#nerve is a professor he should not have been invited anyway
clickityweasel · 2 years
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our stupid uni au of both parties: halloween edition! nerve and ranha came dressed as each other without knowing the other’s plans. it’s carnage
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
May we please get a Benophie babies hogwarts sorting hat ceremony Drabble!!
His mother had sobbed when she cuddled him tight and kissed his cheeks in abundance as she bade him farewell on Platform 9 and 3/4s. His father had worn a watery smile as he told him to be good and squeezed him into a hug. His brother Alex had asked him to write everyday and tell him all about Hogwarts before flinging his arms around him and whispering how much he would miss him. His five year old sister Violet had begged him not to go, tears streaming down her little red face and she clutched him tightly for several minutes. His brother William had grinned and informed him he was going to move into his bedroom while he was away (their father assured his eldest that no such thing would happen and gripped a reprimanding hand on his youngest son's shoulder).
And then Charlie had waved goodbye to his family as the scarlet train departed the station, waving alongside his cousins David and Miles until the engine's steam clouded their loved ones from view.
Charlie wasn't nervous about starting Hogwarts. It wasn't like he was without family at Hogwarts anyway. David, Miles, and John were in the year above him; Carrie and Georgette in their third year; Oliver, Amanda, Edmund, Belinda, and Benedict in their fourth; and Amelia and Sophia were starting their fifth; he was in plenty of company with so many cousins looking out for him.
There was no reason for Charlie to be nervous. It wasn't as if he had put on a brave face to spare his little sister's tears and to grant his mother peace of mind.
No. Not at all. He was fine. Really.
Even as he waited in line in the Great Hall to be sorted in front of the entire school he wasn't nervous. Nope. He was fine. All he had to do was sit on a stool and plonk a talking hat on his head. There was nothing even remotely nerve-wracking about that.
And so what if the Sorting Hat sat silently on his head before clearing it's throat to politely announce that actually a mistake had been made, that Charlie Colin Bridgerton was a squib and shouldn't have been invited to Hogwarts in the first place? These things happen, and he would simply shrug it off and go home and everything would be fine. Really it would.
"Bridgerton, Charlie." Professor Danbury beckoned.
He definitely didn't look like a pig walking into a butchers shop as he walked up to the wooden stool and took a seat. His lip definitely wasn't trembling as he looked out on a sea of faces staring back at him. He definitely wasn't trying to swallow back the lump in his throat.
Be brave. Be brave. Be brave. He kept telling himself as the hat was placed on his head.
"Be brave?" a small voice said in his ear and Charlie's breath tightened. "But what is there to fear?"
N-nothing. There's nothing to fear. Because I'm brave.
"Ah. And do you pride yourself on your bravery?"
And it was only then that Charlie thought about it and realised that yes, perhaps he did in fact pride himself on being brave. Ever since he was five and had suffered from a rare mysterious flu-like illness and his mother had sat by his bedside night and day telling him he was her brave little soldier. He wanted to prove himself to his mother that he was in fact the bravest little soldier there ever was, that he was her very own brave little soldier. With the mightiest determination he soldiered through the illness until he was well again and from then on he had always striven to be courageous in everything he did.
He bravely chased off the pesky garden gnomes whenever they tried infiltrating the garden of My Cottage. He bravely ignored the monster he had convinced himself lived underneath his bed. He bravely told his Uncle Colin that yes his butt did look too big in those jeans and should consider going up a size.
Yes. Charlie swallowed - if he wasn't brave, what was he?
"Are you sure?"
Yes. I am brave. I'm nothing but brave.
"Well then, if you're so certain... GRYFFINDOR!"
The hat was pulled off of him and Charlie was met by applause, especially from the table on the far left. He hurried over to the Gryffindor table (not because he was desperate to no longer be the centre of attention but because he wanted to be with his cousins) and was met by Sophia, Edmund, and Miles who were all ecstatic for him to join them.
And once he was sat among them he relaxed; he wasn't nervous at all.
Alexander could admit to feeling a bit scared - after all, it was normal to feel like that. Even his big brother Charlie had said he had been nervous when he first started. It was nothing to feel ashamed about.
For the last two years Charlie had written to him, telling him every little thing about Hogwarts and it had excited Alex to know one day in the not so distant future he would be joining his brother at school.
And now that day had come.
He had held onto his mother extra tight and for a while longer than he normally did (and his brothers teased him for being a mama's boy enough as it was) when he was saying farewell to her. The night before he had shared his anxieties with her, how even though he'd have Charlie and all his cousins there that he'd still miss home and her and dad and William and Violet and Colin the cat and Clement and Ember and sleeping in his own bed and painting in his dad's studio with him in companionable silence and her cooking and talking to her everyday.
His mother had assured him that it was natural to feel the way that he did, to already feel homesick and how he might be sad during his first week away but that once he'd settled in he'd grow to love being at school and be able to call Hogwarts his home away from home (and she promised she'd write to him every single day if that was what he wanted).
He had shared a compartment with Charlie and their cousins on the train and they provided him with enough welcome distraction from the gnawing feeling of missing home that had already formed a pit in his stomach.
But it was when he shared a boat with other first years across the lake to the great big castle that lay up ahead that he began to terribly miss home. How could the looming castle that approached him ever be as homely as My Cottage with all his creature comforts and his family?
"Bridgerton, Alexander." Professor Danbury called.
He somehow managed to walk across to the stool and sit down and gripped onto the seat, half-wishing the Sorting Hat would refuse to put him in a house and send him packing back home where he knew he belonged.
"Why do you feel like you don't belong?" a small voice spoke to him.
I do belong. At home. With my mum and dad.
"Ah yes. Sophie Beckett and Benedict Bridgerton." The Sorting Hat mused. "They didn't think they would belong either."
His mother had assuaged his fears before he left by sharing with him her own Sorting Hat experience. How she had fretted about being rejected and feared she would be forced to go live with her cruel step-mother who hated her. How scared she was to find herself not belonging yet again - and then much to her surprise and relief the Sorting Hat couldn't make it's mind up of what house she belonged to; it considered her worthy of belonging to any one of the four in equal measure.
He knew of his mother's insecurities - he never knew his father had feared he would never belong.
"Mmhm. Your father was scared of living up to his brother's expectations." The Sorting Hat elaborated. "That he wouldn't live up to the hefty expectations of the Bridgerton name. He wanted to be his own person but he didn't want to stand out, he still wanted to belong."
Alex had never known that. He had always looked up to his father and admired how self-assured and confident he was. To think of him ever feeling uncertain about his place in life was baffling and yet all at once Alex felt reassured, knowing both his parents had felt similarly to him when they had once been sat where he was right now.
"You belong. Just as much as they both did... RAVENCLAW!"
And with a crooked smile on his face, Alex slid off the stool and pelted over to the Ravenclaw table, being welcomed by Carrie and John and then joined later by his friend Julian Granville-Wetherby. He caught his older brother's eye from the Gryffindor table and received a wink and a thumbs-up from Charlie, and as he settled into the feast, Alexander felt at peace knowing that Hogwarts would become as much as a home to him as it did to his brother, his cousins, and his parents.
"Now I'm warning both of you; behave!"
"What was that?" William cupped his ear. "Beehive, did you say? You want us to find a beehive in the Hogwarts grounds and send it back home as a present?"
Charlotte giggled whilst their fathers furrowed their brows at the pair, thoroughly unimpressed with how unserious they were being.
"William." his mother sighed. "Please. Just try not to wreak too much havoc. Please restrain yourself from your impulses enough to not send Professor Danbury into an early retirement. Please? For me?" she implored and cupped his cheek.
And as much as William loved winding up his father, his uncle, his siblings, and his cousins; he always drew the line when it came to his mother. He would never do anything to intentionally annoy her at the very least.
"Alright." he sighed and his mother pulled him into a hug. "But if she just so happens to retire while I'm at Hogwarts, it doesn't mean I tipped her over the edge."
"For your sake, you'd better not." his father clapped him on the back.
He had bounded onto the train, waving goodbye out the window with Charlotte and his brothers and he had guffawed when he watched his little sister trip over as she had tried to run alongside them as they departed.
During the train ride he had blown the majority of his pocket money on candy from the trolley and had pigged out on it throughout the duration, provoking Charlie into groaning with exasperation when he realised William had eaten every last chocolate and sweet he had purchased.
"You're not going to have any room left for the feast, you do realise?"
"The feast!" William gasped in awe. "I had almost forgotten about the feast!" he murmured to himself as his imagination began swimming with the thoughts of the self-refilling plates and of all the food that would be on offer for him to indulge in.
"Well when you end up sick, don't say I didn't warn you." Charlie tutted in a very matter-of-factly eldest brother tone.
"Bridgerton, William." Professor Danbury wearily waved him over after Charlotte had hurtled over to the Gryffindor table.
He had pranced forward and hopped onto the stool, eager for the lively debate he would have with the Sorting Hat for it to house him in Hufflepuff since their common room was closest to the kitchens -
What? You've made your mind up already?! You're not even going to humour that I might be in Ravenclaw-
"Ha!" chortled the voice in his ear.
Oh I see. You think you're so funny, don't you?
"Why are you complaining? Did you or did you not want to be in Hufflepuff?"
... Well, I suppose-
And before Professor Danbury could take the hat off of him, William had whipped the hat off, not remotely caring it had fallen to the floor behind him as he traipsed off to the Hufflepuff table.
He waited impatiently for the sorting to be over (why did he have to be one of the fist to be sorted, being a bloody Bridgerton?) and then the plates magically filled up with food and instantly his mouth salivated.
And, contrary to his brother's belief, William didn't end up bringing back up his food. Instead he proudly paraded his pot belly down to the Hufflepuff common room, much to Charlie and Alex's shared embarrassment.
Violet had beamed with glee as she ran onto Platform 9 and 3/4s and saw the scarlet engine, her heart racing with anticipation at the prospect that she was finally going to be able to board the Hogwarts Express. She was eager to push her own trolley, to be just like her brothers and older cousins as they pushed along their own trolleys.
"Dad!" she groaned as her father got a hold of her trolley and assisted her in pushing it along. "I can push my own trolley!" she insisted (and ignored the fact that he had helped give the trolley a push through the barrier onto the platform, otherwise she wouldn't have got much momentum out of it by herself).
"Sweetheart, it's too heavy for you to push by yourself."
"No it isn't!"
"I helped pushed your brothers' trolleys on their first day; you're no different from them."
She wanted to argue but as she looked back on the days her brothers were brought to the station to board the train for the first time, she reluctantly acknowledged that her dad had in fact helped push their trolleys along. And she supposed her trolley was quite heavy, what with the trunks, school supplies and owl cage piled on it.
And so she allowed her father to push on the trolley's handlebar with her as they followed after her brothers. They met Kate and Anthony where they were waiting with Charlotte and Violet's cousin squealed in greeting, eagerly as thrilled to see Violet joining Hogwarts for the first time.
Her mother insisted on taking photos of all four siblings by the train, since it would be the first and only year they would be at Hogwarts together since it was already Charlie's seventh year, and then when it was time to say goodbye their mother got misty-eyed at the prospect of returning to a home empty of her children. And while typically he had always remained strong, it was the first year that their father had openly wept and he held onto Violet tightly, stroking through her hair and constantly reassuring her she would be okay, even though she had shown no sign of anxiety (and she quietly acknowledged that her father needed the moment more than she did).
Violet had fizzed excitedly all throughout the train ride as the countryside flew by and then when she sailed across the lake she had been in awe of it all as the famous castle beckoned the first years closer. She gazed all around as as they entered the school she had heard so much about over the years and then she gaped in wonder around the Great Hall as Professor Danbury led them in.
"Bridgerton, Violet."
She sat down on the stool and waited for the hat to be placed on her head, wondering if it would be up for a discussion or if it'd shout out her house instantaneously.
"What a surprise; another Bridgerton." a small bored voice remarked. "And which house do you suppose you belong to?"
Oh. Well... I guess wherever you think is best?
"Really? You'd be happy to be in any of the houses? It doesn't matter where you end up?"
If there's a house I suit more than the others then does it really matter what I think?
"But if you had to choose... which one?"
And though Violet was genuinely open to any of the houses, held no particular dislike towards any of them - there was one in particular she would be lying if she said she didn't have her heart set on it.
Well I suppose if I had to pick... I would want to be in Ravenclaw.
All her life she had wanted to be in Ravenclaw. It was the house both her parents were sorted into, the house Alex was in, the house her Uncle Phillip and Aunt Francesca had been in. She had long pictured Ravenclaw tower and had seen her father's sketches from his time at school; from the panoramic views from the turret, the coziness of the common room, and the bronze eagle knocker that would only let you enter if you solved it's daily riddle. Her father would even wrap her up in his old Ravenclaw scarf to keep her warm on their winter walks and as a result she felt as though she was already a member of the house her parents had both been sorted into.
She liked to think she was worthy of the house; she felt she was smart and creative and witty enough to earn her place; though just because she wanted it, did it mean she had any right to be a part of it?
"That's more like it... RAVENCLAW!"
And Violet beamed with delight as she hurried over to the table decked in blue, embracing her brother Alex as soon as she had reached him, elated to be in the same house as one of her brothers (specifically a brother that wasn't William).
That night she had ecstatically written to her parents to inform them she was officially a Ravenclaw just like them and the very next morning she received a letter back from her father sharing his elation at the news on a clearly tear-stained parchment.
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your-divine-ribs · 5 months
Forbidden Part 13
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Words: 3.5k
SMUT! // Y/N is heading for big trouble (again)
Forbidden Masterlist Main Masterlist
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You can feel the panic building up inside you as Van and Kathleen step into the packed bar. What the fuck are they doing in here anyway? It's enough of a surprise to see Johnny drinking in this establishment, but to also witness Van bringing his fiancée in here on the same afternoon just seems like too much of a coincidence to be believed.
Van's leading the way, snaking through the crowd, scanning the room as he goes, heading purposefully for the bar. Kathleen moves along in his wake. She's being towed along by his outstretched hand, looking a little lost and very out of place.
You glance towards the door and then the toilets, chilling unease and a wicked kind of excitement jostling inside you. Should you make a dash for it before you get spotted? Or do you stay and wait to see what will unfold? Your indecision is so overwhelming that you almost zone out of the fact that Johnny's still caressing your leg. That's until his fingers trail dangerously close to the crease of your inner thigh and your legs snap shut automatically as you stiffen in your seat, sitting bolt upright, on high alert.
"What's up?" He leans in to whisper in your ear. "You seem a little tense all of a sudden. Something wrong?"
Your legs remain firmly clamped shut, his fingers still wedged between your thighs. You answer him without looking, eyes fixed straight ahead, trying to keep an eye on Van without making it obvious that you've even seen him. "Of course I'm tense. My professor's trying to finger me under the table in the Union bar. What do you expect?"
He chuckles softly, fingers flexing against the silk of your panties just above your sweet spot, tempting you to relax and let him work his magic, but you can't. Not now. Especially now that you can see Van looking over in your direction in your peripheral vision. It's bad enough that he's now noticed you sitting here with Johnny. He knows you well enough to work out that you two both occupying this unlikely space together definitely won't have been fully accidental. You can only imagine his reaction to finding out what's happening under the secrecy of the table. And what about you snooping on his private life and his girlfriend? The more you think about it the more your insides roil with nerves.
"I thought it might be because Professor McCann's just walked in..."
You feel yourself stiffen even more. You can't hide it but you try to act surprised. "Oh, he's here?" You turn to face Van's direction, the steely glare he's focussing right at you further exacerbating your anxiety which you try to hide with a sarcastic remark. "What is this, a bloody history professor's convention or something? Lecturers don't normally socialise in here. Did you invite him?"
Johnny laughs. "I didn't actually... although I had a feeling he might turn up when I mentioned some of his tutees were in here. I know he likes to keep an eye on his more... wayward students. Make sure they're not misbehaving too badly."
There's no mistaking the teasing tone in his voice and you turn to look at him then, see a mischievous glint in his eye. "Benji's not that bad," you say with a smirk.
"I'm not talking about Benji... you know full well exactly who I'm talking about."
"Y/N! Y/N! You'll never guess who's just walked in!"
Lizzie's lurching back over to your table, a mojito in either hand, one of which she plonks down on the table in front of you with a flourish. You groan inwardly, anticipating her saying something wildly inappropriate about Van whilst Johnny's sitting right there but thankfully she just giggles, taking the hint as you shoot her a warning look. She slumps down and you turn your attention to the bar, watching as Benji chats animatedly with Van and Kathleen. He points over in your direction and Kathleen instantly starts beaming wide with recognition, waving enthusiastically as she totters over, leaving the boys to collect their drinks.
"Y/N! This is a surprise! When you introduced yourself at the meeting earlier I didn't realise you were THE Y/N!"
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
You're not left wondering for long, as Kathleen soon fills you in, drawing out the chair right next to you and sitting down, a huge smile on her face.
"Van's always talking about his students, and your name comes up a lot!"
"Oh, really?"
You smile back at her sweetly, cringing on the inside, wondering what on earth Van's been saying about you, figuring that it can't be good. Infamously you're the problem student, your reputation preceding you as you stumble and fail time and time again with your studies. So what she says next takes you totally by surprise.
"Yeah, and I know us lecturers really shouldn't have favourites, but I can tell how highly Van thinks of you. I've never seen him so invested in a student's progress before!"
As she speaks she leans in, lowering her voice conspiratorially although she doesn't quite carry it off. Her voice is still loud enough to carry around the table and Lizzie sniggers, giving you an over the top salacious wink when you catch her eye. Johnny squeezes your thigh. You quickly look back at Kathleen, feeling warmth rise to your cheeks.
"That's a surprise, I'm not exactly a... umm model student. I've been a little slack with my studies to be honest."
You play with the straw of your mojito, trying to ignore the wide cheeky grin splitting Lizzie's face in two and the feel of Johnny's fingers tip-toeing up your leg.
Kathleen shakes her head, eyes bright and warm. "In this job you get to know a student's potential even if they don't know it themselves. That's what's so rewarding about it. It's the opportunity to guide and shape young lives, mentor them to be the best version of themselves."
God this is excruciating. Images flood your head of your recent encounters with Van and his promises to teach you a lesson in the most improper of ways.
"I agree with you Kath," Johnny adds. "I think we can all see Y/N's potential."
As he speaks he slides the very tip of his finger over the silky fabric of your panties, applying just enough pressure to your clit to make you gasp. You pretend to cough, reaching for your drink again as a distraction. You can't believe what Johnny's doing. He's always been so cautious and now he's playing the riskiest of games. You can feel your temperature rising, the danger of getting caught heightening the thrill.
And now here's Van, moving across the room towards you, scanning the faces at your table. Greetings are exchanged all around but you stay quiet as he takes the seat directly opposite you and next to Kathleen, smiling meekly at him when he nods and says your name. He leans back in his chair, his expression unreadable as his eyes flick between you and Johnny and back again. He looks like he's about to speak but then Kathleen rests a hand on his arm, stealing his attention as she looks between you and him.
"You'll never guess what Van," she starts, and you immediately chant a silent prayer in your head that goes unanswered when her next words reveal your whereabouts earlier that very afternoon. "I had a new recruit for my creative writing group today. It's Y/N. She's one of your personal tutees isn't she?" Then she turns to you. "I'm really excited to have you in the group, might make Wednesday afternoons a bit more exciting!"
She giggles girlishly, accompanied by a secretive little wink and you smile thinly, mumbling a thanks, your throat feeling tight.
That's it... you're fucking doomed and there's nothing you can do about it. You've got no choice but to sit here and ponder your fate. Van won't actually be able to say or do anything whilst you're sat here in a very public place, but you've no doubt there'll be serious repercussions for your actions later down the line. Of course your joining the society could be purely coincidental but Van's nobody's fool. You search his expression for a hint of the outrage you're sure he's bound to be feeling for your sneaky behaviour but to your shock he looks calm and composed, unnervingly so, almost like he was expecting it.
"Well, well Y/N... you're full of surprises," he says, an edge in his voice that you're sure will go unnoticed by everyone else.
Everyone except for you... and maybe Johnny who seems to pick up on the hidden tension, further increasing it as his fingers move once again to trace teasing circles over your panties under the table.
"She certainly is," Johnny agrees, applying more pressure, enough to make you squirm in your seat, your cheeks glowing with a tinge of pink. Your thighs clench automatically but you don't make a move to stop him, an illicit thrill streaking through you at the thought of what might happen if you let him go even further. The fact that Van's sitting directly opposite you with no idea of what's happening right under his nose. It's strangely empowering and you can feel that dark, wicked part of you start to unfurl inside, licking shivers of pleasure up your spine.
"Maybe I have a lot of hidden talents," you reply, a hint of suggestion in your words as you extend your leg under the table to find Van's, letting your foot trail up his shin.
His eyes widen for a fraction of a second and he shifts in his seat. You pull back quickly, expecting some kind of hidden warning from him, but there's none of that. A sly smile ghosts over his lips but then he's looking away, attention taken by Benji who's now demanding more tall tales of his and Johnny's university days.
You just sit back in your seat, letting your legs go slack, widening them under the table. You pick up your drink, hiding your own secretive smile behind the loaded glass as you stir the contents with your straw.
"What about the time we blagged our way into that festival Van?" Johnny pipes up. "I can't believe we got away with that one!"
Van's face cracks into a wide grin as he looks across at his friend and colleague. "That was a classic. We turned up with all our kit, made out we were actually on the lineup and for some reason they believed us! We even managed to get up on to the stage and play a song before we got thrown out!"
Johnny chuckles at the memory, his hand falling away as he launches into a detailed description about how him, Van and their friends had sneaked into one of the tents in between acts and started setting up their equipment brazenly as if they were scheduled to perform. You laugh along, enjoying watching the rapport between him and Van, seeing the youthful sparkle in both their eyes that the reminiscing evokes.
You feel sure that your presence is no longer a distraction but then you feel Johnny's fingers again, gentle caresses at first on the top of your thigh before they slip down to ease your legs even further apart. This time you don't resist. Everyone's so caught up in listening to the story and you're feeling brave and insanely turned on by the sneakiness of it all. You look around the assembled group as his fingers trail lightly over the thin strip of material between your parted thighs. His touch is light at first, rubbing over your heat before travelling upwards to your clit, moving in small circles, only pressing lightly enough to stir you, sending another wave of heat to your cheeks. No one looks like they have any idea what's happening between the two of you, they're too interested in Van who's completely distracted himself, clearly revelling in being the centre of attention as he talks. It's too easy, like hiding in plain sight.
You hitch your dress up around your hips, inviting Johnny to take things further, your thigh brushing up against his. You allow yourself a surreptitious look up at him and he smirks softly back at you, eyes glowing with desire and an acknowledgment of the risk that you're both taking. You return a knowing look of your own, feeling emboldened as you drop your own hand under the table and firmly squeeze his thigh.
He leans in to whisper to you secretively under his breath. "Wish we could sneak off so I could give you a right good fucking."
His words send a flush of heat to your core, his out of character brazenness increasing your need. Your panties feel damp now, sticking to your skin with your arousal as Johnny eases a fingertip carefully under the edge.
"Maybe we should... no one would notice," you urge, tilting your hips forward, desperate for his touch.
You're already making plans in your head, imagining slipping off to the toilets and dragging Johnny inside for a quick sleazy fuck, or maybe you could sneak away to his office instead. You could take your time then, lay back on his desk whilst he pinned you against the wood and made you come over and over again.
"I'm tempted, but I think we'll stay right here. I'm having too much fun to stop."
His fingers inch further under the edge of your panties, brushing over your bare clit which he circles with firm and precise strokes, enough to make you shiver in response. The heat pooling between your thighs radiates outwards through your body and you feel your chest starting to rise and fall deeply.
"Two can play at that game," you mouth directly into his ear, leaning right in so your lips brush his neck before pulling back.
You can't believe that you're being so bold but your arousal is chasing away your inhibitions. The conversation continues to flow on around you. You slip your hand further over his thigh, upwards to move over his crotch, tracing the outline of his cock. He's not fully erect but you can feel a definite stiffening as you purposefully start to palm him through the denim. You smile to yourself as you hear a quiet groan emanate from his throat. It's like a challenge has been set but who's going to break first?
You're so caught up in your sordid little game that the rest of the room seems to be melting away. Lizzie's drunken laughter, Benji's slurred comments and Van's animated chatter just sound like background noise. You keep your eyes fixed on the tabletop, drink in one hand whilst you massage Johnny's ever-hardening cock through his jeans with the other. It's taking you all of your concentration to maintain a neutral expression when all you want to do is tip your head back and let yourself go. He's pulled your panties completely to one side now, exposing your soaked core, two of his long skilled fingers running along your slit before easing inside. He starts to pump them in and out, his thumb pressing against your needy clit. It feels so good that you want to grab his hand and grind shamelessly on him, fuck yourself on his fingers until you reach your shuddering high.
A quiet moan slips past your lips but you muffle it by biting down on your straw, closing your eyes for a moment to compose yourself, starting to fret how you'll cope with hiding your oncoming orgasm which is building in your core like a throbbing heartbeat.
"You two haven't grown up at all since your uni days!" Kathleen's shrill voice cuts through your thoughts, your eyes flicking open at once as your body shivers with a muted spasm.
You're on the cusp of your climax now, suspended there purposefully by Johnny, his tantalising touch moving away just when you feel the swells start to rise. It brings to mind your torturous lecture with Van when he'd brought you to the edge time and time again under his watchful gaze, the way he drank in your desperation and frustration with so much predatory lust in his eyes. The memory just makes you feel even hotter and suddenly it's not enough that you and Johnny are indulging in this intimate moment alone.
You want Van to know.
You want him to look at you like that again, but this time you want to push the boundaries and show him what you're really capable of. You want to see the dark fire in his eyes as he watches you fall apart under Johnny's touch, infuriated by your wicked behaviour. You want to be bad for him, the worst kind of disobedient brat. You want him to punish you in the most fitting way for your slutty misdemeanours.
