#need to change my sheets take a shower and get to bed soonish
vancilocs · 2 years
1-10 31-36 for fenrir and merope aand long time no band bros?
1. Who wakes up first?
Merope bc Fenrir goes to bed much later
No earthly way of knowing
2. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Also Fenrir bc if he gets up he needs to do king stuff
3. Who takes longer getting ready?
Merope with her clothes, jewelry, hair and makeup
Might be Jules if he decides he wants to go heavier on the makeup but most times both take just a minute
4. When they can’t sleep, what do they do?
Merope reads, Fenrir snuggles her or does paperwork
Play videogames or play on their phones
5. Who falls asleep while watching a movie?
Fenrir is a 50yo dad he crosses his arms and is gone
Depends, could be both, could be neither. Though Jules prefers Cameron didn't fall asleep on top of him
6. Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile?
Fenrir when he puts his papers down and goes to bed
Both could, on a rare occasion
7. Who comes up with the cheesy pick-up lines?
8. Who gets extremely competitive playing Mario Kart?
Aleksandros says his dad can't beat him and he goes oh really
Both but since Jules has a younger brother he's been mercilessly beating in the game since he was a kid I think he's even more brutal
9. Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling?
They have people opening doors for them
Both could tbh
10. Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
They don't have access to the other's phone
31. Who has bigger cravings? What are they?
Merope has her comfort foods from home, pastries and fresh fruits mostly.
Nicotine doesn't count, maybe Cameron as the guy who's on T has manly carb cravings
32. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
They know what the other likes inside and out
They know to avoid spice for Jules and to add spice for Cameron
33. How do they eat ice cream?
They have some on hot days and end up sharing with a persistent toddler.
Buy a cone when taking the friend group kids to the park
34. Do they go on dates? What are they like?
They tend to just spend time at their penthouse dealio in the castle but sometimes grab horses and go have a picnic or even go to the village (but then they need guards and thats not nice when you want to be alone)
Go grab burgers, go to a movie, go grab drinks at bar, go to concerts or play music together, go on walks, just go loiter at a mall
35. What do they smell when they smell amortentia?
Perfume, soap, paper, flowers, fresh breeze, bit of horse and sweat and wine
Deodorant, shampoo, scented lipstick, hair product, whiff of cigarette
36. Which one is the secret snuggler?
Fenrir doesn't show PDA but he won't let go of his wife when alone and makes little noises when she scratches his feathers good
Jules is a bit more reserved about cuddling in public but in private he doesn't mind it
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theclouddiver · 7 years
Wish Come True {Prologue}
It had been the same wish for over three years, and although your friends would laugh at you and call your quirky habit childish, you could not refrain from it in moments like these.
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Pairing: BTS Taehyung (V) x Reader Genre: Fluff Word Count: 2.4k A/N: This is a response to a request I got from a reader some time ago. Get ready for much more fluff (and maybe some smut?) in the future! I am quite busy with my internship in Munich right now and still have lots of requests to tackle, but I’ll try my best to update soonish~
A loud thud went through the room when the book hit the floor, followed by an exasperated sigh and then… silence.
You closed your eyes and massaged your temples with your index and middle fingers, trying to push aside the frustrated thoughts springing up in your head like angry, thorny vines. You had been reading the same paragraph five times now, and you still did not understand what it was about. But what was worse, you had a stupid test tomorrow morning. You scolded yourself for procrastinating for too long, you always did. If you just had started reviewing the material a few days earlier, you could relax right now and attend the popular sophomore party your friends had invited you to to celebrate the end of another academic semester. While your friends probably had an amazing time meeting hot guys and forgetting the stressful aspect of finals week, you were trapped in your tiny apartment, far away from all the fun and cramming for your communications class exam.
