#new love language just dropped: rubbing the blood from your most recent murder (?) onto the person you like
zukkaoru · 3 months
"is that blood?" + siglai 👁
“Is that blood?” “Nope!” Nikolai answers brightly. He wipes the red smear on his cheek with the back of his hand, then moves his hand to his mouth, as if to prove it’s not blood by licking it. “Don’t do that!” Sigma screeches, grabbing Nikolai’s wrist and yanking it away from his face. “What is wrong with you?!” “So many things! I thought you already knew this, Sigma-chan?” Sigma purses their lips. Warily, they eye what is most definitely blood on Nikolai’s skin. They don’t know where it’s from, nor do they have any interest in finding out. What Nikolai does in his free time is none of their business. “You know…” Nikolai bats his eyelashes. “If you wanted to hold my hand this bad, you could have just told me.” “I do not—!” Sigma breaks off into a groan, dropping Nikolai’s hand and turning away, pointedly ignoring the uncomfortable fluttering in her stomach. “Whatever. If you want to give yourself some bloodborne disease, be my guest. Just don’t expect me to feel bad for you.” “Awww, you’re concerned for me! That’s so cute~” Nikolai drapes himself over Sigma’s shoulders, and it must be purposeful when he rubs his bloodied cheek directly against Sigma. “Maybe we can clean up together?” “I’m going to kill you,” Sigma growls. Nikolai only laughs in response.
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