist! au (✧,❀,au)
↳ while working in a family owned flower shop, you are surprised when the son working there tells you he has no knowledge on flowers.
the one | best friends to lovers! au  (✧,❀,▲,au)
↳ it only took a couple of years, but you finally got your chance with jaehyun.
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the lifesaving heartthrob | lifeguard! au (✧,❀, au)
↳ being saved by a cute lifeguard leads to an unintentional confession.
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nothing yet
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nothing yet
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happiness | florist! au (✧,❀,▲,au) 
↳ buying flowers for your mom in the hospital every week eventually leads to falling for a sweet florist.
marks | soulmate! au (✧,❀,au)
↳ hearing “long ass ride” in a song reminds you of the time your soulmate wrote it on your hand.
under the mistletoe | high school! au (✧,❀,au)
↳ mark was the first person you met, your first friend, and first crush at your new school. but a kiss under the mistletoe leads to a new relationship.
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desire | florist! au (✧,❀, au)
↳ after your favorite flower shop closes, you find a new one and meet someone special while you’re at it.
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dunk shot | college/basketball! au (✧,❀, au)
↳ not only did you get hit with a basketball by the cute guy with an adorable eye smile, but you’re also his partner for a class project.
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puzzle pieces | soulmate! au (✧,❀, au)
↳ in the search of finding a roommate, you also end the search of finding your soulmate.
love bouquet | florist! au (✧,❀, au)
↳ who knew your old high school crush would be helping you pass your floral design class in college?
every wednesday after school | bad boy! au (✧,❀,▲,au)
↳you might only be haechan’s chemistry tutor, but you were determined to turn him back to the good side.
puppy love | barista! au (✧,❀, au)
↳you had two things in common; serving hot cocoa and loving a dog named cocoa.
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the gardening club | florist! au (✧,❀, au)
↳ you figured you wouldn’t ever be anything but jaemin’s best friend and business partner.
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secret admirer | florist! au (✧,❀, au)
↳ your secret admirer keeps sending you flowers, leading you to ask chenle to help find them.
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a perfect christmas | soulmate! au (✧,❀, au)
↳your definition of a perfect christmas is one with your soulmate.
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princess--af · 6 years
i've never done a bulleted scenario so here we go???
this is also so long I'm sorry?
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you had JUST moved to a new school 
your parents had finalised their divorce and dad had custody over you in a cozy house just outside of Seoul
you had to catch the local bus everyday for 25 minutes to get to school
which was fine because it gave you time to listen to music before hell
the first day you got on that bus it was mostly empty
ust some adults heading into work
but the further you got into the city
the more students that hopped on in the same uniform as you 
three stops from your hop on stop
2 loud boys jumped on
pushing each other playfully 
uniforms covered in black jackets
shirts untucked
your prim and proper self was mildly horrified because IRON YOUR SHIRT RENJUN MY GOD
they sat at the front of the bus in those seats that face each other
sharing headphones like cute boyfriends aWE
you didn't notice you were lowkey staring until one of them caught your gaze and raised a brow questioningly
he had such an intense gaze and the deepest frown
you jerked your head away, staring straight ahead out the front of the bus
real smooth
you could see him snickering out of the corner of your eye
your teacher wanted you to introduce yourself AGAIN
after you bowed, she pointed to a seat in the middle of the room towards the left
next to frowny boy
he didn't say anything when you sat down but you could see the little smirk on his face
and the doodles all over his notebook
you couldn't pay attention the rest of class
too distracted by the cute boy sitting next to you, pen scratching softly over artsy flowers
'my name is renjun by the way'
he laughed a little, packing up his books
you didn't even notice the bell had rung
'if you're going to keep staring at me and my drawings, then you ought to know my name, right?'
embarrased, you ducked your head, mumbling your own name in reply
rushing out of the classroom, hands buried deep in your pockets, you followed the rest of the students to the bus terminal
there were so many kids, you had to stand near the front of the bus, holding precariously onto the overhead bar, your other hand scrolling idely through instagram on your phone
a deep pothole in the road made everyone groan
and you lost your footing slightly
tensing up and screwing your eyes shut when you felt your knee give way, bracing yourself for impact on the dirty bus floor
'woah, hey, i know i'm pretty, but there's no need to literally fall at my feet'
an arm wrapped around your waist tightly, keeping you standing, not letting go even when you had regained your footing
'are you normally this clumsy?'
you tried to wiggle out of Renjun's grip
you barely even knew the boy
and no matter how cute he was, you werent going to let some random student hold you in the train
'can you like.... let go?'
'yeah renjun let go of the new girl' - jeno 2k18
the next day on the bus, the boys got on
this time there were 3 of them
two sat at the front
renjun caught your gaze and grinned cheekily, sauntering up to your seat
'is this seat taken?'
well CLEARLY it isn't but even if it was, you'd probably kick that person out of it if renjun asked
sliding across to the window, renjun sat down in the aisle seat, leaving a little gap between the two of you
'so where did you live before you came here?'
and thus launched a beautiful friendship
sort of
he sat next to you every morning on the bus
his friends would even come over to sit in the seats in front of you 
jeno and jaemin were their names you found out
he sat with you in history; the only class you actually share
lowkey tried to copy all of your answers in quizzes
he would save a spot for you at the bus terminal when you were going home because most of his last classes (except history) were near the front of the school
art student perks you guess
one day he accidentally missed his stop going home because he was too busy laughing over a cat video you had showed him
his face was a little :o when he realised
'do you want to come over? my dad just bought ben & jerrys icecream?'
your dad was shocked when he saw a boy sitting on the couch, textbooks left forgotten on the table, half a tub of ice cream slowly melting, while you laughed over rick & morty episodes
'dad this is renjun'
'hi renjun. are you dating my daughter?' - embarrassing dad 2k18
'no sir but i wish i was' - confident renjun 2k18
cute your awkward little laugh
the next day on the bus, jeno and jaemin hopped into their usual seats
'where's renjun?'
'he had an appointment before school, but he'll be here for lunch' - smirky lil nana 
they had begun to invite you to eat with them and their other friends; mark, donghyuck, chenle and jisung
no girls allowed except you apparently
so much testosterone
you were sat there with your lil bento box
eating peacefully while watching jisung and donghyuck argue over the merits of dancing v singing
suddently; blackout
vision is blocked
'guess who?’ - renjun
'jesus?' - you
spinning you around in your seat, you faced a pouty renjun
but that wasn’t what caught your eye
it was the beautifully bright yellow sunflower peeking out the top of his backpack
‘what’s the sunflower for injunnie?’
