#i guess i just feel like people are moving on from hmh and i’m not ready for it to be done
johnsbleu · 8 months
why don’t you want to post hmh anymore?
it's not that i don't want to! i don't know how to say this without sounding like a bitch or something but i work really freaking hard on hmh and always have. i put a lot of time into it then i post the chapter and get like...maybe 3 notes on it. i don't get any sort of nice comments anymore, maybe once in a while, i'll get one. i post and literally a week or so later someone is just asking for an update, and it's not that i don't appreciate that but sometimes i can't wait to post a chapter because i'm excited about what's happening in it and no one even mentions it, they just ask for another chapter. i am so beyond grateful that people have stuck around for so long and still reach out and want to read more about this little world i created but sometimes a little mention about the chapter goes a long way. idk i'm probably being too sensitive or something but i see other writers get tons of love on a chapter while i just have nothing and i get in my head about the content i'm writing and if it's even worth it anymore
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the-odd-job · 4 years
Rating: Explicit Warnings: None Category: Other Fandom: Transformers > Merformers Characters: Megatron, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker Relationships: Megatron/Sunstreaker, Megatron/Sideswipe Additional Tags: Courting Rituals, Dubcon, Aliens, Alien Planet Words: 4046
It's that time of the year. Who said finding a good mate was easy? It's not.
Sunstreaker thinks they've managed it, though.
“That’s a Loner, isn’t it?”
“Look at the size of him!”
Sunstreaker glanced up at the hushed whispers that broke out around him when a massive shadow blotted out the sunlight filtering through the peaceful waves of the lagoon. Next to him Sideswipe did the same, turning onto his back to look at the mer passing above them, close to the surface.
“What’s he doing here?” someone asked.
“You think Loners don’t take part in the Gathering?” another asked back incredulously.
“Loner, huh? I’ve never seen one before,” Sideswipe commented, and Sunstreaker tuned the others out in favor of his brother. They both watched as the big grey mer kept on swimming, calmly and confidently like he owned the whole ocean. Scars littered his body, tells of a life that couldn’t have been easy.
“When would we have even gotten a chance to see one?” Sunstreaker asked, cocking a brow at his twin. Sideswipe shrugged, his eyes following the other mer until the stranger disappeared into the hustle and bustle of the Gathering. 
“I dunno. But think about it, someone who voluntarily lives without a pod? And survives? That’s impressive.”
“Hmh.” Maybe so. Sunstreaker, though, refused to be too impressed, and turned his attention back to their surroundings. Mers were swimming by and eyeing each other left and right, searching for someone they would want to court.
Sunstreaker, for his part, was yet to see anyone he would’ve liked, despite them being a whole week into the Gathering already. As Sideswipe loved to remind him.
But neither had Sideswipe mated with anyone yet, although Sunstreaker had the feeling that was mostly because his brother was following his lead instead of taking the initiative in anything.
There had been suitors. Many of them, for both of them. He could feel the weariness in his tail from having run from and outlasted so many others already, and Sideswipe was probably feeling the same. But he was not going to settle. If that meant not finding anyone at all to mate with, so be it.
Only the best for him, and for Sideswipe, by extension, if he was right about his brother’s plans to mate with the same individual he would pick. 
But there was still another week to go, and if he was tired now, he had to wonder how tired he would be by the end of it. Luckily he wouldn’t be the only one. Everyone else would tire too as time passed, and no one would be able to chase quite as friskily as they could at the start of the Gathering. That was his only saving grace.
As he let his eyes pass around the many mers around them, he noticed one stranger staring quite attentively at them. Or him, more specifically, because his eyes didn’t move when Sideswipe swam a few meters this way or that. His primarily red body wasn’t too different in hue from Sideswipe’s, and his scales had a healthy luster to them.
He was smaller than they were though, and didn’t look too old. Sunstreaker already decided he didn’t like him or want him.
Meanwhile, they seemed to decide they liked him and wanted him, despite his scowl. In a flash they sprinted towards him, and Sunstreaker tensed up before sighing and preparing himself to rocket out of there. “Oh, here we go again…”
Next to him, Sideswipe snickered.
The day had shifted from morning to afternoon by the time they had a chance to catch a breather together again. Sideswipe had flopped himself to the ocean floor, panting through his gills.
Sunstreaker had to admit he wasn’t feeling much better, but he held to his dignity and floated a little above his brother.
“Guess what?” Sideswipe spoke up suddenly, his tail making an excited little wiggle that had Sunstreaker instantly suspicious.
“That Loner we saw earlier? I found out his name,” the red twin announced proudly. Sunstreaker glared at him dubiously.
“How and why?”
“I was curious! And asked one of the people that didn’t try to court me. Apparently he’s pretty well known, and he’s lived alone for years! Think about that. Years.”
“Don’t tell me you have a crush,” Sunstreaker growled, rounding in on his brother. Sideswipe shrunk back against the sand, but giggled like the audacious idiot he was. 
“I swear, I swear I don’t. I just think it’s pretty cool to live on your own like that! And for so long.”
“You have a crush.”
“I do not!”
“Listen to yourself talk!” Sunstreaker threw his arms up before dragging one hand down his face. Well, this was the whole point of the Gathering, wasn’t it? Find someone you liked?
“I’m not going to go court him!” Sideswipe said before Sunstreaker had the chance to ask about that. He glowered at Sideswipe, and Sideswipe glowered back at him.
“But you want to.”
“Oh, Primus, can’t you just drop this already?” It was Sideswipe’s turn to drag a hand down his face. “I just wanted to know his name, is that such a crime? He’s interesting, nothing more than that.”
“Right,” Sunstreaker intoned, skepticism dripping from his voice. “Because you have gotten interested in so many other people.”
“He’s different!” Sideswipe tried to argue, but if you asked Sunstreaker, he was only digging his grave deeper.
It looked like Sideswipe came to that conclusion too, because he opened his mouth to say something further, then decided against it and really sank into the sand. He muttered something under his breath, but Sunstreaker couldn’t make out the words, and didn’t really care to, either.
“So what’s his name?” Sunstreaker drawled, just to humor his poor brother. It was sad to see the way Sideswipe perked up and gave him a dazzling grin.
“Megatron! His name is Megatron.”
Speak of the Devil… The constant background drone of hundreds of mers in every direction suddenly quieted in their vicinity. Sunstreaker glanced up in alarm, as unlikely as it was that there would have been anything dangerous, only to find himself the subject of a stranger’s unflinching attention.
Except now he knew this stranger’s name. The big grey mer with scars all over his body had everyone around him clearing away to give him plenty of room, shooting him glances that he completely ignored.
In favor of staring at Sunstreaker. From the corner of his eye he could see Sideswipe rising partially upright, glancing between him and Megatron. He had red eyes, like Sideswipe, and they bore straight into Sunstreaker.
And Megatron? He was much larger than they were, and he had age on him, it was obvious. But despite that and the many scars he wore, his skin shone in the daylight, stretched taut over his musculature.
Everything about him spoke of health and vitality.
“Sunny,” Sideswipe whispered next to him, but Sunstreaker felt rooted in place by the weight of that singular focus weighing on him. He didn’t even dare flick his tail, lest that broke the spell and caused… Something to happen.
He didn’t know what he feared or wished for.
“Sunny!” Sideswipe said a little more urgently, kicking himself up from the seafloor.
And the spell broke. There was no warning given before Megatron suddenly set in motion, accelerating straight at him with speed he wouldn’t have expected from a mer that big. Sideswipe gasped next to him, but Sunstreaker didn’t have the time to stay and wonder about him.
With urgency that felt a lot more real than it had with any of his many other courters, Sunstreaker sprinted away as fast as his tail would allow. He swam up, closer to the surface to give him more room to maneuver, and Megatron followed with frightening ease. And who knew how many times he had done this dance before, if he was as old as Sunstreaker suspected him to be?
How many times had he failed in courting?
Damn him if Sunstreaker was going to make this easy for him, though. He’d spent the last week trumping others’ attempts to court him.
This would be no different.
It quickly became evident that Megatron was faster than him in a straight line, but that only meant that he would need to make more turns. Presumably the other’s greater size made it harder for him to change direction quickly—made him less agile to an extent that allowed Sunstreaker to stay ahead of him, just as long as he remained unpredictable.
So he did his best to be just that, changing course on a dime with no warning or indication of where he was going to go next, and careful to stay out of Megatron’s reach. Up, down, left, right, always skirting far enough from the grey mer that he wouldn’t be able to grab him. Megatron tried a few times, and a few times it was a close call, but he managed. He zigzagged between the other mers either courting each other or finding someone to court, and if they didn’t clear the way for him, they sure did that for Megatron.
That didn’t work in his favor when Megatron didn’t need to take all the turns he needed to, but Sunstreaker’s best was enough to keep him ahead of his pursuer as the minutes stretched into an hour.
But he’d already done this for a week straight. As the hours slowly multiplied, his breathing began to turn ragged and his tail was starting to burn from the constant exertion.
And yet Megatron didn’t give up. Where others would have abandoned the chase by now, Megatron kept coming, following his every move with singleminded intensity that was as frightening as it was titillating.
Megatron wanted him. That much was painfully obvious, otherwise he would’ve stopped already, like everyone else had. They hadn’t wanted him enough. 
Megatron, though, he was persistent. Beyond that! He was merciless, not giving him one moment to catch his breath or have a rest, only forcing him to work his hardest to stay ahead of him. Constantly, without any hint of reprieve. 
And while Sunstreaker was starting to have to admit to himself that he was tiring, Megatron showed no signs of slowing down. Even assuming he hadn’t done much courting yet in this Gathering, his stamina was impressive to show no signs of weariness despite the ever lengthening hours. 
But Sunstreaker wasn’t easy. He wasn’t going to let himself be that. He kept swimming just as Megatron did, tiring or not, and he kept staying ahead of Megatron.
It was just that the extent to which he was managing to stay ahead of the grey mer was beginning to narrow down severely. It took more and more out of him to get those quick bursts of speed that allowed him to dodge every time Megatron got too close, and he got too close way too often. 
And yet Sunstreaker kept going, refusing to give up any more than Megatron was giving up. The daylight began to fade, the suns set, light grew scarce, his pupils dilated to make up for the difference, and yet neither of them stopped.
He was starting to lag worse and worse. Sunstreaker hated noticing that, but it wasn’t exactly surprising.
He was tired.
But he was also stubborn.
And so was Megatron.
The largest moon was already casting its light into the waters by the time Sunstreaker finally met his limits. Megatron gained on him, and he made a quick turn away, pushing himself to make it fast, but his tail was tired. So very tired, and he just couldn’t get the necessary speed. Megatron turned with him, made a grab at him, and his hand closed around his tail. Claws dug into his skin and Sunstreaker hissed even as he was yanked back to the big mer. He twisted around just in time for Megatron to reach up and grab him by the upper arms, shackling him in place and bringing him close to the vast, scar littered chest.
It was terrifying, it was arousing, and Sunstreaker’s tail twitched from side to side. His breathing, already fast, quickened even further, his pump pushing water through his gills in strong pulses.
So this was it, then. Sunstreaker forced himself to look into Megatron’s face and into the piercing red eyes. There was only the barest hint of expression there. Victory, satisfaction. Otherwise neutrality.
Sunstreaker didn’t know what his own face was reflecting. As much as he wished it was aloofness, indifference, something made him suspect it was more childish fear and mature excitement mingled together.
That was how he felt, anyway. His heart was hammering even as Megatron brought them together, the hot skin of his tail pressing against Sunstreaker’s.
He took pleasure in knowing Megatron wasn’t as unaffected by their extended courting as he seemed. His body was smoldering. A rumble vibrated his chest as he rubbed his tail against Sunstreaker’s, and Sunstreaker writhed against him in return, though whether it was in reciprocation or an attempt to still get away, he wasn’t sure.
There was no getting away though. Megatron’s grip was vice tight, and it wasn’t hard to tell that now that he’d finally caught him, he wasn’t about to let go before the deed was done.
Sunstreaker could feel his internals throb and he let his head fall back with a groan. This time when he moved, it was definitely in reciprocation. He could feel his slit begin to open up, his tail shifting restlessly as Megatron pressed them together, and it wasn’t long before he felt something decidedly not a tail press against his underside.
He had the presence of mind to consider their size difference, then, and Sunstreaker glanced along the length of his body in alarm. His concerns weren’t misplaced, and he found himself suddenly a lot less eager after catching sight of Megatron’s member.
Someone was proportional.
He didn’t have the time to voice his misgivings (as unlikely as it was that that would’ve done him any good anyway) before Megatron was already lining them up, maneuvering his body until the tip of Megatron’s length nosed up against his gaping slit. Sunstreaker tensed up when Megatron began to push in, though blessedly, he was considerate enough to go slow.
Even so it didn’t take long before his body’s natural preparation was no longer enough and he could feel the first stings of the entry of something far too large. That turned into a steady burn and Sunstreaker arched his back with a hiss. Megatron took no pity on him even if he wasn’t thoughtless about it either, and only moved one of his hands to Sunstreaker’s aft to keep him from pulling away.
But he kept going slow, giving Sunstreaker at least some time to adjust to the ever widening breadth of his member. Despite that, it hurt, and he had no idea how much worse it was still going to get.
The answer was not very. It was only a few moments later that the tip of Megatron’s length bumped up against his cervix, and Megatron stopped pushing at that little bit of resistance. Sunstreaker was very grateful for that, his hands grasping onto Megatron for support as he panted through his gills, trying to grow accustomed to the feeling of being impaled on something that felt far too big for his body. And probably was far too big for his body, but there was no helping it.
Then Megatron began moving, rocking them together, pulling out only to carefully push back in. Sunstreaker’s claws dug into him, but his partner didn’t object. Megatron was mindful not to push too deep, stopping every time he brushed against his cervix. Sunstreaker suspected it would’ve hurt like the pit otherwise.
As it was, his slit was slowly getting used to the stretch, the burn abating to a dull discomfort that slowly melted away. Megatron never sped up very much, and Sunstreaker didn’t try to either, his tail only curling against Megatron’s to the rhythm of his languid thrusts. 
It wasn’t long before Megatron pushed deep one more time before stopping to hold them together, his body stiffening. Sunstreaker could feel a hot burst in the depths of his slit and he huffed at the feeling, wiggling from side to side to tip himself over the edge. He didn’t manage before Megatron started to move again, a few more deep, smooth thrusts finally driving Sunstreaker’s arousal high enough for it to burst and he groaned as his muscles tightened, the ones in his slit rippling. Megatron hissed at the feeling, pushing through the uneven resistance for a couple more thrusts before he pulled out. Sunstreaker sagged in his hold when his slit was left open and gaping by the penetration, leaking something white.
But there was no red, and not much discomfort left either.
Megatron released him but didn’t move away, and neither did Sunstreaker push himself away when he was again free to do so. He slowly unhooked his claws from Megatron’s skin, feeling somewhat sorry for the blood he’d drawn.
Megatron still didn’t seem to mind that bit though.
The thought of now what crossed his mind. He’d found a mate, one that had proven himself strong beyond doubt. He could feel good about that.
But did their tryst end here, or was it going to last? What did Megatron want?
What did he want?
Before either of them had the chance to approach those questions, a flash of something colorful off to the side caught his attention. Sunstreaker glanced in that direction along with Megatron, and who else was it but someone who sparkled a muted red in the moonlight.
Sideswipe approached as indirectly as he possibly could, circling this way and that while he tried to get a read on the situation and whether it was the right moment to butt in, or whether he was interrupting something still. Sunstreaker’s eyes were drawn back to Megatron who was watching the display with a look of mild confusion.
It only lasted for as long as it took him to glance between the two of them, though. First at Sideswipe, then at Sunstreaker, then back at Sideswipe, and that was when realization and understanding broke across his features.
Sunstreaker pushed away as Megatron drew himself to attention and Sideswipe took his cue to approach. Sunstreaker gave the two of them some space, watching as Sideswipe boldly swam over, turned to his back, and rubbed the length of his underside to Megatron’s. There was definitive interest in Megatron’s eyes, and he turned after Sideswipe as he passed him.
There was no playing around this time, no drawn out courting. Sideswipe had asked and offered, and Megatron accepted. With a swift motion he grabbed Sideswipe by the wrist, pulling him against him. Sunstreaker could see the mix of nervousness and excitement on Sideswipe’s features, but unsurprisingly he didn’t put up a fight. He wondered how much he’d seen, if he knew what a monstrosity Megatron was hiding behind his slit, but knowing his brother, even if he did know he was probably just self destructively eager. He always had a thing for extreme experiences anyway.
Sideswipe was panting before Megatron had even uncovered himself, making little jerking motions against the grey mer. Amusement was written all over Megatron’s features, and Sunstreaker felt the same emotion. Yeah, not a crush, sure.
This was probably Sideswipe’s young dream come true.
Megatron didn’t waste time getting his tool back out in the open. Sideswipe refused to even look at it, staring up at Megatron’s face even as he rubbed his belly against the thick length, so he probably knew what it was like.
Megatron purred at Sideswipe before grabbing his brother by the hips and lining them up. He went slow with Sideswipe too, but despite that Sideswipe was writhing as he was penetrated, his teeth bared in a mixed expression of pleasure and pain. Sunstreaker followed the process, from the first slow push in—and Megatron barely managed to sheath half of his length within Sideswipe before he hit his limit—to the following withdraws and thrusts. Sideswipe’s expression slowly loosened as his slit got used to the stretch, push, and pull, and towards the end of it he was already rocking to meet Megatron.
He wasn’t allowed to control the pace though, Megatron did that, and Sunstreaker got the feeling the Loner had been with smaller mers before too. He looked like he had a pretty good idea of what he was doing even with a smaller partner, that was for sure.
Sideswipe was the one who stiffened first, a strangled groan passing his lips. Megatron ground his teeth and after a few more jerks of his hips against Sideswipe, he followed suit, pulling Sideswipe against him to the tune of a little meep from his brother.
Then it was done and Megatron slowly relaxed his hold on Sideswipe, pulling out from his body. Sideswipe slit was gaping too, and in a move that was so completely in character for his brother, Sideswipe reached down to poke at it. Sunstreaker snorted as Sideswipe swept his fingers through the white stuff that had followed Megatron’s retreat and brought it to his mouth, experimentally licking his fingers.
He made a face at the taste, shaking his hand to get the rest of it out of it. Megatron was watching the whole thing with bemusement and amusement, but really, if he wanted to stick around, he was going to have to get used to antics like that from dearest Sideswipe.
If he wanted to stick around. They’d still have to see about that.
Sunstreaker moved closer now that Megatron and Sideswipe had finished, drawing Megatron’s attention back to himself. “Twins?” Megatron asked, and oh, his voice sent shivers down Sunstreaker’s spine. Deep and gravelly, it was more pleasant on the ears than anyone’s voice had any right to be.
He couldn’t find the words in time, but Sideswipe had him covered. “Yeah,” his brother said, still wiping his mouth to try to get the taste of Megatron’s semen off his tongue.
“So… You wanna do that again?” was the next thing that came from Sideswipe’s mouth. Sunstreaker sighed, but Megatron only chuckled.
“It does increase the odds of success, doesn’t it?” he said, raising his brows at Sideswipe.
Sideswipe, for his part, made a happy sound and threw himself at the grey mer. Sunstreaker stiffened in preparation for Megatron’s blowback, but… None came. A look of surprise flitted across Megatron’s features, but it quickly morphed back into a harmless kind of amusement and he merely patted Sideswipe’s aft.
Almost fondly, as impossible as that was after they’d only met so recently.
“Does this mean you’ll stay with us?” Sunstreaker asked, staying some ways out of reach even as he came close. Sideswipe was all touchy feely, and really, if Megatron decided to stay and raise the pups with them, that would just mean Sideswipe someone other than him to pester with his affection.
“That was the plan, yes,” Megatron responded. Both him and Sideswipe glanced at him, although Sideswipe’s eyes quickly moved to Megatron’s face. “Unless you don’t want me to?”
“No, that’s not it,” Sunstreaker said at the same time as Sideswipe piped up with, “We want you to.”
“Then it’s decided,” Megatron said conclusively. “I’ll join you two in a pod and help raise our offspring, once the time comes.” Sideswipe tittered happily, and Sunstreaker had to admit to more than a little relief too. Their carrier might’ve managed to raise them without their sire’s presence, but he really wouldn’t have wanted to try the feat himself. “How old are you two, anyway?” their new mate asked next.
And that was that. They had a mate now. 
“This is our first year as adults,” Sunstreaker answered with a shrug.
“That young? Good.” Megatron sounded quite pleased over that fact, but Sunstreaker didn’t have the time to ask why exactly—because they were young and virile? —before Sideswipe was already whining for Megatron’s attention.
“You said we could do it again. Unless you can’t get it up so soon?” Oh, low blow.
Megatron merely laughed. “Oh, I can get it up again, alright.”
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glitterdreamsz · 5 years
A Penny For Your Thoughts (part 6)
Roger Taylor x Reader
Summary: Reader and Roger have been a couple since they were sixteen. But what would happen to their relationship now that Roger’s dream of being a rock star is becoming reality? (whole series here)
A/N: I’m fucking back! Did you miss me? (let’s all thank the quarantine that gave me the possibility of going back to write this chapter. I hope you will like it and don’t be afraid of letting me know what you think! Thank you for sticking up with me. Also i’ve decided to switch this fic from BoRhap!roger to the real roger cause i find myself more willing to write for him. But, of course, you can imagine him in any way you prefer him.
Words count: 2,9+k
Warnings :english isn’t my first language so grammar errors, and SMUT (18+)
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10th October 1974
“Okay” Roger panted laying the box on the floor “That was the last box.” He put his hands on his hips and took a look at the empty living room that was almost twice bigger than your old one. “I guess that’s it then.” You smiled widely at him “We finally moved into our new flat” you wrapped your arms around Roger’s waist and your hands wandered on his naked torso “It’s October, you shouldn’t go around with your shirt completely open.” You mumbled as your lips were pressed against his back leaving some tender kisses. “I’ve been carrying boxes and furniture for a whole hour, I’m hot even though it’s October.” He argued back, taking your hand and jokingly biting the tips of your fingers. “You’re sweaty and stinky even though it’s October” you chuckled looking up at him and Roger immediately turned around with a smirk on his face. “I guess that it’s time to try our new shower.” “Our new big shower.” You added smiling and already walking to the bathroom. “Who told you you were invited too?” Roger asked following you. But you didn’t argue back and just poked your tongue out at him while starting to undress yourself.
