#necroposting my own drafts
randomnameless · 2 years
I'm not starting to start shit or something, but seeing you write up about seiros don't you think rhea still kept her extremist tendencies ? Especially with the Lonato incident and the Western Church like she was ready to delete civilians?
We know Seiros still had a threshold she wasn’t willing to cross, iirc per Aelfie, she refused to bleed the apostles to death to fill the Chalice and apparently that’s why the first attempt to rez Sothis failed.
As for what her “whatever it takes” means, FEH and FE16 didn’t give us any clues, is it like Edel siding with Uncle and pals to topple the Church “whatever it takes” or Claude pretending to be uncaring and willing to do everything to achieve victory who PTSD hard when Hilda and Judith die in CF “whatever it takes”?
About turning her blade against civilians, this is long, but under the quote I pasted what’s basically Elincia’s arc in RD’s Part 10.
Short story, Elincia becomes queen, some douche starts a rebellion because he thinks she’s weak and wants to become King instead. Douche uses civilians to mount a rebellion, and Elincia is torn because she wants to protect civilians and doesn’t want to kill them.
Elincia: “…Why does this happen?! My people fight, brother against brother… And no matter what I do, I can’t stop it! I’m a miserable failure. I just want to crawl into a cave somewhere. How can anyone believe in me now?”
“I never asked for any of this… I never wanted to be queen!”
“Inform all the royal guards to arm themselves… and prepare to meet the rebel forces in battle.”
“I will not. It is my indecision that has allowed the rebellion to come this far. As the one responsible for protecting this country… I refuse to run from this problem any longer.”
Elincia is the one “responsabile for protecting this country” and cannot allow the rebellion to continue. At this point, Ludveck and pals are marching against Melior, her castle and the capital of Crimea. Elincia’s trusted aide Lucia was caught and used as a bargainning chip : she surrenders or Lucia dies.
Ludveck: “The outcome of this battle matters nothing… We will not lose. Even at this stage, that weak Queen still wants to avoid combat. That hopeless naivete?.. is certain be the cause of her downfall.”
The Douche, Ludveck, mocks Elincia because she doesn’t want to fight and prefers to avoid combat - Elincia doesn’t want to trounce through her beloved citizens and hope the fight can be avoided, but Ludveck is a douche through and through.
Elincia: “Thank you, everyone. I am indeed the queen of Crimea, and a queen does not hide. Our enemies are fellow citizens of Crimea. But we can no longer sit idle as they destroy the harmony of our nation.”
Nation’s harmony > angry citizens. Funny how this is totally unrelated to some events that happened recently where angry people rioted and basically pillaged some country’s parliament or something
Earlier Geoffrey, another trusted aide, pointed out that the Queen wants to avoid bloodshed and so it’d be nice if they could just disarm or knock the rebels out, instead of killing them, if it is possible. If not, the nation takes precedence.
Elincia: “…Lord Ludveck, all your dissatisfaction and misgivings about me are well founded. However, your method of dealing with me is unforgivable. Using civilians and provoking them to fight a civil war, that act will cause this country to be left with a long-lasting scar.”
Elincia understands Ludveck has a beef with her, but aknowledges her own failures. Still, she cannot abide by his use of using randoms to start a civil war, it will only be detrimential to the country.
Elincia: “Didn’t you say before that you caused a rebellion in order to protect the country? Then let me ask you, what is country? Isn’t it civilians who make a country? Think about it. Throughtout this conflict, do you realise how many lives you’ve simply thrown away?!”
Ludveck’s MO is basically “i’m going to start a rebellion using civilians because Elincia will not want to kill her people she’s too weak so people will come to me and see how strong am I and how I totes fit the bill to become King”. Elincia goes ballistic because his plan sucks and, uh, you don’t start a civil war and throw lives away to protect a country or to become king - usual Mandate of Heaven rule : randoms make a country, and the country makes the king. A random who thinks the king makes the country dgaf about its randoms isn’t a good king.
Elincia: “As the queen and ruler of Crimea, I refuse to negotiate with those bent on destroying it. I hereby order all the rebels to immediately drop their weapons and surrender. Otherwise the Royal Knights will march out and defeat you.”
