#new drapes for the sugden home
bobbie-robron · 4 months
Edna reckons more Dingles have descended on the dales.
Oh, they’ll take over this village one day and then it REALLY will be time to up the stakes.
Val and Paul show off the new drapes in the Sugden home. Edna, Pearl and Betty are in fine form gossiping about the new Dingle baby and Edna (MVP of the episode) is very spot on about things. Hearing all the gossiping from the trio, Jack PROUDLY announces Andy is the dad and he’s thrilled (Robert is far from that),
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robronsecretsanta · 5 years
Fic: let the Christmas spirit ring
a series of what-could-have-been christmas’ for the absolutely marvellous @thisdamndesire with lots and lots from your secret santa! merry merry christmas <3
1.  Joyeux Noël
Robert’s started a fire with the logs Aaron thought were fake. He doesn’t let on that he’s surprised by it, instead he just sort of stares at Robert until he comes back to the sofa.
“You OK?” Robert asks, maybe for the twelfth time today and Aaron rolls his eyes, then turns to run a hand over his husband’s arm.
“We’re together.” Aaron says plainly. He shrugs a little and then looks down at the stupid jumper Robert’s got on. “You even tried haggling with that market guy over the price of this.”
Robert frowns, there’s this smile that sort of radiates out of him and Aaron’s not seen it for a while. He looks relaxed, shoulders slumped and this sleepy haze to him.
“Just ‘cause I don’t speak fluent French don’t mean he had to take the piss.” Robert turns himself a little so he’s looking at Aaron and then he holds his hand. “I’m so lucky you’re here.” His chin goes and Aaron cups his face, brings them closer together as their foreheads brush.
“It’s true.” Robert frowns. “‘Cause tomorrow they’ll be a whole Christmas you’re missing out on.” He closes his eyes. “Stupid Dingle knees up that I know you love.”
“Yeah. I do.” Aaron shrugs. “But you know what I thought about last night, me there without you. I couldn’t *bare that.”
Robert looks up, eyes flickering as Aaron rubs small circles into his cheeks. “Me here without you.” He punches the words out and hangs a hand in Aaron’s arm. “Couldn’t do that either.”
Aaron leans up, kisses Robert until he’s flat on the sofa and then he falls on top of him. They’re kissing and moving as the fire crackles around them and then after Aaron’s falling into the crook of Robert’s neck and hugging around him.
“You know what we can do tomorrow?” Aaron whispers, hands delicate over Robert’s chest. “See if those farming abilities of yours have worked.”
Robert smirks, thinks of the fact that Aaron made him dig up a patch outside the patio of this dingy flat they’ve got. He laughs, thinks about Aaron seemed to think him getting all frustrated over the mud over his jeans was somehow a turn on. He kisses Aaron’s head lightly and then sighs. “It won’t have worked yet.”
Aaron frowns, the lines hard on his forehead as he turns his neck and looks up at Robert. “Not even the spuds?” He asks and Robert kisses him again.
“No. Maybe next year.”
Aaron huffs out something gentle and moves closer into Robert’s neck. There’s this light inside of him as he thinks and then finds his hand in Robert’s. “Next year.”
“We’ll be out of this place. I promise.” Robert kisses Aaron’s head again like it’s his responsibility to make Aaron’s Christmas this bonanza. “We’ll be in that chateau.”
Aaron laughs almost breathlessly. “Will we?”
“Yeah.” Robert nods. “Have a proper tree n’all.” They’ve got this plastic little one that plays this Christmas tune over and over again when you twist it. There’s mistletoe hanging off their bedroom door but that’s about it. “And we’ll still …”
Aaron looks at Robert, pushes himself up and nods. “This where you say I’ll still be here like it’s a question.” He frowns. “Because it ain’t one. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Couldn’t if you wanted to.” Robert smirks, he’s got this hair all soft and pressed against his forehead. He looks like a right kid and Aaron strokes his face slowly to get him back.
“I wouldn’t ever want to.”
Robert’s not an idiot. He’s been draping tinsel around his neck and thinking about how in a few years time this is all going to get harder.
“Not ever?”
Aaron gulps, he practically sits on Robert’s lap and raises his chin to squeeze and smile at him. “Remember when we got married?”
“Which one?”
Aaron’s sure he’s the luckiest man on earth to be able to laugh at that. He does, dips his head before sighing. “I’m not ever leaving ya.” He gulps. “This life … me and you and Paris, it’s what I want forever.”
