#never wavcr
willofcausality-a · 4 years
{ Tension | Accepting }
@never-wavcr sent:
🚬 : my muse steals a cigarette ( or lollipop ) from your muse & puts it in their mouth . (FROM MY FAVORITE DUMB ASS JU-LONG) 
Ibuki sits on her amp, allowing herself a rest after her set has ended before packing up her gear to go home. She holds a cocktail in one hand, a lollipop unwrapped with her teeth in the other, alternating between the two of them. 
A DJ has taken over, and she watches people on the dancefloor. Her set went well, she thinks. She debuted a couple new songs she’s been working on, and they seemed to have been received well.
She’s just raising the lollipop to her mouth again, when it is suddenly snatched away.
‘Hey!!’ Ibuki looks to the culprit just in time to see them put the lollipop in their own mouth. Ibuki makes a face, but can’t hide her amused grin. ‘You can’t just go taking things from strangers like that ya know?? What if I had, like, a disease or something??’
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jigscw · 4 years
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the knife flips easily over in his palm until the blade is pressed against his flesh, handle offered to her. looking over at the fiery redhead, bill smirks, brows arching, before them, the gentleman is on his knees, sobbing and trembling and struggling to get out of bindings that they both know he won’t.  ❝ care to do the honors? ❞          /          @never-wavcr ! 
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ciniis · 4 years
@never-wavcr ♥️’d
Homemade-Pizza night. Perhaps Ash was making a joke when he said that hot-stone pizza would be easy considering he could easily just... Produce a hot stone to cook on. But they had agreed to the idea in a moment of playfulness and now a week later, Paige was covered in dough, Ash was covered in flour, and they were nowhere closer to having hot-stone pizza.
Ash couldn’t help the deep-chested laugh he gives as he watches Paige struggle to get her hands clean of the not-so-firm dough they had made. He sips his wine, smiling as he comes over to her. 
He sets his glass down and reaches out to take her wrists. He pulls them closer and starts trying to pluck some of the dough off himself. 
“It’s worse than quicksand.”
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caerulcum · 4 years
updated blog roll (aka where you can find J and their side blogs)
@never-surrcnder - Emmalyn Laoi, demon oc, medium activity
@never-refrain - Aubrey Laoi, demon oc, medium activity
@never-wavcr - multi muse, medium activity
@never-extinguish - Mizuki, phoenix oc, low activity
@dryadalis-ignis - Idalis, fire elf oc (Blue’s mother), low activity
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cordiibus · 4 years
( @never-wavcr ) & ( @ciniis ): both going at war with reblogging their chars fcs bc theyre hot
my muses: hey now ...
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caerulcum-moved · 4 years
Places you can find Jessie
This blog (caerulcum, duh. High activity)
@never-refrain (Aubrey. Low-medium activity)
@never-surrcnder (Emma, Aubreys mother. Low-medium activity)
@never-wavcr (multi-muse. Low activity)
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ciniis · 4 years
@never-wavcr + plotted for paige
It had been a week. He’d spent a few hours staring at the woman’s business card trying to get the courage up to leave the fucking house and make sure she was still alright. Blue had put the seeds of doubt in his mind, letting his thoughts race with the idea that perhaps those assholes had simply quietly followed her home. Or maybe she’d gone back to the same bar and found herself in the same position again. It took some convincing, a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of coffee, but he was finally willing to go and check on her. 
It took him too long to get dressed, even longer to get himself out the door. He had to stop half way through his walk to the tattoo shop to grab a coffee and just take a moment to collect himself. While there he bought a coffee for her as well. 
2 hours later he finally arrives at the shop just after 3pm and he walks in. The bell Jingles on the door and he walks up to the reception desk with is manned by a young woman and an older, tattooed man. He glances between them, clears his throat. 
“Paige works here right?” His voice is deep enough to startle the man behind the counter, who looks to the woman and then back to Ash. 
“Yeah, do you have an appointment?” Joey says, tilting his head curiously. 
“No. I just brought her some coffee and uh––” he glances to the woman again, gently adjusting his mask on his chin. “Wanted to check on her. Can you let her know Ash dropped this off.” he slides the coffee and a small napkin with terrible writing across the counter. He really didn’t expect to be allowed to see her. At all.
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ciniis · 4 years
@never-wavcr​ + still didn’t ♥️ wow wtf.
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Ash had felt a tug in his chest that morning. It lasted a few hours, constantly pulling and tugging him. In his exhaustion, he ignored it until he no longer could. When he realized it was a summon from Aubrey, he assumed the worst. He left his apartment, walked there far too quickly, and almost broke down the door to her apartment. She’s lucky he remembered she had given him a key. 
And now. He see’s she’s totally fine. Sitting on the sofa. Staring at him. She expected him. His posture relaxes and he gives a light growl as he closes the door behind him.
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ciniis · 4 years
Paige didnt have to so much as open her eyes to know that Ash had showed up in the middle of the night. The heat alone was evidence enough... and all she did was scoot over.in her bed and lift the covers in silent invitation, eyes closed the entire time
He craved very few things, but she was one of them. He had never before understood why some demons went insane over the prospect of possessing a soul. But after he’d met Paige, he understood a little more. 
He had been restless. Laying in bed next to Blue, staring at the ceiling with eyes wide, mind running wild with all the things he’d rather be doing than laying in bed. And silently he feels a tug. A gentle suggestion that doesn’t come from his own mind. Someone was thinking of him –– better yet, dreaming of him. Not some insignificant creature, no. He had learned to block those senseless beckons out long ago. This one felt oh so familiar, and it brought a smile to his face as he left the bed.
