#need to learn how to draw pip too fuck the French but he’s got a goofy design heehee cowboy
pebblezone · 2 years
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I understand her on a molecular level
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ikonislife · 6 years
Kitten Love.
-Hanbin x Bobby, Double B
-Never in a million years would Hanbin have thought adopting a little cat would change his life tremendously in all the wonderful way it had. He definitely didn’t think that the little furry baby could’ve too change his love life by leading him to a chance encounter... one that perhaps much more than just the handsome man it offered.  
-A/n: No one asked for this, but I did it anyways because I need it (:
Also I abandoned writing my speech halfway because I had a sudden thrust of inspiration to write this so I hope you enjoy (: 
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Inspired by post above (Post Cr.)
“Hello.” Hanbin barked over the greasy screen of his phone as he fumbled with the laces of his shoes, perhaps much too curt, definitely not deserving by whomever possessed the unknown number. What in the world compelled him to pick up an unknown number call was perhaps a greater mystery than what the intention of the caller was. Hanbin never, ever, never meant every bit of it, never pick up calls from numbers he without a name attached to it. 
“Hello. Is this Hanbin?” The voice raspy yet sweet, a combination that left a chill shimmering down his spine as the sultry sound reverberating through the silent space of his room. For a second Hanbin gasped audibly, suddenly vacated of all the beautiful words he had learned in the last twenty something years of his life. His lungs too felt as though the mystery caller had shipped him to outer space, airless and dreamy. 
“Speaking... How did you get my number” He questioned with a bit of anticipation, bit of hesitation, and lots of worries running through his mind at the thought of a strange man breaking into his home and that he’d be the headline of tomorrow’s newspaper - “Man, 23, Died of Unnatural Causes.” 
“Are you perchance, the owner of a little calico kitty named Ollie? Your cat gave me your number.”
Y-Yes...” Okay, definitely getting murder tonight by a man with the pretty voice. Hanbin thought as he mouthed gently an ‘Oh My God’ before drawing up enough courage to ask one more question. “Wh-who’s asking?” If he was going to die, at least he’ll know the name of the murderer and won’t be one of those limbo ghost unable to move on. 
“I’m Bobby!” The voice answered cheerily, something Hanbin thought as weird because he hadn’t met too many murderer with personality of the sun. “I live in unit 30A. I noticed he got a little tag provided by the apartment office, which meant he’s here legally.” By the end of his sentence, Hanbin could hear Bobby’s voice distant as if he had forgotten the phone call was still happening, cooing to probably Ollie - “You live here, don’t you. Cutie. Why are you wandering in my yard.”
“Oh, sorry.” The most delightfully strange chuckle echoed through the speaker of his phone and once more hanbin found himself floored, not even caring how Bobby look at this point as he did the first moment that voice met his ears. He had been dreaming in his mind, well aside from the murdering bit, just who this intoxicating voice could’ve belong to. “He’s rubbing his head on my leg.”
“Strange, usually shy around people he doesn’t know.” Hanbin mused dumbly, recalling the many times he had to fish Ollie out from under his bed when he had companies over. 
“Oh, I must be lucky. Anyways, I just wanted to know if he just like to wander into people’s yard or he’s lost.”
“We take walk every evening, usually don’t wander too far... Few units down then come right back.” Hanbin debated on whether he really should just let Ollie find his way home like he usually does when he realized Hanbin isn’t right behind him or... “He ran out when I was putting on my shoes. Didn’t get his walk in last night, bit more antsy to walk than normal, I guess.” He continued out the door, slamming it perhaps a bit too loud on purpose just so Bobby could hear. “If it’s not too much trouble, could you maybe, keep him there? I’m literally running out the door right now.”
“Of course! I’d do anything to play with him some more. We’re both chilling here in front of my gate. So look for 30A” A little laugh vibrated through the speaker and Hanbin found himself chuckling along as he ran down the little walkway. Didn’t take long for him to reach the 30 block, eyes searching intently for the sign of his little cat and the mystery man. 
