#nele go drink water
milo-sky-404 · 4 months
Happiest of birthdays to the you!
Weil heute dein Geburtstag ist
Da haben wir gedacht
Wir singen dir ein kleines Lied
Weil dir das Freude macht
Sogar ein bunter Blumenstrauß
Schmückt heute deinen Tisch
Wenn du den Strauß ins Wasser stellst
Dann bleibt er lange frisch
Und wenn du einen Kuchen hast
So groß wie ein Mühlenstein
Und Schokolade auch dazu
Dann lad uns alle ein
Weil heute dein Geburtstag ist
Da haben wir gedacht
Wir singen dir ein kleines Lied
Weil dir das Freude macht
bonk i am la old
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agaytransman · 10 months
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alright finally responding to this one because i got a single day of exactly 100 posts-
i will, promise- (I'm totally drinking water, yep, totally not just pop (soda? what do non-canadians call it-) in a water bottle-)
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one-vivid-judgment · 27 days
A beach date with Ichiban, Joongi, Tomi and Chitose pls! 🌞🍹
Ichiban Kasuga
He’s down for just about anything, but one thing about him is that he can’t ever just stay still. So long as it doesn’t end up with him butt naked and arrested for public indecency again, he’ll love to spend a good day at the beach with you.
Chances are, he’s diving face first into the sea as soon as you get there. You’ll never get how he can strip out of his clothes so quickly. And you bet he’s asking you to join him, big smirk on his face and enjoying himself like a little kid swimming in the sea for the first time (considering he spent such a long time in jail, Hawaii probably was his first experience with this, and you bet he’s taking full advantage of it).
Will try to pull the puppy eyes so you stay a little longer. Whether it’s because you’re tired of swimming and want a break and Ichi doesn’t want to have fun all by himself, or because it’s getting late and you really should be leaving, but Ichi wants to watch the sunset with you (hey, it’s romantic! Don’t blame him!)
Joongi Han
Vibrating internally because yes, he did book a flight to Hawaii out of spite, but he really didn’t get that much time to just relax. When he did get to go to the beach after the whole ‘Akane and Lani are in danger and we have to go to Nele Island ASAP’ was settled, Seonhee asked him to fan her while she was sunbathing. The beach has honestly been kind of a frustrated dream for him so far, and he is excited.
He likes swimming more for training purposes, not so much to just have fun. If you want to go swimming, then sure, he’ll go along, but he probably will get out after a while. Making sandcastles on the other hand... Now that is something he can spend hours doing. It may sound childish to some people, but as Joongi himself puts it, “it is an art,” and he has mastered it. It’s not like he ever got to have a normal childhood and play in the sand like other normal children—think of it as ‘healing his inner child’.
The type who prefers the beach at night. It looks prettier and there aren’t a lot of people around. Full-beach-days are nice every once in a while, but if it were up to him, he’d rather go in the evening, watch the sunset, drink something at the bar nearby, maybe get a fruit salad or something else that’s sweet and nice to have in the hot weather, then just take a walk near the shore.
Eric Tomizawa
Honestly, he is a little tired of the beach. Between driving clients to and from there, Ichiban taking them all there, and just the fact that he’s been living in Hawaii his whole life, it’s getting a bit tiring. However, if you want to have a beach day, he won’t say no. A date is a date.
Likes playing volleyball or a nice game of cards more than swimming itself. The sea is nice and he will take a dive once or twice, but really, his favorite part about the beach is just chilling under the parasol. Cold beer, nice cool shade, tasty food. What else could he possibly ask for?
Poor man gets sunburn so easily. He’ll spend the whole day at the beach, putting on sunscreen basically every hour or two, and he’ll still get burnt. At this point, you’ve accepted it as just... something that will happen regardless. You keep aloe vera cream at home for this reason alone—not that Tomi is complaining about getting a massage, he just wishes it didn’t have to involve this; sunburn fucking sucks and he can’t move properly for at least a week until they heal.
