#neuvillette brainrot since i finally got him
zhonyua · 1 year
i'm so sorry for being off for so long...
i was busy pulling for neuvillette, and now that i got him, i can finally rest :)
i have lots of ideas and projects in mind and i can't wait to publish them here, but, since i was so off, i'm going to give you a little treat for being so patient! <3 thank you so much for all the support.
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shapeshifter!neuvillette x gn!reader
context: when neuvillette is tired, he turns into an otter.
content: fluff, sfw, no zoophilia, kisses but not in the otter form.
notes: neuvillette can shape-shift like the archons, i don't have intentions of being zoophile (if i write something weird, please tell me), neuvillette and reader are dating, sorry for my bad english.
you always knew how neuvillette's work could be tiring for him.
it was even difficult to have dates and other kinds of romantic moments with him, since he was so busy all the time.
on those days that he had a day off, he was always tired and of course you always let him rest.
today was not different.
you were at his house. you got used to spending time there, even if he wasn't home. it was a big and fancy house, and you could do whatever you wanted because you knew he wouldn't mind.
it was late at night. you were laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling and thinking that you probably should get up and eat something, but those thoughts got lost in your mind, because you heard the door opening.
you got up from the couch, quickly, walking towards the door to check who just opened it. when you saw the familiar figure standing there, putting his shoes aside, you ran towards him. neuvillette quickly held you in his arms, since you went so fast for a hug. you felt how his back was tense while you wrapped your arms around his waist.
"hello." you said, looking up at him, resting your chin on his chest.
"hello." he answered, kissing your forehead and resting his cheek on the top of your head. you could feel how he was trying hard to not lay his body weight on you.
"you look tired." your words sounded too obvious, but he didn't mind it. he nodded slowly, not loosening his grip on you. "you should go to bed." it hurt a little to say those words, since you were eagerly waiting for him to spend time with you, but you just couldn't see him so tired like that.
it looked like he felt the same way as you, because he sighed and pulled away to look at your face. he brushed his thumb on your cheek, looking at you with sad eyes.
"i wanted to stay with you." he said, very directly. you chuckled at the slight pout that was forming on his lips and you kissed the pout away. the moment your lips touched his, he almost melted in your arms, sighing softly.
"don't worry, i don't mind." your voice sounded like honey to his ears and he smiled softly at you, showing his gratitude.
"thank you." it was the only thing he said before pulling away from your embrace. both of you felt the chilly breeze of the night, since your bodies weren't warming themselves anymore.
you held a sigh on your throat, since you didn't want to show neuvillette how much you were expecting to spend time with him. you missed him all day, and when he finally got home, you couldn't even cuddle with him. you felt selfish for thinking like that, because you knew how much he deserved his rest.
while you were thinking about that, neuvillette stopped walking and turned back to you. he seemed hesitant and you instantly walked closer to him, a worried look on your eyes.
"what is it? are you alright?" your voice sounded soothing, while you placed your hand on his cheek.
he nodded, but he still looked unsure. "my body feels tense and sore. i don't think that just a nap can make it better." he said with sincere words. you waited patiently for him to finish his thoughts. "i think i might need to take... a small form." his words sounded confusing to your ears. you frowned, tilting your head.
"what do you mean?" you asked, your hand still on his cheek, calming him down.
he sighed before answering. "please, don't be scared." that was the last thing he said before his body started glowing and his tall body disappeared right before your eyes. it was so fast that you couldn't even think straight. when you were going to panic, you saw a small frame patting your shoes.
well, that just made you even more confused, but at least the cute thing calmed you down, just a little. it was an otter. exactly like the ones you always saw around fontaine. it was looking at you with puppy and concerned eyes, and you heart almost melted.
"neuvillette..?" you were unsure about your thoughts, but when the otter nodded eagerly at your words, you didn't know if you were going to faint from surprise or from cuteness.
you kneeled down, so you could be closer to the little otter. "so... you can turn into an otter?" you asked again, making sure of your words. the otter nodded again. so it was really neuvillette, huh?
"you should have told me before, you know?" you said, hesitantly reaching your hand to touch the otter- neuvillette's head. he, instantly, leaned into your touch, making you feel the fur on your hands. you chuckled, brushing your fingers through the fluffy texture of his fur.
so weird, you thought to yourself. you couldn't deny that he looked adorable in this form. you always noticed the resemblance that the otters from fontaine had with him.
