#nex7 oneshot
hcneymilkks · 6 years
NINE PERCENT Zhu Zhengting ‘A Dozen Letters’
In which the dreaded Valentine’s day arrives but instead of being left alone, Ying Yue has to track down her mystery guy.
PAIRING: Zhengting x Ying Yue (OC) 
SORT OF A SOCIAL MEDIA ONESHOT (texting and Instagram)
Snow crunched against my shoes, my breath exhaling out puffs of white smoke. It was so cold. Yet, my school didn't let us stay home. Stupid winter. Although it looks pretty, frost covering the tree branches bare of leaves, it didn't give me enough motivation to get out of my comfy warm bed.
But of course, my sister had to barge in and wake me up, yelling at me to drive her to school.
Sadly, both my parents took the two cars we had. Instead, I wrapped up my sister and walked her to school, her "boyfriend" meeting with her.
"Happy valentines day!" He yells. My sister giggles and hugs him. I roll my eyes and bid goodbye, not needing to stay here longer.
And now here I am, at the entrance of my school trying to take the excess snow off. Normally, I wouldn't care how the school looks, but today it made my stomach want to hurl. Bleh. Hearts here, red and pink there. This is the day I die.
I quickly text Ha Rin, crying inside.
Ying Yue
don't know where i am
theres too many hearts everywhere
i think i got sent to hell
send help
bitch where you and Eun Jung at
Ha Rin
its only one day come on you can survive
we are at ur locker, come here
Ying Yue
im cryin
I walk quickly to my locker, trying to ignore all of the "Happy Valentines day" and couples sticking their tongues in each other's mouths.
I hate this day, I hate this.
Just bad memories.
Ying Yue
sksksk theres too many couples making out my poor eyes
Ha Rin
LOL hurry up then
I almost bump into a girl who then glared at me.
"Bitch." I mumbled
"Ying ying!" I turned around and saw Ha Rin and Eun Jung both holding....ugh.
"Awe are those stuffies for me? You shouldn't have." I playfully try to take it away but they both glare at me playfully.
"No, you know who this will be given to." Eun Jung says in a teasing tone while Ha Rin nods and laughs.
I shudder. "This is why I hate valentines day."
"Come on Ying Yue. it's only one day, it's not the end of the world." Eun Jung puts an arm around my shoulder. I shrug it off, going towards my locker to get my math book.
"But you both are leaving me for your boyfriends during my four-hour break. It is so the end of the world." I pout and try to open the lock with no avail.
"Ugh stupid lock."
Ha Rin and Eun Jung laugh. "Awe is little Ying Ying sad because she doesn't have a boy to cuddle?"
"Shut up. I don't need a man."
"That is true....but remember your other valentine's day attempts with your crushes. Both of them who I hate with my life but you do you boo." Eun Jung says.
I drop the lock and look at both of my friends. "We do not talk about that. I was too dumb in what I thought was love."
They both snickered. "Well no one told you to stick candies on their locker DUH!" They both say at the same time and I swear if murder wasn't illegal I would have buried their dead asses by now.
"Ohmygod what did I just say not to do!" I exclaim and open my locker a little bit too forcefully, I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek and involuntarily closed my eyes.
"What the fuck!?" I yelled, opening my eyes a moment later to see not one, but TWELVE LETTERS spill out of my locker.
The hallway was silent for a moment and I felt my cheeks burn. Oh, how I hated being the center of attention. Make it stop. The bell rang not a moment later and I clumsily picked up all of the letters, saying a quick goodbye before heading to the library for my first free period....hopefully alone.
"Okay calm down I'm just getting out of my car." I say into my phone, hearing coherent mumbles from the other side of the receiver. I grabbed my bag from the backseat and went into school.....of course, I locked my car.
