#new kidd wallpapers
jess-exe · 5 years
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Goldie, Bud, and Kidd matching wallpaper and icon request for Sammy, Diana, and Kara on FB.
Requests temporarily closed until tomorrow as I clear all my requests. Thank you for the support and understanding!
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roberttchase · 4 years
A tiny 2k fic based on @farfarawaygirl‘s post talking about wanting Matt to hallucinate/dream a future with Sylvie in the upcoming episode. Enjoy my friends! 
“Do we really need to get up?” Sylvie’s voice is soft and sleepy, and it makes Matt’s stomach flip, makes him feel warm and safe. Stretching a little, only to bring his girlfriend closer, the firefighter nods, burying his face into the crook of her neck, breathing in slowly. “Can’t we just...not show up?” 
A fond noise rises up from his throat, and the Captain laughs a little, bringing the covers up tighter around them. It’s cold and rainy outside, clouds hanging low, the sky dark. The perfect day for staying inside and not going to shift. 
“As much as I want to, you know Boden wouldn’t be happy. His PIC and his Captain not showing up? The house would burn to the ground,” he jokes. “Okay maybe not literally, since we’re all firefighters, but…” he trails off, nose scrunching up at his lame joke. Sylvie presses a kiss to his lips, slow and sweet. 
“Sometimes it’s annoying that you’re so responsible and dependable, Matt Casey,” the paramedic huffs. “But I love you for it. Everyone does,” she adds, making Matt blush, never one to accept praise and compliments well. But coming from his girlfriend, it makes him feel warm. 
They get up reluctantly, knowing that their jobs are; whether they want to admit it or not, important and can’t be frivolously pushed to the side. Their routine is seamless, something they’ve been doing for months now- Matt works on smoothies while Sylvie gets ready, then Sylvie feeds their little black cat while he goes to do the same. It’s effortless and makes him smile every time they put it into practice. As he finishes pouring Sylvie’s blueberry smoothie into her usual to go tumbler, his own mango one already sitting on the counter, the woman comes out in a soft sweater, setting her bag down near the door. 
“Otis said he has some big news he wants to share today,” she says as she presses a kiss to Matt’s cheek, taking her smoothie happily.
The words catch him off guard, enough to make him freeze, before remembering that Otis dying was just a nightmare of his. He’d woken up three nights ago sweating and frantic, tears burning behind his eyes as Sylvie had assured him Otis was fine, he was probably up playing fortnight or some other video game even at three am. 
“Oh? Knowing him it’s probably some convention coming to town he wants us all to go to,” the Captain snorts. Making his way back to the bedroom, Matt slips on his favorite henley and dark jeans, attempting to fix his hair that’s growing longer now that it’s cold. After he brushes his teeth and looks himself over, the man grabs his bag and makes his way back to his girlfriend. A sharp pain shoots through his head but it’s gone as quickly as it’s come, and Matt brushes it off. As the lemon wallpaper comes into view; the same as the one from Sylvie’s old apartment, Matt looks at her. 
The ride to the firehouse is filled with old N’SYNC and Backstreet Boys, and Matt grins the whole time as Sylvie sings completely engrossed into the music. He’s not sure how he got so lucky to get her to date him. The way she says ‘I love you’ sticks in him every time and makes him feel more confident of himself. Pulling up to the large brick building, the couple gets out with their bags slung on their shoulders, hold hands, and walk in. 
The morning starts even before briefing, alarm blaring out for all companies to help with a large fire at a hotel downtown. As they pull up, Matt notices the smoke billowing up from the top of the building, not black, but it’s on its way to it. Hopping out, Matt looks at his team; Otis, Kidd, Gallo and Mouch, then gives a wry smile. 
“Hope you're awake guys, this one looks big.” 
They meet up with squad, engine and ambo, and Matt goes to find the person in charge- a small woman who looks only slightly panicked, more shell shocked than anything. He hears a few of 51 directing people in and out of the building. 
“We’re going to need blueprints of the hotel. Any idea where the fire is?” 
