monumental-darkness · 6 months
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haveyouheardmetal · 7 months
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Pictured: The Nightwinds Carried Our Names, released in 1996
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can-of-pringles · 2 months
I've finally finished re-reading Daughters of the Moon. It took a while but I did it. I just wanted to briefly share my thoughts on the last book, and then the series as a whole.
Now that I've re-read it all, I don't think the last book was that bad. I don't think it's the strongest in the series, but it's not nearly as bad as I remember it being when I first read it as a kid. I personally would've changed a few things, like allowing Vanessa to keep her memories of being a goddess because I feel like she earned it after defeating the Atrox. (Keep her memories but lose the powers to clarify)
I also think Catty's sacrifice was written pretty well, I don't think it felt like killing her off for the sake of killing her off. It's tragic and painful but didn't really feel completely unnecessary. I honestly don't know how I'd react if I hadn't known it was coming, maybe I would feel differently.
I'm also glad Serena and Stanton get a happy ending. The only thing that really bothered me is how Serena didn't think of her brother at all. No mention of him. It feels like his character was literally forgotten about. Like you're never going to see your brother again and he doesn't even know it. If I rewrote it I'd either somehow fit in a big goodbye scene between them or I'd make it so Serena and Stanton can leave Nefandus every so often like for a day or something idk. Those three things are my biggest complaints but they're just minor little nitpicks.
Also I just realized this as I'm typing but where was Tianna? She's not mentioned either and it felt like Vanessa slightly took her place as being forced to be with the Atrox bit. Anyway yeah I can admit this last book felt very rushed. I think it said something in the beginning about how Lynne Ewing wasn't planning on writing an ending originally?
As for the series as a whole, it's definitely so much better to read now being 20, vs when the first time I read it being 10. I can really appreciate more of the story and writing and little things I missed. I think overall this series is an underrated gem. It's sad not many people know about it. It really influenced my own writing growing up with it.
I'm not going to keep posting book quotes from it since I've already read through every single book and picked the quotes I wanted to write down. But I'll probably still post about the series from time to time.
I'm also honestly not interested in reading the side/spin-off series.
Ideally I want to finish collecting books so I have the full set.
Anyway, that's just a bit of my rambling about a old relatively unknown book series. If you're interested in reading a young adult Greek goddess fantasy book series focused on girl friendships and add in some slightly outdated early 2000s references then I'd recommend it. There's thirteen books but each one has about 26ish chapters or so. Read it in a day kind of book.
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derschwarzeengel · 2 months
Crossing between the realm of Nefandus and Earth usually meant (since the early 2000s) that Damon would end up somewhere in Los Angeles. Today, however, that wasn't the case.
When the Immortal passed through the boundary, he blinked in surprise when he found himself in Tokyo. Not where he'd intended to end up, but... okay.
Warily he probed the air with his mind, sensing for any other Followers. Nothing on that end, but he did pick up on an overwhelming sense of goodness.
Exactly the sort of person he liked to target and cross over, turn to the Atrox.
After a quick glance to make sure nobody was watching, he stepped back into the shade provided by a building and let his body dissolve into shadow. He tracked the sensation back to its source, dropped back into solid form near a young woman. Leaned casually against the nearest surface that would take his lean 6'1 frame.
Over the centuries, this was the first time he'd been to Tokyo. Another slight problem: he wasn't a native Japanese speaker. Using his mind-control powers, it would be easy enough to learn the language, but that felt vaguely like cheating.
Best to stick to English, he supposed, though it wasn't his native language. Anything to get her attention, have her look into his eyes.
Damon opened his mouth to speak, and then frowned slightly as he lightly probed her mind again. Whatever she was, her mind didn't scan as human.
"Don't tell me you're an escaped servus." It slipped out before he could stop it, a mutter loud enough for his and her ears alone. Servi were usually teenagers or new adults who accidentally found themselves in Nefandus and were roped into serving a particular Follower. Those who had been servi long enough were granted the ability to read minds and shapechange into shadow, but in order to keep them under the Atrox's thrall they drained the souls of anybody they kissed. If they had gone too long without feeding, the urge became impossible to resist.
Much like Damon's own compulsion to cross people over, turn them to his god.
And yet, whatever this woman was, she didn't entirely feel like a servus either.
