iitaletreader · 7 years
Come with me now if you want to live
   When the rogue finally connected the chip to the network, Mia was ready to go. As soon as connection had been established she started searching for Kol, trying to located them within the Corps headquarters. 
The security of the various subsystems within the network seemed almost organic, the code shifting at speeds that any normal being would have no hope of comprehending. However, Mia was no longer a normal being. Living entirely in the matrix allowed Mia to code at the speed of thought, which coincidentally was as fast as whatever physical system she was on. This time it was the Corps’ server and this enabled Mia to code as fast as the security could change. This organic security was a challenge, but nothing that could stop Mia for long.
   After a short while Mia found Kol, unconscious and strapped to a chair near one of the labs labeled R&D. What Mia also found was the cell doors and the device keeping Kol asleep were on a separate system, one not accessible through any means that Mia had available at hand. Looking around rapidly Mia spotted an android unit connected to the network that was in the process of being reset. As soon as the wiping process had finished, Mia attacked, throwing herself at the defenses of the android’s blank mind. The code here reacted faster than even the organic seeming security before and the battle took all of Mia’s skill to break through.    When Mia got through she quickly loaded herself onto the android unit. It took a few seconds to adjust to inhabiting an unfamiliar body, and when Mia opened her eyes she saw a dull yellow android looking quizzically at her, surprised that the unit they had just deactivated and wiped was functioning again. Acting as quick as she could, Mia sprung to her feet and promptly fell face first on the ground, not being quite used to having a body again just yet. Hastily clambering to her feet, Mia proceeded to punch the observing android in the face, attempting to knock them out and prevent interference but not knowing the strength of the new body sent them flying across the room and ending up in a still heap by the far wall.    After hiding the unconscious android Mia hurried through the base to where Kol was being kept. Once there, she accessed a nearby wall panel and unlocked the cell door as well as ended the effect that was keeping Kol unconscious. Mia entered the room and was about to shake Kol awake when she heard a voice behind her.    “What are you doing in here?” An android with light blue markings and wielding a stun baton called out accusingly as they entered the cell. Whirling around, Mia decked the guard, knocking them unconscious with a single punch just as Kol woke up. When they did not seem to recognize her, Mia extended a hand to them and said “Come with me if you want to live.”    Still surprised by her form but now totally confident that it was Mia, Kol grabbed Mia’s hand and teleported, taking them both out of the Corps’ clutches, for now.
(Mia belongs to @d20-official) (Setting and the Corps belongs to @artcanary)
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canaryart · 8 years
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whos this douchebag 
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ianiantt · 8 years
Character Masterlist
I have decided to create a list of all of my characters (to the best of my abilities) (At least the major ones)
Embra: Bard Kurin The Traveler The (other) Ancients (The Broken God, The Slumbering One, The Killer, The Laughing One) Sil Sky Efastsel Axton Polten Mutants and Masterminds: [Null] Nenbria: Kol Kara Armadra Misc Other: Kor Worldbreaker (Tal Spellsinger & Mir Wordslinger) Karn Decker (Human & Dhampir version)
If you have any questions please ask.
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iitaletreader · 7 years
The Squash Incident
   For the most part, everything was going to plan. The group had managed to infiltrate the tower at the center of the cavern unnoticed, locate the first control rune room and destroy it and also get the location of the secondary control room. 
On their way down the tower while invisible, they all saw a room where it appeared people were getting tattooed with magic ink.Almost at the same time, the entire group realized that this was where the slaves were given the tattoos than meant they could never leave.    The group huddled around the corner and had a brief discussion. Thera wanted to sneak in and kill everyone. Eochair wanted to simply incapacitate everyone. Armadra was a firm supporter of simply blowing the whole area up. While the rest of the party was discussing which of their options was the best one, Satu was searching his bag for something. The rest of the group had almost agreed with Armadra when Satu pulled an ancient squash out of his bag. The thing had been in there for gods know how long, fermenting and slowly turning into liquid inside. It was Satu’s plan to put the juice from the squash into the ink, thus rendering it useless.    After a quick debate, the group decided to allow Satu to try his plan, with Armadra’s as a backup if his did not work. Making sure he was invisible, Satu set off across the room, careful not to step on or bump into anything that might give him away. He reached the ink without incident and slowly removed the squash once again. Making sure to move carefully and slowly, Satu milked the squash.
