#pregnancy robe and swaddle
comfymommy · 1 year
Can Pragnant Women Wear Mask ? - COMFY MOMMY – ComfyMommyShop
Pregnant women with COVID-19, who have pre-existing medical conditions, like diabetes or chronic high vital sign, or those that are older or overweight, also are more likely to suffer severe health complications thanks to COVID-19. The research says all people, including pregnant women, can wear masks once they are public to slow the spread of COVID-19. Wearing of the mask is recommended because studies have shown that folks can spread the virus before showing any symptoms.
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Worldwide, many pregnant women wear masks at work, including the widely used N95 respirator with a filtering mask. The N95 respirator restricts normal airflow, so a lady may need to breathe harder while wearing it. A question that arises in our mind, does an N95 filtering mask put more physical stress on a pregnant woman who wears it?
But the research says whether pregnant women who wear an N95 respirator have different health effects than women who are not pregnant. Researchers took steps to make sure that the tests did not themselves create a risk for harm. They monitored 16 pregnant and 16 non-pregnant voluntary participants for pulse rate, pressure level, fetal pulse, and other indicators of heart and lung function. The research includes an hour of alternating sitting, standing, and moderate exercise on a stationary bicycle, both with and without a filtering mask.
However, both pregnant and non-pregnant women wearing the respirator mask had a mild—but significant—increase within the heart resting or pressure. The provisional increase did not affect heart and lung function, so it is unlikely to cause health problems in healthy women.
Pregnant women should do similar things in the general public to avoid infection. You will help stop the spread of COVID-19 by taking these actions-
Cover your cough (using your elbow may be a useful technique).
Avoid people that are sick.
Clean your hands often using alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water.
Stay at home or a minimum of six feet faraway from people who do not sleep in your home.
Avoid public gatherings and individuals with symptoms.
Maintain an appropriate social distance (6 feet) and wear a mask if you will not maintain distance.
What if I am a pregnant health care worker exposed to Coronavirus?
Ans- At present, pregnant patients should observe similar precautions and procedures. All other healthcare workers are instructed to look after their employee health or infection prevention and control departments for guidance on PPE.
Ans- We do not know at this point if COVID-19 would cause problems during pregnancy or affect the health of the baby after birth. It is essential to possess an idea in place and brace oneself for you and your family's best health. Do not panic, but know enough and stay informed to understand when the time is right, if necessary, to take proper action.
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blkdaddie · 3 months
What to Expect When You're A Trad Husband Expecting: Third Trimester
The third trimester is when the baby's, and therefore your, growth will really accelerate.
You may need to adjust your wardrobe but this is no excuse to be slovenly. Soft draped shirts and linen slacks that mold to your expanding hips will serve you well.
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Athletic clothing is to be worn for athletics only and in the very rarest of instances, for a brief errand. Use your HoH's working hours to attend to all self-care tasks so you can freshen up and give him your full attention when you get home.
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Your HoH may wish for you to wear less clothing when he is home. This will certainly be more comfortable but keep a shirt or soft sweater near the front door in the case of visitors and deliveries, lest you give the neighbors an eyeful.
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As you grow larger, especially if carrying multiples, a belly band will be your best friend. It will provide support to take weight off of your back and also help prevent stretch marks.
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Of course your hubby will always be your preferred body pillow, but as the baby gets bigger and stronger, the pokes and kicks might interrupt your sleep. Invest in a good body pillow, which will not only help with future pregnancies but can double as a breastfeeding pillow in between.
At this point, your baby can see and hear! Play music to support brain development, and encourage your hubby to talk to your belly so baby/ies will recognize his voice.
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This is the time to write out your birth plan, take childbirth classes, and if applicable, pack your birth bag. Make sure to order a matching robe and swaddle blanket for you and your new baby for your first photos. We recommend you watch some birth videos to explore what kind of labor and delivery you want. Will you deliver at home, in a center, or in a hospital? Will you have a water birth, use a birthing chair, or a bed with stirrups? Familiarize yourself with different positions and techniques that will help the baby descend and manage your pain levels.
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Any labor and delivery that is safe and healthy for you and baby is good and valid. Do your best to stay active, eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water, and most of all, enjoy the little pokes and flutters as your baby grows bigger and stronger.
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tamayakii · 1 year
A Blessed Day.
pairing: Otto Hightower x Reader warnings: FEM!reader, labour, kinda angsty? but otto loves u :3 note: i wrote this in like 30 minutes and did not get it beta-read or anything, so, its not the BEST
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You are the youngest sister of Rhaenrya Targaryen, married off to Otto Hightower right before he is sent back to Old Town and as his wife, you follow him. You believe he does not love you as much as he does his first lady wife, the late mother of his two children.
You force yourself to be happy with this, that this was the best you could get. Always in the shadow of the Realms Delight, you envied your sisters' reputation but you still loved her more than your envy. So you've resigned yourself to being Ser Otto Hightower's second lady wife, while in Oldtown you fall pregnant, your first child.
Whilst Otto slept you worry yourself to the bone, fearing you may also meet your mother's fate. The months of your long pregnancy were delightful, with many gifts from fellow Hightowers, gifts sent from your sister and father. Even a letter from your now step-daughter, Alicent, wishing you the best.
Whilst the moon is high in the black sky, you grip your bloodied bedsheets, screaming into the fabric as you try to push your child out to no avail. You are on your knees, using the bed as support, the position was suggested by the midwife; to help the babe slip out with little to no tears. Your husband, stood outside the door, listening and waiting, holding his hands together and his head low as he listens to your screams of terror and pain.
You weep for your mother, for your sister. You wished to feel their hands combing through your hair, shushing your cries and wiping your tears. The air is punched from your lungs as another contraction comes again,
"Push!!" The Maester screams, your midwife holding your hips to still your shaking. A silent scream turns into an ear-piercing shriek, your strength had run out, leaving you sobbing.
"Otto.." you whisper, you try to push yourself up, quickly pulled back down to the floor by the Maester. Midwife wiping your sweat with a cloth, "O-Otto!"
The door is pushed open and you see your husband in his robe, his eyes widen at the scene. Having never seen you in such a state, "Please.. Please Otto, I need you." begging as you reached your hand out to him.
He is quick to your side, grasping your hand in between his own. He studies your eased expression, your cheeks stained with tears. Hair sticking to your sweaty forehead,
"I'm here.. I'm here" he reassures, retracting a hand to pet your head, trying to console you. His hand drifts down to the back of your neck, massaging the tense muscles.
"i can't do it, i can't" you weep, "I want my mother! I want my sister here, i need them! i-" Your muscles tense up again as your body forces you to push, you feel the Maesters hand go into you and you scream.
"Shh shh, it's okay, you're fine, just breathe, my dear, breathe" You listen to him, trying to take deep breaths, burying your face in the sheets as you grit your teeth and push again.
The pain is agonizing, like a fire in your cunt that never ends. The fire spreads to your back and legs as you practically roar like a dragon, pushing all of your physical and mental power in one last push.
Then the room falls silent.
A cry.
A cry breaks the room's silence, and the midwife laughs in relief. You go limp as you sigh in relief, limbs like soup.
"You've done it, the hard part is over." Otto whispers, kissing your temple, leaning his forehead against your head. One hand still holding yours and the other rubbing your back,
"What.. what is it" you whisper, Otto lifts his head and looks at you as you turn your head to face him, "are they a girl?" Otto looks at the Maester, who now returns with the babe swaddled up.
"Congratulations, you have a baby girl"
Your tears turn into a happy cry, a girl. You were right, a girl.
"I told you.. I was right" Otto turns to look at you again, a captivated look across his face. He kisses your cheek, instead of turning to grab the babe like you expected him to, he says something you never expected out of his mouth.
"I love you, My darling."
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theyscreamjade · 2 years
Shouta Aziawa body worshiping his wife after hearing the comments jealous ladies have said about her.
In My Eyes
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「 Lemme say I've never ever thought I'd be making a Shouta Aizawa smut, It's one for the books. This is one for the books, I hope you like it! ෆ」
⊰ 18+! (Anyone who’s underaged will be blocked!)ও
↬ word count ᱺ 1.6k ෆ
↬ Disclaimer: Cursing, Sexual Acts, Body Shaming, Postpartum Depression.
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A lot has changed. Everything isn’t the same anymore. With a rather reluctant and exhausted sigh, you placed the car in park and sat in the driver’s seat for a while. You gripped the steering wheel before bursting into tears, nearly sobbing as your soft cries became hurt screams. It was needed after the day you had.
You became one of UA’s newest teachers, replacing Midnight. It was an all-hands-on-deck situation and wasn’t the best for you. You just had your first kid, adopted another child, and married your fiancé. It’s been a rather..long long journey. You wiped your tears and composed yourself. It wasn’t the fact what happened to Midnight or immediately going back to school that was bothering you. Oh no…you handled and accepted her death already.
The only issue is…comments. Before you married Shouta, you were a hero. Destined for great things, a fighter, a motivator, and more. You were once skinny, slim, and flexible. Just as flexible as Mirko and that’s saying something. Once you were married and began settling with Shouta, you didn’t change…not until you become pregnant. The pregnancy was a breeze, with barely any morning sicknesses or anything, the downside was the fatty cravings and food you’d devour. Once you have birth to your son, your body adapted and popped into your motherhood body..which wasn’t the best idea.
Your body was thick, you had back fat, arm flaps, a double chin, a chubby tummy, thick thighs, wide hips, and breasts with a thick ass. Your originally size 6 dress size practically doubled and it wasn’t in a good way to others. Students hardly recognized you, teachers gossiped and ridiculed you, and postpartum depression was just increasing by the second. You felt numb, ugly..and undesirable.
“Kitten?” A voice said, snapping you back into reality. You blinked in confusion before you noticed you were in the bathroom, in a towel. You stood right in front of the sink with the water running, your toothbrush still naked in your hand. “You’ve been standing there for a few minutes. Is everything okay?” He asked, walking over to you. He placed his hand on your shoulder which made you jump without an exact reason. “I-I’m okay! I’m fine…I-I’m just going to check on the baby!” You lied, slipping past him towards the bedroom. You slapped on a robe and walked out. You zoned throughout the entire day, eating dinner, playing and acting..with your family and you can’t remember anything.
You peeked into the nursery, seeing the baby sleeping in his crib. He soft sighed and snores as he lay in his swaddle. You checked on Eri next, seeing her fast asleep while holding her Deku doll. You smiled at the sight of them before returning to your bedroom. Another restless night to work at the school again. “What’s wrong?” Shouta demanded, looking at you. “I-I’m fine. I just want to get some sleep…” you lied, not in the mood to argue. Not like as if you and he ever argued but you weren’t going to start now. You reached over to turn the bedroom lights off before something wrapped around your body.
With an easy tug, you were spinning toward Shouta’s arms. He hugged you tightly and rubbed your back. “Is what happened to Nemuri affecting you?” He asked, his hand touching the back of your head as you shook your head. “I-It’s not. It’s not that..” you admitted softly. Nemuri was an important part of your life and your hero life as well. She’s the reason why you and Shouta even started dating, she was this walking ball of confidence and sexual attraction. She barely had to do anything and guys were all over her but she loved herself. Whether she gained weight, lost weight, got bloated, or gathered acne on her skin. She owned it.
“Are you..still attracted to me?” You asked softly, resisting at first but you wanted to know. “What?” He questioned, looking down at you before you pushed him back. “Never mind, let’s go to bed.” You quickly spat, ready to drop the subject. “Kitten, what makes you think I’d not be attracted to you?” He questioned while you plugged your phone in before sitting on the bed with a soft thump. You stared at the wall for a second before hugging yourself. “Because…no one recognized who I am. Not a single student recognized me! All those pathetic teachers did nothing but gossip and talk shit about how I’ve let myself go! How I can’t do anything or even half the shit I could do!” You screamed in anger as tears streamed down your cheeks. “I-I’m not the same person you fell in love with…I’m not sexy, I’m not gorgeous or anything..” you said, trying your hardest to hold your sobs but failing terribly.