From there it’s a rescue mission. Get everyone out as quickly as possible. Locate the fire and get it under control. On level thirteen, they run into an issue. 
“Chief, floor thirteen is rolling, we’re going to need backup to get everyone out,” Matt radio’s. “Might need to call in some more ambo relief,” he adds. 
“Copy that Casey. Sending in engine, and calling it in.” 
Two hours of intense heat, getting bodies out, and going through recovery, and finally everyone’s back at the house, already beat from the roughness of the call. 
“What a morning, huh?” Herrmann sighs, rubbing his face as he sits on the couch. Ritter and Gallo are working on breakfast, when Matt looks around and then blinks. 
“Scratch breakfast, I’m too hungry for eggs and bacon. How about we order pizza from Benny’s?” 
Everyone perks up, and Matt’s aware it’s due to the rarity of him suggesting something like this. He’s one to always stick to house made food, not big on ordering things in. It seems like everyone could use the pick me up though. Fishing his wallet out from one of his pockets, the blonde grabs his card and hands it to Gallo. “Order some pizza,” he smiles. 
“You got it Captain.” 
Kidd looks at him with her eyebrows raised. 
“Nothin’ Captain, you just seem in a good mood today is all,” the firefighter shrugs with a smile, making Mouch chuckle. 
“Casey in this good of a mood means something happened.” 
Furrowing his brow, Matt crosses his arm and lets out a huff. “I can’t just want to do something nice? It was a rough call.” 
“Leave him alone guys, he’s happy. Don’t ruin it,” Sylvie walks over from where she’s been sitting with Mackey, putting a hand on his shoulder. Another jolt of pain stabs into his temple, but barely lingers. He squeezes her arm. 
“I’m going to do paperwork, come find me when the pizza’s here?” 
“Copy that.” 
The rest of the day is, for once, blissfully easy, so far. There’s no bad calls for anyone, all mild and fairly quick. The consumption of pizza is interrupted by a small grease fire in a kitchen, but they’re all back within the hour, spirits high. 
“I don’t wanna jinx anything, but today is going pretty well,” Cruz says as he takes a bite of pizza. 
“Cruz! Shut up!” Severide calls out, rolling his eyes. Matt shakes his head. Leave it to Cruz to say it outloud. They all hold their breath, but no alarm sounds. Hallelujah. Sylvie sits next to him as they all enjoy the rest of their pizza, her hand on his knee, under the table and discreet. 
As he works on paperwork in his quarters, the paramedic walks in, sitting on his bunk. “Come sit with me, you can finish paperwork in a minute,” her voice sounds tired, just having gotten back from a run. The tone makes him look over, and he can tell instantly. It was a bad one. Moving as quickly as he can, he sits next to her, one hand cupping her cheek, thumb brushing against her soft skin. His head gives an angry throb. He ignores it. Sylvie’s upset. 
“What happened?” 
“Gunshot wound to the chest...a seven year old,” her voice is thin, wavering as tears start rolling down her cheeks. “I k-kept try to get him to wake up.” He wraps his arms around her tightly, kissing her hair. His head won’t stop throbbing now. He swallows against it. 
“Sylvie...you did all you could. I know you did,” Matt tries to reassure her, though he knows it’s probably not helping much. She looks up at him, heartbreak written all over her face. “He w-wouldnt...he was lying there motionless...I needed him to wake up Matt...I c-can’t…” 
Looking down at the petite blonde, his head feels suddenly like it’s being cracked in two. The pained gasp that leaves his lips is unstoppable, and he screws his eyes shut tightly. He can feel Sylvie shift. His body is rigid, his skull feels like someone’s hit it with a hammer. 
“Matt? What’s going on? Matt…”
He’s falling. Eyes still shut, Matt feels nausea well up inside him. The pain is all consuming. He struggles to open his eyes, and when he does, he’s in a completely different room. He’s disoriented, can’t quite get a hold of what’s real and what’s not. Is he dreaming? The pain in his head is angry and out for vengeance. The room is….is…. Matt’s mind feels like it’s grasping for straws, like words are right out of reach. His eyes move around. He feels hazy and sick. The beeping that’s coming from...somewhere, is hurting his head. His eyes shut. 
