#negaverse gyro gearloose
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I keep seeing a lot of everyone’s Negaverse ideas so I thought I’d post some of the general ideas for my own! Some are definitely more thought out than others
here’s all of them together, yall can be the judges on how well I kept the proportions consistent while drawing them all on separate canvases
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georgiarose · 5 months
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@ravenconspiracy did some Negaverse sketches which I cleaned up and colored. Fun times 😅
(Fenton covers his beak scar when being Gizmoduck for secret identity reasons)
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citricconnor · 8 months
Hi! Decided to post some nega!au designs i did:
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First off, nega!Gyro's and nega!Fenton's designs, i drew them first because they're my favorite characters, so they're the ones i have most figured out about yet.
Also i don't have much to say about them for now, what's important is kind of already on the pics, nega!Gyro is still a scientist and nega!Fenton is still an intern and hero villain!
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Here's nega!Gandra! I really liked drawing her and even tho i'm not too sure about how i characterized her i still liked the result.
I'd say that she's working a corporate job at Waddle or something, and even though she doesnt hate it she still wishes she was doing something more important. I'm thinking of giving her a villain arc...
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Then here's nega!Webby and nega!Lena ! Designing Lena was hard but i ended up really liking the result.
Weblena just kind of switched vibes with each other, nega!Lena is dorky and very naive, and nega!Webby is more like an angsty teen that's kind of annoying, i still don't know if her hyperfixation on the McDuck family stays in this au or not.
I don't have a story yet and i still want to develop these designs more, especially Webby, i feel like she's not edgy enough.
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jestierabbit · 6 months
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You all know Boyd yeah? The definitely real boy? And you all know of the concept of the Negaverse from Darkwing Duck?
Anyway, here’s Boyd’s Hot Topic negaverse self: 2-BO
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backgroundshipper · 5 months
Here’s your fanfic request @doctorquacks87 ! I hope you like it!
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doctorquacks87 · 6 months
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shind91 · 2 years
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Gyro and Della were best friends, until she died
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lettheladylead · 3 years
What are nega Gladstone and Feathery like?
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thank you! i think NegaFethry has the potential to be villainous but he’s probably more of a self-serving Sometimes Science Kills People Get Over It type. NegaGyro is probably, like. NegaScrooge’s driver but he’s the slowest most careful driver in the world. and NegaGladstone is a mess
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Alr context. so. Thinking about the storyline where NGyro is actually evil, which takes place during the whole plague/search for a cure part of the royalty story. I was contemplating it being told from Gyro’s point of view, so throughout the story as they’re traveling there’s hints of something suspicious going on at the castle. Shady deals and whispers in the city. The person who’s behind it all is only referenced to by their association with the color blue- and there are two significant nobles who’d be able to pull this off whose signature color is blue. So from Gyro’s perspective who doesn’t know either of them very well, who’s the suspect? The friendly advisor who seems to want the best for everyone? Or the all-powerful wizard who’s destroyed half the city in the past yet still has a position just below the king?
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georgiarose · 6 months
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And now it's time to introduce Nega Fenton and Nega Gyro! 💥🔥
Nega Fenton: guarded, hurt, distrustful
Nega Gyro: fearful, suppressed, worried
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kiralimee · 3 years
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nega!Gyro and nega!Mark
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art-gelato · 4 years
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tfw a weird interdimensional portal to a mirror universe opens in your lab (even though your boss banned you from portal technology ever since the lawsuit) and a cheerful version of you falls out of it
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raringooo · 4 years
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Ok ok so YES I’ve been dead and YES I forgot about tumblr
These look like utter horse shit but Negaverse designs!!! BWAGH!
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toonqueen · 4 years
Duckvember 2020
Linking to an old playlist of mine BUT also including why I have these songs on there. Kinda fits the ponder theme okay. I’m trying I’m so behind here *SOB* 
This is my generic duck feels playlist I use when writing but I often have so many other playlists I use it's insaneeee but this is a nice beginning base until I get a feel for a story to make its own playlist haaaa. 