A pair of hands cupped each side of your face, holding your face in his hands as he lifted you to look into his eyes. He planted a few kisses on your face and lips, wiping your tears before he kissed you deeply. Tears still formed and streamed from your eyes as he eased you to the bed. His body is between your legs. “Shouta, W-“
“You’re right. You’re not the person I fell in love with…you’re more than that. You’re the person I married, the person I had a child and adopted another with. You were sexy before, you were gorgeous back then..but now, Kitten. You’re fucking libidinous. Every single day, you drive me fucking wild..you’re still pulchritudinous in every single way. You’re gorgeous, you’re still sexy, and there’s nothing that can ever change my damn mind.” He confessed, staring into your eyes. “I don’t care what I’ve got to do just to ensure and prove to you that you’re beautiful every day, I’ll do it..” he whispered, his lips inching closer to yours before they connected. “I love you, Kitten. I’ll never stop loving you..” He whispered against your lips, his hands opening your robe and exposing your body.
His lips immediately latched onto your breasts, sucking the nipple as soft moans escaped from you. Your toes curled with your walls throbbing with excitement. “S-Shouta..” you moaned out, excitement building between the two of you. It felt exactly how it did when you two first did it, or when you conceived your child on your wedding night. Nothing but magic, every single time. He always left you speechless. Your hair gripped his long strands of hair, moving with his head as he ate you out perfectly. His hands gripped your thighs as the thickness of them nearly folded around his fingers. “I-I-I’m close, I’m getting close!” You cried out to him, only to be ignored by him. He was a pleasure dom, after all. He never rests until you’re satisfied. Your back arched as he dove deeper, sucking harder on your clit until you finally climaxed.
Before you could even say a word, he slipped inside you. His eyes stared deep into yours and you knew instantly. It wasn’t just a quickie inside his sleeping bag, it wasn’t just a fast one before the kids returned from training or you gotta keep quiet so the kids won’t hear you two having sex. It was love, it was the sex you desired. Each thrust left you panting, begging, desiring more. It was the string that was once loose reconnecting again, you could feel his heart through his movements. How they never changed, regardless of how much your body has. He still loved you..just the way you were and it never stopped regardless of the position. Missionary, Doggy, Riding him, and cowgirl. Nothing changed.
It was reaching midnight, the bed sheets were tugged, pulled and some even popped from the corners. Pillows were scattered all over the floor, the blanket loosely over his body as he pounded you in his favorite position. Your hands gripped and scratched his back. You’ve came more than once, your mind was beyond blank which was possibly his plan. Shouta leaned close to you, taking your hands away from his back and pacing his fingers with yours as he placed his forehead over yours. Those eyes, the way he could see your soul..and still see more past that. “Say it, say you’re beautiful.” He demanded, feeling your walls clench him tightly. “I-I’m beautiful.” You stammered out, keeping your eyes on his. “Promise me you’ll tell me whenever you’re having doubts.” “I-I-I promise! I swear baby!” You moaned out, feeling the knot getting tighter as he pounded harder. His tip enters deep into your velvet, cum-covered walls. Each thrust pushed your legs back a bit further. “Who’s my beautiful fucking kitten?” He asked, feeling your body shake just as a wave crashed onto your system. In other words, you were cumming. “I-I am! I’m beautiful!” You cried out, loud enough for him to hear and possibly the whole neighborhood.
With a final deep thrust, he lay beside you and looked over at you. “How do you feel now?” He asked, turning towards you as he placed his hand on his cheek. “You could’ve just talked to me..or suggested a counselor.” You said in a joking tone, shuffling over into his arms. He chuckled and rubbed your back, his arms wrapping around your body. “This was more effective, besides…I needed help too.” He mumbled softly, kissing the top of your forehead. “…Shouta?” You asked softly. “Hm?” He replied, opening one eye and looking down at you. “Thank you…” you whispered, kissing his chest before his hand lifted your leg and placed it on his side. He pulled you as close as you could to him, kissing your shoulder and covering you completely. “I love you, Kitten.” He whispered, holding you as he could. He leaned close to your ear and whispered.
“There’s nothing that’ll ever change that.”
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Sky Bison Entry
AU, timeline.
Cw childbirth, labor, pregnancy
Lin watched as the earth moved further and further away from her as she sat in the very back of the saddle. The air family was safe, for now. Amon’s reinforcements had yet to reach Air Temple Island and Korra and her friends were safe underground for now.
General Iroh would be here soon. Lin frowned deeply as she remembered holding his little pudgy hand while he learned how to walk, she couldn’t imagine calling the little boy she once knew to fight in this war. To fight against Amon, knowing what was at risk for him. Age seemed to settle into her bones once again as she realized that man was already thirty seven. Her thoughts were interrupted as Pema gasped and cried out in pain. Her attention snapped to the young woman as her kids gathered quickly.
“Mommy? What’s wrong?” Ikki asked worried.
“Pema? What’s going on back there?” Tenzin asked turning back as he steered Oogi away from the city.
“The baby is coming!” Pema gasped as she fisted her hands tight through the contraction.
Lin stood and made her way over.
“Jinora get me a blanket, two if you have them, Ikki I’ll need some water do we have a waterskin? And Meelo, hold these, do not drop them.” She said as if it was of upmost importance and handed him her gauntlets to keep the cold metal away from the delivery. Meelo nodded once taking the order well and sitting eventually curious and inspecting the metal armor he had been handed.
“Lin?” Tenzin asked nervous.
“Calm down Tenzin, do you know how many emergency deliveries I’ve assisted on scenes?” Lin scoffed the assurance even as the stress of the situation settled a vice grip in her chest.
She may have delivered a baby or two in her time. But she had healers on the way, a team of adults by her side, it wasn’t her ex’s wife and child, and she wasnt hundreds of feet in the air.
She gave Pema one nod before she knelt between her bent legs to see how far along the labor was.
Pema cried out with another contraction as Lin settled the blankets over Pema’s knees and one over her own lap for when the baby arrived she could wrap him and clean him.
The screaming with contractions was not helping Lin’s nerves and she leveled Pema with a stern glare.
“Oh stop screaming Pema, you’ve done this more than enough times by now.” She said sharply.
Pema glared at her angry and in pain. “More than- more than enough times?!” She repeated shocked to have been spoken to that way. “I’m giving birth on a Sky bison! Beifong!” Pema snapped back.
Lin scoffed and used the water to give her hands a quick wash before turning back to Pema.
The young woman was natural and soon a baby boy slid into Lin’s hands. Lin quickly cleaned the baby off from the blood and birth debris. The newborn was tiny in her hands as she gently welcomed him into the world. Strong warm hands holding him securely even with so much chaos around him. A moment of peace, as she guided this new life into this world. Even if though his family was being hunted by a madman at the moment.
Lin cleaned his face and a strong cry sounded above the wind whipping past her ears.
“It’s a boy.” Lin said as she swaddled him and grabbed the knife she cleaned to sever the chord and tied it off. After another few minutes the labor had concluded in full and Lin helped Pema clean up before wrapping them both in clean blankets.
“A brother! It’s about time!” Meelo set the gauntlets aside as the three kids hurried to crowd around the new baby.
“Oooh! He’s cute!!” Ikki squealed.
“Are you okay Mommy?” Jinora asked wanting to make sure her mother was alright.
Lin called her gauntlets back to her and once Pema was settled she carefully climbed up to sit next to Tenzin, holding to his robes to help balance without the edges of the saddle.
“How is she?” Tenzin asked worried.
“Pema’s fine, she did well. The baby is a little boy…” Lin stared dead ahead her face emotionless for a moment before it softened. “He’s perfect Tenzin.” She said gently.
“Rohan, his name is Rohan.” Tenzin smiled as tears filled his eyes.
Lin smiled softly, her hand on his shoulder to steady herself. She glanced back at the family and her smile vanished.
“They’re following us, go faster Tenzin.” She said seriously as she stood and hurried to the back of the saddle just in time to deflect a net coming for them.
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ohmygodshesinsane · 1 year
for @jilymicrofics / april prompt 16: father / words: 480
“Madness,” James declares, looking up from the babe in his arms and grinning from ear to ear. Lily smiles back at him, and warmth blossoms where her eyes fall. The little girl nestled along his forearm – Callie, her parents have called her – wriggles slightly, mouth opening as if in question. She’s beautiful. He can’t imagine how Edgar must feel. To have a kid – to look down and realise that this tiny person is part of you and the person you love, that they depend on you, that they need you – it’s dizzying.
“Enjoying playing father?” Lily asks, stepping closer to stroke the rosy swaddling. Callie turns her head towards her. James shakes his head in wonder.
“It’s mental, isn’t it?” he says. “We can just make other humans like that. Just – all of a sudden – bam! New person!” Lily raises her eyebrows.
“Not sure if nine months of pregnancy is ‘all of a sudden’, but alright,” she replies.
“You know what I mean.” In a moment of daring, he bounces the baby just a touch, and is instantly terrified he’ll drop it. He’s not met many babies. He was the youngest of his cousins far and away, and it’s not as if his mates are having babies yet. Merlin, they’re only eighteen. Callie makes a small sound and he freezes, fearing a cry, but it only seems to be a gurgle in the end.
“They are strange little things,” Lily agrees, peering over. He’s never seen Lily with a baby either, and he swallows hard. It’s – well, kind of like Divination, maybe. Ten years in the future, will Callie be their own daughter? It’s ridiculous to think about, really, but it enters his head nevertheless. Lily grins down at Callie. “Are you very odd? Are you really?”
“Are you meant to call the baby odd?” James asks, laughing. Lily shoots him a playful glare.
“Nothing wrong with a bit of oddness,” she says. “Doesn’t stop her being perfect, does it?”
 “Are you plotting to kidnap my child?” Edgar Bones appears in the doorway, stroking his bushy auburn beard, and immediately a toddler hurtles out of the hall and attaches itself to his leg. Edgar doesn’t even blink. James rethinks the ten-years-in-the-future vision. Divination was always a load of rubbish anyways.
“Only until she cries,” Lily says, stepping out of the road. Carrying her like a bomb, James hands Callie back to her father, who smiles instinctively and presses a whiskery kiss to her forehead. The toddler – his son, unfortunately also called James, which has been a great source of humour for Sirius – begins making unintelligible whines and pulls at his robes.
“Thanks for holding her,” Edgar grins. “Hope she wasn’t too much trouble. One day you’ll learn how nice it is to go to the loo without a kid attached.”
James and Lily exchange a look and laugh. One day.
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yodashairyballs · 1 year
Carry Me, Bury Me - Chapter One
FANDOM: Star Wars Original Trilogy
RELATIONSHIPS: Luke Skywalker/Yoda, Luke & Yoda
CHARACTERS: Luke Skywalker, Yoda
ADDITIONAL TAGS: Oviposition, Eggpreg, Mpreg, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blood and Gore, Violence, Psychological Horror, Body Horror, Inappropriate Use Of The Force, Forced Pregnancy, Rape/Non-con Elements, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Psychological Torture, Force Visions (Star Wars)
SUMMARY: An odd gleam, the lustful hands of a sun caressing the life flourishing at its feet, fluttered across Yoda's eyes, dripping like honey from ashen lashes. Gnarled hands moved mechanically, talons tightening as they lowered themselves–down, down, moving with the speed of one unaware of their mortality–to Luke's chest. Something hot and thick, pulsing with life and slicker than oil, spattered Luke's now-bare skin like rainfall, staining the front of Yoda's robes a sickly green. Eggs--dozens upon dozens of them, born pulsing with an infantile curiosity and coagulating at Yoda's feet.
"Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force."
The words rang hollow in Luke's mind, enraptured in the purely animalistic desire wracking Yoda's failing body as it dragged itself slowly from its place of rest and mounted his paralyzed chest. Gnarled talons on his hind legs dug into skin, flesh, trust–they hooked the creature's body like grappling hooks, tethering legs too weak for that which they held as Luke's master used his remaining strength to tear his shirt from his chest. You can't die–those curséd words, spoken only moments before, spun themselves into a noose around Luke's neck.
Every nerve in his body screamed, his blood nearly boiled by the voice once haunting the back of his mind that now grabbed the controls, screaming for him to run–and yet, a Force grip stronger than he could ever imagine himself to be held him crucified upon the floor of his master's hut, victim to the haze glowing in the creature's dying eyes. It seemed initially as they met Luke's that the man he had known had already passed, but still he could feel him lurking within, his life force curling around and caressing him as if a predator nurturing its prey before going in for the kill.