Robert just stares up at him, eyes green and wet. He breathes in deeply and then out again.
“I don’t deserve you.” Robert soaks Aaron in and has delicate hands skirting close.
“I decide that.” Aaron whispers before leaning down and kissing Robert gently. “And you’ll decide where the chateau is.”
“Will I?” Robert’s closed his eyes and pictured it for a while now. It’s like this soft soothing ideal that he wishes they’ll get to one day. “Why’s that?”
“Did a good job on our first home didn’t ya?” Aaron mumbles, turns himself down to lay next to his husband again and holds his hand. The fire is still crackling and the sky is heavy and dark outside now. They lay thinking in silence until Aaron’s phone vibrates and he sees its Liv. “She sent us …”
There’s this picture on the screen and it’s instantly blurry when Robert gets the chance to look. He’s crying almost on cue and it’s nearly as embarrassing as Aaron’s already snotty nose.
Liv’s somehow managed to get a picture with Seb in this little Santa hat. He’s showing his teeth as his grins and they’re both clearly surrounded by presents.
“Says, that they’re missing us so much but they’re going to have a good day tomorrow and so are we.”
“Ordering us is she?” Robert strokes a hand through Aaron’s hair and then wipes at his face when Aaron just sits and stares. Then he’s stroking the picture and almost existing in his own little world for a second.
“She’s right.” Aaron says, he looks at Robert with this certainty in his eyes. “We’re going to have a good day and so are they.” He smiles weakly and then leans in towards Robert again.
“I love you Mr Sugden.”
It comes out of him with this force and Aaron must realise because he closes his eyes and smiles a little, almost savours how much he knows Robert means it.
“Sugden-Dingle actually.”
Robert smiles, leans in for a kiss and thinks of tangled Christmas lights and Aaron refusing to move because he’s had too much turkey tomorrow. He thinks of them and this quietness they won’t be used to.
Then Aaron’s hand is in his again and he’s grounded.
“Merry Christmas.” Aaron whispers against his ear an hour later, the clock ticking past midnight now. Robert smiles to himself, places a hand over Aaron’s chest and nods.
“It’s going to be, yeah.” He says before kissing his husband’s chest and staring out the window.
It’s almost snowing, it makes him smile before he closes his eyes again. *
2. A one hour Christmas
The journey feels like years. There’s this ache in his chest that won’t go away as he holds firm on the letter deep in his coat pocket and keeps flicking down to look at it just so he knows this is actually real.
There’s been this letter telling him that Robert’s requested to see him and he’s been beside himself with this feeling ever since.
It’s here again now as the guards start to pile people in and Aaron’s faced with Robert for the first time in nearly a month. They’ve been doing this. Once a month visiting because the travelling takes it’s toll. Last time Aaron yawned and Robert was a wreck telling him they can’t do this anymore, that he’s being selfish and cruel and it’s taken so long to get back to this moment.
They’ve tried to do up the visiting room. There’s a stupid Christmas tree in the corner and it’s not got any tinsel on or anything. He thinks of it being a potential weapon, it’s the first thing that comes out of his mouth when Robert claps eyes on him.
He looks a little battered and bruised but that’s not showing on the outside. He’s got his hair still flat against his forehead and this gentleness to him that Aaron wasn’t expecting. He was worried he’d harden, he was petrified of it.
“What?” Robert whispers. They’re both still standing, looking at each other like there’s nothing else they can do.
“They’d probably try strangle each other with the … the tinsel.” Aaron almost smiles and then he breathes in and watches the guard wave a hand down towards them. He sits slowly and then leans towards Robert. “I thought you wouldn’t let me see you after last time.”
Aaron watches a family in the corner of the room. The woman’s got a toddler on her knee and a paper hat on her head. She’s bought the bloke a box of chocolates and it sits there on the table in front of them.
“It’s Christmas.” Robert’s voice is there and Aaron latches on to it. He gives him this small smile. “Well not really but … I wouldn’t let you spend it here alone.” He won’t because that means Aaron would have an hour instead of half an hour with him on the day and then he’d be forced to spend hours driving home.
“I would if you’d let me.” Aaron’d do about anything for Robert if he’d let him. He smiles slowly and then Robert looks away.
“That’s why this is so hard.” Robert bites his lip, his shoulders tense and Aaron finds this strength to lean right over.
“Look at me.”
