#need two wheeler mechanic
sidekickjoey · 1 year
In the summer of '86, fresh off of saving the world, Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler get blonde highlights.
Be it a coping mechanism after handling the hell that was spring or simply a mutual need for change, the decision is made without nervousness from either party. They enter the salon together, swear up and down to their assigned hairstylists that, yes, this is what they want and no, they do not care that their hair already looks perfect as is, thanks, and leave donning notably different looks.
Steve's signature chestnut ends up woven between streaks of gold, giving him a sort of distracting glimmering effect when he walks out into the sun. Nancy's waves, though still shoulder length and crimped to perfection, sway almost completely and utterly blonde in any light.
Needless to say, their new looks quickly make them, the former it-couple of Hawkins, the talk of the town once more - including that of their two closest friends, Eddie and Robin.
They, unlike the general public of Hawkins, have spent the past few months slowly building massive crushes on Steve and Nancy, entranced by their might after surviving the horrors of the Upside Down. While to most a change in hair color for Steve and Nancy is merely an oddity, to them? It's like someone hit the panic button and left them to scatter in a secluded room.
Robin has only been over her gaga-for-Vickie phase for a few weeks now. The wound is still fresh, and she knows she should not be looking once again into a possible unrequited love situation until she is better healed emotionally. She also knows he has a weakness for blondes that goes beyond all reason, i.e. Tammy Thompson and her muppet singing voice. She shouldn't act and possibly jeopardize one of her most sincere female friendships over a silly little weakness like that.
However, Nancy looks like a vision in blonde.
Robin thinks it's her big doe eyes that do it. They pop when the blonde meshes with Nancy's fair skin, and it makes her heart swoon in the most debilitating of ways. Not to mention, the softer cut she got along with the lighter coloring frames her face so well. Robin swoons over it. If not for her fear of rejection, she probably would have already taken the leap and done something stupid, like confess how Nancy's scrambled her brain.
Eddie's not doing much better himself with Steve.
He had been there in the early days, when Scoops Ahoy's newest worker showed up in his first edition of golden highlights. Like any good Hawkins resident, he had handled it with poise, class, and lots of extra trips to Scoops Ahoy whenever he happened to be at the Starcourt Mall, along with frequent whisperings of 'what the hell' expressed in the confines of his room where no one could hear him freak out. T'was standard™.
This look, though...it blows Scoops Ahoy Steve away by miles.
It's bright. It's golden. It's like he slipped and fell into some kind of radiant daydream, only to emerge like a ray of sunlight to distract Eddie Munson and Eddie Munson alone, and Eddie can't shut up about it.
Seriously, Wayne has heard enough.
The issue is, he has next to no idea what to do about these feelings. His mind is screaming to make a move on the guy, because you only live once and, well, he's already on his second try. However, his little worried heart loves Steve's newfound companionship and whatever odd-couple friendship they have going on right now. He doesn't want to lose that because of some dye job and a trim. It's too important, too good.
So, like Robin, he finds himself refraining.
They both refrain, and over the next week or so, the decision to do so eats at them like mad. They stumble over their words when speaking to Steve and Nancy. They actually stumble physically, in Robin's case, when Nancy walks by one morning. They tell anyone and everyone they can about it aside from Steve and Nancy, and by the end of that week, it all hits a breaking point. Word slips for the sake of everyone's sanity to Steve and Nancy.
It should mark the beginning of havoc and betrayal.
Instead, it breeds two plans.
Because, here's the thing: Steve and Nancy are not dumb, contrary to what some might think. They are wildly observant people. They know what their friends are up to, and Robin and Eddie are high on that friend list after spring. They've seen their behavior and, though Nancy had to spell a little bit of it out for Steve, both have come to the conclusion that something is definitely up in the crush department. If they want to capitalize on it, they know there is no better time than now while their haircuts are still new and their own crushes are seeking an opportunity to spill their feelings.
Nancy's plan to handle Robin, to the untrained eye, is simple. She's known for carefully thought out strikes when people least expect them, and the last thing she's going to do is stop using that tactic to her advantage now.
So, she invites the other girl on a trip to the mall for new bracelets. She claims it's on account of Holly taking hers hostage (not a total lie) and needing time out with someone her age (also not a total lie), and Robin buys it in seconds. A day later, they meet up at a boutique mall just outside of Hawkins and roam for a few hours together. It's simple. Casual. Subtle enough to be innocent from afar yet just intimate enough for Nancy to make her move when the time is right.
The time becomes right when they're sitting at a booth in the food court, chatting about Holly's other jewelry-related crimes. Nancy accidentally knocks the fork for her salad off the table, catching the attention of them both. Robin is quick to say she's got it, but Nancy is faster. Ready. She reaches down, picks up the fork, and in a fit of bravery, makes damn sure she holds eye contact with Robin the entire way back up. Robin swallows and looks away, clearly flustered and trying to behave over such a small thing as eye contact. But, Nancy doesn't want her to ignore it this time. So, she pulls a cheesy line from Steve's old book (that she totally did not rehearse with Steve, not at all) and misbehaves, just to get the ball rolling.
Batting her eyes, she asks in her most casual drawl, "Sheesh Robin, do blondes always make you this nervous?"
Robin chokes on her milkshake. 'Accidentally' knocks over her own fork. Goes down beneath the table to - not subtly - whisper-scream about what the hell that just was, because what the hell was that? Hello?
Nancy finds it incredibly endearing. She kind of wants to tell her about it.
She joins Robin on the floor to do so and giggles, freakin giggles, at Robin's shock and awe over her being there. Robin, panicked, reaches for the fork she dropped and holds it up to Nancy for her to see like it's some kind of explanation for her huddling under the table a full minute after it fell. She then stutters out a small 'got it,' despite Nancy being a goddamn journalist who notices things for her job and is fully capable of using her own two eyes to see, what the heck Robin??
Nancy still finds it all so endearing, though she doesn't think saying it out loud would be the best course of action anymore. Her last words sort of sent the poor girl into a spiral, and as fun as it is sharing this cramped space with her, she kind of wants to get off the gross tile if at all possible. So, instead, she does the next best thing and expresses her fondness physically.
With a kiss.
On the mouth.
Hidden by the table but all-too-real and seen to Robin, who forgets how to breathe because oh my gosh. Oh my GOSH.
It's perfect. It's effortless. It's everything. It's hands-down worth the hours of waiting Nancy had to do under a hairdryer in foils to get her here, and even more worth Robin's adorably rushed confession after the fact that she's always liked blondes, just a little bit.
Steve's plan is a lot different than Nancy's.
He is a tried-and-true passionate romantic after all, and Eddie is about as dramatic as Shakespeare. A casual outing or demure kiss under a table is just not going to cut it in terms of a confession for either of them. Steve knows this. He tells it to Nancy. Repeatedly.
After hours of back and forth over the phone, he eventually finds himself at a music store, equipped with a wad of cash and his eyes set on an, admittedly, badass looking guitar. It has blue flames along its black exterior that rise to its very top and are lined with a reflective silver, making it glimmer even in the dim light of the shop. Eddie's been moaning about losing his sweetheart to the Upside Down for weeks -- no, months at this point. Steve thinks this blue beauty would be a perfect replacement for her. He also thinks it might just be what they need to stop dancing around each other's feelings too, if he's lucky.
He purchases it and stows it away in his bedroom before calling Eddie over the following day. The boy is all nerves when he finally arrives. Steve doesn't help ease them by running his hand through his hair more than once, but what can he say? It's a tough habit to break, and he's been doing it ever since he's hand anything more than a buzz cut. Sue him.
After pleasantries about their day are discussed and Eddie appears to be more calmed down, Steve invites him upstairs for a 'surprise' that just about undoes all the poor boy's progress at once.
Because Steve didn't just place the new guitar in its case and put a bow on it to surprise Eddie. No, he propped that sucker on its stand, bought a small light to illuminate the silver and blue, and placed a little card on the case that said, 'To Eddie, from your sweetheart.'
Steve watches as Eddie physically has to reboot upon seeing it all. He then rushes to cover his ears as Eddie returns to consciousness with a full-blown yell, running over to his gift with repeated 'no way's that get higher and higher in volume with each utterance. All noise ceases when he finally reads the card, though. That's when Steve feels safe enough to drop his hands to his side and make his approach, a shy grin on his lips.
"Like it?"
"Y-You're my sweetheart?"
With a shrug, Steve once again cards a hand through his hair. "If you want me to be. I-I mean, I assumed you would want me to be with all the looks you've been giving me, a-and everything with the Upside Down. But if I've got that wrong, if...shit, maybe I should just-"
Their first kiss is messy, wet, and way too enthusiastic.
Eddie's all teeth from how wide he's smiling into the kiss, and Steve nearly falls over from the sheer force of the guy barreling into him. He grows a bit dizzy, too, from how firm Eddie's grip on his hair has him, and that does little for his already frazzled balance. But, it's perfect. It's so stupidly them and perfect and wild like Steve had hoped it to be, like Eddie hoped it to be.
Later, when Steve leaves Eddie to enjoy his guitar in peace and breathe because, yeah, he finds himself making a mental note to call Nancy when he's home. If this is what one round of highlights gets him, he'll be damned if they don't plan another round for touch ups soon.
Stepping inside, Steve catches sight of a blinking light on his answering machine that tells him Nancy'd be damned, too.
He smiles.
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Big Brown Eyes - Eddie Munson x Reader, Part 2
Summary: Here’s a part two! You can read part one here. Eddie comes by to change the oil on your car, like he said he would. You manage to get him to stay for dinner as well.
Note: You have all been so kind to me about this story! All of your kind words and messages have meant more to me than you know. I didn’t know if I’d write a direct part two or not, or just little blurbs in this universe, but for now, here’s another part! 
Warnings: single!mom reader, mechanic!eddie, ex Steve x reader, language, i think that’s it?
Words: 5k
[Part 3 | Big Brown Eyes masterlist]
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Sunday, you managed to keep your thoughts circling around Eddie to a minimum. Sundays were always your favorite days because you couldn’t possibly be called in to work. If Steve had Sunday off, the two of you would try to do something together with Everett. It was hard between your two schedules to find time for your son to spend with both of his parents. Your schedule was the easy one to work with. But with Steve being a paramedic, his schedule could be very touch and go. His shifts usually consisted of twelve hours on, twelve hours off. He tried to get his schedule as far in advance as he could so you could get a heads up as well.
Everett loved the days Steve had off. Everett never minded going to the Wheeler’s house to be watched by Karen, but he’d always prefer to spend a day hanging out with his dad. The feeling was mutual as well. Steve told you that when there was down time at work and they weren’t getting any calls, he’d try to come up with new ideas of what he could do with Everett on his next day off. You’d known from day one that Steve would be a great dad and he continued to prove that to you.
This Sunday, luckily, Steve did have off. Your day was full of laughter and joy as your little crew traipsed around the town. Nancy had been reluctant to join you because she didn’t want to intrude, but you reminded her that she volunteered to be a part of this little gang when she decided to be with Steve.
Hours were spent at the park, where Everett needed all attention on him every time he tried something new.
“Mommy, look! M’going down the slide!”
“Daddy! Push me high on the swing?”
“Nanny!” He still had trouble with her full name. “Nanzy!” He tried again. “Watch me! Swinging like a monkey!”
At one point, you heard the unmistakable sound of a head cracking against one of the monkey bars. You spun around, eyes darting for the hurt child on the ground.
“Son of a bitch!”
The sigh you let out is a mixture of relief that it wasn’t Everett and exasperation that Steve hadn’t thought to duck.
“Bad word,” Everett said. “Bad, bad, Daddy.”
With a hand pressed against the already blooming bruise on his forehead, Steve walked up to Everett and scooped him up with his free arm.
“Yes, I know. I’m sorry,” Steve said. Everett turned his head at the sound of a bird and Steve took advantage of his distraction to mouth the words “Shit, that fucking hurt,” to you and Nancy.
A lunch picnic was next, and Everett’s job was to secure the perfect spot to have it. He took this seriously as he walked into shaded spots under trees and tested if that felt better than sitting out under the summer sun. He concluded that it did and plopped down under a large oak tree to claim his seat.
Everett took the longest to finish his peanut butter and jelly sandwich because he kept talking between every bite. And during the process of chewing. He talked about how much fun he had on the swings, how he wanted to go swimming in grandma and grandpa’s pool next time dad took him there. He talked about how he started sleeping with his horse stuffy on his bed with him instead of the octopus stuffy that used to sleep next to him. It was hard to keep up with his train of thought sometimes, but Everett assumed everyone understood these situations as clearly as he did.
After the park, you stopped by the mall to pick up some new summer clothes for the little boy. He was growing like a weed, and it felt like you were buying new pairs of shorts for him every week. Everett tried to get Steve to buy him shoes that lit up when he walked, but Steve told him he’d get him a pair when he was older. The three of you adults knew he’d only be able to wear those shoes once before he outgrew them.
The day was full enough that your brain didn’t have the energy to feel anxious about Eddie’s impending call. Once you were back home and settled for the day, you were surprised at the tenacity of how much you wanted this phone call. Trying to tell yourself to calm down because you only spoke to the man for five minutes in Dustin’s driveway did not work well. Deep breaths didn’t work either. On every inhale you thought of Eddie’s dark eyes, and on every exhale, you thought about his dimpled smile.
Monday brought out the jitters in full force. Everett had slept at Steve’s the night before since his dad had off the next day. So you didn’t even have the distraction of getting Everett up and ready for the day. The normal morning routine consisted of making breakfast as well, but with no little one here to cook for and your jangled stomach, you decided to opt out.
Thankfully, work brings distraction. Around noon, Robin walks through the doors of the library, her dark green backpack hanging off one shoulder. Her expression instantly lets you know she’s not having a good day. Her hair is mussed up and she tries to fix it, giving up halfway. The bags under her eyes tell of her exhaustion before she lets out a yawn.
“Robin, you know I love you with all my heart. But girl, you look like death warmed over,” you say.
“Thanks,” she mumbles sarcastically as she wraps her green and black flannel tighter around herself.
“What’s wrong?” you ask.
Robin slinks over to one of the study tables near the bookshelves and plops herself down in a chair. You’re really not supposed to, but the library was practically empty, so you took the seat across from her. She lets out another yawn and you look at her imploringly, waiting for her to speak.
“I stayed up until like, three, studying for this stupid biology test and then the freaking professor has the audacity to ask me, only me, in front of the whole class, if I think I studied enough for the test. What the hell? I thought community college would be better than high school, but it still sucks ass.”
“Aw, I’m sorry,” you tell her. “Some professors are total dicks. How do you think you did on the test?”
“After that comment from him? I couldn’t focus on anything except being humiliated so I probably bombed it.”
You frown and reach across the table to take her hand. She lets you hold it, not bothering to move a muscle in her slouched position.
“Don’t let me take summer classes again,” Robin says.
“Deal,” you agree.
“As much as I came here to see your lovely face,” Robin says as she sits up in her chair. “I actually do need a book on James Madison for my history class.”
“Coming right up.” You pop out of your seat and Robin frowns.
“I didn’t mean you had to go get it for me. Just tell my lazy ass where it is and I’ll do it,” she says.
You wave at her in a dismissive manner. “I know exactly where they are, and which book you should use. It’s no problem.”
“Wow, it’s like you work here.” Robin smirks at you and you’re glad to see more of her usual self shining through.
“If only they paid me,” you call back to her over your shoulder as you head to the nonfiction section.
The book was right where you knew it would be, so you go back and drop it right in front of Robin.
“Tada,” you say. “Need anything else?”
“Um.” Robin scrunches up her face as she thinks, then shakes her head. “Nope, just gotta skim through this for the answers I need. Oh, wait! You’re coming on Saturday, right? Girl’s brunch?”
“Oh, yeah. I’ll have to check if Steve’s-.”
“He’s off that day, I already checked,” Robin says.
“Perfect,” you say with a smile. “It’s been too long since we’ve done that. Not at all since Nancy’s been back for the summer.”
“I know, but it won’t be the whole gang. El won’t be there,” Robin tells you.
“Why not?” You frown. You love seeing El and you don’t get to nearly enough.
“Will’s got that art show competition thing this weekend. The whole Hopper-Byers clan is driving to Illinois for it.”
“I forgot all about that. Shit. I meant to get him something for good luck, I just couldn’t come up with any ideas,” you say.
“Sometimes I think you have two sons,” Robin says with a smirk.
“Don’t be jealous because I have a cool honorary little brother.”
“I mean, don’t we both have four of them? If I’m schlepping them around like a taxi service, then I’m calling them my little brothers too.”
“When’s the last time you actually drove any of them anywhere? You got your license at the same time that they all did.”
Robin gives you an unamused look before opening the book in front of her. “I have to study, if you don’t mind.”
You chuckle and hold your hands up in front of you in surrender. “Let me know if you need anything.”
Robin leaves shortly before your shift ends and it leads you to stare at the clock, counting down the minutes. You’d made it through the rest of the day but now that you were mere minutes away from heading home, it felt as if time had slowed down on itself.
Your boss comes out from the back room and looks between you and the clock.
“You got a date?”
Her voice startles you and it makes you jump out of your skin.
“Oh, no ma’am,” you say.
She puts her hands on her hips and looks around the library. Her glasses are perched at the end of her pointy nose, white eyebrows furrowed above the frames.
“Put all the books back from the cart?” she asks.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Wipe down all the tables?”
“Yes, Mrs. Montgomery.”
“Alright. You can go.”
“I’m sorry?” You ask. She had never told you that you could leave before the clock struck six.
“You did what you had to do,” she says with a shrug of her feeble, sweater covered shoulders. “You can leave.”
“Oh,” you say. “Thank you, I appreciate it.”
She waves you off as she heads into the back. Mrs. Montgomery has never hated you, but she did get a bit softer towards you after Everett had made her a homemade ornament last Christmas.
On the drive home, the light reminding you of an oil change seems brighter than it ever has been. You know it isn’t, it’s just in anticipation that maybe it would go off soon. Because of Eddie.
Steve’s car is in the parking lot as you pull into the complex parking lot, which means he and Everett are just hanging out at home. Nancy’s car isn’t there though, but she might be back at her house with her family for the evening.
You park your car in the spot closest to your building and check your watch as you bound up the stairs. Eddie said he gets home at seven. That’s about half an hour away. It’s going to be the longest half hour of your life, after the half hour that you had to wait between when your contractions started getting bad and getting to the hospital. Everett’s lucky he’s as cute and sweet as he is after you felt like your spine was going to snap through your stomach during birth.
You take a quick shower and groan to yourself when you see that only took up ten minutes. You could clean? No, the apartment was still pretty clean from the other day. You could read? No, you wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the words on the page. You could cook? That seems the best option. You’re going to have to eat dinner tonight anyway.
Rummaging around in the kitchen leaves you coming up startlingly short. You didn’t realize how badly you needed to go grocery shopping. There’s enough to scrape together to make a decent plate of pasta. Clanging the pots together as you get your supplies out, you take a deep breath. In, Eddie’s dark eyes. Out, his dimpled smile.
As you pour the pot of hot water and noodles over the strainer, the phone starts to ring.
“Shit,” you murmur. You can’t rush or you’ll end up burning yourself on the water or steam. “Coming!” you call as if he could actually hear you.
You slam the pot and strainer full of noodles on the counter, ignoring the puddle it makes, and rush to the other side of the kitchen. Another deep breath, and you’re picking up the receiver.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
The steam didn’t melt you, but that nickname sure did.
“Hey Eddie, how are you?” You’re glad he can’t see the giddy smile just hearing his voice puts on your face.
“Much better now,” he says. “How was your day?”
“Eh, same old, same old,” you say.
“And how’s the little dude?” Eddie asks and it gives you butterflies that he cares enough to ask about Everett.
“He’s good. With his dad right now,” you say.
“You mean you’ve got a free night to yourself? And what are you going to do to celebrate?”
“Talking to you, for one,” you say, surprising yourself. Flirty things didn’t just come out of your mouth like that.
“Aww, what a charmer you are,” Eddie says. “Well, I got the oil ready for whenever you want me to swing by.”
“How busy are you this week?” you ask. “I mean, like, after work.”
Eddie chuckles. “Sweetheart, all I do is work and come home. Playing DND with the boys was my first social experience here in Hawkins.”
“I think you need some friends who don’t have curfews at eleven,” you joke.
His responding laugh is enough to make your knees weak.
“I guess you’re right. So, to answer your question, I’m free every night.”
“Even tonight?” Again, your brain did not approve of that question before it came out of your mouth.
There’s a pause on the other end of the phone and you feel that maybe you stepped too far. Maybe he thinks you’re too over eager to see him and it’s weird.
“Yeah?” He finally asks. “Tonight works for you?”
“Sure, if it works for you,” you say.
“I guess I’ll need your address then, sweets.”
“Just don’t get the roads mixed up,” you say with a chuckle.
“Hey, Hawkins isn’t that big. I’m sure I’d find you eventually.”
“Sounds a little creepy but because I know you’re bad with directions I’ll let that slide.”
“Yeah, I hated it as it came out of my mouth,” he says with a sigh.
“I do that at least six times a day, so you’re still behind me.”
Seven times now, you think to yourself. Because now all you can picture is Eddie behind you. Pressing kisses on the back of your neck. His hands wrapping around your waist. His chest pressing flush up against your back. Him bending you over.
“Hmm, yeah?” You shake your head a little, trying to dispel your fantasy.
“Thought I lost you there for a second,” he says. “I just said I needed to grab a pen to write down your address. I got one now, I’m ready.”
You recite your address to him, fingers wrapping themselves in the spiral cord of the phone. It’s a habit you tell Everett to quit doing, but here you are tangling the wires.
“Alright, I’ll head out now,” Eddie says. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
“Great,” you say softly. You’re sure he can hear your smile through the phone.
You hang up and realize your hair is still wet and you’re in pajamas. You groan to yourself as you walk into your room and rip open your closet. You can’t wear something particularly nice because he knows you’ve just been sitting at home since work. But you need to wear something nicer than the sweatpants and oversized T-shirt you’re wearing now.
You settle on jeans. Jeans are good. Casual, but look nice. There’s a purple shirt you pull out from the back of the closet. It’s a nice flowy v-neck that conforms to your waist nicely and tends to be baggy in the front, displaying more cleavage than intended. Perfect.
There wasn’t a whole lot you could do with your hair. You didn’t have time to blow dry it before Eddie arrived and it was still in the midway point between soaked and fully dry. The medicine cabinet above the sink is full of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Band-Aids and antibiotic ointment for cuts and scrapes. Behind it all, you find the neglected leave in conditioner that you can’t remember when you used last. When you pop the cap, it still smells good, so you squeeze some out into your hands. You scrub it through your hair and smooth it out the best you can. It doesn’t look awful and it’s the best you could hope for.
Pacing never does anything productive, but that doesn’t stop you from treading back and forth across the carpet in the living room. Every little noise you hear has you peaking out the window to see if the brown van is pulling up. Finally, the sound of squeaky brakes actually is Eddie pulling into a parking spot. Ironic, you think to yourself, that the mechanic’s brakes are loud. You go out the front door and down the steps to meet him in the parking lot.
Eddie hops out of the van and gives you the smile you’ve been looking forward to all day.
“Hey, beautiful,” he greets you. He’s wearing blue coveralls and you wonder if he’d ever changed out of them to begin with. His name is sewn in red right over his heart, and you have the sudden urge to trail your finger over the letters.
“Hey,” you say with a grin. You walk over to your car and lean against it’s scuffed up bumper. “How was work?”
“Did a hundred oil changes but none as important as this one,” he says. He comes to stand in front of you and he tilts his head to the side as he looks at you. “Your hair looks cute all wet.”
“You really don’t stop flirting for a second, do you?” You can’t help the smirk on your face as you watch him shrug, not looking the least bit bashful.
“Why would I? When you get that adorable blush every time I compliment you.” He grins when your cheeks grow even darker. “But tell me to stop and I will.”
He waits, raising his eyebrows at you but you just purse your lips and give him a shrug of your own. He chuckles when you stay silent and taps his hand against the trunk of your car.
“This is it, I’m guessing?” His eyes roam over your old gray vehicle. It’s nothing special but it gets you where you need to go.
“This is it,” you confirm.
Eddie catches sight of the car seat in the back and it brings a smile to his face. He walks to the back of his van and opens the doors. You’d never actually seen a car get an oil change before, so you were surprised by the number of items Eddie brought out. There was the car jack, a handful of tools, and a container of what you assume is the oil.
“Do I need to do anything?” you ask.
“Nope,” he says. He nods his head to the open back doors of his van. “You can sit there if you want.”
Luckily, he had parked adjacent to your car so you could watch him as he worked. The interior of the van is sparse, a few items spread out on the brown carpeting. It smells of oil and gasoline but looks clean, if not a little cluttered. You perch yourself on the edge and rest your feet on the bumper as you watch him begin. He uses the car jack to lift your car up and you furrow your eyebrows.
“Isn’t the oil under the hood?” you ask.
He shoots you a smile before he gets down on the asphalt. “It is,” he says. “But I have to drain the old oil out first.”
“Oh,” you hum. “Sorry, I’ll probably ask stupid questions. I know nothing about cars other than how to drive one.”
“It’s not stupid,” Eddie says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a hair tie. He secures his hair at the nape of his neck, a few wisps still hanging around his face. “If I visited you at work, I’d not know one thing about the Dewey decimal system.”
“You should drop by,” you tell him as he pushes himself under your car. “I’m sure you won’t be able to believe it, but it can get pretty boring working at a library.”
He huffs a laugh as he works. You can hear tools scraping and moving underneath your car. From your angle, you can just barely see the side of Eddie’s face and his tongue pokes out in concentration. It shouldn’t turn you on as much as it does.
“What time is your lunch break?” he asks.
“Whenever I want to take it, really. It’s supposed to be when we’re not that busy, but we hardly are around lunch time.”
“Mine’s at one,” Eddie says after you see him pull something off the bottom of your car. “I get an hour. I could come by and have lunch with you if you wanted?”
The smile on your face is unrestrained since you know Eddie can’t see it from there. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Me too,” Eddie admits.
You bite your lip and hold your face in your hands. You hadn’t felt this trill of butterflies and excitement since you were in high school. Eddie starts to move out from under the car and you contort your face back to normal. He smiles at you before standing up and heading around to the hood of your car.
“How long have you known Dustin?” he asks. The hood pops open and he extends it up fully. He reaches down for the oil and wipes his hands on a dirty rag before throwing it over his shoulder.
“Oh jeez,” you say as you think about it. “I think I was a sophomore in high school. Maybe junior? Yeah, I think I was a junior. We had a mutual friend, who ended up being my boyfriend.”
“Not one of the kids from DND?” Eddie asks. He looks over at you with a smirk on his face. The way he licks over his lips before returning his gaze to his work sends a tingle through your spine.
“Oh God, no,” you say with a laugh. “His name is Steve. He’s a year older than me. Everett’s dad, actually.”
“How’d he and Dustin become friends?” Eddie asks, brow pinched in concentration.
“I don’t even remember,” you say. “I just know they became instant best friends and they’re still ridiculous with one another. Dustin is Everett’s God father, actually.”
“Leave the gun, take the cannoli.”
“You’re quoting The Godfather movie? You really are as much of a nerd as Dustin and the gang, huh?” you ask with a smirk.
He laughs and nods his head as he pours the oil. “Total nerd. Was called a freak all throughout high school.”
That makes you frown. “Kind of mean, isn’t it? I don’t think you’re a freak at all.”
“Just a nerd?” he asks, throwing a wink your way.
“Oh, for sure,” you agree. “But if you haven’t noticed, I get along well with nerds. Am one myself, actually.”
“You are not,” Eddie says. He finishes up and closes the hood of your car. When he wipes a piece of hair out of his face with the back of his hand, it leaves behind an oil mark across his forehead.
“I work at a library,” you say. “Let me be a nerd. I’m proud of it.”
“You’re too pretty to be a nerd,” he says. The smile he gives you makes you grateful you’re sitting down. You chuckle and motion for him to walk closer to you. He stands in front of you, and you take the rag off his shoulder. You reach up to wipe away the grease on his face, but you only end up smearing it further. “Eh, don’t worry about it. It takes some serious scrubbing to get clean after work.”
“Do you want to come in and wash up?” you ask. Again, that pesky filter you’re supposed to have fails you.
“I don’t want to get your place all dirty,” he says with a shrug.
“I have a toddler. You think my place is ever truly clean?”
Eddie laughs and nods his head, conceding.
“I made dinner, too,” you add. “Pasta. And I definitely made too much because I’m used to making dinner for two people. You’re not going to let perfectly good pasta go to waste, are you?”
“Mm, but I’m the flirt, right?” Eddie asks. He raises his eyebrows at you, and it causes you to giggle.
“Oh, definitely. I’m just asking if you want some food,” you say.
“You seem to be surrounded by a bunch of young guys. Has any of them ever turned down free food?”
“Not a once.”
Eddie opens his mouth to speak when a car pulls in on the other side of yours. From the angle she drove in, Nancy wouldn’t have been able to see you or Eddie standing at the opening of his van. If she had, she definitely wouldn’t have parked so close to interrupt the moment.
“Hey, Nance,” you say as she gets out of the car.
“Hi,” she answers, shooting you an apologetic look.
“Eddie, this is Nancy, my best friend,” you say. “Nancy, this is Eddie. He plays DND with your brother and he’s great at changing oil.”
“Brother?” Eddie asks you.
“Oh, you know Mike,” Nancy says. She sighs. “So sorry about that.”
Eddie laughs and goes to offer his hand to Nancy before realizing it’s covered in grime.
“Mike’s great. But it’s nice to meet you, Nancy,” he says.
“You too,” Nancy says. She opens the back door of her car and pulls out a grocery bag. “I better head in. Steve’s making dinner and doesn’t have enough oregano, apparently.”
You give her a wave as she makes her way towards Steve’s building.
“Steve? Like your ex?” Eddie asks once she’s far enough away.
“Yeah,” you say. “Nancy is his girlfriend. He lives in that building, right there.” You hook your thumb over your shoulder.
“Aw, that’s nice for Everett. Having his parents be so close.”
“Yeah, that’s what we wanted,” you say. You hop down from his van and start to walk in the direction of the stairwell. “Now, come on. The mom in me is going to make you clean up before you eat.”
