#neon doctrine
satoshi-mochida · 9 months
Fantasy adventure game Altheia: The Wrath of Aferi announced for PS5, Xbox Series, Switch, and PC
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Publisher Neon Doctrine and developer MarsLit Games have announced fantasy adventure game Altheia: The Wrath of Aferi for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC (Steam, Microsoft Store). A release date was not announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via Neon Doctrine:
Experience a thrilling fantasy adventure inspired by the works of Studio Ghibli and Studio Chizu, where reluctant duo Lili and Sadi must learn to work together to survive the journey ahead. After losing her mother to an ancient evil, Lili doesn’t want anything to do with her mother’s legacy of being a Guardian. However, when Lili rescues a Monk-in-training named Sadi, the latter urges her to revive the traditional partnership of Guardians and Monks and help him save their home from the mysterious corrupting Void. But the world of Atarassia is a dangerous place, filled with monsters and obstacles spawned from the Void, all deadly to a reluctant and unprepared hero. Lili and Sadi will need to combine their wits, their wills, and their strength of arms and magic to defeat the Void’s corruption, and finally confront the god that took their families from them. Take on dungeons full of mechanical puzzles to be solved, Void monsters to battle, and friendly spirits to rescue as Lili and Sadi discover what it means to truly be partners, and to assume their heroic destinies as Guardian and Monk.
Key Features
Combine the powers of a martial Guardian and a magical Monk to take on enemies and puzzles that can’t be beaten alone.
Explore winding dungeons inspired by the classic Zelda games, made up of beautiful but corrupted temples and shrines dotted all around the world of Atarassia, and befriend the spirits that live within.
Battle giant monsters in places that have been deeply corrupted by the Void and defeat them to free the surroundings at last.
Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.
Announce Trailer
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brutalgamer · 9 months
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The new update for FPS/RPG Devilated adds in a ton of new content
From Neon Doctrine and developer Trunka, retro-FPS Devilated has just gotten a massive content drop dubbed Great Earl of Hell.
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aevallare · 2 months
tagged by @anosrepasi!!! i am only doing this for my main fandom account because the other one is between me and god <3
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
currently bg3 is everything all the time. i've also written for mass effect, arcane, league of legends, dragon age, legend of zelda, fallout, kingdom hearts, stardew valley, and genshin impact
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1 - kindred (baldur's gate 3 - astarion/f!tav)
2 - insinuations (arcane - jayce/viktor)
3 - doctrine (arcane - jayce/viktor)
4 - celestial (arcane - jayce/viktor)
5. a sycophantic, prophetic, socratic junkie wannabe (fallout - deacon/f!sole survivor)
5) Do you respond to comments?
when i can!! i'm posting three multi-chapter fics simultaneously so it doesn't always work out lol
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
treason (fallout 4 - deacon/f!sole survivor) - sorry deacon lmao.
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i mostly write happy endings, but i think the happiest is probably doctrine because arcane s1 ended so sad that mine looks like a fairytale lol.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah. what kind don't i write at this point
10) Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not really
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i've had whole fics stolen and concepts plagiarized
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes!! i've co-written with @caspercryptid and @the-neon-pineapple in the past and i hope to link up with both them and @dishsaop in the future. i will also be giving astarion TWO weed-smoking girlfriends with @again-please :3
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
never ask me this question again
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i finish every fic i start nowadays
16) What are your writing strengths?
sheer word count lmfao
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
smut is by far the weakest part of my writing i think though it's been getting better since i've trial-by-fired myself with the white boy of the century
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i did it in sycophantic a fair amount because clara is danish but i also speak danish fluently. astarion also speaks elvish sometimes in kindred but it's purposefully not understandable.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
fullmetal alchemist or naruto
20) Favorite fic you’ve written?
every fic i've ever written is my favorite i shan't choose between my children (i love you pour one out)
i'll taaaaag @dwarfsized @again-please @caspercryptid @the-neon-pineapple @p-inkbrush @commander-krios @kittenintheden and @cursedhaglette <3
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
Literally wrote this bc of a bloody Miami Vice Jeopardy question (the brainrot is fatal)
Eddie would totally have a regretable (and to him, totally cringe) crush Don Johnson in Miami Vice. Yeah, yeah he watches it with Wayne who thinks it's cool and fun.
