syntronica · 5 years
Aktuelles zum Steampunk-Picknick in der Villa Rustica
Aktuelles zum Steampunk-Picknick in der Villa Rustica
Werte Zeitreisende!
In zwei Wochen ist es soweit!
Bekannterweise laden wir – Edelfrau und Edelherr von Syntronica –
am 1.6.2019, ab 12 Uhr zum
Steαmpunk-Picknick in die Villa Rustica
Die „Villa Rustica“ ist ein römisches Freilichtmuseum und befindet sich in Hechingen-Stein.
Als musikalische Untermalung ist die Steamfolk-Band “Tales of Nebelheym”. zugegen.
Anwesend sind nach aktuellem Stand…
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12raben · 7 years
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Nothing special. The crashed ship and the foggy coast. (I love these decoration items!)
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12raben · 7 years
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Theme Music: Sims - Makin’ Magic - Build6
“Dear Heinrich, I’m so sorry, but this is my last letter. These are the last words, I’m writing to you. We failed at our mission. And I’m to weak to hold on anymore. Nobody survived, but me... your dear grand-father is also gone. This rough coast has to be cursed. Whatever evil force lingers in this deep forest... No, this isn’t true. We weren’t prepared. Our resources are gone. We shouldn’t have been settling here... I know, I requested more settlers and more supplies, so we can survive out here, but it’s vain. Please, return home! Stay away from this wicked place. Whatever knowledge the big head holds, it not worth it. Say good-bye to the family. I love you all.
Your pathetic, but loving grand-ma, Pandorya von Grünbrunn”
When Heinrich found the letter of his grand-mother, he was shattered. The news of Pandorya stopped some weeks ago and it has been making him feel sick ever since. Pandorya was always adventurous and wanted to explore the ancient place, where a mysterious cult built many stone-statues, looking like heads. The gouvernment supported her efforts to establish a camp for explorers. The news of the explorers were confident at first, but as the weeks passed, fear lingered between the lines. And now Heinrich and the other seven settlers were standing in an abandoned camp. Nobody was there, not even a ghost. They brought some resources with them, but their ship was crashed after the first night. The grim winds of the winter were brushing through the pines already... A cruel reminder of the fate of the last settlers... (Gameplay-notes under the cut)
Uuuh, this introduction is pretty dark, isn’t it? Sorry. :p So, as mentioned above: Gameplay-notes. I’m going to follow the rules of nepheris (or at least I’m trying...) I created my founder and settlers with the help of the Sim Randomizer. Nepheris rules include a randomizer for the amount of sims. Since I got just eight sims, I decided to move them into a camp, where they have to spend some time together. This was the moment, when I created the back-story of Pandorya and her company. And I thought: “Hey, wouldn’t it be cool, if the camp was haunted by Pandorya’s ghost? And why would they all stay together in one camp? Unless there is a long dark winter full of despair at the horizon??”
Yeah, I’m such a person...
The seasons of the yet unnamed “neighborhood” are: Winter, winter, spring and autumn. There is no summer, because it’s a cold climate. And that’s why there hasn’t been any sims there. Makes sense, right? This makes it difficult to grow crops. So, I allowed myself to add Sun&Moon’s Giving Tree Set and Garden Crops Set to my downloads. Don’t want my sims to starve.
Basic restrictions
No running water, no electronics. To unlock them the founder has to be a Lobbist. And there has to be a power plant as well as a water source (e.g. a well or a sewage work or something like this. I’m going to figure that out later.) At first I wanted to restrict phones, radios and computers as well, but this is pretty harsh. My BACC assumes there is a working society somewhere far away, so if the settlers have a radio mast, they can watch TV and listen to the radio. (No cable tv for my sims though >_< ) These devices will be unlocked with the power plant. Computers and the might of the internet are restircted however. There has to be an internet-café first. Cars are unlocked, once a car dealership is built. There won’t be any newspapers. I can’t imagine a single company, who would make the effort to deliver a newspaper to the middle of nowhere. Newspaper and Magazines are unlocked, when there is a post office and a journalist in town. All services have to be covered by playables. Christanlov’s All-in-one-NPC is going to be handy (for maids and gardeners etc.) Adoption is unlocked, when an orphanage is built. There won’t be one unless a couple wants to adopt or a child has to live in an orphanage. No foundations or upper floors are allowed. Who could build houses so stable, they won’t get demolished in the rough climate? Excactly, an architect. :) But to become one the founder has to be lobbist. (He is the one, who convinces the goverment to invest more resources and such.) No townies are added. The founder has to be campaign manager first. No buy/buildmode-usage. Let me explain: When I build a house, it will have the necessary items. And when a family desperatly needs furniture (e.g. for babies, new roommates or because of a fire) I will use these modes. But for “luxury”-items like additional paintings or stereos or bars, only on day one of a rotation the modes are avaiable. (The time, I imagine, when new supplies come.) Unless there are 3 diffrent owned businesses in town. (Or maybe just one shop for furniture? I don’t know. Maybe... We will see.) No pleading with grim reaper is going to happen. I always thought, this opption should be restricted to sims with a special ability. I also read a couple of rule-sets for an apocalypse-challenge. I liked the idea, that pleading with the grim reaper is only allowed, when a sim reached the top of the paranormal career. So, I copied it. Hopefully I won’t regret that... No community lots (also No home-businesses, that sell anything other than produce or craftable items etc.) To unlock them, the founder has to become Campaign Manager. It has to be eighter bought by a playable sim or built with city funds. (I figured it out like this: The founder buys the community lot. With Cjon’s mod he is able to donate the lot back to the community. Like this the money is going to the right place and I don’t have to keep track of prices and stuff.) No downtown/hobby lots are available. Once the founder becomes mayor a proper connection to the city is built. It costs 500.000$. No university can be accessed. The teacher of the town has to reach the top of the education career. It costs the town 500.000$ to access further education. Students will pay a loan to city funds each semester costing 2.500$. (10.000$ in total) Students also have to have an internship in their future profession. (Meaning: The student has to go to a community lot in their last semester before graduation. And stay there at least 10 hours. He/she doesn’t have to work there, just befriending staff, getting to know the place etc.) No shopping districts can be added. The population has to reach 25.000 sims to start construction. It costs the town 1.000.000$.