You quickly kick off your shoe under the table and stretch your leg, your foot connecting with Van's shin as you slide it upwards. His eyes meet yours across the table in an instant, startled at first but not for long. As your bare foot travels higher to move along his inner thigh, you elongate your foot to press it against his crotch, rubbing it in firm, rousing strokes. You watch as his surprise quickly fades to be replaced by that unmistakable heat. A heat which quickly increases as he sees a wave of undisguised pleasure crease your features as Johnny flicks a heavenly rhythm on your swollen clit and you bite down on your lip to stifle a whimper.
But just as you feel your body start to succumb to the blissful sensations he withdraws his hand, pulling it back but not completely away, resting it atop your thigh, squeezing it with a firm pressure.
"Don't think I don't know what you're up to Y/N."
Johnny's leaning in to you again, voice dropped down low so only you can hear. You feign innocence, eyes still locked with Van's knowing gaze whilst you reply, basking in the empowerment that you feel knowing that now you have the undivided attention of both men.
"I don't know what you mean."
"I think you do. Van already told me you were a greedy girl. You know you ought to be careful what you wish for..."
Johnny's whispered words in your ear are uttered like some kind of delicious threat. Your heart almost stutters to a stop, excitement and anticipation injecting a shot of pure adrenaline into your veins whilst your mind scrambles wildly. You watch Van look between you and Johnny, a devilish smirk twitching at the corners of his mouth.
"You gonna join me for a ciggie, huh?" Van nods across the table at Johnny, starting to get to his feet and Johnny follows suit. You just sit there, smoothing your dress back down your thighs and shifting in your seat, trying to ignore the steady pulse in your throbbing clit, your whole body wired and begging for more.
You watch longingly as they walk away, your throat feeling tight as you imagine the topic of discussion over the cigarette break. And then Lizzie swims into view as she waves a hand in front of your face, snatching you out of your thoughts.
"What's up with you? You're so quiet, we can't normally shut you up! You've been sitting there zoned out for ages now."
"She's probably daydreaming about fucking... ohhh!" Benji blurts, slapping a hand across his mouth in a dramatic gesture as his drunken brain catches up with his runaway mouth at the realisation that Kathleen's still sitting there. You shoot him a warning look even though she's completely unaware. She's just looking at you with a slightly concerned expression.
"It's probably us lot being here, cramping your style. Sorry Y/N, you really don't want a bunch of boring lecturers hanging around on your afternoon out." She glances around the busy bar, her brow furrowing in a small crease. "Honestly I don't know why Van was so keen on coming here, he was supposed to be taking me to that new wine bar on the High Street..."
"Ooh, that looks dead posh, that place!" Lizzie chips in. "I know where I'd rather be!"
Kathleen sighs deeply, frowning. "Yeah, I don't know why he suddenly changed his mind. It must be because Johnny's here. I swear those two are joined at the hip! They've been like that since university apparently. They do everything together!"
Her last sentence makes your belly flip for all the improper reasons. You realise you've still not spoken, still feeling a little dazed after Johnny's attentions and your dirty thoughts which are flicking through your head like an obscene porno.
You excuse yourself quietly, swiftly getting to your feet and making for the same door that the boys left through but veering off to the thin corridor to the toilets, glad to have some breathing space to compose yourself.
But the afternoon's excitement's not over for you yet. Little do you know, it's only just getting started...
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bonesrot · 2 years
@hopeslastchxnce sent ( and my slow self is just getting to lol ) :
He had expected Logan to be away for the New Year's Eve shenanigans but when Charles made his way downstairs to the kitchen, Logan was already there with a case of beer and a bottle of choice wine. Charles wasn't drinking nearly as much as he used to prior to Logan's arrival but he guessed Logan figured even the 'professor' deserved a drink after all the bullshit he's been through this past decade.
Charles stared at the drink warily before moving to take a seat at the table. He slid a glass closer to him while Logan popped the bottle's top. He let Logan pour him a glass and then it was silence as the radio played in the background. The New Year's celebrations were happening down in New York, not too far from Westchester, but Charles didn't want to overstimulate his senses, not after being on the serum for so long. Furthermore, there was always a chance he'd sense other mutants and the last thing he needed was for judgmental gazes and thoughts to berate him about closing his home.
As it neared closer to midnight and the ball drop that the radio was highlighting, Charles wondered if he should say something to Logan. He, for all his brashness, had been instrumental in helping Charles regain some sense of self worth. Maybe he wasn't entirely there yet but at least Hank wouldn't be burying an alcoholic.  That part of his life was over. Now was a matter of finding the will to carry on. Maybe get a job somewhere or... actually he didn't know. He wasn't sure about the school but getting up each day was an accomplishment anyway. Baby steps.
Anyway... There was about five minutes left before the ball dropped and so Charles sipped on his wine. After a few moments, he broke the silence because well, Logan should know he was appreciated --- at the very least. "Hey, look. I know there's probably other things you could be doing but since you are still here, just thought I should thank you. I still feel like shit, but I'm sober. That is to say, I am not craving wine every moment of every day anymore. It's a start right? So thank you." He paused. "Don't know if I will ever be the professor you knew back home. Sometimes you make me want to try but I aint making any promises. But... Happy New Year Logan. For what it's worth, you deserve to find happiness. The burdens you carry put my own to shame sometimes."
He had glimpsed some things. Not on purpose, but the few times they connected physically through hugs or... awkward moments, he saw things --- felt things --- that filled him with a great sadness. Anyway, before he could lose his nerve, he planted a kiss on Logan's cheek. "Kissing is tradition I think so... there you are. For good luck."
on the list of things that logan was, sentimental didn’t rank. that was his truth -- most of the time. but there were some people ( a very few ) who brought out a side of him one might consider... softer. one might consider it, but they probably shouldn’t say it. not to his face anyway. 
charles was one of those people.
so yes, he’d bought himself some beer and picked out a bottle from the mansion’s rather posh collection, because logan wasn’t a wine guy and wouldn’t know what to buy otherwise. he made a show of turning on the radio for some holiday ambiance. however, he drew the line at streamers and party hats. defnintely no horns or confetti. just them and their drinks. a cigar, a cutter and a lighter were on the table but otherwise untouched. he’d indulge outside later, despite the cold. hell, it wasn’t like he'd get frostbit. 
just to be nice he’d invited hank to join them, but the guy had brushed him off with claims of other plans, turned back to his work, and summarily ignored him. which was fine with logan. he had hoped to have the evening alone with charles anyway. something hank with that big brain of his probably figured out. 
so there they were, at the table in the dimly lit kitchen. a bottle of beer open, the wine uncorked and poured for charles. it was when logan was downing half of his first that charles began to speak. no, it wasn’t the most rousing speech he’d ever heard. clearly the man gets better at it as the years go by because future charles was damn good at it. really knew how to rally his x-men. 
this charles had lots of time.
and logan just might have lots of time with this version of charles. there was a lot to reconcile about how him being stuck in the past might change the future for charles. for them both. hell, for all mutants. one thing logan knew for sure was that the mansion needed to become a school. if he was trapped in the past, he’d turn it into one by himself if he had to.
but those were thoughts for another day. not now. not here. not when charles suddenly and surprisingly moved and logan found himself on the recieving end of a kiss to his cheek. he wasn’t caught off guard easily or often, but charles just did it. on instinct, he reached up and grabbed a hold of the other man’s wrist ( not too tight ) and held him there as he turned his head and lifted his hazel eyes to stare at him, one eyebrow quirking. 
“i don’t believe in luck, charles,” logan rumbled, thumb turning a circle against charles’ pulse point. “an’ i don’t believe in tradition. what i do believe in is you.” 
with that said, logan leaned in the same time he pulled charles close. their lips met as as auld lang syne began to play softly over the radio.
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little-diable · 3 years
Teaching Assistant - Prof!Carlisle Cullen (smut)
Yes I'm stuck in the professor fic phase, but you just gotta love professor Carlisle. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: This is basically pwp, the reader helps Carlisle grade some essays and they fuck.
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering, TA x professor
Pairing: Professor!Carlisle Cullen x TA!fem!reader (2.3k)
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“Please send me your essays via email, I’ll start grading them this weekend.” Professor Cullen let his eyes wander through the crowd of students, till his eyes found hers. For a second they held eye contact, but then he turned away from her, not wanting to gain attention from the other students.
Since the beginning of this semester, (y/n) has worked as his TA, she’d sit in his classes, would help him with his computer and the grading that could easily overwhelm the professor who also works as a doctor. And from the moment she had been introduced to him, a palpable tension had grown between the two, like a magnetic field that would crackle whenever somebody would come too close.
(Y/n) stayed seated, she waited for the students to leave, only as the door fell shut did she rise from her seat, “Should we meet here on Saturday? I’m free the whole weekend.” With her eyes glued to her calendar she moved towards the professor, (y/n) didn’t feel his gaze on her, didn’t notice how his eyes followed her frame like a predator waiting for the right moment to strike.
“I have a big surgery on Saturday, I was planning on grading them at night, but don’t worry, I should be able to grade them myself.” Carlisle didn’t want to put even more pressure on her, he knew about her every course, about every subject she was studying. Sometimes she’d study in his office, while he was grading or working on his course material, and whenever she’d knit her eyebrows together, desperately trying to understand her homework, Carlisle would be right there to help her out.
“Nonsense. I can come over Saturday night, I’m getting paid for doing it anyways.” The sentence had left her lips one too many times, like an affirmation she’d speak in the early morning, praying to her lucky stars that the professor would spare her some of his attention. She was utterly oblivious, had no idea about the way he looked at her - a love drunken fool that had been lured in by her soft voice, a call of a siren that had forced him to his knees.
“You really don’t have to, (y/n).” He didn’t want to argue, but just the thought of inviting her into his home, left his dead heart pounding. (Y/n) only shook her head and with a smile tugging on her lips she whispered a small “I’ll see you on Saturday, professor”. And Carlisle could only watch her leave the room with a smile of his own widening on his lips.
It was around 10 pm on Saturday night as (y/n) arrived at the mansion. For the past hours she had been distracted by her nerves, with her thoughts circling around Carlisle and the chance of finally being able to spend some time alone with the handsome man. He kept haunting her in her dreams, would always appear in desperate moments when she needed some relief, a ghost of old times she was chasing like a woman pushed into a Titanic rescue boat.
Before she could knock, Carlisle had already opened the door for her and with a smile thrown her way he allowed her to step into the house. Wordlessly he helped her out of her jacket before he placed his hand on the small of her back to guide her up the stairs.
“How was your surgery?” Her eyes took in her surroundings as she spoke. The house was everything she had imagined and even more, she couldn’t help but admire the clean living room, couldn’t help but study the pictures hung up on the walls. “Your kids?”
“It was good, it didn't take as long as I thought it would.” Carlisle stepped closer, she could feel him near her, was about to press herself against his front as he came to a halt behind her. “Adopted,” the sentence was left hanging in the air. If Edward would be close he could tell Carlisle about her thoughts, but even without his son’s gift, the professor could tell that she was wondering about his wife. “I’m not married.”
(Y/n) turned around to face him, and for a second neither (y/n) nor Carlisle spoke a word, all they did was take in one another’s features. And if her heart wouldn’t beat as loud as a crowd of fans screaming at a concert, she probably would have given into the pull she felt deep inside of her, “Should we get started?”
Both moved towards the big sofas, he had already placed the stack of paper on the small table, and with their hands reaching for the essays, they started working.
Their silence didn’t last for long, every now and then - as their eyes would meet - Carlisle would joke about awful homeworks and the grades he had to give those that wrote stuff he hadn’t asked for. And all (y/n) could do was admire the grinning professor with heat flushing through her like a river ripping trees from the ground, so strong and fierce it could pull her under without another warning.
“I feel like they’ve all copied their answers from her.” A smirk tugged on his lips as he leaned closer, his eyes scanned the paper, they flickered back to the one he was currently grading and threw his head back with a laugh rumbling through him.
“Can’t say I’m surprised, I’d ask her for help too if I didn’t know my way around the subject.” (Y/n) could feel his breath teasing her skin, and as their eyes met once again, she couldn’t help but move slightly closer to him. Suddenly nothing but silence engulfed the two, the growing tension was back, it formed a bond between the two that were unsure if they should cross that one invisible line.
“There won’t be no going back after this.” Carlisle’s whispers met her like a bullet piercing through her skin, but (y/n) couldn’t care about the worries and confusion clouding her mind, all she could do was nod her head. And with both their eyes set on one another, Carlisle pressed his lips against hers.
For a moment both froze, the unfamiliar touch left their skin prickling, like bolts of lighting striking a tree over and over again. She could feel their limbs shaking like a leaf caught in a storm. But even though both their minds were working on overdrive, their bodies began to guide them. With their lips moving in sync, (y/n) pushed herself closer till she was seated in his lap.
Their kiss didn’t break, not once. Not as Carlisle’s hands began to wander down her sides to find her behind, not as whimpers so sweet and soft rumbled through her, not as she pressed herself against his growing bulge. It felt all too right, pushed together with her heart racing and his dead one jumping in his chest, it felt all too right like the sweetest scent of honey dripping from one’s lips on a Sunday morning. It felt all too right from the moment they first crossed paths.
“Can I?” Carlisle murmured against her lips, patiently he was waiting for her reply. Only as a small “yes” rumbled through her did he give in and start undoing her blouse, button by button, inch by inch. (Y/n) searched his lips, she had to feel him, was already addicted to the professor’s taste, what an awful crime she was committing.
“You’re so beautiful. I’ve always wondered how your skin feels beneath my hands, been dreaming about this for months.” Carlisle’s confession coaxed a gasp out of her, a sound so soft he found himself pulled even closer to her. (Y/n) didn’t find the strength to reply, not as his hands undid her bra to explore her soft skin, not as he pressed his lips against her neck to start kissing his way down her upper body.
Neither Carlisle nor (y/n) seemed to care about the essays he pushed off the sofa - so that he could press her back against it. They were making a mess, but with their bodies pressed together and her hands finding their way to his hair, they could only concentrate on one another. Carlisle’s cold lips left her shuddering, goosebumps rose on her skin like flowers blooming in the soft spring sun.
“So beautiful, I wish I could freeze time to explore every part of you.” Both were growing impatient, urged on by their desires and the pent up frustration that has been following them around like a cloud of smoke. She raised her hips as Carlisle tugged on her jeans, allowing him to fully undress her, even as her own hands began to work on his shirt. His pale chest got exposed to her eyes that glistened in the faint light like stars twinkling in the dark sky, he was beautiful, a man so handsome she wondered if she was only dreaming this very moment.
“My beautiful girl, I got you.” Her whimpers were drowned out by the groan rumbling through Carlisle as his fingers found their way to her dripping core. She was soaked, folds covered in arousal just from a few simple touches. But Carlisle was set on teasing her, slowly did his fingers start exploring her skin, he only used light pressure to rub her clit, but the moans that rumbled through her seemed to be enough to urge the man on. He started building up the pressure of his touch, and with his eyes fixated on her features, he pushed two fingers into her heat.
“Oh fuck.” (Y/n)‘s eyes fluttered close, she had to adjust to his touch, had to hold onto him with her hands reaching for his forearms. No man has ever made her feel like this, like she was forever safe in his arms, like she was forever bound to him and the eternal promise of being loved by him. “I need you, fuck me, please Professor.”
She felt him shudder, watched his smirk grow wider on his lips. And with one last kiss pressed to her lips, Carlisle pulled his hand away and rose from the sofa. Impatient as one could be, (y/n) watched him free his cock, his hard length that twitched in his grasp. Like a match alight near a gas station, her body began to tremble, filled with anticipation.
“I’m clean and on the pill, need to feel you.” Carlisle had to force himself to stop saying something that could let her in on his darkest secret, all he did was kiss her, a kiss so powerful and urgent, she found herself forgetting about the words she had just spoken.
The moment he pushed into her heat, (y/n) felt her body growing tense, he was big, stretched her to the fullest. And even though she needed a few moments to adjust, she couldn’t help but try and shuffle even closer, wanting to feel every part of him. Sweet nothings were shared as Carlisle began to fuck her, rough enough to push her into soaring waves of pleasure, though careful enough not to hurt her.
“Been dreaming of this, made myself cum to this thought so many times.” (Y/n) blabbered her every thought away, she wasn’t ashamed of her confession, found pleasure in knowing that her words coaxed the most sinful sounds out of her professor. Carlisle’s hand wandered up her naked upper body, he kneaded her breasts, teased her hardening nipples, set on feeling her like a lost wanderer exploring the forest of Forks.
“What did you dream of? Tell me.” His rough voice left her trembling, goosebumps rose on her skin as she stumbled over her words.
“Dreamt of you fucking me on your table, I imagined myself sucking you off while you were teaching, hidden behind your table.” Carlisle could only groan at her words, ripped away by the pictures that were now clouding his thoughts.
(Y/n)’s hand found her clit, she rubbed the sensitive bundle of nerves with shaking fingers. Both were close, about to fall over the edge with their bodies connected in the most intimate way imaginable. Carlisle pressed himself closer with his lips finding hers, the kiss swallowed most of their moans and groans, protecting them from the nosy shadows of the night.
Her walls clenched his cock, desperately trying to keep him close as her heart skipped a few beats. (Y/n)’s orgasm washed over her without another warning, it left her skin was burning and her body kept trembling. It was all too powerful for her to grasp, too powerful for her to voice out the words burning on her lips. And Carlisle could only stare at her with admiration laced in his gaze.
She felt his heat fill her, he painted her walls white with his release, panted her name like a prayer leaving him. Their bodies stayed connected for a few more moments, no words were shared as they were laying there, trying to find their way back to reality.
“I hope you know that this wasn’t a one time thing for me.” His worries began clouding his mind, but (y/n) reached for his face, she cupped his cheek and kissed his cold lips. One simple touch seemed to be enough to stop his worries from ripping him away, from pushing him away from her warm embrace.
“I won’t let you go, this much I can promise.”
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Please like and reblog if you’ve enjoyed reading this, come talk to me about my writing, let’s spill some tea or thirst over our favorite people. xxx
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folkloreguk · 3 years
French Class [2]
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this part! I’m excited to put out more parts soon!
genre: optional bias (m) x reader (f), smut, oral (f receiving), car sex, dirty talk, college!au, nerd!reader, fuckboy!bias
words: 4.4 k
✽series masterlist✽
taglist (lmk if u wanna be added!): @lovely-ateez
“And then he asked me if I would wear his tie around my neck while he- Hello? Earth to Y/N? Are you there?” Your roommate, Chohee, waved her hand in front of your face from across the table. You had occupied the seats in the back of the Chinese restaurant, in a niche where you were mostly hidden from other customers. Turns out, for all the spicy stories she had in store – as always – that had been a great idea.
“I swear your thoughts have been all over the place lately. Are you sure you have nothing to talk about?” She twirled a strand of her dyed pink hair around her fingers while she mustered you suspiciously.
“I’m sorry, I zoned out. It’s nothing, I’m just tired. I’ve been studying day and night. Looks like you’re the only one with the stories today. Just start again from the part where he got the whipped cream from the fridge,” you said.
“We went over that part five minutes ago! Have you paid any attention?” Chohee shook her head with a grin. Then she began her bedroom-adventure story from the beginning, because she knew as well as you, she loved talking about it.
Truth was, you had one hell of a story to tell. And no, you had not been paying attention. Not because you were tired. Not because you had studying on your mind. But because one hundred percent of your focus was currently directed at the boy only a few tables from yours. You only saw the back of his head, but there was no doubt about his identity. The mop of hair was unmistakable. Plus, he was in his famous black leather jacket. There was no mistaking this piece of clothing. It was decorated with white splatters of acrylic paint and had his name written messily across the top of his back. You could just about make out the tips of the letters as he leaned back comfortably, legs spread on his chair, chatting to his friend.
Chohee had no idea about the grip the person behind her had on you. She was your closest friend, and yet you hadn’t broken the news to her: You were hooking up (and not just once) with the so-called “hottest guy on campus”. AT least those had been her words when she had first told you about him. Lately you had to admit, you were starting to agree. It wasn’t like you wanted to keep secrets from her. In fact, on many occasions you had almost crumbled and told her the full story. Had she not been such a chatterbox, and did she not love gossiping as much as she did, you swore she would already know about your little arrangement with him.
She was aware of this much: You and him were casual friends. Study buddies, one would say. You had subtly passed over the little details of your friendship. How grocery store visits sometimes turned into visits to his dorm because of a simple text of his, or how you had sneaked out on more than one occasion in the middle of the night because he had told you his dormmates weren’t home. It wasn’t weird to Chohee that you brushed over the particularities of your “one-night-stands” when you returned in the mornings. You had never been as big on sharing as she was.
Maybe you wanted to keep things to yourself out of fear what people would say, too. You couldn’t care less whether people knew you were sleeping around. But everyone knew him, or so it seemed. Girls wanted him. Boys wanted to be him. All you desired was his friendship and some fun. You had no interest in being known on campus or having people you’ve never met giving you the side-eye over having sex with an oh-so-special boy. One day you would tell Chohee all about it. You weren’t technically lying. Just not sharing the entire story.
“Remember how I said H/N was the hottest guy ever?” Chohee suddenly said. The sound of his name made your head snap back to reality.
“Oh, now you’re listening, I see. All it takes is for me to mention your new bestie,” she teased. “You shouldn’t get too attached to him. I have a feeling that girls are interchangeable to him, either way. Anyway, I’ve decided I find his friend Korain much more attractive, since I’ve been hooking up with him.”
Would it be weird to correct her? To promise her, when you had more time and weren’t so distracted, you would lay the truth on her? He isn’t like that at all, you wanted to say. Yes, he liked female attention. But that didn’t make him a bad guy. Would it sound crazed to explain how he knew how you took your coffee, and how he sent you pictures of your favorite animals before your exams to take some of the nerves away? Or how he reported that it took him exactly 1,012 steps to get to your dorm from his place? Multiple times you had tried to count the distance yourself, but you never seemed to have enough focus to make it. Something always caught you off guard. You had doubted his credibility, but he swore he wasn’t bluffing.
Speaking of his friend Korain – who was at this very Chinese restaurant with H/N – he was suddenly making eye contact with you. Before you could slide lower into your seat like a frightened animal, he had grinned at you. Oh no. Prompted by his friend’s smile in your direction, H/N now turned his head. You were thankful Chohee was still deep in her explanation on why she had changed her opinions on the two very boys only a few tables away. If only she knew.
H/N’s eyes caught yours and a smirk plastered on his face. You assumed the tiny smile you sent him would do, but no. The two young men had collected their things and were getting ready to leave. The exit was the opposite direction, and yet H/N took the long way there. His stride was that of a model as he approached your table.
“Y/N,” he said, voice sweet like sugar candy and his smile charming like famous artwork. “You wanna hang at the library later?”
Chohee was now eyeing him as if she was your bodyguard and he was an obsessed fan who had crossed into your personal space. All you could think of was how you wanted him as your dessert. Now. But you had an exam coming up in a few days. So, his invitation fit just right.
“I’ll be there.” You smiled politely. He gave you a raised eyebrow, but then nodded, said goodbye, spun around and followed his friend out of the restaurant. When you looked at Chohee, she was already giving you eyes that asked a billion questions at once. Fantastic. Now you’d have to explain that “hang at the library” was not some sort of codeword for sex, but you had – against all odds – convinced the local prince of fuckboys that studying wasn’t such an atrocious idea after all. But fate saved you before you could begin your clarification.
“Oh no! Where has the time gone? I have to get to my afternoon lecture!” Chohee exclaimed, quickly gathering her purse and jacket. “My professor will curse me if I’m late again!”
And with that, she scrambled up from the table. “Don’t think you’re getting off easy just because I have to go! I demand a good story when I get home!”
You knew she was just being dramatic, and should you decide to keep everything to yourself for another month, she wouldn’t be mad. And yet, the urge to tell her crept up on you as you watched her hurry out of the door while waving one last time. Your morning classes had been the only appointment in your calendar for the day. So, with nothing else to do, you fished for your phone to message him for a time to meet at the library.
“What were you being so weird for earlier?” he asked as he plopped down on the wooden chair across from you. His books slammed on the table, and you flinched a little. Boys.
“Thanks for reminding me why I chose to sit in the group project area today. Could you be any louder in a library?” you said. “And thank god we’re the only ones here.”
“Thanks for reminding me that you’re still great at avoiding questions,” he returned.
“I just didn’t want my friend to ask questions.”
“So you talked to me like a five year old would respond to their kindergarten teacher? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me? The guy with the reputation?”
“No, I’m not. Wait? What? And what kind of reputation would that be, if I may ask? The you-only-sleep-with-a-girl-once-reputation?”
“You should know the nastiest rumors mostly prove to be false. I was thinking of something more delightful. Like a gives-the-best-head-on-campus-kind of reputation.”
You snorted. “And who is going to do the research to prove that?”
“Why don’t you look around and report back to me?” he smirked.
“No thanks. I’m already hooking up with a guy who’s more than a handful.”
He faked taking offence in your words with a theatrical gasp. “Is that so? The girl I’m hooking up with isn’t much better. Always asks to hang at the library like she doesn’t beg me to fuck her the second we get out of there.”
“Let me remind you that you were the one who suggested this place today,” you said. “I was ready to jump into your bed and you had to stall time like this.”
“Are you for real? What are we still doing here, then?” he asked, and you tilted your head with a suggestive grin that mirrored his.
15 minutes later:
“Who the fuck stores five umbrellas in their car?” You kicked another one off the backseat you were lying on. Your bra was exposed beneath your shirt which he had pushed up on your chest and was now attacking the exposed skin with hungry kisses.
“That’s what you get for not getting it on in the library,” he muttered against your skin without looking up.
“We’d be asking to get suspended from there by doing that,” you said. “And I cherish my library very much.”
He only made a snickering noise and shook his head before he went to take off his shirt – and promptly hit his head on the car roof. “Ow! This sucks. I can barely move.”
“That’s what you get for not waiting until we’re at your place,” you teased him with his own words. But judging by the prominent bulge in his pants, you supposed you didn’t want him driving anywhere. Not with naughty things on his mind, and with you next to him to only make him hornier. Your eyes fell on the dark purple spots on his abdomen, and you grinned.
“Wow. Someone must have worked hard to make that stomach even prettier,” you said.
