#space pirate campaign
colonthreedotexe · 2 months
on the one hand pirates have such a cool vibe, on the other hand i do not want to live on a boat
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emokoala · 4 months
starting my first ever dnd campaign and i've already uttered the words "can i rizz up the ship".
i was told no >:T
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shyboikhai · 2 years
Adventures in SPACE!!!
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The Loose Ends
Pathfinder Pirate Campaign Character Reflection
Session 23-24
Context: The party has been spending their time getting their bearings in the city of Maeyrn in astral space. Maeya, for whom the city is named, gave Piper a memento of Dhul to give to Jhara. Then, during some shopping and restocking, Jhara and Piper came across a shop that appeared to have been broken into. It turned out to have been a misunderstanding. The shopkeeper just accidentally broke some glasses, but Piper had already managed to stick her nose where it didn't belong: literally. She put her face into what turned out to be a Wellspring of Knowledge, which kept her stick until she told it a secret.
Later than evening, the same demon spies appeared that had appeared in their tent back in Zaragoza. Before the party could catch them, they vanished.
Now, the party is pursuing a variety of jobs, to make money and prepare for their pending journey to hell. First on the list is helping an eccentric musician who can't write a song. Tonight, they're going to a concert!
Content Warnings: None
As soon as Piper drops the necklace into my hand, I know what it is. I don’t recognize the shape, or the magic that pulses from it, but I know the material. I know orc ivory. I’m confused. Piper tells me it’s Dhul’s, that Maeya gave it to her, and my confusion grows. Where did Maeya get this? Why did she give it to Piper? Piper can’t tell me much, and I'm left with a familiar emptiness as I clutch the weeping figure, with as many questions as ever. My bosun whistle suddenly feels heavier around my neck.
On the rail ride back to the Atlas, we grilled Piper about what happened with the fountain. She had to give it a secret. She didn’t want to answer, she never does, but she finally told us: She didn’t know if she wanted to save the world or let it rot, because she’s angry about her own pain. That answer is shitty, childish, and unbearably selfish, but it was honest. More honest than she has ever been, and that is something I can appreciate. That is something we can work with. I’m relieved, actually. If she’s going to be here and she wants to keep her freedom, we need complete and open honesty from now on.
Yunma’s question catches me off guard. “How do you deal with it?” It almost makes me want to laugh. If this is what dealing with death and grief and horror and loss is, I don’t want to know what not dealing with it would look like. But clearly, to him, I look more put together than I feel. Maybe he feels that way too. I tell him the truth; I have no idea. The only way I know how to deal with any of it is just… to keep going. Life goes on. The world keeps turning. And you do what you can for those that are still here. Having friends to rely on helps. I hope he knows he can rely on me.
He asks me about Saaria next. I don’t know how to answer that. She’s pretty. I’d like to get to know her more, being the only other drow I’ve ever met. We could have fun. It’d be a nice distraction. I fall asleep considering the possibility.
I don’t know what causes me to wake, but I jump up upon seeing the figure in the doorway, red, with pits for eyes, just like in the tent. But as soon as I grab my swords, it’s gone. Yunma and I race to Piper and Edward’s room. They saw the same. I remember what the captain said to Edward and I when we discovered the first one. I make everyone show me their tongues, but nothing is out of the ordinary. If there is another shape-shifting spy here, it is not one of us, but it is here, and we must be vigilant. 
For now, we have a concert to get to. It feels a bit silly, helping a musician who can’t write a song with so much else going on, but if Kaela feels it’s worth our time, I trust her. We have free tickets. Maybe someone would like to come along with us…
Feel free to send me any questions!
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a-little-pebbl · 1 year
Playing in multiple dnd campaigns at the same time is such a funny experience bc im in a group thats playing 2 different campaigns that switch every week and its hilarious when one week youre a stowaway space pirate whos maybe a few crayons short of a full box, mildly insane, a thief, all of which is part of a person in charge of a spacecrafts offensive gunnery and then the next your the partys cleric telling them to hey lets not do something dumb so someone doesn't die again.