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hydnes · 1 year
tagged by @piratebay
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish, then tag 10 of your followers 🎶✨
vlkoslag by cultum draculesti
att fira jesu död (to celebrate the death of jesus) by nefandus
the profound power by ulcus
allure of the earth by woods of ypres
like a kid by fairys
this is how i find out that ulcus's music is back off spotify again. bruh. also 2 has a very edgy title, i am aware. anyways tagging YOU if you want to do this i'm too scared
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albumarchives · 4 years
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Nefandus | The Nightwinds Carried Our Names (1996)
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onlyhurtforaminute · 5 years
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blackprinting · 7 years
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crankitupswe · 4 years
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Nefandus - Black Christmas (2014-12-19)
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orlok666 · 6 years
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darklands sixty eight - hail horrors, hail infernal world part I - the mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven: shining - yttligare ett steg närmare total jävla utfrysning silencer - death - pierce me bethlehem - tagebuch einer totgeburt xasthur - dreams blacker than death leviathan - cut, with the night, into mine heart sargeist - the bosom of wisdom and madness deathspell omega - carnal malefactor aosoth - scene VI part II - better to reign in hell, than to serve in heaven: dark fortress - the silver gate secrets of the moon - i maldoror satyricon - mental mercury der weg einer freiheit - zu grunde ultha - with knives to the throat and hell in your heart ascension - black ember whoredom rife - cursing the storm to come barshasketh - sonnets to orpheus shrine of insanabilis - still of this earth limbonic art - funeral of death dsnkt - exhaling dust schammasch - metanoia part III - all is not lost, the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and the courage never to submit or yield: devouring star - consummation bestia arcana - hellmouth thy darkened shade - nox profunda acrimonious - the northern portal acherontas - faustian ethos dødsengel - prince of ashes nefandus - behind the red lotus ofermod - sol nox mortuus - astral pandemonium ondskapt - lord of all unclean spirits triumphator - heralds of pestilence marduk - phosphorous redeemer funeral mist - holy poison armagedda - afgrundsvisioner/ulfaerd part IV - i sung of chaos and eternal night, taught by the heavenly muse to venture down the dark descent, and up to reascend: craft - the silence thereafter shining - svart industriell olycka urgehal - the necessity of total genocide 1349 - atomic chapel svarttjern - ancient shadows revelation tsjuder - throne of the goat ragnarok - under the wings of satan carpathian forest - death triumphant emperor - i am the black wizards darkthrone - the pagan winter darklands is every tuesday night from 10pm to 2am mst on denverundergroundradio.com #denverundergroundradio #darklands #darklandsradio #paradiselost #milton #johnmilton #blackmetal #orthodoxblackmetal #halloween https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpl0W4TFidX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1664c3ll2il23
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big-takeshi · 4 years
El coito entre hombres es calificado como detestabilis, ex(s)ecrabilis, (h)orremdus y nefandus. Es una insania (una locura), pero también es inlicitus (un acto ilícito), por lo tanto, un scelus (delito) y, como tal, punible, comportando emasculación y penitencia para los culpables.
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monumental-darkness · 2 years
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Nefandus | The Nightwinds Carried Our Names
May, 1996
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haveyouheardmetal · 8 months
oh wait, i didn't realize you could submit multiple in one go! here's a bunch of swedish stuff:
lifelover (DSBM)
apati (DSBM)
eufori (DSBM)
olycka (DSBM? leans really far into skramz territory though so probably not suited to this blog)
lifvsleda (black metal)
mörk gryning (black metal)
nefandus (black metal)
necrocurse (death metal)
morbid (black metal)
Sweden stop making good music challenge (failed) (impossible)
(I only recognise Lifelover, will check out the rest)
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can-of-pringles · 2 months
"My power doesn't work," he said with a look of stunned disbelief.
"Of course not," Serena said, panic rising in her voice. "I sealed the boundaries."
"I can't live here!" Vanessa screamed. For one heart-stopping moment she imagined spending the rest of her life in Nefandus. The thought made her ill. "How are we going to get home?"
"Your power worked more quickly than I thought possible," Stanton said to Serena, ignoring Vanessa's question. He gazed adoringly at Serena. "Your ability is awesome." He leaned down to kiss her.
"We don't have time for this," Vanessa squealed, cutting in on their embrace.
― Lynne Ewing, The Final Eclipse
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derschwarzeengel · 2 years
The Atrox arose from primordial darkness… A soulless creature who defied god and gave itself life. The Atrox.
When Pandora’s box was opened, countless evils and sorrows were released into the world. But the last thing to leave the box was hope, the sole comfort for people during misfortune. Only Selene, the goddess of the moon, saw the creature lurking nearby, sent by the Atrox to devour hope. She took pity on Earth dwellers and gave her Daughters, like guardian angels, to fight the Atrox and perpetuate hope.
The Atrox and its Followers have sworn to destroy the Daughters of the Moon because once the goddesses are gone, the Atrox will succeed.
Daughters of the Moon is a 13-book (with a 4-book spin-off Sons of the Dark) YA urban fantasy series by Lynne Ewing published from 2000 - 2007, taking place from the years 2000 - 2002 in Los Angeles, California, and the surrounding area. It centers around four (later five) teenage girls who discover they are mortal goddesses, Daughters of the Moon, whose destiny is to fight the Atrox and its Followers and act as a force of good.
The Atrox is the primal source of evil, so ancient that it tricked Lucifer into his fall. Since creation it has been jealous of the world of light and tried to destroy it. The Atrox is always around, sending shadows to be its eyes. Usually appearing as a dark shadow, it is actually weaker in this form and strongest in human form. It holds court in both Tartarus and the parallel dimension of Nefandus, meeting with members of its Inner Circle in Tartarus.