Eddie washes his hands and face in the bathroom as you finish up dinner. It’s weird to serve both helpings on adult-sized plates instead of one Mickey Mouse one.
“It smells really good,” Eddie says as you both sit down at the table.
“Thank you.”
Eddie digs in and, like he said, you hang around with a lot of young guys, so you’re not surprised in the least at the way he inhales his food.
“So,” Eddie says between bites. “I don’t mean to be nosey. But your best friend is dating your ex? Is that weird?”
“Everyone thinks that,” you say with a chuckle. “She became my best friend after she started dating Steve, actually. They dated before he and I did and then got back together after Everett was born.”
“She seems nice,” Eddie says.
“Oh yeah, she’s a sweetheart,” you agree. “What about you? You have a best friend?”
“Mhmm,” he hums. He wipes his mouth off on a napkin before continuing. “His name is Gareth. We met when we were like seven, I think. He’s off in California now.”
“College?” you ask.
Eddie laughs. “No, not for him. He’s bouncing from band to band, trying to get a record deal.”
“Musician, huh? That’s pretty cool.”
“Yeah, we were in a band together in high school,” he tells you.
“Really? What do you play?”
“Guitar.” You smile to yourself and Eddie notices. “What is it?”
“Hm? Oh, just thinking about how happy Everett would be to hear that. He is obsessed with music and the guitar is his favorite.”
“Kid has good taste,” Eddie says.
“I like guitar as well,” you add.
“Good to know.” Eddie sends you a wink and you feel the pasta slosh around with the butterflies in your stomach.
Conversation flows just as easily for the rest of dinner. Neither of you realize you’ve been sitting at the table for an hour after both of you had finished eating until Eddie catches sight of the clock behind you.
“Oh, wow,” he says. You turn to see the time yourself and you can’t believe how quickly the night has passed. “I should get going.”
“Yeah?” you ask with a sad smile. You never intended for him to have dinner with you to begin with, but now you don’t want him to leave. “Well, thank you for the oil change. I really appreciate it.”
“Really, it’s nothing,” he says. He stands up and brings both of your plates to the sink. You follow after him, tugging on his arm.
“Don’t worry about those,” you say.
He smiles and takes advantage of your hand being on him. He picks up your hand in his and brings it to his lips. Two kisses are quickly placed to the back of your hand, and you swear your heart could be heard on the other side of town.
“I’ll swing by for lunch tomorrow, yeah?” Eddie asks quietly.
“Yeah,” you answer in a whisper. “I can’t wait.”
“Neither can I.” He presses another kiss to the back of your hand.
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ikkosu · 6 months
I would love something, anything with human reader (gn) SSAU, stuck between Prowl and Pharma <3 maybe they’re a mechanic? Or just a nurse? I love how you write the two dorks. They’re just sooooo 👀💚
a/n : ah!!!! my favorite person!!! it's been a while pookie jkjk I am excessively obsessed with them, as well LITERALY (I kid you not. It's about time I write an, ahem, threesome with them
"Have you tried reporting him for harrassment?"
Oh, you've have enough.
Your datapad hits the surface of your desk with a clink, not without letting out a growl of frustration that all the more tightened the coil of a headache, brewing in your temples.
Just a visit. It's just a visit. It's just a visit. He's just being himself he's just—
"You know what, Prowl? You're so damn petty sometimes."
You swivelled to face him, but the cop-bot perched in your chair, your chair, inspecting your work-cubicle, pretends to look away.
Like, he didn't just pester you the whole hour on ethics of trying to fire your own boss and slandering your note-taking skills.
(yellow? seriously? any other highlighter you can choose but you picked yellow? disgusting).
"You should know your adjectives, by now. I wouldn't call that petty. A term I'd prefer is being Strategic." He clipped. "But I'm sure, given how your emotions normally regulate your, whatever you have, is a brain — you wouldn't be able to comprehend such a notion."
He's made a habit of making everything sound so reasonable, it's baffling. You round your desk, stopping short in front of him. Prowl retaliates your scowl by leaning back against the chair. He tips his helm until it hits the headrest and his eyes, flaring blue, peered over the crook of his nose.
You know he's got that stupid bastardly smile underneath the facade.
"What do you want?" You huffed out.
"A simple, round the block, routine checkup. Nothing important. "
"Yeah? Yeah? You're, like, three fucking planets away from your station. I'm sure that's plausible."
Where's Max when you needed him most to beat his ass?
"Anything is possible if you think it to be so."
Oh, you're this close. This close. You look to your watch, groaning internally. Around three hours more you're due for an operation. And you're not even prepared yet! You're supposed to go through your notes on how to yank out a gut from it's slot, not having a verbal spar with Cybertron's number one asshole.
"Look, I don't know what beef you've got with the guy but I thought you're the enforcer here, mister goody two shoes. This is illegal."
He scoffs at that but doesn't seem to regard the last part, however. " It's your boss now, huh."
"Excuse me?"
"Last I heard he was the boss." The chair creaks as he shifts on the spot, looking incredibly out of place in that plush, black office wheeler. " What, did you pucker up your lips and appeased his ego to botch that spot?"
"What?" You sputtered. "Botch that spot? What are you— No, No!— He's my boss!— I— What do you want me to say?"
"That you're not his playtoy." He crosses his arms.
"I'm not!"
"Then, call him by his name." He grits his teeth. "Don't say 'my boss'. It sounds corny. It sounds stupid. You sound stupid." A digit juts your way and you scoff, holding yourself back from commiting first degree murder. " And, you know what's even better? Just don't talk to him. Ever. Not even a look or a smile. Is that understood?"
"Prowl, i—" You sighed, dragging a palm down your face. "Please, tell me you didn't come all the way here to Delphi —all the way here — just to tell me that."
The corner of his mouth tugged up a little. He looks away to hide it, though. "I'm paid to serve the law after all."
"Oh, yeah? You're paid to shut the fu—"
"My, my. That's not a pleasant way to address a man of law, now is there darling?" A low voice crooned behind you and you feel his servos curling over both sides of your waist, chassis against your back. Pharma rests his chin on your shoulder and a chesire grin is directed to the enforcer.
You don't dare to look behind you, but you're also not strong enough to lock eyes with Prowl who's got a death grip on the arm chair, teeth gritting, digits digging into the cushion. Eventually, he stands up to his full height, stepping close, you're almost sandwiched between the two like a smore.
"Doctor." He clips.
"Enforcer." Was Pharma's drawl. "Here to fetch your little pet?"
He bristles, door wings piking up at the term but doesn't regard it. "Here to take them far. How much for a forced unemployment?"
"Oh, nothing much. I usually do it for free, but this one..." Pharma leans close and you yelp when his chassis pushes you forward to press against Prowl's, you guessed it, chassis. "—Is an exception. You see, officer, I actually quite like having this one around. Keeps my arduous moments flourishing, my lonely nights — occupied."
Prowl lands a servo on your shoulder. "Yeah. Figured as much." He grits out.
"Oh, not really. It doesn't have to take much assuming." Pharma straightens up, a servo on the other side of your shoulder. "While, its all in good fun, we three all have a job to do, yes? Best you leave them to their devices now."
He was about to tow you away when Prowl's unrelenting death grip on your shoulder prevents you from moving. "I'd rather not."
"Is that so?" Poison spools out from that drawl.
"Your audials doesn't seem to be of optimum order. Mind If I smoothen out the creases?"
You winced, looking at your watch. Shit. Shit. Shit. Of all times Pharma had to come in, he takes the opportunity when Prowl is here?! You need to prepare yourself right now. That patient isn't going to pull out a gut themself, and they aren't sewing their lungs back, either. If you could just....wiggle from the rooks of their grip and slowly slide away to— Prowl clamps a servo on your waist. Pharma, clutching your shirt.
They hold you close.
Oh, forget it.
A wide, terse grin eases out on the jet's face. "Perhaps your t-cog would need a diagnosis as well. Oh, no, no not just your t-cog. Something else. As a doctor I would'nt want my patient limping for...." He whispered lowly. ".... undercompensation, given how you're strutting around...."
Prowl let's out a low growl in his throat. "Oh? How about we head out side and hunker down a nice 'smoothening out?"
"Don't try me, enforcer." Pharma's mood isn't much better but unlike Prowl he's got a good facade holding up. " You've got what's coming and it won't be pleasant. I suggest you step out now."
Then the bastardly smile curls the corner of his cheek. "Let's test out that theory, then."
Oh, dear.
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silverliing · 1 year
Mike’s wall art
I love seeing analysis about ST set design because it really spells out so much of the story without verbally telling you, and ive seen much discussion abt the details of mike’s room in s4 (that one way sign haunts me btw). buuut there are two pieces of visible wall art that I don’t really see get talked about on here (that i’ve read) and I just have a few things to say about them and what i think they might be telling us about Mike’s character and upcoming journey (hint: going into the UD)(hint: making plans and leading the party)(hint: byler)
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so idk if this has been pointed out or if it’s common knowledge atp but the two pieces circled above are lithographs by artist MC Escher; Hand with Reflective Sphere (left)
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and Relativity (right)
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(a lil hard to see in this screenshot i’m sorry😢)
The artwork is beautiful as you can see (canon Mike Wheeler has great taste in art). Escher was most known for his intricate “impossible constructions” which are optical illusions of paradoxical space, he was also the inventor of the impossible cube:
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this is some pretty cool nerdy, mathy stuff that I’d expect mike would be into, but looking at it from the context of his character and the direction of where the story is headed, there were 3 immediate possible readings that popped into my head which point toward 3 different (yet coexisting) directions:
He likes the art — It’s true, this art taps into Mike’s interests. Valid but boring. zzzz. snooze. You could argue that these posters should be taken at face value, but I just feel like in a show like ST —where the main cast knows of and is in various ways affected by an evil alternate dimension— having a character with wall art that references perspective/dimensional anomalies doesn’t really tell us much about his specific character or story. We’ve known that the ST set designers use a character’s space to show us who they are as people, these two artworks need to tell us something about Mike and his journey. And maybe Mike’s sensibilities about the world at large are shifting into nihilism with everything that’s happened in hawkins and the art reflects an absurdist outlook of future (teenage stuff, growing up, etc. etc.)
It foreshadows Mike’s s5 arc — I love this one. Mike is one of the few in the main cast who haven’t been in the upside down proper, so this art could reference not only that he’ll go into the UD in s5 but also that there could be dimensional anomalies involved in his travel or journey there. Perhaps this is how they’ll be able to find Max— by bending the laws of physics and using the mechanics of dimensional travel against itself, perhaps to open new doors or travel in different directions (hint: time travel 😏). And i think the reason this art is in Mike’s wall is bc it will be Mike who formulates the plan to find Max and retrieve her with the help of El and Will’s new powers 😏 (g*d knows i want to see leader Mike make a come back)(and Will with powers).
Will Byers — we know Mike and Will are tied together by the narrative and so I think these artworks could be directly pointing to Will with big red arrows. This point is corroborated by simply analyzing the formal qualities of the artwork, both individually and as a set. Hand with Reflective Sphere is about optics and perspective, about seeing, but also about the flattening of space. Relativity is about space, dimension, and paradox, but also about impossible perspective/vantage point. When read together the objective reading of them is about sight and space and paradox, about how the flattening of space helps us see something new and impossible. While Mike hasn’t experienced the dimensional travel into the UD proper, many of those closest to him atp had; El, Will, Nancy… but the reason i think these two posters remind him of Will specifically is because out of everyone else who has been in the UD, only Will experiences the feeling of being stuck there and of seeing into both dimensions at once; the stuck view-master, true sight. Mike associates these things combined (dimensional travel and dimensional sight/perception) with Will.
Also, Mike is a nerdy guy, he seems interested in this kind of stuff for the fun of it so he could’ve had sciency charts that reference the subject of visible light and paradoxes the way Suzie does, but instead he has not one but two fine-art pieces by a pretty big graphic artist that reference the subject of sight and space. Also, Idk what it is about the fact that it’s fine-art and not movie/game/dnd art that makes me also associate it with Will— the self-proclaimed visual artist of the show. The words are all jumbled up in my head rn but; artist. sight. all-encompassing. dimension. paradox. new perspective. -> -> -> -> Will Byers (is this a hint to wills powers??) etc. etc. etc. you get it
Secret 4th option (ties into #2)
Mike gets Vecnaed and this forces him into extensive self-reflection and the labyrinthian trials of finding himself and mastering his fears(maybe he’s already begun his self-searching and that’s why we see this art at the beginning of s4). cue cool musical montage of Mike navigating his own memories and mind-scape to find the answer that will make everything make sense while also hiding from vecna and buying the party time to find a way to end him.
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octuscle · 7 months
My boyfriend is cute, but he’s also so weak. I wish he was tougher, like his redneck brother.
Allow me to ask you why you are with your friend who is passionate about 19th century English poetry and baroque trumpet concertos. And not with his brother, who shoots cats and empty tin cans with a shotgun and claims to be a "monster truck mechanic". Okay, your boyfriend is gay, his brother isn't. That's a pretty good argument.
You lie together in your room, cuddle a bit, read and listen to music. Each with their own headphones. He Johann Sebastian Bach, you Taylor Swift. He reads Byron, you read a Superman comic book. He looks really cute lying on the bed. But a bit rougher, a bit more masculine… That would be cool…
Out of the blue, your boyfriend says he needs to take a shit. You are shocked. He's never expressed himself like that before. He's in the bathroom for a surprisingly long time. When he comes back, he has a copy of "Four Wheelers" under his arm. And he's turned the music up so loud that you can hear the bass from his headphones. What's he listening to, you ask. "The Cadillac Three" he answers. Never heard it, you think to yourself… He rolls himself a cigarette. And asks if you'd like one too. Neither of you has ever smoked before…
After you've spent most of the afternoon chilling without saying a word, your boyfriend says "Babe, when are you making dinner? A proper chili would be great, I'm hungry as a horse." You ask if he's gone completely mad now, you're not his cook and especially not his babe. He rolls over to you, unzips your pants and pulls them down. You start moaning in anticipation. He's about to suck you off. And he sucks like the devil. To your amazement, he pulls his pants down too. His boner pops out of his pants like a jack-in-the-box. He spits on his cock and slowly inserts it into your hole. And then he fucks you like a devil. You squeal with pleasure like a guinea pig. His huge uncut cock feels so great in your tight hole. He starts to quiver. And he fills you up with his load until his sperm drips out of your ass. You say that was the best sex of your life. He replies that he's really hungry now and needs a big portion of chili.
You've never cooked a chili in your life. You've never cooked anything at all. You usually go out to eat. You ask how a chili is cooked. He says that at least you have a tight ass. And takes two large cans of chili from the kitchen cupboard, puts them in a pot and gives you a slap on your ass. Where the hell did these cans come from? Your boyfriend says that he's watching a bit of football and that you should please serve the food in front of the TV. Well, he put it a bit more rustic. When you come into the living room with two bowls of steaming chili, he's lounging on the couch. His cowboy boots on the coffee table. His thumbs under the big belt buckle. And the hair on the back of his neck almost long enough to fall over his shoulder.
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It annoys you a little that he doesn't really eat anything else apart from chili. Scrambled eggs with black beans maybe. He only drinks beer and coffee. He does fuck you two or three times a day, but he farts and sometimes he watches football on TV at the same time. Your favorite thing is when he has breakfast at the gas station. Then you get woken up with a fuck and then have a few hours of rest before you have to go to work. But you also need them to prepare lunch and dinner, clean and do the laundry. Your husband has expectations. And Babe has to fulfill them.
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cicimunson · 2 years
Author's Note: My comeback is fierce, this fic is long af compared to what I usually write. I couldn't come up with a name. don't judge. Also this is the first time I've kind of drifted back and forth between POVS but I'll try to make it obvious. Steve's POV is in italics.
Story Summary: You and Steve have disliked each other since high school, but after your car breaks down in front of his house on Christmas Eve, the two of you...well, read the story.
Characters: Steve Harrington x Female Reader, OC Vinny the mechanic, nameless family members of the reader.
Warnings: Steve is drinking a bit but NOT drunk, Steve and reader are mean af to each other, angst, bit of fluff, sexual situations included: rough sex, bareback, biting, mentions of blood, spanking, face slapping, choking, degradation, praise, fingering, orgasm denial, too many orgasms, I think that's all but please let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count 7.5k+
Conclusion is up
Steve should be used to being alone for the holidays.
Birthdays, Halloween, even Christmas Eve now. It's not like his parents didn't call and apologize for not being there. It's not like they didn't put overpriced gifts under the tree to make up for it before they left. It's not like Steve was hurt or even surprised when they took off for a tropical vacation five days before Christmas without him.
He tried to convince himself he didn't care as he sat on the couch across from the fireplace, sipping a beer. He told himself he chose to be alone tonight. Nancy had invited him over for Christmas dinner but the thought of seeing the Wheeler family in matching sweaters and all happy like a real family had no appeal to him. The thought of Nancy and Jonathan exchanging gifts and kisses really had no appeal to him.
He's nursing his second beer when there's a knock at the door. He almost thinks he imagined it, it's nearly ten p.m. Surely no carolers are out this late. The knocking comes again, louder this time, and he peels himself off the couch to answer.
He opens the door and frowns.
"Shit, shit, piece of shit!" You bang on your steering wheel in frustration. Your clunker of a car always gives out at the worst times. You're not dressed for the cold weather, having chosen to wear a tight, short red dress to your office Christmas party and your jacket wasn't big enough to keep you warm for the mile walk to your place. 
You get out of your car and kick the door shut, trudging through the snow to the first house you see. You go up to the door and knock, shivering as you rub your arms trying to keep warm. No one answers but you see lights inside and a car in the drive, so you knock again.
The door opens and you frown.
"Wrong house, Y/N?" Steve asks, crossing his arms across his chest. No way you showed up on his doorstep on Christmas Eve intentionally, especially not with the way you're dressed. He glances down at your exposed legs, your dress barely covering half your thighs. Surely you weren't this dumb, coming out in the cold in a dress so short and tight he could see your nipples poking through.
You explain through chattering teeth. "M-m-my car broke down in front of y-your house."
Steve sighs. "You need to call someone?"
You nod, shivering as the wind picks up.
He steps aside and motions for you to come in.
"T-thank you."
He nods curtly. "Phone's in the kitchen. To your left."
You go into the kitchen, a little surprised that all that's sitting out is a half-eaten box of pizza. You would have expected the Harringtons to have a whole feast for Christmas.
You call for a tow truck, but of course Vinny says he's gonna be a few hours. The holidays, you can't be mad.
You go back into the living room.
"Get squared away?" Steve asks, tossing another log on the fire.
"I got Vinny coming to tow my car and drop me off at home, said he'd try to be here by midnight."
"Long wait."
"It's Christmas, I expected it. Thanks for letting me use your phone." You head for the door.
"You're gonna wait two hours in the cold?" Steve asks in disbelief.
"I didn’t think-"
"Sit down, dummy, and warm up by the fire."
"I'm fine. I don't want to bother -"
"I said sit." He snaps. "I'm not gonna let you freeze to death, no matter how much we might dislike each other."
You sigh. He's right. As much as you want to get away from him, you'd turn into an ice block sitting outside in your car. Instead you sit in front of the fire, holding out your hands to the flames to warm yourself.
"Thank you." You say softly.
He flops back down on the couch and continues nursing his beer.
You both sit in awkward silence for a bit. Finally you ask: "Your parents already in bed?"
He snorts. "Not here. Went to Florida to beat the cold."
"So you're alone on Christmas Eve?"
He gives you a withering look.
"Sorry. Just making conversation."
"Yeah, we don't have to exchange pleasantries and shit." He shakes his head and sips his beer.
You frown at him and turn back to the fireplace.
"Sit back a little dummy, you'll catch that dress on fire."
I fucking hate him.
"Don't call me that."
"Then don't do dumb shit." He retorts. "I'm not tripping over myself to put you out when you start smoking."
"I wouldn't expect you to do shit for me, Harrington." You snap. "I'm surprised you even let me use your phone."
"You and me both."
"Sorry I'm not throwing myself at your feet with gratitude!"
"Can you shut up? You're killing what little buzz I had going." He snaps.
You both fall silent. You sigh. Your feud with Steve had been going on since freshman year when the two of you were assigned to work together for a science project that was twenty percent of your grade.
Steve hadn't met up with you a single time to work on it. You'd busted your ass on the project and refused to put his name on it with yours. Steve failed the class and had loathed you ever since.
Steve stares at the fire, pretending you aren't sitting in front of it. You two had been in an intense feud since freshman year when he'd overhead you complaining about being partnered with him. He knew he wasn't smart like you, but hearing you and your friends mock him for his low grades had actually hurt his feelings. He had avoided you, taking a failing grade on the assignment so that he didn't have to deal with you judging him and putting him down.
You sigh again, frustrated beyond belief as to how your night is turning out. The office party had been lame, your coworkers sloppy drunk and loud. You didn't want to spend Christmas Eve alone but halfway through the party you'd made up an excuse and left.
"Why are you dressed like that anyways? It's freezing outside. You didn't think to at least wear tights?" He suddenly scolds you.
He's more annoyed with himself than with you if he's being honest. Your body looked amazing in your dress and the twitch he'd felt in his pants when he had opened the front door and saw you standing there had him feeling frustrated.
"I forgot to wear tights. We can't all be as smart as you, Steve." Your voice is dripping with sarcasm and Steve scowls. There you go, making quips about his intelligence.
"For someone that graduated high school with honors, you really are a dumbass." He retorts. "You'd risk freezing to death just to look hot?"
You blink up at him, surprised. "I look hot?"
Steve blushes slightly, realizing what he let slip. "As hot as someone like you could look, which isn't much."
Your face falls and Steve immediately feels guilty. You rise to your feet.
"I think I'll take my chances waiting in my car."
"Don't be stupid." He starts to protest, but you're heading for the door. "Y/N, come on, I didn't mean it."
You ignore him and slam the door behind you.
Steve contemplates going after you, dragging you back inside. Your scrap of a dress wasn't going to help you against the cold at all. 
Not my problem. He tells himself.
He sips his beer and sighs, the loneliness creeping back up to taunt him. He finds his thoughts turning back to you, you and that tight fucking dress. He palms himself without even realizing it. What the hell were you doing showing up at his house in the middle of the night dressed like that? And then you chose to be rude after he was gracious enough to let you come inside?
He stands up and grabs his coat, hellbent on giving you a piece of his mind.
You make your way back to your car, yanking on the door handle. It doesn't open. You fight the urge to scream when you realize you locked your keys inside.
Fantastic. Fucking fantastic.
You wrap your arms around yourself and try to stop shivering, cursing yourself for dressing so skimpy tonight.
I hope I freeze and they charge that asshole for contributing to my death. Smug pretty bastard.
You kick your wheel in frustration.
Who the hell does he think he is, talking to me like that? And he chose to be rude when I was trying to be gracious?
Your temper flares. You start to march back to his front door, hellbent on giving him a piece of your mind.
To your surprise, the door flings open and Steve comes charging out of his house. You both start speaking at the same time.
"Listen here you prick-"
"Alright dummy, listen up-"
You both stop and glare at each other, tension rising.
I want to hit him. I should smack him in the damn mouth. That fucking mouth of his.
You stare each other down, chests heaving, angry expressions, both waiting for the other to do something. To yell, to swing, anything. You tense up, expecting him to lash out at any second. Whatever he can dish out, you're ready for it.
What you aren't ready for, however, is Steve Harrington jerking you to him by your thin jacket and crashing his lips into yours.
You're stunned. He's kissing you roughly, teeth biting your bottom lip, tongue sweeping inside before you can react. You bring up your hands to his chest and push him away, hard.
Steve stumbles back a step, eyes widening. 
"Y/N, I-"
"What the fuck, Harrington?"
Has he lost his mind? Have I lost mine?
He looks just as shocked as you do, mouth hanging open, hand on his chest.
You realize you can't stop staring at his lips.
I want more. I want to taste him again.
You close off the space between you and fist his jacket, jerking him downward. 
"What the fuck, Harrington." You repeat, but there's no malice behind your words.
He stares down at you, his expression darkening. You reach a hand up and tangle it in the hair at the nape of his neck, tugging slightly.
He groans and reclaims your mouth. The kiss isn't as rough this time, but still hard and frantic, almost needy. He starts tugging you towards the house, almost slipping on a patch of ice, his lips never leaving yours.
He pulls you inside and slams the door, yanking your coat off your shoulders. He walks you backwards toward the fireplace as his tongue slips into your mouth and he snags a blanket off the back of the couch.
Steve breaks the kiss long enough to spread the blanket out in front of the fire, then yanks you flush against him.
You gasp as his hands reach under your dress. He grazes his fingers lightly over your clothed pussy, then slips his thumbs in your waistband and snatches your panties down, dropping to his knees.
His arm locks around your waist and he pulls you to the floor, laying you down on the blanket before pushing your dress up.
He unzips his pants and shoves them down to his knees with his underwear, then wraps his hands around your thighs and yanks you to him.
"Clean?" He asks, looking feral.
You nod, your words stuck in your throat.
You nod again.
He holds out his hand in front of you.
You spit in his open palm.
Steve spits too, then coats his cock with your mixed saliva.
He lines up with you and pushes inside.
You cry out. You were a little wet from kissing and the spit helps, but it's not nearly enough to prepare you to accommodate his length.
He chuckles as you groan. "Too much for you, dummy? You can always tap out."
"Are you even in yet?" You retort and Steve lands a light slap on your cheek.
"You're moaning like a whore so you must be feeling something." He taunts, pushing in deeper.
"All I'm feeling is disgust that I'm letting you between my legs."
"Of course you are, you're such a pretty fucking whore, aren't you?" He reaches between the two of you and rubs your clit.
You moan again, wrapping your legs around his waist.
Steve leans down and kisses you roughly, then peppers bruising kisses down your jaw. He bites your neck and you yelp, shoving his face away.
"Don't leave marks on me."
"I'm do what the fuck I want." He growls, yanking your dress over your head. "No bra?"
You blush, crossing your arms over your chest, which makes no sense because he's already inside you but you do it anyway.
Steve laughs mockingly, tugging your arms away. He bites down on you tit so hard you yelp, grabbing his hair and yanking.
"Fucking prick!" You hiss.
He bites down again, his hand returning to your clit. 
"Steve, fuck!" You arch your hips as he bottoms out in you and starts fucking you hard.
"Take it. Take this dick." He groans.
"Not much to take-"
He shoves his fingers in his mouth and makes you gag.
"Shut the fuck up." He snarls. "Or I'll choke you with my cock next."
You bite his hand and it only seems to excite him, he moans and sticks his fingers further down your throat. You gag again and he chuckles.
"Dummy can't even suck fingers properly."
 You bite again, harder this time and he snatches his hand from your mouth to smack you.
"Bite me again and I swear I'll bite back till you bleed." He warns.
You squirm, his words having the opposite effect he intended. He notices and cocks an eyebrow.
"Thought you didn't like being bitten."
"I said no marks. Visible ones."
"Then fucking come here." He slips out and rocks backwards on his ass, then yanks you so that you're sitting in his lap straddling him, before shoving himself back inside you and biting your shoulder.
"Bleed for me." He groans into your skin. 
"Fuck, Steve." You whisper, squeezing him tighter with your thighs as you start to ride.
He bites and laps with his tongue at your shoulders, your tits, anywhere he knows you can cover up. You're gonna be a walking bruise tomorrow but the pain is so delicious you wouldn't dream of telling him to stop.
"I'm so close." You whisper.
"Already?" He teases. "Come on dummy, show me how you cum."
"Stop calling me names, you fucking prick!" You choke out, your body starting to tighten with anticipation of what's building up inside you.
"Whore. Slut. Bitch." He cups your chin and forces you to look at him. "Fucking dummy."
You cum hard, soaking his cock. You wail and bite down on his neck, your whole body spasming as you ride out your orgasm. It's so intense you almost fall off his lap, and Steve digs his fingers into your waist to hold you steady.
Steve makes a disapproving sound. "Didn't last long, did you? And look at the mess you made." He gestures to his cock. "So naughty."
You whine, overstimulated now that you've cum. He chuckles and rolls his hips, hitting that sweet spot inside you again.
"Steve, oh God."
"Knew you'd break first. Going soft on me now that I made you cum, slut?"
You slap him and he grins. "I wouldn't go soft for you if you begged me." You hiss.
"We'll see about that."
He picks up the pace, determined to make you cum again, to see you fall apart on his cock one more time. He'd never tell you, but you look so beautiful right now, skin flushed and glistening with sweat, lips swollen from his kisses, your eyes dark and pupils blown with lust. You were stunning, he realized. How he hadn't noticed it before tonight, he had no idea.
You moan as Steve locks his arms around your waist, lifting his hips and fucking himself up into you. He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, the expression on his face practically feral as he looks up at you. He was gorgeous like this, you couldn't deny it. 
Your eyes stayed glued to his mouth, wanting to bite his bottom lip yourself. Wanting to kiss him until you were both breathless and whimpering.
Steve locks eyes with you. He smirks, but there's no malice behind it. He shifts and rolls you onto your back, driving his cock deep.
Your breath hitches. His hand loops under your armpits and grip your shoulders, his chest pressed against your tits as he thrusts harder, faster, groaning and grunting. At one point you think he moans your name but surely you misheard him.
Steve's trying to hold off, trying not to cum just yet even though you already got off, but the way you're looking at him, the way you clench around him, he's not going to be able to hold out much longer. You're perfect, so goddamn perfect, your tits, your lips, the way you're spreading your legs so eagerly for him.
"Baby…" He moans and your eyes widen. "Y/N, baby."
"So good." You whisper. "You feel so good, Steve."
He kisses you, still rough and demanding, but there's an urgency underneath. He needs to kiss you, needs to suck your tongue and catch your breathy sighs in his mouth.
"I'm close again." You groan, your body tightening once more, almost to the point of pain.
"Cum for me." He mumbles, his tone almost pleading. "Soak me again, Y/N, come on, come on, baby."
You cry out his name, that coil that was winding up so tightly inside you finally snapping and releasing. Steve groans as your nails sink into his back, hoping it leaves marks that sting for days, so when he jerks off thinking about this night he'll still be able to feel some of the pain.
"Steve! Fuck! Fuck!" You gasp, rocking your hips against him frantically.
"That's it baby, let me hear you."
