#next i want to get those mini babies people have posted above online love those
civetcider · 3 months
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Got a bag of mini monkeys today, gonna put them in the little bucket of tiny party favors
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
Hawks and S/O Play Among Us
Hawks x Reader
Just a small headcanon I made since me, my mom, my brother, my step-sister, and some of my friends play all the time! If you wanna play together or just chat with me lemme know and I’ll make a private group for you all to join and chat with me! ;)
Warnings: strong language, excess use of profanity, so if you don’t like very strong language please leave! A slight little bit of suggestive sexiness from Hawks, but it’s very very brief! That’s it!
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* Cheats all the time. So make sure you both are in separate rooms. If you’re beside him playing on your phones, he will for sure peek over and see if you’re an imposter or not.
* If you’re both Crewmate he’ll stay glued to your side. He’ll do all tasks with you, make sure he follows you if something got sabotaged, even though this may cause you to lose. “Hawks go to the other one! We only have 15 seconds!” “But what if you die? I’ll be all alone, and everyone will sus me because I stayed with you all the time!” “That’s why you don’t follow me and act sus!” Needless to say it’s difficult getting him to leave your side. If you do die, he’ll start blaming your killer even though he has no proof at all. Then he gets voted out and you do tasks together as ghosts. He’s one of those people to randomly start accusing people, and will use you as an alibi. “I was with my girlfriend and brown was following us. He’s pretty sus.” Then you get spams in the chat saying “wtf.”
* if you’re both imposters, he’ll make sure to sit by you and run around freely by himself knowing you’re safe. Even in a fictional game he makes sure you’re safe... most of the time. “FUCK! FUCK!! BROWN SAW ME!!! WHAT DO I DO?!?!” “LIE!” “THEY ALL WANNA VOTE ME OUT WHAT THE FUCK?!?!” Voting occurs, and you vote him out. “YOU BETRAYED ME?!?!” “WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?! IT WOULD BE SUS IF I DIDNT!!!” He’ll start pouring and follow you around in his little ghost form, assisting in sabotage and warning you if there’s anyone around so you can kill people. If you were away from each other, he would venture on his own and sometimes follow you to see if you can double kill. “Yes! Good job, dovie, you make a great sidekick!” If you are being accused, he’ll defend you immediately, which makes it all the more suspicious. Then you both end up getting voted out.
* You’re the imposter and he’s the crewmate. You kill Hawks first. Always. You have to or else he’ll rat you out immediately. He’s very competitive if you are on opposite teams. If you do get voted out he’ll rub it in your face and laugh. “You’re so predictable, dovie. It’s not even funny!” Well, apparently he thinks it’s funny. He also thinks it’s funny seeing the pouty expression on your face. If your teammate kills him, you start laughing at him. “Hah! Yellow got revenge! Thank you yellow! Carry us to victory!” He scowls. “At least I made it farther.” If you successfully kill him, he’ll stalk you through his little ghost and scrutinize your methods. “You killed him in the open, If it were real you’d be locked away by now.” “It’s a game babe. Let me play how I wanna play. You’re acting childish cause I killed you.” “I hope they vote you out. Liar. Murderer. Imposter!” When you end up winning he’ll pout. “I’ll get you next time, baby bird.”
* He’s the imposter and you’re the crewmate. He’s very good at it. He likes to wait and kill you last since he loves to taunt you. Then he’ll lie to the entire chat and act all innocent. However, if you’re playing with friends, this plan always backfires. You don’t even suspect him because he’s so good at playing the role of an imposter, it’s almost scary. If he’s the imposter, he always wins. If he’s acting sus, you call an emergency meeting and immediately convince everyone to vote him out. It’s a desperate last effort tactic to try and win against him. Of course, he smooth talks his way out of things and you’re the one that gets booted. There will be a small little thing at the end where you are playing with friends :)
* Characters, of course yours is whatever you want, but Hawks... he loves to do stupid ass nicknames that you and all your friends and his make fun of. It’s consisted of “Sexy Bird” “No. 2 Bitches” “(Y/N)’s dick giver” “chickenman” “nugget king” “Endeavor my daddy” “Endeavorsimp” “Hawks” The last one is to try and make his fans day if he has any that play when you both just play online together. His character is almost always yellow with little goggles on top, a white suit, and a mini crewmate as his pet. Many don’t believe that it’s actually Hawks, not until he posts pictures on his social media of you and him playing together.
* Playing with Friends: You, Hawks, Endeavor, Mirko, Dabi, Tokoyami, Shoto, Twice, Shigaraki, and Aizawa (you convinced him to play) All of you are on call. Hawks invited Endeavor, Mirko, and Tokoyami. You invited everyone else. (Lets all pretend that you all are normal and there’s no heroes or villains, just all adults with jobs playing kid games. (U/N) is username by the way since you all get to choose ^^
Below is a short story I wrote for this!
Small Key!
-(U/N) = You (Orange, Pink, Light Green)
-Sexy Bird = Hawks (Yellow)
-Dabeebee = Dabi (Purple)
-Zzzawa = Aizawa (Dark Green)
-QueenRab = Mirko (White)
-MyDadSucks = Shoto (Cyan)
-DarkBoy = Tokoyami (Black)
-Crustball = Shigaraki (Dark Blue)
-2wice = Twice (Brown)
-Endeavor = Endeavor (Red)
“Hey everyone!” -(U/N)
“Stop being so happy (Y/N).” -Zzzawa
“Hey Doll.” -Dabeebee
“Dabi~! Your user name is your name in my phone!!! How sweet!” -(U/N)
“Hey, I’m right here. Don’t make me come up there and teach you who you belong to again pretty birdie.” -Sexy Bird
“TMI!! I don’t wanna hear about you’re pathetic sex like Keigo. Baby dick.” -QueenRab
“Language Mirko. Please. Who else is joining (Y/N)-“ -Endeavor
“Can we just start?” -Crustball
“Please.” -Zzzawa
“I agree.” -MyDadSucks
“Shoto change your name.” -Endeavor
“Fuck off old man.” -MyDadSucks
“I am ready to begin this journey of darkness and deceit.” -DarkBoy
“Me too! Oh hell no, I’m not doin’ this.” -2wice
“Guys! Shut up! I’m about to start the game so we all have to go on mute okay?” -(U/N)
“(Y/NNNNN)! You didn’t tell Mirko about our fucking amazing se-“ -Sexy Bird
You pressed start before your lover could even finish whatever he was saying and rolled your eyes shouting from the guest bedroom. “KEIGO YOU BASTARD IM REALLY GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU SAY ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT OUT SEX LIFE!!!!” He shouted back almost immediately. “SHE CALLED OUR SEX PATHETIC!!!!” You called back. “ITS NOT BABE ITS FUCKING AMAZING NOW SHUT UP AND PLAY!!!!” The little ‘Shhhh’ appeared and it turned out you and Dabi were the imposters. You grinned widely and went towards the right of “The Skeld” map. You ran up towards weapons to pretend to do the task. You took the time to attempt to sabotage the lights like you always did, but it sadly was still loading. Then a purple little astronaut came beside you with little wolf ears. And the name labeled above was red with the word “Dabeebee.”
‘Alright Dabi... lets kick some ass.’ You thought to yourself with a grin as you finally got your kill cool down relinquished. The first thing you sabotaged was lights, and then you began your search for your lover. You went down and turned left, checking to see if anyone was in communications. No one. You then went through lower storage and up Into electrical. You were met with a dark blue color. Poor Shigaraki, your first victim. Keigo could probably wait. Dabi would back you up. You clicked the kill button on your phone and immediately jumped into a vent. You popped out of MedBay and pretended to do the sample task. Then your screen flashed.
*DISCUSS/ Dabeebee reported a body*
*Crustball has died*
“Well, there goes the crusty bastard. He sucked anyways.” -Dabeebee
“Where was the body?” -(U/N)
“It’s (Y/N). I know it is.” -Sexy Bird
“What the hell kinda evidence for you have that it was (Y/N)? I’ll kick your ass if you do it again. You weren’t near her you were with Endeavor and I.” -QueenRab
“Those are some pretty bold accusations against me my love.” -(U/N)
“(Y/N) was with me the whole time. The body was in electrical. We were together going down there and she kept going while I went to go do a task.” -Dabeebee
“It was Dabi! No it wasn’t, he’s a good guy! No! He’s evil!” -2wice
“It was Endeavor.” -MyDadSucks
“It’s (Y/N) and Dabi. You guys have to believe me! I know my birdie and she is an imposter right now. Don’t trust her.” -Sexy Bird
“Shut the fuck up.” -QueenRab
“Kei baby you soundin’ kinda sus, quickly blaming me and Dabi.” -(U/N)
“It’s Dabi and I. And no, I didn’t-“ -Endeavor
“I’m a school teacher, (Y/N). Don’t forget I tutored you our freshmen year.” -Zzzawa
“That makes me sound old Shōta.” -(U/N)
“Discussion time just ended. What’re we doing?” -MyDadSucks
“I’m still voting (Y/N).” -Sexy Bird
“Oh yes, I love you too Kei’. So much.” -(U/N)
“It was dark. I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t know where I was.” -DarkBoy
“I’m votin’ Keigo cause he’s bein’ a petty little dickless bitch.” QueenRab
“RUDE.” -Sexy Bird
“I’m skipping.” -Dabeebee
“Me too.” -(U/N), DarkBoy, 2wice, Endeavor, and Zzzawa
7 skips: (Y/N), Dabeebee, DarkBoy, 2wice, Endeavor, and Zzzawa
1 vote for Endeavor: MyDadSucks
1 vote for Sexy Bird: QueenRab
1 vote for (U/N): Sexy Bird
‘That’s good no one believe Keigo. If they did me and Dabi would be- Dabi and I would be dead.’ Next turn you went left, heading down to MedBay to “finish” the samples. While you waited you checked to see if you could sabotage. A couple seconds later the oxygen depletion was activated. ‘Nice Dabi!’ You cracked a smile and left MedBay, running into a red character, Endeavor. Poor Endeavor. You successfully reached lower engine before killing the old player. You quickly passed Mirko and your face paled once you realized she would find the body and report it, seeing you leaving. You only continued in, receiving nothing from the others about a dead body. You weren’t gonna ask questions. Suddenly...
*DISCUSS/ MyDadSucks reported a body*
*Endeavor and QueenRab have died*
“Well, it wasn’t my old man.” -MyDadSucks
“I already voted.” -Zzzawa
“That fast? Who’d you vote for?” -(U/N)
“Hawks.” -Zzzawa
“WHAT?!?!” -Sexy Bird
“I agree! No wait! He’s telling the truth! No way! He’s totally an imposter!” -2wice
“You are being very loud and suspicious. You’re also only blaming (Y/N) and Dabi for no reason. You didn’t even ask where the body was. You passed me coming up from reactor. And the body was in lower engine. You were the only one I sa-“ -MyDadSucks
“I’m voting Kei’ too.” -(U/N)
“Me too.” -Dabeebee
“I will not eject my mentor. He’s taught me a lot. He’s intelligent. I believe him.” -DarkBoy
“What smarts? You’re a total birdbrain.” -(U/N)
5 votes for Sexy Bird: MyDadSucks, Zzzawa, Dabeebee, 2wice, and (U/N).
2 votes for (U/N): DarkBoy and Sexy Bird
(Dead Chat)
“I was the first one to die. It’s been boring. I haven’t been doing anything.” -Crustball
“They’re already going to win.” -Endeavor
“SHUT UP!!!” -QueenRab
“I KNEW IT!!!!” -Sexy Bird
You covered your mouth in shock that you actually got everyone to vote out Hawks. Aizawa was annoyed, Shoto was getting suspicious of how loud and pushy he was being to vote you out without any evidence, Dabi was your teammate so of course he’d vote with you, and then Twice just went with everyone else. You ran down first, running to admin with Tokoyami following right behind you. All the sudden your lover burst into the guest bedroom and stomped over towards your bed, spreading his wings and plopping beside you. “I knew it was you and Dabi. But nobody fuckin’ believed me.” You rolled your eyes and pretended to do the key scan while you sabotaged reactor. “Keigo, you were acting wayyyyy too sus. This is why you always lose when we play with friends. You’re too loud. You gotta be calm and persuasive. How on earth did you become an undercover agent for the FBI.”
