#need mession
shailuthecreator · 3 years
If you have any problem, we provide a solution in your pocket
If you have any problem, we provide a solution in your pocket
If you have any problem, we provide a solution in your pocket. HiretoWork simply provides all problems that occur in daily life and you get puzzled. like there is a leakage in your house pipeline and you need a plumber immediately, there is a fault in the electric line and you need an electrician, there is damage in your home and you need a mason. if your car gets puncher and you need to…
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ignis-glaciesque · 4 years
Let's be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 7257 3688 8812!
Hey, this is a long shot, but I need to make new friends on Pokémon Go. I have some research messions that require I add new friends! If any one can help, that would be awesome!
I send gifts often and I try to stay active.
Thank you in advance! 😁😁😁
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sutimetravelau · 5 years
Your blog being the only one giving Steven the therapy he needs (without messioning the eldricht au, of course): I STAN
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alexthepartyman · 4 years
Fine Line
Chapter Five: I know you were way too bright for me.
“Yet teh first victim wasn’t eviscerated,” Spencer remarks. Derek looks over his shoulder at us. “And the unsub seems to have used a different weapon at each crime scene.” 
“Two different MOs.”
“Two different killers?” 
“Or one very psychotic individual,” Uncle Jason remarks,  turning the team’s attention to us. 
“What happened to you?”
“I got a list of things I want to try before it’s too late.”
“And orthopedic surgery’s one of them??” Elle asks. 
“No, skydiving. Apparently, it’s all about the landing.”
‘I’m still pissed at him for it because he didn’t take me.” 
“Not in your state are you leaving Virginia,” Aaron cuts me off. “And besides, you’re not old enough to do that. How long on the crutches, Jason?”
“Just a couple of days.” 
“So you can’t go out into the field?” 
“Not on crutches, no.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to be helpful here. Got a blitz attack. No effort to remove the body, clean up evidence.” 
“Sounds really disorganised.” 
“With organised killers, we see a pattern, we’re able to predict their behaviour, but with psychotic killers, they’re guided by a given delusion.”
“Okay, but until we understand the nature of the delusion, we can’t predict his next move.” 
“And that’s nearly impossible to do.” 
“Actually, I think we might have a clue.” 
“Alright, throw it at me,” I offer, walking myself over to stand between him and Derek. 
“These rings at the crime scene might be some kind of signature?” He asks, pointing at them for me. 
“I can work this angle. I’ll see if there’s any significance to the patters.” 
“Psychotic killers are normally not that difficult to catch because they don’t try to hide.”
“Does that make your job easier?” JJ asks. 
“Oh, no. Cause until we do locate him, he’ll keep doing that.” 
“Jamie, you’ll be staying here with Jason and Penelope. Please do try to focus on your schoolwork and not the case.” I nod at Aaron. “Wheels up in thirty.”
“Working from the assumption that the rings are a signature…”
“SIr, I could help you get some of these books back to your -”
“Exploring their symbolic significance? Just exploring...I have nothing.” 
“That seems like a specific pattern, though. Here, Penelope, give me something. Maybe if you were in your office, Uncle Jason, you’d have more room to spread out and get a fresh perspective...do you think? Maybe? No?” Uncle Jason stares at me. “Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“I need to focus on the manner in which Annie Stuart was killed. Anything that might have been done to her postmortem. Get this stuff out of here. Sorry.” 
“Jason, this isn’t your…” My voice trails off as he approaches the central desk and hands me a few papers. “Well, at least you apologised.”
“Where’s the, uh, blueprints of the house?”
“Oh, they’re right here on the screen-”
“I don’t want the blueprints on the screen. I want something I can hold onto.” I sit in front of the screen with the blueprint and start sketching out the floor plans. 
“Here you go.” 
“It’s hot in here. Can you fix the AC? How do you breathe in here? Can you try to make it a little cooler in here?” I grimace at the sight of the chaos unfolding in front of me, the two talking over each other. 
“Uh, yeah. It’s pretty cold, but-”
“Do you have the autopsy reports?”
“I’m gonna have the sheriff from Harringtonville fax it over as soon as they come in.” 
“Can I have another cup of coffee, if you would?”
“That, I can do, hang on. You want your usual black?” I ask.
“Yeah. They’re right here.”
“Got it. I’ll get the coffee.” 
“Thank you.” I scoff as Penelope walks away, letting go of my grips and throwing my hands up in frustration. 
“You’re welcome.” 