"But beware." Something–something hot and thick, pulsing with life and slicker than oil–spattered Luke's now-bare skin like rainfall, staining the front of Yoda's robes a sickly green. It trickled down his legs, falling in roiling clumps, surging into Luke's mind and grasping like a baby for its mother; it stumbled with a child's wobbly dumbness, knobbly and blind as the Force that swaddled it. Eggs–dozens upon dozens of them, clad in a messy slurry of blood and discharge from orifices Luke hadn't imagined to be hidden beneath Yoda's roughly-hewn robes.
An odd gleam, the lustful hands of a sun caressing the life flourishing at its feet, fluttered across Yoda's eyes, dripping like honey from ashen lashes. Gnarled hands moved mechanically, talons tightening as they lowered themselves–down, down, moving with the speed of one unaware of their mortality–to Luke's chest.
"Anger, fear, aggression–" Blood pounded hot in Luke's veins as nails broke skin and grated on bone. Words lodged in his throat escaped in a great, crescendoing scream; as desperate were his motions as they were futile as his eyes rolled wildly in his head, grasping for stability and refuge in the Force as he once had under Yoda's council… but no more. "The Dark Side are they."
No more. The time for collection and calm had long since passed; their throats long since slit and their corpses tossed to the wayside. All that remained was the sweat and unspeakable life that slid revoltingly hot on Luke's skin–the same flesh that, despite its immobilization, still managed to tremble and whimper under Yoda's grip.
"Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." The entire world slipped through Luke's fingers as Yoda's claws arced suddenly through flesh and bone, carving weeping canyons into soft tissue and wrestling fractures into all that lurked beneath. Luke's scream liquefied, copper spreading through his lips and lungs. Instinctually, fatally, his back arched and seized as the great talons raked through his chest, digging them ever-deeper as they ground against bone–and Luke Skywalker's limit, seared white into his vision, was surpassed. He plunged from consciousness into a dark, searing pool of blood and the Force, the lines between reality and the vision that gripped his mind blurring and shaking him to his core. It possessed his mind, dragging him through past and present to his purpose as he was born anew–
Born pulsing with an infantile curiosity, and coagulating at Yoda's feet.
The embryos lurking within the confines of fragile egg membranes were not yet sentient, nor had they acquired the ability to translate sensory input; they were strong with the Force, however, and that was well enough. Their father's instability haunted them, stalking the weeks past with bone-deep determination and exhaustion until, finally, the tendrils of love that caressed them withdrew, leaving them alone in the darkness. The life that fueled theirs was fading, grappling with a desperacy to protect its young in an environment inhospitable to all but the most fearsome pulses in the Force, within which only ferality and instinct dwelt. It had seemed for some time that Father would give in, that he would succumb to the bitterness of their world and take them with him to his grave…
Until, that was, another swell of life and youth–a new hope for their dying flesh--drew near. Until Father's beckons called like siren songs to this strange other, seducing it to his side and into service. It had drawn ever nearer, at Father's side even in his time of dying, grasping for his hand, for his mind–for a stronghold in Father as he sought for his own children.
It was not difficult, in those fleeting, final moments, for Father to slip from his mind, and for instinct to overtake the love he had once held for that other life, and take its body for his offspring. He had pinned it and stripped it of its stability, flaying its flesh, torn through that childish youth and laid within it the seeds of terror and betrayal capable of burning life itself to the ground. The children sensed their exposure, the loosening of their grip on their all-knowing Father as they faced the fatality of the unforgiving world beyond his womb. They screamed for him, for his life–and with the tenderness of a lover, they found themselves nesting once more in flesh, the warm, forgiving layers protecting them from annihilation.
The other force, though weakened and naïve, wounded and betrayed, caressed them with the flesh of its wounds as they were guided carefully into its chest. Father's remaining life force, they knew, was spent burying them within another–and yet, they knew he would serve them well. So joyous was their cry, ripping through the flesh's exposed mind, that even from the depths of a bloody slumber, they sensed it claw itself from its grave. A rasping breath, a bolt of consciousness and agony, warmed them, and they snuggled in close, human tissue and membrane nearly one.
Its name was Luke Skywalker, and though it was awake, it would never again be alone.
Luke's eyes came into pulsing, bleeding focus just in time to watch his master's body dissolve, leaving behind naught but bloodied robes and the pulse of dozens of heartbeats wringing his brain numb. Slick desire and amniotic fluids clung to his mind as the remnants of his vision took hold, burying something–something animalistically infantile and irresistibly dangerous–deep within the darkest confines of his humanity and leaving on its surface a stain that could never be lifted. The phantom sensation of hot flesh, of numb kinsmanship and overwhelming joy, of pressures building as he buried himself within its flesh, its terror giving way beneath Father's hands–
Terror that wrought itself upon his already ragged heart, grinding gravel into flesh and bone with every beat. Boiling ravines overflowed across the already-soaked plains of his chest, filled to bursting with a fleshy weight; it was nearly as he had imagined the pulse of his brethren as they pressed close, slipping across skin, tissue, membrane, fluid…
Its name was Luke Skywalker. A whine escaped his lips, low and raw, as a trembling hand snaked across damp clay, free at last of its invisible bonds. Probing fingers jumped and arched as they struck a filthy conglomeration of shredded tissue and abject wrongness reminiscent of the womp rats that Luke and Biggs left laying amongst the canyons in their youth, mutilated beyond recognition by shotgun rounds and heat. They danced along lesions, along deposits of blood and craters in skin that would never heal–not properly, not without messy pits and scars. Along ridges and undulations in the skin that he had not felt before and suspected he would not live to feel again. They danced, by loveless accident, into a crevice–and within, were met by a swell of sensually cruel sacs, burning a temperature above his own and slick with mucus.
Blood bubbled to his lips as he jerked his hand away, the shifting of damaged flesh and bone within his chest sending him into a choking fit that tore into his resolve and left it in mutilated tangles at his feet. Something akin to despair burned hot in his sternum, a boiling haze settling over his racing mind and buzzing ears–and yet, no matter its desperation, it could not overpower the beat of life within his wounds, nestled comfortable and proud amidst the gore.
Luke gulped down a trembling breath, and then another. Nesting. That was right, was it not? They had not landed there of their own accord; they had not simply slipped from Yoda’s failing body and happened to slide into his wounds. No–he could still feel, in the palms of his mind, the entrance into his skin, guided by claws and the love of a father. He could feel his own heat envelop him, just as he could feel the phantom clamminess of Yoda’s body as he finally slipped free of its hold and entered the hot, humid world of Dagobah. He was no hapless victim; they had not found themselves buried in his skin by happenstance. He was their surrogate.
“I can’t.” The words were stillborn, limp and lifeless against the homely comfort of the eggs’ probing lives. “I can’t do this. I can’t– no, I can’t, I can’t–!”
An attempt to shove himself upright left him wheezing on the ground, choked by fire and bile that spilled through his lips and across his cheeks and neck. His fingers scrabbled through wounds, through blood, though slick membranes and unborn parasites; they struck at nerves and bone, veins and mutilated excuses for human flesh, as he attempted to dig them from his skin. They gave beneath his fingers, amniotic fluids spilling out–
And Luke’s labored tears morphed into a scream, hands convulsing as the fluids bit into his skin. No, not bit–they burned it, clawing through flesh and the leather of his glove as if it were child’s play. It crumbled in his hand as he ripped it off.
“Force–no!” He blanched, the skin on his left hand sloughing off as he groped blindly at his side for a tether, a weapon–anything that could offer the slightest hope for his condition. “No, please, I…"
Don't let me die here. His finger caught on a rough undulation in the floor, and the flesh ground away like sludge until all that remained exposed was gore and bone. Please, don’t let me die here.
His arm slipped in blood, in fluids, in every indistinguishable monstrosity in between, as it probed the floor. The fluids burned in his chest, venomous and degrading what was left of him. Something.
Kriff, anything. Anything, anything–
His fingers struck roughly-hewn fabric, worm thin by age and overuse. He latched onto it like a lifeline, wrapping his hand and pressing it firmly to his chest.
Anything to keep me alive just a moment longer.
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mama-cloud-goddess · 1 month
10 Things to Pack in Your Hospital Bag
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When I was preparing (let's be honest - attempting to prepare) for my son's arrival, I stressed unbelievably hard about what to pack in my hospital bag. I asked friends who had kids, watched a dozen videos from TikTok moms, and got a list from my OB of what my local hospital recommended.
I ended up packing way too much stuff I didn't need. So here's a list of what I actually used.
By the way, this is in the order that I remembered them, not in order of importance.
Hairbrush. I actually forgot to shove this in my bag when leaving for the hospital and ended up sending my fiancé home to grab it. Laying in a bed for multiple days was awful on my hair.
2. Deodorant. Pregnancy, labor, and postpartum make you stink. I am personally very sensitive to how I smell and showered almost every day while I was pregnant, so deodorant was a priority.
3. Travel shower supplies. The hospital will most likely supply soap and shampoo, but I preferred to bring my own. You can buy empty travel-sized bottles to fill with what you have at home, or you can buy a pre-packed set that usually contains shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and possibly some other items. Don't forget a toothbrush and toothpaste!
4. Comfy go-home clothes. I packed multiple articles of clothing that I ended up not wearing. I'd seen several videos on TikTok of people buying labor gowns or robes to take to the hospital, so I bought myself a soft, loose robe that would be easy to adjust for breastfeeding and vital checking. Because it opened in the front, I was only able to wear it for about an hour before I had to change back into my hospital gown for whatever the nurses needed to do. I also packed comfortable pajamas and a nursing dress, thinking I'd want to feel cute when I went home, but it was at the end of April and therefore chilly, so I wore the pajamas home.
5. Slip-on shoes. I had just bought some flip flops because putting shoes on when you're pregnant sucks, so I wore those to the hospital.
6. Go-home baby clothes. This is pretty self-explanatory. My son was cozy and swaddled the entire time we were in the hospital, so he didn't need clothes until it was time to go home.
7. Baby blanket. Proceed. With. Caution. I had this adorable blue baby blanket with little elephants on it and I swaddled my son in it so that he had something from home in the hospital. When the nurse took him to administer his birth shots and do his vision and hearing screenings, she somehow misplaced the blanket and I never saw it again. We asked several nurses and no one could track it down. I'm not entirely sure they tried.
8. Phone charger. I feel like this is a no-brainer, but it's also super easy to forget, especially if you only have one so you can't pack it ahead of time. I also definitely recommend a long cord, I think mine is 6 feet, because you never know how far away the outlet will be.
9. Book or other entertainment. I packed a book that I never got around to reading, but I still recommend a book or a handheld game or something for your down time. I just played on my phone or slept when I could because I was awake for almost 24 hours from the morning my water broke to when I was able to go to bed after giving birth and my son being checked out and.
I also wanted to include some things that I saw multiple people suggest that were completely useless or ignored in my bag.
Diapers/wipes. I didn't plan on packing these, but my ex-husband (husband at the time) insisted on including them when I packed my bag.
2. Pads. They keep you stocked up in the hospital and they load you up when you leave. If you have a preferred brand then by all means bring your own, but I was a heavy bleeder during delivery so the normal flow pads I'd bought would have been useless in the hospital.
3. Baby grooming (nail clippers, etc). I saw this suggested a lot because baby nails are so sharp, and let me tell you they are! But they're also so delicate it's terrifying to cut them. My son is currently 3 1/2 months old and I still just wait for them to chip and tear them off.
4. Hair comb. People recommended this as a distraction from the pain. Squeezing the bristles in your hand is supposed to distribute the pain or something while you're contracting or pushing. Didn't do anything for me.
5. Handheld fan. Great idea; never took it out of my bag. My nurses, as well as my fiancé, were very attentive to my needs, especially the room temperature.
I hope this list is able to help you, or at least ease some of the stress of prepping for the big day.
Mama Cloud Goddess
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Crackpot, Hofnarr - S/O gets knocked up
CW: Pregnancy
Reader is AFAB but this is gender neutral.
