#newborn swaddle and mommy robe
comfymommy · 1 year
Can Pragnant Women Wear Mask ? - COMFY MOMMY – ComfyMommyShop
Pregnant women with COVID-19, who have pre-existing medical conditions, like diabetes or chronic high vital sign, or those that are older or overweight, also are more likely to suffer severe health complications thanks to COVID-19. The research says all people, including pregnant women, can wear masks once they are public to slow the spread of COVID-19. Wearing of the mask is recommended because studies have shown that folks can spread the virus before showing any symptoms.
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Worldwide, many pregnant women wear masks at work, including the widely used N95 respirator with a filtering mask. The N95 respirator restricts normal airflow, so a lady may need to breathe harder while wearing it. A question that arises in our mind, does an N95 filtering mask put more physical stress on a pregnant woman who wears it?
But the research says whether pregnant women who wear an N95 respirator have different health effects than women who are not pregnant. Researchers took steps to make sure that the tests did not themselves create a risk for harm. They monitored 16 pregnant and 16 non-pregnant voluntary participants for pulse rate, pressure level, fetal pulse, and other indicators of heart and lung function. The research includes an hour of alternating sitting, standing, and moderate exercise on a stationary bicycle, both with and without a filtering mask.
However, both pregnant and non-pregnant women wearing the respirator mask had a mild—but significant—increase within the heart resting or pressure. The provisional increase did not affect heart and lung function, so it is unlikely to cause health problems in healthy women.
Pregnant women should do similar things in the general public to avoid infection. You will help stop the spread of COVID-19 by taking these actions-
Cover your cough (using your elbow may be a useful technique).
Avoid people that are sick.
Clean your hands often using alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water.
Stay at home or a minimum of six feet faraway from people who do not sleep in your home.
Avoid public gatherings and individuals with symptoms.
Maintain an appropriate social distance (6 feet) and wear a mask if you will not maintain distance.
What if I am a pregnant health care worker exposed to Coronavirus?
Ans- At present, pregnant patients should observe similar precautions and procedures. All other healthcare workers are instructed to look after their employee health or infection prevention and control departments for guidance on PPE.
Ans- We do not know at this point if COVID-19 would cause problems during pregnancy or affect the health of the baby after birth. It is essential to possess an idea in place and brace oneself for you and your family's best health. Do not panic, but know enough and stay informed to understand when the time is right, if necessary, to take proper action.
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Sky Bison Entry
AU, timeline.
Cw childbirth, labor, pregnancy
Lin watched as the earth moved further and further away from her as she sat in the very back of the saddle. The air family was safe, for now. Amon’s reinforcements had yet to reach Air Temple Island and Korra and her friends were safe underground for now.
General Iroh would be here soon. Lin frowned deeply as she remembered holding his little pudgy hand while he learned how to walk, she couldn’t imagine calling the little boy she once knew to fight in this war. To fight against Amon, knowing what was at risk for him. Age seemed to settle into her bones once again as she realized that man was already thirty seven. Her thoughts were interrupted as Pema gasped and cried out in pain. Her attention snapped to the young woman as her kids gathered quickly.
“Mommy? What’s wrong?” Ikki asked worried.
“Pema? What’s going on back there?” Tenzin asked turning back as he steered Oogi away from the city.
“The baby is coming!” Pema gasped as she fisted her hands tight through the contraction.
Lin stood and made her way over.
“Jinora get me a blanket, two if you have them, Ikki I’ll need some water do we have a waterskin? And Meelo, hold these, do not drop them.” She said as if it was of upmost importance and handed him her gauntlets to keep the cold metal away from the delivery. Meelo nodded once taking the order well and sitting eventually curious and inspecting the metal armor he had been handed.
“Lin?” Tenzin asked nervous.
“Calm down Tenzin, do you know how many emergency deliveries I’ve assisted on scenes?” Lin scoffed the assurance even as the stress of the situation settled a vice grip in her chest.
She may have delivered a baby or two in her time. But she had healers on the way, a team of adults by her side, it wasn’t her ex’s wife and child, and she wasnt hundreds of feet in the air.
She gave Pema one nod before she knelt between her bent legs to see how far along the labor was.
Pema cried out with another contraction as Lin settled the blankets over Pema’s knees and one over her own lap for when the baby arrived she could wrap him and clean him.
The screaming with contractions was not helping Lin’s nerves and she leveled Pema with a stern glare.
“Oh stop screaming Pema, you’ve done this more than enough times by now.” She said sharply.
Pema glared at her angry and in pain. “More than- more than enough times?!” She repeated shocked to have been spoken to that way. “I’m giving birth on a Sky bison! Beifong!” Pema snapped back.
Lin scoffed and used the water to give her hands a quick wash before turning back to Pema.
The young woman was natural and soon a baby boy slid into Lin’s hands. Lin quickly cleaned the baby off from the blood and birth debris. The newborn was tiny in her hands as she gently welcomed him into the world. Strong warm hands holding him securely even with so much chaos around him. A moment of peace, as she guided this new life into this world. Even if though his family was being hunted by a madman at the moment.
Lin cleaned his face and a strong cry sounded above the wind whipping past her ears.
“It’s a boy.” Lin said as she swaddled him and grabbed the knife she cleaned to sever the chord and tied it off. After another few minutes the labor had concluded in full and Lin helped Pema clean up before wrapping them both in clean blankets.
