elswordtarot-blog · 6 years
How is the standoff going so far? How are you mods doing? I hope it's going well.
Even almost two months later, we’ve failed to receive a response. Things are relatively bleak, and so we’ve decided to cancel our project. We’ve tried numerous times to communicate with KoG in any way possible (we’ve even tried calling the number provided on the copyright strike, only to find it was out of service), but all of our attempts have been in vain. 
We’re holding up! While it is incredibly disheartening to find all of our work won’t be able to be printed as we would like, this experience was incredibly humbling and we’d like to believe we’ve learned a lot and grown as people. Thank you for your concern!
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imagineelrios · 7 years
Can I have a scenerio where Denif gets caught sleeping with a body pillow of his s/o? Bonus: the El Masters catch him and tells his s/o who nonchalantly says 'I already knew.'
“Denif,” Ventus grumbles, barely knocking before he pushes open the dragon’s bedroom door.  “Denif, we’ve got a-”
A light snore stops him mid-sentence, Denif breathing out frost and shifting his position.  He’s definitively asleep.  That’s not what draws Ventus’ attention, though - his eyes are fixed on the pillow Denif is curled around, the design of which is a bit more than lewd.
“Oh, my El,” he says softly to himself, then leans out into the hall, uses the wind to make sure his voice won’t wake Denif, and yells, “HEY EVERYONE!  DENIF SLEEPS WITH A BODY PILLOW OF HIS MATE!”
It’s Ebalon who tells the s/o, grave and unsure.  The s/o just nods.
“Yeah, who did you think posed for that picture?”
Poor Ebalon goes redder than Rosso’s fire.
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imagineelrios · 7 years
The El Masters children (who are cute toddlers) are playing together. Bonus: Ventus' child has crush on Denif's child.
“Is it even possible to develop a crush in this stage?” Denif questions, staring at the offspring Solace, Ventus and himself helped create.
“Anything is possible~” Ventus waves a dismissive hand. “Well, that’s fine. I’ve taught my child to kill anyone that attempts to lure them.”
Solace widens his eyes. “Wait, what-”
An explosion occurs. There are sounds of a child crying and screaming after being set on fire. “…I didn’t expect Solace’s child to share similar sentiments to Ventus’s.” Denif deadpans, before rushing in with Ventus to save them. “Gaia and Rosso are sooo going to kill us.” Ventus mumbles.It’s safe to say they didn’t have another play date for a very long time.
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imagineelrios · 7 years
Which of the El Masters would survive or die in a horror movie?
Denif survives.  He’s got common sense.  He’s not even sticking around to deal with this bullshit.  The first sign of creepy stuff, and he’s out the door, moving on to some rom-com town like LaLa Land where nobody dies.
Solace dies.  He has his heart in the right place, sure, but that’s probably why he kicks it.  He’s the guy who runs off alone searching for a lost person and then ends up horribly murdered.
Ebalon nearly survives, but ends up dead at the last moment.  He does almost everything right.  Almost.  Then he trips during the last chase scene, and it’s goodnight Moon.
Ventus survives.  He pretty much just holes himself up in a single room with salt, iron, crosses, and whatever else this horror villain’s weakness is.  Ventus is either very smart or very cowardly.
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imagineelrios · 7 years
what would a kiss with the el masters be like?
Denif kisses gently, but powerfully.  His kisses feel at once like a feather brushing across your lips and a powerful wave sweeping you off your feet.  He doesn’t use tongue - instead, he runs his hands over your body, making you feel every inch of yourself as you kiss him.
Solace is kind of a bad kisser.  You really have to teach him to kiss.  His lips are nice and warm, though, and he’s not afraid to try new things - like biting your lower lip, or pulling away to trail kisses across your jaw.
Ebalon steals kisses every now and then.  He kisses briefly and sweetly, his lips cool and tasting faintly of that mint chewing gum he loves, always smiling at you when he pulls away before rushing off to do something else.
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