“Chicken broccoli?” Jason asks. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just…”
“What’s that?”
“Oh, it’s autopsy reports.” I look to them from my homework and sigh. “Annie Stuart’s body was, um...I can’t say it.” 
“Missing her liver and stomach.” 
“I know that this may seem like a small, dark hole, but it’s my office, and I like to keep it sort of cleanish. Why are you doing that again?”
“What is he doing?”
“Putting his food all over the blueprint.” 
“There’s a reason.”
“He’s taking the blood and organs from the bodies and putting them in cylindrical containers. It’s andropothogy.”
“It’s what?”
“Anthonro what what?”
“You don’t want to know.”
“I’m a big girl. I can take it.” 
“Literal Greek translation is man eating...guy’s a cannibal.” I put my earbuds in and turn up the music. This is the part where I drop out of the conversation. 
“HE TOOK THE HEART?! HOTCH?!” Jason yells, coming back into Penelope’s cage.
“The heart has always had incredible symbolic significance. I mean, aside from just banal romantic associations. The Egyptians left the heart in mummies because they believed the organ ensured eternal life.”
“Something I read...ow! Ow!”
“Jesus Christ, Jason!” I yell out, ripping out my earbuds and spinning the chair to face him. 
“Sorry, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Give me the book. The big one. Right there.” 
“Okay. Could you get the book, please Penelope, yes I can, here you are. Thank you.” 
“Where’s the crime scene photos?”
“Crime scene photos…” 
“Does that body look like an angel?”
“Not to me.”
“Scan this in. Send it to them. There was, there was an article by a Cambridge professor. Seems that all the organs the unsub’s taken...stomach, liver, now the heart, they were thought to be the seat of the soul, at one time or another.” I groan and start lightly banging my wrists against my forehead and rocking back and forth. 
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t do that, okay? Here’s a slinky,” Penelope gently tells me, placing a metal slinky toy in my hands. My fingers start to manipulate it, exploring every inch of the toy.
“Then he drinks their blood?”
“So when this man drinks his victims’ blood…”
“He believes he’s encountering the divine.”
“Wait a minute, none of this explains why he took the kid.”
“The unsub made the victim into an angel. Maybe the kid’s a messionic figure.” 
“Let’s just hope he doesn’t feel the need to sacrifice him.”
“Hey, Garcia. Talk to me.”
“Okay, so I got ahold of Eddy’s roommate in college, who describes Eddy as having an overprotective mom.”
“How overprotective?”
“She called him, like, three times a day. And get this. One time, she went up to Boston to break him up with a girlfriend she didn’t like.”
“Yeah, it seems like Eddy’s entire college experience was some sort of post-adolescent rebellion. He partied like an eighties clubber. He suffered a delusional break due to methamphetamine consumption.”
“Wow. That is partying like an eighties clubber.” 
“Right. So then, he was admitted to a mental health facility in Botson,checked himself out a week ago, and found his way home.” 
“What was his major?”
“Comparative religion,” I answer. “No idea what that is.” 
“Thanks. How is it having Gideon around?”
“Uh, you can have him back whenever you’d like.” Penelope hangs up. “How do you deal with him?”
“You get used to it. By the way, could I have access to your computers for research purposes?” 
“It depends on what you are researching, because if you think you can research Peyton again, I am not allowed to let you do that. Oh, and no snooping through case files again.” 
“Literally nobody ever told me that my brother went to college, and I can’t figure out why Boston of all places.” 
“He went to Harvard.” 
“Doesn’t make sense from what I’ve heard about him. Literally the last time I saw him...fuck, that was when Eddie graduated high school. And I was eight. And we went to Peyton.” 
“Hey! You guys are back!”
“Hey, sweetheart.”
“Don’t sweetheart me. I may not be a Supervisory Speical Agent, but that does not make me a maid.” 
“What do you mean?”
“What do I mean?” Penelope and Aaron head up the stairs, her carrying a tote of Jason’s things. “This is the third box of crap that Gideon left in my office. There’s at least two more, and everything smells like soy sauce!-”
“I’ll take care of it,” Aaron quietly offers, taking the box from her. 
“Was he that bad?” Derek asks me. 
“Frustrating, yes. I can’t confirm or deny the soy sauce, though. Hey, can I annoy you guys until Aaron takes me home? Penelope’s probably sick of me.” Derek chuckles. 
“Of course, kid. You gotta tell us what’s been new with your friends, though.”
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