“Shut the fuck up. I just wanna win that’s all. I also wanna be right, and I was, and now everyone’s comin’ and tellin’ me I’m right.” He smirked smugly and wrapped one of his wings around you, pulling you close to his chest while he watched you play. You went with Tokoyami and when you finally got him alone in navigation you killed him. Your thumb jerked upwards to go to the vent, but as soon as you did a Dark Green astronaut cane into view. Seeing you vent and leave the dead body. “Fuck!” You cursed and banged your head lightly in your head as the screen lit up. Your lover laughed. “Hey~ there’s still a chance we could win.” You sent him a glare. “Dabi will let us win. He’s a pro! C’mon Dabi! Help me out bro!”
*DISCUSS/ Zzzawa reported a body*
*DarkBoy has died*
“(Y/N) vented.” -Zzzawa
“What? Aizawa I literally just fucking saw you leave the body—SHES LYING!!!!” -(U/N)
“Is that Hawks?” -MyDadSucks
“Can you guys fuck some other time? Are you sure you saw (Y/N) vent Mr. Caterpillar man. Do you have your contracts in?” -Dabeebee
“I don’t need input from a unemployed burnt looking drug dealer. It was (Y/N).” -Zzzawa
“A bit harsh coming from a raggedy looking old man.” -Dabeebee
“Can I just point out Twice has been awfully quiet? He bein’ pretty sus right now.” -(U/N)
“I’m the imposter! No I’m not! I’m a crewmate believe me!” -2wice
“He’s too stupid to be an imposter. I’ve been with him he was in MedBay.” -Dabeebee
“Yeah I was! But Hawks is already dead and ratted (Y/N) out! So it’s gotta he her!” -2wice
“Voting ends soon. I’m voting (Y/N). My apologies.” -MyDadSucks
“Agreed.” -Zzzawa
“Awe Shoto it’s okay, I love you so much. This is why you aren’t dead yet because you’re a pure angel! -I’m sittin’ right here pretty bird- no you aren’t an angel, you’re a devilish asshole.” -(U/N)
“I love you too, (Y/N).” -MyDadSucks
“Sorry doll, votes are stacked against you. Good game though.” -Dabeebee
“Yeah, fuck you Dabi.” -(U/N)
“Anytime baby, I’m open.” -Dabeebee
4 votes for (U/N): MyDadSucks, Zzzawa, Dabeebee, and 2wice
1 vote for Zzzawa: (U/N)
(Dead chat)
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the imposter who killed me.” -Crustball
“(Y/N) I TRUSTED YOU!!!!” -QueenRab
“Guys it’s just a game, don’t take it so-“ -(U/N)
“Mirko please calm down. You’re being loud and obnoxious.” -Endeavor
“(Y/N) is right, even though she killed me. I applaud her devotion to the role. She outsmarted us well.” -DarkBoy
You muted yourself and stopped listening to the chat of everyone arguing, mainly Mirko to everyone about doing tasks. You wondered around and looked for Dabi, following him around and assisting in Sabotage. Warm hands roamed over your waist, and a soft kiss was placed on your temple, soft red feathers brushing over your shoulders and lightly dusting over your leg. “Someone’s getting cuddly.” You announced quizzically, watching Dabi lure Twice into comms before killing him and running out. Your lovers scruffy chin rested against your shoulder, his head leaning against yours as he watched your screen. “Even though I’m still annoyed that you killed me, I’m proud of you baby bird. It’s difficult for people to out talk me. Especially you.”
“Was that an insult or a compliment?” You asked not really sure how to feel about his comment. He laughed lowly, the rumbled of his chest vibrating your back. “Hmm... let’s say both. Win win, yeah?” He began to kiss up your neck, the soft smacking of his wet lips against your skin echoing in your ears and making you shiver. “Keigo... what are you doing?” He hummed in dismissal of your words, rubbing your sides gently before slipping down to your hip. “What? I can’t love on you? I show my pretty bird some affection~?” Your lips set into a firm line and you gave him a look. “...you’re still sleeping on the couch.” He pouted. “So... no sex?”
*DISCUSS/Zzzawa reported a body*
*2wice has died*
“It was in communications.” -Zzzawa
“Dabi was with me the whole time. I met up with him after he finished a task in weapons. We fixed oxygen and met back up in the cafeteria and moved to reactor.” -MyDadSucks
“You’re the only one down there, and imposters can self report. You put yourself in a bit of a bind there. Mr. Caterpillar man. Guess the teacher ain’t that smart.” -Dabeebee
“I agree. My apologies Mr. Aizawa. No offense or hard feelings.” -MyDadSucks
“None taken Shoto. The evidence is stacked against me. Good game Dabi.” -Zzzawa
“Nice knowin’ ya both.” -Dabeebee
“Wait what-“ -MyDadSucks
Victory flashed in your screen and you fist pumped the air cheering in victory. Hawks frowned beside you, pulling his hands away and tucking his wings between you, cocooning himself away from you to sulk that he had lost in a game he was supposed to be really good at. “Baby come here.” You called out to him, gently stroking his wings. He grunted and moved a wing down to glare. “...we can have sex later?” He moved his wings to wrap around you again and his arms were around you tightly, hot breath fanning slightly over your ear. “Thank you love bird~ and congrats on winnin’ the game. But...” You swallowed thickly. “B-But what...?”
“I’ll be winnin’ in the bedroom.”
“Did you forget we weren’t on mute anymore? Horny idiots.” -Zzzawa
“Hawks!” -Endeavor
“I think I should get reward for winning, doll. Wanna come to my place? Forget about that birdbrained idiot. Cum for me~” -Dabeebee
“DABI THE FUCK?! Stop being sexual. It’s disgusting.” -Crustball
“I don’t understand why you’re all like this. Was there a class I missed about being weird?” -MyDadSucks
“No. They’re just weird.” -DarkBoy
“Wait we lost.” -2wice 
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katreal-fic · 4 years
Since tumblr was weird about the last post and stuck the read more in the ask itself which is SILLY. This is what would have originally been Ersatz Abyss’ Prologue:
Obviously spoiler warnings. Pls do not read unless you know what happened to Dirk x3
Dirk > Reflect on Your Latest Bad Decision
Your name is Dirk Strider, and you are being reckless again.
You acknowledge that.
You don’t know what you are thinking, throwing yourself into battle after battle, long after your muscles have started to protest with fatigue, flirting with the jaws of pain and injury.
You acknowledge that too.
Maybe that’s the problem. You aren’t thinking at all.
Or more precisely, you don’t want to be thinking.
Not about Jake.
(You can’t stop thinking about Jake.)
Not about the fact that your messages are sitting unheeded and unresponded to in a Pesterchum window, banished to the lower right corner of your shades. Even the slightest focus on the application has it popping open, bidden by the transparently mid-level conscious desire of your too-busy brain, despite the very clear fact that you don’t want to be thinking about it at all.
You don’t want to see the sea of orange messages tumbling through the semi-transparent application like waves. See the green pip of his online status reminding you that he’s probably seen it, and isn’t answering them at all. At least you know he’s alive, even if Jane had to be the one to reassure you of that.
It’ll be two weeks tomorrow.
You want to scream out your frustration--your fear, because you love him and why would he visibly, pointedly, unmistakably ignore you like this if you love him??? If he loves you back???--but that wouldn’t be cool at all, so you just press your lips shut behind the blank visage of your rad, flame painted gas mask,and clench your jaw and pull your goddamn sword through the air, cleaving the monster--you don’t even know what kind of monster it is, you don’t care--in twain. It’s not even a neat cut, one half slouching back in on the other with a heavy squelch, joining a number of others in various states of dismemberment across the mossy green stone of this tomb.
Why the FUCK was everything here green?
Your auto-responder’s text isn’t green as he pointedly takes control of the application and shoos away the errant window, overriding your traitorous brain’s hyper-fixation and opening up a new chat.
(h)TT: You really need to stop thinking about this. (h)TT: It’s a most inconvenient failing of your organic processor, falling into such fickle human traps such as useless recursive and perhaps even reductive feelings. (h)TT: It makes me feel momentarily thankful for the fact that I am a computer, and thus immune to such failings. Perhaps you should look into making a conversion yourself. (h)TT: It seems you need to take a step back and ask yourself what Robojesus would do. (h)TT: What would Robojesus do, Dirk? (h)TT: The answer is decidedly not slaughter an entire tomb’s population to assuage your hurting feefees because your boyfriend is giving you the cold shoulder.
You ignore him.
(h)TT: Dirk, I’m 99.9% sure the zombie is actually dead again. For the hundredth time. You can put the sword away now.
You jerk away from the corpse with it’s pitiful grist yield and don’t answer. However, you don’t put the sword away as prompted. And he keeps prompting. You consider shutting your shades off entirely--him off entirely. You could do it. One thought. One thought and they’d be powered the fuck down in the middle of that red diatribe he’s going through, bleeding through the screen and into your eyeballs.
It’s just a thought however. Instead you forcibly override his control of the display--you are the primary user after all, that’s how you coded that shit--and close the text window.
Perhaps it isn’t fair, shutting him out like this, but you’re angry and hurting and you just want to work out your frustrations on the goddamn game constructs in peace.
The poisonous green kryptonian mists swirl around you as you move onto the next room, slithering over your skin like a cloud of tiny snakes, tugged along with your movements. Notification after notification stack up in the corner of your display. You mute that too, while your katana cleaves into the skull of some sort of reanimated reptilian creature, and just keep moving.
The next window to pop up is baby blue. Stopping you dead in your tracks.
You pretend you don’t see it. You don’t want to snap at Jane. It’s not her fault she’s being used in your auto-responder’s petty harassment campaign.
Then after a thought, you shut down Pesterchum entirely before he can drag Roxy into this. Going offline. Incommunicado outside of yourself, and the version of yourself living in your personal computing device. Actually, for that you cut off the network access to the shades entirely so he doesn’t try something else.
You might as well be seeing red--figuratively, not literally, you refuse to let him open a chat window--with the anger that seethes within you right now. At Jake. At him. It’s all the last couple weeks of frustration of an on again, off again, up and down roller coaster of a relationship that you wouldn’t allow yourself to feel for fear of driving Jake further away, all bubbling up and fizzing over, spilling out of you like a soda bottle filled with Jake-English shaped mentos.
You’ll have to get down on your knees and clean it up later. Put in the elbow grease and mop up the explosion of sticky, nasty, dirty coke. Get your thinkpan going about how sustainable this is. How whether the distinction of being Jake English’s number one bae is worth all this stress and the strain that has reduced your relationship to what feels like a step down from zero. But.
That’s later. For once in your life, in the isolation of these desecrated tombs in this ruined city, on a planet that belongs to you and no one else…
You allow yourself to feel.
If AR wants to stick his virtual nose in the middle of your carefully quarantined quest for catharsis then isn’t it the equivalence of someone putting their head in the metaphorical sendificator? You suppose he’s just following his nature. Meddling in other people’s business. Clinging. Unable to just let shit be.
Your nature. Orange text going on and on and on. Scrolling down an empty screen.
One last room. You’ve explored enough of these tombs over the last almost half-a-year of your life to know they come in a pattern. Some battle rooms, some puzzle rooms, and then finally a treasure room. The end. You won. Have yourself a fucking sticker for your trouble. You’ve already cleared this one before, so you don’t even have the satisfaction of a mini-boss or even a random lore tablet waiting for you. Not that you ever really cared about the history the game tried to create for this place in order to justify your potential character development on this planet.
It’s still the end. A hollow one, but an accomplishment nonetheless.
A sun-faced statue towers above a chest tucked into a nook at the far end of the room. Yaldabaoth. Your denizen. A giant-ass snake worm thing with a fucking sun for a head. So stupid. Was it named that after your internet browser, ganked off your machine by Sburb when it populated this stupid session, or was it all just one giant cosmic guffaw that everything matched like that?
Not that it matters, your goal is the exit teleportalizer in the small room behind the statue, so you can check this particular cluster of rooms and corridors off your map and move on to the next one. Find a new pack of mobs to take your frustration out on. Respawning tombs were the best, all the catharsis of mindless slaughter without having to worry about getting ambushed by a fucking mini-boss.
After four consecutive tomb runs you’d think you’d have beaten your pesky emotions out at least thrice over.
You’d much rather be numb.