**Joywave - Bad Dreams*** 
-Ominous feel that some shady end of the world stuff is happening song. One of the main things I put this song to is Magica having a premonition of something bad is going to happen. But she doesn’t have the best rep with powerful magic types and with hero types so she has to make a ragtag team willing to help her. Haaa. Mind you in my headcanon the De Spell family line started by a witch that had a really good future sight so Magica takes it seriously and I GUESS she has to like… stop the world from ending. 
**M83 ft. HAIM - Holes in the Sky***
-Another ominous oh crap bad stuff is happening song wheee. I had an idea that I ended up using in a Duckverse RP of some of the alien hats from Darkwing being a different set of alien hats that were actual powerful witches. The RP I ended up having was for a parody of Hocus Pocus. What I attach this song to is where the hat set grab Magica, Gladstone, and an OC thats a powerful De Spell sibling (that's a whole other story.) That leaves Poe to defeat them save the Earth the usual. My headcanon for Poe is he cannot cast magic but has a wide knowledge of artifacts and spells. Could arm himself with some good magical artifacts. He ALSO would make a ragtag team to try to stop the 3 most powerful magic based people controlled by alien hats. That team would include Fethry and Gyro lol. Notice this song is a lot more postive than Magica’s Bad Dreams song because Poe’s being more positive about getting it done. Magica’s more ‘well we’re going to die anyways might as well TRY” and Poe is ‘ WE’RE GONNA DO THIS AND WE’RE GONNA MAKE IT OMG. Once I get over this crippling depression that I’m useless. Whee.”
**Do You Realize - Ursine Vulpine***
-Vague sad song for sad things. Main reason I had this song is for my Mighty Ducks the Animated Series headcanons for Drake Ducaine. I pretty much kill off all this family and friends in the past. You know, the war, saving stuff. SACRIFICING THEMSELVES SO HE CAN LIVE. His young daughter makes it. Am I not merciful. 
**My Tears are Becoming the Sea - M83***
-Really acidy trippy sad song. Great for fighting elder gods. For my main RPing OC’s on Duckverse this goes with some scenes of their past. Other main thing I use it for is Mighty Ducks the Animated Series I have it for Wildwing’s death.. Haaaa. I kill him off in his 60’s when he has to help save the 2nd Gen team (All the kids of the first team.) Well you know. He’s like the only duck chars I kill off ‘youngish.’ I dunno why most of these story ideas came in high school FRICK. 
**In A Heartbeat - In the House***
-I have loved this song from the second it was in 28 Days Later. I do not have one defined story line plot or character this goes to. I would put it on every song list I had if I felt like I could get away from it. EXCELLENT ATMOSPHERE.
**The Darkest Evening of the Year***
-Another great ominous atmosphere song. I stick this one with Gladstone but don’t put it on my actual Gladstone playlist for being too dark?!? I put it with him finding out what I headcanon the origins of his luck. AND OH BOY. I really want to give the vibe of that scene like some suspense/horror energy let me tell you.
**No Time for Caution - Hans Zimmer***
-Great like, ‘team prepares to fight a boss fight’ type music. Let's do this. We can fight an elder god. LETS GO!!!! But still that bit of dark tone like - hmmm we may not be successful. Ahhhhh.I also think of Tanya from Mighty Ducks working late fixing something or lawd taking care of a teammate gotta find a cure for something. They just gave this woman all the jobs. AGH. 
**Happiness Does Not Wait - Olafur Arnalds***
-A sad yet happy tune. That mix of energy. This one I put with Grandma Duck. In my headcanon all her adult kids have since past but you know all her grandkids visit all the time. It's kinda weird that like, the whole gen in between was wiped out but uh, I have a reason plotted out for that. But you know, Grandma little sad all her kids are gone but sees them in her now adult grandkids ahhh. 