“A brother! It’s about time!” Meelo set the gauntlets aside as the three kids hurried to crowd around the new baby.
“Oooh! He’s cute!!” Ikki squealed.
“Are you okay Mommy?” Jinora asked wanting to make sure her mother was alright.
Lin called her gauntlets back to her and once Pema was settled she carefully climbed up to sit next to Tenzin, holding to his robes to help balance without the edges of the saddle.
“How is she?” Tenzin asked worried.
“Pema’s fine, she did well. The baby is a little boy…” Lin stared dead ahead her face emotionless for a moment before it softened. “He’s perfect Tenzin.” She said gently.
“Rohan, his name is Rohan.” Tenzin smiled as tears filled his eyes.
Lin smiled softly, her hand on his shoulder to steady herself. She glanced back at the family and her smile vanished.
“They’re following us, go faster Tenzin.” She said seriously as she stood and hurried to the back of the saddle just in time to deflect a net coming for them.
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quickspinner · 5 years
Okay here is the Luka-dad fluff I was going for before. Sort of. It kinda turned into Luka-dad and Uncle Adrien fluff. Background in this one shot (which chronologically would come after this, but I wrote it first and it was the setting I had in mind for this ficlet), and this post.
Luka jolted awake from his doze on the couch at a knock on the door. He dragged himself up and went to answer it, glancing at his phone on the way. The message he saw explained the knock at the door and Luka opened it with a grin. “Hey, you’re back early.” 
“Not as early as I wanted to be,” grumbled Adrien. The two men exchanged a backslapping hug. “I can’t believe she came while I was out of town, and then there were a bunch of things I couldn’t get out of, or I’d have flown back the same day. Where are they?”
“Both asleep at the moment,” Luka replied, smiling sympathetically at Adrien’s disappointment. “Sorry.”
“Figures,” Adrien sighed, opening his coat to let Plagg fly out. The little kwami made a beeline for the kitchen. “Remind me to give you cheese money before I go,” Adrien said dryly, watching Tikki and Sass float over to join Plagg. “How’s Marinette?”
Luka grimaced. “Okay, but not great? As well as can be expected, I suppose. Tikki’s helping the incision heal but Marinette’s totally exhausted. Since the baby’s so small the doctor wants us feeding her every three or four hours and it’s murder on Marinette. At least her milk has come in so she’s not having to pump as often, but it’s been a strain.”
“Pump?” Adrien frowns. “Never mind, I don’t want to know.”
“You really don’t,” Luka agreed. It was about the least dignified process he could imagine. Best for everyone if Adrien kept his naivete for now. 
“Well, I know you’re going to yell at me,” Adrien said, lifting a bag at his side. “But I brought Erika a present. I couldn’t resist when I saw it.”
Luka took the bag and peeked into it. “Books? Pete the Cat Boxed Set,” he read, and then gave Adrien a deadpan look. “Really.”
“What?” Adrien said innocently. 
“It’s a cat.”
“He’s a groovy cat that plays guitar!” Adrien corrected, bouncing a little in excitement. “It’s perfect!”
Luka turned the box over to get to the book spines and pulled one out. “Huh.”
Adrien sensed weakness. “If you were a cat, you would be Pete!”
Luka glanced up from the book he was pacing through. “I am not a cat,” he pointed out mildly, and Sass and Plagg managed to snort in harmony from the kitchen. “And I have never in my life used the word groovy outside of a joke.”
Adrien’s face fell a little. “They’re funny,” he insisted, sounding a little hurt.
“They are that,” Luka chuckled, looking at the brightly colored illustrations before closing the book. “Relax, Adrien, Erika might not be able to fully appreciate them for a couple years but Marinette will love them. But you’ve really got to stop buying us things, this apartment isn’t big enough to store four years’ worth of toys and books.”
Adrien rubbed his neck sheepishly. “I know. I just—I wish I could do more, you know?” 
Luka squeezed his shoulder. “Hey, you know we appreciate your generosity and your enthusiasm. Just try to spread it out a bit, that’s all.” He grinned, waving the book. “Just keep walking along and singing your song. Because it’s all good.”
Adrien grinned. “I knew you’d love them!”
“That part was okay, I’ll admit,” Luka sighed. “Anyway honestly if you really want to help, I’m sure we’re going to need it. After the scare we had, Marinette’s incredibly anxious, and I know how much she trusts you. You might be the only person she’d be willing to trust to help outside of her mom.” He sighed. “She already ran Juleka off once, which is a shitstorm I’m not looking forward to dealing with later, but she’s—” He glanced down the hallway nervously and lowered his voice. “She’s not exactly at her most reasonable at the moment.”
“Hey, whatever you need,” Adrien promised. “I’ll sleep on the couch if it would help.”
Before Luka could answer, a sharp cry echoed down the hallway. “Shit,” Luka muttered, jogging toward the bedroom, Tikki and Sass on his heels. He popped inside and scooped Erika out of the bassinet. “I got her,” he murmured to Marinette, who was already stirring. “Go back to sleep, babe, I’ll take care of it.”
Marinette mumbled something that he suspected translated as call me if you need me, started to roll over, and then groaned and rolled back onto her back. Tikki hovered over her, patting her hair lightly as Luka shut the door.