Robert doesn’t. It’s like he can’t even bring himself to see how much Aaron absolutely adores his stupid self.
“Rob, look at me.” Eventually he does. “Seeing you today is enough. More than … you know how much I wanted to see you for Christmas?”
Robert’s chin wobbles.
“Haven’t thought of anything else.” It’s been on his mind, Robert’s been on his mind and there’s absolutely nothing new there. “What naff jumper to get ya.”
Robert gulps down something hard and sad. “Can’t do that now.”
Aaron wipes his face and he didn’t know he’d been crying. “No but we can think of what they’d say. Look like.” He bounces his knee and thinks. “Yours would say … uh … pull my cracker?”
Robert’s face almost lights up and it’s the best thing he’s ever seen. His heart actually constricts and he doesn’t know what to do with himself until Robert is gazing at him.
“Or … um … jingle my baubles.”
Robert drops his head and laughs. It comes out stifled and sad like he’s not used to it and for a second they’re in their own world. It’s like no one else is around them at all.
“That’s why you married me.” Aaron says, he puffs his chest out and then leans a hand out over Robert’s arm before hesitating. “Sorry. Shit. I’m …”
“Put it back.”
Aaron frowns, looks around them and then back into Robert’s eyes. “I’m not causing you trouble.”
“You won’t be.” Robert says, because he’s determined with everything in him not to let anything ruin this moment right here. It’s Christmas Eve and Aaron’s making him laugh and for a second he can forget about having to say goodbye to him.
Slowly Aaron puts his hand back of the length of Robert’s arm, squeezes and then he’s crying again. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Robert says, he gulps, twists his lip to stop him from mirroring Aaron. “How’s our boy then?”
Aaron deflates slightly. “Missing you. Took him to see Santa. There’s a picture on my phone. I’ll … I’ll add it to the scrapbook for you yeah?”
Robert nods tightly. “And Liv? Vic?”
“Coping.” Aaron runs his hand over Robert’s arm again and again. “You?” It’s like they’ve worked backwards to get to the question and Robert tenses up a little again before sighing.
“I get by.”
“On your charm?”
Robert rolls his eyes.
“Oh it’s the good looks then?” Aaron’s got this strength within him whenever Robert is close by. It’s like he’s able to just pull through, push past everything in front of him.
Robert’s eyes flicker. “How can you be …”
“It’s Christmas.”
Aaron frowns. “Still Christmas ain’t it?” He gazes up at Robert and then looks towards the small desk at the front of the room. They’re handing out mince pies and it makes him raise an eyebrow. “Do you want one?”
Robert breathes out and nods timidly. Aaron stands and goes to get one before Robert holds his arm and feels this light rush through him.
“I love you.” Robert whispers. He says it in this way that scares Aaron and it’s like he knows because he shakes his head. “I just want you to know.”
Aaron nods. “I’m not forgetting any time soon.” He says, and then he pulls out this necklace and Robert recognises his ring almost immediately. “Am I?”
Robert shakes his head for the smallest of seconds and then Aaron’s squeezing his shoulder as he walks towards the table and takes two. Robert feels this tightness in his chest and he’s so overwhelmed with this feeling of love for him.
He walks back towards him, probably still broken and splintered inside, but smiling. He’s even put a paper hat on his head and everything.
Robert smiles back without anything stopping him.
3. A Christmas delivery
The ward has a Santa going around handing chocolates out to all the mums and dads and they both don’t even register him as he walks up and down.
Robert’s just staring down at this tiny bundle of joy Aaron’s got in his arms. He’s holding their baby for the first time and it’s so clear that he’s mesmerised by her already.
“Think she’s too young for all that.” Robert whispers, voice low in Aaron’s ear as Santa waves at them.
Aaron gazes up. “Hmm?” Robert looks at the man walking out of the ward again and a few kids chasing after him. “Oh.” He smiles and then their daughter’s little arm waves up out of the soft blanket she’s draped in.
Rosie’s on the bed, half asleep and exhausted. She offers Aaron the smallest smile when he tells her she’s amazing.
“Now you get to be.” Robert tears up at it, feels this heaviness drop inside him as he squeezes her hand and thinks of how mad she was for even listening to them in the first place. They’d bustled into her life after Natalie fell through and now they’ve ended up with a little girl and a friend out of it all.
Aaron rocks her back and forth for a second more before she makes this sound and he smiles, kisses her head. “Thinks she wants daddy Robert’s cuddles.”
