#new fullstack developer jobs
izicodes · 1 year
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Saturday 25th March 2023
Today is me and my dad’s joint birthday party! 🍰🎉 I know I haven’t posted for a couple days because I’ve been so busy with work and personal projects that I kind of forgotten to give a mini update!
Finally gotten my certificate from my night coding class! Been a whole month since I finished it! It’s nicely put up on my LinkedIn profile (remind me to build a portfolio website to showcase my certificates more beautifully)!!
Work reviewed my salary and job title since I am no longer an apprentice. My new pay is what I guessed it would be and my new job title is “Junior Web Developer” since I will be working under Mike who’s official title is “Lead Web Developer” (didn’t know that till a couple days ago)! Got paid this morning and saw a great increase in pay, super happy! Can now save a lot to move to Canada 🇨🇦
As a present to myself for completing the apprenticeship AND the bootcamp, I bought myself a new laptop! I used ChatGPT to help me understand the specs of the laptop to help me buy the right one. I bought the ‘Lenovo IdeaPad 5 16in’! I can play The Sims 4 with my beautiful mods and code my projects on Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code 😎👍🏾
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Still working on my attempt at a fullstack web development project “Her Story” - I am still continuing the list of potential authors. To make things easier for me, I decided to initially choose the top 50 women authors of each nationality. I have completed British, American, Canadian, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese and German! So around 400 women authors completed!
Trying to continue learning Lua since I find it fun. Making mini projects to test new concepts I learn!
Still continuing my C# Console Applications Collection - I completed the temperature converter app and now working on the Interest Calculator. Had to go on GCSE kid websites to learn the formula of simple interest to create the calculator, I felt young again for a moment.
And that’s it I think! I seen someone on Tumblr create a mini tutorial on making a Python Discord bot I think, said I wanted to tried it because I’m an experimenter at heart so I wanted to give it a go! Also want to go back to my “Make a CSS framework” project and review how I can start that on the future!! So many things I want to do ugh!
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codewithishraq · 2 years
Null Stack to Full Stack
Full stack technology refers to the entire depth of a computer system application, and full stack developers straddle two separate web development domains: the front end and the back end.
The front end includes everything that a client, or site viewer, can see and interact with. By contrast, the back end refers to all the servers, databases, and other internal architecture that drives the application; usually, the end-user never interacts with this realm directly. 
The easiest way to put the full stack into perspective is to imagine a restaurant. The front end encompasses the well-decorated, comfortable seating areas where visitors enjoy their food. The kitchen and pantry make up the “back end” and are typically hidden away from the customer’s view. Chefs (developers) gather permanently stored materials from the pantry (the database) and perform operations on it in the kitchen (the server), and then serve up fully-prepared meals (information) to the user. 
You can master all the techniques involved in a development project
You can make a prototype very rapidly
You can provide help to all the team members
You can reduce the cost of the project
You can reduce the time used for team communication
You can switch between front and back end development based on requirements
You can better understand all aspects of new and upcoming technologies
In this case, you might find various things in the internet. They all might vary. But I am keeping things simple. Among the things I am going to share, you need to focus on one stack instead of all of them. So, here are some of the skills needed to be a fullstack developer.
Front-end programming technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, ReactJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS, Tailwind etc.
Back-end programming technologies:Python, NodeJS, Django, Express etc.
Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, etc. 
Version Control System: git, GitHub, GitLab, etc
Now, it iis important to understand that, the basics are same for all stacks but then the technologies vary. For example the frontend can be built with either React, Angular or Vue or any other framework/library. On the other hand, the backend can be built with either of Node.js, Django (Python) or Spring Boot (Java) or any other framework. I will go to that in the coming lines.
About this, there might be multiple other roadmaps that you can follow on your path to become a fullstack developer. I came up with the idea that this path, that I am about to share, can be a planned start to your journey with all the content structured at the right time. So, let's see the plan for the first six months.
🔵 Month 1: HTML, CSS, Javascript
The basic skills required to create a website in HTML and CSS. Javascript adds functionalities to a website and makes the project responsive. HTML is for structure and CSS for Styling. DOM Manipulation and Responsive Web Design are important to practice. Learn about these from W3Schools.
🔵 Month 2: Web Design and Frameworks, Git, HTTPs
Work on Open Source Projects. Once you have good practice with HTML and CSS you can use frameworks like Bootstrap or Material CSS which makes it easy to create websites. Alongside that, it is very important to learn about version control systems (preferrably git) so that you can save and manage your code at GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket or any other similar tool. Also, it is important to learn about HTTPS and REQUEST METHODS (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and OPTIONS).
🔵 Month 3: Javascript Programming Language
The most important skill and most asked in Interviews and Job portals for Web Development are Javascript. You can expect a lot of interview questions from Javascript, So it's important to learn how javascript works, data structures, and asynchronous javascript.