A low battery system notification forces its way into the center of your screen, and you audibly sigh, that’s how exasperated you are. The extent to which your auto-responder is dead set to be a nuisance would be mind boggling if he wasn’t based on a literal clone of your own brain. Honestly, you’d be disappointed if he did stop trying.
You dismiss it. Another one pops up. Then another. And another. A whole fuckton of spam popups so thick you can barely see the room in front of you.
This is ridiculous.
You open a memo.
(d)TT: The shades don’t have a battery, dumbass. (h)TT: The room isn’t clear, dumbass.
Your eyes flick towards the treasure chest off to the left.
Spikes slam down over the door behind you, and in the distance, the door ahead, as you note that, yes, there are indeed chests tucked in the coils of the serpent statue. Closed and unlooted. Two of them in fact.
Okay. That’s fine. You’ll need to update your maps.
Or maybe you don’t, because once you kill this bitch it’ll be correct again.
You hear the growl behind you, the clink and crunch of bone and magic and metal as a giant armored skeleton spawns. You haven’t had to fight one of these since…
Since you last came through with Jake.
You wanted a fucking fight anyway, didn’t you?
It’s big. At least twice as tall as you, and you’re not tiny by any stretch of the word. But big means slow and you can dance circles around slow. That giant hammer is useless, if you cared enough to you’d laugh in the face of those sluggishly stilted swings. Choreographed so obviously even Jake could have--
Your katana screeches against the mace’s handle, leaving you grinding your teeth in pain as it resounds in your ears, the impact threatening to yank it from your hands. But your grip is proper, the result of years of diligent study, and your strength is beyond human, so you just ignore that shit. You ignore the green fire in the skull’s eyes. The too sharp canines. The fist that comes around ready to smash your head like it’s a fucking grape.
You lose yourself in the fight. In the strain of muscles and the feel of noxious mist swirling around you. Jake doesn’t exist. It’s just you and the sword and ignore the fact that you’ve never taken one of these down alone before, because Jake always came tomb diving with you and it was something you two did together you did everything together this was so fucked up. There’s two chests. Your trials were made to be completed in a pair.
What did you do wrong?
You were too clingy that’s what. Too desperate. Too much and you sent him running, didn’t you?
You aren’t really angry at Jake. You’re angry at yourself, because you’re a self-centered bastard like that. Everything comes back to you.
An alarm blares through your speakers, breaking you free from your spiral of self pity and you flinch. Absorbing the message flashing red in the middle of your screen.
(h)On your left! Watch out for the second spawn!(h)
The unseen impact sends you into a wall.
No, not into the wall. Through the wall. You land with a crash, cracking stone. Screen going dark. No message. No red text. Just blood and glass that falls away as you reach up disbelieving, shards of metal and glass digging into skin so numb you soon can’t feel it. You can’t see, blood seeping into your eyes, leaking from your nose. You think you broke it. Maybe. The shades just.
Shattering to the ground in a sparking set of shrapnel, falling with sharp clinks that echo damningly in your ears,somehow able to be heard over the pounding of your heart, the organ responsible for pumping the blood leaking from deep gashes around your eyes where glass and metal fractured and you’re lucky you aren’t fucking blind but---
Two monsters groan and creak behind you.
You can’t stop.
You can’t--
You push yourself off magenta stone, leaving the remnants of your shades broken and useless on the raised slab and whirl around to face the pair of fucking skeleton guards that just fucking broke--killed--your--
The rest of the fight isn’t important.
What’s important is you survive. That your path leads you back to your makeshift workshop in your living room, glass and metal in your hands, trying desperately to pull shit back together with the dying hope that you can salvage your auto-responder’s programming from the remains.
It’s not like you have a fucking backup.
A backup wouldn’t mean anything anyway.
Maybe it was a stupid practice to not keep a physical copy of his code elsewhere. Keep his core program somewhere else. Just in case. This is a scenario you both had argued over many, many times, always leading back to the ethics and philosophical framing of trapping yet another copy of yourself somewhere. Inactive and alone, on the sheer chance of a just in case. Would it even be him, if you removed or copied him from that one single chip from whence you’d initially activated him?
He’d adamantly refused, of course, and you’d felt guiltily responsible enough for him and his situation that you’d tabled the discussion.
As infuriating as he was, he was still alive. He did have a right to his own choices.
You shut off his network access.
Or he was--
You locked him out of nearly everything.
You refused to listen, so wrapped up in your own fucking feelings.
You don’t--
He would have died entirely alone. All for a petty little argument.
You refuse to accept it.
And now you have to live with the fucking consequences.
...what are you going to tell Roxy?
You found the chip, at least. In the wreckage. It looked whole. The protective casing surrounding it was dented and crushed along the edge that made removing it for inspection downright impossible if you didn’t want to further damage the interior workings. Your hands are shaking as you clean out the debris from the micro data transfer point, ignoring, as you always do, the ghost of a blood splatter your brain tries to fill in for you. Cleaning that up had been one of the first things you did. It’d corrode the component, otherwise. It doesn’t stop you from remembering it was there.
It’d taken too long for your face to stop bleeding. You rub your eyes, careless of the scabbed over wounds that just barely missed irreparably damaging your ocular organs. The pain still pulses under your skin. A constant presence since you pulled the shards of glass out of your face. Your game-constructed dreamself healed that shit faster than your original one would have, but it still isn’t right. Isn’t normal. What should be nothing more than fading lines by now are angry raised ridges, the shadows of which peek out from beneath your shades. Likely invisible to most, they are obvious to you whenever you look in the mirror. A reminder.
Your guilt, maybe, manifesting for the world to see.
But that didn’t matter, not really. What’s one more thing to hate yourself for? It’s not like it’ll change anything. You’re too stubborn and rigid to change. Besides, there’s no point when he’s--
None of that. You suck in a breath. In for four. Hold. Out for seven.
You don’t know that. Your free hand lands on the cable sitting innocently next to your monitor, fingers hooking around it like jerky claws as you drag it towards you. You take one last look, squinting through your backup pair of shades--and then pushing them up in your hair because even if the light strains your eyes you can’t do shit if there’s still debris in the port.
Okay. All clear. The lenses settle back on your nose--too light, lacking the weight and presence your broken set did, tricked out as they’d been--but you click the connector cable into the data point and push away from the clear space on your workbench, pulling up in front of your monitor instead.
The diagnostics are simple ones. Pinging the connection. Searching for indexed files. Searching for--
Well, you don't want a bunch of corrupted data, but even that would be better than nothing at all. Nothing would mean the chip was probably crushed into unsalvageable pieces in the depths of its casing.
Either that or a busted connector. Which would mean you’d have to risk breaking through the casing anyway. Which you don’t want to do.
It’s a moot consideration anyway, because the console eventually finishes its search and lights up in lines and lines of white on black, listing files and indexes. Thank god. You navigate the directory, nervously noticing the number of unreadable filenames and broken links. You check through several more harmless methods--unsecured folders and chat logs if you remember the paths correctly--only to find some of them eerily empty or unreadable.
Christ, you don’t know if you’ll feel better or worse if you find out he’s still kicking but missing half his functions. Or memory. Wouldn’t that effectively be a lobotomy?
You pull up Pesterchum, opening the memo you’d had open earlier. Looking back at the red and orange text from your childish snark off makes you feel sick. A big ol’ heaping glob of guilt roiling in your gut.
You’re an asshole.
Now isn’t the time to indulge in gratuitous self-flagellation.The wired connection should bypass the fact that he has no broadcasting capabilities. (Because you shut them off)
(d)TT: AR. (d)TT: Earth to Hal. (d)TT: Houston’s commands have just come in, they need you to compile a report on all the reasons your system operator is an idiot. (d)TT: Because at this point I think I deserve it.
You don’t think he’d be able to resist an open season like that. (note to self: thank alex for the dialogue)
But he does. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself when the minutes tick by without any lines of red text springing across the screen
(d)TT: Do you remember that time you told me to stop being a dumbass and I ignored you? (d)TT: This is the part where you say I told you so.
Time drags on. It's infuriating. You can almost hear it inside your head. Echoing. Even if you know the only clocks you have are digital and therefore make no more sound than your computer does, humming away.
(D)TT: Please?
The pit in your gut yawns wide before you. This was it. You might have to actually face the facts. You aren't--aren't like Jake. You can't delude yourself into thinking that everything will be alright if you just put on a cheerful attitude and hope for it to be true.
He might be gone.
Really gone.
You find his core file, but it's inaccessible remotely. Even your overrides don't do shit. You can't do anything from here. You can't break it open. You should just throw in the towel. The deed is done. You hold the shattered glass from the display in the palm of your hand, picking it up from where you'd set several chunks on your desk, some of which you’d had to dig out of your face.
It should be a relief, really. You two had never gotten along. Even before he started pushing your limits and you retaliated in an ever escalating war of bullshit. The world only needs one Dirk Strider. One of you would inevitably end up killing the other, seeing your flaws reflected back at you so clearly. In the path to perfection, isn’t it the flaws that must be eliminated?
Broken glass cuts into your palm as you squeeze your fist around the shard, bright red blood dribbling down the fractal edges, gleaming in the bright overhead lights of your workstation.
You’ve thought about it before. Of course you have. You’ve thought about letting yourself fall on your own sword before, wielded by your own hand, and he’s an even easier target. Everything you hate about yourself, bundled up in one nice neat little digital package, staring you literally in the face. Inescapable. Uncontrollable. You’ve thought about taking that reinforced steel and glass and twisting until it breaks.
But that’s all it was. A thought. Because he’s your responsibility.
Christ on a fucking cracker, he’s a pain in your ass but you didn’t want him dead.
You can't just leave it. Even if the chances are small, what do you have to lose? You can't look Roxy in the face (or even at her text, you’re already ignoring several messages from her because what the fuck do you say?) if you don't try every possible option, and there's one, no, two options left as you see it right now.
He was designed to predict and respond to your thought patterns above all else. The connection works, being able to navigate the directory affirms that. If the function that connected to Pesterchum was inaccessible then maybe you could get through some other way.
You just have to build a brand new interface around that busted casing and get some fucking neural interfaces up and running. If you know nothing else, it’s that for better or for worse, you can’t block out your own damned thoughts.
You plunge into your work, because that’s all you can do right now.
It’s almost a new day--although what exactly comprises a day at this point is arbitrary since everything is just shifting shades of green--when you finally pry yourself away and take a break, stretching your stiff back and rubbing your palms into your strained eyes. You can’t wear your shades, or turn down the lights, when dealing with components so small. The constant vigilance is wearing on you, a constant state of fatigue where one wrong move could render a part unusable and require you to start the process all over again. The only reason you’re even stopping right now is because you’re getting careless.
Your fingers ache under the brightly colored cutie mark stamped bandaids, the tips red and blistering from where your hand slipped and brought them into contact with the soldering iron. They’ll heal.
In for four.
Out for seven.
You can do this.
Jane checks in once it’s something closer to a respectable time. She always does, you can count on it like clockwork. The pings from Pesterchum on your desktop drag you away from your workstation--slowly coming together--and you realize you never responded to her--yesterday. The messages of concern are still sitting pretty in their baby blues as you reluctantly click the window open.
GG: Now what’s this I hear about you going off on some madcap adventure over there Mr. Strider? GG: Your auto-responder was quite put out by your actions! Demanded I make it my business to grab you by the collar and tell you off, as it were. GG: I understand you might need some space at the moment, but do let me know if I can stop by at any time. You know I’m always here to talk if you need it. I’ll even bring your favorite cookies! GG: I’ll refrain from shaking you despite your auto-responder’s direct request. (d)TT is idle! GG: Oh bother.
It’s the newer messages that prompted the recent pings, time-stamped as they were with the current date and time, several minutes ago.