"What was that Wenjun? I can't hear you." I say in a sing-song voice, always teasing him for his mumbles. Before I used to blame my hearing, I swear it keeps getting worse with me always blasting music to dance to. But after many times hearing him mumble, I realized it wasn't my hearing but it was just Wenjun's habit.
"-Hello? Zhengting are you still on?" I snap out of my trance and nod my head, mentally cursing because no one can hear a nod from a phone call.
"Yeah I'm still on. I'm inside the school now, where are you?"
"Going to my locker, meet me there before class starts?"
"Will do." I hang up and look around the school. Pink and red hearts everywhere. My student council can be so extra with these "holidays." I hum a little tune and turned the corner until I heard a voice that made my knees go weak.
Ying Yue.
Oh god, she's at her locker. Calm down Zhengting you just have to walk to Wenjun's locker that is beside her. You can do this. I take a deep breath and start to walk towards Wenjun, not until I tripped on my own shoe and almost fell. Curse my two left feet.
I didn't see Ying Yue look but I saw her friends did and I mentally cried. Great, I'm gonna get teased.
"Hey bro." Wenjun and I did a handshake and opened his locker. "So how was it falling for...you know." He points in the three girls direction and laughs.
I glare and tackle him down, not needing this first thing in the morning. "Can you just get your stuff and let's go? I don't need to be here any-" I heard yelling and looked at Ying Yue, locker open and letters on the ground. I blushed and looked away, recognizing that handwriting. The bell rang soon after and I felt a rush of cold wind pass by.
"Dude, just how many letters did you write to her?" Wenjun whispers and I tense up. I saw this post that this guy bought his girlfriend twelve roses and stated that if the last one died their love will die. Plot twist? The last rose was fake and that signified that their love will last forever.
"I may or may have written twelve letters." I said shyly.
"AND YOU STUCK IT IN HER LOCKER ALL AT THE SAME TIME!?!" Wenjun exclaims and I cover his mouth with my hand.
"Was that a bad idea?"
I sit down in the library and take deep breaths, never again I will run....psh just kidding I run away from everything.
I touch the area on my face where I felt a cut and I winced. I quickly put on a bandaid because I don't want to get an infection...duh. I then opened my math textbook, trying to finish yesterday's homework that I forgot at school. But I couldn't. I couldn't think of anything else but the letters. "Twelve letters? For me? It's not April fools day yet." I mumble, closing my math textbook and welcoming sleep for the remainder of the free period.
Well, no sleep came. My hands indistinctively went to my backpack and I found the twelve letters I dumped in there haphazardly. I picked a random one and looked to see who it was addressed to.
"My love? What the hell?"
I opened the letter and admired the handwriting. For some reason, I recognized it from somewhere. There's no way Zhengting wrote this. I thought. He doesn't see me other than a little sister.
Yes, Zhengting and I go way back. Meaning the cliche neighbours to this day. The cliche spending time at each other's houses cuddling and talking about everything. The cliche friendly "I love you's" and "I miss you's." I laughed softly at the vast memories. It was as if a switch turned on in my brain and I stopped spending a lot of time with Zhengting. Why?
I love him.
I tried to distract myself with other crushes, trying to make myself noticeable to them with yes, putting candies on their lockers for valentines day. Only one noticed but rejected me.
I later knew it was so stupid. I was blinded by artificial love and wanting to get rid of feelings for Zhengting.
I looked at the letter.
'Ying Yue,
You probably ran away when you saw all of the letters fall from your lockers, I know you hate the attention. So instead of giving you twelve roses because I'm literally so shy, I'm giving you twelve letters (which you could make it into paper roses but idk.)
Where do I start....the first time we met. Now I don't want to give too much away but we were pretty close in our childhood.
You've grown into a wonderful, beautiful human being I mean girl. When you first walked into the doors of this year I swear you got even prettier.
Since I only have twelve letters because I didn't want to bombard you with more, I will compliment you twelve times...maybe even more if you let me.