You groaned again and decided that pitying yourself would not help you memorize the material any better. With a resigned expression on your face, you got up from the worn out sofa and made your way to the other side of the room to pick up your textbook. You cursed when an uncomfortable tingling shot through your leg; one of your feet had gone to sleep while you were studying. It took a few seconds and a bit of jumping up and down for the uncomfortable feeling to subside. When you looked at the clock on top of the bookshelf and realized that it was already past midnight, your eyes widened in surprise. Did you really spend that much time on looking at your notes and textbook? You decided that it would be best to call it a night and get up early tomorrow to review the topics you did not memorize yet. Tired and eager to get between your blankets, you went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready for bed. After you turned on the faucet and waited for the water to get hotter, you let your gaze wander through the messy room. You definitely needed to clean up before the start of summer break. After you stepped into the shower, it didn’t take long for the soothing water to take effect. As soon as the comforting droplets touched your skin your worries were washed down the drain just like your shampoo and body wash. After tomorrow, everything was going to be better: although you had to clean up your apartment and pack your bags after writing that communications exam, you were already looking forward to take the train back to Daegu, your home town. A smile spread on your face as you imagined your parents and younger sister welcoming you at the train station, fighting their way through the crowds to finally give you a bear hug after five long months of not seeing each other. As much as you loved going to university in the country’s exciting and multifarious capital, home held a very special place in your heart.
It was late when you finally made your way to your small bedroom. You literally jumped onto your bed, exhausted from the long day of reading, researching, and more reading. You slipped under your soft covers and pulled out your phone to set the alarm. You definitely had to get up early if you wanted to feel at least a little more prepared for your last final exam. Furrowing your eyebrows, you decided that 6 a.m. should be early enough and that you would probably need an extra 30 minutes of snoozing and a cup of coffee to be able to fully open your eyes. You were about to lock your phone when something on the screen caught your eye. It was 01:01 a.m. Four simple numbers, but your heart started beating faster the second you saw the double digits on the screen.
To everyone else, double digits on the clock or the phone meant nothing special. They were simply informing about the time, just like all the other combinations of numbers. However, these four insignificant numbers held a lot more meaning for you. Whenever you saw these double digits, you stopped whatever you were doing for just long enough to make a wish. It had been the same wish for over three years now, and although your friends would laugh at you and call your quirky habit childish, you could not refrain from it in moments like these.
Your  habit had started a few years ago when you went to high school back home in Daegu. Your parents had to move to a different city because they had found a better paying job there. You knew your family needed the money, especially now that your sister was about to enter elementary school and you were getting ready to start your life as a high school student. Nevertheless, you hated the fact that you would have to say goodbye to so many things that were important to you: your favorite ice cream shop, your friends, your home, your little world. You still remembered how you, back then thirteen years old, had clung to your favorite stuffed toy, a blue cat with white paws, and longingly looked outside the car window to catch a last glimpse of the city you had grown up in.
Your first month in high school had been horrible. Although it was somewhat helpful that you were a freshman and everyone else was equally new to the school as you, it did not change the fact that a lot of the students knew friends from middle school and had already formed exclusive friend groups. Their dialect was very different, and some of your classmates would laugh at you for pronouncing certain words “like a village idiot”. You had always been more of an introvert - you had no difficulty having conversations with others and making a joke here and there, but you had never been the type of girl to start conversations or be the center of attention. Therefore it had been extremely difficult to make friends at first.
However, things got much easier after a few weeks. You were slowly accustoming to the faster pace of the city you were now living in, and your diligent, kind personality had soon earned you the respect of your classmates. You had made friends with a few girls who shared similar hobbies with you, and you could somehow feel that everything in your new life was going to be alright. It would take some time to feel completely comfortable in your new apartment, your new school and your new surroundings far away from your old home, but you were confident that you could make the best of it as long as you had a positive mind and hardworking attitude.
About three months after moving to Daegu, you started to notice him. He had been around you since the first day of school, but you had been too occupied to take notice of him then. You were on your way to Math class when someone bumped into you in the hallway, the impact causing you to drop your notebook and pencil case you had been carrying for easy access once you reached your destination. Of course, you had been too lazy to properly close your pencil case and all its contents were now scattered on the floor. Without a word of apology or gesture to help you collect the stuff you had dropped, the troublemaker carelessly rushed past you and disappeared around the corner. A curse word was already on your lips and you were just about to shout it after the thoughtless student when you decided that it would be better to keep your frustration to yourself rather than causing any more trouble. After all, you had to get to your Math classroom quickly if you wanted to make it in time.
