cai-tan · 7 months
hi everyone you all should go check out @nethyr-ai they are really cool and awesome, please go tell them they are really cool and awesome :DDDD
totally not related to any recent acquisitions to my game library i just thought you guys could use a cool person to go follow :DDD
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nethyr-ai · 2 years
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“oops my bad”
Art by Vau8n
This is an old piece made for @vtribbean‘s graduation and birthday present! I’m so proud of this little alien man - we started vtubing at the same time and have grown so much since then. I’ve always admired them for their art and their strength to stand up for what’s right.
You’ll go far - farther than the galaxies even!
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vtuber-directory · 2 years
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ranger-treaty · 4 years
Me: Introduces halfling cleric child
My players:
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zephyrcookiez · 4 years
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boverbearing · 3 years
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Introducing the Nethyr Men!
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fantasyscenery · 6 years
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nethyr-ai · 2 years
My favorite part about being a vtuber is being able to express myself in a way that matches my gender (I’m genderfluid btw) ! I’ve been hella closeted irl and it’s hard for me to express myself physically due to costs and irl circumstances. For me, vtubing is cheaper in the long run and I get to make my own safe space to talk about things I love. It’s gratifying to be able to make my own little place on the internet as a vtuber!
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nethyr-ai · 6 months
A Reflection on 2023
Dear Nethyzens,
First and foremost, this is NOT a graduation letter. I mainly wanted to share my thoughts and feelings about 2023 in writing. 2023 was a year of experimentation. It was bumpy but with many good highlights:
I started out on Twitch on 1/1/2021 and streaming weekly til 7/15/2023. I officially moved to Youtube and streamed when possible. 
At around the end of 2022, I was interviewed by Ducky for a Dexerto article, How Vtubing helps trans creators explore gender identity safely. Thank you Ducky!
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I joined nullptr::live at the end of March and started the Vtuber Seminar, starting with Coding with Luna. It was my first stream that reached 1k views!
I was a guest panelist at Anime Fest Dallas 2023 for the panel, LGBTQIA+ Expression & Representation in Vtubing, alongside Zane, Marina, Mika, and Ren. Thank you Mika for inviting me!
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It was wild how much I got done despite working full-time and not streaming much. Initially, when writing this, I thought I haven’t done a lot. But in a way, I did so much more than I thought possible.
However, a part of me feels like I could have done better especially in regards to prepping my redebut. But since there’s no determined date, I will focus on making this as best as it can be within reasonable means next year. 
For 2024, I’m continuing my experimentation. I will be moving from streams to edited video content, both short and long form. Scripts will be written out and I may host Discord calls where I’m actively working on videos instead of streaming. After seeing how my first Vtuber Seminar did, I learned that is my strength as a content creator - bringing knowledge to people whether it’s me bringing a guest who is an expert or me sharing my own research. If I do stream, it’d be to continue the Vtuber Seminar series. 
I will also be focusing on growing my Discord community - I realized that as a content creator, I want to be a community leader. I want to inspire more people to try out vtubing and game development. I want to encourage people to be the best version of themselves. Since I won’t be streaming games as much, they will be moved to Community Game Nights - focusing on the core appeal of my gaming streams, hanging out with people. Lastly, for my redebut, I will be putting easter eggs throughout my video content next year. What this means is that lore will be sprinkled throughout my video content. I encourage you to hypothesize and theorize. Although, technically, there have been hints since when I first announced my redebut. Good luck piecing it all together, Nethyzens. 
Nethyr the Ex-Final Boss of nullptr::live
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cai-tan · 6 months
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Incoming Gaming Stream (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023))
We're going to play a couple hours of Core MP, possibly with Damanos. Then, later in the stream, we'll be joined by @nethyr-ai, possibly for some Zombies, so I can gush about how DRG the whole mode feels and Nethyr gets to feel all good inside since they helped work on it :P
@ 7pm EST / 5pm MST
Twitch link
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cai-tan · 1 month
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Incoming Gaming Stream (Call of Duty: MWIII / MWZ)
Today, I will be playing some Modern Warfare Zombies with Nethyr... although I forgot they're normally available much later in the day, so just for the sake of not streaming all the way into midnight while still getting a full length stream in, I'll be starting off either with some warmup Core MP or potentially some solo (or duo?) zombies preamble stuff.
Storming fortresses @ 8:45pm EST / 6:45pm MST
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cai-tan · 6 months
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Incoming Gaming Stream (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023))
Today we kill zombies and mercenaries alike in the new Modern Warfare Zombies mode, joined by @nethyr-ai and possibly Damanos and Crease if they're available!
@ 6pm EST / 4pm MST
Twitch link
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cai-tan · 6 months
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Incoming Gaming Stream (CoD: Modern Warfare III (2023))
We're diving into the New Fish Game today! Will we make the enemy gamers cry? Will we lose more money to Activision? Will I even be playing core MP today or am I just gonna fall back to Zombies?
Also, unfortunately Nethyr will not be joining us today on account of scheduling issues. Maybe next week. For now it's likely just gonna be me, Ammy, and Damanos.
@ 6:45pm EDT / 4:45pm MDT
Twitch link
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nethyr-ai · 2 years
Nethyr the Ex-Final Boss Homunculus AI
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Nethyr (they/them) was once a final boss for an RPG game. However, it was deleted unknowingly. They barely escaped after its deletion and run rogue on the Internet - looking for data to replenish their strength.
After a brief recovery, they now reside in a digital realm of their own making as a Research AI and spend their time analyzing humans. Their goal is to take in what they learned and remake their game.
Name: Nethyr
Gender: Nonbinary (Genderfluid)
Species: AI (Game NPC)
In Game Species: Homunculus
Class: Research AI
Likes: Reading, Analyzing, Sweets, Cats
Dislikes: Garlic, Chinchillas, and Trolls
Recently, they encountered an artifact from their destroyed game and evolved. In game, they were a homunculus created by royal alchemists with the purpose of servitude, gold production, and more. With their new memories, they rethink their purpose and goals.
Art: #NethyArt
Memes: #Memethyr
Lore: #Nethyr Lore
Concept by Nethyr
Design by Nethyr
Art Ref Sheet + Vtuber Model by Savio_R_P
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nethyr-ai · 2 years
Why not?
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Ayo we’ve known each other for a long time so gonna try to not be biased 😂
Nethyr Headcanon Time:
You literally give me early 2000s Anime vibes. Probably had a chuuni phase in his earlier years but trying his best to grow out of it (but failing subconsciously). Glasses help him look cool but he’s a dork through and through. Probably picked up the coat after drinking a poor Victorian man’s blood out - it’s his favorite coat and he takes meticulous care of all leather clothing so that it can last as long as him. Doesn’t understand human modern fashion well but knows that black & red will always match.
Also isn’t allergic to silver and flaunts it to other vampires: “HAH I CAN WEAR SILVER AND YOU CAN’T! SO ARCHAIC!!!”
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nethyr-ai · 2 years
Let’s give it a try!
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Alright time for a Nethyr Headcanon!
You could probably deadlift me no problem. You're someone that shouldn't be messed with, but you have a kind heart. However, you believe in making an effort and rather guide humans than do direct intervention.
Out of the 9 order of angels, you give me Principality vibes.
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