"oh, right. you should rest." you quickly remembered the reason for his change in forms. you weren't sure if you could do it, but you picked him up, his body hanging like a lazy kitten's. you held your laughter when he moved his little legs, while you held him a little hesitantly.
you started walking towards his bedroom, trying to make him a little more comfortable in your arms. soon, you found a position for him, picking him up like a baby and cuddling him in your arms. he looked at you with half-closed eyes, playing with his paws as if he was an otter playing with a shell. it was so adorable.
finally, you reached his bedroom, laying him carefully on his bed. he immediately curled up into a little ball, purring softly at the comfort of the mattress. you bit your lip so you could hold up a "aww".
you sat on the edge of the bed, not wanting to disturb his rest, but as soon as his eyes opened and he saw you, he walked towards you, laying his head on your lap. he looked up at you with those puppy eyes and you weren't sure of what he wanted.
"what is it?" you asked, a little playfully. "do you want me to pet you?" you reached your hand to caress his head and he immediately started purring again. exactly like a kitten.
his body curled up again, and he looked like a plushie, laying on your lap. you started to brush your fingers through his fur, trying to relax him.
you couldn't hold yourself and you laid on the bed next to him. he crawled to you, resting his head on the curve of your neck, purring against you. you kept caressing him, making him feel even more sleepy.
soon enough, he was sleeping. you could hear his little snores. he looked like an adorable plushie and you knew that you were going to ask him to take that form other times.
"rest well." you whispered, kissing your fingers and placing them on his little otter nose. he purred in response, already lost in the dreamland.
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sadlyiamgay · 9 months
Yandere Genshin Men Brainrot
Im going fucking insane. Anyways have any of you guys played silly or furry wisher? It's like a cute and funny genshin ripoff, a little boring at times but I enjoy clicking away in slime valley. While playing though an idea popped into my brain, "what if the real genshin characters (that's hopelessly inlove with you) finds out the reason why you haven't played genshin in a while? Only to realize that you're playing a genshin meme game" And then these men go and hack the shit out of the game because monika vibes I love. Uh might update from time to time, thie will only include Zhongli and Neuvillette (they're literally the only well built 5 stars I have. How the fuck do we build genshin characters I'm so confused)
By the way check out the games (Silly Wisher, Furry Wisher). It's fun and amusing
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--ZHONGLI: His reaction to the realization of you playing an.. Odd ripoff(?) Game was one of pure amusement, the Geo archon couldn't blame you either, I mean, your poor little head couldn't handle the amount of unfinished and WAY too hard quests, he thought you were taking a break, but after a while (when you eventually and finally returned) he finds out pretty quickly from your small mumbles and comments that he oh so always adores, and out of pure curiosity decided to break out of the game codings and go through your apps, seeing two new odd games on your phone, Silly wisher and.. Furry.. Wisher..? Of course he broke in the new favorite games you had in your device, and cooing at the fact that you *still* main and favor him even in these joke games. He also quickly realized that he could easily possess the John Lee (he was a little offended by the name, but quickly laughed along when he heard you wheeze everytime you played the game) as well as Meatball. Quickly making both the characters extremely and suspiciously.. **Overpowered.**
"... Wait. Since when did Johnny do 100k damage??? Is this what happens if you level them up to level 15??? "
- YOU, mumble, absolutely amused and still giggling after listening to Dr. Snek's voiceline. Zhongli smiles, happy that you were enjoying your gameplay, he felt grateful, even though he was a little upset that you decided to play some ripoff game instead of properly spending time with him, Zhongli was happy that he didn't have to hide his lovestruck and flustered face, in the real game he always tried his best to mess with the camera so that it would never face him, he used to be able to hide his true emotions, but overtime it got harder. Extremely, harder (haha that's what she said). So it was a breath of fresh air on seeing you without you yourself seeing him, letting himself indulge in fantasies that he could never think of whenever you were around. Especially with the other game too. He could stare at you all the time, and you'd brush it off. Each time Meatball came around and jumped into the screen you'd coo, making him fall harder (down the stairs of) inlove with you. Each time you needed a copy of him for the whole "gene splicer" He'd come home willingly. Hell, there was a pull you did once that consisted of him and only him. He of course didn't question the fact that the dog version (that sounds so wrong) of him has alot kids. But he brushes it off. Replacing the thought of his genetics being merged is weird, into a fantasy where all those merged, genetically made kids were yours and his.
Congratulations, you gave this old man wattpad fantasies. Fucking hell, he wants to pull you into the game to do that. Though, that thought can and should wait. For now, he wants to watch and stare at you longer. *Just* a little longer.
