copperbadge · 5 years
thetrashiestoftrash replied to your photo “Creatures wild and domestic in Texas this morning!”
Is that the drive through zoo?
My friend, that is my parents’ backyard :D The fence you can see is the enclosure they built for the dog. 
omglawd replied to your photo “We make a tradition of going to Mighty Fine Burgers when I arrive in...”
I have missed Mighty Fine terribly since we moved away from Austin... ��
I really love their burgers. And I just found out they have a “chicken fried” burger that’s breaded and deep fried and I REALLY want to try it. 
theironfrogg replied to your photo “We make a tradition of going to Mighty Fine Burgers when I arrive in...”
...Oh my god if I walked into that restaurant I'd be walking out blind and in tears two minutes later. GD Onions.
It’s difficult to tell, but that is actually behind glass -- there’s really good ventilation because of all the grills and all the prep is walled off, so we couldn’t smell them at all, but it was definitely a Big Pile Of Onions. 
themiscyra1983 replied to your post “Sam -- don't have an account, can't figure out how to comment...”
Wait is RDJ the old one? I mean I guess he'd have to be, I guess that's what we're all expecting.
Well, he is roughly 20 years older than Evans. Not a HUGE gap, but big enough. 
howarethosenuts replied to your post “Sam -- don't have an account, can't figure out how to comment...”
The Sting would be wonderful with them
lewstonewar replied to your post “Sam -- don't have an account, can't figure out how to comment...”
I can see it. Norma Desmond is perceived as a crone. When in reality she was just Hollywood old, barely 50 and looked younger. The age difference is less than 20 years.
I mean, I can totally see it, like it makes sense, it’s just not what would come to my mind first. :D 
nefersitra replied to your post “Sam -- don't have an account, can't figure out how to comment...”
I want to see a Pygmalion Adaption with Chris as the Eliza character and RDJ as Henry Higgins. Bonus points if we get RDJ singing "I've grown accustomed to His (Her) Face"
I think Evans might allllmost be too old for Pygmalion/My Fair Lady, but I do love the idea. 
froofie replied to your post “Everyone keeps talking about the theme of the Met Gala being “camp”...”
Yeah, I kept waiting for the bedazzled Boy Scout uniforms.
Oh my god, perfection. Yes. Imagine a boy scout uniform with the little shorts, covered in glitz. 
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Did you ever meet Wojtek, the Polish War Bear? I was watching something about the Battle of Monte Cassino and he was mentioned and I thought of you.
I WISH! Sadly we did not. I would have loved a battle bear!
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anarchycox · 8 years
How about "Gaston" or "Oo-De-Lally"?
Okay but I can totally think of Gabriel from supernatural for the Gaston song, sure it would be a little more tongue in cheek but still the preening, he would dig that.
Oo-De-Lally is the whole Avengers team after a big mission where they are relieved it is all okay.
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scarletmemewitch · 8 years
@nefersitra answered your post: “so…given that most of the avengers will be taking time off during the...”:
Is it possible just to put Reed on supervillain duty? It seems a bit mean to Sue, Johnny and Ben. Also don't Sue and Reed have little kids?
sue and reed and them are all really young? like, barely more than teenagers?
at least, they are this week, though i have met older versions from different universes
so no, they don't have little kids right now. and while sue, johnny and ben haven't pulled as much shit as reed has, they also did absolutely nothing to stop him or help clean up the mess
plus, leaving new york in the hands of one dangerous madman isn't a great move, even if at least a few villains will take the holidays off. he needs supervision of some type, and his team provides at least a minimal amount
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copperbadge · 6 years
docbeeski replied to your post “snowytumble replied to your photo “A) yogurt-flavored Ramune is...”
Re: the egg-whites aged for gingerbread - I had a hunt on your tumblr but couldn't find the original post - I'm curious, what were your finding? Was it better with 'aged' whites? (My brain is totally rebelling at the thought of it, but I'll admit I might be down for more things than I realised if they lead to good gingerbread...)
LOL, I know the feeling! Unfortunately the testing I did was on a meringue recipe, not a gingerbread recipe -- he just mentioned the gingerbread recipe in passing (I would assume it’s a gingerbread where you whip the egg whites as part of the leavening, much like an angel-food cake). 
