#nd i was overcome w the URGE !!!
zushimart · 2 years
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my little scara !!!!!!!!!!!!
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~I Will Always Catch You~
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A/N” One shot fic request: Fainting in Enobaria’s arms.
People knew very well not to underestimate Enobaria for how much a beautiful mysterious danger she was. - After all, she had not only a reputation for how she was the victor of the 62nd Hunger Games but the fact that she had f a n g s – teeth filed sharp enough to resemble deadly incisors. Anyone who got to close would see how intelligent, blunt, dangerous, fierce she was. No one knew she had a heart of gold deep down. No one knew she could be soft, gentle and vulnerable. Except you. Everyone loses a piece of themselves to these vile games that prey on the lives of young children , forcing them to fight to the death until one one them remains standing, bathed in riches that others could only dream of. All at the mercy of a capitol who punishes them for others long ago committed.
You and Enobaria were in a close relationship. Growing up in District 2 { one of the wealthy districts who are close to the Capitol in wealth, loyalty, etc. }, You two had been best friends whose mothers were best friends, father's worked together. You two went to the same school and could go to each other about anything. Well that was of course after the fact that she stood up to a bully for you. You had something happen to you that gave you an injury that needed time to heal, someone had made fun of you and wouldn't seem to stop. Enobaria being … well, herself? Formed a fist and landed a punch so strong to the boy's jaw that he had to have surgery to get his jaw back in place. A dangerous serious process that if went wrong, he would never be able to use his mouth again and have to be fed through a tube.
Not long after that, sexualities were questioned and accepted but you two are together, happily in love, each other's rock when the other wants and needs even if they might not realize it. Anyway, it was the morning of the day where You, her and the other victors of previous games would find out the next tributes for each district for this years Quarter Quell. Now remember when I said that these Games take a piece of someone. It isn't something you can get past after all, just a young child thrown into dangerous situations and made to fight, hurt, k I l l other scared ones like you, hardened into little soldiers by ones older using you for their own greed, for their own e n t e r t a I n m e n t. Ones meant to love and care for you, protect you and keep you safe. Lets just say that you like anyone else had developed PTSD and panic attacks. There you and Enobaria were, sitting on a luxurious couch of a house you two shared together. Soon enough, President Coriolanus Snow himself showed up on the screen and started to speak,
“Ladies and Gentleman, this is the time in which we will begin the 75th Hunger Games, where specially, we'd also have the Quarter Quell.” Anywhere around, people had their eyes glued to the screen, you and Enobaria among others who watched with bated breath, not out of excitement like some might by unease, a want to get this over with and try to live life the best possible in p e a c e. As if that could ever be completely achieved in the world in which they lived in. Amongst the cheering, President Snow continued,
“It was written in the charter of the games that every twenty-five years, there will be a Quarter Quell. Now on this , the 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the third Quarter Quell.” A drop in your stomach seemed to happen as you started into those eyes shown on the screen, you had a bad feeling about this. Not that you didn't seem to have them at times and always turn out to be right but those cold eyes as they addressed the nation, seemed to stare into the souls of everyone he made suffer. What you heard next was enough for you to intake a breath, rushing to your head resorting in a dizziness that had you fearing the idea of standing. You just might collapse, others would cry and unleash anger.
“As a reminder, that even the s t r o n g e s t cannot overcome the power of the Capitol. On this, the third Quarter Quell game, the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district.”
You could barely focus on Enobaria's hand tightening in yours as she arched upward to look into Snow's slow smirking face with a look so murderous one would shiver and fear for their life. Feeling the beginning of a panic attack, you felt the pain as it got harder and harder to breathe. It came out in pants as you tried to calm it, slipping your hand from your girlfriend as it clutched at your chest. Moving forward on your knee's , you fell to the ground in front of the couch, your hands at your fall. Your body felt numb as you tried to catch your breath, panic inside your body like the rapid fluttering of a hummingbird's wings.