Number one, your laugh, your sincere one. I love hearing it. It was one of the reasons why I fell in love with you. Yes Yue, you read it right. I'm deeply and terribly in love with you and I can never get you off my mind.
Ps. I'm closer than you think *winks*'
I put down the letter and look around, trying to see if I can spot anyone. There were only girls here. Does this mean he's in my classes?
I smile when I see her look around. Thank god she can't see me from here. I go back doing my own work, hoping she will read the rest.
I know, so cliche. But it's really scary confessing to someone who has been in your life for so long.
immediately I hear a loud thud and I jump out of fright. God damn why is everything so scary? Taking out one earphone I look to where the sound came from and lo and behold, I make eye contact with a fallen Ying Yue.
"Oh shit I'm gonna be late for my next class." I hurriedly pack my things, mutter a small apology for the person who wrote those letters, for they will be crushed yet again by the suffering and anxiety of what is called school books.
I stood up, but somehow the next moment the chair that I sat on fell along with me beside it. Damn me for being so clumsy.
Not only was the library more silent than before, but I also made eye contact with the last person I wanted to see. Not when I had my speculations.
Zhu Zhengting.
I quickly looked away, flustered and embarrassed. I ran once more. Let's hope from all this running I'm doing today is going to make me lose weight.
Why do you do this to me Zhu Zhengting?
My media studies class was pretty interesting to say the least, but for some reason, I have a project to do.....it's photography?
"Well happy valentine's day to all. I didn't expect to bring this project up so suddenly." My teacher explained.
"For the past month, we have been looking at social media and how it affects our daily lives. Normally, we only want people to see the bright, happy sides. Or either, we repost other people's photos without permission and claim it as our own. Now, what does this all have to do with the project? I will be asking each of you to either clear your own Instagram profiles and start fresh or create a new Instagram profile. This will be a week-long project. I not only want you to add your happy moments but your sad ones. I want to see not only cute pictures of the sky but also your homework. I want to see your daily life in pictures. So like a daily blog."
Everyone starts to groan but the teacher silences us. "Oh come on class. It's not like you all are already not glued to your phones twenty-four seven. It's worth thirty percent of your grade so I expect some effort. For extra marks you can write a journal on one specific photo and why it's special to you."
"I wish I dropped this class already." someone mumbles beside me but I completely ignore it, already knowing what to do.
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@ying.yang - aight @person who left me twelve letters in my locker. Who u and wat u want wit me?
@e.jung - A SECRET ADMIRER!?! IS IT *********?
@ying.yang - @e.jung ShUt uP
@haharin - @e.jung oof it's totally him
@ying.yang - @haharin SHUT UP
My eyes went wide during lunch.
"Wenjun did you see Ying Yue's post?" I show him my phone and he looks at the photo.
"Damn ting why don't you ever write me notes like that?" he pouts and I smack him on the arm.
"You don't deserve any...not when you cheated on me with Quanzhe!"
Wenjun laughs. "But no seriously you should tell her today that you like her. You have History class with her right?"
I nod.
"You still have them?"
I nod again.
"Good. I have a plan."
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@tingting - maybe today will be the day where I can finally give you flowers in person
@yellowturnip.justin - eh?
@byewenjun - oh you are so confessing to her today...im tired of seeing you sulk about how youre too much of a chicken to do it
@tingting - @byebyewenjun sksksks sHUT UP
@fanchangechange - wait, Zhengting only knows one girl...does that mean????
@tingting - @fanchangechange I LIKE UR SISTER NOW SHUT UP
@quanzhieeee - @tingting @fanchangechange THATS A LIE  
I fiddle with my pen, hoping something exciting happens during the week or else I will be posting sky photos and my song playlist which is all over the place. I mean I guess I could write a reflection on my music, but what's the point?
I wait for History class to start, wanting more than to just go home.
Music in my ears, I sketch a human figure, pouting when one side is different than the other.