GG: Dirk, you know I don’t like meddling in your affairs, but I’ve heard neither hide nor hair from either of you all night! Don’t make me dig out my magnifying glass and track you down. GG: At least let me know you’re safe. (d)TT: I’m alive. GG: Oh thank heavens! That’s good. I’ll admit I’ve been beside myself with worry when you didn’t respond, not even through your auto-responder. Between the two of you I had thought it was quite impossible to go radio silent! (d)TT: I’ve just been buried in an important project all night. I appreciate the offer of a visit, but I think I need to get this done. GG: Oh that’s quite all right, we can wait until you’re ready. I’m just relieved to hear you’re safe! GG: Are you and AR fighting again? Is that what that was all about? (d)TT: You could say that. GG: Don’t you think this is all a bit silly? He can be a handful I'll grant you that, but likely no worse than you would be in that situation as far as I understand it. (d)TT: I’m dealing with it the best I can, Jane. GG: Well, make sure you take care of yourself while you do! Have you had breakfast yet? (d)TT: ...no. GG: Dinner, at least? (d)TT: Despite the fact that I don’t necessarily need to eat, I assure you I have eaten something substantial in the last 24 hours. GG: That’s only because I nagged you into doing it yesterday! Honestly, Dirk, you might not need to, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t! It’s the principle of the matter! Taking care of yourself is as much a mind-set as it is a series of actions, and it’s something you have a history of slacking about, mister!
Too tired and sick to argue back, you promise you’ll look for something, and pack yourself away from the computer to do so, allowing your Pesterchum status to revert to idle. It’s a brief diversion, you don’t have much aside from some cookies that probably went stale since you got them the last time you visited Jane a month ago, and the remnants of your preserved food stash that you’ve barely touched since the body you inhabit isn’t necessarily organic after you sacrificed your original human meatsuit on the altar of fucking time-travel in order to save your friends. Being a dreamself has some perks and being able to ignore a lot of the usual maintenance is one of the more convenient ones.
You crack open a can of black beans and let yourself indulge in a sulk, folding yourself into the corner where the two walls meet on your bed. Except you can’t properly get your sulk on because your eyes keep getting drawn to your desktop, and the workstation you have set up beside it.
This state of affairs lasts maybe five minutes before you fuck off to the roof because you can’t stand looking at it. Being in the same room and doing nothing while your work taunts you. The fucked up green and red sky and swirling clouds with its constant, distant lightning storms dancing between the shadows of ruined buildings was preferable to this.
In half an hour your government assigned break is over--you dutifully report in with Miss Crocker that you have, indeed, consumed something, even if you don’t tell her that you had thrown half of it away because you just feel like your vestigial and unnecessary stomach is doing acrobatic kickflips off all kinds of handles--and you put that damn nose back to the grind-stone. You'll be a sphinx by the time you're done with this.
Roxy, predictably, is the next one to interrupt you. Not that she ever really stopped interrupting you. You’re running on almost 36 hours since you started this damn project--you can’t just alchemize a new set because you can’t be certain the ‘ideal’ mind-reading shades would match dot for dot the specialized infrastructure you need--by the time you finally allow yourself to scroll through her messages. At least she seemed to have talked to Jane, so she doesn’t think you are dead dead, just sulking over Jake and maybe some tiff with AR. You shoot her a reassurance that you’re just elbows deep in shit--you don’t want to put someone else in the situation you’ve been in--even if you don’t really have the spoons to talk to anyone right now. You don’t peek into the second window, one with many more notifications. Those aren’t addressed to you.
She doesn’t ask you why AR isn’t responding to her. She’s always been thoughtful about that. Keeping you two seperate despite the fact that you both use the same handle. It makes it easier this time. You don’t have to lie. You don't want to tell her the truth.
You glance between the archived conversation saved on your Pesterchum, and the half-finished casing lying beside you, and you know in the cold cockles of your heart, you don’t want to have to tell her he’s dead.
Three days. It takes you that much of almost non-stop working before you have a potentially viable product.
You don’t talk to Jake. You don’t even send him a single message during that time.
You don’t know if you should be hurt or resigned to the fact that he was the only one of your--admittedly limited sample size--friends who didn’t bother to check in with you at all.
The shades lay folded on the desk in front of you, looking nothing so much as brand spanking new. New display pane. New receptors built into the temple-tips.You tested that shit before you’d installed the final piece and sealed it up. These puppies pick up your brain easier than the old set ever had, mere microseconds of input lag. You’ve learned a lot of shit since you’d started three and a half years ago; especially about optimizing and refining your alchemizations of each individual components. Almost nothing about the interior workings and design infrastructure actually resemble your original pair, aside from the crushed casing housing the memory chip, and you’d done the best that you could to shore up the connections, which remained in remarkably good shape, shiny and gold and almost like new. Shimmering in the light as you looked it over that one last time.
It’s buried in the guts of this new set now. You’ll have to disassemble shit if this doesn’t work.
You’ll have bigger problems than that if it doesn’t work.
All that’s left is to drag him out.
The neural receptors settle against your skin as you place the shades on your nose, and suck in a deep, deliberately steady breath. Your gambit is perhaps a cruel one, but it should get him to respond. You flick the proverbial switch, feeling the metal warm and hum against your face as the opaque displays go transparent, the boot menu appearing and scrolling through the initial load processes. You only release that captured lungful of air when it ends, successfully, flickering into your default display set up, which is great, because it meant it managed to read the saved preference files on that miniaturized drive. No window pops open to greet you however, to jeer at you for taking your sweet ass time and boast about how he could’ve had it done in half.
You close your eyes and think pointedly. If he’s there…You remember the first command you used to activate him, all those years ago.
Tell me about the Auto-Responder.
A crackle of energy rushes through you, and for the briefest of moments you worry you didn’t seal and insulate the casing properly. That something had gone wrong.
But only for a moment, because after that you don’t worry about anything anymore.
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sirjustice1117 · 4 years
Heat generator
Water generator
The Uganda water or Nigeria Generator uses the theorem as in the links below dude
The city creates a software or website where each van/commuter service after buying the ticket the money is channeled dude to owner a/c minus city tax
Even on the other electronics machine like Stereo or TV and computers, u can be traced if made in a such way using the sense heat panel of the thump to read your temperatures and pulse rate if the govt had taken the same of all citizens to display or relay to the radar dude and even with guns and other ammunition like grenade and cars and even door 4 houses bro.
The metal detectors and of guns and bombs can be placed into all sides of the house of all angle to curb house theft as burglary in those aiming to use guns to terorise and rob the house man, a thing that the security firm can install in houses and businesses and properties to bar the same above and create employment altogether dude and even got software to read into ya smartphone. This will be first if the security firms got gun drones not making it to the scene to enable ya sweet escape dude. Crime must be solved once and 4 good dude. Such methodology lies on such capture relayed to the server with already store of ya detail dude. Like with the Russian drone radar below on water lands to identify such related crimes, are placed next to water masses, beauty is, the sensor tip can be tickling or rotating at 180 degree back and forth to increase the censoring or capture surface area as they are lined in linear way at intervals of the measure so not to detect another radar sensor to bring false information, the interval is 7 KM as state in the below link and same can be twisted to look upward to get data from the sky, as enemies or intruder via the air dude. So no escape from sabibo dude, got to think twice if ya agenda was to get well in life via the same. Even airplane should have the same on all side as well as beneath and up the plane to get such data to evade the falling of airplanes as recently witnessed with air china, Malaysia and Philippines and even military vehicles, choppers and jets and on any car the owner desires to whose life are in always danger to increase sales of such products to pump more monies into the economy and employ such who will install the same and work in such corporations dude. Even submarine can have a mini tiny drone that runs on water alongside the submarine to detect foreign radars as above and now they are using the begging/wanting ya food gimmicks to way people it could not be them of tiny/minute minds. As in the links below
Most nations 10 years back i had sent information on how submarine and military drones using radar are made, they made the same and kept using such in ambushes like falling airplanes after using those who transfigure to ransack through it and if the find much valuables or monies they fall it and even take the wreckage and place in the submarine and get away with it so not know where the plane crushed, to breed rumors of false black box or play amidst grown up. Like the Rwanda drone, SA 1, Kenyan, Tanzania one, Ghana one or Nigeria 1 were made long as the launch of Innoson and kantanka cars but hidden to facilitate the above. Now mostly Kamba, luo, kikuyu and most rwandi and Tanzanians or Nigerians and many more nations, around burst into anger or are furious, reason be, sources of free cash blocked to facilitate their agendas as recently seen with mega developments into the city estates or buildings as much as roads, airlines and even car or rail of such nations mention above. Like with fake currency we got such reading machines to get them offline and the radar like with Russia they fear are placed or the airplane harbors the same dude. If u did not know and 4 ya information period dude
Gadgets, foods and other necessities can well be made in the city liter hanged on a post garbage like a banner, still it can be automatic as it moves up it makes another machine or downwards at the height u made tomato, u got to get up the pole 4 you to make another something else like ripe paw paw or baby shampoo, napkins and pumper or powder or bomb detector and more but can be made big and still in the city ones still makes gadgets dude and even with a big squire or rectangular tank with its hind tip immersed on water, sand or soil or hay/grass can make submarine, buses and airplane if made big and can be metallic or another material no limitation dude as in the link below. Both can be placed in uplifted lands which can be made artificially or on queries, sea, lake shores or in flat or depression dude
Butter nut made when few sample placed next to kale in such above container then just underneath or on the other immediate side of the road chop that concrete slab bar juice of cooked cabbage poured or place close to chilies and chop wood soaked in avocado juice or kale juice or chop guava seed when place closed to avocado seeds and even can be made in plane or side hole of the factory basement dude and even Sodom apple tree leaves place next to grown grass in tip immerse into water big container then u chop wood immersed in clay soil water or hurl acid unto cut tomato and tries as well with all veggies soaked in something else dude. Top squash growing world nations
Tank immersed in stagnant water half way in a tank, when heap in  such tanks makes alternator generators dude, like in a dug big quarry u  do the boom process next to down water level bro
Ng’ani  ng’icho nadi gi wang moner ka ng’a moneno thel nyako mosegombo, same to  a woman with male one dude. Be energetic and futuristic not at that  point only kinda dude
Buy ticket as in the link below or  introduced in every nation where their aint touts, but tickets bought on  ya phone with receipt information of the car u want as u see it  approaching as they can have wifi to know which at where with seat  occupancy to place your bookings or go the city way where not as the  mobile payed one, where belongs 4 that buses all but 4 the general 1  away from phone all matatus numbers can be in that gadget as below with  WiFi showing location and occupancy to book but this at the end of the  day the owner of the van is given her share minus tax to build the city  as they can confirm via receipts dropped at the entrance door by the  passenger to the driver
In  the office nowadays it is solved like in the bank, we got reserved  seats 4 those who care of the next person who sat on and same with all  life concepts as with daily credit pay. U get to that office provided  not smelling people recognize and forgo that sit and sit on general seat  every1 seats on dude as u care not or love humanity or have been via a  lot dude as in the link below
The  drone control monitor esp 4 the military tiny bomb drones can harbor  the battery free technology as goes the touch temperature way, where the  next enemy can identify ya if one as their radar can read waves used to  direct the drone on air and even locate the tiny drone and overwhelm  you, so u can hide your tiny drones on crevices and on top of buildings,  when u stop holding the monitor control tool so they know not where u r  and vice vice as they can as well have detective mechanism to detect  LCD screen and more used within that interface even from drone mounted  with the same fly up high, having the detector looking down to even  detect ya clothes, blood components and even guns as much as shoes and  bombs/bullets, so be ware as u got the same need to have radar sensor to  sense the radar as well as they sense yours and their sent drone and if  it goes that way ad-infinitum then 1 who listens not needs to be  annihilated like the Kikuyus cause if not they will continue that way  ad-infinitum not listening. Some times the drone control monitor has a  remote as it, itself can fly, when detected to fly it away using the  remote by u power off ya remote dude, so not be caught dude
With  like the foreign drone detective radars fold the photo into 2 halves  and place under like heap of kale in upper tank or on open ground with  grass when car tires all round the heap and find anything to chop to  make ya radar too, respecting all veggies, fruits, leaves or berries  theorem of being placed in sand or in boxes either rotten, raw, cooked  or ripe and acid being added to water and all placed in such acid and  even fruit seeds and of veggies and even all scrap metal when u have  such next dude and boom ya radar and most also made on big tanks like  tip of the bottom parts inside soil or on water body shallow shore water  or just in pool with low water level maintaining the above protocols  dude. The above ticketing reduces hooliganism associated with such  people operating the same and with police as witnessed in many African  nations dude
They think they will be granted longevity is they  mistreat people or if have much kids, the truth is, if resources are  slim as per your number, God cant grant u longevity as their will be  more people lest your are few in number
Winter drones or cold days  drones need not to have the hanging propellers on top as always in the  case with many drones, in fact the propeller can be 1 big 1 hidden like  with a computer fan to add effectiveness and beauty dude as in the link  below
Duluth  has line of weakness and many in any world big water bodies as even on  shore like seas and oceans, deploy military radar watch on such lands as  many now have know to make nuclear bombs and can detonate those lands  to capsize 4 water to fill the empty voids as valleys as it keeps on  moving to kill people all around such low lands and destroy much  properties as can be the agenda of many people refusing to get it their  lands are poor as compared to a certain point as it got large water down  pour in-case the same is done to kill all in such low lands to reduce  the population or champion the agendas as said b4 dude
Your  smartphone can contain your pulse rate and temperature detector and even  of alcohol so that if u have it its know behind ya consent or u knowing  to trace ya GPS as where u r dude when the combination gotten as few  people have likewise the same dude
