#never thought id do a crossover with hozier
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You'll hear me howling outside your door
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chloelucia13 · 7 years
Vigilante (A Teen Wolf and Supernatural Crossover) (Part 2)
Pairing: Isaac x reader, Winchesters x sister!reader
Prompt: When the reader’s old friend calls for help, the Winchesters all rush to Beacon Hills immediately, and you immediately see someone you thought you’d never see again. But what happens when your brothers find out that you are best friends with supernatural beings that you all hunt?
Warnings: fluff, violence, language, a tiny bit of angst, kinda hinting towards smut
A/N: I hope you guys like part 2!
Teen Wolf tag list: @shine-and-rise-sammy​ (Tag list is open)
SPN tag list: @teamfreewill-imagine, @supernatural-jackles, @faith-in-dean, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @for-the-love-of-dean, @shakeswilde, @angelofwinchester17​ (tag list is open)
Series tag list: @writer-w-magic​, @namelesslosers​, @kamilasurujballi14​, @bands-and-shietz​, @blushingunicorn101 (tag list is open)
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You towel dried your hair sighed softly, stepping out of the bathroom, now changed in new clothes. “We got you food,” Dean told you, tossing you a brown paper bag. You smiled at him and sat down on one of the two beds, setting the bag on your lap as you tossed the towel you were using at the bathroom door. “So, seems like you and Sammy have something in common.”
“And what’s that?” you inquired, taking a french fry out of the bag and holding it between your thumb and forefinger, your lips set in a straight line.
“Both of you dated werewolves.”
You huffed in annoyance and tossed the fry back in the bag, suddenly not hungry. “Don’t you just have the best conversation segues.”
“Y/N, we need to talk this.”
You pursed your lips in thought before shaking your head. “No, I don’t think we do.” You looked at the bag on your lap and your forehead wrinkled in confusion. “The bag is cold.”
You thought back to the night before, when Isaac came into your room.
“I brought you a burger and some fries. They’re in the fridge.”
You set the bag on the ground before standing up quickly, your hands on your hips. “You went over to Scott’s while I was in the shower!” you announced, your face contorted in shock. “And I never told you that I dated Isaac! I didn’t even say that I did whenever you were close enough to hear! You… you talked to him!”
“How the hell did you get all of that from a cold burger and fries!”
“So I’m right!”
“Yes, but how did you know?”
“He bought that food for me last night. He would’ve been the only person who knew where it was!” You huffed in annoyance and carded a hand through your hair. “Why were you there?”
“I wanted to talk to your friends.”
“About what?”
“About how it’s normal for you now to kill things, and that this is the only way we can kill whatever it is that is here!”
“But they don’t kill!”
“They’re gonna have to! And we’ll have to teach them how to!”
You groaned and sat back down on the bed, burying your face in your hands. “So I’m guessing you found out what it is?”
“Yeah. Hecate.”
“The Goddess of dark magic?”
“That’d be her. And she has an army.”
“Of what?”
“Great, so not only do we have to teach them how to kill, we have to teach them how to decapitate things!”
“All part of the job, Y/N/N.” You nodded and drummed your fingers on the bed. “We got you a room so you don’t have to sleep on the couch.”
“Thanks guys.” You stood up and Sam, who had been sitting quietly watching you two the whole time, handed you the key. “See you in the morning.” You grabbed your bag off the floor and left their room, walking to your room located across from theirs. You unlocked the door and pushed it open, kicking the door shut before flopping down on the bed, your bag falling to the floor. “You guys aren’t very hidden,” you murmured, propping yourself onto your elbows and arching an eyebrow at Scott, Stiles, and Isaac who all stood in the corner.
“I told you!” Stiles announced, pointing at the other two.
“That was your idea for a hiding spot, Stiles,” Scott stated, looking at Stiles confusedly.
“Why are you guys here?” you asked, pushing yourself off the bed and crossing your arms over your chest.
“Um, that girl said that you were the next target,” Isaac told you and you nodded, waiting for one of them to continue.