A tap on my shoulder.  That one tap made me lose my focus and snap back into the dreaded reality. I now know what photo I should post next.
I take out my headphones and turn around, looking at the familiar boy. Again? The second time I have seen him today.
"Is anyone sitting here?" he asks and I shake my head no immediately. He places his backpack on his desk and sits down, closing his eyes.
I look at him for a moment and then shake my head, trying to go back to my sketch.
"Why are you shaking your head?" I hear the person beside me say. He opens one eye and looks at me from the side.
"Nothing. It's stupid."
"Okay then. I wanted to ask you a question. "
I turn my body and look at him. "Shoot."
He opens his other eye. "Who's the lucky guy?"
"The picture you posted on Instagram, who's the lucky guy?"
"Oh that? I have uh no idea." I'm sorta wishing, hoping it is you.
Zhengting nods and the teacher walks in, signalling the start of History class.
My eyes feel heavy, and the teacher's monotone voice does not help one bit. I peek a little to my right and see Zhengting taking notes like a good student. Meanwhile, my notes are filled with sketches.
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@ying.yang - oops
@haharin - wtf listen in class
@ying.yang - @haharin i cant im gonna fall asleep soon
@e.jung - tsk tsk
@ying.yang - @e.jung @haharin WILL BOTH OF YOU LET ME LIVE!?!
I didn't even know the bell rang until I looked around and saw people packing their bags, getting ready to go home. I quickly stuffed my phone in my pocket, standing up to pack my bag until I saw a piece of paper hurriedly folded on my desk.
'Ying Yue,
Meet me at the field if you wanna know who I am'
My heart started pounding for no reason. What if this was a prank? What if this note was left for someone else? Well actually it did say my name but the chills ran down my spine. I shook my head and went along with it, stopping by my locker to bring my Physics textbook with me to hit the person if needed.
The closer I get to the field, the farther away I am from the crowds of people.  I stop at what looks like the middle, plot my stuff on the ground and wait.
"Wenjun I told you that you shouldn't have gone to the washroom right now, look, Ying Yue, is already here."
"Ting calm down, just go up to her and say I love you or whatever."
My ears perk up at the familiar voice, but the other voice speaking says something that makes me freeze.
Wait, does that mean?
"Ying Yue."
I turn around and look at Zhengting.
"It's you?" I say, cringing at how I sounded so blunt.
He rubs the nape of his neck and laughs awkwardly. "Suprise?"
I giggle and smile. "I'm glad it's you."
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@tingting - smile brighter than the sun. My love
@yellowturnip.justin - oH!?! IT WAS YING YUE THIS WHOLE TIME!?!
@fanchangechange - cute
@quanzhieeee - I ship
@byewenjun - freaking finally. thought you were going to die alone
@tingting - @byewenjun TAKE THAT BACK
@ying.yang - sksks LMAO @byewenjun
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@ying.yang - i guess something good did happen after all. im glad its you
@tingting - ily
@ying.yang - ily2 loser
@e.jung - @haharin have we been replaced?
@haharin - @e.jung I think so :(
@ying.yang - @e.jung @haharin shut up you guys. you were the ones who left me in the first place!
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spider-man-199999 · 6 years
unfortunately, i'm alive
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blackshadows555 · 6 years
❝ dreams come true: justin one-shot ❞
❛ dreaming all night ❜
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cpop: nex7 / nine percent - short story - justin
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          You were a trainee at Yuehua Entertainment for almost half of your life, as you joined the company when you were around eight years old, yet you had never debuted due to company issues. You were originally assigned to debut a year ago, but the trends soon changed your company’s decision and they instead planned on debuting a boy group, as Cosmic Girls had already debuted two years before.
          Crestfallen, you were greatly depressed, but you felt like it was your destiny to debut someday, be able to dance and sing on a stage like all those idols who were admired by so many. The determination inside of you pushed you to train even harder than before.