‘yeah injunnie, wHo Is ThAt SuNfLoWeR fOr?’ - annoying nana 2k18
you weren’t going to lie, you felt your stomach drop a little bit
it was such a bright happy flower
one of your all-time favourites 
and you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that some other lucky girl was going to get it
you didn't pay any mind to renjun scolding his friends, hands still gently rubbing your shoulders 
‘y/n can I speak to you privately for a second please?’ - nervous renjun
you walked out into the hallway with him
only a few students standing around
‘I know you’re still new around here, and we haven’t known each other that long, but I really really really like you, and would you please accept this sunflower?’ 
I'm sorry
you simply stared at him for a moment 
trying to process what he had just said 
‘y/n? please if you don’t like me, just tell me straight away because I'd rather-’
‘I like you too omfg injunnie’
you took the flower out of his hands
a shit eating grin on your face
cheeks flushed
you stepped into renjuns chest, squeezing him loosely, his own arms wrapping around you
fuck he smells nice
‘sunflowers represent warmth and happiness and loyalty.... I feel so happy when I'm with you y/n... I'm so happy you gave me a chance...’ 
after school he took you to his favourite place by the river
dropping his black jacket over your shoulders when he caught you shivering 
‘can’t have my girl freezing to death on my watch... your dad would probably kill me’ 
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kuntasticc-blog · 6 years
Of love letters and lies
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Pairing:Mark x reader Word count: a little bit over 2k Genre:high school!au, fluff Warnings: a lil of swearing
It’s your last year of high school and you can’t lie, it has been more boring than usual but the only constant is your big crush on the school’s swim team star yukhei
too bad you’re an awkward child, yet somehow you manage to gather enough courage to drop a confession letter in his locker telling him to meet you in the school’s rooftop after class
there’s no way that can go wrong right?
so there you go ready for disappointment but to your surprise there seems to be a figure right where you had written you yukhei you’d meet him, the figure does seem a lot shorter though.
Once you get closer you realize that it is definitely not 6 foot tall “girls can call me lucas” yukhei the one standing before you, nope it is always perfect tie and haircut student council president mark lee
Well this certainly wasn’t going as planned, guess he’d picked out this spot to confess too
Mark tries to talk to you at first, manages to stutter out your name before blushing  and you being the “i never know how to read a mood” child try to be all funny and poke at him
���oooh student council president mark lee out here to confess to someone!”
He pulls out a small envelope you recognize and now you’re the one who can barely stutter a what’s that
“It all makes sense now”he says looking at the floor and forcing out a laugh, puppy eyes are all out “i knew this wasn’t for me when you started going on and on about my height and how great i looked swimming but it kinda is my fault for thinking you’d like me back”
You just stand there speechless, brain frozen like it’s about to do the Windows 10 reboot sound because 1.you’d put the letter in the wrong locker 2.Said letter was in the hands of Yukhei’s best friend 3.Said best friend was standing in front of you and had just admitted he liked you
yup insert reboot sound
“Hey are you okay?”Mark asks but you’re still out of it and start blabbering.
He grabs you by the shoulders before shaking you and a tiny part of your brains goes oh he’s kinda strong
“I have a deal for you, you start hanging out with me and we try to get yukhei to like you and if by the ends of semester he’s not into you we’ll go to the winter masquerade together, maybe then he’ll notice the girl he could’ve had”
You just nod, because yeah 15 minutes ago you were happily unaware of pretty much everything and now you had a hypothetical date for the ball and a kind of plan to get the guy you like
now there’s no way this can go wrong right?
Except it’s all so awkward between you and mark,because out of nowhere the school pres and the loner are hanging out and all of his friends are puzzled by it
especially yukhei
it was awkward to say the least and as much as you tried you ended up a blabbering mess, mark is all red and yukhei is either laughing or busy with practice
and it kinda turns into a “i’ll help you with school” kind of thing once mark notices your less than great grades and he suggests it’s just you and him so you don’t get distracted
it’s all going oh so fine
Little by little it starts getting nice to hang out with him, there’s always snacks you throw at him in hopes of distracting him, somehow he manages to make you laugh,and even more of a mystery you never notice how red his ears get or how bright he smiles when that happens.
You settle into a routine, you study together after school and then go out for dinner. It’s a win-win
one of his younger friends even starts calling them your friend dates and at that you blush
“shut it jaemin”You hear mark say as you look away and fail to notice the small frown on yukhei’s face
Mark starts calling them fake dates after that, he says it’s to annoy you but he can’t deny you look so pretty when you blush
And as time goes by you start going out for food even if you didn’t study together and without thinking about it you stop thinking about how handsome yukhei was looking that day instead looking forward to what mark had planned for that day and how you could distract him and get a break from studying.
It’s a cloudy saturday, you’re getting ready to go eat with mark
a small part of your brain is screaming this is a date this is a date and you like that boy, you try not to think about how it might be right but he did say “I’ll pick you up at 6? Think spring and dress up”
Fat droplets start hitting your window and not even 5 minutes later your phone starts ringing, the screen lighting up with a photo you had taken of mark half asleep and trying to explain to you how to memorize all the physics formulas
“So here’s the thing we’re going to have to take a literal raincheck,I had a whole picnic planned out and i hardly see that working out now unless you want a cold but i don’t need you getting a cold ” He says not letting you say anything after you pick up the phone
“We can still do something though right?We can have an indoor picnic, just come here and i’ll start arranging the living room so we can set up everything”
It all seems like a great idea until the bell rings and it kinda hits you he’s in your house and your parent aren’t home and you might have started developing a small crush on him oh great
You open the door and there he is with his pretty smile and it’s great great oh so great
Basket in hand you start putting everything down and notice how carefully it was packed, from tiny sandwiches and macarons to a whole jar of lemonade.
“You did all this?”
“Yeah i asked taeyong to help me do it though” he laughs awkwardly and looks away
“It’s really nice”
Somehow the awkward aura you had gotten rid of was back in full force and you couldn’t start speaking without stuttering
“So, are you still going to the ball with me?”Mark asks out of nowhere ad you almost spit out the lemonade.
