#nevin ‘jovel’ newton
isame-allen · 4 months
Sibling au but it's a modern family au
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dreamys-mess · 9 months
I think I lost my last remaining braincells
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all art belongs to onebizarrekai
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onebizarrekai · 1 year
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wanted to do some color-themed oc + otherwise groups… maybe got a little carried away!! 💦💦 I was just making these for fun, but now my brain is all over wondering what they'd be like working together on something. a game show. a social experiment on an island. they have to work together to solve puzzles or fight things and run into each other along the way. you know how it is.
I started thinking about how edward would immediately become the leader of team red, how drew is surrounded by a bunch of ladies with a thirst for violence plus an evil god chicken, how arthur would dedicate himself to protecting his group (and tolerating felix) and how he carries the entire team, how team green has the most argumentative people that are barely being held together, and how team purple is pretty good at getting along and has a comical dynamic considering it contains dez, monster people AND louis. I was gonna say team blue is the obligatory disadvantaged team, but they have the most hilarious family dynamic and are led by the biggest pacifists of everyone here and will probably end up befriending a dragon. also kage is there and he's the weird uncle.
list of characters:
team red: edward quinton (ibvs) 16 year-old with stringy powers ellie (fatal flaws/dreamswap) 25 year-old engineer kazune (hopeless) 25 year-old shady guy xaki (greyscale) 12 year-old violent runaway ari (reverie) 20 year-old mystery zinnia (???) 17 year-old mystery with an axe team orange: drew jovel (ibvs) 15 year-old with healing powers crystal mccrae (fatal flaws/dreamswap) 24 year-old bodyguard kevin (fatal flaws/dreamswap) chicken october (october) 16 year-old vampire katherine schultz (bizarre saga universe) 25 year-old evil fire demon noble team yellow: arthur von licht (fatal flaws/dreamswap) ?? year-old political fighter cassie blanchet (hopeless) 12 year-old traumatized child isaac beamer (ibvs) 16 year-old student with art-related powers madeline lockwood (bizarre saga universe) 24 year-old with ice magic felix wolfe (ibvs) 17 year-old student who keeps summoning demons team green: ani gautier (fatal flaws/dreamswap) ?? year-old craftsperson nevin jovel (ibvs) 15 year-old with self-destructive powers brooke (reverie) 20 year-old college student jet (dintis) ?? year-old evil noble joey (hopeless) ?? year-old shady guy saria (bizarre saga universe) ?? year-old maniac team blue: alix (greyscale) 12 year-old student blue lebeau (fatal flaws/dreamswap) 26 year-old yoga teacher dark (dintis) ?? year-old distressed gay man nick rivas (hopeless) 12 year-old traumatized child kage (kagehara cinematic universe) ?? year-old speedrunner team purple: dez gonzalez (ibvs) 16 year-old student with energy powers louis lopez (ibvs) 17 year-old student that is a demon-fighting wizard miles newton (fatal flaws/dreamswap) ?? year-old guy (criminal) endy (oldie) ?? year-old vampire with magic powers shima (kagehara cinematic universe) ?? year-old Demonic Being
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isame-allen · 4 months
youngest Newton kid joins JR. The media loses their shit. The Newtons lose their shit.
Drew has told Nevin 5000 times he doesn’t need a personal body guard but Nevin’s like ‘you’re the baby brother of the three most powerful men in the fucking world. And you’re accident prone. You definitely need a body guard. Might as well have a magically overpowered one’
The most protective guard
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isame-allen · 4 months
god I’m just imagining now that one year for Halloween Cody and Nevin manage to convince Drew and all their friends to dress up together
But what the don’t tell Drew is that all the rest of them are going to be his bodyguards.
He dresses up as like. A super old and fabulously wealthy elf. And the rest of them are in black suits and sunglasses and are constantly asking him if he needs a moment to ‘reconnect with nature’ and usher him towards nearby trees
Drew has never been more embarrassed in his life and Nevin and Ed’s gang have 100% committed to the bit
Isaac claims he was coerced but he did really wanted to watch Drew’s reaction to this
Chris is trying to commit but he’s bad at it and also he’s paranoid he’s going to get possessed again like that one time, so he’s super jumpy. Especially if Dez or her friends show up
Ed and Barry are 99% committed to the bit. The other 1% is when Ed is trying to get Isaac to play along ‘right’ (‘act like a real bodyguard dammit we ALL AGREED we’d do this!’) and when Barry suddenly remembers that Slash, Pluto, and Byte tend to be very active in Halloween and goes ‘h-hey guys do you think maybe we should call it early?? I’m…uh….i miss my cats. Yeah that’s it.’
The horror squad knows their little siblings are trick-or-treating, and where, and go VERY far from there. The kids are not in danger. Can’t blame Barry for being nervous though.
The only one who hears his concerns is Isaac, who rolls his eyes and is like ‘come on, do you seriously think they’d fuck with their little brothers and their idiot friends? They don’t even kill teenagers that much anyways’
this isn’t making Barry feel better
The whole gang going trick and treating while the two pathetic scared wuss are too busy being paranoid
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isame-allen · 4 months
…so hypothetically… Cody would be a great bodyguard for Drew in the sibling au
(If he exists I don’t know if he does- I’m hoping he does because it’s the Cody)
Wei I’m not a monster
Ofc Cody would exist and he would be the best bodyguard in the world of bodyguards alongside nevin
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isame-allen · 4 months
Ed+Nevin+an annoyed Barry = sticky notes all over the principals office
A very chaotic day for the principal
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isame-allen · 4 months
Drew getting ‘adopted’ by all the nightmares because of his emo phase and they know it’s going to scare the Von Lichts
Nevin doesn’t know it’s going to scare Drew’s brothers, but he’s still showing Drew more emo things
Dream is pulling up to the newtons
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isame-allen · 4 months
Ibvs = having a sleep over
They break into JR on a dare
JR = also having a sleep over
Ooooohhhhhh my bad I wasn’t really tuning into my englishness at the time
But yea the jr + blue would def give a lecture to all of em
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isame-allen · 5 months
Drew angerly sending Ink a letter all like, 'please foe the live of Mother Nim, let Isaac come to my study geoup before I get you fired!' And the letter is signed fancily and all Von lichtly so Ink goes to Dream, 'how tf do our brothers know eachother.' Then when Ink drops off Isaac all he sees is 1.) Ed threading Dez with a poorly drawn penis 2.) Nevin and Chris trying to dig a hole 3.) Barry crying while looking into a box of kittens 4.) Drew waiting for Isaac and 5.) Homework strewn everywhere. He zooms away after then wondering if he took a drug.
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isame-allen · 5 months
Siblings au: why they would be in the nurse's office
They got their own problems
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isame-allen · 5 months
…so sibling au, pastel Emo Drew?
I think his brothers would approve, since hey, maybe Drew likes matching clothes with his childhood friend
Maybe they also think it’s kinda odd how alike the two look when dressed similarly, but hey it’s just a strange coincidence :)
Just saying, delusion might be the only brother that notices this
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isame-allen · 4 months
Out of curiosity, in the sibling au is Nevin just as protective as Drew as he usually is? Or is he a bit more chilled?
Yea he’s pretty much the same whether or not drew has a whole security system behind his back
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isame-allen · 1 year
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isame-allen · 6 months
Family issues
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isame-allen · 10 months
How I wish I had at least one of these t-shirts
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