Robert pulls this face and he’s petrified of dropping her as Aaron passes her over with this ease. He’s got tears in his eyes and he smiles with this soft giddiness about him.
“Pretty cool Christmas present hey.” Aaron comes closer, tilts his head into Robert’s shoulder as he stands behind him on his tiptoes and stares down at their baby.
“Pretty unexpected one yeah.”
They’d been reading Seb a bedtime story, Aaron making these faces and trying to sound like an elephant whilst Robert tried roaring like a lion for him.
“Christmas Eve.” Robert shakes his head. “She picks her timing don’t she?” He curls a finger over her cheek and her eyes open. She’s got these blue eyes that make him almost stagger back. “God, she’s beautiful.” He whispers, feels Aaron kiss his shoulder and smile.
Later, Seb runs in with his dinosaur printed pyjamas still on and his hair a mess. Liv’s bought him in and he can’t help but stare at the baby like it’s magical.
“Is that our one?” Seb sucks his thumb, then takes it out to speak before looking up at his dads.
Robert’s still holding her, he leans over and nods at his son. “Yep. Look.” Seb does, cautious and almost afraid. “She’s your little sister. So that means …”
“You’re her big brother.” Aaron sits on the chair and then feels Liv squeeze his arms.
Seb still looks all unsure and they’ve been through this so many times. Robert’s worried until Seb frowns. “But she hasn’t got a name. I can’t just call her little sister.”
Aaron snorts. “You’re right buddy.” He picks up, holds him on his hap and taps his nose. “Daddy, should we let them know.”
“Duh.” Liv unfolds her arms and peaks over to smile at the baby.
“Annie.” Aaron says, eyes all soft as he stares at Robert and then down at her. “Annie Grace Sugden-Dingle.”
“Not a mouthful then.”
“Shut your face.”
Seb practically hauls himself down to try and get her from Robert’s arms. “Hello Annie!” He shouts, like if he does she’ll hear him.
Aaron runs a hand through his hair, kisses him as he pulls him away. “She’s too tiny to say anything back.” Seb pulls a face. “But you can still talk to her. All the time.”
“Is she coming home?”
Robert frowns. “Of course mate.” He thinks of the state of the nursery. They’d put up Christmas lights on a temporary basis and they’ll have to do now. It’s probably fitting or something.
“So she’ll get presents from Santa?” Seb’s gasp makes Robert stop staring down at Annie. “But Santa … does he have her on his list yet?”
The genuine concern makes Aaron’s heart melt and he starts smothering Seb with kisses until he giggles.
“Da — daddy. Tell me. It’s important.” Seb wrangles out of Aaron’s grip and then looks at Liv like he needs help.
“Of course Santa knows. He knows everything.” Liv throws a wink at her brother.
“Is he at our house now?” Seb asks, eyes wide and heavy and Aaron realises he has to bring up that track Santa app he’s got on his phone for just this moment. He’s in Croatia apparently. It settles Seb for now.
Eventually they get back, it’s officially Christmas Day by the time Seb is asleep on Liv’s shoulder and their tiny little girl is asleep in her car seat. Chas has dropped over this heap of my first Christmas stuff she’d bought them just in case and they’re so grateful Robert nearly cries.
Then Chas really did cry when they told her Annie’s full name. It was a lot. Now, they’re alone again because Liv’s crashed out on Seb’s bedroom floor talking to him about where Santa could be.
They just watch her for ages. They stare down and watch her breath, make those breathy little noises that make them both petrified and happy at the exact same time.
“Best Christmas ever I think.” Robert holds at Aaron’s hand and sees how scared his husband looks at the sight of all of what’s to come. “We’re going to have the most bonkers Christmas you know. Your lot. My lot. Our lot.” Aaron looks at him. “But it’ll be …”
“Perfect.” Aaron’s still watching Annie. The lights from the Christmas tree twinkling and light up her face into colours of red and green. He tilts his head up and kisses Robert, lazy, soft, gentle. “We did it.” He says, tears in his eyes that fall when Robert kisses him again.
“We did it.” Robert’s voice is thick with this emotion he doesn’t ever want to let go of. “And that’s Christmas is going to be perfect.” He holds Aaron by the waist until they’re both falling asleep on their first and Annie demands some attention again with a wail.