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--NEUVILETTE, the hydro dragon was always a man with (questionable) morals. But even he, the mascot of Justice has his limits. He was upset at the fact that you weren't as active as before, sure he sympathized with your overwhelmed situation (especially since it was he who activated half the quests), but that mean you can literally just leave like that. It wasn't his fault that his curiosity about the game you kept mumbling about made him break out of the game he's bounded in. What was his reaction to Hydropump Judge and Judgy Cat? Well, he laughed. Not because he was upset, but because he was *still* favored. He was still your main. Even if there was no differences in attacks when it came to grinding in slime valley. So he rewards you with extremely overpowered and multiple copies of him, it also doesn't help the fact that he could literally also just stare at you for hours and hours. And you still brush it off. You weren't weirded out. You weren't reporting to the game developers. Unlike when you felt uncomfortable when he forced the camera to not be able to move and freezing the option to switch through the characters. Just you and him. Eye to eye.
"Man I wished you had a voiceline, Neuvi. I mean, your banner description in this game is absolutely hilarious, but I genuinely want another funny audio. Aside fron Dr. Snek"
-YOU mumble as you kept spamming the attack button, watching your highscore be passed, you questioned why the character was able to hit high numbers, but you didn't question it, you never did. Brushing it off and thinking that it must be because he had the highest level out of everyone. Neuvillette smiles. Happy, satisfied and lovestruck at how calm and adorable you were. He loved your expressions, all of it. But he *adored* your relaxed state. Since it was rare to see you like this. He wished the Fontaine update and his banner came earlier when you joined the game.
...Maybe he should lower the world level himself? He wants to see you in this state more often. He wants to see you happy and carefree, proud that you finally finished your quests. He thought of this as he kept staring at you through Judgy cat. You had fallen asleep, not minding the fact that he was on screen a while ago. You didn't question it, since it was part of the games anyways. Seeing you in such a state makes him want to break out of your damn electronic and drag you with him. But that can wait, for now he should think of a way to make you play genshin more often.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hehe, glad to hear you enjoy my brainrot concepts! Have another one, this time with a bit of crossover mixed in, but you don't need to know HSR to see where I'm getting at. Also for the sake of simplicity, let's ignore that it probably wouldn't be that simple to go in and out of Teyvat ^^"
So in Honkai Star Rail there exists a species of humanoids with draconic features (mostly just pointed ears, but the more important ones also have horns and a tail) who typically 'molt' every 600~700 years. That is to say, they self-reincarnate and loose the memories of their past lives during the progress. You see where this is going, right?
Reader who's a 'High Elder' (One of the important members of the species, with more draconic features) who keeps seeing snippets of their past lives in their dreams.
What do they see in those dreams you may ask? Well, there's a certain white haired man, dressed in blue that keeps appearing in them, often accompanied with indescribable feelings of longing that linger, even after they've woken up.
Maybe they've written down their past lives in some book, a sort-of-diary or heck, even several, that span throughout their multiple lives. All of them talk excessively about the man from their dreams after a certain point in their respective lives. Apparently he's from a whole different world than their own, yet they seemed to seek him out in every life to spend their time together with him until their 'molt' approaches and they had to return home once more. The books go into detail about memorable moments in their relationships, some of them even feel familiar, since they got to re-experience them in dreams, but it's mostly filled with a lot of romantic ramblings about that man.
Yeah, it's clear why they always want to seek him out. After reading all that, who would be surprised that they want to find out just who exactly that man is? So they leave their homeworld as soon as they're able to, in search for Teyvat, the world where this man apparently lives.
Until they finally reunite with him in this life. I'd say Neuvillette recognises them each time, because even though the self-reincarnation process means that they've essentially become a different person, something about them just always stays the same, no matter what. Thus, they fall in love with each other all over again, each time wildly different from the last.
TLDR: Neuvillette and a Reader who falls for him in every reincarnation
No, because that is so cute!😭
I like the idea of reader just keeping a diary about every life they spent with Neuvillette, documenting every little detail because they know they will eventually forget.
Imaging just reading about this mysterious man that you were apparently with in each and every one of your previous lives.. I honestly would be so fucking intrigued myself, I also would die to find out who this person truly is.
And Neuvi, who paitently waits every time for you to return to him again.
He has full trust that you will, never doubting it for even a second, even if it takes you hundreds of years until he can have you in his arms again.
He does not care about the appearance you take on each new life. He knows it's you when he lays eyes on you. It just feels right when he sees you.. he's pulled to you, almost like a magnet.