Chitose Fujinomiya
Oh, she loves the beach! Pretty much like Ichiban, she’ll jump into the sea as soon as you get there, except she’ll straight up drag you along instead of trying the puppy eyes strategy. If she has to push you into the water to get you to swim with her, she will. You don’t want to test her.
Always carries a purse full of products with her to the beach. Sunscreen, sunglasses, lip balm, aloe vera cream, wipes, a hairbrush, flip flops, bobby pins, lotion, you name it. She likes sunbathing as much as the next girl, but she also hates getting sunburn, so it’s better safe than sorry. If it’s too heavy, she can just ask you to carry her bag!
She will ask to stay until the sun sets because she’s a romantic like that, and there is nothing more romantic than watching a Hawaiian sunset with your partner, is there? Besides, there is a bar right next to the beach, so it’s the perfect setting: get a drink (blue Hawaii, anyone?), sit down, watch as the sun goes away. It doesn’t matter how many times she sees it, it will always take her breath away.
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tontawantu · 3 years
okie dokie, so i’ve already done the creator wrap and everyone’s doing this so i too wanted to show some appreciation to all my lovely moots cause y’all are amazing and absolutely deserve it
ahhh the year's gone by so fast, it was so chaotic ajfjsj but i'm very grateful for all the people i met here and can call my friends, and i hope each one of you got something out of this year you can cherish too and may next year bring you more happiness, i love y'all!!! 💙💙💙💙💙
@yioh : yuraaaaaaa, hi hi, you were one of my first friends on here and i was like :O when you followed me cause you are just that cool and amazing and i couldn’t believe it klajsdfh you’re one of my favorite people on here cause you’re incredibly cheerful and fun, you make brilliant art and have superior taste in dramas or anime, and also despise physics just as much as i do, i wish you a pleasant year ahead bro, ilu <3
@average-j : j, fellow oreo enthusiast, and age-old best friend, i simply love how the universe looked at us stinky (affectionate), oreo-loving idiots and said “is anyone gonna make em friends?’ and didn’t wait for an answer asjkgsd thank you for keeping up with my rando ass for almost 4 yrs now, here’s to more together, i love you so so much, hope rona-chan leaves quick so i can come squish you
@yourletters : mj mj mj, you’re an absolute sweetheart and never shy away from making people happy and spreading love (and ridiculously funny memes sjdgf) i love our little chats everyday and how we lose our heads at anything space related, i hope you know that although things get tough, i’ll always be here for you, iluuu
@87s : minnie minnie min, you’re the most adorable person on here okie, you’re a tiny, cute bean who deserves nothing but happiness, and i’m soo glad to have met you this year, i absolutely love seeing you on my dash, talking about random kpop boys i’ve never heard of asjgfh but i love you anyways, hope next year is brighter for you my friend
@brightwin : jellyyyyy, everybody’s sunshine! you’re such a bright presence on here and such a bubbly and live person, i adore seeing you on my dash and just go all ajgfhf with happiness talking to you, thank you for being a lovely friend and filling my dash with joy and beautiful gifs i’d recognize anywhere, and also thank you for being a great co-host for the secret santa, i lob youu
@morksuns : sumsum!!! i love love loooove your blog, it’s so perfect aksjff and you’re such a sweet and adorable person!! you have such great taste in everything and i'm so so glad to have met you, ilyy and I hope next year treats you well :)
@so-na-gi : kriiiis, you're such a wonderful artist, and such a lovely person too! i hope you keep doing what you do and being a lovely bean, may next year be filled with joy for you my friend <3
@tetsuos : daaawn, from amazing gifs to articulate thoughts, i adore every bit of you, ajfhsj thank you for your giffing knowledge, couldn't have done it without ya! you're a great friend and i hope you're taking good care of yourself, don't forget that i'll always be here for you kay? <33
@metawwin : aliiii, the first thing i remember when i think of you is your gorgeous voice and cats! i’m really glad to have met you this year, ily, and i hope things are going well my friend
@metawin : jayyy, fellow canadian lasjd, you make such pretty pretty gifs and are an absolutely wonderful person to talk to!!! have a great year ahead!! ilu
@gayvlad : nicoo, my cat friend hgsdf, i hope all those cat posts made your day better, even a teeny tiny bit, i admire your thoughts on everything and absolutely love seeing you on my dash :) have a great year ahead!!