He leaves Blue a note in messy writing: ‘Paiges. B bak latr.’
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When he gets there he opens the door quietly using the key she’d given him about a month ago. He moves quietly through her house, into her bedroom. He leaves the door open, allowing moonlight to flood in and gently rouse her from her sleep just enough for her to know it was him. He smiles when she stirs and he walks to the edge of the bed. He sheds most of his clothes before he slides under the covers with her. 
His arms curl around her form, his nose breathes heavily as he presses it to her shoulder and neck, gently nuzzling her. He pulls her tight to him, squeezing her in his strong arms before he rests his head on the pillow behind her. He kisses the spot between her shoulder blades before his eyes close and he settles in next to her. 
He doesn’t know if he’ll manage to sleep, but at least his mind is eased a little more.
@never-wavcr // unprompted.
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caerulcum · 4 years
update blog roll: 
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ciniis · 4 years
Shhh you were dreaming (paige)
On the odd night he had dreams, they were often unpleasent. He slept so rarely that distinguishing reality from dreams was a challenge at times. Tonight was no different. 
His spot on the couch was abandoned in a flurry of panic. Leaping from it and throwing blankets about to come clambering into the bedroom where Paige slept. He couldn’t recall the dream. It had left him as soon as he opened his eyes but his heart and instincts had yet to catch up with his mind. Paige had been hurt. Dying. 
He nearly crashes through the door to find her in bed, startled awake, her eyes staring at him as she clutches the sheets. He pants in relief but the sweat on his brow is enough to get her out of bed. 
“I-I thought––” His tongue moves too quick for his damaged mouth, slurring and unable to make sense of words as he gathers his breath again. She closes the distance but it’s not enough to calm him. His hands grip her elbows tightly, his eyes bleed with fear –– an emotion rarely seen on him. “––There was –– blood and––  you–– I didn’t––” he exhales deeply, heart pounding. 
Her words calm part of him and he tries to stop talking. Relief washes over him as he bows his head and lets heavy breath come in slowly though his mouth. He releases one of his hands from her elbows, grip loosening on the other. Free hand comes to rub at his face, hair falling around it like a curtain. Thank fuck.
@never-wavcr // p.
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cordiibus · 4 years
“ even when you smile, your eyes are still sad. ” (Ella/Daichi)
meme. / @never-wavcr​
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“ is that how it seems ? ” he chuckled, still attempting to keep the smile on his face. he managed just fine until she said that. well.. she always was one to call him out on things. one of the reasons he loved her so much. why he lingered by her so often. she saw things much more differently than the people around him. even lihua, who had grown by his side this entire time, didn’t know everything about him. but .. ella was different and interesting. 
the young elf kept the smile regardless though, “ let’s not worry about it then .. it’s not something worth discussing..” bright golden eyes remained dimmed regardless. hardened by the topic of whatever he is hiding so deeply inside himself. hidden by that charming smile. “ what adventures are we going on today, ella ? ”
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caerulcum · 4 years
ooc: I’m fixated on Paige over on @never-wavcr cuz Blue’s entered a depressive slump so go love my pink haired tattoo artist with anxiety / male issues
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cordiibus · 4 years
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unprompted. / @never-wavcr​ ( "Ooooh hey there cutie pie.." cooing the words, did Sarabi want to see that adorable blush of Joel's? YES she sure did. And she'd do or say whatever she had to in order to get one ) 
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      “ .. cutie pie ...? ” no , she .. was she talking about him ? there wasn’t anyone else around.. so she had to be talking about him, right ? he cleared his throat at her greeting, trying to stay composed as possible. joel was always composured, always in control ... yet sarabi always had a good habit of making him .. lose it at times. in positive ways, of course. it was her personality that always made him trip up a few times, if not every time they’re together.“ hello sarabi..” his tone was a forced flat, trying to remain as cool as possible. not that it would last long. 
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cordiibus · 4 years
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unprompted. / @never-wavcr​​ ( "Listen, you pointy eared fucker, the only reason I haven't mentally crippled you until you're nothing more than a blubbering lump of flesh is cuz of Joaquin."  from Tiff cuz apparently she's self destructive now)
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   “ oh dear, that’s definitely not something you should say to me. what would happen if sweet joaquin would hear such a threat ? would be a shame if he did, didn’t he ? ” daichi was never above blackmailing. if anyone brought out old habits, it was tiffany. while he has matured, putting behind a lot of his past behind him -- in the end his core personality would always align to what he was. a creature of the dark, something that would be used to get little fae’s to behave. tiffany was very good at reminding himself of it. 
“ let’s be civil for the sake of joaquin, yes ? he wouldn’t want to see us bickering ... besides .. whose side do you think he’d be on ? ”
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cordiibus · 4 years
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unprompted. / @never-wavcr​ ( "Hello, gorgeous..." purring the words in Joaquin's ear, Tiffany playfully nipped at his lobe before beginning to rub at his shoulders with a firm touch. Clearly somebody missed a certain dragon heart ) 
    “ hello -- ” joaquin’s greeting was properly cut off at the sound of her in his ear and the nip that came right after. his throat went dry after the touch, even after swallowing as hard as he had. “ is this your way of suggestion i need a to take a break ? ” he lightly teased, though quickly was easing into her touch. her hands always seemed to know just where to touch to coax him away from work. he leaned his head back against her chest. looking up as a hand reach to pull her face down by the back of her neck. pulling her into a kissing, slow and deep. oh, he really missed her too. 
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