🔵 Month 4 & 5: Frontend and Backend
Once you are thorough with the above concepts then you can take your skills to the next level by learning Javascript frameworks/libraries like React and Node JS. Point to be noted, I am a big fan of MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node) stack, so I am always talking about React and Node. But there are other options as well.
Other options:
Frontend: Angular, Vue or any other frontend technology
Backend: Django, Flask, Spring Boot, ASP.Net or any other backend technology
Please do some research in google about the 'FULLSTACK TECH STACKS' and choose the one that you are the most comfortable with. Just a reminder, if you want to be a Java Fullstack Developer, then you need to have Java knowledge before stepping on to learning Fullstack development. Same case goes for Python, C# or any other technologies.
Most importantly, when you start learning a new technology, please start by learning from the official documentation of each individual technology. Then maybe go for other resources from the internet.
🔵 Month 6: Database and Projects
In the final month, create a portfolio and create projects using frontend and backend technologies you’ve learnt. Also, an important skill to have is knowledge of Database Management Systems like PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB. Also, you need to understand how to connect the Database to Server using the backend Framework.
In the internet today, you can find various courses and tutorials on Fullstack development. But I know for sure that Freecodecamp website as well as YouTube channel covers all stack, so you can easily learn from them. On the other hand, there is The Odin Project. You can learn about JavaScript Fullstack Developer or Ruby on Rails Fullstack Developer. Here are the links to them.
Freecodecamp Website
Freecodecamp YouTube Channel
The Odin Project
Of course, as I said, you can look for courses in other websites as well. Here are some of the best platforms to look for courses.
Here are some projects that you can try when you are learning or after you have gone through all the things needed.
E-commerce website
Food delivery app
Social media app
Chat messaging app
Content management system
Project management app
Gym Tracking System
Real-time Chat App
Bug Report App
Hotel Booking App
Staff Management System
Online Store
Remember that a fullstack developer job is a vast space and thus there are many things that you need to keep focus on to ace the interviews. Here are some points where you need to take special care of for the interviews.
Javascript Programming Language and Data Structures
CSS Concepts like Flexbox, Grid, Inheritance, Specificity, etc.
React JS and new features e.g: Context API and Hooks
HTTPS, Requests, Response, Servers.
Of course there are more things to focus as well, so research about the most important topics from the internet and then take special care in preparing for those questions.
Here are a few links to resources which will help you preparing for the interviews.
Coding Interview University
Interview Cake
Interview Bit
Tech Interview Handbook
Fullstack Cafe
Word of advice for newbies
Please don’t wait for people to spoon-feed you with every single resource and teachings because you’re on your own in your learning path. So be wise and learn yourself.
About Me
I am Ishraq Haider Chowdhury from Bangladesh, currently living in Bamberg, Germany. I am a fullstack developer mainly focusing on MERN Stack applications with JavaScript and TypeScript. I have been in this industry for about 9 years and still counting. If you want to find me, here are some of my social links....
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r2-d2-soon · 8 months
I've had a bad cold for a week. I took three days off last week and two days this week. I went back on my work laptop because none of the new support tickets were being answered and no one was dealing with my existing tickets. There is no backup in place if I'm sick. Tickets just do not get answered.
It really pisses me off how much my company says it's trying to scale but hasn't hired a new support person in three years, yet they continue to take on clients. We haven't been under 70 open tickets in 2023. I work with two fullstack developers and I rely on them to troubleshoot issues with our WordPress plug-in, but there are so many customized versions of the plug-in that they do not know how to fix the idiosyncratic issues clients have with the plug in. So they try but we fired the main developer of the plug in, so no one knows how it works.
Plus I have to train clients on using WordPress and our plug-in, and QA new websites (which was my job three years ago (developing new websites), which puts me further behind on solving tickets.
It's so frustrating and I do not have the headspace and clarity of mind to deal with it right now. I keep coughing up mucus and my nose is constantly running. I'm just so tired of it all. When I feel better I am going to work on my resume and then take classes on fullstack development so I can find employment elsewhere. No one wants to hire a full-time WordPress site manager.
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businessa · 4 days
Get Full Stack Developer Training in Pune to Advance Your Career
Developing your skills as a full stack developer is a great strategy to improve your career prospects in the competitive job market of today. Top-notch full stack developer courses in pune and training programmes are offered in Pune to assist you gain the knowledge and abilities required to be successful in this fast-paced industry. Pune has a range of programmes that are suited to your goals, whether you are an aspiring developer or seeking to improve your skills fullstack training in pune.
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Comprehensive Full Stack Developer Courses in Pune
Pune is home to some of the best full stack developer courses in pune, offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. These programs are designed to cover a wide spectrum of technologies, ensuring that you gain expertise in both front-end and back-end development. A typical full stack web development course in Pune will include modules on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, various frameworks, databases, and server-side programming.
Specialized Full Stack Java Developer Courses
For those particularly interested in Java, Pune offers specialized full stack Java developer courses in pune. These courses provide an in-depth understanding of Java and its application in creating robust web applications. From basics to advanced concepts, these classes equip you with the skills needed to build comprehensive web solutions using Java.