(Eochair belongs to @d20-official) (setting belongs to @artcanary)
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iitaletreader · 8 years
The Crash
warning: gore
The raid was going pretty well. No one had even gotten hit yet and the ground crew was already inside, taking anything that was not nailed down. 
Ciel Coretra smiled and leaned back. After selling the loot from this raid, the entire company would be able to afford a vacation. The anonymous group that had tipped them off as to the existence of this place was willing to pay a hefty sum for some of the things here. Suddenly, an explosion rocked the ship, not something that normally happens. Ciel sat bolt upright and yelled “What the fuck just happened?!”
“The defenses shot Kol down and caused their ship to collide with ours, Commander!” one of the crew in the command deck reported. “Their shots are getting more accurate!”
“Has the ground crew got everything?” Ciel asked, hoping that the answer was yes. If they could hit Kol’s small, agile ship, many more casualties would soon happen.
“Yes, Commander” the communications officer replied, “We have picked them up and are good to leave.”
“Make sure the shields are on airtight mode and get us the hell out of here!” Ciel yelled while exiting command, heading towards the impact.
Ciel expected the crash to be bad and Kol to be dead. Upon arriving, Ciel realized that it was worse. The crash was a mess with twisted metal, flaming debris and blood everywhere. Looking around, Ciel quickly found Kol. It was not difficult, due to the other crew already around them. While running over to the body, Ciel noticed that there were pieces of Kol all over the place. Kol’s right arm was still in the cockpit, on fire. Their blood and some internal organs was spread between the body and the ship, marking a clear flight path.
Pushing others out of the way, Ciel knelt next to the body. Then they realized that Kol was still alive. “What they hell are you dolts standing around for?!” Ciel yelled, “We currently have a record of never having a casualty during a raid! Find me something to try and heal them, I will not lose when it went so well!”
At that moment, the ground crew came into the wrecked room, carrying the spoils of the trip. Hearing the yell, one of the rushed over, carrying something silver in a strange container. “Commander, the guy I took this off of said something about experimental self-repairing something. I kinda shot the guy, didn’t really catch the…” He was cut off as Ciel grabbed the tube and dumped the contents on Kol. The silver sank into them and vanished. Everyone stepped back and waited. Ciel tried to regain some form of composure as everyone waited with bated breath. Suddenly, lines of glowing silver, like what are seen on androids, spread across Kol’s skin. To everyone’s astonishment, all of the injuries on them started to seal, leaving no trace that they even happened.
Someone gasped, “Look at their side!”
Some large pieces of Kol were missing, but that did not seem to deter the silver stuff. Decking, debris, even pieces of clothing flowed in to make up for missing flesh, taking on the appearance of the rest of Kol, glowing with silver traceries of light. When the light stopped glowing, Kol lay whole on the floor at Ciel’s feet. The pieces of Kol that had been missing now looked whole, with the slight change of being covered in silver tattoo-like lines.
Turning to the ground crew, Ciel asked in a deadly calm voice “What was that?”
The crew shrank back from the look on the commander’s face. The one who had handed it over pointed at the empty container. “I don’t know. The blasted shit’s labeled in Android. I can’t read that crap.”
Bending over, Ciel picked up the glass-like cylinder and read the label. Experiment A110Y: Matter Alteration Nanites was printed on the side in typeface neat handwriting. Turning to the crew, Ciel said “One of you take Kol to the med bay and tell them that we put nanites in them when they wake up.” Turning in place, Ciel walked back to command, leaving the stunned crew behind.
Tuernet made a mental note of what had just happened. “Maybe this will come in handy later” was the thought.
(setting belongs to @artcanary)
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iitaletreader · 7 years
I Milk the Squash
My nam is Doran And wen its nite Or wen im cloked From mortal site, And magyk ink In pot do slosh, I sneek in close I milk the squash.
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canaryart · 8 years
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Drawings from last night! first one is bronze In Disguise, then a character in my dnd campaign Baromet, and finall y some colored sketches of Fork from that last post
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iitaletreader · 8 years
Secrets Revealed
warning: violence
There was screaming. A lot of screaming. 
