xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
For @nervousleaderr Continued from here [x]
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“YOU ARE A TASTY LITTLE MAN and that saucy little tongue of yours will not deter me in the slightest sir. I’ve heard those words many times. The fires of hell itself roil within my belly and nothing gives me the slightest bit of discomfort. Not even humans such as yourself.”
[.:♔:.] Lord Alexander would not be fooled, not this time. Humans were hard to come by, and as sickening is it seemed being that he was once one, he took pleasure in eating any one his greedy talons could get at, anyway.
He watches the man back away slightly, this gesture earning him an even more twisted smile from the draconian. He loved this game.
“You can run sir, but I will catch you~” He teases.
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thejadedking · 2 years
@nervousleaderr ∣ sc
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"Mortals. You'll find that you cannot hide your supernatural dabblings from me."
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undeadunalive · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @nervousleaderr! I made you a present. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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thecursedraven · 1 year
Another Way Out - Closed Starter
The was a monster where it shouldn't be, beak tearing apart trespassers in it's territory despite the lack of a full moon. In the growing dusk, black feathers shone with flecks of blood and an iridescent sheen. A Rumble left the monster's beak, ears flicking as it prowled out of the warehouse, tongue flicking over the gore left around it's teeth.
The Raven King paused, talons clicking against the ground for a moment as it reviewed the alley for any more movement. Finding nothing immediately, he began to preen the longer feathers that had picked up the most blood- and froze as the smallest shuffle caught it's attention.
Six eyes swiveled towards the area of the source, and the King immediately moved to lunge forward, a single strangled word crawling from it's mouth.
requested starter for @nervousleaderr!
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mixtapejunkie · 2 years
[ strip ] — my muse undresses your muse
Frank stared at Dwight's dejected expression, and slipped his fingers under the soaked, wet lapels of his jacket, careful not to let his claws snag the delicate, pale skin underneath.
"Lets get you out of those wet things and warm you up, hm?" Frank offered, nuzzling against Dwight's cheek. "I'll let you hug my tail~"
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Well, that looked fucking painful. Anderson winced as the young man in front of him completely ate shit, tripping over his shoelaces and going face first down on the pavement.
"Looks like that hurt." He sighed. It'd be rude to just keep walking, wouldn't it? Fine. He knelt beside the stranger and started gathering up his things. "You all right? Nothing broken?"
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serialreporter · 2 years
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" Hey, roasting me one thing, but BLATANTLY LYING is totally uncalled for ! And just unprofessional. " YOU TAKE THAT BACK.
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deciphertheriddler · 2 years
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Follow @nervousleaderr for actual accurate quotes!
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poisonpicked · 1 year
@nervousleaderr​ said: “Why didn’t you run? You could have gotten away.” (For Leon) 
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“i couldn’t just leave you there.” it had been an unfortunate situation all the way around and he definitely could’ve gotten away if he had just run, but he didn’t, instead throwing himself in the way of dwight and the killer. under better circumstances, they both could’ve gotten out of the trial, but the blow the killer landed had downed him and there was nothing anybody could do. 
he gives dwight a reassuring smile. “i’m just glad everyone else got out. that’s what matters.” 
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ratwhsprs · 1 year
[ 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐘 ] ― sender and receiver walk through the sewers to escape capture / avoid detection / chase someone
The Five Senses || Accepting!
Otis kept the lantern's light dim as he led the other man through the dark of the sewers. There were things down here that didn't need the light to find them, but why make that any easier? 
He glanced back at his guest.
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"Remind me where you're coming from. Most people don't come down here unless they're running or hiding from something."
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masquenoire · 2 years
Send “checklist” and my muse will fill out the list below with their thoughts about yours!
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"No need to look so nervous, you're in good hands here, promise..."
I find you to be:
[X] interesting [X] cute (not derogatory) [X] attractive (in the twinkish sense) [ ] sexy [X] reassuring (somebody's gotta look out for you) [ ] intimidating (I've seen marshmallows more intimidating than you) [ ] annoying [ ] tedious [ ] terrifying [X] entertaining (boy are you gonna have fun here in gotham)
I think we should:
[X] talk more [X] hang out more (get to know you a little better) [X] date (date more like you hang out while I commit crimes) [ ] adopt each other as found family [ ] fight (friendly) [ ] fight (hostile) [ ] avoid each other if at all possible (you stay) [X] teach you some self-defence moves (plenty of assholes here in gotham would just love to eat you up)
If we spent an evening together we would:
[X] just hang out (I do know how to have fun that doesn't involve killing or torture, promise) [X] talk about deep stuff (you've gotta have some secrets) [ ] cuddle (I ain't really the cuddly sort except on rare occasions) [X] go to bed together (to sleep) [X] go to bed together (to… not sleep) [X] go out and party till sunrise (loosen you up a bit) [X] both get arrested (I'll get us bailed don't worry) [ ] probably wind up killing each other
If we kissed it would be:
[ ] a chaste press of lips (ain't nothing chaste about us) [X] a playful smooch (might do that) [X] swift and stolen (just wanna see those pretty cheeks redden) [ ] deep, sweet, and sincerely meant [X] all teeth and tongue and hot as heck (hope you don't mind it rough) [ ] not happening
If we had sex it would be:
[ ] romantic and luxurious [X] fast, rough and hard [X] against the nearest wall (not waiting until we're in bed) [X] fantastic [ ] awkward [X] a really bad idea (for you? me? who knows) [X] an all-around disaster [ ] not happening
If I woke up and found you unexpectedly in my bed I would:
[ ] cuddle you [X] offer you breakfast (you're probably hungry after whatever happened last night who knows) [X] attempt to seduce you [ ] kick you out [ ] demand to know how you got there (security probably sent you up) [ ] scream
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
💭+ books
Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it.