Luka brought the fussing baby out to the living room, aware of the way Adrien lit up as soon as they came into sight. “Let me get her settled and then you can say hello,” Luka said softly, taking Erika over to the spare changing station they had set up in a corner of the living room. Luka changed her diaper, a little self-conscious as he was still new at this and he knew he was clumsy, but he chuckled when he realized Adrien had turned away. Luka re-swaddled her (it took a couple of tries but he was getting better). Clean and cozy, Erika settled down quickly. 
The second he turned away from the changing area, Adrien was there, practically at his elbow, cooing as Erika’s squinty eyes turned in his direction, though she probably couldn’t see him. “She’s so—” he hesitated, and Luka chuckled. 
“She’s a little funny looking, I know. It’s a newborn thing.”
“She’s cute though!” Adrien said quickly. 
“Of course she is,” Luka nuzzled her briefly, and then looked at Adrien. “You want to hold her?”
Adrien’s eyes went huge. “Can I?”
Luka rolled his eyes. “You’re family, and I know you’ve had all your shots, of course you can.”
Adrien reached eagerly for the baby but cringed as his hands neared her. “Oh God, she’s so tiny, I don’t want to do anything wrong.”
“I’m right here,” Luka reminded him. “And you’re not much newer at this than I am. Sass has been laughing at me since we brought her home.”
“That isss an exaggeration,” Sass piped up from the kitchen.
“Sure it is,” Plagg snorted. 
“She’s made it this far, haven’t you, little bug?” Luka smiled at his daughter. “Okay, just take her under there and—wait, let me—” 
The transfer was a little awkward on both sides, but the look on Adrien’s face once he held the little bundle was worth it. Luka actually felt kind of guilty that Marinette was missing it, but she needed the sleep more. He snapped a quick picture to show her later and hoped she wouldn’t kill him for not getting her up. An alarm on his phone beeped and he silenced it quickly.
“I’m going to get her a bottle ready,” Luka said, stepping past Adrien. He barely dodged Plagg, who came zipping out of the kitchen right at that moment, Sass on his heels. Luka hesitated but decided to trust the kwamis—at least, he trusted Sass to make sure Plagg didn’t get up to too much mischief. 
Luka was concentrating so hard on remembering the steps to heat the milk that he lost all awareness of what was going on the living room until Erika began to cry. Luka darted back to the door but nothing seemed amiss except Adrien completely panicking as Erika wailed.
Adrien held her like she was a bomb. “Oh, shit, what do I do?”
Luka folded his arms to check the impulse to just take the baby. “Keep her close to you. Bounce her around gently, and make shushing noises. Yes, like that, but lean down close to her ear, you actually want to be really close—there you go. You can dance with her if you like, that’s what Marinette does. Just don’t let her head flop around while you move.” Luka couldn’t help the caution even though he could see that Adrien was holding her securely.
Adrien looked a little ridiculous, bouncing and swaying around the living room shushing the little infant, but Luka wasn’t about to comment considering the number of absolutely ridiculous things he’d done in the past week. Erika quieted, that was what mattered.
Luka’s eyes widened. The bottle! He turned back into the kitchen and checked it, and breathed a sigh of relief when it wasn’t too hot. He went back into the living room, bottle in hand, and seated Adrien on the couch, showing him how to hold the bottle. Plagg was curled up somewhere around the baby’s knees, purring. Luka took care not to comment on how cute it was.
Both men looked up to find Marinette standing in the hallway, wrapped in a robe. Tikki gave him an apologetic look from Marinette’s shoulder. Luka went to Marinette immediately, got her shuffling toward a chair, and helped her sit down. “I was hoping you’d sleep longer,” he fretted, smoothing her hair back.
“I thought you might need help when she started crying again. You should have told me Adrien was here.” 
“Hey, Buginette,” Adrien grinned. “I got back as fast as I could. Sorry it wasn’t sooner.”
Marinette’s face crumpled and Luka cringed. “I can’t believe I missed you seeing her for the first time!”
“I’m sorry!” Luka groveled shamelessly. “I just really wanted you to sleep, you’ve been so exhausted with the feeding and the pumping and the nobody-but-mommy wails...I took pictures!” 
Marinette gave him a look of absolute adoration that made his insides melt a little. “Thank you.”
Luka breathed a silent sigh of relief, and then glared at Adrien, who was shaking with repressed mirth. Luka went behind the couch and leaned over Adrien’s shoulder, reaching to adjust the way Adrien held the bottle as an excuse. “Laugh it up, jackass,” Luka muttered near Adrien’s ear. “Wait till you’re on the receiving end of one of her mood swings and you won’t be so quick to give me shit. You thought she was bad pregnant, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” He straightened up. “Adrien offered to crash on the couch if we needed help,” he announced.
“Oh, Adrien, that would be—but—you just got back into town, I couldn’t ask you too,” Marinette fretted. 
“Hey, if you need me, I totally will,” Adrien said, looking up at her.
“I mean...I don’t...I don’t need you, really…” Marinette said weakly.
Adrien glanced at Luka, who gave a small nod. As far as he was concerned at the moment, anything Marinette wanted, Marinette got. If her partner’s proximity made her more comfortable, he wasn’t about to object, even if it chafed his ego a little bit.
“I’ll have to go home to unpack and repack, but I’ll be back tonight,” Adrien smiled, and Marinette relaxed. 
“Thank you.” 
“Of course.”
Luka picked up the books Adrien had brought and put them in her lap. “Cat boy here thinks he’s funny.”