But Chef said that the best way to make meringues was to leave the egg whites out for three weeks, so I thought I’d give it a try. I didn’t have all the posts tagged, but a complete account of the Eggsperiment is here. The short version is that while I did not give myself food poisoning and there was a definite difference in aged vs. non-aged eggs in meringue, I didn’t feel it was necessarily a big enough difference to materially matter. 
That said, it’s not like aging egg whites takes much work, so I might set out a few now and try my hand at a gingerbread recipe round about Halloween time! 
(Also if you google “aged egg whites” you get a ton of home-baker blogs telling you that macarons don’t need aged egg whites, where “aged” means “leave on the counter for two hours”.) 
nefersitra replied to your post “A late query regarding your latest Cooking Day escapades, Sam. For the...”
You can make curd with any sufficiently acidic fruit. I've been meaning to try Passionfruit Curd but I tend to just eat the passion fruit.
Yeah, I’ve made cranberry curd before, but at the end of the day even if it’s not lemon it’s still basically frosting, which it’s hard to eat a whole jar of before it goes bad :D 
songscloset replied to your post “songscloset replied to your photo “I knew mum had a copy but I...”
Oooh, I don't think I've tried the blondies one, and I'll certainly give the sugar cookies a try. It's hard to find a good sugar cookie recipe.
I can’t vouch for their quality -- we haven’t made them in years and my family had weird taste in cookies to begin with -- but I recall them being pretty good.
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copperbadge · 6 years
rsfcommonplace replied to your photoset “More post office bounty! @rsfcommonplace sent me a VERY QUIZZICAL OWL...”
The owl came from a booth on the Provincetown pier, so if you get to Cape Cod, you may see the artist there.
Oh neat! I’m going to the Cape but it’ll be carnivale in P-town and we’re not Crowd People, so we won’t get that far this year, but that’s cool to know! 
thegollux replied to your photoset “KITTENTOYPALOOZA!  I am posting some Post Office Bounty tonight so...”
ok so. i bought that exact tunnel for my kittens. one of them got the jingly ball string wrapped around his tail, panicked, BOLTED, panicked more because now the tube was TRYING TO EAT HIM OH NO, ripped through the whole apartment in GENUINE terror, before finally managing to rip the ball off the tube and Escape the Deadly Predator. It had been in the apartment for 10 minutes.
LOL! Yeah, mine like the dingly ball part too, and I’m constantly worried they’ll get entangled in it. But it sounds like at least if they do they can rip it apart to get free :D 
thenikniknik replied to your post “splinteredstar replied to your post “Dear Internet Dad. Thank you...”
Ara was my great-grandfather’s first name. Does that make it gendered?
I think really it depends on the culture you’re in. Ara’s not a common name in the US but in English most names that end in “a” are female-coded, so despite it being a man’s name in previous generations, people who aren’t familiar with it would probably read it as female. Might be different in other languages and cultures though! 
memprime replied to your photo “LOL BUTTER”
Was this at treasure island?
Nah, Roosevelt Target. If it was at Treasure Island it’d be at least a dollar more expensive. :D 
brilliant-starlight replied to your photoset “They’re divas, but they’re beautiful divas.”
HELLO BABIES! *pets all their softest spots while trying to resist the urge to steal them*
BE CAREFUL, the soft spots are surrounded by tiny knives! 
Dearborn actually loves having her belly petted. Polk likes it for about 10 seconds and then wants to fight. 
felicitousconceits reblogged your post and added:
All of Clint’s minions are pizza delivery goons
nefersitra replied to your post “Discussing Vested Stock Options The Other Day, Like You Do”
I can see it turning out that Clint has a stock portfolio and it's really good to Tony's utter confusion as Clint honestly doesn't understand the stock market and just invested in whatever companies he recognised the names of.
I mean, it’s pretty much as valid as any other method. 
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copperbadge · 7 years
Cheese, pumpkins, and gender
nefersitra replied to your photo “tienriu: I… I have no words. @levynite, @copperbadge I was kind of...”