You had forgotten about that and that it was next week and that there was a pretty white dress on the back of your closet, somewhere along the way you had forgotten that this was all a plan to get yukhei
“Yeah i am, as much of a dork you are” You say a realization creeping up on you”i wouldn’t stand you up”
Once the food is gone, you try to get him to leave so you can clean up
One small problem,he refuses to go until he’s helped cleaned the place and you start pushing him to the door and unwittingly tangle your feet with his
One step forward and both of you lose your balance, you close your eyes hoping you won’t hit the floor too hard
except you don’t hit the floor but instead you feel mark underneath you
you decide to open your eyes even as you feel your face burning up
bad idea
because underneath you, looking like a deer caught in headlights, is mark
He carefully puts you on the floor and you barely notice as he gets out of your house because your heart was beating way faster than it should and you couldn’t get out of your head how much you had wanted to kiss him in that moment
oh this was definitely not fine, things were definitely not going fine
Next week is almost as if he didn’t know you, no more study sessions, no more throwing baby carrots at him in an effort to distract him and get him to smile and you felt it was all your fault
his friends were even trying to talk to you
“So why are you not talking like usual?” Donghyuck says as he sits next to you. “It’s like my parents are fighting so just make up with that dumbass”
“I thought we were going to be subtle!” Says jisung, sitting on the other side.
“Subtle is for cowards”
It only worsened through the week, as much as you wanted to go to him Mark refused to look you in the eye
“You look pitiful” Donghyck says next day when he sits with you again
“Gee thanks for being so sweet”
Somehow you make to friday without looking once at the white dress
Your phone rings and a part of you hopes it is mark but instead the screen is lit up by small demon and a picture of donghyuck
“We’re downstairs loser, get dressed and we’ll try to fix your face”
Your door is opened and donghyuck,jisung and a tall man waltz in before making you change into the dress
“This is Johnny, he’s weird but does a kinda nice makeup and we need you looking decent if we’re going to get mark to realize the dumbass he is
so that’s how you find yourself all dolled up and in johhny’s car heading for the one place you don’t want to be
“Oh please it’s not like we’re pouring acid on you”
“I’d rather have acid”
but that’s not the truth, as much as you are screaming this is torture you are hoping mark will talk to you and maybe you can finally tell him that the confession letter might have not originally been for him but somehow your heart was now his
You practically rush into the school auditoriom and don’t notice the big figure until you bump into him.
“I’m sorry princess”
It’s yukhei, great
“Oh it’s you Y/N, i was looking for you”
You are puzzled but you notice mark is inside the auditorium and you couldn’t care less about yukhei could say
“I like you”
Okay you take that last thought back, you definetely cared whta yukhei had said
“Sorry wHat?”
He just laughs and you notice mark looking right at yukhei and how he’s holding you upright
“I got cha, go get the poor boy”
you’re still in shock and a part of your brain is oh look we’re right where we started but it switched
“Go with markypoo, he’s been such a downer this last week”
He pushes you into the auditorium and your brain is still very much what the fuck but you don’t think twice when you notice mark is making his way to the other exit
You hadn’t expected to run for him and the heels weren’t helping, you were practically stumbling and yelling his name
“Hey you coward come right here!”
maybe donghyuck was rubbing off on you
He stops at that
“cowaRD?” he turns to look at you “You’re the one who stopped talking at me and now yoou have yukhei too so leave me be”
“goD you’re such a dumbass”
You close the distance between you two and you can’t help but marvel at how beautiful he looks
“You were the one that stopped talking to me and yukhei can go to hell,”
“I want you Mark lee, you and your nerdy ass”
spring is in full bloom and flower are all around you
Your last year of high school is finally coming to an end and you can’t believe it
without thinking you head to the roof and there you see the figure you wanted to
not tall or the star of the swim team but yours
“Here to confess to someone?”you ask innocently and mark turns around to face you
“no, she confessed to me first”
“Oh really?because i rember a certain boy said he liked me first”
You take one step forward and you’re just where you’re supposed to be
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solcheeky · 3 years
[N’- 0] facetime
— mark lee ver. 11
“It’s really empty?” You say to Mark on your screen
He looks left and right again, “yeah, like, no one,” he looks back at you then leans in, “you should totally join me, haha.”
You glance at the digital clock on your night stand: 11:04PM
You shrug, “yeah, I’ll come.” It’s not like you had anything else to do.
You pull yourself up from your bed to find something warm to wear over your sweats
“Wait, really?” Mark stops walking and stares wide-eyed at you as you casually pull on your warmest coat, “that was a joke.”
Kind of. He was half-joking. Honestly, he wouldn’t mind your company, he just didn’t have the guts yet to actually ask you upfront
Plus, wasn’t inviting someone (particularly his crush) out a night for a walk by the river kind of... romantic?
Mark shakes his fringe out of his eyes to get rid of anymore of those thoughts
“I don’t mind,” you place your phone on the ground and speak up a bit as you pull on your shoes, “you’re just outside campus right? I mean, that isn’t too far.”
“Yeah, not far but it’s cold!” You hear him exaggerating his shivers through your earphones and laugh a little
“Wanna borrow a hoodie or something? I can bring one?”
Immediately Mark feels his ears flare up. “No! Don’t- Don’t do that,” he doesn’t think that’ll be a good idea, “it’s cold, but I like it. It feels good, you know?”
You laugh when he exaggeratedly yells out that feels good once more. “Nope, sorry Mark, I don’t know about that.” 
“Oh,” he pauses and another gush of wind blurs over the mic. “Oops,” he laughs.
“Stupid.” You laugh as you pick up your phone and head out of your dorm
Once you make it to where he was wandering about, you realize that Mark was absolutely right; no one was at the river at all
At least all the more easier it was to spot him
He was the only figure standing there, donned in a huge puffed up jacket, shoulders scrunched up and knees bending alternatively to stop the cold
“You can hang up now.” The wind blows harder and Mark spins around to search for you with a scrunched up face
You hear him giggle into the mic before he hangs up and shouts your name
“It’s coolllddd!!!!” He doesn’t drop his volume even as you approach him
“It’s soooo cold!” Then he’s wriggling his face real close to yours 
You bite back a grin and punch at his arm, “I did offer you another hoodie you know?”
Mark groans, rubbing at his bicep and lifting his knees as he giggles a little more
“I know,” then he lifts himself up with a sigh and turns to you, a boyish grin plastered on his face, “it’s fine.”
He reaches over to pull your hoodie carefully over your head, “let’s go.”
Inevitably, it doesn’t take long until you both get tired of trying to walk and talk against the wind picking up from the river, that you decide to take a comfortable stop at a bench a little deeper into the park
Hands stuffed in his pockets, Mark stretches out his legs straight on his heels and hits his back into the back of the bench with a sigh. “It’s still kinda cold here though.”
You have your arms folded over your chest to shield the cold too, “do you want to go back?”
Mark tucks his chin into the neck of his zipped up jacket. Not really. He didn’t want to go just yet. “Do you?” He pivots his head till you can make eye-contact
You shake your head
And Mark can’t help but smile a little behind his mask
“Not if you don’t.” You say, “I can stand the cold away from the river a little more.”