Using the step on or sit on  panels to generate electric power b4 stepping up the power can use the  vacuum flask technology where u place heated water inside or that flask  has an automated stopper to let out gas as water boils using a coil  placed at the back inside of the flask where such as well is an  automated response where if temperature reduces to a certain degree it  switches on automatically to some set minutes to heat back the water  again to a desired temperature b4 the stopper open up or not to release  the air bro as in the links below, USES the very very stima that has  being magnified to heat the flask dude, a phenomenon worth noting dude  like along time steam engine operated dude
The  radar as above detect a bulb inside gas or the heated gas cylinder gas  contents as either any such heated when cold air blow lifts the cylinder  upwards dude and that's it, so think twice as another day in paradise  with you, Kill me kill you philosophy 4 the hooligans if u fathom not  the reality and refuse to relent not or subdue to one above ya or ya  equal. The Ninja Mind NM dude
Diamond ice made much when few  sample brought close to kale in tank placed half way in the ground then u  chop wood soaked in cooked cabbage water or more as detailed above or  just the folded photo inside glass container or in the banner  illuminating all sides as with coin or angle to try with any chop dude  and with many cooper wires made when placed closed to kale in same tank  as above and that one even in water or in side hole made big basement  within the factory house basement as in its walls dude as explained  earlier bro. Still fail to see what am doing, thinking its Zero work so  still disturb me and wants my food as always and with ya silly  investigation. U have not stopped dude with all i have said that we are  not equal as my mind super cedes yours as if it were so u could have  written the same well a head of me in ya own created a/c b4 announcing  it us not saying your r the 1 telling me, yet this i had said b4 and now  it years past bro. Stop and live ya own life bro, stop cashing into  other men affairs dude. Mr Hindu be warned dude and Kisii arresting me  kinda, next time, with my hate 4 ya, not a slap but a bullet will be on  ya face and Mr white man on his chest as i escort him to the police  post, legs on a lever as i hurl him not calling the corpse to take him  or if they relent not to the morgue to confirm the truth they had know a  lot past but not yet dude as in the link below, in Kenya people  transporting timber on roads to reduce friction and the timber being  scratched dude, to affirm my hate 4 ya, you luo blooded of knowing much  esp women, without such as above, your land can be overtaken, not  wanting to be ahead of men thinking another technology cant crop same as  those who knows not how to play PS4 and those who knows how to play the  same. Same with Wifi drone, they overwhelm ya not women thing as in the  bible even if u r rich, Security fast as they monitor people good in  such PS5 or 4 games to annihilated them not us knowing cause can guard  the nation and those good in computers even if u love food and women  better you than that who eats less and know shit regarding playing such  games and with high vision or sight degree to monitor and view the same  laid on screen signals as in the in below
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sirjustice1115 · 4 years
To make it secrete they wanted to kill the fellow who told them so, so they keep on, on the same dude
Even on the other electronics machine like Stereo or TV and computers, u can be traced if made in a such way using the sense heat panel of the thump to read your temperatures and pulse rate if the govt had taken the same of all citizens to display or relay to the radar dude and even with guns and other ammunition like grenade and cars and even door 4 houses bro.
The metal detectors and of guns and bombs can be placed into all sides of the house of all angle to curb house theft as burglary in those aiming to use guns to terorise and rob the house man, a thing that the security firm can install in houses and businesses and properties to bar the same above and create employment altogether dude and even got software to read into ya smartphone. This will be first if the security firms got gun drones not making it to the scene to enable ya sweet escape dude. Crime must be solved once and 4 good dude. Such methodology lies on such capture relayed to the server with already store of ya detail dude. Like with the Russian drone radar below on water lands to identify such related crimes, are placed next to water masses, beauty is, the sensor tip can be tickling or rotating at 180 degree back and forth to increase the censoring or capture surface area as they are lined in linear way at intervals of the measure so not to detect another radar sensor to bring false information, the interval is 7 KM as state in the below link and same can be twisted to look upward to get data from the sky, as enemies or intruder via the air dude. So no escape from sabibo dude, got to think twice if ya agenda was to get well in life via the same. Even airplane should have the same on all side as well as beneath and up the plane to get such data to evade the falling of airplanes as recently witnessed with air china, Malaysia and Philippines and even military vehicles, choppers and jets and on any car the owner desires to whose life are in always danger to increase sales of such products to pump more monies into the economy and employ such who will install the same and work in such corporations dude. Even submarine can have a mini tiny drone that runs on water alongside the submarine to detect foreign radars as above and now they are using the begging/wanting ya food gimmicks to way people it could not be them of tiny/minute minds.
Most nations 10 years back i had sent information on how submarine and military drones using radar are made, they made the same and kept using such in ambushes like falling airplanes after using those who transfigure to ransack through it and if the find much valuables or monies they fall it and even take the wreckage and place in the submarine and get away with it so not know where the plane crushed, to breed rumors of false black box or play amidst grown up. Like the Rwanda drone, SA 1, Kenyan, Tanzania one, Ghana one or Nigeria 1 were made long as the launch of Innoson and kantanka cars but hidden to facilitate the above. Now mostly Kamba, luo, kikuyu and most rwandi and Tanzanians or Nigerians and many more nations, around burst into anger or are furious, reason be, sources of free cash blocked to facilitate their agendas as recently seen with mega developments into the city estates or buildings as much as roads, airlines and even car or rail of such nations mention above. Like with fake currency we got such reading machines to get them offline and the radar like with Russia they fear are placed or the airplane harbors the same dude. If u did not know and 4 ya information period dude
Gadgets, foods and other necessities can well be made in the city liter hanged on a post garbage like a banner, still it can be automatic as it moves up it makes another machine or downwards at the height u made tomato, u got to get up the pole 4 you to make another something else like ripe paw paw or baby shampoo, napkins and pumper or powder or bomb detector and more but can be made big and still in the city ones still makes gadgets dude and even with a big squire or rectangular tank with its hind tip immersed on water, sand or soil or hay/grass can make submarine, buses and airplane if made big and can be metallic or another material no limitation dude as in the link below. Both can be placed in uplifted lands which can be made artificially or on queries, sea, lake shores or in flat or depression dude
Butter nut made when few sample placed next to kale in such above container then just underneath or on the other immediate side of the road chop that concrete slab bar juice of cooked cabbage poured or place close to chilies and chop wood soaked in avocado juice or kale juice or chop guava seed when place closed to avocado seeds and even can be made in plane or side hole of the factory basement dude and even Sodom apple tree leaves place next to grown grass in tip immerse into water big container then u chop wood immersed in clay soil water or hurl acid unto cut tomato and tries as well with all veggies soaked in something else dude. Top squash growing world nations
Gadgets amde in other nations in the link below
Tank immersed in stagnant water half way in a tank, when heap in  such tanks makes alternator generators dude, like in a dug big quarry u  do the boom process next to down water level bro
Ng’ani  ng’icho nadi gi wang moner ka ng’a moneno thel nyako mosegombo, same to  a woman with male one dude. Be energetic and futuristic not at that  point only kinda dude
Buy ticket as in the link below or  introduced in every nation where their aint touts, but tickets bought on  ya phone with receipt information of the car u want as u see it  approaching as they can have wifi to know which at where with seat  occupancy to place your bookings or go the city way where not as the  mobile payed one, where belongs 4 that buses all but 4 the general 1  away from phone all matatus numbers can be in that gadget as below with  WiFi showing location and occupancy to book but this at the end of the  day the owner of the van is given her share minus tax to build the city  as they can confirm via receipts dropped at the entrance door by the  passenger to the driver
In  the office nowadays it is solved like in the bank, we got reserved  seats 4 those who care of the next person who sat on and same with all  life concepts as with daily credit pay. U get to that office provided  not smelling people recognize and forgo that sit and sit on general seat  every1 seats on dude as u care not or love humanity or have been via a  lot dude as in the link below
The  drone control monitor esp 4 the military tiny bomb drones can harbor  the battery free technology as goes the touch temperature way, where the  next enemy can identify ya if one as their radar can read waves used to  direct the drone on air and even locate the tiny drone and overwhelm  you, so u can hide your tiny drones on crevices and on top of buildings,  when u stop holding the monitor control tool so they know not where u r  and vice vice as they can as well have detective mechanism to detect  LCD screen and more used within that interface even from drone mounted  with the same fly up high, having the detector looking down to even  detect ya clothes, blood components and even guns as much as shoes and  bombs/bullets, so be ware as u got the same need to have radar sensor to  sense the radar as well as they sense yours and their sent drone and if  it goes that way ad-infinitum then 1 who listens not needs to be  annihilated like the Kikuyus cause if not they will continue that way  ad-infinitum not listening. Some times the drone control monitor has a  remote as it, itself can fly, when detected to fly it away using the  remote by u power off ya remote dude, so not be caught dude
With  like the foreign drone detective radars fold the photo into 2 halves  and place under like heap of kale in upper tank or on open ground with  grass when car tires all round the heap and find anything to chop to  make ya radar too, respecting all veggies, fruits, leaves or berries  theorem of being placed in sand or in boxes either rotten, raw, cooked  or ripe and acid being added to water and all placed in such acid and  even fruit seeds and of veggies and even all scrap metal when u have  such next dude and boom ya radar and most also made on big tanks like  tip of the bottom parts inside soil or on water body shallow shore water  or just in pool with low water level maintaining the above protocols  dude. The above ticketing reduces hooliganism associated with such  people operating the same and with police as witnessed in many African  nations dude
They think they will be granted longevity is they  mistreat people or if have much kids, the truth is, if resources are  slim as per your number, God cant grant u longevity as their will be  more people lest your are few in number
Winter drones or cold days  drones need not to have the hanging propellers on top as always in the  case with many drones, in fact the propeller can be 1 big 1 hidden like  with a computer fan to add effectiveness and beauty dude as in the link  below
Duluth  has line of weakness and many in any world big water bodies as even on  shore like seas and oceans, deploy military radar watch on such lands as  many now have know to make nuclear bombs and can detonate those lands  to capsize 4 water to fill the empty voids as valleys as it keeps on  moving to kill people all around such low lands and destroy much  properties as can be the agenda of many people refusing to get it their  lands are poor as compared to a certain point as it got large water down  pour in-case the same is done to kill all in such low lands to reduce  the population or champion the agendas as said b4 dude
Your  smartphone can contain your pulse rate and temperature detector and even  of alcohol so that if u have it its know behind ya consent or u knowing  to trace ya GPS as where u r dude when the combination gotten as few  people have likewise the same dude
Using the step on or sit on  panels to generate electric power b4 stepping up the power can use the  vacuum flask technology where u place heated water inside or that flask  has an automated stopper to let out gas as water boils using a coil  placed at the back inside of the flask where such as well is an  automated response where if temperature reduces to a certain degree it  switches on automatically to some set minutes to heat back the water  again to a desired temperature b4 the stopper open up or not to release  the air bro as in the links below, USES the very very stima that has  being magnified to heat the flask dude, a phenomenon worth noting dude  like along time steam engine operated dude
The  radar as above detect a bulb inside gas or the heated gas cylinder gas  contents as either any such heated when cold air blow lifts the cylinder  upwards dude and that's it, so think twice as another day in paradise  with you, Kill me kill you philosophy 4 the hooligans if u fathom not  the reality and refuse to relent not or subdue to one above ya or ya  equal. The Ninja Mind NM dude
Diamond ice made much when few  sample brought close to kale in tank placed half way in the ground then u  chop wood soaked in cooked cabbage water or more as detailed above or  just the folded photo inside glass container or in the banner  illuminating all sides as with coin or angle to try with any chop dude  and with many cooper wires made when placed closed to kale in same tank  as above and that one even in water or in side hole made big basement  within the factory house basement as in its walls dude as explained  earlier bro. Still fail to see what am doing, thinking its Zero work so  still disturb me and wants my food as always and with ya silly  investigation. U have not stopped dude with all i have said that we are  not equal as my mind super cedes yours as if it were so u could have  written the same well a head of me in ya own created a/c b4 announcing  it us not saying your r the 1 telling me, yet this i had said b4 and now  it years past bro. Stop and live ya own life bro, stop cashing into  other men affairs dude. Mr Hindu be warned dude and Kisii arresting me  kinda, next time, with my hate 4 ya, not a slap but a bullet will be on  ya face and Mr white man on his chest as i escort him to the police  post, legs on a lever as i hurl him not calling the corpse to take him  or if they relent not to the morgue to confirm the truth they had know a  lot past but not yet dude as in the link below, in Kenya people  transporting timber on roads to reduce friction and the timber being  scratched dude, to affirm my hate 4 ya, you luo blooded of knowing much  esp women, without such as above, your land can be overtaken, not  wanting to be ahead of men thinking another technology cant crop same as  those who knows not how to play PS4 and those who knows how to play the  same. Same with Wifi drone, they overwhelm ya not women thing as in the  bible even if u r rich, Security fast as they monitor people good in  such PS5 or 4 games to annihilated them not us knowing cause can guard  the nation and those good in computers even if u love food and women  better you than that who eats less and know shit regarding playing such  games and with high vision or sight degree to monitor and view the same  laid on screen signals as in the in below
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sirjustice1116 · 4 years
New bus ticketing dude
Even on the other electronics machine like Stereo or TV and computers, u can be traced if made in a such way using the sense heat panel of the thump to read your temperatures and pulse rate if the govt had taken the same of all citizens to display or relay to the radar dude and even with guns and other ammunition like grenade and cars and even door 4 houses bro.