Frowning and mumbling incomprehensibly to yourself, you first did not notice that someone had crouched down next to you. Only when you had collected your pens and couldn’t find your pencil case, you looked up and locked eyes with a boy who looked as if he had jumped straight out of a beauty ad on TV. His hair was messy and a little too long, so that his bangs covered his full eyebrows and part of his deer-like eyes. His skin had a golden glow to it, and the smile on his face was so radiant that even the grumpiest person would have turned cheerful at its sight. Your eyes fell upon the name tag on his chest: Kim Taehyung. He held out your pencil case and some sheets that had fallen out of your notebook toward you and you took them, your cheeks assuming the color of blossoming azaleas.
“That was rude… Are you hurt?” His voice surprised you; although his appearance was soft and ethereal, his voice was much deeper than you had expected. You shook your head and assured him that you were fine. You barely got out a nervous thank you, bashfulness setting over you like an invisible cloak.
A relieved look appeared on his face and he asked, “Are you a freshman, too?” You nodded your head and replied, “Yes, I moved here a few months ago. It’’s my first year both at this school and in this city.” “Really?” He beamed at you, excitement written all over his face. “Welcome to Daegu. I live not too far from here, near the countryside. I hope you will learn to love this city as much as I do. I have to run to my next class now, but it was nice meeting you, … Y/N?” He had looked at your name tag just like you did a few moments earlier. “Nice meeting you, Taehyung. Thanks again for helping me.” And with a nod and another flashing smile in your direction, he was out of your sight.
You did not notice that you had been staring at the spot where he had disappeared until the sound of the school bell pulled you out of your thoughts. With a groan, you quickly pulled your pencil case and notebook closer to your chest and ran down the hallway, reaching your classroom just in time for the beginning of class.
From this day on, Taehyung’s face was engraved in your head like a sculpture made by Michelangelo himself. Sometimes when you walked past him in the hallway, your heart would suddenly beat faster for no reason, and other times when you watched him play sports on the huge field behind the school building, you couldn’t suppress a happy grin garnishing your lips. Since you two were not in the same class, you did not see him very often, but whenever you did, it felt somewhat special and made your stomach do somersaults. At some point, your friends noticed and started to tease your rosy cheeks and goofy smile whenever Taehyung was around, and eventually you kept your thoughts and feelings to yourself, too embarrassed to admit your crush on the boy with the messy hair and deer-like eyes.
You never got the chance to talk to him again. After your first year at Daegu high school, Taehyung moved to Seoul and disappeared from your small world. From his classmates you found out that he moved to the capital to pursue his dream of becoming a famous singer one day. Everybody thought he was a naïve dreamer, full of flaming ambitions that would be blown out by the merciless gale of reality all too soon. However, you admired him for bravely leaving everything he was familiar with behind to do what he had always wanted to do, to become someone he could be proud of.
In a sense, he was your first love. Although the two of you never got together or even became friends, he appeared in your thoughts and dreams day and night. You had expected to forget about Taehyung the second he left, but it turned out that the complete opposite happened. You often wondered how he was doing, if he had found new friends, if he liked life in the big city, if he was happy with his decision to dedicate his life to music. You did not know why you were so entranced by the boy who had stopped to help you in the hallway a few months ago, but the pervasive look in his eyes must have touched a hidden chord deep inside of you.
And that’s how your peculiar habit of making a wish whenever a digital clock displayed a double digit developed. One night you checked the news on your phone when one particular article popped up and caught your attention as soon as your eyes read the all too familiar name: “New boy group BTS debuts with powerful M/V No More Dream”, followed by the names of the group members. You bolted upright from your comfortable position in your bed and spent all night watching the music video and searching the internet for more information about BTS. Just when you were too tired to continue, your gaze fell upon the digital display of the time on your phone: 03:03 a.m. And that’s when you made your first wish. You closed your eyes and pressed your phone against your chest, wishing that you would be able to see the boy you met not too long ago again one more time. Just one more time, you wanted to see his shining eyes and hear his mellifluous voice. Since your junior year in high school, neither your habit nor your wish had changed.
With a wistful sigh, you ended your nostalgic walk down memory lane and returned to the present. Of course you knew that your wish was silly and that the chance of it coming true was smaller than the fractions you were dealing with in your Math classes, but a tiny part of you just did not want to abandon the reverie. But right now, you had to focus on the matters at hand and accept the fact that you had to write an exam the next morning. With a grumpy grunt, you turned off your phone and pulled the blue cat with white paws that you still kept closer to your chest, hoping to drift asleep as soon as possible so that you could get at least some sleep before sunrise.
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