Mark hums in agreement and lets out a long yawn, his shoulders shuddering at the end of it
“Mark,” you catch his attention again and pat your shoulder nearest to him
He blinks. “Like..?” He tilts his head a little to the side gesturing to lean onto your shoulder as if to ask whether he’s interpreted your action right
You nod and pat your shoulder again in assurance
Mark squeezes his hands into fists in the depths of his pockets out of nervousness
With a gulp, he lets himself shuffle a little closer to you
It’s just leaning on a shoulder, right? No problem with that, friends totally do that. Mark hesitantly lowers his head down, plush into the warmth between the dip of your shoulder.
“Better?” You’re so close he feels your voice vibrate into his chest
Mark takes a moment to reply
“Won’t Doyoung get mad or something?” He mumbles behind his mask
You have to replay his words in your head once more
What did that mean? “Doyoung?” Sitting like this you can’t read his face
“Yeah,” Mark’s a little nervous to ask but he also always kind of wanted to know, “aren’t you guys... I don’t know, something?”
Oh, you pause.
Oh. You hold back a laugh. Sure, you were really close with Doyoung but you weren’t anything more than friends if that’s what he was wondering.
With a soft smile, you hum a ‘no’ and lean your head on top of his.
“Oh.” Mark feels his face burn up again. Jeez, he just can’t help but smile a little
At least behind his mask you couldn’t catch it...
You feel his shoulder relax a little. “Good,” he accidentally mutters
But you catch his words anyway. Good, you grin.
[minute masterlist]: up next ↣ kim jungwoo
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jaehotbuns · 4 years
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♡ 2.6k, fluff  =^._.^= ∫
you first met Mark on a Nature Republic photo shoot where your friend was a hair stylist 
she called you frantically because the SM staff caught multiple employees from each department posting on their personal social media stories the location and whereabouts of the members and dismissed them from the site
they were shooting at an island in the middle of nowhere which you were conveniently writing a thesis on different landscapes of South Korea 
you had no experience of styling other people and only did it for yourself but you knew you couldn’t leave your friend deserted so you came to help in any way that you could
half of the staff were fired on the spot so they immediately pushed you towards the members to prepare them for their next shoot after threatening legal action if you decided to act as stupidly as the other stylists did 
you saw your friend quickly adjusting the collar of theHawaiian shirt that was roughly put on Jaehyun and she gave you an apologetic look and mouthed a ‘thank you’
you were assigned at styling Mark’s hair, which you were scared of because you had never styled a man’s hair before never mind a celebrity but you squared your shoulders and hoped for the best
he was already used to the chaos but he was slightly concerned at how well you would perform considering that your eyebrows were furrowed and had sweat rolling down your temples as you scrunched the ends of his hair with mousse to create beachy waves
every stylist that he met was always either professional and stoic or overly friendly to try and get with the members romantically but he tried to suppress his laughter when he saw your distressed face under your medical mask
in such a stressful and hectic situation, he would never talk to the staff to help them focus but he couldn’t help but strike up a conversation with you
you looked younger than him too so he felt more comfortable
“first time?” he asked with a smile on his face as he looked up at you
your hands stopped in the middle of combing the fluffy mousse through his hair and your face dropped slightly, “you could tell?”
Mark covered his laugh with his hand as he didn’t want to discourage you but couldn’t help but chuckle at the cute expression on your face 
“yeah,” he answered but then realized that it came out meaner than he had intended
“but you’re doing a great job! Keep going!” He tried to encourage you by motioning with his hands to continue
you patted his hair into place for finishing touches but you pouted under your mask when you realized, “how would you know? You can’t even see it” 
there were no mirrors in sight except for the hand mirrors that stylists held on their belt
he choked on his saliva out of embarrassment and rubbed his hand awkwardly on the back of his neck
“well let’s see then!” He exclaimed and you begrudgingly gave him the hand mirror to see 
you were bracing yourself in case he thought you made his hair into a bird’s nest and demanded you to be fired on the spot but he let a “wahh” escape his mouth as he admired the hairstyle 
“this actually looks great!” He said a little too excitedly 
“we were both expecting it to look bad then, huh?” You joked but really you were relieved that he thought it didn’t look atrocious 
Mark shook his head to deny but you held his shoulders in place to not disrupt his hair 
his face went pink and you realized that you just touched a client, a very influential client 
you lifted your hands off of him quickly and stepped back so that he could stand up from his chair and go in front of the cameras to prepare for the shoot
“thank you” he said and you both exchanged bows before awkwardly getting back to work 
you stayed on the set with your friend for the rest of the day until the sun went down and the sky turned a bright pink from the previous ocean blue 
luckily, that was the last hair and clothes change that NCT needed and everyone started to pack up after the photographer and managers shouted “thank you for your work” and everyone bowed and clapped to each other 
while each member started to load into their vans to get back to the city for their next schedule, Mark ran up to you and asked if you were apart of the SM staff or were for hire from another beauty boutique
“oh, I just came last minute,” you said 
“I’m not actually licensed for this I came to help”
he let out a disappointed “oh” and decided not to take your number down since it was unprofessional and knew that after the fiasco today that there could be anyone around to expose him if he did 
“good night, see you around,” he said in hopes that he would see you again
you doubted that he would see you around but you repeated what he said and waved at him as he ran into the van 
the other members were confused as to why he ran off to greet you and were ready to tease him since they noticed that you were his type physically 
but he knew that they were about to so he lied and said that he forgot to take a bracelet from you and pretended to fall asleep so that they couldn’t question him further
you thought about that was a once in a lifetime experience until 2 weeks later the campaign was a hit and everyone was fawning over Mark specifically since he looked like boyfriend material in a white button up shirt and blue jeans with messy beach hair 
your friend called to tell you that she recommended you as a freelance hair stylist after they asked her who did Mark’s hair 
as a broke college student living in another country you took the offer but felt guilty getting an amazing job with no credentials so you got licensed at a beauty school within 2 months 
the next time you saw Mark was on the Punch music video set 
he had everything on except makeup and hair 
you were taken aback at how different he looked with the leather pieces, chain jewelry, and overall bad boy vibes
he was sitting in front of the dressing room vanities and his face lit up when he saw you stand behind him with your cart of hair products and tools 
usually he’d stay still in his chair but this time he turned around to face you, “hey! I thought you said you weren’t even licensed?”