          As you walked out of the practice room, a towel slung across your neck, you suddenly bumped into someone and looked up, about to apologise when you frowned at the familiar face instead.
          “Oh, sorry... Y/N?” The person’s eyebrows raised in surprise.
          The person was Justin, the famous Justin Huang of NEX7 and Nine Percent, to be accurate. The former trainee who you had a crush on for, let’s just say the moment you two met. Since both of you were around the same age, everything soon hit off and the two of you became good friends. After he was sent to South Korea to attend Produce 101, you had supported him from Beijing and when he came back unsuccessfully, you were there to comfort him, always by his side. Due to all the closeness, the innocent feelings you had for him at first became complicated as you were worried that he noticed and didn’t feel the same.
          The two of you became more distant after he was once again sent away, though this time to 偶像练习生 ( Idol Producer / Óu Xiàng Liàn Xí Shēng ) and he accomplished his dream, debuting as Nine Percent and not only that, but also in the Yuehua group NEX7. Of course you congratulated him, except you were still sad, because not only did you unsuccessfully debut, but he would be leaving with his group members and there would barely be any chance for you two to talk again.
          Except he was right there, standing in front of you and for a second, you were flustered, not expecting him to see you in your simple leggings and black t-shirt.
           “I thought you were busy?” You accidentally blurted out, and instantly reddened, embarrassed.
          “We’re taking a break from the tours,” he replied, scratching his neck awkwardly, “Hard dance routine?”
          “And exhausting,” you admitted. You had been working on fast-paced dances these days, wanting to strengthen your dancing skills, since you had stronger vocals rather than dance.
           “Sounds tough,” the cheeky smile on his face always made your heart beat faster. Tearing your gaze off of his beautiful face, you stared down at your converses feeling silly. The air between the two of you felt more than awkward, and he soon broke the silence once again.
           “So, the company gave us a week off. Want to meet up at the normal place at four so we can catch up on, you know, life?” His eager eyes made it impossible to decline and the twinkling spark inside of them made your stomach clench with emotions.
           “Sure,” you smiled. After all, it was just two good friends meeting up like normal, wasn’t it?
            The normal place was a small café near the company that was quite lonely, but it was a place of memories for many trainees. You still remembered all those times you had gone there with Justin and the members of NEX7 when all of you were still trainees. Now you were the only one left who wasn’t out on the stage.
            As you entered the café, greeted the owner warmly like the times you did all those years, you noticed that Justin hadn’t arrived yet. Typical Justin, you thought, smiling inwardly.
            “欢迎来到传奇咖啡店! 请问您要点什么?( Welcome to Miracle Coffee Shop! What would you like to order? / Huán yíng lái dào quán qí kã fēi diàn! qíng wèn nìn yào dián shé mé? )” The lady asked, taking out a pen and a notebook.
            “两杯抹茶,谢谢。 ( Two cups of mocha, thank you. / Liáng bēi muó chá, xié xié. )” You replied with a smile and patiently sat there, a bit fidgety as you waited. What if Justin had forgotten? Maybe he was too busy. You shouldn’t have been expecting much from such a busy group. After all, it was exhausting going on tours every single day, as they were awfully famous now.
            The two cups of mocha were soon on the table, slowly cooling. You warmed your hands with your own cup. Whenever the two of you came, it would always be mocha.
            Suddenly, the front door bell chimed once and a huffing Justin appeared, his cheeks slightly red. “Sorry,” he apologised as he walked in, plopping himself right next to you instead of across from you.
            Surprised, you quickly recovered and replied with a brief ‘no worries’, as it wasn’t abnormal for him to be late. At least he was only twenty minutes late, unlike once when he was more than an hour late.
            “Great! Mocha like always,” he grinned and took a sip from his drink. “Now, tell me about your life without me so far. Been too peaceful, hasn’t it?”
            Not at all. Other than the feelings you had for him, a new anxiety was starting to build up inside of you. “Way too calming,” you laughed back.