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cheerscoops · 6 months
I just impulse bought more fate stuff as if I didn't just buy some fate stuff last week
send help
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kittenpower05 · 1 year
I am redesigning an old dnd oc and you know what this is fire
She died in the old campaign (right before it was discontinued) but what if some magical force whisked her away before she was devoured by a black hole? What if she spent years wandering the ethereal plane with a mentor who kept her company and gave her someone to sing songs to? What if she became a traveller of multiverses and planes? What if she ventured on a journey to find her old world, her old family, even though it may be futile? What if she multiclassed as an artificer and created universe-jumping machines in hopes that she can find her way back to her own? What if she was 10x hotter.
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fantokii · 2 years
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Iris Felwinn, bounty hunter!
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hannahmanderr · 11 months
Listen I just love Danny who is unnaturally good at the most seemingly random hobbies/jobs thanks to his ghost powers. The kind of thing where you wonder why he would even be doing such a thing in the first place, but he does it so strangely perfectly that you're left wondering why you ever doubted. It only adds to the mystery that is Danny Fenton.
Obviously the cheer AU is part of this, but there are so many other possibilities. I know I've seen people talking about him learning magic tricks and illusions and being terrifyingly good at it.
He gets roped into doing a stint as a stage hand during the spring play (bc detention doesn't work as a punishment, so Lancer has the idea of giving him "community service". It works better than expected, and Danny finds himself enjoying it). All the theater kids can talk about is how good he is at moving things silently, how he can creep about without being seen at all, how he can help set off some really dazzling special effects.
People on his block start to pay him to get into their crawl spaces for various reasons, because he manages to get in and out and maneuver about way better and faster than an actual professional.
All the athletes in the school start to wonder how he got so good at identifying injuries and helping remedy them, but he's just so fast and precise that they don't complain. More than one person jokes about how he should become a trainer.
After witnessing his tactical prowess during the events of "Pirate Radio," students start coming up to him to help them develop strategies for sports plays or debates or, in one case, a tabletop RPG campaign. He's not as good at figuring it out beforehand as he is at figuring it out in the heat of the moment, but that doesn't stop people. Dash can be seen more than once at the very edge of the sideline, asking him about certain plays.
Feel free to add on more ideas if you have them. I just love things that only add to the mystery that is Danny Fenton.
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kala-mies · 6 months
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Nooo little cowboy don't go to space!! This is a pirate campaign!!
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Imagine DND night with the beast pirates
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During one session
Queen: Alright, you idiots somehow managed to kidnap the ambassador. You have him tied up in the dank, dark, dilapidated dungeon of the old capital ruins.
King: We need to interrogate him for answers, it's clear that he's working for the necromancer, he might know where he is. I roll for intimidation, *rolls* sixteen.
Queen: *mutters,* of course that is where you go with it, pervert. *Speaks loudly,* Your intimidation is only slightly successful. The ambassador knows his life is in danger and needs to flee. However, he refuses to answer your questions. He proclaims, "I will never tell you anything, I shall be loyal to my master till my last breath!"
Kaido: *really in the character of his half-orc barbarian* that can be arranged, little man.
Queen: *rolls for him* The ambassador stutters, his voice quivering, "I just received messages from him and carried out his bidding, I don't know where he is really."
Yamato: Perception check, I'd like to see if he is lying.
Queen: you'll need a nineteen or higher, Are you sure you want to do that?
Yamato: *rolls* nat 20.
Queen: you can tell he's lying big time, you can practically smell the nervous flop sweat on this guy from across the room.
You: I can make him talk, I cast heat metal on his bones.
Queen: heat metal only works on metal, it's literally in the name of the spell. It doesn't work on bones, since they're made of calcium.
You: and calcium is a soft metal.
Queen: what's your source.
You: *came prepared to dispute this because you've been looking for an excuse to use this knowledge for evil. You pulled out an advanced chemistry textbook with the page bookmarked and the section highlighted, and handed it to him.* Read it and weep.
Queen: *puts on his reading glasses to read it* ... Dear god, okay, you cast heat metal, roll a d10 for me.
You: *rolls* 8
Queen: and with a plus three modifiers... you heat his bones until he's screaming. The ambassador lasts only thirty seconds before he reveals that the wizard necromancer, Typhus the Terrible, lives in the glittering palace deep in the inky caverns of Roptian, which is guarded by the onyx dragon.