Full Stack Developer Classes with Placement Support
One of the significant advantages of pursuing a full stack developer course in Pune is the placement support offered by many training institutes. Courses that come with placement assistance ensure that you not only learn but also get opportunities to apply your skills in real-world scenarios. These programs often have partnerships with leading companies in the industry, providing you with a direct pathway to employment.
Best Full Stack Developer Courses in Pune
When it comes to choosing the best full stack developer course in Pune, it’s essential to consider factors like curriculum, faculty, and placement records. Institutes like SyntaxLevelUp stand out for their comprehensive training programs and excellent placement support. Their courses are meticulously designed to keep up with the latest industry trends, ensuring that you stay ahead of the curve.
Full Stack Training Programs for All Levels
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, Pune’s full stack training programs cater to all levels. For beginners, these courses start with the basics and gradually move to more complex topics, ensuring a solid foundation. For experienced developers, advanced classes offer insights into new technologies and advanced techniques.
Flexible Full Stack Classes in Pune
Flexibility is another key feature of full stack classes in Pune. Many institutes offer both online and offline modes of learning, allowing you to choose a format that best suits your schedule. Weekend batches, evening classes, and intensive boot camps are available to accommodate working professionals and students alike.
Investing in a full stack developer course in Pune is a strategic move for anyone looking to enhance their coding skills and improve their career prospects. With a plethora of options available, including full stack web development courses in pune, full stack Java developer programs, and comprehensive training classes with placement support, Pune is an ideal location to embark on your journey to becoming a full stack developer. Choose the best course that aligns with your career goals and start your path to success today with SyntaxLevelUp.
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MERN Fullstack Web Developer Course
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Welcome to the MERN Fullstack Web Developer Course!
Are you ready to dive into the world of web development? Our comprehensive MERN Fullstack Web Developer course is designed to take you from a beginner to a proficient fullstack developer. Whether you are looking to start a new career, enhance your skills, or build your own projects, this course has everything you need.
What is MERN?
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. These are four powerful technologies that work together to create dynamic and robust web applications.
MongoDB: A NoSQL database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents.
Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js, designed for building web applications and APIs.
React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications.
Node.js: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, allowing you to run JavaScript on the server side.
Course Overview
Our course is structured to provide a balanced mix of theory and practical experience. Here’s what you can expect:
Module 1: Introduction to Web Development
Understanding the basics of web development
Overview of front-end and back-end technologies
Setting up your development environment
Module 2: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Building the structure of web pages with HTML
Styling web pages with CSS
Adding interactivity with JavaScript
Module 3: Introduction to React
Understanding the basics of React
Creating components and managing state
Building a simple React application
Module 4: Advanced React
Working with React hooks
Managing global state with Redux
Routing with React Router
Module 5: Introduction to Node.js and Express.js
Setting up a Node.js server
Building RESTful APIs with Express.js
Connecting to MongoDB
Module 6: Fullstack Development
Integrating the front-end with the back-end
Building a fullstack application
Deploying your application
Module 7: Project Work
Working on real-world projects
Building a portfolio to showcase your skills
Preparing for job interviews
Why Choose Our Course?
Hands-On Learning: Gain practical experience by working on real-world projects.
Expert Instructors: Learn from industry professionals with years of experience.
Community Support: Join a community of learners and get support from peers and mentors.
Flexible Learning: Learn at your own pace with our flexible online modules.
Who Should Enroll?
This course is perfect for:
Beginners who want to start a career in web development
Developers looking to expand their skill set
Entrepreneurs wanting to build their own web applications
Enroll Now!
Ready to start your journey as a MERN Fullstack Web Developer? Enroll now and take the first step towards a rewarding career in web development.
Feel free to customize this content to better fit your specific course details and branding.
For more information visit:
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takeoffupskill253 · 17 days
Best Professional Training Center | Takeoffupskill
What are Online Courses?
Online courses are educational training programs conducted through online/offline. You can learn your preferred course on Real-Time Project handling at the Best Professional Training Center. Students and working professionals make the most of online and classroom courses. These certifications help demonstrate your skills and give you the authority to explore new industry trends and ensure yourself a well-paid job in the constantly changing market. A few of the trending options for these courses include educational videos, worksheets, and audio files. Usually, these courses include discussion forums. Therefore, they are extremely engaging. Learners can pursue their dream professions and attend lectures using the most popular courses for 2024.
Top 5 Trending Online Courses
MS Office
Takeoff upskill MS Office Course offers students in-depth instruction in the most used features and functions in all the components of Microsoft Office software, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Learners shall become knowledgeable in preparing professional documents, maintaining spreadsheets, controlling and designing presentations, and handling mail and data productively. The course also includes chapters on the following: Format, Formula, Chart, Mail Merge, Slide, Design, Collaboration, Features, Database, and much more.
C Programming
Takeoff Upskill C Programming course is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge regarding the core ideas and principles of writing high-performance solutions with the use of C as a programming language. As for the technological and tactical aspects, participants will gain practical knowledge on how to work with the C programming language, how to use variables, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, and memory management.