Sluggishly, he blinks again, and a man with jet black hair is in front of him. “Matt, are you with me?,” the man asks, dressed in dark red scrubs. There’s a name embroidered on his shirt but it’s fuzzy. A pretty woman with curly hair is standing next to him. Choi, April, his mind supplies. He’s in the hospital. He can’t remember why. Can’t remember anything before then night prior, sitting in Molly’s with Severide. 
Head throbbing, Matt licks his lips, nodding minutely. “Mm...y-yeah…” the word dies out. “Wh-What…” The Captain’s exhausted, and his eyes slip closed again, unable to stay open. 
“Matt, I need you to stay awake, can you open your eyes?” 
He tries, but it’s no use. It hurts. Everything hurts. 
“Matt, can you tell me your full name?” 
Struggling, the blonde opens his eyes again. “Matt...Matt Casey.” 
“Good, good. And can you tell me what hurts?” 
“Head...s’gonna explode…”
“Okay, we’ll get you medicine for that.” Choi turns to April, nodding as she walks out. “And can you tell me what the last thing you remember is?” 
It takes a moment. He remembers Severide, and then...then….a car. A man driving and he was holding on...then...pain. Excruciating pain, ringing in his ears. Getting back to the firehouse, promising he was okay. Sylvie. 
“L-Locker room with Sylvie...I was dizzy.” His words sound slow even to himself. Matt swallows and brings a shaky hand to his face. A painful tug on the back of it notifies him he’s got a line in. 
Choi nods, writing something down. “You’re doing great. We’re going to get you in for a CT scan right away, but the fact you remember somewhat is good. How’s the pain? 1 to 10?” 
“10,” Matt grits out, becoming more and more aware of the sharp pains encompassing his head. April’s at his side seconds later. 
“I’m giving you some morphine, I’m doing it slowly. You should feel it in about ten seconds okay? You’ll feel warm and fuzzy, that’s normal.” He wants to tell her he’s already fuzzy, but instead he nods. Just as she’s said, he does feel almost instantly warm, and then it’s like he’s floating. His mind drifts back to Sylvie. They were dating. They were together. But no, that’s not right. Grainger.
“Is…can...wh-where’s Sylvie..” Matt’s certain she brought him in, she was the last person he can recall seeing. 
“I think she’s out in the waiting area, breaking covid protocol,” April says with a small smile. 
“I’ll get her for you, but only for a few minutes, once we get the CT room we’re taking you,” Choi adds.
They both leave and Matt’s left to his floaty thoughts. He wants to kiss Sylvie again, wants to hold her hand and call her sweetheart. He remembers, now, her telling him he was still in love with Gabby. That’s not true. It hasn’t been for over a year, more than that really. He needs her. He doesn’t want to see her with Grainger, he wants to be the one to let her know how special and loved she is. He loves her. The curtain slides, and Matt sees Sylvie walk in. Her eyes are puffy and red, and he can see wetness clinging to her cheeks telling him she’s been crying. He doesn’t want her to cry. 
The paramedics face crumples, and as she gets closer she scrubs at her eyes and face. “M-Matt.” It’s choked and distraught, and Matt slowly, lazily holds out the hand closest to her. 
Sitting in the plastic chair, Sylvie brings it as close to the hospital bed as she can and grabs his hand hesitantly.  He wishes he could hug her, comfort her more than with just a hand hold. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but we need to take him for the CT scan,” April walks back in, looking apologetic. 
“Please don’t leave,” Matt slurs, and Sylvie lets out a choked laugh. 
“I’m not going anywhere Matt Casey, I promise.” 
When he’s not in the hospital, he’s going to fight for her. Grainger be damned, Matt’s going to somehow prove to her he’s not in love with Gabby anymore, and that Sylvie isn’t a consolation prize. She does deserve to be with someone who puts her first. And that someone is going to be him.