Marinette took the books out and looked over them, biting her lip to control her smile. Luka handed her a throw pillow and she pressed it to her belly as she laughed, only wincing a little bit. “That’s perfect! A guitar-playing cat!”
“I thought so too,” Adrien said, shooting Luka a triumphant grin. Luka rolled his eyes and resigned himself to the word groovy becoming far more prevalent in his life.
“Sit down, Dad,” Marinette said, looking at him affectionately. “I know you’re tired, too.” 
Luka did as she suggested, sinking down into the couch, which felt far more comfortable than it had a few months ago. He let his head fall back and sighed. He felt Sass come to his shoulder and pat his cheek, and smiled. Maybe he didn’t want to admit it, but he was glad Adrien was here too. Somehow he’d felt...vulnerable, with Marinette recovering from surgery and Erika so tiny and helpless. Knowing that there was someone else to help stand guard, someone who would give his life for either of Luka’s girls and die happy, made him feel just a little more at ease, drained the tension from his shoulders.
There was no more Hawkmoth and no more Mayura and there were no more akumas and there was no reason for him to feel the way he did. He felt it all the same. Marinette and Adrien may have borne the brunt of that fight, they may be the ones with nightmares, the ones who jump when someone shuts a door too loudly, but Luka had scars too, scars carved by failures witnessed and wiped out over and over again, and now with this precious little life in the balance, he’d take all the backup he could get and be grateful for it.
He still laughed when Erika spit up on Adrien’s designer suit, though.
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 years
Parent au : Beth and seal
They Just Seem A Little Weird || -
   Who cried when they brought their child home for the first time:
“So ah....d'at's happenin'.”The phone shakes in Luka’s hand as he tries to get a good view of the back seat from over his shoulder. The video captures Beth, wane and frailer than she normally looks, but somehow more radiant than ever as she fusses with the tiniest of socks on the tiniest of feet sticking out of the swaddling blanket wrapping the sleeping infant up inside the newborn car seat.There’s a rousing and tinny chorus of shouts and whoops, whistles and other celebratory noises that he’s sure won’t be delighting the rest of the two hundred men crammed inside the Quonset huts that are home for his unit, as Boss and the rest try to crowd around the crappy old computer setup. It may be 4 in the afternoon in Hawai’i, but it’s only 6.30 the next morning where they are.“Could say ‘wishin’ ye lo’ were here’, bu’....be bi’o’a’loi’e.”
She half grins but no one can tell if it’s at Luka’s comment or the baby.One of them asks the obvious question at hand.“Dunna have o’ name ye’... stars dunno be o’loi’ned or some shite.”House is sobbing when the camera cuts out, the video call interrupted by terrible satellite internet, the time ran out, someone farted the wrong way, a dozen other reasons that don’t seem to matter at the moment.“No’ true, Lulu. Her name is Po’okelamakanahawikahepualaha’ole.”He gives her the same look he did when she said that in the hospital. It’s got to be the drugs still in her system if she thinks he can even begin pronouncing that name.
Who would wake up in the middle of the night to check on the kid(s):He’ll never tell Beth that she snores. Not loudly, not even really noticeable if not for these moments when he’s awake and everything else...isn’t. She sleeps on her side and curls around the baby, protectively. He reaches out and tucks a stray lock of hair back behind her ear. That’s when he notices that Éire is awake too. Staring up at him with big hazel eyes and little spit bubbles at her mouth. It feels almost like theft when he gingerly gets out of bed and scoops her up, careful not to wake mommy shark.They go out in the garden where he sings snippets of his mother’s old lullabies he can barely remember. Faery tales older than his blood. Offers her coffee since they’re up early as he moves past the gate and out onto the sand, introducing her to the sea and the moon in ways her mother can’t.
Who changes the kid(s) diapers:
“No...d’at be o’WMD...”He’s holding the folded up diaper at arm’s length as far from him as he could get.“...Geneva be makin’ conventions against d’is sort o’d’ing, luv.”She can’t help but laugh. She was the reason why they used cloth over disposable. While he goes to put it in the special and thankfully smell-proof container, Beth blows raspberries on Hawika’s belly. She wonders if he grumbles when she’s not here, or if its just a show because she is.
Who makes the bottles:She’s completely unaware that he’s standing in the doorway. Her back is almost to him but at this angle he can just barely make out Hawika’s auburn curls glistening in the dim nightlight. Beth insists on breast-feeding, pumps when she has to work, because she hates the idea of not bonding enough with the baby. He’s tried to tell her that it doesn’t matter if she was created outside of the usual way, but Beth won’t hear him. He can’t know that she worries the little girl will somehow think less of her because technically she isn’t Hawika’s real mother. Andy had always disliked Iwalani for the same reasons and she...she can’t bear the idea.
Who stays up late at night to rock the kid(s) to sleep and sings them lullabies:Éiredozes in his arms as he rocks gingerly in a chair not designed for someone of his height. One blunt-tipped finger traces each of her tiny ones, then each of her ears. She stretches and grasps at his hand with her own and latches on, curling her tongue against the roof of her mouth in a suckling gesture that has him reaching for the bottle tucked at his side. The nights that Beth works, an arrangement worked out so that at least one of them would be home any given time, are the ones he likes best. It’s quiet and the fragrant breeze drifts in through the nursery window, carrying the scent of the sea and the greenery surrounding the house. He couldn’t have imagined that a few short years ago when all he had to look forward to coming home to was an empty apartment and the next ship’s call, that a new life was waiting. And now that new life was small and warm, and settled into his arms more perfectly than her mother does.