@rosa-leche : kanaa, such a pretty and pure soul, your presence on here is so calm and serene and i love hearing your thoughts about all your favorite dramas,  you’re such an amazing person, never change kay? <3
@midnightsvoid : aamna jaaaan, you’re such a cutie, forever simping over yibo and making the best cql edits, i simply adore your content (and pepper and zhan!!!) here's to a wonderful year ahead for ya :))
@bald-sungjin : ke jksadgfj i get so awkward when i talk to you for some reason even though we have like a billion fandoms in common, but i hope we get to talk more!!! have a wonderful wonderful year, ily!!
@wonpeeler : vinnie you cute smol child, i hope you know i love you, you are really funny and i love being your friend, aaand i hope you get to make that song like you wanted to :) keep being a funky little boy qjrjsj
@astronautke : NANA you are such a nice person and even though i’m a potato and keep disappearing from the server all the time, i still love the times we get to talk and i hope to talk more in the future tooo, and if you're seeing this, go drink some water rn ilu <3
@asianmelodrama : faizaaa, okay ik we haven’t talked much but i admire you sooo much, you and your blog give such warm and lovely vibes and i love seeing you being an awesome chef, and i love how you talk about things in general, thank you for being a great person
other people i absolutely love seeing on my dash everyday though we don't interact/talk a lot hehe(*^-^*)thank you guys!!!: @gunatps @tanwirapong @park-sungshine @scentistmp3 @heartsofsunlight @wjmild @soulmatelines @taytawan @gooseras @mia-ami @howcanisey @dowoonsears @gremlinmetawin
shout out to my secret santa @taywillbefree , thank you for the wonderful present nele!!! i’m glad you loved joan’s galaxy and i hope to get to know you more the coming year <3
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Appreciation Overflow Post💛
Or, it’s my birthday, and i’m celebrating 67 amazing followers wtf???
hi, uh so it’s my birthday today, and i really want to do an appreciation post for all for my mutuals, because they have gotten me through so much even if they don’t know it, like
someone close to me going into hospice and then dying
my mental illnesses getting worse (one of my many christmas gifts lol)
sharing private information that for my safety i shouldn’t be sharing (i know this doesn’t really fit but it also does)
and a few other things that i don’t feel comfortable sharing
you guys helped me though so much, and i am amazed that i made it this far. i’m so happy i made it this far, because then i got to meet all of you.
i’m just a teen writing fanfic in my bedroom. (and i will block the creeps.) but you guys bring me so much happiness and i can’t wait to see what this year brings!