"Hip," the old man even said once and was promptly met with the world's biggest eye roll.
So Eddie sits on the couch with his uncle, who's having a beer as he watches "his shows" on his night off. Eddie just sinks lower and lower in this chair thinking, 'Damn it, I have a lameo crush on this Sonny Crockett guy... A god damn fictional cop running around Miami to deafening tones of stupid synthizer 'music''.
And that truly goes against the Munson doctrine.
Later when he realises he's got a world-ending painful crush on one Steve Harrington, Eddie comes to the unfortunate conclusion that he in fact, has a type.
And beacuse his life is one big embarrassing joke, Steve shows up for an outing with the kids one day wearing his sunglasses and a bright almost-neon blue t-shirt tucked into his jeans.
"I just think he could look a little zestier," Robin shrugs as soon as Eddie confronts her, demanding to know why Steve would be wearing that in his presence.
Not that he has any control over what the guy wears. It's probably all a scheme to get a date anyway...
Then Steve wears a pink t-shirt to work and Eddie just about falls over on his way into Family Video, blinded.
As is his curse, the suffering never ends and Eddie finds himself in a thift store with Robin (aka, the problem-causing fashionista), holding up a white blazer, shoulder pads and all, asking if she should buy it for herself.
It's way too big, even for someone who tends to exclusively wear oversized jackets.
He looks it over, breathing heavily to the point Buckley starts looking at him funny.
But it would look oh so good on Steve.
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ephemeral-eternity · 2 years
Thanks for the tag! @kfw-dan
Name: Dany
Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5’6”
Time: 8:15 am
Birthday: January 24
Favorite Artist/Band: My Chemical Romance, Nothing but Thieves, Miyashita Yuu/Doctrine Doctrine, Utada Hikaru, Celldweller. I tend to latch on to individual songs for a while rather than bands/artists but those ones are the most re-occurring.
Last Movie: Belle
Last Videogame: Drakengard 3
Last Show: currently re-watchinng Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens with a friend
Last Book: Yorha Boys
When I created this blog: Back in 2012, im not going back to figure out the month… I want to say it was February?
What I post: Whatever I want. Probably anime and Critical Role and miscellaneous end up here the most. I tend to channel most of my interests into my side blogs (NGE and Nier being the main two).
Other Blogs: i have a Neon Genesis Evangelion, Nier/Drakengard, and Hero Academia side blogs
Do I get asks: No
Average Hours of Sleep: 5
What im wearing: still my pajamas as its 8 am - sweatpants and t-shirt
Dream job: being 5 years in to teaching where I have tenure and know what I am doing
Dream Trip: Japan for an extended time where I can relax and see everything I want to
Favorite songs (and quotes from them just to spice things up):
Edit: so i started this forever ago and stopped at the favorite songs and quotes because id have to go back and listen to things due to my bad memory and that just never happened. So i am not going to finish this and just post as is because I can no longer remember what the other prompts are now and if i dont just post this I never will lol
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
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Stealth platformer The Library of Babel will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on April 7, publisher Neon Doctrine and developer Tanuki Game Studio announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Inspired by Jorge Luis Borjes’ short story of the same name, The Library of Babel welcomes you to a world 20,000 years after the extinction of humanity. The world is now run by advanced robots, who know very little about their mythical creators. All is well and orderly in a society run by robots, until the discovery of a library that contains everything that has, is, and will ever be written— the perfect harbinger of chaos.
You play as Ludovik, a Seeker, sent to investigate a murder case in Babylon. When a state of emergency is suddenly declared, Ludovik finds himself in increasingly dangerous territory as he follows the murderer’s trail and unravels the mystery behind the Library’s sudden lockdown.
Featuring a world full of vast jungles, abandoned temples, and plentiful cybernetic inhabitants to interact with, The Library of Babel promises both a thrilling adventure full of danger and intrigue, and a thoughtful, atmospheric tale of how we consider infinity.
Key Features
An overgrown yet futuristic world with beautifully hand-drawn 2D environments.
Deadly obstacles and even deadlier enemies to avoid, as Ludovik prefers agility and stealth over violence.
Dialogue and Inventory management systems reminiscent of the graphic adventure games of the 90s.