Who is guilty of spoiling the kid(s):
“Oh my gawd, Cerise. Look at him!”“Definitely not local.”“Definitely.”“Y’all are some thirsty bitches.”“Well, he can ride me any time he wants.”“Shhhh. He’ll hear you.”It happens twice a week. The lot of them, some married and some not. Cerise is new to the group and doesn’t know what a joy it is to see Lieutenant O’Rian out on the ranch with his little girl. They know he’s married, that he bought the horse that his daughter rides and is only JUST taller than her father when she stands in the saddle. That he’s Irish. The rest is rumour. That he comes from money. That he’d been in some kind of accident in the field. A few years ago Karen had managed to get him to buy her a few drinks, almost got him to go home with her.“Da! Go! Go!Luka couldn’t care less about the rumours. The stares and awkward attempts at flirting while he walks the horse across the field. Though if he were to tell the truth...after this he does have a date. He’s taking Éire to breakfast, then the beach. Then back home for a bath before they go shopping for new clothes. Tomorrow the biggest gift is coming into the airport, and she wants to look her best for Grandma.
Who would give the kid(s) cookies in the middle of the night:
When she noticed that there was no sound coming from Hawika’s room, Beth crawled out of bed, wrapping her robe around her. Not because she was cold but...it had been a while since she’d lived in New York. A quick check showed the little girl’s bed was unmade, the covers thrown back, and her stuffed seal pup conspicuously absent. She pads down the hall, passing the guest room, passing the living room where she’s a hundred percent sure Andy is oblivious to anything but his head phones and his whiskey {and for once, taking the ban on smoking seriously}.
The kitchen is illuminated by the bulb above the sink. At the island in the middle of it are two backs. One tall and broad like miles of empty country, boots hooked on the lowest rung of the stool. The other is tiny, covered in pinks and purples, with two pigtails hanging down her back. The memory it brings up takes her back a little. Both of them have glasses of milk in sight and both of them turn in eerie unison. Hawika’s little face is covered with cookie crumbs and toffee chips and a gap-toothed grin.“Hey Apps,” Baz greets her, unclear on the concept that it’s after midnight. Beth folds her arms across her chest and fixes him with her new found power: the Mom stare.“What? S’a’cookie. Ain’t gonna kill’er.”Apparently, Wanda Barton she is not.
Who always takes the kid(s) side:
“O’i-”“We.”“We-”“Mahalo.”“Dunna feel ye apriciate d’ situation-”“Keiki, wha’ Uncle Lulu is try f’ say...if ya don’ give her back dat swing… he gonna rip ya arms an’ legs off like one wookie.”“Be’d!”“What? Got da lil hannabaddah off, din’it?”Despite the look Luka gives her, she watches as her daughter climbs up into the now vacated swing.“Da! Push me! Push me fast!”Who would wake up early to make breakfast for the kid(s) before school:Two eggs. Two strips of vegan bacon which...no. No, he doesn’t want to think about it. Then it’s pancakes. Then porridge. Then…“Can ye jus’ pick one, luv?”And she does. Takes one bite of everything before she’s dancing across the kitchen floor, her tiny backpack glittering and casting rainbows from the sequins catching morning light. The fake-on is being used as floppy bunny ears as she sings a song that only bats in Honduras can hear.Beth is running late, normally this is her part of the job.“Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hurry uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup. I’m gonnna be laaaaaaaate.”
Who gets the kid(s) ready for school in the morning:He’s got half her hair done, her shoes are by the door, her lunch is packed, breakfast eaten, face washed, and they’re practically matching in uniforms. He’s not sure why Beth insisted in an all girl Catholic School, but the resources and academia almost make up for the ridiculous tuition. If he doesn’t leave soon though, he’s going to be late, and Luka...cannot be late. He’ll make it up to her with a Saturday afternoon just the two of them, he promises.Just as he hears her car pull up into the drive way.“M’sorry… go’ah go, luv. Be good.”Éire smiles with angelic sleepiness.
Who takes the kid(s) to school:
Beth has run the Boston Marathon and regularly surfs the pipeline. She’s worked in the Congo. She survived over ten years in New York City, and knows how to navigate the subway. But never has she come face to face with a child who doesn’t want to go to school before. It’s creeping closer to to 7:15 and her shoes are still by the door. Her hair is half in and half out of her braids. Her backpack and all of its contents are strewn all over creation.“Hawika! C’mon. We goddah go.”Silence meets her.“I know ya can hear me. Get ya stuff an’ get ya little bottom in da car. NOW.”“O’i dun wanna!”She intentionally sounds as much as she can like Luka. “Dat’s too bad, we all do da kine we don’ wanna, jus’ da way da world works.”The evil glare she gets is breath-taking, and Beth, at the end of her rope, snatches her cell-phone off the counter. It takes almost another ten minutes on hold to bring Luka in from the field and whatever he’s doing with his new little tadpoles.A few quiet words later, Hawika is picking up her things and pretending that nothing happened. Beth has no idea what he said but they are going to have a chat later.