“Merry Christmas.” Robert says, shaking a bottle for Annie by the sink at half three and Aaron taking a turkey out to defrost. He expects Aaron to tell him to piss off, roll his eyes but instead he holds Annie over his shoulder, draped in her yellow blanket, and he nods. He proper nods, then shows teeth as he smiles.
“Merry Christmas.”
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The one with the waggly tail
For @sugdenlovesdingle sorry there’s not much Seb, I couldn’t really make it work.
There are few people more stubborn that Robert Sugden. One of them is his husband, the other is Liv. So it was always going to be a battle of wills when it came to the family getting a dog.
‘When Liv aces her exams’
‘When Seb is older’
The pouty faces, the leaflets for the rescue centre that mysteriously kept finding their way into his laptop case, or the magazines he bought to read on a quiet Sunday, all of it just made him more resolute. It wasn’t that he didn’t want a dog, it was more that it was kind of fun to watch them get ever more creative in their ways to persuade him.
He held out until just before Christmas. He’d heard all the adverts ‘a dog is for life not just for Christmas’ but that would never be a problem in their house. Aaron would probably stop celebrating Christmas if it meant they had a dog.
So he did his research, the best breeds of dog for children, how to train them, all the things they’d need, pet insurance, the works. He was nothing if not prepared, and then he took himself off to the nearest centre and asked a whole load more questions.
He’d gone through all the checks, arranged the visit when Aaron was off on a scrap run and Liv was safely at college. Then he went back to the centre to find the right dog for them all.
None of them were right though, all the cute little faces staring up at him, almost pleading. This is why he came alone. If he’d brought Aaron or Liv they’d never leave and they’d end up adopting all of them.
He finds him in the last enclosure, right at the end of the corridor. Unlike the others he’s not pushing against the door, he’s curled up in the corner, sad eyes fixed on Robert. The card on the door says he’s a collie/retriever cross and he’s black with a flash of white on his chest. He’s really quite beautiful.
“Can I?” There’s something about him and as soon as Robert is inside and crouching beside him the dog comes to life, tail wagging like mad, pressing his nose against Robert’s hand until he gets the cuddle he wants. “What happened to him?”
“He was ill treated by his last owner. He was the runt of his litter and when his Mum’s owner found out what was happening she got him back. She’s not able to look after him herself though. He’s been here a long time.”
“Why? He’s friendly enough.” 
“That’s the first time I’ve seen him act like that. Usually he shies away from everyone, keeps himself to himself. He’s been hurt before. He must like you though.”
“He’s ok around small children?” She nods and he’s relieved because there’s no way he’s leaving him behind. “He’s the one.”
“Come on back to the office and we’ll get you sorted.”
It takes a minute to get the dog to let him go, draped over him as he is. “You have to let me go, you hear? I can’t take you home if you don’t.”
The paperwork doesn’t take long and thanks to him being prepared enough to have all the stuff they’ll need he can take him home straight away. An hour later he’s struggling to hold on as the dog rushes towards the car, almost as if he knows he’s leaving and never coming back.
Before he sets off he texts Aaron and Liv, asking Aaron to drop Seb at Vic’s for a while and meet him at home. He looks into the back of the car, the dog sitting there staring out of the window, happy as anything.
“You have no idea how happy you’re going to make them, do you?” It’s not been more than a couple of hours and he’s already someone who talks to dogs and he laughs to himself.
He pulls into the drive and he sees Aaron’s home. He hopes he can get inside before Aaron comes out so he can put his plan into action. He cracks the window open to let the air in. He won’t be more than a minute otherwise he wouldn’t leave him here.
“Be good. I won’t be a minute.”
Aaron’s there the second he gets inside the door. “What’s going on? Why is Seb at Vic’s? Are you alright?”
“Hi.” Aaron just looks frustrated and he wants to laugh. “I’m fine. You’ll see why he’s at Vic’s in a minute. It’s nothing bad. Where’s Liv?”
“Upstairs. Robert what is going on?”
“You’ll see. Do me a favour, get Liv, give me a couple of minutes and then come outside.” He sees Aaron go to protest. “Just humour me.”
Aaron nods reluctantly and Robert leaves, hearing him call Liv. He rushes to the car, opening the back door, the dog’s tail immediately wagging again.
“Right then, this is your new home.” He lets him out of the car, just getting the door shut before he hears their front door open, and Liv’s little shriek of pleasure follows. When he turns round, Aaron’s just staring at him and he can’t tell whether he’s happy or not.
“Do you like him?” He asks Liv as she approaches.