The metal detectors and of guns and bombs can be placed into all sides of the house of all angle to curb house theft as burglary in those aiming to use guns to terorise and rob the house man, a thing that the security firm can install in houses and businesses and properties to bar the same above and create employment altogether dude and even got software to read into ya smartphone. This will be first if the security firms got gun drones not making it to the scene to enable ya sweet escape dude. Crime must be solved once and 4 good dude. Such methodology lies on such capture relayed to the server with already store of ya detail dude. Like with the Russian drone radar below on water lands to identify such related crimes, are placed next to water masses, beauty is, the sensor tip can be tickling or rotating at 180 degree back and forth to increase the censoring or capture surface area as they are lined in linear way at intervals of the measure so not to detect another radar sensor to bring false information, the interval is 7 KM as state in the below link and same can be twisted to look upward to get data from the sky, as enemies or intruder via the air dude. So no escape from sabibo dude, got to think twice if ya agenda was to get well in life via the same. Even airplane should have the same on all side as well as beneath and up the plane to get such data to evade the falling of airplanes as recently witnessed with air china, Malaysia and Philippines and even military vehicles, choppers and jets and on any car the owner desires to whose life are in always danger to increase sales of such products to pump more monies into the economy and employ such who will install the same and work in such corporations dude. Even submarine can have a mini tiny drone that runs on water alongside the submarine to detect foreign radars as above and now they are using the begging/wanting ya food gimmicks to way people it could not be them of tiny/minute minds.
Most nations 10 years back i had sent information on how submarine and military drones using radar are made, they made the same and kept using such in ambushes like falling airplanes after using those who transfigure to ransack through it and if the find much valuables or monies they fall it and even take the wreckage and place in the submarine and get away with it so not know where the plane crushed, to breed rumors of false black box or play amidst grown up. Like the Rwanda drone, SA 1, Kenyan, Tanzania one, Ghana one or Nigeria 1 were made long as the launch of Innoson and kantanka cars but hidden to facilitate the above. Now mostly Kamba, luo, kikuyu and most rwandi and Tanzanians or Nigerians and many more nations, around burst into anger or are furious, reason be, sources of free cash blocked to facilitate their agendas as recently seen with mega developments into the city estates or buildings as much as roads, airlines and even car or rail of such nations mention above. Like with fake currency we got such reading machines to get them offline and the radar like with Russia they fear are placed or the airplane harbors the same dude. If u did not know and 4 ya information period dude
Gadgets, foods and other necessities can well be made in the city liter hanged on a post garbage like a banner, still it can be automatic as it moves up it makes another machine or downwards at the height u made tomato, u got to get up the pole 4 you to make another something else like ripe paw paw or baby shampoo, napkins and pumper or powder or bomb detector and more but can be made big and still in the city ones still makes gadgets dude and even with a big squire or rectangular tank with its hind tip immersed on water, sand or soil or hay/grass can make submarine, buses and airplane if made big and can be metallic or another material no limitation dude as in the link below. Both can be placed in uplifted lands which can be made artificially or on queries, sea, lake shores or in flat or depression dude
Butter nut made when few sample placed next to kale in such above container then just underneath or on the other immediate side of the road chop that concrete slab bar juice of cooked cabbage poured or place close to chilies and chop wood soaked in avocado juice or kale juice or chop guava seed when place closed to avocado seeds and even can be made in plane or side hole of the factory basement dude and even Sodom apple tree leaves place next to grown grass in tip immerse into water big container then u chop wood immersed in clay soil water or hurl acid unto cut tomato and tries as well with all veggies soaked in something else dude. Top squash growing world nations
Tank immersed in stagnant water half way in a tank, when heap in  such tanks makes alternator generators dude, like in a dug big quarry u  do the boom process next to down water level bro
Ng’ani  ng’icho nadi gi wang moner ka ng’a moneno thel nyako mosegombo, same to  a woman with male one dude. Be energetic and futuristic not at that  point only kinda dude
Buy ticket as in the link below or  introduced in every nation where their aint touts, but tickets bought on  ya phone with receipt information of the car u want as u see it  approaching as they can have wifi to know which at where with seat  occupancy to place your bookings or go the city way where not as the  mobile payed one, where belongs 4 that buses all but 4 the general 1  away from phone all matatus numbers can be in that gadget as below with  WiFi showing location and occupancy to book but this at the end of the  day the owner of the van is given her share minus tax to build the city  as they can confirm via receipts dropped at the entrance door by the  passenger to the driver
In  the office nowadays it is solved like in the bank, we got reserved  seats 4 those who care of the next person who sat on and same with all  life concepts as with daily credit pay. U get to that office provided  not smelling people recognize and forgo that sit and sit on general seat  every1 seats on dude as u care not or love humanity or have been via a  lot dude as in the link below
The  drone control monitor esp 4 the military tiny bomb drones can harbor  the battery free technology as goes the touch temperature way, where the  next enemy can identify ya if one as their radar can read waves used to  direct the drone on air and even locate the tiny drone and overwhelm  you, so u can hide your tiny drones on crevices and on top of buildings,  when u stop holding the monitor control tool so they know not where u r  and vice vice as they can as well have detective mechanism to detect  LCD screen and more used within that interface even from drone mounted  with the same fly up high, having the detector looking down to even  detect ya clothes, blood components and even guns as much as shoes and  bombs/bullets, so be ware as u got the same need to have radar sensor to  sense the radar as well as they sense yours and their sent drone and if  it goes that way ad-infinitum then 1 who listens not needs to be  annihilated like the Kikuyus cause if not they will continue that way  ad-infinitum not listening. Some times the drone control monitor has a  remote as it, itself can fly, when detected to fly it away using the  remote by u power off ya remote dude, so not be caught dude
With  like the foreign drone detective radars fold the photo into 2 halves  and place under like heap of kale in upper tank or on open ground with  grass when car tires all round the heap and find anything to chop to  make ya radar too, respecting all veggies, fruits, leaves or berries  theorem of being placed in sand or in boxes either rotten, raw, cooked  or ripe and acid being added to water and all placed in such acid and  even fruit seeds and of veggies and even all scrap metal when u have  such next dude and boom ya radar and most also made on big tanks like  tip of the bottom parts inside soil or on water body shallow shore water  or just in pool with low water level maintaining the above protocols  dude. The above ticketing reduces hooliganism associated with such  people operating the same and with police as witnessed in many African  nations dude
They think they will be granted longevity is they  mistreat people or if have much kids, the truth is, if resources are  slim as per your number, God cant grant u longevity as their will be  more people lest your are few in number
Winter drones or cold days  drones need not to have the hanging propellers on top as always in the  case with many drones, in fact the propeller can be 1 big 1 hidden like  with a computer fan to add effectiveness and beauty dude as in the link  below
Duluth  has line of weakness and many in any world big water bodies as even on  shore like seas and oceans, deploy military radar watch on such lands as  many now have know to make nuclear bombs and can detonate those lands  to capsize 4 water to fill the empty voids as valleys as it keeps on  moving to kill people all around such low lands and destroy much  properties as can be the agenda of many people refusing to get it their  lands are poor as compared to a certain point as it got large water down  pour in-case the same is done to kill all in such low lands to reduce  the population or champion the agendas as said b4 dude
Your  smartphone can contain your pulse rate and temperature detector and even  of alcohol so that if u have it its know behind ya consent or u knowing  to trace ya GPS as where u r dude when the combination gotten as few  people have likewise the same dude
Using the step on or sit on  panels to generate electric power b4 stepping up the power can use the  vacuum flask technology where u place heated water inside or that flask  has an automated stopper to let out gas as water boils using a coil  placed at the back inside of the flask where such as well is an  automated response where if temperature reduces to a certain degree it  switches on automatically to some set minutes to heat back the water  again to a desired temperature b4 the stopper open up or not to release  the air bro as in the links below, USES the very very stima that has  being magnified to heat the flask dude, a phenomenon worth noting dude  like along time steam engine operated dude
The  radar as above detect a bulb inside gas or the heated gas cylinder gas  contents as either any such heated when cold air blow lifts the cylinder  upwards dude and that's it, so think twice as another day in paradise  with you, Kill me kill you philosophy 4 the hooligans if u fathom not  the reality and refuse to relent not or subdue to one above ya or ya  equal. The Ninja Mind NM dude
Diamond ice made much when few  sample brought close to kale in tank placed half way in the ground then u  chop wood soaked in cooked cabbage water or more as detailed above or  just the folded photo inside glass container or in the banner  illuminating all sides as with coin or angle to try with any chop dude  and with many cooper wires made when placed closed to kale in same tank  as above and that one even in water or in side hole made big basement  within the factory house basement as in its walls dude as explained  earlier bro. Still fail to see what am doing, thinking its Zero work so  still disturb me and wants my food as always and with ya silly  investigation. U have not stopped dude with all i have said that we are  not equal as my mind super cedes yours as if it were so u could have  written the same well a head of me in ya own created a/c b4 announcing  it us not saying your r the 1 telling me, yet this i had said b4 and now  it years past bro. Stop and live ya own life bro, stop cashing into  other men affairs dude. Mr Hindu be warned dude and Kisii arresting me  kinda, next time, with my hate 4 ya, not a slap but a bullet will be on  ya face and Mr white man on his chest as i escort him to the police  post, legs on a lever as i hurl him not calling the corpse to take him  or if they relent not to the morgue to confirm the truth they had know a  lot past but not yet dude as in the link below, in Kenya people  transporting timber on roads to reduce friction and the timber being  scratched dude, to affirm my hate 4 ya, you luo blooded of knowing much  esp women, without such as above, your land can be overtaken, not  wanting to be ahead of men thinking another technology cant crop same as  those who knows not how to play PS4 and those who knows how to play the  same. Same with Wifi drone, they overwhelm ya not women thing as in the  bible even if u r rich, Security fast as they monitor people good in  such PS5 or 4 games to annihilated them not us knowing cause can guard  the nation and those good in computers even if u love food and women  better you than that who eats less and know shit regarding playing such  games and with high vision or sight degree to monitor and view the same  laid on screen signals as in the in below
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lycorogue · 5 years
Meet My OCs: Willow (Part 4 – Images)
We've made it to the home stretch! This post should be a lot more fun, though, because you get to literally see Willow! I shared some images here and there throughout this mini-series about Willow, but the vast majority of my images of her will be below. 