C++ Programming
Takeoff Upskill C++ Programming course is a complete guide and a detailed introduction to one of the most feature-rich and influential programming languages on the planet. Learners will tour the core constructs of C++ including data types, variables, control statements, functions, and arrays. After that, the course passes to the core part of any object-oriented programming course – classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation all these terms will be introduced to the students and necessary for the design and implementation of any software system in a clear and efficient way.
Fullstack Java
The Fullstack Java course by Takeoff upskill is well structured and prepared to teach participants all the necessary skills and knowledge to allow them to work on both the front-end and back-end of web applications as Java developers. Fundamentals of Java programming training form the first part of this Java course in which students are taken through Java variables, data types, control structures, introduction to object-oriented programming as well as exception handling.
Fullstack Python
The Python Fullstack Course is an intensive program in the field of full-stack web development, the main task of which is to learn the skills of writing server/client web applications on the basis of Python technologies in a professional environment. The first section of the course is dedicated to Python programming focuses on familiarizing the audience with the language’s syntax and key concepts like data types, control structures, functions, classes, and exceptions.
These courses provide an in-depth insight into practical productivity tools and programming languages from beginner to advanced level and every enthusiast in between. At the Best Professional Training Center, we focus on MS Office to promote greater office productivity, move on to C and C++ programming and system development, and transition to Full Stack Java and Python development. Attendees acquire a wealth of practical skills that are simply essential today. These courses incorporate practical information and offer students the basic skills necessary for them to participate effectively in the various emerging fields of technology.
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careerbossinstitute · 1 month
How Online Web Development Courses Are Revolutionizing Learning?
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Online web development class is a revolutionary method of education in the digital world. They enable people to gain valuable skills and follow fulfilling professions in technology!
Best Online Web Development Courses at Career Boss Institute, provide! a dynamic and immersed education experiences beyond traditional classroom, The online teaching doesn’t bring accessibilities; hands-on learnings, professional instructions, community involvements, and career progression opportunities.
Online web development courses offer the tools, resources and support you need to succeed in today's digital environment. regardless of your learning style—lifelong student seeking new vistas or career seeker seeking professional advancements. Read on to learn more about how online web development courses revolutionise learning.
Anytime, Anywhere Accessible: 
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They provide accessibility that was never previously possible, and online web development courses dismantle the obstacles of traditional education. Online courses put learning at your fingertips, whether you're a student living in a far-off place far from educational institutions or a working professional balancing obligations to your family. 
All you need is a computer and an internet connection to access excellent instructional materials at any time and schedule. There are some of the best Fullstack Development institutes in Bhojpur that you can talk to.
Practical, Hands-On Education:
Give up boring lectures and copious textbooks. Prioritizing practical, hands-on learning that equips students for real-world problems are online web development courses. Students learn valuable skills and information they can use immediately for their projects or work through interactive lessons, coding challenges, and project-based homework. 
When students are learning computer languages, making websites, or just getting started with web apps, they roll up their sleeves and get right to work. 
Professional Industry Instruction 
Online web development courses offer the most significant benefit of having access to knowledgeable industry specialists for education. Students get direct instruction from seasoned developers, designers, and technicians working in the field rather than from out-of-date textbooks or unskilled instructors. 
These teachers offer their insider knowledge, practical experience, and cutting-edge methods to the classroom, offering priceless advice and insights not available in conventional educational environments. The best Fullstack Development institutes in Bhojpur provide you with these opportunities.
Job Opportunities and Professional Development:
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Web development abilities are highly sought after in the modern digital economy, as companies look for bright individuals who can create, build, and manage websites and web applications.
Best online web development courses offer one direct route to professional growth and employment prospects in this expanding sector. These courses provide specialized instruction, industry-recognized certifications, and portfolio-building projects that can help you stand out in a competitive employment market, regardless of your level of experience—from novices trying to break into the profession to experienced developers wishing to improve their skill set. You can talk to the best Fullstack Development institutes in Bhojpur.
Online web development courses are changing education by offering readily available, practical learning possibilities, professional instruction, community involvement, and career growth routes. 
These courses provide students with the flexibility, ease, and acquisition of valuable skills they need to succeed in the digital world. Best online web development courses offer a transforming educational experience that opens doors to fascinating business options and personal development for web development specialists keeps rising.