24th October 1974 “And when I told him that I was quitting my job he was so surprised” you explained to Roger while clearing the table “As if it wasn’t clear enough that I hated working for him.” The drummer chuckled softly shaking his head “Did you tell him that now you’ll be Queen’s photographer?” He asked while putting the dishes in the sink. “Hmh” you nodded as you made Roger move away and you started to wash the tableware. “And his response was -you?- as if I wasn’t good enough” you scoffed and gave a wet glass to Roger who started drying it “That asshole” you kept talking “Well, I bet he will change his mind soon. I mean look at me now. I live in a fucking big apartment in central London, soon I’ll be touring the world with my boyfriend and I’ll be the photographer of his band that will surely become the most famous band in the history of rock. What else should happen?” There was silence then, out of nowhere, Roger said it. “Marry me.” You turned around laughing softly, thinking that it was another joke of his. But in front of you there was Roger, serious as ever, and he was looking at you waiting for an answer. “What?” you managed to ask, and suddenly forgot how to breathe. “Marry me (Y/N)” “Roger” it came out almost as a whisper “We…we always talked about how we both didn’t want to get married, how we thought it was just a stupid sign on a stupid paper. That we didn’t need it, that we were happy just like that.” “I know I know everything we said but those were just things we said as teenagers coming out of broken families. We both were afraid of marriage because we saw what it did to our parents. But I’m not afraid anymore, I know I want you and I’ve known it for a long time.” his eyes were watery just like yours, his hands were on your cheeks making you look at him as he was talking “We don’t have to prove anything to anybody. We don’t need a big ceremony. Let’s just get married today, let’s go to the city hall, we’ll have the guys as witnesses and then we can go get drunk at a pub. I just want to spend the rest of my life calling you my wife.” “Yes” you nodded, wiping away the tears that were running down your face. “Yes?” Roger was as surprised as you were with that answer, he thought that he would have had to argue more, that you would have told him to wait. But he was right, you were just afraid of marriage because of your mom. But then you found Roger, and you knew that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. No one else could ever compare to the love of your life. So why not do that madness with him? “Yes” you confirmed once again and to make it even more clear you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, with all the love you had in your body “I will marry you today Roger Meddows Taylor.” “I…I just don’t have an engagement ring” he said, almost embarrassed to you. “Who gives a damn about engagement rings.” You chuckled reassuring him “Now go call the guys”
“You guys are completely out of your minds” Freddie stormed inside your apartment gesticulating “You can’t call me and tell me that you’re getting married with such a short notification. It takes time to make the perfect outfit.” “Sorry Freddie” you giggled “The next time we’ll get married you’ll know it with more notice” “That’s not funny” the singer mumbled “Now, to the most important thing. Where’s your dress?” “Actually, I was thinking about wearing a white blouse and some trousers or a skirt, something easy.” “Are you insane? You are the bride, you can’t go dressed like that. Come on, let’s go.” He said taking your hand and pulling you towards the door. “Where are you taking me?” “To buy you a decent dress” he stated as if it was the most obvious thing. “But I want something simple.” “Fine then we’ll go to biba. Mary will help us.” He was already at the door but you stopped him. You couldn’t leave the house without seeing Roger first. You walked to your bedroom where you knew he would be with Brian and John. “I’m going out with Fred, he wants to buy a dress for me.” You said as you peeked your head on the bedroom door. Rog was talking with his mates while buttoning up the shirt he would be later wearing. “Oh.. ok” he said almost nervously “I thought we would go there together but I guess we’d meet there.” “Hmh” you nodded smiling “I’ll see you at the altar” “I’ll see you at the altar” he repeated and quickly pecked your lips “Now go before the whole building will hear Freddie’s screams.
“Do you think we’re doing a stupid thing?” You asked Freddie while flattening the hem of your dress with your hands. “Well, usually people don’t decide to get married all of a sudden and tie the knot the same day.” He answered chuckling “But it’s you and Roger, you are not ordinary and you are made to be together for life so why not?” he shrugged “Do you think you’re doing a stupid thing?” he asked back. You shrugged “Am I afraid? Yes, my hands are fucking sweaty and my heart is beating as fast as ever. Did we take this decision too fast? Yes. But I know that in the other room there’s the love of my life, we’ve been together for nine years and I know that marrying him is the right decision.” “So don’t make him wait.” Freddie pecked your cheek and then walked to his mates in the other room, you took a deep breath and once you opened the door you saw him. Roger immediately turned around facing you, a big smile on his face as you walked toward him “You look amazing, you’re so gorgeous” he whispered as he took your hand and kissed it. “I love your jacket” you smiled looking at his white jacket with birds printed on it “And you’re handsome” “Do you have the rings?” the man in front of you asked “No” “Yes” you and Roger answered in unison. “Yes?” you whispered looking at Roger. “You weren’t the only one who went shopping before coming here” He smiled taking two gold wedding bands. “Hope you like them.” “They’re perfect” you smiled squeezing his hand that never left yours since the beginning of the ceremony. “Will you, Roger Meddows Taylor, take (Y/N) as your wife?” “I do” Roger said with watery eyes as he slid the ring on your finger. “And will you, (Y/N), take Roger Meddows Taylor as your husband?” “I do” your eyes didn’t leave Roger’s gaze as you put the ring on his finger and then held his hand tight. The rings touched, a new sensation, a new feeling that you already loved. “I now pronounce you husband and wife” Roger wasted no time in cupping your cheeks and kissing you, leaving you out of your breath as you wrapped your arms around his waist and held him close to you. As background you could hear Fred, Bri and Deaky, with their respective wives, whistling and clapping their hands making you smile widely against your husband’s lips.
******* “I may now introduce you the newly Mr. and Mrs. Taylor” Freddie screamed as he walked into the pub. “Fred, keep it quiet” Roger told his friend as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. “I don’t want to draw any attention on us.” The drummer wanted to spend the best day of his life signing autographs or taking pictures with girls who were too touchy. “Sorry if I’m happy that my best friends just got married.” “God, it sounds so weird. Roger and (Y/N) just got married.” Brian said while walking toward the counter. “I actually love how it sounds” You told looking at Roger who looked back at you smiling and kissed you softly. “Okay, too much sugar for today, let’s drink.” John joked sitting on a stool. “I want to propose a toast” Roger announced lifting his beer bottle. “To my wife” his arm was around your waist and his blue eyes never left yours. “I knew you were the one from the first time I met you and you had that Who vinyl on your bike basket. We’ve been together for nine years but they’re not enough for me, I want the rest of my life with you. We’ve had our ups and our downs but we never let them break us. You know me like no one else does, you’ve always been my rock and you have always believed in me when the rest of the World didn’t. And I don’t need the whole World to believe in me or to love me, I only need one person to love me, and that person is you. To my beautiful wife (Y/N)” Everyone cheered clicking their glasses and you had tears streaming down your cheeks as you cuddled to your husband “I love you Roger, I always had and I always will”
“Wait” Roger said as you opened your flat door “The bride can’t walk inside the house by herself” and saying so he picked you up in his arms making you life. “You, Roger Taylor, are completely crazy.” “Crazy about you” “So cheesy” you wrinkled your nose and pecked his lips “But you’re excused since we just got married.” “Right answer” he smiled while walking towards your bedroom. “Where is my husband taking me?” you joked already knowing his intention, which were the same as yours. “I bet you already know where we’re going” he said as he put you back on your feet once you got in your room and then whispered in your ear “I’ll make you lose your innocence tonight” “I’m sorry to inform you that I already lost it to a rock star” you whispered back grinning. “Did you?” he started leaving kisses down your neck “Is him in a famous band?” You nodded running a hand through his hair “He’s in Queen” “Is he John Deacon?” You both laughed at his question. “Can you please help me out of this dress instead of talking about your bandmates as we’re about to have sex?” “Your wish is my command” Roger joked and then the atmosphere got serious all of a sudden. You could feel his fingers unzipping your dress till your lower back and his lips left kisses all along your spine any time a piece of your bare back was shown. “You weren’t wearing a bra underneath your dress?” he asked as he pulled down one of your straps. “Such a naughty bride” he smirked pulling down also the other one revealing your bare breast. He lowered down, his lips on your nipple and your hands through his hair. Even though at the beginning you wanted it to take it slow, now you couldn’t wait anymore and you started to undress Roger. Your naked bodies moved together toward the bed and you pulled him down with you on the mattress. Just as if he could read your mind your husband asked you “How turned on are you?” “Very much” you replied as you cupped his cheeks and kissed him. “So no fore-” “Yes, let’s just go straight to it” you cut him off. “Okay, we can do it later. I mean, I bet there will be more rounds tonight.” You chuckled nodding “Yeah, there will surely be more rounds.” “Good” he smiled and just wanted to hold him tight to you cause now that you had him over you, now that those blue eyes were lost in yours, you could feel that your heart could burst for how much you loved him. And that’s what you did that night, you made love to each other. There was no lust in your actions. Roger took his time and moved his hips slowly, feeling every inch of you taking him so well “God, (Y/N) you feel so good” he cried out. His forehead was hidden in the crook of your neck as his fingers were intertwined with yours. Then his hands were wandering all over your body, he wanted to feel you, feel your skin under his hands, his lips on your torso wanting to savour you. And you were completely lost in full bliss, feeling loved and wanted by the man you adored. “Let me be on top” you managed to say. Roger didn’t say anything, too lost in you to be able to speak, and helped you switch position. “Sit up, I want to feel you close.” You instructed him. That was your favourite position, because like that you could have him closer to you, his skin on yours, your chest pressed against his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply before starting to move your hips on his shaft, taking him again in you “I love you so much Roger” you moaned against his lips. The room was filled with your praises and the sound of your skin colliding together. “L-love, I-I need to go faster” Roger mumble “w-we have to switch” You nodded laying on your back and opening your legs for him. Rog held himself on the headboard with his hand as he slid one more time inside you. He didn’t waste any time and immediately moved his hips quickly and firmly. “God Roger” you moaned loud. By his cries you could tell that he was close so were you , you squeezed your walls against him and that made him lose all his strength making cum moaning your name. Your husband collapsed on you, still moving his hips to help you reach your high and his fingers run down your body drawing circles on your clid. “I’m close” you cried. “Come for me love” and as if those words were a spell for you, you reached your high moaning and holding close to Roger. Your naked bodies were tangled under the covers, your head laid on your Roger’s chest. You were playing with his hand as your fingertip traced his wedding ring. “A penny for your thoughts?” he asked, kissing your head tenderly. You chuckled looking up at him “You used to say that when we were still teenagers” a smile formed on your face at the memory “I found a new meaning for Penny, A penny for your thoughts, cause you’re all I think about.” “You still didn’t tell me what you were thinking of” Roger said as his hand ran up and down your spine, caressing your back. “I never thought that we would be here, as a married couple. But I don’t regret it at all. I love you Roger, more than anyone else in the World. And it doesn’t matter all the difficulties we will find down the road. I will be by your side, I will always choose you.” Roger smiled fondly and you could feel his heart beating fast against your ear. “You know what Bukowski says?” he asked, putting a lock of hair behind your ear. “Is this an intellectual moment?” you chuckled softly. “I’m trying to be romantic here, telling you what I feel and you are mocking me?” he pretended to be offended. “Sorry, I didn’t want to ruin the moment” you kissed him softly and encouraged him to go on.“ “Well, he always talks about how men are always late and how they can’t keep promises.” You nodded listening to him and wondering what was his point of those words. “(Y/N), I can’t assure you that I’ll always be on time, but I promise you that even if late, I’ll always be here for you.” *****
reader’s wedding outfit:
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and roger’s iconic wedding outfit
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@heda-mikaelson @deakyspuff​ @espresso-and-a-cig @everybodyplaythegame​ @oxuminaa​ @heartsforhoran​ @thewinchesterchronicles​ @hissom1933​ @johnricharddeacon​ @allornone​ @lokilaufcvson @langdonzvoid​ @vanitysfairr​ @mcrmarvelloki​ @lady1505​ @belenportal @rogxrtaylxr @queenrrogertaylor @spideyyypeter​​ @the-galaxy-witch​​ @rockyroadthepastryarchy​​ @borhapqueen92​​ @jennyggggrrr​​ @queen-crue​ @deaconsposts​​
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bandblogging · 5 years
Christmas Party (Luke Hemmings smut)
Day 15
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Reader
Words: 1.6k
Warning: Smut (NSFW) & Alcohol
Summary: You and Luke are invited to a Christmas party but Luke has something else in mind and gets too turned on by you. You ultimately have to help relieve himself.
A/N: this is explicit be warned
With only a couple of weeks left before Christmas you had decided to have a little Christmas party. Michael and Crystal had offered their place for the party and had invited you for tonight. "Y/N we need to leave in half an hour.", Luke yelled down the hall. You had been getting ready for quite a while now, you had to admit his time you simply couldn't decide what to wear. "I know," you yelled back and started taking off your outfit again. You tried on a few more outfits but ultimately deciding on one of the first ones you had picked out. You finished getting ready with about five minutes to spare, just enough time to pack your handbag.
"Ready?", Luke poked his head through the door and stuffed his hands into his pockets. You moved into his view and the loud whistle sound that Luke let go made you jump. "Hot damn, maybe we should just stay here", he smirked at you and looked you up and down. "Luke", you grinned at him and couldn't decide between being embarrassed and flattered. "We need to go", you grabbed your purse and walked towards him. "Nah, we could just say something came up, have a little fun and get to the party later", Luke suggested and grabbed you by the waist. He pulled you closer to him and placed a kiss on your jaw. "As intriguing as this sounds, I promised them to bring the snacks", you shrugged your shoulders and pulled his hands from your waist. "Oh C'mon", Luke pouted and slapped your ass as you walked past him. "Luke", you raised your voice and looked at him with a stern look.
You ignored his whining and grabbed your coat and the bag with snacks you had packed in the morning. You put on your coat while walking to the car, "Are you coming?", you asked while packing the bag into the back seat. Luke closed the front door behind him and walked to the car, sitting down behind the wheel. You had agreed on driving there yourself and taking a cab back, this way both of you could drink something. You sat down in the passenger seat and turned on the radio while Luke started driving.
You were almost there when you couldn't help but tease him a little bit. You pulled down your top ever so slightly more and placed your hand on his thigh. "Stop it", Luke muttered through his teeth but his tone was still suggestive. "Why?", you asked and slowly moved your hand higher up his thigh. "I really don't want to get out of this car with a hard-on Y/N", he looked at you briefly before parking the car in Michael's driveway. The way there was quicker than you thought but you still managed to tease him just enough. "There's still a bag of snacks to hold just in the right place", you winked at him and opened your door to get out of the car. Luke muttered something under his breath in response that you didn't understand. You walked up to the font door, a short while later Luke appearing next to you, with the bag just in front of his crotch.
Michael opened the door after you rung the bell and invited you in. There were already quite a few people and judging from the invitation list there weren't many missing. You joined Crystal in the kitchen and helped her to set out the snacks and drinks they had prepared. "Thanks for helping", she smiled at you before grabbing a drink for her and you. You clinked glasses with her and took your first sip of the evening. "No problem", you said and walked out into the living room with her. Luke was already sitting down on a chair and was talking to some friends. You walked up to him, grabbing a drink from one of the other tables and handed it to him as you sat down on the armrest of his chair. "Thanks", he smiled and pulled you down to place a quick kiss on your cheek.
The last people had arrived a while ago and the party was in full force now. You were chatting with a couple of people, already feeling the effects of the alcohol you had. A hand on your waist made you turn around but when you saw Luke you relaxed and leaned into his touch. Over the next few minutes Luke's hand slowly moved lower, hovering just above your ass. You shot him a questioning look but he didn't respond but rather cupped your butt tighter. "What are you doing?", you turned to him and whispered in his ear. "Just loving my sexy girlfriend", he muttered and kissed you, making your cheeks heat up.
Luke couldn't keep his hands off of you for the rest of the evening, at some point you ended up sitting on one of the armchairs again, this time on his lap. He had a hand placed on your knee but every once in a while it kept creeping up more. You shifted in his lap a little to get more comfortable and took the last sip of your drink. Both your and Luke's cups were empty and you wanted to get up to go get something more to drink. "You can't get up now", Luke muttered to you and tightend his grip. "Why?", you asked and turned around to him a bit. "Well cos that would be very embarrassing for me", he said through his teeth and a smirk formed on your face once you realised what he meant. "Oh does this turn you on?", you whispered to him and turned back around, shifting in his lap more than necessary. A surpressed groan from him gave you all the answeres you needed.
Half an hour later you had finally gotten up from his lap and made you way to the kitchen to grab something to snack on. You were alone when Luke was already standing behind you again. "Youre clingy tonight Luke", you said and shoved another brezel into your mouth. "You're the one that keeps turning me on and not doing anything about it", he smirked and grabbed a brezel himself. "What do you want me to do, we're at a party", you shook your head at him but the grin he was cracking told you he had a plan. "Well there is another bathroom that almost nobody is using", he suggested. "Luke, I'm not gonna have a quicky with you in Michael's bathroom", you said in an outraged tone. "C'mon Y/N, I'm so horny", he whined and pulled you close to him. "Just do something, you can't leave me like this", he moved even closer and you could clearly tell he was turned on. "No quicky but I'll help you", you gave in. "In two minutes in that bathroom". His expression immediately changed to relieve at your offer.
The bathroom was small and cramped with no window, the main reason it wasn't used much. Luke locked the door behind him and pushed you against the sink, attacking your neck with sloppy kisses. "No hickey", you demanded and pulled his face up to kiss him properly. "I've been waiting all night for this", he muttered and pushed his hands under your shirt. In return you let your hands wander over his chest and stomach down to his crotch. You lingered for a moment before unbuttoning his pants and opening the zipper. "Don't tease me, I've had enough", Luke whined and threw his head back when you finally pushed his pants and boxers down to his knees. "Better?", you asked with a cocky tone and placed kisses along his jawline. A moan fell from his lips and you took it as a yes to continue. "You like this Luke?" you asked as you wrapped your hand around his hard dick. You slowly let your thumb slide over the head, already slick with pre-cum. "Y/N", Luke moaned and with every stroke he got louder. You tried to shush him but only kissing Luke could keep him from drawing attention to you.
For a few minutes you were furiously making out and jerking him off before his breathing got even shorter and you knew he was about to finish. "So close", he muttered out and you changed the position a little, putting even more effort into jacking him off. "Just like that", he moaned in response. "You liked this Luke? You like me touching you while the others have no idea", you whispered into his ear and felt him twitch in your hand. "Hmh", Luke sighed and shut he eyes tighter as he leant deeper into your touch. He placed his head into the crook of your neck and moaned into your skin as he came in your hand.
It took you a little moment to clean up the mess while Luke was calming down. His breathing was still a bit quick when you washed out the bit of mess from his shirt. "Dirty boy", you laughed at him. He smirked at you and kissed your cheek, "Thanks Y/N. Also I owe you an orgasm more now". "I'll remember that". You kissed him back and double checked everything before opening the door of the bathroom and slipping out into the hallway.
On your way back to the living room Michael stopped you. "Where were you two, we thought you had gone home", he looked concerned and pointed to you and Luke behind you. "Nah, had to get Luke to some fresh air and tried to wash out the white wine from his shirt that he spilled". You lied to Michael but felt your cheeks heat up a little too much. Luke thankfully didn't say anything and Michael seemed to believe your story. "Guess he had a little too much, I'll get him home soon", you promised to Michael.
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Rising Sun
This is a request from very long ago and I finally found the time to write it down. It’ s been a very busy year for me, but I think I’ll start writing again. I don’t want to promise anything, but maybe I’ll be more productive over the next few weeks. Anyways, have fun reading it :)
Rating: explicit
Summary: You’re an assistant for the avengers. One day, Loki and you accidentally get exposed to a sex pollen in the avengers lab and it forces them to convince their feelings for each other followed by smut.
Pairing: Loki/Reader
Notes: (Y/N) = your name
Warnings: NSFW, fluff, forced confessing, pwp, smut (badly written, I guess), explicit sexual content, tender but hurried sex, feels
Word count: 2284
Requested by: a lovely anon
Read it on Ao3
Tags at the end
 It wasn’t an unusual activity for you, being in Tony Stark’s laboratory. You had been working there for a few months now and then, when Stark couldn’t take care of it himself or needed an unusual big amount of chemicals for whatever insane project he was working on. You liked working in the Avengers Building. There were a lot of different people with so many different stories and backgrounds to work with, not just SHIELD agents and the Avengers. It was just amazing, you couldn’t wish for a better place to work at. Your favourite person to be around was Bruce, or Thor. They were like big Teddy bears, docile and pure-hearted, but at the same time brutally honest – at least Thor.
The only thing that struck you as odd was that Loki was somewhere in the room as well. You couldn’t see him, but you could feel his presence around you. Well, it wasn’t exactly odd to have him in the lab, just the fact that he preferred to stay invisible was somehow weird. Although you didn’t mind, as long as he didn’t interrupt your work or made snarky comments. And he loved to make snarky comments, it was a very Loki-thing to do.
You sorted the chemicals Tony had asked you for and put the name tags on some new ones that had just arrived. Of course, you didn’t open them, some of the chemicals were risky or dangerous and you didn’t want to burn any of your senses or your skin.
“It smells weird.”
There was the snarky comment you had been waiting for.
“No, it doesn’t. And now let me do my work.” You concentrated on the containers in front of you. Loki was just making fun of you. You could smell nothing besides the sterile disinfected smell of a normal laboratory.
“My bad, I forgot that mortal senses are not as good as the senses of gods.”