“Hanbin!” The voice called out, even sweeter now with a touch of warmth that couldn’t be convey through machines, drawing his attention toward a tall man, soft blond hair peeking from under a baseball cap dark as a moonless night. Draping over his broad shoulders, a camouflage colored jacket perhaps a bit too big for his body and for reasons unknown, Hanbin felt tiny pins pricking at his heart. His smile better than any Hanbin’ve ever seen before, excitement worn precariously on his plump lips. 
“Hey, Bobby.” He addressed the man with jawlines sharper than any edge he’d ever seen, bony structures and defined features only added to how handsome Bobby was. “Little brat, I’m busy for one night and you’re already out looking for new owner?” Hanbin turned his attention to the little happy furry baby, delighted to see his owner, before he could creep the stranger out by ogling.  
“Well, I’ll be glad to babysit and walk you anytime your cute owner is too busy to walk you.” Bobby bit out softly and Hanbin nearly fainted. He thought Hanbin was cute? A little teasing smile on his lips as Bobby peered back up, flashing his pearly white at the dumbfounded man. Yet just as fast as that had happened, Bobby was back to crouching over the kitty, petting and scratching the soft fur. 
“I’m so sorry to bother. He usually isn’t like this.” Probably just being friendly, Hanbin thought of the little compliment. Best to not dwell on something that might get his hope up. 
“I’m glad he’s like this today then.” Bobby enunciated a bit, the cat snuggly held in his arms as he stood up to face Hanbin once more. “What are you two got going on tonight?” Still enthralled in the adorable kitty, Bobby spoke with a tinge of cute to his voice, completely unaware of the effects he had on Hanbin’s heart. 
“We were going to walk to that restaurant down the street, you know the one with the patio. They let pets in their outside seating so we go there often. Food’s pretty great.” He explained gently, forgetting for a moment that he knew nothing of the man in front of him as he reached out a hand to scratch Ollie under his chin, letting his fingers ghosting over Bobby’s rough ones. “You?”
“Bout to head out to dinner, not sure where though.” 
“W-Wanna come with us?” Hanbin mustered up all the courage he had been building up for the last decade or so of his life for times like these and asked, but not without a bit of correction. “Just, I’ll treat you, for this little asshole bothering you. And a thank you too, I guess. Not many people would really bother with checking to see if he’s lost.”
“Wow, cute and generous.” Bobby muttered under his breath, finding Hanbin far too cute, although a bit forgetful. “If you don’t mind my intrusion, of course.” He said a bit louder this time, letting a struggling Ollie onto the ground and watched as Hanbin clipped on his leash. 
“Shall we?” Hanbin asked, handing the little leash to a delighted Bobby before they walk shoulder to shoulder down the darkening path. There was a strange sense of blissfuly familiar washing over the pair but Hanbin couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. So he stayed silent, basking in the cool air of an autumn night and Bobby’s little giggle whenever Ollie did something cute. Wasn’t long before they were situated over pipping hot food and Ollie, sprawling out on the floor, captivated by his own food. The conversation started with how long they had been at the apartment and continued well into life dream and perhaps by Bobby’s design, their love life... Well, Hanbin’s love life. 
“You’re saying you’ve been single for like 3 years?” Bobby questioned incredulously, “How?”
“Well, it’s not for lack of trying. I can tell you that much.” Hanbin replied softly, fingers picking at the fries on Bobby’s plate. “Just, things started out great then just fizzled. It either that they were more into fucking than a relationship, or just differences of minds. After a couple of tries, I just-” A shiver ran down Hanbin’s spine and suddenly he regretted rushing out the door without a jacket. “I just kinda give up.” His voice droned out in confusion, surmising what was Bobby doing getting up from his seat. 
“Here, you’re cold.” Bobby interrupted suddenly, jacket shedding from his body as he rounded the table to wrap it over the shiver man. 
“Oh, it’s okay. You’re gonna be cold.” Hanbin frantically explained, though he wasn’t doing much to reject Bobby’s hand lingering over his shoulders. 
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t get cold, plus, long sleeves. See!” Bobby tugged at the length of his very well fitted thermal, far too well fitted by the little choke Hanbin had just gasped out. 