“We’re here to watch over you,” Stiles stated, smiling awkwardly.
“You sound just like Cas.”
“Nothing.” You sat down on the bed. “Fine, you can ‘watch over me’ or whatever. But I’m staying up with you guys, so who wants to go out for a coffee and redbull run?” They all stood there and you rolled your eyes. “Alright, be back in a few minutes.”
You parked the impala and grabbed the tray of coffees and bag of 6 packs from the passenger seat, getting out of the car and hurrying over to your room. The door swung open and Scott took the tray of coffees from you. You thanked him and stepped inside, shutting the door behind you. “Alright, I got iced coffees, normal coffees, red eye coffees, redbulls, and booze. What’ll you guys have?”
“You know we can’t get drunk, right?” Scott asked and you nodded.
“Stiles can, but I know. Trust me, I barely can, I’ve grown such a high tolerance from it. I out-drank an angel who had to drink an entire liquor store to get fully intoxicated. Quite depressing. But we should at least water down all the caffeine we’re gonna drink!”
“How’d you even get alcohol?” Stiles asked as you tossed him a beer.
“I have more fake IDs than you can imagine. Including fake FBI badges, fake Sheriff badges-” You pointed at Scott and Stiles- “do not say anything about that to your dads.”
“How are you not a wanted criminal?” Isaac asked, taking a sip of coffee.
“Oh, I am. I’m on the FBI’s most wanted list, but I have a pseudonym.”
“God, you need to tell us stories about your life,” Stiles sighed. “The good stories, at least.”
You grabbed a coffee and shrugged, sitting down on the bed. “Gather ‘round children, Momma has some stories.”
“You have books based on your life?” Scott asked incredulously.
“Yup, and a musical based on those books. Oh! And in another universe, we have a tv show,” you told them, a big smile on your face.
“And I thought my life was weird.”
You chuckled and watched as they all yawned, stretching slightly. “You guys should get to bed. I’ll stay up.”
“Are you sure?” Isaac asked, looking at you with worry.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. And you guys need sleep. Big day tomorrow.” You hopped off the bed and let them all fight for it. Stiles, surprisingly, won and the two other boys sulked over to the pullout couch.
You sat in silence, watching all three boys sleep peacefully for a few moments before sighing and getting up, heading outside. You felt all-too-warm in your jeans and long sleeved shirt, although it was a fall night.
Stiles’ jeep caught your eye and you smirked, hurrying over to baby and grabbing the tool box out of the trunk. You ran back to the jeep and propped the hood open, sighing when you saw duct tape holding everything together. “Of course, Stiles,” you sighed, unraveling all of the duct tape before getting to work.
“You do realize it’s 3 in the morning, right?” Isaac asked as he stepped outside, a smile on his face as he watched you work on the jeep.
“Yup.” You continued working, unbothered by Isaac’s gaze.
What pulled you away from your work was Isaac’s warm hands on your hips.
“You know, groping me won’t stop me from being mad at you,” you explained, quickly finishing your work before closing the hood. You turned around and arched an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms over your chest. His smile just widened and you rolled your eyes.
“What?” he asked, looking at you confusedly. “What do you want me to say?”
“Three words. Eight letters.”
He chuckled and removed his hands from your waist, taking your hands in his, not bothered by the fact that they were covered in motor oil and grease. “I love you, I’ve always loved you, and I will always love you.”
“I was actually hoping you’d say ‘I have pie’, but that works too.” You finally smiled at him and he let go of your hands, wrapping his arms around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck, looking into his sweet blue eyes. “And I love you too.”
He smiled brightly and finally pressed his lips to yours, and tears of happiness welled in your closed eyes as the familiar feeling of home swept over you.
He lifted you up and spun you around before setting you down on the hood The pressure on your phone in your back pocket caused the song you were listening to earlier to play. Like Real People Do by Hozier blasted through your phone and Isaac chuckled against your lips. “Perfect timing,” he whispered, breaking the kiss for a moment to look into your eyes.
You chuckled and smiled softly, your bottom lip quivering. “I missed you so much,” you sobbed, tears spilling onto your cheeks.