You rolled your eyes and turned around. To your surprise he wasn’t invisible anymore. Instead, he leaned against one of the counters with several chemicals on it.
“Well, I’m so sorry I’m disappointing you.” You sighed and turned your back on him to focus on your work again.
“I can just warn you and tell you what is obvious.”
“And what is obvious?” You asked, still not sensing anything that was off or different than usually.
“The smell. It shouldn’t be like this.” He strolled over to stand next to you.
“Oh well, maybe your imagination plays a trick on you because I cannot smell anything weird here.” You put the chemicals away and looked at him. Maybe you should trust him and his senses, but again, it was Loki, he could just be fooling you as always, that was why you didn’t want to give in that easily.
“My imagination? Don’t underestimate me, (Y/N).” It didn’t sound upset or like an insult, though, more like he was slightly amused and trying to hide that. You smiled and placed your hand on his chest, somehow feeling more thrilled and brave than usual.
“I’m not underestimating you.” You said and rubbed his chest lightly. “I like you way too much to do that.”
“Define ‘way too much’.” He raised one of his dark eyebrows and placed his left hand on your waist.
“Oh? Well, I like you a lot. Is that defining enough?” You smiled.
“No, certainly not.” A small smirk lingered on his face, teasing, but gentle at the same time.
“Hm, well. What do you want to hear?”
His smile widened and he pulled you close by your waist now. “There are a lot of things I would rather hear, Miss (Y/N).”
“So? Then tell me about all those things.”
“Just if you tell me how much you really like me.”
You thought about that for a minute or two and then decided that maybe he was right. Maybe you should tell him about your feelings.
“Well, a lot.”
“Which means?” He was teasing, you knew that, you could see it. There were slight hints of mischief flickering in his eyes.
“I think you can answer that without my help.” You smiled the most innocent smile you could somehow manage and patted his chest. “Do you still think the smell is odd?”
“Yes.” He cornered you between the desk and his body and smiled Not one of the sassy smiles he gave everyone, but a softer and kinder one. Looking at his chest, you knew you would be the one to lose and give in first. It felt irritating, to be so close to him, yet you didn’t dare to touch him.
“Well, shouldn’t you do something about it, then?”
“Me? Why? I can’t even smell anything?” You bit your lip to look more innocent. You couldn’t tell what was going on at that moment, you just knew you wanted to close the remaining distance between the two of you.
You gasped the moment you could feel his surprisingly soft lips press against yours. That gods moved fast was nothing new. But that they kissed you certainly was.
“Wha-?” Your question was being muffled by him intensifying the kiss. Without losing anymore time to think about what you were doing, you wrapped your arm around his neck, pulling him even closer until you felt your chest pressed against his and could smell the soft sweetness of his body. Sweet… somehow it didn’t surprise you, even if sweet wasn’t the first adjective someone would ascribe to Loki. Something in the background shattered but you didn’t care as long as Loki kept kissing and touching you. His hands had found their way to your thighs and he lifted you up onto the table behind you.
“Stop.” You parted and panted, knowing that you probably looked ridiculous with your flushed face and neck. “Is this serious? Are you serious? Or do you just want a quick fuck?”
The silence that followed was way too long but you waited because you wanted an honest answer. Then he looked at you and you could tell that that time he wasn’t lying, or at least he covered it up perfectly.
“I’m serious. I’ve wanted you since the first day I saw you here in the laboratory.” His hands rubbed over your thighs up to your hips and stayed there for a while before they slowly slid upwards to your waist. “What about you, (Y/N)? Are you serious?”
“Yes, of course.” You watched his pupils dilate. His eyes were a stunning, sharp green but at the same time they were surprisingly soft and warm. But maybe that was just your imagination.
“How serious?” He smirked and pushed your shirt up a bit until your belly was completely uncovered.
“Hmmm…. That’s an unfair question. But because I’m fair I’m going to answer it: very serious.”
“Are you sure?” His fingers slid under the waistband of your pants.
“Yes.” You whispered expectantly.
“Hmh.” He chuckled and you noticed that it was the first time you really saw him smile. “I’m not convinced. I think you have to prove it.”
Without hurrying he opened your pants and pushed them down slowly, leaving you in just your panties and shirt – you decided to ignore the fact that he had just pushed your pants down to your ankles. You could take care of that later.
“I don’t have to prove anything to you.” You whispered and leaned close, smiling softly when you saw him shudder. “Isn’t it enough that I’m here? I’m letting you touch me, don’t I?” You giggled and kissed his cheek.
Loki smirked and spread your legs, slowly and gently rubbing your inner thighs. “You talk too much. But at least you’re smarter than one might think.”
You smiled and kissed him, knowing very well that it was just his way of talking, so you couldn’t even be mad. It was kind of cute even, that he was still trying to convince you – or himself, you weren’t so sure about that – how tough he was and could be. Or he simply wanted to make sure he was the dominant one. But again, you couldn’t read his mind, so you weren’t able to figure out exactly what it was that he wanted. Besides the pretty obvious bulge in his pants of course. You would gladly shut up if that meant you were getting more of him.
The kiss deepened slowly because there was no need to rush or hurry, right? You felt his hand slide under your shirt, cold touches on your heated skin. The soft moan escaped your lips before you could even stop it or think of holding it back.
Loki chuckled and opened your bra, pushing it up a bit to cup your now exposed boobs, gently caressing them. It was a loving and careful touch, the sensation sending goosebumps all over your body. In that moment you knew you could toss your pants away – you wouldn’t need them for a while. They fell to the ground, followed by your shirt and bra, leaving just your panties on your body. It wasn’t embarrassing, being naked in front of him. Instead, it felt good and you liked the way his eyes roamed over your body, making you feel a lot more confident than you usually tended to be. Lokis’ hands slid down to your waist and down to your ass, squeezing your cheeks gently. You let out another soft gasp and pressed back into his touch.
“C’mon, we need to hurry up. I don’t want anyone coming in.” You mumbled against his lips, fumbled his pants open and pushed them down.
“Don’t worry. No one will come in. I took care of that.” The smile on his lips was a very promising one and you bit your lip slightly, expectant for more.
“Good.” You chuckled and wrapped your arms around Loki’s neck again, trusting his magic skills. And most importantly, you trusted him. For a second, he pressed your foreheads together. But he slowly made his way down to your neck and collarbone, biting and nipping, gentle at first but you could feel him grow more impatient the more time passed. Your hips were shoved together and you could literally feel his pulsing heat pressing against your own most sensitive area. Just a thin layer of fabric kept you from feeling his skin on yours. And you wanted to feel it. Your body longed for it, needed it more than anything else at that moment.
You shivered when he sank to his knees in front of you, nuzzling the already soaked area of your panties. It was obvious what he was about to do, however, you just weren’t able to hide your excitement. Your hitched breathing and flushed skin were giving you away easily. He tugged down your panties and kissed your thighs gently, leaving a few small bruises on the way between your legs. You gripped his hair for support and tugged slightly, earning a deep growl from him. “Behave.”
“You’re too slow.” You whined quietly and ran your fingers through his dark hair, applying more pressure and scratching lightly over his scalp. The deep groan you got in return told you he liked it. A lot. “You’re such a tease.”
A low rumble in his chest made you gasp in pleasure because you could feel his lips vibrate against your skin. “Come on, please.” He had pushed you far enough. You wanted to feel him. Now.
“Please what?” He swirled his tongue around your clit, using just enough pressure to make you squirm.
“More! I want more. I want you to fuck me!” Nothing made sense anymore. You had never felt so needy for something, it nearly scared you.
“Oh? But I’m just getting started.” He was smiling and squeezed your thigh.
“Please, Loki! Someone could come in!” You bit your bottom lip. The thought of someone coming in was actually more arousing than frightening. There was a chuckle and then you felt his fingers. No teasing anymore, finally. He was gentle, but seemed a bit more hurried now. Maybe he was also getting impatient, you couldn’t tell for sure. You heard the obscene wet sounds when he pulled his fingers out but they just made you shiver and whine at the loss of them inside you.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart.” He leaned up, his low voice rumbling, close to your ear now. “You’ll get what you need.” You felt him shift, pinning you down on the counter with his weight. It was surprisingly satisfying to feel his body on top of yours, pressed close.
He was big. Bigger than you had imagined from the bulge in his pants. And he certainly felt bigger. But it didn’t hurt, it was a pleasant feeling of being filled. You managed to free your arms and wrapped them around his neck for support as he rolled his hips. Every thrust sent a pleasant shiver down your spine, making you gasp and arch your back. You thought you heard him chuckle and realized that you were begging quietly for more. But it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered besides his hot body, pressed against yours and moving rhythmically. You felt the heat rising way too fast and tried to warn him, but instead of letting you speak he simply captured your lips with his and stifled your moan.
“I love you!” You gasped when you were able to pull away for air. You arched up, the force of your orgasm blurring your vision. You were too distracted by all the sensations and the warmth that spread through your body to hear him mumble a soft “I love you too, (Y/N)”.
Tags: @emyhonny @finney13s @michellearel1 @chameerah @alexakeyloveloki @thisisvangandr 
If you want to be added or removed from the taglist, please let me know.
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angelkurenai · 5 years
Living on - Steve Rogers x Reader - Part 1
Avengers: Endgame SPOILERS BELOW read at your own risk
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: Avengers: Endgame spoilers
Summary: After losing your husband and father of your child, Tony, in the big fight against the mad titan Thanos you feel incredibly lost. Thankfully you have your friends by your side all the time, Steve Rogers more than anybody else cating to your every need and doing his best to help you be happy again. If only you could see him as a friend. After lots of time Steve himself admits to having feelings for you and how he is willing to wait for you. The real question is, are you ready to move on from Tony?
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“Thank you for this, Pep. Gosh, thank you so much. I really don't know what I'd do without you.” you said with a shaky sigh, holding the warm cup of coffee in both your hands and savoring the scent which always managed to calm you down.
“I swear, you thank me one more time and I'm gonna smack you with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich this instant!” the woman pointed out, giving you a warning yet caring look, before she proceeded to work on the sandwiches she made for the two girls that were currently in the living room.
“Don't give her too much of that jam, please, she tends to get a bit too hyper. Not that she already doesn't have enough energy to run for a lifetime but-” your smile fluttered a bit as the next words left your lips “I guess she takes after her father.”
“(Y/n)...” you heard her soft and sad voice, already able to picture her shoulders falling and her actions stopping.
“No. No, I'm fine. I'm really fine.” you cleared your throat, shaking your head and looking up with a tight smile “It's been... five years. Five whole years, it's time to keep going to. To keep living... for her, right?”
“For yourself too.” she pointed out with a gentle and maybe sympathetic smile, feeling bad for you this time and not so much what had already happened “Besides, Morgan seems to be doing real well. Strong like her father and surely her mother's spark. She's got a hero in her heart herself, you'll see it.”
“I think I see it every day that I watch her grow up. My little Avenger.” you whispered, full of pride as you glanced at the living room, both the girls too focused on the Disney movie playing on the TV to care about anything else “But that still doesn't mean she's like us, she's still a kid and even more she's my kid and I've sworn to keep her safe. Tony's death... shouldn't have been for nothing. He did this for her and I'm going to honor his memory by making sure she's the most happy child in the world, by any means necessary.”
“Tony did it for the both of you, he did it for all of us. There are no more sacrifices needed to be made and I definitely mean you.” she sighed, placing a hand on your shoulder “Don't put too much weight on your shoulders, (Y/n). For all these years Morgan is all you've cared about and I'm not saying to stop now, no. She's your daughter and I know just like you that a mother's love for her child can never be stopped.”
“She's growing up fast, isn't she?” you noted with a small smile, glancing at the younger girl sitting next to your daughter, eyes filled with wonder and a bright smile on her lips “Happy must be losing his mind huh? Feels like yesterday since you two became parents and now look at her.”
“He's spoiling her to no end but I can't complain. He's going great.” she nodded her head, finishing the sandwich she'd started for her daughter and the other for Morgan “But don't try to change the subject on me now.”
“I'm not.” you mumbled, trying to hide your smile behind your cup.
“Hmh sure you're not.” she nodded her head “Then if we're just casually talking... How's Steve doing these days? Heard something about him giving up the shield and role of Captain America. Wonder why...”
It was probably the wrong time to be drinking your coffee but you were anyway and as expected, you choked that very second. Coughing a bit she let you recover before you shot her a dirty look “You know what?”
“What? You said you're trying to change the subject.” she said back with a smirk on her lips and you sighed, shaking your head “Listen to me here.” she said in a soft voice, dropping the teasing tone “I know things are hard, trust me I do. I don't think anybody will ever be able to tell you it will get easier but this is your life too, (Y/n). As I said, I don't mean for you to stop having Morgan as your main priority. I would ever ask that. As a mother myself, I know my little girl will always be my main priority. But just because you're a mother doesn't mean you're not a woman and it doesn't mean you don't need love yourself. The kind of love a man can give you right now. A specific man at that.” she sighed softly “I'm sure even a man like him must have... somehow let you know that, you know, he's interested?”
“He-” you let out a trembling sigh, closing your eyes for a brief moment “He said he's willing to wait. However long it takes, it doesn't matter to him. He'll wait until I feel ready for... well, any of it.”
“Sounds like something he'd say.” she nodded her head “And you? You feel ready or not?”
“I feel scared, Pepper. Scared as hell. The past years have been rough and Morgan was my main priority and I haven't had the chance to think about it b-but-” you forced a weak but absolutely fake smile on your lips “But it's good. It's calm. It's nice being a mother and not having to worry about other things. I'm-”
“Forgetting all about your own happiness.” she completed your sentence with a stern yet caring look on her face “What I'm saying is... you need to live too. And this is not living, not without laughing or smiling or feeling good for once.”
“This is my life now.” you shrugged a bit numbly, eyes casting down at your hands “Besides, h-hey, I smile when Mo makes me smile or laugh, when she makes me proud, when she-”
“That's not what I mean and you know it. She's your main priority, yes but you've made her your only priority a-and pushed away the things... the people that could also make you just as happy. You've pushed away your happiness and that's not a way to live. You need to change that. Not because I say it, not because your friends say it, but because you know... that's what Tony would've wanted. For you to live your life even if he's not here.”
“She's not-” you felt the thick lump form in your throat, so familiar that it hurt all the more. The first few months after you lost him, this kind of lump had always been present and it was always followed by endless tears and agonizing and painful sobs. For a second, you feared you were going to crumble down and become the same mess you were back then but albeit, you held it all back. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath “Gosh, it feels like yesterday that I gave birth to her and look at her now, Pepper.” you said in a soft voice anyway “And the more Morgan grows up the more she reminded me of him and I- I-” your breath came out shaky as you looked away from your daughter “I can't help but think about Tony even more and God help me but I miss him, Pep. I think I'll miss him my entire life, as I look at our daughter, as I walk around in the farm he built for us, as I look at his things. He's always in my mind. I can't stop it... much like I cannot stop what I'm feeling for... for, well, him.”
And she knew very well that you weren't referring to your dead husband but rather someone else in the end. She sighed heavily, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving you a squeeze “You feel like you're betraying Tony.” she said and it wasn't a question, not even a statement probably. She was stating the truth.
“I don't know what to do anymore.” you admitted in defeat “I- I told myself that I was pushing him away be-because of Mo, because she needed me the most and because I needed to be a mother more than anything else in my life. I was all she had left, if I acted like I cared more about my own life and happiness than hers then she'd- she'd feel neglected and hurt and I would never want to hurt her. If I moved on that fast then... she'd even think I didn't love her father enough all that time and that's not the case. But now... now that she's-” a soft pained laugh escaped your lips “She's all but pushing me to go out once in a while, I realize I didn't do it just for her. I did it for me. I did it so that I wouldn't explore this feeling, so that I wouldn't think that...he's always meant more to me.” a tear rolled down your cheek “If I did... this then, would that mean I am moving on or will it mean I have always not only loved Tony but also him?”
“I think that, whatever the case, you have loved Tony more than he could've ever wished or dreamed of and sometimes more than it was humanly possible. You made him happy, you gave him a lot more than happiness, gave his life... and death a meaning. But whatever the case, he's not here now and for better or for worse, you're acting like he is. But if he was really here then Tony would let you know he'd never want you to keep going with your life like this.” she gave you an encouraging smile.
“And what should I do? Am I even ready to... do all this from the beginning?”
“Only one way to figure it out.” she shrugged softly, sad but caring smile on her lips “Now it's time to give your life a meaning too, besides Morgan.”
“Hey Miss (Y/l/n)-” a reminder that you weren't Mrs Stark and you could see the bitterness and pain on his face that he feared you'd never probably get to be “If you find this recording... please don't put it on social media. It's gonna be a real tearjerker.That is... in case you're alive. My God, I hope you're alive. You- you're the reason I do this for, the only reason. I'll count on you being too stubborn to die and keep going though. So, you're probably wondering when I'm coming comingbut uhm well, if you're watching this, then the answer's probably that I'm not.” he rubbed the back of his neck. You watched, just like every time. But unlike every time, this one you let it play out.
“Don't feel bitter about this, part of the journey is the end. I always think about it, you always told me, remember? I mean, I guess I'm already thinking a lot about you anyway. I- I just can't-” he laughed, rubbing his eyes tiredly “How can I ever get you out of my mind hm? You always had this effect on me, from the moment we met. What with that brain of yours and that face of yours and that- everything, everything of yours that made me fall helplessly and hopelessly for you. It was so distracting at first but truth be told? I could really use the distraction right now. Not to think of the end of the journey and all, you know?”
“You are...” he paused for a bit, the corners of his lips lifting into a small smile as his hologram seemed to stare right back at you right into your eyes “The love of my life. Cheesy isn't it? Should've not spent so much time with Cap.” his smile fell and he frowned, dragging a hand down his face “Cap, that's another thing. So many issues going on and so little time but right now you- you are all I can think about and Gosh there are so many things I want to tell you too. I love you. Plain and simple, isn't it? But my...” he sighed heavily, his features soft as if he'd made his peace with it, with the inevitable end “It's so true. I love you, I love you more than I ever have loved someone before. I wish I had more time, I wish we did but time's running out.”
You clasped a hand over your mouth to keep your tears. He truly thought he was going to die, it was clear in his voice and face and everything he told you, and even if that had not been the end, it did come for him later yet soon. Far too soon if someone asked you. But you held your tears back and kept on watching.
He rubbed a hand against his forehead “You mean so much to me, you mean the world. I'm up here with less than 24 hours of oxygen and I'm thinking... You'd look so beautiful with a baby bump. I just can't get the image out of my mind but above all I can't get the image of that smile of yours. You'd give me hell, sure. You always do. Sometimes it's a torture. Sometimes it's not. And every time it's the sweetest thing in the world and I wish it wasn't just in my dreams but it seems so. And now-” he sighed, his shoulders relaxing “Now that is just not an option. I'll miss you. Hell, I already miss you. Do you miss me?” he paused looking away with a small smirk “Of course you do. I know you do. Don't deny it, I'm still your pain-in-the-ass fiance. Guess... that's what I'm only ever going to be.”
“But that's-” he cleared his throat, shifting in his seat “That's not the point. I wanted to make sure, make sure of one thing and one thing alone...” he leaned forward “That you won't let anything or anyone take that beautiful smile away. It's you, it's always been you and your happiness. I did it all for you and it kills me even worse to know that you might no longer be happy because of this.” he looked away for a second, letting out a small breath “I want you to live your life with or without me. I'll admit, the second part doesn't sound amazing but we don't really have an option, do we? It's not about that though.”
He looked back at you “I want you to live. Period. Simple as that. And probably just as hard. But I want you to do it. I want you to be happy again, I want you to smile. And I want you to sign to your favorite songs again in the shower while I tell I'm not gonna be there to listen to you but I'm really there every single time. I want you to dance while cooking those gosh-darn-awful cupcakes of yours that I would gladly eat right now to be honest. I want you to be the woman I fell in love with all that time ago, don't let my death take that away. It's not worth it.”
But he was worth everything, he was worth the world... because he was our world.
“I know you. I know it's going to hard for you and I know that despite what everyone tells you, you're not gonna listen to them. Granted, that stubbornness got me hooked from the beginning but that's another thing for another time. So I'm here, telling you myself: I want you to do all of it. I want you to live your life even if I'm gone and if you can't do it alone then I'm sure... you'll still have a reason good enough to keep doing that.” his words caused your breath to get caught in your lungs and the lump in your throat to hurt, just as much as the unshed tears. But he paused too, taking a couple seconds that just felt too long when you held your breath and waited for him to say it. You somehow just knew he was going to say it.
“Ah damn you Rogers.”  he said the words with a laugh and a small smile that just didn't feel as bad as you thought it would've “Granted, it's not something I didn't see coming but-” he nodded his head “Can't say I'm not jealous. I'm a bit possessive, I know. I'm pretty sure it was kind of a turn on for you though, so we click, don't we? Anyway, Steve-” he sighed but stopped, frowning “Uh Steve? What was I going to say? Oh yeah-” he looked back at you, serious and sincere again “He loves you.”
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dandylion240 · 5 years
Hmh.. 😛 😎 🥶 😥 🤢 🤒 for whomever you most want, or all, all is good!
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All of them it is then. At least all of the TS4 characters I have stories for. We’ll start with Sage, Connor and Caleb.
😛Who is the best chef according to them?
Connor: without a doubt it’s Sage.
Caleb: I can’t cook. Never had to worry about food until recently.
Sage: I have to agree. I cook the best in this house.
😎Do they like sunbathing?
Caleb: yes. After not being able to move about freely for so many years I take every chance I can to soak up some sun.
Sage: it’s a good thing we live in Sulani
Connor: we all love the sun.
🥶Do they like cold weather?
Connor: it’s okay I guess.
Sage: I miss it. I love building snowmen and forts.
Caleb: snow is pretty but I prefer the sunny beaches of Sulani.
😥What makes them confused?
Caleb: feelings. I spent so long building up walls and trying not to feel. Sometimes it get’s to be overwhelming.
Sage: being a parent.