A moody, philosophical science fiction story inspired by The Library of Babel and Apocalypse Now.
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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coccolithophore · 2 years
5 & 10 for redeemer; 41, 44, 64 for him
this got long so im gonna slap a cut on here
neon the redeemer 5. do they follow a higher power? what are their thoughts on divinity? yeasss so this answer is gonna get long AND require some backstory lore. in the beyond religious folks worship the sun, it is a bit like fantasy catholicism but there are regional variants because there's not really a centralized church. the vague story common in the religion is that the sun was a real person who martyred themselves to save the world from darkness and became the sun you see in the sky. the basic tenants are usually just be a good person and be nice to other people. since neon is from sin city, the sun religion focuses more on forgiveness rather than actually doing good things on the day to day. "you may be a low down piece of gutter trash but hey if you go to my church and pay a low low monthly fee of $6.99 there's hope for you!" sort of thing lol neon is disgusted by the way the sun church takes advantage of people but does believe in the doctrine of forgiveness and doing good by others. their character concept is a vigilante... priest?? sort of thing. they frequent casinos, bars and places like that to keep an eye on people who are causing trouble. they're not afraid to beat people up and get their hands dirty to stop violence and crime... but sees the good in others and offers a helping hand and a chance for people who are down on their luck to turn their lives around. they run a church/sanctuary/safehouse type deal where people can get back on their feet away from the pressure of the city. neon does not aim to convert people to their religion, but to be like the sun and earn forgiveness for themselves. they hope to spread some kindness to people who have never been told they are worth saving, which they see as an act of faith in of itself.
10. how often do they lie? what situations cause them to be dishonest?
neon doesn't talk about themselves much and doesn't press others to open up either. i don't necessarily think they lie a lot but dealing with people in sin city who could kill them OR whose lives neon could potentially compromise by knowing too much would not be great so they recognize the importance of... discretion.
him: 41. what are they attracted to in other people? him gets crushes really easily and if someone pays attention to him he will hear wedding bells. ideally he would like to be with someone who would want to settle down with him and have kids. but he can basically see good traits in anyone even when he shouldn't.
physically he would notice a nice smile and laugh. and. this is not a preference or anything but he DOES get very flustered by people who are taller or larger than himself lsdf he's used to being the biggest one in a room so if someone makes him feel Small he does not know how to act.
44. what do they need to learn? that he doesn't have to do things for people in order for them to like them. and also what he actually wants to do with his life if he doesn't die trying to save the world.
64. do they value mercy or justice more? FKDJS hard question. a little of both for sure. he hates corrupt power systems and is always ready to bring down corrupt people who hurt the innocent. won't give people like that a moment of mercy. but, perhaps to a fault, he can generally understand that circumstances can lead people into bad situations and is willing to hear people out IF they haven't like. committed crimes against humanity or framed him for murder for example.
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xasha777 · 1 month
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In the luminous heart of Neo-Eden, a sprawling megacity that pulsed with neon lights and cutting-edge technology, the echoes of an ancient dualistic battle stirred beneath the sleek surface of progress. It was here, amidst the towering skyscrapers and shadowed alleyways, that Aria found herself drawn into a conflict as old as time itself: the struggle between light and darkness, epitomized by the forgotten teachings of Manichaeism.
Aria, with her striking white hair and piercing blue eyes, was not merely a citizen of Neo-Eden but a chosen emissary of the Light. The luminous choker adorned with the symbol of the X, known among the few enlightened as the Seal of Synthesis, marked her as a key player in the metaphysical war that raged unseen. It was said that the Seal granted its wearer the ability to balance the opposing forces of good and evil, making her a target for both factions.
As the story unfolded, Aria discovered her origins were intertwined with a secret order, the Custodians of Light, who had safeguarded the knowledge of Manichaeism through the ages. This ancient doctrine taught of a cosmic struggle between the benevolent forces of Light, led by the mysterious entity known only as the Pure, and the malevolent Dark, commanded by the sinister Shadowmaster.
One night, under the cover of darkness, Aria was ambushed by agents of the Dark. They sought to capture her and extinguish the Seal’s power, tipping the balance in favor of chaos and ruin. But Aria, guided by the wisdom of her ancestors and her own latent powers, managed to escape, diving deeper into the underbelly of Neo-Eden.