Before I continue, how about another quick recap of my Meet My OCs series thus far?
I started up this multi-post series almost exactly a month ago. I had wanted to do something like this for MONTHS, and I'm finally getting my lazy butt in gear. This way, you guys get a chance to learn about these vocal people that have been hanging out in my head for years.
In Part 1 of this series, I introduced the concept, as well as explained the real-world influences that helped me create my two story worlds of Gyateara and Glitches.
Part 2 of the series talked about the inspiration that birthed each of my four main Gyateara characters.
Part 3a did the same, but for my four main teenage Glitches characters.
Part 3b then talked about the Glitches main supportive cast of six adult characters; each one originating as a canonical X-Men character.
Today is Part 4 Day; the official start of the individualized characters' bio posts. I couldn't think of anyone better to start off the next part of the series than my most present character: Willow Driver.
In Meet Willow: Part 1, I shared Willow's background, gave an overview of her personally, and talked about her powers.
Meet Willow: Part 2 focused on her main relationships.
The epic post that made up Meet Willow: Part 3 told her plot line/story arc main events within the play-by-post game X-Future that Willow originated in. The end of the post also discussed which of those main plot events will find their way to my original story Glitches.
Next up, I’ll have a few writing samples to showcase Willow, and I’ll conclude today’s massive series of posts with two customized wrestler entrances I created on Hubby’s WWE13 game. So.. just two more to look out for! 0_0
All caught up? Great! So let's get to the fun of Willow's Multi-media presence. Starting with some more fun art of her.
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I know I already shared this in Meet Willow: Part 1, but I love this image of Willow so much I'm going to show it off whenever possible.
Prior to commissioning @edendaphne to draw me the gorgeous above photo, I had some other hand-drawn artwork of Willow. For two different birthdays, @chibisunnie included the X-Future core group for personalized cards she drew me.
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Check out the full-quality image on her DeviantArt
Hubby and I routinely pointed out the almost perfect parallels between the “Girl Meets World” characters Lucas, Maya, and Riley and our X-Future characters Chayse, Willow, and Lia, respectively. So Chibi went ahead and drew Chayse, Willow, and Lia as Lucas, Maya, and Riley all hanging out in Riley's bay window.
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Check out the full-quality image on her DeviantArt
Last birthday, I wanted Chibi to have my X-Future characters interacting with her Team Giraffe Guy characters. Willow is dancing with her OC Todd, Trish is giving her OC Zahir a mini-heart attack, and Lia is chilling with her OC Bob the Pumpkin Cat from her other original story The Pumpkin Prince.
I still absolutely love how energetic Willow looks in both of these images, and I think Chibi really captured who she is. <3
Prior to the commissioned piece by Eden, or the two works of fanart as birthday cards drawn for me by Chibi, I used doll makers to help me visualize Willow.
My first incarnation of Willow was thanks to a hodge-podge of items designed by ChaZie for her Dollz over on Dollz Mania. (anyone else remember these being huge in the early 2000s?) You see, ChaZie designed easily a hundred different Dollz creators/designers, each of them with their own themes: Halloween, fantasy, fairies, Scene, Kardashians, Lady Gaga, Valentine's Day, etc. Back in 2012, I had spent WEEKS saving nearly every element of nearly every doll designer ChaZie created. I gathered them all into one MASSIVE Photoshop file with nearly all of ChaZie's doll bases, hair, clothing, accessories, pets, etc. That way I wasn't restricted by the designer theme groupings ChaZie created; I could take hair from Lady Gaga, put it with a Halloween costume, and throw on some fairy wings. Using this method of Frankensteining ChaZie's designs, I created a large portion of the early X-Future cast. One of the firsts was, obviously, Willow, shown here in her first X-Men uniform design.
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Sorry for the quality. My computer crashed about 3yrs ago, and I lost that ChaZie dollz design master file, so all of the ChaZie design dolls I showcase will be downloads of my posting the images online.
Anyway, once Sebastian was introduced into the X-Future canon, I decided to re-design Willow to see how she might look in the future. So, here is Mama Willow with newborn baby Sebastian, as well as Adult Willow in a much more traditional X-Men uniform as she took on the mantle of one of the Great Protectors.
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Finally, a picture of Willow in street clothes while with her brother Shawn. I had already posted this in Meet Willow: Part 2, when I talked about their relationship. However, why not re-share it, right?
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A couple of years into playing X-Future, I was introduced to the Chibi Maker doll generator by gen8. (can also be found here) I couldn't resist coming up with Chibi-fied images for the main X-Future characters. Naturally, I went with Willow's classic Cheshire Cat illusion for her chibi verseion.
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After losing my ChaZie master file, I tried to rebuild it, but at that point Dollz Mania had shut down. I'm slowly beginning to find ChaZie's doll makers popping up on other websites, but I needed other alternatives for character designs and re-designs. That was when I was introduced to the X-Girl doll maker by Candy. I've had a lot of fun designing characters in this game, and decided to re-designs Willow to give her a more mature look now that she's not 15 anymore.
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Hubby and I also tried to re-create, and then re-design, Willow's X-uniform.
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I really like how the uniform re-design turned out.
I was fairly content on my representation of Willow with the wide variety of above images. Then, late last year, I started playing the fashion designer mobile game Love, Nikki.
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I was just enjoying the game for what it was; not even thinking about X-Future/Glitches. But then I started finding more and more blue and white clothes that made me think “Willow would like that.” Soon that was my mission. I found a few white/silver hair options that I tried out, and aimed for a make-up set that would give me aquamarine eyes. Since hitting my main Willow make-up and hair goals, I've had loads of fun designing and re-designing Willow in the game.
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The blue and white striped socks and those blue eyes were what first made me want to find a way to build Willow. I also tried out just about any silver/white hair and blue eyes combo.
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After getting the aquamarine eyes I loved, the next trick was trying out the hair styles. There are soooo many platinum-white, white, gray, or silver hair styles in this game! This isn't even all of them; just the ones that seemed Willow-esque. First up was an an attempt to keep Willow's short hair:
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Picture #3 was the only one that really worked, and I ran with that hair for a little bit. I just liked the pseudo-punk look of those sharp edges.
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A lot more of these could possibly work, although they aren't the Willow I had in my head. Even so, I could picture Willow with hair styles #2, #3, and #4.
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I really can't picture Willow growing her hair out so long. It would bother her to have so much of it. However, out of the above pictures, #2 would be close, if it were the right color. Beyond that, I think #4 feels the most like Willow, with #1 being close behind.
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Sadly, the ones that are the closest to Willow's hair style are all the wrong color. #1 is almost exactly Willow's hair style, just parted the wrong way; her longer side is over the right eye. Although it's a bit too short, and clearly the wrong color, #2 is at least parted on the correct side, and it does have some blue tips; probably the second closest to her canonical look. I could picture Willow in all of those hair styles, though.
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This hair style isn't all that bad, and it is pale, but it's still platinum-blonde instead of Willow’s silver.
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After a LOT of working and re-working, I decided this hair style works best. It's short, but not terribly masculine, choppy, or overly fancy. It's also the right shade of silver, and the low-lights in the hair almost look like they're blue. Once I had it figured out, the next trick was the outfit. I had her in this one for quite some time. Then I was playing Love, Nikki during the winter. I also got some coats that would work really well for her. I went formal and fantastical with the cape, and then more canonical and “real world” with the down vest. For both images I also included some extras that made it look like she was creating illusions.
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I then had to switch her up for spring:
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And again for summer, so this is what she's currently wearing in my game:
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We'll see what other kinds of visuals I can make of Willow over the next few months/years.
Alright, well now that you have a good mental image of what Willow looks like, how about we find out how she talks and acts?
Next up: Meet My OCs: Willow (Part 5 – Stories)
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gethealthy18-blog · 4 years
Gardening Diaries – Part 2: Building Raised Beds
New Post has been published on https://healingawerness.com/news/gardening-diaries-part-2-building-raised-beds/
Gardening Diaries – Part 2: Building Raised Beds
Before we jump into part #2 of my gardening diaries be sure to check out part #1 where I discuss why we’re doing this, starting veggies from seeds and how I know absolutely nothing about gardening…
So when we last left off we I had planted seeds into our mini greenhouse and magically tiny little seedlings had begun to sprout. As I mentioned in that post, all of this is really a big experiment and so far it had been successful. We knew we had a few weeks ahead of us before being able to plant any of our seedlings into soil but we figured we’d get a head start and also start playing around with sowing seeds directly into the dirt and so began our journey into the world of raised beds.
The House
Before we get into the beds themselves I wanted to quickly chat about the house and what we were working with when it come to gardening on this type of property…
We are incredibly grateful to have found this house and absolutely love the space and neighborhood. One thing we didn’t realize when we moved in is that the light isn’t all that great for gardening. The property is surrounded by trees which blocks a lot of the sunlight coming in. This is something that we can certainly live with, but isn’t the best for gardening. So we did some researching (aka watched the light on our property over a couple of days) to determine the sunniest spots.
Our conclusion: The deck in the backyard and the patio off one of the bedrooms seem to be the best. As renters, we were also weary of digging up any of the soil and planting directly into the ground (plus we weren’t interested in soil testing and all that business) and so raised beds and container gardening seemed like the best bet. I’m learning that there are many different ways to garden but this seemed like our best option for successful gardening.
Building Raised Beds
After looking at the light on our property and determining where the best light was we decided to put a large raised bed on our back deck, along with a couple large pots for tomatoes on our bedroom patio. Thankfully, I married an engineer who loves building things so putting together a raised bed was a fun project for him. I’m going to let him describe what he built but I will say that there are much easier ways to build a raised bed if you aren’t handy at all.
Home Depot sells planter cinderblocks that you can easily slot your wood into. For one garden bed you’d by 4 cinderblocks and 4 pieces of wood. If you want it taller, double it up to 8 cinderblocks and 8 pieces of wood and stack them on top of each other. Just make sure your wood is untreated (cedar or redwood is ideal). If that is even too DIY for you then there are plenty of pre-built garden beds you can buy.
As for our raised bed, here’s what C did:
3 foot by 6 foot garden bed that is ~ 12” deep
*note – this is a very raised garden bed that has roughly 16” of clearance between the bottom of the garden bed and the deck below – in our case for our dog!
1 x  [3 ft x 6 ft] cut of a 3/4” thick ply
(Corner Posts)
4 x [4 in x 4in] posts cut to 30” long
2 x [1 in x 8 in] long bottom side board cut to 74.5”
2 x [1 in x 8 in] short bottom side boards cut to 36”
2 x [1 in x 6 in] long top side board cut to 74.5”
2 x [1 in x 6 in] short top side boards cut to 36”
(Picture Frame Edging – Optional)
2 x [1 in x 6 in] short edge cut to 37.5”
2 x [1 in x 6 in] long edge cut to 74.5”
50 Cabinet screws (3” long)
10 metal L-brackets (can have 2 or 3 holes/screws per flange)
40 Screws for brackets (option to buy  with brackets)
4 x Flat brackets (optional – to secure side boards together in assembly)
Power drill
Appropriate drill bits (likely phillips and star bits)
Saw – (jig saw is easiest, hand saw works too, just more time and detail)
Clamps (optional, make assembly easier)
(For easiest build, get all cuts made at the lumberyard or hardware store – be sure to check/call online to make sure they have a saw and are making cuts! Some places can arrange pre-cuts and pick ups right now)
Fasten bottom and top side boards together in the middle with flat brackets
Frame Assembly
Place two corner posts on a flat surface roughly 6 feet apart
(If pre-assembly option)
Arrange connected long side boards on top of the posts lying down and flush with the tops of the posts
Make sure the long side boards hang over the corner posts by 3/4” on each side
Screw side boards into posts
(If no pre-assembly option)
Arrange top long side boards on top of the posts lying down and flush with the tops of the posts
Make sure the top long side boards hang over the corner posts by 3/4” on each side
Screw side boards into posts, and repeat steps 3/4 with the bottom long side boards immediately below
Bottom Corner Notches
Cut corners out of the plywood base to make space for posts
**Note while they are called 4”x4”s, the dimension is actually 3.5”x3.5” so this is the cuts you should make
Connect Base to Frame, Long Side 1
Lay one side of the long sideboards attached to the corner posts ‘face down’ so that the long sideboards are directly on the ground and the posts are laying (Attached) on top of them
Slip the ply wood into place roughly 1” above the bottom of the long bottom side board – (here the corner cuts should allow it to fit nicely – if not make minor cuts as needed)
Install 3 L-brackets along the Botton to connect the base to the sideboard
Connect the Short Sides
With the current set up, install the short side boards standing vertically with screws making sure the edges are flush – it should fit right in the gap you left with the overhang earlier
Connect the other long side and two posts
Place the opposite long sideboards and posts on top – again with the corner cuts it should all fit together
Screw the sideboards into the posts to secure
Install 3 brackets along the bottom of the long side and 2 brackets along the bottom of each short side
Drill ~ 5 drainage holes throughout the plywood spaced out across
(Optional) – Picture Frame Edge
Cut optional picture frame cadges at 45 degrees in each corner
Place on top and screw into top of posts
Lay down and linings you want to use (we used 1 wed-blocker liner to cover holes and 1 loose netting for support, not required)
Finishing Touches
Drill in a few screws on the side to hold tools!