so without further ado- here’s me appreciating/maybe roasting/who knows what/simping (nah i’m not gonna simp for any of you) but to/for my mutuals. i apologize if i repeat any complements, there are not enough in the world for all of you
(i’m gonna go from oldest following me to youngest/newest)
@issaxcharlie issa, my very first mutual, i never quite processed that you followed me. i love all of your writing, and you interactions with @writerinlearning are so wholesome and amazing. keep being you issa 💛
@n0wornever missy, where do i start? your daily mantras help me know what day of the week it is, and if it wasn’t for them i would probably make a lot of silly mistakes (like going to the wrong zoom class) missy, you are beautiful 💛
@crybabyddl doll, you are one of my biggest inspirations on this site. dcma was amazing, and you are so talented! i am so happy you decided to follow me. you are amazing 💛
@meangirlsx sam, its so crazy that you follow me. you have thousands of followers, and yet you are following my tiny little blog. thank you. also can i take a second to just apprecate your blog aestetic? keep it up sam 💛
@bright-molina alright, is it bad that when the a majority of the people i follow changed their url to “bright-(last name of a JATP character)” i kinda lost track of who everyone was? nevertheless, bianca you are so amazing, and i am so honored to be one of your mutuals 💛
@txrii tori! you are so kind and lovely. i honestly cannot believe that you followed me, it blows my mind every day. keep creating tori💛
@blind-their-eyes kay, your support on my writing is unparalleled. i love your writing and i love to see your url pop up in my notifs💛
@jaskiers-sweetkiss erin, your writing is insane. the amount of talent you have is just so amazing, and the way your fics are written is even more so. i can’t wait to see what you come up with next! sending love your way 💛
@ssa-cinnamon jemma, im honestly amazed that you still follow me, esp cause ive turned into a JATP blog. you come up with the most amazing fics, and i hope you dont leave, but i undestand if you do. shine bright jemma 💛
@controversial-fandom-things love, go drink water and eat some food if you havent and also take a nap cause you are most def sleep deprived. i love you but go take care of yourself. please 💛
@piratesandswords lyra, where would i be without you? the answer that pops into my mind right now is less depressed, and less heart broken. but that’s the past, and this is now. i dragged you into JATP and i hoe you are enjoying it. thank you for being one of my amazing betas  💛
@calamitykaty katy, before i type anything else, can you and @dream-a-little-bigger-x get together already? you and nele are so sweet together and i will die on this hill. i love you owen fics so so much, and the plot twists that you come up with shock me everytime. be positive katy 💛 
@funsizearsonist doll, where do i start? like lyra, i have no idea where i’d be without you. you help be channel my ideas, and turn them into fics. your support on enemies to lovers is legit unparalled. thank you for your support  💛
@mo-d3ans dear your writing, like all of my mutuals, is legit god tier. i would love to see that hat that you pull your ideas out of and steal it sometime. do what make you happy love 💛
@julieandthepodcasters you all are so amazing. i re-listened to your podcast the other day, and just hearing your voices makes me happy. your podcast is once of the only podcasts that i am able to actually sit down and listen to. amazing work 💛
@softforcal nova, i know you are on hiatus, but if/when you see this, *gives you a big hug* (or if you don’t like that *gives you a high five*) i went back to check out some of your stuff the other day, and it made me a lot more confident to post my own RPF. hope your hiatus is going well 💛
@merceret julie, you are amazing! your writing is lovely, but you are even more so. i can’t believe i get to call you my mutual (also i’m ready for those benny watts fics i got so happy when i saw the coming soon!)💛
and to all of you, my 67 (what???) followers, thank you! i keep seeing that number go up, and it makes me so happy that you guys like my work. i didn’t think i’d ever get that many followers, and if i could tag you all, i would. you guys are the ones that make writing worth it, all your reblogs and messages and asks and notes. keep dreaming friends 💛
also i curled my hair and it didn’t turn out the best but i feel really pretty!
