copperbadge · 4 years
swords-n-spindles re: oktoberfest pie
German who lived in Munich for 25 years here. Am wheezing in horror at this pie abomination. Also the opinion of locals about the Wiesn (yeah, nobody but tourists says Oktoberfest, sorry) is both "horribly overpriced spectacle for tourists, work makes us go each year, we hate it, make it stop" and "that's OUR party, of course we're going, it's tradition, here are seventeen paragrafs on where to get the best Brathendl".
Oh! So kind of like the Christmas Market in Chicago. “Don’t go, it’s horrible, but if you do there is only ONE CORRECT PLACE to get potato pancakes. Wait, I’d better go with you, I do need to do some holiday shopping.”
thegollux re: dumplings
serious question: what is the benefit to pre-cooking half of the chicken stuffing. this feels like food poisoning waiting to happen.
It’s actually a way of keeping the filling cohesive inside the wrapper while avoiding food poisoning! :D 
So, the thing is, when raw ground meat is boiled or steamed inside a wrapper like this, it coheres into a little meatball inside the wrapper, so it doesn’t just fall apart all over your plate when you bite in. But in order to fully cook ground meat inside a wrapper, you generally have to cook the dumpling until the wrapper is way overcooked, making it gummy or tough. 
There are other solutions, like binding the meat up with egg or a sauce, but they don’t give quite that same texture, and can get difficult to wrap, so the solution is to cook SOME of the meat, so some is already pre-cooked, and leave just enough raw to hold the rest together while it boils/steams. You don’t have to cook as long to be sure the meat is fully cooked through, but you also don’t get the “this turned into a pile of crumbled meat on my plate” issue. 
spaci1701 re: dumplings
I'm very jealous. I've only got a hand cranked pasta roller and it's very challenging to roll sheets by yourself - just not enough hands. The best part of doing your own filled pasta is that you can make all the really weird filling combos you want. So far my fave has been Sheppard's pie pierogi.
That sounds amazing! 
Yeah, Mum asked if I was sure I didn’t just want a countertop version, where the same amount of money could buy me a wider roller, and I said that it came down to hands -- if you’re cranking with one hand and feeding with the other, you need a third hand to catch the dough. 
junker5 re: dumplings
Does your mixer have a name? He looks like he has an awesome personality, like DumE orSci’s Calcifer! 😊 The dumplings look amazing.
LOL! No, I never bothered naming him -- I usually only name things if I’m going to be referencing them in conversation with other people, and I never got into the habit of whimsically naming things because in high school I would do that and whatever I had named would break, so I stopped :D 
geekgirl76 re: dumplings
Yum! Side question, how do you like your soda stream? I'm a carbonated water junkie and I'm seriously considering one, even though I have a rule about no appliances that use propriatrary inserts. (though, with the internet, I suppose that's not as big a deal as it used to be, someone, somewhere would either start selling them or create a hack.)
There are definitely adaptors you can buy to hook it up to a non-proprietary CO2 canister, but between the perils of dealing with pressurized canisters and the inconvenience, I’ve never bothered. Sodastream makes it super easy to return your canisters (the only issue right now is supply) so I don’t mind if I’m paying a slight convenience fee for that. Now, that said, you also have to buy proprietary water bottles, some of which aren’t dishwasher-safe, and you’re supposed to replace them every 2-3 years, and those aren’t cheap, so bear that in mind. (If you want the machine washable ones, you have to buy a specific type that only fit a certain number of the machines, so do your homework before buying.) 
I do like my sodastream -- that’s their cheapo version and I’ve had it for 10 years, which tells you something about its durability. Especially if you don’t care about flavoring and just want carbonated water, it’s great. The flavor syrups are hit and miss; a lot of them for me have an acrid aftertaste, and again supply right now can be an issue. But the nice thing about having plain carbonated water is you can make your own flavorings. I often make super-concentrated tea and add a shot of that, or just sprinkle Pure Lemon in. 