“Yeah, you would know all about that, wouldn’t you?” He bent down to your ear and his husky tone sent cold shivers up your spine. Of course, you knew. You were the one who bit and sucked the hickeys into his skin two days ago, after all. His hands palming your boobs through your bra drew out a desperate sigh from you.
“Let’s play a game. What do you say?” he asked.
“What kind of game would that be?” Your interest was roused. He was lost in thought for a moment, hands slowly running up and down your exposed legs. Luckily, you had opted for a skirt today. All he’d had to do was to push it up to your belly and get rid of your underwear after your short but very steamy make-out session on the backseat. The cool air on your exposed core was only magnifying your impatience.
“Whoever comes first, loses.” You couldn’t suppress a chuckle at his idea, and he eyed you with indignation. “You don’t like it?”
“Everyone knows women take longer to orgasm than men do,” you said. “Are you trying to dig your own grave or what?”
“That’s why I’ll have a head start,” he announced. His hands circled the skin close to your core, creeping up your thighs slowly.
“And what’s the prize for winning?”
“The loser owes the winner a favor.”
“Too vague. I don’t trust you with that.”
“I don’t trust you, she says as she waits for me to fuck her in my car,” he mocked.
“I don’t trust your crazy ideas,” you clarified. “What about this? The winner pays for the loser’s next meal when we eat together.”
“Deal.” He slid his fingers over your pussy, and you crumbled into a whining mess within seconds. No matter how much your head denied it, he really was the best. He caught your clit between his digits and your eyes rolled to the back of your head for a moment.
“Shit, you only turn me on more if you’re going to moan like that.” He lowered his head and spit on your center, and the laughter that had been bubbling in your throat died in an instant. His fingers rubbed your nub fast and spread his saliva – without doubt his attempt at tipping you closer to the edge before he had even begun to fuck you.
“Too bad you find me so hot,” you said, and let out a purposely dramatic whimper, followed by his name in your best fake-porn-voice. His smile had something wholesome, as if he was admiring his friend making silly jokes, but also a glint of playfulness. You knew had been a mask when he bit his lip and exhaled slowly. With ease, he slid his middle finger into you. As he curled it against your sweet spot, he bent down to suck on your clit and your back arched at the sudden pleasure.
“Too bad you’re going to lose,” he said, and then continued his antics. Had he continued this way for another few minutes, his words wouldn’t have been so far from the truth. But you had other plans.
“Are you going to fuck me now?” you asked. “That’s enough of your head start.”
“I only just tasted you. Why would it be called a head start, if you’re going to stop me two minutes into giving you head?” he asked and you would’ve slapped his shoulder, had he been close enough. Instead, you closed your eyes for a few seconds. He was the competitive one here, and you didn’t mind enjoying yourself for now. Sighing in temporary defeat, your head fell back onto the seat. The sun was shining its last rays through the car window. They caught in his curled eyelashes and on his skin, coloring him golden.
“That’s a good girl,” he said, arm snaking around your thigh. He held on to you, but it wasn’t as if you could have moved away from him. Your head was right by the car door. His lips around your clit paired with his finger steadily rubbing against your sweet spot inside of you made you feel like floating. His free hand touched your leg gently, caressing your skin as if he wasn’t also simultaneously pushing you to the urge to yell out his name in pleasure. You tangled your fingers in his soft hair, as if you needed to do so to keep him in place. But something in the back of your mind still had a desire for winning. Trying to collect the last bits of your dwindling sanity, you hatched a plan. Good on you – you knew just what rode him into madness.
“I- I need you to fuck me, please,” you begged, making sure to add an extra layer of tragedy to your voice. “Please, I want it so bad.”
He looked up at you, a dark glint in his eyes. Of course, he did. All was going according to plan. It wasn’t like you had known him all your life, but you were perfectly aware of one thing. He could never resist your dirty talking and begging.
“Please?” you bat your eyelashes ever so longingly at him.
“Is that so?” He was now straightening up. His black pupils were dilated, and he was looking at you with the expectation of a loyal puppy waiting for his treat. You grabbed the front hem of his pants and pulled him towards you. In a moment, you had unzipped the material for him.
“I want you to fuck me like you did the first time we met. At the party,” you said. “Do you ever think about it, too?”
“Fuck, of course I do,” he said. Faster than you could register, he was ripping a condom wrapper and sliding it onto his free length. His cock stood angry and hard against his stomach. Perhaps your dramatic words weren’t so far-fetched. You couldn’t wait for him.
“Then do it, please,” you said. “Right now, this pussy is all yours. Use it the way it should be used.”
He muttered a swear under his breath and you knew he was in the palm of your hand. His hot breath fanned your neck as he bent over you, cock aligned with your exposed core. For a moment his length slid through your wetness, and he groaned at the warmth that was about to engulf him.
“I’m so fucking wet,” you moaned. “And all for you.”
You would have been lying if you said you weren’t enjoying the exaggerated show you were putting on for him as much as he did. Although, you weren’t sure whether you were allowed to call it exaggeration, at all. Your walls clenched around nothing as the tip of his cock touched your juices and he eyed you like he could’ve eaten you up right then and there.
When he finally entered you, he instantly sighed. His eyes were shut tightly as he dealt with the impact of feeling you around his shaft. A small spark of triumph went through you. That was, until he pushed your legs up and snapped his hips against yours. A sharp, sudden burst of pleasure shot through you and the coil in your stomach tightened all at once. You suspected your plan was backfiring slightly. Your words not only appealed to him and his famished mind and body. They also got to your head, and there you were, barely able to contain yourself under a load of blind hunger.
“You want me to fuck you senseless, huh?” he asked. His words went straight to your core. Nonetheless, you had a goal to work towards and you weren’t set on giving up.
“Yes, oh my god,” you whimpered. “That’s all I’m asking for. Please, I know you can. You always fuck me so well.”
In response, he rammed his body into yours so abruptly, you gave off a noise of surprise and pleasure at the same time. He bent his upper body over yours to support himself. His hands lay flat on the seat on both sides of your head. His thrusts made your legs shake now and then, when his cock hit that one spot inside of you. It was causing you to see entire galaxies on the inside of your eyelids. When you blinked up at him, the sun had disappeared beyond the horizon. Darkness had always suit him better than the golden sunset, either way. The muscles in his arms flexed and his eyebrows furrowed, and for a moment you called victory yours. But you couldn’t be sure for longer than a moment.
Because from one second to another he straightened up and slowed his thrusts. The gradualness had something equally as striking. He dragged his cock through your scarlet walls and his fingers found your clit. You drew out a ragged breath and cursed him for regaining the upper hand. Yet, you quickly abandoned the thought of defeat. When you allowed yourself to feel the pleasure, every last thought vanished at last. You moaned and whimpered helplessly. Without overthinking, you wrapped your hand around his wrist. He shot you a confused smirk.
“Too much, baby?” he said. “Think you won’t be able to handle it? A shame. It would really be too bad if you lost. You were doing so well up to now.”
You swallowed, hard. His patronizing voice tugged at your nerves and yet you loved when he spoke to you this way during sex. And he was aware of it – hence his knowing grin.
“Don’t stop moving,” you asked him to keep up his thrusts. “It’s not fair, otherwise.”
“Oh no. I would never dare break the rules,” he said.
He did as you said, and it only made things more mind-consuming for you. You were again reminded of the small tornado raging in the pit of your belly, threatening to consume you all over. It was only a matter of time. But what he could do, you could do better.
“Do you like fucking me in my skirt?” you taunted him, blinking ever so sweetly. Your eyes were dripping honey as you put on your most innocent gaze. “Am I pretty like this?”
“You’re the prettiest,” he muttered, biting his lip as if he was stopping a thousand moans from spilling out. “So. Fucking. Hot.”
“If I wear this skirt to class tomorrow, and you see me in the halls, will you think of this moment?” you asked. His fingers on your clit were shaky and moving unevenly. You might have been digging your own grave along with his. You didn’t care. Too many lectures you had wasted, barely able to concentrate because of the boy on top of you.
“Definitely. You weren’t wearing that earlier, at the restaurant,” he said. You wondered how many people had ever seen him this way – utterly breathless, all his cool vaporizing at once.
“Good observation,” you said, but you were struggling with your words as much as he was unable to keep calm. What was meant to sound lazy and seductive had morphed into a whimper and small sighs. “I wasn’t. I- I put it on just for you.”
He cursed again and abandoned all his remaining self-control. His grip on you was iron-tight and you clenched your fists. Oh, how you wished you could have buried your head into a pillow, or better even, the crook of a neck. Instead, you moaned his name almost soundlessly and searched for his dark eyes.
“Say my name again,” he demanded, like it was his last request on earth. So, you obeyed, only because you would have done anything for him right now, if it meant that he would keep fucking you that way.
“Oh my- my god,” you moaned. “Please don’t stop, fuck-“
“You look so hot right now, baby,” he groaned. “Shit- I could come just looking at you.”
“Then do it,” you said. Challengingly, you both smirked at each other. It lasted only the blink of an eye. You felt your insides twist before you could have prevented it. And all of a sudden, you crashed. Your intense orgasm erupted, and it took you several seconds to realize it, but then you heard it. His high-pitched moans, quiet and curse-stricken, could only mean one thing. You weren’t the only one, and therefore not the first to reach your high. A content smile spread on your face as his messy thrusts went on for a short while and you bathed in the remaining moments of bliss.
Silence set in as you both kept still to catch your breaths. You worried he would pin the loss on you, nonetheless, and inwardly braced yourself for his accusations. But to your surprise, he only laughed and collapsed on top of you. His breath tickled your neck slightly.
“We’ll be splitting the bill, I suppose?” he said. He straightened up to look you in the eyes playfully.
“Looks like it,” you said. You guessed his fighting spirit had been appeased and his energy had been spent on better things than arguing with you. You never minded it.
“Did you have a nice study session? Does the library lady assume you’re homeless and actually living there, yet?” Chohee teased as you entered your shared kitchen. She was typing on her phone but looked up when you only laughed.
“Is that a hickey?” she asked, and you knew you were done for. “What exactly is it you were studying? H/N’s body?”
“I guess I should tell you. Sooner or later, you’ll know,” you relented.
“Tell me what? Oh my god. Are you guys dating? Are you dating H/N?”
“No! You know I have no time for a boyfriend,” you said. “But…we’ve been hooking up.”
“Damn girl,” she said. “What do you have on him that he keeps coming back?”
“Excuse me? Am I really that boring of a company?”
“No. You’re the best company I could ever ask for, obviously,” she said, smiling at you. “But you remember his reputation. He sleeps with the same girl only once.”
“It’s just a stupid rumor,” you said. “Besides, we’re not just hooking up. He’s my friend. You already knew that.”
“Friend, huh?” Chohee asked. “Alright. So, you’re telling me he can hang out with you without trying to get it on?”
“He can, actually. And let me tell you, he’s cool. And pretty funny, too,” you said. She raised her eyebrows at you. “We’ve set some rules. We hook up, but also hang out as friends. Neither is allowed to be upset when the other turns down sex. We can both hook up with anyone else, still. No jealousy, no attachments. Just a good time.”
“Alright,” Chohee nodded. “If you’re so close, do you think you could introduce me to some of his friends sometime?”
You laughed, nodding. Chohee and H/N had quite some things in common, you realized then. Maybe that’s why you liked the two of them so much.
“Let’s see how long that lasts, then. Don’t wrap him too tightly around your finger, or he might trip and fall,” she winked. It was your turn to raise your eyebrow. Whatever she might have been insinuating – you had zero plans of making it reality. (Yet.)
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myrulia · 3 years
"You two are dating?" - Michikatsu x Reader
.。.:*✧Synopsis: You and Michikatsu are secretly dating in college, mainly to not attract attention from both his brother and a certain horny friend of his. How will you react when you are caught?
.。.:*✧Warnings: Small smut
.。.:*✧[A/N]: This is my part of the Secret/Fake dating collab by @httptamaki, a Modern!AU with our favorite Kimetsu No Yaiba twins!
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➢ How you two started dating? Well you met back in High School and that’s where things started to prosper
➢ Michikatsu was a generally well known man with your classmates, and even had a few girls crushing on him and his twin brother, Yoriichi, due to their scarily good looks
➢ Both twins were scarily attractive and that intimidated you at first, especially during high school
`` Have you seen the Tsugikuni brothers today?! They look so good! I tried asking Yoriichi out today but his attention was else where! `` You were off somewhere in the corner of a class, speaking with a close friend of yours about something completely unrelated until all eyes were on you, for Michikatsu Tsugikuni approached you.
➢ Obviously, you were surprised - no, appalled at how a Tsugikuni wanted your attention
➢ That was the day he confessed his own little crush on you whilst being on the roof of the school. How could you not accept? You also had taken a liking to the attractive raven haired male and saying no would be similar to jumping off the same roof where you admitted your feelings
➢ That's when worry set in
➢ All types of girls, boys, and theys liked them both, and constantly thirsted over the two while claiming "they're mine!" It was immature to say the least, but entertaining to see their feelings not get reciprocated from one of them
`` What if by saying we are together, they would start attacking me on purpose? Or saying hurtful things out of spite? `` You inquired with worry laced in your tone. Michikatsu took your hand in his, expressing his own idea. `` I know this might not seem like the best idea, but we do not have to openly tell people we are together, it can be our secret. ``
➢ And that's how your secret relationship started
➢ Of course, you had your worries, but seeing as how your relationship even made it to college due to it starting in your senior year of high school, they all simply washed away
➢ It was actually not as hard as you made it out to be to hide your relationship. During your first year of college, you knew not to act too close, but instead as acquaintances who simply knew each other back in high school
➢ Yet, even though some females who also went to high school with you recognized you as the girl who got asked out by Michikatsu, they did not cause any problems surprisingly enough
➢ Now, you're probably asking how you got caught? Oh boy...
➢ During your second year of college, Yoriichi and Michikatsu started living off campus in their own home that you were excited to learn of from your lover who happily shared the news to you when you both were alone in your dorm
➢ Around that same time, Professor Muzan Kibutsuji, the one teacher you loath the most for always favoring other students and failing to hide it, assigned a group project of 5 for your classroom, and to your luck, you were put in a group with not only the twins, but Douma and Shinobu
➢ You were friends with Shinobu, but not so much with Douma. The male would constantly tease you, trying to get your number at any given second while you were put together at a different table to brainstorm ideas for said project
`` Sooo..~ What are we doing for the project hm? Maybe we should exchange numbers so that we can converse more afterwards. `` Douma's suggestion did not go unnoticed by everyone, who automatically knew what he meant by the wink he directed in your attention. Shinobu, who thankfully also hated the male, slapped him silly upside his head.
➢ Michikatsu, who absolutely despised him, always struggled to hide a specific vein that would pulse on his neck that hinted clear signs of aggravation, but unfortunately, you two were just not ready to openly express your relationship
➢ After the class and the slap hurricane Shinobu laid upon Douma, Yoriichi invited the group to their house, and you being excited that you could finally come over, said yes a little too quickly
➢ Thankfully, it did go unnoticed by everyone, so your nerves were relaxed
`` I'd love to, but I have plans with a special lady that weekend, so unfortunately I cannot make it, maybe Shinobu ca- `` ``I cannot make it either, but [Y/N] can and she'll text me the ideas anyways, have fun, `` was all the biology major female said before turning on her heel and leaving swiftly.
➢ Now having plans set in motion, you waited patiently for the weekend to arrive, and when it did, you were beyond ecstatic
➢ That's where everything went down hill
➢ Thanks to the directions messaged to you by Michikatsu, you made it to their estate with no issues. You were nervous and excited at the same time. It was impossible to not feel such ways when this is the first official time you would be in the private space of your boyfriend
➢ He had also given you a key to entering was not a problem, but what you did not expect to see was your boyfriend standing there and waiting for you
`` Yoriichi isn't going to be home this evening, so I figured we could come up with our own project instead, `` Michikatsu said with a fire ablaze in his eyes as he grew closer to you. The gaze itself caused shivers to emit from your spine once your brain registered at what he was suggesting, and you could not lie, the idea had you wet already.
➢ Obviously you and the raven haired male had slept together a plethora amount of times before, most times leaving you sore and having to suck it up and pretend nothing happened during classes while he sat proudly knowing he was the reason
➢ In a matter of seconds you both are now in his bedroom, you beneath him and him leaving butterfly kisses up and down your neck until his lips latch onto yours again, all the while getting you undressed
➢ Let's skip a little ahead because you know what happens here ;)
➢ By time Michikatsu is already balls deep within your wet depths and thrusting into you like no tomorrow, Yoriichi entered around that time with confusion plastered on his face upon hearing banging against a wall as well as another noise he could not quite decipher
➢ The confused twin trailed up the stairs until he knocked onto Michikatsu's room door, expecting an answer but instead all he heard was an audible moan of his brother's name
➢ The poor look on his face once he learns what his brother and his girlfriend is doing
➢ At that point he is fed up of being overheard so he bursts into the room, although he did not think the entire plan through because now he got the open sight of you having your legs wrapped around Michikatsu's waist, his hands interlocked with yours, as well as the evident sight of both your naked and sweaty bodies
➢ Needless to say, he was traumatized
`` Get out and knock!, `` your lover would say as he throws a pillow at the swiftfully exiting male who looked beyond apologetic. `` I did knock! You were too loud! `` At that point you were beyond red, trying to process the entire situation that just unfolded. Your relationship had finally been known.
➢ Michikatsu immediately pulled out of you, cleaning the both of your bodies of any mess (mainly cum and sweat but shh)
➢ Once you both were clean and fully dressed, your boyfriend carried you bridal style out of his bedroom to a certain twin brother that was waiting impatiently in the living room for an explanation as to why he just saw his partner and twin sleeping together
➢ Now, as the three of you were sitting in the living room, you and your lover being even redder than tomatoes, waited for whatever Yoriichi had to say
`` Now, I do not mind if two consenting adults are having one night stands, but can you explain to me as to why you decided to have such loud sex? `` You completely flushed at his explicit words, but also thankful for the fact that he was utterly clueless about your relationship, although it was about time to come clean. `` Yoriichi, I am sorry you had to come home and see that, but there is something we need to tell you..- `` `` You two are dating? ``
➢ Now at that point, you fully died
➢ Seeing as how you have been silent the entire time and left Michikatsu to say everything, you decided to speak up
`` Yes we're together Yoriichi. We have been together for a long time, since high school actually. We've been in a relationship since then and I apologize for not saying anything. ``
➢ Now that the news was out to the one who deserved to know the most, he was much more understanding and even excited about his older brother finding the love of his life
➢ But the next day, things were real embarrassing
➢ You and Michikatsu were extremely silent at your group table during Professor Kibutsuji's class. Obviously Shinobu's observant self took note of this, along with how you did not send her any of the "ideas" you came up with
➢ Shinobu, Douma, and Yoriichi all stared at the two of you, who were now sitting beside each other and being reddened messes at the news you are about to drop on the observers who were starting to get impatient
➢ You've been secretly dating for years and now that the truth is about to come out, it felt gut wrenching to say the least
`` My brother and [Y/N] have something they'd like to say, `` Yoriichi started so that the topic could get a move on and everyone could get a good grade by getting it over with and working on the project. `` Well..- `` said Michikatsu. `` [Y/N] and I are together, and we have been since high school. We were in a secret relationship. ``
➢ Douma being the fucker he is definitely busted out laughing, holding his stomach as tears formed in his eyes
➢ Shinobu on the other hand stared wide eyed, refusing to believe that she could not realize you both were together for such a long time
➢ Although Yoriichi had a proud smile on his face in view of the fact that the news was already out
➢ But due to the prying ears of many around you, some began staring at your table, the secret was now out and you couldn't do anything about it
➢ Even though, you both were happy knowing you no longer had to hide the happiness you two brought each other, as well as now Michikatsu does not have to worry about Yoriichi anymore, for now he will fuck you if he feels like it, give you attention if he feels like it, and get attention himself if he feels like it.
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mrslilyrogers · 3 years
All I have to do is Dream Part 3
Pairing: Steve x Reader, Telepath! Reader (X-men reader)
Summary: It’s been five years since the snap. You and Steve are stuck at an impasse. You want a family, he doesn’t. He says he’s moved on but has he really? With your doubts growing, you consider risking his trust and use your powers on him to get your answers once and for all.
Author’s notes: This is late and not as long as I hoped it would be but hope you all enjoy! There might be one more part left to this series and maybe an epilogue. 
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Eight voicemails and twelve messages. Eight voicemails and twelve messages from the person you wanted to talk to the most. Everyday for the past few weeks since you left, he called. And everyday your hands itched to reach out and call back but you stopped yourself. 
“I love her!” 
His voice echoed in your head. Enough was enough. Your fingers kneaded your temples, trying to alleviate the headache forming there. It didn’t help that there was a dark gnawing feeling in your gut, something was wrong. You knew it. A sixth sense, if you will. It happened the first time your powers manifested. You had been eight then, in front of the television with your dad when suddenly, your heart started to beat faster, your breaths coming in short pants, and your forehead dotted in sweats; a strong sense of foreboding crept under your skin and ever since then, life had never been the same. 
That night, you slept in a restless slumber; trapped under a heavy spell while you watched your father as a young boy. You had no idea how you knew the man who carried you over his shoulders, who seemed so strong and indestructible to your child’s eyes, was this same little boy you watched. You couldn’t understand it, you were dreaming but it was so real. Every detail as crisp as if you had been there and witnessed it. It wasn’t long before it all changed, everything before you cast in a darker shade, the people around you in black, sliding apologetic glances towards the somber boy standing in between his grandparents. You started to break out in a cold sweat, you were at a funeral. The boy’s parents, your father’s parents, just died. You ran, screaming, your heart racing, trying to find a way to get out. You couldn’t stay here, you couldn’t. But the more frantic you became, the more everything jumbled, bringing out his worst fears and nightmares and all you could do was scream, helpless and trapped. 
Oddly enough, that was how you felt now. Despite leaving Steve for the sake of the both of you, you were trapped, helpless to the niggling thought at the back of your mind that something was about to go horribly wrong. You tried to remember everything Xavier Institute has taught you, you were a telepath and with it came a natural intuition you couldn’t ignore. A heightened sense of empathy and awareness. 
You understood people even when they barely gave you a chance to be understood. You still remembered all those times people ran away from you. Those you considered your closest friends, even your teachers, treated you as if you were the plague. Their thoughts filled with dread and terror while you desperately tried to explain yourself but the more agitated you became, the more you lost control. It gave you no other choice but to distance yourself from them, getting homeschooled and keeping to yourself as much as you could. Your father tried his best, you knew he did but he could never look at you the same way. You didn’t have to get into his head to hear his cries at night, worrying and wondering where he went wrong.
It wasn’t long before Professor X found you and invited you to join his school for the gifted. School for the gifted. There was a time you couldn’t say that without a roll to your eyes, how could it have been a gift when all it ever caused you was sorrow? The day it was finally time for you to leave the only home you’ve ever known, your father’s relief was palpable in the air. He never gave voice to it and instead promised to visit as often as he could but even then, you knew he wouldn’t have been able to keep up. He visited you less and less as time went on until your relationship was reduced to a couple of phone calls barely lasting five minutes long. 
That was why you learned never to get too close. You owed to the X-Men who you were today. They had given you a place to call home, somewhere to belong to. For all the years you spent at the institute, they were nothing but kind to you, encouraging you, helping you hone your abilities and to cope with the loss of your former life. They gave you a fresh start, a new family and it should’ve been enough and in some ways, it is. But there was always a part of yourself you couldn’t give no matter how hard you tried and so the moment you could leave, you left. You wandered on your own, occasionally coming back to visit and catch up before leaving again, never planting any roots. That was the way you wanted it, that way you could never get hurt. 
Until Steve.
He instantly broke down your defenses and what was supposed to be a one-timer mission turned longer than you would’ve ever dreamed. You would’ve been lying if you said you didn’t stay with the Avengers because of him. The truth was as much as staying with them was fulfilling, there was a part of him that called out to you. You understood him, a man out of his time. Out of place. All you’ve ever felt your whole life. His loneliness drew you to him like a moth to a flame. He never showed it, too proud to admit it to himself but you knew it the instant you met him. He was untethered, burdened to continue on in a world he didn’t belong in. Your heart ached for him, for a man so lost that he only ever felt alive when he was at war. You tried to help him see the world with color again. “Ironic, coming from you,” you thought to yourself. But the more time you spent with him, the more your cynicism chipped away bit by bit until you became closer to the person you were before your abilities. Free to dream and love as you should’ve been. It was as if you needed him as much as he needed you. 
“Would you like a refill for that, honey?” the kindly old waitress asked, jerking you out of your reverie, her wrinkled face etched into a pitying smile. You shook your head and gave her your thanks, the dread in your chest intensifying once more. 
Look at where you are now, back to square one. 
You huffed at the tiny voice inside your head. She was right. Here you were, sat on a dingy couch at a diner in the middle of nowhere running from the people you loved the most. You looked at your phone again, the gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach screaming at you to do something. You should at least call Nat, you thought to yourself. You’d been planning to call her anyway even though you always chickened out. That seemed the safest thing to do for your sanity, make sure they were alright then you’d be on your merry way again. It was the only way to calm your racing heart, to get rid of that sense of foreboding creeping up at you and pulling you down. You could just be anxious, right? Guilt and shame of leaving plaguing you before you could truly move on. After that phone call, everything will be put back to rights. You’ll feel better, you keep telling yourself. Only your mind wouldn’t listen. 
The ringing on the other end of the line kept you on edge and when Nat’s worried voice greeted you, you let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. 
“Y/N! Where the hell have you been? Steve has been looking everywhere for you! Do you know how worried we’ve been?”
You could hear the hurt in her tone and your heart broke at how you’d left things with your friend, completely forgetting about how she’d react when you impulsively decided to run away. But they were safe. At least, they were safe. Tears pricked at your eyes, you had no idea just how desperate you’ve become to hear her voice on the line, to know that nothing had happened in your absence and the stress of these past few weeks have just been taking its toll.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Nat--” you broke off, your voice cracking from trying not to cry. 