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Up Skill Your Career in MERN-STACK Development on Cloud 👇 And Get 100% Job 📒Admission open For March 2024 Top-up Session.⏱ Top-up Batch Only 15 Seats Are Available Eligibility :- B.Sc IT / BCA/ BCCA / BE / MCA Pass or Final Year appear Candidates Can Apply All subjects in one Package 👇 Programming language ✓C language ✓ C++ ✓Node.JS ✓React JS ✓Express JS Live Projects ✓3 Live Projects ✓3 Live Training projects DATABASE ✓MongoDB USER INTERFACE ✓HTML5, ✓CSS,JavaScript , ✓Bootstrap, jQuery, ✓React . GRAPHICS DESIGNING ✓ Canva ✓ postermywall ✓ Render Forest ✓ photoshop (video) DIGITAL MARKETING ✓ON Page SEO ✓Off Page SEO ✓ SMM , SEM, CLOUD PLATFORM ✓AWS Solutions Architect ✓Redhat Linux ✓Ubuntu & Comp Networking CAREER ASSISTANCE ✓ Preparation For Job interview ✓Communication Skills ✓English Speaking ✓ Softskills Development Free PHP FullStack Live Videos Free JAVA Fullstack video Session Mode Offline , ✓Time Duration 180 Day's (6 month Months ) ✓ Full-day Session (8 to 9 hr.) Last Date Of Admission 📝*25 February 2024 To Know More Call PSK Technologies Pvt. Ltd. IT Company Nagpur 📞09975288300 📞09422123343 Add:- Lower Ground Floor Fortune Mall Sitabuldi Nagpur 12 New Maharashtra Bank Find us on Google 📲 Kindly Do Share
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kausarkhan161045 · 7 months
Up Skill Your Career in MERN-STACK Development on Cloud
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And Get 100% Job
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Only 50 Seats Are Available
Eligibility :- B.Sc IT / BCA/ BCCA / BE / MCA Pass or Final Year appear Candidates Can Apply
All subjects in one Package
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Programming language
✓C language
✓ C++
✓React JS
✓Express JS
Live Projects
✓3 Live Projects
✓3 Live Training projects
✓CSS,JavaScript , ✓Bootstrap, jQuery, ✓React .
✓ Canva
✓ postermywall
✓ Render Forest
✓ photoshop (video)
✓ON Page SEO
✓Off Page SEO
✓ SMM , SEM,
✓AWS Solutions Architect
✓Redhat Linux
✓Ubuntu & Comp Networking
✓ Preparation For Job interview
✓Communication Skills
✓English Speaking
✓ Softskills Development
Free PHP FullStack Live Videos
Free JAVA Fullstack video
Session Mode Offline
✓Time Duration 180 Day's (6 month Months )
✓ Full-day Session (8 to 9 hr.)
Last Date Of Admission
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To Know More Call
PSK Technologies Pvt. Ltd. IT Company Nagpur
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Add:- Lower Ground Floor Fortune Mall Sitabuldi Nagpur 12 New Maharashtra Bank
Find us on Google
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pythonfullstack · 7 months
AchieversIT Fullstack Training and Certification in Marathahalli
Elevate Your Career with AchieversIT's Fullstack Training and Certification in Marathahalli
In today's tech-driven world, fullstack developers are in high demand, and achieving expertise in this field can open doors to a world of opportunities. AchieversIT, a leading institute in Marathahalli, offers a comprehensive Fullstack Training and Certification program designed to provide individuals with the skills and recognition needed for a successful career in web development. In this article, we'll explore the details of AchieversIT's Fullstack Training and Certification in Marathahalli and how it can be a game-changer for your career.
Key Highlights of AchieversIT's Fullstack Training and Certification:
Holistic Curriculum: AchieversIT's program covers a wide range of topics, including Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django, and database management. This comprehensive approach ensures you gain a well-rounded understanding of web development.
Python Proficiency: The journey begins with a strong focus on Python, a versatile and widely used programming language. You'll develop a solid foundation in Python programming, a valuable skill for fullstack development.
Frontend Mastery: The program guides you through the intricacies of frontend development, where you'll learn to create structured web pages using HTML, style them effectively with CSS, and make them interactive with JavaScript.
Backend Excellence: Backend development receives significant attention, with a particular focus on Django, a high-level Python web framework known for its robustness and efficiency. You'll become adept at creating powerful web applications on the backend.
Database Management: The curriculum covers database concepts, SQL, and NoSQL databases, ensuring you have the skills needed to handle data storage and retrieval effectively.
Hands-On Projects: Practical learning is at the heart of AchieversIT's approach. You'll work on real-world projects, giving you the opportunity to apply your knowledge to tangible development tasks.
Experienced Instructors: AchieversIT's instructors are experienced industry experts. They provide valuable insights, guidance, and mentorship, helping you understand how to apply the concepts you learn in real-world scenarios.
Job Placement Support: AchieversIT understands the importance of job opportunities. The institute offers job placement assistance to help you secure positions in the tech industry upon completing your training.
Certification: Upon successfully completing the program, you'll receive a certification from AchieversIT. This certification validates your skills and enhances your professional credibility, making you more appealing to potential employers.
Benefits of Fullstack Training and Certification at AchieversIT:
Versatile Skills: AchieversIT's program equips you with expertise in both frontend and backend development, making you a well-rounded fullstack developer.
Job Opportunities: The institute's job placement support can help you find the right job and launch your career in web development.
In-demand Technologies: The program's focus on Python and Django aligns perfectly with the demands of the tech industry, opening doors to a wide range of positions.
