#nera granic fanfiction
ngfics · 4 years
Huff and Puff
Huff and Puff, The Fool’s Journey
(SIOC as Leanora 'Lea' Pyrites in Harry Potter world)
Series Tile: Huff and Puff, The Fool’s Journey
Story Titles: Fool's White Flower, Fool's Sea, Fool's Web, Fool's Calling Card (HP1), Fool's Bag of Trick (HP2), Fool's Clarity (HP3), Fool's White Dog (HP4), Fool's Last Dance (HP 5), Fool's Cliff (HP6 ), Fool's Gold(war and epilogue) + SnakeSkin (Before the Fool)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre: Friendship / Family
Characters: Leanora 'Lea' Pyrites (SIOC), Ferdinand Pyrites (OC), Smantha Pyrites (OC), Vincent Pyrites (OC), Simon Pyrites (OC), Isobel Pyrites (OC), Hector Pyrites (OC), Cedric Diggory, Éimhín Hynes(OC), Nymphadora Tonks, Gabriel Truman, Adrien Pucey, Cassius Warrington, Graham Montague, Terrance Higgs, Velda Lute(OC), Gemma Farley, Marcus Flint, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Kenneth Towler, Oliver Wood, Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Roger Davies, Patricia Stimpson, Penelope Clearwater, Robert Hilliard, a LOT of OCs, Harry Potter Game characters, Hogwarts Teachers, assorted family members, OCs of all kinds   
Relationships:  Ferdinand x Samantha, Leanora x Adrien  
Tags: asexual relationship, asexual characters, blood politics of the wizarding world, love and family, Magical Rituals,Wizarding Culture, Pureblood cluture, Muggle x Wizard pairing, loving relationship, relationships are hard work and compromise, Hufflepuffs are good at that thankfully, Black!Hermione Granger, Biracial!Harry Potter, Hufflepuff pride, Inter-House friendships, making study groups to change the world, how to make a support group for the titular character - the Hufflepuff way, some genuinely Nice!Slytherins, Disabled!students, 
Summary: She knows it's not impossible. It's not a far off dream. Her parents made it work, they worked hard fir it, true, but they did it. She won't let anyone else feed her excuses, no one will take her for a fool.
Slightly ordered notes and Ideas
Inspired by this - "What's a soulmate?" "Someone who makes you a better person, they don't actually make you a better person, you do that yourself, because they inspire you."
Ferdinand Pyrites and Samantha 'Sam' Noble have a very sweet and loving love story despite him being a Pureblood Slytherin and her being a muggle
Having grown up watching their relationship it is something Lea aspires to heavily and terminates a few relationships over, because she has seen better and knows that blood and circumstance can be overcome
She understands from the start that work is needed - or maybe it's pointed out to her that 'both sides need to learn how to deal with the situation, compromise and sacrifice' 
Lea and Adrian are actual soulmates, and both are pretty asexual
EverybodylovesCedric2K16! Leandra quickly catches on that Cedric is the GoldernRetriever!Boy and makes sure everybody else knows that too
Cedric is well liked by nearly everybody and that is one of the reasons Voldie doesn't manage to recruit from Hufflepuffs at all when the war gets started
Lea is BFF with Cedric and forms a very nice group in her Hufflepuff year with Cedric, Trudy, Raashid, Sisi, Hecate, Satinder, Marilyn, .. Really the whole year functions well as a tight group and they all pull in more people from different houses and years.
But the group is generally Cedric - Lea - Hynes trio as the main ringleaders, then they pull others in their plans with gusto.
Focus of feel-good relationships, networking, Inter-House friendships - students helping each other and nurturing curiosity through friendly debate and self-directed research projects.
Lea heads a Debate Club that talks about all of these various things that exist and a Self-Study and Research Club that teaches others important things like wizarding culture for muggleborns and muggle culture for wizardborn, about disabilities, sexualities, all the little things that these people from other worlds may take for granted as being the same. Discussing news, laws and current events through there clubs makes people think and look things up on their own.
Ensures Harry has a support network from the start by making that her project for Harry's first year and this pays off whenever people don't believe him over something, he gets used to giving people opportunities to view his memories.
Lea learns how to extract memories as soon as she can really, manages in her second year, her argument is that this way her mother can view memories of Hogwarts even if she can't really go there - her talent fro this runs from her Obliviator father.
Support network of older students did exist before and Hufflepuffs were better than most, but Lea seriously buffs it up, spreading inter-house unity and genuine interest in things as soon as she possibly can
Citing all sorts of reasons to get there, like excuses for why she's reading about deafness and blindness aides
 In preparation for Harry's  troubles with the media, one of the things discussed early one is how the media works? How does the Prophet work? Who picks the articles? How do they research?  Etc.
So when Harry slander starts there are a lot less people believing it, simply because they heard from a friend of a friend that this or that journalist is a glory hound, that this or that journalist is actually being bribed to write good shit about Fudge, etc…
Of course there is no cure for actual stupid, but if somebody is going to start recognizing shit when it's under their nose, Lea knows you gotta start young.
 Due to her interference there are less deaths in the final battle, because a buddy system of sorts is prevalent
Fred's legs get crushed by debree, but he doesn't die, Percy loses an arm, Colin Creevy is loses sight in one eye and is knocked out in a coma for five months, but survives, Nymphadora  Lupin ends up having to wear a prosthetic like Moody, but doesn't really mind, says she'll carry on the legacy.
Remus Lupin gets more scars than people think possible, but does manage to save his wife's life and stay alive himself, Lavender Brown survives, but ends up a werewolf, actually becomes close to the Lupins and Potters, Hermione has curse burns up and down her arms, but this doesn't stop her from becoming a Minister for Magic by 2019
Ron loses three fingers, Nevile has a scar down his face, Shacklebot loses an eye, Luna is missing a part of her left ear, she and George bond
Lea is depressed, looking at younger kids and thinking if any of them died because these canon deaths didn't happen, keeps saying she 'should have done more', her friends help her through this
Some snippets, thoughts and scenes incoming, but this one has a lot more stream-of-though outlines than anything else so we’ll see how much actually gets posted.
No beta! You’ve been warned!
now for some art from way back 2016. of Ferdinand and Samantha, the wizard x muggle pair.
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and also some designs for the Pyrites family
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