“I shouldn’t have left the way I did but it was just too much, I had to leave. I couldn’t stay, not after everything that happened,” you continued, sniffing through it, willing yourself not to break down to your best friend on the phone in the middle of a busy diner.
“I know, sweetie. Steve told me all about it.” She sighed, sounding tired, before continuing, “You know I will never pick any sides right? I’ll support whatever you decide.” 
“Thanks, Nat. I knew you would, I never doubted you. It’s just… it’s been a lot to take in and I can’t… I don’t know how to face him if…” you trailed off, not having the courage to continue what you knew all along. It was one thing to admit it to yourself but another to say it out loud to another person. It made it more real. More final. You picked at the hem of your shirt, shaking your head. It was as if Nat knew what you were thinking, she gave another sigh on the other end of the line.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to talk about it now. But Y/N, he really does love you. He hasn’t been the same since you left and--” she immediately cut herself off as if she was about to say something she shouldn’t. You didn’t miss her sharp intake of breath before she continued, “You should really talk to him, Y/N.” 
“Nat, what’s going on? Are you guys alright?”
You felt goosebumps on your flesh. Rubbing your free hand on your thigh, you tried to calm your racing nerves.
“No, no, we’re fine. Don’t worry--” she replied instantaneously, reassuring you but before she could continue, you cut her off, relief washing over you. 
“Good. That’s good. Cause for a while there, I thought you were gonna say something crazy. I’ve just been having this weird feeling that something big is going to happen. But I’m probably just being anxious. Sorry, what were you saying?” 
“You really do have that scary clairvoyant thing going on sometimes,” you heard her laugh at you, teasing, but before you could say anything else, she turned serious, 
“Y/N, we’re gonna try to bring everyone back,” her voice was filled with hope and determination that it made you pause, your brain struggling to keep up. 
What? Did you hear her right? 
She started to explain their plan but your mind was already spinning. You immediately left the booth, slapping a ten dollar bill on the table. Your frantic steps heading into the direction of your car parked outside.
“Nat, Nat, hold on. What do you mean you’re leaving? Traveling through time? Is that even possible?” You slammed the door on your car, your voice hushed as if scared to even wonder, heart beating rapidly in your chest. 
If she really meant what you think she meant then they were all going to risk their lives for an attempt to bring everyone back. But who knew if it would even work? What if they got lost? What if they never came back? You didn’t give yourself a moment to hope. This was too dangerous. Too quick and impulsive. You needed to talk to Steve.
Before Nat could reply, you heard him call her in the background, his voice authoritative and resolute. They were ready. They were going to leave now. 
“Nat, let me talk to him,” you heard yourself say without preamble. There was no need to think it through, it didn’t matter if he hated you, if he wanted nothing to do with you, you just had to talk to him. 
“Who’s that?” You could hear him ask in the background, his voice far, his footsteps approaching. 
The moment he realized who was on the other line, the moment he saw your picture flash on his friend’s screen, his hand shot out frantically for it, scared you’d leave before he even got a chance to hear your voice. 
“Y/N?” he asked softly, worried you might suddenly end the call. You could almost see the look on his face, eyebrows furrowed, eyes searching and concerned. 
“Steve,” All the emotions you felt carried out in a single name. Regret, shame, longing. That was all it took before you broke down into tears. If you hadn’t called Nat, if you had let even one more day pass by, your last fight could’ve been the last time you ever saw him. 
“Is everything alright? What happened? Are you okay?” he was suddenly alert, voice booming with concern and just a little bit of panic. 
“No, I’m fine, I’m fine. Nat told me everything. Are you leaving already? What’s going on?” you managed to choke out, trying to regain as much composure as you can. You heard him let out a sigh of relief on the other end. 
“Oh, doll. Don’t worry about us. It’ll be alright. We’ve got it under control, I promise,” he sounded so sure of himself, his voice so soothing, almost as if he were caressing your back like he usually does to reassure you. You heard his footsteps again and the closing of a door, you assumed he looked for a place more private, quiet. This time, you wouldn’t easily let up. 
“You can’t promise that, Steve. Let me come with you,” you pleaded, exasperation in your tone. You surprised even yourself, your hands already frantically moving to drive.  You had no idea what came over you, had no idea what you were even really getting into. All you knew was that no matter where you stood in your relationship, you’ve been through so much together, you couldn’t let him face this alone. 
“No. Absolutely not. It’s too dangerous, Y/N. Just stay where you are and I’ll come find you when all this is over,” his voice brooked no argument. You could already tell how he looked like, his head shaking vehemently, feet braced apart, eyes flashing with determination. 
“Steve--” you started, voice rising in return but he immediately cut you off. 
“Y/N, listen to me. I don’t have much time but please, just this once, promise me you’ll stay where you are. Keep yourself safe until I come find you--”
“No way am I--” you spoke over him, your patience wearing thin, panic rising in your throat. 
“Y/N, let me finish. Doll, I don’t have much time. We’ve already ran simulations and this works. We’re gonna get them all back but I can’t do that if I think you’re in trouble so please, baby, just promise me you’ll stay put. It’ll only be a minute for you. Just stay where you are, please. I can’t lose you, love.” his voice verged on desperation, making you pause. 
“I know I’ve said some things I can’t take back and god, do I fucking regret them every single day since you left but I love you. And if this fails and I don’t come back, I need to know you’re at least safe. I need you to promise me that,”
“Steve, don’t… don’t talk like that,” you shook your head, not acknowledging what he was saying. This was unfair. Steve was never one to be pessimistic, he never showed any vulnerability before a mission and the fact that he did now made your heart ache. He had one goal and one goal only, he wanted to right what he perceived to be his wrong. He was going into this fully prepared to give his life to get everyone back. But for you, the stakes were too high. Who knew the dangers of what the past held? What if something happens that would keep him there? 
“Love, please. We’re leaving soon,”
You let out a huge breath. “Just promise me you’ll be back?” 
You could almost hear the smile on his face, could almost see his shoulders sag with relief. 
“Then promise me, you’d stop driving while on the phone,” he joked, trying to make light of the situation. He knew how you could get when you excessively worried about him. He didn’t even realize how much he loved it until now that your fussing was reduced to a phone call. 
“Steve, I mean it,” you warned seriously. 
“When have I ever backed down from a fight? And this is just an extraction mission. I’ll be back before you know it, I promise,” his voice sounded so calming, you almost believed it. 
Despite his downplaying, you knew the risks. Time travel? Who could even say they’ve thought this would be possible even in their wildest dreams?
“I’ve gotta go, sweetheart. I love you. I’ll come to you as soon as all this is over,” you heard the scuffle of feet in the background, heard F.R.I.D.A.Y calling out to him, and suddenly, you didn’t have enough time. You had so much to say, so much to apologize for.
“Steve, wait--” you started desperately, ready to beg for forgiveness. 
“Don’t.” he cut you off quickly as if already knowing the direction you were heading in. 
“There’s no need, doll. I love you, we’ll make this work. I promise, I’ll do everything I can to make it work,”
He sounded so sincere, so forgiving that it made your lips tremble into a soft smile.
“I love you too, Steve. I’ll see you guys in a minute,” you replied, trying to sound as lighthearted as you could when you heard Nat scream it to you in the background. You didn’t want to psyche him out with your worry. This was the mission of his lifetime, everyone depended on him. 
You tried to ignore the heavy feeling in your gut, the fear crawling up your veins. 
Something is about to go wrong. 
Steve chuckled, finally feeling a weight being lifted off his chest, finally able to hope again. This was the future he looked forward to. 
“We’ll see you in a minute, baby,”  
You hoped to God you would. 
Author’s notes: This was tough to write since everything happens through a phone call. I tried to capture the tension of the situation through that and hope I did. As always, let me know what you think! Thanks for reading! 
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unbreathable · 4 years
ride home  / S. Rogers
Summary : As a girl you were always told to never accept a ride from unknown men. You knew what could happen, you knew the dangers and heck, you`ve seen how it ruined some girls. But hey, he`s your teacher, nothing could happen. Right?
Pairing : Dark(soft)!teacher Steve Rogers x female Reader
Before you read, please understand that this is intended to be a dark fic. There will be noncon elements, rape, violence, manipulation and so much more. If you find any of these disturbing, please click away. 18+ only.
Warnings for this one shot : manipulation, noncon elements, rape, use of drugs, lost of virginity. This is some kind of au and Steve might be out of character a little.
Word count : 3.319
Credit : for the gif I used, the credit goes to its rightful creator.
Note : Don’t expect this to be any good. I came up with this over the course of a few hours and I’m still learning how to write one shots, as I find it much easier to write a series. Also I still suck at writing “smut”. I’m trying to perfect it, tho. Promise. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one shot till my mind would be satisfied with the way the next chapter of “The Magpie” turned out and would let me post it. :)) Also, please excuse any mistakes I made. Have a great day you guys!
                   Also, to all the writers from this platform : thank you !
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Girl found wondering around without any memory of the last few days, claims she had been abducted and raped...
Your eyes narrowed as you stared at the case which has been all over the news for the past week. It was quite predictable, really. Young girl, too drunk for her own good woke up by herself in the middle of nowhere. You sighed. In a city as big as New York, cases like this happened almost every other day, but there was always something left behind. Fight marks, blood, hair. Anything that could help the police find the person who did it. This time though, there was nothing.
The poor girl. You couldn`t help but pity her. She must be terrified. All alone against a world that knows nothing better than to judge. You pinched your nose in exasperation.
Cases like this, it`s what made you choose to study law. You wanted to be able to help other women. To offer them a chance at justice. No one deserved to be told that it was their own fault for wondering alone at night or for wearing something more showing. No girl should feel like the law protects only the male population...
“ And what`s your opinion on this matter, miss I`m too busy scrolling on my phone to pay attention to class?”
You cursed in your head, as you put your phone away and lifted your eyes to meet your teacher.
Steve Rogers. America`s hero, savior of the world and an actual pain in your ass, was looking at you expectantly. You held his gaze as you forced your lips to form some kind of smile. Something about him always put you on edge and the way his eyes darkened as he stared at you, didn`t exactly help ease the feeling.
“I`m sorry, I was distracted.” you murmured, not wanting to give him the satisfaction that he caught you unprepared. ”If you would be so kind...”
You looked at him as you raised one eyebrow. It was always like this. No matter what you did he`d always find something to pick at you. At first you took it as a form of banter between a teacher and his students, but with time it became clearly that he had a problem with you. Your grades didn`t reflect the hard work you always put in. Your extra work wouldn`t be considered. Every time you would as much as look at your watch he`d find something to jab at you. He would also have something to say about every paper you handed him. It was a miracle you even made the grade for his class.
You cringed as you remembered the comments he would make about your life outside his class. You seemed to bump into him on a daily. There was also something, in the way he watched your every move, that it made the hair at the back of your neck stay high on alert. You really couldn`t understand what you`ve done that America`s sweetheart despised you that much.
”The women rights...” he smirked down at you.
“Oh, yes. I strongly believe that women should have got their rights the same time men did.” you smiled when you realized that he wanted to add something else. “I mean we know that every society of this world was built around androcentrism, but if we`re real the women were the ones that kept everything from falling apart.” you drew in a short breath. “Oh, and I believe that 1920 was a bit late for our women to get their rights, since women all around the world fought for it since the 18th century.”
You smirked, as for once in your life the bell rang exactly when you needed it. Forcing a smile his way, you stood up gathering your notebooks. You were quite proud of yourself, not because your answer was the desired one, but because you got on professor Rogers nerves. While he didn`t seem to have a problem with women and feminists in general, he sure had a problem with the way you choose to speak on the matter. From the corner of your eye you saw his jaw twitch.
At first you were afraid to even say your opinion lest you would upset him, but now you enjoyed to see that vein on his forehead nearly pop. You held back a giggle. Oh well, at least you won`t have to see him for the next few weeks.
“Professor!” you rolled your eyes when you herd your bestfriend use her sweet voice. “I was wondering if you`d like to come to our party tonight.”
You stood straight, narrowing your eyes at the one that has been your friend since the first day you came to the city. What the hell was happening. You knew she had a crush on him, everyone did, but she wasn`t the one to just go and ask someone out, especially not him. You watched her in confusion as professor Rogers made his way to the front of the class.
“You know, with everything happening right now, the uni council would let us hold the party only if there was someone that could take care of us.”
“Oh!” you supposed that made sense, but even so why did it have to be him.
“Of course professor Barnes already said that he`ll be there, but we`d be thankful if you came too. Please!” your friend bated her eyelashes at him as you rolled your eyes.
Professor Rogers had a pleased smile as he moved his eyes from her to you. You held his gaze, even going as far as raising one eyebrow at him. He blinked, before turning his head towards the rest of the class.
“Since you asked so nicely.” he said after a short moment dismissively. ”`I`ll be there.”
There was something sinister in his eyes. Something that you failed to see as you made your way out of the lecture class.
“I can`t believe you invited him!” you playfully jabbed your friend in the shoulder as she walked next to you.
“Oh, come on! It’s just tonight, and I bet he won’t be able to stay up that late since he’s like... the same age as history?” she bit back a laugh, as she took your hand. “It will be fun, you`ll see.”
You hoped she was right since you were never a big fan of parties of any kind.
                                       _ _ _
This wasn`t fun. Not at all.
You knew you should have stayed home, yet you still wanted to enjoy the last night with your class mates before break. But this wasn`t it. The music was too loud and you couldn`t even hear what some people were saying. Also you`ve never really been a techno fan. The food was crap and you were sure everyone came just because there were free drinks.
It was well past midnight and you have been there since the beginning, but you were already dreading it. You smiled as your only joy came from watching drunk freshmen being rejected by some of your friends. The girls were ruthless and that made you proud.
“Hey girl!” your bestfriend came by your side, holding two glasses in her hands as her body danced along the rhythm of the music. “Look at was professor Rogers sent us.”
Her words were slurred and you could see that she drank already too much. That`s why at first you thought you didn`t hear her right. While it wasn`t unusual for men to send women drinks, getting a drink from your teacher was something you never thought could happen. It was wrong in a way.
“What?” your eyes widened as soon as the word left your mouth.
You eyed the glass she handed you. It seemed to be one of your favorites, and after the sour taste the beer left in your mouth, that would have been like a desert. Still something made you suspicious.
“Come on, take it!”  your friend pressed as she smiled broadly. “He must have realized that he’s been an ass all year and wants to make amends.”
She was giggling as her glossy eyes drifted around the room. She didn`t seem to be able to focus on anything, but somehow her shaky hands found yours and brought the glass you were holding closer to your mouth. You weren`t exactly sure what came over you, but you opened your mouth and let the liquid go down your throat. Involuntarily, your eyes wondered around till you saw the back of your least favorite teacher. He didn`t even seem to care about anything around him as he was engaged into a discussion with professor Barnes. That alone made you feel safe, even though the drink left a bitter taste in your mouth.
You were too quick to judge, you resonated. This was probably his way of saying: “Sorry I tormented you that much.” You suddenly giggled. It was shortly followed by your friend`s laughter. She threw the glass to the side and took your hand leading you to the dancefloor.
You weren`t that much of a dancer. You knew just some basics moves and that was it, but now you didn`t seem to care. You let your body move, and only chuckled when your legs started to feel like jelly. It was a strange feeling. You suddenly felt like were floating.
You furrowed your brows as you started to feel that your body didn`t exactly respond to your impulses. Everything around you happened in slow motion.
You cursed. Just how much did you drink? Moving one hand to your head, you tried to get your senses back, but you found it too hard to do. Your head buzzed. For a second you looked around trying to spot your friend among the sweaty bodies on the dancefloor, but it was like you couldn`t recognize anybody.
Fuck this. You had enough of this party already, and the way you felt made you decide that it was time to go home. You moved between the sea of bodies as fast as you could. Your coat and purse were the only thing you spent more than five minutes looking for, but as you found them you practically run out of there.
The bus stop wasn`t that far, but just the thought that you`ll have to go home by bus, made you want to throw up. You didn`t feel well and there was  dizziness that started to overcome you. As you watched the empty street, you cursed again. Of course you`ll have to wait till the next bus came. Damn it! You should really get your license.
The sound of a engine from behind you, made you turn your head. Your eyes narrowed as you watched the Range Rover slow down and actually stop right next to you. You squinted your eyes, trying to see through the tinted glass, but as a wave of nausea hit you, you moved your head to the side. You didn`t exactly pay attention when one of the windows went down. You didn`t really care. You felt sick, and all you wanted, was to get home.
“ I saw you left the party early.” the deep voice said. “Are you all right kitten?”
You hissed when you heard the voice of the last person you wanted to see right now. What was he even doing here? Your heart skipped a beat as another wave hit. You took a deep breath and tried to steady yourself. Just ignore him and he`ll go away. You didn`t exactly knew why you choose to act like that but there was something in your head that told you it was for the best.
“Come on girl, I have to make sure everyone is safe and sound.” you heard his voice. “If you don`t feel fine, I can take you home.”
The idea of getting home sooner and in a nice car was looking really good right now. But still, you didn`t feel like it was the best for you. You choose to keep quiet for reasons not even you knew. You glossy eyes scanned the schedule of the bus that was right in front of you. Thirty minutes and you`ll go home.
You heard professor Rogers sigh.
“And here I thought you never shut your mouth.” there was a deep chuckle, fallowed by the sound of the engine coming to life. “Look kitten I can either get you home or I`ll go my merry way and let you here all alone... well not quite. But I`m not sure you`d want that kind of company.”
Confusion filled your mind. The sudden move you made to look at him, made you dizzy. You tried to focus your eyes, in time to see him pointing to somewhere behind you. You slowly turned.
A group of guys were eyeing you like a wolf would his prey. Your mouth fell open as they did obscene gestures at you. Your whole body freeze as fear took over you. You knew what could happen. Suddenly you were more sober that ever and as you heard the car start moving, you nearly threw yourself in front of it. On shaky legs you moved towards the door.
“Wait” you find it hard to speak. “Professor, I`m sorry I... please!”
You looked at him with pleading eyes, and didn`t even register the way he smirked as you got into the car. Everything was a haze. You only felt like you could breath when the car started to gain speed. You didn`t even remembered to give him your address or anything, but as the car rolled down various streets you were only thankful you were far away from them.
“It such a crazy world out there” professor Rogers voice made you move your head towards him, but as the fear was gone, you started to feel the dizziness again.
With unfocused eyes you watched him. America`s hero was giving you a ride home for free and you were acting like he was your biggest enemy. What was wrong with you?
“I have to say I`m impressed.” he suddenly said as the car started to slow down. “That was one of the strongest drugs that you drank, and you still have some of your conscious left. The other ones were down after a few minutes.”
You looked at him and simply blinked. You wondered if your mind was playing games with you. Surely, he hadn`t said what you think you heard. You must have imagined everything.
“E... excuse me?” you asked dully.
You drew in a shaky breath as your trembling hand went to the door. He chuckled darkly at your attempts to open it. You wanted to scream but as your movement became slower and slower you found that fear wasn`t enough to fuel your limp body.
The car came to a sudden stop. You closed your eyes as you felt hands pulling you back.
“Now, now honey.” you could feel his breath on the back of your neck. “Don`t waste your energy, you`ll need it.”
You turned your head and watched him through your eyelashes. Something in your head was screaming at you to fight, to run, to get away. You wanted to punch, scratch, hurt him in any way. But your body didn`t listen.
It happened too fast. In a matter of second your dress was ripped to shreds. And your found yourself pressed to the door. He was over you in an instant. Turning your head to the side so that he could stare into your eyes. He had a hungry look on his face. You`ve seen it many times but it never terrified you as much as now.
“Just as pretty as I imagined.” he said in a husky voice.
You squeezed your legs as you felt his hand moving around along your body. He tugged at your bra till the clasps snapped. Your nipples stood erect, you didn`t know if it was from the cold of the car or the heat that was inside you. One of his hands came forward at pinched at your nipples. You made to move, but as sensing your intention he tugged your head back by your hair.
“Don`t you even dare!” he growled as his thumb played with one of your nipples. “I waited a long time for this”.
He leaned forward kissing down your stretched neck. His mouth was hot against your skin. You gasped when you felt his tongue leaving wet traces along your collarbone. He tugged at your hair one more time before his hand went down.
“Always dressing like this world is your own runaway, always thinking that you know it all.” he let out a moan as he squeezed your ass. “Do you know what a face as pretty as yours and an attitude like that do to a man?”
You whimpered. You never meant to catch his attention in that way, you just wanted to feel good about yourself. You wanted to tell him that. To tell him that you were sorry, but your brain didn`t work anymore. There was no reaction even as he spanked you. You felt like you could pass out every second.
“Don`t even think about it!”
You closed your eyes when your panties were soon the same as your other clothes. Slick was going down your legs. Despite everything, you were aroused.
“So fucking wet already. Good girl!” he praised.
You felt his hand descend down to your very core, proding around. You bit your lips as tears filled your eyes.
“How many have been here before?” he gave a low chuckle the same time his fingers pinched your button.
“One?” he mocked as one of his long fingers entered you.
You held back a gasp. Non, no, no. This wasn`t happening. Nobody touched you like that before. Nobody even came close to it. That`s not how you wanted it not how you dreamt it would happen. You wanted dinner, roses, a man you loved... not him.
“Two?” he continued as another finger stretched you.
You felt your walls clench around his fingers, as he moved them in and out ou you, everything while his thumb circled your most sensitive part.
“Fuck... you`re tight!” his breath was ragged, it was like he couldn`t get enough.
There was a sudden pause. In a quick move you found yourself pressed to the door of the car, as he angled your body to have better access to your burning core. He drew in a breath.
“A virgin.” he moaned.
You closed your eyes as you herd him playing at his clothes. The sudden hardness you felt proding around your core, made you shiver. You didn`t dare to look back and see it. You were scared. It seemed too big. You were afraid it would split you in a half.
You screamed when he entered you. The pain blurred your vision. Your whole body ached and tears fell down your cheeks. No, no, no. You bit back a moan of pain when he started to move, not caring about you at all. His moves were rough, punishing.
“Shhh doll, I`ll take care of you.” he rasped. “You must have waited so long for this... saving yourself for me.”
Your body moved in rhythm with his. His cock dragged along your walls as every move sent a wave of pain through you. Soon though, you found the pain disappeared. A strange feeling took over you. It was almost pleasurable. You guessed you would have enjoyed it under any other circumstances. But now? Now you were just tired.
As you passed out, you failed to notice the feeling of something warm flowing through you.
                                          _ _ _
Steve smiled down at your sleeping form. So pretty, even after being used like that. You had a glow. Too bad you might not remember anything that happened. He chuckled. It`s a  good thing he planned to keep you. He`ll make sure you`ll never forget him.
You were his girl after all. The only reason he took that shitty job as a teacher.
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milkybonya · 3 years
it's you
order 005 for anon: large banana milk tea with pudding, lychee jelly and grass jelly
Warnings: some explicit language, flooding mentions
Summary: when you and your soulmate kiss, a small, very small part of your hair will turn white. But why would you and college!Minchan ever kiss when you hate each other?
word count: ~3k
[a/n]: i miss Minchan so much pls :( aLSO I'M SORRY THIS IS SO SH*T AND LATE BUT I HAD FUN WRITING IT!!!
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"Move out of my spot," Minchan sighs, towering over you as you sit hunched over your notes in the front row of the lecture hall.
"No, why should I?" you spit out, still looking down.
"Because it's my spot, didn't you hear me say that?" Minchan clarifies with a scoff.
"Oh just shut up. Is your name written on here anywhere?"
He sighs and chooses to sit behind you, accepting defeat for now.
"Can you and Minchan not just give it a rest for one day?" your friend asks you as they take the spot beside you.
"If he wasn't so annoying, then maybe I would be able to do that," you say, organizing your notes for today's lecture.
Minchan kicks the back of your leg with his foot after hearing your words, and you turn around, sighing.
"You're literally proving my point. Just stop," you say.
"You stop badmouthing me first then," Minchan says with a smirk.
"Okay, good morning everyone!" the professor says, causing you to turn back to the front so you can pay attention.
The lecture passes peacefully as the two of you focus. Sure, you have a deep rivalry, but you're both dedicated students who never mess around when a lecture begins.
It's only after it ends that Minchan gets on your nerves again.
You find it right in front of a vending machine, pressing the buttons to dispense a drink. After he steps away, you realize that he had bought your favourite drink, and you don't think much of it until you step up to also buy that drink... only to find there's no more left.
"Minchan, what the hell? You don't even like that flavour anyway, why did you have to take the last one?!" you yell, pointing at the drink in his hands.
He shrugs in response, unscrewing the cap.
"If you want it, you'll have to do something for me."
"And what's that?"
"Convince everyone that we're dating."
"Just for a drink?!" you exclaim.
"I'll have a lifetime supply for you. Anytime you want, just tell me and I'll buy you one."
"Minchan... have you lost it? You know I hate you, right? Why would I pretend to be your s/o?"
"Because people think I'm dating this stuck-up asshole and it's ruining my reputation."
"Why would me dating you fix anything?"
"Because you get good grades, [y/n]. Not as good as mine, but good enough. And I hate your guts, but everyone else seems to think you're alright."
You sigh, shaking your head at the boy.
"I'll give you the drink this once. You've got till tomorrow to think about it," he says, flashing you a smile before walking away.
Confused, the drink almost slips out of your hands as you shuffle to your dorm, feeling bewildered.
"So Minchan, your mortal enemy wants you to fake date him?" you friend asks you, sitting on your bed while watching you pace around.
"That makes no sense."
"And all you get out of it is a lifetime supply of your favourite drink?"
"Yeah! I mean, those drinks are expensive so..."
"No, [y/n]! Focus!" your friend tells you, holding onto your hands and shaking them.
"Right, right," you mumble.
Your friend suddenly claps their hands and you jump back in fright, swearing at them for scaring you.
"I've got it! Just tell him that you'll only do it if he stops being such a little shit to you."
"So... fake date him to stop our annoying rivalry?" you repeat.
Your friend nods and you step back to properly consider their words. It doesn't sound so bad, especially since your rivalry with Minchan kind of started out of nowhere anyway, and you've always been hoping you never met him so this stupid thing would stop.