Immediately you heard Enobaria yell your name then you felt her arms encircling you as she helped you the best she could to get you back to reality, to her where it was s a f e. “Y/N!”, came her serious worried voice. A strangled choked up noise seemed to happen, not even realizing it was your own tears spilling down your cheeks, voice not able to form the words they so badly wanted to express. Eyes blurry with wetness, you felt her cup your cheek, “Y/N, sweetheart, look at me please. Come on, show me those beautiful eyes.”, she began to slowly and gently speak. You looked up weakly at her as she wiped the tears from your eyes, seeing love for you in hers despite the anger she was feeling, the murderous anger that was barely contained. You really were her anchor bc she would put it aside so long as you were safe, happy and alright.
“How could- I thought that we- that's not su-”, you tried to speak but you would choke up, cough and tear, your voice would crack. She rubbed at your shoulders, shaking her head from you trying to speak more. If you continued to get out of control with your breathing, your heart would only race faster. You were weak and dizzy enough, she didn't want to see you pass out bc if you did, that wouldn't be anything good. You were relatively good with taking your anti-depressants but bc of the ptsd that you had experienced from your own games – you often had nights where you woke up screaming, where you would flinch at any beginning of violence, anything that reminded you of all that you went through like anyone else and you would be inconsolable. The only ones who could manage to bring you out of it IF NOT Enobaria were any of your family still around.
“i will not let anything happen to you, I promise you. You know I have always stood by that. Try not to think on it now and just lean on me baby, im here and I am never going to leave you. Breathe with me.. come on , that's it.. in and out.” and she started to do it with you as your hands remained comfortingly and gently on you as you kept your eyes on her, intaking a breath and releasing it after holding it for a little bit, getting air back into your lungs. Making your body go back into a stable state, you and her stayed like that for what seemed forever but may have only been a half hour, hour? When it seemed like things could be okay at least for the moment, you felt her arms around your waist, her hands clasping at your hands tightly “Come on, lets stand okay, lemme get us some water.”
You nodded, afraid to speak, any moment you felt like you could cry. Not just from anger, so much anger it could rival your girlfriend but unlike her, you didn't have fangs that could sink into another's throat with enough strength to rip it out, causing the unfortunate person to choke on their own blood and die. Maybe thats what Snow deserved. You felt your hands balling into fists at the mere thought of how someone could be so heartless, without remorse or pity. It made you sick to your stomach and you had enough of those kind of feelings what with having panic attacks. Hoping the water would help as it sometimes did and should, you kept your mouth shut, not wanting to spill any contents in your stomach onto your clothes and the floor as Enobaria helped you stand.
Still feeling slightly dizzy, you almost wondered if you should say something but you urged that you dealt with this before, feeling weak and dizzy. You only ever fainted if it got really bad and always someone was there. The only times that someone wasnt was a rare occasion but any unlucky person who came upon you with dark intentions would regret it, you were so protected. A darling of District 2. As you made to follow her into the kitchen, everything went black as you fell. Unconscious to the scream as Enobaria immediately caught your fainting body in her arms, worry on her face as she gently tried to shake you awake but only receiving no answer from you.
Not wanting to immediately jump to conclusions, she held you protectively in her arms as she went about the process of getting you medical help, refusing to leave your side. For those who suggested, one glint of her fangs in the light was enough for them to hold their tongue lest they want it ripped out. While they did the work to help you, she in a corner not to far from you , paced back and forth, w a I t I n g until she saw your beautiful eyes again. When you finally did flutter your eyes open, it was after the doctor's left you both to have some privacy, telling Enobaria that the reason you had fainted was not only from a possible slip up in taking medication, dehydration and stress, they advised you get plenty of water, rest, stay active in the medications and do anything relaxing to get rid of the stress. Maybe start talking to someone, it could help get the stress off your shoulders, as they say.
Once the door closed behind them, your { e/c } eyes seemed to flutter open, your lips parting to crack , “en..” you coughed, “enobaria?” She immediately rushed to your side, sitting down beside you and taking one of your hand in both of hers. “How are you feeling? “ she ended up scoffing, “Stupid question..” she looks at you, “i'm right here.” You smiled weakly, memories of what happened flashing before your eyes and tears started to well up. Immediately sensing the change in your, she cupped your face, 'Keep calm for me babygirl, im right here. Whatever happens, it's you and me always right? As we promised.”