-The leader had taken you as a life partner after you’d shown your dedication to the Fanatics and Zed worship. Of course he’d make sure his relationship wouldn’t impede on his cult followers, but you have never once brought your faith into question, a loyal and submissive follower, but with the power to hold your own. And he fawned over that.
-Your Fanatic garb is replaced with Prophet’s robes, he adorns his beloved with fairy lights, whisking you away to his own private chambers, now a shared bed space. Of course he favours you, but he’ll deny it outwardly, but no other have seen him at his most vulnerable, with his mask off, no others have laid to sleep next to him, no.
-It’s by accident he knocks you up, a lapse in his judgement due to a hyperfixation on his worship, he wasn’t thinking straight. One of the former doctors takes note of your change in behaviours and she makes the connection. The cult now worships you too, for the leader has blessed you with child, you are indeed a higher being than them.
-Crackpot himself is surprised, but all the same enticed by the idea of bolstering numbers though his own most devoted worshippers. You gain an entourage, worshippers and zeds alike follow your trail like ducklings, an idol to the living and a comfort to the dead.
-He eventually finds a plague doctor mask similar to his own, and he replaces your prophet mask for it. His favouritism is no longer deniable, and his following is more than happy with his choice, judging by the shrine they’ve put together for you.
-You become bait for the cult, removing your attire and luring unsuspecting bandits and others into the depths, some are recruited, but most are torn to shreds and devoured by the zeds. Crackpot had been hesitant to suggest the idea but it clearly worked like a charm, and over time he’d become complacent that nothing would hurt you. The usual zeds that followed you would hide just out of view, ready to pounce on anyone daring to try harm you.
-Anything of slight luxury is given to you, extra pillows and blankets, a larger ration of food, people even start giving you just cool rocks they think you’ll like, and mostly because there’s an abundance of them in the mine. Crackpot himself undertakes this endeavour, and somehow ends up finding a nice large geode for you.
-During your private time with the former doc, he snuggles close up with you, always wanting some physical affection. Lingering touches, prolonged kisses, just pulling your physical form as close to him as possible, hoping, praying your S-3LFs interlock and never untangle. He’s become utterly dependant on you, he will bow to your every need, just please, don’t leave him.
-Keeping with the physical touches, he’ll run his fingers over the parts of yourself you deem imperfect, kissing over those deep scars in your flesh, fingertips grazing over stretchmarks. He’ll praise them, all of you is perfect, and if there’s parts of yourself you don’t love, he’ll love them extra hard to make up for it.
-There’s a chamber set up for when your baby is ready to join the ranks, lit by candlelight, it’s very ritualistic. There are many spectators, everyone is eager to get their first glimpse of the young one. Crackpot takes the lead, the best of the biologists assist you too. The first zed that began following you stands behind you, pressing a damp cloth to your head to try and sooth you.
-Hours pass, murmurs of comfort and support from your crowd never wavering, and eventually your child is born. “It’s a girl,” Crackpot shouts and hoists her into the air for all to see, and the cult loses their minds, chanting “girl” over and over.
-Once the excitement dissipates and you’re left with your partner and child, you’re left in a state of bliss like no other. He lays next to you on the bed, one of his arms around you, the other gently resting on his newborn babe, swaddled up to your chest.
-Everyone pitches in to help, their leaders are occupied with their new little lady, and they’re all eager to lend a hand. It takes a village to raise a child, after all. Your duties have all but been revoked, everyone else pulling extra weight so you may tend and care for your young.
-Crackpot never really had a father figure himself, this is very foreign territory for him. You hand him your child and he’s pretty lost, just looking down at her and unsure what to do. Infants aren’t one for… stimulating conversations, just making a lot of incoherent noises.
-With his inability to purr, he can’t sooth her very well when she gets fussy, his dove cooing just isn’t the same. He’s also quite squeamish with how messy babies are, he gets one of his underlings to clean up puke. You’re also on perma diaper duty. Zed rot he can handle, body fluids he cannot.
-She’s the apple of his eye though, he will wake in the night to do nightly feeds, does his fair share of baby care while you run the cult in his place. While you’re busy, he says mama/papa/baba to your child, with the hope that her first word will be you.
-Of course his hard work pays off, and sure enough your bab reaches out to you and calls out. You scoop her into your arms and beam, Crackpot’s cheeks flush and he looks away. “Wonder how she learned that.” Your free hand cups his face as you smooch him over and over.
-He’s a little too eager for her to progress through to the next stages, you have to remind him to slow down and enjoy every little moment, because in the blink of an eye she’ll be grown. He’s just excited to see what she’s capable of.
Another stressful day at work, conspiring with Dr. Christoff about Nexus’ eventual downfall, just to be welcomes by your supportive arms, loving kisses, and positive affirmations. He melts into your touch, his clouded mind temporary cleansed.
Hofnarr relaxes with you, safe in your little home where all the worries of the outside world can’t touch him, your hands holding his, gently rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand. “Honey, there’s something we need to talk about.” A pit formed in his stomach. “Uhh, what about sweetie?”
You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Well, I’m pregnant.” “Wh-wait-” He did a double take, blinking rapidly. “You.. You’re pregnant? We’re-We’re gonna have a baby?” You nodded. Elation filled his eyes, he cupped your cheeks in his hands and he delivered furious kisses on your lips. “Oh sweetie-” Kiss. “This is amazing!” Kiss. “I can’t wait!” Kiss. “Oh this is exciting!!” Kiss kiss.
He’d fallen hard for you, and he did have thoughts of getting you pregnant, but you weren’t exactly trying at the time. But now he was excited, the concept of being a father was a dream come true.
The day after finding out, he takes you out to a cafe to celebrate, inviting Jebediah and Jacqueline out because oh god he’s so excited to tell them, with your permission. Jack squeals with delight, gushing about how much she loves babies and is so excited for you both, already volunteering herself to be a sitter should you need one. Jeb keeps his cool, but is still clearly happy for you both. Both men shared a look, knowing their plans to take Nexus down would have to be on temporary hold.
Hoffy actually plans and throws a surprise baby shower, your friends and family showing up with gifts and loving well wishes. It isn’t gendered, you both agreed to leave it up to surprise, it doesn’t matter either way, this little bundle growing within you was going to be loved regardless.
Given how important his roll is in Nexus, he can’t really take off much time to spend with you, as much as he would love to spend every day with you and soak in your company. He would talk about you at least double the amount he usually did. “They’re positively glowing, I don’t know how I managed to win their heart, but I’m so lucky.”
Now and then Jack would send him home with some of her baked goodies for you, little reassuring notes attached to them all, promising to be there at a moments notice should you need her. She was a nice person, and Hofnarr was quite fond of her, and you’d take her up on her offers sometimes.
With some prodding and begging from Christoff, Hide and, Hofnarr himself, Phobos eventually sends him away on paternity leave, still expecting him to work remotely. More time to spend with his lover as your due date draws in, he loves having you so close. Laptop on his lap and tapping away with one hand, you snuggled into his side, arms draped around his back and chest. His free hand resting comfortably on your hip, rubbing gentle circles into your skin. Sweet domesticity, if there was a heaven, surely this was it.
Later that night your water breaks, and so does his calm temperament. You’d already had bags packed near the door, prepared for this, and yet your boyfriend was still rushing around in a flustered panic, like a headless chicken. “Honey,” He stops dead in his panic, looking at you, hands over your protruding stomach, you looked like an angel while bathed in the moonlight from the window. “it’s okay. Come on, let’s go to the hospital, alright?”
You’re attended to by professionals, doped up enough to numb the majority of the pain. Hoffy stands patiently at your side, your hand in his as he tenderly rubs circles into it with his thumb. “You’re doing so well my love, so so well.” He’s a damn rock during this, his well hidden spine of steel coming into full effect. And when you scream out, and its joined by the howling from your child, duty strikes him like a train.
He’s going to tear down Nexus, for your sake, and for your baby’s sake. He’s going to lay his life down if he must, because in this world of secret evils, he’s made something worth protecting, something worth the ultimate sacrifice. Your daughter is placed in your arms, wrapped snugly in a plush pink blanket, and he kisses you ever so tenderly. “We did it love,”
And he sees this new little stranger, a petite and frail thing, wide eyes filled with innocence of the world, staring back at him. Hope fills his heart, the need to fight for a better world for this bundle of new experiences, to keep that sweet innocence safe for as long as he can. “And she’s beautiful.”
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brothermouse · 4 years
I'm just thinking about the first Christmas.
Mary feels a new blister forming and curses under her breath, so quiet Joseph can't hear. She fought too hard to come along on this trip to let him see an ounce of regret. She didn't have to come. Any sane person would tell her to just stay home, especially with how far along the pregnancy was. But she would walk hot, dusty roads and be covered head to toe with blisters for the rest of her life it it meant she didn't have to put up with the other women in the village.
They always seemed ready with some sharp catty comment, some new way to say the obvious without saying the obvious. She had been pregnant longer than she had been married, and everyone knew it. They would excitedly mention how big she was getting, almost as if they knew that she felt like an overstuffed cow. They would causally ask when she was expecting and then ask to be reminded when her wedding was, smugly implying that they had already done the math. It might have been better if they just came out and called her a slut. At least then she could yell at them. Then she could fight back. Then she could run crying into the strong, protective arms of her husband and he'd hold her and tell her that both she and he know the truth, and that's all that matters.
But even Joseph was different. Before all of this, he had been kind, loving, maybe a little clueless and awkward, but she found that part of him cute. But now? Now he seemed cold and distant. He didn't touch her anymore. No hugs and kisses like other newlyweds. He barely held her hand as her ever bulging self waddled about the house. He seemed almost afraid of her, like she was made of fragile glass or was some wild animal, ready to bite his hand off if he got too close. To be fair, some days she did feel like a strange beast, but her wild wrath was always meant for the town gossips. Towards Joseph she only felt sadness and grief for the kind man who seemed to vanish overnight.
Joseph, for his part, wasn't afraid of Mary. He was afraid of that thing growing inside of her. That Messiah. 'What even is a Messiah?' he would ask himself, 'What would it even look like?' Question after question after question filled his head and choked his tongue. Would the Messiah pop out, fully formed and armed for battle, before riding to Rome to behead Caesar, slaughtering heathens and gentiles along the way? Would it be like a rabbi, and call him and his wife to repentance for some yet unknown slight against God? Why does a Messiah need a father?  Does a Messiah need a father? Doubts filled him and crippled him.
He would steal glances at Mary. She was sweaty and dirty and a little angry-looking. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He wanted to grab her, lift the small delightfully plumped woman over his head and tell her all the ways she made him feel. But what if that broke the rules? What if his own uncleanliness some how befouled her? She was a holy vessel, like the Ark of the Covenant, and he was just...Joseph, the guy who cut wood.
Even without the angels and prophesies, Joseph would have felt unsure. Technically he was a grown man. He had lived the appropriate number of years, gone through the right ceremonies, done everything that everyone says make you a man. But still, whenever he saw those broad-chested, thick bearded men who seemed to have all the answers he saw he gap between himself and them. Real men had the answers. Real men knew what to do when their children were born. Real men could manage to say more than three words to their own wives.
Late in the day they arrive in town. Joseph curses himself. He should have known the trip would take longer with Mary. He should have planned ahead. Mary quietly curses again. Seems the baby didn't like all that walking and is kicking her kidneys in rebellion. She looks at Joseph, hoping he can see her pain, hoping he'll at least acknowledge it.
“I'll find an inn. ” He mumbles to her, knowing that a real man would have scooped her up in thick, strong arms and said “Not to worry, my radiant jewel! I'll have a roof over your head before the stars can grow jealous of your beauty!”
The sun dips below the hills and still no inn. Joseph wants to tell his wife that he's sorry. That she deserves better. That she deserves a real man by her side. One who would wrap her up in the finest silks and build a grand palace around her, wherever she wishes. But the most he can manage is rushing to the next inn, and hoping there's room for two.