You: hey! dumbass!
stinky min: ???
You: let's do it
stinky min: ??
You: the,,, thing
stinky min: well don't be shy now
stinky min: spit it out
stinky min: you want to date me?
You: fake* !!! FAKE date you yes
stinky min: ok
You: ugh i hate you
stinky min: :D
stinky min: and that is?
You: we end this dumbass rivalry and you stop being so annoying
stinky min: sorry babe can't do that
You: okay then bye
stinky min: NO WAIT
stinky min: i was joking..
stinky min: fine..
stinky min: tomorrow for our first class,, you better come sit next to me when i wave to you
"[y/n]!" Minchan yells, waving at you frantically with a big smile on his face.
You sigh and cover your face with your hand as you compose yourself, wondering why you're doing this for a lifetime supply of drinks and for this stupid rivalry to be over. Then, you finally look up and nod in Minchan's direction, approaching his spot in front row. You slide into the seat he saved for you while gritting your teeth and whispering, "why are you sitting in my seat?"
"[y/n], I saved a seat for you in the front row! Since you always like to sit here," Minchan says, obnoxiously loudly.
"I can see that, dumbass," you whisper, still continuing to smile at him while gritting your teeth.
"[y/n], be a bit more natural, would you?" Minchan whispers, stretching an arm around you and pulling you close.
You almost fly off your seat as you hadn't expected him to do this, but stay put despite your heart thumping heavily in your chest. When he leans his head on your shoulder, you have to do everything not to punch him.
"Your heart's beating so fast, my dear," Minchan mumbles.
"Are they dating?" someone whispers in the row behind you.
Murmurs begin to rise and Minchan smirks the whole time, his head still on your shoulder. His hair feels strangely fluffy and soft against your neck.
When the lecture begins, Minchan sits up straight but listens to the whole lecture with his hand around your waist. All of this skinship makes you dizzy and angry, and by the time the lecture is over, you've pulled Minchan aside to have a word with him.
"Minchan, if you're doing to do things like this, then I want out."
"What do you mean, babe?" he says, reaching forwards to push your hair back with his fingertips.
You catch his hand with yours, holding it there.
"This is what I mean," you say, pointing to his hand sitting on your head.
"Well we're dating, aren't we? Isn't it natural to show some skinship?"
"Minchan, firstly this isn't even real. Secondly, skinship isn't a required thing or anything. So just... chill out, okay?"
Minchan leans forward until his lips are right next to your ear.
"Why, is it cause I make your heart rate increase?"
"No!" you yell, pushing him a way.
A couple of students see this and speed walk away, whispering amongst themselves while staring at you.
"Okay, [y/n], calm down. I'll go easy on you, I promise. Have this drink and I'll see you later," he says, holding out your favourite drink.
"When did you even buy this?" you ask, taking it from him.
"Be there at the party tonight, okay?" he tells you while walking away.
What party? you wonder, until you check your phone. Someone has posted in your class about a party happening in Minchan's dorm building.
Sighing, you start to write a text to Minchan asking him why you have to attend a dumb party when you don't like parties anyway, but he messages you first.
stinky min: going to the party will be a great place to show everyone we're dating. and finally stop people talking behind my back... so be there, okay?
stinky min: and about the skinship.. i'm sorry. i'll genuinely stop. but at least you only have to see me a couple times during the day! it's not like we're in the same dorm or anything..
After getting your studying and classes done for the day, you head to Minchan's dorm building, which is already flooded with people.
"How isn't anyone getting in trouble for this?" you mumble, looking at the people scattered across the hallways with drinks in their hands, socializing.
You weave through the people, searching for Minchan.
"Hey! Looking for your... boyfriend?" a familiar voice asks you, taking hold of your arm.
You turn around to see your friend, looking lovely as ever.
"Yeah... seen him anywhere?" you ask.
They point upstairs while saying, "he's in his room, 204, waiting for you."
"Alright, I'll see you around then!"
"Don't have too much fun," your friend says with a wink.
Fun? This is not fun at all, you sigh, trudging upstairs and pushing past people to find room 204.
When you finally find it, you're surprised to see it's the only room with the door closed. You knock and the door knob quickly turns, revealing a very.... annoyingly attractive Minchan, with his hair parted comma style, wearing a white tee and a blue jean jacket.
"[y/n], you came! Come in, the real party's in here," he says, inviting you inside.
You walk in to find his TV showing a game he was playing, and he sits down to continue.
You throw him a confused look, but he just stares back at you.
"What? I know you didn't wanna be there, so let's at least have some fun before we have to go out there," he tells you, patting the spot on the ground next to him.
"Wow, Minchan. This is actually the kindest thing you've done for me," you reply, sitting next to him and taking the controller he's offering you.
After absolutely destroying Minchan in the game he thought he was the best at (what a reality check for him!) the two of you stand up and take a few deep breaths before stepping out into the hallway.
"Hey, you owe me something for beating you," you say before Minchan opens the door.
"Oh, shut up," he says, but with a smile.
As soon as he opens the door, people start to greet him. It isn't surprising, since he is just a bit of a popular guy. Okay, maybe more than a bit, but you don't want to admit that.
Many people ask Minchan if he broke up with Jennifer, the stuck-up asshole that he had been telling you people thought he was dating, and Minchan clarifies each time, with a bright grin, that they were never dating, but that it's only ever been him and you.
Everyone seems to find this so cute, but you almost vomit on the spot. Who would've known that Minchan could be so cringey?
Feeling tired after socializing with so many people, the two of you find your own space to stand in one another's company for a second.
"So, how does it feel, Minchan?" you ask him.
"To be dating you?" he asks back, a cheeky grin on his face.
You hiss at him and shake your head.
"No! To be rid of that dumb rumour about you and Jennifer."
"Ah, it feels good! Thanks, [y/n]. Do you want me to go grab your favourite drink for you? The vending machine here has it."
You take a second before agreeing, telling yourself that you deserve it after having role played for so long.
A few moments after Minchan leaves, the somewhat loud music that had been blasting this whole time stops, and someone starts yelling from up the stairs.
Even from down there you can notice water pooling around his feet from where he stands near the stairs, and water trickling down the steps, too.
Some people immediately rush out, but you search around for Minchan for some time, wondering why he's taking so long. Then, the flood starts getting really bad, rushing down the stairs and beginning to approach you.
You start speedwalking towards the door, not even stopping when someone grabs your arm.
"[y/n]! You waited for me?" the person asks.
You turn to find Minchan with his pants soaked up to his knees and holding your favourite drink while panting.
"No. Maybe. Anyways, let's go!" you say, dragging him out with you.
That whole night, no one gets any sleep as the campus' staff decide what to do with all the students who won't have a place to sleep. It's only at 4am that they decide on a solution: to send everyone from Minchan's dorm into your dorm, because yours is the one with the most vacant spots.
And as if by the worst luck on this planet, Minchan just has to be placed right. In your. Room.
He trails in at 4:32am, shyly following you inside and acting very differently from his usual arrogant state.
"So this is where you sleep, huh [y/n]?" he quietly asks, looking at your bed.
"Yeah, of course. This is my dorm, what would you expect? That bed on the other side is vacant, so you can sleep there. If you need anything, just go grab it. But if you can't find it or need help, you can wake me up, it's honestly fine," you explain, grabbing your clothes so you can get changed in the bathroom
Minchan stops you.
"No, [y/n], it's fine! I'll change in the bathroom. You change here and tell me when you're done."
You shrug and nod, accepting his offer.
Once you're both changed, you decide to just sleep, because by now it's 5am and you both have class in a little over 3 hours. But you're unable to sleep with the presence of another person in your usually empty room, and you notice Minchan rustling around in his bed, too.
"Having trouble sleeping?" you whisper, not wanting to wake him in case he's actually asleep.
"Yeah..." Minchan says with a sigh.
"Let me just turn on the light, cause I can't sleep either-"
"No! It's better like this." Minchan says, interrupting you as you begin to leave your bed.
You fall back on it, sitting on the edge.
"Anything... I can do to help you sleep?" you ask him, feeling weird that you're being so nice to someone who was your enemy not too long ago.
"Do you wanna cook something?" Minchan asks you after a long silence.
"Cook? Now?"
"We didn't eat," Minchan points out, making you laugh.
"I guess you're right!" you say, standing up to turn on the light.
With whatever random ingredients you have, Minchan helps direct you in making a meal, carefully teaching you how to cut the vegetables and how to fry things correctly. He always gets real close when he does this, but never touches you since he thinks you wouldn't like that. You notice this and appreciate it.
At one point, Minchan asks you to lean in close to the stove to look at the texture of the food. You lean in and place your head practically next to his.
"See how it's this colour and is a lot softer? That means it's done!"
Minchan turns to you after he says this, and this might sound crazy, but your faces are so close to each other that Minchan's lips literally graze yours when he turns to you.
He immediately jumps back and apologizes, laughing slightly for his stupid mistake while covering his mouth with his hand. You, on the other hand, feel mortified and hold your lips with your fingers, wondering if they haven't fallen off or anything, because for some reason, they feel like they're buzzing.
"Wait, [y/n], why is your hair... turning white?" Minchan asks, pointing to your hair.
You notice a strand of white in Minchan's hair too, and you also point up to it. Reaching out to touch each other's white strands, the two of you seem to realize at the same time.
"Ah... so it's you? You're my soulmate?" Minchan asks, his cheeks clearly tainted red.
"I guess so... Damn, that wasn't even a real kiss but it was enough to turn our hair white!"
The two of you remain speechless for a few moments.
"So I'm really soulmates with my enemy?" you ask, groaning.
"Hey, I guess we have to learn to love each other now," Minchan says, puckering his lips and fake-kissing the air.
You push his face away and run off towards your bed, leaving Minchan chasing you around your room while the two of you laugh loudly. Thankfully you don't get any noise complaints, but running around at 6am leaves the two of you running on an all-nighter for your first class.
As the two of you practically fall asleep on each other for the whole class, everyone giggles at your sleepy states, but most importantly, gawks at the white strands in your hair.
"So they were really meant to be, huh," your friend says, sitting behind you and kicking your shin, forcing you awake so you can pay attention.
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
The Girl at the Library Chapter 1
Short Fic - Levihan
Themes: College AU, Library, Fluff, Slow Burn, Falling in Love, Female Hange Zoe, Student!Levi
Word Count: 5730
Chapter: 1/3
Warning: Mild Language
Read on Ao3 - The Girl at the Library
Summary: Levi is a college student who needs help on his research paper. Luckily, Hange is a book worm and works at the library. 
Levi was stressed and annoyed, mainly because he was in college. Of course with college comes infinite amounts of homework assignments, 100-question exams with astronomical amounts of topics on them, unnecessary research papers, and staying in a dorm room with a kid that happens to have no problem inviting his friends over every night to hang out and party with no regards to his sullen roommate.
Levi had a paper coming up. He had to come up with a topic, find sources, and finish his paper by the end of the semester. With three weeks left to go, he decided he’d rather get it over with. He began his brainstorming in the study lounge at the center of his dormitory floor. He was starting to stress. He sat on the big yellow leather couch in the way-too-bright study lounge with his laptop in his lap. He tapped his pen against his head as he tried to think of an idea. 
“You have to write about a topic related to your major,” The professor explained. “This is the one and only paper you will have assigned this semester. I suggest you get it done as early as possible.”
If only it were that easy. He had the rubric pulled up in one tab, and a ton of “How to pick a research topic” websites in others. His major was pharmaceuticals, a field he was inspired to take on because of his mother. She was very ill when he was very young, so they were in and out of hospitals. He was sitting on the edge of his mother’s hospital bed when a nurse came in the room to administer her medications. 
“This is…” His memory was blurry. “This medication will help… and make you feel better.” And it did. 9 year old Levi was fascinated. This one little pill or bag of what looked like water helped his mother feel better. Within hours, his mother’s skin went from pallor to beige. Her hands were warmer. She looked more awake, more alive. She didn’t wince at Levi’s touch. She was in less pain. She got better, like the nurse predicted.
Since then, Levi always asked questions whenever they visited the hospitals again and again. “What kind of drug is that?” “What does it do?” “How long does it take to take effect?”
Levi recalled the memory with a deep sigh. He missed his mother. She was at home, not too far away. Levi never had the time to travel the hour through the big city to visit her. When he did have free time, he spent it studying or sleeping. He felt his heart twinge at this. She had sacrificed everything to help him attend college and to give him a good life.
Now with his head cloudy, he went to reach his water bottle in his backpack. He opened the lid and took a sip. At that moment, he could hear some obnoxiously loud students throwing tennis balls back and forth to each other. He recognized these kids too, they were some (of many) of the lovely visitors his roommate had over most nights. Suddenly in the blink of an eye, Levi’s water bottle spilled all over his laptop, a tennis ball on the floor next to him, and some worried voices approaching him. Within seconds, the laptop started to steam and the screen went black.
His laptop was fried, he determined. He felt heat start to rise inside of him. 
“Oh my god, man. I am so sorry,” One of the kids said, trying to hold back a laugh. 
“Yeah, man. We didn’t mean to.”
Levi took a deep breath and stood up. These kids… were gonna pay.
He closed his broken laptop and stood up. These kids were much taller than him, but looked to be easily intimidated by Levi’s presence. 
“Do you have the money to pay for this?” He sneered, getting very close to their faces. 
“Eh… no, but we have jobs! We can pay you back over time,” One of the kids trailed off. They seemed to be intimidated by the short man. “You live in 112 right?”
Levi nodded, his face heating up with anger. “This laptop cost me a lot of money.”
“We get it, man! We said we’re sorry,” the other kid explained. “We’ll pay you back or whatever.”
“Tch,” Levi clicked. He was extremely pissed. These kids should not be throwing balls at each other in the hallway. Also, they spilled his water which made a mess. “Which room are you both in?” They responded with 118. The one kid explained they get paid on the 15th and 30th of each month. Luckily, their pay day was 4 days away.
“I’ll stop by Tuesday, the 16th,” Levi decided, before gathering his things and heading to the stairs. He began to walk through the campus. Fuck, now where was he gonna go? How was he gonna find his topics? His computer was fucked. Putting it in rice wouldn’t have helped. He was so occupied having a debate with himself about where to research, he almost missed it. If he looked the other way or even blinked in that moment, he wouldn’t have seen it. It was the campus library. No, not the campus library, but a campus library. It blended into the surroundings, hidden from the passerbyers. There was a sign in the window “We’re Open!”. 
The library was small, to say the least. It was old fashioned, which contrasted the modern aesthetic of the university. It was a small, dark brown, wooden building with four-pane windows. The door was a lighter shade of brown. He decided it was easier to check out this little library instead of walking another 10 minutes to get to the main library. He didn’t have time to waste. He had to get started with his paper right away. He walked up to the door and opened it. When he did, a little bell rang at the doorway. 
“Just a minute!” A woman’s voice called from the back. Levi decided to wander around. There were many books crammed on the shelves. There were two computers on each side when he walked in. They looked out of place, considering they were very modern compared to the architecture of the library itself. The books were all shades of bright, vibrant colors. It was strange. From the outside, it seemed creepy and gloomy. Once he walked in, it was very cozy. The dark walls of the library contrasted the beautiful colors of the books.
Then, he saw the woman come out. She came up to the desk. He expected an elderly lady with her glasses on a chain, but he assumed this woman was a student. She was a young woman who wore thin oval glasses and her brown hair thrown up in a messy half-up-half-down ponytail. 
“Hi!” The woman said. “How can I help you?”
“I want to use a computer, please,” He announced. He glanced at her nametag which hung like a necklace around her neck. “Hange” was the name on the tag. It was strange and unordinary, but it had a nice ring to it. The name seemed to suit her.
“Sure! You are allowed up to two hours a day,” Hange explains. “You can choose whichever computer you’d like.”
The computers were unoccupied. In fact, the entire library seemed vacant except for him and the employee. 
“Does anyone actually come here?” Levi asked, setting his stuff down next to a desk, and looking her way. She looked like someone who would work at a library. 
The brunette chuckled. “You are my third visitor today!” She exclaimed proudly. It was already about 3pm. He remembered the sign in the front says “12pm-6pm weekdays”. 
Levi chuckled silently, air huffed out his nose. “How do you stay in business?”
“Well, the university thinks it’s good to have a small library in the outskirts of the campus so students have access to books and computers because the main campus library is in the center of the plaza. Sometimes we get about ten people a day, and sometimes they don’t even take anything out. Sometimes I wonder how…” She began to ramble now. She definitely has not had anyone else visit her today.
She was starting to get on his nerves. It’s been 20 minutes since he arrived, and she was still talking. He zoned out until she caught his attention.
“Hey,” She said. “What’s your name? I have to track whoever comes in to use the computers.” 
Why? No one else comes in. He noticed her clipboard with the sign-ins was blank.
“Levi Ackerman,” He announced. She scribbled his name down. “Okay, it’s 3:30 now, so you have till 5:30 if needed.” She pointed to the clock with her pen as she explained. He nodded and proceeded to walk towards the table with the computer he claimed. He sat down and began working.
He was an hour into his research when he finally threw his hands up in the air in frustration. He still couldn’t think of a topic. He groaned aloud.
Hange was leaning against the main desk, her nose stuck in a book. “How Trees Communicate” was the title. When she heard the young man groan, she looked up. 
“Is everything okay?” She asked, peering over her book at him.
“Yeah, yeah,” He mumbled. “Fine…”
Hange raised an eyebrow. She placed her bookmark at her spot, then strolled around the desk and walked over to him.
“What are you working on?” She asked, sitting in the seat next to him and put her hands on her knees, looking at him curiously. He scoffs. It was none of her business, he thought to himself. And it’s an invasion of privacy.
He was frustrated and desperate. Hoping for a miracle, he managed to tell her anyways.
 “I need a topic for my paper and I can’t think of any…” Levi began. “It needs to be based on pharmaceuticals, my major. It also needs scientific evidence to back up my research…”
She was fully absorbed in what he had to say. She was bored, so helping Levi would’ve been something to do at least. Besides, Levi was in luck. She was an avid reader, always reading about anything and everything. She was studying plants and botanicals, but she found herself frequently taking out books about cooking; religion; war; animals; and medical topics including surgery, pathophysiology, anatomy, and pharmaceuticals.
“What about how diuretics affect blood pressure?” Hange suggested. Levi was taken aback. His eyebrows furrowed, and he shook his head in confusion. “Or if anti-alzheimer drugs actually help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s? Why do you take different medications during certain stages of Alzheimer’s disease? Or how do anti-seizure medications work? That is something I ask myself all the time. You take this little pill and BOOM! You’ll be fine, no seizure! Oh, oh, oh! Or, how certain medications cause certain adverse effects? How come so many medications cause anxiety?” Her eyes started to light up as she talked. They were a dark brown, but when she started to talk, they seemed to morph to a captivating hazel. He felt he could see every color in her eyes. He saw brown and green and the little lines of her iris. Hange’s hands would move as she talked, and her smile grew wide. She couldn’t keep still. She was getting excited by coming up with all these ideas. She seemed so passionate and so willing to help; he was overwhelmed by her.
Levi was in shock. His day started off horrible. Now, he was almost glad his laptop was fucked. This woman was making his mind race with ideas. 
“Are you okay?” Hange asked for the second time within his visit there. Levi nodded slowly. “I am just… How do you know all that? Are you a med student?”
Hange chuckled and waved her hand at him. “No… I am a bookworm! Also, my mom is a nurse, so she used to teach me about nursing stuff all the time. Oh! You could write about the pathophysiology of anticholinergics! Or beta blockers! Or how the body reacts to the use of long-term steroids?”
Levi took a deep breath. He felt euphoric. He had been casually trying to think of topics since last week. All of a sudden, this woman can just ramble off hundreds of ideas? Levi smiled visibly.
“Actually… I really like the final topic you suggested. About steroids.” Levi admitted.
Hange smiled back at him. “Great! I can try to help you find some sources or books.” She directed him to open a new tab and to go to a certain database. “This is where you can find reliable sources. Over here,” She pointed to his screen at the left side. “You can add filters. You can change how old or new you’d like the sources to be, filter out certain words or phrases, et cetera.” She had been closer to him now; she scooted her chair closer so she could explain the database to him. It was hard not to look at her as she explained. She was captivating.
Levi began to type in words for his topic.
“Steroids”, “Long-term use”, “Cushing’s Disease”, “Addison’s Disease”, “Addisonian Crisis”, “Pathophysiology”.
He felt like he was finally getting somewhere. He was finally making progress.
As Levi was walking home, he couldn’t get his mind off that girl. He decided to brainstorm about his topic in his room once he got there. The thing was, though, he couldn’t think of any more ideas. He found it funny. Of course he was full of ideas and inspiration when he visited that library, but now he’s void of any.
Levi’s weekends were no different than the weekdays. He made it appoint to visit the library again the next day, Saturday. It was a sunny, cool Saturday morning. Levi had inspiration to write. He needed a computer and Hange’s ideas. When he arrived, it seemed busy. There were three other patrons at the library.  He recognized Hange right away, helping a tall blonde man with a big nose. He wondered if she was the only employee there. The man she was helping was taller than her, so she had to reach up on her toes to point to items. She was an average height, but this action made her seem shorter than she actually was.
Hange looked his way and greeted him with a toothy smile. Levi waved at her and started to head down one of the aisles of books. He was in the nonfiction section, but was lost. For now, he just casually browsed the section, but quickly got impatient. He needed Hange’s help to find books for this paper. He heard her laugh with the patron. Maybe he’s a friend, he thought to himself. Her laugh was airy and full of heart. It seemed genuine and passionate. Levi felt an urge to make her laugh, too.
She finally made her way over to him. Levi was looking down at a book when she caught his eye. “Hey, stranger!” She greeted him with a wave. “Whatcha looking for?” She placed her hands on her hips.
“I’m trying to find some sources for my paper. Steroids is the topic,” Levi explained.
“Oh, right. I remember! After you left last night, I tried to look for some books for your topic,” She said. She was trying to help me? Levi thought to himself.
She curled her finger in a “follow me” gesture and he did. She brought him to another aisle or two over from where they were. “These are the 600’s, where you’ll most likely find what you’re looking for. I found a book or two about Addison’s disease, but it’s more of a memoir. You can look around though if you’d like. Anything in the 610’s should be right up your alley.” She explained as if she was going to leave, but she didn’t. Hange looked for books with him. 
After a moment, she made a noise. “Look at this!” She exclaimed. She reached next to him to reach for a book. She was on her toes again. “Mmmm,” She moaned as she tried to reach. “Actually, I’m gonna get the step stool. I don’t think I can reach it.” Quickly, she left and came back with the stool. It looked unreliable, but Levi was sure he’d be able to prevent any accident from occurring. Hange placed it on the ground and stepped up on it, grabbing the book with ease. She stepped down with the book in her hand. This book had a white cover with a blue label and was titled “Coping with Prednisone”. Levi was surprised she even knew what prednisone was. 
“Here!” She reached it out for him to grab. He took it and looked at her face. She had that same look in her eyes. “Did you want to use the computer?” He nodded and she led him towards the front of the library. The library was small from the outside, but very deep inside. It reminded him of a forest. 
“I got your name, don’t worry,” She said, clicking her pen and writing his name down on the sheet. 
“Oops!” Hange made a quick grimace. “I added an ‘e’ at the end. I’ll just cross it out.” The statement sounded like it was addressed to herself rather than to anyone else. She crossed out the extra letter.
“Ackermane”. Levi was gonna attempt to make her laugh.
“If you thought I looked like a horse you could’ve just said so.” 
Mane, horse mane. Get it?
It felt like forever before Hange responded. She looked up at him, starting to laugh. It was a short but audible laugh. Her head nodded back and she smiled. Her cheeks turned pink and her eyes lit up for a moment. It made his heart skip a beat. It was a bad joke yet she still laughed. She chuckled. Giggled? No. Laughed lightly. Chortled? Maybe that’s the right word. Whatever it was, he wanted to do it more, maybe even more than that.
He followed her to the computers. The blonde guy she was helping earlier was on one computer. She led him to the two computers across from the other ones and sat down in the chair next to him.
“What are you doing?” Levi asked, placing the book she found for him on the table.
Her eyebrows raised, and after a moment she reacted. She waved her hands in front of her.
“I’m sorry! I thought you may have needed help. I should get back to work anyway. I gotta go through a new box of books that just came in.”
Levi looked up at her. Is she blushing? he asked himself.
“I’ll let you know if I need help.” Levi responded. She smiled at him before quickly walking away.
He started to find some evidence-based practice articles about how steroids can cause long-term side effects, especially if stopped abruptly. He made sure to keep the tabs available. He’d have to cite them later. Levi’s mind was racing with words and sentences and ideas. He had to get them down on paper. He opened Documents on the computer and started typing away.
The clicking of the keyboard soothed him. He was a pretty fast typer, he didn’t make many mistakes either. The library around him began to become quiet as his typing got louder and he got deeper in thought. Before he knew it, his two hours were up. He felt someone approach him from his right.
“Hey,” Hange said, gently tapping the table next to him. “It’s 2pm. I gotta close up.”
Levi snapped out of his focused trance with a quick head shake. “Right. Sorry.” He pulled out a flash drive from his backpack and plugged it into the computer. He transferred his document. “I got the first page done.”
Levi asked himself for a brief moment why he was sharing this information with someone he just met. Maybe since she helped him, he felt she should know.
“That’s great! It seemed like you were really focused,” Hange said, walking away to shut off some lights. Only then did he notice the white noise of the overhead lights quickly dissipate. The room buzzed with silence now. Levi and Hange were alone in the library. Suddenly, Levi felt nervous. He watched Hange walk around the room frantically, making sure to shut off all the lights and computers. She grabbed a bag. The bag was a fabric material with a patchwork design that had a long strap that hung on on her shoulder. Maybe she made it herself. She grabbed her big mess of keys and walked towards him.
“Ready?” She said. He nodded and walked outside, holding the door for her. She thanked him, locking the door behind her. They began to walk down the street slowly. 
“Want to grab lunch?” Hange asked, looking at him. Levi looked back at her. She looked pretty.
