liskantope · 2 years
Thanks for clarifying in response to my last ask! Back to the post you were discussing, specifically re: trolling (as opposed to more general "compulsive wittiness"), you speculate that "there’s another much more sinister component to" the sort of troll culture that's popular online among young right-wingers. What sort of component would you say that is? I figure you might be referring to people using shock humor to create plausible deniability around their actual beliefs, which I've def seen happen. Speaking from experience, if you're in an unhealthy enough place, sometimes not even YOU can distinguish between your genuine beliefs, your gut feelings, and provocativeness; from what I've heard this sounds like it might be the case for not just male trolls but also some radfems like Solanas.
You're absolutely right about using shock humor (or, I have noticed, excessively many layers of irony) to create plausible deniability, and I can certainly believe what you're saying about it getting to the point that you aren't even sure where what you're spewing out to the world begins and your actual beliefs end. (Coincidentally, the day I started writing this response I had just looked up Nick Fuentes because of current events and saw that he peddles Holocaust denial with a "just kidding guys" / "I'm only talking about Cookie Monster making cookies, any parallel to a real-life historical situation is your mind making connections on its own!" façade to it, and it's like... this technique can be taken really far to a really bad place.) I don't have any familiarity with Solanas and have fairly little exposure to radfems in general, so I can't speak to whether this issue is prevalent there, but I could imagine that it might be aside from the fact those spaces are a whole lot less male-dominated.
It took me some moments to recall what in my post from well over three years ago I was referring to when I said "there's another much more sinister component", and I don't think it's quite the thing that you brought up. It's even vaguely come back to me that at the time, I was kind of hoping someone might ask me what I meant so that I'd get around to expanding on it. I'm not sure I'll do it justice now because I haven't been thinking about it quite as much lately (the issues on my mind on this side of the pandemic era have been somewhat different and I think three years ago I was more preoccupied with trollish hate speech than now).
I think the "more sinister" thing I was referring to was the motive to bully based on perceived vulnerabilities.
Here's how it works according to my perception: a bunch of people make it clear that such-and-such thing (usually an expressed idea in the form of a really heavy, sensitive topic or a threat, but not a concrete action going beyond words) really isn't a joke, it's both incredibly upsetting and directly harmful, they're very triggered by it and so on. And a few bullies, who on some vague gut level don't understand and are irritated at that expression of speech or expressed speech in general being viewed as beyond the pale, decide "well, if you're so weak that this expression really hurts you, I'm just going to poke that hornet's nest as hard as I can", partly under a rationale that it's doing a service to teach those people to be less weak, but probably from a deeper motive of liking to feel power at the direct expense of the vulnerable.
The "expressed idea" can be anything from trollish offensive speech to spewing vile ideology to issuing (usually empty) threats of violence. The "more sinister thing" is that last "liking to feel someone else under their boot" motive I ended the last paragraph on, and it's often quite independent of any actual horrible ideological belief (which the bully may or may not hold).
And I have a long-time frustration with how many of the victims of this behavior frame it and the motivations behind it: they say it's simply proof of the ideology the troller believes and how prevalent these horrible ideological beliefs are and so on, when I imagine the primary motive of the troller is usually quite different. I'll bet a ton of guys posting pro-Nazi comments on forums or calling in death threats to Anita Sarkeesian events couldn't care less about Hitler's cause or feminist claims of sexism in the video game industry -- they are just disgusted by the fragility of the groups of people they've chosen to victimize and enjoy the feeling of being able to hurt them so much with very cheap anonymous words.
And I'm pretty sure that if I were to float this alternate view of what makes these scumbags tick, it would be met with an accusation of wanting to defend them. Not only am I not defending them at all, but what I'm suggesting is arguably an even worse motive than the one commonly being ascribed to them. Someone who aggressively but earnestly promotes their ideological views or fights their ideological war with words, even if their ideology is a completely hideous one like Naziism, at least is waging a battle for a greater cause than themself. Someone who trolls for the sake of directly hurting someone else and feeling bigger and stronger than them, under a half-formed rationale of justly punishing them for being more fragile than the troller judges they should be, is truly occupying the very lowest rung of sliminess in my eyes.
And... I know this has become a hobbyhorse of mine that I keep circling back to, but this points to, let's just say, a disadvantage of being more rather than less fragile. To be clear, in most of the examples where this trolly bullying comes up, the affected group has very very good reasons to be sensitive to the deliberately-provocative ideas they are being forced to handle (e.g. Holocaust denial), and as far as death threats go, of course those need to be taken very seriously because there's always a greater-than-zero chance that a death threat has actual murderous intentions backing it up. But the more a group of people publicly plays up how incredibly triggered they are at the most subtle expressions of ideas that suggest a threat to them, the more they're creating a great big target sign for bullies hungry for a cheap means to a feeling of power over others. It's something I wish more people would keep in mind.