Anyway yeah -- it’s not the most ideal setup but I do feel like I save a LOT of money and packaging waste with them. 
lionheartmadre re: dumplings
can i just say i love how you gave your mixer a retro fighter plane look? cause that's frikken awesome.
Thanks! I wanted to decorate it up a little and asked Mum for some decals for Christmas one year, and she really came through :D 
katriel-tumbles re: dumplings
Kreplach FTW. I've never had or made them (a tragedy for this Jew) but I get the feeling they're simpler than they seem.
The dough is a little tricky, because it’s got eggs in it which makes it sticky, which in turn makes it a little more difficult to work with without making the end product rather tough. But yeah, if you can get round the dough issues it’s not that complex. 
fanmouse re: dumplings
Finland: piirakkaa, India: paratha, both similar to pierogi. (I am facinated by how similar the words are in the different language families.) Good luck!
Pierogi was on the list, but good reminder about paratha and I’d never encountered piirakkaa! I’ll look it up :D 
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silentwalrus1 · 4 years
mukani replied to your photo “From patreon! i feel like ed’s face changes every time i draw it. have...”
(apparently the teacher put the drill with the hair and chunk of scalp on a plaque and hung it in the classroom)
mukani replied to your photo “From patreon! i feel like ed’s face changes every time i draw it. have...”
sincerely, a person who was told the story of a girl with long hair getting it caught in a power drill and having the drill spin up her hair and into her skull
mukani replied to your photo “From patreon! i feel like ed’s face changes every time i draw it. have...”
eameseames replied to your photo “From patreon! i feel like ed’s face changes every time i draw it. have...”
zethsaire replied to your photo “From patreon! i feel like ed’s face changes every time i draw it. have...”
Ed's titties about to rip outta that shirt, I'm here for it
wetdryvac replied to your photo “From patreon! i feel like ed’s face changes every time i draw it. have...”
I'm torn between Too Many Dogs and Is That Det Cord?
thegollux replied to your photo “From patreon! i feel like ed’s face changes every time i draw it. have...”
*whispers* oh... no...
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unpretty · 7 years
I know you love cross stitch - do you use patterns other people have created, or do you make up your own? I ask because I'm on Stitch Fiddle right now trying to make a pattern and I feel like I'm about to start bleeding out my eyes
oh lord, i basically never make my own patterns except for assembling text and borders - i use a lot of patterns off the antique pattern library’s collection, and i buy a lot off etsy, although tbh etsy is kind of A Hive Of Scum And Villainy when it comes to motherfuckers just running art they don’t own through pattern converters... i like A World In Stitches and Satsuma Street, and sometimes i buy Just Cross Stitch magazine and if there’s a pattern i particularly like i’ll see if the person who made it sells others (they also generally have previews of the patterns in each issue on their website so that’s nice, i skipped the latest issue bc too much fourth of july but the one before that had some good stuff). mostly though if i’m just fiddling around i use those public domain patterns, i love those old things and it gives me a chance to use the many weird off-brand and unlabeled flosses i have ended up with over the years.
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pentapoda · 4 years
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Thank you for voting, @thegollux @engineering-fangirl ! Here's some cats in October colors. :D
(note, I'm not taking mcu requests, so I'm selectively reading the goose request as a request for a ginger cat. 😸)
-> How to request voter art: fandom list
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sashayed · 7 years
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she’s suspicious
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lazulisong · 7 years
thegollux said:
what is your no bake oatmeal cookie strategy? chocolate, peanut butter, something else?
I use a recipe I just dug out of the internet somewhere, and I usually just use regular oats and put cocoa in. In my opinion it tastes better with Just Plain Peanuts And Salt peanut butter but I was raised on Adam's Peanut Butter and I'm vaguely suspicious of peanut butter that doesn't separate (plus I don't care for sweet peanut butter). But the real trick is making sure you boil the sugar and milk enough. It has to be at a fuckin gallop for two minutes and ten seconds for luck or the cookies won't set right.
One of these days I'm going to get hazelnut butter instead. I think it might taste like nutella!