Your heart raced but you forced it to slow, to even out and calm yourself down. You slowly nodded, clenching your throat as you swallowed, “Forever.”, you muttered softly, lovingly, with no hesitation. “Scoot over.”, she muttered as she stood, moving to remove the blanket a little from you. You weakly tried to move, an adorable frown forming on your face as you looked up at her, “Won't they sa-” She shook her head as she lied down beside you, gently pulling you into her arms so you could cuddle into her, the blanket over both of you now, “Just them try and stop me from holding the woman I love.”, You felt butterflies in your stomach, she was always so good to you – what did you do to deserve someone like her, Enobaria, the fierce badass everyone was scared to come into contact with but realize there was another side to her. A good side so worthy of the truest of loves, something you two found together. Like a home. She caresses your face, making you look at her, as if you wouldn't choose to willingly anyway,”
“Wherever you go, I will follow if you wish and anytime you fall, I will always catch you.”
You nodded, closing your eyes as you felt her arms encircle you more, holding you against her chest and your two’s legs entangling together under the blanket. Resting your head against her chest, you and her breathed together, your eyes closing shut once more and hers following suit not long after you. At some point you would be discharged to be able to go home but until then? You would find peace in the arms of the woman you loved. Everything would figure itself out one way or another. One day Snow would realize the wrongs for which he has done and pay for them accordingly. Taking one day at a time, you would make sure that you would be okay, that the ones you loved would be okay.
You would always say that you never deserved someone as fierce and dangerous as Enobaria who was sweet and romantic and cuddly deep down but truth was maybe it was the other way around with her feeling she didnt deserve you. Sometimes people didnt even approach her for the reputation she had but you weren’t like the others, You didn’t treat her like she was a monster to hold at arms length for fear of being ripped apart. You broke down all her walls and made her f e e l. She could never thank you for that, having someone as angelic as you but every rose has it’s thorns and she knew that together, you two could accomplish anything. Not just the best but the worst of times.
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sleepyfan-blog · 6 years
Why this?
your angsty discord request @izzy-the-bizzy dreamswap by @onebizarrekai
warnings: major character death, ds crue, angst, implied manipulation
characters: DS Blue, DS Cross, DS Dream, DS Nightmare, DS Error
word count: 2,048
summary: All Cross wanted to do was bake a cake and enjoy spending time with his boyfriend.
Despite the fact that his former friends hadn't contacted him at all - not since he had come to stay with Blue - Cross had to admit to himself that he... He missed them. He missed the hijinks that the three of them could get up to - even if running for their lives from JR and Nightmare's lunatic brother wasn't always fun. He also... Worried about them, as he did regularly rescue them after they'd gotten captured by Justice Reigns. But his phone with their contacts had broken months ago and he... He had tried to text them with his new phone, using code phrases to tell them that it was him trying to talk to them but...
They never responded. Which hurt, but Blue's steady, calming presence had been a wonderful gift. The two of them  had been dating for about two months, and while... While Blue could get really intense sometimes, he was also very attentive and sweet and Cross didn't understand why Error held a special hatred for the swap Sans. Maybe it was because Blue was a hugger? He knew that the glitched skeleton had a fear of touch... But Cross didn't mind touch - and was more than content to let Blue cuddle him while they watched TV or played video games. The other still talked on his phone a lot and interacted with... Shady people, but as Cross was still wanted by Justice Reigns, he figured that he wouldn't judge anyone else who was on that list.
Sure there were people who deserved to be in the crazy angel's hit list, but as the three of them were innocents... Cross was pretty sure that there were more.  soft sigh left him as he stretched and yawned, glancing at the front door to their home. Outertale really was beautiful, and he... He liked being able to stay in one place for more than a couple of weeks that wasn't the omega timeline as... It felt more real. Blue said that he would be home from a job soon, and Cross was trying not to get worried. He got up and paced around their home, before deciding that he was going to make the both of them a chocolate cake. It would give him something to do other than to stare at the channels that had nothing on - or the video games that he'd played a million times (they weren't as fun by himself).