“But won’t whoever the owner of the jacket is mind?” Hanbin hinted, praying that the answer wasn’t that Bobby’s boyfriend is a slob and doesn’t give a shit who Bobby gives his clothes to.
“What are you talking about?” Bobby looked as if Hanbin had just spoke French and grew three heads while stealing a spoon full of soup from Hanbin’s bowl.
“Oh, I just assumed it was your boyfriend’s clothes or something... It looked pretty big on you.” He chuckled awkwardly to cover up the fact that he was prying, that he was mortified by the clumsy attempt instead of just asking Bobby. 
“You’re bit dense, aren’t you. On top of forgetful too.”
“I’m what?” It was Hanbin’s turn to be confused.
“I’ve been flirting with you the second I saw you, and you still think I have a boyfriend? No, Binnie, I just like wearing baggy clothes.” Bobby quipped, shooting a kittenish smile Hanbin’s way.  
“Oh!” Hanbin exclaimed, feigning ignorant as if he didn’t corner Bobby into a confession without giving his last bit of reservation away. “Well then.” A smug grin on his lips as his fingers tugging the jacket drowned in Bobby and fresh pine tighter over his body. “But why am I forgetful?”
“You still haven’t figure out who I am, Kim Jiwon, Bobby, bunny teeth...” Bobby listed as if each of those thing suppose to mean something to Hanbin. “God, you’re slow. I went to your school for a year, you were in 11th grade, I was 12th?” There was a bit of light breaking over Hanbin’s handsome features yet for the most part, seemed as though he was still very much in the dark. “We were inseparable, Hanbin. Honestly I’m a little sad.” He retorted with a disappointing wave of his hand as if telling Hanbin to stop steam rolling his brain to figure out who Bobby was.
“Kimbap!” guilt was wrecking his heart for not recognizing his Kimbap sooner, more so now that the adorable pout was forming on Bobby’s lips. 
“Of course that’s the first thing you think of.” Bobby chuckled a bit, little bit embarrassed that out of all the thing for the younger man to remember, it was that stupid nickname. Yet, there’s no denying the happiness rising in his heart that he was remember. 
“Should I call you Pooh, then?” Hanbin quipped, unprecedented sense of contentment brought on by nostalgia sending his heart into overdrive. How could he have not realized who Bobby was, how foolish of him. He thought of Bobby, or as he had known him then, Jiwon often. The lingering feeling of a crush never revealed, the bitterness as he stood watching from the distant as Jiwon’s disappearing figure at the airport signified that a wonderful chapter of his life was over. He was naive then, young and dumb and hadn’t realize what his heart really wanted... Then it was too late.
“Who could’ve predicted that you would be on the other side of the phone. I was shocked when you jogged your way toward me.” Bobby mused softly, hand delicately reaching to spread warm over Hanbin’s cold one. “I keep thinking, no, it couldn’t be...”
“It is...” Hanbin finished the thought Bobby was too lost in those beautiful eyes to finish. “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you. It’s been years and I guess in my mind, you were still Jiwonie hyung... Not this cool, suave guy that got my head spinning.” His other hand cupping over Bobby’s, basking in the gentleness of the moment leaving the older boy leaning forward in anticipation. 
“Hey, i was cool back then!” Bobby protested but it muffled out into a content moan as Hanbin placed his lips over his plump chapped one, conjuring all the unspoken words and hidden feeling of the past in his bet of a lifetime. 
“I know you were. Why did you think I followed you around like a lost puppy all the time.” His 16 years old self reached up from inside his heart with all the awkward shyness and timid words he had always wanted to tell Jiwon but couldn’t. His cheeks flushed from what he had just done, watching the contentment spreading over Bobby’s lips. 
“You’ll be the death of me, I swear.” Bobby rested his forehead on Hanbin’s, hands still clutching tightly as if he was to let go, Hanbin would disappear from his life again. “There’s so much I wanted to tell you.”
“Then how come you left without saying anything? I knew that you realized I was there at the airport watching, but you just left?” Hanbin uttered painfully but rather than letting go of the older man’s hands, he only clutched on tighter. 