I would have said "Philistines. Philistines do wine shots" but I've just learnt that Philistine is comes from the same root word as Palestinian and so that's not cool to associate a lack of culture and refinement with an ethnic grouping. Also, the Philistines might actually be the Sea Peoples and/or the Hyksos who caused so many problems for the Ancient Egyptians.
Yeah, most words for someone we consider classless come from “that foreigner” in the end -- I was going to suggest the Greek barbaroi, which is where we get “barbarian” from and which generally is considered to be a catch-all for “anyone who doesn’t act like the Greeks”, but I double-checked and sure enough the Greeks took it from the way they thought Anatolians sounded when they talked (”Bar bar bar”). 
ameliahcrowley replied to your photo “tienriu: I… I have no words. @levynite, @copperbadge I was kind of...”
Also, how are you meant to eat them? Do you bit into them, letting the wine spill everywhere? Or do you drink the wine, then eat the misshapen, oily, and now *wet* and mildly tannic cheese? Is the cheese just there for presentation and tainting your otherwise reasonable, moderately-priced wine?
All exceptional questions for which I have no answers. Some cheeses are enhanced by soaking in wine during their aging phase, but I don’t think anything can save pre-melted cheese. 
nefersitra replied to your photo “Free GIGANTIC pumpkins to good home.  (This is the infamous Free Stuff...”
Sam, I am curious - are they actual vegetable/fruit pumpkins or fake ones? A friend's granddad grows giant produce for competitions and he says the ones bred for size tend to have the taste bred out.
Yep, they are realio trulio plants. My building has a wide economic range of residents and especially on the upper floors there are people who are just...the kind of people who can drop a lot of money on a giant pumpkin as a decoration and then discard it when the season is over. 
The Free Stuff Table doubles as the “this won’t fit in the dumpster” table, literally -- if you ask the building maintenance guys what to do with something that won’t fit, they say “put it on the free stuff table, I’ll deal with it on trash day”. 
onlysilentawe replied to your photo “Free GIGANTIC pumpkins to good home.  (This is the infamous Free Stuff...”
I will send you a roll of tape if you will promise to tape down the edges of those signs. Just knowing they exist like that, no matter how far away they are, is driving me bananas.
If it’s any comfort, they get replaced every few months, and those are probably due to be replaced soon. It just happens -- the wall isn’t a good surface for taping on and the room isn’t insulated (plus the big cargo doors are often open) so the paper curls no matter what we do. 
seniorvpofscrewit replied to your post “Wait, are you a guy? Sorry for the awkward question, but I kind of...”
I always assumed you were a guy, but at the same time I kind of think of copperbadge as a genderless internet phantom sharing some knowledge haha
I am honored to be considered a genderless phantom librarian! 
pantone2955c replied to your post “Wait, are you a guy? Sorry for the awkward question, but I kind of...”
I... never realized that I headcanoned you as a woman. My bad.
I’m not bothered! It happens all the time and it’s a rational assumption to make given how heavily fandom skews female.  
strixus replied to your post “Wait, are you a guy? Sorry for the awkward question, but I kind of...”
I now really want the cross over fic of Bucky somehow ending up at the Weasley's during Yule.
“I don’t know who brought him, Mum, maybe he’s one of Charlie’s weird coworkers. You’ve never minded when Harry visited for the holidays!”
“Harry's a friend! I had to knit a sweater overnight just to make sure the poor thing had a present and he hasn’t taken it off since. I don’t mind feeding him and he’s been a lamb, but I’d like a little warning, Bill!”
“Well, don’t look at me. He looks like an Auror type, maybe he’s one of Ron’s friends.”
“Oh Merlin, there goes your father.”
“Dad, no, don’t ask him about the arm, that’s rude!” 
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copperbadge · 7 years
Answers About The Amityville Condominium
voyageboots replied to your photoset “Kilz latex primer does battle...”
Evil red walls. Tiny creepy body storage closet. Creepy mirror on the interior of a closet. Murder window. Fridge of death. Have you considered you might have moved into a former villains lair??
The thought crossed my mind that I am living in the first twenty minutes of a horror movie right now, but I hadn’t considered a supervillain. Intriguing. 
nefersitra replied to your post “Startled yell #3”
Sam, I kinda think your entire new home is murderous; the ladder, window and mirror are just obvious about it. The fridge was the warning ....