Her journey led her to the Archive, a hidden library of forgotten lore, where she uncovered the Prophecy of the Binary Star. It foretold the emergence of a Dark emissary who would rise as her counterpart, possessing a Seal that embodied the inverse, a sigil of shadow. The prophecy spoke of a final confrontation between the two that would either restore balance or doom the world to an era of darkness.
Determined to thwart this grim fate, Aria sought out allies in the unlikeliest of places, from rogue androids to cybernetic seers. Together, they unraveled clues that led them across the city, from the soaring heights of the Aerium, a district floating among the clouds, to the depths of the Subterra, a network of tunnels shrouded in mystery.
As the celestial cycles neared their critical alignment, Aria faced the emissary of the Dark in a battle that transcended physical boundaries, venturing into the very essence of their beings. Light clashed with shadow in a dazzling spectacle, each blow echoing the ancient conflict of their beliefs.
In the end, as the city watched, suspended in a moment outside of time, Aria managed to harness the full power of the Seal of Synthesis. With a burst of blinding light, she enveloped both herself and her adversary, fusing the duality into unity. Neo-Eden awoke to a new dawn, one where light and darkness coexisted in a delicate balance, safeguarded by Aria, the keeper of the new order.
Thus, the ancient teachings of Manichaeism found a new expression in the future, a reminder that even in a world ruled by technology and progress, the oldest conflicts of the human spirit persist, demanding resolution not through conquest, but through synthesis.
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GOG releases 3 new games from Nacon
3 new titles from French publisher Nacon make their DRM-free debut on GOG, accompanied by a promo sale. After the GOG releases 5 new games from Neon Doctrine article, this blog entry focuses on another, quite different company that also excels in unique visuals and different gameplay styles (with my favorite being the surprisingly accurate adaptation of a cult sci-fi action flick): Teyon‘s…
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teragames · 7 months
The Legend of Tianding, el aclamado metroidvania beat'em up ambientado en el Taiwan colonial ya está disponible en español
Neon Doctrine, publicadora de juegos independientes como Yuppie Psycho, The Library of Babel, Lamentume la aclamada serie SIMULACRA, y la desarrolladora Creative Games Computer Graphics Corporation tienen el orgullo de anunciar que su juego The Legend of Tianding ya cuenta con localización al español. El juego es un beat’em up muy bien valorado, repleto de acción y con elementos de metroidvania,…
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crazygamecommunity · 7 months
Death Trick: Double Blind sarà rilasciato anche su Switch
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Death Trick: Double Blind verrà lanciato su Switch insieme alla versione PC (Steam) all'inizio del 2024, hanno annunciato Neon Doctrine e lo sviluppatore Misty Mountain Studio. Read the full article
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pletnet · 8 months
The Legend of Tianding: Embárcate en una Aventura de Justicia
“The Legend of Tianding” te transporta a las calles de Taiwán colonial, donde la justicia se busca en combates épicos. ¡Únete a Tianding en esta emocionante odisea! “The Legend of Tianding” ya está aquí. Neon Doctrine, la editorial de juegos independientes detrás de títulos notables como Yuppie Psycho, The Library of Babel, Lamentum, y la serie aclamada SIMULACRA, se enorgullece de presentar…
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bigbloatedblueberry · 9 months
[bewilderingly amused steps approaching they sometimes stop, sometimes not someone, who can try but will never want to stand neither left nor right of air or water, sparks a same glowing hand of the main to the still right side of the, from the public’s perspective, unseen part of the stage serendipity follows how come? well, there cannot be real serendipity anyway] LIGHT! [which one? well, of course the kind of scarlet that looks sometimes orange sometimes space grey one you mean the one that feels soothing? YES got it]
[commentator – sun // narrator – moon] A new spot that itself denies to stand still somewhere with a theoretical relation to both AIR and WATER, always on the completely otherwise blackened stage of this meteoric parliamentary circularly spectacular kind of in between place got lighted! Color? A deep lighted neon orange kind of dangerous yet happy yellow thought of scarlet yet purple one – or other. Has the sound of everything that is broken up and dances. A persona stands there. Lighted yet in shadow. One cannot make out any specific facial features – the persona flavors stealth serenity. Well, never mind. According to one’s ears, the standing in standing persona seems ready and precisely not in need of a recognition. One can say so according to the depth of the personas’ flowing hair, always combined with the width of the all-around thrown flying sparkling arrowed glances. This is, after all, a well-known truth, a one, that can only itself be true in the case where an unyielding strength, the one of an unperfected excessiveness, squeezes itself to fit in between a fluent wonderer and an upwards diver, who, simultaneously is, a downwards fuser, like this not recognized one, we all find ourselves tonight.