“I decided to after getting offered a job” you smiled 
he turned around and looked at you through the mirror’s reflection, “or did you come back because of me?” 
you coughed through your mask and felt the heat creep from your neck all the way to your cheeks and temples
Mark smiled to himself when he saw your bright red face and was even more excited for the music video shoot knowing that the stylist he thought was cute would be doing his hair on a regular basis and could see him act cool on stage
to not let you out of his sights again, Mark pulled his phone off of the vanity table in front of him and went straight to his Instagram search page, “can I have your Insta by the way?” 
you were combing the translucent gel through his hair when you tilted your head out of curiosity of why he would want your socials 
“I send what kind of hairstyles and concepts I’d like to try to stylists on here,” he said 
in actuality Mark wasn’t one of the idols that really cared of how his stylists dressed him like Johnny or Jaehyun but he wanted an excuse so that his interest in you was too obvious
“oh sure,” you spelled out your Instagram handle and you saw him follow you right away
for the rest of the shoot for the two days that it took place, Mark would admire you every time you came up to him between scenes to wipe the sweat off his forehead and to spray his hair with setting mist 
although you were a fan of the group, you didn’t want to make them uncomfortable so you invested all of your focus on making them look their best
Mark appreciated that; you weren’t completely cold and professional but you also didn’t cross any boundaries by asking him about his personal life or interviewing him like some new stylists did 
when you got home you decided to look at Mark’s profile and saw that he was only following his family, friends from Vancouver, idols friends, and a few celebrities that he looked up to 
you were the only staff member that he was following other than his managers
but you didn’t think for a second Mark liked you
even though during promotions he would text you on his time off about your day and ask you about yourself 
“because I don’t want to be to formal” was his excuse to his unofficial game of 21 questions 
even though after promotions when he was on his break, he’d ask you to go shopping with him “to get some inspiration from uh hair stuff” 
at one point he was bold enough to ask you to go to a cafe because he said he felt like you two were friends at one point
behind the scenes, Johnny caught on quickly at how Mark was on his phone more often when he’d usually just use it to play mobile games or listen to music 
“I don’t think you left the bracelet with the pretty stylist,” Johnny would tease Mark one day when he saw him re-reading your texts and smiling to himself 
“you left your heart,” he’d say and slap himself on the knee from laughing too hard at his own joke
“can you get out of my room?” Mark would retort in embarrassment but it was worse for him from there
Johnny told both floors that Mark had a big fat crush on the young stylist and was flirting with them 24/7 
Mark wasn’t really the type to get in his feelings 
sure he’d find different celebrities or employees that he’d work with attractive but he knew it was for business or that they’d just be really good friends in the industry 
but you felt like home 
like he could imagine that if he was back in Vancouver that you two would meet at a library or something and he’d ask you for a coffee after you asked him to watch your bag to go to the washroom 
that was what he’d imagine before he went to sleep at night anyways 
half of the time he’d stay up thinking about asking you out officially and keeping your relationship as a secret and the other half of the time he’d kick his blankets scolding himself for even thinking that because it would put both of your careers on the line and he didn’t want you to feel the burden of dating in secret
you also had feelings for Mark but thought that he was just friendly and flirty 
even if he did have feelings for you, you thought that it would be best to just stay as friends because you didn’t want to get in the way of his career
one day Mark couldn’t take it anymore and went to the convenient store by himself instead of riding bikes with Haechan and Renjun like he originally planned to 
they noticed that he didn’t get embarrassed or annoyed at the teasing anymore and just kept to himself so they followed him to the store and found him outside on a bench with a beer in his hand
both of them sat beside him and Haechan grabbed the beer and took a swig, “just tell her” 
Mark placed his elbows on his knees and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, “I don’t want to ruin it for us… Or for her”
Renjun placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly, “if you both have strong feelings for each other then it’ll always work out in the end” 
Mark shook his head although he appreciated the support, “what if the stress gets us to break up? What if I make it awkward for her at work?” 
Haechan stopped him and told him sternly, “I see the way you two look at each other and I know that she’d accept if you asked. If the press or pressure causes you to break up then at least you tried.” 
Renjun added on more gently, “do you just want to continue suffering forever? What if she’s waiting for you too?” 
Mark didn’t want to think about it any longer and as a lightweight, the 2 cans of beer in his system were already giving him courage
if he had another night to think about it, he’d probably never confess to you so he decided in his tipsy state to confess right then 
with urgency, he told you to meet you at Hangang River right away 
“thank you guys,” he said while standing up too quickly 
he stumbled a little bit before starting to walk towards the meeting place, “I can do it!”
“you can do it!” Renjun laughed while holding up too fists to show his support
Haechan on the other hand held up his phone and started to record Mark walking clumsily towards the river, “don’t mess up loser!” 
you were finishing up on your readings when you got Mark’s text 
it sounded like he was going to confess but you shook the thought out of your head at the thought of a global star asking you out 
“probably wants to de-stress with a friend,” you thought before putting on a hoodie and jeans before walking to Hangang
when you arrived you could smell a mixture of beer and mint in his breath
His face was flushed pink which was a result of the alcohol and the 2.2km he had just walked
“why did you call me out all of a sudden?” You asked 
“will you go out with me?” He said a little bit too loudly
you quickly looked around to make sure that no one was within a kilometre near you too and asked in a hushed voice, “what?”
“I like you!” He nearly shouted, not aware of his volume due to the nervousness of the chance of rejection
“I tried not to like you ever since I met you but I can’t get you out of my head,” he avoided your gaze and couldn’t believe how cheesy he sounded
Mark continued regardless, “I know that we have to date in secret if you do like me but I promise to protect you and I won’t regret my decision if anything happens. So uh-”
“yes,” you grinned. “I’ll go out with you”
he was surprised at how you accepted with ease, “oh wow I wasn’t expecting this. Thank you for listening to me talk on haha, I don’t even know what to say I-”
to stop his blabbering you held onto his arms to steady yourself for when you went on your tippy toes to peck him on the lips
“that’s not fair” he pouted
“what’s not fair?”
“that’s it?” He murmured under his breath 
“then get some more” you teased
his hands cupped the sides of your face and bent his neck down to reach your height
your hand wrapped around his waist to pull him into a hug while his warm lips pressed onto yours
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nsheetee · 4 years
sweet iced tea | haechan
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pairing: music major!haechan x barista!reader genre: coffee shop au | fluff, humor summary: when you meet haechan, you think he might be the most annoying customer you’ve ever had, but you deal with his games for the sake of your bosses. when the cafe’s fundraiser rolls around, you get the chance to hear haechan’s amazing singing voice, and decide that maybe he’s not too bad.
this is a part of the moonlight cafe series — please read the preface before continuing reading
he swaggers in, tongue pushed against his teeth and hands in his pockets
the bell that chimes above the door is like his personal background music- it follows him all the way up to the counter
you have to say, you’re thoroughly intrigued by the time he gets up to the cash register
he looks you up and down as he leans his elbow against the pastry display case
“hey sweets, where’s tae?” he asks you in a playful voice
“-yong or -il?” you ask, raising an eyebrow and leaning your hip against the counter
he chuckles at your question, lifts his baseball cap off his head to fix his hair, and pulls it back down 
you wonder if he’s trying to show off to you- you can tell he’s flexing his jaw and his arm as he fixes his hat
“I'm looking for the moon. he usually works friday nights?”
