#needy writer i guess lmaoooo
johnsbleu · 8 months
why don’t you want to post hmh anymore?
it's not that i don't want to! i don't know how to say this without sounding like a bitch or something but i work really freaking hard on hmh and always have. i put a lot of time into it then i post the chapter and get like...maybe 3 notes on it. i don't get any sort of nice comments anymore, maybe once in a while, i'll get one. i post and literally a week or so later someone is just asking for an update, and it's not that i don't appreciate that but sometimes i can't wait to post a chapter because i'm excited about what's happening in it and no one even mentions it, they just ask for another chapter. i am so beyond grateful that people have stuck around for so long and still reach out and want to read more about this little world i created but sometimes a little mention about the chapter goes a long way. idk i'm probably being too sensitive or something but i see other writers get tons of love on a chapter while i just have nothing and i get in my head about the content i'm writing and if it's even worth it anymore
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