candacepandace · 2 years
The Luna Legacy Challenge
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🌙Hello I created a brand new Sims 4 Legacy Challenge!🌙
8 generations for the 8 phases of the moon.
I made easy to use Rules Graphic Cards
Watch my Luna Legacy Challenge LP on Youtube 🌙
View on Google Docs instead
General Rules:
No cheats unless it makes sense for the story.
You can use “freerealestate on” when starting gen 1 only.
Each career and aspiration must be completed unless stated otherwise.
You choose which child is the heir unless stated otherwise.
Randomize toddler traits unless stated otherwise.
Keep your sims out of the spotlight unless stated otherwise (GF).
You can only do two odd jobs per week for extra cash unless stated otherwise (IL).
Have a legacy graveyard where all the members of your legacy will be buried.
This challenge utilizes different packs mostly notated in parenthesis throughout.
If you don’t have a suggested pack, modify the rule or just skip it.
Let me know if you play this challenge. I would love to see your gameplay! #LunaLegacyChallenge @candacepandace
Optional Pet Legacy (C&D):
Start with or adopt a pet.
Pet should have at least one offspring to be their heir.
Continue pet legacy until you complete this challenge.
Have a pet legacy cemetery.
If you don’t like a rule, change it.
Make the story your own and have fun!
Generation 1: New Moon 🌑
“A time of new beginnings”
Your marriage has been on the rocks for a long time and you’ve reached your breaking point. This was the last straw. There’s only so much a sim can take. You recently started saving money in case of an emergency and as far as you’re concerned, tonight is an emergency! You need to get out of this marriage and this house immediately. You hurry and pack a bag for you and your child and leave in the middle of the night. What they did is unforgivable. It is time to let go of the toxicity and begin a new life for yourself.
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Two part time jobs
Traits: Neat, Hot-Headed, You Choose
Your founder is a sim who can get pregnant.
You are married with one child.
Get a divorce. 
Take your child and move out.
You have $500 and whatever you brought in your travel bag.
You are now homeless. Choose one or more of the following:
Move onto an empty lot (Cannot build on it).
Stay at a motel (Must deduct $50 per night).
Move into a homeless shelter (You can stay for free up to one week).
Get into a custody battle with your ex (Modded: Lumpinou’s Relationship and Pregnancy Overhaul to determine outcome).
Woohoo with your ex one last time in a moment of weakness which results in a pregnancy. You keep the baby (This is the heir for Gen 2).
Never become romantically involved with your ex again.
Get two part time jobs.
Move into an unfurnished apartment that costs $1,000 or less (BG: start building on your empty lot when you have at least $1,000 saved up).
Go to the flea market every other Sunday to buy and sell (CiL).
Be a strict parent.
As an elder, fall in love with someone you meet at the flea market and get remarried at the romance festival.
Live out your twilight years retired and happy with your new soulmate. 
Generation 2: Waxing Crescent 🌒
“It’s time to work toward those intentions”
You were raised by a very strict parent. They desperately wanted you to have a more successful life than theirs. They taught you to work hard and have ambitious goals. Failure was not an option. This didn’t leave much time for a social life. You were bullied in school for being smart, socially awkward, and having “no sense of style”. But hard work pays off in the end. Who’s laughing now?
Child Aspiration: Whiz Kid
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Career: Law (DU) or Business 
Traits: Ambitious, Loner, Clumsy
You can never have any friends outside your family.
You're a workaholic.
You are aromantic and asexual (you have no interest in romantic or sexual relationships).
Strive for straight As in all of your classes. 
Reach rank 3 in a part time job as a teen.
Receive at least one scholarship.
Get into Britechester and live in a dorm.
Earn a language and literature degree
Get a job in Law and choose the private attorney branch.
Buy a 4 bedroom house for yourself. Move your parent and step-parent in with you.
Agree to speak to your other biological parent for the first time as an adult.
Bail your sibling out of jail and let them stay with you until they can get a job and move out.
Quit your job after reaching level 10 in your career. Money can’t buy happiness.
Adopt twins and spend all your time being the best parent you can be. 
You have never known a love as great as caring for your children. This is what your life was missing all along.
Generation 3: First Quarter 🌓
“Now’s the time to make decisions”
You grew up in a loving home without ever wanting for anything but now it’s time to find your purpose in life. You are popular, beautiful, wealthy, and naturally talented. Every sim wants to be you or be with you. You and your friends love to party. While your twin marries their childhood sweetheart and moves away as a young adult, you are too busy having fun. You can’t imagine staying in one place for too long.
Child Aspiration: Social Butterfly
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career: Style Influencer (Modded Option: Shear Brilliance) 
Traits: Noncommittal, Hates Children, Self Absorbed (GF) or Materialistic
Collection: Seashells 
This heir is a sim who can get pregnant.
You can step into the spotlight for this generation (GF).
