lrthreads · 4 years
So for a while I haven’t been really feeling the urge to take photographs.  And I don’t know if that was because of depression or moving on from that interest or what, but today I wanted to go take pictures of the lunar new year parade which was postponed to today, and I couldn’t because I didn’t want to cough all over everyone else who was there, and it really sucks.
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a thing I didn’t need: my test anxiety and my Republic of Gilead anxiety combining in a dream
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So my psychiatrist keeps asking if I’ve been having flashbacks and I’m like no because I haven’t been flashing back to major traumas or things you would think would qualify as major traumas
But today I realized I keep flashing back to this one time when I saw this giant ant and completely froze and couldn’t talk
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pharmacist: Were you expecting to be getting Drug A and Drug B?
me: Huh? What is the question exactly?
pharmacist: Drug A, which we already filled, and Drug B are very similar, did you mean to be getting both of them?
me: Yeah. Drug A is for what it says on the tin, my psychiatrist prescribes Drug B for ... stuff.
pharmacist: That's okay, we just wanted to make sure one of them wasn't being discontinued or something.
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Well this is fun
Fairly sure my body is releasing a bunch of compounds intended to counteract pain
here’s the thing
I don’t actually hurt.  Well, not more than usual.  Minor digestive grumbling which is to be expected.
I guess this is the opposite of being so stressed all my joints hurt for no reason.
This is pretty much functionally indistinguishable from a moderate panic attack and I do not like it
(This is my third day on this med and of course it waits until now to happen)
(Funny story, its first approved use was to lower blood pressure; pretty sure that’s not happening)
Okay ... 2 hours after taking and ~1hr after onset of PANIC things seem to be calmng down
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Last night I had a dream that I was running from something (fairies?  it wasn’t clear) and then I came to this particular tree ... I yelled “I am a daughter of Eve!” at the tree and it was supposed to somehow shift its roots aside to reveal a tunnel that I could hide in.
No idea what happened next because that’s when I woke up :P
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“—when your own brain cells betray—”
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Let me talk to the answering machine I can cope with the answering machine I'm a friend of the answering machine
brought to you by my racing heart after being on hold for 6 minutes when all I wanted was to talk to the robot and the first time I pressed 1 do to that the system didn’t respond
phone anxiety is real and it sucks
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