“The greatest strength of the Atrox is that modern people no longer believe the demonic walks amongst us.” —Maggie Craven, Goddess of the Night, pg. 172 - 173
The Regulators are the Atrox’s enforcers, sent out to punish Followers who have betrayed it or broken the rules by falling in love with a Daughter of the Moon. The fiercest class of Regulators are those so committed to the Atrox that their faces and bodies became distorted over time, “as if continual contact with such unthinkable evil made their flesh decay.”
Regulators have an electrical aura, can disguise their appearance so that they appear human (almost perfectly so, with movie-star good looks). Altering their appearance takes great energy, and they are weaker when disguised. Those belonging to the fiercest class have the ability to walk in and manipulate dreams. Once in a person’s dream they can scan that person’s memories, as well as use the dream to enter a person’s conscience and control them.
Although Regulators serve the Atrox and are determined to find the Secret Scroll (a manuscript that holds the key to destroying the Atrox) and destroy it, they are terrified of the Scroll’s curse: Anyone who holds the Scroll that is not the destined heir or Keeper will bring about misery and death.
The victims of the Atrox, the Followers. The Atrox steals their hope, sucking it from their soul. Then they become predators themselves, stealing hope from others, trying to replenish their own and feel alive again. But their hunger is never satisfied. They become masters of deceit. They look like anyone, but they hate the moon because it is a symbol of Selene and represents goodness. Under a full moon their eyes turn phosphorescent, and even ordinary people can sense their evil.
The Followers also hate timepieces, not digital ones, but watches with hands and, of course, sundials. Anything that reminds them of their eternal bond to evil. It won’t stop them like a crucifix is reported to stop a vampire, but it will cause them to start.
Followers can never harm a person who has done a genuine act of kindness towards them.
The competition among Followers is fierce, with the greatest reward—a place among the Inner Circle—being given to a Follower for the seduction and turning of a Daughter of the Moon or the theft of her powers.
An invitus is a Follower who was crossed over unwillingly and still retains some of their humanity, having a foot in each world.
Prince of Night
This is the highest honor and rank the Atrox can give a Follower, higher even than those of the Inner Circle who wear the Phoenix crest: The Prince of Night is second-in-command to the Atrox and second in line to its throne. Only one Follower has been given this honor: Stanton, leader of the Followers in Hollywood, in November of 2001 after his defeat and imprisonment of the traitor Lambert.
The Inner Circle (the Cincti)
The Inner Circle, known as the Cincti to other Followers, are the most powerful of the Atrox’s Followers. All of them are Immortals, and only a few—the most high-ranking—are allowed to wear the Phoenix crest.
Those members of the Cincti with the Phoenix crest are more enduring than other Immortals, able to live on as a spirit even if their physical body is destroyed.
They meet with the Atrox in Tartarus, but otherwise typically hold court in Nefandus.
The Atrox grants its favored Followers who have proven themselves immortality through the frigidus ignis ritual ceremony, with the chosen one called Lecta (female) or Lectus (male) during the ritual. The cold fire burns away the Follower’s mortal life and bestows immortality.
It is an ancient, arcane ritual, and one must be invited into the fire by the Atrox for immortality to be granted. Anyone who enters the fire that is not a chosen one will suffer a painful death—and the flames can burn away the immortality of an already-immortal Follower.
Immortals are also granted the ability to shapechange into shadow and stay that way for days, if necessary. Many have the ability to read minds, control thoughts, steal memories, erase and trap someone in their own memories, and more powerful Followers can pull sensations and feelings from the air.
Initiates are kids, mostly teenagers, who have been led to the Atrox by Followers and are waiting to be accepted into its congregation. They are often apprenticed to an older, more experienced Follower to learn how to perfect their evil in hopes of becoming Followers themselves.
The universe is constructed of atoms. Spaces exist between these atoms, and within these spaces are other atoms that create a parallel universe, one existing simultaneously with ours. —Derek, The Lost One, pg. 246 - 247
Nefandus is the parallel dimension where the Atrox resides with most of its Followers, the Inner Circle, and Regulators. Unless guided by a Follower or someone from Nefandus, to outsiders it looks like a vast expanse of nothingness, the air strangely buoyant like water, and they will be trapped there in a dreamlike trance, lured by a false sense of security.
The servi who live in Nefandus are usually teenagers who have either been lured there by a Follower or found their own way into the parallel dimension by accident. A servus is a servant, a slave, to a particular Follower and those who have been servi long enough are granted the ability to shapeshift into shadow and read minds.
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blackmetalwar666 · 4 years
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Nefandus - Sweden 🇸🇪
(Östergötlands län)
Album /The Nightwinds Carried Our Names (1996)
Secula Delenda
Black Metal
Draconian Current, Religious Fanaticism, Occultism
#SwedenBlackMetal #Nefandus #Occultism #BlackMetalWar #BlackMetal
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