Who goes to the parent-teacher conferences:They present a unified front, even if they have to have an advance schedule of the conferences. They try to make every performance together, every open house, luau, sporting event. It doesn’t really matter how tired they are. How busy their schedule. The teachers drone on and on and they smile and nod. It’s on the way to the car that they finally break ranks. “We NO are buyin’ her a bike f’ her grades, Lulu.”He grins. He’s got the ten minutes driving home to talk her into it, because he spent all night putting that thing together. Who will be the first to suggest to have the “Talk” with the kid{s}.
“She’s only d’irteen, Be’d. Ta young.”“Yeah, an’ Panda wait til I was sixteen an’ caugh’ him red han...well. Ya know wha’ I mean. An’ she no like me a’ dat age. Wen go pick her up t’day from class, an’ she was sittin’ on da hood of her friend Janette’s braddah car. One of da younger boys from Kamehameha had his arm ‘round her, an’ he wearin’ her lip gloss when I pull up. So I t’ink it’s time.”“Oh. No. No’ it. Oi’ be an oak an oi’ canna be moved. But aye...go for’d an’ conquer.” 
Who would choose their child(s) prom outfit:
“Mom! Lindsay Stewart is such a bi-”Beth looks up from her laptop, and the article she was writing for Nursing Quarterly. Brow rising above the upper rim of her glasses at the chosen word.“I mean...well, no. You know what I mean! She stole my dress!”“Stole?”“Well, bought it before I could! And I’ve been saving for months.”Beth smiles softly. She remembers this age, and all the ones that come after it, and this isn’t the worst lesson life could teach her daughter. But she also needs to know that they’ve always got her six. “K, den. So wha’ we do is...you an’ me ...we go shoppin’. Calista’s firs’ den Bijou’s if no like. Shoes, dress, every kine, an’ we put it on my black card. Mebbe after we get some shave ice or some kine a’ Leonard’s, yeah?”
Who would cry when the kid(s) go off to college:
“So dat...dat happened!”The phone shakes in Beth’s hand as she tries to get a good view of the front of Wilmont Hall, the dorm that Hawika’s already mostly moved into. The video captures Luka, strong and tall as ever, a little more silver in his hair than the few years before arms around her dainty waist. Hers are wound around his neck, lifting her a solid foot off the ground. She’s always been a Daddy's girl, and even now, about to start her freshman year, none of that’s changed.Her brother and Baz make comments that are both sweet and snarky, toasting Hawika with Fireball boiler makers which she doesn’t even want to think about. Because it won’t be long before her daughter is going to start experimenting on her own, far beyond the reach of her parents and Beth still remembers what college was like. Notre Dame is far away from Hawai’i and far away from New York and everything is changing. The house is going to be quiet. There won’t be a constant state of everything. It isn’t going to be the three of them any more.“That’s why they call it growing up, babe.” Of course Andy’s right. He almost always is.She catches Luka in her own reflection and sees wet on his face, from both eyes, which surprises her. “So. Hey. Goddah go, wan get my alohas in too. We’ll see you in a couple of days.”She hangs up the call and slips her phone into her pocket, turning to face the other two. She blinks back the moisture in her own eyes and fixes a bright smile. The air isn’t quite chilly yet and the sky is blue, clear, crisp. There’s trees everywhere and dozens of other kids milling around with their parents or gathered in groups scattered over the quad.Maybe twenty more minutes is all she has to give them before Éire’s pulled away by the call of student life. Luka’s arm wraps around Beth’s waist, hers woven behind his back the same way and they walk back to the rental car slowly.“Were o'fair play, luv. Ye want ta troi'y again?”Beth tilts her head up at him, nostrils flaring, the corners of her eyes crinkling, and her lips tremble at the corner. Another entire life flashes in her green gaze as she seriously considers it. Then comes a deep hug, her hand coming to rest against his abs. A little laugh that’s sweet and soft.“I...I think I’m good, Admiral O’Rian.”He grins back, presses a kiss to her brow, and sweeps her off her feet.
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julie-reinspired · 4 years
Newborn Baby Essentials
1. Reusable and disposable breast pads - There will be a lot of leakage if you breast feed.
2. Snuggle Me Organic | Baby Lounger & Infant Floor Seat - I would order an extra cotton cover and puddle pad as well for backup when those leaky diapers happen!
3. Haakaa Silicone Breastfeeding Manual Breast Pump Milk Pump - This is great to put on the free breast while baby is feeding to collect the milk from the let down. Wish I new about this earlier in my breastfeeding journey! 
4. Halo Bassinest
5. Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine, Night Light and Time-to-Rise - this one seems really cool and would be a space saver. We did a stand alone night light and white noise sound machine BOTH ARE VERY HELPFUL FOR TRAVEL!
6. Baby bathtub - I didn’t get fancy with it.
7. Johnson's CottonTouch Newborn Baby Wash & Shampoo with No More Tears / Johnson's CottonTouch Newborn Baby Face and Body Lotion -These were my favorite body wash and lotion.
8. Small Space Heater - For the bathroom when you give baby his or her baths.
9. Baby Washcloths - You may want to order 2x
10. Baby Thermometer Forehead and Ear
11. Baby Crystal Nail Files -These are so cute and at first I just filed 
12. Baby Nail Clippers
13. Muslin Swaddle Blankets
14. Organic Nipple Butter
15. Nursing Pillow
16. Zip Up Sleep And Play 
17. Mommy Robe with Matching Baby Swaddle Blanket and Cap
18. Disposable Mesh Panties Post Birth Recovery
19. Always Ultra Thin Feminine Pads with Wings
20. Lansinoh TheraPearl Breast Therapy Pack
21. Diaper Pail - This one is cool because you don’t have to buy specific bags for it. 
22. Felt Letter Board - Not a necessity, but they are so cute for the baby name, weight, and height at the hospital.
I feel like the list could go on and on, but I’m trying to make it somewhat minimal. I will add more if I think of anything else.