Anyway, this is all quite separate from the "compulsive wittiness" I had begun that other post by talking about.
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geezerwench · 3 months
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We should have dug a deeper hole.
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personalrprants · 5 months
You know, there is always something hilarious about nazis always using the "Why are you unwanted everywhere you go?" Like, yes, why is it that every country that has been corrupted by the antisemitic and imperialist European countries suddenly become antisemitic, too? Gee, there couldn't possibly be any correlation here to be found!
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harmcityherald · 3 months
Republican glee over "immunity" decision shows they don't fear Donald Trump — they desire a dictator | Salon.com
#well written#the man is a killer in disguise#who no longer needs the disguise#people have died because of him and people will die if they are allowed to seize power#so important to vote#yes biden is old and yes he is capitulate with isreal genoside#but the republican party is the new nazi party#the new front national and golden dawn#theyve planned this shit in a long game to take power and they are almost there#wheres my john hinkleys and my oswalds?#now is your moment#the day trump gets in office is the end of america its so fucking clear#You can call me a conspiracy theorist if you like I do not care#Right wing factions have seized power all over the planet Since the 90s#Neo Nazism is a cancer And I have always known it#Way back in the 80s When I had To beat up skinheads behind the club#Naziism is not dead it is alive and well and living in the republican party#The absolute glee on their faces as they talk about it should tell you#And they think they are heroes for the furhur (sic) and the white race#Then don't lie to yourself The majority of white people in the US will vote with their racsism because they are afraid of the other races#They will say no Harm is crazy don't listen to him He's a conspiracy theorist nutball psychopath#But it is 100% true#they will agree to the chains of fascism to preserve the purity they imagine they have#they lie to themselves and to everyone#so fucking vote and stfu about replacing biden its a fucking smoke screen#yea I fucking said it#and its true#our real enemies are the nazis and the nazis are wearing republican skins#skinwalkers if you like#very few real republicans left
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queer-ghosts · 3 months
i fucking hate when people pretend there's no problems in Germany. just say you're extremely privileged and don't consider other's perspectives and fuck off
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its-elvie-innit · 10 months
Dude I have a friend at UW Madison, & apparently, today they had a big group of neo nazis (aka big baby whiny poop pants that piss themselves) March on the capital. But it's protected under "free speech" ofc.
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sharp-rosee · 2 months
A lot of "radfems" continually peddle the idea that Middle Eastern men are more misogynistic than white, "Western" men and either do not realize or purposefully do not mention that this rhetoric was started by the far right to popularize white supremacy/Neo Naziism and is a dogwhistle to "The Great Replacement" theory.
They start off at first framing their worry with immigrants by spinning a story of how Middle Eastern men are coming into Europe and raising the incidents of rape to an extremely high degree. They show false statistics and reports that have been faked to further convince you of this new rape epidemic.
After watching crazy exposes of these supposed incidents you continue to "research" more and more into this phenomenon, why nobody is acknowledging it, etc. and after they radicalize you into hating these men specifically, they introduce escalating ideas of racism to you until the idea of the "great replacement" is acceptable to you - and that we shouldn't accept immigrants and refugees because rapists are coming through the border to Rape our Women and Convert them to Islam (and to get rid of white people) and we hate the Men, not women! (Ignore that a majority of refugees are women and children; ignore that immigration is a lengthy process, and "Illegal immigrants" are just refugees, those who have been on the waiting lists for years, or those who are technically considered "illegal" because they didn't renew their visas; ignore that the sources we provided are made up, ignore that we only ever talk about black and brown people, we can't have white people going extinct- being replaced!)
How do I know about this and the things they say? I was introduced to a big part of alt right propaganda by Lauren Southern, which led me down what online leftists called the "alt-right pipeline." I wasn't looking for this, I was introduced after watching more and more misogynistic content. It happened slowly, and before long, I knew of the theory. I knew of the Evil Jews destroying the Earth. I awaited the Boogaloo. Overall, though, I didn't care much for these theories - I just wanted to indulge in my self hatred, and yet bigotry was instilled in every misogynistic content they produced. Every word and line they said implanted the seed of what they were really fighting for. And although I enjoyed letting my mental illness fester by watching this content, I couldn't ignore the racism/homophobia/etc. and, in a way, I suppose that made me realize that misogyny was illogical just like any other bigotry, too.
I was going to link to Lauren Southern's video popularizing this term further and how she uses the rhetoric above, however, she's since deleted it. Another Youtuber has called her out in this video here, which clips some of her original video:
More examples of her peddling the Rapist Immigrant rhetoric:
Seeing the same propaganda pop up in the space I've learned to love myself in is terrifying. Seeing the beginnings of what became an awful ideology I found myself in whenever I festered in my own mentally ill thoughts is terrifying.
This is a racist talking point you are promoting. It is false. It has been disproven time and time again and yet here you are, still believing in it.