He smiled sadly and moved his hands to your face, quickly swiping the tears away. “Me too, beautiful. Don’t cry.” You sniffled and he smiled brightly at you, cheering you up instantly.
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“We should head inside,” you whispered, sniffling softly.
“Just a little bit longer.” He pressed his lips against yours and you chuckled, kissing him back.
“Okay, the first thing you need to know is that what we are fighting, they are not real people, they are purebred monsters,” you explained, dragging your machete against the foliage-covered ground. “By killing these, you are saving people, not killing them. These things are only focused on killing you, they do nothing other than that. Once they are dead, it will not ruin your status.” You looked pointedly at Scott and smiled. “Do not feel mercy for them, because they will not feel anything but hatred for you. Understand?” They all hesitantly nodded and you slid your machete into its sheath. “I know this will be hard for you knowing this will be the first time killing anything, despite what you all believe.” Malia nodded and you smiled kindly at her. “But, you all need to remember, at the end of the day, these things would have died immediately after their mission was done, and we are just protecting ourselves and others.”
“Now, how to kill them,” Dean stated and you nodded.
You re-drew your machete and held it up. “To kill the army of vampires that will be following Hecate, you must decapitate them. Yes, it sounds disgusting and extremely hard, but, like I said, you are saving people by doing this, not killing them. But, if you truly do not want to cause any harm to these monsters, you can inject them with dead man’s blood. It is extremely difficult, though, if you are not good with aiming. So that is what I will be teaching you all today.” You gestured to the print-outs of targets and the mannequins scattered throughout the forest. “There are 100 targets and 50 mannequins. All of the mannequins are set on a rig that will make them move. You can either inject or decapitate the mannequins, and both actions will cause the mannequin to ‘die’. All targets will be used for trajectory practice, so you can only use those for throwing syringes/knives/anything that contains dead man’s blood.”
“What does the dead man’s blood do to the vampires?” Lydia asked, already looking over all of the targets.
“The dead man’s blood, once the vampires are injected with it, will paralyze them, kind of what the Kanima venom does. But the dead man’s blood completely paralyzes them, not allowing them to move, which does not allow them to bite.” You nodded and they all visibly gulped. “Now, who wants a machete?”
Stiles’ hand shot up and you chuckled, handing him one from the bag of weapons you brought along, handing another one to Kira, knowing that she would use it. The rest all grabbed the syringes and blood-dipped daggers you arranged on a table. “So how do we know if they are ‘dead’, per say?” Scott asked and you picked up a dagger, throwing it and watching as it hit the bullseye in one target. The target then grew red, showing that the weapon worked.
“As you can see, once you have hit the target in a spot that will work to paralyze the vampire, the target will glow red, showing that it has been effectively paralyzed. For the mannequins, you will know because they will have no head.”
“What about Hecate?” Isaac questioned, examining a dagger before looking at you.
“All I can advise is that none of you go near her, which will probably not happen, considering you guys always love doing what you are told not to do. So, if you are caught up with her, take one of these-” you held up a vile of olive oil mixed with holy water “-and splash the contents on her. Dean, Sam, and I will all be working on a spell to kill her while you kill the vampires. Understand?” They nodded and you grinned. “Good, now, get to it!” You blew a whistle and they all hurried to the targets and mannequins.
“They’re good kids, Y/N/N,” Sam stated and you nodded, smiling proudly as you watched them land every target.
“I like that Stiles kid,” Dean voiced as he watched Stiles swing at everything that moved, nearly hitting Malia a few times, which earned him a flick to the ear.
“I’m so glad I gave him a plastic machete.” You all chuckled.
“You should go out there, have some friendly bonding time.” You rolled your eyes but withdrew your machete, twirling it before running out and joining your friends.
“Alright, you guys did very well on the weapon training!” you told them, smiling widely. “I was thinking, before we start our next lesson, we should get some burgers.” They all cheered and you laughed. “Luckily, I thought ahead and remembered what you guys all liked. Food’s on the table. Don’t kill each other for it.” They all hurried over to the table and you sat down, leaning against a tree as you watched them.