“not anymore. I work weekend nights now.” your new customer tilts his head, his facade dropping for only a second to show confusion on his face
“does that mean I'll get to see your pretty face here every friday night? beats staring at my stale-bread-looking older brother.” 
your eyes widen at his words 
this kid is taeil’s brother?
but he’s so..... bizarre and taeil’s so................ normal
“step brothers, right?” the guys smirk drops off his face as he digests your minor burn
he doesn’t have the chance to say anything back because the door chimes once again and more people step into line to order
“is there something I can get for you?” you ask, as if the past 5 minutes didn’t even happen
“a sweet iced tea” he mumbles, pulling out his wallet
you quickly make his drink and decide to add a cookie to his order- just because you would have to throw them out soon anyway and didn’t want to waste them
as you come back to the counter, he raises an eyebrow as he holds out some money
“I didn’t order a cookie?” 
you grab his money and place all of it in the tip jar, sliding his food to him
“it’s on the house. I can help who’s next?” you reply skillfully, making him drop any trace of a smile on his face, surprised that you can ward him off so easily
it’s not the last time he comes into the cafe
absolutely not the last time
he never told you his name, and you eventually decide to ask taeil if he’s actually related to the weird guy that comes in to bother you every friday night
“oh, haechan? yeah, that’s my little brother,” taeil laughed wholly when you talked to him, “just give him whatever he orders and keep the receipt, I'll take care of it.”
despite getting his drink for basically without charge, he always orders the least expensive thing on the menu: a sweet iced tea
but that doesn’t stop him from leaning over the counter to very loudly ask you to add in a few extra pumps of sweetener
he sits in the middle of the cafe, in the center of all the buzz and craziness when the friday evening rush hits
he keeps his straw permanently in his mouth, leaning back on two legs in his chair, and scrolling through his phone
of course, whenever you leave your area behind the counter and venture out to the tables to hand out orders, he always has to add in his little, extra comments:
“woah, six iced americanos? it’s not dead week yet. you better tip the amazing barista that had to put up with you!” he practically screamed across the cafe and pointed a blaming finger at the group of girls who ordered the iced coffees
when it seemed like every person was ordering a million food items, he took the initiative to come help you “okay, what do you need me to do?” “haechan, you’ll get in trouble, you can’t be back here.” “actually, I can’t get in trouble ‘cause I don’t work here.” “that’s exactly why you’ll get in trouble.”
“excuse me, ma’am, this is not what I ordered. I'm gonna need a reimbursement.” he taps his cheek, “in the form of a kiss.” “haechan, please be quiet before I have to quit my job out of embarrassment.”
pretty soon, his “helpfulness” turns into the aspects of your friday night shift that make your eye twitch and probably the reason you found a gray hair this morning
you hope with the presence of your bosses this friday night, haechan will tone it down- or even better, not show up at all
but alas, he walks into the cafe right on time
“woah, what’s going on here?” haechan approaches the cash register where you’re counting money, but looks towards the brick wall of the cafe where taeyong and taeil are setting up a small stage, a backdrop, some strobe lights, and a sign that reads “Moonlight Cafe Karaoke Fundraiser!”
“can’t you read? knowing you, probably not.” you don’t look up from your counting and haechan pouts at you
“aww, c’mon, don’t be like that.” he leans his head between your face and your hands, blocking your view of the money
“I lost count, thanks.” you sigh, restarting your counting
“it’s okay!” haechan sings, “I'll help you.” he reaches his whole hand into the penny compartment and dumps out the coins on the counter, counting them one by one
“haechan!” taeil greets his younger brother with a clap on the back, “you have to join our fundraiser next friday night.”
“sorry, I only join fundraiser where I take my shirt off or eat.” haechan sighs and shrugs while you fake gag at his words
“oh, this is right up your alley. for every whole song someone sings for the crowd, we’ll give $25 towards the remodeling of the auditorium.” taeyong replies this time, and haechan perks his ears up
“that’s all I have to do? bro, I'm gonna make you bankrupt.” haechan lays his hand sympatheticly on taeil’s arm 
“I think there should be a requirement to have a good voice to even consider singing a song.” you speak up, finally finishing counting the money in the cash register and fully joining the conversation
“oh, haechan has a good voice.” taeyong speaks up, “he’s a music major.” you're eyes turn into the size of dinner plates as you look between your bosses and haechan
“really?” you never thought about what haechan’s major is, but you never in a million years would think it’s music
maybe it’s because his shrill yelling every friday night has absolutely ruined your like for even his normal speaking voice, you can’t fathom what his singing voice sounds like
“oh, now I'm definitely singing next friday night, if anything then to prove y/n that I'm a god when it comes to music.” haechan leans closer to you, bopping your nose to gain your attention and stun you at the same time, “I'll serenade you, sweets.”
you grimace at the feeling in your chest his pet name brings you, and even more at how he smirks at you
it’s not the first time your heart feels like it’s about to fly away when you look at him, and you’re at the point where you’re hitting yourself for falling deeper into your feelings
you can’t help it, something about him is irresistible to you
no matter how much you want to rip your hair out whenever you’re around him
“maybe I'll quit before friday.”
but you don’t
and before you know it, the next friday night rolls around
the cafe is more packed tonight than any other night you’ve worked, and for the first time, taeyong and taeil are behind the counter working with you to provide food and drinks for everyone that comes in to enjoy the music
just like any other friday night, haechan walks in through the doors
the jingling of the bells seem to sound different when it’s him pushing the door open
your heart dumbly flips when you make eye contact with him; he’s more dressed up tonight, the top few buttons of his button up undone, wearing  an expensive looking watch
you can tell he styled his hair and really tried with his look tonight
and man, it’s definitely affecting you
“your drink, haechan.” you slid over a straw and his sweet iced tea 
“aw, it’s so cute that you memorized my order.” he coos and rips open the straw, sticking it into the lid 
“it helps that you order it every time you’re here.” you mumble
he begins to walk away as he sips, but abruptly stops and turns around
“is there... extra sweetener in here?” he asks, looking up at you with the most perplexed face you’ve ever seen on him
haechan didn't even have to beg for you to add any extra pumps this time
“yeah,” you mumble with your head down, pretending to focus on wiping the counter, “for good luck.”