Sasaki: yer kind of scary sometimes.
You: thank you.
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At another session
Queen: okay, you enter the throne room, and the evil wizard is lounging on the glittering throne, Typhus the Terrible.
King: I roll for initiative *rolls dice*
Queen: critical fail, your fighter is dead.
Kaido: *rolls for attack* critical fail.. Hmm, I hate this game.
Queen: you are also dead, (y/n), you are the only one left with any spell slots or turns left. What are you gonna do?
You: ... I would like to cast summon water
King: there goes that campaign.
Queen: that spell lets you fill a space with water, are you sure that's what you want to do.
You: yes
Queen: the room fills with water
You: I didn't cast it in the room.
Queen: where then did you cast it?
You: inside the wizard's skull.
The whole room: *horrified*
Queen: you can't do that
You: the spell specifies that it fills a space, and a skull cavity is a space. And you let me fill the chest down the hall with water, why not this dude's head?
Queen: ugh, hang on a minute, I need to figure out the damage.... You killed the boss... You flooded his brain with so much water, that his skull exploded.
King: that's the most messed up thing I've ever heard.
Kaido: *mutters* we've done worse.
You: you should be very glad I don't have a devil fruit
King: I'm starting to see that now, thank you.
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emptyjunior · 9 months
I'm rewatching Starstruck in the break, can I say I DESPERATELY would have loved to have seen this intergalactic chase across the stars from the Other Side😭
Like okay, campaign where you're a crew of kooky spacers on the run, classic, fun, oh the adventures we had.., can you Imagine what this story would have been like from the pursuers side? From Lucienne and UFTP?
You're Lucienne and you just got SCREWED on the corporate ladder and are already dealing with some rich trust fund kid DYING yet also leaving you in Charge of an insane company.
And during that you find out oh my god the world might be destroyed?? And there's a Princeps who has a super special computer that will decide the fate of the universe? So you stash them away to keep them safe and go back to covering up the murder you might be to blame for, because universe destroying computer is like priority TWO right now.
And then you find out?? Your ex lover friend has become a pirate???! And has STOLEN the princeps??! AND THE WORLD ENDING COMPUTER??! And quit??! And posted Nudes to the world??! And they look amazing?
So okay okay new priority is FIND THEM right NOW so you send all the resources in the world to go snatch them up which should be easy enough because you've seen them run, they're literally a weak and flailing office worker in a pencil skirt.
Welp! Next report comes in and they exploded a building with sex putty??? And decimated a fleet of the best fighters you can hire? And had time to go to a dogshow in between???
Fine, okay, it's fine because you KNOW they'll slip up again and they do! They show up,,., in a live stream? Partying with the ceo of space uber?? In a casino? That they just OPENED? WHILE THEY'RE ON THE RUN?!
So you go to that planet and go to contact the sheriff and his Head is on a Fucking Spike because your Friend absolutely wasted him? And kicked every police officer out of town so the whole town could go super super hard for space burning man?
And have escaped Again.
So now you're in some kind of room with like 20 screens and probably two blackberries in each hand, going full manhunt. Face recognition software, algorithms, zooming in on photos and yelling Enhance.
And you find them! And they👏 are👏 at👏 Disneyland👏! What! The! Fuck!
You send your best guys again! (And also??! These 'best guys' maybe have a space slug in their skull that's going to end the world! Can't even focus on that rn!). And then when they get back, happy and proud they show you the Princeps that they've captured and it's god damned thin air! Because it was a hologram and this dumb sonuva bitch is zonked out of his mind from a fish psychic. Great, of course. Of Course.
You're being hounded by your company, you still don't know where your 'dead fiance' is, you're running out of time. How are you ever going to find them- You check your phone they are doing a hunger games at Las Vegas. And a rival company has made them influencers. And they're famous.
Of course.
But you do pull it off in the end! You get them! You imprison them! And their one fatal flaw? They decided to reunite one of their crew members with their birth mother while being wanted criminals.
So that's the chase you got them (they escape again of course they escape, and the birth mother turns out to be a Hell of a business woman and maybe just did a masterful corporate maneuver on you.)