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helnjk · 4 years
Tag Game: Get to Know Us
eep thank you for thinking of me @dumspirospero-1 💕
Rules: Answer the following and tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Name: Kai
Gender: Female
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 5′6
Age: 21
Wallpaper on phone: Some ~aesthetic~ colors
House: Ravenclaw
Ever crush on a teacher: Does it count if she was my director but she taught at the uni I attend? asjdhakshd
Coolest Halloween costume: I was Anna from Frozen once haha 
Favourite 90′s TV show: Pokemon!
Last kiss: Like last November?
Have you ever been stood up: No
Favourite pair of shoes: My Nike AF 1s
Have you ever been to Vegas?: Nope
Favourite book: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell (bc it was my favorite growing up), The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, Percy Jackson (PJO & HOO) by Rick Riordan, and (of course) Harry Potter
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: oh god i don’t even wanna talk about it
All time favourite shows: The Good Place, How I Met Your Mother, Brooklyn 99, ATLA, New Girl 
Last movie you saw in theatres: I think it was Frozen 2 LOL
No pressure tags ((feel free to ignore if you’ve done this already!)): 
@slytherinsqueen @mitsukui @lupinsclassroom @efyra @dracosathenaeum @cruciostyles @whiz-bangs78 @wzrd-wheezes @heytherejulietx @roonilwazlibimagines
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oneiloneil28-blog · 6 years
Is Futures Investing Difficult?
The Google Pixel is actually a superb main phone that is actually an excellent launching for Google as a producer - and the brand new Associate is actually a terrific Siri competitor. This's Assemblage Mountain, the aesthetically feeling free to place on the banking companies from the Ottawa Stream where you can enjoy Us senate and also your home from Commons hard at work, bring in Canada right into the most effective spot ever. Unfortunately, along with the original Surface RT and also with the Area 2 doing this opened up a large bag of disappointment. Well this is actually not in fact frozen, we are actually running Mongo straight via the terminal. Our order of business is actually infinite and this property will definitely be actually a permanent operate in progression. Intentions to attend to that, through producing reviewing the information more like possessing a text message chat along with an extremely well updated friend, one who possesses no rate of interest in speaking about anything apart from the latest happenings in the world. Buying the digital version must allow you to pre-load the activity in advance of its launch time to ensure you could play right when the activity is discharged in Nov. Source with the honors on the back of guide Luke Scull points out 'Black Run is actually a thrill-ride from continuous activity, wise-crackery and journey' and also Stephen Deas claims this is A rapid and also wry SF experience full of the deviousness and also wit of Firefly'. I determined to begin by walking for 15 to TWENTY mins along with a few brief segments from running, and slowly raised the operating portions over 10 weeks. Devon junior was my papa's opponent; he went after that man around heck and development trying to stop him. I Equal's genius is in fusing the core elements of such activities (Spectrum-style graphics, single-screen puzzle-oriented challenges, as well as an explorable map) along with modern mobile reasoning. In Anne Patchett's fictional world folks level to one and other in ways that we, in real life, are actually certainly not. The electronic popular music change has suggested that together our experts get far fewer as well as far fewer bodily albums each year. Mass Impact 2 complied with a renewed Leader Shepard as he or she looked for to locate even more information on the insectoid Collectors. As the tale starts, Kidd is in northern Texas, going through to those who attend as well as drop their cent in the pail to listen to the information from around the globe. Microsoft Headlines Pro handles that by offering you a lot more limited command over exactly what information is actually pumped into your skin. That's the issue along with you, Devon; you are actually always to pays attention to running at somebody spheres out. In the actual this is impossible, but lots of trainers are going to utilize GOM (Space on man abbreviated) for a general run-blocking technique. As consistently, the author reviews really good versus wicked, and also Christians are not unsusceptible this fallen planet. But obviously there is actually a downside to that: Google's system software does not dash Windows software application. Like spectacular in a way that makes me want Hough would perform an internet sessions on planet property (or damaging) and also how to supply vast volumes from backstory without hanging up the pace of the account. The fact from seeing the 65PUS7601, having said that, is actually that the moment you have actually duke it outed a somewhat intricate picture established body that generates one of the best stunning and also immersive pictures the TV planet needs to deliver. Shedding the earphone port additionally seriously limits those intending to purchase a new set of headphones for make use of with their apple iphone, given what does it cost? most of us listen to tunes or even see films on our phones in these times. All Luther needs to do is actually act as bodyguard to Goodness and also the project will simply have 3 times. If we lose food items we most likely to the establishment, but your publication The Long Winter season, actually made me recognize just what that felt like to stress over not having sufficient. Permit your imagination cut loose along with these 24 wallpapers representing different forms of the dream realm for this week's Wallpaper Wednesday Sense the miracle and delight in the peacefulness. He's a philandering, self-confessed shirker captured at the center of War of the nations Two as an American boxer aviator. That alone makes the procedure from purchasing a disc-based activity completely bothersome. 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gyrlversion · 5 years
EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Duchess of Cambridge drafts in former Vogue editor
Since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, royal watchers have often remarked that her sister-in-law Kate is looking noticeably more glamorous. Now, I can reveal why, writes Richard Eden
Since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, royal watchers have often remarked that her sister-in-law Kate is looking noticeably more glamorous. Now, I can reveal why.