Your twin will always be your best friend. Always accept invitations from them to hang out
Have a group of pretty friends that you go out with every Friday night.
Get pregnant on prom night. Lose the baby (modded: abortion or miscarriage).
Reach level 2 and quit at least 3 different careers before deciding on your dream job as a style influencer.
Cheat on every sim you get into a relationship with and then break up with them.
Get pregnant 4 more times during one night stands with random sims you don't even remember. Put one baby up for adoption and leave the rest with your parent to raise.
Fall in love, get engaged, and then ghost them.
Live in 3 different worlds before settling down in Sulani (IL).
Change noncommittal trait to child of the islands trait (IL).
Collect seashells (IL).
Fall in love with a mermaid and turn into one. You were never part of this world (IL). 
Generation 4: Waxing Gibbous 🌔
“Assessing situations and discussing our feelings is a key focus”
You never really knew your biological parents. One was so self absorbed they basically abandoned you and the other is a complete mystery. It could be anyone based on the stories you’ve heard. Your grandparent raised you like their own with all the love they had and when they passed you felt more alone than ever. You never really got along with your siblings. The ones you actually know of are both very different from you and you just never connected with them. You are what some might call the black sheep. You have a lot of feelings that you just don’t think anyone could ever understand. You think of yourself as unlovable and unwanted. Ironically, you have many adoring fans who love you and your melancholy music. Your poetry expresses what others are feeling deep within their souls and your music is hauntingly beautiful. If only you could love yourself the way others love you. 🎵I know I’m unlovable, you don’t have to tell me. I don’t have much in my life, but take it it’s yours🎵
Child Aspiration: Artistic Prodigy
After School Activities: Drama Club 
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Entertainer 
Traits: Gloomy, Music Lover, Vegetarian
Collection: City Posters (CiL).
You can step into the spotlight for this generation (GF).
You and your friends are a group of misfits.
Collect city posters and hang them all over your room (CiL).
Music is your true escape. 
Always try to create something when you are sad (ex. paint, write, play music, etc.)
Cover your body in tattoos that express who you are.
Get a job as an entertainer and choose the musician branch.
Fall in love with a celebrity, get engaged, and catch them making out with one of your siblings on your wedding day. 
Get drunk at a bar and get into a fight with a random stranger.
Have meaningless woohoo with 5 different fans and don’t ever call them back.
Fall in love with someone from your childhood. Your soulmate was right there all along.
Get engaged for the second time and move in together. 
Elope in the Sylvan Glade then go on honeymoon to Selvadorada.
Bring home a souvenir that you and your partner will cherish always. 
Have two beautiful children.
Go on family camping trips to Granite Falls every summer.
Generation 5: Full Moon 🌕
"Howl at the moon…Awooooo!"
Your parents truly are soulmates. You hope to one day find a love as fierce and passionate as theirs. You are quiet and soft spoken but you have a huge imagination which pours onto the page every time you sit down to write another best-selling novel. Your family goes camping every summer and it is truly your favorite tradition. You love being outside and exploring. Nature has always called to you. You decide to move out right after high school and begin an adventure all your own. 
Child Aspiration: Rambunctious Scamp
After School Activities: Scout
Aspiration: Bestselling Author then Werewolf Initiate
Career: Writer
Traits: Bookworm, Romantic, Loves Outdoors
Collection: Insects and Fish
Choose the author branch of the writer career. 
Move into a small remote trailer in Moonwood Mill as soon as you become a young adult.
Write romance novels under a pseudonym so you never become famous. The spotlight isn’t for you. You prefer a life of seclusion and harmony amongst nature.
Become a werewolf and find your fated mate.
Write the Book of Life and use it to “capture epic saga” of your fated mate.
Have as many babies as you want.
Your mate dies in a tragic way but you resurrect them with the Book of Life.
Generation 6: Waning Gibbous 🌖
“Expressing gratitude is essential”
You have an appreciation for all life and and you are thankful for every experience you have. You believe in looking on the bright side of every situation and understand that life is a never ending cycle. You ride the ups and downs like a wave and look inward to find your inner peace and strength. You do not see lycanthropy as a curse but you have experienced and embraced it and now it is time to let go and move on as you have taken stock and decided that being a werewolf is not for you. You seek a different path. One that helps bring positive peaceful change to the environment.
Aspiration: Cure Seeker then Inner Peace
Career: Conservationist or Civil Designer
Traits: Recycle Disciple, Good, You Choose
Collection: Postcards and Crystals
Keep a journal through all life stages (PH).
You dress like a modern hippie / bohemian style.
Keep crystals in every room of your house and burn incense regularly. 
Never go out to eat. Always cook your own meals.
Have a garden and grow your own vegetables. 
Buy a chicken for fresh eggs (CoL).
Volunteer and donate to charity once a week.
Participate in protests.
Always vote on neighborhood action plans.
Not too proud to dumpster dive for deals. One sim’s trash is another sim’s treasure.