Humming softly to himself, Cross pulled out the ingredients that he needed.. Another thing he appreciated about living with Blue - he could impulsively decide to make himself something to eat and wouldn't have to go out and steal half of the ingredients because they had to leave behind everything that they didn't have on them or in their inventories three dozen or so AUs ago, because Nightmare's brother was a lunatic.
It was super tempting to just eat the batter, the warm scent of the rich chocolate tempting as he scraped it out into the cake pan. He could almost hear Nightmare's scolding voice "It's better when it's cooked, Cross." Or Error quietly asking for the bowl, so that he could lick it clean. Not that Nightmare was any better at avoiding eating batter. The oven beeped, and Cross grinned, sliding it into the center, humming a little more as he cleaned the mixing bowl and giving into the urge to lick the spatula clean before actually washing it.
He double checked the fridge and danced a little in victory "Yes! We have cream cheese!" Cross celebrated, double checking that it didn't have either of their names on it, before scraping it into the freshly washed bowl, pulling a couple of bars of dark chocolate from his special stash and melting the chopped pieces in the microwave as he measured out the rest of the ingredients for the frosting that he wanted to make, mixing them together, and carefully pouring the melted chocolate in as soon as it was cool enough.
Waiting for the cake to cook took forever and Cross rocked backwards and forwards on his feet, occasionally staring at the frosting, before looking away again. No. He could wait until the cake was cooked... and cooled... before he frosted the cake and had some. Trying to frost the cake while it was warm would lead to a deliciously sticky, melty mess. Which Error and Nightmare appreciated, but disappointed his boyfriend and he didn't want to disappoint Blue. He liked it when Blue was happy with him and this was going to be so tasty. Cross could feel it! He had poured all his love and care into making the cake and the frosting, even though he had danced around like a dork while doing so. But Blue wasn't there to see and tease him about it, so there.
Cross wandered back to the TV, turning it on, mostly for something to distract himself as the cake was going to be a while in the oven and then the fridge (maybe he could put it in the freezer instead? So that it would cool faster? But... There wasn't much room in their freezer right now) and he needed to do something to distract himself from eating handfuls of warm cake and freshly made frosting like a "Godless heathen, goddamn it Cross! At least share, damn it!". He didn't particularly feel like watching any of the metta- or napstaton shows going on - and would have skipped past the Justice Reigns news channel, as it was either recordings of Licht's speeches, propaganda or both mostly, but they were doing a breaking news bulletin about a dangerous and clever criminal.
Grinning a little and curious as to what sort of prank Nightmare pulled on Dream this time, Cross jumped over the back of the couch with a flip, landing on his butt and bouncing up a bit with the force of landing on one of the cushions. The newscaster continued "-nd unfortunately, though Von Licht was able to fully rehabilitate the dangerous criminals Nightmare and Error, a particularly powerful Swap Sans with some Coding abilities that goes by the name Blue has proven himself to be utterly unrepentant."
The camera switched to a live-feed image of Dream, with Ink, Nightmare, and Error at his sides. With Ink and Nightmare on his right and left sides respectively. Error was holding Blue in his strings, the other's soul pulled out, the strings holding them looking as if they were starting to cut in painfully - especially as his boyfriend was wincing a little and shaking. Dream stared down impassively at Blue, who was on his knees.
Panic filled Cross as he desperately tried to figure out which AU they were in - spotting JR's main castle. Determination filled the skeleton and his blade manifested in his his hands. With a powerful burst of energy, he slashed himself a portal into Dream tale, as close to where his boyfriend was being held as possible, running as fast as he could, as he couldn't overcome the anti-teleportation wards. What the fuck were Nightmare and Error doing by Dream's side? Had they been brainwashed? Was that why they hadn't been answering him? Not that he really cared what the answers to those questions were - he and Blue could plan to rescue his idiot friends after the other was safe.