The Duchess of Cambridge has secretly drafted in a talented stylist who has been advising her on her wardrobe.
Out go the stiff coat dresses and Home Counties lady look. In comes a more modern, sleek style, such as the £800 Gucci pussy-bow blouse and wide-legged trousers she wore for an engagement earlier this month.
Her new adviser is Virginia Chadwyck-Healey, an aristocratic 36-year-old former editor at Vogue magazine.
Known as Ginnie, she is an old friend of Prince William and Kate, and attended their wedding at Westminster Abbey in 2011.
‘Ginnie is Catherine’s secret weapon,’ a royal source tells me. ‘She has made a big difference to the Duchess’s wardrobe for public engagements and has helped give her a whole new sense of confidence.
‘Catherine has been really impressed and is very grateful for her help.’
Ginnie is the daughter of the 3rd Lord Strathalmond and has two daughters, Nancy, four, and Maggie, two, with her Old Etonian husband, Oliver Chadwyck-Healey.
Ginnie and Ollie were at St Andrews University with William and Kate, and both women studied history of art.
Her new adviser is Virginia Chadwyck-Healey, an aristocratic 36-year-old former editor at Vogue magazine, writes Richard Eden
Natasha Archer, who usually helps Kate with her wardrobe, is presently on maternity leave.
Ginnie, who left Vogue in 2018 after 12 years, wrote about her experience at William and Kate’s wedding.
‘To my great surprise, I found myself included in the fashion reviews as one of the “best-dressed wedding guests”,’ boasted Ginnie, who wore an Emilia Wickstead watermelon pink skirt and a bubblegum pink trapeze-sleeve silk top.
‘Royal protocol had to come first, but I wanted to feel like I had an identity amid the sea of celebrities, friends, military personnel, foreign members of state and, of course, the Royal Family.’
But she added: ‘To my mother’s horror, I didn’t wear tights.’
How very daring.
 F1’s Lewis still single-minded
He courted Pussycat Dolls singer Nicole Scherzinger for eight years and has been linked to her fellow pop stars Rihanna and Rita Ora, but Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton will not be settling down just yet, according to his father.
Anthony Hamilton, who made huge sacrifices to support his son’s talent for motor racing, tells me: ‘I don’t think Lewis is the marrying kind.’
And he seems almost to have given up hope that Lewis, 34, will provide him with a grandchild.
‘It would be nice to have some grandkids,’ says Anthony.
‘Hopefully, he will get married and give me some one day, but I can’t see that happening any time soon.’
 Even Jodie’s man didn’t recognise her!
Jodie Kidd’s natural blonde hair played as much a part in her rise to modelling stardom in the Nineties as her razor-sharp cheekbones.
Now, the 40-year-old has ditched one of her trademark features — by dyeing her wavy locks chocolate brown.