“Sure, I can eat.” Hange chuckled at that. He didn’t try, but it made her happy for a brief moment. He seemed nervous but she was too.
They decided to eat at a cute restaurant on campus called “Life in Paradis”. It was a small, dainty place with a green and yellow checkered awning. The building was made of yellow brick, and the door was bright green. There were flower pots outside on the windowsill. Again, this place seemed totally out of place in the modern aesthetic of the university. 
“This place is adorable!” Hange exclaimed. “I love the food here. You’ll love it too. They have all kinds of food here.” Levi felt a smile grow on his face. The way she talked made his heart flutter. She was always so passionate. They entered and got a table for two. This is not a date, Levi kept telling himself. Then why were his cheeks red?
They sat down and looked through a menu. Levi wasn’t extremely hungry even though he hadn’t had anything but tea this morning. He peered over his menu to look at the girl. Her hair was different today, he determined. Today all her hair was in a ponytail, and it was higher on her head. She wore a light yellow button-down with a long, light blue cardigan. Hange caught him staring at her and blushed.
“What would you two like to order?” The waitress asked him first.
“I’m gonna get a sandwich, I think,” He said, crossing his arms across his chest. “Turkey sub.” “I think I’m gonna get a chicken caesar salad,” Hange said. He nodded, grabbed the menus, and walked away.
Hange began to talk about how beautiful the flowers outside the restaurant were. They were all variants of pink, purple, yellow, and red. She described the petals and the leaves, the flowers’ origins, and all the meanings of the flowers. Levi wasn’t annoyed by her tangent this time. He actively listened to this girl talk about what fascinated her so much. He found it soothing. It made him wonder how her brain can contain all the information she was spewing at him. He enjoyed watching the way her eyes lit up when she talked. The beautiful green that blossomed at the bottom of her irises when the light hit her eyes at the right angle. The way her lips curled into a big smile when she talked to him. Her cheeks flush to a light pink when she describes the petals of the flowers or how flowers were used to express feelings when words cannot. It made his heart race. 
“Levi,” Hange said. Her affect was the opposite of earlier when she was rambling. She wore a frown on her face, feeling guilty.“I’ve been rambling… sorry. It’s such a bad habit of mine. I can talk for hours and hours.”
“Don’t apologize, four-eyes,” Levi replied, leaning his elbows and forearms on the table in a crossed position. Hange smiled at him. Levi meant it. She shouldn’t apologize for talking, especially if it’s about something she loves. The food had arrived at the table. They ate. Levi felt the need to open up to her about something. He already learned so much about her, and her presence made him feel like he can open up. 
“I like to run,” Levi said abruptly. Hange looked at him intently, chewing on a forkful of salad. “I don’t do it competitively or anything, but I enjoy running. I try to run once or twice a day.” Hange’s eyebrows raised and she nodded in agreement.
“That’s awesome!” She smiled again at him. “I like to run too. I’m really slow and get tired easily, but I enjoy feeling the wind in my hair and feeling my heart pound.” She took a bite of her meal again. Levi nodded and began to eat too. This sandwich was really good.
After talking some more about hobbies and school, they both finished their meal. The waiter brought over the check. Hange reached into her pocket for her wallet.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Levi asked. Hange furrowed her brows.
“I invited you out to lunch. I will pay,” Hange determined, her wallet now in her hands.
“No,” Levi said too quickly. “I will pay. It’s the least I can do. You helped me with my paper after all.”
The bickering lasted a very long minute. Before she got to think of the idea, Levi grabbed the checkbook and shoved his card inside before handing it to the waiter. Hange looked surprised. She sighed, putting her wallet away.
“Thank you, Levi. But you really didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to.”
In all honesty, Hange didn’t have much money. She worked at that library four times a week, but the money she made went towards paying off her tuition. She really wanted to treat this man, her new friend. She wasn’t sure if he thought the same way about her. Did he consider her his friend? She felt slightly embarrassed. She did most of the talking and felt like she was annoying him. Maybe he just wanted to pay so she would lay off. 
But the truth is, Levi felt the opposite way of how she was thinking. He was interested to hear more from her. He was addicted to the way his heart raced when he saw her. 
Over the next couple of days, Levi would go to that library whenever he was available. He knew it was closed on Sunday, so he went Monday and Tuesday to the library. Fortunately, he got his first batch of money from the brats that fried his computer. He received $100. Of course it was not enough, but it was a start. Wednesday the 17th came around. This specific day was a wild card. The weather was unpredictable. Levi entered the library just in time; it had started to downpour. The little bell rang as he entered the library. To his surprise, Hange was not working that day. There was a boy behind the counter who was tall and had a brown bowl cut hairstyle.  He almost thought about turning around and leaving when he realized she wasn’t there. The rain charged towards the earth viciously, so he decided to seek shelter in the small library. It almost looked like a hurricane. He felt his mood change into a bad one. He didn’t remember to ask how often she worked. 
“Hi there!” The man said. His name tag read “Moblit”. That’s a dumb name.
“I wanna use a computer,” Levi muttered, walking up to the main desk.
“Okay. Name?” Moblit grabbed the clipboard and a pen.
“Levi Ackerman.”
“Oh, I see you’ve been here before. A lot, actually.” Levi scoffed and rolled his eyes at his comment. He turned around, picked a computer, and sat down. He felt really stupid to not ask her about her schedule.
The two hours he spent working on his paper was incredibly slow. He didn’t get much done that day. He had writer’s block. He was almost done, so he didn’t worry about it too much. He didn’t know Hange’s schedule. He knew she worked Friday, the day they met; Saturday; Monday, and Tuesday. Maybe she only worked four times a week? Before he knew it, he asked Moblit aloud. It was almost an accident.
“Uh, she’ll be in on Friday,” Moblit replied. He probably couldn’t give out that information to some creep who began visiting daily with an attitude. He muttered a “thanks” before finishing up and heading out. The weather was holding up for now, so he decided to make a run for it. He didn’t say goodbye to Moblit.
He didn’t have an umbrella. The sun was trying to shine through the dark, eerie clouds. It wasn’t trying hard enough. He heard thunder rumbling in the distance.
Levi realized that this girl was all he thought about the past few days. Something about her enticed him. Something about her eyes and her presence drew him towards her. His heart skipped a beat whenever she’d graze his hand on accident, or even when she just talked to him. She made him happy. He hadn’t had too many friends in college. Although they just met last week, he felt a deep connection with her. 
Suddenly, the sun poked through the clouds for a brief moment. The world lit up. It was at that moment he recognized a familiar face. Hange. She was walking towards him. She grinned when she saw him. She wore a fitted black t-shirt and baggy, light blue jeans. 
“Levi!” She exclaimed. “I forgot my jacket in the library, so I came down to get it.” 
“You didn’t tell me you weren’t working today.” Is all Levi said. Once he said it, he realized how creepy it must’ve sounded. A man she just met happens to go to this library to work on his project every day, who happens to come up with multiple reasons to interact with her. Maybe she thought he was a perv.
“Ehh!” She sighed. “I’m sorry! I thought I told you I was off today.” Levi shook his head. The comment itself may have sounded rude, but it wasn’t. She genuinely felt bad. “Walk with me.” Levi followed. Guess not.
“I don’t work Wednesday’s and Thursday’s. Well I’m not supposed to be,” Hange explained. “Mobilt, one of my co-workers, is always calling out sick. So I basically run the place.” They walked towards the library again and entered. 
“Hey, Moblit. How’s it going?” Hange said in a normal tone, heading towards the back of the library. Moblit responded briefly, following Hange. Levi decided to hang back, he figured it was a secure area. He looked around awkwardly.
“Hange, you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend,” Moblit said, following her towards the back. 
Hange chuckled nervously. “He’s not my boyfriend,” she said bluntly. “He’s just a friend.” Moblit scoffed, rolling his eyes. “If he’s not your boyfriend, how come his mood entirely changed once he saw you?”
Hange found her jacket, folding it over her forearm. “Huh?”
“He was, like, in a bad mood when he came in. He used the computer but he seemed to be pissed or something. Now that he’s with you, he seems… tolerable.”
Hange laughed, feeling her cheeks blush. “It’s nothing like that. People have bad days, you know.”
Hange rolled her eyes and smirked, then headed towards the front of the library. “Ready?” Levi nodded and turned around.
“See you Friday,” Moblit called out. “See ya.” Hange replied.
The two started walking down the street. The air smelt of rain, and the ground was wet from the rain earlier. “Which building is your dorm in?” Hange asked. He was a bit surprised she asked him that, and she was so direct about it.
“Saint Maria,” He replied. She smiled. “Me too! I can’t believe I haven’t seen you around!” The wind picked up and the sky turned darker than before. They both looked up. “If you can’t make it to the library, you can use my desktop in my dorm room,” Hange offered. Levi’s cheeks turned bright red. 
“Thanks, maybe tomorrow I can stop by,” Levi said. It was more of him thinking aloud than a statement. It was too late though, Hange already heard him. He could’ve sworn he didn’t say it aloud.
“That’s fine! I only have a class early tomorrow morning. Come by around 11, okay? My room number is 506.” Levi nodded. Thunder rolled and sounded closer now. They were almost at the dormitory building when it started to downpour. The rain was forcefully coming down on the two. Levi groaned in annoyance. He hated being in the rain. He hated being wet; he hated the wet socks and how gross he felt when it rained. He would’ve started to run to the building to seek cover, but he was taken aback by his new friend.
She was soaked and embracing it. She lifted her head up to face the sky and she laughed. It was loud, happy, genuine, and it took Levi’s breath away. Hange reached her hands out wide and spun around. He saw a strike of lightning light up the sky. He stared at her in awe. His heart swelled. Levi smiled big. After laughing, Hange looked at Levi and shared the look that he wore just a few moments ago. She loved his smile. She wished to make him smile more. She was also determined to make him laugh, too.
She grabbed his hand. “Let’s take cover!” And she pulled him into the dormitory hall. Saint Maria’s hall was beautiful. It had ceiling-to-floor glass pane windows that were always crystal clear. There was a big black modern chandelier that hung from the ceiling. It contained visible light bulbs. Hange secretly loved it. There were the same big, yellow, leather couches in the living room as there were in the study area on his floor. They both wiped their feet off on the big rug in the entryway. 
“I love the rain,” Hange deduced, turning her head to look at him. As if Levi couldn’t tell. Her hand was still holding his. Levi looked up at her. “I like it, too.”
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starcountesseevee · 3 years
Who Needs a Suit?
"That is fantastic news!" You glanced up as you heard Willow’s excited voice, catching a glimpse of him as he spun around on his desk chair with his phone to his ear. It’s not that you were trying to listen in on Willow's conversation but your workspace was right next to the small room that was his office for the duration of this project. And his door was open, like usual. And he wasn't exactly talking quietly to whoever was on the phone, also like usual.
"Of course, of course!" He continued after a brief pause. "Yes, I will inform the team immediately. We are very honored." This caught your attention even more and you eyed him discreetly over your papers, something you had become quite good at since this project started. “You have a good day as well and thank you again!”
You quickly looked back down as Willow ended the phone call, hoping to Mythics that he didn’t see you eavesdropping. A few moments later he emerged from his office, giving you a quick smile as you glanced up again before addressing the room.
"If everyone could pause for a moment, I have an announcement!" The main lab area wasn’t large at all, but it suited the needs of the current project, and it only took a moment for the three other workers to stop their work and turn towards the professor. “I have just received a phone call from the chairman of this year’s research committee and…” Willow paused here for dramatic effect, “our project is being recognized at this year’s award dinner!”
At this the room burst into cheers, everyone congratulating each other on the good news. Once the din settled Willow explained that the invites would be sent shortly and that everyone should be proud. Hugs and handshakes were exchanged all around and the mood in the lab was certainly more exciting than it had been a few minutes prior. You were about to sit back down when Willow caught your attention.
“Oh, (Y/N)?”
You turned towards him but before you had a chance to respond Suzie - your friend, fellow lab colleague, and roommate - threw her arm around your shoulder. “Isn’t this exciting? All our hard work is finally being recognized!”
“Yes, it’s wonderful.” You agreed, looking back at Willow apologetically. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“Oh, just...good work (Y/N).” He said with a smile before turning back to his office.
“Oooh!” Suzie teased quietly as a blush crept across your cheeks.
“Shush!” You shooed your friend away from your desk. “Don’t you have work to be doing?” It was no secret between you two that you fancied Willow and Suzie had, on more than one occasion, gotten frightfully close to disclosing that in front of the professor even after you had made it abundantly clear that if that happened you would lock her in a room with a hungry Arcanine and throw away the key. This time she did relent and went back to her work station as you returned to your desk to continue the morning’s paperwork.
A few days later the formal invitations arrived and it was like rehearing the news for the first time again. You slid the beautifully written card out of the envelope gently, flipping it over to read the details but almost immediately your stomach dropped as you spotted your name with “+ one” written in perfect calligraphy at the top of the page. A plus one was not something you had, which was fine! you reassured yourself, it just meant that everyone else would be bringing one making your lack of one stand out.
“So who are you bringing?” Suzie startled you as she took a seat on the edge of your desk. “My Jane will be so thrilled to finally get to go to one of my work events.”
“You know I don’t have anyone.” You chuckled, trying to play it off.
“You so sure about that?” She smiled coyly at you. “I know a certain profess-”
“Will you hush!” Casting a quick glance towards Willow’s office you were relieved to see he was still absorbed in the papers on his desk. “We’ve talked about that. Besides, he has his own invite. No need for me to ask him to go. Probably has his own plus one already anyway.”
“You won’t know for sure unless you ask.” Suzie gives you a knowing look that you ignore.
“Come on, he’s my boss. I can’t, it isn’t allowed.”
“Well now that this project is wrapping up maybe he won’t be! You could ask for a reassignment, then what’s your excuse?”
You were saved from answering by the loud crash of glass hitting the floor. Suzie hopped off your desk to go help clean up but not before telling you to think about it, like you hadn't already a million times. But maybe she did have a point. With the project being pretty much over maybe you would have a shot at asking him out. You looked over to where he still sat at his desk and frowned. He probably has a someone special already, you thought but Suzie's words 'you won't know till you ask' echoed in your mind. You had two weeks until the award ceremony, maybe you should just ask.
In those two weeks you found every excuse you could not to talk to Willow, your nerves getting the better of you. The closest you had gotten was first thing one morning as he settled into his office for the day but you had chickened out and just said good morning instead. It was probably for the best, you found yourself thinking, not noticing you were staring at him while he was working at his desk until he looked up and made direct eye contact. You were certain you turned as red as a Charmeleon as you quickly looked away, missing the warm smile he gave you.
The day of the event everyone was allowed to go home early to get ready and Suzie insisted on dolling you up in one of her dresses and makeup.
"If that doesn't get Willow's attention, I don't know what will." Suzie smirked, surveying her work as you blushed, fidgeting with the hem of the dress. It was a bit shorter than you were used to but after seeing yourself in the full length mirror you had to admit Suzie had done a great job.
Walking into the venue you felt a bit out of place, even though everyone was laughing and dressed up you were never quite comfortable in formal wear. You had been the first to find your table and take a seat, avoiding the small talk over cocktails, but soon enough the others slowly trickled over to join you. Checking your phone you frowned, it was only a few minutes before the ceremony was about to start and everyone had shown up except the professor. Which is odd seeing as he was in charge of this research project, you would have thought he would be the first to arrive.
Right as the lights were dimming a series of low snickers started echoing through the hall and Suzie startled you by gripping your arm and whispering 'oh my Mythics'. You turned to see Willow snaking through the tables and to your amusement, and seemingly everyone else's horror, he was still in his lab coat and work attire. Taking the last seat at your group's table he didn't seem to notice or care how out of place he looked or that everyone was staring. You couldn't help but grin, half wishing yourself that you had worn something more comfortable than a dress and heels. He caught your eye from across the table and you were thankful the lights had dimmed so he didn't see your blush as he gave you one of his charming smiles but you swear he held your gaze for just a bit longer than needed before turning his attention to the stage.
The recognition ceremony went pretty much how you would have expected, groups getting called up, speeches made. When your group was called out Willow went up for the speech and thanked everyone on the team, prompting you all to stand as the room clapped. As you glanced around at the room you caught Willow's eye again, why did he seem to be watching you directly? It was probably just your imagination though, you thought as you took your seat. Or was it?
After the last group was recognized the lights became brighter and a band appeared, it was time for the after party. You followed Suzie to the bar but soon found yourself alone as Jane whisked her off to the dancefloor. Sipping at your drink as you watched the crowds you didn't realize Willow had come up beside you until he spoke.
"I hope you're having a good time?" He startled you but you recovered quickly.
"Oh I am!" You took another sip of your drink to hopefully calm your nerves. "It's a very lovely place, although I wish I had worn something more comfortable like you did." As soon as you said it you regretted it, worry flashing across your face as you wondered if he would be offended. "I mean, not that there's anything wrong with your attire! It's just that-" you stopped short as he began laughing.
“Ah yes, I must say, formal attire and I don't get along so well. I find it too constricting, besides you never know what you’ll come across in the field! That's actually the reason I was late, a trainer brought in an injured Psyduck and it took a little longer to get the little guy back up to good health than I had anticipated." Willow paused, smiling sheepishly. "It would seem I am rambling. May I get you another drink?"
"You mean another free drink from the open bar?" You teased, the few drinks you already had seemed to have loosened you up a bit.
"Ah, yes, one of those."
"Thank you but I think I'm okay for right now." You set your now empty glass on the counter as Willow rubbed the back of his neck.
"You'll have to forgive me, I don't seem to be very good at this." He laughed nervously as the song changed to something a little more slow paced. "Can I interest you in a dance instead?"
"A dance?" It comes out as more of a question as you were still wondering what he meant he wasn't good at. But Willow was watching you expectantly, holding out his hand as an offer and as if in a trance you took it. This couldn't really be happening, could it? He led you the few steps to the dance floor and your heart pounded in your chest, suddenly finding yourself unsure of how to act as he stepped closer and placed a hand on your waist.
"You look lovely by the way." Willow's words brought you back to reality as you two stepped in a slow circle to the music.
"Thank you." Was it warm in here or was it just you?
"I'm glad we got to-" Before he could continue he was cut off by Suzie's sharp voice from behind you.
"(Y/N!) There you are, oh!" Suzie's eyes widened in shock as she spotted you, or more precisely who you were with. "Oh, I'm so sorry to interrupt! It's just…" She looked like she didn't want to continue, especially as you shot her a look that said this better be worth it. "It's just that Jane tripped and I think she sprained ankle, we're going to have to take her to a hospital just to be sure and I know we're your ride but…"
"What? That's terrible!" You instinctively pulled away from Willow, rushing the few steps over to Suzie as worry washed over you. Quickly realizing what you had done you spun back to Willow with an apology on your lips only to see he had followed.
"Is everything okay, do you need any assistance?"
Suzie glanced between the two of you, clearly judging her next words but concern for her girlfriend won out. "Actually I could use another set of hands getting her to the car, she can barely walk."
"Of course." Willow nodded. "Lead the way."
After the three of you had packed Jane in the car Suzie ran over to the driver's side but hesitated before getting in.
"Are you coming, (Y/N)? I know we're you're ride home but I don't want to make you wait at the hospital with us for Mythics knows how long…"
"Perhaps I can take you home?" Willow offered before you had a chance to respond.
"Perfect!" Suzie grinned, hopping into the car. "Love you girl! I'll text you with an update when we get there!" Winking at you she slammed the car door and took off, leaving you there rather baffled as to what just happened. You turned back to Willow wide eyed and mouth agape, probably looking for all the world like a Magikarp out of water.
"I...what...I'm so sorry...you shouldn't have to...I can call a cab."
"Nonsense!" He grinned. "Besides I offered. Now I'm not sure about you but I don't know that I'm up for more mingling. Unless of course, you want to-"
"No, it's fine. Getting out of these shoes sounds lovely."
Willow led the way to where his Jeep was parked, trailer and all still attached. After helping you into the passenger seat, not the easiest feat in your somewhat tight dress, he took off, following your directions back home. Since your building was on a main road and his vehicle didn't exactly fit in the parking lot around back he wound up finding a side street a few blocks away to park and absolutely insisted on walking you to your door, adamant it was the gentlemanly thing to do and he would be crushed if something happened to you.
"Thank you again, I'm sorry if this cut your night short."
"I'm actually rather pleased it did. I'm glad I got to see you outside of working hours."
"So am I." You blushed, fidgeting with your keys as you two approached the door.
"Listen, (Y/N)..." Willow started, meeting your gaze as he searched for the right words. "I've really enjoyed working with you on this project."
"I have too, I'm sad it's coming to an end."
"I must say I'm not." He must have seen the puzzled look on your face and quickly backpedaled. "I mean, I am but also not...ahh. I told you I'm not good at this." He chuckled nervously before continuing. "What I'm trying to say is that I'd like to see you outside of work again and since dating colleagues is frowned upon-"
Your mind was racing just as fast as your heart was and it only took you a moment to understand what he was trying to say. You cut him off by bringing a hand up to his cheek, a look of surprise crossing his face. "Yes, I would like that. I would like that a lot." He grinned back at you and surprised you in return by leaning in to press his lips to yours. It only took you a moment to return the kiss, sliding your hand around his neck as he circled an arm around your waist to pull you closer. He might not have been so good at flirting but you couldn't say the same about his kissing, it was just as good -if not better- than you had daydreamed. After a few moments you broke apart, touching foreheads as you both caught your breath.
"Well, great, then it's settled. Thank you (Y/N), it was a lovely night and I guess I will see you at work-" He began awkwardly, stepping back from you, but you cut him off.
"Would you like to come upstairs?" You blurted out, not quite as smooth as you had hoped for but he grinned nonetheless. You didn't wait for an answer, instead turning to open the front door. After all, you did want to get out of these shoes.
Just a little (okay not so little) idea I had after Eevee community day when Willow said he didn't have any formal attire. Hope you enjoyed! (Sorry, I just can't seem to write anything short!)
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sadachmesarthim · 3 years
towers for your honeycomb chapter 3: no i do not condone underage drinking i just think it's a good plot devic-
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content: the boys have One Beer Each™, peter both sets and completely ignores his own boundaries, author remembers the communion chapter from "how to read literature like a professor" and bastardizes it, both of them have anxiety but neither say anything about it, smoking
words: 2k     song: outskirts of paradise - bad suns     
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Looking Tony in the eye was like staring at the sun. Peter could barely hold his gaze, always finding an excuse to turn away.
He was sat in front of the other man a few weeks later, sharing drinks and pizza at a new brewery down the road. It’d cost him his liquor license, and potentially a clean record, if anyone found out, but Richie (their most beloved regular) offered to let the pair try the latest house brew if they ever swung through.
Peter wasn’t one for beer, but he’d accepted Tony’s invite anyway.
He wasn’t entirely sure why. Since their fight, they’d worked all of maybe three hours together. No other shifts, they avoided each other at meetings, and neither were particularly willing to reach out off the clock and apologize.
It was like the world was screaming at them to stay away from each other.
Peter wasn’t sure he wanted to listen.
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After his shift that morning, Peter found Tony outside, leaning up against the hood of his car & working through his second cigarette. He drummed on the side of his thigh, keeping his empty hand busy as he waited for Peter to come out. Tony jumped at the sight of him, tossing the half finished cig down a storm drain.
“You know those lead straight to the ocean, right?” There was more amusement than anger behind his words. Peter wasn’t entirely sure what Tony was up to, but he was too tired to start shit. He crossed to the passenger side of his car, tossing his belongings to the floor.
“Even if it didn’t go through the city’s filtration system – fuck the fish.” Peter rolled his eyes. Funny as he was, Tony always had to be contradictory.
“Don’t you have, like, a school of them on your shoulder?” Tony’s normally visible salmon tattoos were safely tucked away behind a denim jacket Peter’d never seen before.
“Irrelevant.” Peter rounded the hood and turned, facing the other man. “Did you need something or were you just here to argue about my town’s plumbing system?” He huffed the words out, arms crossing in front of his chest expectantly.
“I, uh…” He suddenly went silent. The ground crunched under Tony’s feet, gravel scraping asphalt under his shoes. They were a rattier pair he owned – more tape than sole, oil staining the canvas.
“I wanted to know if you’d come to lunch with me. Today. Like, right now?” He hesitated at the last few words, like he wasn’t sure he could say them out loud. “I, uh. I’m pretty sure I have some things to say to you, and Richie’s got some good stuff waiting for us at the Pub House…”
Peter was astounded. “Who are you, and what have you done with my Tony?” My Tony? What? “I- why should I trust you? I’m sure as hell not getting in a car with you.”
Tony’s face fell. A bit of- what, disappointment? flew across his face. Peter would’ve missed it had he not been staring, impatient for his answer. Tony, floundering at the rejection, couldn’t give him one.
“Okay, maybe- how about this. I’ll think about it. Give me five minutes to go wash up and I’ll be back.” He turned & headed inside, not waiting for a response.
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The cool water felt good against his burning, salt-stained cheeks. Peter hadn’t realized just how tired he was – opens had always taken it out of him, and the early spring temperatures didn’t always prevent the stand from turning into a heater during rush hour.
The soap in the stand was always too fragrant for his taste, but it did the job – it felt good to wash away the day’s work and come back looking like a new man. He smoothed his eyebrows down and dried himself off, wetting his hair a bit as he finished.
He wound up with grind in it again, brushing it out with a comb he found in the first aid kit. One of these days he was going to have to start wearing hats to work. Shampooing his hair every single day was taking its toll on his curls, and he wasn’t a fan of burnt coffee smell.
Stepping back, he squinted into the warped mirror in front of him. Much better.
Back outside, Tony’d lit up his third cigarette of the day. The shakes’d largely abandoned him, allowing his anxiety to drift inward. The sticks only did so much – he missed the higher, stronger hit of his Suorin, but he was trying to quit (ironically enough).
He was actually able to finish this one by the time Peter made his way back outside, looking significantly better without $5 worth of product on his face.
“Okay, some rules.” He came up, stopping just short of Tony. “You’re paying for both of us. We leave whenever I want, without complaint. We go straight there and come straight back - it’s eight blocks, I don’t want any bullshit scenic routes.” His tone was firm – something Tony’d never encountered with him before. 