You let out a garbled sound that's something between a scream and sob, your body slumping back on the blanket.
Steve stops pumping. "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, keep going. I'm good." You reach up and push his hair off his forehead.
"You sure?"
"Who's going soft now, Stevie?" You tease.
"You're the one laying there all fucked out on my dick." He retorts, suppressing a smile.
You clench around him and his breath catches.
"Don't think just because I need a minute to recuperate that I can't keep rocking your world, Harrington."
"Yeah?" He thrusts hard, making you whimper. Your pussy is so overstimulated that even pleasure hurts, but you aren't gonna give him the satisfaction of knowing he's made you so fucking achy and sore.
You clench again and he grunts, slapping your tit.
"Oh, you ass." You groan, your nipple stinging from the blow.
His hand snakes around your throat. "Didn't we agree, no more name-calling?"
"I didn't agree to anything. You're still a prick."
"And you're still a dumb slut."
"You talk too much."
His hand around your throat tightens. "So do you. But I know how to shut you up."
He keeps his grip around your neck as he resumes fucking you, long, deep, strokes that have you wet and throbbing all over again.
He pulls out and flips you on your stomach, barely giving you time to scramble to your hands and knees before he's slamming back inside you, his hand coming down hard on your ass.
"Take this dick." He groans. "Fuck, Y/N, take it."
You fuck yourself back on his cock, crying out as his slaps your ass again, the sting almost making you tear up.
"Damn it, that hurts." You groan.
"Shut up and take it." He hits you again and again, his strokes becoming more frantic and sloppy.
You grit your teeth and take his blows as long as you can, but one particular slap catches you so roughly your knees buckle.
"Steve, no more!" You whimper.
He stops, his hands coming up to grab your waist and pull you back further on him.
"I'm gonna cum." He grunts. "Gonna fill you up, slut."
"Oh fuck."
"Beg for it."
You aren't sure you heard him right. 
"Beg for to cum in you."
"Oh, fuck off." You retort.
He jerks your hair so hard your hands come out from under you. You land face first on the blanket, turning your head to the side to breathe. You try to lift back up but Steve pushes on your back, keeping you pinned.
"Beg, dummy, if you even know how."
"Fuck you."
"I'll hold off, Y/N. I'll fuck you for hours until you're raw and begging me to stop, don't think I can't. Now, beg me."
You have no doubt he can do it. And as much as you love pissing him off and defying him, your sore pussy can't handle much more. You hold off a few more minutes, then finally give in.
"Cum in me." You whisper.
"Louder, don't think you're gonna get away with that. And I didn't hear please."
"Please cum in me."
"Again." He speeds up and you cry out, your body starting to tighten up once more.
"Steve! Please!"
He reaches under you and rubs your clit. 
"No, fuck, Steve, I can't!"
"You can and you will. Now, beg!"
"Cum in me, fuck, please, Steve, cum in me!"
"You first." He groans. "Again, Y/N."
"I can't, oh fuck, oh please." You babble, trying to push his hand away from your clit.
He keeps rubbing, ignoring your nails digging into his wrist.
"One more time, baby, you can do it. Cum pretty for me, yeah? Make me happy."
Oh fuck, not praise.
Of course he waited till the end to start praising you. Steve wasn't an idiot, he saw the way you lit up in school when you got an award, had a teacher call you out by name for doing a good job. Of course you had praise kink.
"Come on pretty girl, you've done so good for me. Cum for me, you've earned it. Let go."
You sob his name, your eyes rolling back in your head as your body convulses. You lose your balance on your knees but Steve holds you against him easily, grunting loudly as he pumps his load into you.
Rope after rope shoots off inside you and he wonders briefly if he'll ever stop cumming, because fuck, he hasn't exploded like this since he was a teenager.
After a minute or two he gently eases himself out of you and lays by your side. Normally when he's fucked a girl he'll hold her close and tell her how good she was, how sweet and perfect she is, but with you he isn't sure if he should. You probably wouldn't like it, right?
You can barely hold your eyes open. You'd been up all day as it was and now Steve has fucked you so good that all your muscles ached. You will yourself to get up and start hunting for your clothes, but you can't summon the strength to lift your head, much less anything else.
You hear Steve ask you something, hell, probably telling you to get out of his house, but you fall asleep before you can respond.
Steve asks again if you're okay, frowning when you don't answer. Are you seriously ignoring him right now, after what just happened? He sits up and looks at you.
Oh. You're asleep. He automatically grabs another blanket and covers your body, debating on what to do. Should he wake you so you can leave? Carry you his bedroom and let you sleep? Leave you here by the fire and go sleep in his room alone?
He's still weighing his options when there's a knock at the door. He glances at the clock. Little after midnight, must be the tow guy.
He tugs on his pants and answers the door.
"Y/N here?"
"She's asleep. I don't know if-"
"I told her I'd tow her car and give her a ride."
"Right, um, I don't know where her keys are or-"
"She locked them in her car. She does every time it breaks down."
Steve frowns. "Her car breaks down a lot?"
"At least once a month. I keep telling her she needs a new battery."
"Can't you replace it?"
He shrugs. "She says no. None of my business why, but I figure it's a little out of her price range."
Steve glances behind him to where you're sleeping. Even resting you look worried, the frown lines between your eyes furrowed and your jaw slightly clenched.
"Can you just fix it and bill me for it?"
"Sure, but tomorrow's Christmas and I-"
"I'll pay double. And throw in a big tip for your trouble."
Vinny hesitates, then nods. "Y'all swing by around noon tomorrow, I'll have it ready for her."
"Thank you."
"No problem, thank you. Have a good night."
Steve nods and shuts the door. He adds another log to the fire, tiptoeing so he doesn't wake you. After a minute of debate he slides under the blanket beside you.
He's asleep within minutes.
You open your eyes and stretch, sitting up to look around. You briefly panic when you don't recognize your surroundings, almost jumping out of your skin when you notice the sleeping form beside you.
Oh God. I fucked Steve Harrington last night.
You groan out loud and he stirs, propping up on his elbow.
"Uh, hi."
"How are you?"
"I'm fine, thanks. You?"
The awkwardness between you can't be looked over, and to your surprise, a giggle escapes your mouth. Steve gives you an amused expression, letting out a chuckle himself.
You realize the sun is up. "Oh fuck, my car!"
"It's fine. The tow guy was smart enough to come to the door, he said we can pick your car up at noon."
"He's gonna fix it on Christmas? Must be feeling the holiday spirit."
"Would you like coffee? Or a shower?" Steve quickly changes the subject.
"Oh, um, yeah, a shower would be great, thanks."
You stand up, wrapping the blanket around you and scooping up your panties and dress from their discarded spots on the floor. Steve leads you to the bathroom, explains which one is hot water, and leaves you to it.
You're both relieved and disappointed that he didn't ask to join you. You wash quickly, wincing when your hands run over your chest and between your legs.
You wipe the mirror off when you step out of the tub, grimacing when you see yourself. The bites and hickeys on your shoulders and tits are red and purple, one small bite on your neck. Your ass is bruised too, you observe as you do a complete turn, and your hips and waist have fingerprint marks.
What a fucking night.
You dress and follow the smell of coffee to the kitchen. Steve pours you a cup and pushes it across the table to you as you sit down. The wince as your ass touches the seat doesn't go unnoticed by Steve, and he makes no effort to hide the smugness on his face.
"Sorry there's no cream or sugar. Haven't shopped in a bit. If you're hungry I might could fry an egg but-"
"I don't usually eat in the mornings. But thanks." You reply, sipping your coffee. You try not to gag at the strong bitter flavor.
"You slept a long time. We gotta pick up your car in just a bit."
"You don't mind giving me a ride?"
"You didn't mind giving me one." He quips without thinking.
You frown slightly.
"Sorry. That was crass."
There's an awkward silence for a bit, you struggling to choke down Steve's coffee, him trying to come up with something to say. 
"Should, uh, should we talk about last night?" He finally asks.
"I don't think there's anything that needs to be said, do you?"
"I mean-"
"It was fun. We had fun."
"Yeah, sure." He agrees quickly.
More awkward silence. Steve leaves the room and comes back fully dressed, thank God. You'd been having a hard time not staring at his bare chest sprinkled with your bites marks and scratches.
"You ready to go?"
"Mhmm, sure."
You follow Steve to his car. He opens the passenger door and helps you inside, ever the gentleman.
He gets in the driver's seat.
"Vinny's shop is-"
"I know where it is."
He starts the car and you chuckle lightly as Christmas music starts playing softly through the speakers. Of course Steve Harrington likes Christmas music.
You sit in silence until you pull up in front of the shop. Steve puts the car in park.
"Um, so, thanks for the ride."
"You too." He replies with a cheeky grin.
You blush slightly. "Steve."
"Merry Christmas." He says simply, reaching across and opening your door.
"You too."
You get out of the car and hurry inside the shop. Vinny greets you warmly and hands you your keys.
"Glad you finally got this clunker fixed, Y/N. I mean don't get me wrong, good for business having repeat customers, but I worried about you being stuck out in the cold in the middle of nowhere. Not safe for a young girl."
"Did you say you fixed my car? As in-"
"Replaced that damn battery."
You fight the urge to panic. "Um, Vinny, I didn't tell you to do that. I can’t afford that!" You were barely scraping by to pay student loans and rent right now. You couldn't afford a new bill.
"Your boyfriend said he was taking care of it. Didn't he tell you?"
"My boyfriend? What are you…Steve??"
"Whoever's house you were at last night. I assumed boyfriend."
"He said he's gonna pay for my car repairs?"
"Sure did, offered double. Now normally I get payment up front, but that family is well off and his mother is well-respected so I know I'll get paid."
"I, uh-"
"Good on you girl, bagging a Harrington. They'll have you driving one of their fancy cars in no time, I'm sure."
You don't respond and Vinny pats your shoulder. "Merry Christmas, Y/N. Now, get outta my shop. I wanna go eat some turkey."
You leave, still absorbing what Vinny had said.
Steve offered to pay for my car repairs? Sure, he can afford it, but why would he do that?
You're lost in thought as you drive home, suddenly realizing you're passing by the Harrington house. You pull to the curb and park, marching up to the door and knocking.
Steve answers, shirtless again, hair still damp from a shower. He frowns when he sees you.
"Don't tell me that your car broke down again?"
"Why would it? It's got a brand-new battery, thanks to you."
"You don't sound happy about it."
"Why would you pay for my car repairs?"
"Well it's a shit car and the tow guy said it keeps dying on you. Why not?"
"You aren't serious."
"It's no big deal. I can afford it and now you won't be stranded anymore. You could have froze to death last night."
"Not the point!"
"Why are you being ungrateful? I did you a favor!"
You sigh. He's right. I sound like such a bitch.
"I'm sorry. It was very sweet. Just very unexpected. I'll pay you back. It may have to be on payments but-"
"Consider it a Christmas present or something. You don't have to pay me back."
"It's a lot of money, Steve."
"Honestly at this point hearing you actually say thank you would be more than enough to repay me."
You force a smile begrudgingly. "Thank you, Steve, truly."
"You're welcome."
You both stand there staring at each other awkwardly.
"Did you, uh, wanna come in?" Steve asks, hating the way his voice sounds almost hopeful.
"Hmm? Oh, no, thanks. I've gotta get home and start cooking. My family has a big dinner on Christmas."
"Oh, well, have a good time with your family." Steve replies.
You realize that he probably has no Christmas plans and mentally kick yourself for bringing up yours.
"See ya." Steve says with a little wave.
You turn to leave. Invite him to dinner, it's the least you can do.
"Do you wanna come?" You blurt.
Steve pauses, hand on the door. "Um, I don't know if that's a good idea. I mean last night was great and all but I think a repeat would be-"
"Wait, what?" You cut him off, bewildered. "What are you talking about?"
"You asked if I want to cum and I just-"
"Come to Christmas dinner, Steve! I mean do you want to come to dinner!" You blush scarlet and so does he.
"Shit, I'm sorry. I completely misread that." He apologizes, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Yeah, I'd say so."
"Sorry, sorry." He repeats. "Uh, what were you saying about Christmas dinner?"
"I was asking if you wanna come- would you like to have Christmas dinner with me and my family?"
"Oh, uh, that's sweet of you, but-"
"Think of it as a thank you for my car. You should join us, really."
"You sure?"
"Yes. You know where my parents live, right?"
"Doesn't everybody know where everybody lives in this town?"
"Good point. We usually eat around five, if you decide to join us."
"Okay. Thanks." He starts to shut the door.
You close off the space between you and peck his cheek. "I really hope you'll show."
Steve watches you hurry back to your car, his hand drifting up to touch his face. Your lips had been cold, so why was warmth spreading from his cheek through his body?
That evening you're surrounded by family and friends, helping serve food and chase the kids away from the desserts.
You're so busy you don't even hear the doorbell ring. Your uncle calls out in a booming voice from the living room.
"Y/N, a boy's here for you!"
You swat away a little hand trying to stick dirty fingers in a pie and hurry out of the kitchen.
Steve is standing by the door, holding a poinsettia plant and a bottle of wine. His red and green sweater is hideous and bright, making you giggle softly.
"Hi, Steve."
"Hi. You said five, right?"
"I did. Come on in."
You introduce him quickly to your hoard of a family who swarm and ask all kinds of questions. Steve is polite and charming, instantly dazzling your aunts with his smile and impressing your uncles with his knowledge of sports. You catch his gaze every so often and offer an apologetic smile, to which he shrugs his shoulders and smiles back.
Dinner is finally ready and everyone gathers around the table. Plates are passed, cups are filled and everyone chatters excitedly. 
Steve bumps your arm with his slightly and leans into your ear. "Your family seems really nice."
"Only in small doses. We're all ready to kill each other by New Year's."
Everyone eats and talks, dessert gets passed, and you manage to wrangle Steve from your family so you two can go for a walk.
As soon as you're outside, you apologize. "I should have warned you that they're so…much. Honestly, I didn't think you'd come."
"You saw my kitchen, you really think I was gonna pass up a free meal in favor of leftover pizza and cheap beer?"
"Good point."
To your surprise, and maybe his too judging from his expression, Steve slips an arm over your shoulders. "Cold." He explains, but honestly he's never felt warmer.
You nod. "Can't wait for the snow to melt away."
"Really? I love it."
"I had you pegged for a summer lover."
Oh for sure, can't beat the heat. But the snow is just something else. Beautiful."
You find yourself smiling up at him. "Yeah. It is."
"Wow, something we agree on." He quips. "I never would have thought."
"I'm sure we agree on a lot of things. Just neither of us would ever want to admit it."
"I know one thing we seemed to agree on."
You blush slightly. "Steve."
"I'm just saying, we were definitely in agreement last night."
"Were we? I seem to recall a lot of bickering and name calling." You tease.
"Foreplay, baby." He wiggles his eyebrows and you laugh.
"You're an idiot, Steve Harrington."
He grins. He’d heard those words several times from several people, but for some reason hearing them from you didn’t sting. He could hear the warmth behind them and it made him feel lighter than air.
You two make your way back to your house, the sun starting to go down and the wind picking up.
"You coming back inside?"
"Actually I'm gonna head home before it gets too dark. Tell your family I appreciated their hospitality, truly."
"They certainly liked you."
"Maybe too much. Pretty sure one of your aunts slipped me her number."
"Oh, I'm sure she did."
Steve hesitates, then closes off the space between the two of you and wraps his arms around you.
Maybe he meant it to be a quick friendly hug. Maybe it was a way of thanking you for inviting him to dinner so he wouldn't be alone.
But somewhere in between hugging and pulling apart, his mouth finds yours.
You gasp softly and he cups your cheek, stroking it with his thumb as he gently deepens the kiss, his other hand resting on your lower back.
You moan softly, parting your lips for him, and his tongue sweeps inside, brushing yours.
There's a whoop from the front door and the two of you jump apart, you turning to glare at your nosy cousins who'd stuck their heads outside.
Steve chuckles. "Guess that's my cue. Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Steve."
He jogs to his car, hesitating before getting inside. "Hey, Y/N, you got plans after this?"
You shake your head. "No, why?"
"Just thinking, if you get cold tonight, you know where I'll be." He winks and gets in his car.
You watch him drive off before going back inside to your family.
They gush over Steve, how handsome he is, how charming he was. You nod and smile, your mind replaying his words over and over.
If you get cold tonight, you'll know where I'll be.
You make up an excuse and skip out of the family festivities early, driving straight to Steve's.
He's got the door open before you're even all the way up the walk.
"Get in here and lose the clothes." He orders.
"Don't tell me what to do." You retort.
He groans and reaches out, snagging you by the back of the neck. "Shut the fuck up."
"Make me."
"You goddamn brat." He growls, and his lips are on yours and he's slamming the door shut behind you.
Clothes are shed in mere seconds, and then he's got you bent over the couch, slamming into you.
"Couldn't stay away, huh? Such a greedy whore." He taunts.
"I could always leave." You retort, moaning as he drives deeper into you.
"I'll never let you go." He groans, landing a loud slap on your ass, and you know that he's just rambling, saying whatever he can to make himself feel in control, but your heart does a little flip-flop in your chest.
He reaches around and rubs your clit. "Come on whore, cum on my cock."
"Make me." You grunt, rolling your hips frantically. "Come on Steve, make me."
He slaps your ass again, his fingers working your clit furiously. "Cum for me baby, soak me cock, come on, wanna see it, Y/N, fuck, cum." He mumbles, biting down on your shoulder.
"I'm so close." You groan, your body tightening. You grip the arm of the couch, hoping you don't hit the floor when you cum.
"That's it baby, so fucking pretty when you cum, God, so sexy, cum for me." He rambles, lost in how good you feel clenching around him.
Your orgasm hits you so intensely that you choke back sobs. It's like white lightning and pure pleasure and also pain because God, pleasure like this has to be just a little bit painful, doesn’t it? Steve cries out your name, shooting rope after rope inside you, holding you tight against him.
You start to slump but he catches you easily, dropping to the couch and pulling you into his lap.
"I got you pretty girl." He murmurs, his lips touching your temple. "Wore you out, didn't I?"
"Don't sound so smug." You push at his chest playfully. Steve catches your hand and kisses your knuckles, then tucks it back against his chest.
"Ugh, don't be sweet."
He bites your ear. "Shut the fuck up, I'll be sweet if I want to."
"Ew. No." You tease, giggling.
He fists your hair and jerks your hair back, planting a noisy kiss on your lips.
"I'll throw up right here." You roll your eyes and make a gagging noise.
Steve slips a hand between your legs, fingers brushing your over sensitized clit, making you hiss and whimper.
"I could be mean. I could play with your pretty pussy until it's so sore you can't walk tomorrow."
"Please?" You whisper, parting your thighs further for him. You can feel his cock already stirring beneath you.
"Tell me you're my good girl."
"Oh, fuck you."
He pushes a finger inside you. "Tell me. Tell me and I'll pleasure you all night long."
"That's blackmail." You retort, trying not to moan and arch your hips.
"Mhmm. Be my good girl."
He sucks a nipple between his teeth, biting hard.
"We can. As soon as you say it." He adds another finger, his thumb pressing on your clit.
You feel yourself getting close again. "Steve, oh fuck yes."
He smirks and starts to pull his hand away.
"Prick." You grab his hand, trying to keep it between your legs.
"Come on, Y/N, admit it. You wanna be my good girl so bad."
"I'll choke first."
"On my cock, maybe." He starts fingering you again. "Say it."
You groan and rub against him, your hips jerking. Steve continues till you're right at the edge of your orgasm, then pulls away once more.
He kisses you roughly, his fingers moving once more, curling against your g-spot.
Your body aches, the need to cum again so severe it's borderline painful.
"Please!" You whine.
"Tell me."
You bury your head in your shoulder. "I'm your good girl, please, please, I'm your good girl!"
He pulls you so you're straddling him and slips back into you.
"Steve!" You wail, your nails digging into his back.
"That's my good girl, say my name." He growls, his hips snapping upward, teeth against your throat. "Who's fucking you?"
"Steve, oh god."
"Whose good girl are you?"
"Yours, fuck, I'm gonna cum again, Steve, gonna cum!"
He grinds his palm against your clit, making you cry out. You wrap your hand around his wrist, bouncing faster on his cock.
"Cum baby, soak me, soaking my fucking lap." He urges. "Make a mess baby, God, making me such a fucking mess."
You scream. You try to stop but you literally fucking scream as you cum again. You feel a gush of wetness between your legs and can't even stop yelling to see what happened.
You realize Steve is yelling too, his hips flexed off the couch, driving deep inside you as he cums again.
You slump against his chest, whimpering softly. Steve strokes your hair, panting heavily.
A few minutes of silence pass. Your heart rate slows and you catch your breath. Steve is staring at the fireplace, looking lost in thought as he absent-mindedly runs his fingers up and down your back.
"Do you mind if I shower before I leave?"
He shakes his head. "Spend the night."
"I can't. I always meet my cousins for brunch the day after Christmas, family tradition."
He looks disappointed but masks it quickly.  "Oh, nice."
"I mean, I could stay, I'd just have to get up super early so I could run home and change-"
He cuts you off. "Nah, we've had enough fun for one night. Don't worry about it."
His words sting. Enough fun? Wow.
You get off his lap and collect your discarded clothes before disappearing into the bathroom. Once again, Steve doesn't join you. You shower quickly and redress, coming into the living room.
Steve's snoring on the couch, still naked. You toss a blanket over his lap and leave, ignoring the voice in your head that says to wake him up and kiss him goodbye.
Tag list: @neewtmas @harrystylesandthegoobs @cancankiki @cal-is-not-on-branding
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sunwarmed-ash · 18 days
WIP Thursday/[Sinful Sunday post??]
hey so im gonna be taking time off writing for another job all next week so I'm posting this so you have something to read. DONT WORRY Sinful Sunday will continue, I'll just be busy this sunday and next making that capitalist coin!
This may turn into a fic, it may not. I wrote it right after I finished QAF for the 36th time.
Tags: Angsty steddiegrove, sex work, HIV+ character, violence
"Where do you go at night?"
Steve and Eddie are lying on Steve’s bed smoking weed when Steve asks the question that will inevitably change the course of their relationship, their future, forever. 
"What," Eddie asks, trying and failing for aloof. He thought he had been so careful. 
“You sneak out, every night. Where do you go, when you leave?"
Lying is the only probable next course of action. If he wants to keep Steve in his life that is. The truth will sever everything they once had. 
“Dealing doesn’t exactly fit a normal 9-5," Eddie says. It’s a half-lie. 
"You were selling drugs in Lafayette at 3 in the morning? Do you think I’m stupid," Steve snaps.
Eddie’s entire body flashes hot with the amount of detail in that accusation.  
"What? No! Wait, how did you- hang on, have you been spying on me?"
"Answer the question Eddie!"
Eddie feels cornered, and that’s never a good place for him to be. Because when he feels trapped, he lies, and he can’t stop. He will say anything to cover his ass, even if its just to survive to see another minute. 
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you..."
Steve scoffs at Eddie’s attempt at self ownership. 
"Why can’t you tell me, Eddie? I mean, after everything we’ve been through!”
Eddie bites into his tongue. He wishes it was that easy. God, does he wish it could be that simple...  
“i can't, not with everything baby. I'm sorry.” 
“Why not?” Steve demands and now he’s angry. His eyes are lined with tears and Eddie can feel the beginning of the end coming like an approaching storm. 
“Because you won't love me anymore.” 
It’s the truth. And Eddie hates to even hear the words out loud. Because its gonna hurt so bad to hear it twice. From Steve’s lips. The soundbite will live with him for eternity. 
“Isn't that for me to decide,” Steve objects. 
“You've already decided.” 
Eddie remembers the shit Harrington pulled on Wheeler when she hurt his frail male ego by just existing in the same space as another man. He remembers the hateful way Steve spits the word ‘whore’ because he associates it with his father and all of his sins. It’s how everyone says the word. Like its poison in their mouth. 
Slut. Hooker. Whore. But that's what Eddie is. Until he can find something that pays better. Because he has to eat. He and Wayne won’t survive an Indiana winter without heat. And after Eddie was banished and then half-heartedly rewelcome into a unstable healing community, no one in Hawkins treats him the same. Weed sales have dried up. No one wants to hire him for any job. Not even the mechanic shop down the street that is desperately understaffed and Eddie is overqualified for. So what the hell else is he supposed to do? Wayne just turned 68. He shouldn’t need to work 12 hour shifts just to barely support the kid he didn't ask for in the first place. Eddie never should have been his burden. So this is Eddie’s way of giving back. Pulling his own weight so he didn't feel so much like a goddamn freeloader all the time. But could Steve understand that? Steve wasn’t stupid, but he also wasn’t, lets say as morally flexible as some other people.
"I can't- do this Eddie... If you’re going to lie to me." Steve says and one look into his eyes and Eddie feels what's left of the tie between them sever. 
"I'm not lying," He insists but its a half truth at best. 
"You're not telling me everything, that counts," Steve all but shouts. 
"You don't tell me everything."
He referring to whatever the hell went on between Hargrove and him two years ago. Eddie and Steve arent the only people different after an apocalypse. Their previous heated rivalry has all but burned out. So has Hargroves own personal brand of anger. They move around each other like chess pieces, always conscious of the others movement to limit interactions at school. But after school? Eddie’s seen Billy’s camero parked at Harrington’s more than it's parked in the trailer park. 
"That's different Eddie,” Steve huffs, scoffs as he pushes his hair back. “and you know it."
"How, how is it different Steve?" Eddie’s never brought it up before tonight. Eddie’s never been one for exclusivity, why the hell should he expect Steve to be?
"It doesn't involve you, or us. This does."
"Right,” Eddie scoffs, “Well, for argument's sake, it is safer for you not to know. For both of us."
Steve is silent for three beats too long.
Here it comes. 
Eddie can’t look at him. His face goes numb before the words can hit his ears. 
"Then you have my answer Eddie.”
It still hits him like a slap in the face. Steve’s done with him. And it hurts so much more than he anticipated it would. 
Eddie knew it was only a matter of time. He knew what Steve wanted in the end, and it was still someone more like Wheeler. A sweetheart. A family. Nothing Eddie can guarantee. Eddie doesn’t have much to say in his defense. So he doesn’t. 
"I'm sorry Eddie,” Steve, obviously uncomfortable in the silence, speaks again. “This is just, too much for me right now.”
"Okay,” comes out of Eddie’s numb mouth, even if it's the complete opposite. 
Eddie knew a clean break now would eventually be better than enduring their relationship fizzling out slowly. But it doesn't mean the inevitable failure of one more relationship doesn't hurt.
-two months later-
Eddie blinks, of all the people to find him, here, he didn't think it would be Californian transplant, and fellow trailer trash bad boy Billy Hargrove from Hawkins. He just wants to disappear into the pavement. 
Eddie’s feet move to sprint, but Billy’s lighting reflexes catch him before he can. 
“Where the hell are you going now, Eddie?”
Eddie rips away from him. He hates the way his name sounds out loud. He hadn’t felt like ‘Eddie’ in weeks. He’s barely felt like anything. More like Nothing and no one. A nameless face in a sea of sex workers, businessmen, and bar patrons that he cycled through every day. 
“It’s none of your damn business,” Eddie spits, though it doesn't have much venom. He doesn't have the energy. He's sick, he’s cold, and he’s so fucking tired. He still has two more clients he can’t blow off tonight if he wants to have a prayer at ever getting unburied under his last hospital bill. Billy Hargrove and Hawkins and all that past shit is his lowest priority.  
“People are worried man,” Billy says, stopping Eddie from taking more than a step away. “Wayne especially. Don't you give a shit about him?”
Now Eddie is pissed, because who the fuck did Billy Hargrove think he was, telling him about what he should do? Talking to him about Wayne. As if he understood a goddamn thing about their lives! His anger flairs up his cough that only aggravates the pneumonia-scarred tissue and then Eddie’s coughing so hard it nearly knocks him over. 
When Billy moves close to ‘help’ Eddie slaps him off. 
“Everything I’m doing is for him! You don’t fucking know shit, Billy! How could you, you're just a kid!”
And while Billy was 17 and Eddie was 6 months into his 23rd lap around the earth, he felt so much older. His tragic sequence of life events had aged him decades. He’d be lucky to make it to 24 at this rate. 
Billy watches him curiously, putting together pieces Eddie doesnt mean him to. 
“Why did you take off Eddie?” 
“Why do you care?” Eddie doesn’t really think it's concern he sees in Billy's features. 
“Wayne doesn't have anyone else. You scared the shit out of him when you left.”
“Oh and what, you two are bffs now,” Eddie asks bitterly. 
Billy shrugged. 
“We've been spending a lot of time together, yeah.”
Eddie scoffs wetly. Fantastic. Now even Wayne has his own Eddie replacement. A better, nicer son. If Wayne didn’t need him anymore, well, he didn’t have any more ties back to Hawkins. He should be relieved, but instead he just feels empty. Forgotten. Unwanted. Billy had said people missed him, but the only name he offered up was Wayne’s.  
Eddie sniffs up the tears threatening to spill and reaches into his jacket. He takes out the seven hundred dollars and change he’s managed to squirrel away after his last AZT prescription refill and holds it out to Billy. 
“What is this?” Billy looks at the wad like its poisoned, and well, he's not entirely wrong, it's certainly dirty money. But its still green. And that’s all the world runs on. And speaking of money, the man he was currently scheduled to suck off is honking at him from across the parking lot, eyeing Billy with violent intent. Eddie needed to move quick before this escalated. 
“I’m not coming back. T-To Hawkins, I mean. I can’t, so I need you to give this to Wayne for me. Can I trust you to get it to him?”
Billy finally takes the money, counts it, and then his jaw drops. 
“There’s over seven hundred dollars here Eddie.”
“I know,” Eddie sighs dejectedly. “It should have been more but,” but you got stupid and believed some pretty, coked-up twink instead of following your gut. And now you get to live with the weight of that decision, forever… “It doesn’t matter. Just, please make sure he gets it. It should cover the next few payments on the trailer.”
Billy looks at him for a long time. 
“What the hell have you been doing Munson?”
Eddie scoffs before the car horn across the street blares loud, startling him right out of his skin. 
“Nothing you want to know about. Just please make sure he gets it, and knows, I’m sorry. For all of it.”
Billy’s eyes lower suspiciously. 