‘It’s something I’ve wanted to do my whole life, but I’ve always been petrified,’ she confides at the Essentiel Antwerp store launch party in Sloane Square.
Jodie showed off her new look, teamed with a yellow jacket and floral dress.
Jodie Kidd’s natural blonde hair played as much a part in her rise to modelling stardom in the Nineties as her razor-sharp cheekbones. Now, the 40-year-old has ditched one of her trademark features — by dyeing her wavy locks chocolate brown, writes Richard Eden
Jokingly, she adds: ‘Maybe it’s a mid-life crisis?’
Her boyfriend, the dashing former Royal Marine Joseph Bates, is struggling to adjust to the new-look Jodie.
‘He was picking me up earlier today. I said on the phone: “I’m crossing the King’s Road now,” and had to say: “You’re literally driving past me!”
‘He slammed on the brakes and was like: “Oh, my God!” He didn’t recognise me at all. But he loves it.’
Britain’s best-known High Street tycoon, Sir Philip Green, seems to have quit this country. I can reveal the Topshop owner has not spent a single day in the UK this year and has told friends he might never return.
‘He feels he’s been treated appallingly and has no desire to come back,’ one of the billionaire’s chums tells me. ‘He doesn’t want to be in Britain if he’s not wanted here.’
The roly-poly retailer has faced allegations — which he strongly denies — that he bullied and sexually harassed staff. There were also calls for him to be stripped of his knighthood over his sale of BHS for £1 to a multiple bankrupt with no shop experience.
At least Sir Philip, who previously lived at the Dorchester Hotel in Mayfair from Monday to Friday, can spend more time aboard his £100million superyacht, Lionheart, with his wife, Tina, a tax resident of Monaco.
Prince Philip turns 98 in June and has retired from royal duties, but he is nevertheless lending his name to a cause close to his heart. 
I can reveal that a new organisation is to be launched in May called The Prince Philip Gordonstoun Foundation. It will raise money for scholarships at the Scottish boarding school where he and the Queen sent their children. 
‘Princess Anne will speak at the launch party,’ a courtier tells me. ‘It’s possible that the Duke of Edinburgh will also attend, but we won’t know until nearer the time.’
 The smart set’s talking about… Arty bikini heiress Alaia
Melissa Odabash’s stylish swimwear is worn by everyone from Pippa Middleton to the Kardashians, and now her daughter, Alaia De Santis, has designs on the art world, writes Richard Eden
Melissa Odabash’s stylish swimwear is worn by everyone from Pippa Middleton to the Kardashians, and now her daughter, Alaia De Santis, has designs on the art world.
Although still in her second year at Camberwell Art College, Alaia’s Sixties-inspired collages are selling for hundreds of pounds.
‘I’ve put a hold on sales because I’m planning my first solo exhibition in London this year,’ she tells me. ‘I want everyone to be able to view them properly first.’
The amiable student, 21, whose father is businessman Nicolas De Santis, attended £19,950-a-year More House in Knightsbridge before transferring to Hampstead’s Fine Arts College.
Being a designer’s daughter can cause complications. Two years ago, Melissa was nearly sued by fashion label Azzedine Alaia because she named one of her pieces after her daughter, who shares its name.
A familiar face on the London party circuit, Alaia has fallen for Italian business student Mario Manca. She gushes: ‘When I first met him, I thought: “This is my future husband.” ’
 (Very) modern manners 
Here’s a most unlikely transformation. Meg Mathews, friend of Kate Moss and stalwart of the hard-living Primrose Hill set, is now a health ‘guru’ advising civil servants on their lifestyles.
The ex-wife of Oasis star Noel Gallagher reveals: ‘I just did a talk at the Foreign Office.’
Speaking at the launch of Ama Bags at Caviar House & Prunier in Piccadilly, Meg tells me: ‘I went to the FO to talk about the menopause and the need to give flexible hours to those going through it.
‘Women can feel so overwhelmed in life they don’t want to go for promotion. We have to get rid of the stigma.’
As the renovations drag on at the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Windsor love nest, Frogmore Cottage, spare a thought for their neighbour, Mabel Anderson, 91. 