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"Books are nice.
Sometimes they hold fountains of knowledge or tell grand stories of beasts such as myself, princesses and wondrous places beyond the imagination. Books can take you anywhere you want to go. I keep many of them in my stronghold, some I haven’t read in years. I might start picking them back up again to expand my knowledge.
Then some books make for excellent kindling."
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thejadedking · 1 year
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@nervousleaderr asked: "I didn't know where else to go."
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Perhaps it wasn't much of a surprise that the Kindred wasn't too welcoming of the young man on his doorstep, his first instinct being to simply close the door in his face and pay the mortal no mind. Though he had to admit that he was curious, what was so bad that he'd turn to the immortal? Galeb was accustomed to being summoned and finding himself on all sorts of doorsteps, making a whole plethora of deals and threats along the way -- - but a human? One that wasn't kept under the heel of the Camarilla?
"So, you came here." Galeb uttered without a sliver of emotion in his chesty voice, certainly not hiding the fact that he was both surprised and somewhat irritated by the male's presence. "Mm. I suppose you'd better come in." He decided before stepping to the side with an annoyed sigh. "Take off your shoes... and don't touch anything."
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undeadunalive · 2 years
@nervousleaderr​ ∣ pre-WWI sc
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“Please, Sir, calm yourself and focus... what happened, exactly?”
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chiropterx · 2 years
I see
Send me “I see” and I’ll tell you how my character perceives yours
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The little man was like most prey, running with fast feet with an even faster heartbeat hammering inside the cage of ribs that was his chest. The scent of fear exuded from Dwight in waves, smelling strong enough for Man-Bat to pick up on at random points around the city - it was a tempting thought to swoop down, to snatch him up and take him away to a place where he cannot run or hide, to taste his blood and yet something about him put the predator off, made his hackles stand on end. Why, Man-Bat could not say but he chirruped warily, turning his gaze elsewhere in search of an easier meal.
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Dwight was used to scaling the palace walls, having to sneak out through his window to let to another floor to avoid the guards outside his room. They were always breathing down his neck, fretting over him as if he was porcelain, fragile and breakable. Dwight was the only heir to the throne, his father dying before he could sire more children. So it would be just him when his mother was ready to pass down the crown to him. The very idea made Dwight’s heart thump.
You'd think that anybody would love to come from royalty, to be promised a large kingdom where their word was law. But for Dwight, the idea was terrifying. All eyes would be on him, everything would be on his shoulders. A golden cage was still a cage. That's why from time to time, usually at night, Dwight snuck out from the palace to spend some time in the village. He usually scurried off to the woods for peace but being careful to not wander too far, less he come across a fae.
It was just nice to be somewhere that didn't have to include guards, his maid in waiting and various other people looking to cater to his every while. When Dwight finally got down to the outside, Dwight pulled the cloak tightly around himself, shrouding his face from view. He knew the guard’s routines, so it was easy to walk out of the palace gates. And right into the last person he wanted to see. Dwight roughly crashed into Mordred’s chest with an ‘oof’! It was his guard, his knight assigned to him. Dwight pulled back, his face paling slightly when he sees who it is.
“...heeey Mordred! Lovely night for a walk isn't it?” Dwight laughs sheepishly.
Babysit the prince, they said. It'll be fun, they said.
It wasn't hard for Mordred to track the royal heir. It was the reason he was the one assigned to keep him safe. Where other guards would slack on the job, fatherless bastard knight Mordred was able to keep up. And he needed to be able to keep track of Dwight- the prince didn't seem to take his safety seriously. He was the one heir to the kingdom. There wasn't any backups in the immediate family. He. Needed. To be kept safe.
"Funny. I was thinking it was a lovely night to stay in bed." Mordred crossed his arms and glared down at his charge. "Your highness, what do you think you're doing? If you want to go out, just arrange in the daytime for a visit throughout the village. So you don't get murdered or abducted. What would you even do out here tonight, the only businesses open are bars and whorehouses."
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