“I knew it wouldn’t work, that the distant would get us. I’d rather remember you as you were than the pain of a heartbreak. Puppy love and distant... That was a combination I think we would’ve lose out on.” Before either of them could shed tears of the past, Ollie’s little meow reminded them of the world still revolving despite time seemingly paused for them. Bobby stood up first, before offering a hand to Hanbin, pulling him up right into his toned chest. “Let’s continue this somewhere more private and warm, hmm?” The words like a spell falling from Bobby’s lips as his hand pulled tighter the jacket around Hanbin’s shoulders. 
“I’d like that.” Ollie’s leash snugged in Hanbin’s grip and Bobby’s large hand tight over his, not wanting to let go even if just momentarily to pay for their amazing meal. Somewhere down the darken path illuminated only by the golden glow of the street lamp, Hanbin had ducked under Bobby’s possessive hold around his shoulders. “Are we moving too fast?” Hanbin questioned not out of concern that he was making a big mistake. Rather, if moving to fast meant he’d lose Bobby just as he did with all the relationship that had fizzled out to nothing, Hanbin’d much rather take all the time in the world. “I don’t want history, my history to repeat itself.”
“Hmm, I don’t think so. We got history, not as if we don’t know each other at all.” Bobby placed a soft kiss on Hanbin’s cheek, “And I have like a decade or so worth of fantasies I need to act out on so...” 
“WHAT?!” Hanbin surprise yelp got Ollie screaming along in fear leaving Bobby hunching over in a big laugh.
“I’m- Oh God, I’m kidding.” Wiping a tear falling from the corner of his eyes, Bobby peered up at Hanbin who looked as if he had just seen a ghost, hand clutching over his heart. Bobby finally straighten himself up with a few apology, and once more Hanbin snugged under his arm. “Or am i?” Bobby whispered softly in the younger boy’s ear, and watched as steam and a bright red glow crept upon his cheeks. Earned too was an elbow to his side as more apology fell from Bobby’s lips.  “Who needs puppy love when we got kitten love, right?” Bobby mused out dreamily as Hanbin leaned up to place a kiss on his lips. The two continued down the darken path, huddling close with the little kitty that had rekindled their puppy love from so long ago happily sauntering in front of them...
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btees · 7 years
70 horrible questions !
i was tagged by: @sehhunie​ ( thank you ! )
01: do you have a good relationship with your parents? i do with my mum ! 
02: who did you last say “i love you” to? my dog about 10 seconds ago when she looked at me.
03: do you regret anything? a lot of things ! specifically not fighting to do science in school.
04: are you insecure? immensely :)
05: what is your relationship status? single and scared of commitment and effort !
06: how do you want to die? in my sleep, that sounds nice.
07: what did you last eat? salted chilli chicken and chips 
08: played any sports? i used to do loads of sports ! i did judo, tennis, swimming, football and dance but all the clubs eventually closed down because i’m that unlucky.
09: do you bite your nails? nope. i used to be jealous of people who bit their nails tbh because they would always have really short nails and mine would be so long.
10: when was your last physical fight? never.
11: do you like someone? i’m getting over a big crush right now ! also my pizza delivery boy
12: have you ever stayed up 48 hours? 36 hours is my limit 
13: do you hate anyone at the moment? nah.
14: do you miss someone? nope ! i’m seeing my whole fam tomorrow and i seen a ton of friends today it’s all good for now.
15: have any pets? i have a dog ! her name is pip and she’s 1 year and 5 weeks old cavachon.
16: how exactly are you feeling at the moment? full, kinda ill, ate dinner to fast.
17: ever made out in the bathroom? never, i’d freak because the toilet is right there
18: are you scared of spiders? yes. i don’t breathe in case i breathe it in that’s how scared i am
19: would you go back in time if you were given the chance? oh my god no, i’d laugh at my weeb self even though i still love anime.
20: where was the last place you snogged someone? ew, i hate the word snogged okay, let’s just say kissed and it was at a club outside in the smoking area smh.