Have a long distance relationship with someone over the internet. 
Don’t meet them in person until you become best friends.
Oh No! You’ve been catfished! This person does NOT look like their online profile photo. 
Will you forgive them and learn to love this person despite the betrayal? Or will you accept the loss as an opportunity for growth and guide them out of your life forever?
Have a beach wedding as an adult. (Modded: Use Lumpinou’s Open Love Life mod to have an open marriage with your partner and become a thrupple).
Have at least 4 children.
Retire from your career as an elder. Have a big retirement party.
Become a yoga instructor because a body in motion stays in motion.
Murder/Suicide (Vampires Pack Needed)
If you prefer to not play with darker themes or don’t have the pack: SKIP TO GEN 8.
Optional Side Story Which Leads Into Gen 7
Play as Vlad. 
Complete the Dracula Aspiration so he can gain the Original Trait (Modded: Dracula Aspiration )
Generation 7: Third Quarter 🌗
“Time to clean out that which no longer serves us”
All of this hippy BS makes you sick! The world is not all rainbows and sunshine. There is so much darkness lurking around every corner and it needs to be eradicated. People might call you crazy but you’re not crazy, they’re the crazy ones for believing all the lies. They don’t understand the truth but it’s out there and you’re going to uncover it. 
Aspiration: You Choose or Chosen (Modded: Vampire Slayer ) then Good Vampire
Career: Detective
Traits: Erratic, Mean, You Choose or Vampire Slayer (Modded: Vampire Slayer)
Skills: Vampire Lore 
As a teenager, your sibling is found dead in their room.
They were troubled so everyone started calling it “the accident.” 
You refuse to believe that. You need the truth. This isn't right. They wouldn’t have…It had to be…MURDER! 
Everyone thinks you are losing your mind because of the tragedy but you know you’re not crazy and you’re going to prove it.
You become a detective.
Learn everything you can about vampires.
Question and then kill 5 vampires (You can use mods, lure them into the sun, or force them to drink a cure).
After reaching the top of your career, you finally discover it was Vlad who killed your sibling. 
Have an ultimate showdown with Vlad. 
He bites you before you kill him.
You are now a vampire. Take the Good Vampire aspiration.
Fall in love with a sim who asks you to turn them. You are reluctant but eventually agree.
Get married and live in Forgotten Hollow. 
Have twins. One child is a vampire and the other isn’t (The human child is the heir).
Your spouse leaves you for another vampire. 
You are so heartbroken that you walk into the sun and let your vampire energy drain. 
Your children go to live with another family member.
Generation 8: Waning Crescent 🌘
“This is the last lunar phase before a new cycle begins. Therefore, it’s a time when we need to be still and at peace.”
Are you a good witch or a bad witch some might ask but that’s a silly question. The world is not black or white but many shades of gray. You are who you are and you live every day to your fullest potential. You’ve heard the stories passed down through the generations and you’ve seen things no one else would believe. After all, vampires aren’t real. Yet your lineage stems from a survivor, a genius, a mermaid, a poet, a werewolf, a hippy, and yes, a vampire. Their blood, their stories, they live through you. You keep them alive. You are their legacy.
Aspiration: Purveyor of Potions (RoM)
Career: Paranormal Investigator (PS)
Traits: Cheerful, Maker, Cat Lover 
Collection: Sugar Skulls
Move into a haunted house with a “cat hangout” lot trait.
Leave food out for the stray cats every day.
Summon Bonehilda.
Cleanse your house. 
Make and sell candles.
Visit the graves of your ancestors on a regular basis. Especially on Dia De Los Muertos, a special time to honor and remember them (If you have Seasons: add Day of the Dead to your calendar in Fall).
Give a friendly introduction to every ghost you see. Those that came before you are to be respected and honored. 
Live a peaceful quiet life in seclusion. 
Fall in love with and marry The Hermit (OR).
Never have any children. 
Write a novel about your family history. Never publish it. Just keep it for yourself and for whoever finds it someday. 
You pass away peacefully of old age and natural causes without fear because you have seen life after death and you know your spirit will live on. Soon you and all of your ancestors will be together again under a New Moon.
The End 
Optional Epilogue
Make a highlight reel, collection of photos, and / or a family tree to document your journey through this entire legacy challenge.
💫 Please share your journey with me @candacepandace #LunaLegacyChallenge on youtube, twitter, instagram, and / or tumblr. 
Cited Source: https://www.oprahdaily.com/life/a35684513/moon-phases-manifest-meaning-astrology/ 
183 notes · View notes
emsnonbinary · 5 years
The my Generations Challenge!
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Rules \/
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aprillynnstino-blog · 4 years
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uwubeanieboo · 4 years
Disney Challenge
As you may know i am working on a new Disney challenge with new Disney characters! all credit goes to the original creator of the Disney challenge, reply back with Disney characters you would like to see
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