“He’s ours?” She’s already cuddling the dog, who appears to love her as much as Robert.
“If you still want one?” He keeps one eye on Aaron who still hasn’t moved.
“What’s his name?”
“He doesn’t really have one. He’s still a pup so we can think of one and he’ll learn it soon enough. Can you hold him?” He hands over the lead making sure she’s ok before he goes over to Aaron. “Did I...is this alright?”
“You got us a dog?”
“I...that’s ok isn’t it?” He almost stumbles as Aaron kisses him before pulling away laughing.
“I can’t believe you bought us a dog! I thought we’d never wear you down.”
“Yeah well, like you said, Seb will love it. I’ll fetch him when he’s all settled in. Come on.”
It’s later when they’re in bed that he tells Aaron why he picked him. He’d almost had to drag both him and Liv to bed because they wouldn’t leave the still unnamed dog downstairs.
He’d fetched Seb not long after getting home, keeping a close hold on him as they introduced him to the dog. A lick on the hand and a friendly tap on the head from Seb later and he was sure the two of them were going to grow up and cause endless trouble together.
“He’ll be alright down there you know.”
“Why him? What made you pick him?” Aaron finally relaxes properly, snug against his side like they always did.
“Hmm? Just liked the look of him.”
“I know when you’re lying, remember?” He leans up to look at him. “Tell me.”
“He reminded me a bit of you. You’ll think it’s soft.”
“I know you’re a big softy anyway.”
“The woman at the centre said he’d never gone near anyone else, was too hurt to trust people. But...he trusted me. Like you...People hurt you, I hurt you, but you still trusted me enough to let me in. Besides, he’s pretty cute.”
“Are you saying I’m not?”
“Shut up.”
Aaron doesn’t say much else, just lays back down, arm slung over Robert’s waist. He’s just dropping off to sleep when he hears him.
“Thank you.”
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babygirlgalitzine · 6 years
Can Robert call Aaron his baby just once? Please and thank you! Can you include it in one of your prompts. Just make me cry basically😂😂😂😂😂😂
you asked for once, i gave you three (+ one). mention of a panic attack, so if that’s a problem, please take care when reading
Pet Names
It had started during the affair, when Aaron rested his headon Robert’s chest, Robert trailing his fingers through Aaron’s curls. Sometimeshis fingers would get tangled between a knot, and he’d spend time being carefulto not pull at Aaron’s hair, knowing how sensitive he was to that.
They’d gone to a hotel, mainly to spend quality timetogether, but also to escape from the chaos and close-knit nature of Emmerdalevillage. Aaron had suggested it, and Robert was absolutely more than happy tooblige, faking an early morning meeting on the other side of Lancashire just sothat he would have to have a night away from Chrissie and his life at HomeFarm. She believed him, and not even an hour later, he and Aaron were inRobert’s white Audi for their first night away from prying eyes.
It was barely even ten at night, and both of them were asnaked as the other, clothes spread out in messy lumps all over the floor, whitebedsheets only just draped over their waists. Aaron hummed at Robert’s relaxingtouch, both of them in a serene moment, nobody else around. The only othersounds came from the TV in front of them, the faint murmur of an American comedyshow playing in the background, the visuals creating an artificial changinglight over their bodies, painting their skin different colours.
Aaron moved closer into Robert’s chest, his cold nosepractically nuzzling against Robert’s warm skin, breath causing the fine hairson Robert’s skin to stand up on end.
“You like that baby?” Robert asked softly, his voice barelyabove a whisper, not wanting to break the gentle moment. He’d never seen Aaronthis at ease.
The pads of Robert’s fingers ran over Aaron’s scalp, and hechuckled slightly after seeing Aaron’s eyes shut sub-consciously, answering thequestion for him.
“Since when do you call me that?” Aaron asked, his voiceequally as soft, not bothering to lift his face up from its place on Robert’schest, despite the fact that it was probably becoming increasinglyuncomfortable.
Robert’s hand stilled, even if just for a moment, but Aaronnoticed it. Could practically feel Robert’s blood run cold and his heart stoptemporarily.
Robert just jolted into a shrugging motion, and before long,his fingers ran through Aaron’s hair once more. “Just slipped out, I guess.”
Aaron just smiled nonchalantly, quickly moving his head tokiss Robert’s chest before moving back to his original position, but this timewith both Robert’s chest, and Aaron’s cheeks, burning red.