            “So, how’s everything with Fairytale?” He asked. Fairytale was the original group you were going to debut in as a vocalist, but instead it was cancelled. Justin knew nothing about it, because you didn’t want to burden him when he was off competing again ninety-nine trainees.
            “It was dismissed,” you stared at your drink, swirling it with your spoon, feeling the sadness washing up once again. 
            “I’m so sorry, I- when did this happen?” Justin looked at you, shocked. His innocent wide eyes flew open even larger.
            “When you were with the boys at 偶像练习生 ( Idol Producer / Óu Xiàng Liàn Xí Shēng )...” your voice trailed on. “I didn’t want you to compete while feeling bad for you. I wanted you to win, and you did.” You smiled faintly at him.
            “Y/N... But without your support, I wouldn’t have had the motivation to continue competing,” a frown hung on his face.
            “Don’t worry anymore. It’s in the past. Now tell me about your life? What’s being an idol feel like?” You asked curiously, peering at him expectantly.
            “Tiring, honestly,” he admitted, “but truly pleasing and exciting. The fans are so fun to be with, and performing for them is such an honour. Why are you looking at me funnily?”
            “Wow, that was.. Wow, that was so unexpected,” you let out a loud laugh, “Who knew the adorable Justin could say something like that?”
            “Hey! I’m someone who has very deep philosophy!” Justin complained back. The next two hours passed by quickly as the two of you shared words, laughed at each others’ jokes, and enjoyed the presence of a good friend.
            After he paid for the drinks despite your complaints, arguing that he was a 富贵子 ( in Chinese history, it means the son of a rich, high-classed family / fù guì zì ). As the two of you walked out, he suddenly reached out and took your hand in his, lacing your fingers with his. The gesture surprised you, but the warmth was so comforting, you didn’t complain.
            “Remember the time when we first came here?” Justin asked.
            “Of course.. Was it eight years ago? I remember it was around a month or two after I joined the company.” You answered back, smiling at the memory. “You forced me to come along with the boys. It was so awkward with them back then... Well, until the seven of you decided to put salt into my drink!” You said in a playful accusing tone.
            “Come on! At least it dissolved the tension!” He laughed back. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t my idea. Definitely not.”
            “Yeah, like 丁泽仁 ( Ding Zeren / Dīng Zė Rèn ) would be so immature to think of that. It was obviously you.” You rolled your eyes.
            “I miss the good old days a lot,” Justin murmured mournfully. “We used to get to spend out everyday. I miss that.”
            “Hey, but now you get to stand on a stage. Just think about it, the bright stage with your wonderful fans cheering in the audience!” You exclaimed. “And I’ll always be there to support you.”
            “You know, I didn’t only become friends with you at first because we were around the same age and were both from 温州 ( Wenzhou, Wēn Zhōu )... I...” He looked at you, slightly flustered, but finally continued, “I liked you. A lot. But now my feelings really have changed.”
            “W-What do you mean?” You stammered nervously. Oh God, what if he didn’t feel the same? Another one of your life dreams would be crushed.
            “I realised lately that without you, I feel so empty... I-I love you, Y/N.” Justin let go of your hand and stopped abruptly. You looked at him, clearly surprised as he took hold of your chin instead.
            Damn it... He really has been getting taller... You weren’t that short, but still had to raise your eyes up to look at him. Your heart started beating faster. He loved you. It was real... or was it fake?
            Just as you were questioning yourself, his warm breath inched closer by seconds and suddenly his warm lips was pressed again yours. Instead of sparks, a sweet feeling, a bit like hot chocolate on a winter day creeped into you. It wasn’t a long kiss, a very brief one actually. But it was enough to wipe out all your doubts.
            “You-” You pinched your arm to see whether you were awake or asleep, if this was a dream or reality. Real, definitely real. “You love me?”