“you’re getting too soft with me, sweets” haechan walks back to the counter, taping the spot you keep focusing on to make you look up at him, “don’t stop. it’s cute.”
and with that he walks away, leaving you to attempt to hide the affects of how much his words moved you
soon, the fundraiser starts and several people go up on stage to sing a song
you meet doyoung and johnny, who are both close friends of taeil and taeyong and who also graduated from this same university
when they got up on stage to each sing a song, you were absolutely blown away by their talent and their voices
even taeil went up to sing, and you were amazed by his powerful and skilled voice
it only made you more curious about haechan
it has been almost an hour, and he still hasn’t gone up to the mic for his song 
you wonder if he chickened out, but when taeil finishes, haechan stands up from his seat and walks to take the mic out of taeil’s hand
you move from behind the counter to lean against the other side of it next to taeyong, getting a good look at the stage where haechan is plugging his phone into the speaker
“hello everyone. I'm haechan, taeil’s brother, here to make my him and taeyong go bankrupt,” the audience laughs at his small joke and haechan eats it up, making you scoff
“this song is for the pretty barista who I've been flirting with for the past few weeks. I don’t think she noticed, so I hope this makes my intentions clear.”
he looks straight at you as he speaks, making your eyes widen at his unexpected words
you look over at taeyong for an explanation, but he only shrugs and laughs
the music starts, a slow and swing-y melody rings out of the speakers and stuns you
haechan is actually going to serenade you
with the cafe lights dimmed and the only focus on haechan, he looks like a different man than from what you’ve gotten to know these past few weeks
he looks a bit more serious; he makes eye contact with you from across the cafe, yet still somehow draws the entire audience in with his lush singing
for a second, you forget where you are
haechan’s voice is that powerful
his voice, which was formerly imprinted in your mind as the eagle-like screeching he likes to use when at the store, is now reminding you of the smooth milk you steam for lattes, and the cotton of newly washed bed sheets, and of everything that makes you melt from utter softness
it feels like he’s singing directly to your soul, and the lyrics make you blush:
“I found a dream that I could speak to, a dream that I can call my own.” he walks off the stage, down the steps and through the maze of tables and chairs
people move to let him through, some chatter rises as he walks towards you
“I found a dream to press my cheek to. A thrill that I have never known.” he approaches you, and taeyong holds you in place as you try to squirm away from the spot light
“Oh, yeah, you smile and then the spell was cast, and here I am in heaven. For you are mine, at last.” as the song ends, people clap for haechan and the cafe lights turn on 
he doesn’t look away from you, keeping the microphone comfortably pressed to his lips
“hopefully, I can call you mine?” he asks you in a whisper, but his voice is still amplified by the microphone
the audience anticipates your answer, an eery quietness blanketing the room, all eyes on you
you stay silent, the amount of attention on you making you scared to speak up
“just say yes!’” taeil calls out from his seat, “please, he’ll be so annoying at home if you don’t. I'll give you a raise!” the crowd laughs and haechan sends his brother a glare before turning back to you
“yes, okay.” you finally respond and the cafe erupts into applause 
haechan hands the mic to taeyong who walks it to the next person at the stage
soon, everyone forgets about you and haechan as the lights dim once again and the next person begins their song
haechan takes taeyong’s spot next to you against the counter
“you couldn’t ask me out like a normal person?” you whisper, turning to him 
“that wouldn’t be any fun. plus, your face was so red. I'll never forget this.” he cackles silently
for a minute, you both stand in comfortable silence while watching the next person perform an upbeat song that has the audience singing and clapping along
the colorful strobe lights above the stage are turned on and they swing around the cafe, making you feel like you’re in a kaleidoscope 
“you’re serious, right? about going out with me?” haechan’s tentative tone makes you turn to look at him
he’s leaning into you, his eyes curious and slightly nervous 
he’s worried you might’ve been pressured into saying yes with almost a hundred people watching you
you take note how he looks more nervous asking you this question than performing in front of a whole room of people
the colorful lights hit his tan skin every once in a while and a few beads of sweat roll down his forehead from performing 
he may be a bit annoying at times, but you decide that you wouldn’t have it any other way
“of course, I'm serious.” you reassure him
he smiles brightly at you, and you reach out to pinch his cheek lovingly
he laughs some more, leaning in abruptly to peck the side of your head and letting out an obnoxious “mwah” afterwards
“is it too late to take it back?”
“nope, sorry. you’re stuck with me, and I expect you to put extra sweetener in my tea every time from now on.”
“yeah, in your dreams.”