“I refuse to negotiate with the guy who’s attacking my castle and threatening my people, so if you people don’t surrender i’ll be forced to “defeat” you using my knights”.
Elincia best lord
Back to FE16... the game doesn’t give us 6h of exposition about the logistics and goals and consequences of Lonato’s rebellion, so we don’t have RD’s Part 2 during the Monastery Exploration scene (which is a shame RD’s Part 2 is my favourite).
Apparently Lonato has shown “hostility” to the Church for a certain time now. Now, he is mounting a rebellion against the Church. He raised an army against the Church. His army is full of randoms.
Ashe tries to negotiate. He is met with “ Rhea is an infidel who has deceived the people and desecrated the goddess! We have virtue and the goddess herself on our side!”. Ashe calls doubts, but say dragging randoms isn’t right. Lonato gives some “ Enough. If that is how you feel, prepare yourself! I'm putting an end to this!”.
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This draft is an unfinished one but I felt like posting it anyways because 
1/Elincia best Lord ever 
2/ it didn’t blow out of proportions like the FE16 discourse but I’ve seen some people kind of meme joke/diss about a certain character in FE17 who also deals with people targeting civilians (and I don’t think bandits ask those civilians if they want to play bowling with them) as someone ruthless
3/ “if this is war so be it”
4/ I’m still baffled 2 years later how some people join the FE franchise and still find it odd that you have to kill red units who target green NPCS or off-screen “civilians”.
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randomnameless · 1 year
You talked of a role reversal between Edel and Wilhelm, but aren't they similar? They both want to conquer Fodlan.
Yes, they are similar, but also different.
As units first, Willy isn't a front line unit, I was wrong about the HK's utility, but actually, it's not a pure support unit, it's a combat unit.
Edel’s toolkit (using her base form and canon classes) is geared to make her a formidable unit (lol armor) who is supposed to be able to solo maps on her own. Aymr enables her to act again and to basically smash something dead on her own.
I joke a lot, but to be fair, I don’t know what Willy was like, as a unit.
I know one thing though, Holy Knights aren’t supposed to solo maps, and they’re not supposed to kill things on their own.
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lol that thing's old
Then we got Nopes, and I still think it's very telling how Willy is associated to his shield, in Nopes, when Supreme Leader, while she has a shield in her model, always ends up with new axes, first it's Aymra, then Labrunda (who doesn't even have backstory like Wilhelm's shield, but is just in a pile of weapons the Empire had in store in Enbarr). Shield + Holy Knight vs Axe + Armor unit -> they're kind of different, right?
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randomnameless · 2 years
Seriously about Cyril - ever noticed how he only starts with a rank in bows because Shamir taught him? and yet he was supposed to be a child soldier when Almyria took him in, so was he just a meatshield?
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Cyril was 5 when he was orphaned to "battles with Fodlan". From 1170 to 1177 it is most probable he was "hired" as a soldier, given how Almyra has no welfare system or orphanage of the sort.
In his Claude support, he says
Life was a whole lot harder for me there than it's ever been around here.
My dad and mom both died in the war, and there was nobody there to look after me.
The king, he didn't do anything to help. So I had to survive by being smart. I had to stop being a kid real quick.
And then he has a wonderful time with Hilda's relatives where he most likely never received training.
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I guess anon wanted to talk about cyril's weapon ranks and his past as a soldier - if his bow rank is only due to Shamir's teaching, then what was he supposed to do in the Almyran army? Was he a unit with E ranks everywhere, thus a meatshield?
Hm, maybe anon! I'm pretty sure whatever he did in Almyra, he didn't train so fielding him isn't, uh, the best strategical move but hey, with what 2022 gave us, Almyra sending children without experience to the front lines is kind of consistent with their shitty behaviour (or the one depicted in Nopes)
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randomnameless · 2 years
I don't think Edel is trying to get rid of every Nabatean...?