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leupagus · 7 years
Goddamn I’ve gotten a lot of Summer Album recs!
So my concern that not enough people would come forward with awesome recommendations has been blown out of the water, as you’ll see from this list. I haven’t listened to a tenth of these yet — just compiling the list took me a hella long time —but I will be adding to this on the regular as more people send me contestants for Summer Album 2017. In the meantime, if any of y’all are looking for something new to try, give one of these 100 recs holy shit a try! 
[Note that the parenthetical is the person who recced it; the album and performer aren’t necessarily in order bc to be honest? I don’t know a lot of these and I’m not always sure which is which. Whatever, you’ll figure it out.]
Royskopp — The Inevitable End (mrspeelisreadingthings)
Seventh Tree — Goldfrapp (mrspeelisreadingthings)
puberty 2 —  mitski (trashbagcouture)
Muse — Black Holes and Revelations (orestes-swimming)
The Dandy Warhols — The Capital Years (orestes-swimming)
Tracy Chapman — Tracy Chapman (thegollux)
Everything Under the Sun — Jukebox (posner)
Mountain Goats — Transcendental Youth (tygloch)
Mountain Goats — Beat the Champ (tygloch)
Strange Trails — Lord Huron (extraneousaccessories)
Storm Front — Billy Joel (extraneousaccessories)
Ariana Grande' — Dangerous Woman (no-giraffes)
The King is Dead — the Decemberists (shadaras)
Chupacabra — Imani Coppola (paybysea)
Throwing copper — live (paybysea)
Mer de Noms — A Perfect Circle (paybysea)
Little Things —  Toby Lightman (paybysea)
Missy Higgins — On A Clear Night (paybysea)
Greatest Hits by Waylon Jennings (paybysea)
Great Big Sea "Sea of No Cares" (history-gurl)
Rogue Taxidermy — days and daze (deliciouscocacola)
Little Joy — Little Joy (eameseames)
Johnny Clegg and Savuka's Heat, Dust and Dreams (ntj254)
Churches — Every Open Eye (justanxietyasks)
RIOT — Paramore (justanxietyasks)
Paramore — Paramore (justanxietyasks)
Humanz, from Gorillaz (roguewen) [note: this was semi-recced; reccer notes that the album mostly prompted a re-listen to…]
Plastic Beach — Gorillaz (roguewen) [actual rec]
IS — Hey Ocean! (yellowwallsbluesky)
ZZ Ward — til the casket drops (sharasbae)
Waiting for You — Gordon Lightfoot (enter-remiges)
Dessa — Parts of Speech (enter-remiges)
Dessa — A Badly Broken Code (enter-remiges)
Late for the Sky — Jackson Browne (enter-remiges)
Raising Sand — Robert Plant and Allison Krauss (bluesmoothie4u)
Smith Street Band — More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me (thisisaboutnotbeinginclass)
Sting— Nothing Like The Sun (kiranovember)
Odd Blood — Yeasayer (magnesiumqueen)
E-MO-TION B Sides — Carly Rae Jepsen (magnesiumqueen)
Treats — Sleigh Bells (magnesiumqueen)
Rush — Black Gold (telarna)
Florence & the Machine — Ceremonials (telarna)
Racine Carrée — Stromae (flightofmorning)
Delerium- Nuages du Monde (zjofierose)
Basia Bulat — Heart of my Own (zjofierose)
Basia Bulat — Tall, Tall Shadow (zjofierose)
Coralie Clement — Bye Bye Beauté (zjofierose)
Ane Brun — It All Starts With One (zjofierose)
First Aid Kit — Stay Gold (zjofierose)
Charming Hostess — Punch (zjofierose)
Balkan Beat Box — Balkan Beat Box (zjofierose)
Gin Wigmore — Gravel & Wine (zjofierose)
PJ Harvey — Let England Shake (xenophonique)
Radiohead — Amnesiac (xenophonique)
Laurie Anderson — Big Science (xenophonique)
Arcade Fire — Reflector (xenophonique)
Camille — Le Fil (xenophonique)
Les Charbonniers de l'enfer — La traversée miraculeuse (xenophonique)