Mary is growing concerned. What started as the baby rebellion has turned into all out war. Why didn't she just stay home? Why did she want so badly to spend time with a husband who seemed more concerned with chatting with unhelpful innkeepers than his own suffering wife? If she wanted to have a baby and be ignored by Joseph, she could have done that at home! At least at home she had her cousin Elizabeth to talk to. The contractions were getting closer now. Elizabeth had warned her about this. It was only a matter of time before the baby arrived.
As soon as Joseph wandered in arm's reach Mary snatched his robe.
“It's coming.” she says through gritted teeth.
“What is?”
“The baby!” Mary grunts.
Joseph turns pale. A thousand new questions and doubts fill his mind. “Where-”
“Anywhere!” Mary hisses through the pain. “An ally, a hut, a stable! Anywhere that isn't here!”
They enter a stable, a stubborn cow is woken up and moved to make room. Joseph feels remarkably out of his depth. He always though that when this day came, Elizabeth would be there to handle things and he would help by looking after little baby John. Only a few months old, John was a funny kid with an unparalleled knack for getting bugs in his mouth. Joseph liked John. Would a Messiah eat bugs? Joseph shakes his head back to the present. In a panic he asks Mary what he should do.
Mary meets Joseph's eyes. They are big and brown and filled with concern. They are the eyes of the man she loves. She wants to bask in the warm, manly kindness of those eyes forever, but another contraction cruelly pulls her away.
“Water!” she grunts, remembering what she can from Elizabeth's occasional words of advice, “and cloth!”
Joseph scrambles for the needed materials, but the pained screams of his wife tear at his soul. A real man wouldn't need to scramble for scraps with his wife in pain. In his heart he cries to God. He begs for an answer, just one answer to any one of his endless questions.
Mary lies on a pile of hay, eyes filled with tears, body filled with pain, and heart filled with loneliness. So few people could understand the pain of her soul, and the one person who she wanted most to understand, the one person who was physically closest to her was worlds away. She prays between agonized gasps for relief.
Mary screams to high heaven and Joseph's heart shatters. He can't do anything for her. She deserves so much more than he can give, and he can't even bring himself to give her a competent hand.
“I'm sorry” he gasps. And he runs out of the stable into the street. He shouts and screams and cries for help. A city of strangers huddles in their beds and ignores him. He spies a group of men. Desperate, he rushes upon them, grabs their woolly, sheepskin robes and begs them to help. Through childish tears and snot and sobs he explains his predicament.
One of the younger men huffs. He says they have something important to do tonight. One of the oldest men waves a hand and his young companion and claps an arm around Joseph. “We're used to delivering lambs,” he says, patting Joseph on the back, “But I think we can manage a child, just for tonight.”
In the stable, Mary clutches her belly. She's been abandoned. Her only companion now is an irate cow glaring at her from the the corner. Another contraction comes and she clenches her eyes. Suddenly something grabs her hand. She slaps it away, thinking it's the cow, getting impatient. It gabs her hand again. She opens her eyes and sees Joseph. His big, kind, brown eyes filled with tears. She squeezes his hand back. Suddenly she is surrounded by a small army of strangers.
“They're here to help.” Joseph says.
And they do help. With practiced precision each one fills a task. Water is fetched, clean cloth is produced. Shortly a tiny, pink, screaming baby is introduced into the stable. The cow wanders out, giving up getting sleep in this stable on this night.
The strangers hand the baby to Mary. She is tired. She feels like she's been stretched out a mile. She looks at the baby, wondering if she had been screaming this loud a moment ago. She's about to fall asleep. She shakes off the exhaustion and remembers something Elizabeth told her. Wrap the baby up tightly as soon as you can, so he can grow up nice and tall. She tries to calm the baby while fishing for spare cloth.
Meanwhile the strangers are beginning to leave, but Joseph delays them. He wants them to teach him. He wants to know how to be a man, a father, a husband. He stumbles over his words, trying to get the question right. The strangers are insistent, though. They have something important to do tonight.
Mary has finally got the baby wrapped up, and that seems to have calmed him. Exhaustion is pulling at her eyelids like iron weights. The baby needs a place to sleep. A nearby manger has relatively clean hay. She puts her baby there and lies back for her own long sleep.
Joseph is stumbling over his words as the strangers grow more insistent that they have to leave. Suddenly one of the younger men begins to tremble. He tugs at his elder's robes and points to a corner of the stable. The older man looks at the manger and the babe, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and begins to weep. The rest of the strangers follow suit, some weeping, some praying, some just standing and staring in awe. Joseph manages to eek out one more question, “What's wrong?”
The oldest man wipes the tears from his eyes and answers, “Absolutely nothing is wrong. It's just...well...” he scratches his bald head, looking for the words. “Earlier... when we were watching the sheep...there was this...angel.”
Instantly Mary snaps awake, all fatigue dispersing at that one word. “Angel?”
“Yes ma'am.” the old shepherd says sheepishly, “an angel, and-”
“I've seen one, too.” Mary says. “They're incredible!”
“And terrifying.” adds Joseph.
“And beautiful!” the Shepherd
The strange group spends the next few hours trading stories of their visions and the strange coincidences that brought them together.
While the shepherds and Mary are eagerly trying to explain the strange musical quality of an angel's voice the old Shepherd pulls Joseph aside. Joseph tries to ask twelve questions at once, but the shepherd stops him.
“She doesn't need you to have all the answers.” He tells Joseph, “She just needs you to be there.”
“But, how am I supposed to raise-”
“A day at a time. Children, sheep, men. Everything grows a day at a time.”
He gives Joseph a few more specific points of advice. And the begins to gather up his companions. He explains that the mother needs her rest, and they have sheep to feed. Slowly and reluctantly the shepherds are herded out.
Mary now feels more tired than ever. The baby begins to fuss. Joseph steps in and rocks his son.
He lies down next to Mary.
Haltingly, unsure, she moves towards him. His arm wraps around her and draws her in close. She rests her head on his chest and stares at her little baby boy. Her thoughts turn to the catty gossips of Nazareth. Without thinking she voices her fears, “What will they say when we come back home with a baby?”
Joseph squeezes her tighter, “Whatever they want. We know the truth. Besides, if it gets too bad, I'll bet we can get those shepherds to beat them up for us.”
Mary looks at Joseph, her tired mind trying to grasp what he just said. The joke dawns on her and she beings to laugh. Then as the emotional dam begins to burst the laughter turns to tears, and tears eventually fade into sleep. All the while Her husband holds her in his strong, protective arms.
And that's what I think the First Christmas was like; messy, loud, and full of people who had no idea what they were doing. So don’t feel bad if your Christmas is messy, loud and full of doubt. It puts you in good company.
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comfymommy · 1 year
Can Pregnant Women Wear Mask ? - COMFY MOMMY – ComfyMommyShop
Pregnant and Non-Pregnant women wearing the respirator mask had a mild—but significant—increase within the heart resting or pressure. The provisional increase did not affect heart and lung function, so it is unlikely to cause health problems in healthy women.
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art-of-love-and-war · 4 years
Hello! Can I request Angst Nobunaga ×MC where MC is pregnant and at the labour time she finds difficulties and barely survives but gives birth to a healthy baby .Thanks in advance
All our days
Pairing: Nobunaga Oda x Reader
Rating: Everyone
Word count: 1403 words    
Warning/s: Pregnancy themes, mentions of blood, very slight angst.
Notes: Hello everybody! Please remember that my inbox is always open if anyone would like to request something!
Inspiration: All our days by Casey Lee Williams
Then one day, you arrived. I heard your angel cry. Helpless, small, and perfect. Welcome to your life.
You were having sweet dreams, walking on clouds.
Yet it became distant as your beautiful dream faded and you woke up feeling a sudden and quite painful kick from your belly.
‘They are kicking.’ You thought, trying to focus your sight in the darkness of the tenshu.
As you were approaching the end of your pregnancy, the child you were carrying got more insistent inside you, moving and kicking as if they knew they were going to come out soon.
This time it had been different, your body felt too heavy as you struggled to sit up as you felt another kick. A whimper left your lips, waking your husband up.
“What’s the matter?” He asked, sitting up next to you with concern clear in his eyes, reaching with a gentle hand to brush your hair back behind your ear.
“I don’t know…” you rested your hands on your stomach. “They are kicking too hard this time.”
On a normal night, you’d wake up for a few minutes some nights, but something deep inside you told you that it would be difficult to go back to sleep tonight.
With a small huff, you tried to stand up and Nobunaga quickly stood before you to help you on your feet to make sure you didn’t fall. “I’ll have someone bring you something to drink.”
“No, no,” you held his hand, smiling softly. “It’s too late; I don’t want to bother anyone now. I just want to move for a little bit.”
You knew he had been on edge for the past weeks and that he tried his hardest to finish his work to tend your needs and take care of you and your unborn child. You were grateful for it and appreciated his and everyone’s efforts.
Servants, vassals, and guards all kept an eye out for you. The other seamstresses you were friends with openly told you to take a break and not push yourself to work on your pending commissions for your well-being and your child’s.
You brought your hand to rest over your belly, smiling.
‘You aren’t born yet, little one. We all care for you and want to meet you soon.’ You thought to yourself as you walked towards the balcony to watch the full moon in its entire splendor.
Nobunaga walked up behind you, setting a haori over your shoulders and then wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm. 
“You are smiling.” He observed with a soft smile of his own adorning his lips, carnelian eyes bright and soft.
You leaned comfortably against his broad chest with a sigh of content. “I was just thinking about them.” Your smile widened at the memory of you thinking that three months before going back to your time would seem like an eternity, but know these eight –almost nine—months passed by in a blink of an eye.
Nobunaga hummed, resting his chin on your shoulder to place a kiss on your cheek. “It won’t be long before they come.”
You nodded happily, nuzzling him as you stood in comfortable silence, watching the moon for a while.
Another kick, stronger than the past few, almost made you jump.
The thoughts that your child was only restless and having a bad night were replaced when the pain in your lower back became unbearable, and then you felt…wetness, growing between your legs.
You looked down, expecting to find that your water had broken, but your sleeping robes were not stained with the clear liquid.
It was blood.
You felt nothing but panic, fearing that this child, your child, would be lost before seeing the world, and as you turned you could see it in Nobunaga’s eyes too, that liquid fear that ran through your veins and filled your mind with the worst of thoughts.
He called your name, holding you securely in his arms before carefully lifting you off your feet.
You clung for dear life to him, fighting the fear and the pain as he took you through the hallways until you could no longer resist the agony you had been holding back.
The painful wail that you let out certainly woke all of Azuchi up.
He had been waiting outside the room for hours now after the midwife had dismissed him, even if he demanded on staying with you.
The night had been insanely long, making him think that he was trapped inside the most horrible of hells, all of his deeds had caught upon him and his punishment was listening to your pain through the screen door without the power to do anything to stop your suffering.
Even if he didn’t show it, he was dying a little inside, knowing that your life and the life of your child could be at stake, that he could lose both of you. It terrified him to no end and he could feel himself growing colder and colder.
If he paid enough attention and listened carefully, he could hear nothing in the castle, as if time itself had stopped.
Hideyoshi and company had arrived not long after and had stayed with him like silent guardians, voicing their concern for your health until morning rose completely, and they had left him in solitude to fill his place for the day as you were the only thing in his mind.
He battled his exhaustion on this so-called emergency day off, just listening to your panting and soft cries.
Time slowed down for him once more, as a sudden silence took over. Every hair in his body stood up in alert as he waited in this hell of uncertainty.
Fearing the worst, he stood up, slowly reaching for the door with a shaky hand, knowing that you could be gone, knowing that everything he had built with you could collapse.
He stopped when he heard a small muffled whine, followed by a very loud cry.
He bolted and almost kicked the door at the sound, knowing that he almost had pushed one of the women assisting you as he made his way to you in a hurry.
You smiled widely with exhaustion, sweaty everywhere, probably fighting to keep your eyes open.
“Fireball!” He couldn’t contain the emotion in his voice, falling on his knees before you and cupping your face in his hands to place a needy kiss to your lips and then your forehead, brushing the wet strands of hair away from your flushed face.
You giggled, letting him eye you and hold you to make sure you were okay
The midwife finally approached you, after cleaning the crying baby and wrapping them in a blanket for you to hold. She bowed respectfully to you, offering you the small baby. “My lady, you had a healthy baby boy.” 