“Why does this sound like a goodbye?”
Eddie shrugs.
“Because it has to be.” Eddie can’t feel anything below his neck anymore. The honk is starting up again. He’s really pushing his luck now. 
“Eddie, come on,” Hargrove begs and why does it sound like he’s actually pleading? Billy’s never had a nice word to say to him or Steve. And now he’s gone for what, a few weeks, and his enemy wants to become best friends? He doesn’t understand this plotline. He’s ready to get out of it. 
“I’m gotta go, Billy. Please, look out for Wayne.”
Eddie leaves the very next minute and sprints across the street, just narrowly avoiding being hit by the semi that blasts his horn.
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babyrunsforfanfic · 2 years
The Mixtape Detectives
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summary: in which eddie tries to be nancy drew
or; in which eddie finds mixtapes in your car and steve’s and decides that the two of you both have to be seeing someone! so he has nancy and robin help him try and figure out who… while they’re all completely missing the signs around them.
steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings/tags: “secret-relationship” trope, but they aren’t doing much to hide it everyone else is just oblivious, the reader and steve have opposite music tastes (steve listens to top 40’s and the reader listens to hard rock / metal), fruity four appearances, background robin x nancy, upside down never happened everyone lives ok, minor talk about steve having absent parents, minor drug use
wc: 3900ish
eddie munson grinned to himself as he drilled his fingers against his knee, his eyes hazy as he leaned his forehead against steve’s passenger side’s window. the glass was cool against his skin, and eddie snickered when steve leaned back in the driver’s seat.
“still alive over there?” steve teased, and eddie snickered again as he glanced toward steve. “i haven’t seen you this high in fucking ages, dude.”
“pretty sure ‘m jus-” eddie huffed as he bent down, fingers yanking open the glovebox right at his knees. “need music.”
“carefully just, fuck-” steve swerved as eddie harshly leaned back, tugging out two handfuls of loose tapes that steve had a bad habit of just.. throwing back into the glovebox. “stay steady dude i don’t want to have to get vomit out of my fucking car.”
“shut up!” eddie groaned as his fingers and rings clacked against the different plastic casings of the cassettes now in his lap. “stevie your music taste sucks.”
“hey!” steve hissed, and eddie couldn’t help but laugh as steve swatted his right hand toward him, left still firmly on the wheel. “bruce springsteen and elton john do not suck!”
“oh steve…” eddie trailed off, abandoning several cassette tapes that fall to the floor, even if steve did suck a sharp breath through his teeth. eddie’s brow pinched, fingers tapping against a cassette that didn’t have a title printed on it. “what’s this one?”
“oh uh-” steve tried to make a grab for it, but a car cutting in front of him forced him to slam his right hand onto the steering wheel. “is private.”
“oooh, pri-vate.” eddie stresses both syllables of the word, before he popped it into the radio and pressed play.
static happened for a second, before the intro of fucking ‘necropobic’ by slayer starts. eddie can’t help but immediately balk, especially since steve… steve doesn’t even seem like the music is bothering him. no, instead steve taps his fingers against the steering wheel, and he looks like he is at-fucking-ease.
steve and eddie don’t say anything for the entire two minutes the song plays, and eddie isn’t surprised when the next song that plays is ‘stranger in a strange land’ by iron maiden. eddie just watched, wide-eyed and mouth slightly agape, as steve harrington sings under his breath to fucking iron maiden. the same steve harrington who would jokingly complain about his ears bleeding whenever eddie had control of the radio.
when steve and eddie pull into his driveway, carefully parking behind nancy wheeler’s car- eddie is stunned when steve turns and grins at him after he’s turned the car off. his dark-tinted sunglasses are hanging near the tip of his nose, and steve harrington fucking winks.
“told you my music doesn’t suck, munson.”
a week later, while steve is stuck waiting for his car in the only mechanic shop in hawkins— eddie is sitting in the basement of the harrington house, with nancy and robin sitting in front of him.
steve’s parents had long since moved away to who knows where, and apparently they were ok and trusted steve enough to make sure the house didn’t collapse on itself.
“can you repeat that?” nancy’s brown is furrowed, and robin is chomping on a popsicle stick as she eyed eddie intently. “you think what?”
“i think that our stevie boy is hooking up with someone!” eddie is adamant, and he points at the piece of paper he’d brought with him. he’d managed to sneak the mixtape out of steve’s car long enough to catalogue what songs it had on it. what eddie hadn’t expected was for steve to bang on his door, not even five minutes later, with his hands on his hips, looking for it. “stevie doesn’t listen to slayer, buckley!”
“it’s just music, eds-” nancy started, though the girl smiled as eddie huffed out a noise of disagreement.
“no! top 40’s is just music.” eddie jabbed his finger toward the paper, which nancy turned so she could look at the entire list. “steve ‘the king’ harrington does not listen to alice cooper!”
“i mean he could just be trying to branch out y’know? we all like different music and stuff, maybe dingus is just trying to expand his horizons and shit.” robin pulled the wooden stick out from between her teeth so she could speak, tongue tinged blue as she wet the corners of her mouth. “maybe that’s all it is, eddie! maybe you’re reading too much into it.”
“no, i’m gonna find out who it is.” eddie is grinning, a slow ear to ear thing that has both nancy and robin let out sighs. “now, are you two with me?”
“ugh, fine.” nancy agreed after eddie sent her a puppy dog look. nancy cast a look to robin, eyes softening slightly, as the trio heard the front door above them unlock. “you in?”
“i’m in.” robin quickly agreed, especially as steve began his quick descent down the basement stairs. eddie quickly snatched up the paper, folding it along the creases before he jammed it deep into his jacket pocket, just as steve entered.
“hey jerks!” steve had an ear to ear grin, a couple boxes of pizza propped against his hip. “look who i find wandering the neighborhood.”
you stepped out from behind steve, a twelve pack of beer in your own hands, and you scoffed playfully as you flipped steve off.
“fuck off, stevie.” you rolled your eyes as you moved toward the trio, smiling widely as you grinned at robin and nancy. “girls i have so much work drama to fill you in on.”
nancy squealed, instantly helping you set the beers down, as robin grabbed you into a tight hug- before the three of you wormed around steve. you all moved as a unit, bounding up the stairs, as steve chuckled.
“glad they get along, aren’t you?” steve smiled to himself, setting the pizza boxes open. eddie watched steve curiously, before he nodded with a grin.
“of course, they all seem to get along great.” eddie shuffled, helping steve break apart the twelve pack, while steve set out a couple of coasters. “car okay?”
“yeah, brakes were just a little fucked.” steve shrugged, before the sound of footsteps down the stairs happened. steve smiled as you bounded down the stairs, trailed after by both robin and nancy. “aw, just talking about you three.”
“oh really?” you grinned wide, dropping a stack of napkins and paper plates on the table. “anything exciting?”
“reminiscing how you joined our little group, actually.” steve grinned and you laughed shyly, rolling your eyes as you dropped onto the loveseat.
“i was high out of my mind, alright?” you scoffed, before smiling as steve dropped down so he could sit next to you. about six months prior to now, while almost greened out, you’d marched up to the four at a party and declared you were all best friends. you’d all been inseparable pretty much since. “can we dig in, i’m starving.”
everyone moved after that, dropping to sit and flip open the pizza boxes. while you slid a couple pieces of supreme onto your plate, steve slyly tapped his knee against yours while everyone else was distracted, especially when eddie jumped up to turn the television on.
“you look real pretty today.” steve whispered, and you smiled towards your plate, accepting a beer when steve offered one out to you.
“thanks, stevie.” you murmured, shy as steve threw his arm behind you to rest along the back of the sofa.
no one noticed, just as no one noticed your shirt.
iron maiden clearly displayed across your chest.
eddie rifled through the box you usually kept in the passenger seat floorboard of your car, an extra pair of your sunglasses drooping down his nose. his van had absolutely refused to start that morning, and since you’d been the only one that was awake when eddie called… you’d offered to drive the brunette to work.
“god at least you have a good music taste.” eddie chuckled, pinching a metallica cassette between his middle and pointer finger.
“yeah?” you giggled, flipping your blinker on as you came to a stop at a red light. “whose music taste are you bashing?”
“stevie’s,” eddie chuckled, dropping the bin of tapes back at his feet.
“aw, it can’t be that bad.” you teased, though you felt your cheeks warm as you took the left turn once the light had turned green. you honestly had no problem with steve’s music taste, truly you didn’t. “some of the stuff he listens to is cute, y’know?”
“cute?!” eddie guffawed and you nodded as you tucked your bottom lip in between your teeth.
“yeah!” you defended, shrugging as you came to a stop at another traffic light. you tapped your fingers against the steering wheel, offering eddie a slow shrug of your shoulders. “some of it is cool, y’know. good make-out music and shit.”
“make-out music?” eddie was grinning now, a wide ear-to-ear thing as he cackled out a laugh. “you’re making out with people to music now?”
you shrugged, especially as eddie continued to grin at you from your peripheral.
“i’m human, eds?” you couldn’t help but giggle, especially as eddie jammed his finger to turn your radio on. “i don’t think that tape is rewound-”
eddie listened, repeatedly pressing the rewind button, before he stilled as you started to drive again. the tape was quiet, barely any static coming through, before it started.
the intro of bon jovi’s, ‘you give love a bad name’ crooned from your car’s speakers- and eddie felt his jaw open as he turned to openly stare at you. you had taken to singing along to the words, tapping your fingers perfectly to the beat- and eddie realized you must’ve listened to this song countless of times to know every fucking lyric.
when you pulled up front of the music store, you flashed eddie a smile, as you pushed your sunglasses down so you could look at eddie with a small smirk quirked on your mouth.
“like i said,” you grinned even wider then, shoulders shrugging as you gestured toward the radio. “some of the shit he listens to is good make-out music.”
“tell me you’re joking.” eddie’s jaw is still hanging open, and you shrug as you instead shift your car into park. “no no, tell me the tape playing isn’t your fucking make-out tape.”
“what? do you think i make-out with people to metallica or some shit?” you’re grinning instead of smirking, and eddie bobs his head into a quick nod. “i don’t listen to this shit all the time, eds, but master of puppets doesn’t exactly give ‘let’s kiss’ vibes.”
eddie is still looking at you, mouth slightly agape, especially as the next song plays. ‘take me home tonight’ by eddie money starts to play, and you’re openly giggling now- as eddie’s cheeks flush.
“do you wanna borrow it?” you question, and you don’t wait for an answer as you click the rewind button twice, and then eject the tape. you hold it out while it’s between your pointer and middle finger, and eddie takes it from you as he slowly blinks. “there you go.”
eddie climbs out of your car slowly, and you grin as you blow him a kiss.
“nance is gonna pick you up once your shift is over, she’s the only one off today, just letting you know.” you’re smiling softer now, before your eyes flash mischievously, and nod your head toward the tape. “take notes munson, i want that back.”
as you pull away, eddie is still standing shocked in the parking lot.
a day later when eddie is sitting in steve’s basement again, he can’t help but feel deja vu trickle up his spine. nancy and robin are sitting across from him, the three glancing at the pieces of paper that eddie had been looking over pretty much his entire shift at the music store. steve was upstairs showering, while you were currently on your way over, having gotten held up at your job instead of being able to get off at your usual time.
“so you think that steve’s best match…” nancy trails off, brow furrowed as she leans forward to look at the paper closer. “beth wildfire? why does that name sound familiar?”
“she’s the girl i told you about, nance.” robin reminded her girlfriend, speaking around a mouthful of doritos. eddie’s brow is furrowed, so robin quickly continues to ramble on. “she was the goalie on my soccer team, this other girl like slid into her right? and ended up breaking one of beth’s legs, and like the whole bone came out of her knee.” robin stuffed another chip into her mouth, missing the small smile that nancy had on her mouth at the rant robin had unintentionally started to go on. “it was insane! i think she ended up having to get screws put in her knee or something. but also, i’ve heard her music and i don’t think she’d listen to any of those songs that were on that mixtape.”
“you don’t think so?” eddie raised his eyebrows, and when robin shook her head immediately, he groaned and crossed her name out.
“also jason carver, really? that’s the best you have for her?” nancy jabbed her finger toward the list of guys eddie had made for you, which prompted eddie to shrug.
“look, she didn’t say she was dating anyone, just making out! isn’t her type like pretty guys or something?” eddie explained, hair moving wildly around his shoulders as he began to talk with his upper body.
“is whose type pretty guys?” steve’s voice rang out, and eddie quickly grabbed the list, crumpling it up as he shoved it into his pocket before he turned around.
steve stood at the bottom of the stairs, hair wet with his hands on his hips as he eyed the group- the trio sheepishly smiling toward steve. steve quirked an eyebrow, as his eyes flitted between everyone’s faces, before he looked back to eddie. a beat or two passed, before you bounded down the stairs, your own hair wet and in pajamas.
“you stop at home and shower?” nancy changed the subject, glancing at you, and you paused a second before you nodded.
“yeah, felt grimy after work.” you shrugged, slyly ghosting the fingers of one hand against steve’s hip as you moved by him. “excuse me stevie.”
you plopped down in the empty chair, before you tucked your knees to your chest and smiled widely at the group. “what are we watching? pick something good up after work, rob?”
robin and nancy were both up then, quickly discussing several movies they’d both apparently rented from family video. eddie excused himself almost as quickly, bounding up the stairs to go smoke before the movie started. while nancy and robin were preoccupied with each other, steve made his way to the side of your chair, and perched himself on the arm before he bent down so he could whisper in your ear.
“thanks for taking a shower with me.” steve’s words were quiet as you let out a soft hum of acknowledgment, and steve tucked a few wet strands of your hair behind your ear. “feel okay?”
“little tired,” you shrugged, blinking sleepily towards steve and he smiled fondly at you as he smoothed his hand over the back of your head. steve hummed softly, and after a quick glance to make sure nancy and robin were occupied (they were), he pressed his lips to your forehead in a soft kiss. “we cooking tonight or ordering in?”
“figured we’d cook, maybe.” steve shrugs, before he ends up sliding so both of you are sitting in the chair together. you uncurl your knees from your chest, letting steve prop your legs over the chair arm, as you end up half balanced on one of his thighs. “i have stuff upstairs to make spaghetti, or i could make burgers instead?”
“hm, spaghetti.” you tuck your head into steve’s neck, and he freezes slightly- before he smooths his hand over your back carefully.
“they’re gonna think somethings up, baby.” steve murmured and you whined softly, shrugging your shoulders. “they are.” you let out an indignant huff, pressing yourself tighter against steve, who made no actual move to peel you off of him. “do you not care anymore?”
“you’re the one who cared if they knew.” you mumbled your words against steve’s chest, and steve stifled a laugh as you snuggled closer and shut your eyes. “if i want to snuggle my man, ‘m gonna snuggle him. don’t care what they think.”
steve said nothing further, instead cradling you to him, with one arm as he used the other one to snag a throw blanket. he covered both him and you, letting you snuggle as close as you wanted. interestingly, robin and nancy didn’t spare either of you more than a glance, and that was just to see if either of you had any input on the movie they watched (you didn’t). even eddie didn’t comment when he made his way back down the stairs, flicking off the overhead lights before he launched himself onto the couch.
while the movie played, the shining, specifically, steve kept his arms wrapped tight around you. none of your friends said a word, even as the group (minus you, seeing as you’d drifted off before the movie had even been chosen), talked through the film.
when you finally woke up as the end credits started, you yawned, and uncurled yourself from steve. steve watched appraisingly as you stretched, tank top riding up on your hips as you stretched your arms high above your head. you let out another yawn, before you turned and smiled at steve.
“i’m gonna go start food, wanna help me, baby?” your voice was soft and it was clear you were still half-asleep, and steve nodded following after you slowly.
interestingly he noted, no one batted an eye at your use of the pet name. when steve was at the top of the stairs, he heard the crinkle and low voice of eddie, rattling off a couple names to robin and nancy. the two girls seemed to put their input in, and steve was still chuckling when he joined you in the kitchen.
“what’s funny?” you murmured, soft spoken as steve wrapped his arms around you from behind, pinning you to his chest as he ducked his head down. steve pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, watching as you turned a burner on. “hm?”
“pretty sure eds and the girls are trying to figure out if we’re dating someone.” steve chuckled, nosing at your hair as he watched you dump a thing of hamburger meat into the pan.
you giggled at that, since the two of you had already filled each other in on the weird moments about music with eddie when you’d been driving with him. neither of you were worried about him though, not really anyway.
“funny.” you murmured, and you didn’t protest as steve plucked the spatula out of your hand, though he still kept your back pressed to his own chest. “think they’ll end up confronting us?”
steve chuckled, shaking his head as he thought about the trio downstairs in the basement, before he spoke.
“oh without a doubt, baby.”
a week later, eddie sat in the back of his van with both nancy and robin, the van facing toward the drive-in’s screen. some double horror feature was playing, and while both you and steve had bailed, the trio had still wanted to attend. steve apparently had a migraine and you the stomach flu, so the trio had just sent you well wishes and still went.
eddie took a slow drag of his cigarette, glancing around as he eyed the cars that surrounded him. everyone was waiting on the second movie to start, the first having been over for a couple of minutes already. nancy whined when robin smacked her arm, and eddie jumped as robin smacked his too. when eddie turned, robin was grinning- gesturing a hand out into the crowd.
“isn’t that steve’s car?” robin was grinning even wider now, and eddie cackled as he stubbed out his cigarette. “oh my god it so is isn’t it?”
“and the windows are fogged up.” nancy giggled, and eddie grinned at his two friends, before he gestured toward the car with his chin.
“what do you say about going and saying hi?” eddie was grinning even wider when the two girls jumped up, and eddie followed suit after closing the back of the van.
steve’s noticeable car was several rows ahead of them, the last in the row. the windows were fogged, and eddie couldn’t help but stifle a laugh as he neared the driver’s side window. eddie could hear music playing from inside, madonna’s ‘crazy for you’ crooning from the car’s speakers. eddie grinned wide at nancy and robin, before he rapped his knuckles against the window.
a beat passed, then two, and eddie knocked again. he could hear mumbling inside the car, clearly steve’s voice, though he couldn’t make out the second. when another beat passed and the music was turned off, eddie knocked for the third time. eddie smiled again at robin and nancy who crowded closer as the driver’s window started to roll down before…
holy fucking shit.
you were perched in steve’s lap, lips red, smiling shyly up at the trio. steve was under you, hair mused as he grinned cheekily at eddie, before his eyes flickered to robin, and then to nancy’s. you were in a tiny sundress, something drastically different than what you usually wore, and eddie swallowed harshly when steve slid the strap of it back up your shoulder fondly.
“hey guys.” you were grinning, all teeth and crinkled eyes, before you extended your hand with a small giggle. “nice to meet you, ‘m stevie’s girl.”
no one made a move to shake your hand, and when you brought it back in, steve extended his own. he was flushed pink, lips puffy from being kissed, and he licked at the corners before his grin widened.
“nice to meet you all, i’m hers.”
eddie had decided on that night that he was a terrible fucking detective, and had somehow missed what’d been clear as day right in front of everyone’s eyes. you and steve later explained you hadn’t hidden your guys’ relationship for any malicious reason, it was just new and you both weren’t exactly sure where it would actually lead.
years later, at your wedding with steve, neither of you could explain to anyone other than your three closest friends why your favorite present was what it was. it wasn’t large or expensive by any means, but the second both you and steve had seen it, you both had erupted into a fit of giggles.
inside of a shadow box were the following items;
one the right, the list from the tape in steve’s car.
on the left, the list from the tape in yours.
at the bottom, in between those, two unlabeled cassette tapes side by side.
just above the two tapes was what had really sent you and steve into a fit of hysterics.
it was two separate lists of names of students that had gone to or once attended hawkin’s high.
some x’d-out, some circled, some underlined.
the most interesting thing, however?
neither your name or steve’s were anywhere on it.
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My thoughts on Spy x Family Chapter 82
Needless to say, (some real serious) manga spoilers alert
Oh, boy, I'm gasping for air. I'm panicking, and I've not panicked this much about Spy x Family since Anya's last hijack incident (which my heart has not recovered yet). Mr. Endo, may you, please, pay my cardiologist bill? I'm not joking, I'm hyperventilating, and my chest is TU DUM, TU DUM.
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The mole was discovered! Poor guy (or not, who knows?). I wonder what SSS will do to him. How far will the organization go? I believe we won't even know.
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I'm seriously nervous for him. Twillight is used to things getting on his way, with minimum complications and this situation is definitely not it. Of course, he could figure things could go bad, since It's a really risky operation, however, I feel his frustration in not getting much time to secure the real wheeler.
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Damn, my heart is not surviving till the end of this chapter.
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Our man got ✨ The Skills ✨ Still, all this shooting is getting me pretty nervous. I'm immediately getting my anxiety meds. Endo, what the actual f-
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Yeah, Twilight is The Man! Still, my hands are trembling and so is my apprehensive cardiac organ. This is sure to be qualified as torture.
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He is quite wise disguising as Yuri. Haha, got it? I'm not okay, Christ.
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Damn, Yuri is very intelligent, as well. The brains had to go to one of the Briar's, am I right? (Poor Yor, I love you, It's not personal. Bad comedy is my coping mechanism when I'm nervous. I'm so sorry!)
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He is right about that. Twilight is nervous. And I wonder why. Maybe because there's more on this game than before? He is a father. A husband. He worries. He is not the same he was before, as much as he tries to convince himself that he is not attached to his fake family dynamics.
I can clearly imagine his thoughts racing. He's thinking about Anya, about Yor, about WISE, while trying to run and get these thoughts away from him in order to not commit mistakes, like leaving a footprint behind. Just saying.
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Oh Yuri, you are so sweet, in a way. And you know absolutely nothing.
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The panic™  on his face. Poor Yuri, I'm truly divided right here. See? I'm calmer, not panicking at all, this is certainly my clonazepam working.
Quick (but important) writer's note here, I'm actually diagnosed with intense anxiety and use prescribed medication, I joke about it, cause It's better to laugh than cry on the reality of my condition, however, never use anxiolytic/benzodiazepines drugs without valid prescription and conscience, it might cause long-term dependency and tolerance. My Pharmacy academic self felt the need to point this out. Moving on!
By the way, have you noticed the "waver"? Twilight is hesitating, deeply, which makes him more prone to aiming wrong. Haha, ha… I'm okay, I swear 😰
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Okay, two theories. I'm okay, I swear, my blood pressure is just fine.
Theory number 1. Twilight gets Yuri shot on some of his limbs, probably one of his legs, so our spy can buy time, run to encounter the others Wise's agents and hide. Gladly, he can aim just on the spot when no much damage is made to Yuri, even though the spy is extremely nervous. Twillight was totally not expecting to find him on that corner, and he knows that doing something so serious like UNALIVING HER WIFE'S BROTHER will tear her apart. Why else he would waver? He is the best spy of Westalis. He doesn't hesitate, but this is different.
Theory number 2. Which I believe is less likely, but still possible, Yuri gets our incredible Spy shot on some area of his body where the disguise falls off, and he realizes Twillight and Loid are the same person, but he does nothing about it, at least not for a while. Making him and the spy share this major secret for a while, due to numerous reasons, but mainly to protect Yor and take her out of her position as Loid's wife safely. But as I said, I find unlikely to Yuri shoot TwiTwi, even though the latter is quite nervous and might not dodge the shot. Besides the fact Loid has his arm aimed at Yuri first, while Yuri has his arm sideways, which gives Twilight an advantage in time.
Be sure to talk to me in the comments, I would love to hear what you guys think. Moving on to the last past of the chapter.
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Lady Yor! Our grownup baby! She is still with the same outfit and hair down, so I assume it's late at night or afternoon, maybe Anya is already home or at a sleepover with Becky? Not sure.
Our poor girl is nervous due to Yuri filling her thoughts with the possibility of Loid cheating (which is dumb as floof, because he is a loyal boy) but still, even sober, Yor is worried. She cares about this family so much it probably hurts and confuses her. Her face on the left gave me chills, so much is going through her mind, almost if she senses something is wrong.
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So. Much. Blood. I'm. Nervous. I. Can't. Breath. Properly. What. Was. This? Whose blood is this? (Not Yor's, I assume). I always count the days till the next chapter, but for this one, I'll be in severe mental pain until its release date. My mind racing like Yor's, wondering if Loid will come home late or come home at all.
I keep imagining scenarios where one of the boys gets shoot and the aftermath of that, Loid or Yuri at the hospital or being held by their organizations in order to get intel from them, Yor drying with worry, there are so many possibilities. This arc has been the most intense so far, for me, at least. I don't know how I will cope till June 26th.
What do you guys thinking? If my heart survived until now, yours will! Make sure to like, reblog and support my work here on Tumblr, I really appreciate it. Now I will rest, cause that chapter was (hell) difficult 🌹 (this post will be reviewed soon, so if you encounter any grammar or spelling mistakes, forgive my bilingual mess self)
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
🏖Grown Ups🏖 part 2
Summary: You've been pulling away from Eddie recently its not until summer vacation that you finally find your way back to him.
Pairings: Dad!Eddie Munson x PlusSize!Mom!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst. Swearing, use of Y/N, kinda hints that reader is tall, and not blonde but if that aint u just ignore it haha, Steve once again being an insightful mama hen, accidental hurting animals (the bird scene), slightly persuasive of venturing out of comfort zone (friend to reader) but its all in good nature, age gap one sided flirting, accusations of cheating, talk of depression, oral m receiving, soft dom!Reader, mention of blood, sexy photos, talks of masturbation, P in V, sexual powerplay, mean degrading, blood, slapping, angry makeup sex for deep set feelings after a long time, smoking, R comes from abusive home, crying, bad views on emotions from R, talk of death, loosing a parent, homelessness, allusion to deadly overdose.
Wordcount: 22 k
A/N: Holy hell this took some time, life has just been beating the crap out of me lately but thank you all so much for all the support and love and patience, it means so much to me ❤️
Eddie is not a dick ok, he doesn’t only think about sex all the time, he just comes off as one because its smut hahahaha.
Lets just ignore the fact that big girls chafe haha.
Eddies tall now because I said so, sorry not sorry, he's like 2 cm taller than me, sue me for having a preference.
Love yas!
Part 1
Drawings I made for the fic for some visuals 😊
Grown Ups masterlist
Check out my other works!
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Max (35), Lukas (35) - twins Eric (6) and Billy (6)
El (35), Mike (35) - no kids
Dustin (35), Suzie (35) - Willow (11 months)
Eddie (41), You (40) - Ophelia (10) and Roxette (7)
Gareth (37) - single, no kids
Luke -unnamed freak (39), Simone (38) - Tom (5) and Oliver (3) - not that it matters but Simone is african american so the kids are mixed incase it might be nice to visualise 
Jeff (37), Tracy (45) - Ariana (16) (Tracy's daughter)
Will (35), Winter (33) - no kids
Steve (40), Nancy (39) - Mercy (11), Lousie (9), Rachel (7), Marcus(5), Bianca (3) and Dustin (2)
Jonathan (39), Charlotte (41) - Emma (6), Charlie (4) and Lilly (2)
Robin(39), Vickie(39) - no kids
Argyle (40), Eden (38) - no kids
Holly (26)- no kids
The sun was blaring down on the two men as Steve hovered behind Eddie going through the motions of checking the vital parts of the engine to the Harrington-Wheeler Chrysler minivan. 
Sweat beads threatened to drip down Eddies forehead under his damp bangs, his hair tied back in a low bun as he bent over the hood, grime building up under his nails and staining his fingers as he picked and pulled at parts, finally he stood up, cracking his back, only prolonging the inevitable as Steve watched him expectantly. 
“Your oxygen sensor is malfunctioning” he wiped his hands off on his trunks, making a mental note to wash them later, “And that means?...” Steve crossed his arms and leant forward to inspect the different mechanics he had no idea about “The engine computer won't be able to correctly set the air to fuel ratio, which means lower fuel economy, higher emissions and a high probability of damage to other components, such as an overheating the catalytic converter” Eddie stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, his professional vocabulary shining through “Jesus dude english” Steve groaned, all the unfamiliar words working up some anxiety in his chest, worrying he would have to trade in a new car which would undoubtedly cost them a lot just when they'd gotten settled and comfortable with the economy. 
“You're gonna have to get it replaced” Steve relaxed but only a little bit “but you're not taking this hunk of junk out on the road” just as Steve was about to complain about how they needed the car to get back home a rusty Chevrolet Chevette whizzed over the gravel, screeching as it came to a stop, haphazardly parking squint between two cars, cutting off his train of thought as he mimicked Eddies reaction of wincing at the loud noise. 
The formerly cherry red now prominently rust door opened and a short blonde figure in a low-cut, cropped, baby pink tanktop and daisy dukes emerged with a wide grin on her face “Holly!” Eddie greeted as he turned to face Nancy and Mike's younger sister who he hadn't seen in nearly 10 years “Hiiii!” she waved happily as she closed the door and walked over to the pair “Lovely to see you” Steve let his arms fall to his sides as Eddie closed the hood to the car “You too Steve. So what you two up to?” 
Her arms crossed at the wrist as she played with her bracelet, looking up at Eddie with wide doe eyes “Just checking out Steves tin can” Eddie chuckled as he did a quick scan of the girl in front of him before meeting her eyes, a smirk tugged at her lips as she made a subtle show of pushing her breasts together further with her crossed hands. Steve frowned behind Eddie's back as Holly continued her pleasantries “Oh that's right you’re a mechanic, real man's job” she gave a sultry smirk as it was Eddie's turn to frown slightly in confusion, “What do you do again Steve?” Steve cleared his throat and stood up straight “Uh I’m an accountant” for some reason Holly's comment made him suddenly insecure about his job. He felt the need to puff out his chest to stand up for himself in some strange way. Holly only hummed in response, “Uh Mikes over there and I think Nancy's inside” Eddie pointed towards the beach. Holly gave a wide smirk and walked off with a wave of her slim fingers. 
Eddie cleared his throat “Uh ok anyway, yeah you can't take the car out on the road but I can pop by an auto shop and pick up the parts, saves you a fortune of doing it here” they both began strolling over to the beach again as they went over the costs for the parts. 