Click on the words in bold and you will be able to see the item on amazon. If you purchase through the link I receive a commission so thanks in advance. Hope this is helpful.
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comfymommy · 1 year
Can Pregnant Women Wear Mask ? - COMFY MOMMY – ComfyMommyShop
Pregnant and Non-Pregnant women wearing the respirator mask had a mild—but significant—increase within the heart resting or pressure. The provisional increase did not affect heart and lung function, so it is unlikely to cause health problems in healthy women.
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comfymommy · 10 months
Big Cactus Print Maternity Robe and Swaddle Set - Matching Dad Shirt - Personalized Baby Hat |Comfy Mummy
Explore the perfect family hospital matching outfit in our Big Cactus Swaddle Print collection at ComfyMommyShop. Discover our maternity robe and swaddle set, including a matching dad shirt and personalized baby hat. Create cherished memories with our mommy and baby robe and swaddle sets.
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comfymommy · 10 months
Buy  Dragonfly pattern  Maternity Robe - Swaddle , Personalized Hat - Matching Dad Shirt in- ComfyMommyShop
Discover our collection of matching dad shirts, maternity robes, swaddle sets, and personalized baby hats at ComfyMommyShop. Create adorable and coordinated family hospital outfits with our unique  Dragonfly pattern. Make your little one's arrival extra special with our personalized baby hats. Shop now and create unforgettable memories!
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comfymommy · 10 months
Radiant Parenthood Beginnings: Elevate Your Birthing Experience with our Matching Sunflower Corncob Mom Dad Baby hospital outfit  
Elevate your birthing experience with ComfyMommyShop’s Robe Swaddle Personalized Hat With Matching Dad Shirt in Sunflower Corncobs and Green Swaddle. Order now and step into motherhood with the perfect blend of comfort, style, and family bonding.
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comfymommy · 10 months
Shop Qua Floral Pattern Matching Dad Shirt -Robe swaddle personalized hat at ComfyMommyShop 
Browse our Aqua Floral Pattern Matching dad shirts, mom and baby outfits, maternity robe and swaddle sets, plus size maternity hospital gowns, and labor and delivery outfits at ComfyMommyShop. Create stylish and coordinated ensembles for the whole family. Shop now and make special memories with your Baby & loved ones.
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comfymommy · 10 months
Radiant Parenthood Beginnings: Elevate Your Birthing Experience with our Matching Sunflower Corncob Mom Dad Baby hospital outfit  
Step into Motherhood in Style:
Embark on your journey into motherhood with grace and style, courtesy of our exclusive Maternity Set -  Robe Swaddle Personalized Hat With Matching Dad Shirt in Sunflower Corncobs and Green Swaddle. At ComfyMommyShop, we understand the significance of this moment, and our set is designed to make your birthing experience as comfortable, charming, and unforgettable as possible.
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A Symphony of Comfort and Style:
Experience the joy of coordinated maternity wear with our matching robe and swaddle set. The sunflower corncobs design not only radiates warmth but also adds a touch of charm to your maternity hospital gown, making it the best maternity robe and swaddle set for the modern mom.
Cutest Mom and Baby Matching Outfits:
Capture the essence of early motherhood with the cutest Mom and Baby Matching Outfits. Our personalized hat completes the ensemble, ensuring your first family photos are not just moments but cherished memories. The matching green swaddle adds an adorable touch, creating a perfect twinning moment for you and your newborn.
Family Bonding in Coordinated Comfort:
Extend the joy to the entire family with our matching dad shirt. Celebrate the arrival of your little one in style and create lasting family memories with our coordinated maternity set. Family Matching Outfits have never been this comfortable or chic.
Personalized Newborn Hats for a Special Touch:
Make your baby's first accessory memorable with our Personalized Newborn Hats. Crafted with care, these hats add a unique touch to your little one's wardrobe, ensuring they enter the world in style.
Plus Size Maternity Hospital Gown:
We believe every mom deserves to feel comfortable and beautiful, which is why our maternity hospital gown comes in plus sizes. Embrace your body's beauty during this special time with a gown that is not just stylish but accommodates every curve.
Mommy and Baby Robe and Swaddle – A Perfect Trio:
Create a charming trio with our Mommy and Baby Robe and Swaddle set. Revel in the comfort and style that comes with coordinated maternity wear, celebrating the unity between mom and baby.
Order Your Maternity Set Today:
Elevate your birthing experience with ComfyMommyShop's ROBE SWADDLE PERSONALIZED HAT WITH MATCHING DAD SHIRT IN SUNFLOWER CORNCOBS AND GREEN SWADDLE. Order now and step into motherhood with the perfect blend of comfort, style, and family bonding.
Celebrate your radiant beginnings with ComfyMommyShop – Where Every Maternity Set is a Statement of Comfort and Style.
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comfymommy · 10 months
Unicorn Pattern : Matching Robe and Swaddle Set - Personalized hat with Dad Shirt | ComfyMommyShop
Discover our enchanting unicorn pattern matching robe and swaddle set at ComfyMommyShop. Make the newborn baby's outfit extra special with this mommy and me robe and swaddle set for boys. Explore our collection for a mom, dad, and baby hospital outfit, labor and delivery gown, and more. Shop now!