"BLUE!" Cross screamed, tears sliding down his face as he leaped onto the stage, slashing through Error's strings, intent on grabbing the other and continuing to run as fast as he can - and teleporting away as soon as they cleared the wards.
"Cr-Cross no! W-wait!" The love of his life cried out, tears streaming down the other's face "No d-don't!"
A wave of pure despair crashed through the former royal guard, and Cross felt himself crumple down into a heap, weeping inconsolably. There was a restraining hand on one of his shoulders, and he looked up, reaching up to his face and wiping his tears from his eye sockets enough to realize that Nightmare was the one restraining him "W-why?" He asked, his voice cracking in pain and confusion.
"Blue is... Blue is the worst sort of being. This was the only way that Error and I could come up with to rescue you. He's... He's dangerous, Cross. He's vile and manipulative and-" The negative guardian spoke, voice low and insistent "He's been using you for months. The only thing we could do was to go to Dream for help."
"Dream.. Th-the same being wh-who's been hunting you most of your life. Who wants us all dead. TH-that Dream? Nigh... Nightmare I know that you d-disapproved of m-me and B-Blue together but th... This..." Cross responded. If he wasn't so despondent he'd be furious. But he was drowning in his own despair. He stared up at Dream, the only one who could stop this "Please... L-lord V-von Licht... Please spare Blue. He... He's... He's not all bad I-I promise. I l-love him s-so much and I know he loves me... I-I'll do anything!"
"His crimes are numerous and grievous, young skeleton. He is the head of a powerful and widespread crime ring that delves into everything from blackmail and extortion, to illegal substance production and distribution, to name a few. He is also known to be an abuser and mind-breaker. I can sense that your feelings for him are true, but he is too dangerous to allow to continue to live." Von Licht responded, shaking his head a little "While you currently believe that he is a loving and kind partner, after time has passed and you heal from his psychological manipulation and training,  you will realize what he's done to you. While it is true that he does hold some twisted affection for you, he is causing far too much damage to the multiverse as a whole for me to allow him to live, and he has proven resistant and defiant to rehabilitation."
"No... No... Please no... Don't... Don't kill him. Please! Ni-Nightmare ple-please t-talk sense into D-dream... E-error? Please... Please don't let this happen..." Cross begged, still entirely too miserable to do anything but plead. He should... where was his determination to make things better? why... Why was it the only thing he could do was weep and plead.
"That monster twisted me so far around I couldn't tell which way was up unless he told me!" Error  hissed, having already wrapped his strings around Blue's body and Soul again, his eye lights blazing with anger "And I can tell he's done the same thing to you... Don't worry, Cross. We'll help you recover. I thought that Blue was good for me too, before you and Nightmare found and rescued me."
"But Blue hasn't... He hasn't hurt me. He-He's never struck or hit me once..." Cross protested, tears still freely flowing from his eye sockets "Please don't do this..."
"It must be done. For the betterment of the multiverse - and to allow both Error, yourself and everyone else that this monster has ever abused and manipulated to begin to truly heal." Von Licht responded, shaking his head a little "It is a pity how deep you are currently lost in his machinations, but that will pass."
Blue cleared his nonexistent throat and asked, his voice wavering a little, but full of that bravado and cheerful determination that Cross admired so dearly "Dream von Licht, as you are about to have me killed, may I have one final request, before I am murdered before millions after a very fast trial that was held less than an hour ago in one of your courts?"
Dream's wings twitched a little in irritation, the only indication of his true mood that Cross was able to spot "And what is this request of yours, criminal?"
"I would like to kiss my boyfriend one last time, so that he has one final memory of the two of us being close." Blue asked.
"Request denied." The angel growled, flicking one of his fingers in a decisive gesture.
Cross howled as he watched Blue's soul shatter before his very eyes, the other's body dusting slowly.
"Remember me... My love... That way... I'll always be... In your heart..." Blue murmured sweetly, the last thing to fade was his wonderful smile.