Your eyes drifted from looking out over the lake with the squealing kids and laughing adults to see Holly make her way over to the group of what you all still considered to be the kids, namely, Dustin, Suzie, Max, El, Mike and Lucas scattered on towels soaking up the sun. Gareth sat beside you deep in a monologue about some car he was working on, if you were completely honest you weren't really listening, simply content in being in the sun during summer, away from work and enjoying time with your kids and Eddie, still on a high from being reconnected with him. 
You were pulled out of your peaceful bliss when you felt a tug on your hair, turning around to be met by the man himself, your husband, who smacked a kiss to your forehead, further lightening your mood as Dustin clapped his hands together. “So, who’s coming on the hike? There's a tree swing which I think the kids would like, goes over the water” he grinned as he looked around. 
Soon enough Luke and his eldest Tom, Dustin with his Willow, Steve and Nancy with Mercy, Louise and Rachel as well as Robin, and you and your little family -save for Roxette who was left in Ariana's room as they gossiped about the music industry- were gathered outside the cabin as Dustin pushed off, leading the group behind him. “Knew you'd wear the shorts” Eddie breathed in your left ear as you watched Ophelia run off to chatter happily with Steve's girls.
You giggled as you felt a strong large hand squeeze at your right asscheek, “They're are the only ones I had, seeing as someone thought my cargos were their cargos and switched them out for their own denim ones” you pulled at the black denim fabric on his thigh as evidence to your point “Maybe I did it on purpose” he grinned as he slipped around to walk next to your left, slipping his fingers between yours to hold your hand. “I would hope so, I still have hope for your fried ass brain, be nice to know its not too far gone that you can't tell the difference between an article of clothing twice the size of yours” you grinned up at him, gum peeking through at the front where it threatened to fall out from the loose bite around it. 
“How dare you? I was like the smartest person in our grade” he grinned wickedly at his joke as he slipped back behind you to walk on the narrow path through the woods, switching to his left hand to hold yours without being in an awkward twist. “First of all, that would be me, I mean hello? Trailer trash, near drop out and community college degree” you flashed a grin towards him before staring intently at your feet to make sure you wouldn't trip “But sure, they held you back three years to make sure you held up the average 4.2 GPA” he squeezed your hip at your cheek causing you to giggle again. 
“Y/N can we talk?” Nancy rushed over once the path opened up again, leaving Steve behind you both as she looked between you and Eddie. “Sure” you grinned knowingly and let your hand slip from Eddies. 
“What you think they're talking about?” Eddie asked as he watched Robin hold back to join the two of you, abandoning her conversation with a bunch of the kids. “What do you think, dumbass?” Steve snorted as he witnessed Robin jumping up and down excitedly “Why does everyone have to know what's going on all the time?” Eddie rolled his eyes “In her defence, you've been scheming with us on how to get her into bed, but I will admit she and Nancy have been talking about it for a while” 
“Well I mean Nancy gives hints, she keeps talking my ear off about girl code and how she swore she wouldn't tell anyone” 
“I’m sorry, are you that interested in my sex life?” he gestured towards Steve's obvious distaste for the aforementioned ‘girl code’.
“No, but I can't be the only one who enjoys listening to my wife's gossip” 
“Ok true, but wait why would she talk to Nancy about this and not me? I’m the husband, and like the actual person who it concerns!” he threw his hands out in annoyed defeat as Steve shrugged. “Don’t forget, Robin too, but she really won't tell me shit” Eddie sent him a glare at his remark. “Girl talk? Guess she just feels more comfortable talking about it with another girl. I mean, do you tell her everything?”
“Yes” Eddie deadpanned after drawing his eyes away from your giggling “Oof, eh well maybe like, establish some… rules? I don't know, just like make her aware you're willing to listen”
“Why do you know all of this? Weren't you like super unpopular with the ladies after the breakup senior year?” 
“First of all, I’m smart and I communicate with my wife” he gave a knowing glare at Eddie, as if to tell him something you should be doing more “And secondly, so were you, she's like the only one you've been with” 
“Didn't have to be popular, been with the same girl since I was 17” he grinned smugly. 
“Hey Ophi, when we were kids your parents used to talk us into doing the craziest stuff” Dustin's voice was heard over the chatter of the group as he leant down to pass Willow over to your daughter for her to carry. “That's right” Eddie grinned a few metres away, “Yeah, I remember one time we, uh got our shower curtains, put ‘em in shopping carts and went shopping cart sailing” he stood up once he saw Ophelis was secure with his daughter and flashed a grin towards you. 
Luke laughed as you shouted out a “Yeah!”, “Wait, how did you steer?” Tom piped up in confusion “Well we-we didn’t” he grinned towards his son “How’d you stop?” Louise turned, walking backwards to give her attention to Luke. “You just smashed into something” Eddie explained “That was the fun part” you piped up as Eddie found his place walking next to you again. 
“We used to shoot bottle rockets at each other” Robin laughed “You always go for the guy’s face cuz’ you wanna blind him” she smirked as Mercy frowned, “Okay, no that's a little much pal” Steve patted her on the shoulder “No! No I know, kids, don't do that” she covered “You know what, erase, reboot” she waved her hands back and forth as she mimicked the sound of a cassette rewinding, Rachel and Ophelia laughing at her antics. 
“Oh ho ho ho! The rope swing!” Dustin pointed as you all arrived at your destination “Oh rope on a tree baby! You know what that means” Luke inched towards the swing as Dustin held onto it excitedly. “We get to hang ourselves?” Mercy's bored voice sounded “Mercy” Steve scolded as Eddie interrupted “Are you kidding me? You see a rope and a lake and that doesnt wanna make you go nuts?” he pointed towards lake Michigan which you were now only further up the coastline of.  
“It makes me wanna- you- you- you know what? Let me show ‘em, let me show ‘em” Luke stuttered excitedly as he shuffled down the cliff and towards Dustin. “Yeah baby” Dustin forced the rope over to Luke to grab onto “Dude, get on the top rock!” you shouted as he began to steady himself, multiple adults chiming in with yeah’s at your suggestion. 
“Class is in session” Luke made a deep teacher's voice as he prepared to jump from the rock “Who wants to see a double flip!” he shouted as he ran off the edge of the rock, “Whee!” he exclaimed as everybody egged him on “Too high!”
“Now drop!”
“This was a mistake!”
“I can’t let go I’m to scared!” he shrieked as he turned back around on the rope, smashing right into a thick tree. He screamed guturally as he let go of the rope, doing a flip in the air and landing on the forest floor with a loud thump, he rolled over with the slope of the hill ramming right into a bush, rolling right over a high edge and thudding loudly onto the last bit of earthy floor before the shore of the lake. 
The previous crowd shouting with sympathy pain silenced as he came to a stop. “That was awesome!” his son shouted excitedly, suddenly Luke popped up and into view, his face scrunched up in pain as he shrieked “Oh god! Oh god! My leg snapped!” he held onto his thigh as he shrieked, a grey and brown bone protruding from his skin, “Oh my god! The bone’s sticking out! I need help!” he continued as everyone began shrieking in horror. 
“It's a stick! I got you!” he threw the supposed bone away with a clap of his hands, squirming his body in an attempt at a victory dance. Some sighed in relief as some laughed “AAHAHAHA that was good!” Dustin pointed at him as Steve, you, Eddie and Robin all laughed. 
“Daddy that bird is hurt!” Rachel squealed as she pointed past Luke to something nestled between the leaves behind him. The bird flapped and chirped in strain as it attempted to rise from the ground, “Oh my god” Robin shimmied down the rock towards the bird “We’ll go get a shoebox when we get back” Nancy comforted her daughter as she clung to her leg, hiding her face. 
Eddie too shimmied down towards Luke as Robin picked the bird up and placed it in a makeshift pillow which was her hoodie. Eddie reached a hand out to help him up as he asked “Hey, did you really land on that bird, man?” he watched as Luke stood up and dusted himself off “Um.. I’m not sure. I-I did hear a chirp and then a crunch-like noise, but.. That could have been anything” he shook his head dismissively as Eddie snorted “Okey”. 
The group of hikers made their way back as all the kids flocked around Robin to get a look at the bird.
“After lunch I’m gonna head into town with Steve, need to get a part for the engine” Eddie caught up to you again and bent slightly down to speak to you, “Oh ok, us girls were talking about heading to that shopping mall outside of the town later” you pulled your shorts up and tugged your t-shirt down since both had adjusted after talking a large step over a fallen tree “Alright great, I’m sure the girls’ll be fine, I’ll ask Luke if he can keep an eye on them” he said as he fell behind you. 
You and Eddie took it upon yourselves to cook lunch, near 10 bags of fresh pasta boiled in two large pots as Eddie heated up a hefty amount of tomato sauce. Once Robin had set out all the plates and cutlery she leaned over and whispered to Eddie “Geez, she’s really bossy” she referred to the multiple orders you had nearly shouted out and multiple warnings not to touch the food. “I heard that” you deadpanned as you stirred the pasta, Eddie only laughed “Don't worry, she’s a lot more bossy when we do other things too” he smirked, earning him a smack to the back of the head from you. 
Soon enough everyone had eaten and 11 of you packed into two cars, save for Holly and Ariana who were getting to know each other in their now shared room. You with Nancy, Tracy, Simone, Charlotte, Suzie and Eden in Jonathan and Charlotte's minivan and El, Robin and Vickie, and Max in her car. The mall wasn't too big, mostly clothes shops but too many to all collectively decide on so you all split up. 
A cute little independent shop was where your group was headed. 
“Oh. My. God! Y/N this is perfect for you!” Charlotte squealed as she held up a dress from the maternity section where she had already found a collection of things to try on “What, maternity clothes?” you laughed as you walked over to her, so far all you'd found was a cute set of panties with a matching teddy which you had reasoned you may as well treat yourself too since it seemed you were becoming more comfortable with yourself again. “Yes a maternity dress but seriously you would look gorgeous in this” she passed over the black silky smooth t-shirt fabric flowing from a hanger. You held it up to look. 
Sleeveless with a turtleneck and shapeless, something you usually shied away from as it made you look like you were wearing a garbage bag, but sliding the fabric through your hands you discovered it had slits up the side, decidedly high up on the sides, no doubt past your thighs. 
“Babe this would look horrible on me” you sighed as you motioned it back to her, she didn't take it, instead she insisted “Girl this is going to look absolutely stunning on you, at least just try it on” she compromised. “Fine” 
You picked up a few more things before you, Charlotte, Simone and Nancy went to try all of your chosen items on. 
You most definitely felt the confidence boost as you put the dress on, hips and thighs half on display, the slits hem resting just above your hip, but as you looked in the mirror that confidence washed away. Hip dips, stretchmarks and cellulite were all on display, sure you loved your body and had no issue showing it, but on your own terms, this was definitely a dress for skinny curvy girls, and your point was proved further as you turned to the side. Plump round breasts which honestly yes they looked fucking good, but below that your stomach, devided by your bellybutton and forcing the fabric out. At least the dress wasn't skin tight, the fabric hung from the roundest part of your belly, the bottom, not sucking right back in to show the roundness of it but you weren't keen on the rolls showing. 
“Is it on?” Charlotte squealed excitedly as she and the others sat on a pouffe outside, all done with their try-ons, “Yes” you sighed as you turned to look at your front again “Ooh show me, show me!” you sighed again as you hung your head, walking out to show the outfit. “Oh my god, that dress was like made for you” Simone commented as you walked out. “Yeah, Eddies going to love that” Nancy told you with wide eyes. “Babe, it looks amazing! You have to buy it!” she clapped as you made your way over to the full length mirror on the floor, twisting and turning.
“Really?” you asked anxiously as you examined the back, rolls on show and bra straps clearly digging into your fat. “Yes! Come on, it's only like $15!” you contemplated it, it wasn't much money, and you sure had spent more on clothing that you never wore “Eh what the hell?” you shrugged. 
You visited a few more stores and were all sat excitedly talking about it as you made your way home. “You should wear that dress tonight” Charlotte piped up from the back as you drove her minivan. “It’s a restaurant with kids, it's not appropriate” you laughed as you pulled into the parking lot of the cabin, “So? We’ll all wear what we bought. We’ll all be inappropriate, Simone you shoulder wear that strappy mess you call lingerie” you all laughed at her response as you parked up. 
She kept pestering you all the way out the car, getting the other girls to join in and agree on wearing their new outfits not lingerie which Simone stated clearly “Fine! Fine! I’ll wear it!” you laughed as you entered in the huddle “Wear what?” Eddie chuckled as he slid over to you, dropping a kiss to your lips and naturally grabbing the bags to let you slip your shoes off. “Just this dress Charlotte made me buy” Charlotte in question smirked all smug as she leaned in “You're gonna die when you see her in it” you felt on the spot as Eddie turned with a matching smirk as the pair looked at you “Oh am I?” you only rolled your eyes and grabbed the bags, ruffling Ophelia's hair as you made your way up to check on Roxette.
Thankfully the dress covered up all the hickies, was all you could think as you looked yourself in the mirror, you’d decided against the new lingerie as you riffled through your new things, you weren't 100% ready for it yet but that was ok, instead your worn your usual dark black t-shirt bra and an matching thong which had also been picked up today, only for the purpose of the dress, topping the outfit off with your old beat up converse. 
Before leaving for the trip you'd packed some of your old jewellery which hadn't been worn in months, now you were thankful for it, it really pulled the outfit together. A beaded black bracelet with a star hanging from it, a black chain necklace with a ruby in the shape of a crystal tower upside down hanging low from your neck and a collection of different earrings in your various ear piercings. All matching your simple winged eyeliner, mascara and blood red lips. 
“Mom, you look like a vampire!” Roxette squealed excitedly as she ran over to you at the bottom of the stairs, you laughed at her comment, pulling her greedy hands away from you as she grabbed onto the fabric. “You look really pretty mom” Ophelia smiled from her spot on the couch next to her dad who was now fully distracted from his conversation with Steve. 
You could feel his eyes rake over your body painstakingly slow, drinking you up. He cleared his throat as he blinked, remembering that not only were a bunch of people around but his kids too “You look really beautiful” he breathed as his eyes found yours. “Thanks” you beamed as you followed Roxette who was dragging you over to the dining table. Surprisingly what mattered the most was the opinion of your daughters, and all insecurity was shunted away as they showered you in their own version of praise. 
You felt comfortable within yourself as you sat down next to Argyle to see the comic he was telling Roxette about. Not feeling the pair of wide eyes staring at you from across the room as his daughter tugged on his arm. The only way to describe Eddie right now, was speechless. He couldn't even begin to comprehend what he was seeing. The thighs, the stomach, your tits so clearly visible from the side, round and plump. Snake tattoo framed by vines spread wide on your right thigh while a spider creeping out of a skull occupied your left. The girls initials on the back of your left arm, the flower with the eye further down, the dripping moon on your upper arm, and on your other the large spider web on your forearm, a spider resting in its creation, the dagger dripping blood above it next to the butterfly with the eye. 
Eddie always liked to joke about your fascination with spiders and eyes but right now all he could do was stare at them all in a daze. He couldn't say all of his favourite parts, nor nearly all, because every part of you were his favourite parts, but most of them were on display. All for Eddie to drink up and fascinate himself with. Not only did you look so incredibly sexy but also so goddamn pretty, beautiful, breathtaking, he couldn't decide. The gods above he didn't believe in had created this devine goddess and on top of that you were his wife??
Compliments were exchanged between all the girls who wore their brand new outfits as well as some teasing directed towards not only Eddie but Jeff, Luke and Jonathan whose wives all had worn something slightly frisky. Finally after lots of back and forth everyone set out in their cars to Woodmans. 
Eddie looked behind him to see both girls hot in an argument about why being the knight while playing princesses was better than being a princess and decided the coast was clear. He would love to shower you with dirty compliments but he couldn't, so the best he could do was lay a hand high up on your thigh and grasp on tightly as a sign of affection. You grinned and turned to him as he gave you a meaningful look, desperately trying to convey his message. The message being, If I could, I would fuck you right here, right now. 
“Dad, you're hurting mom!” Roxette screeched from the backseat as she witnessed the skin under his hand turning a deeper shade, he quickly retracted his hand and placed it firmly on the steering wheel “No I’m not” he retorted, as if he himself was a 7 year old child too. “Yes you are, and mommy had bruises too, did you do that” she strained against her seatbelt as she attempted to look her father in the eye, you snorted before turning in your seat “No baby, I’m ok, he's not hurting me” you explained. “See” Eddie smugly chimed in as Roxy stuck her tongue out at him. 
He cleared his throat as everyone made their way into the restaurant, both girls running off to talk to their friends “So uh are you not wearing any underwear?” he whispered into your ear as his free hand landed on your hip, the other occupied with holding your hand behind you “Wouldn't you like to know” your neck craned to give him eye contact as you turned, beginning to smirk as you felt his hand slip under the fabric in search of something “Is-” his fingers found the hem of your thong, slipping under it and following it down to the crook of your cheeks where it disappeared in between them “Is that a thong?” he frowned down at you in surprise “Well my normal underwear wouldn't work with this” you explained as his hand found your hip again and you adjusted the fabric to sit back over your ass. 
A guttural groan left Eddie's throat as you all entered the restaurant. 
The restaurant was packed with people but luckily the server brought you to a room at the back which was mostly empty, seating you all down in a cluster of tables. Dim cozy lights shone up above as 80s music played from tinny speakers. There was a lot of ruckus, convincing kids to sit down and everyone finding their seats, Luke telling his kids he was going to sit over with the grownups at a long table while they sat with the other children.
“Hey Dustin” Mike called from across the table, “Remember when we used to come here late at night after we got wasteeed!” he grinned as he sat down next to El, Lucas and Dustin hushed him just as Eric piped up “What's wasted?”, “Nice one Wheeler” Lucas groaned, “Uh wasted, uh, kids is, something that happens.. When you have a hankering for ice cream” Lucas explained to the kids now all listening in. 
“I wanna get wasted” Billy stood up excitedly “I wanna get totally wasted!” Louise exclaimed, “I wanna get wasted every single day of my life!” Emma chimed in. “I wanna get chocolate wasted” Roxetted agreed, “No you don't need to get wasted, it's ok” you patted her on the back as Eddie grinned, watching you walk over from the kids table and sit down next to him. 
An old round lady made her way over tugging a notebook out of her apron, “Alright everybody, you know what let me make this easy” Luke explained as silence fell over the group, “41 burgers and 41 fries, okay? And uh.. That’ll be for me, what are you guys having?” he laughed as a shared collection of awws and laughs sounded around the room. Individual meals were ordered on separate tabs despite Will and Winters offers of paying and soon enough all the food was eaten and most of the kids and adults were off playing games in the arcade across the building. 
“So Eddie” Holly scooted over on the bench once Robin and Vickey walked off to play the games, now sat right next to Eddie whose conversation with Dustin had been broken off to go change Willow's diaper. “Hm?” He asked, looking up from his drink and turning his head towards her “Tell me more about your job, I never got a chance to ask before” she smiled as she crossed her legs and faced towards him, her knees pressing firmly against Eddies thigh. 
“Uh pretty self explanatory really, just fixing cars days on end” he shrugged, instinctively moving his leg away at the contact but turning his torso towards her to give her his attention.  “Mmm” she hummed “I bet it's really tiring, your poor muscles” she reached a hand out to grab his shoulder, squeezing lightly a few times before letting her hand linger. “Uh, it's- uh… it's not too bad” Eddie frowned, confused at the action. 
Next to him you were brought away from your conversation with a few others turning to see Holly squeezing at your husband's shoulder. Not only was she touching your man but he was also letting her? You frowned as Holly leaned in “I could help loosen them up if you want” she smiled a sultry smile as she looked up at Eddie with glossed over doe eyes “Uh no thanks, my wife usually does that” apparently the mention of you didn't have the intended effect, Holly only leaned in further, her hand sliding down his shoulder to grasp at his bicep. 
“Is your wife here?” her voice was dropping lower by the second as her hand slid further down to plant a firm grasp on his thigh. “Yes” you leaned past Eddie to look Holly dead in the eye, she quickly ripped her hand away from his thigh “So would you please stop flirting with my husband” you frowned in disgust as Holly stuttered. “I-I uh, I’m so sorry” she looked down towards her lap. So far you hadn't ever spoken to Holly, you hadn't seen her since you were roughly 20 and she was a mere 6 years old but now that you had you found you weren't particularly fond of the 26 year old nonetheless. 
Holly scuttled off embarrassed, pushing through the double doors to the room and out into the general restaurant area. “Thanks” Eddie breathed as he turned towards you, you only hummed annoyed in response as you turned back to the others. Eddie frowned at your reaction, bending down to give a kiss to your cheek in yet another thanks, you however made no reaction as you started talking to Luke. 
Just as he was about to ask you what was wrong Steve leaned over the table to get Eddie's attention, sliding over a check in thanks for his work on the minivan earlier in the day. 
He didn't get any more chances to talk to you as it seemed both of you were busy talking to other people at all times, he furthermore couldn't talk to you since you and Roxette were sat with Steve and Nancy surrounded by some of their kids in their newly working car on the way home, trading places so that Ophelia, Mercy, Louise and Emma could all sit together in your car.
Anxiety was bubbling up in Eddies chest, he had just gotten you back he didn't want to lose you again.
Finally after putting the girls to bed much too late you both got a moment of peace. Eddie whispered a hey as he wrapped his arms around you the second you came through the door from brushing your teeth. “Hi” your tone was flat when you answered him, already pulling away to put your things down. “What's wrong?” he sighed as he sat down on the foot of the bed, watching as you rummaged through the bags to find your sleep shirt. “Nothing” your tone was still flat but it let up in an exasperated “I’m just tired”. This time as you took your clothes off, Eddie wasn’t oggling like some teenager, he knew that I’m just tired and he knew it was bullshit. 
Once you'd thrown the t-shirt over your head he beckoned you over, pleased when you stood between his thighs and letting his hands run up and down the backs of your own instead of ignoring him and going to bed. “I just” you sighed “Just Holly, really bugged me” you rolled your eyes at the fact that it affected you so much, it didn't normally. Normally when you heard someone flirting with Eddie you’d feel smug, knowing you had him first, but maybe it was seeing it hands on, literally, while you were right next to him. Blatant disrespect for your relationship. “Ah, well I don't think she knew we were married babe, either way you know I only have eyes for one girl” he squeezed teasingly at your ass as he grinned up at you “I know” you rolled your eyes at his cheesiness before a slight grin crept up on your features. 
“Besides now you know how I feel” he ran his hands up your sides to hold onto your clothed hips “How you feel?” you asked confused, “Yeah, guys are always fuckin’ staring at you at bars and shit” 
“No they're not” you laughed, “Oh believe me, they are, I know that look, I’ve done that look” he widened his eyes as he stared up at you, but you only chuckled in response “Sure babe” you pulled away from him and rounded the bed, walking over to your bedside table, slipping all your jewellery off but leaving your wedding band and engagement ring on. 
“I’m serious, it's the same way Greg looks at you” he stood up, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the bench next to the bags. “Greg?” you turned around frowning as you unclipped your earrings. “Yes Greg, any excuse to stare at your ass in those pencil skirts and he takes it” he unbuckled his belt as you pulled the covers away from the bed, sitting up against the headboard. 
“Oh please, he’s married and I'm really not his type, have you seen his wife?” you countered as he pulled his pants down. Greg's wife was short, skinny and blonde, basically the opposite of you. “Oh trust me, you're his type” he rolled his eyes as he placed his jeans next to his shirt, “Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there because you've clearly lost yours” you scoffed eyes following Eddie as he walked over and slipped under the covers and sat next to you. 
As he removed his rings and watch he spoke “He stares at you like you're something to eat, and I bet he just loves spending late nights at the office with you” you scoffed once again, sliding down in the bed and laying on your side with you back to him. “You're ridiculous” 
“Am I?”
“Is it really that ridiculous that I’m just a little bit worried that some sleeze is hovering around my wife, spending long nights working on a supposed project, not only that but the fact that I haven't even seen my wife the past six months?” you gasp in offence as you turn around to face him, sitting up with your legs to one side, bedcover gathering around your waist “Are you saying you think I’m cheating on you?” your glare is menacing, but not enough to break Eddie.
“Well are you? I mean we havent had sex in fucking forever”
“We had sex yesterday!” 
“Yeah and that was the first time since christmas, its june. Maybe you’ve been so busy fucking him huh?”
“How fucking dare you? No I am not cheating on you you absolute asshole, I’ve been fucking depressed. But only King Eddie is allowed to feel down is that it? You're the only one who gets to say no yeah?”
“You've been depressed?” Eddies anger dissipated instantly as he watched your ragefilled eyes “Fucking obviously!” you threw your hands out. “I-I didn’t know..” he mumbled shamefully as he looked down towards his lap “Of course not, because you're too busy trying to get me naked to even notice” your hands rub angrily over your face. 
“I- Of course I noticed, I just didn’t know it was that bad. Why didn't you tell me?” His heartful gaze was too much to bear as he looked up at you with sad eyes, you looked away to fiddle in your lap as you sheepishly admitted “I didn't want to bother you” tears were threatening to build up by your waterline so you furiously blinked them away. Eddie moved in front of you to sit on his knees, warm hands wrapped around your shoulders bringing you into his naked chest “Baby you could never bother me. I-I know you didn't grow up in a household where you could talk about your feelings but I’m not your mom, I’m your husband, you can tell me anything ok?” you felt him kiss your forehead as you were brought back down to the bed. 
You were having trouble registering his next words, his previous statement building a sensation through you, shoulders tensing, and stomach knotting as warning bells sounded in your head that you were about to crumble. 
“I’m here for you, always. But you just have to talk to me” with one arm around you he used his other to manoeuvre the cover to sit over the both of you before wrapping his arms tightly around you. “Ok” you whispered against him “Ok?” he breathed back “Ok”.
You pulled away from him to look up at his face, eyes swimming with infinite love for you, pink lips tugging into a smile. You kissed those same lips, smiling up at him once you broke apart, both the furious insistence that you not let his words get to you and the fact that his smile could light up a room made the worry slowly melt away. Eyes flitting down to his lips deciding to kiss him again, and again, and again until suddenly you were moving on the mattress to straddle his hips. Slowly hardening cock pressing against your thong as a hand came down to grab desperately at your ass. 
Well that switched up quickly, he thought, but he couldn’t bring himself to continue the conversation. A subconscious decision he would find out later, might not have been the best idea. But his body worked faster than his brain, skin on fire with the feeling of you against him.
A groan left Eddie's throat as your tongue licked at his lips, begging for entrance while simultaneously beginning to grind against him. “Hmmph fuck” he breathed as his hand slid under your shirt, grabbing hungrily at your tit. You continued like that for a near minute before a wicked idea popped into your head, sure it was cruel but it was too fun of an opportunity to pass up. 
You pulled away from him and sat up, a look of surprise spreading over Eddies face as his hand slipped from under your shirt “I don't wanna do this” you breathed, “What?” he whispered, you could hear the confusion in his voice “This” you gestured between your bodies “We don't have to if you don't want to, we can just you know, do it another time” his hands found yours in an attempt to reassure you. “No Eddie like… at all” it was so difficult not to burst out laughing as Eddie looked up at you extremely confused, slight hurt and disappointment peaking through his gaze.
“But-but we had sex” he was trying to wrap his head around the whole thing, not understanding how you switched up so fast, again, you initiated the kiss after all. “Just because we had sex doesn't mean we have to” one of his hands left yours to run through his hair in an attempt to cool his annoyance. “But if we both want to?” you shrugged “I guess, but I don't want to” the fact that you weren't climbing off him was just confusing him further “So were just.. back to no sex?” 
“I dunno Eddie, it's just not the same” you sighed. 
“Not the same?” he was deeply frowning now. 
“It's not… fun… anymore” you had to avoid his gaze in order to stifle off your laughing. “It's not fun?” he inquired, voice raising in pitch to show his utter confusion. You couldn't help let out the snort bubbling from the back of your throat. You looked up at him and suddenly burst out in full laughter “Oh you fucking-” he breathed a sigh of relief as you laughed maniacally. 
“You should have seen your face!” you wheezed as he wrapped his arms around you, bringing your body shaking with laughter back down to him “Not nice” he pouted. You looked up “I’m sorry” you mimicked his pout “You want me to make it up to you?” cupping his cheek as you spoke before sitting up and running your hands down his chest and stomach slowly. Eddie cleared his throat when he understood what you were insinuating “Ahem I mean only if you want to” you flashed him a cheeky grin as you slid down his thighs. 
Bending down to peck at his lips you began trailing kisses down his torso, it was his turn to be embarrassed now so you opted for leaving a trail of hickies all the way down to the hem of his boxers, looking up at him with those eyes he always swore would be the death of him as you effectively palmed him over the fabric. 
This was too god to be true, not only had he gotten to eat you out, and then fuck you after months and months of desperation, but you were now sliding further down his thighs, planting yourself on his calves about to give him a fucking blow job. Yep, it was too good to be true. 
You hummed seductively as you pulled his boxers down under his balls to reveal his excruciatingly hard cock, precum beginning to collect and dribble from his concealed tip, pooling just under his navel. He let out a strained sigh as he felt your soft lips connect with his undercarriage, a soft kiss to the velvety skin which had him near panting. 
In an agonisingly slow pace you kissed down his shaft, each kiss further spurring his heavy breathing on until a soft moan left his throat at the sensation of your tongue sliding up hot from the bottom of his shaft to the top. Your soft fingers wrapped lightly around his tip, one lazy stroke bringing his angry red tip to view beneath the skin, he couldn't help the borderline loud groan as he felt your tongue kitten lick at his slit, humming at the taste of his precum. “Mmm you missed this baby?” your voice was smooth and sultry like velvety smoke as you spoke, pulling back to adore the view of Eddie's half lidded eyes staring up at you in desperation and need as his hands gripped the sheets so hard his knuckles were threatening to turn white. “Y-yeah” he stuttered, trying his best at keeping his voice level and not letting it fall into a high pitched whine, inevitably revealing his pathetic need for you to touch him. A need which was unfamiliar to him, something so strong he hadn't felt it since he was a teenager and it was his first time doing this, it was intimidating. 