He meant it when he promised he would always wait for you. And each and every single time, he would wait for you in the same, oddly familiar place. The world around him could change beyond recognition, he would still remain here, only waiting for you...
Fuck, I made myself cry with how beautiful this sounds😭
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Hello smooches, its been a while since i popped up here. Been busy with school since i missed like a whole semester bcs i was hospitalized 💀 now i have to catch up with everything.. (pls send help-) anyway, I hope u and the others are doing well 🙏💞
Also, i want to share a very messy Capitano brainrot or a very random thought that have been plaguing my mind for the past few weeks 💀 and its about him having separation anxiety (or fear of losing someone he loves), especially towards *cough* fragile!reader *cough*
I know it is VERY ooc of him, but to me just the thought of someone like him having that just tug a string in my heart 😔
Just think about it, that man must have been through a LOT before he became known as the strongest individual in teyvat and being feared by many people, even being called a monster bcs of how strong he is when he is on the battlefield. Even how bloody his hands are, there's still "someone" (cough reader cough) who really cares/loves him, accept whoever he is and makes him happy. But suddenly that person fell sick and their health keeps deteriorating everyday while he doesn't know what to do to make his sick lover better? (Sure, he can protect reader from any harm. But, can he protect them from getting unknown disease?) Don't mind me, i'll just lie down here and cry-
Also i have this scenario in my head, like the way he walked so fast as soon as he finally touches the front door of their shared home when he came back from expedition just to find reader. He NEEDS to see them with his own eyes, even though all of his subordinates and their house attendants already told him that reader is fine on the letter he recieved everytime he asks how's the condition of his sick lover.
The moment he sees reader, weakly trying to walk towards him to welcome him, he just basically grabbing onto them and hugged them and they can hear tiny quiet aborted breaths coming from under his.. Helmet(?), mumbling breathy words that sound jumbled together but due to their proximity they can vaguely make out a 'it's okay, they're here, they're still here.. and alive.. and not gone..' Reader, after hearing that and seeing him like this for the first time, it really made their heart squeeze painfully and hugged him tighter
Again i'm so sorry if this doesn't make any sense, i really need to get it out of my head ASAP but i also tried to make it as not messy as possible 😭😭 anyways, i really hope that u have an amazing day smooches! 🙏🛐💞
(It seems that everyone already completed Fontaine really fast, and then there's me who barely have time to play and missed some events in 3.8 too 😭 æügh- rip primogems 😔 also, Neuvillette.. the temptation of wanting to pull for him is too strong after seeing his drip marketing 😩)
🥝 ANON!!! OH MY GOD I MISSED U SM. I WAS WORRIED BUT IM SO GLAD YOU’RE OKAY. Ahh that sounds really stressful I hope you’re making sure to rest and take breaks too :( *hugs you* But I am doing well, thank you 💞💞
But OUH. YOU RETURNED WITH SOME HEART-BREAKING DIDNT YOU 😭. Noooo the way you described his past makes me so sad :( Yes, there are a lot of people who respect him, but of course there will always be people scared of him. His great reputation won’t stop rumors from floating around, but he’s come to accept that. Especially when he has someone as lovely and kind as you, who shows their love without a moment’s hesitation, what other people think doesn’t really matter. Really, he’s come to value your opinion so much, he always takes what you say seriously even when it’s so obvious you’re joking.
OUCHHH I CANT EVEN PUT IT INTO WORDS. He’s so used to fighting things, things that have a physical form of course. That’s how he can protect you. But what can he do when sickness has no form? What use is he when he can’t cut through what’s ailing you with his sword? His hands are made for battle and killing but there is nothing he can kill that would make you better. 
Well now you’ve got me thinking about that too 😭 When he walks in he doesn’t even acknowledge his staff, just walks straight to your room to make sure you’re okay. I feel like the Fatui soldiers in his squad have grown to the point where they try to get everything done as soon as possible just so their captain can have even just a moment more of time to spend with you.