Connor: balancing everything. 
🤢What makes them sick (either food, disease, or a person, or an event, or a general behavior, etc.)
Connor: I’m a worrier. I worry every time Caleb leaves to be with the merfolk. I worry whenever Sage goes home to visit his family. I worry when I leave to visit mine.
Sage: me too. That and seafood
Caleb: blood. The smell and sight of it turns my stomach.
🤒The worst illness they have been through
Caleb: I’ve been lucky. Other than being turned into a vampire I haven’t ever been sick. (Connor and Sage nod in agreement).
More under the cut
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Next Jayden and Evan
😛Who is the best chef according to them?
Evan: Jayden is an awesome cook.
Jayden: I learned from the best. My dad’s the best chef there is.
😎Do they like sunbathing? 
Evan: it’s very relaxing
Jayden: especially when your getting a massage from me.
Evan: that’s always a bonus. 
🥶Do they like cold weather?
Evan: (shivers) no.
Jayden: (puts arm around him) don’t worry you have me. I’ll keep you warm.
Evan: I used to love the cold and snow.
Jayden: and you will again someday. I promise.
😥What makes them confused?
Evan: why everyone wonders why I continue working at the homeless shelter after what happened.
Jayden: they just worry about you.
Evan: I know but it’s not the shelter’s fault for what happened.
🤢What makes them sick (either food, disease, or a person, or an event, or a general behavior, etc.)
Evan: I don’t want to talk about it.
Jayden: you don’t have to. We’re both sickened by the thought there are people like Jasper in the world.
🤒The worst illness they have been through
Evan / Jayden: chicken pox? I don’t think we’ve been really sick ever.
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Next Ethan and Jonah
😛Who is the best chef according to them?
Ethan: between the two of us it has to be Jonah. I can’t cook at all.
Jonah: you can so cook.
Ethan: but can you eat it?
Jonah: well....
😎Do they like sunbathing?
Jonah: I don’t like the heat.
Ethan: it scares me to death when he gets overheated.
Jonah: I tend to either faint or puke when I get too hot. It came in handy when I was younger and didn’t want to go to school.
🥶Do they like cold weather? 
Jonah: prefer the cold over the heat of summer.
Ethan: I don’t mind it. 
Jonah: I feel energized when it’s snowing.
Ethan: he’s like a little kid. Running around dancing in the snow.
Jonah: I like it.
😥What makes them confused?
Jonah: why some people take pleasure in hurting others. I don’t understand it all.
Ethan: I wish there was a way to stop them before they hurt anyone.
Jonah: me too.
🤢What makes them sick (either food, disease, or a person, or an event, or a general behavior, etc.)
Jonah: all the sick people in the world.
Ethan: yes. It makes me want to wrap my kids up in bubble wrap so that nothing can touch them.
🤒The worst illness they have been through
Jonah: other than my reaction to the heat I don’t think I’ve been really sick.
Ethan: me either.
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Last but not least Hideaki and Raelyn.
😛Who is the best chef according to them?
Hideaki: me
Raelyn: you? what makes you say that?
Hideaki: one. I’ve tasted you’re cooking and it’s not that good. two. You never complained about my cooking.
Raelyn: true. I’m usually just thankful I didn’t set anything on fire.
😎Do they like sunbathing?
Hideaki: sometimes. I prefer being more active.
Raelyn: not really. My skin burns so easily. There’s nothing worse than turning into a lobster.
🥶Do they like cold weather?
Raelyn: I love a nice long run on a brisk autumn morning.
Hideaki: it’s the perfect weather.
Raelyn: we should get together and go running sometime.
Hideaki: I’d like that.
😥What makes them confused?
Hideaki: why people assume that I need to be in water or near water just becaude I’m a merman. 
Raelyn: because mermaids live in water. 
Hideaki: I know it’s just...confusing
Raelyn: sounds more like its irritating than it’s confusing.
Hideaki: it’s a little of both I guess.
Raelyn: what I don’t get is why it upsets you. I mean we’re just trying to make you feel more comfortable.
Hideaki: I don’t need special treatment for being who I am.
Raelyn: point taken. I do try not to think of you as a merman.
Hideaki: whick I appreciate.
🤢What makes them sick (either food, disease, or a person, or an event, or a general behavior, etc.)
Hideaki: bats. 
Raelyn: any creepy crawlie 
🤒The worst illness they have been through
Hideaki: I got really sick right after our vacation in the jungle. It’s a good thing you insisted I see a doctor. 
Raelyn: I’m glad you kept your promise. 
Hideaki: me too. I was in the hospital for a couple of days. Made me miss  your dates with Dante and Hunter.
Raelyn: It’s ok. As long as your fine now.
Hideaki: couldn’t be better. There might be some effects from the bat bite later on, like if we were to have kids in the next few years. 
Raelyn: gasps
@jenpants @izayoichan @justasimthing
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lostinbl · 5 years
Going public | Ming x Kit | 2moons2
--So this is sorta continuation to this fic but you don’t need to read it before this one ^^--
Ming looks at the phone in his hand. He keeps scrolling through all the photos on his Instagram feed and every other picture shows his friends with their partners. Kit sighs, glancing at Ming. It's been three months since Kit announced Ming was his boyfriend in the middle of the mall but nothing much has changed. Their dynamics are still the same though frankly, Kit has gotten a little more chill, especially in private. When it comes to public displays of affection he's still on the edge but he's trying to get better at it. For Ming. Kit knows that Ming holds back only because he knows Kit wants him to but Kit's not blind. He knows that sometimes his lack of need to show Ming off bothers the younger guy. Ming would never say that out loud though, of that Kit is sure. Ming has told him several times that he accepts and likes Kit just the way he is, no matter his faults. But still... Ming does so much for him and he feels like it's only fair if he tries a little harder for the younger one. It's not like Kit doesn't want to show Ming off, it's just that he doesn't know how to.. he's clueless with things like these. He was surprised enough when Ming first confessed because why would anyone want to date him? But here they are. So yes, Kit wants to try a little harder. He's not sure if he's ever going to allow Ming to do more than hold his hand in public but this is something small. Even after doing this, he doesn't have to change the way he acts. What does it matter if other people know? It doesn't, not at all. At least that's what Kit keeps telling himself in order to stick to his decision.
Kit sighs again. There's only one problem: he doesn't have any good pictures with Ming on his phone. He has a few sneaky shots of the guy alone, though Kit would rather die than admit that he has secretly taken picture of his boyfriend, but nothing with both of them. Okay, there are a few weird pictures taken amidst playful wrestling but all of those are shaken and blurry. He has nothing.. proper. Nothing he would like to use as a gateway to introduce his boyfriend. Or as a tool to announce he's not single anymore. It's not like he's going to put up a caption with the word 'boyfriend' in it but Kit is pretty sure that even a simple picture will be enough to get the point across. He has several hundred followers, he is fairly well known after all. Just like all the campus Moons are. Kit does find the amount comedic though when considering the fact that he only has four photos uploaded. One of which is a group photo with him, Beam and Phana while all the others are just some random updates complaining about exams or other insignificant stuff. Kit is sure that if he uploads the picture tonight, tomorrow everyone will already be aware of what's going on. Since there are already all kinds of rumours going around, anything small will do. A simple selfie with the two of them will be a confirmation. Ming doesn't have Instagram and all their friends are respectful enough to keep their mouths shut so if Kit doesn't confirm the rumour himself, no one will know for sure. Well, Kit is sure some of the students are aware of the situation even now, but he also knows that most are just guessing.
"Ming?" Kit calls the younger guy. Ming lets out a 'hmh' as an answer, his eyes still looking at the textbook in front of him. The younger boy is currently lying in Kit's bed still in his school uniform. Kit stays quiet for a little while, his ears already turning red. He gets up from the chair he was sitting on and walks over to the bed.
"Want to take a picture?" Kit asks. Ming raises his head and meets Kit's eyes. It takes him a few seconds to register what the older guy said and once he does, he jumps up to sit, his eyes wide and bright.
"What?!" Ming exclaims. Kit has never asked to take a picture with him before. Kit is extremely reluctant even when Ming is the one taking the pictures, which is why there are no proper selfies of them on his phone. In every single photo, Kit is covering his face one way or another. And now the guy himself is suggesting this? Ming is very much in awe.
"Why?" he can't stop himself from asking. Kit turns his head away, his ears bright red. He's so fucking embarrassed!
"Just.. Instagram", Kit mumbles quietly. Ming leans closer, not catching his words.
"What?" he asks again. Kit closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
"Instagram!" he almost shouts the word. Ming sits on the bed, frozen. Alarmed by the silence, Kit peaks at him. Ming's face slowly melts into a smile. He's beaming at Kit with the same smile he always has. The same smile that makes all the butterflies in Kit's stomach suicidal.
"Ah P-" Ming exclaims but cuts himself off. Slowly his smile fades as he stares at Kit. He frowns, deep in thought. Kit stands still, confused.
"Why?" Ming asks again, this time his voice quieter and calmer. Kit doesn't understand the question. He gives Ming a confused look.
"Why do you want to upload a picture of us online?" Ming clarifies, still with the same tone. Kit raises his eyebrows in surprise. He thought Ming would be happy. Kit shrugs.
"Just because", he gives a simple answer. Ming's frown deepens and he gets up from the bed, walking over to the other side where Kit stands.
"Are you doing this because of me? If you are, I don't want you to. I already told you I'm fine keeping this", Ming motions at the short distance between the two boys: "quiet."
"Or are you pressured because everyone else is uploading pictures as well? Don't be. It doesn't matter if people don't know about us! The people we care about know and isn't that the most important thing? You don't need to show this off just because other people are", Ming is staring into Kit's eyes, his tone calm and steady. Kit is taken aback. This is not the reaction he was expecting.
"I'm fine even without going public. I mean it. I really am. You don't need to do this for me", Ming continues, desperate to get his point across.
Kit closes his eyes and sighs. He sits down on the edge of the bed. Ming sits next to him close enough for their arms to touch.
"Fine. I'm doing this for you", Kit opens his eyes.
"But not for the reasons you think", he continues, turning to look at his partner. Kit doesn't need to do this. He knows that. He's not doing it because someone is pressuring him, or because Ming wants him to. He's doing it because he wants to. Frankly, it might be for Ming, but it's still something Kit himself wants to do.
"I just... I know that you are fine with what my limits are, but that's not fair. I want you to have more than that. Every day you're adjusting your behaviour to respect my words and I just want to do something in return", Kit starts explaining. Ming opens his mouth to argue but Kit stops him.
"Just, let me talk. I know that I don't have to do this. I know. But I want to. For you. This is something I want to give you", Kit pauses and this time Ming stays quiet, allowing him to continue.
"I know that I'm not an easy guy to like or be with.. And I know that I'm sometimes very selfish with my demands... And yet you always respect those demands. Despite being a little shit here and there.." Kit hits his elbow into Ming's ribs gently and the younger guy chuckles, catching his hand. Ming intertwines their fingers, scared to speak in case Kit stops talking.
"..you still do what I ask. And I think this is something small I can do for you. And I want to. I want to do this for you", Kit finishes, looking at Ming with a serious expression forcing himself to keep still even though he wants to hide in embarrassment. Ming can feel his heart swelling. He swears it's about to burst out of his chest. Ming can't help it. He leans in and captures Kit's lips with his own ones, one of his hands cupping Kit's cheek. The kiss is sweet and brief, too brief to Ming's liking and he leans in again.
"And I also want to repel all the desperate girls swarming around you", Kit mumbles into the kiss and he feels Ming's smile against his lips. Ming pulls away.
"Is that so?" he questions with a raised eyebrow, barely a centimeter away from Kit's lips.
"Yup", Kit whispers, not backing away. Ming chuckles and leans in again.
After a few more kisses, Ming pulls away again, this time properly.
"Let's go then!" he beams at Kit, rubbing his hands together in comedic motion. Kit snorts and rolls his eyes. He takes out his phone and switches the camera to selfie mode. Ming moves to sit behind Kit, his arms sneaking around Kit's waist, pulling Kit in for a back hug. Kit rolls his eyes again but lets the younger one set his chin on Kit's shoulder nevertheless. Ming smiles with his teeth showing. Kit looks at Ming's smile through the phone screen and can't help the smile climbing up to his lips as well. He takes a few pictures like that and moves his arm a little further away. Kit manages to take two pictures when he suddenly feels Ming's lips on his cheek.
"Ming!" he turns around to scream at the boy and Ming leans back his laughter filling the room. Kit squints his eyes at him and turns to look at the photos. As soon as he opens the gallery he almost laughs as well. The first six pictures turned out good but then comes the picture where Ming's head moves as he turns to kiss Kit. Another picture and this time Ming's lips are on Kit's cheek. Kit stops on the picture, looking at it with a little smile. He's still wearing the same happy smile from earlier pictures and Ming's lips are on his cheek. The photo is clear and even he admits that it looks... cute. The next picture, however, makes Kit chuckle. He's no longer wearing a smile, instead, his eyes are wide with shock and his mouth is open. He's looking at laughing Ming looking offended. The next photo is a little shakier due to him turning his head, his mouth already yelling the younger guy's name and the one after that is just pure movement. Kit turns to glare at Ming but the boy is still smiling happily, checking on the pictures over Kit's shoulder.
"So, which one are you gonna upload?" Ming asks all innocent as he leans back to lie on the bed. Kit ignores him and gets up, going back to his desk. He sits down, scrolling through the photos. He deletes a few of them and marks two down with a star.
"Can you send them to me?" Ming whines from the bed and Kit turns to raise his eyebrows at him.
"C'mon! I don't have any pictures either!" Ming whines with a pout. Kit rolls his eyes, this time with a smile. Soon Ming's phone vibrates and his mouth spreads into a smile. Immediately he sets the cheek kiss picture as his background and screen-lock photo. Kit will probably scold him once he sees it but that's a problem for another day.
It eventually takes Kit an hour to gather the courage to actually upload the pictures. He ended up choosing one of the first three pictures and the one with the cheek kiss. The latter being the main reason for Kit's hesitance. Kit knows he doesn't need to upload anything that extreme to get the point across, but then he thought ‘fuck it’. He's already doing it so why not make it clear once and for all? Kit puts a random '🔮' emoji as the caption and hits upload before he can overthink the whole thing any further. Immediately the comments and likes start flowing in. Kit raises his eyebrows in surprise. Did someone actually turn his post notifications on or are people just that actively online? Kit's truly not sure. In a few minutes, his post has already gained dozens of likes and comments where people are mostly freaking out. Kit smiles at the comments in amusement. Ming appears behind him and wraps his arms around Kit, kissing his neck.
"What's the reaction?" Ming asks and Kit raises the phone to his eye-level. Ming reads through a few of the comments and bursts out laughing.
“Wow, we really stirred the pot huh?” Ming asks leaning back in to hug Kit.
"To be honest, it's exactly what I thought it would be", Kit comments with a smile. Ming answers with a 'mhm' and kisses Kit's neck again. Kit leans back, melting into the kiss for a few seconds before he snaps out of it.
"Ya! Don't leave any marks!" he yells at Ming and the younger one immediately steps back, his body shaking with laughter. Kit curses at Ming and gets up from the chair. Ming screams and runs away, Kit right behind him.
"But they already know! What does it matter?!" Ming yells at Kit as he jumps on the bed and runs over it to the other side. Kit curses and chases after him, only to meet Ming in the middle of the bed. Ming falls down and pulls Kit with him, pressing their lips together. Kit struggles and pulls away and starts hitting Ming with a pillow, his cheeks already hurting from laughing. After a short pillow fight, Ming pulls the older guy in for another kiss and by the end of the night, neither ones' neck is left without bruises.
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Flower Boy
Fandom: Avengers Pairing: Tony Stark x Male!Reader Summary: “Well, I want to show you off,” Tony fumbles over his words, noticing how you knitted your eyebrows together - he doesn’t know if he has offended you or you were just confused, “The pretty flower boy who stole my heart.” Word Count: 1,515 Request: @namedbymint  “Reader is a florist and a regular to the Avengers because Tony usually has him design the tower for events. So this one week, Tony keeps ordering a bunch of flowers each day for the week and on the weekend, he invited the reader to come over to "redo the tower" but it's actually a confession!” A/n: Look! At! My! Dad!
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Flower shops are primarily patronized by a quiet crowd, mostly pleasant, introverted gardeners; dewy, doe-eyed sweethearts in love; or sulking, trudging lovers in search of an apology. You like your job for these reasons - there isn’t an excess of noise, people are fairly straightforward, and the shop is always humid, even in the winter and fall, because everything would wilt otherwise.
Tony Stark had stumbled over your flower shop when he had doublecrossed Pepper and what other better way to apologies than flowers? You were surprised to see him come into your little shop, you weren’t famous for your arrangement so you wondered how you were graced with his presence.
Nevertheless, you managed to get him his flowers, he pleaded for them to be now because he was afraid of going back to his home to an angry CEO. Though, when he leaves, he looks over his shoulder to look over to you.
Pledging to himself that it was not the last time he would come by.
He kept true to his word, every time he would somehow upset Pepper or Rhodey, and even perhaps Happy. Your flowers did the job, it gave him an excuse to see you. 
He didn’t know what it was about you that intrigued him, perhaps it was the way you moved in your little shop and treated him like any other normal human being. He wasn’t Tony Stark aka Iron Man, no, in your little shop he was just Tony. Tony who tries to make everything better with flowers.
Soon, his flower adventures weren’t for apologies, Tony learns from his mistakes and makes less of them. So, he requested you to do the flower arrangement at his parties. His orders had to be two weeks in advance and delivered throughout the week before the party, but every time he sees your flower arrangement comes up to tower, his eyes widen at how pretty they were.
“How’s flower boy?” Rhodey asked as he and Tony sit in a restaurant with Pepper, “Are you going to invite him to the next party?”
Tony shrugs his shoulders, “He has a name. I think he’s busy.”
“You haven’t even planned the next party, Tony, how do you know if he’s going to busy?” Pepper asked, raising her eyebrow at her friend who was grumbling, “You haven’t even told us his name, and you’ve bee buy his flowers for more than a month now!”
“He’s busy for the rest of the year.”
“Are you trying to avoid your feelings?”
“Shut up, Platypus,” Tony spoke with defence as Rhodey and Pepper share a look, smiling at their smitten friend, “I’m not avoiding anything.”
“Hmh, well, so if I were to find this flower shop...” Pepper trailed off, giving Tony a look as Tony rolls his eyes, “Your birthday is coming up, it would be a shame if you didn’t throw a party...”
“You really want me to invite (Y/n) to a party? My birthday party?”
“Ah, so that’s his name!” Rhodey teased, bumping shoulders with his best friend, “You’ve kept that one quiet haven’t you?”
Tony flush red, “If I have a party and invite him, will you get off my case?”
Pepper and Rhodey give each other knowing looks before turning to look at Tony. He looked at his friends, terrified about what they have scheming for him.
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“Hey,” Tony greeted you, the shop was empty as you looked up from your book.
“Morning, Tony!” You cheerily greeted back, he wonders how you have so much energy in the morning, “What can I do for you?”
“I am having a birthday party soon, I was just wondering if you could do the arrangements.”
Your smile was big, beaming and blinding his eyes. You were his favourite little secret. The happy flower boy that loves to draw different arrangements in your notebooks of yours, he’s seen your scrawls of your handwriting and labelling. He’s noticed you’ve only coloured the flower petals in your notes, and you use it often. 
He doesn’t know whether they were filled with your favourite arrangements or perhaps they were arrangements you could use for the later request, but he’s noticed how in the new latest pages were filled with his requests. Messages of “sorry” and other meanings. He’s been ordering a lot of flowers every day, some just to spite Rogers at the Avengers Compound, who says the compound is slowly building a beehive.
Sometimes, he orders flowers to send to Peter, he found it surprising that Peter enjoys getting flowers. That and Tony has been getting him flowers to give to MJ. Sometimes, he orders flowers for May, Happy, Rhodey and Pepper - a little message to say that he appreciates them. 
They always love the flowers, complimenting the vibrant colours and the vase that comes along with it. People who know flower messages, such as Bruce, Natasha, Clint, and Sam, always comment about it. Leaving Tony often feeling mildly embarrassed. 
Though, whenever Tony throws grand parties and your flowers were on show, a lot of people comment on them.
He notices how nimble your fingers were, long and slick. He wonders if it would fit perfectly in between his. 
“Earth to Tony?” You waved your hands in front of him, “You alright, man?”
“I’m-yeah- I’m great,” Tony forces a smile, ignoring the heat that was spreading around his cheeks as he stares at your beautiful eyes.
“Well, I was thinking, maybe, we spell out your name in roses. Red and Gold, from your Iron Man suit - just your name “Tony Stark.” And then we could do coneflowers, purple and yellow - Echinacea and Black-eyed Susans.”
“You’re going to need to explain that because I’m not that good with flowers,” Tony hums as your lips quirk into a smirk, almost knowing. 
You licked your lips, “Coneflowers, purple and yellow means strength. And, if I’m correct, I think you’re the strongest avenger. Or, at least to me, you are the strongest person I know.”
Tony was lost for words at your kind compliment, if he wasn’t blushing then he was most definitely is now. You blink, you ignore his embarrassment, deep down he could feel that you were doing it purposely. But, he couldn’t help how perfect your lips looked and how they open to continue to educate him in flowers.
“Roses, the standard meaning of love, honour, faith, and so on. Colours mean everything with flowers as they are the ones telling the messages. Red roses, as most people know, is the ultimate symbol of passionate affection. Yellow roses are considered the perfect way to toast friends, lift spirits and send a general wish for well-being. Long association with the sun and its life-giving warmth, yellow is the age-old colour for warm feelings of friendship and optimism.“
He smiles when he sees your eyes sparkle with passion.
He could watch you for days on end, he could listen to you for days on end just ranting and educating him in flowers. Their backgrounds, meaning behind them. He was fascinated with you, perhaps that’s why he adored you as a little secret because he was selfish and did not want to share you.
“That sounds great!” Tony beams, his shoulders relax, “I trust your judgement, (Y/n), any more ideas?”