**Low Gravity - Hugo Kant***
-Actually ModMad suggested this one to me when I shared this playlist with them when they made the “Over the Rainbow’ comic. Shared it because it really fit this playlist so I could not  not share ahhh. Anyways. That's one of my top fav comics by Modmad, and actually in an unrelated way inspired some of the backstory for the two main OC’s I RP in Duckverse. Wheeee.
**Everything You Do is a Balloon - Boards of Canada***
-A good ominous ‘the hero has won but at what cost’ energy. This is a song I’ve had for ages and directly put to the abuse I put Drake Ducaine through. I’m so sorry. Weh. I literally have a separate playlist that is Drake Ducaine/Wildwing anxiety cuz I headcanon Wildwing the reincarnate of Drake Ducaine because of COURSE. 
**Goodbye to a World - Small Dust/Porter Robinson Cover***
-I just love music like this. First used this song for Mighty Ducks because the previous life of Drake Ducaine I had be a little duck boy that showed kindness to a Saurian Goddess and she ended up taking the Duck side in whatever fight went down and well the rest is history which will I ever write a story for I dunno. And in the next life as Drake Ducaine the Goddess also reincarnated in a mortal body so they get to work together again yay. This is also one of the main themes I use for my Duck OC’s Felicity and Faustina. In RP land uh they’re from an alternate universe that got all ate up by an elder god and they were the only two survivors cuz some weird luck and magic runs in their family. Their version is a more trippy version here:  https://youtu.be/HzuHAMg1Hng OH WAIT I’M WRONG THEIR MAIN THEME IS A DIFFERENT PORTER ROBINSON SONG HAAA still enjoy. 
**Soldier - Fleurie***
-I use this song several times for Gladstone. Mainly for one story I DO plan to write someday I have so many parts of it done. Anyways he screws up big time and has to fix a problem while he still have luck that works on him, he needs to actually do something to solve the problem and its grueling and takes  a long time and travel around the world and bad stuff just happening to those around him and AHHH. Anyways.  Also a good song for Djinn in new Ducktales theres stories I have reason for his for him let me tell you someday. Ha. 
**Battle Cry - Imagine Dragons***
-A great mello fight song for everything. Just. Some good shit. Heroes making sacrifices. Stuff going down. Hidden powers having to be used getting exposed but you GOTTA SAVE THE WORLD. 
**Elephant Survival - Emancipator***
-A good song for villains to think about their feelings. I loved this song when I came across it. I put it to my headcanon for Negaverse Gladstone. And a little Gladstone in there too. There is a darker mix here: https://youtu.be/59A3k8tpPMI
**Do You Realize - The Flaming Lips***
-This song again but with a slight positive energy?!? Dying and seeing loved ones that passed on kinda vibe. BUT ALSO I abuse reincarnation tropes so bad. This is a good reincarnation trope song. Lawd. 
**Saturn - Sleeping at Last***
-Roll Credits energy to a movie that ended not happy but not sad just the normal in between of life. There is a really good Poe De Spell short story I need to finish that makes me think of this song. I also put it to Drake Ducaine who supposedly dies of old age having saved and rebuilt Puckworld Society. That's a lot of pressure to put on a guy y’all. Also fits my abuse of reincarnate trope abuse. Also for some Djinn x Gene okay like they’re gonna adopt a lot of kids and all those kids are going to write stuff down to their kids like how Djinn writes stuff down and they’re gonna tell stories of their great great great great great grandparents Djinn and Gene forever OKAY.
Anyways, have some feels y'all. 
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coffeenanimals · 4 years
Gyro has
Brandon Rogers energy
Regular, Negaverse, Camp Duckburg, etc
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shind91 · 2 years
Some negaverse doodles
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And here's the ideas about nega D'jinn
He destroy that lamp because he's tired of his family always talk about the story about his ancestors
After he done with that lamp, he went back home and tell his family he lose that lamp because of an accident
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