And it's so important to know that this entire time you've been chasing a Big Hot Dog.
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The Loose Ends
Pathfinder Pirate Campaign Character Reflection
Session 22
Context: After signing the contract, Yunma told us of his troubled past and missing friends. He asked Asczqual to provide information on Jhara's missing crewmates as well if we complete the contract, but Asczqual is physically unable to do so. Edward, Yunma, and Piper signed the contract, but Jhara abstained, though promises she will help them see it through.
The party, crew, and ship are towed to the nearby city, Maeyrn, sitting on the back of giant floating turtle. The party and crew get a much needed break and time to process everything. The party spent a night in a tavern, where Jhara met another drow for the first time in her life. Later, heated, drunken conversations happened, and were forgotten the next morning.
Content Warnings: Alcohol, getting drunk
I understand where Yunma is coming from. I probably understand better than anyone else here. He would do anything to find his missing friend, even if it meant signing an infernal contract. If Asczqual had information to share on my crew, I would have signed without question too. I appreciate Yunma asking more than I can express, but in the end, I could not sign.
We did learn something incredibly valuable, however: a lord of the Hells doesn’t want Asczqual to share information about our friends. Which means this ArchDuke knows something. I was going to follow Yunma into the Hells (literally) anyway, but now I have a reason of my own to go.
The city of Maeyrn is unlike anything I’ve ever dreamed. I want to explore as much of it as we can while we’re here, but now is the time for some much needed R&R. The tavern we find is beautiful, and, fortunately, relatively similar to taverns on the material plan. Despite being in a city on a giant turtle in the astral plane, what I’m most surprised to find is another drow. I’ve never met another dark elf outside of my immediate family my entire 2 centuries on this earth. I want to ask her a million questions, but the drink she gives me goes through me faster than any drink I’ve ever had.
I don’t remember most of the night after that. The next thing I know I’m awake on the ship with a raging headache. I vaguely remember talking to Piper and Edward last night, but the details are… fuzzy. I think I spoke to Yunma, too, about his sister sending a letter for me. I had hoped to ask him that more politely and more, well, soberly. 
Despite the horrific hangover, I have a job to do. I’m bosun of a ship I don’t know how to sail in a sea I do not know. It’s time to start learning.
Feel free to send me any questions!
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crunchy-rocc · 8 months
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does anyone here like ttrpgs that take place in scifi settings. if you do im holding my hands up and offering you an au where the foxes are pirates (in space !)
some notes under the cut because i didnt want to write it out lol
—kevin is an ex-solider of the new world order. he was riko’s right hand man when he was still on the E.A. Raven.
—he’s a navigator! which is the only type of person able to safely plan out courses through the Void, a dense part of space that can help ships travel faster AND is the source of power in this world.
—the scars on his hand displays a sky full of stars. this is NOT normal, it’s caused by void exposure, which every member of the fox crew has with few exceptions. they manifest in different ways.
—kevin gets two guns ❤️ the riffle is based off of one i had in a campaign that did so much damage
—neil was a stowaway on a ship when an accident on it occurred, leaving him the sole survivor and stranded in the middle of nowhere, empty space. the foxes rescued him.
—insists he’s not part of the fox’s crew until he meets riko. he immediately gets his first wanted poster plastered everywhere afterwards
—neils gun used to belong to mary. there’s an H engraved onto it
—andrew has two spirits bound to him, and they’re sir and king. they can converse with andrew and only andrew, as well as act as armor/weapons for him. cats are seen as good luck for ships btw . if tou even care
—didnt draw andrew’s knives because most of them are concealed and its funnier to leave people guessing. he does have four of them that are visible at all times though
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
Daily OFMD Renewal Tasks - Updated 01/31/2024
Hey all! These were starting to get a bit big for the Recap, so I'll link here instead. I'll keep this updated every day so feel free to reference back here and I'll link to this inside the Recaps.
==Things to remember==
Keep it positive! We are wooing them!
Only address one platform at a time!