Flexible Learning: AchieversIT offers both online and offline program options, making it convenient for a wide range of learners, from beginners to experienced professionals.
Community and Networking: You'll interact with fellow learners, instructors, and professionals in the field, creating valuable connections for your future career.
AchieversIT's Fullstack Training and Certification program in Marathahalli is your opportunity to elevate your career in web development. Whether you're starting a new career or looking to enhance your existing skills, this program offers the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in the dynamic field of fullstack development. It's a program designed to set you on the path to a successful and fulfilling career.
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AchieversIT Python Fullstack Certification in Hyderabad
AchieversIT Python Fullstack Certification: Your Gateway to Success in Hyderabad
In the dynamic world of technology, staying competitive and demonstrating your expertise is essential. AchieversIT in Hyderabad offers a Python Fullstack Certification program that can be your key to success in the field of web development.
Why Pursue AchieversIT's Python Fullstack Certification?
AchieversIT's Python Fullstack Certification in Hyderabad is designed to provide you with the recognition and validation of your skills in fullstack web development. Here's why you should consider this certification:
1. Comprehensive Coverage: The certification program covers a wide spectrum of fullstack development technologies, including Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, popular frameworks like Django and Flask, and database management. You'll gain proficiency in both frontend and backend development.
2. Industry-Recognized: AchieversIT is known for its quality training and industry-aligned programs. Our certification is recognized and respected by employers in the tech industry, enhancing your credibility.
3. Experienced Instructors: Learn from seasoned professionals who are experts in fullstack development. They will guide you through the certification process, offering insights and hands-on experience.
4. Real-world Projects: The program includes practical projects that allow you to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. These projects are valuable for building your portfolio and demonstrating your skills to potential employers.
5. Career Advancement: Earning the AchieversIT Python Fullstack Certification can open up new career opportunities. Fullstack developers are in high demand, and this certification can help you secure a rewarding job in the field.
Benefits of AchieversIT's Python Fullstack Certification:
Competitive Edge: Certification distinguishes you from other job applicants and showcases your commitment to professional development.
Job Opportunities: Many organizations prefer certified fullstack developers, making it easier to find job openings and secure positions with a higher earning potential.
Personal Growth: Certification is not only about career advancement but also personal growth. It demonstrates your dedication to continuous learning and improvement.
Networking: AchieversIT's certification connects you with a community of certified professionals, offering networking opportunities and access to valuable resources.
Skill Validation: Achieving the certification verifies your skills and knowledge in fullstack development, providing confidence to potential employers and clients.
Earning the AchieversIT Python Fullstack Certification in Hyderabad is a significant step toward a successful career in web development. This certification validates your skills and opens doors to exciting opportunities in the tech industry.
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Senior Fullstack engineer - Remote, Worldwide
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Company: Sourceter We are looking for a Senior Full-stack Developer for our client's core team. Our client is a SOC Platform that empowers security teams to automatically identify and respond to security incidents across their entire attack surface. Platform enables vendor-agnostic data ingestion and normalization at a predictable cost. Our built-in detection engineering, data correlation, and automatic investigation helps teams overcome volume, complexity, and false positives. Product mitigates real threats faster and more reliably than SIEMs, ultimately reducing customers' overall security risk. Enterprises like Booking.com, Snowflake, Mars and Cimpress leverage the client's SOC Platform to empower their security teams. Company is backed by leading VCs and strategic investors including Stripes, YL Ventures, DTCP, Cisco Investments, etc. Responsibilities: - Develop a complex expert system for managing, analyzing, and investigating security alerts using React & NodeJS. - Build advanced, unique user flows and UI components that can handle all possible types of Cyber security scenarios and attack stories. - Work with large scale, big data cloud warehouses and databases (such as Snowflake, Postgres, MongoDB and more) for optimized time sensitive queries. - Design and implement new E2E pipelines and components in a microservices environment. - Come up with beautiful and creative ways to visualize cybersecurity data Requirements: - Minimum 5 years of experience developing real-life large front-end systems - Proven experience with React - minimum 3 years - 5 years of experience in Node.js development - Backend experience using a modern server-side framework (Express, Django, Flask, etc.) - Experience and solid understanding of production environments in AWS, K8s - Experience with database architecture, designing and efficiently querying SQL & NoSQL databases Nice to have skills: - Experience with Angular, Vue.js - Experience with Kafka or a pipeline pub-sub architecture - Experience with Python We Offer: - Competitive market salary - Flexible working hours - Paid vacations - Being a part of team of professionals who knows how to build world-class products - Wide range of excellent opportunities for professional and personal growth. APPLY ON THE COMPANY WEBSITE To get free remote job alerts, please join our telegram channel “Global Job Alerts” or follow us on Twitter for latest job updates. Disclaimer:  - This job opening is available on the respective company website as of 8thJuly 2023. The job openings may get expired by the time you check the post. - Candidates are requested to study and verify all the job details before applying and contact the respective company representative in case they have any queries. - The owner of this site has provided all the available information regarding the location of the job i.e. work from anywhere, work from home, fully remote, remote, etc. However, if you would like to have any clarification regarding the location of the job or have any further queries or doubts; please contact the respective company representative. Viewers are advised to do full requisite enquiries regarding job location before applying for each job.   - Authentic companies never ask for payments for any job-related processes. Please carry out financial transactions (if any) at your own risk. - All the information and logos are taken from the respective company website. Read the full article
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manipalskills · 1 year
How Placement Training Institutes Can Boost Your Career?