He would get so worried just seeing you out of bed, his heart rate would spike for a second and quickly support you and get you back to bed. But first he would just hold you tight, enough so that he can hear your heartbeat, feel your warmth and pulse, and know that you’re still truly here with him. He just needs to know you’re alive, he often finds his hands near your chest and wrist, to feel you breathe in and out. It’s really comforting to Capitano considering how he deals with death every day. After those few words he lets out, you know he didn’t mean for you to hear them, but now you have and you’ll do your best to reassure him. Just guide his big hand to your heart and let him feel the beat of your heart, how as long as he’s by your side you’ll swear to keep it beating for him :(
THANK YOU FOR THIS 🥝 ANON I’ve been missing Capitano a lot and your brain rots with him never fail 😫For the sake of my heart fragile reader got better thank you very much <3 And don’t worry about Fontaine or Genshin in general! It’s not going away and you should focus on yourself and your life first :) But when you do play I promise you’ll have a great time, Fontaine is very pretty and relaxing :) (Yes… join me in pulling for Neuvillette >:)))
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symphonic-scream · 4 months
Sorry that I slipped back into Genshin brainrot but I finally finished the Fontaine Archon Quest (I know. I just didn't feel like doing it for a while) and Arlecchino's Story Quest and. God
For context, I've been playing Genshin off and on since 1.0, literally the beginning. I have all my areas at 100%, and I even do those world quests that are unvoiced and way too long
And. Let me just say, Fontaine is now my favourite nation. For so long it's been Liyue, and as someone who really hates the French (Canadian, I'm Canadian), man. Fontaine fucking rocks
Long post ahead.
Sumeru's Archon Quest was, tedious. I didn't connect to it at all so it was not exactly a chore, but if given the chance, I wouldn't replay it. The region was torture before the layered map existed. I kept getting lost. The skin tone thing is an entire other issue as well, but. This nation loses a lot of points for the racist genie bottle fuck that quest
Inazuma was almost too much for me, in a way. I wasn't a fan of the locked progression, and the enemies and puzzles were frustrating. This nation brought in needing commissions to get all the quests too, which I STILL HAVENT GOTTEN ITS BEEN TWO YEARS GOURMET SUPREMOS FUCK YOU. I did like the touch that while you were wanted, if a guard saw you in Inazuma City youd get removed that was fun. DONT GET ME STARTED ON ENKANOMIYA.
Liyue felt like the right step after Mondstadt. Getting to beat up Childe is an extra plus. The way it also led into Inazuma was great too, I hope they do something like that for Natlan. The story had a natural build up to me, and it flowed well. The Chasm, while frustrating, felt like a meaningful addition to the nation. And, I am swayed by Lantern Rite. Best event every year, hands down. And, I love Chenyu Vale!
Mondstadt was the perfect starting nation. I go back every now and then to test out builds in progress and team comps, but that's about it. The City is the highlight by far, but the Archon Quest was near perfect. Venti used to be my favourite Archon, too. I got him on his first banner, he's fun to play and I wish he'd finally get his Story Quest chapter 2 IVE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR MORE VENTI
Anyways. So, let's talk Fontaine
It didn't hit me right away. I loved the first part of the quest. Meeting the twins at the port, Furina showing up and making her grand entrance in such a showy manner, it was perfect. It was hard to see how the second part really fit in, and I will say I am a little tired of Navia crying, but. By the time the Finale happened, I was satisfied. The Fortress part was excellent too, and. The Finale
The twist about Furina was perfectly executed to me. Especially since her erratic behaviour in the trial is used to show how seriously she took her assignment from Focalors. She *had* to make sure they kept believing in her, otherwise,
Didn't like that abrupt cut in the whale fight. That part didn't wrap up right to me, but oh well
And, this nation has had so many wonderful characters. There's not one that I hate, and that's huge. Everyone feels whole and interesting to me, just. Amazing
I love Arlecchino. The Hearth siblings. How dare this game make me care about the Fatui?? I was doing so well, I didn't like any of the other Harbingers or operatives so far and BAM. Hot lady dad and her three French kids. Stole my heart
Neuvillette plays perfectly as the "higher being that's become enamored by humans", and the way Sigewinne contrasts his emotional investment with her more "detached" (used loosely) fascination works so well. There's Wriothesley, and Navia and Clorinde, who both highlight the grey side of Justice, in different ways. Charlotte and Chevreuse are also there
And. Fucking Furina
I actually cried during the Archon Quest, in her little mind bit. I wasn't her biggest fan on launch, but. Now I'm obsessed. To me, this accomplished much more than what Scaramouche did, with a similar premise. I can't stand that twink, but Furina perfectly captured my attention and heart
All in all, Fontaine was so excellent. The water mechanics are some of my favourite in the game now, and all the new creatures and birds and enemies were perfect. The Bygone Sea was a perfect added area, and. I may be biased as a musician, but it really outclassed Chasm and Enkanomiya
There's only about two Fontaine updates left before Natlan. Hopefully I'll enjoy the region that will be the closest from repping my culture (native Canadian. Latin America is, close enough for me I guess), so. Here's hoping
This was all opinion. I felt like writing it all out, since I've had so many feelings about the game lately
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