Make it personal! Tell them why you want to be on that platform (inclusivity, diversity, other shows that are similar, etc)
“It’s okay to reuse some content with new tags but try to space the posts out a couple hours so they dont stack up on top of each other in hashtag very obviously.” -Jac
==Today's Hashtags==
==Platforms to Reach Out to==
If you reach out on the social medias, you can cater to individual mission statements per platform.
Cheat Sheet Below provided by @aproperpirate on Twitter
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If you wanna talk about the shows creativity, feel free to reference Ra Vincent's site, he was the Production Designer for OFMD. Great inspiration and pictures to use to show off to the networks.
It's also helpful for Amazon to show them the international reach
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== Vote on the Queerties! ==
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You can vote once a day!
Best TV Comedy
Best TV Performance
== US Social Media For Each Platform ==
Netflix @netflix
PrimeVideo @primevideo
Apple TV @appletv
Netflix @netflix
PrimeVideo @primevideo
Netflix @netflix
PrimeVideo @PrimeVideo
Apple TV @AppleTV
Netflix @netflix
PrimeVideo @PrimeVideo
Apple TV @AppleTV
==Daily Helpful Tasks:==
1. Push That Petition
2. Fill out Feedback forms:
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Make sure to request Our Flag Means Death on all the platforms, and indicate why you like the show (if that's an option) and keep it positive. Source: @Lcmwriter100 on Twitter
AppleTV - looking for an example letter? Check out @saltpepperbeard’s post
For Amazon Prime - Courtesy of @yougotofast over on twitter.
Existing Prime subscribers, you can access a Suggestions/Feedback form on the Prime Video app in the Settings > Help & Feedback section. The form is automatically tied to your Prime account, not sure if that makes any difference compared to anonymous feedback.
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3. Platform/Article Engagement
If you still have HBO Max, please still go ahead and stream Our Flag Means Death, it keeps up engagement and numbers.
Search Our Flag Means Death on Netflix
If you have Netflix, after your search, stream the first title that comes up for a few minutes.
Article Engagement - Source: @candiedsilkmoth on twitter
@itsmfgames Has been kind enough to be keeping up a running list of Articles about the campaigns -- so if you have the time and want to go catch up on some articles, please checkout the guide below and visit this google doc for the list!
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4. Make Calls
Contact Netflix and say why you love OFMD
You can call them at (844) 505-2993 as well and let them know about a hoard of pirates looking for a new home. You're welcome to try their toll free number as well (888) 638-3549
5. Daily Link Clicks to keep up engagement
Our Flag Means Death Wikipedia Page
Google Search for Our Flag Means Death
Google UK Search for Our Flag Means Death
Our Flag Means Death IMDB
Current @renewasacrew Daily Links:
For Industry specific help see @TheCozyPirate on Twitter as well. I will try to include any pertinent information in the Daily Recap or here, but if you have twitter they're a great resource
== RADIO! ==
Some awesome new suggestions from @AdoptACrew Check out the thread here. Link to the NPR suggestion site: Here
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=== Staying a Polite Menace to Max ===
For those of you who are still up for it-- We are still contacting Max and Commenting on their posts. Thank you @asgardian--angels for the reminder! I'll update this section with more details tomorrow once we have some more.
Current focus with Max is less requesting Renewal and more to Expressing Disappointment about them cancelling marginalised Stories (OFMD, Rap Sh!t, etc), specifically to give them bad PR.
We're still letting Casey Bloys and David Zaslav know no peace.
As usual please be polite, we're not letting max off the hook, but Monday there will be a news article coming out regarding this (Source: Jac (@TheCozyPirate) on Twitter))
==Media Resources (Pics, Gifs, Vids)==
Gifs, Pics, and Videos to use: show clips to use Src: @havethisonelife
Our lovely @kiwistede made some great custom gifs you can use to tweet and message the platforms with. Check out their tumblr here
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== Stats ==
Some Cool Stats you can use:
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Some folks like infographics instead of text so here's some stuff for you! Courtesy of @edandstede on Twitter
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I have a limited amount of pictures I can put on one post so here is a google drive with more: Google Drive
==Other ideas for engagement:==
Courtesy of @sandwrite2 on Twitter
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aguefort-awaits · 5 months
Not enough poll space for Burrows End so get in the comments and let me know if that's your choice!!!
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