“Yes. Yes, anything. Okay.” 
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Tony’s car was a lot nicer than Peter anticipated. He’d recently sold his truck, swapping it for a silver Mini Cooper instead. It was a pretty little thing, just up his alley.
It was also fucking obnoxious. He’d bought it with a modified exhaust and had plans to make it even louder. You could almost always hear him coming, little pop pop pops audible for quite a ways. 
It was… less clean than Peter expected. Tony was always so well put together, so well-maintained - seeing stray gum wrappers and drink cups littered around the interior was almost jarring. He didn’t realize he was staring until Tony spoke up. 
“She’s nice, isn’t she?” Peter nodded. He silently took in his new surroundings, nerves on fire. He’d never done well around strangers, in new places. His mind’d always screamed at him, danger unsafe bad run, overriding his sensibilities.
“Hey, are you good? I can take you back if you need.” They’d barely left the Outback parking lot. 
“No- no, I think I’ll be okay. Just… not where I thought I’d end up when I woke up today, y’know?” Peter tried to laugh it off, but he’d always been pretty transparent. 
Tony turned a corner, cutting back into the lot they just came from and turning the car off. “Seriously, Peter. If you don’t want to come to lunch with me just say so. I’ll take you back to your car and we can pretend it never happened.” Okay, seriously, who the fuck is this guy and what did he do with Tony?
“No, I- I think I’m okay. Seriously. Let’s just go and get it over with - I kinda want to hear you grovel anyway.” He settled further into his seat, failing to shake away the agitation. 
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The flatbread was actually really good. It was more of a hipster take on pizza - white sauce and pearl onions definitely making it stand out - but it wasn’t a bad lunch by any means. 
The beer definitely wasn’t Peter’s favorite. He was barely sipping by, trying hard to keep a straight face as he swallowed. Damn Richie anyway. 
It’d started off awkward enough - discussing where to sit, small talk about their week, the weather. It felt more like a bad first date than an apology, but- 
“I really am sorry. For what happened in the fridge.” 
“Okay. Why?” Peter tightened the hand around his glass, bracing for Tony’s next words. 
“I.. I was kind of an asshole when I was younger, too. I figured I could make a fresh start here with a brand new town of people that didn’t know or assume anything about me.
“I was doing okay for a little while, too, but I don’t know man I just.. something happened and I just- I don’t know why I’m a dick to you. But I’m trying not to be. This is that, like, ‘first step’, I guess?” Peter nodded along, attentive. 
"So, I don't know. I'm sorry for being a dick to you at work. I'm sorry for being a dick to the girls. I shouldn't yell at you or drag your family into this bullshit - I'm sorry, Peter."
There it was again, that name. His first fucking name. 
“I- thank you, Tony. It’s a start, and I certainly haven’t forgiven you, but… thank you. Seriously.” Tony sighed, shoulders visibly relaxing. Peter let go of his glass and wiped it off, standing and walking around to Tony’s side of the table. 
“Okay then, time for a do-over! Hi, I’m Peter Parker. I’m 19 and I’ve worked at Outback North Espresso for a little over 9 months. What’s your name?” He stuck his hand out, waiting for Tony to make the next move.  
Tony laughed, pushing his chair back and standing to meet the other teen. “Okay, uh, I’m Tony Stark, I’m 18, and I’ve worked at Outback for almost 6. Nice to re-meet you, Peter.” He shook Peter’s hand, awestruck at just how soft it was. He quickly steeled his face and sat back down, releasing Peter and allowing him to do the same. 
Once he was sat back down at his side, Peter looked up, confused. “Wait, you’re still 18?” 
Tony laughed. “Not for long. My birthday’s at the end of next month.” 
“Wow, I can’t believe I’m older than you!” 
Tony rolled his eyes. “That’s - it’s literally three months, that barely counts.” 
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Their debate lasted well into the afternoon, alongside several other discussions. Peter’s childhood in Richland, and what it was like growing up there. What Federal Way was like, and why Tony left. Peter could tell he was remaining intentionally vague, but didn’t push it. 
Their beers were warm and the pizza was long gone by the time they abandoned their table. Tony guided him out the back, hand high on his arm. 
Once they were back in the car, Peter’s anxiety returned. It was like he’d spent the last few hours speaking to a completely different person, and now that he was sitting mere inches from Tony… 
He wasn’t scared. He wasn’t. He wasn’t… sure, exactly. What it was. 
Tony spoke up when he noticed the tension in his passenger seat. 
“Hey, we’ll get you back to your car soon, I promise. Eight blocks, remember?” His right hand made its way to Peter’s knee, digging soft circles into the denim. Just like in the fridge.
“Please don’t- don’t touch me. Without asking.” It came out harsher than intended. 
“Okay, all good. No worries. We’re like, two minutes away.” Tony eased off the clutch, turning right out of the parking lot and onto the road. The windows rolled down and Peter let his head fall back in relief. Fresh air always helped him clear his head. 
It really was a short drive - right turn, left turn, right turn - and they were back at Peter’s car. The doors unlocked, and he was out in an instant. A bit too fast to be respectful, if he was being honest, but he knew he needed out. Tony stopped him before he was able to get in his car. 
“Hey, for real. Thank you for today. I’m sorry if it was too much.” 
Peter looked over and down to meet his eyes. “I- yeah, of course. No, yeah, thank you. For the apology. I’m sorry I freaked out on you. But no this- it was good. Yeah. Thank you, Tony.” 
He turned, unlocking the door and closing it before either could say anything else. After turning the key he sped off, without throwing even a glance behind him. 
Tony watched as Peter peeled away, reaching for the box of Pall Malls in his cupholder. He lit one, shifting into first and heading in the opposite direction. 
Not bad. Not good, but not bad. 
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lmk if u want on or off the tags list!
@snowstark @kaleidoscopeluli @parkerrbitch @carelessannie​ @bluestarker​ @longlivestarker​ 
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
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Cyneswith rolls the want to dine out with her Methuselahian boy-toy and I’m hoping we can knock this love out during this date so we never have to see him again. Naturally the road to 20 simultaneous lovers is gonna have some duds, but did we really have to start with one?? Between Cyn’s gray hair turn on and Shajar’s fitness/fatness ones the chemistry mechanic is ruining my life this generation.
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Yea that’s great, CADP, here’s an even more appropriate green face: 🤢🤢🤢
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-I don’t get paid enough for this shit. 
Random Waiter sweetie, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry we’re romancing this old bitch in front of you, oh my god.
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Mercifully CADP wastes no time falling in love with Cyneswith after this public woohoo witnessed by every townie within a 20 mile radius, and the date is a stunning success:
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LMAO. Watch Cyneswith become a pillar of the community thanks to publicly banging the elderly, she truly can do no wrong. No wonder she’s the only child Jojo acknowledges. 
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Beyond over for Don. 
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Cyneswith returns home in the glowing triumph of her platinum plumbob. She literally hasn’t even made it to the front door yet-
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-and CADP calls to ask her out again! Man, these drama professors are relentless, remember how half-alien prof stalked Gunther? Did this guy even go home or is he calling us right from the diner where we left him?? Whatever the case, hardest ‘Stay Here’ ever pressed, grandpa. 
-But I wanna go out with him again! 🌸
Yea well we don’t have time to be systematically dating these flops, Cyn, if you wanted in depth affairs you should have rolled a different LTW.
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NICE. Another fine addition to our yard of wonders! We’re still not dating you, CADP, but when we’re throwing ragers on this thing, we’ll be thinking of you with some nostalgia and a lot of disgust. 
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With Cyneswith platinum for the foreseeable future, I take a look at how everyone else is doing to ensure there aren’t any aspiration failures lurking. Ti-Ning and Frances are ultra-loved up and doing great-
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-Angel rolls the want to get engaged to Wulf as well as the want TO INVITE OVER GUNTHER AKA HER TEENAGE FLING FROM 30 YEARS AGO, FFS ANGEL-
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-and Don.. well he’s seen better days. The sad ‘go on a date’ want is killing me, I’ve considered it a given so far that he’s endgame for Cyn but they haven’t been interacting much lately, we’ll see how it goes, it might legit be over him.
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The semester ends and with it Sophie’s insane 0 studying A+ streak, which is understandable since she literally almost died. Proud of Wulf and Don for bringing their grades up since they were both doing terribly, Don especially was flirting with academic probation last semester. I guess once your gf is no longer distracting you because she’s too busy cheating on you, you start hitting the books.
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It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life.. and Sophie autonomously goes to gossip with Shajar!!! I was so shocked I unironically took a screenshot of the little action queue window, but whatever, it’s a big deal! 
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-Hey Shajar, you know who’s an even bigger turbocuck than you?? Ti-Ning! God I can’t stand that loser. 
-Haha couldn’t agree more, Sophie! 🖤 Not like I’d agree with anything you say, I have my own personality and opinions and everything!! Why are we talking about him like he’s not right here? I’m not questioning you, just curious! 🖤
-It’s my new bullying tactic! 
-It’s great! 
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-Congratulations on your ever-evolving bullying techniques, Sophie! 🖤
-Congratulations on idolizing me! Maybe you’re only a cuck and not a turbocuck after all.
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-Haha great punch, Sophie! I actually felt the nerve damage as it happened!
-Thanks, ever since my post-workout coma I’m stronger than ever!
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OMG THEY FINALLY BECAME FRIENDS. Bro I still cannot believe Cyneswith not only befriended Sophie first but is LITERALLY BFFS WITH HER. UN.REAL. ANYWAY there’s only so much blue balling I can take from these two, it’s time to find out if there’s something there once and for all. But first, we need a slight adjustment so let’s head to the nearest mirror..
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In the name of love, Shaj, come on!
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-So, Sophie.. As I’m sure you can see, I’m blonde now. And I had to sign a contract promising I won’t sue for how terrible it makes me look, so I’m legally blonde. Now that that’s out of the way..
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-..it’s Ti-Ning trashing time!
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F I N A L L Y I                 L N                L A                A L                N L                I Y L L A N I F
OK. SO NOW WE KNOW. What you do from now on is up to you, first and last time I’m intervening but these two were driving me insane.
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-And so after careful consideration, it became clear that blonde is truly my color! 
-Are you sure, Shaj? Because when I saw you upstairs you were sobbing and doing vomiting motions in front of the mirror.
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-Aw Angel, that’s not a very nice thing to say! Don’t worry sis, I love your new look! In fact, I’m so proud of the way you look I want you right there next to me when I meet potential lovers! 💗
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NOW THAT’S WHAT I LIKE TO SEE. I mean I wish I wasn’t seeing Shajar’s terrible blonde hair but Sophie’s blondeness turn on forced my hand. But the rest of this pic is what I like to see!
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Despite recent developments, Sophie remains elusive af but I’m not butting in anymore, I’m returning to my go with the flow playstyle. So Sophie once again leaves us dick in hand and goes inside to.. you guessed it, socialize with Cyneswith. Shajar follows suit.. and..
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SHAJAR. YOU FINALLY STEPPED UP. I guess there’s only so much cucking from Cyneswith one person can take!!! If Sophie rejects this I’m literally gonna die-
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And Shajar is now in love with Sophie, whereas Sophie isn’t even best friends with her yet, oh Shaj.. Well whatever, you’ll get there (I hope). ACR gets right down to business, let’s ignore Sophie thinking of Cyneswith, istg..
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Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean we literally went from first kiss ever to woohoo with 0 other interactions in between but after all those years of incelitude who can blame Shajar.
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And it’s official!!! ❤️ I’ve been convinced these two belong together ever since they were teens but I was also convinced Gunther belonged with Melody/Daniel belonged with Brittany/Jojo belonged with Frances and we remember how all 3 of those went so only time will tell.
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In the meantime let’s marvel at how uneven this burgeoning relationship is thanks to Shajar unilaterally obsessing over Sophie for half her teenhood. But she finally got her! An inspirational tale about never giving up on your dreams even when your dreams prefer your sister. 
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celestialices · 4 years
Greek Mythology x Haikyuu 
Haikyuu!Ensemble x Reader
Summary: You were just a perfectly normal student at The University of Tokyo, when suddenly a bunch of 'normal boys', as they call themselves, appeared in your life and started to squeeze themselves into your life. Always saying something like "You're a goddess, we need to take you back to Olympus" (you brushed it off, saying that it was just a silly compliment) and even absurd sentences such as "You got Medusa's eyes" and "You're really Medusa's daughter!"
You really want a peaceful school year, but the universe beg to differ.
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Your family is like a heap of stones, remove one and the entire structure will crumble. Living with your sympathetic mother and doting brother is a dream come true. Along with your only known relatives, Kyoutani Household and Inouka Family, completes the household.  It’s small; however, there’s nothing else that could compete over this haven of yours.  Moreover, your mother’s friend coming in the picture constantly every 6 months to take care of your family ever since you came into this world is another section of your stable life. He has been doting over you and acted as the father figure of your little family. His visits would always complete your year.  Speaking of your acting paternal, he just arrived two days ago and will probably stay over for another five days. It’s amazing how his visits remain unchanging though, always the same month and the same days. It was unvarying, maybe that’s where you grasp some of the mannerism you have currently.  Your surroundings has always been permanent. A little changes here and there would arise, but never big ones. That’s why it scares you if something ever happens; owing to the fact that this life you have is already part of you. It has always been you, your mother and Yuki. You’re already comfortable with this, possessing the same old life you had when you were born.  A knock on your door snapped you out of your trance, your name was followed shortly after. “Are you almost ready?” Recognizing the voice, you stood up pronto, so swift that it almost ruined your balance.  Shaking your head to dismiss the dizziness off, you picked up your school bag and opened the door. “Good morning, Heiji-san.” You greeted with a smile.  He ruffled your hair. One of his tendencies whenever he visits. It’s like messing up your hair before you leave for school is a must. “Good morning. Breakfast is prepared, your friend is also there already.” He announced.  Friend. He’s probably talking about Hirugami Sachiro, your infamous childhood friend. It’s like a tradition nowadays, he regularly comes over for breakfast, reasoning that your mother cooks the best meals. When the truth is he just dreadfully hates seeing to his older sister and her boyfriend being ‘lovey-dovey.’  You didn’t noticed that Heiji had already dragged you downstairs, startled when you overheard your mother and Hirugami having a chat. It happens so often now, being lost in your own thoughts. You approached them, kissing your mother’s cheek and saying your greetings before nodding at Hirugami.  “Let’s eat!” Yuki yelled out, provoking the four of you to come to the dining room. You immediately started to consume the served meal after everyone sat down, since praying wasn’t really necessary. Your mother never pushed beliefs into the both of you, your opinions and own faith will be yours to decide on. Freedom is a fundamental for her ‘How-To-Be-A-Perfect-Mother-101.’ “How about you invite your other friend sometimes?” Your mother, Shibayama Yumie, asked you. “Korai-kun, was it?” Her memory impresses you from time to time; but then again, you only have a few friends. Countable by one hand, howbeit they’re all as good as one’s word. “Hmm, I’ll tell him to come by for breakfast sometimes, mom.” You answered blissfully. Breakfasts are the most important meal of the day, and eating with the whole family are euphoric. Especially with your two best friends and Heiji, aka three of the most important people of your life? That’s like dreaming with one's eyes open.  “It’ll be nice to meet your friends.” Heiji said. “And also, invite your relatives. It’s just proper to celebrate our lady’s coming-of-age at once.”  Oh, right. You just turned 18 a few days ago, but throwing a party isn’t really  obligatory. But because your mother kept pressing you about it, you just excused that Heiji should be there, as he is an important factor in your life after all.  “We can party this weekend, a day before Heiji-san leaves.” Yuki suggested.  “That’ll be splendid.” Heiji replied while nodding his head. He smiled at Yuki before turning to you, “Request all of your friends to come, okay? It’s a must for me to meet all your acquaintances.”  Chuckling at his desire, you just bobbed your head as a sign of agreement. As if you’ll invite a lot of people.  “Are you two done?” Yumie asked, looking at you and Hirugami. “You better leave now, or else you’ll be late for school.”  “Right, right.” Hirugami stood up from his seat, gathering all his belongings after chugging a glass of water. “Thank you for the toothsome breakfast, Yumie-san! I’ll look forward to more of your cooking.”  Hirugami is.. shameless. What’s missing is him calling your mother ‘mom’ too. Who knows, it’ll probably happen sooner or later.  “We’ll be going now!” You both said simultaneously before exiting the house.  Walking with Hirugami to school is one of the thousands habits you’ve picked up as well since your friendship with him started. Your mother asking for him to “protect” you was the sole reason of it, along with freedom, safety has always been a big deal for her. It is her top priority for you and your brother, it’s honestly admirable. And of course, living in the same neighborhood with the Hirugami family made it a piece of cake.  Anyhow, it’s reassuring. As someone who’s not entirely fond of changes, having  your fixed routine, that you unconsciously formed while growing up, occur like the usual brings a sense of comfort to you. 
”So, about that guy from last night.” Hirugami began the conversation after minutes of silently walking. Ever since bumping into the mysterious man yesterday and witnessing his unexpected reaction, your friends have been getting on your nerves with their constant queries. ”Shut up.” You cut him off pronto. Seriously, was blowing up your notifications up until midnight not enough? “For the last time, I don’t know him, Sachiro.” With an exasperated sigh, you fastened your pace, showing your obvious annoyance.  “I won’t tease you anymore, wait up!” Hirugami catched up while bursting with laughter. Him making fun of you was not new, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t irksome. “I just thought you finally found a partner after being single for so long.”  You immediately sent a glare to your friend after he said those words. “Hirugami Sachiro, I will end you.” You threatened with your most serious face, but nevertheless, he just laughed. Sometimes, the urge to choke him until he runs out of breath will pop up.  “Fine, fine. I’ll shut up.” With one last chuckle coming out his mouth, he finally piped down. Not a moment after when his phone started ringing, making you look up to him. “It’s Korai.” He announced, answering the phone call straight away.  You just stared at him while he talked to Hoshiumi, disappointed that you can’t hear what Hoshiumi’s saying on the other line. And your companion is insensitive enough to not put him on speaker.  After a few minutes, he ended the call and peeked at you forthwith. “He’s waiting for us by the gates.”  “Okay.” It didn’t take long after you reached the gates, already seeing Hoshiumi’s unique white hair from afar. His eyes perked up when you and Hirugami locked eyes with him, smiled when you waved at him.  After exchanging greetings with Hoshiumi, the three of you started to walk on your respective classrooms. “Oh, right. I heard a rumor.” Hoshiumi suddenly declared.  “What rumor?” Hirugami asked. What even kind of rumors for Hoshiumi to give a damn about it?  “Transferees.”  “Transferees? In the middle of the second semester?” You questioned. 
“Yeah. Two of them are in one of your classes, apparently.” Hoshiumi informed. “Hirugami and I share some of the classes with the other two.”  Who could that be? Who in their right mind would transfer in a middle of a semester? You halted, realizing that you already reached your class. “Oh, I’m here. See you later.”  “Library.” Hirugami gave you a heads up. The library is one of the places in school where you three meet up to fill up the free time before eating lunch. It’s amazing how your schedules go along with each other. You merely nodded in return before entering your homeroom.  You sat in your corresponding seat without interruptions, taking out your phone since no one will talk to you anyways. Plugging your earphones in after bringing out your book, you separated yourself from the world.  Music is another element of your life. It makes you forget the real situation in hand, transports you into a state which is not your own. Under the influence of music, it seems like you feel what you never felt before, it makes you understand what you don’t understand, to have powers which you can’t have. Music is powerful, it inspires. It gives you a glimpse of an impossible world.  A few songs played before you heard the bell rang, bringing you back to reality. It saddened you, but music will never leave your side no matter what. Your professor entered after a few minutes, two boys after her.  “Good morning. An addition of two students will be joining us this semester. Namely, Sakusa Kiyoomi,” The one wearing a mask and has curly hair bowed his head. “And Komori Motoya.” The man who has light-colored hair and thick, round eyebrows waved.  The class erupted into whispers, some of them waving back at the seemingly cheerful boy. “Please take care of us!” Komori uttered and inclined his head. “You two can seat behind Shibayama.” You flinched at the sudden call, but raised your hand nonetheless. You forgot that there are two vacant seats behind you, not that it mattered anyway.  As the two were seated, your professor instantly started her discussion. And as the good student you are, you quietly listened and took your notes.  After three boring hours, the bell finally rang, signalling the end of class. You stood up from your seat as soon as the professor left, not letting anyone approach you like the asocial you are.  You started walking towards the library while scrolling through your phone, confident that you won’t bump into someone. Well, surely a person with common sense would avoid you, will they not?  Wrong. You’re absolutely wrong.  You sighed before glancing at the person you bumped into. You’ve been bumping into people a lot these days, is this your new profound curse? “Sorry.” You hid your astonishment after locking eyes with him.  A student with dark-brown hair and grayish-yellow fox-like eyes who looks like he’s eventually on his way to murder someone. You bowed at him and immediately left.  It’s the first time you saw his face in the university, so he’s either a transferee or someone who doesn’t like going out in the grounds. Despite being introverted, you’re proud to say you know all the faces in your university. You stood in front the library’s door to let out another deep sigh. Backing away when the door suddenly opened from your side. “Oh, my apologies. That was rude of me.” He uttered, motioning for you to enter first.  You peeked at him, and saw that his gunmetal blue eyes staring at you. “Ah, thank you.” Offering him a smile before entering the library, completely unaware of his change of expression.  Plopping yourself down beside Hoshiumi, you started to read the book you picked up before approaching them. Unconsciously, you let out another groan, thinking back at today’s events.  Interacting with people is truly draining. 
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A/N:  And there goes the second-years from the representative team 👀 Oh, and I just want to say that I may use she/her pronouns/fem!reader but please keep in mind that this is a safe space for everyone :). If it’s confusing, reader is from Shibayama family (consisting of a mother and younger brother). Family relatives [ Kyoutani, Inouka (comprising of a mother + son) ] and her mother’s friend (Heiji-san, standing up as her father figure) visits them from time to time. In conclusion, her family has very few members. Happy Holidays, everyone! May 2021 give us good memories. Always remember to stay safe! And as usual, thank you for tuning in! <3 
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ukulelecal · 4 years
Bloom - Part Two
The story of flowers.
Pairing: Poet!Luke Hemmings x Female!OC
Warnings: a bit more angst but def more fluff. implied smut. a couple swears probably. hella feelings. mentions of anxiety
Word Count: 6.8k
A/N: here is the second part!! less sad than the first!! lol anyways, i hope you guys love it, there will be one more part after this! reminder that feedback and reblogs are sosososo important to creators x 
series masterlist
my masterlist // posted on ao3
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*One year later*
Devon’s new school wasn’t all that she had imagined it to be.
Her classes were great. She was learning so much and her professors were very encouraging and helpful. Everything else, however, wasn’t so ideal.
She wasn’t fond of her classmates. Perhaps she was just so used to her old school, but everyone rubbed her the wrong way. She had only found a few friends that she trusted, but she didn’t even see them much. They had attended undergrad at that school, and they already knew everyone. Devon couldn’t quite make her way into the friend group.
She wasn’t a fan of the city, either. It simply didn’t have the vibe or the excitement that home did.
Home. She tried not to use that word to describe where she once lived, but her mind continuously went back to it. She knew exactly why.
That’s where Luke was.
Devon hadn’t heard from him since she moved. She left with a very brief goodbye and good luck wish, but that was it. She held back her tears during the Uber ride to the airport and all through the plane ride.
Luke, now alone in the apartment, broke down as soon as she left. He should have been the one taking her to the airport, kissing her goodbye and promising that everything would be okay. But nothing was okay anymore.
It had been a year since Devon moved, and the now broken up couple was doing a lot better. Devon distracted herself with schoolwork and trying to find her place in her new environment. She took up kickboxing as well as a way to let out her emotions, although the muscles she was developing were a plus as well.
Luke still had the same coping mechanism he always had; writing poetry. He poured his heart and soul into countless poems. They were completely raw, completely honest. He held nothing back. Frankly, they were his best work.
Devon’s first year of grad school officially came to an end. It was as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders. She couldn’t say she was happy there, but she wasn’t there to make friends. She was there to get her master’s, and she wasn’t going to quit. For herself and for her family.
A very unexpected text quickly changed any plans that Devon might have had for the summer.
It was from Luke.
“Hey Devon. I know it’s been a while and I hope grad school is going well. But it's official. My first poetry book is getting published. You probably don’t want to hear from me, and I understand, but you were always the person that believed in me the most. Thank you for that. Truly. I wouldn’t be here without you. I’m having a release party in a few weeks. Nothing big, just close friends and family. It would mean a lot to me if you came.”
Her heart skipped a beat as soon as she saw his name flash across her screen. Not a single word had been exchanged between them in the past year. A part of Devon had been wishing that he would reach out, even if it was just to say hi and check in. She almost texted him a few times, but something always stopped her.
Hearing from him after so long brought an array of emotions, but the one that overwhelmed her the most was pride.
Devon knew how much this meant to him. He opened up to her about it on their very first date freshman year. She remembered sitting across from him at the coffee shop on campus, and the way his eyes lit up as he talked about releasing a book. She found his passion admirable, and she had every faith in him that he would succeed. She was his biggest supporter through the years; she was there to comfort him when he got rejected and help him through his bouts of writer’s block. He always told her that she was his biggest inspiration. Most of his poems ended up being about her in some capacity.
Despite everything that happened between, Devon couldn’t fathom missing this momentous time in his life.
With a deep breath, she typed out a reply.
“I would love to come. It means a lot that you thought of me.”
The weeks leading up to the party were utterly nerve wracking, for both Devon and Luke.
It took Luke a few days to work up the courage to invite Devon. He was scared she hated him and wouldn’t care to come, that she would be appalled at him thinking even for a second that she might want to see him again. It took a lot of convincing from Ashton, a college friend that he invited to move into the apartment once Luke realized he couldn’t afford the rent on his own and that he couldn’t stand being in the apartment by himself, but he did it. Luke wasn’t sure he breathed at all in the minutes it took her to respond.