“I’m just spitballing, I could call you if I got more ideas though, it’s your birthday so it has to be perfect.”
Tony almost forgets how to breathe.
“Well, I was wondering if you want to be my plus one,” Tony invited, his heart is so loud and he doesn’t know if he’s breathing, he was never good with feelings.
“Hm?” You questioned, looking up from your sketching with big eyes, “You’re asking me? Why?”
“Well, I want to show you off,” Tony fumbles over his words, noticing how you knitted your eyebrows together - he doesn’t know if he has offended you or you were just confused, “The pretty flower boy who stole my heart.”
You choked on your own spit, “Tony, I-”
“I mean, you don’t have to come, it’s just I think you’re really handsome and I think how your eyes light up when you talk about flowers.”
At this point, he was word vomiting.
“You’re an idiot.”
He likes how your eyes soften at the words.
“Of course I will be your plus one!” You nodded, almost too quickly that you almost gave yourself whiplash, “I guess I have to cancel my delivery flowers about my confession.”
“Huh?” Tony was baffled as you chuckle, he wants to see how the edges of your eyes crinkled more often, “You like me?”
“Tony, I’ve been flirting with you for the past week or so, thank you for noticing.”
Tony lick his lips, a small amused huff escapes his lips as he looks down at his fingers and then back up to you. He was so concerned about you not liking him back in the same way that he hadn’t noticed your advances. 
“I think I was too busy getting distracted by an attractive flower boy to notice.”
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11thstreetgirl · 5 years
Sparks (Nasty x male reader)
Summary: The Hanoi boys show up at your usual haunt and make the place buzz. There’s unexpected sparks between you and Nasty. Flirty banter and things ensue...
Requested? Yesss by @thespacecowboyyy thank you!
AN: Sooooo this turned out weird. I’m not happy at all with it and Nasty feels very out of character and the dance scene is like the shittiest thing I’ve ever written, but this was so fun to write! It’s been years since I got a text out of my head this easily! So thank you! Also this turned out longer than I planned so I decided to post it in two parts if you guys like it. More notes at the end. To be continued... ps I suck at titles, please bear with me
The music was loud, so loud I almost didn’t hear myself think. Not that I was thinking straight anyways, beer always made me feel funny. On a second thought, I didn’t know if coming here just to check out some guys counted as thinking straight, beer or not. I snorted at my own joke as I made my way towards the bar. I could feel the looks on my back, there was something in the air tonight, something that this place usually didn’t have. I was actually getting interested in my surroundings. I snorted again to myself. Oh wow, this shabby joint really was rubbing on me.
I ordered another beer. Mark was behind the bar as usual and padded my shoulder as he walked past. His hands were full with work, the place was packed. I sat at the end of the bar and sipped the cold drink. So, what was it about today that had the place buzzing? I scanned the dancefloor and some of the booths but didn’t see anything too out of the ordinary. People dancing, people drinking, people making out, all of the underground queer heroes coming together.
- Hey Mark! How come this place is suddenly so popular? I chaffed at the old bartender. He rolled his eyes at me and leaned on the bar.
- Dunno. Could be the band that played down the road tonight. Heard they sold out the place. They popped up here with such an entourage it would’ve put the queen herself to shame. I’ve seen them around here before too.
- Where are they?
The older man pointed to a dark corner. There was so much people it was hard to see, but there clearly was something going on. Young guys and girls swarming and seeking attention from whoever were sat in the middle.
And then the crowd shifted and I saw them. Five guys, or at least I thought they were guys, sat in a booth that was surrounded with people. They were clearly life of the party, downing drinks, laughing, flirting and keeping court. Because that was definitely what they were doing. All of the people around seemed to hold them to a high status. They had a dangerous haze around them, and it pulled me like a moth to a flame. Finally something interesting was going on in this god forbidden place.
I was pretty sure I guessed which one was the lead singer. Huge blond mane framed his face, he sparkled in the dim lights with every movement and he looked like he was about to start climbing on the walls. He was very different from the rest. They all had dark hair and somewhat mysterious feel to them. At first i couldn’t tell them apart, then i started to notice differences. The one in striped jacket seemed to be having a genuinely good time, he was laughing a lot and drinking even more. He talked to everyone around him and everyone wanted to talk to him. Next to him sat a skinny young-looking guy with hair so wild I had no idea how he saw where he was going. He had a goofy, shy smile and talked to one person at a time. Then there was the artistic guy. I could almost hear all of his rings and bracelets tinkle together as he gestured wildly when he spoke. I doubted he even cared if anyone was actually listening as he partially hid under his hat. The last guy had a different feel to him, I could tell even from this far. He was more calm but had a dangerous charm. Like someone I definitely wanted to get to know but most definitely shouldn’t. He was handsome, too. Like, really really handsome. Stupid hot to be honest. Not that all of them weren’t ridiculously good-looking but he had something that made my insides twist. He too hid under his black hair and was downing beers in a supernatural rate. I’d seen my fare share of quick drinkers here but these guys were something else. The guy was having a conversation with someone, he was resting his arm on the back of the couch and had his body partially turned towards me. He seemed to be like at home in the situation.
Suddenly he turned and looked me straight in the eyes. I felt my stomach tighten. He’d probably felt my stare on him. My heart skipped a beat as I awkwardly looked around and back at him just to see he was still looking at me. A grin spread on his face and it took all of my will power not to drop my goddamn jaw on the floor. He was gorgeous and I wanted to jump him right here.
- Close that piehole of yours comrade or you’ll be eating flies for dinner. Or some of these pervs will stick their dick in. I know they’re good looking but get your shit together man.
Oh shit. I could hear the laughter in Mark’s words but he was right. Staring wouldn’t get me anywhere. Getting this starstruck wasn’t like me at all, but that kind of guys showing up here wasn’t ordinary either.
- Ha ha. I need to be a lot more drunk for my next stunt so pour me a vodka will ya.
It didn’t take long for the alcohol to kick in. Just enough for me to loosen up a bit. I usually didn’t dance, like at all, ever, but somehow I felt this was the way to go tonight. At first it felt awkward as hell, to be shaking my ass all over, but then I got the hang of it.
The music was loud and I felt intoxicated. Whether it was the booze or the looks I got I didn’t know. I didn’t get a second of peace as there was constantly someone trying to grind on me or hold my attention. I was having fun and I was damn sure I didn’t want any of these people with me. Every now and then I took a glimpse of the guys sitting in the corner, more specifically of the stupid hot one. The look of him just sitting there, all nonchalant and rockstar, made heat rise to my cheeks. I wanted to show off and hell it felt good to know that I looked good. All the attention was doing miracles on me and I got lost in the beat and the thought of him.
- Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.
The low voice startled me. It took a few seconds for me to get a hold of reality. As I turned around I saw the gorgeous man from the band standing dangerously close to me. His straightforward approach made me forget how to speak for a moment. It should have not been hot in any way and I probably should’ve been running in the opposite direction right now, but I couldn’t help the shiver going down my spine.
- And you think that’s a good pick-up line? Straight to the point? I finally got out of my mouth.
- Dunno. Is it working?
- Have a guess, cowboy.
I had no idea where this conversation was going, but the man in front of me clearly did. He stared me down with a smirk on his face. He was so sure of himself in such a lowkey way that made everyone else seem either like assholes or iffy.
- Well I did see you staring at me earlier and then sneaking glances at me while shaking your ass on the dancefloor so I’d say you’re the one that started.
I could feel his piercing eyes on me, but i didn’t see them clearly from behind his hair. His voice was soft but somehow stern and it made my guard slip down way faster than i liked. It took a lot more concentration to keep my cool.
- Oh, that. Yeah I saw you and your gang over there. They say you guys are a band.
- Uh-huh.
- Let me guess, you’re the drummer?
- Nope. Guitarist.
All the while he was standing way too close to me. I didn’t want to take a step back because it would have meant he’d gotten the upper hand. I wasn’t gonna give it to him so easily. He took a long, deliberate look down my body and apparently he was pleased with what he saw because the one-sided satisfied smile grew on his face. It made something move in my lower stomach and I shivered again. Nope, no way I was gonna get all hot and bothered right here right now just from a hot guy standing too close. Nope nope I wasn’t a kid anymore.
- So what is mister Guitarist’s name? I needed a distraction, fast. And another beer. Or four.
- Looks like my pick-up line is working after all. Name’s Nasty.
The man cocked his head to one side and clearly waited for a reaction to such a name. I wasn’t gonna give him one. We were still standing awkwardly on the dancefloor. We definitely needed to move.
- Hmh. Does a guitarist called Nasty want a beer?
Finally he smiled properly. It was a lot sweeter than I expected and he looked absolutely beautiful. My jaw must’ve dropped because he chuckled.
- Took the words out of my mouth.
Damn it, I needed to keep my head clear. He was wrapping me around his finger as easily as he probably made playing guitar look. The thought of him with a six-string made my knees unexpectedly weak. Not good.
I felt him follow me tightly through the mass as I navigated towards the bar. I felt nervous, I suddenly felt drunk, I felt stupid and oh so turned on. Still. Not. Good.
There was just enough room for us to squeeze through. Luckily Mark saw me and handed us our beers in no time. The Nasty dude definitely was a big deal here tonight as he constantly got pats on his back, pretty open flirting and even some straight-up invitations to fuck one’s last brain cells out in the alley. Nasty had a mischievous smile on his face as he politely turned down person after person, all the while making sure I saw all of it. Gee, I couldn’t believe this guy.
I sat on a stool and took a huge swing out of my glass. Nasty didn’t take a seat, just moved closer to me again and leaned his elbows on the bar. I reeeaaally wanted to just watch him stand there, all nonchalant and disturbingly hot. As soon as the people passed, the smile wiped off his face. It had suited him, but the serious look suited him even more. It made him look more dangerous, more in his little role. Although i wasn’t sure it was a role anymore. How come it was suddenly so warm in here? In the corner of my eye i could see a few creeps eyeing us and whispering to each other.
I downed the rest of my drink in one go. Fuck me sideways till Sunday, I didn’t see a good ending for this evening no matter what happened. Either I’d leave now and spend the rest of my night, and probably the rest of my life, jacking off to the thought of this man. Or I’d drag him home, have a marvelous time with him and then what? Probably still the same outcome. Talk about fucking till Sunday… it was already Saturday night. Damn.
But my God was he gorgeous. His eyes stayed hidden behind his hair as he observed the people around us without a trace of emotion on his face. Definitely the cool guy in the band. His jawline was as sharp as they come and cheekbones high. I traced his neck with my eyes and landed on his collarbones. He had a simple tank top on and a light blue jacket over it. It was a bit too big and a little worn out, but it just added to his i-don’t-care based charm. His pants matched the jacket and he had tucked one thumb under the waist. His hands were large and strong-looking in the very way that made a guitarist’s hands such a turn on. I was probably eye-fucking the sweet Jesus out his tall, slim figure by now.
I thought i was being discreet drooling over him, but clearly he had noticed because he chuckled. A low, warm sound.
- Like what you see?
Shit. I couldn’t get my thoughts back together in the fragment of a second I had to answer, so I went for the least horny thing that crossed my mind.
- I’ve seen better, plus your rockstar attitude isn’t gonna get you anywhere.
Great. Now I sounded like an asshole. An asshole that’s been lusting over the guy half the evening. Wonderful.
- So you trying to play tough huh? Wont work on me. I can see right through you. He leaned closer and his lips almost touched my ear as he whispered:
- I’m just like that too. He squeezed my thigh so gently it would’ve almost been polite if it wasn’t for the fact that he was very much in my personal space and I could feel his breath on my skin. He straightened back up and smiled. That’s when I saw it too. He looked almost nervous and a lot more child-like than before. Then his mojo was back with full force. He hid behind his bangs again.
- Wanna go get some fresh air?
We climbed up the stairs back to street level. After the deafening music even this part of London felt quiet. We stood there for a moment, Nasty light up a cigarette.
- So what kind of name is Nasty anyway? I asked just to say something. And why would someone so gorgeous call himself Nasty, a small voice at the back of my head wondered.
He laughed a little.
- It’s not a real name silly. Just a stage name.
- Yeah I got that. But why Nasty of all things?
He was quiet for a while, then a smirk spread on his face.
- I’m just so so nasty. Want some proof? His low voice rumbled, I bet it was on purpose. I felt a shiver roll down my spine nonetheless. My lonely night of beer and man-watching was going south fast. I should’ve known better than to play along his game, but I was getting more and more curious about this Nasty-persona. I wanted to know what was real and what was created for his little rock band. I kept stealing glaces at him. He looked like the epitome of sex, drugs and rock n’ roll with his overgrown jet black hair. A creature of the night no doubt.
He put out his cigarette and i quickly turned my eyes the other way. No way in hell I was going to get caught staring at him twice tonight.
He stood quietly for a while. This timeIi felt his gaze roaming on my body. Usually I would’ve been more self-conscious but this was just gasoline to the flames. I wanted badly to see how he looked with fire in his eyes, so I turned my head back to his direction. He was just standing there and staring at me.
With a one-sided grin and a wicked look that bore it’s was straight down to my crotch he leaned closer and planted a forceful kiss on my lips. Jesus. My mind went blank and I skipped a breath. Jesus fuck.
- See? Nasty.
He had barely gotten the words out of his mouth when I covered it with mine. He made a noise of  surprise. No way I was going to let him get control over me like that. In an instant he was kissing me back with such fire it made my knees dip. He tasted like cigarettes and beer and bad decisions, but honestly? I was too far gone to care. All the tension between us blew up into that blistering kiss. His hands took a strong grip from my sides and he pulled me closer. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. I grabbed his ass and unashamedly grinded against him. A small, unexpected moan escaped this throat and I swallowed it. He definitely wanted me as much as I wanted him.
- Excuse me! An annoyed voice broke us apart. A bouncer was staring at us with a look of warning, and as soon as my head somewhat stopped spinning I realised we’d better find a more private place before we entirely devoured each other. Nasty realised the same thing seconds later.
- Come on. Let’s go, he panted and all I could do was nod.
After what felt like an eternity keeping my hands to myself in the taxi we arrived to a house in Tootin Bec. Nasty was pretty swift in his movements for someone who was so turned on. Because he was very visibly turned on. My mind on the other hand wasn’t co-operating one bit. I just stood there and drooled as he opened the door.
- Good, the others aren’t home yet. I can actually make you make some noise! I blushed at the thought and I had no doubt he was gonna get some sweet sounds out of me. Mind is strong flesh is weak and so on. As if to prove my line of thought I felt my cock twitch in my pants at the sight of Nasty taking off his jacket. So much about mind being strong…
I tried to distract myself just so I wouldn’t jump him right then and there. I made a note of how messy the house was. Clothes, empty bottles, papers and guitar equipment lying around everywhere. It was pretty clear that there was five guys living here. Such a rock n’ roll cliche. Nasty grabbed a half empty liquor bottle from the nearest shelf and took a swing. He then offered the bottle to me and I downed a good gulp too. He chuckled as he put the bottle down. With a crooked smile he took a long good look at me again and stepped close to me.
- I think it is pretty clear I want to have sex with you. I just want to make sure that you want it too, he said, his voice rough from lust and alcohol. He stared at me with his beautiful, mysterious eyes. I couldn’t get him right in my head, he was such a weird creature. A weird, ridiculously hot creature who’s words got my head spinning. Sweet too.
- Trust me, I really really want to fuck your brain out right now, I smirked and got the exact reaction I wanted as Nasty shivered. He kissed me fast, bit my lip and grabbed my wrist. Without a word he pulled me after him up the stairs. I adored his ass with every movement as he walked in front of me and almost asked if we could to the stairs again just for it. Instead I opted for the less pervy thing that my no-good brain decided to push out.
- You really aren’t a man of many words huh?
- Nope. More a man of action, Nasty said and opened a door to a small room.
- Ohhh shy are we? I teased.
- Mmhm, Nasty hummed back matter-of-factly. It was weird, the whole man was weird, one huge contradiction. I loved it. It was nicer this way, neither of us had our roles on anymore.
The room only had a bed, a small closet with clothes falling out of it and a few guitars. Nasty sat on the bed and I awkwardly stood in the middle of the room.
- Now let’s get those clothes off, he squinted playfully at me. I was dumbfounded.
- What, like now? Here?
- Yes, well sex kinda requires us to take off our pants and stuff. Off they go. His face was serious but I could hear the laughter in his voice.
- You want me to strip for you? I couldn’t believe this man. Oh he had nerve okay. He nodded as a smile spread on his face. I just stood there like an idiot, my cock painfully hard in my pants, and stared at him. I had no idea if he was serious.
- Oh come on. Let me help you then.
AN: So this is the first part. The second part is still work in progress and it’s basically just shameless porn lol. I didn’t want to add it to this one in case someone doesn’t like that kind of stuff. So please please tell me what you think of this and if you guys wanna read the nasty part ;) pun intended. I’m awful I know
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fycarmensandiego · 5 years
New(ish) book reviews
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Yes, yes, it’s been the better part of a month, but below find my reviews of the three Carmen books that came out on Oct. 1: the two Chase-Your-Own-Caper books and the look-and-find book. I’m going to review each in the order I read them...
Chase-Your-Own-Caper: Endangered Operation
This is not the first time there have been Choose Your Own Adventure-style Carmen books; Golden published the You Are the Detective series in the early ’90s, when the genre was at its most popular. Now, admittedly I’m not huge on the genre to begin with, partially because I find the second person present tense writing style awkward, though these two do handle it better than, say, the Scooby-Doo series I read as a kid.
But I just wasn’t feeling this one, regardless. Carmen doesn’t even show up in half the paths: it’s really more focused on VILE than on Team Red. The setup for the books is also kind of iffy, as the reader character in each is an everyday person who somehow encounters Carmen as she tries to head off a VILE theft at their workplace. In contrast, the reader’s role in You Are the Detective was self-explanatory, and while the detective role was gimmicked up, it made more sense for the reader character, given that it was the same as that of the player character in the computer games.
On the other hand, it did afford the opportunity for the infodumps to be a bit less info-dumpy than in the show, since they’re split among Player, Carmen, the reader character, and the narrative itself. They’re still awkward, but not nearly as awkward as on the show.
I guess I was also expecting more of a focus on, oh, the endangered animals the story’s built on. Instead, there’s very little, the bare minimum to move the plot forward.
Compared to the first two HMH books (the excellent Who in the World and the very good Clue by Clue), this was a disappointment. 3/5.
Chase-Your-Own-Caper: Jetpack Attack
Most of what I said above applies to this one too. The story works a bit better for me by virtue of actually providing detail regarding the titular jetpacks, but it’s still an awkward way to insert the reader character. I’m not sure if the intent was to make the reader character like the one-off characters who help Carmen on the show or if it just wasn’t thought through.
There’s also more Carmen in this one, which is good, though again she barely appears in some of the routes. Paperstar is also present and delightful though a bit ooc, and Dr. Bellum appears rather than Coach Brunt, a more than fair trade if you ask me. But I’m just not as interested in jetpacks as I am in endangered animals, which I knew up front. 3.5/5.
(An additional note regarding the format of the two CYOCs: the eBook edition adds a link back to the previous choice at the end of each passage, which was a super helpful addition to the format as it allows you to backtrack without starting back at the beginning. I wish that the page number had similarly been included in the print copy.)
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
If Choose Your Own Adventure was the oft-imitated kidlit trend of the ’80s and early ’90s, its early to late ’90s counterparts were look-and-find series, namely I Spy and Where’s Waldo. And once again Brøderbund hopped on the trend at the time, with Golden publishing Where in America Is Carmen Sandiego? in 1992, and Publications International publishing Where Is Carmen Sandiego? in 1996.
This one certainly has more meat to it than its predecessors, adding a few pages of geographical info on each featured location before the look-and-find puzzle, though how much there is and at what level (country vs. state vs. city) is inconsistent. The puzzles themselves are fine, though it’s a little obvious that some of the art is reused from the TV series.
In keeping with the smaller dimensions of the book, the format of the puzzles is a bit different from the norm. Except for the last two, each consists of a mostly horizontal crowd of people, drawn head-to-toe in the midground, as opposed to the intentionally busy bird’s eye view of Waldo and I Spy, and thus the previous Carmen books. Each scene features a few objects and two VILE agents to find, but Carmen also appears in each, along with at least one other character (Devineaux in the first; Tigress in the second; Zack and Ivy in another), which is a nice touch.
Nevertheless, the whole thing somehow feels half-assed. It’s as if someone had a grand idea for what the book could have been, but it was rushed through and turned out kind of flat. If I see another “fast facts” type layout, ever, I will scream. The book, at least my copy, is also really tightly bound, which ordinarily I wouldn’t complain about - better too tight than too loose, right? - but it is an issue for look-and-find books where you need to see the picture all the way to the inner edge of the page. 2.5/5.
Disclaimer: I received review copies of these three books from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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johnsbleu · 4 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 75
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warnings: none hmh masterlist
Today is probably one of your favorite days so far weather wise. The sky is blue, scattered with puffy white clouds, and there’s a nice cool breeze. It’s not too hot, and it’s not too cold. It’s just perfect. Even more perfect since you won’t be sweating because you’ve decided to wear jeans.
You’re leaning back against the wall of a building waiting for John as he parks the car down the road a little. There was no where to park near the festival so John dropped you off and parked around the corner. You finally see him walking towards you, and you perk up a little when you make eye contact.
John is wearing jeans and a simple light gray t-shirt, but it nearly takes your breath away. You’ve looked at John’s face almost every day for nearly a year now, but you’re still not over how handsome he is. His cuts on his face are fading, and his hair is a little longer than usual, but he looks so fucking gorgeous.
He reaches out for your hand and smiles, “Ready?”
Music is filling the air as you and John make your way through the festival gates, and there are booths on both sides of the road filled with all sorts of crafts. You don’t even know where to look because there’s so much to look at, but your focus is immediately drawn towards the flowers on the side of a shop.
Tugging John’s hand a little, you point over at the flowers, “I kinda want some flowers.”