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NELE! HI! Good Morning, angel! I hope you've had a good sleep and that your Friday morning is being extra kind to you! I hope that whatever you plan on accomplishing today goes well for you and some of that stress melts away for you! On another note, I wanna remind you that you are so talented and brilliant and that you are capable of creating a whole universe of possibilities for yourself! You're amazing, truly astonishing! Okay! Don't forgot to drink water and do your eye drops! Love you! 🧡
Morning, sweetie! I had an okay sleep but I’m still tired. Today consists of going grocery shopping, putting on fresh sheets and then do the last bits to the financial plan of our project! No dance class today ‘cause the schools have a week off this week and there are no classes during breaks! I did my eye drops! Thank you, lovey! 💛
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vintaq · 7 years
long af tag thingy
@freddie-bowie tagged me in this, thanks so much! <3
Rules are you gotta answer the 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: my friend Jasmin
3. Text message: this dude who used to give me guitar lessons
4. Song you listened to: Strutter by KISS
5. Time you cried: like 3 weeks ago when i read “The Name of the Wind” that shit got me fucked up
6. Dated someone twice: what’s dating haha
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: ye
8. Been cheated on: nope
9. Lost someone special: no
10. Been depressed: yes :’)
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: embarassingly often
12. burgundy
13. rosé
14. mint
15. Made new friends: ye like one
16. Fallen out of love: no love = no falling out of love
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: ye but what’s new
19. Met someone who changed you: nah
20. Found out who your friends are: never questioned it
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: don’t have fb
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like i said
23. Do you have any pets: a cat
24. Do you want to change your name: it’s p decent i’d say
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: threw a sick party
26. What time did you wake up: 11am i think
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i was calculating my grade point average why am i such a loser
28. Name something you can’t wait for: The Fury in the Slaughterhouse concert next saturday
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: an hour or so ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i wouldn’t talk so much all the time :(
31. What are you listening to right now: Still Loving You by Scorpions
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ye a dude from my old class
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: this year not living up to my expectations :)))))))
34. Most visited Website: kissasian, tumblr, youtube
35. Mole/s: face, arms, back and little toe for some reason
36. Mark/s: i get bruises on a daily basis
37. Childhood dream: being an actress
38. Haircolour: dark brown
39. Long or short hair: short
40. Do you have a crush on someone: never had smh :/
41. What do you like about yourself: my exquisite music taste
42. Piercings: ears
43. Bloodtype: 0
44. Nickname: Nini
45. Relationship status: based on my past answers this should be clear
46. Zodiac: scorpio
47. Pronouns: she
48. Favourite TV Show: Shameless
49. Tattoos: none
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: ye as a kid
52. Hair dyed in different color: ye currently dark brown but i used to sport a vibrant orange lmao
53. Sport: i go to the gym from time to time hah
55. Vacation: summer holidays start today and i hope to at least travel a bit
56. Pair of trainers: i’m not a trainers kind of gal
57. Eating: i just ate some chocolate oatmeal
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: watch Scarlet Heart: Ryeo
61. Waiting for: a boyfriend
62. Want: love (this is so pathetic)
63. Get married: ye well i do need a boyfriend first don’t i
64. Career: successful i hope lmao
65. Hugs or kisses: :’) 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice overall u feel me
71. Sensitive or loud: idk both are kinda negative its gotta be balanced
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship honestly hooking up is zero satisfying
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: def troublemaker
74. Kissed a stranger: yes
75. Drank hard liquor: goes w/o saying lol
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no i never wear my glasses so
77. Turned someone down: lmao yES
78. Sex on the first date: what dates :’)))
79. Broken someone’s heart: that presupposes someone loving me in the first place ;))
80. Had your heart broken: no love = no heartbreak
81. Been arrested: nah
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: this is getting tiring
84. Yourself: depends tbh
85. Miracles: yea
86. Love at first sight: desperately
87. Santa Claus: no my friend
88. Kiss on the first date: yes
89. Angels: it’s a sweet concept
90. Current best friends name: Nele, Jasmin, Julie, Sophia (@bethesdad) and Silvia (@aexsis) thats all my friends actually
91. Eye colour: dark brown
92. Favorite movie: The Star Wars saga, Richy Guitar, The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Well what did we learn today? My love life is more than depressing as is my social life :))
Anyways i tag:
@bethesdad, @aexsis, @lunarcraterr, @naivesmdhn, @moonie-in-the-lavenders (ur blog is lit) and @cypressmage
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milo-sky-404 · 7 months
This you?
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damn how'd you get this photo of me
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milo-sky-404 · 8 months
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real, scream your hearts out besties
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agaytransman · 4 months
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oh thank you
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milo-sky-404 · 8 months
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get a frog
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milo-sky-404 · 8 months
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milo-sky-404 · 8 months
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milo-sky-404 · 9 months
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thank you thank you, you are as well nele my nele
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milo-sky-404 · 11 months
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we very much cannot
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milo-sky-404 · 8 months
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you drink water too dandelion <3
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