“Not saving any room for me?” Isaac joked as he walked over to you, a bag of food in his hand.
“Will you let me eat some of your fries?”
He chuckled and nodded. “Fine.”
You smirked and scooted forward, letting Isaac sit behind you. You leaned back into him and he set his food down before wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin atop your head. “Fry,” you stated, opening your mouth.
“You’re ridiculous,” he told you, grabbing a fry from his bag and putting it in your mouth. You smiled and took his hand in yours, kissing his knuckles. He pecked your cheek in return and you hummed in satisfaction.
“You better hurry up and eat. We’ll be starting back up soon.”
“But I’m busy admiring your beauty.”
“You’re a dork.”
“I’m your dork.”
“Yes you are.”
“Okay, next we will be working on hand-to-hand combat.You will be practicing for 30 minutes, then we will do individual combat tournaments, where the first to be pinned down will lose, and the winners will face off. Okay?” you explained and they all nodded. “Great. Stiles will be paired with Lydia, Malia will be paired with Kira, Isaac will be paired with Sam, and I will be paired with Scott. Now, get to practicing, and please try not to kill each other.”
“You sure you wanna have Stiles paired with Lydia?” Scott asked as he walked over to you.
“Everyone else would’ve broken him.” You both chuckled and you popped your knuckles. “Ready to get started?” Scott nodded and you both took your stances, eyeing each other before you lunged forward, Wrapping your arms around his neck before swinging all of your weight to one side and tackling him. You pinned his arms to the ground and smirked as he wriggled under your grasp. “One, two, three.” At three, you let go and helped him up. “You went easy on me!”
“No I didn’t!”
“Come on, give it your all! Beat the human, alpha!” You jokingly punched his shoulder and smiled. “I promise, there’s nothing you can do that can hurt me more than anything I’ve ever felt. I’ve literally died twice.”
“Yeah. Hell honestly wasn’t that bad, considering I’m chill with the King of Hell.” You chuckled and stretched your arms above your head. “Now, don’t hold back.” You both stood in your fighting stances for a few moments before Scott was the one to lunge at you. He tackled you to the ground but you flipped him over before he was able to fully pin you to the ground. He pushed up so you were in a sort-of standing position in order to dodge it, then he swiped his legs against yours, knocking you to the ground and pinning your wrists down. You smirked evilly at him before quickly pushing your body up with your legs, wiggling your legs out from under neath him completely. You pulled up, making go into a kind of sitting position before pushing him onto his back. You sat on his stomach, your bent legs on his biceps as you held his wrists down, whispering, “One, two, three,” before getting up and letting him go. “See? I can take it.”
“Can you take it easy on me?” You grinned and held your hand out, which he took. You pulled him to his feet and patted his back. 
You chuckled when you saw Isaac smile and wave at you. “Don’t be friendly, we’re the last two,” you joked gently nudging his shoulder.
“Does that mean that I have to win against you at combat?” he asked, grabbing your hands and pulling you close to him.
You rolled your eyes and squeezed his hands before letting them go. “Alright, let’s get to it.” You situated yourself into your fighting position and Isaac followed suit, a small smirk gracing his lips. “I wouldn’t be smiling.”
“Oh yeah, why’s that?”
“Because I’m gonna kick your ass.” You smirked and winked before lunging right at him, making him lose his balance for a moment before regaining it.
“That all you got, Y/N?” He chuckled and pushed you off of him with little effort. 
You arched an eyebrow and chuckled humorlessly. “Oh, you are so going down.” You ran over to him and jumped, wrapping your legs around his waist and swinging all of your weight to one side, taking him down. He flipped over so he was hovering over you and he flashed you one of his beautiful, bright smiles, which almost distracted you until you realized what he was doing. You wrapped your arms around his neck and untangled your legs, kicking yourself so you both were on your side. You swung your leg over more so Isaac was on his back and you were on top. You pinned his arms down with your hands and pressed your knees down onto his lower torso. “One, two...”