21: what are your plans for this weekend? it’s my grandad’s 80th tomorrow ! and i have an exam on monday so aside from the party i’ll be studying.
22: do you want to have kids? how many? i do ! and probably a couple like 3 or 4 !
23: do you have piercings? how many? just my ears but i’ve been thinking about my nose.
24: what is/are/were your best subject(s)? ah french, religion and history were always my top !
25: do you miss anyone from your past? honestly, no but for some reason i keep thinking of this guy i used to go out with recently, but i don’t miss him he’s just on my mind.
26: what are you craving right now? apple juice omg.
27: have you ever broken someone’s heart? yeah apparently :/
28: have you ever been cheated on? well, the guy i was kind of dating was talking to other girls at the start but honestly i didn’t really count us going out.
29: have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? yep ! 
30: what’s irritating you right now? there’s nothing on tv.
31: does somebody love you? brb i’m gonna’ ask my mum to make sure.
32: what is your favourite color? yellow !
33: do you have trust issues? more like i need some trust issues because i over share like heck.
34: who/what was your last dream about? myself in my english exam, and i was writing out a poem i learned off by heart and it took me the whole two hours of the exam and i got 0 because i didn’t write anything about the poem.
35: who was the last person you cried in front of? i don’t even remember the last time i cried honestly.
36: do you give out second chances too easily? i never give second chances.
37: is it easier to forgive or forget? i remember everything but i find forgiving really hard too so- neither.
38: is this year the best year of your life? unless the black eye’d peas are back on the radio and beyoncé and lady gaga are collabing again no year will ever beat 2010 / 2011
39: how old were you when you had your first kiss? ok so there’s a photo of me kissing my next door neighbour when we were both like 2 years old so i don’t think that counts. i’m going to say 12 ? in spin the bottle.
40: have you ever walked outside completely naked? never. maybe some day though !
51: favourite food? i have too many, i’m going to say bread.
52: do you believe everything happens for a reason? nah, not really.
53: what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? i read 20 years worth of irish history for my exam this morning and hurt my throat from reading all my notes outloud.
54: is cheating ever okay? never, like ??? what the fuck is going on in your head and your heart if you could completely demolish someones trust and your own relationships like that ?
55: are you mean? i’m not, honestly when you get to know me i am so soft and only wish the best for people and hope they’re happy. but if there’s no effort to get to know me i probably don’t care at all. 
56: how many people have you fist fought? a grand total of 0
57: do you believe in true love? i’d like to think it’s a thing ! i know a lot of couples who i could never imagine being with anyone different, that’s for sure.
58: favourite weather? sunshine and a tiny breeze is so nice. like a summer car ride weather.
59: do you like the snow? i love snow ! so pure, so cold, so bright. makes everything look ten times cleaner.
60: do you wanna get married? depends, if i know i could spend and wanted to spend my life with them then i don’t see why not.
61: is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? depends if they are genuine or a sleaze. i’ve met both kinds of boys.
62: what makes you happy? my dog, pictures of me and friends, sleeping, kpop comebacks, people achieving their dreams, drawing, walking, car rides, restaurants, dancing, etc.
63: would you change your name? yeah, my dad picked my name and my mum liked other names more, and since my mum is actually here y’know i think it’s unfair she didn’t get to call me what she wanted.
64: would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? yes because it was dark, don’t really remember what he looks like and don’t know his last name smh.
65: your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? noooo, my best friend who a boy did / does like me and basically we talked it out and we agreed we were best friends but anything else could just wreck it.
66: do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yeah! the one mentioned above and another friend. honestly, i don’t care what they think really if i’m gross or rude because they’re pretty much the same and it just worked out that we have the same humor and our all slobs.
67: who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my brother at dinner lmao.
68: who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my eyebrow lady told me something really personal and sad today while she was waxing my brows and my heart broke honestly. 
69: do you believe in soulmates? until i find mine i believe in nothing.
70: is there anyone you would die for? my immediate fam, my dog and there’s a pending spot.
i’m tagging: @kookno / @milktu / @kiimgyu / anyone !
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