“Yeah? You been thinking about this alot?” you stroking him lazily up and down was not helping him mask his desperation, each time revealing his tip before hiding it again, much too slowly for his liking. “Fuck, so much” he let his eyes flutter shut, soaking up each and every sensation of your hands on him instead. “Yeah been thinking about my lips wrapped around this big cock? Sucking as if my life depended on it?” at this point you were revelling in his poorly hidden desperation and spurring it on was only feeding your ego more. “Look at you, so desperate. Maybe I should hold off more, watch you work yourself up until you're just a whining mess beneath me more often? I’ve barely touched you baby” you hummed, tightening your grip only slightly. 
“No!” Eddie almost shouted at your suggestion, eyes snapping open to look at your evil smirk. “P-please don't- don't do that” all you did was hum at his pleading. Bending down you softly wrap your lips around his tip, sucking with minimal effort yet it still has his hips bucking up into you, forcing nearly half his cock down your mouth, only stopping with the resistance of the back of your throat. 
You hum in faux annoyance as you release him with a pop, “So desperate, you have no self control baby” to further accentuate your point you pin him with a harsh stare and a pout as he opens his eyes again “I’m sorry” the whisper is so quiet it nearly goes unrecognisable as spoken words to your ears, but you hear it and you grin wickedly as you soak up the scene before you. Your husband beneath you with your hand wrapped around him as another rubs softly up and down his thigh, bringing the sparse hair with you and then smoothing it over again. His slack jaw betrays the absolute bliss he's experiencing at the feeling of pushing at your throat only seconds before. Eyes glossed over and dripping with infinite adoration but also pure unfiltered hunger. 
You hum again at his response, wrapping your lips around the tip and forcing his hips down with your free hand at the prospect of him bucking up into you again. A strangled whine leaves his throat as he writhes beneath you, his neck stretching taut to reveal thick muscles as his eyes roll to the back of his head. There's a thought to bring your hand up and squeeze at those same muscles but you dismiss it as his hips start to shake slightly, the task of forcing them down more pressing than choking him slightly. 
You bob up and down on his tip a few times, what makes up only a near fifth of his cock threatening to be too much for your mouth to handle. A desperate whine leaves his lips as you pull off him with another pop, his eyes opening once again to understand why you released him, they fall closed again, crinkling at the corners as he screws his face up when he feels your hot tongue run over one of his balls. 
“Fuck!” he's way too close to being loud enough that everybody else will hear him at this point. You bring him into your mouth, sucking gently while still lazily stroking him, he’s releasing a mix of whines and whimpers when your tongue traces patterns on the soft skin before moving to the other after a few seconds, giving his other side the same treatment. 
You release him again to watch his screwed up face, his hand not soon before finding yours and grasping onto you in a bone breaking hold. “Look at you” you tut “So desperate, whimpering even” you chuckle lightly as he opens his eyes to glare at you “Hm” you hum in faux pity as you sit up slightly, hand on his hip working its was up to cup his cheek, sliding down and pulling at his bottom lip with your thumb, watching it slap back into place. “Don't worry baby, just tell me what you want”. 
“N-need you..” he closed his eyes in embarrassment after voicing his request “Need me to do what pretty boy?” he whines at the pet name, writhing beneath you in desperation as he tried to will his mind to stop blocking him for telling you what he wanted. “S-suck” is all he manages to get out. You ponder the idea of pushing him further but he looks so desperate from where you're sat, you decide to indulge him, humming pitifully before bending back down and wrapping your lips around his tip, sucking him down to half his length and then back up again. 
You repeat the process revelling in the desperate groans and now only occasional whines as you tongue at his cock. The hand not holding yours finds its rightful place at the root of your hair, tugging slightly as he guides you up and down. You increase your pace and hear his groans go louder as well as feel his thighs tensing tremendously. “Shh baby you gotta be quiet” you whisper as you come up for a deep breath. He works his fingers out of yours to bite down on his flexed knuckles. You hum in approval and go back to his cock, determined to take him deeper you force him down to the back of your throat, taking deep breaths through your nose each time you pull up. 
With your now free hand you opt for massaging his balls lightly, close to laughter as his hips buck up, this time not restraining him. 
For only a mere 15 seconds you get to continue before you feel his whole body shake beneath you, one particular thrust of his hips unveiling his angry red head, millions of nerves on fire as they brush over your tongue and throat causing his inevitable orgasm. That and the fact that his hand is pressing your head down as far as you'll go, forcing his cock right down your throat, while his sack tenses in your hand, is the only sign of him no longer teetering over the edge but about to fall right off it. It’s all the warning you get before hot spurts of cum shoot down your throat as he groans loudly against his hand.
It feels as though your lungs begin to close up as his neverending release continues. Finally however his shaking simmers under your touch and you pull off him quickly, panting to find your breath again. As you pull away his hand slips from your hair to thud against the mattress. 
Once you've found a steady pace of breathing again you look down and chuckle breathily, Eddie's face is still screwed up and he's biting down hard on his knuckles, no doubt leaving marks. His abs are prominent as he still clenches his stomach, as well as all his other muscles. Your hands sliding smoothly over his torso has him fully relaxing beneath you, he's still panting heavily after his orgasm but each breath slowing by the second. 
You grin as you climb off him and fall onto the mattress next to him, even after you've pulled his boxers back up and wriggled your way under the duvet he's still in the same position, finally softening his features and letting his hand fall to his side. With his eyes still closed you pick up his hand to inspect the deep red indents in his skin, beads of blood collecting in each. 
Eventually he opens his eyes to find you grinning down at him “Holy shit” he breathes as he rolls over on his side, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to his chest. “I have never seen you that desperate” you giggle as he grasps onto your hand against his chest “Shut up” he chuckles as he closes his eyes and snuggles his forehead against the top of your head. “I mean jesus dude”, he only hugs you tighter in response. 
Suddenly he pulls away from you, looking down at you intensely “Wait, was this all a distraction?” you frown at his words “Do you actually not want to have sex anymore?” his face is painted with worry and desperation for an answer. “Jesus Eddie can’t I just suck your dick?” you laugh, his face relaxing into exaggerated and with a shrug he says “No you can” you giggle again and nuzzle your face into his chest. 
Just as the night before it seemed that no matter how you fell asleep you always ended up on your side with Eddie curled up behind you. Eddie woke up suddenly, rushing out of bed to get to the bathroom as he passed his kids in the hall making their way to your room, not stopping to say good morning before ripping the door open and shuffling inside. 
“Moooom” you awoke with a scream as you found Roxettes widely grinning face less than an inch away from your own, “Jesus christ” you sighed as Roxy laughed and made her way over to her sister rooting through the bags. “What’s this?” Ophelia asked curiously as she held up a blood red lace teddy, you jumped out of bed ripping it away from her hands and shoving it into a ball back into the bag it came from. She frowned “It's just underwear” you sighed as she continued frowning “It didn't look like underwear”, “Well it was”.
As Eddie came back to the room he was greeted by the full view of your ass as you bent over to look through the bag next to Roxette who was now viewing her two outfit options she had laid out on the bed and Ophelia nagging you to find her swimsuit. He cleared his throat, alerting you all to his presence “Oh hi, can you go check downstairs if Ophelia's bikini is there?” your voice was rushed as you quickly turned back to look through the bag. “Sure” was all he said before he was out the door without a second thought. 
As you suggested Ophelia find her clothes for the day while Dad looked for her swimsuit, the Dad himself leisurely made his way across the hall and down the stairs. Gareth burst out laughing as well as Luke and Jeff who were all sat around the kitchen table. “What?” he asked as he made his way over to the couch, spotting the swimsuit immediately. “Real sexy man” Jeff commented as Eddie stood back up, suddenly realising he was in nothing but his boxers he instinctively covered his crotch with both hands. “Guess she got you back then” Luke gestured to his chest and down his stomach laughing as Eddie looked down to see the trail of hickies down his torso. 
“Man fuck all of yall, least I’m getting some” he gave the group the finger as he promptly walked past the armchairs and up the stairs. 
“Dad you have bruises too” Roxette slapped a hand to Eddie's stomach, causing him to groan as he threw the bikini at Ophelia, unintentionally throwing it at her face, she frowned as she picked the items off her head. “Mhm, yep” he pulled the shirt you had thrown at him in response to his attack on your daughter, over his head. 
Breakfast had been eaten and Eddie said his goodbye as you gathered the girls and took them down with you to the beach. Pulling all his things out of his pockets he haphazardly tossed them onto the coffee table before joining Jeff, Luke, Gareth, Steve and Jonathan out on the dock where they were throwing the canoes into the water. 
Within 10 minutes they were all in their boats and paddling away, Eddie and Jeff sharing one, Luke and Steve, and Garet and Jonathan sharing the others. 
“This reminds me of when we were 14 going out on Lovers lake” Eddie commented as they slowed down a few hundred yards away from shore, “Got my first boob that time we all went together” Gareth supplied proudly, “I know you did, it was my wife, and may I add accidental” Eddie grumbled as the group laughed. “No regrets, perfect tits” the group exploded with laughter as Eddie threatened that he had no issue jumping out of his canoe and pulling Gareth out of his. 
“Alright Emmerson, that all you think about? Chicks?” Luke laughed, “Yeah relax dude most of us got daughters” Steve added, “That's all you guys think about too, especially this guy” he pointed towards Eddie “Difference is, I can do something about it”
“That's not true! Alright it's true” Eddie laughed.
“You wanna know what I fantasise about?” Luke asked as he stared at the back of Steve's head, turning to Gareth and Jonathan he continued, “Candy-bars”
“Candy-bars?” Jeff laughed, “No, I had a bad blood sugar test at my last checkup and Simone cut me off” Luke threw his hands out in slight annoyance as he explained. “You're a grown ass man, how do you deal with that?” Jeff accused as Luke placed his paddle in the boat and leaned back with his hands behind his head “Oh, I got my own hidden stash, I’m not stupid” the group laughed as he continued “Seriously, I got it all. I got Reese’s, Butterfingers, 3 musketeers. I hide ‘em under my clothes in the bottom of the hamper” he demonstrated with his hands before rowing again “It's great because the smell in my sweat socks masks the chocolate smell”
“And the looks of your underwear match the chocolate stains” Jonathan laughed, earning the same reaction from the rest of them. “Hey, hey, hey, hang on, guys I gotta make a sissy” Steve held his hand out, seemingly not distinguishing between his kids and a group of men when it came to his wording. The group began protesting as Steve repeated himself in a shout “I gotta make a sissy!”
“Come on, you made three already!” Jeff groaned, “It must be just oozing out at this point” Steve gave Jonathan the finger as he stood up in the boat “Shut up I’m trying to concentrate”. “It’s taking a piss, not the SATs” Eddie rolled his eyes “Yeah you should know, you took 21 of them”
“Fuck off” 
Steve screwed his face up in concentration as the group heard his intermittent stream, Eddie held his hand out in confusion “Are you peeing or is a diesel truck turning off? What the hell is that?”
“Listen to hamper bottom” Luke laughed “I think he’s sending a message in morse code” he held his finger up “Getting old. Stop. Can’t pee. Stop. Reeks like asparagus. Stop. Even though I didn't even have any. Stop.” he laughed as Eddie spoke “The good news is these girls are gonna have to say hi to it” he waved as a motorboat full of girls in bikinis drove by. “What’s up ladies?” he grinned. 
“Hey girls!” Gareth waved enthusiastically, the group of girls shouted complaints at the men as Steve awkwardly waved at them, “They don't all look like that ladies” Jonathan grinned. Just as Luke was about to say something Steve turned, spraying a little bit over the front of his t-shirt before turning back to the water “Aah! Come on!” he whined. 
After a near hour round trip they made it back, Luke swearing as he ran off to throw on a clean shirt, without warning Eddie ripped his own off, tossing it onto the wood as he slipped his shoes off and cannonballed right in between you, Ophelia and Roxette. Both girls squealed as you splashed him in the face when he resurfaced. “Asshole” you shrieked as you pounced on him, dunking his head under the water with force from behind. 
Before you had a chance to react you felt Eddie's hands wrap around your thighs and before you knew it you were hoisted into the air on his shoulders. You didn't even get a chance to breathe before he flung you off to back-flop into the water. As you resurfaced both girls were already hounding their father for him to do the same for them, you giggled as you watched him throw your eldest off him. As he continued you gazed around the beach, the water filled with happy little kids splashing away as the group canoeing collected on the wooden chairs not far from the various towels scattered over the beach with various occupants. 
Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Holly sat next to Ariana watching intently, you rolled your eyes and chose to ignore her, instead joining in with throwing the kids about. 
The kids had set up a blanket fort in the attic and were all gathered munching on their sandwiches as the adults ate their lunch in the mixture of a dining and living room. “Oh Rob, can you pass me my wallet” Eddie raised his voice as he sat next to most of the younger ‘kids’ by the dining table, Robin looked up from her conversation with Charlotte and Winter on the couch and motioned towards the black leather on the table, “Yeah that one” Robin picked it up and flung it across the room towards him as something slipped out and floated to the floor in front of Gareth who was making his way to the fridge for a beer. 
Eddie caught his wallet and frowned as he saw Gareth bend down and pick up a polaroid, “Is this you?!” he exclaimed in surprise, clutching the photo Gareth turned to you in one of the arm chairs “Huh?” you asked as you looked up. Before Gareth had the chance to show you Eddie was jumping over the table, knocking a glass of juice over in the process and ripping the polaroid away from Gareth's hands with a “Give me that!”
“Holy shit!” Gareth exclaimed as Eddie shoved the photo back into his wallet “What?” you placed your plate on the floor and stood up, walking over to Eddie who was now giving Gareth a death glare. You pulled the wallet from Eddie, opening it up to see the same family photo from when the kids were 4 and 7 in the plastic pocket. Examining it further you realised a collection of polaroids were shoved in one of the pockets for dollar bills. 
You gasped as you pulled them out, looking up to Eddie's embarrassed and awkward face as he shoved his hands in his pockets. You felt Gareth leaning over your shoulder as you looked through them and quickly pulled away from him. “I thought you kept these at home” you whispered angrily as Gareth chuckled and continued his mission of getting a drink. 
“Well I didn't” Eddie answered sheepishly as you continued looking through them. A whole collection of photos from one particular night where both girls had been away at a school sleepover, leaving the house empty for the both of you in late September of last year. It seemed the photos had been kept in the order they had beentaken in, a couple showing you in lacy black underwear with thigh garders connecting to your hips, one in the doorway and one stood between Eddies thighs, a few more of you giving Eddie a blow job, one of Eddie eating you out, one of your bare pussy, one of you on your back holding your legs up to your chest, pussy on show as well as every other intimate part of you, four of just your naked upper body, laid on the bed, staring up at the photographer with an assortment of fuck me eyes and wide, open mouth, eyes rolled back’s and one last one, crumpled up seemingly the one Gareth had seen. 
You on your back, breasts free from their confines and spilling to the side, eyes closed and a happy smile on your face, and long thick ropes of cum painting your stomach and chest. 
“Is this the one he saw?” you whisper, it seemed the rest of the group had gone back to their conversations after the interruption “Yeah..” you give a bratty and annoyed grunt as you shove the photos back into Eddie's wallet and thrust it into his chest angrily. He takes it and makes a show of stuffing it into his pocket before you turn away and sit back down in your arm chair. 
He was so fucked, and it seemed not only he knew it but the rest of the table who were looking at him with awkward sympathy, as well as Gareth grinning wickedly, not only from the photo but your reaction to it. He wasn't sure what to do, you were making it quite obvious you didn't want to talk to him given the fact that your back was now turned to him, half twisted in your chair. He felt like he should talk to you about it, apologise, but instead his feet steered him back to the table, “Shit” he mumbled under his breath as he saw Dustin bent down cleaning up the juice with a rag “Here let me” he grabbed the towel and continued mopping up the spilled drink, wringing it out in the sink and hanging the towel up on the oven handle he caught an annoyed glare from you which made him fold in on himself as he sat back down. 
He took his chance to talk to you as he heard you excuse yourself to the bathroom, cornering you just outside the door. “Babe, I am so sorry” he pleaded as you turned to face him, you looked behind him to see Mike walking down the hall and quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him into the bathroom and locking the door. 
“Are you ok?” his voice was soft as he spoke to you, leaning up against the counter as you turned and made a beeline for the toilet. “I’m fine, I’m just..” you took a second to think over your words as you pulled your calf-long green flowery skirt up and in turn your underwear down, “embarrassed” you finished as you sat down. “I’m sorry, I wasn't thinking when I asked Robin to throw it” he spoke as you began peeing. 
“It’s fine” you sighed as you wiped and stood up, bumping his hip with yours to get him to move away from the sink. He wrapped his arms around you as you washed your hands. “Is it actually fine or is this one of those times where you say it's fine but it's actually not?” his eyes found yours in the mirror, moving with you as you dried your hands and spun around in his grasp. “It's actually fine” you couldn't help the small tug of your lips as you looked up at his wide eyes. 
A smile painted his features as he saw your face “They been in there the whole time?” you snort slightly when he nods, “What do you even do with them?” definitely a stupid question, but for some reason you wanted to hear him say it. “What do you think I do with them?” he laughed “I jerk off to them, obviously” he rolled his eyes playfully as you grinned. 
“That what you do when you spend an hour in the shower without it even running?” your eyebrows tugged down as you tried stifling an ever wider smirk, “Yeah as if you hadn't already figured that out” you shrug as he fakes a look of exasperation “At least you're not making the water bill worse than it already is” he rolled his eyes again. “Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there” The sentence this time said under slightly nicer circumstances. Your grin breaks into a giggle as he begins tickling you. 
After some shrieking at him to stop he finally does, and when you catch your breath you look up at him again “What else do you jerk off to?” he snorts a laugh at the sudden change in demeanour but looks down at you with some trace of seriousness “Mostly just that kind of stuff” he shrugs, he definitely had a lot more photos stashed at home, but he had to admit that little collection was by far his favourite “Really? For six months? Jesus Christ, aren't you bored of my body yet?” 
“I’m beginning to think you're the one with no brain now, I’d never get tired of your body” he squeezes you ass playfully, beaming when you giggle again.
“I just remembered I brought my yoga tape, we could do a little yoga sesh tomorrow, what do you think?” is the first thing you hear as Charlotte makes her way up to you with a beaming smile, pearly whites on show as she holds her hand together above her stomach hopefully. “Sure, sounds fun” Charlotte jumps happily as you feel Eddie kiss your cheek before walking back to the dining table. 
Eden and Argyle set up games for the kids outside as the rest of you are scattered about the property. You smile as you hear shrieking from the kids playing tag, happily chatting to a group on the wrap around porch as Vickie paints your now acrylic nails. She's gone through most of the people who wanted their nails done by now, including Eddie who got black and white spider webs painted on his natural nails, over the moon that she got so many people to practise on in preparation for her new job as a nail tech. 
“Hot” Eddie grins as he leans over your shoulder to see your medium length, almond shaped, blood red extensions, you grin up at him and peck his lips when he bends down, your kiss cut short as he shuffles to the side to let Roxette through, sick of running around she lets out a loud sigh as she finds a seat in your lap. “Whatcha doooin?” she asks as she inspects Vickies work “Getting our nails done, you wanna?” she happily nods and tells Vickie “Can I have black? Like monster nails, this long!” she shows an exaggerated length by holding her hands apart a near foot, Vickie looks up at you concerned as you turn to your daughter, “Maybe not that long baby, how about something like this” you show on your own nails, now finished as Vickie switches the UV light off, demonstrating half the length of what you have. 
She sighs but agrees and you ask Vickie if that's ok, to which she nods before going to work on a fresh set of nails. 
“Dad look!” she squeals as she finds him laying in the grass next to Jonathan, Argyle and Dustin who's playing with Willow. “Wow!” he exclaims in mildly faux excitement, “Aren't they a little long?” concern paints his features as he holds onto her hands “Moms are longer” is all the argument she gives before running off to watch Ophelia get her nails painted bubblegum pink. 
The clock neared 9 pm as everyone sat gathered in the empty boathouse to watch Dustin's homemade movie screen, Star Wars: A New Hope playing in the projector as it shows on the white bedsheet hanging on the wall. Most of Hellfire spent the afternoon dragging down couches and armchairs from the basement, setting out snacks and drinks as well as multiple blankets and pillows to set up movienight. Pizza had been ordered and now you were comfortably snuggled up to the arm of a couch as Roxetted curled up in your lap, watching intently. Ophelia sat with the Harringtons barely paying any attention as they whispered to each other excitedly. 
Next to you sat Eddie who had Jeff and Tracy on his other side, all munching away on their slices of pizza, both Jeff and Eddie watching intently as you and Tracy giggled at their intense gazes despite them having seen the movie hundreds of times. From the other side of the room Robin waved a pack of cigarettes at you, a silent invitation for you to join her, you grinned and nodded before bowing your head down to whisper “Think you can sit with Dad for a little bit?” in Roxettes ear. She nodded and with her eyes never leaving the screen she shifted over, pizza slice hanging from her mouth while she plopped down in Eddie's lap. 
The scene was absolutely comical, Eddie automatically moving his plate out of the way and settling her in his lap while both of them never wavered in their watching the movie. You left both of them to awkwardly climb over people on the floor, whispering sorry’s until you got to the door. 
Robin handed you the packet of cigarettes and you lit one as you walked off the peer and onto the grass, sitting down next to her. “So Vickies becoming a nail tech” you kept your voice quiet, it seemed a shame to disturb it as silence fell over Muskegon, the only sound being the movie playing softly in the background. “Yeah, she's real excited, I’m proud of her” you smiled at the love Robin had for her girlfriend. “How’s it going with the ring?” when Robin had first announced that she was going to propose you, Nancy and Steve were all over the moon, squealing excitedly and talking nonstop about the wedding. 
“Picking it up on sunday next week, called today” she grinned “Yeah that's why I asked doofus” suddenly the door opened and you both turned to see Nancy making her way across the wood panelling making grabby hands as she got closer. 
The three of you sat chatting for a near 40 minutes until the door opened again, gaining the attention of all three of you, you stood up when you saw Eddie carrying Roxette, her arms flung over his shoulders as her head bobbed with each step. “Want me to take her?” you whispered once you got to them, you smoothed your hand over her curls which she had inherited from her father, “You sure?” he stood with his side to you, showing her peaceful face as she slept in his arms. “Yeah, go watch the movie” you whispered back. She stirred as he handed her over to you with a thanks, you waved a hand to the girls, telling them you'd be back in a few. 
Walking back with Roxette in your arms proved to be heavier with each step but eventually you made it down to the basement and placed her on the mattress next to Ophelias, making sure to be as quiet as possible as to not wake the other kids who had been unfortunate enough to miss the movie due to their age. Slipping her shoes off as well as her jean shorts and tucking her into bed you gave a kiss to her forehead. When you were certain she was asleep you tiptoed back out the room and up the stairs. 
Once the movie was over and most of the stuff from the boathouse was brought back inside you both tucked Ophelia to bed. “Ugh I forgot I have to shower” you groan once you step over the threshold to your bedroom walking straight to the bench across from you to pick up your toiletries and towel. “I gotta shower too but you go first I’ll just wait here” Eddie says as he sits down on the foot of the bed, “We can.. shower together if you want” you suggest as you make your way back to the door. 
Nah this was just too much, only a few days ago he wasn't even touching you and now you wanted to shower with him? Was he high? Was this all a dream? Was he gonna wake up tomorrow to find himself back on day one of this trip, disappointed because you hadn't wanted to do anything despite the change of scenery? 
“Hello?” you wave a hand in front of his face, “Huh what?” he shakes his head and looks up at you “I said we can shower together, if you want to?” 
“Hell yes” he stands up so quickly you think he might fall over, but instead he just rushes to snatch his towel up and tap your ass to get you out the door. “How are you already hard??” you whisper as he eagerly tears his shorts down and steps out of them, hard cock slapping his stomach before standing out proudly, “I’m getting to shower with my wife” he says with wide eyes as he pulls his shirt over his head, leaving him in nothing but a silver chain, a deep red pick with your name written in acrylic resting below his collarbone “You do realise shower means shower right? It's not a codeword for sex” you explain as you pull your thin corroded coffin t-shirt over your head. 
“Still, it's you, naked” he grins as you unclasp your bra, you roll your eyes playfully as he watches you like a child promised candy. “Well get in then” you gesture to the shower, pulling your bra off and letting it fall to the floor. He walks slowly, eyes never leaving your figure as you pull your skirt down. “Jesus Eddie, you've seen me naked like a million times” you laugh after he knocks his shins into the bathtub wall, he grins sheepishly as he steps over it. 
He shakes his head as if to force out all of his dirty thoughts before turning the shower on, the fact that Eden had just stepped out of the shower minutes before played in his favour. He stepped under the stream of warm water after checking the temperature with his hand, running his hair back and away from his face he soaks up the feeling of the water pattering against his skin. 
He turns instantly when he hears you step over the small wall and into the bath, not giving you a second to hang your toiletry bag up next to him before circling his arms around you, inevitably pressing his hard cock against the soft dough that is the middle of your stomach.
You reach behind him and fumble blindly until you manage to hook the bag onto one of the metal bars connecting to a shelf already full of wash products. When you pull your arm back you wrap it around his neck to join your hands behind him. 
Eddie hums happily and squeezes you tighter, when the hug stretches to 20 seconds long you pull away from him, “As much as I do like hugging you I did actually come in here to shower” he rolls his eyes and groans as he lets you move around him to stand in the firing range of the water. 
His hand stops you before you can wrap your fingers around the shampoo bottle, non-verbally telling you he would do it, you shrug and smile at him. You tip your head back slightly as he squirts a hefty amount of frosty gel into his hand, rubbing both together before smoothing them down the surface of your hair. 
You let an open mouthed hum escape your lips as the tips of his fingers begin massaging your scalp, you feel his hands twitch for a second at the sound before no doubt pushing through and continuing his work in your hair. 
You decide not to tease him by making the sound again, instead you stay quiet and enjoy the sweet and in some way, very much needed, moment between the two of you. It seems Eddie drags the time out of washing your hair because by the time his hands retract you’ve closed your eyes in a lull while a content daze creeps through you. 
You whisper a thanks as you turn around, you close your eyes and bring your arms up to run your fingers through your hair and rinse under the water. Not noticing as Eddie's eyes trail down your body. Soaking up every beautiful sight that he’s rewarded with, from your relaxed face, down your thick arms, soft skin pulled with the weight of gravity, to the litter of fading hickies running down your neck to your collarbones, further to your now slightly perkier tits, weight following your raised arms. Down to your soft stomach and hips, he leans back to examine you further, wispy hairs curling over your mound, plush squishy thighs to your calves. He always argued with you when you called them chicken legs and watching you now even strengthened his point that you were wrong. 
He snaps his eyes back to yours as you pull your head forward and open your eyes. This time you don’t reach for the next item in your routine, instead you turn around as Eddie pulls the conditioner from the plastic pocket. 
Once he’s gone through the motions of running his hands through your hair, smoothing product into the strands you motion for him to switch places. He stands expectantly before you as you sigh, “Babe I hate to break it to you but you're like 6 foot 3, you either gotta bend down or sit on your knees” you chuckle as you can feel him roll his eyes at you. “Mm, you want me on my knees, kinky” he grins at you from over his shoulder, bright teeth on show as he grins wider at your mimic of his reaction, you roll your eyes. 
The first thing he says as your fingers come into contact with his own scalp is “Ugh I’ve missed this” his feet slotted between yours after he folded himself down to his knees against the ceramic. “What having someone else wash your hair cuz’ you’re too lazy?” chuckling you work your fingers through his hair, making sure to get every square inch, partly to prolong the moment just like he had but also because you know damn well he is actually too lazy to wash his precious curls properly. You giggle as he nips at your thigh gently, “Shut up, I wash my hair” he grumbles, “You sure? Because there seems to be a lot of dandruff here” another nip to the thigh has you laughing again, the volume dampening quickly when you remember there are people on the other side of both walls. 
“Shut up” he laughs, for a long time that sound hadn't had any particular effect on you, but in this particular moment, you feel the formerly black, now neutral, vines colour in a bright shades of golden orange hues. Happiness flowing through you from your chest as his genuine, honest laugh plays like music to your ears. 
You let the gold take over you, all the way up to your mind as you rest content with Eddie's head in your hands for a few minutes. Both of you sulk at the all too soon retraction of your hands, after rinsing your hands you let them trail from his shoulders as he stands up, you smack his ass playfully before he turns to face you. Just as he opens his mouth to give a snarky remark you beat him to the punches, “How, how are you still hard? All I did was wash your hair!” you gesture your hands toward the near 8 inches which keeps the two of you apart, he shrugs happily as he washes the product out of his hair. “I’ll give you three guesses” he smirks down at you. 
In retaliation you spin around and back up into him, forcing him against the shower wall and in turn you under the water “Hey, wha-”, “Need to get the conditioner out” you shrug as you let the mixture of cream and water run down his front. “Not fair” he fakes a pout as he wraps his arms around you “Can you at least move?” without his hands ever leaving you, the two of you shuffle around and switch places. 
He’s trying so hard, he really is, but he can't stop himself from pressing up against you and slotting himself between the globes of your ass. Even though his dirty mind was being painstakingly presented to you he still wanted to respect your obvious hinting at no sex. But as he feels himself surrounded by your wet skin he can't help the moan that slips from the back of his throat. 
You sigh and turn in his hold once your hair is clean “Do you want me to suck your dick? Is that what this is?” there's a hint of annoyance painted across your features as he looks down at you “What? No! I just, I dunno’, babe you're naked, its extremely difficult to practise self restraint right now” you stare up at him expectantly “We don't have to do anything just let me feel you” the shrug he gives up doesn't portray any sort of casualness as his face pleads with you. 
“Fine” you grin and point a finger at him “But when you're actually on your knees, begging, I will be giving you an ‘I told you so’” he sticks his tongue out in retaliation with a “Try me” murmured through a smirk. “You really wanna go down that road?” you raise your eyebrows, feeling smug as Eddie makes a face of nonchalance “Alright, no sex and no touching and I’ll give you 20 bucks” you wait expectantly until Eddie pulls away from you, hand held out in offering “Heh deal” and you shake on it. 
“Now you just stand there and look pretty so I can get on with my shower” you hide a sneaky smirk as you turn and pull the body wash from the bag, face neutral as you turn again with a handful of soapy liquid. Eddie's smug face falls way too fast as he watches you transition from lathering it onto your arms to smoothing your hands over the swell of your tits. 