I am determined to defeat the evil! I shall purge the fridge! 
capt-spork replied to your post “Startled yell #3”
Perhaps your closet opens out somewhere else
I’m beginning to wonder.
Apparently it’s a really common thing among New York residents for people to have dreams that they open a door in their apartment they never noticed before and it leads to a room they didn’t know they had. :D 
terrie01 replied to your post “Startled yell #3”
Sam, should we be googling "exorcists Chicago" for you?
Nonsense, I’m a DIYer, if I need to exorcise it I will find a youtube how-to video and do it myself! 
alovecraft replied to your post “Startled yell #3”
I'm starting to wonder if you bought a cursed condo.
I try to think of it as...a rehab opportunity. :D 
biteswhenprovoked replied to your post “Startled yell #3”
You sure you want to reinstall it somewhere where it can keep an eye on YOU?
I defy the clearly cursed mirror! I have nothing to hide from its murky depths!
realmarysue replied to your post “Startled yell #3”
I was out doing my NYE partying last night so I come home today and the first thing I see on my dash is "Startled Yell #3" and I'm all, Oh, of course Sam bought a cursed house, not even slightly surprised. Y'all got botanicas out there, right? Get some sage and frankincense and just go to town.
It is a very me thing to do, buying a cursed condo. I’m hoping repainting will do the job and no incense will be required, but I did take a Mountain Lodge “Chris Evans flavor” Yankee Candle over there.  
karadin replied to your post “Startled yell #3”
oh did your ghost come with you?
Not yet! Her traveling box is sitting on the windowsill waiting for her. I’ll probably take the box over tomorrow and then bring it home again, just in case she changes her mind. I won’t make it final until the move. 
kestrel337 replied to your photo “Found my extremely ordinary and not at all foreboding or suspiciously...”
Yeah, Amontillado was my first thought, also. But weren't False Walls a thing in Egyptian tombs, too? Could be treasures untold!
shirokou replied to your photo “Found my extremely ordinary and not at all foreboding or suspiciously...”
There's treasure or a mummy back there. Maybe a mummy covered in treasure!
I love the idea that there’s a random pharaoh walled up in my storage unit :D 
dorkilybeautiful replied to your photoset “Behold my fridge. For those of you warning me not to eat the butter,...”
So hey, a thought: leave a small offering of new butter. Maybe periodically. Because that's just a weird enough thing to be in there, especially if you didn't notice it before...
Yeah, nobody who looked in the fridge noticed, it was quite weird. It’s a good idea to leave out an offering of butter! Maybe I will make some, I do like making butter. 
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copperbadge · 7 years
nefersitra replied to your post “digitaldiscipline: elfwreck: joyeuse-noelle: cythraul: ...”
Sam, you may be kind of right. My GCSE Italian teacher taught us the importance of stressing the double letters when speaking by pointing out that penne (pen-ne) is a type of pasta but pene (pen-e) is the Italian for penises
Well, I mean, that is actually correct, I wasn’t guessing :D Penis is a Latin word, and that’s the nominative plural in the third declension (-is becomes -es in the nominative). 
Also the proper plural of Horcrux is Horcruces, but I only know that because I was a Harry Potter nerd in my frivolous youth. :D
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copperbadge · 7 years
anachronisticmayhem replied to your post “do you think you'll ever write any more HP fic?”
Hope blooms eternal, although I admit the likelyhood that you will return to that piece you started with an adult Teddy and a young Harry is slim as fuck. In any case, I enjoy your writing in avengers fandom. So do as thou wilt.
Oh lord I don’t even remember that one, I’m afraid. Are you sure that was me? (It’s...entirely possible.)
nefersitra replied to your post “do you think you'll ever write any more HP fic?”
Sorry, Sam.I named you on Quora as one of my favourite fan fic authors and there are LOTS of very very very enthusiastic HP fans (I got attacked for stating that I did not think Snape's obsession with Lily was either romantic or laudable) - they might be looking you up.
Oh, no worries! Every so often my name pops up in a HP discussion and I was a very prominent fan/writer in the earlier days of the fandom, so a wave hits every once in a while. I’m used to it, though still surprised that Stealing Harry is my AO3 fic with the most hits. 
arsenicjade replied to your post “this is purely out of curiosity and not because i have any vested...”