“Marry me.”
You stopped and looked at him with wide eyes and a furrowed brow. “What?” He smirked, noticing that your grip on him grew weak, and he flipped you over onto your back.
“One, two, three. I win.” He let you go and your jaw dropped, suddenly realizing what he did.
“That was so not fair!” you whined, sitting up and getting off of him, your arms crossed over your chest.
“All’s fair in love and war,” he teased, reaching up and wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your stomach. 
“I hate you.”
“Love you too.”
You yawned and stretched, blinking your eyes to try and push the sleep away. “Get some sleep, sweetheart,” Isaac whispered to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a kiss to your neck. 
“Too busy,” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes and continuing to scroll the results shown on Hecate’s weaknesses.
“You’ve been staring at that screen for three hours. Come on, you need sleep.”
“Mmm, not persuasive enough.”
Isaac smirked against your neck, moving one hand to your hip and the other to rest on your pubic bone. You sharply inhaled and he moved his hand to your inner thighs. “How about this?”
You breathed out a small moan but shook your head. “I want to, but I really have to get this done.”
He nodded and moved his hands to wrap around your waist. “Fine, but... how about after prom?”
You turned your body around to face him, looking at him peculiarly. “Are you asking me to prom?”
He chuckled and grinned widely. “I am. What do you say?”
“I-I would love too!”
“That’s my girl!”
“But... I don’t know if I can.”
“Well, why not?”
“I have people to save, cases to solve, work to do. I don’t know if I can stay here much longer.”
Isaac nodded and let go of your waist, folding his arms over his chest. “So you’re gonna leave Beacon Hills, leave your friends, leave me, all because of some monsters?”
“Yes, because this is what I do. I can’t just postpone killing monsters and saving people! This is my job!”
“So you’re gonna leave.”
“I have to.”
“And I’ll be all alone again.”
Your eyebrows rose in shock. “You’ll be alone again? You were the one who left in the first place! I probably wouldn’t be in this fucking life if you didn’t leave!”
“Here we go again-”
“Yes, because this argument is fucking bullshit!”
“But leaving everybody behind to essentially get killed isn’t?”
“At least I’m with people who don’t leave me all alone when I’m suffering!”
“Well, I guess I should just do that again, shouldn’t I?”
“Yeah, maybe you should.”
Isaac nodded briefly and got up, yanking the door open and slamming it shut behind him with such force that the frames on the walls shook. 
You sniffled and wiped the tears from under your eyes, taking deep breaths to try and calm down. The light from your computer enticed you. “I guess I better do what he’s mad at me for,” you muttered, getting right back to work.
“Y/N, wake up, kiddo.”
You were roused form your sleep by someone shaking your arm to wake you, and you saw Dean’s worried face peering down at you. “What time is it?” you muttered, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Around 7.” You groaned and buried your face back into the pillow. “What happened last night? I heard arguing.”
“It’s nothing,” you muttered, sniffling softly at the thought of it.
“I know something’s wrong. You don’t look at me when you’re about to cry.” Dean wrapped his arms around you and pulled you up. “Come on, tell big bro what’s wrong.”
“I’m not 5, Dean.”
“Well then stop acting like one and tell me what’s wrong, and then I’ll stop treating you like one.”
You huffed and wriggled out of his grasp, turning to face him. “Isaac and I got into a fight.”
“What about this time?”
“He asked me to prom.”
“I... I don’t see the problem. You like him, right?”
You nodded and looked down at your hands. “I... I love him.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
“I told him that I couldn’t go.”
“Why not? Everyone’s gotta go to prom, especially hunters. We gotta live our lives to the fullest.”
“I can’t because I have work to do.”
Dean stared at you, completely dumbfounded. “Let me get this straight... You turned Isaac, the boy you are in love with, down because you have to do research and travel with your two older brothers?”
“Yeah, basically.”
“Give me your phone.”
You looked up at him and furrowed your brows. “Why?”
“Because I am going to fix this shit, whether you like it or not.”
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