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jaeminlore · 7 years
If you're still doing the bulletpoint scenarios (it's fine if you aren't anymore) could you maybe do one where coups really wants to start a family with you but doesn't know how to say it but it turns out you're ready for kids as well? -sunflower anon 🌻 (btw missed you I've been gone for a while but I'm back 🤗)
hi! you always know how to make me cry!
• okay so you and seungcheol have been married for a year or two• you guys dated and lived together a looong time before finally tying the knot• and literally seungcheol wanted honeymoon babies like,,,, he wants five kids better get started right• but you weren’t ready and he respected that so the two of you adopted a dog and left it at that• and seungcheol forgets for awhile like he’s content w just you and the puppy (which is a lil beagle it’s the cutest thing)• until like another member,,, let’s say mingyu,,, has his first child• he and his wife got straight to it and now mingyu has a little girl with the chubbiest cheeks and the cutest laugh• when seungcheol held her for the first time he legit cried and it wasn’t even his child he just??? ya know he’s technically and uncle now and it’s not dad level but it’s very close and he gets the biggest urge to just have a child of his own• but he’s afraid to bring it up to you• he knows you won’t get angry or anything but he’s afraid of coming off as pushy,,, and the last thing he wants to do is pressure you to do something you aren’t ready to do• which is sweet but seungcheol is having to hide his baby fever like it’s the freakin plague• you’ll send him out for milk and he finds himself in the baby section just staring at the bottles and pacifiers like,,, i wonder which one my kid would like• and it gets so bad that some nights he has dreams where he picks up his son or daughter from their first day of school• secretly buys clothes he thinks are super cute• nd he keeps them at jeonghan’s in this little box • “if any of this gets to y/n you are out of the group”• “my lips are sealed”• jeonghan’s lips are not, in fact, sealed at all• as soon as you come over to do something meager like pick up one of seungcheol’s hoodies he left over, or simply to borrow some eggs,, jeonghan is like hey y/n,,,, wanna see something funny?• you think he’s gonna show you an embarrassing pic of cheol or smth so you’re like ofc• but he just pulls this shoebox off the top of the refrigerator• “open it”• you do (rather cautiously) and it’s filled w baby clothes???• like there are little overalls and a matching tee that says “daddy’s little man”• and there’s a little dress with matching booties ,,, like it’s a pretty blue color with subtle frills and laces• there’s even some lil baby books about fire trucks and noses and other weird baby topics• there’s a parenting book and a notepad filled w baby names• you recognize seungcheol’s handwriting and pick it up like,,, hannie what is this• “your husband is a psycho that’s what it is”• after the jokes jeonghan explains that seungcheol has had baby fever ever since mingyu’s kid was born and he’s been buying stuff he thinks is cute,,, just in case• but he didn’t want to tell you in case you weren’t ready• the thought warms your insides • because honestly you’ve been thinking of kids a lot too lately• esp after talking to mingyu’s wife about motherhood and stuff• it’s something you really want and think you’re ready for :’)• you grab the box to take home like “thanks hannie! i’ve got to go talk to my husband now!”• seungcheol is asleep on the couch when you get home• “cheollie? do you want kids?”• the boy has never woken up so quickly in his life you legit gave him a mini heart attack• nd when his sleepy eyes settle on the box they widen “w-where did you find that?”• you set it down on the coffee table and sit beside seungcheol• and place your hand on his thigh gently, “you know you can talk to me about everything, right? you don’t have to hide stuff over at jeonghan’s.”• “he’s out of the group,” seungcheol muttered, laying his head on your shoulder to hide the red in his cheeks. “seventeen now stands for 3 units 12 members 1 band and 1 traitor”• you use your other hand to run it comfortingly through his hair • “well, don’t disown him just yet. him showing me this made me realize that i’m ready.”• seungcheol looks up and swallows “w-what? ready?”• you nod. “i want to have a baby, seungcheol.”• the biggest smile overcomes seungcheol’s face and he leans over to kiss you eagerly, his hands cupping your face as he pulls back and looks into your eyes• “can we start trying right now?”
@jisoodrinkssopretty hey you’ll like this
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