Other bloggers have found more clues in the JP script, like when she says she wants to get rid of Rhea and everything regarding the Goddess it’s actually the “children of the goddess”
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imagine finding a 2020 ask lol
I know why I never finished this post, I found a perfect redshit pic but thought it'd be too bothersome to explain, and so this was left to rot in the draftbox.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Why do you think a golden ending with the three lords can't exist?
First of all because a golden ending wouldn't only include the three lords but also the lizards who're living here and often end up wiped out in those golden endings AU, because they're evil or bad or whatever.
Also, I think Dimitri (?) pointed it out before, but he thinks everyone has something/someone they cannot accept.
His and Edel's philosphies are complete opposites. In what "plausible" universe would Dimitri end up siding with Edelgard, if Edelgard is the FE16!Edel who, like Lonato, is willing to sacrifice randoms for a greater cause ? Dimitri cannot accept this choice, even before his boar mode.
But if Edel is willing to compromise "to get rid of the greater evil", is she still FE16's Edel? I confess I didn't think a lot about her character and motivations, so correct me if I am wrong, but Edel is marked as someone who will not compromise, and who will follow her path no matter what. Her drive defines her.
In an AU where Uncle never took Edel away, where Ionius IX died of the gout and Edel still grew up with her siblings and mother... would she have attended GM?
If the Tragedy of Duscur never happened, Dimitri would (given how Lambert did back in his days). Would Edel and Dimitri have become friends? Or would Edel have bought the "Adrestia great again" spiel that used to circulate in the Empire? Would she still hate lizards? We know she can and is willing to go to war for things she believes in, also, is willing to associate with dubious people who have turn people in biological weapons without their assent every sunday morning. Would Edel, in that AU, still be willing to go to such length to see her vision prosper? Would she still have the "strong at the top" POV forever clashing with Dimitri's?
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Gods this aged like milk lol
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randomnameless · 2 years
Cruel “Beasts”
Leonie calls Turtle :
Like, Leonie sees a temple and sees a giant turtle, and immediately goes - this giant turtles lives in this temple, so it must be its home, so Hi Giant Turtle, could we borrow your bow please?
In the localised version, Leonie calls Indech “Mr Magic Beast” which, imo, has the more or less same meaning? Indech is a magic beast, yes, but it is a “mister”, not just a mere random monster.
(殿 is a polite suffix/form of adress?)
Claude talks about Birdie using : 
Fun fact, obake in japanese folklore is, per the wiki, a shapeshifter !
So even if Claude saw Birdie sleeping in ruins and talking about “his treasure”, Birdie is a “monster” and not a “Mr Monster” a “Mr Birdie” - but maybe it’s because Claude has more common sense than Leonie - or is more of a straightman as opposed to the fool, so even if that giant beast has a home and talks, uh, it’s still a beast! Not someone you can carelessly call “mister”!
Edel calls Rhea :
Also a monster, like Claude mentions? But when the 獣 kanji refers to a beast or an animal, が獣 refers to a harmful animal or a vermin (?).
As I understand it, the word Edel uses is much more negative than Claude’s neutral “monster” and eons away from Leonie “Mr. Magic Beast”.
Edit : this was made with online traduction tools and thus might not be super duper accurate
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randomnameless · 2 years
Cethleann finally asking her aunt what it means to "preach to the goddess", or how to seduce humans "What should I tell them?"
"Tell them you want to become their friend, the rest should happen easily."
Of course Cichol barged in, Rhea bullshited something about "making friends with the Goneril girl" and he left.
A few days later, Cethleann returns to her Aunt, she wanted to befriend Prince Dimitri but he was already befriending Dedue, calling him cherished and irreplacable.
"There is no limit to the number of friends someone can have!"
The following day, Cethleann retuns to her Aunt "I wanted to befriend Ferdinand, and he took me in his arms! It was wonderful, but then he said he had to drink black tea with a friend of his."
Sadly, the next day, Cethleann discovered Cyril with his love letter, and thought someone wanted to be his friend - trying to hide the fact he couldn't read the thing, he shrugged it off, saying he doesn't need any friends.
Of course, Rhea took the matter in her own hands "Befriending people is a very normal thing to do and a part of your growth."