Brahms/Glenn Gould — 10 intermezzi (xenophonique)
Lhasa de Sela — The Living Road (xenophonique)
Portishead — Third (xenophonique)
Stromae — Racine Carrée (xenophonique)
Basement Jaxx — Kish Kash (xenophonique)
Steve Reich — Tehillim (xenophonique)
Jean Leloup — La vallée des réputations (xenophonique)
Modern Love — Matt Nathanson (departingthetext)
Paul Simon — Graceland (jellyfishfire)
Paul Simon — Rhythm of the Saints (jellyfishfire
Gold Motel — Gold Motel (missbuster)
Gold Motel — Summer House (missbuster)
Hybrid — Elsiane (ellyfishfire
Watsky's — x Infinity (andimneverhere)
Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness — Zombies on Broadway (tofeelnew)
Empires — Orphan (tofeelnew)
Basia Bulat — Heart of My Own (things-with-teeth)
Basia Bulat — Oh, My Darling (things-with-teeth)
Lucius — Wildewoman (things-with-teeth)
Nataly Dawn — How I Knew Her (things-with-teeth)
All Eternals Deck — Mountain Goats (queerlullaby)
Transcendental Youth — Mountain Goats (queerlullaby)
Taking the Long Way Around — the Dixie Chicks (mythologicalmango)
Float — Flogging Molly (teapotdragon)
Speed of Darkness — Flogging Molly (teapotdragon)
Joyful Rebellion — k-os (rob-anybody)
Yes — k-os (rob-anybody)
Massive Attack — Mezzanine (alwaysneverneviditelny)
Emotion — Carly Rae Jepsen (disturbuniverse)
Green Day — American Idiot (underorange)
Lost On You — LP (jellyfishfire)
Siempre Hay Salida — Pistolera (disturbuniverse)
Shinedown — Sound of Madness (queenklu)
Lake Street Dive — Bad Self Portraits (goblinish)
Poe — Haunted and (owlsongsandgoblinlaughs)
Poe — Hello (owlsongsandgoblinlaughs)
Poe — Extraordinary Things [though apparently it's not "legally" by her? IDK] (owlsongsandgoblinlaughs)
Cashmere by swet shop boys (disturbuniverse)
Indian Summer by Carbon Leaf (meretricula)
Bleachers — Gone Now (fandompope)
Harry Styles — Harry Styles (fandompope)
Mountain Goats — Goths (fandompope)
At some point I’ll add some of the comments as to why people have recced these, because they’re all amazing — and please don’t be discouraged that I haven’t responded to your recs privately, it’s because I want to save all the amazing comments for when I listen to each album and with the way tumblr works, that... doesn’t happen.
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nymeriaslady · 7 years
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Source: http://imgur.com/yifuYua?r
Me: “Is that cat...wearing a Bowser backpack??” @thegollux : SHE IS. PRECIOUS BABY.
Seriously everything about this makes me happy.
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copperbadge · 4 years
spadesandaces replied to your photo “gameraboy1: Hoot Hoot Ice Cream Shack, Los Angeles, 1935 Just one of...”
P-town or Brewster are your best bets. They have a sense of humor and might be able to get it past the planning commission and the zoning board
Here’s what I wonder: having zoomed around the cape for a year or two now, would anyone notice if I just...put it up in the middle of the night? Like just overnight an ice cream owl appeared? I bet there are at least a couple of places on the outer cape I could get away with it.  
thegollux replied to your link “モモの下水道@COMITIA130_う29a on Twitter”
it pours so badly though!!! surely the kind of person who wants to own a ...penis creamer (oh god)... wants one that pours well??
I did wonder about that. It looked like it would be terrible to actually use. :D 
coffee-wine-zoloft replied to your post “Question as an oldster and fandom lurker, since you are an author and...”