Career restrictions can be read in nepheris rule-set. I added a few custom careers, which I liked, but I will wait until there is a sim for the job before I explain the restriction. This post got to long already XD
Households are divided into tiers based on their total funds. Again I copied nepheris, but in my first attempt the money flow was so slow, I decided to double the taxes. Hey, free roads in the long winter have their price! :p I also added another tier for super rich sims. Families with funds over 300.000$ belong to the Richi-rich-society. (Am I not creative...?) Taxes are paid at the end of every season. Based on the number of sims in that household, taxes are:
High society: 2.500$/Sim
Upper Class: 2.000$/Sim
Middle Class: 1.000$/Sim
Lower Class: 500$/Sim
Poverty: 200$/Sim
+1 for every community lot
+7 for downtown
+7 YA for university
+12 for shopping district
The Sim Multiplier is a concept I really like! Though it takes some effort to keep track of it...
Ok, that’s it! I’m good to go... JFC, that took way longer, than I expected... XD
Happy simming!
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12raben · 6 years
BaCC: Engerlem +Origins+
*Cue for the music-theme: Anno 1701 Glory to our kin*
The proud SimNation had some explaning to do, after some bored militarists blew up “a pair of bogeys, who were clearly far from home”. Nevertheless reparations and bribes are expensive, so the government looked for creative ideas on how to plug this hole in its budget. Restoring forced labour, annexing Twikkii Island, cutting salary of government officials, eliminating social services or raising taxes were not popular with the sims of SimCity for some strange reason. After a hefty riot in the government-district, much head scratching by SimCity Officials, angry and obscene graffiti and multiple crying fits of the Mayor because of said graffiti, Monique Diamond, the financial advisor, gave the crucial advice: “You have to spend money to earn money.”
Nobody knew, what that meant, but the mayor was very pleased with Ms. Diamond. So pleased in fact, he promoted her to be the new “fund-raising-minister”. Nobody knew, what that meant eighter, but Ms. Diamond was motivated to live up to her new title and her (ridiculously high) salary. She created a new campaign: “Let’s build a City!”
That name was so lame, that only 9 Sims volunteered to settle in the swampy area called Engerlem. The enlistment terms were thrown out of the window and just like that all of the volunteers were hired.
Ms. Diamond has been hesistant to invest any further funds. It’s her job to gain money after all. The settlers are on their own for now. But that isn’t a bad thing, right? The area is swampy, but there aren’t any dangerous, wild creatures, poisonous hazards, natural disasters or terrible curses threatening the newcomers.... right? Right?
Why has there never been a settlement in Engerlem? And why is the town namend after a grub? And most important: Who built all these streets?
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Additional gameplay-notes and hiccups, I encountered so far, under the cut :)
First things first: You can’t change a sims’ grade with the batbox. This was a mistake on my part. I did in Simpe (and I hope this change doesn’t corrupt the neighborhood. Everything is fine according to Hoodchecker :/ ...)
I randomized my sims traits with the Sim Randomizer and created the settlers in bodyshop with the randomizer method of pooklet. While I was in CAS, I decided, to finally use the costume species of pets, I downloaded aeons ago. There will be some strays!
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Then I moved the rest of my sims in.
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One of them rolled Grilled Cheese as a main aspiration:
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Then I gave the sims, who were randomized to have a diploma, their graduation. The major-selection caught me with my pants down. (I just used a 12-sided dice to select a major.) Neat little observation: The “counterfeit college diploma” has a random option after you click on “more”.
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This was the moment, I realized, that I couldn’t change the grades in the game. I facepalmed, quitted the game, started Simpe, remembered, that backups are important, quitted Simpe, facepalmed again, because copying files is possible, while Simpe is running, made a backup, restarted Simpe, adjusted the grades and the height of my settlers, commited and saved, quitted Simpe, restarted the game and then all settlers died... This isn’t a joke! One of them tried to use the grill and they all burned to death!
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At first I wanted to roll with it, because it would be plausible as to why nobody settled in Engerlem already. But I had a similar setup in Nebelheym and I spent so much time in front of the loading screen, in Simpe to adjust their traits and then on posing the sims for a proper picture, I just quitted without saving.
Hopefully this won’t happen again...
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syntronica · 5 years
Weltenbummler-Wochenende im Grandhotel Waldlust
Weltenbummler-Wochenende im Grandhotel Waldlust
Am Wochenende um den Muttertag – 11. und 12. Mai 2019 – fand im Grandhotel Waldlust zu Freudenstadt wieder ein „Weltenbummler-Wochenende“ statt, an dem sich nicht nur Weltenbummler, sondern auch Zeitreisende trafen.
Zudem fand am Samstagabend dort ein Konzert der Steamfolk-Band “Tales of Nebelheym” statt.
Alles fand in familiärer Atmosphäre statt und wir haben uns sehr wohlgefühlt.
Petra Haller,…
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