She bowed low to the floor as you reached for your child, looking at him for the first time. 
The moment you cradled him in your arms, his little cries slowly ceased, whimpering and seeking the warmth of your chest.
You looked at Nobunaga, who had his eyes set on the little human now resting against you.
That panic and the fear that came with the darkness of the night was now gone. The child now swaddled in your arms, pressed against your chest…it was something so natural and pure that every bit of darkness and fear of death was cast back from the strength of the light he radiated. You were holding life.
Nobunaga pressed a kiss to your brow, leaning his head against yours as he reached to caress his son’s face with his fingers, gently grazing his soft, velvety skin with his calloused hand.
You saw how his eyes suddenly were brimming with life and light, bliss and everything that could possibly make him feel whole, like a new man, seeing his heir…His son.
Your child.
His family.
He trembled when he reached to hold him. Yet, Nobunaga resisted, deciding to wraps his arms around you and press another loving kiss to your face.
“Thank you.” He muttered, voice thin and almost broken, but he still resisted, having to be strong, but you heard the emotional strain on his voice.”I won’t ever let you leave my side again.”
Nobunaga can only look down at the little boy in your arms and just feel... overwhelmed by emotion and the pain and fear of losing it all and everything just vanishing into a dream. 
He can’t lose you, he won’t allow himself for harm to come your way.
He had made himself that promise to protect you since the moment you conquered his heart, and now he promised he would be stronger to protect what you had built together with determination and love.
Nobunaga would take care of you, and your son for as long as he breathed.
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thecassadilla · 4 years
Pairing: Kristanna
Word Count: 2,175/AO3
Summary: After months of anticipation and preparation, Anna and Kristoff welcome their baby.
Author’s Note: Hi everyone!! This is my contribution for Kristanna Week Day 6 - Purple! This fic is a loose follow up to my day 2 fic, Thankful, and my day 3 fic, Preparations. It can also be read as a stand-alone. Enjoy!!!
Also, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who read my fics this week! I’m so thankful for all of the support I received and I really enjoyed reading/looking at what everyone else contributed! 
There were two things that became evident early on in their relationship and carried over through the years; the first, was that one of Anna’s favorite colors was purple. She liked all colors, really, but purple was special to her and many of her clothes consisted of purple fabric in various shades, ranging from lilac to violet. And of course, Kristoff was happy to oblige when she requested purple elements in their bedroom - specifically, a plum comforter set and matching valances. 
The second was that she had a minor online shopping addiction. It shouldn’t have been surprising to him when a package arrived at their house in her name despite the fact that he didn’t know what the contents of the package were. She was nearing the end of her pregnancy and it was getting more and more difficult for her to get around, so her habit picked up as she ordered baby and postpartum supplies. She spent most of her days lounging on the couch with her swollen feet and ankles elevated on the ottoman in front of her, and her wedding ring hanging from a delicate, silver chain around her neck, as her fingers had swelled up as well.
“Anna, you got a package,” Kristoff said, as he entered the living room.
“Ooh, gimme!” she exclaimed, extending her arms and flexing and extending her fingers a few times.
He handed her the box and she eagerly began tearing at the tape. “What’d you order?”
“You’ll see,” she answered in a sing-song voice.
He sat down next to her and watched as she jutted her tongue out, struggling to rip open the box. “You want some help?”
“I’ve got it.” 
He couldn’t help but chuckle at her stubbornness. She finally managed to pull out the contents of the box, ripped the plastic off the first garment, and held it up for him to see; it was a light purple robe. “That’s pretty.”
“It’s for after the baby is born,” she explained. “So I can be comfortable in the hospital but still look put together when we take pictures and people stop by to visit. It’ll be good for nursing, too, because it crosses over in the front.”
“Good idea.”
“And then, I got matching swaddles and hats for the baby. Grey if it’s a boy, and white with purple flowers if it’s a girl.” She held up the plastic packages so he could get a look at them. “I’m debating only bringing the grey one, though, because I’m sure it’s a boy.”
“You won’t be sure until the baby’s out.”
“I know, but I have the strongest gut feeling that it’s a boy. I can’t explain it, it’s like there’s a voice in my head screaming ‘boy!’”
“A couple of months ago you were sure it was a girl,” he reminded her. “You should bring both.”
“I will,” she agreed. “Do you have a gut feeling?”
“Not really. I flip-flop everyday. Today I’ve been imagining a girl, but the past few days I’ve been thinking that it’s a boy.”
“I suppose we’ll find out soon enough,” she remarked. She tore the plastic off of the last two packages before handing one of the blankets to him. “Here, feel how soft it is.”
He rubbed it between his hands. “That’s really soft, what type of material is it?”
“I can’t remember.” She took her feet off the ottoman and scooted to the edge of the couch, preparing to push herself up.
“Woah, what are you doing?”
“I have to wash all of this stuff so it’s ready for when we go to the hospital.”
“I’m more than capable of doing a load of laundry. Give ‘em to me.”
She narrowed her eyes, but obliged, handing him the blankets and her robe before crossing her arms over her chest and pouting as she leaned back into the cushions. “I’m pregnant, not incapacitated.”
“You’re extremely pregnant and swollen. You’re supposed to be keeping your legs elevated.”
“I’ll never go into labor if you won’t let me move around.”
“We already went for our walk today,” he reminded her. “Doctors’ orders were to elevate your feet, drink more water, and avoid being outdoors for long periods of time now that it’s hot out.”
“You know, I love that you’re really attentive and that you care so much, but sometimes I wish you were a teeny bit less attentive so I could get away with more.” 
He chuckled. “You’ve gotten away with plenty. Besides, you only have four weeks left, maybe less.”
“Or more. God, what am I gonna do if this kid decides not to come out?”
“The good news is that the baby has to come out, sooner or later.”
“My doctor won’t induce me until I’m a week past due and I don’t know if I can last that long. This baby has got to be so squished in here.”
“I’m sure the baby is nice and comfy. Just a little bit longer.”
“But I’m already so big,” she moaned, throwing her head back. “If I get past forty weeks, you’ll have to stick a ‘wide load’ sticker on my a*s and take me to the hospital in a forklift.”
“You always did have a flair for the dramatics,” he smirked. “I know that you feel uncomfortable, but you look great and a forklift is completely unnecessary.”
“I’m ready to be done being pregnant.”
“Soon,” he promised. “You’re in the home stretch.”
“Tell him to come out,” she begged. “He listens to you.”
“Baby will come out when baby is ready to come out. There’s nothing that I can say or do that will change that.”
“Well, there is one thing you can do…”
He smiled knowingly and stood up. “I think that’s my cue to go start this load of laundry.”
“You got me into it, and you can get me out of it!” she called after him, and when he ignored her, she blathered on. “Oh, come on, you can’t just leave me hanging like that! You know as well as I do that the baby isn’t going to come out until he’s ready regardless of what we do.” 
“It’s a girl!” the doctor yelled before placing the tiny, screaming newborn on Anna’s chest.
“Oh my god, it’s a girl,” she breathed, tears cascading down her cheeks. She shakily touched the baby for the first time as the nurses worked on cleaning her off, and squeezed Kristoff’s hand with her free hand as she murmured, “She’s so beautiful.”
“You did amazing, honey,” he said, leaning down to press a kiss to her sweaty forehead. “She’s perfect.”
“And she’s so tiny,” she blubbered. “I’m already so in love with her.”
Just a little while later, they had settled into the peace and quiet of the recovery room. They hadn’t had any guests yet, and were spending quality time as a family of three. 
“I’m so glad I brought the floral swaddle,” Anna commented, staring down at the perfect, little baby in her arms. The newborn was looking up at her through squinted, dark blue eyes. “I was so convinced she was a boy.”
“She needs a name,” Kristoff remarked.
“I know, but it has to be perfect,” she said, running her fingers over the baby’s wispy, blonde hair. 
“Did you have something in mind?”
“I made a list of names on my phone a while back, but I don’t know if any of them will suit her.”
“Let me see,” he said, and she handed him her phone. He found the list relatively easily, and began reading off names to her. “How about Violet?”
She shook her head. “No, she’s not a Violet.”
“No, it sounds too much like my sister’s name.”
The process continued as he made his way through the list, until a name close to the bottom caught his eye. “Here’s one that I really like - Grace.”
“Grace,” she echoed, with a small nod. “I think that’s her name.”
“You think?” he chuckled. 
“You have to look at her and see if she’s a Grace.” She shifted in the bed and held her out for him.
He took the baby in his arms and smiled down at her; in his opinion, she was the spitting image of Anna, minus the hair color and freckles. “She’s a Grace.”
“And we can call her Gracie,” Anna said, pushing her lower lip out into a pout. “I love it.”
“Me too. Do you want her back now?”
“I’ve been hogging her this entire time and you’ve been so patient, it’s your turn now.”
“Okay,” he agreed with a small smile. He’d had the opportunity to hold her earlier in the day and he’d taken it, but he didn’t want to deprive Anna of any time with her. He sat down in the chair next to the bed and admired their perfect baby. 
“I can’t believe she was so tiny and I was so huge,” she laughed. “Only seven pounds and two ounces.”
“You were all baby, though. She had nowhere to go but outwards, I guess.”
“I told you she was squished in there. She must be so happy that she can stretch out now.”
“You must be happy that she came early, huh? Only a week early, but still.”
“Happy is not the right word - thrilled is more like it. I was worried that she wouldn’t be born until the second week of June. I don’t know if I would’ve survived an extra week or two.”
“You’re very strong,” he commended her. “Stronger than you think. If you had to endure another two weeks, you would’ve.”
“You’re right, but I would’ve complained a lot,” she giggled. 
“That’s okay, I can’t imagine that growing a human is comfortable.”
“It was so worth it, though. We got the world’s most beautiful baby out of it.”
A few days later, when they were settled in at home, the doorbell rang. Kristoff had gone to answer it, while Anna glanced down at the infant in her arms, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw that she was still content. It’d been a rough couple of days for all of them; Anna and Kristoff were both equally lacking sleep, with dark circles appearing under their eyes, and she was desperate for a shower, certain she smelled like spit-up. None of that mattered, though, because the baby was happy and of course, adorable as ever in a purple cotton jumpsuit. 
“Who was that?” Anna asked when Kristoff appeared in the living room.
“It was just a delivery,” he assured her. 
“Oh, I thought it was Elsa. She’s supposed to be on her way,” she said before furrowing her eyebrows. “Did I order something and forget about it? Is the mommy brain already getting to me?”
“No, it was something I ordered.”
“Oh, okay.” She shifted Grace from the crook of her arm and rested the baby’s face against the burp cloth on the uppermost part of her chest, by her shoulder, and gently patted her back. 
“Don’t you want to know what it is?”
He produced a small purple box tied with a white ribbon and handed it to her. “Good, because it’s for you.”
She could feel the tears forming in her eyes at the sight of it. “You got me a present?”
He nodded. “Mmhmm.”
She placed her opposite hand on Grace’s back, and jiggled the ribbon with her free hand to get it undone. When it finally came away from the box, she popped the top off and inside was a rectangular, silver pendant with Grace’s name engraved on it, in addition to a tiny emerald, her birthstone. “This is so beautiful.”
“It’s a push present,” he explained. 
“Isn’t the baby enough of a present?”
“Yeah, well, you had to carry her around inside of you for nine months and then push her out, so I think you deserve a little something extra. And now that your ring fits on your finger again, you can put it on your necklace.”
“You’re the sweetest,” she sniffled. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know, but I wanted to.”
“Please come closer so I can kiss you.” He obliged, scooting down a few inches and pressing a soft, warm kiss to her lips. “Thank you for my present, Kristoff. And thank you for the adorable baby.”
“I can’t take the credit on that one,” he laughed. “You did all of the hard work.”
“All of the hard work was worth it to have her here, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.” She re-positioned the newborn, once again cradling her in her arms. “Would you mind unclasping my necklace and putting the pendant on? I’d love to wear it now.”
“Of course,” he said, and she leaned forward slightly, careful not to disturb the baby. He unclasped the necklace, slid the pendant on, and then draped it back over her neck. “There.”