So many fragile writers on these notes. Writing isn't sacred. Pointing out factual errors isn't criticism...
Big talk from someone who apparently doesn’t actually create any content themselves. 
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sashayed · 9 years
thegollux replied to your photoset “my artist is making me narrow down to 7 plant types and i already have...”
BOOO how is 8 plants so much harder than 7!!!
I KNOW but i think it’s not an issue of difficulty, I think it’s a shrewd psychological ploy. she can tell that if she gives me too much freedom of movement i’ll demand 15 highly specific plant species and demand that she somehow make them Organic, Art Nouveau, Academic and Minimalist all at once
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lazulisong · 9 years
did you see the video of LIVE ACTION NEKOATSUME?? it was the actual cutest thing
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seaofdew · 10 years
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thegollux replied to your post:3.7 - The Gone Fishin’ Job
That probably makes me Eliot, but less judge-y (and less good at taking out a dozen bad guys at once with nothing but attitude and whatever's lying around....
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ceeturnalia · 10 years
thegollux replied to your post “why would you fucking complain about getting Denzel instead of some...”
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copperbadge · 6 years
rsfcommonplace replied to your photoset “More post office bounty! @rsfcommonplace sent me a VERY QUIZZICAL OWL...”
The owl came from a booth on the Provincetown pier, so if you get to Cape Cod, you may see the artist there.
Oh neat! I’m going to the Cape but it’ll be carnivale in P-town and we’re not Crowd People, so we won’t get that far this year, but that’s cool to know! 
thegollux replied to your photoset “KITTENTOYPALOOZA!  I am posting some Post Office Bounty tonight so...”
ok so. i bought that exact tunnel for my kittens. one of them got the jingly ball string wrapped around his tail, panicked, BOLTED, panicked more because now the tube was TRYING TO EAT HIM OH NO, ripped through the whole apartment in GENUINE terror, before finally managing to rip the ball off the tube and Escape the Deadly Predator. It had been in the apartment for 10 minutes.
LOL! Yeah, mine like the dingly ball part too, and I’m constantly worried they’ll get entangled in it. But it sounds like at least if they do they can rip it apart to get free :D 
thenikniknik replied to your post “splinteredstar replied to your post “Dear Internet Dad. Thank you...”
Ara was my great-grandfather’s first name. Does that make it gendered?
I think really it depends on the culture you’re in. Ara’s not a common name in the US but in English most names that end in “a” are female-coded, so despite it being a man’s name in previous generations, people who aren’t familiar with it would probably read it as female. Might be different in other languages and cultures though! 
memprime replied to your photo “LOL BUTTER”
Was this at treasure island?
Nah, Roosevelt Target. If it was at Treasure Island it’d be at least a dollar more expensive. :D 
brilliant-starlight replied to your photoset “They’re divas, but they’re beautiful divas.”
HELLO BABIES! *pets all their softest spots while trying to resist the urge to steal them*
BE CAREFUL, the soft spots are surrounded by tiny knives! 
Dearborn actually loves having her belly petted. Polk likes it for about 10 seconds and then wants to fight. 
felicitousconceits reblogged your post and added:
All of Clint’s minions are pizza delivery goons
nefersitra replied to your post “Discussing Vested Stock Options The Other Day, Like You Do”
I can see it turning out that Clint has a stock portfolio and it's really good to Tony's utter confusion as Clint honestly doesn't understand the stock market and just invested in whatever companies he recognised the names of.
I mean, it’s pretty much as valid as any other method. 
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raptorific · 11 years
thegollux replied to your post: Real conversation I had with ...
how hard is it to realize that you simultaneously should not call ladies females OR demand sandwiches??
He also claimed that men don't have rights anymore because of women in the workplace. Winner winner chicken dinner, eh?
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rospeaks · 11 years
thegollux replied to your photo: Are you fucking kidding me with this calendar. So...
thanks for the heads up about the email, though ahaha i did a quick googling experiment to see how much there could be found. even if i'd left the email up, no one would've gotten close.
i do not exist on the internet.
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