John moves you to stand behind him as he pushes through the crowds of people, then he reaches for your hand again when you finally get in front of the shop. He picks up a bouquet of sunflowers and hands them to you, smiling as wide as he can.
“They’re beautiful.” you say, looking them over.
“Just like you.” he smiles, and you roll your eyes. “What? You knew I was going to say something like that, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, I really should know better by now.” you laugh and watch John as he hands the woman behind the booth a few dollars.
Almost every booth you walk past has something that catches your eye, and you’re half tempted to buy everything you see. There’s another booth that doesn’t have anyone at it, and you notice the woman behind it looks a little bummed, so you tug John’s hand and lead him over to it.
“Soaps!” you smile and bring a cube a soap to your nose to smell, “Ooh, I smell…vanilla.”
John nods his head as he smells it, then he grabs a small bag for you to fill, “Get some.”
You happily fill the bag up with soaps, then you and John continue your way down the street. You’ve kept your eyes peeled in case you see Shiloh and Gia, but so far, you haven’t. You spot a bench under a tree and point to it for you and John to sit down.
“Man, something smells good.” John says, looking around to find the source. He perks up a little more and smiles, “Ooh, baby, they have those big pretzels that you like. You know those kind you always get at the mall? You want one?”
“I kind of do.” you laugh and look over at John, “Are you gonna get something?”
John nods, “I’m gonna figure out what that smell is, and I’m gonna eat the whole booth when I do.”
You laugh loudly and tilt your head back when John leans down to kiss you. He starts to walk over to the booth, then he turns around and points at you.
“Do not move from here. I can’t lose you.”
“You always say that.” you laugh, and John gives you a disapproving look. You smile and shake your head, “I won’t move, I promise.”
John is still gone, probably still trying to track down the smell. You’re looking at your phone at all the pictures you’ve posted on social media so far, and you’re finally replying to a few people who have texted you. Amanda, Grace from the shop, and your mom. Tess had texted you earlier while you were getting ready to leave, and you completely forgot to text her back.
Goose! I miss u so much, I can’t wait to see u again and tell u all about this place.
You open the text to reply when someone puts their hands over your eyes, “John, I hate this game.”
“It’s not me.” he laughs, and you pull one hand away from your face to see John standing in front of you. Whoever it is puts their hand over your eyes and you hear John laugh again.
John laughs, “Nope.”
“Uh…” you feel the hands on your face and perk up, “No fucking way!”
Turning around, you see Jimmy and Tess standing there with smiles on their face, and you immediately get up to hug Tess.
“Holy shit!” you cup her face and laugh, “What are you doing here?”
Tess laughs and moves to sit on the bench, “We came to this festival and we were sitting on a bench over there, and I was like ‘hold on, that’s John’, Jimmy didn’t believe me, and I was like, ‘no, literally, look, it’s John’. And it was John just standing in line at a booth.”
“I’m so happy to see you!” you say, then you hug Jimmy. You sit down next to Tess and touch her belly, “It’s been like 3 days, but look at your belly!”
“I just ate a corndog, a slice of pizza, and had a root beer float. I’m on vacation, so I’m going all out with the food.”
“As you should.” you laugh and look over at John as he hands you your pretzel and drink. “How is your place? Do you like it?”
Jimmy sits down on the ground in front of you and laughs, “It’s so nice. We went horseback riding the other day, that was very fun.”
“Yeah, our place is really nice.” Tess nods, “It’s really quiet there too. There’s never anyone around, so it’s just been Jimmy and I having this whole place to ourselves. It’s been really nice.”
“Tonight we’re going to lay under the stars.” Jimmy smiles as he looks at Tess.
You smile, “That’s really sweet. So you’re not far from here then? I mean, if you knew about this festival.”
Jimmy shakes his head, “It was about a 20 minute drive.”
“About 10 for us.” John says, and he smiles when you perk up to see what he’s eating, “Pulled pork sandwich, want a bite?”
You nod your head and lean forward to take a bite of his sandwich, then you cover your mouth as you chew. You smile to yourself when you spot Gia and Shiloh, who has her face painted to look like a butterfly.
Shiloh sees you and takes off running, then she stops and slowly sneaks up behind John. You’re praying like hell he won’t turn on assassin mode when two unfamiliar arms wrap around his neck. Tess furrows her brow a little as she watches Shiloh sneak up behind John, and John is so into his food, he isn’t even paying attention.
“Gotcha!” Shiloh says, wrapping her arms around John’s shoulders as best as her tiny arms can.
John looks over his shoulder and smiles, “Hey, you. Whoa, look at your cool painted face!”
“I’m a butterfly!” she says, flapping her arms and spinning in a circle.
“You look pretty cool!” John says, smiling wide as he watches Shiloh jumping up and down.
“Who the hell is that?” Tess asks, leaning closer to you.
Laughing quietly, you lean over to Tess, “That’s Shiloh, her mom is Gia. She owns the tree house we’re staying in.”
Gia walks over and shrugs, “I can’t keep her away from you two!”
“Hi, Gia.” you smile and gesture to Tess and Jimmy, “This is my sister, Tess, and her husband, Jimmy.”
She reaches out to shake their hands and sits down next to John, “I’m Gia, and this one is Shiloh. She’s also very obsessed with John and Y/N.”
“Hi, Shiloh. I’m Jimmy.” he reaches for her hand and shakes it, “You look so cool with your butterfly facepaint. I might have to get one!”
“You could be…uh…” she tilts her head, thinking, “A tiger!”
Jimmy nods, “I like it, maybe I can convince my wife to take me to get my face painted.”
Shiloh looks at Tess and smiles, then she looks at her belly, “You’re having a baby?”
“Shiloh.” Gia scolds her.
Tess puts her hands on her belly and laughs, “I am having a baby.”
“When?” she asks, scooting between you and Tess on the bench.
“Pretty soon, like in a month.”
Shiloh gasps and looks over at Gia, “Mommy, you should have another baby.”
Gia scoffs, “Yeah, I’ll think about that.”
“I have a goat named Nancy.” Shiloh says, looking up at Tess.
Tess laughs loudly and looks at Shiloh, “That is a wonderful name.”
Gia sighs and looks at Shiloh, “Love, we should get going. Mama will be home soon and you probably want to show her your cool butterfly face, huh?”
Shiloh hops off the bench and flaps her arms as she walks back over to Gia, “Yes, mommy.”
“Hey, you,” you call out to Shiloh, and she turns around, “Are we still havin’ a pool party tomorrow?”
Shiloh squeals loudly as she jumps up and down, “Yes!”
“It was nice to meet you, Shiloh.” Tess says, then she looks at Gia, “You too!”
Gia reaches out to shake her hand, smiling, “Yeah, you too.”
You watch as Shiloh wraps her arms around John’s neck and hugs him, and you smile as big as you can when John hugs her back. He taps her on the nose, then he watches as she flaps her arms and runs down the sidewalk in front of Gia.
Tess sighs loudly and sits back a little on the bench, “So, when are you two going home?”
“Uh, two days, I think?” you say, looking at John as he nods, “Yeah, two more days. Kinda sad to leave it all behind, but Mill Neck will be having their summer festival soon, so we have that to look forward to, you’re due next month, John and I have a wedding to plan for. So much stuff is coming up. I guess it’s best that we kinda get back to our lives, huh?”
“You’re planning your wedding already?”
You shrug and look at Tess as you begin to smile, “I have a day set in mind, which I’m going to keep to myself until I talk to John about it. We want something small for the ceremony. I mean small. Smaller than yours, so probably only about 15 people. Maybe even less.”
“That’s a good idea though. You know, just people that you care about.” Tess nods.
You shrug again, “Well, John won’t have many people there and I don’t want it to just be our family, so it’ll probably just be mom and Dan for the wedding. Then I suppose more extended family for the reception.”
Tess stands up from the bench and stretches her back, “Hey, babe, we’re gonna walk around a bit, okay?”
Jimmy looks away from John and nods, “Yeah, I’ll be here.”
You smile at John and touch his shoulder as you walk past him. Tess is starting to waddle, and her belly is seriously showing today. She looks pretty damn cute. You wouldn’t even know she was pregnant unless you saw her bump though.
“Sorry, I have to get up and move.” she says, looking at the booths as you walk past. “He’s moving so much lower, and I’m getting so much bigger lately. He’s ready to come out, I’m hoping I’ll make it to 40 weeks at this point.”
“He wants to meet his mommy.” you laugh and look at a booth with jewelry, “Oh, these are cute bracelets.”
Tess holds up a necklace with an F on it and smiles, “I think I’m gonna buy this. How cute is this?”
“Very cute.” you look through the jewelry more, and you suddenly remember Shiloh telling you that John needs a ring. “I wonder what John’s ring size is.”
“Can I help you?” the man who owns the booth ask, looking at you.
“Uh, well, I want to get a ring for my fiance, but I don’t know his ring size.” you laugh and point at a ring, “That one looks nice. It’s just kind of plain, but I like it.”
“I think Jimmy was like a 10. John is probably like, a 11.” Tess smirks, looking at you, “He has thick fingers.”
You roll your eyes as Tess laughs, “Yeah, I’ll just get a few different sizes.”
You pull the money out of your purse, then you tuck the rings away so John won’t see them. Looking over your shoulder, you see Tess standing at an ice cream stand, so you walk over to join her.
The two of you head back over to John and Jimmy, who are still sitting on the grass and talking. John tilts his head back as he laughs, then he looks over at you and reaches for your hand as he gets off the ground.
“Hey, peach.” he smiles, leaning down to kiss you, “You got ice cream.”
“Mhm.” you nod, giving John some.
Tess leans against Jimmy’s shoulder and smiles, “You two aren’t leaving anytime soon, are you?”
“Hell no,” John laughs, “There’s a whole lantern thing happening later.”
“Wait, a lantern thing?” you look at John, and a smile spreads across your face, “Like the lantern thing I told you that I wanted to do a long time ago?”
“Yes.” he nods, then he reaches for your hand as he begins walking away.
The field is full of kids running around and people sitting on blankets. You didn’t know you were coming here, so you didn’t pack a blanket, but John, of course, did. He sets the blanket down on the ground, then he sits down and pulls you in between his legs.
The sun has started to set and the breeze is beginning to get colder as a result. You shiver a little as you lean back in John’s arms, and he wraps them around you more to keep you warm.
Tess is sitting on the edge of blanket, looking at everything she bought at the festival, “Oh, I got this cool cute little rock thing that looks like a ladybug for mom. Thought she’d like it in her garden. I got…a necklace, you were with me when I bought that. I got this cool painting that we’re going to put in our living room, but it’s in the car.”
“Yeah, it’s like a cool painting of a tree.” Jimmy says, watching Tess look through her stuff.
Tess looks up at you and smiles, “What did you get?”
You look at Tess and tilt your head back as you think, “Uh, I got some flowers, which are in the car. Probably dying. I got some soaps, John got this cool sign with a W on it. We can put it on our front step, or in the garden in the front of the house, that’d be cool. John and I got these cute little stockings for Christmas that say Mr. Wick and Mrs. Wick.”
“What?” Tess gasps, “Where was that? I want one for us!”
You point across the street at the Christmas booth, “Literally right there.”
Tess looks behind her, then she looks at you and rolls her eyes.
“I can walk back and get us one.” Jimmy suggests, “It’s just across the street.”
John nods, “I can go with. Grab us something to drink.”
“Oh,” you tilt your head back and look at John, “Okay.”
John presses a kiss to your lips, then he stands up and walks with Jimmy across the street. You watch the two of them until a big group of people block your view and you lose track of them. You turn back to Tess as she smells the candle she bought, and she holds it up to your nose.
“Smells good.”
She nods, “That is does. So, you had no idea that we were so close?”
“Tess, I literally almost had a panic attack when I woke up the other day because I had no idea where I was.” you say, looking at her, “I was like…hiding in a corner when John found me.”
“I told him not to do that.” she laughs, “I told him ‘don’t surprise her like that, John. She’ll be freaked the fuck out’, but he clearly didn’t listen.”
“He almost cried when he realized how scared I was. I felt so bad, and he’s just been clinging to me every day since. I felt bad because he felt so fucking bad. He’s been trying to make it up to for days now. I can’t deny that it really is sweet that he did that though. I had picked the tree house for you, I figured you and Jimmy would think it was cool. But I guess when John realized how much I liked it, he changed his mind and brought me to it instead.”
Tess laughs, “See, this is why I adore him. He’s so sweet.”
“He is.” you nod as you look at Tess, “It’s almost like neither of us want to go back to Mill Neck. I mean, we do, we love our life there. We own a book store, we can’t just…leave. But I don’t know, I think it’s starting to kind of settle in that our lives are going to change soon.”
Tess furrows her brow, “Your lives are going to change?”
“Well, yeah, we want kids. It’s not just going to be John and I anymore.”
“Trust me, it’s not as dramatic as you’re making it out to be. Jimmy and I can’t wait to have Finn. It’s gonna be fun!” Tess puts everything back in her bag and laughs quietly, “Gia’s nice, by the way. Shiloh is so adorable.”
“God, I know. Isn’t she?” you laugh as Tess nods her head, “She was smitten with John the moment she saw him, told him that he could have one of her bandaids for his cuts on his cheek.”
Tess puts hand over her heart, “That’s so cute.”
“Yeah. I won’t lie, I think John somehow knew they had a daughter, so he planned this whole thing. I already said yes to babies, I don’t know why he’s pushing it so much.” you laugh.
“Have you decided when you want to have a baby?”
You nod, “I want to start trying soon. I really want to get pregnant within the next year. I told Jimmy that I don’t want Finn and our baby to be far apart in age since you and I obviously aren’t, and you and I are closer because of it. We’re only a few months apart, but obviously that’s not going to happen since I’m not pregnant.”
“Imagine you and I both pregnant at the same time.” Tess shakes her head as she laughs, “The boys would have their hands full.”
“They really would. Maybe the next time around for you.” you smile, perking up when you see John walking back over. You notice he has a bag in one hand and he hands it to you before he sits down. You take it from him and smile, “What’s this?”
“Just a little something for the future.” John says, sitting down behind you again. “It’s for the both of you.”
You set the bag between you and Tess, and you both reach in to pull out two little gray stuffed bunnies. You smile as you look over at John, then you lean back to kiss him.
“For the baby.” he whispers in your ear, and you nod your head as you hug it tight to your chest, “I saw it and thought it’d be cute to give to our baby someday.”
Tess smiles and holds up the bunny, “They match. That’s so sweet. He isn’t here yet, but Finn will love this.”
You lean back in John’s arms and hold the bunny close to your chest when you see several lanterns floating in the sky. Several more begin to float through the sky, and you sit up a little when someone walks by selling lanterns.
John reaches into his pocket and pays for two for you and Tess, then he sits down next to you, “I don’t know what to do with these.”
You laugh and reach into your purse for a pen, “Well, I don’t know either, but I know sometimes people write wishes and stuff on them. We could do something like that. I don’t think there are any rules.”
“Do what you want, John.” Tess says as she writes on her lantern. “I’m writing something about my amazing husband and my baby.”
You look at John and laugh, “Yeah, do what you want, John.”
“Okay.” John says quietly, then he takes the pen from you and writes on the lantern. He stops writing to read what he’s written so far, then he begins to write again. He smiles to himself, then he looks up at you and hands you the pen, “Your turn!”
“Can I read what you wrote?” you ask, and John nods his head. You scoot over a little closer to John and smile as you read what John’s written.
To my beautiful fiancee, you have changed my life more than you’ll ever know. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you and thank my lucky stars that you’re in my life. I will be forever grateful for you and for the life that we have, and for how you’ve accepted me for me. You’re my girl, and you’ll always be my number one. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, and I can’t wait to see what our futures holds. Yours always, Jonathan.
You look up at John, who is looking particularly proud right about now, and you reach out and cup his face, “I love you.”
“I love you more.” he smiles, then he presses a quick kiss to your lips, “Your turn, baby.”
“Oh, right.” you tap the pen against your head as you think about what you’re going to write. To be honest, you’ve been out in the sun all day and your brain is kinda turning to mush, so you hope John won’t be too offended if you don’t put too much into it.
Jonathan Charles Wick, I don’t know where to even begin. I love you endlessly, and I am so beyond happy to have even met you. I don’t know how I got so lucky, and to this day, I still don’t understand what you even see in me, but I’m glad you see something worth your time. I can’t wait to marry you and fill our home with even more laughter and love, and so many babies! You’re going to be the best husband and father, and I can’t wait to see you tackle these roles. I love you so much. Yours always, peach.
“There.” you smile and tuck your pen back in your purse, “I will admit, I’m a bit sleepy, so it might be kinda shitty. So, I apologize.”
John looks down at the lantern to read it, and he smiles when he gets to the end, “You call that shitty?”
You shrug, “Not as good as yours.”
“Bullshit.” he laughs loudly and wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer, “It was perfect, and ten times better than mine.”
“Well, thank you. I’ll take the compliment.” you laugh, tilting your head back to kiss John.
The two of you stand up to light your lantern, but before you let it go, you and John both pose for a picture. John has his hand over yours as you hold the lantern and he presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Ready?” he asks as you nod, “Okay, on the count of three. One, two, three…”
Watching the lantern float into the sky, it joins the others and you lose sight of it as it’s swallowed up by the other lanterns floating nearby. John wraps his arms around your waist and the two of you continue to stand together and watch the lanterns filling the sky.
“Tonight was so much fun.” you say, propping your feet up on the chair in front of you.
“It was. I liked the lantern festival, the sky looked so cool.” John steps onto the balcony and places his hands on your shoulders, “It was fun to let one go with you.”
You tilt your head back to look up at John, and you smile when your eyes meet, “I agree.”
John leans down to kiss you, then he moves to sit in the chair next to you as he takes a sip of his beer.
“So, remember the other night how I said I had something really important to talk about, then I just joked that I wanted dessert?” you ask, and John nods his head. “Well, I really did have something important to talk about, but I didn’t really know how to go about it and how to even bring it up.”
John furrows his brow, “Now I’m really intrigued.”
“I say we get married this fall. I have a specific date in mind, so you let me know what you think about the fall.”
John nods, “I think fall is great! Won’t be too warm or too cold. The colors in the fall are nice.”
“I was thinking that maybe September 5th would be a good day.” you say, and the smile on your face grows when John realizes. “It’s our anniversary of the day we met, and I think it’d be kinda sweet. It has meaning to us, I don’t want it to be just some random date. I mean, I know that you give a random day meaning when you get married, but I don’t know. Is that dumb?”
“No, no, I think it’s great.” John smiles and presses a kiss to your cheek, “I think it’d be a great day.”
“So, September 5th, you and me?”
“You and me.” he nods, looking at you, “You think a little over two months is enough time for you to plan a wedding?”
“Yeah, plenty of time.” you say, nodding, “I want our ceremony to be small and intimate, so that’s no big deal. And I want our reception to be pretty laid back.”
“Again, whatever you want to do, I’m fine with.” he says, laughing a little, “I just want to marry you.”
You look at John, holding his gaze, then you lean over to kiss him, “I just want to marry you, too. I can’t wait to see how handsome you look. I bet you cry when I walk down the aisle.”
“Oh, I will.” he laughs, nodding his head, “I definitely will. You’re going to be the most beautiful bride ever.”
You look down as you smile, then you look up at John again, “There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about, but I’m really kinda nervous.”
John scrunches his eyebrows in confusion, “Don’t be nervous, baby.”
Taking a deep breath, you let it out slowly, then you look up at John, “We’ve been talking more about babies lately, and if we want to get pregnant within this year, and we want to get married in September, I was just thinking…”
John nods his head, waiting for what you’re going to say. He looks so nervous, you just want to hug him tight. You reach over to the table and grab the bunny that John had bought earlier, and you smile as you look at it.
“I was thinking that maybe it’s time I stop taking my birth control. Now listen, we won’t get pregnant right away, I need to be clear about that. It’ll take my body a few months to get back to its normal rhythm, but…I don’t know. What do you think?”
John widens his eyes and smiles, “Really?”
“Yeah, I mean, I’m due for my period next week, but after it’s done, I don’t plan on going back on birth control. I’ll probably schedule an appointment to make sure everything is okay…in that area, and then maybe my doctor can kinda…I don’t know, tell me when I could get pregnant. I’ve been on birth control for so long that my body will be a little out of sorts for a few months as it adjusts to me not taking it anymore.”
John sits back a little and looks at the ground as he processes what you just told him.
“Is that okay with you? You still want to have a baby, right?” you ask as you move to sit in his lap.
He looks up at you and nods his head enthusiastically, “Yes! Of course, peach, yes! I’m just…speechless. I can’t believe so much is going to happen over these next few months.”
“I know.” you laugh, “Tess and Jimmy having a baby, the shop, us getting married, us trying to get pregnant, I don’t even know what else could happen in between all of that, but it might be a little stressful. Think we can handle it?”
John looks up at you, holding your gaze for an intense moment, then he leans up to kiss you, “I think we can handle anything.”
“Wanna know what I think?”
He nods, “Yeah.”
You take a deep breath, leaning back against John’s chest, “I think you’re a very, very cheesy man.”
“Where do you want to get married?”
Shifting in John’s lap a little, you turn around so you can see his face, “I was thinking just the backyard would be nice.”
“The patio still has all the lights up.”
“Actually,” you smile and shrug, “I have an idea, but at the end of the day, it’s your house. I know what you’re about to say -- that it’s our house. Yes, I know, but my idea…isn’t a simple one.”
John laughs, “Okay.”
You move back to your chair and scoot it closer to John, “So, I was thinking, well, we never use it, and I don’t have no intentions of using it, but the tennis court…”
“Yeah, waste of space.” he nods, sighing a little.
You shrug, “Yeah, but I thought maybe we could just…tear it down and use that for our wedding. I don’t know. We could put some canopies up and hang lights from it, then after the wedding, we could use it when we host barbecues and stuff. If it’s a dumb idea, tell me. And please, don’t be afraid to say no. It is our home, but you lived there first, so please say no if you hate the idea.”