It took Kol a few moments to realize that they were the one screaming. Kol looked around trying to work out why they were screaming. As they looked around they stopped screaming. When Kol saw why they were screaming in the first place, they started again. Their right arm was still holding a knife, but was on the other side of the square. Kol, still screaming, looked down at where their arm should be. All that was there was a small stump ending just above the elbow. Surprisingly there was no blood, only a strange silver glow. In a daze, not paying any more attention to the environment around them, Kol walked over to a wall and put their arm stump to it. As they pulled their arm away, the wall glowed silver and flowed into the shape of a new arm, covered in silver circuitry. As the metal arm left the wall it seemed to become flesh, but with the silver circuitry still visible as glowing lines. Only then did Kol stop screaming.
Everyone in the crowded square was looking on in dumb silence. Kol’s friends stood agape, stunned by what they had just happened. The Ares soldier who had cut Kol’s arm off was calling in backup. Kol decided that it was not worth the lives of their friends to stay. After giving them a slight, sad smile, Kol turned back to the soldier. With a completely blank expression they teleported right in front of the soldier and ran the large man through the stomach with the new arm. Talking loudly and in a deadpan android like voice, Kol said “You have caused me enough inconvenience. Now I need to find a different crew to hide in.” Then they vanished.
(setting belongs to @artcanary)
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iitaletreader · 8 years
Control Problems
The first time was unnoticed by most, in the crew at least. It was some time during the planet’s night and the crew was staying in a port. 
While everyone was asleep, Kol decided to go out of the ship to get food. They decided to be as anonymous as possible, so as not to get in trouble with the captain. They had been walking around the port for a bit when it happened. They saw one of their crewmates and had a moment of panic about getting caught. Kol pretty much wished that they could be someone else, and tried to avoid the crew member. Their attempt to avoid running into them did not work. But the crew member walked right by them, as if they did not recognize them. Kol was surprised by this but passed it off as simply not paying attention. Then they passed a reflective window and noticed. The scream turned heads in their direction from all over the square. What everyone saw was a skinny blue humanoid alien in pirates clothes frantically patting themself in a shop window. After a minute of this, still screaming slightly and becoming more and more panicked, Kol ran. When they got to the safety of an alley, they pulled out their communicator and used the camera to check their reflection. They were back to normal, but severely shaken.
(setting belongs to @artcanary)
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iitaletreader · 8 years
I have been chasing this bounty for a few months now, hunting down all mentions and sightings of the creature. 
The description on the bounty is vague, but recent sightings have given it a more solidified description. It appears to be a featureless barely humanoid horror in normal form but when it attacks the ends of its arms transform into long metal blades that it uses to kill any it chooses. It has surface circuits, like the androids, that shine silver when it attacks. It has apparently exhibited other powers such as teleportation and increased speed, but I am not sure which of those are true. I have come to this station because just this morning someone saw it killing a local crime lord.
As I head to the scene, I keep a close eye on the dark areas of the hallway, hoping to see something helpful. When I get to the destroyed entrance to the place, my shoulders slump and I sigh. There are already people inside and one of them looks like a bounty hunter. I step inside anyway, the acrid smell of blood making my breath catch in my throat. The others see me and start to leave. As they exit, I ask a question of the one at the back, “Did you see the creature that did this?”
The person looks at me, their brown eyes seeming to say that they think I am crazy and says “are you one of those cryptid hunters? Look, I saw something glowing silver run into that vent over there, but not much else. We have already answered the locals questions so you are more likely to get an answer out of them.” They turn around and head out the door while I stand there contemplating the answer. Suddenly thinking of another question, I sprint out the door after them, only to find the hallway empty without a sign of them in sight. Out of the corner of my eye I see a streak of silver and race off in pursuit.
My chase takes me into a local dive bar. I burst in, causing quite a bit of noise. The bar falls silent as everyone inside stares at me. I quickly glance over the occupants, and not seeing anything out of the ordinary, say “Have any of you seen a faceless monstrosity run through here?” The all the occupants of the room burst out laughing as if I am joking.
“You’re a faceless hunter, aren’t ya?” A burly man in the back laughs “Ain't no faceless fucker hear!” This results in another round of laughter from the occupants and I leave, there jeers echoing in my ears. I will find and stop this monster. And make a hefty sum from it.
“That was closer than I would like.” Kol said, turning back to the table, still looking like a large man and still speaking in the outrageous accent. “Next time let's leave the scene sooner, maybe avoid stuff like this.”
