gm-nekoromancer · 4 years
This blog hasnt posted in long time as I kinda juat forgot it existed so uhhhhh.... How about a thing on DnD alignment chart and what I think of it?
Cause honestly the whole lawful, chaotic, good evil thing has some flaws. Now, the good evil scale is easy to understand and the way I see it is good is for characters who do actions to actively try and protect "innocent" people/nature/the world, while evil are those that go out of the way to harm it. Now technically it gets confusing in morally grey area and my interpretation of it means good villains are possible. But I don't want to go too deep into moral greyness and that part of alignment now, really I want to talk about lawful and chaotic.
Personally I feel lawful and chaotic are the most poorly named and categorised lart of alignment. Now the general underatanding is lawful likes to follow order and personal codes/law of the land vs chaotic likes to not follow rules. But then the issue with that going against the idea of gaving laws can be a personal code of sorts thus making it lawfull. The problem with just the way its described is that it leads to naturally come to the conclusion of chaotic characters being "Lol I aM soOo RaNdoM". which is just kinda annoying alot of the times in actual serious games (tho it is possible to pull off successfully with someone good at rp).
And after thinking about it the way I kinda feel about the lawful - chaotic scale is a bit like the judging, perceving scale for personality with a little bit of the other traits mixed in too. Where those who are lawful are those who have personalities similar tho those who are judging and chaotic more like perceiving.
So imo lawful characters like things to have order and have rules. They ideally thing rules are important and thrive off ordered environments and like to follow those rules. They are characters who like to generally be in favour of coming up with a plan and following it. They can still totally break rules and laws but will tend to have a reason or plan as to why.
Meanwhile chaotic characters are those who ultimately like freedom. They don't like being stuck to a rigid schedule or plan and are the kind of character who is likely to be come up with solution as they go along. They are more likely to be a character that is indecisive and reply with maybe because as a character they may be afraid of being forced into a position etc (in rp as a character ofc being too indecisive as a player can be annoying). They generally like to pay more attention to their concience rather that what the regulations or rules say. They can also still have personal ideals or religions and such they follow and don't have to just another random pc. It's just they will more likely to be in a freeform way. This way chaotic clerics and paladins are also possible just they'd probably lean to a god/church that idealises freedom and dosn't ask alot of rules of them. Chaotic characters can also still follow rules and laws because they are not stupid. They just dislike situations of being organised.
(Note they don't need to be like this exactly, just fall in the general category.)
Tldr. The lawfull character is probably the one with a clean organised desk while the chaotic character is the one with papers everywhere, they know where stuff is themselves (or don't) it's just not organised that anyone else can know.
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