In the fast-paced and competitive world, landing a job with a well-reputed organization is a dream that most professionals strive to achieve. However, with the ever-increasing competition in the job market, simply possessing the required qualifications and skills may not be sufficient. Hence, it becomes essential to enroll in placement training programs offered by reputed institutes like Manipal Global Skills Academy to give your career a much-needed boost.
Placement training programs prepare candidates for the job market by imparting the necessary skills and knowledge. These programs are beneficial for fresh graduates or individuals looking to switch careers. Here are some ways in which placement training institutes can boost your career:
Enhance Your Employability Placement training institutes like Manipal Global Skills Academy offer a wide range of courses that cover various aspects of employability, such as communication skills, soft skills, technical skills, and industry-specific knowledge. MGSA provides an impressive range of courses, including job-assured and certification programs. MSGA can assist you in achieving your career objectives, whether you wish to upskill for your current position or pursue a new career path.
We provide a range of programs, such as Fullstack Developer Program with Axis Bank, Fullstack Developer Program with HDFC Bank, Java Developer Program with Axis Bank, National Sales Academy’s Advanced Program with ICICI Securities, Java Fullstack Program with Sundaram Finance, Business Analyst program for healthcare insurance, National Sales Academy’s Advanced Program, Professional Certification in Data Analytics and Visualization, and Professional Certification in Financial & Digital Transformation, among others. These programs can help you develop a well-rounded skill set employers look for in candidates, making you more employable.
Gain Industry-Specific Knowledge Placement training programs offer industry-specific training tailored to meet the needs of the industry. This training can give you a competitive edge over other candidates who may not have this knowledge. Additionally, this training can help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry, making you a valuable asset to any organization.
Learn from Industry Experts Placement training institutes often have tie-ups with leading organizations in various industries. It allows them to bring industry experts to conduct training sessions and workshops. Learning from these experts can be immensely beneficial, as they can offer insights into the latest trends and best practices in the industry.
Develop Soft Skills Soft skills are essential for success in any profession. Placement training programs offer training in various soft skills, such as communication, leadership, teamwork, and time management. These skills are helpful in the workplace to make you a well-rounded individual.
Networking Opportunities Placement training programs offer networking opportunities that can be invaluable in the modern job market. These programs often have tie-ups with leading organizations in various industries to meet and interact with professionals in your field. Networking can help you stay updated on the latest industry trends and even lead to job opportunities.
Job Placement Assistance Placement training institutes like Manipal Global Skills Academy often offer job placement assistance to their students. It can include resume building, interview preparation, and job referrals. Job placement assistance can significantly increase your chances of landing your dream job.
Secure Your Career with the best placement training institute! Placement training institutes like Manipal Global Skills Academy can be instrumental in boosting your career. These institutes offer a range of courses that can enhance your employability, develop your industry-specific knowledge, and equip you with the necessary soft skills to succeed in any profession. Additionally, placement training institutes offer networking opportunities and job placement assistance, which can be invaluable.
Conclusion: Enrolling in a placement training program of Manipal Global Skills Academy can be a good investment in your career, as it can open up new opportunities and pave the way for success.
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careerbossinstitute · 2 months
Discover the Best Fullstack Development Training Institute near Bhojpur
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Are you dreaming of a career in web development? Do you want to transform your passion for technology into a fulfilling and well-paying job? If you are located in Bhojpur or the surrounding areas, you might be wondering where to find the best fullstack development training institute to equip you with the necessary skills. Look no further than Career Boss Institute!
This blog post is your gateway to the thrilling world of fullstack development! We will introduce you to Career Boss Institute, Bhojpur's top-notch institute to launch your career in this ever-evolving field.
What is Fullstack Development?
Becoming a full-stack developer is like becoming a web rockstar. It means you've aced both the front-end (the fancy website design users see) and the back-end (the brains behind the website that make everything work). We will train you to be this complete package, a full-fledged web developer ready to take on any project!
Front-end development focuses on the visual elements of a website or web application that users interact with directly. This includes crafting user interfaces (UI) using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular.
Back-end development You will learn languages like Python, Java, or PHP to handle databases, user interactions, and website functionality that deals with the server-side logic that powers a website or application. Here.
Why Choose Fullstack Development as a Career Path?
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Fullstack developers are in high demand across industries. Here's why a career in fullstack development might be the perfect fit for you:
High Earning Potential: Fullstack developers are highly sought-after, and their salaries reflect that. According to industry reports, fullstack developers in India can earn an average of ₹6 lakhs to ₹12 lakhs per annum, with experienced developers commanding even higher salaries.