But before she could talk about the mating aspect of "friendship", Cichol barged in, trying to run away from (a drunk) Manuela. He immediately made the link between all those "friendship" talks and how she presented Willy as her "friend" to whom she gave her blood ; thus forbade her to talk about those to anyone, including the children.
Cyril then tried to do this "friendship" thing and talked to Ignatz, who apparently wishes to befriend Flayn - from what he understood Flayn also looks for friends?
Ultimately, several years later, Cethleann thanks her Aunt, because if Cyril never told Ignatz to become her friend, she would never have gotten her awesome "fierce" portrait.
"Did you give him your blood? An important part of friendship is giving your blood"
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are you still there anon?
idk why i put this in my drafts instead of posting it, but now with Nopes released, I call doubts on Nabateans befriend any "Goneril" a,d Ignatz painting Flayn's portrait...
Nopes soured me a great deal on the Golden Deer peeps tbh, I never cared much about the students before, but with Nopes? I prefered when I didn't care lol
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randomnameless · 2 years
I was foraging the datamine, again...
As half baked as the game is, there are still some nice stuff around integrating story and gameplay, even if gameplay is not about what you find in traditional FE.
Seteth for exemple dislikes the book of crest design, apparently appreciated by people who enjoy studying crests. More strange is his dislike of "legends of chivalry", apparently appreciated by people who love to read or admire knights. Seteth obviously doesn't have an aversion against reading, so it's the "knightly" part he doesn't like? Why? Because it comes from the kingdom and might glorify his wife's and siblings's killers?
Still he likes items that can please "fashionable men".
Flayn loves fashion (for men and women), cute things and sweets, but doesn't like wheatstones because they are used for weapon maintenance, and she hates armed conflict.
Gilbert apparently doesn't like refined handkerchief, does that mean he dgaf about fashion or hates it? Cyril doesn't like to study history or government, and he also doesn't like the book about chivalry, but maybe it's tied to the fact the kid doesn’t know how to read.
Every object Rhea likes is supposed to be appreciated by art lovers, so Ignatz could totally have been patroned by the church of Seiros.
Or, as @crushednugget noted it, Rhea might like the Lake Teutates painting bcs it reminds her of her brother, the statuette is a reminder of her mom and she still has a stash of ancient coins dating from her Seiros days.
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This draft wasn’t even 2 years old!
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randomnameless · 2 years
Favourite Seteth pair?
Manu, for comedy but also...
The game wants us to believe that Manuela - the woman who laments when people end up in her infirmary, when people died, the woman who risked her life to save Flayn - would buy the "eww lizards" propaganda, become an Adrestian General and side with the people starting the war?
This Manuela?
Now, AM!Manu - if she is not recruited - is an assassin. Was she forced to become one else the Mittelfrank company would be Hubert'd or not?
Turning Manu the nurse to Manu the Assassin... Idk what happened in AM's timeskip, or why it only happened in AM's timeskip, but... it was something that mad Manu, the nurse who opens a school in her epilogue, in an Assassin.
We will never know what that "something" was though and it makes me sad.
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lel, again, something that aged like milk thanks to Nopes !
Which is even more ridiculous, given the new books Nopes itself gave us, like an old opera play where a human falls in love with "someone who can transform in a beast", but maybe Manu thought it was an old kinky play about bestiality, or just, didn't read that one when she was in Mittlefrank.
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randomnameless · 2 years
I believe Yuri got a pass because he made a deal with Rhea to spy on Aelfric in exchange for his life. He told everyone his life was spared because Aelfric stepped in, but as we all know, it’s later revealed Yuri was a spy for Rhea the entire time. So that must mean she probably got suspicious when one of her trusted cardinals was suddenly like, “We must consider the circumstances of this one student in particular who protected a bunch of thieves and killed off our knights” instead of just allowing her to pass judgment on a seemingly clear-cut case.
Oh, and as an addition to the “Yuri got a pass” thing, he refers to a deal here!
Yuri, a random nobody (well a student) was trusted by Rhea (who never trusts anyone) to spy on someone she saw as her own child (Aelfie), after Yuri killed Rhea's soldiers?