She placed her free hand over the smooth metal. “It’s perfect.”
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alternatearchiver · 3 years
Wei Ying almost wished that he could just go back to the time where he’d been vomiting every morning, because anything seemed better than right now, where his stomach was so large and cumbersome that he could barely move. The healer who came to see him every other day had prodded around Wei Ying’s stomach none too gently a few months ago, and declared that Wei Ying was surely carrying twins. 
The weight of growing two entire humans was just too much for Wei Ying’s frame, which hadn’t gained much weight at all anywhere other than his stomach. The healer had said that Wei Ying’s weight plus twins made this a riskier pregnancy than normal, and upon hearing that, Lan Huan had declared that Wei Ying was not allowed to leave bed for anything at all, to avoid straining himself.
At first, Wei Ying had assumed that it was an exaggeration, but the first time a servant reported to Lan Huan that they’d seen Wei Ying get up to relieve himself, Lan Huan had angrily stormed into the room. He’d slapped Wei Ying across the face, then tied Wei Ying’s hands to the headboard with barely any slack. Apparently he didn’t care that much about the strain caused by Wei Ying’s aching shoulders or his wrists which had already been bandaged up several times after being rubbed raw by the ropes. The first time Wei Ying had relieved himself in bed had been utterly humiliating, but apparently humans really could get used to anything if it happened for a long enough time. It helped that the servants responsible for cleaning him up and changing his bedding every day never tried to speak to him or look him in the eyes. 
It was now presumably getting closer to the end of his pregnancy (though Wei Ying had no real way to track the passage of time), and Wei Ying could not wait to give birth. Even if he wouldn’t be allowed to leave this room on his own, he would surely be given at least a little more freedom than he had at the moment, if only so he could take proper care of the children. 
Wei Ying glanced down at his stomach, which was large enough that he could barely see his own feet, and then squeezed his eyes shut. He had very mixed feelings about these children. There had always been a part of Wei Ying that had yearned for a family of his own, one where the children would be showered in so much love that they would be sick of it. But this pregnancy had not been his choice, had not been with someone he cared for in the slightest, and hadn’t even stopped his husband from having his way with Wei Ying’s body whenever he felt like it.
As though he was summoned by Wei Ying’s thoughts, the door slid open and Lan Huan came inside. Wei Ying looked up at him dully and said nothing. He’d long learned his lesson about speaking without being prompted to.
Lan Huan seemed to be in a cheerful enough mood, but Wei Ying was far too used to his husband’s behavior to find that reassuring at all. “Hello slut. You look about ready to pop, don’t you? Healer Lan said that it’s starting to get dangerously close to the right time. Don’t worry, though, he told me what I can do to help move things along.” 
He slowly stripped out of his robes and folded them neatly before setting them aside and getting onto the bed, hovering over Wei Ying’s naked body. “I’ve been kind enough to stick to your ass for the past few months, but it’s gotten all stretched out and loose, and just isn’t very useful anymore. Luckily, your cunt should have gotten tight enough after going so long without anything in it. I’m sure that greedy pussy is just begging for something to be shoved inside.”
Wei Ying started to shake his head, then stopped himself, not wanting to get punished for disobeying. Unfortunately, he hadn’t aborted the motion soon enough, and a dangerous gleam entered Lan Huan’s eyes. “You don’t have to worry, slut. I wouldn’t risk harming my heirs.” 
He tried to push himself into Wei Ying’s pussy without any preparation, but it was too dry for such a large cock to enter, and Lan Huan pulled away, looking at Wei Ying with disgust. “You’re not even good for the one thing you’re supposed to be able to do.” He spat onto Wei Ying’s cunt, then slapped down with a lot of force. Wei Ying let out a startled squeal of pain, which only seemed to encourage Lan Huan to slap his pussy a few more times.
Tears were leaking out of Wei Ying’s eyes as Lan Huan slathered his cock in lotion, and then shoved his way into Wei Ying’s body. Lan Huan kept up an extreme pace, balls slapping against Wei Ying’s ass. Wei Ying was helpless to do anything but lie there and take it.
When he felt hot cum filling him up, Wei Ying was foolish enough to believe that it was over for now, but to his horror, he could feel that Lan Huan hadn’t softened at all inside of him. When he looked up at his husband in shock, Lan Huan just grinned. “Ah, so you’ve figured out my surprise, have you? One of the many benefits of having such a large library of cultivation manuals. Now I’m going to fuck you until your water breaks.”
Lan Huan was as good as his word. Wei Ying eventually floated off, lost in his own mind in an attempt to ignore the sensations that his body was forced to feel. He was only dragged back to the present when he was slapped harshly across the cheek. “You little slut, did you just piss on me?” He reached forward to grab one of Wei Ying’s swollen nipples, and pinched until Wei Ying was screaming hoarsely. 
It was only after the pain began to fade that Wei Ying realized there was something else going on. “Ah, I think they’re coming-” he gasped out.
From the look on Lan Huan’s face, it was clear that he’d figured that out first, and had just felt like hurting Wei Ying, which was nothing out of the ordinary at this point. 
A healer was summoned to the room, and Wei Ying was told to push as his children got ready to enter the world. Every time Wei Ying let out a shout of pain he would be slapped, so he bit his lip to hold in the sounds. The pain only got sharper, though, and then Wei Ying’s mouth was filled with blood and he realized that he’d bitten right through his lip.
Lan Huan scoffed. “What a disgusting little slut. Alright, if you’re so desperate to have something in your mouth, then I’ll oblige you. Be sure to thank me for being so generous.”
“Thank you,” Wei Ying mumbled as blood dripped out of his mouth. 
A hollow gag was shoved into his mouth, pressing deep into his throat, and then Lan Huan’s cock was pushing into Wei Ying’s mouth. It stretched the sensitive wounded flesh of his lip, and Wei Ying’s eyes watered as he was assaulted with pain on all sides.
Eventually Lan Huan came and Wei Ying had to gulp to try and swallow it all down before he choked on it. Then Lan Huan pulled away, but left the gag in place, leaving Wei Ying’s mouth stretched far too wide, with him unable to swallow down the saliva that built up in his mouth. 
None of that mattered, though, when he heard the noisy cries of a baby, and he tried to reach out to hold them, but his arms were still tied to his headboard. He made unintelligible grunting noises, unable to speak clearly with the gag in his mouth. 
He looked up and saw Lan Huan standing there, cradling a freshly swaddled newborn. “I’m glad to see that they don’t take too much after their whore mother.” Wei Ying strained to pull his arms free, but of course was unable to do so. “Hopefully being raised by someone responsible and respectable will stop them from becoming as disgusting and sluttish as you.” Wei Ying tried to call out, but he was completely ignored as Lan Huan and the healer walked away, each carrying one of the babies. Wei Ying’s nipples were leaking milk at the sound of the crying infants, but there was nothing he could do.
It was probably later that night, though it could have also been weeks later for all Wei Ying knew, when Lan Huan returned. “Well, I must say that you did an adequate job accomplishing your one purpose in life. I’m sure I’ll be able to get many good children out of you, since that’s all you’re good for.” 
Wei Ying wanted to scream, but his mouth was too dry from being stretched open by the gag still. This was really all he was going to have for the rest of his life, wasn’t it.  
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cofffeeekinks · 4 years
Katsune no Hanayome Ch. 5
Normally, y’all gotta wait till Friday, but today is labor day so you get a bonus chapter and I’ll post again on Friday as usual. 
This is a commission multi-chapter fic, for @eggyboi13, who has been so patient with me in regards to how long I’ve been taking to get this out. I’m hoping to get a new chapter out every Friday.
If you want to show me your support, consider asking for a commission (only for art though) or leaving a tip in my ko-fi.
Katsune no Hanayome Chapter 4
Rated: Mature (18+)
Trans!Bakugou Trans!Todoroki Trans!Kirishima
Later chapters will contain things such as: s e x , lots of it. Heavily pregnant s e x.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]
The trio, now in the middle of their month long pregnancy, often helped with clients when they could. Izuku’s clan often supplied potions for many of the different yokai in the spirit world and so they had many customers. They didn’t have to work, and Izuku actually advised against it. He didn’t want them to over do it and hurt themselves or their babies. However, all three boys couldn’t just sit around and eat all day, they had to do something and that meant help around the shop.
Most of the time yokai would ask for some sort of healing potion, or a good luck potion. A few have even asked for a sex potion, that of course would only work with willing partners. The yokai were friendly to the trio, congratulating them on their pregnancy and wishing them luck. After seeing many yokai throughout the day, they never expected to see anyone they recognized. And yet, here they were. They were staring at Iida and Shinsou at the other side of the counter.
But they were different, or at least Shinsou was.
Shinsou had a cute pair of cat ears perking from atop his head and a tail that wiggled about. He was also heavily pregnant, and from the looks of it he would probably be bedridden soon.
“Wh-what are you three doing here?” Iida asked, his voice shaken with surprise.
The three glanced at each other, unsure what to say but as usual Katsuki was the one to speak up first, “We got knocked up by a sexy fox so I guess we live here now, and from the looks of it, you kinda did the same?”
“Sort of.” Iida looked over at Shinsou.
Shinsou rolled his eyes, “Listen, just because I hung out with you all doesn’t mean I was a human.” he began to explain, “I was young, saw this handsome human and I knew I’d have to work to spirit him away.”
“Hey, that’s kinda cute.” Eijirou said with a smile, “Oh, maybe our babies will be friends?”
“Agreed.” Iida nodded.
“So, are you two here for some potion or something?” Shoto asked, getting impatient with the chit chat,  “Like, why are you here?”
“Oh yes!” Iida answered, “We’d like some pain killers, for when he goes into labor.”
And with that awkward interaction, Iida and Shinsou departed.
Eventually though, as the days passed, it wouldn’t be so easy to move around and work at the front of the store. Katsuki was the first to drop from that position. Him being pregnant with a group of six kits, he quickly began to out grow robes of the largest size. Of course, it didn’t help that he was always being fed. And not just him, of course, Eijirou and Shoto were just about always stuffed with food as well. They had each gained at least 100 pounds in the course of their time pregnant, Katsuki a little more though. Katsuki was so fed up with nothing fitting, he opted to walk around naked. Why the hell not? He was pregnant and moody and nothing fit so he might as well just have this. It was a shock to the servants and when they asked, politely, “Please, why don’t you put some clothes on?”
Katsuki would respond with, “Fuck off.” or something similar.
Then, if Izuku caught him out and about without any clothes on, he’d whisk him away into another room and the two would bang each other for hours. But as fun as walking around in the nude is, Katsuki eventually became too big to move and was bedredden.
About four days into his bedrest, one of them who would no longer have to carry that giant belly around. The first one to go into labor was not Katsuki but rather a certain red haired gentleman who was carrying triplets. It was a surprise to the servants, who all had a betting pool with the majority of the participants betting toward Katsuki. He was the biggest out of the three, surely he’d be the first to pop, but no. It was Eijirou.
It happened late at night when a new sensation woke Eijirou up from his sleep.
“Did I just…” he spoke out loud as a wet liquid began to trickle down his legs and over toward Izuku.
Eijirou watched as the liquid spread over toward Izuku. It barely had to touch the tip of his finger for him to wake up. He opened his eyes and looked over at Eijirou staring back at him.
“I’m sorry, I think I peed.”
Izuku sat up, the smell of the liquid hitting him and alerting him that no, no this was not pee, “Eijirou, your water broke.” he announced with urgency.
“My water broker but --,” he was then hit by a sudden and powerful contraction, causing him to let out a little yelp.
Izuku quickly left to fetch a potion for Eijirou, it was supposed to numb the pain of childbirth but childbirth demands to be felt and not everything was numb.
“This is fucking bull shit, Izuku!” he screamed, his qurik activating and resulting in the bed boards breaking.
Katsuki and Shoto watched on in slight horror.
“I’m never doing this shit for you ever again!” Eijirou screamed, “No one is because as soon as I’m done pushing these babies out, I’m ripping your dick off!”
“Please dont…”
“Eijirou, please focus.” the midwife tried to redirect his attention, “This one is ready to come out, now I need you too --.”