“No, I actually think that’s a great idea. When are you and I ever going to use a tennis court? I can’t see you out there.” he laughs, then nods his head, “It’s a great idea. We could get someone to come and lay down some bricks maybe, and we can have some trees planted out there so we have some shade as well.”
“Get a nice little fire pit for out there, and after the wedding, we can get some nice chairs and a love seat for out there.” you smile and scoot closer to John, “It would be perfect for our wedding, for a…baby shower. Birthday parties.”
“Okay, okay. You’ve twisted my arm enough.” John teases.
You laugh loudly and sit back in his lap as you kiss him, “We can talk more about wedding shit later. I can stress about all that when we get home. Until then, I just want to sit in your arms and look at the stars.”
“That’s a good idea.” he whispers against your cheek, then he wraps his arms around you and holds you tight as the two of you look up at the dark sky that’s scattered with stars.
@tnu-ree​​ @dangerouslystrangecrown​​ @weird-civilian @callmeglenncoco @sanctuarygirl​​ @meetmeinthematinee​​ @jessicajones616​​ @artistic-discontentment @cheekybluefox​​ @jazzyboo2001 @starsstripesandthesouth​​ @a-small-independent-princess @thepastrecedes01​​ @rubywantsafuitgummy​​ @sterekislyf​​ @lostandfaceless​​ @sweetgoodangel​​ @racharr @star017​​ @ladyren33​​ @whatcolourisanorange​​​ @lunaticgurly​
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izayoichan · 5 years
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Vy smiles at Hayden, then looking at the others, wondering how they did this whole present thing. He had seen some Christmas movies, but it seemed to differ a little how it was done. 
“How's the present part done? Do we pick the presents up and give them?” “I think it depends. In most movies, I have watched they open presents on the morning of day 25. My mother told me where she's from they'd open today at night. How do you guys do it?” “When they were younger, they got to pick one, see who it was too and then opened it, later years its been more random. So I guess any way you feel works for you?” “We normally do it today, my parents got tired of us nagging for presents I think”
Rylan chuckles
“Do you want to pick them Vy?”
Vy fidgets a little, afraid he'll mess up and do something completely wrong. 
“Maybe it's best mister Hayle or mister Chris does and I watch how they do it then I can maybe do it next time?”
Chris nods, walking over to the tree, finding a present and reading the note that is on it turning towards Vy. 
“This one is from me and my Husband, we hope you like it.”
“Me? You got me a present?” “ Of course, we have gifts for all "our" kids. And if they don't fit, we can just exchange them with the right size later. “
Hayle smiles, as he watches Vy, who looks surprised as he takes the present.
“Thank you!”
Vy jumps up and hugs them both tight, sitting on the floor and opening his present.
“Oooh! Clothes!”
He picks up the hoodie and pants and smells them.
“New clothes! Thank you, mister Hayle, mister Chris!”
He gets up, and once again goes quickly over to them to hug both, very surprised they got him something in the first place. Chris takes another package, reading the note, looking slightly surprised.
“To me from Hayle... “
He looks at his husband who smirks, it being the package River helped him with
He sits down next to his husband, unwrapping the present carefully. Hayle winking at River who winks back. 
“Ohhh! Not often I get books I never read before. “
He smiles, giving his husband a kiss, Rylan looking at River noticing the wink, wondering if this was something he did with Hayle when Hayle went to get him earlier. Vy putting on the new hoodie after Hayle mentioning if it fits or not. 
“Fits! Oh, book? Which is it? The Hogfather! "Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom?"
He giggles very proud of himself, River smiling, winking at Rylan confirming his idea this has happened when Hayle picked him up. Hayden simply watching them, just enjoying seeing Vy so happy and relaxed. As Chris picks another gift, all the attention goes back on him, as he turns towards River. 
“To you from your princess.”
He winks at Rive as he hands him the present, Rylan watching him, hoping he will be happy with it.  
“Oh? for me?”
He takes it and slowly unwraps it, laughing brightly.
“Oh! Awesome! Now I'm set to play with you guys! Thanks, princess, I love it!”
He smiles, and kisses his princess, then suddenly notices the beastmaster statue.
“You even got me, Flynn! Okay, it's official, this is awesome!” “Wouldn’t be right without a mini Flynn” “So this means I no longer have a frog companion?” “Yeah, sorry Hayden.”
Chris just smiles, picking out another package, before the entire evening ends with a D&D discussion like it tends to when his kids get started. 
“To Vy, from Hayden”
He smiles and hands Vy his second present of the evening. 
"Another present?!”
takes it and smiles at Hayden and gives him a big hug. Then unwraps the package, eyes sparkling.
“Hayden's sweaters! I did want them!”
he holds the sweaters, again, like he did with the new clothes, sniffing them, glows pink as they still smell like Hayden and that makes him happy.
“Thank you, Hay hay!” “You said they were your favorites, so I figured it was better than more new clothes.”
He smiles, keeping the other little present for when they have a moment to themselves later, hoping they will actually get one at some point. Chris nodding and picking up another package, it beeing one was one of the hardest for them to figure out, but after talking with Rylan, they decided it was a good gift. 
“This one if from me and your newly appointed steed..." “EY! I am no steed!”  “Fine, but from us to you River. We didn't quite know what do get you, but Rylan said this was a good idea.”
He holds out a package, it is a small a bit oddly shaped box, that doesn’t really weigh anything when River takes it from Chris. 
“Wait, for me? You guys got me a gift?”
He genuinely surprised.
“And don't be sad, mister Hayle, you're the best dragon steed in the world! Thanks, honestly, means a lot and here I didn’t even get you any gifts, I’m sorry.”
He laughs a bit embarrassed and opens it, inside a small gift card from a local mall that he can use it at. 
“Oh! Cool! I can buy some things for the shelter!” “Well, we got something for Vy, it seemed only fair to get something for you as well. And well my husband loves to surprise people when he can, I guess he learned it from me and then surpassed me somewhere along the way.” “And not for the shelter you silly Frog, for you!”
Rylan chuckles, as his dad gets another present from under the tree.
“Hmh... to Hay hay? I think I know who that is.”
He smiles as he hands the package to Hayden, who just looks at it for a while, smiling, as it is wrapped in a way he was sure only Vy could manage, the leaves being a very sweet touch in his opinion, for a little just pressing it here and there to try and guess what it could be, savoring the moment of actually being more than a thing on a sofa for once. Vy watches nervously, fidgeting.
“I'm sorry... I know you wanted the dragon book but I couldn't get it on time...”
he is too ashamed to admit that more than getting it on time, in reality, it was more that he couldn't afford it. Hoping he will like his handmade embroidered box and all the handmade and hand-carved guitar picks, five made of wood, and two special ones made off his feathers, crystallized.
“I hope you like it though... if you don't it's okay... I can get you something else like books...”
Hayden opens the gift, staring at the box for a while amazed by the handwork, turning it around, before finally opening it. 
“Wow... Did you make these Vy?” 
He takes up a few of the guitar pics, noticing his dad instantly eyeing them as well. 
“Oh, no.. these are mine dad! Thank you, Vy! These are wonderful! 
He takes up the ones that looks crystalized, almost wanting to pick up the guitar and test them.
“And no saying you are sorry, this is the best gift anyone could give, something they made!”
He takes Vy's hand and pulls him into a hug, holding him tight for a bit. Vy surprised by the hug, but hugs back tight, hiding his face on Hayden's shoulder and nodding, glowing green, just so happy Hayden has liked the gift. He wanted so much to thank Hayden for everything, for having given him so much for having given him "parents", even if borrowed, a "home", and more than ever, Vy just wanted to tell him how he felt, but he decided to wait for the presents to be done. 
Chris smiles at the two, picking up the two last gifts under the tree, turning towards River
“Oh yea, River, our kids decided that our Christmas gift to them this year was a donation to the shelter, in our names, it should be on the shelter account by the morning. It's maybe an odd gift, but I can see why they both love working there, and I think if my husband hears one more story about a cat in need he will get all of them... “ “A donation to the shelter? My mom is going to be ecstatic! Thank you so much! We'll be able to hold afloat for a while more!” “Good, that was the plan.. my work also donated their yearly donation to the shelter, since they all loved certain pictures we took”
Rylan smiles, and to him most importantly, it meant Hayden kept having a place where he was needed, where he had the feeling of being useful. Chris looks at the two gifts in his hands, then hands a gift to his husband, only having one left. 
He tears the wrapping in seconds, a multicolored crystal that shimmers in different colors in his hands, staring at it for a bit, before looking at his husband. 
“You found it!? “It took me a while, but yes.” “I LOVE it!!”
He smiles, it being a small crystal much like the ones that were in the waters of Sulani, but the ones they had found before were just a little too big to bring home. To Hayle, it reminded him of all the good times they had there, his kids being born and just all of it. Vy looking at the crystal from Hayden’s lap, Hayden just watching him watch the crystal. Clearly, his dad and he had the love for shiny things in common.
“One day... I hope I can take you and show you the big ones..” 
He sighs slightly missing his home in the sun somewhat, not that where they lived wasn’t nice but it wasn’t Sulani. 
“Take me where?” “Sulani, where I was born and where we lived until, well we became teenagers, and moved here. It is a very pretty place, but it is warm.”
Their talk gets interrupted as Chris hands the last present to Rylan. 
“From a frog to a princess.”
Rylan blinks and looks at the package, the wrapping paper catching his attention, the green with the dice, running a hand over it deciding this needs to be taken off carefully and saved. River presses lips to a thin line, eagerly waiting for Rylan to open his present, begging internally Rylan hasn't decided to buy that when he got him his gift or that he got the right campaign Rylan wanted. He carefully opens the paper, making sure not to tear it, stopping as he notices what is in it. 
“You are joking.. you found it?” “I just had to catch three trains and a bus and explore half of San My, then scare an asshat with a very angry dragon god for it. But all worth it to see you smile like this”
He looks at River surprised.
“Everywhere I checked it was sold out, or they wouldn't get it until later...”
Putting the paper away carefully, opening the book flipping through a couple of pages.
“Ooooh your beastmaster is going to get into so much trouble now”
chuckles and pulls River into a kiss.
“Thank you, it's perfect!”
River smiles brightly, relieved and happy Rylan loved the gift, wraps arms around Rylan's waist kissing him back pressing his forehead to his
“Can't wait for the adventures that await him. And I even get to kiss the Game Master, ain't I a lucky frog. Merry Christmas, Rylan.” “Don't be so sure about that, just ask Rylan what happens to characters that can heal. But Yeah... Merry Christmas River.”
Hayden just chuckles, knowing well how Rylan has a tendency to kill healers, just to make things harder, happy to see his brother as carefree and happy as he seems right now.  Chris sits down next to his husband, looking at his book, the tradition for them now was a walk together as long as Hayden is well enough for them to leave, but for now, he was happy just looking at his book. 
“I guess you have to head home? I mean.. I would love for you to stay, but your mom is all alone.” “Yes, she is. I don't really want to go, but it'll be really shit of me if I leave her all alone. As much as we clash, she's still my mom... “
he gets up and pulls Rylan up-
“I'd love you to walk with me though?” “Of course I will walk you there, can give your mom a Christmas hug as well for letting me have you all evening.
he smiles and turns to the others.
“I'll be back in a bit then, you guys enjoy yourselves.”
Chris nods, knowing well that Rylan would have loved for River to stay, but also seeing how leaving your mom all alone for the whole day would be a bit to much. 
“If you want your welcome here tomorrow, for more food and music, since today was a bit cut short by a certain.. well you know happening.”
He smiles at Hayden, mostly happy he was still sitting up and looking fairly okay. Hayle looking at his husband, pulling on him until he leans down so he can whisper something in his ear.
“Wish your mom a Merry Christmas from me as well?” “I think my mom will like it, me coming home I mean. she may be angry about me sneaking out though ... and I will Hayden. Mister Chris, mister Hayle. Thank you for everything and I'd love to come tomorrow also. Good night.”
The two off them walk outside, Rylan taking a bit of a breath as the cold air hit’s them even though the house was quite chilly, to begin with. 
“Hopefully she will let you come tomorrow too, even if she is a bit angry with you, she also seemed a bit sad she hadn’t believed you.”
In the living room, Chris stands up, pulling his husband with him. 
“You two will be okay, won’t you?” “Yeah, dad.” “Good, then I’m taking my dragon for our Christmas walk” “Sure, enjoy your walk.”
Hayden looks at a tired Vy resting against his chest, knowing there is no way he has the strength to carry him, on the other hand, just being like this was fine. 
“I have one more present for you if you think you can stay awake long enough?
He smiles gently at him, putting a hand on his chin, the fact that he still feels warm worrying him a little. Also, he knows he has to get said gift, but until he knows if Vy has the energy to, he will just wait. 
Beginning - Previous - Next
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glitterdreamsz · 6 years
A Penny For Your Thoughts (Part 1)
BoRhap!Roger x reader  Summary: The Reader and Roger have been a couple since they were sixteen. But what would happen to their relationship now that Roger’s dream of being a rock star is becoming reality? A/N: I know, I know you’re all waiting for the new chap of Scandalous. But I had this fic in my mind for a while and I really wanted to write it down. The story will be characterised by flashbacks about their relationship to show how it evolved. I know that some times years won’t coincide, sorry for that. I wrote it having BoRhap!Roger in mind but it also works with real Roger Taylor And sorry for any grammar error, English is not my first language. I really hope you like it and don’t be afraid to let me know what you think! Have a nice day xx Words: 3.5k
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March 1971
“Good morning pretty face” you said walking inside the biology lab. It was empty except for your boyfriend Roger who was picking his stuff scattered on the desk at the end of the room. As a usual Wednesday morning, you both had early morning classes which meant that you couldn’t see each other before going to the university, so as a ritual you would go to the lab after your photography class and you would find Roger there waiting for you. “How was your class?” he asked putting his last book in his backpack “Just as any other Wednesday but still interesting” you replied as you sat on the desk “What about yours?” your legs were swinging back and forth as you looked at your boyfriend. “Boring, as always” he walked to you, his hands on your bare tight as he made you open your legs so that he could move closer to you and kiss softly your lips. “The only thing I was caring about was that you would have been here at the end of the lesson” You sighed softly “Rog, you need to pay attention during classes, this is our last year.” He always said that what he wanted to do in life was music and was sure that now more than ever he was close to achieving his dream. But he was already sure that he would have made it with Smile and then Tim left them. Now he was in Queen, they were good but still had problems with finding a new bassist, and even though you really wanted to be supportive about his dream, at the same time you wanted him to focus a bit more on university just to be sure that if it didn’t work with music at least he had a backup plan. “We are going to hear this new kid today, he plays the bass and I have a feeling he might be the right one.” You chuckled seeing his facial expression, full of hope.
“Have I already told you how hot you look in this skirt?” he suddenly changed the topic as his hands moved back to your tights. “Rog” you tried to stop him as you already knew what he had in mind, and your thoughts were confirmed as his lips started to leave wet kisses on your neck. “Rog, we’re in the university lab, anyone could walk in at any moment.” “Do you see someone?” he asks with an ironic tone as his finger started to unbutton your blouse. “Only boring people come here to spend their time.” His lips were travelling down your now naked torso. “Still they could come now” You bit your lower lip closing your eyes and running your hand through his hair. “Boring people now are attending other classes” He was down on his knees, his lips on your tights and you tilted your head back, Roger smirked at your reaction. “We both know you want this as much as I do, Penny” and his head disappeared in your skirt.
You were on your way back home to your house, riding through Truro’s street with your bike when the bike chain decided to fall off, cursing you got off from the saddle and sat on the ground trying to figure out how to fix it. After five minutes of cursing, someone approached you “Do you need help with that?” you lift your gaze up and your heart stopped, it was Roger Taylor. He was sixteen just like you and went to the same school as yours, but life was always a bitch and he was in a different class. It wasn’t necessary to say that every girl in the school had a crush on him, even the older ones. “I-I yes...I don’t know how to fix this damn thing” you stuttered, the young boy chuckled and kneeled down and you moved to let him the space to work. “We go to the same school, don’t we?” he asked as he focused on the chain. “Hmh” you simply replied as your eyes focused on his hands. “Here you are, all fixed” he said getting up and rubbing his hands trying to get the chain grass away. “Nice record” he said nodding toward The Who vinyl in your bike basket. “Yeah, I just got it at the record shop.” You replied putting your hands in your skinny jeans pocket. “The one down the street? That’s the coolest one.” “It’s actually my dad’s shop.” “No way.” His eyes widened. “I always go there, how come I never saw you in the shop?” “Because I’m always on the back listening to the new records.” “Makes sense” he chuckled “I’m Roger by the way.” He reached his hand out but seeing how dirty it was he quickly took it away. “I’m Penny” you smiled at him. “Penny? Is that your real name?” He asked at the unusual name. “No” you shook your head chuckling. “I’m (Y/N), but almost everyone calls me by my nickname, Penny.” “How come that nickname?” the boy giggled. "Find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck." You simply answered, just as if it was the most obvious thing, but you got a frown as an answer “I still don’t get it.”  “When I was four my dad took me with him to see a football match and his team won. He then took me another time and they won again so he started to think I was his good luck charm. That’s how the name Penny was born” Roger laughed looking at you. “Well, let’s hope that you’ll bring luck also to me and I will be able to see you at the record shop next time I’ll come around.” “You see me every day at school” you bit your lip. “Then I guess you have no other solution than coming out on a date with me.”
You have to bite hard on your lip as you feel Roger’s fingers on your clothed centre. “Already so wet” he wanted to sound sexy but you couldn’t help but laugh “What’s so funny?” he asked as his head popped out from your skirt. “Nothing, just get back down there” you grinned as your hand went back through his hair pushing him gently back down. “Someone is impatient here” he smirked as he took your knickers off and his head disappeared once again between your legs, once you felt his tongue on your wet folds you had to put your hand over your mouth to keep your moans quiet.
“Happy anniversary love” a seventeen years old Roger looked down at you. Your naked bodies tangled together on your small one sized bed “Are you implying that this was your anniversary present?” you frowned as your fingerprints drew some circles on his chest. “What? This was an amazing shag, aren’t you happy with your present?” he grinned not taking away his gaze from you. You pretended to be offended and slapped softly his chest “Hey, hey calm down lady” Roger chuckled as he got up from the bed earning a whine from you “I thought you wanted your present” a big smile appeared on your lips “You really got me a present?” “Which kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?” he said as he looked for his trousers, you sat on the bed covering your naked breast with the bed sheet and bit your lip while looking at Roger’s naked figure walking around your room. “Here it is” he walked back to the bed giving you a small package. You took it smiling widely and, as you started to unwrap it, Roger sat behind you laying his chin on your shoulder. Once you took all the paper off you found a black box which once you opened revealed a necklace with a circular pendant with yours and Roger’s name initials engraved on it. “Do you like it?” You nodded “I love it” you could feel his smile against your bare skin “May I?” he asked and you let him take the necklace, your hands went to your hair holding them in a ponytail as your boyfriend put the jewel around your neck. “You know” Roger said as you were cuddled, his hand running up and down your back as your head laid on his chest, your eyes looked up at his breathtaking blue ones. “I found a new meaning to Penny” “Did you?” you chuckled and he nodded proudly “A Penny for your thoughts.” “That makes no sense Rog” you had to hold a laugh. “It does indeed. Because you are what I always think about”
Your grip on the edge of the desk became tighter, your knuckles were almost white as you could feel you were getting closer to your climax. And as you were on the edge the door swung open. “Hey Rog” you immediately recognized the voice and even if your back was facing the door your hands went to your blouse quickly covering your exposed chest. “Fuck Brian!” You almost screamed. “Sorry, sorry… I didn’t mean” he started to stutter seeing the scene in front of him. “Shouldn’t you fucking knock?” you asked, still not facing him as you were buttoning up your blouse. “It’s a lab, I didn’t expect to find this scene in front of me.” He was right. “Is Roger somewhere there?” he asked not being able to see the drummer. “I’m down here mate” your boyfriend said as his head left your skirt and he stood up and smirked at Brian once he saw him. God, did that man had any decency? “Roger, we have to go and listen to the guy. Did you forgot?” “No, I was just a little busy here, but I would have shown up, don’t worry dad.” Roger chuckled while looking at Brian. “Come on lover boy, get yourself in an acceptable look, I’ll be waiting outside in the car.” The guitarist told him while looking at his uncombed hair by your hands. Once Brian left the room and closed the door you jumped down from the desk pushing down your skirt. “I’ll go back home then” you said kneeling down to pick up your panties that laid on the floor but before you could reach them Roger stole them from you and put them in his pocket. “Oh no lady, you are coming with me.” You groaned reaching for his pocket and taking your knickers. “Come on, I’m a mess.” You pouted at him as you put back your underwear and when you looked up he was smirking “A hot mess though” you closed your eyes as his lips left a kiss on your forehead. “Why can’t I wait for you at our flat so that when you come back home you can continue what you left unfinished?”
“I mean, do you see yourself still living here in ten years? Because I don’t. I don’t want to end up working in my dad’s record shop while dreaming about being a photographer” you watched the small rock you just threw on the river making some hops on the water surface. “Your dad’s shop is cool” Roger said nonchalantly, you turned around and he was laid on the blanket while smoking, his hand supported his head as he was looking at you. “Come on Rog” you groaned as you walked to him and laid on the cover by his side. “Are you really saying that you would find cool working at my dad’s shop for the rest of your life?” He smiled softly putting a lock of your hair behind your ear. “You know how much I want to leave this place, I’m not made for small towns, I have to make it big.” He chuckled blowing out some smoke, “I don’t know” you said reaching for the cigarette packet. “It’s just” you stopped as you lite up the cigarette that was between your lips. “It’s just that we are at our last year of high school, we should do something about our future and  sometimes I feel like I will be stuck here forever.” You were looking up at the sky, thinking of what your life would be if you’d stay in Truro. “Then let’s go away” Roger’s voice took you away from your thoughts and made you looked up at him. He was now sat up and his eyes never left yours. “Let’s go to London, let’s go study there. You will study to become a photographer and I, I think I will study to become a dentist, my parents keep saying it’s a good job.” He shrugged and you smiled as you sat up too, his arm around your waist pulling you to straddle his lap so you could face him. “Let’s go there, let’s move in together in London.” Words failed to come up from your mouth so you just nodded as tears were starting to form in your eyes. Roger kissed you as his hands laid on both sides of your neck and your hands found their way through his hair “We’re going to live together” you mumbled against his lips “We are” he confirmed smiling.