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avmisworld · 4 years
“Pancakes and Lazy Mornings”- Na Jaemin
“Before I go to sleep, I imagine you’re by my side”- Lee Haechan
“All you are is all I’ll ever need”- Lee Mark
“Love is like a roller-coaster”- Park Jisung
Haechan as your boyfriend
NCT Dream as your BFF’s
Lucas as your boyfriend
Wayv as your classmates
NCT 127- Reaction to your aeygo
NCT Dream- Reaction to you wanting to cuddle
NCT- Reaction to you being small
NCT- Reaction to a member catching you making out
WayV- Reaction to you being insecure about your body
NCT Dream- Reaction to you being clumsy
NCT 127- Reaction to you jamming to their songs
NCT Dream reaction to you calling them petnames
NCT Dream reaction to you wearing a sexy outfit
WayV when you wear their clothes
9:54 P.M.- Park Jisung
10:03 P.M.- Lee Haechan
7:19 A.M.- Jeon Jungkook
1:41 A.M.- Jeon Jungkook
Reaction to you being drunk
Reaction to you crying
Reaction to you calling them “oppa”
Reaction to you hurting yourself by accident
When they say “I love you” first 
Reaction to you acting cute
Reaction to your first meeting
When they’re jealous
When you annoy them
When you’re pregnant
BTS on your first date
BTS when you prank them
BTS when you initiate skinship
BTS when you call them handsome
BTS when they meet your parents
BTS when you catch them staring at you
BTS when you argue/fight
BTS when you're lonely
BTS when they miss you during tour
BTS when you work out together
As your older brothers
Their favorite places to kiss you
During “locking arms with strangers” prank
Pick-up lines
Jungkook as your boyfriend
“My Mafia Girlfriend”- Kim Taehyung
“Love at first sight (sign)”- Jeon Jungkook
"In sickness and health, let me be yours"- Taekook
Stray Kids:
Reaction to you wearing their hoodie
Reaction to you falling asleep on them
Reaction to you accidentally cursing
Reaction to you back-hugging them
Reaction to you crying
ATEEZ when you have a nightmare
ATEEZ when you sit on their lap
ATEEZ when you're on your period
ATEEZ when you wear their clothes
ATEEZ when you flinch during an argument
Reaction to you cursing
Got7 when they're missing you on tour
Reaction to you flinching during a fight
GOT7 when they are jealous
Tomorrow X Together:
TXT when you’re sick
TXT when you're short
TXT when you're a clingy, whiny drunk
TXT when you kiss for the first time
TXT when they meet your ex
Superm when you're scared of horror movies
Superm reaction to you kissing them out of nowhere
Monsta X:
Monsta X when you fight
Enhypen when they have a crush on you
Enhypen when you're having trouble sleeping
Enhypen reaction to your bad eating habits
Seventeen reaction to you being shy
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blackopiu-m · 4 years
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pairing : college student!Park Jisung, college student!Reader
Genre : fluff
Warnings : none (?) ok maybe not proofread + english not my native language
yall be kind im noob writer
You fell asleep in the bus on your way to school
If it wasn’t for the cutie emo boy who noticed your university emblem in your backpack
You would’ve fucked up biggie
“Um…excuse me, this is the university stop” he said shyly smiling before getting off the bus
You had to submit your psychology assignment before class starts
Thanks to emo boy who saved your ass you had now time to run to the class and talk to your professor
Ms. Seo, your psychology professor, is someone you admire and she loves how you are passionate about the science she teaches
But err, you have been procrastinating on this assignment for a month now
“Look who finally decided it was time to be serious” she said while you were handing her the papers
“it’s just…a lot of things happened ma’am, I had troubles fixing my schedule at the library and it stressed me so much”
“Alright, I will check it later, go take a seat.”
You took a seat at the back of the class –just in case- you needed to get that sleep
Psychology was your only class for the day
So after the class ended you went to check up on the new assistant in the library
Now that you became a librarian with an income
Hehe money + books = all you could ask for=love
It was part of your job to help the first year students who are going to become librarians toonext year
My assistant is a drama student
She’s so tall; I think she’s 170cm tall?
She was pretty
And pretty famous
The amount of people I catch taking glances at her..whew
I mean she is SO cute
And I look like a potato when I’m standing close to her
My ass 162cm what did you expect
“y/n, hi!” she said all excited “you’re finally here, my first class professor was absent so I decided I could help Kun out here…Oh also, some documents that were supposed to be back yesterday aren’t here…” she said frowning at her notepad
“it’s not that big of a problem, don’t worry, did you tell Kun about it? By the way where is he?” I put my backpack at the receptionist desk, aka my and Kun’s desk then headed to the staff room
Oh here he is
“Kun bestie”
“what do you want” he said, not raising his head from the pile of books he was organizing
“someone forgot to bring back books, what do we do?”
He sounds pissed but trust me he’s not, he’s just busy
He’s a l w a y s busy
Okay not when I need him to help me
Mf such a softie I love him so much
We’ve been besties for two years
But sadly he’s graduating this year :(
I remember he picked me up when it was raining, after I got stood up hhh
That man is my angel
“the ones first year told me about? Don’t worry Jisung will bring them tomorrow, he just texted me”
“Jisung? Who is that?”
“ second year drama student, he’s friends with renjun you don’t know him” he said, finally raising his head from the pile
“I don’t know him, i haven’t talked to renjun in a while”
You got off the shift at 7pm
Kun was in charge of the night shift tonight
Now you can go home
s l e e p
of course, your brain had to play all of your embarrassing episodes before it shuts down
and you just remembered the bus guy
man, you forgot you snort while sleeping
this embarrassment is just hitting you
but the guy was cute
and he attends the same uni as you
he was a potential boyfie and you ruined it y/n loser
you have to stop thinking about him and s l e e p
come on you can do it
the next day, all of your classes were online
but you had a night shift starting at 7pm
you threw on a blouse over your cute-brown turtle neck
+ your laptop
Then headed to the library
You discussed with Kun about the internships and the real adult world he will be facing next year
Then he had to leave at 8pm
People were still studying
And you were working on another assignment waiting for the Jisung boy to show up
Half an hour later
You were now watching random youtube videos sitting at your receptionist desk when you felt a silhouette approaching
You raised your head to meet
Emo boy? Cute emo boy?
“Oh, bus guy, what can I help you with?” you said smiling
“Oh hi…I-I am Jisung, I thought Kun is on the night shift today…”
“Ah you’re the drama class boy, don’t worry Kun told me about you ^^ are you giving the books back now?”
“Ah I actually I will need them for two more hours, d-don’t worry I will give them back today promise!”
You chuckled at how cute he was
Aaaa you both were the same age but
He was mocha
You were potato
He’s also so tall? Almost the same height as Kun woah? 180cm damn
“It’s okay, good luck on your work!” you cheered
It was almost midnight, the end of your shift
By that time all students have left exept for Jisung
You thought you could give him some more time to finish whatever assignment he was working on
Twenty minutes past midnight
Ok Jisung you are cute, but I need sleep to be cute too
You finally got up from your desk to go check up on him
And he was…?
You freezed for a second then tried to wake him up
“hey, Jisung, wake up, it’s late”
You lightly nudged his shoulder
And he got up
“Oh my, I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize it was getting late” he started panicking and packing up his stuff
“It’s okay haha, I just need the two books, and you’re free to leave!”
“The books! Yes the books, oh my god I’m so sorry, here” he handed you the books then got out of the library in a hurry
You put the books back where they belong and checked it up on the library’s system
You turned off the lights then closed the building doors
What surprised you though was
Jisung waiting by the door
“It’s late…and you waited for me. I mean you stayed more than your shift t-to not wake me up, I feel sorry…I can walk you home” he said, a blush glowing in his cheeks
“oh you don’t have to! Really, you don’t have to! There are still people using the same road as me at this time, so I won’t be alone!”
“but still-“
“Jisung, it’s not a big deal, don’t worry and get home safe!”
“since you insist, give me your number, how much time will it take for you to get home?”
The confident aura omg? Is this the same person that was stuttering and blushing two minutes ago
You smirked “ nice move, I like you already”
“0XXX-XXX-XXX, call me in about half an hour!”
“and…your name?”
“y/n” you said before leaving “good night!”
“good…night y/n!”
h-hi ha how u like that?
how was this?
bulleted aus are my forte £|’dnsl
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