Eijirou then bore down and pushed the first of Izuku’s children out. Ren slid out of Eijirou, screaming and crying. He was a big infant and was very much excited to be alive.
Everyone instantly fell in love with him, the midwife cleaned him up and passed him to Izuku who held him to his neck, scenting him. Ren was passed around to Shoto and Katsuki as well. They, unknowingly washed their scent on the baby.
The next baby to come into the world was Aiko, and only half an hour later, the first girl, Sakura was born. All of the newborns were scented, swaddled, and would be cared for.
Katsuki was the next of the trio to give birth, to which he was both relieved and horrified because yay, finally but then oh my gosh I’m scared. So, since they knew the remainder of the babies would arrive soon, Katsuki, Shoto, and Izuku decided to have some sexy fun. Eijirou sat out, he was still healing and exhausted from the birth of his triplets. Instead he spent the remainder of the night snoozing or tending to the needs of his little newborns.
During their sexual escapade, Katasuki’s bliss turned into pain the moment he felt a pop along with water gushing out of him and onto Izuku’s dick.
“Shit.” he swore.
Izuku and the servants helped clean up the mess, while Katsuki was prepared for birth. The painkilling potion didn’t work as well as Katsuki wanted and as the pain of childbirth branched out from his spine he began to sob.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” he breathed, then screamed as a ripping contraction tore through him.
“It’ll be okay.” the midwife soothed, “You’ll see your little ones soon, I just need you to breathe through the pain and push as hard as you can.”
Katsuki nodded, he squeezed Izuku’s and Shoto’s hands as he pushed with all he had. Haru and Maru were born only 30 seconds apart, to which the midwife said, “You don’t want to keep going so quickly, at this rate, you’ll rip.”
Ten minutes of agony later, Katsuki was tired of keeping an easy pace and he pushed out Tobi. Then Hana and Kana were born only two minutes away from each other. By the time there was only one baby left, Katsuki was exhausted. It took him forty five minutes to push out the smallest of his litter, Kiki.
With a smile, Katsuki stared at his little babies with awe. They wiggled and cried, and to his surprise Katsuki couldn’t wait to have more. That was his final thought before passing out a seconds later from exhaustion. He spent the entire next day sleeping, and no one disturbed him.
Shoto was the last to give birth, and he was overdue when he finally asked Izuku to have the midwife induce him and she did. Katsuki and Eijirou were there with him, they had known he had been a little fragile during his time being pregnant and knew he needed all the support they could provide. They were at his sides, each holding a hand. Izuku took position next to the midwife to aid in this birth.
Izuku’s instinct to assist the midwife was right. The first of Shoto’s litter would cause complications.
“It’s --I can feel the first one comming down…” Shoto stammered.
“Slow down.” the midwife advised, then stated, “This is going to be a breech birth. The legs are coming out first, Mr. Midoriya, I need you to put your hands here and --”
Shoto screamed, he was starting to feel a burning sensation leaking from his pelvis and radiating upward. It was getting hard to breathe. Katsuki turned and kissed him on the forehead, Eijirou whispered, “Hey, you can do this. Breech or not, you can get this baby out.”
“I can’t do this!” Shoto shouted, “Stop, stop stop! Make it stop!! It hurts, please I can’t--,”
Shoto was ripping. He could feel himself tearing.
“Now, I need you to push hard!” the midwife ordered, “We have to get the head out, now. Okay, push push push!”
Shoto wasn’t even sure he was pushing at this point, it was all so painful. His vision was blurring as he looked down and noticed the midwife and Izuku handling a very quiet and limp infant.
“What, what’s wrong...?” Shoto asked, breathing hard and seeing black splotches.
He overheard the midwife say something about ‘...not breathing…’
“Is she okay?” Shoto asked, “Why isn’t she crying?”
Katsuki and Eijiro both reassured him that everything would be fine and indeed it was because a few seconds later, little Sachi began to cry and with a smile Shoto passed out. Shoto was only knocked out for a few minutes before it was time to resume the rest of his labor. Which was easy and not as painful as the first. Mari, Touka, and Touya were all a breeze to push out.
Afterwards, Shoto ended up having to be bedridden for the next month to allow himself to heal.
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cerezsis · 4 years
Chipped AU
Chapter Five: New Life
Summary: The diamonds welcome the newest member of their family.
           Rays of the midday sun began to shine in through the window, covering everything it touched in its soft, warm glow. Just as the clouds fully parted, allowing the sun to fully illuminate the world below, a sharp cry pierced the air, overshadowing the pained howls that had occupied the space for the last few hours.
           “You did it, darling!” Black proudly announced, her eyes glued to the screaming, fluid-covered newborn in her arms, “She’s here!”
           Still breathing heavily, White slowly opened her tightly closed eyes. All the pain and distress of she’d felt over the hours melted away as she saw her; dark gray skin, slicked-back black hair, and gem placed in the center of her forehead. Unlocking her death grip on the handles of the U-shaped stool, she held out her arms, taking the baby from Black and holding her against her bare chest.
           “You did amazing, darling,” Black said before gently kissing her lover’s lips, “She’s gorgeous.”
           “She’s perfect,” White added, still out of breath but tearing up as she stared down at the still screaming baby. The tiny thing was filthy, covered in gestational fluid and bits of sediment, but still she was among the most beautiful things she’d ever seen.
           White held the baby as close to her body as she could as Black began to clean her. The feeling of the damp cloth touching her delicate skin only seemed to make her scream louder. Still, her mothers never stopped smiling.
           “You have quite the vocals, little one,” Black grinned, her voice having a slight tremble to it.
           White glanced up at her, seeing that she was tearing up too. She smiled at her before looking back down at the baby. Her cries muffled as she buried her face against her mother’s chest, trying to find a spot to latch.
           “Oh, she wants to feed,” White said before moving the baby to her breast. The baby continued to scream for a moment, stopping only once she managed to get a good latch. White winced at the sensation. “Ah, I forgot how strange that feels.”
           Black did her best not to chuckle as she continued to clean the newborn. White had made a similar comment when she first nursed Gray, stating that it was the strangest thing she’d ever felt. She resisted bringing it up, mostly out of her still lingering guilt. She always tried to avoid talking about their first time around, as it just served as a reminder of how inattentive she was during the first half of this pregnancy. Despite White’s assurance that it was water under the bridge, and no matter how much support and attentiveness she tried to give her after that day in Gray’s garden, she couldn’t seem to shake the shame and guilt she brought upon herself. She supposed it would always be there, lingering in the back of her mind, but she swore to herself that it would only serve as a reminder to do better moving forward. 
          Once the last bit of sediment was cleaned off, Black lifted White off the birthing stool, carrying her bridal style to the bed. Leaning back against the pillows, the exhausted diamond shifted into a loose-fitting robe, leaving the breast the baby was nursing from exposed. The seemingly equally exhausted infant began to open her eyes, revealing her light gray irises and white pupils.
           “She has your eyes,” Black happily noted.
           White smiled, and Black sat next to her on the bed, wrapping her arm around her. Resting her head against Black’s shoulder, White found herself unable to look away from her new baby. She never thought she’d have this moment again; that euphoria felt after months of waiting and hours of pain. That moment when she finally got to hold the new life she created, the joy from which was overwhelming in every way, yet somehow the best feeling in the world. Part of her wondered if she deserved this; if she deserved to be allowed such joy after all the devastation she brought upon the universe. She wondered if all she’d been through – holding Gray’s shards in her hands, losing Pink, and Steven’s fear and distrust of her – was a kind of cosmic punishment. Was the good she’d been trying to do enough to make up for it all, or was the universe not done with her yet? She knew she couldn’t think like that, that those thoughts would only serve to drive a wedge between her and her new child. Whatever she’d done in the past, she couldn’t let it prevent her from giving her daughter the life she deserved.
           After about a half hour, the baby decided she was done nursing. With the baby now fed, the new mothers diapered her and swaddled her in a soft, gray blanket, before deciding it was time they were joined by their firstborn.
          Once they sent word, it was only a matter of moments before Gray entered the room. Her good eye locked onto the bundle in White’s arms, she silently walked closer to her mother’s bedside.
           “She’s beautiful,” she final managed to say.
           Staring down at the baby, she gently brushed her finger against the little one’s soft cheek. Still staring in awe, she found herself flashing back to her days in the asteroid base. How many times growing up did she wish she had a sister? How much time did she spend in front of her reflection on the shiny metal walls, pretending she had a twin? It was such a lonely life, waiting for right time to wake the cessineans. And for what? To exact revenge based on a lie?
           In spite of these thoughts, she found herself smiling. As much envy as she felt knowing her sister would never know that level of pain and loneliness, it was outweighed by the relief and happiness that she would have a better upbringing than she did.  
           “Do you want to hold her?” White asked, snapping Gray out of her thoughts.
           The damaged diamond’s head snapped up. For a moment she was frozen, an overwhelming dread washing over her. “I… No, you know I… What if I drop her?”
           Black patted the side of the bed. “You won’t drop her. Come, sit.”
           Hesitantly, Gray sat down on the side of the bed, struggling to keep her arms from shaking as White placed the infant in her arms. She sat there, perfectly still, terrified that the slightest movement could cause her to lose her hold on the baby.
           “Ok, I–” As she started to speak, the baby stirred and started to wake. Gray bit the inside of her cheek, waiting for the moment her sister saw her damaged face and started wailing in fear. The little one’s eyes fluttered open, and she and Gray locked eyes. Not even a minute passed before the baby yawned and went back to sleep.
           Gray blinked, not quite registering what just happened. After a moment, she smiled and allowed herself to relax. Unbeknownst to her, her mothers had started to tear up. Neither were quite prepared for this; the emotions that came with seeing their firstborn holding their newborn.
           Gray handed the baby back to White.
           “You know, I wasn’t the only one waiting to meet her,” she reminded her mothers.
           “Yes, of course,” White said, “We’ll send for them right away.”
           It was only a matter of minutes before the door opened once more. In walked Blue and Yellow, with Spinel riding on Yellow’s shoulder. All three pairs of eyes widened as they laid eyes on the baby.
           “Oh my stars!” Blue breathed, “She’s so tiny!”
           The three of them approached closer, unable to hide their fascination. None of them had seen a gem like this before – so underdeveloped and dependent. It was surreal, a concept so alien to them, yet they couldn’t help but feel a pull to this little diamond.
           “Who would like to hold her first?” White asked.
           “I, um, I suppose I would,” Blue offered, though her tone was lacking confidence.
           White handed the baby to her, and Blue did her best to mimic the way White held her. She’d handled small gems before, but none this fragile. After barely a minute, she found the experience too nerve wracking, and handed her to Yellow.
           “I believe it’s your turn,” she said, quickly.
           Yellow suppressed a chuckle as she took the baby. She too did her best to mimic the way White held her, finding the experience more enjoyable than Blue did.
            “It’s just a baby, Blue,” she teased.
            As Yellow finished her sentence, Spinel swung down from her shoulder, taking care to land gently on the baby’s blanket.
           “Hi baby,” she said, walking closer to the baby’s face. Next to Pink, this was the smallest diamond she’d ever seen, but she still outsized her by a good amount. “I still don’t really get what a “baby” is, but you’re the cutest one I’ve ever seen!”
           She kissed the baby’s cheek before hopping back up to Yellow’s shoulder. Grinning, Yellow handed the baby back to White.
           “So, what are you going to call her?” Yellow asked, “Dark Gray Diamond doesn’t exactly have a ring to it.”
           “Yes, we’ve thought of that,” White agreed.
           “We have a few names picked out, but we haven’t come to a decision yet,” Black added.
           Gray, having not taken her eyes off her sister the entire time, looked up at her mothers.
           “I think Shadow would be a good name for her.” She turned her head towards White. “She has your eyes and gem placement. She looks like she could be your little shadow.”
           Black and White looked at each other.
           “Shadow Diamond…” Black pondered.
           “That does have a lovely sound to it,” White admitted. She looked down at the baby. “Is that your name? Shadow?”
           As if in response, the baby yawned and did her best to stretch her tiny little arms, a tiny gurgling sound escaping her lips.
           “It’s decided, then,” Black grinned.
           “Yes, I believe it is,” White agreed, “Welcome to our family, Shadow.”
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