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comfymommy · 10 months
Get Cozy and Stylish with Comfy Mommy Shop - Best Maternity Robe and Swaddle Sets, Matching Dad Shirts, and More!
 Comfy Mommy offers a variety of matching robe and swaddle sets that are perfect for new moms and dads. Our sets are made from high-quality materials that are soft and comfortable for both you and your baby. With our wide range of options, you can find the best maternity robe and swaddle set for your style and preferences.
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comfymommy · 11 months
Creating Precious Memories with Our Elegant Mom Robe, Dad Shirt & personalized Baby Hat Matching Outfits 
The journey to motherhood is a remarkable one, filled with moments you'll treasure forever. Among these, your hospital stay stands out as a truly special time when you first meet your newborn. Make this moment unforgettable with our charming mom and baby matching outfits, meticulously designed for your comfort, style, and, of course, those heartwarming first photos.
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Matching Robe and Swaddle Set: A Comfortable Bond
Our matching robe and swaddle sets are the epitome of comfort and style. The soft, gentle fabrics ensure both mom and baby stay cozy during your hospital stay. Choose from a variety of delightful designs, such as the enchanting Small Red Flowers Swaddle Print, to create a harmonious bond with your little one.
Cutest Mom and Baby Matching Outfits: The Joy of Twinning
Twinning with your baby has a special charm. At ComfyMommyShop.com, we offer the cutest outfits to make this happen. From robes and swaddle sets to personalized boy hats, you'll find an array of adorable options to capture this joyous moment. The cuteness factor in these outfits is off the charts!
Labor and Delivery Gown: Style Meets Function
Our labor and delivery gowns not only offer style but also practicality. Crafted for comfort and easy access during medical procedures, these gowns are a great addition to your hospital bag. Plus, they make those first photos with your newborn even more stylish.
Matching Dad Shirt: Family Bonding
Don't leave dad out! Family bonding is an integral part of the journey. Our matching dad shirts ensure that the whole family can coordinate and celebrate together. These shirts not only look fantastic but also create lasting family memories.
Personalized Baby Hat: A Unique Keepsake
Add a personal touch to your baby's first moments with our personalized baby hats. Whether you choose to add your baby's name or initials, it becomes a cherished keepsake you'll treasure forever.
Plus Size Maternity Clothes: Celebrating Every Mom
We believe that every mom, regardless of size, deserves to feel comfortable and beautiful during her maternity journey. Our plus-size maternity clothes are designed to embrace this special time with style and grace.
A Mommy and Me Outfit Hospital: Early Bonding
Our mommy and me outfits are not just about style but also about early bonding. These outfits provide comfort, ensuring that you and your little one can create beautiful memories together from the very beginning.
Transform your hospital stay into a memorable experience with ComfyMommyShop.com. Explore our extensive collection of mom and baby matching outfits, personalized baby hats, plus-size maternity clothes, and everything you need for a comfortable and stylish stay. Make the journey to motherhood even more enchanting with outfits that elevate the moment.
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comfymommy · 1 year
Blossom into Motherhood: Flower Maternity Sets at ComfyMommyShop.com
Discover our exquisite flower maternity sets at ComfyMommyShop.com and embrace the beauty of motherhood in style. Shop now for comfortable and fashionable maternity wear.
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comfymommy · 1 year
Blossom into Motherhood: Flower Maternity Sets at ComfyMommyShop.com
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Floral Maternity Robe: Embrace Elegance and Comfort.
There’s something inherently charming about floral patterns, and our Floral Maternity Robes beautifully combine style and comfort. Made from soft, breathable fabrics, these robes are perfect for lounging or slipping on when you have guests. Whether you’re lounging at home or preparing for a maternity photoshoot, our floral robes are the epitome of maternity elegance.
Galaxy Maternity Dress: Shine Bright During Your Pregnancy.
Our Galaxy Maternity Dresses are designed to make you feel like a star throughout your pregnancy. Featuring eye-catching galaxy-themed prints and a comfortable, stretchy fit, these dresses are perfect for a night out or a special occasion. They allow you to express your unique style while accommodating your changing body with grace.
Christmas Hospital Gown: Celebrate the Holidays with Comfort.
Pregnancy is a journey filled with milestones, and if your due date falls around the holiday season, why not embrace the festivities? Our Christmas Hospital Gowns are perfect for welcoming your little one into the world during this joyful time. With holiday-themed designs and the utmost comfort, these gowns add a touch of merriment to your maternity experience.
Mom and Baby Robe Set: Matching Moments with Your Little One.
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Explore Flower Maternity Sets at ComfyMommyShop.com.
At ComfyMommyShop.com, we are committed to providing expectant mothers with stylish and comfortable maternity wear that celebrates this beautiful phase of life. Our Flower Maternity Sets offer a wide range of choices, from floral robes to galaxy dresses, and even holiday-themed hospital gowns.
Our priority is your comfort and confidence during this incredible journey into motherhood. We understand that every pregnancy is unique, and our maternity sets are designed to embrace your individuality while providing the comfort you need.
Celebrate your blossoming motherhood with our Flower Maternity Sets. Visit ComfyMommyShop.com today to explore our collection and find the perfect ensemble to make your pregnancy moments even more beautiful and memorable.
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