            “I do,” his cheeks were flushed as he gazed at you intently, “and not in a platonic way. I-I, it’s fine if you don’t feel the same way, but I don’t want our friendship to be destroyed after this...”
            “Nice vocabulary,” you slowly smiled, “I missed you so much and never stopped loving you. But what will you do? Your fans... you’re busy all the time... I mean, it’s fine with me. I’ll always be there to support you and give you all my-”
            Another kiss silenced your rambling. “This is all I need.” He murmured, grinning. “Nothing else matters than you. There’s nothing to worry about, I promise.”
           “You’re so cheesy,” you laughed.
           “Ha, and I’ve been practicing pick-up lines with the help of 林颜俊 ( Ling Yanjun / Líng Yàn Jùn ). He’s practically the King of Pick-up Lines... but not for long. Just wait and see,” Justin winked at you and the smile on your face would take days to wash off. Or probably never.
            “Looking forward to it,” you laughed once again and his warmth once again enwrapped you as the two of you walked back to the company.
            You knew you would be working harder to debut, and with a dream come true, your motivations were even stronger. Truly, a dream come true.
writing this one-shot really reminded me of the two years i spent living at china... and yes, nine percent and nex7 are extremely popular at china this year. literally the top trends. i apologise if this one-shot wasn’t that nice, but this is my first time writing a one-shot! if there’s any advice, please tell me! requests are also open!
here’s just some background information about me, because i guess the readers should know a bit of the author:
-i’m 13 years old ( turning 14 this month, actually )
-i’m a freshman in high school
-my birthday is on october 31. yes, halloween.
-i’m pure chinese ( mainland ), born in new york, currently living in california, but i did live in china for two year during 5th-6th grade. i did spend those two years trying to stuff myself with everything about chinese and china, having to study six grades of chinese in two. so no, i’m honestly not terrible at chinese and i am very familiar with chinese trends. but i actually have problems with english, haha!
-i’ve started actually writing ever since two years ago and other than writing, i do graphic designing, music composing and creating, singing, choreography creating ( only occasionally, not a daily thing unlike others ), and if you want to see more of my works, here is my main.
thank you all so much for reading and requests are open! feel free to give advice or comment whenever you want :)!
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soulangel · 4 years
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Excited for what this could possibly be? Me too! Welcome to Octobpalooza! Where every day until the 31st, I will be posting cute fluffy oneshots, or suggestive heated oneshots based on specific members of groups I chose for this month! This here is the Masterlist for the days if your THAT CURIOUS to see everything. I hope you enjoy it! I had a lot of fun creating the little scenarios. But prepare yourself for the 31st….because that one won’t be sweet and innocent like the others….hehe
Day 1-Ateez Dark fae!Jongho x fae!Reader (gender neutral)
Day 2-BTS Wolf Hybrid!Jungkook x Spellcaster!Reader (gender neutral)
Day 3-NCT 127 Guardian Angel!Johnny x Human!Reader (gender neutral)
Day 4-Pentagon Dragon!Yuto x Human!Reader (gender neutral)
Day 5-NCT Dream Hunter!Jeno x Selkie!Reader (gender neutral)
Day 6-SF9 Elf!Rowoon x Dryad!Reader (Female)
Day 7-Seventeen (SVT) Ghost!Hoshi x Investigator!Reader (gender neutral)
Day 8-Vixx
Day 9-Oneus
Day 10-Royal Pirates
Day 11-B.A.P
Day 12-A.C.E
Day 13-KNK
Day 14-TXT
Day 15-WayV
Day 16-DKB
Day 17-Block B
Day 18-Teen Top
Day 19-The Boyz
Day 20-Victon
Day 21-Nex7
Day 22-1Team
Day 23-KHH
Day 24-Astro
Day 25-VAV
Day 26-U-Kiss
Day 27-Big Bang
Day 28-Mblaq
Day 29-EXO
Day 30-Madtown
Day 31-Stray Kids
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