[fire] A fortunate player leaks a pointed substance of a galvanized feather into a cornered perspective. Furthermore, we leave no one who has been convicted the power to give, buy, sell, or even make a contract. [18] A systematic hunter of the collective gathering observes a digitalized frequency resonating with an arranged seeker of philosophy, juxtaposed in a neutral, limitless, unspecified space without frame. But, by reading between the lines, an attentive student can detect in it a great deal of the positive doctrine afterwards incorporated in the Social Contract. [19] A known stranger is revealing both a forgotten idea and a standard memory of doubly paradoxical dynamic images of the outer world. Besides, no one makes a contract respecting the future except in the light of the circumstances of the time; when these change, the entire situation must be reconsidered. [20]
[commentator – sun // narrator – moon] Well, in that case, we can tonight as well as appreciate the fact that the circumstances of the time themselves do indeed love above and beyond all to change and, thus, we should too then flow on with this spectacle. After all, the third of the 4 was just gifted to you, dear private public of this meteoric parliamentary circularly spectacular kind of in between place.
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independentartistbuzz · 10 months
Ambient EDM Artist Sebastian Reynolds Reveals New Single + Video for "How to Move Forward"
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How To Move Forward is the new single by British keyboard player and producer Sebastian Reynolds, it features a guest appearance from ex-Navy Seal and motivational public speaker Jocko Willink. How To Move Forward will be released via the PinDrop label on 1st September and follows the Fetus single on 11th August and the Cascade single on 21st July with all tracks taken from Reynolds' debut album, Canary, due on 29th September 2023. How To Move Forward comes with a video cut from footage taken during a night raid in Afghanistan captured by ex-army operative and YouTuber Funker530.
Watch and listen here:  
How To Move Forward follows on from the recent Cascade single, encapsulating the feeling of dread in the face of encroaching catastrophe. "Keep calm and figure out how to move forward" is an injunction from decorated Navy Seal Jocko Willink and in this context the army maxim of "keep your world small" is held up as a self-help doctrine of the simplest and highest order. Even through the hardest times self-betterment is always possible, and there is a quasi-religious overtone to it when rendered as a mantra. Musically How To Move Forward was inspired by the claustrophobic dystopia of The Eraser by Thom Yorke, and has a nod to cult stars such as Akira The Don, famed for his innovative use of sampling from stars of podcast culture.
Sebastian Reynolds has released a string of EPs and singles over the last decade including the pair of EPs Nihilism is Pointless / The Universe Remembers, Athletics EP, the Thai EPs Mahajanaka / Maṇīmekhalā and the trio collaboration records Solo Collective Pt 1+2 with Anne Müller and Alex Stolze. Alongside his own releases, Sebastian continues to work on commissions for Neon Dance, whose work that he scored, Puzzle Creature, has completed two tours to Japan and across the UK. He co-produced and scored the Thai dance and music collaboration piece Mahajanaka Dance Drama and is currently working on a film commission for Oxford University.
Fetus was composed and produced by Sebastian Reynolds in collaboration with Mike Bannard at Safehouse Studios, Oxford. Mastered by Andreas [LUPO] Lubich at Loop-O, Berlin.
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
The Library of Babel releases today digitally for the PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One, Switch and Steam.
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cajuinadepixel · 11 months
“Death Trick: Double Blind”: conheça o jogo
Imagem: Misty Mountain Studio Desenvolvido pela Misty Mountain Studio e publicado pela Neon Doctrine, “Death Trick: Double Blind” será lançado para PC. O jogo estará disponível para compra até o final do ano, ou até o ano de 2023. O jogo é centrado em quebra-cabeças e conta a história de um circo itinerante em meados do século 20 nos Estados Unidos, quando tais espetáculos estavam no auge de…
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