 The next time Robert’s name forAaron slipped out, the circumstances had been completely different. This time,they’d been properly dating for months, and everything was great. Robert’sdivorce settlement has just gone through and they were happy.
Except, on this particular day,they’d decided to spend their day off from work with each other, watching thenew show that everyone and their mother had been obsessing over. It had becomea thing for them really, waiting for the other to have some time away from workbefore starting a new show, and if one watched a single episode without theother, there would be serious consequences.
(Robert learned that the hardway.)
Both of them had managed to avoidall spoilers about this show, which shocked them really, considering they spenttheir time around people who had made their way through it in one sitting, andspent the best part of the week talking theories about each characters and thealready eagerly anticipated season two.
They’d sat in front of the TV,food in their laps, cups of tea balanced precautiously on the arms of the coach,and watched the first episode of the show. It quickly became apparent whyeveryone was obsessed with it, but Aaron started to get agitated to the side ofRobert. Normally he would be fine at the sight of blood, but in one particularscene it got too much for Aaron, and Robert could sense that his breathing hadstarted to get jagged and he was almost spaced out, eyes not focusing onanything.
He was having a panic attack.
Robert quickly managed to turn theTV off, so the screen went black, and got into Aaron’s eyeline, careful not totouch him. “Aaron?” He spoke, trying to keep his voice as normal as possible soas to not worry Aaron.
“Aaron, can you hear me?” Heasked. “Can I touch your hand?” And with the slightest blink and nod fromAaron, Robert picked up his left hand and pressed it to his chest, so Aaroncould feel his heartbeat, whilst rubbing circles over his hand.
(He prayed that it wasn’t beatingtoo fast.)
“Breathe with me, in and out,slowly.” Robert showed Aaron the motions, and once Aaron started to copy himand breath more normally, albeit shakily, Robert lifted his other hand up toAaron’s face, rubbing the tears that had silently fallen, eyes widening alittle when Aaron jumped at the touch, before recognising it and letting hisheavy head fall into it. “That’s it baby, well done.”
It was almost like a switch inAaron’s brain, hearing that nickname for the second time. It was like he wasback in that hotel, wrapped up in Robert’s arms, not caring about anythingelse.
He managed to speak through hisshaky breaths, his heartbeats slowing down to almost normal now, head thumpingthough. “Love you.”
“Yeah” Robert breathed out,smiling almost shyly. “I love you too.”
It was their wedding night. Thesun had set, the sky turning a deep shade of people, cascading over them andtheir wedding guests in their garden. Thankfully, the weather had made a starkchange from the bitterly cold winter and they’d managed to pick one of thehottest days of the year for their ceremony. They’d put up a marquee for thenight, just in case it started to get a bit breezy, and people had been goingin and out of it all night, getting food and drink, before sitting down on thegrass or dancing to the music that Liv had been put in charge of.
“So, Mr Sugden.” Robert said,running his hand up and down Aaron’s side, pulling him closer into Robert’sbody. “We did it.”
“Finally.” Aaron joked. “MrDingle.”
Aaron wrapped his arm around hisnew husband, both of them in their white shirts and grey waistcoats, tiesslackening around their necks. He put his head into Robert’s neck, looking attheir guests as the sky darkened over them, the night getting later and later.Guests with younger children who had started to tire out had started to leave,and Liv had decided to put the slower songs on, in an attempt to get them todance because she missed it the first time around.
“Are you actually going to dance?”Someone shouted over to them, perhaps a little bit too tipsy on the freealcohol that Aaron insisted they had.
Robert breathed out a laugh,before putting his champagne flute down and holding his hand out for Aaron tohold it.
“I’m not dancing.” Aaron defied,raising his eyebrows as if to look at Robert like he was mad.
“For me?” Robert asked, notletting his hand fall before Aaron took a hold of it. “Come on babe.”
Aaron chuckled slightly, rollinghis eyes in endearment, before linking his fingers with Robert’s and pressingtheir bodies together. “Reckon that alcohol’s gone right to your head, babe.”
“Sounds weird with you saying it.”Robert stated, pulling his head back, looking at Aaron, whose surprisingly fluffyhair was now sticking to his forehead under the summer heat, and Robert hadnever seen him look so good.
“Shut up.” Aaron threatened softly,letting his fingers run through the hair at the nape of Robert’s neck, gentlyteasing Robert’s face towards his, meeting in the middle and kissing.
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