“Bronze needed some samples of the substance they were selling and Bolts couldn't harvest it any faster.” Mia responded, grinning under her helmet. “Anyway, we got what we came for, you made another bounty hunter look like a nut case, and we got to have a nice lunch.”
(Mia belongs to @d20-official) (Bronze and setting belong to @artcanary)
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canaryart · 8 years
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some DND character sketches; left is the antagonist from @griffemon‘s campaign, Oberon. right is Akvo, an antagonist in the space pirates campaign that i am running. 
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iitaletreader · 8 years
Froot Loops
It all started simply enough. Kol was getting some cereal when they noticed Da Yo leaving the room with a box in his hands. 
Kol thought nothing of it, until they checked the holder where the cereal was kept and all the Froot Loops were gone.
“There should still be about ¾ of a box here.” Kol thought. Then it hit them. Quickly turning invisible, Kol ran after Da Yo. Easily catching up with the tiny man, their suspicions were confirmed. Clasped in the small arms was the almost full box of Froot Loops. Deciding to follow instead of acting immediately, Kol followed Da Yo to the air lock. Still invisible, Kol grabbed a helmet and shifted to endure the cold of vacuum. When Da Yo threw the box into the air lock, Kol slipped in as well. They clung to the wall as the air drained and Da Yo tried to space the cereal. After the outer doors closed again, Kol cycled the lock and returned to the inside of the ship. After pouring a bowl, they put the cereal into a new spot and went about enjoying the snack.
It escalated when Da Yo tried to take the cereal again, this time while Kol was still holding it. Kol ended up teleporting all around the ship with the tiny irate man trying in vain to take the box. In the end, Kol slid the box into the wall, visible but untouchable, as a safe hiding spot. Da Yo has yet to be able to get it, but he keeps trying.
(setting belongs to @artcanary)
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iitaletreader · 8 years
The Ladder
“So we have to get down this ladder?” Armadra asked, looking down the dark shaft with a metal ladder stuck into the side. “That should not be a problem.”
As she started to climb down Avken’s foot stopped her. “I have no arms.” He said, clearly meaning that climbing down the ladder would be nearly impossible. After some deliberation, Armadra and Thera decided to lower Avken down on a rope between them as they also climbed down. About half way down, it all went to shit. First, Thera’s foot slipped off of the ladder, dropping the support out from under Avken suddenly. Then, with the sudden increase in weight, Armadra too slipped. The entire group fell haphazardly down the tunnel, landing in a pile at the bottom.
“Oh, guys, guess what.” Armadra’s voice came out from under the pile, “I have impact foam. Who would've thought I would have that.”
(Avken and setting belong to @artcanary)
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iitaletreader · 8 years
The Chase
warning: violence
The bounty hunter was getting away. Mia, or Eris as the black catfolk was better known, had already taken off after the figure. 
The robot was off somewhere and Froot Loops was off somewhere else. Kol was fairly certain that Da Yo was on top of Mia when she took off. Deciding that the dwarf was going to slow them down, Kol started to run. As Kol ran, they looked around. Not seeing anyone who looked like they disliked androids, Kol sped up. As they ran, traceries of circuits like liquid silver started to glow in their skin, distorting the air around them and causing them to blur as they ran. Kol was suddenly running far faster than before, reality slowed down to a much slower pace. Seeing the hunter ahead, with Mia and Da Yo, Kol went into a flying tackle. Both the hunter and Kol went flying, landing hard with Kol on top. The hunter immediately tried to stab Kol, but due to the speed enhancing effect, they were easily able to dodge. Smiling slightly, Kol raised their fist as it turned to metal. Kol brought it swinging down with a resounding clang.
As the large hulking figure that was now Kol walked off with the unconscious bounty hunter, the dwarf tried to follow. When he reached Kol, the massive man gestured and the dwarf was back where he started. Out of frustration or stupidity, he decided to turn into a bear and charge after Kol. Froot Loops gestured and the bear paused, then continued to rage, but not in the correct direction. Mia, after watching all of this with a slight smile, drew out her gun and with a resounding crack hit the bear so hard over the head that he would probably be feeling it till next week.
(Mia belongs to @d20-official) (Setting belongs to @artcanary)
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