Lucrative Job Market: The Indian tech sector is on fire, and the demand for skilled fullstack developers is only set to skyrocket. This translates into a treasure trove of job openings across all kinds of industries!
Diverse and Creative Work: In full-stack development at Career Boss Institute, you get to blend your tech skills with a dash of creativity!  You will be hands-on throughout the entire website or app-building process, from crafting user interfaces (the visual bits users interact with) to constructing the core features that make it tick.
Continuous Learning: The world of tech is like a bustling bazaar, always changing and keeping things lively. Just like a good chain with its unique blend of spices, fullstack development at Career Boss Institute keeps your career path exciting with new technologies and frameworks to master, ensuring it's never a dull day!
Why Choose Career Boss Institute for Your Fullstack Development Journey?
Career Boss Institute stands out as the leading institute for aspiring fullstack developers in Bhojpur. Here's what sets us apart:
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our Career Boss Institute curriculum is crafted to equip you with a well-rounded grasp of both front-end and back-end development. Master the languages and frameworks that are in high demand, through a winning combination of theoretical knowledge and practical, hands-on exercises.
Expert Instructors: Our faculty isn't just a bunch of talking heads. They are seasoned professionals with a fire in their bellies to share their industry know-how. They weave their real-world experience right into your classes, making sure you pick up practical skills that are in high demand in today's job market.
Project-Based Learning: Our courses are packed with practical projects that mirror real-world scenarios. This hands-on approach lets you hone your newfound skills and build a solid portfolio – a powerful tool to impress potential employers and land your dream job.
Career Support: We go beyond academics to equip you for success in the job market. We offer career counseling, resume writing workshops, and even connect you with potential employers through our industry network.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: We have got your learning covered. Our classrooms are decked out with the latest tech and software, making sure your learning journey is smooth, up-to-date and packed with value.
What to Expect at Career Boss Institute's Fullstack Development Courses in Bhojpur
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Our fullstack development courses in Bhojpur are designed to cater to students with varying levels of experience. Whether you are a complete beginner or have some prior coding knowledge, we have a course that's right for you.
Here's a look at what you can anticipate:
Beginner-friendly courses: We have got you covered. We offer foundational courses in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the bread and butter of web development. These courses will equip you with a solid understanding of the essential building blocks needed to build websites from the ground up.
In-depth core courses:  We have designed this curriculum to submerge you in the universe of cutting-edge front-end frameworks like React and Angular. Additionally, in the back-end side you will rule the languages like Python, Java, or PHP. Our expert mentors will utilize realistic exercises that get your knowledge straight to make these technologies as transparent as conceivable.
Database Management: Master the in-demand skills of database management with Career Boss Institute! Our course equips you to design, handle, and interact with popular database systems like MySQL and PostgreSQL with ease.
Version Control Systems: Gain expertise in using Git, an industry-standard version control system, to track code changes, collaborate with other developers, and ensure smooth project management.
Fullstack Development Projects:  Career Boss Institute equips you with real-world project experience that not only sharpens your skills but also builds a stellar portfolio to catch the eye of recruiters.
Launching a career in fullstack development can be an exciting and rewarding journey. You will gain the comprehensive training, practical skills, and industry connections needed to thrive in this dynamic field by choosing Career Boss Institute.
Burning with tech passion and dreaming of crafting the future of web apps? We will be your partner in navigating the admissions process and clearing any doubts you might have. Let's join forces and turn your dream career into a cracking reality!
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ineeddev · 1 year
Job Description This is a remote position. Coordinate requirements, schedules, and activities; and troubleshoot development and production problems across multiple environments and operating platforms Support and develop other developers providing advice, coaching, and educational opportunities Define web architectures and solutions from business requirements, produce estimates and timeline, and manage delivery against those plans Exhibit excellent communications skills and engage in technical discussions with peers becoming a trusted, technical advisor Work with others to ensure adherence to code standards and best practices Produce reusable, testable, and efficient code Design and implement low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications Implement secure by design standards including data protection Ensure application performance, quality, and responsiveness Collaborate with a team to define, design, and ship new features Identify and correct bottlenecks as well as fix bugs Requirements Excellent English communication skills Flexible to work from 3 pm to 11 pm University degree or equivalent educational experience (optimally a technical or engineering degree) 5+ years of software development experience Strong proficiency with JavaScript, Node.js, and PHP/Python. Experience optimizing and tuning code for performance and maintainability – includes utilizing asynchronous programming, offline storage, and multi- threading as well as working around system / language limitations to achieve desired performance benchmarks Working knowledge of front-end technologies, such as React, HTML5 and CSS3 Understanding of Agile methodologies A positive attitude always looking to empower the success of others Willingness to take ownership and find ways to unblock oneself We offer: Competitive Salary Salary equivalent to USD currency Flexible hours Work remotely #FullStack #Full #Stack #PHP #nodejs
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