“Hey Freddie” you greeted as you got into Brian’s car. “Hey Penny” he looked at you with a smirk on his lips, making you understand he knew exactly what you were doing in the lab, of course, Brian had talked. “How’s Mary?” you asked while looking for your compact mirror and your lipstick in your bag. “She’s good, she had to work today so she couldn’t come to the rehearsals. “Well, we could swing by later” Rog said grinning, you knew about the guys going to Biba just to check the girls, that didn’t make you jealous, yes, he was your boyfriend but neither of you were blind, you also checked hot guys with your friends. Still, that comment made him earn a light punch on his stomach “Is someone jealous here?” he laughed looking at you, you shook your head as you started to fix your red lipstick while looking at yourself in the small mirror you were holding in your other hand. That’s when you felt a hand moving up to your tight, smirking you looked at Roger with the corner of your eye, he was grinning as his hand moved dangerously to the hem of your skirt. “Hey you two, not in my car” Brian warned you looking at you through the rearview mirror, both you and Roger chuckled as the drummer put his hand down to your knee and you blew a kiss to Brian who shook his head and tried to hide a grin. He was the person you were more close to in the band, you met him when Roger auditioned for Smile and by everyone’s surprise, you almost immediately became close friends. It wasn’t hard for you to understand why people found your friendship unusual, he was always so calm, polite, he knew always how to behave in any situation and he was a nerd for astrophysics, while you, well, you were a feminine version of Roger. “So, me and Roger met the guy at the disco a few days ago. His name’s John and he seems pretty shy, so behave. Okay Freddie?” he asked looking at the singer who nodded while getting off from the car. “Roger? Penny?” “Hey!” you sounded almost offended “I’m always nice with people. Talk to Mr Taylor here, who likes to make comments about people teeth.” You chuckled taking all your stuff while joining the other members. “You can be pretty mean too.” Roger argued. “Only with people that annoy me, I still don’t know this guy. Maybe I will like him, I mean, he’s a bassist, they say they’re pretty good with their hands.” You grinned looking at Roger who rolled his eyes as the other two guys chuckled. “Well,” the blonde said wrapping his arm around your waist so you could get closer to him and he could whisper in your ear. “Drummers are better at banging.” He smirked and slapped your bum as you got into the building. “You must be John.” Freddie said walking toward the guy who was sat by the door of a classroom. “It’s me” he nodded pulling his hand out so Fred could shake it. “Well, I’m Freddie, you already met Brian and Roger.” The guys nodded to him. “And she’s Penny, she’s Queen’s first groupie” Freddie smiled looking at you. “I’m (Y/N)” You said greeting him. “Penny is my surname, you can decide which name you like more” you chuckled. “And I’m not a groupie, I’m Roger’s girlfriend.” “You come to every concert and you shag him after each of them. That makes you a groupie” Freddie declared putting his arms on his hips. “And I take him back to our home after every concert. That makes me his girlfriend.” “Can we please stop arguing about our roles and listen to John, please?” Brian asked almost exhausted by your squabbles. You sat down on the couch between Roger and Freddie, your fingers tapped against your tight while listening to John playing. There was a feeling inside you that made you think that they finally may have found their final bassist, there was something in him, the way he talked and how he behaved that made you believe he could be a perfect fit between the three of them. You could already imagine Rog, Fred and Bri arguing about a song and then John would have jumped in and clear the air.
“John, he seemed really good.” You said while opening the door of yours and Roger’s shared flat. “I think he’s the one you may have been looking for.” “Hmmh.” Roger mumbled as he threw his jacket on the couch and laid down. You sat down on your bed, which was a mattress laid on some pallets, and looked at Rog while you took your shoes off. Your flat wasn’t really big, as you opened the main door there was a room big enough where you managed to create a living room and a bedroom, in another small room there was the kitchen with a small table where you could eat. The main problem was when the guys decided to show up for lunch or dinner and you all ended up eating on the couch and sat on the carpet, all gathered around the coffee table. And of course, in the flat, there was another room for the bathroom. “You don’t seem so excited about him.” You said getting comfortable. “I really think he’s the best bassist you ever had, you’d better keep him.” “Are you done talking about him? You haven’t shut up about him since he left the building. A smirk grew on your lips as you got up from the bed and walked toward the couch “Is someone jealous here?” you asked sitting on Roger’s lap, straddling him so you could face him. “Oh, shut up.” He groaned rolling his eyes.  You chuckled softly, he always liked playing with you when it came to making you jealous. But that only time that you talked well about a guy he immediately acted like a child. “The man who always talks about the Biba girls is now envious over a bassist?” “Well, why don’t you go to ask him to use his fingers since bassists seem so good at him?” he muttered not even looking at you as he quoted what you told him before meeting John. “I don’t know” you shrugged as you laid your hands on his neck “I heard that drummers are better at banging.” You almost laughed at his behaviour changing so quick. Roger looked at you while biting his lip and in a matter of a few seconds you were already taken to the bed. Your sexual life with Roger could be divided into two moods: there was love and there was sex. There were times when you two needed to show the other how much you loved them, and it was slow, sweet nothings whispered while your bodies were closed, fingers intertwined and kissed all over your skin. Then there was sex, the one where you needed each other,  it was rough, loud, there were hickeys and bruises and today it was like that. The aftercare though was always equal, your head was on his chest and his arm was wrapped around your shoulders as his fingers drew some figures on your skin. You were still trying to catch your breath as you left some sweet kisses on his bare skin. “You know, after today I have a good feeling, I feel like this time it’s the right one.” Roger said while looking at the ceiling as his fingertips never left your skin. “And I promise you that once we’ll make it I will buy us a nicer flat, one where our bed won’t be seen by anyone who will come inside.” He chuckled softly. “I don’t care where we’ll live as long as long as I know that you’ll always be next to me.”
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desirexwolf · 5 years
Take me to my home (These tired eyes just want to remain closed)
Chapter: 2/3, Words: 1344 You can find the first chapter here 
The next morning, Tony was making himself a cup of coffee when Steve and Sam came into the kitchen, sweaty and breathing hard from their morning run.
Tony just rolled his eyes at them. Sam slumped onto the counter with his whole upper body, dropping his head onto the surface with a groan. He was obviously affected by their marathon a lot more than Steve was because the super soldier opened the fridge to peer inside like he didn't just run 30 miles in an hour. “You should try it sometime.”
Tony scoffed quietly into his coffee. “Yeah, no thanks. If I'm running, I'm running from something, not”, he made a vague gesture in their direction. “Whatever you're doing.”
Steve chuckled. “Point taken.”
He poured two glasses of orange juice and put one in front of Sam, who was still conking out on Tony's kitchen counter. Steve pat him on the back, sitting down on one of the stools.
“Is Peter alright?”, Steve asked. “He went to bed pretty early last night.”
Tony hummed, taking a sip of coffee. “He wasn't feeling good after dinner. I didn't have the chance to check on him yet, FRIDAY, the kid still asleep?”
“He isn't, however, I must inform you that Mr Parker's fever has risen significantly since last night.”
Tony almost choked on his coffee and, with a curse, shoved his cup into Steve's chest before rushing past him, out of the kitchen and down the hall. “And you thought it was a good idea to keep that from me, why exactly?” he asked, anger and maybe even a tiny bit of worry leaking into his tone.
“You didn't ask to be informed about a possible rise in temperature, boss. Mr Parker has not yet requested your presence.”
Tony would have argued further, but he had reached Peter's room and instead opened the door with a soft knock.  
The kid was still wrapped up in his covers, even paler than the night before except for a fever blush high on his cheeks. He was guarding his stomach with both hands, legs drawn up to his chest. Tony's eyes went wide at the sight.
“Hey, kid”, he said softly, approaching the bed. His hand found Peter's shoulder when the kid tried to sit up and gently pressed him back into the bed. “You feelin' worse?”
“A little.” he admitted and leaned into the touch when Tony moved his hand up to Peter's face, feeling his forehead.
“Damn, you're burning up, kid. FRIDAY?”
“Mr Parker's temperature has risen to 102.1° Fahrenheit. An internet search recommended fever reducers and Gatorade to replace lost electrolytes and keep him from dehydrating.” she answered while Tony ran his hand through Peter's sweaty hair, frowning down at the obviously miserable kid.
“Alright, Gatorade I can do. Meds on the other hand probably won't do much for enhanced spider-kids, you'd just burn through them”, Tony let his hand rest on the kids forehead in thought, grimacing at the heat he found there while stroking his thumb over the kid's temple. “What's hurting right now, kiddo?”
Peter glanced up at him, eyes glassy with fever. “Mostly my stomach.” he muttered, curling up more tightly under the blankets.
“Worse than last night?”
Peter nodded into the pillow and Tony brushed his hair back with a sigh.
He left the kid to nap a little more to search for some Gatorade and make two pieces of toast in the kitchen. The sudden spike in temperature was worrying, but not out of the ordinary for a sudden burst of the stomach flu, so Tony solely focused on making the kid feel better instead of overthinking it.
He brought Peter three flavors of Gatorade to choose from and shared the toasts with him, so the kid would at least have something in his stomach despite the lack of appetite.
But now that Peter was awake he was feeling too sick to fall back asleep, so Tony settled into the queen-sized bed to watch some old sitcom on a laptop with him. He was carrying the laptop on his knees, hand buried in the kid's curls when it wasn't resting on the too hot nape of his neck.
Peter was leaning into him, too miserable to do much else than wrap his arms around his stomach and sit through the waves of pain.
“You don't have to do this, y'know”, Peter mumbled halfway through the third episode, forehead pressed into Tony's shoulder. “Sit with me, I mean. You've got important things to do. Don't want you to catch this.”
He was almost slurring at this point, face smushed against the fabric of his mentor's shirt and Tony cupped the back of his head. “Nah, don't rack your pretty little head about that. Besides, I've got a free day today.”
“Hmh.” Tony hummed, trying to subtly gauge Peter's temperature by feeling his neck. The kid didn't need to know that he told Pepper to hold off all calls and practically dodged an Avengers Meeting that morning to watch ALF with him.
Peter's fever didn't seem to have gone up, so Tony moved his hand from his neck to run his fingers through the kid's hair again. “How you feeling, kid? Any better?”
“I-um”, Peter hesitated, pulling the blankets closer. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Nope, you hesitated. Not happening, Pete, I need you to tell me the truth. You feeling sick again?” he asked and Peter raised his head from Tony's shoulder to glance up at him, before looking back down.
“I guess. Not like I'll throw up again or anything, just... Queasy, I guess? And the pain in my stomach moved, so there's that.”
That made Tony perk up. “Moved how?”
“I don't know, it just moved to down here”, he gestured vaguely towards his lower abdomen and shrugged. “Kind of like really bad cramps or something.”
Tony furrowed his brows, eyes darting over the area Peter pointed to. “What, you on your period?” he joked faintly.
“Mr Stark..” Peter whined, burying his face in Tony's shirt again. The man chuckled lightly, but there was an worried frown gracing his features.
“We'll definitely keep an eye on that”, he rubbed an hand up and down Peter's arm. “I'll ask Bruce to take a look at you if it gets worse, alright?”
Peter nodded and Tony started the next episode of ALF, moving into a more comfortable position so the kid could put his head on Tony's shoulder. He continued carding his hand through the kid's curls while Peter sluggishly commented on the alien trying to eat the family's cat before he nodded off, lightly snoring into Tony's shoulder.
Tony watched him for a few minutes, quietly asking FRIDAY for an update on Peter's temperature before leaning his head back against the headboard for a second. He could rest his eyes for just a second, because ultimately his kid was on the mend, right?
But Tony must have fallen asleep after all, because a whimpering sound suddenly made him stir.
“Mr Stark? Can- Can you like, wake up? Please?” The urgency and obvious pain in Peter's voice made Tony startle up immediately, Laptop slipping from his legs onto the bed as his eyes searched for the kid.
Peter was still in bed, but he was sitting up with an arm around his stomach, hunched over like he was feeling sick again. Tony scrambled up next to the kid, putting a hand on his warm back. “Kid? Hey, what's going on, you feeling sick?”
“My stomach just really hurts.” Peter said. His hand tightened protectively around his stomach and Tony saw the kid clench his jaw, scrunching his face up in pain.
“Okay, kid, It's gonna be alright”, he rubbed the boy's back, feeling the wet material of his shirt, clammy and drenched with sweat. “FRIDAY, ask Bruce to come up here. Tell him it's a medical emergency.”
“Right away, boss.”
My very tiny, very cute taglist of very tiny, very cute people: @baloobird @toomuchtoread33 @fourleafchloe @gabesgoldwings @starbirks @yepokokfine
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garden-ghoul · 6 years
Gerry and Gerty’s funeral home caper lmao
There is something perilously easy about Gertrude’s professional usage of her tools, Gerard included. Let him just say that it’s lucky he never got into the habit of calling Mary ‘Mum,’ or he would have accidentally done the same to Gertrude. As much as he likes Gertrude he is aware of how dangerous it would be to let her know how he feels about her—that he feels, even. Every other person she has ever worked with has been disposable, and Gerard isn’t about to add himself to that list for the crime of being inconveniently emotional.
They’re in Los Angeles at the moment, for once relaxing while they wait for one of their Hunters to break cover. Gerard is generally wary of any place with too many approaches, but it’s pretty funny to see Gertrude trying to blend in with normal people out for a holiday. She’s sitting on a beach towel with her sleeves rolled up as a small concession to the heat. Reading, of course, a war history with the battlers’ miniscule eyes carefully excised from the cover; she rolls a scalpel absently between her fingers, ready for the moment when she turns the page to find another illustration. The towel, pink and orange and bought by Gerard expressly to look ridiculous, is already littered with tiny diamonds of paper. All carefully turned blank-side-up.
For his part Gerard is taking the opportunity to meet the ocean. Just at its edge it holds little of the Vast about it, so he stands watching little waves wash over the eyes that watch over his ankles, slightly hypnotized. It’s a bit kiddish of him, but he has no interest in staying inside Gertrude’s personal space bubble, which today is roughly two meters in diameter. He could be looking for shells, but he wants to not be looking for anything for a little while.
Still, every so often (carefully timed to minimize strain) he looks through the lens of himself at the taquería where their Hunter is lingering over lunch. This is his part, as Gertrude actively avoids using or even receiving gifts from the Eye—Gerard has long learned that beggars can’t be choosers—but his gut burns with the desire to avoid disappointing her. Yes, even though he recognizes that he shouldn’t care, that it’s dangerous for him to care. He tells himself not to and then does anyway, damn her. Damn her for being just slightly more like a proper mother or even a proper friend. Actively cutting out his feelings like paper eyes is exhausting, but at least it’s a convenient reminder to distrust her.
Ah. There. He sloshes out of the shallows and back toward the towel, where he starts rubbing the sand off his feet so he can put his boots back on.
Gertrude looks up over the top of her book. “She’s moving, then?”
“Yeah. Looked like she was just heading up that big street there.”
Gertrude rises like a wading bird, brushing a few stray eyes off her blouse, and snaps her book shut. Gerard hastily does up the laces on his boot and follows. “Leave the towel,” she says as if she knows he was about to pick it up and start folding it. “Heaven knows we have no use for it.”
“That was ten dollars,” he says mildly. Mostly he’s just peeved he won’t get to see her sitting on it again.
“Time is worth far more than money,” she says. Right, he thinks as she starts toward the road with strides as long as her short legs can manage. That’s why we’ve been hanging out at the seaside for two hours. Gertrude is probably never going to admit that she very occasionally enjoys ‘relaxing.’
He catches up to her in a few steps. “Does that mean you’ll pay me back for the towel, then?”
“I paid for your tickets to this country.”
“Fair enough. Oh, hang on, she’s turned. This way.”
They follow the Hunter a little over a mile, by which time both of them are sweating through their shirts. Gerard may slightly regret his pride in refusing to wear anything but black jeans, but he’d no more admit it than Gertrude would admit she regrets wearing long sleeves. There’s something unfortunately kind of charming in the fact that she won’t stop dressing like an Archivist even while on the hunt. It’s integrated into her personality—oh, hang on, that’s not charming, that’s worrying.
Gerard does not like the Archivist anywhere near as much as he likes Gertrude Robinson.
“She’s gone into… a funeral home. Bit odd for a Hunter. But I know what I Saw,” he assures Gertrude.
“Hm,” she says. “We’re going to wash our faces and have some lunch.”
Gerard doesn’t ask any questions. He’ll understand why in a bit, and he is very hungry. They stop in at some kind of health food place a couple buildings down. Gertrude has an unfortunate liking for salads—at least, unfortunate for Gerard, who never quite made it to whatever social class you’ve got to be to actually enjoy eating quinoa. He gets a salad with both chicken and bacon, which is the best he can do, and slowly freezes in the air conditioning in his damp clothing.
“I’m sure you can guess the plan, as this isn’t the first funeral home we’ve infiltrated,” Gertrude tells him. He nods. “Is the Hunter still inside?”
He pauses his chewing and focuses inward. “Difficult to tell. She’s inside a building, at least. In what looks like an office, talking to a man in business formal. He’s not afraid of her.” He hisses through his teeth and lets it go. “That’s it. My head is done with Seeing for today. Would it kill you to learn this too?”
“Possibly,” she says coldly. They don’t speak for the rest of lunch, leaving Gerard to wonder whether she expects it to kill him, or worse. Still disposable, but sturdy at least, he thinks sourly. Gertrude doesn’t speak, in fact, until they enter the funeral home and the director or secretary or something comes and greets them. Then she says, with just enough of an edge of bitter tiredness,
“Comparison shopping. I’m sure you of all people know a funeral has to be perfect.”
The woman’s eyes flick from Gertrude to Gerard. “Your husband?”
“Yes. Heart attack.”
She smiles sympathetically at both of them but especially at Gerard, who’s hanging back looking uncomfortable and glancing around at everything. A pity his head is splitting open, or he’d be able to tell from this distance exactly where the Hunter is. Gertrude asks for a tour so she can wave him around like a lint roller picking up signs of the Hunter’s passing through. And the Hunter has been here, recently. Gerard leans against the walls in a corner between two tall potted plants while Gertrude spins some bullshit about immigrating for a professorship at UCLA. He lets his eyes close and leans his head back tiredly, trying to feel through the walls and through his headache. The Hunter is almost certainly still here.
“Thomas,” snaps Gertrude, and he jolts back to attention. “Don’t lurk in corners.”
He pushes off and slouches toward her. “Would you relax, Mum? He’s not gonna get any deader from me not paying attention. It’s peaceful here. I think he’d like it.” She shoots him a tired, irritated look, and he shoves his hands back in his pockets. “I can just see him being here, is all.” Her eyebrows do the little message-received twitch, and she turns back to the director to start making arrangements. She’ll stall as long as she can; he wanders off to inspect a couple of promising doors.
This turns out to be a mistake, though he doesn’t realize it until halfway through picking a lock he hears a thump in the front room. He pauses just long enough to hear another one before he sprints back out to find Gertrude losing a wrestling match over a baseball bat with the funeral director.
“Hey! What are you doing!” he yells. The director kicks Gertrude in the chest, sending her flying into the wall, and turns toward him. “She’s frail, Mum is!” The director is just confused enough (and small enough) that he can bowl her over and take the bat. He goes for a blow on the back of the neck, harder to misjudge than the temple, and she slumps to the floor.
He pauses a moment, breathing hard before he drags her into the office by the front desk. Then he comes out and crouches by Gertrude, balancing himself with the bat. “You alive?”
Gertrude groans in response and tries to sit up. “I may have a concussion.”
“Anything else?” She shakes her head carefully and accepts his hand up. “But you’re still in no condition to be hunting Hunters, and I’d rather not either. I’m not exactly a martial arts specialist. Or a baseball player.”
“Hmh,” says Gertrude. “This may be our only opportunity.”
“You make opportunities, Gertrude. That’s precisely what you do. So don’t give me that bullshit.”
“We are running out of time. Let me tell you something, Gerard. The way I create opportunities is by not ignoring them when they are dropped in front of me on a silver platter. This is such an opportunity. And with some ingenuity none of this will prevent us from seizing it. We simply need to disguise our presence.”
He lets her boss him into camouflage while she goes to the nearest convenience store for ice. And then he spends the next five hours tailing the Hunter all over the city, gritting his teeth through his steadily worsening headache every time he loses her. He can’t even be that angry at Gertrude, because she’s right: this is invaluable information they couldn’t have gotten at any other time. They have a comprehensive list of allies, and they’ve confirmed that three powers are allied for this ritual.
No, screw that, he can be mad at her when he stumbles into the motel room two hours past dark and she’s freshly showered and reading her history book. “Tell me what you found,” she says.
He kicks off his boots with so little coordination that he falls onto the bed and just lies there.
“Yeah, hi,” he says into the bedspread. “I feel like I got repeatedly hit by a truck. You’re very welcome for doing one hundred per cent of the work.” She waits in frosty, expectant silence until he digs his phone out of his pocket and chucks it at her. “It’s all in my notes. I’ll talk t’you about it in the morning, if I’m alive then.”
Despite how much his head hurts he starts to fall asleep almost instantly. So he’s never quite sure whether he dreams her very quiet “Thank you, Gerard.”
NOTES: You know, I thought for a long time that Gerry didn’t actually have any powers from Beholding, until yesterday when I listened to First Aid again and realized he was somehow using the same knowledge-seeking power Elias has to find out passcodes. I just assume he’s not as good at it. And we do know Gertrude never even learned any other languages… unless of course she was just pretending to keep Michael out of her hair. The point is Gertrude has never demonstrated any Archivist powers so I assume she found it distasteful.
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