IDK how it happened, but maybe Rhea had doubts about Aelfie since the beginning, then when the "incident" happened and suddenly he tried to vouch for Yuri, she must have grown even more suspicious. Did Rhea also discover Aelfie arranged the "incident" that led Yuri to the Abyss? I'd have wanted to know more about it (maybe seteth knew something too?) but the game didn't pursue more.
Apparently, Yuri had been working "since the beginning" with Rhea, so their partnership predated Aelfie's.
OTOH, thanks anon, I never thought to look at this chapter's OG script, but damn if somethings are really different from the lolcalised one.
First of all, Umbral Beast is a tidied up name, just like Immaculate One. They follow the same naming conventions, the IO in jp is the "white thing", while the Umbral Beast is the "red beast"
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Also - I'm sorry anon, but this will remain unfinished !
To this day I still don't really have a grasp on what happened, was Aelfie the one who said Yuri must be forgiven and thrown in the Abyss, and Rhea found it sus so she made a deal with Yuri - or Rhea herself found the situation shady and made a deal with him without even needing Aelfie to conveniently ask to send him to the Abyss?
Idk - the timeline is kind of wonky
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randomnameless · 2 years
Managing to download all those assets from the spriters ressource, I can finally say...
The game isn’t... ugly, but the models feel like 3DS, it was already commented back then to death, but the release one year later of MH Rise really hurts FE16.
I still think it blows that we can’t recognise at the first glance what is pictured (random road? Random castle? Random... city?) but they tried to add some details all around.
Rhea has Immaculate One figurines in her room
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Now, more seriously, with all the "critics” around... 
I don’t know how many books a 12th century 15th century look alike monastery is supposed to have, but Garreg Mach is stacked. Seteth’s, Rhea’s, Manu’s and Hanneman’s offices all have walls covered by books. And that’s not even counting the library. The knight’s hall also have a library!
Not counting the ones in each classes - I don’t know about printing machines using metal letters or what not, but by the sheer amount of books everywhere, at least in GM, you’d believe someone already invented a printing machine, and that’s only from looking at the background, not reading supports!
“Rhea has a luxurious bedroom when Cyril doesn’t even have a room to sleep”
Rhea’s room : a weird as fuck sofa, a bed, a chair, a table and a teaset + chimney
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It’s sad.
those models really are ugly, people shit’d on disengage’s models but this is, uh, well.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Talking with friends around I realised I had a lot of unfinished Fodlan drafts loitering in my draft box that are, uh, super old (oldests are like 2019 old!) and while I’m not sure the anons who sent some asks are still around (lol), some of them are real time capsules - like what would be a golden AU before Nopes was released - so it’ll help me clean the blog a bit, and laugh at some stuff
I won’t finish them - because that’s the point of a draft - and won’t edit them either, only to add the time stamp of when I thought and wrote them, and when I finally post them lol
I’ll tag those posts as #necropostingmyowndrafts
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randomnameless · 2 years
The more I read about your posts, the more I wonder if you ship Rhea and Willy, as you call him.
Well, it started off as a joke, but then it got potential, if only to mirror 3H to what happens when Marth’s descendants tries to kill Tiki.
But what if actually, it’s Eliwood descendant who tries to kill Ninian? Unlike Tiki who doesn’t seem to mind humans, Ninian and Nils are fist wary of them, until they grow to learn they’re nice guys (at least Eliwood and his pals).
also the game torpedoes Catherine - yes she goes with her to Zanado, but Catherine also knows Rhea isn’t waiting for her she’s waiting for Billy so for that ship to sail I think they’d need to work a lot on their relationship -
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tbh after Nopes added more material and didn't make their relationship so one-sided bar a default ending, they have more meat to sit on - especially with the Faerghus chivalry context - but yeah, I can't shake of my head the basically modern!AU idea of Cyril living with his three moms. They have some sort of "partnership" going on - and quite surprisingly, when things go sour, it's mom!Shamir who bails out first, when mom!Catherine is still around.
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