You grin evilly at him but it goes unbeknownst to him as his eyes are trained on the way your plump flesh moves rhythmically with your hands. “Giving me my 20 bucks yet?” you tease as you hold your tits up, bouncing them slightly against each other. Eddie shakes his head as if snapping himself out of his trance and manages to meet your gaze “Never” he whispers with narrowed eyes. You shrug and continue your way down your torso. 
You know you have him when you turn around, spreading your legs wide and bending down to work your way up your calves. The muffled squeak you hear from behind as Eddie is met by your pussy on full display furthers your knowledge of winning this little impromptu contest, but when you hear a sharp intake of breath and the sound of feet pattering once, twice, away from you, you begin to falter, maybe he’s stronger than you anticipated. 
You stand up annoyed and quickly spin around, met by Eddies guilty looking face and a hand ripping away from his dick you groan mildly “I said no touching, that includes yourself”, “I wasn't!” he quickly jumps to offence “You're a shit liar babe” you laugh, “Fine, you get your $20, now can I please touch you” he holds his hands together as he begs. “Hmm, well I am finished with my shower..” Eddie beams, “But I do need to brush my teeth” you pretend to wonder as his smile falters. 
“If you can wash yourself at the same time.. Fine” his smile shines brighter than the one before it “But you only have so much time, the waters already getting cold and I wanna’ go to bed warm” before you can even say anything else you're being flipped around and bent over by two strong hands at your hips and back. You only just manage to brace yourself on the wall before you feel the head of his cock pressing at your hole, the whine that rings throughout the room resembles one of a bratty teenager as he slips inside all the way to the hilt. 
As he arches his back in strain all you can feel is his hips against yours and his cock buried deep within your walls until he lets out a heavy breath above you and his forehead rests between your shoulder blades. “Did you.. Did you just cum?” you laugh breathlessly, “No” it's an annoyed grumble against your skin “Oh my god! You totally did!” you eyes widen as you twist your neck to find a wet mop of curls splayed across your skin “How?!” he shamefully admits that the scalp massage and press of your tits against the back of his head may have been a little too much for him, and that he may or may not have slipped up for a couple of minutes. 
You slap a hand to your mouth as you roar with laughter, still echoing within the four walls as Eddie slips out of you and you turn around, “Shame, I was looking forward to a good showerfuck” you tut but break out into a sympathetic grin as you realise he’s properly ashamed of himself, with a hand cupping his cheek you reassure him “Baby it's ok” when his face contorts into a pained one you tell him “Seriously baby it's ok, happens to the best of us” he rolls his eyes at you. 
You press a kiss to his lips and then to his forehead before you tell him to switch places with you so you can do the bodywash. His shame melts away as your hands slide over his inked skin, smooth fingers running over the anatomical angel, wings spreading far over his shoulder blades, its feet resting over a series of tattooed vertebra that runs down his own spine. 
After what must have been half an hour shower the both of you tiptoe across the floorboards in your towels, quickly changing into fresh underwear and wrap yourselves up with each other after you've dropped a t-shirt on to the floor next to your side of the bed for tomorrow morning. Just as any other night you’re back in his heavy arms, that alone would be enough to make the daze of sleep take over you but it seems it's not enough. You feel as Eddie drifts off into dreamland behind you, his breathing evens out into soft puffs of air and his arms loosen their tight grip around you. 
20 minutes after initially getting into bed you snap your eyes open, stifling a groan of annoyance as you pinch your eyes shut in frustration. The air in the room was humid and stifling, Eddie's arms suddenly felt like they were suffocating you despite them only resting gently around your waist, the comforter only adds to the pressure and within seconds you start to feel like you're being smothered. Technically you could try harder at falling asleep, you could push Eddie off you, kick the blankets away and crack a window but once your eyes focus on your leather handbag leaned up against the wall it's over for you. You slowly slip out of bed, extremely cautious of your husband's sleeping form surrounding you. You throw the shirt over your head and begin your search for the pack of cigarettes hidden at the bottom. 
The soft whine that leaves Eddies throat has your movements halting, bent over in a strain you slowly turn your head to find Eddie rolling onto his back, when it seems he's fallen back asleep you resume your desperate search, a relieved sigh whispers throughout the room as you finally find what you're looking for. When you open it you find that the usual AC/DC lighter shoved between the rolled up papers is gone, you roll your eyes. Before you get the chance to root through your bag further you catch a glimpse of Eddie's zippo in the jumbled mess that was the contents of his pockets poured onto his bedside table. 
Making an effort to be as quiet as possible you make your way around the bed, just as you level with his knees you stop dead in your tracks, another whine echoes in the room, this time frustrated as Eddie turns back on his side and blindly starts patting his hand around your vacant spot. In his sleep filled haze he seems to register your absence because his eyes snap open as his head forces back to examine the empty mattress. The sound of a floorboard creek makes him whip around to face you, he frowns. You can't help but smile as you examine his face, he’s cast in darkness but you can still make out the shape of his furrowed brows above half lidded eyes, predominantly black irises peeking through under his long lashes, his soft laugh lines, etching deeper with each year that passes, a tug of his full pink lips, pursing them as the corners pull down slightly. Your smile turns embarrassed as he sits up “What are you doing?” his voice is laced with sleep, a deep throaty husk as he presses a knuckle to his eyes. 
“Was just going for a smoke, go back to sleep” you whisper, arriving at your destination and pulling his lighter from a tangle of childish hair bobbles, loose change and a deteriorating pack of gum. “Mm mm” he shakes his head “I’ll come with you” before you get a chance to protest he's already pushing the comforter off of him and setting his feet to the floor with a groan. 
Without another word uttered into the silence of the night his hand finds yours and leads you out the door, quietly down the other end of the hall across from you and out onto the balcony. It seems the night air has a positive effect on the both of you, you immediately feel your hot skin cool down as the cold rushes to Eddie's own skin, waking him up. He adjusts his eyes and finds one lonely chair on the old wood, he pats his thigh once he's sat down, gesturing you over. 
You hold the small flame up to Eddie's awaiting cigarette perched between his lips, watching as the rusty colour of orange and red lights up within the tobacco. Eddie's arm wraps around you once again after you tossed both the carton and zippo onto the floor. The cool night breeze brushes against your legs while the scent of smoke, chia shampoo and conditioner, tangerine body wash, a fading old spice and redwood and a musk you could only describe as uniquely Eddie fills your senses. 
You allow yourself to soak up the moment, relaxed in Eddie's lap, a strong arm enveloping your waist, deep blues painting the sky, purely and simply at ease. “I think we should talk” his words break the comfortable silence, your neck stretches to look up at him, head resting on his shoulder “About what?” the softness of his voice eases any worry that most definitely could have bubbled up in your stomach if his tone had been any different when speaking those five words. 
“Sweetheart, I know you have a hard time telling me how you feel about things, but I think it's important you try. I had no idea what you were going through, I still don't. But I feel like it's something I should be made aware of, you know? We need to be able to tell each other things so that we’re on the same wavelength.” you turn your eyes up to the sky as you sigh at his words. 
This was going to be difficult. Throughout your whole childhood you had been told time and time again that showing any trace of feelings was a definite sign of weakness. Even the fact of registering your feelings as not only feelings but allowed, permitted, was something you were partly deeply uncomfortable with and something that was scarcely new to you. Untread territory. A deep breath reaches Eddie's ears as you prepare for the unpreventable fate. 
“She died” you barely manage a whisper as you confess to the incident which happened months ago. The words tasted sour on your tongue, bitter, you hadn't spoken those words to anyone, saying them now made you shudder. “What?” he's having trouble wrapping his head around what you've just said, “My mom.. she died, uh december 18th” both cigarettes left forgotten you find yourself tearing up. The stupid emotions showing your vulnerability only fuels anger, a bead of salty fluid drops down your cheek, you wipe it away in frustration. Why were you even crying? Crying about a mean old drug addict who had abused you all your life, verbally, physically, emotionally. Why were you shedding tears for the woman who kicked you out at 16 after losing your job at the gas station, the job that paid for the trailer you never bared to call a home, the job that paid the bills, the food, the dangerous toxins which she put into her body. 
The woman your own kids believed to have passed away in your early childhood, the woman who you insisted on shielding them from. The same woman who broke down every single part of you until she left you to fend for yourself, to build yourself back up, bit by bit, piece by piece, day by day. 
“She.. she died?” his hot breath fans across your cheek as he nuzzles his face to the side of yours “Why didn't you tell me?” his words are muffled as his lips ghost over your skin. For once in your life you feel yourself let go, if only a miniscule fraction of what normalcy is, you let yourself experience your feelings, with one single hiccup. “I don't know” the sadness in your voice makes his heart break, but still you refuse to let it tremble. “I just, I didn't know how to feel, what to think, I needed time to figure it out” your eyes flutter shut as you manoeuvre your face into the crook of his neck, stubbing your cigarette out on the wall behind him and dropping it to the floor. 
Eddie copies your movements and rests his cheek to the side of your head, he stays silent as he waits for you to continue, “I knew logistically people are sad when their parent dies, but it just made my head spin, I didn't feel sad, I couldn't, not for her.” your voice vibrates against his throat as you speak. 
Eddie knew the two largest reasons as to why you couldn't feel sad, she didn't deserve it, and you simply weren't able to access those emotions. You found some comfort in his awareness, had you been forced to explain everything in intimate detail you would only feel worse. “And the kids didn't know so I couldn't just go around moping so I guess I just… distracted myself?” he knew the reason as to why for that too, endless thoughts swirled around his head as he managed to come to the conclusion that you had been lost, you probably still were. So confused as to how or why you were feeling the way you did, refusing to address the issue head on and finding any way to cope. 
Your hours spent in silence -at home, at work, at any activity you could find and drag out the time with, at events, hanging with all your friends, dinners at Wayne’s- had closed you off, in the moment it may have worked but a nagging thought at the back of his mind told him it didn't. Not for you, not for him, not for the girls. So many thoughts threatened to make his head explode, and in the mix of it was roaring guilt. Guilt from not taking a second to ask how you were, guilt for not realising there was something deeper nestled below the surface, guilt for not only the idea he constantly convinced himself was untrue but actually accusing you of cheating, guilt for selfishly missing you in all ways possible and guilt for only focusing on that. 
“I’m so sorry” unlike yours his voice shook as he spoke, arms wrapping tighter around you in agony. “Why? You don't have to be sorry” he couldn't see the confused frown spread over your face, but it was there. You simply couldn't wrap your head around why a whole other human being was feeling sorry or even affected by your problems. “I-I didn't do anything, or-or say anything, you were clearly struggling and I never knew, I wasn’t there for you” his own water lines began to flood, just as you had he distracted himself, by running a hand up and down your arm. “I didn't do or say anything” you admit, “I should have told you, I just, I was worried, that you would have.. expectations from me, how I would feel, act. Not only that but I think there was just this gnawing thought that you would think there was something wrong, with me, if I didn't do the normal thing and grieve” his hand was now soothing up and down over your hair. 
“Baby, look at me” his hands pulled lightly at your shoulders, gesturing you to turn and straddle him, face to face. “She has never earned the right to your grief” his thumb swiped under your eye as you let out a sob and a hot searing tear rolled down, “She never did a single thing to earn even a glance from you” as your eyes closed tight he continued, “What you did was normal. It was normal for you, there's nothing wrong with not knowing how to go through some things in life, and there's nothing abnormal with trying to process it in your own way” your shoulders threatened to collapse against him but he held on softly to one as he cupped your cheek. “You just need to remember that I'm always here for you, you can tell me anything. I won't judge you, or expect anything from you.”
For the very first time, you actually sat down and accepted your feelings, you accepted them, talked about them and learned to understand them, all thanks to the one person you had shut yourself away from the most. For over an hour you talked, both showing and explaining the raw emotions you found within yourself. By the second hour you walked through the details of what had gone down and at the end you felt a weight lift from your chest as well as some understanding for yourself. A promise was made, to not only communicate with him but also to learn how to access and express what was going on in your head, in therapy. Something that initially seemed so frightening but was slowly dampened with another promise, that Eddie would come with you if you needed him. 
Your mother, or rather the woman who had birthed you but failed to raise you, had been forcefully put in rehab years ago. An expensive resort, you found yourself still keeping her afloat with your hard earned money as you sent in monthly payments. An old ‘friend’ had shown up and before the personnel had a chance to alert you to it, she had escaped. Run off with her friend to, what was probably her opinion, be free. Once some hours had passed they had tried calling you, too busy slaving away for your promotion at work you had missed every single one. When they finally got hold of you, the soft pitiful voice on the other end of the line explained to you how she had been found, collapsed only a yard from the abandoned house occupied by the homeless, with no pulse. 
It was bound to happen, but just because it was destiny that you would come from a broken home didn't mean you yourself had to be broken. An absent father who had bolted the second the pregnancy had been announced to him, and a mother who for 16 years had constantly reminded you of how unwelcome you were in her life. Even up till your thirties where she would filter in and out of your life unwanted. You had kept the secret from your friends and boyfriend for three months, living under the bridge by the docks with only the clothes on your back and a few newspapers you found. You had lied to your friends and explained that your mother had donated all your clothes as punishment for coming home after curfew, a curfew you didn't have and probably wouldn't have been cared about if you did. For 2 months and 3 weeks you lived off a duffle bag of Eddies band shirts and sweatpants. It was bearable, the life you had at the time, even with the thunder storms and hammering rain, but by peak december when the cold was at its worst you realised that wearing multiple layers wouldn't cut it and shamefully knocked on Eddie's door, asking for a place to stay. 
Wayne had become the father and mother you never had, and you would spend your entire lifetime trying to pay him back, but nothing could ever come close to the love he showered you with, the money he spent, the food, clothes, shelter he gave you. 
The time showed 1:26 am when you finally made it back to your room, the cold biting at your skin forgotten until the warm duvet swallowed you whole, a reminder of how extremely cold you were. Wrapped in Eddie's arms, cheek pressed to his chest, you soon fell asleep, no longer sad or gloomy, but tired and happy, every vine in your body glittering with fierce gold. “I love you” the soft whisper from below him made him realise that the words accompanied by your voice were strange to his ears. He hadn't realised it at the time but you had stopped saying those words to him in what must have been mid spring. Tears pricked at his eyes again as he beamed “I love you too” 
(A/N was thinking of leaving it here but I know we’re all horny fucks here so OBVIOUSLY I have to continue)
You awoke with a light, happy heart, and just like every other fucking morning, as the little spoon again. Instead of calling them in you pulled yourself out of bed and answered the knock at the door, wrapping your girls up in a warm hug before they had a chance to whiz past you to their clothes. It might have been that you were content with the duration of the hug but it was more probably the fact that both girls were wining and squirming trying to get away from you when they felt they'd been pressed together for too long that you broke apart. You chuckled as you let them go and climbed back into bed, Eddie was still fast asleep, it seemed the giggling voices of two happy little girls weren't enough to wake him from his slumber. 
Although he seemed not to be fully passed out when you shimmied back down the covers once the girls had left, because he hummed happily, and automatically wrapped around you in a warm embrace. After a while he fell back asleep, arms clutching you close to his chest in contentment, his nose buried in the scent of your hair. You began to grin when you felt something familiar poking at your behind, Eddie's morning wood was appearing just as the sun began to rise. Jitters built throughout your body at the sensation, you were no doubt used to waking up just like this, even during your rough patch, but for maybe the first time since the early stages of your relationship, it wasn't just funny and exciting but thrilling. The feeling of Eddie's slowly hardening cock pressing up against you sent tingles up your legs, awakening butterflies that situated in the bottom of your stomach. 
He must have been wavering between being half asleep and fully judging by the fact that he groaned loudly as you wiggled your hips to situate him between your ass cheeks. The groan spurred you on and you forced your hips against his, earning a tighter hug to hold you infinitely closer to him. Your grin widened when he let out a second groan as you forced yourself back again, one final time had his eyes fluttering open and his hand snaking up under your shirt to squeeze softly at your boob. “Morning” your voice was soft to his ears since it came out in a whisper. 
For the first morning in a while the deep raspy “Morning beautiful” had your thighs clenching. Maybe you should talk about your feelings if it made you feel this connected to Eddie and especially this desperate for him. “Love the sound of your voice in the mornings” you chose to push the feeling of spewing random and intimate -to you- thoughts, right down. Forcing them out of sight and allowing you to properly express yourself, even though it may have been an admittedly mild statement. The action, telling him exactly what you were thinking. “Mm you do?” he hummed behind you to which you nodded, hair brushing up and down against his nose. The grin you were fighting off made you once again feel like a teenager, talking to your crush… Holy shit were you flustered? 
“Maybe I should talk like this more often” he was slowly waking up now, slight hints of clarity lacing his voice as he stirred behind you, “You really should” your cheeks were heating up now, Jesus Christ you hadn't felt like this since you were an actual teenager, talking to the same man, at that time a boy. “Mm it doing it for you?” he hummed, despite the obvious comic tone in his words the sound sent fiery lightning straight through your body as you let out a stifled girly giggle “It really is”. 
You felt yourself swoon as his hips pressed against yours, a pleased hum followed from his lips as you took a deep breath to centre yourself. “Fuck, you don’t know how good this feels” had the ruckus downstairs from all the kids and newly awoken parents been closer the words would have fallen on deaf ears for it was all but a whisper, a mumble from soft plush lips grazing your scalp. All you could do in response was hum, the feeling of Eddie's thick fingers massaging the soft skin of your breast, catching your nipple between them and near searingly hot skin pressed flat against your back along with his throbbing cock grinding against you left you speechless. 
The tingles fluttering throughout your body were only growing more violent when Eddie let out a long groan of relief, the pent up frustration echoing through the room as strong arms held you even closer to him. Eventually, it got too much to bare, as soft whimpers began to escape your lips, matching up perfectly to the near obnoxious groans the man behind you was making, you slid your hand from under your cheek to slightly aggressively grab onto the hand massaging your boob, leading it down your front till his fingertips nudged the hem of your brazilians. 
Immediately he got the hint and carefully slunk his fingers under the offensive undergarment and soon enough callused fingers were running lazily up from your hole to your clit, collecting you slick and rubbing slow circles into the nub he since long ago had no trouble finding. A needy moan broke from your throat and you were quick to cover your mouth by turning your head and smooshing your bare face into the worn fabric of the pillow beneath you. Your now free hand slunk up behind you to grasp on firmly at the roots of Eddie's curls. His own display of arousal rang through the room before he followed your lead and buried his face further into your hair. 
“Shit, fuck, babe, need- need to be” his voice broke off before he had a chance to fully voice his request, your hand was already pulling at the hem of his boxers, prompting him to wriggle awkwardly while his hand was still attached to you. Within seconds your back was arched, your thigh was lifted into the air and your panties moved to the side as a small hand wrapped around his base, leading him to the opening of where you needed him most. The both of you synchronised in desperate whimpers as he sheathed inside you and bottomed out, once he was fully seated you took a deep breath to steady yourself before laying your leg back down.
The added pressure of your thighs squeezing together causing for a delightful sensation as your pussy pulsed around him. Not before long he was rocking into you, matching the slow rhythm of his fingers. 
This, this was utter and complete bliss. A lazy morning with your lover, early morning sun filtering through the thin flower curtains, the rambunctious sound of happy children only to be heard as white noise, heavy strained breaths pleasing your ears, warm skin on warm skin, wrapped up in soft colourful sheets with Eddie slowly thrusting in to you. Yeah this was the best fucking feeling. 
Soon enough the faint thuds against the very depths of your pussy became repetitive, each pause of Eddie pulling back and thrusting back in shorter when his hips sped up. With each passing second you realised that the thickness of the plush pillow wasn't enough to muffle your moans, the lone hand resting under your cheek came up to plaster over your mouth, forcing it hard against the chubbiness of your cheeks. Once again Eddie was on the same page as you, with his mind and body quickly awakening, the arm squished between the mattress and your body ripped quickly out from under you, a clenched fist coming up to his lips as he bit down hard onto the skin. 
Each thrust was growing faster and faster, deeper and deeper, harder and harder, and in turn the slow circles on your clit, matching the pace of his hips with the added pressure increasing. “Fuck babe, roll over” with the help of his body forcing you in the right direction you rolled onto your stomach, a frustrated whine leaving your lips at the loss of Eddies fingers harshly pressing into your clit before you had the chance to cover your mouth again. 
Your whine was left discarded as Eddie manoeuvred himself on top of you, his thighs straddling the backs of yours, his left hand slipping under your armpit and lacing his fingers with your own right hand. Before you knew it, plush lips were kissing repeatedly up and down your right shoulder and up the side of your neck. Just as he began thrusting again his free hand planted a deathgrip on your hip, callused tips of his fingers pressing harshly into your skin, no doubt leaving a bruise. 
Your left hand found its place splayed across your mouth once again just as the thrusts became hard and evenly spaced. “Fuck feel so good baby, fuckin’ -shit” his breath fanned against your ear, a mewl from the back of your throat only spurring him on. “Fuckin’ love these curves, you’re so sexy” you had long since passed the point where you’d flush with embarrassment at the compliments showered upon you about your body, instead his words had the intended effect, muffled moans became much less muffled, the volume breaking through the barrier of your hand. “Fuck princess you gotta be quiet, think you can do that for me?” you most definitely couldn't, but you sure as hell would try. The deep husky voice whispering against you skin as he kissed it, knuckles gripping tightly onto your own, hand holding firmly onto the meat of your hip and his dick thundering in and out of you overtook all senses, all you wanted to do right now was worship this man who made you feel so Mother. Fucking. Good. So yes, you sure as fucking hell would try. 
“Good girl” you could feel the smug smirk against the slope of your neck at your eager nod, could hear it in his voice, knew he was just filling up with pride at the feeling of your whole body tensing with the force of not letting out the excruciatingly loud moan you were so desperate to set free. “So good for me, takin’ me -fuck- so well, oh fuck holy shit” despite how badly he wanted to shower you in endless praise he couldn’t help the endless string of swares as he felt your pussy clamp down around him at his words. 
“Fuck fuck fuck, oh shit, oh my fucking god” his neck went slack as his forehead landed on your shoulder with a thud, hips working faster than ever at the feeling of your pulsing around him, intensified with the hard incessant squeeze. You couldn't pass it up, you just couldn't, you knew exactly what to do to get him riled up, despite his whole body working in overdrive you wanted, no, needed to know what would happen if he was pushed just a little further towards his limits. Throughout heavy pants once your hand was lifted only slightly from your lips you managed to get out the words “Seems hmmghf seems you’re enjoying this more than me right now” a smirk slowly spread across your lips. 
“You sure about that sweetheart?” his voice was strained as he spoke and it only made the tingling between your thighs strengthen. “Yeah” you breathed, “I don't know about you, but with time things get… old”
“Old huh?”
“Boring” with every ounce of power you had in your body you managed to even your voice in a smooth breath, unnamused and bored. “You can't please me anymore. It's the same old dance every time. It gets boring”
“Oh I can't please you anymore?”
“Not in the slightest. Judging by this maybe I should go find another man, someone who knows what he’s doing. Someone new, exciting, better.” before your grin had a chance to widen at his “Oh you fucking-” a strong hand gripped tightly onto your roots and you were yanked up to a sitting position. 
He pulled the flimsy t-shirt your thrown on earlier over your head before the hand holding yours found your hip in no time, leaving identical bruising on your other hip while the tension in your scalp quickly soothed as his other hand no longer gentle forced itself under your panties, diving straight for your clit to circle it fast and harsh. “Oh yeah? That's how we're gonna do this?” with the upper hand, amusement sounded in his voice between the heavy pants he was releasing. But the fact that both your legs were pressed together betweens his was not working in his favour. He wanted so badly to just let loose and scream at the feeling of your thighs tightening you around him but he was trying his hardest never to let the pants transition into deep groans or even loud moans. As he waited for your answer his hand smoothed up your side to plant a firm grasp on your left boob, “Y-yeah” how it was even possible you were even more worked up than he was, your pants faster and louder, threatening to echo deafeningly throughout the room and reach unexpecting and innocent ears. 
Just knowing there were people around who could hear you if you dared raise your voice, who could catch you made it all the more exhilarating. 
Your head lolled onto his shoulder with your eyes closed and mouth open in a mute scream as your body moved up and down with each push of his hips, in sync with the low squeaks of the old bed frame. “Yeah you wanna be in charge? Go ahead sweetheart” the smug and evil laugh vibrated through his chest at the sound of your pathetic whine in protest “You sure?” the mocking tone only made you squeeze harder around him. The squeaking increased as Eddie breathed, “Fuck” had it not been for the fact that you were almost completely silent you wouldn’t have heard it, but you did and it flipped a switch inside you. Even though you were clearly the whining mess at the hands of your husband, you did in fact have the upper hand despite his insistence that you didn't. 
It had most definitely been a while, but you decided you most definitely wanted to push him to his limits, you wanted to see him angry. With some extreme power you didn't know you withheld you managed to clear your head from all the sensations and purely focus on speaking, knowing you would be rewarded by it soon enough. “You act so tough” the near clear tone of your words caught him off guard, “You give off this idea that you're all big and strong. But you're all bark. No bite” you slowly opened your eyes to watch him out of the corner of them, “What did you just say to me?” fury began to swim in his eyes as his jaw twitched with the tightness of the grit of his teeth. 
“You heard me.” a loud exhale managed to escape your lips but you forced yourself to reel back in your head and stay focused on your mission, “Everybody thinks you're this mean, inked up, scary metalhead who could crush anyone into a pulp within the matter of seconds, but on the contrary you're just a mushy wuss who plays dress up, watches cartoons and likes baking every sunday with his wife” ok maybe the jab at him playing princesses with the kids might have been a little harsh, but it was no doubt working. 
For a moment, it left him speechless. His hips were still working furiously but his grip on your chest slackened. Even before the dry spell it was on rare occasions where you were this mean, this assertive. It threw him right off course.
He managed to regain his mental footing however, “Who the fuck do you think you are right now?” the grin spreading on your delicate features only fueled his anger, “I’m the woman whose body you've worshipped and will continue to worship until the day you die. I’m the woman, the only woman who can get you on your knees, begging, whining for you to touch me” hmm, might have been the wrong direction, judging by the fact that he too was now grinning. The squeaking only increasing with each passing second.
Dammit, you had to rethink your tactics. His hand found your hip again as he watched your tits bounce with amusement. Before you had the chance to even mull over how to play this next his words cut you off, “I know you like to think you're the one who calls the shots sweethea-” “Shut up” he frowns at you as he instantly shuts his mouth in sheer shock. “I am the one who calls the shots, just the other day you were whining and whimpering like a pathetic little baby and I hadn't even touched you” now that seemed to be working. His confused frown shifted into one of anger again, “And I don't think I even need to remind you how you got all hard and needy from just the prospect of getting to see me naked, let alone shower with me”
It was definitely working when an angry twitch of his lips graced your presence, each word blowing oxygen into the bottom of the slow burning fire rumbling in his stomach. “I don't think I need to remind you this either, but I will” you sat up now, his cock still working its way in and out of you, still proving how desperate he was, twisting your neck to face him you forced a sneer “-you came within two seconds of slipping inside me” hot fury glared at you from once almond brown soft eyes, now black with a stare unwavering. “Pathetic” you landed the final punch with a scoff. 
“Get off me” the hands once gripping you with need and desperation now held onto you with pure rage, manhandling you to slip off him and almost collapsing onto the ground. Shit, did you take it too far? Did you read the signs wrong? Was he actually not into it? Worry glossed your eyes over as you watched him stand up. “I’m sor-” you tried to apologise as you found your balance “Shut. The. Fuck. Up” without warning he was in front of you, pushing you at your shoulders to bounce onto the bed. With harsh movements he brought you to the edge of the bed, forcing your thighs up. 
He looked you dead in the eye as he said the words “Not so tough now are we?” and then he broke into a wide smug smirk, soaking up every inch of your shocked face. “Wha..?” you breathed, a breath that quickly turned into an even more shocked, gasp. Without any caution or warning whatsoever he ripped the soft, expensive polyester lace that lay delicately over your stomach. Within a second he ripped the other side, his fingers finding the discarded -now backpiece- easily, pulling it out from under you and tossing it towards his nightstand. 
“Those were expensive!” you chastised him but all he did was smirk even wider. Despite his previous manhandling and legit throwing you around the touch of the tip of his cock running through your folds was soft, gentle. The sensation made you shiver as you felt it brush over your clit before returning back down again and repeating the process as he spoke. “That's the thing sweetheart, you act like a brat and you get treated like one” his words were laced with malice before the loud moan you let out had Eddies eyes shifting to the door, just out of view of his peripheral before zoning back in on you. Watching smugly at the once again evident shock on your face after he had just pushed himself into the hilt. The head of his cock brushing dangerously at your cervix from the force he was putting at his hips to get as deep as possible. 
The tut he let out at your reaction only made anger bubble up within yourself too, “Tsk tsk, thought you could be quiet” this time your sneer was 100% real, “Not when you just force yourself inside me with no fucking warning” your backtalk only made him more angry. He retaliated with another hard snap of his hips against you, this time you were ready, biting so hard into your bottom lip you were sure you would soon enough be drawing blood but it didn't matter, he wasn't going to win, maybe before but not now. 
His knees were beginning to ache from the awkward bend he was in to reach you on the bed, being tall seemed it didn't always come with its perks but- “Wanna see your face when you cum for me. See you fall apart for the only man who can make you beg and whine, like a pathetic. Little. Baby.” He threw your words right back in your face just before he began a furious pace of his hips, same if not more furious than when had last been inside you a minute ago. You thanked whoever made that stupid old bed for it at least not squeaking when moved the other way. 
His cock stretching you out at the new angle, the head of his cock hitting that stupid ‘danger zone’ was now sending you careening towards a fast and undoubtedly strong orgasm. Damn him. Not only that but you found as you bit down harder you did in fact manage to draw blood. “Yeah that's it” his smirk was still shining brightly on his soft and once kind features. The right hand that had been situated on your hip moved up to grab onto your tit once again while he watched the other one bouncing up and down. If the sound of the rest of the house had registered to him before it definitely wasn't now. Now all he could focus on was the way every part of your body bounced with each thrust, had it been under any other circumstance he most definitely would have praised you endlessly on how he loved the bounce of your tits, your soft stomach, your thighs, but right now it didn't even cross his mind to voice his opinions on it. The fiery anger grew more threatening at your next words “Piece of shit” you gritted out, the metallic taste of your blood sour in your mouth “Fucking pervert, bet you just love watching me like this, at your mercy or whatever” you scoffed, “Is it giving you your ego boost?” 