And to any radfems still questioning that this is propaganda, I urge you ask yourselves:
What sources gave you this information?
Why is it only this specific group of men?
If reports of rape are rare compared to actual incidents of rape, and if the concept of "false accusations" are always brought up whenever any incidents of rape do get reported/do occur, why is it only in this specific instance that rape is being called out at all?
If the sources that gave you this information truly cared about women, why do they never report similar "spikes" when referring to immigrants/refugees in other countries or just in other countries in general?
If you can believe it is all men, then why do you assume that one culture is worse when there are similar or even higher misogyny rates in every single country on planet Earth?
If you still cannot introspect on your racism and the origins of the ideas you are peddling, whether ignorant to it before, you are not a radical feminist, let alone a feminist at all. You are a white supremacist. You are not welcome here, and never will be.
And above all else, you are actively harming and making it unsafe for black and brown people, especially black and brown women, to be here on Tumblr and make it unsafe for them to exist at all.
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butchrupertgiles · 1 year
"sniper wolf" is a metal gear character and metal gear fans tend to have brains that are broken in entirely different ways than regular ol' neo-naziism so i think "sssniperwolf" is just mean to be, like, hissing
i see. struck by in the same vein pspspspsycho mantis. like youre beckoning your cat psycho mantis
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rjalker · 1 year
I saw a post yesterday about self-proclaimed leftists figuring out the identity of a neo-Nazi and reacting to his Naziism, not by uhhhhhhhhhh you know, anything logical like saying he's a bad person, no, they all decided to mock him for being fat and calling him a "soyboy", which is literally a Nazi fucking dogwhistle. Literally using the exact same bigoted tactics that Nazis use and pretending it's okay because they call themselves leftists. Just showing everyone that they fucking hate trans people and fat people and are just waiting until there's an "acceptable" target to levy their bigotry against.
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niconiconwo · 1 year
What is a left-fash
This would take way more than just one ask to get into but essentially it's taking Fascism proper (Italian) and going more towards the Soviet model. More precisely it is importing some Soviet characteristics into the original constitution of Fiume which was largely abandoned by Fascists during the era under the crown, and which was somewhat symbolically revered during the republican era.
Historical circumstance meant that undilute Fascism was never fully implemented as a way to garner political support from royalists and the capital classes, and the republic being merely a Nazi puppet meant that even then, free from the restraints of the crown, it was generally just another Neo-Bismarkian Germanic junta completely devoid of any real adherence to Fascist organisation or ideals.
Anyways if you are willing to read something, look at the Constitution of Fiume (you can find it on Wikisource in an English translated version). Additionally, I call myself "left-fash" because while Manifesto has some very good pearls in it, I am not entirely a fan of Doctrine which was ghost-written largely by Gentile and his flavor of Hegelianism which kinda sucks actually imo. Worthwhile to think about but some of it just isn't it.
By the way ignore anything written on Fascism by Anglo-Germans other than maybe the Standestaat folks, or non-Latins in general because the label "fascism" has become so abused and appropriated it makes it hard to actually see what Fascism was going for (which is deliberate because it was a threat to Liberalism). Naziism is not Fash, Autocracy is not Fash, etc.
EDIT: Important addition ignore that sex magic Germaboo loser Evola too. He had no clue what he was talking about and was both a traitor and a fraud an intellectual whore and basically Ur-Incel.
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cuntryhuman · 2 years
ok yall, survery
if someone is unwilling to learn why their ideology/something containing this ideology (i.e. neo naziism) is harmful, after attempting to explain it to them, and them refusing, is telling thwm kys/something of the sort ok(this includes jf they dont even listen in the first place)
reponese in asks pls
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skarlettriott · 6 months
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melodromacy · 2 years
yea nvm fuck hatred. the person who wrote nottem's dialogue is a neo-nazi and is in a band called Infernal War (previously: Infernal SS) - the guitarist of Infernal War is named Zyklon. Yeah, after the gas they used.
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theculturedmarxist · 3 years
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Instagram decided to side with a neo nazi after my partner name dropped them
Sorry, owning the ring sun flag and posing with it while venting about Ukrainian rupees and using the actual phrase "they should be gassed" does make you a neo nazi. Doesn't matter if your bigender, disabled and hae friends who are minorities. And its absolutely NOT just because they're part German so idk where they're getting that from. Not all Germans are nazis but you absolutely are
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You're ponies sport red arm bands and one even has the iron cross WITH THE EAGLE as it's cutie mark. You are a nazi.
Be warned if you go to their page, they pose with their flag A LOT right now.
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deanmarywinchester · 5 years
what do u mean TRoS wasn’t hopeful it’s about how good people will stand up to oppression everywhere, how the bonds of friendship can defeat evil empires, and how a space war criminal can have time for an act of heroism before he fucking dies for his crimes
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