You forgot the creepy bonus factor of Harry and Ginny being the greatest model for Kosofsky-Sedgwick's theory of triangulation in the history of fiction (which is saying something), but yeah.
Oh man I had to google that to figure out what was up but it’s the “He’s married to Ginny because JKR couldn’t let him marry Ron” thing right?
Will not argue with that point, well made.  
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copperbadge · 6 years
banesidhe replied to your video “memprime: froze: they’re talking to each other omg (‘: ...”
Try videos of baby kittens mewing. Every cat I've ever owned will start aggressively looking to help the kittens.
I tried with that video of the kitten on the hay bale, who pounces at the end, and they did pay attention! But I think that might also have been just because it is LOUD YELLING :D 
nefersitra replied to your video “memprime: froze: they’re talking to each other omg (‘: ...”
My friend had a cat that ignored any and all images and noises on any screen. Until the day we tried to watch Iron Man on a laptop. RDJ started speaking and the cat came running in to sit with her nose pressed up against the screen for every single scene he was in. My friend used to use it to find the cat - queue up RDJ clips on YouTube and turn the volume up and the cat practically teleported in.
That is amazing. She should tell RDJ on his Facebook -- he’s a well known cat-lover and I’m sure he’d be delighted. 
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Re the Jello slogan ideas; Ooze sounds neither appetizing not appealing, so you might not want to use that one.
But all the kids love the Ooze when it’s the Ninja Turtles! They even had a secret of the ooze! 
Or are the Ninja Turtles another thing someone made up to troll me with? I did suspect those. 
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anarchycox · 8 years
nefersitra replied to your photo: “forgive the quality here, but it serves my purpose. Phil Coulson doing...”:
Phil is adorkable enough to try it because of Mexican Wrestling. He's good at it because of Clint and Natasha's help.
Definitely. In a hotel in mexico waiting for an asset to check in watches tv and flips past some wrestling and goes back because the fighting is quite different from that in American/WWE and is intrigued because some of the fighters are a lot closer to his or Clint’s size. When they are back in New York he watches more, studies it and then takes it to the gym and tries to apply it on a practice dummy.
Eventually his friends step in and make it a smooth and effective technique
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copperbadge · 7 years
nefersitra replied to your video “kepzandme: zamaron: candiikismet: alittlebitridiculous: ...”
Are we sure that Lovelace didn't pick up screaming from Clint. Apart from "It's Clint", I'm certain he screamed back at her the first time they met.
It’s probably why Potato and Rocky both like Clint so much. He really gets birds. :D
treesah replied to your post “Jesus 616”
Do you secretly run the writing-prompt-s tumblr? Because their latest prompt was about Marvel Jesus
Ahaha, that’s a weird coincidence! Definitely not me. 
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copperbadge · 6 years
nefersitra replied to your photo “Sisters.”
Awww. Look at them plotting to take over the world. Or maybe just your condo.
I mean, they’ve already got the condo, except for about two high shelves and the under-sink cabinetry, and they’re making a spirited play for the cabinets. 
avengersobsession replied to your photo “Sisters.”
Which one's Anna and which one's Elsa? (#disneygeek)
TOUGH CALL. I think Polk is probably Anna, Dearborn is Elsa. But they’re both equally shit-stirrers so it’s hard to say! 
timberwolfoz replied to your post “They sold the house and the dog didn’t die” sounds like either an...”
I missed that Holstein had died! He's the one that hated you and paraded around with a pair of your shorts, right?
Yeah, that’s Holstein. Hated is a strong word in the last few years; he tolerated me and even sometimes wanted a cuddle, and the very last time I was home I became his favorite person because I was willing to spend significant time brushing his coat, which was not doing so well. But yeah, he always resented that when I was home all attention was on me :D 
superqueerpasta replied to your photo “Sisters.”
Tell them I love them ;;_;;
I have told them; they say “mew” :D 
lololovescheese replied to your photo “Sisters.”
Aww Christmas Card!!!
HAHAHA I really want to send out the one of Deebs with laser eyes, but maybe this is the card that just the two of them send out. 
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