The hard slap landed at your cheek had you gasping but not regretting your words, no, far from it. This was exactly what you wanted, you had a feeling treating and being treated rough was something very much needed for the both of you. All sorts of built up feelings being released in a strange form of love rather than distance or petty arguments. This was much better, not only in the absolutely earth shattering way his cock was pistoning into you and every other sensation of this moment but the fact that it could be channelled into complete euphoria for the both of you and not hurt feelings. 
Strong fingers wrapped around your throat as he responded “Such a fucking slut, let anyone else do this to you? ‘Cause you seem to be taking this very easy” you rolled your eyes at him “Obviously not. Jesus christ I really regret marrying someone so fucking dense” pressure was added to your throat as another hand left your hip, fingers splayed over the soft pudge of your stomach as his thumb connected to your clit. 
If there had been any slight worry that he might actually be angry it would have dissipated the second his skin came in contact with your own slick one. “Hah! No you don't. You and I both know no one could treat you this good” he began to sense the loss of air you were experiencing and drew his hand up to your face, fingers resting at the back of your throat while his thumb sat just in front of your ear. “Drop anything to be at your aid, treat you like a goddamn goddess. No one could ever love you like I do.”
And there it was, love. His anger was beginning to melt, he’d gotten everything out and now all he could look at you with was adoration. “No one could ever love me like you do” you confirmed, a soft smile only hinting at your lips as you stared up at him. In less than a second his hand below your navel disappeared and was found slinking under your back, lowering himself down to capture your lips in a deep passionate kiss.  One hand circled under his arm to grasp onto his shoulder blade as the other ran through his hair. Multiple long kisses venturing between soft and hard were shared as well as breathy I love yous’s before you whispered a breathless and whiny “I’m gonna cum” Eddie breathed a heavy sigh of relief “Oh thank god” and soon enough the orgasm you had been teetering over the edge of for a long time came crashing down on you, biting into Eddies shoulder to suppress a loud moan as he led one final thrust before hot spurts of cum painted your walls.
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scuttledusk · 3 months
Lantern Eclipse Cast
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Fairywren Merlo - A hitman from Guardian City who was forced to flee after a job gone wrong.
Eddie Reeves - A successful, respected businessman of the Violet District in search of a mysterious artifact.
Ford - A Terror who spent the past 40 years in servitude and just recently gained his autonomy.
Bex Dlamini - A former Shepherd removed from service for his softness and now lost in the Cursed Wilds.
Heidi Cantrell - A wandering trader and musician, leader of a motley crew of outcasts and “freaks.”
Davin Fitzgerald - A protective sharpshooter with a mechanical heart of gold - or, well, titanium.
Ratshot Durchdenwald - A hyperactive young mechanic and medic-in-training with a venomous bite.
Judas Durchdenwald - A game hunter with a long family history and an even longer criminal record.
Gloria Tungalag - A singer and sniper, who’s been traveling with Heidi for as long as either can remember.
Marcus Ramsey - Paladin of the Breaking Dawn and a trusted, noble leader to his team.
Nisha Houghton - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, a ride-or-die friend with an indomitable spirit.
Hank Montoya - Happy-go-lucky technician for the Breaking Dawn, as well as the best cook on his team.
Arthur “Art” Danus - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, blunt and judgmental but a loyal friend.
Reuben Haverkort - Cleric (or healer) of the Breaking Dawn, who has harnessed cursed magic to help others.
Sadie Clem - Knight of the Breaking Dawn, soft-spoken and timid but never one to back down from a fight.
Anderson “Roach” Trengrove - A member of a failed revolutionary group, now the guardian of his two nephews.
Styke Trengrove - An impulsive young punk with a tendency to get into more trouble than he can handle.
Benji Trengrove - An innocent younger boy, oblivious to the horrors of the world, with a passion for sports.
Francis “Wasp” Mortimer - An old friend of Roach’s, and the only other survivor of their lost revolution.
Pearl Artair - The charismatic and elegant owner of a nightclub in the Violet district called “The Visionary.”
Finnegan “Mercury” MacEirie - A prostitute working at the Visionary, on the run from his past.
Inez Coronel - A singer at the Visionary, as well as a collector and broker of secrets and important information.
Vera Romeo - The bartender of the Visionary, who has new romantic troubles every day without fail.
Vaughn Grandis - The owner of a rival club and an influential figure in the Violet District’s underground.
Kerry Faulcon - The captain of the Rhettshore Redhawks, a cordball team known all across Guardian City.
Gage Bandy - Another member of the Redhawks, calm and reasonable but a bit condescending.
Lauren Bandy - A player on the Redhawks, who fans think may drop out of the league after this season.
Emerson Wheeler - A Redhawks player widely appreciated for his looks and charm rather than his skill.
Belle Eriksson - A skilled Redhawks player who is believed to be competing with Kerry for the title of Captain.
Antony Valdovinos - The mastermind behind the Damned, leader of a deep-rooted criminal organization.
Simon Demaret - Antony’s second-in-command and personal assassin with a secretive background.
Natalia Barrueco - A down to earth but extremely irritable member of the Damned, Antony’s cousin.
Kian Kinnerk - An entertaining young man and member of the Damned, who brings his violin everywhere he goes.
Vivi Seacoal - An extremely intimidating older woman, the muscle of Antony’s inner circle.
Lazarus Cain - Friend and rival, a mysterious young assassin who is always present yet rarely seen.
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I’ll try to update this whenever I need to, since new paras and storylines pop up every now and then! These are also just the “major” paras - there are a few side characters who just aren’t mentioned at all bc. this ain’t abt them
fun fact: eight people on this list are dead </3
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homiesondaweb · 1 year
Shout out to @frogs4frogs for finding these picrews for spidersonas for shawties that can't draw! I didn't want to hop on her post with her Sona and rambles for jt, So! I made my own to ramble on lol.
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This is Etta Hampton (Ezy) aka The Recluse the one and only Spiderwoman of New Tulsa on earth 9539
Etta is 17 and lives with her Uncle Barney who owns the Urban Stables that most people in North use for boarding. Etta's lived with her Uncle Barney since she was seven after the death of her parents in a mysterious OzCorp Refinery explosion. She has an army of aunties and cousins that live on the East Coast in Old York or DC.
Etta is incredibly smart, soft spoken and caring. She loves ATV or horse trail riding, welding, pottery, and botany. To the point she plans on triple majoring civil engineering, mechanical engineering and sculpture after she graduates from the Parker's Gifted Academy. Her uncle is her biggest supporter for her education and hobby pursuits and gave her her own garage/studio to work in.
Etta is best friends with the fire chief's son Bart Brown (9539's Hobie), the Bugle Radio's owner's daughter Merry Jameson ( 9539's MJ) and Harry O. (9539's green goblin who just causes more chaos over harm, absolutely hate his father) who the world fattest crush on her and she is 100% oblivious to it.
When Etta was 14 she stormed off after an argument with various of her visiting aunties about her "manish" pursuits she took her four-wheeler and went off trail to a forbidden zone that was the contamination and closed of remains of the OzCorp Refinery. While exploring the remains, Etta was bitten by a radioactive Brown Recluse when security guards had cornered her and she was forced to hide in one of the old R&D offices.
She has the usual power set for a spider person: Spidey sense, the ability to stick to walls, super strength and super agility. Along with long sharp nails that are extremely durable and sharpened canines that have a paralytic and necrotic venom. Etta has two specialty abilities: one is to produce different kinds of acid from her hands and apply it to her organic webs to create different kinds of traps or help her to escape. The other is an ability to control her temperature to the point she can send heat waves of energy off her body or stun/shock others with a fridged touch.
As the Recluse her biggest foes are Cyclone Sandman, Cotton Mouth, and King Scorpion. She has a half allyship with the for hire thief/ spy Prowler (Miles M. Davis) and Green Goblin (she usually just catches and releases with his antics) the fire chief and sheriff work well with her. In school as her regular persona her academic rival is Miles.
Etta tricked out an ATV to fit her theme and made it hover/wall fly so she can still get to places that don't have the highrises that need her help. She controls it remotely sometimes to help rescue people or lead the emergency services to a location/criminals she's taken care of. This causes her Uncle Barney to think she is a close friend of Recluse and works on her tech. He likes Recluse but is highly worried for 'both' their safeties.
The only "Canon Events" she has gone through is the death of her parents and giving up being Spiderwoman for a while after she failed to save a little boy's parents during a train derailment caused by Sandman.
Miguel sent Jess and Ben to recruit her for the Spider Society after she dealt with a Vulture variant and he worried over the fact that her Gwen Stacy event hadn't occurred yet (death of Harry in her case, his spine snaps as he is GG when she tired to stop him from plummeting after a mid-air battle) they haven't explained this to her yet. Etta tries to stay in her world but really likes collaborating on inventions with other spider-peoples and usually sticks to the R&D or repair department over missions.
Is works besties with Margo but highly distrusts Lyla. She partial mentors under Jess and let's Gwen stay in her dimension sometimes when Hobie's world is overwhelming.
Loves blooming onions and other savory snacks, it's not unusual to see her as Recluse snacking on jerky or street corn. Tamale ladies love her. Often wears overalls or jeans jackets over her spider suit. Has hella Spotify followers because her playlists are absolutely fire (even Miles admits this)
And that's kinda it! I have hella backstory about my girl, please ask about her😁💛
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st0rmyskies · 1 year
Renault Avantime
Acura Legend
Nissan Skyline
Renault Wind
Ford Ranger Wildtrack
Toyota FourRunner
Renault Twizy
Eagle Malon TSi
Rolls Royce Silver Shadow
Mitsubishi L200 Warriors
Ducati Diavel Dark
Range Roolie
This anon knows that I am secretly a Car Guy™.
Renault Avantime
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Look at this thing. Look at this European-ass Ford Flex wannabe bullshit. It gets some points for being a coupe, somehow - Time would rather not drive around with a back door that someone could pop into at will - but even a sick set of tints isn't going to hide his embarrassment at this beaky profile. There's a nose joke in there somewhere. 3/10.
Acura Legend
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Impeccable. Looks like someone's first car so that they can haul ass back and forth to college several times a year. Ravio and Legend rip out the back seats to make room for as much product as this shitty 2.5L can manage. The back is also positively PLASTERED in the most amazing sarcastic bumper stickers you can imagine (Bestie Please Let Me Merge, I Fucked Bigfoot, etc.). 10/10
Nissan Skyline
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Some part of me hurts to think that Sky would be a Nissan driver, but that's my own personal bias. Does look like something he would take out for weekend track days or the odd drag strip competition and wipe the floor with others. When Groose pulls up he parks entirely too close and gets Sky's rare scowl for even joking about having scratched the paint. 8/10
Renault Wind
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Look at this fuckin thing. Wind hates it. Daddy bought it for him as a "Sorry I missed your 16th birthday!" gift. The only saving grace is that it's not the powder blue version; Wind would have turned those keys right over to Aryll SO FAST. It's hardly big enough for him to bring a surfboard to the beach in. The convertible is a nice touch for sunset beach drives though. 5/10.
Ford Ranger Wildtrak
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Can you imagine??? Can you imagine?????? Wild wakes up one morning after a night of hard partying to suddenly remember, "I have a car." He digs through his old belongings to produce a nondescript keychain - which he promptly switches out for a big sparkly white puffball - and wanders off into the world to find where he parked THIS truck of Champion's. The ENERGY of seeing tiny Wild with his long hair blowing out the side window as he rolls up in THIS THING is hysterical to me. He will literally never be able to double-park it and just pull it up over the sidewalk to leave it in Time's yard. 11/10.
Toyota FourRunner
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If one person - if ONE PERSON - makes a short joke Four is gonna flip the fuck out. He'll need the version with side rails so he can actually get into the damn thing, probably, and the seat adjuster is aftermarket so that he can bring the driver's seat up high enough to see over the steering wheel. Bonus points, though, that he can drive right over all the haters. However, I would argue that this isn't the best city car for someone like Four. Yes it can haul lots of junk in the back for his work needs, but a pickup truck - and something older that he can service himself - would suit him a bit better. 7/10
Renault Twizy
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Sure, let's put the anxious kid on the highway between two 18-wheelers in this little Fisher Price death trap. His shoulders wouldn't fit inside this thing, let alone his ass. 0/10
Eagle Malon TSi
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Well if this isn't a divorcee car then I don't know what is. Does get some points since it looks like it would run badly forever, which is the solid basis of any good farmer's errand car. I do like to think, though, that Malon would have a bit more self respect than this. 1/10.
Rolls Royce Silver Shadow
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I had to include the photo with the text because that's so something Shadow would make himself. Four loudly and vehemently disagrees; he's spent more time on his back beneath that engine bay fixing electrical issues nearly as quickly as Shadow can cause them. Perhaps the aftermarket tablet screen he had installed in the center console at some dubious backyard mechanic was a bad idea. Also I bet that engine is so fucking loud and puts out NO power. 7/10
Mitsubishi L200 Warriors
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What the hell and fuck is this? What are all the antennae for, so he can be tuned in to the latest Sephora sale?? And the extra lighting, is that for his Instagram photoshoots??? Ew, do you think Wars is an Instagram influencer???? -0.5/10
Ducati Diavel Dark
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Oh, this is canon. 15/10
Range Roolie
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I just had a visceral reaction picturing our own Doctor Hyrule, MD, rolling around town in this thing hopelessly lost. He somehow keeps missing all the turns on his GPS. The OnStar dispatcher eventually gets to know him by name. They just talk while he's on his way to work in the morning. 10/10
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stranger-chichka · 2 years
Hi! So, first of all, you are one of my favorite blogs and i adore your analyses on ST. So, because of that i thought i could share this thing i just found out a few days ago... sorry in advance if it gets too long.
I'm a computer science student, and a few days ago in one of my classes my professor started talking about the evolution of technology and specifically computers (i know this sounds irrelevant but).. as he was talking he mentioned one specific company that caught my attention - Sinclair Research Ltd.
Since i'm obsessed with everything Stranger Things, i decided to check on it. Apparently the were big in the scene in th 70s-80s these days they mostly do research. Since it was computer related i decided then to check for Henderson, since he is the one most related to computers.
This took me nowhere, but i was adamant to find something. Anything. So i decided to move on to the next.
I looked for anything Wheeler related in computer science. And get this;
In the 50s, David Wheeler invented a way to jump through different parts of a code to do different operations. Like, if in the middle of your code you want to sum two numbers, and that's something you'll need to do over and over, instead of writing the same code for the operation over and over (which would make the program heavier) you create a subroutine, you leave a trail to follow, say, a dummy number. The program jumps, to where you want it and then after it it goes back to where it was before, or wherever you want it to go.
Now, the interesting thing about this jump in the subroutine is its name.
This is called a 'Wheeler Jump".
Now, since the upside down is stucked in 1983 and to hide from Vecna you need a happy memory, a memory of light, which implies the past, how we are thrown off by the painting being of the party and not the swingset as many Bylers believed, the weird monologue which i find like a bad copy paste from the one in the shed and how Vecna is related to clocks, i believe Mike is gonna jump. Here could go some thought about Mike jumping from the cliff in season 1 and how Ted asked Mike in s2, if one of his friends jumped if he would jump too. I do not even know what could any of that mean but I've read theories on Labyrinth, Back to the Future, flickergate, and Mike going missing and lettergate. It could be any of those, or none of them, because a coincidence could actually happen.
My personal bet goes to:
We've seen Mike trying to send a message-a code- (his real feelings), but because of dummy actions they were sent the wrong place (his platonic feelings were sent to were the romantic ones were suppose to go and vice-versa).
Anyways, Mike jumping could possibly have a lot of meanings, so i thought to share a weird base (?) for anyone wanting to use it in any theory or something.
Hi, anon! <3
I’m not that of an analyst really, but thank you for your sweet words and I appreciate someone like the stuff I come up with at times.
The things you wrote about are SO INTERESTING, thanks for sharing it with me!!! I’m sure there MUST be connection between “Wheeler Jump” and Mike’s character, especially considering that Mike has got that poster of a man with computer in his basement. The man who happen to be Charles Babbage. The one who is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer. The one who is referred to as “father of computing.”
What made me even more excited about everything you’ve mentioned is:
- David Wheeler is credited with the invention of the subroutine, which is referred to as the CLOSED subroutine (and Mike is in the CLOSET), and gave the first explanation of how to design software libraries (I see librarygate everywhere, lmao);
- he was born in Birmingham and the Cali crew went to Bingham’s house so Suzie could help them with the number to trace the computer’s location in s4 (Mike comes up with that idea). Not to mention Suzie was the one who told Planck's Constant in s3 which was the code the commies used for the safe in which two keys were. The keys needed to stop the machine from opening the gate. To CLOSE the gate. And in the beginning of s4 Suzie also hacked into Hawkins school computer program to change Dustin’s grades (he is later shown discussing it with Mike during).
“Mike trying to send a message/a code (his real feelings), but because of dummy actions they were sent to the wrong place (his platonic feelings were sent to were the romantic ones were suppose to go and vice-versa).”
So, basically, Mike got lost in his own feelings because of his closed subroutine that theoretically should’ve made everything easier for him??? Suzie helped him with the number (the number=Mike’s feelings) and there’s one person in the show who says “I’m good with numbers.” Erica Sinclair. Erica, who drinks Minute Maid Grape Juice that is a reference to Queen’s music video on the song “I Want To Break Free.” Erica, who refers to Lucas as Jason’s boyfriend in the most careless and normal way possible. And there’s so much more. She mentions Nintendo to Jason and then the Cali crew (Mike & Will in particular) is lying to Suzie about the same goddamn Nintendo (oops, sorry, Americantendo). Erica, who’s on the poster RHE HEART with the rest of the party (x).
Also, Will’s school project was about Alan Turing - mathematician, computer scientist and codebreaker.
Unfortunately, I can’t go deeper here because I’m a total zero at IT and maths but everything you’ve mentioned is related to the code and one more code in the show is “when blue meets yellow in the west.” What also serves as a code in ST? Music. I already wrote about how the Duffers use the songs and original soundtracks to tell us more about what’s really happening in the show and to deliver the message that is somehow sensitive. Something they wants to make a huge plot twist for the GA. Mike’s orientation. He is in the CLOSET. If music is a code for us to better understand the show and the characters, it means that characters’ Spotify playlists are as much important as the show itself. @lesbianmindflayer analyses both Mike’s and Will’s playlists so I highly recommend to subscribe on her YouTube channel and follow her here. Almost every song on Mike’s playlist is about running. He’s running form his true self. Do I even have to mention “Smalltown Boy” being the first song on the playlist?
In s4 it’s said “Music reaches parts of the brain words can't.” The Duffers don’t use plain text to say “Mike Wheeler’s gay” or “Byler endgame”, but they use music for that. “Being in the Closet (at Rink-O-Mania)” is one of many examples of how they’re doing it. Not to mention other queer coding such as ONE WAY sign, closets etc.
@bylerschmyler @there-was-a-hole-here-itsgonenow your additions always make every post better so I’m really interested in your thoughts on it!
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bratzforchris · 1 year
You should do one where luke is little but the guys don’t know and luke slips up on the bus and they help him or something
Luke's Secret
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Summary: A small hangover leads Luke to exposing his biggest secret (requested)
Pairing: Caregiver!Michael x little!Luke
Warnings: Hangover/sickness, drug mention
Word Count: 1765
A/N: Thank you for the request! I wanted to mention that there is a tiny bit written about drugs in the SGFG era. It's nothing major, but agere is a coping mechanism, which is what this is about. I do not support drug use by the boys or anyone in any way
Luke groaned, rolling over when Calum tapped him on the shoulder. “What?”
“We’ve stopped in, uh, someplace,” Calum groaned, running a hand through his messy hair. “We’re going to Waffle House. Are you coming?”
The boys of 5 Seconds of Summer had had a bit, or rather, a lot of fun after their show at Madison Square Garden. Playing The Garden was a monumental moment in their career and they had partied long into the night, going club and bar hopping, before finally getting on the bus around four am. Safe to say, the word “hangover” didn’t cut it. Luke felt more like ‘I’ve been hit by an eighteen-wheeler’.
“No.” he groaned, covering his head with the blanket. 
“You sure, man? Nothing like a big, greasy breakfast to cure a hangover.” Cal joked before coughing roughly, feeling the effects of last night’s cigarettes. 
“Mhm.” Luke hummed. 
“Huh…alright then. See you later.” 
The blond groaned as Calum walked away, his footsteps sounding like a loud gong inside Luke’s head. He heard the banter of the other boys for a few minutes, then all was silent as they padded off the bus. Luke sighed contentedly at the quiet, pulling his blankets up to nose. Everything was fine, minus his raging headache, until his stomach grumbled. 
He had known better than to drink that much without having any dinner, but the euphoria and adrenaline of the show had pushed it to the back of his mind. When the group reached the bars and clubs, he had known better than to mix cocktails and liquor with light beer, but it didn’t stop him. The blond had also known better than to mix alcohol with a line of coke, but still, his mind didn’t shoo him away when Michael had drawn a line of the white substance and Luke had rolled up a dollar bill. Now, it seemed his body wanted to purge the awful concoction he had created last night. 
Luke sat up, whimpering as his stomach tossed and turned violently. “Oh god, no.” he cried, trying to get out of the tangled blanket mess he had created in his sleep. 
Unfortunately, time was not in Luke’s favor. The blond gagged harshly and began to throw up down his front before he even had time to get out of the blankets and open the curtain. The sensation was absolutely awful, the feeling of the alcohol and bile destroying his throat. 
“Help!” he called out, choking out a breath. 
The bus remained silent until Luke finally caught a ragged breath. The feeling of throwing up, plus the embarrassment that he’d just made that much of a mess with his own sick as a twenty-year-old, immediately pushed him into his headspace, crying heavily. 
Luke had known for over two years now that he had a littlespace. He started using agere as a coping mechanism during the Where We Are tour, but it had stuck around long after that. He didn’t mind it; it was actually rather fun. The boy didn’t have a caregiver, despite so desperately needing one. He was really only little at night or in the morning when the other boys weren’t awake, but he longed to have someone to play and cuddle with. 
“Daddy!” Luke sobbed out. “Daddy pease.” 
In the blond’s little mind, Michael was his “daddy”. He had never told his friend, but Luke felt emotionally attached to Michael in a way deeper than friendship. He longed for Michael to be his daddy, but the conversation was way too weird to have with his bandmate. 
The more minutes that went by, the further Luke slipped into his headspace. The feeling of the vomit drying on and around him was absolutely disgusting, but he was just too tiny to do anything about it. His head and tummy hurt, and the crying had made him so tiny that pretty much all he could say was “daddy”. 
Luke was snapped out of his crying when the curtain of his bunk was yanked open and Ashton towered over him. 
“Luke? What the fuck?” Ashton asked.
“No be mad! Pease!” Luke sobbed, telling by Ashton’s tone that he was angry. 
“Jesus Christ, Luke. All of us are hungover and you’re the only one who had to do this.” Ash snapped.
The angry tone immediately sent Luke into another spiral and he began to sob, reaching his arms out and crying “Daddy!”
“Get your act together and clean up your mess, Luke.” Ashton huffed.
Just then, Michael appeared in the walkway of the bunks. “What’s going on? Why is Luke crying?”
Ashton didn’t get the chance to answer, because Luke practically launched himself into Michael’s arms, crying heavily. 
“He couldn’t get out of bed to puke and thinks acting like a baby will make someone clean it up for him.”
“No twue!” Luke cried, gripping Michael’s shirt. 
“Shhh, honey, shhhh,” Michael cooed softly to the blond attached to his chest. “Give us some space, Ash?”
Ashton stalked off angrily, mumbling something or another about how the smell was reeking through the bus. 
“What’s going on, love?” Michael asked, opening the curtain to his bunk and sitting down, Luke still attached to his hip. 
The green-eyed boy had a hunch of what was going on. He wasn’t absolutely sure, but he recalled a fanfic he’d read a while back, one about being an ‘age regressor’. Michael continued to cuddle Luke, not even caring about the vomit touching him. 
“Daddy.” Luke hiccuped, laying his head on Michael’s shoulder. 
If the name shocked Michael, he didn’t show it. He simply continued to hold and cuddle the blond boy, humming nonsensical things to get him to calm down. Before long, Luke’s cries had slowed and he was leaning his head against Michael’s shoulder, thumb migrating to his mouth. 
“What happened, sweet boy?” Michael asked again, taking on the role of Luke’s ‘daddy’ until they got to the bottom of whatever this was. 
“Heads an an tummy huwt!” Luke pouted. “Gots sicky an Ashy be mad me!” he lisped around his thumb. 
Michael frowned, knowing Luke definitely had a hangover. “I’m sorry, buddy. That wasn’t very nice, was it?”
Luke shook his head, curling further and further into Michael’s side. He felt beyond at home with the older man, and his little heart sang with joy at being cuddled up with his daddy after so much longing. 
“Should we get you in the bath, pumpkin?” Michael asked him, looking down at Luke, who was almost asleep. 
The blond nodded his head, a soft giggle escaping him. “Baf toys? I-I haves dem!” he smiled. 
“Get your bath toys, buddy.” Michael smiled. 
Despite his own hangover (which was slightly better after breakfast), Michael couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face as he watched Luke pull a basket of toys out from under his bunk. Part of his heart broke, though, at the thought of Luke in a child’s mindset with no help. He was drawn out of his thoughts by Luke tugging on his sleeve. 
“Baf now, Daddy?” he asked Michael. 
Michael nodded, leading Luke to the bus’ shower. He carefully ran the water in the bath tub for Luke, testing it quickly to make sure it wasn’t too hot. Carefully helping Luke into the tub, Michael squirted some body wash into the water for makeshift “bubbles”, smiling when Luke giggled happily. 
“Fank you, Daddy.” Luke looked up at him, absolutely beaming.
“You’re welcome, bubba.” Michael cooed, softly running a washcloth over Luke’s mouth and chest to clean the dried vomit. 
Before long, the older male had gotten Luke out of the bathtub and snuggled in some soft pajamas with penguins on them. Michael quickly gave Luke a small dose of the liquid ibuprofen for his hangover before carefully carrying him to his bunk. 
“Daddy nap too?” Luke asked, popping his blue paci that said ‘Baby Boy’ on it in his mouth. 
“Sure, honey.” Michael smiled, beginning to snuggle Luke and rub his tummy. 
Luke quickly fell asleep, comforted by his stuffie, paci, and Michael’s snuggles. Michael wasn’t sure what was going on, but he’d figure it out eventually. All he knew was that Luke was absolutely adorable, and that was enough for him.
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an-asuryampasya · 4 months
Get to Know Me Tag Game
[high-fives @dimplesandfierceeyes because I'm also doing this a month after being tagged, welp. Thank you for tagging me though! :)]
do you make your bed? 
Pretty much always, except when I'm in a particularly bad slump. tbh I'd happily make beds that aren't even mine when it's not weird (unless it's my sibling's, in which case the sibling-instinct to annoy them wins over). I really like mechanical, satisfying jobs like that. If I'm in the mood, I like to place the blankets and stuff at what I consider✨artistic✨ positions. It's fun for me and a delight for my mum who gladly delegates all bedsheet-changing jobs to me whenever I'm home lmao.
what's your favourite number?
Two! Discovered this fact about myself while playing The Game of Life for the first time approximately three lifetimes ago and I had to pick a number to bet on.
what is your job?
well, I'm currently in research-y career so it's mostly destroying structures and/or going ':o that was v cool but i have no idea why it happened' in technical terms.
if you could go back to school, would you?
I am in school rn!
can you parallel park?
no. I have a driver's licence but zero confidence in driving a four-wheeler so I avoid it and I'm pretty sure my minimal driving skills would've fully atrophied by now. idk why, but driving a car freaks me out (I would like it to not, but that doesn't seem to be on the cards any time soon)
I can easily parallel park a two-wheeler though, if that counts :P (I ADORE two-wheelers. I know they're riskier but they're so, so much easier and more fun to drive.)
a job you had that would surprise people?
I've had very brief stints outside academia and nothing that would particularly raise eyebrows, I think.
do you think aliens are real?
Feel like aliens probably exist but also feel like alleged alien sightings probably aren't actual aliens.
can you drive a manual car?
On paper, yes. That's what I learnt driving on.
what's your guilty pleasure?
reading soap opera-esque fics that I know will infuriate me, get infuriated, and then go yell at/about the fic in @pestobepis's DMs and send screenshots so they can suffer the full experience with me <3 (apologies, beloved. it will happen again ^_^)
Never got any, and since almost everything about my likes/interests/opinions changes practically every three months, that's probably a good thing. There was a time when I was kinda crushing on Pennywise and was watching a lot of HISHE at the time, so after an ep with some joke about Jar Jar Binks being in It, I decided I'd like a 'Wesa all float down here; YOUSA FLOAT TOO' tattoo, so-
favourite colour?
Don't have one, but I find myself quite partial to deep blues and greens in general.
do you like puzzles?
only as long as it feels like I'm winning and haven't run out of patience yet. So I guess I like feeling smart, not puzzles?
any phobias?
no major ones that I've discovered yet! though I may have mild trypophobia because I can get a lil uncomfortable looking at clusters of small holes - which is unfortunate, because my favourite kind of concrete is foam concrete and it looks like this:
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(Image source)
[there's other forms of concrete that also contain trapped air bubbles but foam concrete is the coolest, take my word for it. We make foam concrete by mixing foam with concrete. literally that's it.
WHO takes a look at solid, dense concrete and thinks to themself 'yeah this needs some fluffy light foam :)'?? some genius, that's who. I love that juxtaposition so much!]
favourite childhood sport?
Was never a fan of sports unless hula hooping counts. But dodgeball wasn't the worst thing I had to endure, so I'll go with that.
do you talk to yourself?
Oh yeah.
what movies do you adore?
Mamma Mia! and Sound of Music come to mind. And Maryada Ramanna! (Ignore the last ten minutes or so of that one though. The rest of it is a delightful exploration of weaponising politeness and I adore it.)
coffee or tea?
I'm loyal to tea.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
gymnast, I think?
Zero pressure tags for @pestobepis, @averythepirate and @shewantsitall! :)
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