The former nanny to all four of the Queen’s children has had to endure months of building work from her grace-and-favour home just yards away. Hope she won’t be kept awake by those late-night yoga sessions of which Harry is now fond…
 That outfit is so off the wall, Jenna 
Queen Victoria would not have been amused. Jenna Coleman, star of ITV’s hit period drama Victoria, turned up at a fashion party in Knightsbridge — only to find her £2,690 Gucci floral-print trouser suit looked like the wallpaper.
‘Maybe she was trying to set a trend,’ remarks a fashionista. ‘Soon, everyone will be wearing outfits that blend in with the decor.’
Queen Victoria would not have been amused. Jenna Coleman, star of ITV’s hit period drama Victoria, turned up at a fashion party in Knightsbridge — only to find her £2,690 Gucci floral-print trouser suit looked like the wallpaper, writes Richard Eden
Box office hit Bohemian Rhapsody has been accused of glossing over Freddie Mercury’s promiscuity, but it’s his chivalrous behaviour towards fans that was covered up by the BBC. 
David Wigg’s interview with the Queen singer featured in the 2012 documentary, Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender. Now Wigg reveals: ‘I asked Freddie, who had so many adoring fans of both sexes, whether he had ever slept with one. 
He said: “No, dear. Never sleep with a fan! It can only end in tears.”’ Wigg tells me: ‘Sadly, the BBC thought this was a bit too much and cut it out of the documentary.’
The post EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Duchess of Cambridge drafts in former Vogue editor appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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ifttt-ziller · 6 years
via Android Central - Android Forums, News, Reviews, Help and Android Wallpapers
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#Shaheen #Jafargholi #Biography #Photos #Wallpapers #friday #black #curl #drawing #goddess #punjabimusic #rap #streetstyle #stylist #sunrise
Shaheen Jafargholi is a Persian-Welsh teen actor and singer from Swansea, Wales. He is of Iranian and Welsh descent. He appeared on ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent show and sang “Who’s Lovin’ You” at Michael Jackson’s globally televised public memorial service in July 2009. In May 2010, Jafargholi signed a listing tackle Island Records, and recorded a debut album “When I Come of Age” and a debut double A-side single “Last Train Home/Hip Teens”.
In May 2010, it was reported that Jafargholi had signed a record deal with Island Records UK, with a debut album due for release the following November. He had as well filmed an online reality show named “The Real Shaheen”, a fly-on-the-wall documentary on Jafargholi’s career previously mentioned the previous year, which aired from July 2010. As well as recording in London, Jafargholi flew to New York City and Atlanta in July/August 2010.
In September 2010, Jafargholi announced details for his debut album and single. A double A-side single of “Last Train Home”, written by Vince Kidd and Paul O’Duffy and developed by Paul O’Duffy and “Hip Teens” (also produced by O’Duffy) was due to be released on November 22, 2010. A press release described “Last Train Home” as an “original string-soaked ballad with a nod to an era gone by”, while “Hip Teens” is a cover of soul team Frank Popp’s 2007 hit “Hip Teens (Don’t Wear Blue Jeans)”.
On September 30, 2010 it was demonstrated Shaheen’s album would be called “When I Come of Age”‘. Jafargholi’s album was said to be a mixture of original material and rare ’60s soul covers. Jafargholi collaborated with top US producers Jerry Wonda and Igloo & TC (greatest known for their work with Whitney Houston, The Black Eyed Peas and Backstreet Boys) and UK producers Paul O’Duffy, Jimmy Hogarth and Martin Terefe for the album.
In November, it was announced that the single and album were being delayed until the following March “due to enormous international interest and some exciting overseas opportunities”. As of August 2012, they include not been released.
Name Shaheen Jafargholi Height Naionality Persian Date of Birth 23-January-1997 Place of Birth Swansea, Wales, UK Famous for singing
The post Shaheen Jafargholi Biography Photos Wallpapers appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/shaheen-jafargholi-biography-photos-wallpapers/
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harboharbo09-blog · 6 years
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