Now that she was officially attending, it left the two to question what seeing each other would be like after a year apart. Would it be awkward? Would they end up having another argument and cause more pain? Would they be unrecognizable to each other?
The uncertainty was painstaking, but Devon reminded herself that she was there to support Luke, and Luke reminded himself that he would have given up a long time ago if it weren’t for Devon.
The time finally came for the release party. They both hardly slept the night before. Luke was alone in the bed that he used to share with the woman he hadn’t seen in a year, while she laid in a hotel bed just blocks away. Things felt different knowing that they weren’t hundreds of miles away anymore, and the next day they would see each other.
Devon pandered around her hotel room all day, doing her best to distract herself. She scrolled through every channel on the television, but nothing kept her attention. She did a workout, but every song on her workout playlist managed to remind her of Luke in some way.
They day dragged on until it was finally time for Devon to get ready. She played calming music in the shower to slow her heart rate and took her time doing her hair and makeup. It took some effort to steady her hands, but she got the job done.
Luke had been able to keep himself busy all day. A couple of his friends, Calum and Michael, shared a flat that was decently bigger than Luke’s apartment, and graciously offered to host the party there. Him and Ashton went over there early to make sure the place was clean and that all the food and drinks were ready.
Once guests started arriving, the nerves came back in full force.
He could only hope that he was really ready to see Devon.
For her, the Uber ride to the address Luke gave her hit every single red light. She bounced her leg in the back seat, unsure if she was thankful for the longer ride or if she hated it. On one hand, it gave her more time to prepare herself. However, every passing second made her nervousness increase.
Time stopped when the car parked in front of the flat.
She stared at it for a moment, the fact that Luke was just inside making her fingers tremble.
She didn’t realize she was still sitting there until the driver asked her if she was okay. She quickly thanked him and climbed out of the car.
Devon slowly made her way up the walkway, reminding herself with each step that this was a huge deal for Luke. His dreams were finally coming true. He had expressed to her that he credited her in part for his success. He must not have harbored any major negative feelings against her, otherwise she wouldn’t have been invited.
She almost felt a sense of calm as she reached the front door.
She slowly pushed it open, Luke having told her it would be unlocked and she could let herself in. Once inside, she didn’t see him right away. She recognized some friends from her undergraduate days, but nobody seemed to notice her right away.
A tall figure came out from the kitchen, and Devon had to do a double take.
Luke had certainly grown in their year apart.
His curls were shorter in the back and longer on top, and it looked like they had been dyed at some point. He opted for a pair of glasses instead of contacts, and he had a beard. She had never seen him with more than some stubble. He had on a forest green sweater that she always said was her favorite; she wondered if he had worn it on purpose. She couldn’t blame him if he did, considering she was wearing the long sleeved, yellow floral dress that Luke always said he loved on her.
He looked completely different, but at the same time, he was still her Luke.
All of her anxieties melted away the second he looked at her.
It felt so natural. It was as if all of the pain that came from the last time they saw each other had gone away. They both knew in the back of their minds there wasn’t any bad blood between them, as much as their breakup hurt. Neither had exactly done anything wrong.
“You made it,” he continued through a deep breath.
“You know I wouldn’t miss this for the world, Lu.”
Devon looked the same. Her hair was a little longer than the last time he saw her, and he could tell that she had put on some muscle from the way she filled out her dress a little more. She looked good, healthy.
Luke silently thanked whoever was listening that she seemed alright, at least physically. He could acknowledge that he went into a bit of a downward spiral in terms of taking care of himself when she left. He hardly slept and completely shut himself out from everyone that reached out to him. Ashton moving in helped, but certain days made it bad again, like when their anniversary and Devon’s birthday passed. He didn’t want the same for her. He wanted her to do better than him.
Devon had her bad days too. She did better at the beginning when she had so much on her plate, but once things settled down, she was a wreck for a while, not much different than what Luke was like.
He hesitated only a moment before taking Devon into his arms. He prepared himself for her to pull away, but she did quite the opposite. She melted into him, cheek resting against the soft material of his sweater.
Devon remembered all the times she needed a hug. Whenever she had a bad day or was stressed out over school or simply just wanted to be held, Luke was always there. He would mumble a soft assurance under his breath as he took her into his arms, holding her tight as if she’d be gone forever if he let go. He would whisper whatever it was she needed to hear at the moment, although sometimes it was nothing at all.
She didn’t realize how badly she needed this one.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Dev,” Luke whispered into her hair. He could smell the same coconut shampoo she always used and the warm, sweet perfume she always wore. It brought a sense of comfort and familiarity.
“I’m glad to be here. I...I really missed you, Luke.”
The confession felt good. She tried to deny the fact that she missed him, but seeing him again, she realized how much she really had.
“I missed you too.”
Luke pulled away from the hug and kept his hands on Devon’s shoulders. The same blue eyes met the same brown ones. The ghosts of smiles tugged at their corners of their lips. Every worry they had about seeing each other had gone away.
“I want to say congratulations on your book,” Devon mumbled, fiddling with the small clutch she brought. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” he responded, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks. “I have to say, I-”
His sentence got caught off by a shout of his name from an arriving guest. He sighed and sent Devon an apologetic look. There was a lot that needed to be said, so much that needed to be talked about, but they knew that this wasn’t the time or place to do so.
“It’s fine, go on. We’ll catch up later, bub-” she cut herself off, the pet name she called him so often about to slip from her lips so naturally. “Okay?”
Luke sighed sadly but gave her a smile. He understood why she stopped herself, but God, he would have loved to hear her call him that again.
“Okay. See you in a bit, Dev.”
Luke slowly walked away to greet the new arrivals while Devon wandered off to find people she knew. She came across her good friends from undergrad - mutual between her and Luke - who thankfully seemed excited to see her. They made small talk and asked about grad school before easing into questions about Luke. She should have expected it, but she hadn’t talked much about the breakup since it first happened. It was easy to simply not mention it to her grad school group and they wouldn’t know the difference, but these were the girls that she called sobbing at random times during the day when she needed to talk. It was natural that they were curious.
“Did you two talk at all while you were gone?” One asked, and Devon shook her head.
“No,” she sighed. “I think that was best, though.”
Devon’s eyes trailed to the right. Luke was talking to some family members, laughing. A small grin tugged at the corners of her lips. His laugh was musical and contagious. She always felt proud of herself when she made him laugh. Not that it was a difficult task; he loved to laugh. For Devon, getting to hear the noise was like a gift.
She snapped her gaze back to her friends. Their expressions were a mixture of smug and concerned. It was obvious that Devon hadn’t gotten over Luke in the past year. She still looked at him the same way she always did. They were still concerned that she would get her heart broken again.
“You still love him, don’t you?”
Devon glanced over at him one more time. She tried to convince herself that she didn’t. She almost threw away her shoebox of poems just to prove it to herself, but she couldn’t do it. It would always be him.
“Of course I do.”
The rest of the night, Luke and Devon didn’t speak. They weren’t avoiding each other, but the weight of the conversation they needed to have required the crowd to go away and the festivities to die down before it could happen. They exchanged glances and small smiles, saving the talking for later.
Devon purposely hung back as the crowd startled to trickle out the door. Luke had made a small speech thanking everyone for coming and celebrating with him. Everyone took it as the hint that the party was over. Deciding to help out while she waited, Devon busied herself cleaning up a bit in the kitchen.
Footsteps caught her attention, but they didn’t belong to who she figured they did. Instead of seeing Luke, she saw Ashton. He was Luke’s best friend, and while him and Devon never got super close, she still considered him a friend.
“Hey, Dev,” Ashton greeted with a grin, opening his arms for a hug that she gladly accepted.
“Hi, Ash. How have you been?”
“Good. Just working,” he chuckled as he pulled away from the hug. “You? How’s grad school?”
“It’s pretty good.” Good if he asked about her academics and not her social life, that is.
“That’s good.”
Ashton leaned against the counter across from her, shooting her a look. She raised her eyebrows in expectation.
“Luke’s been freaking out, you know,” Ashton mumbled, sticking his hands in his pockets. “About seeing you.”
Devon sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Somehow, knowing that he was nervous too was comforting.
“Glad it wasn’t just me.”
“He really missed you. I’m sure he’ll tell you all this himself, but in case you don’t believe him, take it from me. He missed you so, so much.”
Devon couldn’t help but smile a little. It was good to hear it from someone else.
“I missed him too. A lot.”
Before Ashton could reply, Luke stepped into the kitchen, eyes flickering back and forth between his best friend and his ex girlfriend. Words got caught in Devon and Luke’s throats, neither of them sure what to say.
“I guess that’s my cue to get out,” Ashton joked, breaking the awkward silence. “Let me know when you’re ready to go home, Luke.”
The man walked out of the kitchen to help Calum and Michael clean up in the living room while Devon turned to look at Luke with furrowed eyebrows.
“Home?” She questioned.
“Ashton moved into the apartment a little while after you left,” Luke admitted, scratching the back of his neck. He took Ashton’s spot against the counter. “I needed a roommate to help with the rent.”
He left out the fact that being alone in there only reminded him that she was gone and he needed someone to keep him company.
Devon nodded in understanding, but felt another twinge of guilt. She hadn’t considered that she was leaving the financial burden onto him. Thankfully Ashton was there.
“How was your night?” Devon asked genuinely. The party was to celebrate his success, and she genuinely hoped he enjoyed it.
“It was really great.” Luke sent her a thankful grin. “I know I said it before, but it really means a lot to me that you’re here. I was afraid you wouldn’t want to come.”
“This is everything you’ve ever wanted. After everything we’ve been through, I would never miss this moment in your life.”
Devon sent him a sad smile that he returned. There was still so much that needed to be said, so much to discuss. A tension hung between them, but not one of anxiety or dread. It was desperation and desire. A yearning for what they once had.
“We need to talk, Dev,” Luke whispered what they were both thinking. “Like, really talk.”
“I know we do.” She glanced at the clock on the wall beside his head. “But it’s getting late. My flight back isn’t until Monday. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow, if you’re free? Get lunch?”
Luke nodded in agreement. It would be best if they both got some sleep and recharged before talking seriously.
“That sounds good.” Luke turned to look at the clock as well and laughed. “I know it’s past your bedtime.”
Devon rolled her eyes playfully. She was the “go to bed early, wake up early” type, while Luke was the opposite.
“Exactly. I need my beauty sleep.”
“Boy, do I know it.”
The two laughed together, for the first time in a long time. It felt so right.
“I should head back then,” Devon announced, reaching behind to grab her clutch that she had set on the counter. “Let me just call an Uber and I’ll be out of here.”
“Don’t worry about that. Ash and I came together, he’ll drive you back. Where are you staying?”
Not one to turn down a free ride, Devon rattled off the name of her hotel. Luke led her to the living room to get Ashton and say goodbye to Calum and Michael. Luke thanked them again for letting him have the party at their place before they were out the door and piled in Ashton’s car. Luke took shotgun while Devon slipped into the back.
The ride to the hotel was quiet. Only Ashton’s soft indie music and the sound of other cars filled the car. Shortly, Ashton pulled to a stop in front of Devon’s hotel. Luke turned around in his seat to face her.
“Thanks again for coming, Dev,” he mumbled softly, a grin on his face.
“Thanks for inviting me. And thanks for the ride, Ashton.” He nodded in acknowledgement before she turned her gaze back to Luke. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Tomorrow. Who knows what tomorrow would bring?
“See you tomorrow.”
Devon climbed out of the car and headed towards the doors, sparing one last glance and a wave before heading inside. Luke watched as she walked in, a small sigh escaping his lips. He turned his head to see Ashton with a smirk on his face.
“What?” Luke questioned.
“You still love her, don’t you, mate?”
Luke sighed again, glancing back towards the doors. Devon was already out of sight, probably in the elevator already. He knew exactly what she was going to do when she got to her room. She would kick off her shoes and then take her makeup off. She’d go through her night time skin care routine, put her hair in a bun with a silk scrunchie, and finally change into her pajamas, which were usually just a big t-shirt and panties. She would probably spend some time reading or watching cooking videos on TikTok before going to bed.
“Of course I do.”
Devon swiped one last bit of lip gloss across her lips when Luke texted her that he was outside. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her purse and phone before heading downstairs to meet him.
The anxiety was coming back. Seeing Luke was one thing, but having a full on conversation was another. It didn’t help that the conversation would surely lead to the topic of their relationship. Their breakup.
Luke was feeling similarly. He had paced around the apartment all morning until Ashton gave him a pep talk. He reminded him that if they didn’t talk, Devon would just leave again and nothing would change. Nothing would get fixed.
The sound of a creaky car door opening snapped Luke from his thoughts, looking up to see Devon climbing in. He sent her a smile.
“Hey, Dev.”
“Hey, Luke. Bertha’s still kicking, I see?” Devon joked as she buckled her seatbelt. She knew that Luke wasn’t going to get rid of his beloved Prius until absolutely necessary, but the fact that the car still functioned at all was shocking.
“I think it might be her time soon, but for now, she gets me where I need to go.”
Bertha survived the drive to the small diner that Devon and Luke agreed on, albeit the radio cut out a few times. It was a new place and Luke had been wanting to try it. A part of Devon wondered if he really wanted to try it or if he just didn’t want to take her to one of the places that they frequented when they were together. Frankly, she wouldn’t have wanted to go to one of their old spots either. It would have felt too odd.
Once inside and seated, a waitress came to take coffee orders before scurrying away.
“Tell me about grad school,” Luke began, saving the more serious topics of conversation for later. It was best to start off casual and simply catch up on everything that had happened in the past year.
“It’s alright,” Devon sighed. She would have fibbed, but she felt no need to lie to Luke. “My classes are great. I’ve learned so much and my professors are awesome. It’s just…”
She trailed off, unsure how to put her thoughts into words without sounding pathetic. She didn’t want Luke to judge her.
“What?” He pressed gently, eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“It’s the other students, I guess. Everyone at our school was so great, but the people there are just not so friendly. And most of the other grad students did undergrad there, so I couldn’t really fit my way into a friend group. And there’s just not as much to do in the city as there is here,” she explained, her hands occupying themselves with the napkin in her lap.
She locked eyes with Luke, waiting for his response. He could have used it against her. He could have guilt tripped her for leaving and then not being happy. But Luke would never do that and Devon knew it.
“Well that’s not good,” he mumbled sincerely. “I’m sorry, Dev.”
He truly did feel bad. Every day while Devon was gone, he thought about her. He hoped she was having a good day and that her education was going well. It pained him to think that she wasn’t having a great time.
“It’s okay. I mean, I’m there for my master’s, not to make friends.” The waitress came back with their drinks and took their lunch orders. “Anyways, tell me about your book! What happened with the publishers and everything?”
The fact that Devon’s grad school wasn’t everything that she had imagined was still bothering him but Luke went along, knowing she wouldn’t want to talk about it.
“I sent another draft to one of the ones that was interested before, a while after you left. He said he liked the majority of it but wanted a few different ones. It took me a while to figure out what he wanted, but eventually I got it,” he rambled. “I’m really happy with it.”
“I’m glad,” she replied, heart swelling with pride. “When does it come out?”
“Next week.”
Devon hummed in acknowledgement, already making a mental note to pick up a copy for herself.
“How about work?” She questioned after a sip of her cappuccino.
“You’ll never believe it,” Luke chuckled. “I got promoted to a manager position.”
“Really? It’s about time!”
Devon and Luke had a running joke about Luke’s job. He had been there the longest other than the owner, an old woman who still moved like a teenager. She always hung a promotion over his head, suggesting it but never following through. Luke knew she was planning on giving it to him eventually. It was just a matter of time until she actually did, and the two would always make jokes about it.
They made small talk until their food came, causing the duo to fall into silence. Meaningless conversation about the weather could only last so long until what really needed to be talked about came out.
Soup and sandwiches didn’t last long enough. Their plates were cleared and there was no point in stalling anymore.
“I think we fucked up.”
Luke’s statement was unsugarcoated. He couldn't say for sure how Devon felt, but every day throughout the past year, Luke felt like he was making a mistake. Everyone around them was shocked at the news of their breakup; if there were any college sweethearts that would actually last, it would be them. That certainly didn’t help Luke’s pain when everyone else knew it was a mistake too.
Devon felt tears burn the back of her eyes as she nodded softly. He was right. Perhaps it was best at the time, but they couldn’t do another year of being apart.
“I think we did.”
Her voice broke, taking a deep breath to calm herself down and not cry in the restaurant.
“Hey,” Luke cooed soothingly, noticing the tears and reaching across the table for her hand. As his hand encased hers, at that moment, everything felt like it was going to be okay. “Maybe we should go somewhere more private.”
Luke paid the check and made their way back to Bertha. The need for privacy left them with two options; Devon’s hotel room or the apartment.
“Maybe we could go to my hotel room,” Devon suggested. “That way we won’t bother Ashton.”
That was only part of the reason. Devon wasn’t sure how she would feel if she stepped into her old home in the current state of their relationship. All of the memories her and Luke had would come flooding back. The hotel room was a neutral place without connection to what once was.
Luke agreed and drove to the location he remembered from the night before. The elevator ride up to Devon’s room was heavily silent, hands brushing against each other but never interlocking. The sound of the door shutting behind them once in the room was thunderous, the sound signifying that there was absolutely nothing between them and the inevitable anymore.
They stood in the middle of the room for a moment, looking anywhere but each other. There was no good way to start the conversation. There was no easy way to talk about a painful breakup that led to a year apart, then being reunited.
Without the right words in mind, Devon threw herself at Luke. She wrapped her arms tight around his middle and buried her head into his chest. Luke returned the gesture, holding her as close as he could. The hug said more than what either of them could put into words.
It wasn’t until a few minutes that Devon finally found something to say.
“I can’t keep doing this, Lu,” she whispered shakily. “I can’t keep missing you like this.”
“This is all my fault, Dev. I was the one who didn’t think we could do it. Fuck, honey, I’m so sorry.”
Devon surely didn’t think it was his fault. He had every right to be upset that she was moving so far away, and he had every right to be scared of what the distance would do to their relationship. She felt the same way. They broke up to spare themselves the pain of long distance. It hadn’t taken long for them to realize that the pain of being broken up was much, much worse.
As much as she tried to push the thoughts away, Devon couldn’t help thinking about how if she hadn’t left, this wouldn’t have happened. She knew that she did nothing wrong and that her education was just as important, but she had never intended to pursue it in expense of her relationship.
“This isn’t your fault. It was both of us. We were just saving ourselves from the pain. Besides, I was the one that left-”
“No,” Luke cut her off, glancing down at her. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for this. You did absolutely nothing wrong.”
Devon lifted her head up to meet his gaze. His face was serious but his eyes were completely sincere. She had always feared that he would hold a grudge against her for leaving. One look into the gorgeous blue eyes that she fell in love with told her that he didn’t.
“I never want you to blame this on you going to grad school. I want you to know that I completely support your decision and all your aspirations, honey. I will never hold that against you.”
Tears brimmed Devon’s eyes again, but these weren’t tears of pain. They were of love and adoration. Luke was the most amazing man she had ever known. He had a heart of gold and was one hell of a poet. She had never felt so loved as she felt by him.
“Please tell me this isn’t over, Luke,” she whispered, hands moving to cup his bearded cheeks. A single tear slipped down the soft skin of Devon’s cheek. “I love you. I never stopped. Please tell me there can be an us again.”
Luke wasn’t sure when he started crying, but a sudden wetness on his cheek alerted him of the act. His hands tugged Devon’s waist to bring her closer, noses brushing touching and breath mingling. They could hardly remember the last time they had been that close, the last time they felt love so intensely.
“I’ve wanted us back since that day a year ago. I love you more than anything, Devon. Always have, always will.”
For the first time in over a year, Luke and Devon’s lips connected in a kiss. It was nothing short of passionate and heavy. The love they hadn’t been able to express for so long was rising to the surface, coming out in the form of mumbled words, bruising kisses and desperate touches.
Frantic fingers worked the buttons of Devon’s flannel, slowly pushing her backwards until the back of her knees hit the edge of the bed. The offending item was discarded to the floor and the newly reunited couple crawled onto the bed. Devon shivered under Luke, a reaction caused by a mixture of the cool sheets against her bare back and his lips on her neck, his beard providing a new sensation that she hadn’t felt before.
The past year was difficult. If they could go back in time and fix it, they would jump on the opportunity without a second thought. But just maybe, it made them stronger. Maybe they needed to begin to wilt in order for them to bloom.
“What do we do now?”
Devon curled closer to Luke as a crisp breeze cut through the darkening evening. He sighed and wrapped the blanket tighter around them.
“I’m not sure.”
The couple sat in the trunk of Luke’s car with the door popped open, parked at a lookout point that overlooked the city. It was something they used to do all the time in college. It was comforting to return to their old traditions, knowing that they had fixed what they broke.
It was Sunday evening, the day before Devon flew back to her grad school city. They may have gotten back together, but they were still faced with the same problem as when they broke up. Devon still had a whole year of grad school left, miles away.
“I’m not sure I want to go back,” Devon admitted, eyes fixed on the city lights. Luke snapped his head to look at her, eyebrows furrowed.
“What do you mean? Are you saying you don’t want to finish your degree?”
Luke would never forgive himself if she gave up her master’s degree because of him. He didn’t want the distance either, but he could never hold her back from her dreams.
“No, no, I want to finish. I just...I wasn’t happy in that city. This is my home. I’m happy here,” she explained. She tore her eyes away from the view in favor of looking at her boyfriend. “With you.”
Luke dipped his head down, pressing a kiss to her temple. Devon leaned into the affection that she had missed so much.
“It’s up to you, honey. I don’t want to hold you back. Just know that if you do stay there, I’m going to really try this time. I promise we’ll make it work, and I’ll be here for you no matter what.”
Devon grinned at his words. She didn’t realize how much she needed to hear that; that the past wouldn’t repeat itself. However, she didn’t want to put either of them through the suffering of a long distance relationship when she didn’t even want to be away.
“I appreciate that, bubs. But I just can’t do that to us after everything we’ve been through.” She thought for a moment, trying to decipher the best course of action. “Maybe I could finish online.”
Luke nodded in acknowledgement; it was a good compromise. Devon got to finish her degree at the school with the best program, and she didn’t have to be so far away. It benefitted Luke as well, not just her. However, he didn’t want to sway her either way.
“If that’s what you want, honey. This is your decision.”
He gave her shoulders a squeeze as she thought it over. The only sounds to be heard were the gentle hum of the city below them and the cold breeze that ruffled the trees. It was so familiar. They had spent countless nights like this, simply enjoying each other’s company and rewinding from hectic college life. Luke had to remind himself that they weren’t undergraduate students anymore; Devon was in grad school and he was a published poet.
It was baffling how everything felt like it had gone back to the way it was, yet things were actually so very different.
“That’s what I want,” Devon announced with confidence after a few moments of pondering. “I want to stay here.”
Matching lovesick grins spread across their faces as they locked eyes. She scooted closer to Luke, if that was even possible, nudging her nose against his.
“You’re sure?” He verified, eyes fluttering closed.
“So very sure.”
He chuckled lowly before closing the gap. The air between them was finally clear. Their relationship was fixed and they would still be together. No more pain and suffering.
Devon rested her head on Luke’s shoulder when the kiss broke, breathing out a content sigh. They enjoyed the silence for a moment before Devon piped up with a question.
“Can I move back into the apartment?”
“Of course you can,” Luke chuckled. “That’s our place. Why couldn’t you?”
“What about Ashton?”
“He understands our situation, babe. He saw this coming. He already asked Calum and Michael if he could take the extra bedroom at their flat if it came to this, and they agreed. As long as you’re fine with living with him for a little while until he moves out, then he’s fine with it too.”
Devon let out a breathy laugh, nodding in understanding.
“I mean, I’ll still have to go back to my apartment out there for a bit to get my stuff.” She looked up at Luke with a hopeful glint in her eye. “Do you think you could come with and help? It’s alright if you can’t.”
“I can come, honey. I’ll see if I can fly out with you tomorrow, but if not I can come a couple days later, so you don’t have to change yours.” A smirk spread across his face before continuing. “Or we could just wait to go together and stay here for another few days. You know, catch up a little more.”
Devon laughed and playfully rolled her eyes, nudging his shoulder.
“What a way with words you have, Hemmings. No wonder you’re a poet.”
“Speaking of poetry, I have something for you.”
Luke pressed a swift kiss to Devon’s cheek before hopping out of the trunk. He opened the door to the back seat and rifled around for a moment, then returning to face Devon. He removed his hand from behind his back, holding it out to her.
“For you.”
Devon took the item from his hand curiously. It only took a moment for her to realize what it was.
It was a book titled The Life of a Flower. The cover was a stunning photo of two orchids side by side, and Luke’s name was printed across the bottom.
His first poetry book.
“You’re the first person to get a copy,” he mumbled sheepishly, breaking Devon from her trance of staring at it. She couldn’t help the tears of pride that welled in her eyes. If seeing the actual, physical book in person was such an emotional moment for her, she couldn’t even imagine how Luke must have felt when he saw it for the first time.
“This is incredible, Luke,” she whispered, smiling despite her tears. “I’m so proud of you, bubs, so fucking proud.”
Devon dropped the blanket from her shoulders and hopped down from the trunk. Her arms found their way around his neck while his found her waist. Pride was an understatement. She had been there every step of the way, and seeing his dreams finally come to life was a wonderful sight to see.
“Thank you, Devon,” Luke whispered into her hair. “For being my biggest supporter. I wouldn’t be here without you.”
“It’s not me, Lu,” she mumbled in response, tilting her head up to look at him. “You have a gift. Your writing got you here, not me.”
“I would have given up on writing a long time ago if I didn’t have you. You give me an endless amount of inspiration that I never had before. A poet’s words are meaningless if his muse isn’t worth writing about.”
“Damn. William Shakespeare has nothing on you,” she joked although she was absolutely melting on the inside. Luke groaned playfully.
“You always ruin the moment. Anyway, look at the first pages.”
Devon removed her arms from his neck to flip through, skipping past the title page, copyright and table of contents until she found what he was talking about. She found a dedications page that only made her tear up again, reading:
“For Devon. You’ll always be my orchid.”
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