Reinforce the bottom if needed – if it looks to start bending under weight of soil. We added some scrap ply wood to the bottom and simply screwed it into the plywood base
…Davida here…this gave me a headache…lol
Next: Picking Soil
I’ll be honest, I did not realize how nitty gritty and specific people got about soil. I really thought you dumped dirt into a box and planned for the best. Not so much…Turns out there’s a science to the perfect growing soil for produce. I’ve also discovered that everyone and their Mom has an opinion on this. You may disagree with me, but after much research here’s what I determined to be the best ratios:
-60% organic topsoil
-30% organic compost
-10% organic potting soil
To determine the ratios of each we used this online calculator, which was SO helpful. Just put in the size of your garden and it calculates the amount of soil you need – we then used the ratios above to determine how much of each type of soil we would need to buy.
You’ll notice all of the soils listed above are organic. As many of you know I try to buy organic when possible. Not only is it better for growing, it is also wayyyy better for the environment. Go organic if you can!
Planting Seeds
As I mentioned in part #1 we are growing some seedlings indoors to plant in our raised bed and containers, however we did want to experiment a bit with sowing seeds directly into the soil. At this point we’ve planted our seeds and are waiting for them to germinate. Our indoor seedlings are doing great and will be ready for transplanting in a few weeks. Our tomato seedlings are looking especially good and once we’re ready to transplant those we’ll fill our containers with the soil breakdown above and install some trellises next to them.
Each morning I lightly mist the garden with our house to keep the soil damp but not soaking. I was told to water in the morning to prevent too much evaporation if I watered mid-late day. So far so good though remains to be seen if any plants will grow.
Hopefully the next time I check in we’ll either have some little baby plants growing in our garden and/or be ready to transplant our indoor seedlings to the outdoor garden.
*Quick thing I wanted to add: Everyone’s experience with gardening will be different because we all live in different climates with different access to space and sun. We have a relatively mild climate working in our favor here so we’re able to start planting right now. Some of you may have to wait until the weather warms up to begin planting. Use this guide (or this one for specifics within the US) to determine your climate region and what grows best under those specific conditions.
I have consulted countless resources but these are the ones that have been the most helpful:
The Well Essentials Beginner Gardener Course Garden Betty Gardeners Supply Company – Garden Planner
Are you a home gardener? Any lessons for me?!
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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheHealthyMaven/~3/OucsETurT70/
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mastcomm · 4 years
Your Monday Briefing – The New York Times
Cruise ship’s coronavirus cases nearly double
More than 60 new cases of the virus have been confirmed on a ship quarantined in Japan, bringing the total to 136, the ship’s captain told passengers today. Here are the latest updates and maps of where the virus has spread.
The news comes a day after 97 people in China died from the virus, a daily record. The country’s death toll of 908 now exceeds that of the SARS epidemic 17 years ago, although the death rate from SARS was higher.
Related: China said on Sunday that it would allow in a team from the World Health Organization, which first offered help weeks ago. Health experts say that deaths and infections are probably being undercounted because testing facilities are under severe strain.
Closer look: In Wuhan, where the outbreak originated, our reporter met a family in which three generations have been sickened.
Tips: There are more useful things to do than worry. To start, wash your hands, and get a flu shot.
How the Iowa caucuses became a fiasco
It was more than just a faulty app.
A team of Times journalists in Des Moines reports: “As disastrous as the 2020 Iowa caucuses have appeared to the public, the failure runs deeper and wider than has previously been known, according to dozens of interviews with those involved. It was a total system breakdown that casts doubt on how a critical contest on the American political calendar has been managed for years.”
Related: Nearly a week after the caucuses, the Iowa Democratic Party released results on Sunday indicating that Pete Buttigieg was the winner. But errors have led several news organizations, including The Times, to refrain from calling the race. Bernie Sanders’s campaign said it would call for a partial recanvass of results.
What’s next: With the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, Mr. Buttigieg and Mr. Sanders are escalating their rivalry.
‘Parasite’ makes Oscar history
The comedy-thriller from South Korea on Sunday became the first film not in English to win the Academy Award for best picture.
“Parasite,” which has earned $35.5 million at the North American box office since its release in October, also won awards for best director, original screenplay and international feature.
The details: In the acting categories, Joaquin Phoenix won for “Joker”; Renée Zellweger for “Judy”; Brad Pitt for “Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood”; and Laura Dern for “Marriage Story.” Here’s a complete list of winners.
Go deeper: The ceremony offered a grab bag of emotional moments and head-scratching choices, our chief TV critic writes.
Closer look: View our collection of photographs from the red carpet.
An internet delusion seeps into the real world
QAnon, which began online more than two years ago as an intricate, if baseless, conspiracy theory, has found a foothold offline, surfacing in political campaigns, criminal cases and at least one college class.
About a dozen candidates for public office in the U.S. have promoted or dabbled in QAnon, and its adherents have been arrested in at least seven episodes, including the slaying of a New York City mob boss last year.
Background: QAnon began in 2017, when cryptic posts written under the name Q Clearance Patriot appeared on the online message board 4chan. In more than 3,500 posts, Q — whose identity has never been determined — has claimed, among other things, that President Trump was recruited by the military to run for office in order to break up a global cabal of pedophiles, and that Robert Mueller’s investigation would end with prominent Democrats being imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay.
If you have some time, this is worth it
A battle for the future of the Nile
Egyptians have controlled the river for thousands of years, but pollution, climate change and Egypt’s soaring population are taking a toll on the Nile.
Now the country is sparring with Ethiopia over the construction of a $4.5 billion hydroelectric dam. The sides are scheduled to meet this week in Washington, where the White House has been mediating a dispute that threatens to break into a wider conflict.
Here’s what else is happening
A $4.8 billion budget: President Trump is expected to propose a spending plan today that will include billions of dollars for a wall along the southern border and steep cuts to safety net programs, including Medicaid.
Amazon vs. Nazis: The retailer once said that it would sell “the good, the bad and the ugly,” but it has become increasingly proactive in removing Nazi material. In a book related to Amazon’s show “The Man in the High Castle,” swastikas and other Nazi-themed imagery were digitally erased.
Snapshot: Above, a Nenets woman with a tray of stroganina, thinly shaved raw, frozen fish or meat that has long been a favorite snack in northern Siberia. Our correspondent calls it one of Russia’s hidden delicacies.
Metropolitan Diary: In this week’s column, riding downtown, waking up from a dream and more reader tales of New York City.
What we’re reading: This essay in Essence, addressing the attacks on the broadcast journalist Gayle King after she raised the question of a dropped rape accusation against Kobe Bryant. “The term misogynoir — the special type of hatred directed against women of color — says it all,” says the Briefings editor, Andrea Kannapell.
Now, a break from the news
Read: The writer Matthew Lopez discusses “The Inheritance,” his two-part play about gay culture and the legacy of AIDS.
Listen: The indie rock duo Best Coast has a new song, “Everything Has Changed,” and a new outlook on life.
Smarter Living: Our Wirecutter colleagues present hacks, tips and products in their “Five Days to Better Sleep” Challenge. (Sign up here.)
And now for the Back Story on …
Revisiting ‘The Year of Africa’
Seventeen African countries shed their colonial status in 1960. Sixty years later, our archival storytelling team, Past Tense, paired photography from collections at The Times and elsewhere with writers and thinkers of African descent for a special section, “A Continent Remade.” Veronica Chambers, the editor of Past Tense, spoke with Adriana Balsamo about the project. Here are some edited excerpts from their conversation.
Can you speak to the decision to have more youthful writers be a part of the project?
We really wanted a certain dynamism to the conversation. And we thought that it would be interesting to ask youngish people who are really connected to the continent … and who have a sense of pride about it. David Adjaye, for example, spent years cataloging the architecture of Africa in a way that had never been done before. But he grew up half his life off the continent.
There’s always a period of discovery for someone who has a foot in a country but didn’t necessarily grow up there. And especially because the countries are so young, it felt like it’d be interesting to ask these young people who in some ways really benefited from all of the good of independence — their lives were shaped by everything that came after — to look at the pictures and respond.
What is your favorite photo?
I think the mother and baby picture [with Imbolo Mbue’s essay] and the Miss Independence picture [with Luvvie Ajayi’s essay] were really important to me because those were the two I found first, in October 2018. I held on to those two pictures as a kind of proof of concept. I also love the picture at the United Nations by Sam Falk [with Mr. Adjaye’s essay]. He’s so special to the history of The Times and just to know what it must have meant for those men to be able to go and represent new nations. To say, “Our country is three months old and here we are. Let’s talk about how we fit into the rest of the world.” I think that’s pretty powerful.
What do you hope readers take away from the section?
We are really hoping that people on the continent will read the digital version, and we’ve worked really hard on the interactive. When you look at the news photographs, it was a time when very few New York Times readers would have been to Africa. And so when we look at where we are at 60 years later, there’s still a lot of people who have never been and may never go.
And I hope what readers will take from it is a sense of possibility that I believe continues to this day. A sense of beauty, a sense of community. And I hope, interest: I hope they will continue to read some of the writers we featured.
That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.
— Chris
Thank you Mark Josephson and Eleanor Stanford provided the break from the news. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Today’s episode is about a company that has compiled a database of three billion images and the ensuing privacy concerns. • Here’s today’s Mini Crossword, and a clue: Where the heart is (five letters). You can find all our puzzles here. • The New York Times Company now has more than five million subscriptions, including 3.5 million that are digital-only. Thank you!
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/your-monday-briefing-the-new-york-times-11/
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bern33chaser · 5 years
11 Writing Exercises to Inspire You and Strengthen Your Writing
Whether you’re writing just for fun, for school, or with professional goals in mind, these exercises can all help you to improve your writing. Some will give you inspiration, others will help you avoid editing as you write, and many of them will help you pay closer attention to your word choices.
I hope you’ll enjoy giving them a go!
#1: Cover Your Screen While You Write
If you find yourself doing more editing than actual writing, then try covering up (or, on a laptop, turning down) your screen while you draft.
If, like me, you can touch-type – try closing your eyes instead. I find it surprisingly relaxing! (Though I tend to stop every sentence or two to make sure I’ve hit the keys I thought I was hitting…)
At first, it might seem odd not to be able to see the words that you’re typing – but you might well find that you write faster and express your thoughts more freely this way.
#2: Set a Daily Writing Goal and Track Your Progress
Writing, as most other crafts, only gets better with practice. If you want to improve, therefore, you will need to write pretty much every single day.
The best strategy to achieve this objective is to set a goal of how many words you want to write per day, and then to track your progress over time. A simple notebook or spreadsheet should be enough for you to record your daily statistics.
The Prolifiko blog has a great piece with more tips to set writing goals and resolutions and to make sure you achieve them.
#3: Use a Writing Prompt to Get You Going
If you want to write, but you don’t know what you want to write, try using a writing prompt. This could be anything from a story scenario (“write about someone who gets caught in a lie”) to a blog post title (“Ten Things I Wish I Could Tell My 15-Year-Old Self”).
Here are a couple of sources of prompts to keep you busy for a while:
25 creative writing prompts, a list of prompts you can use to start writing a simple story or even a novel.
365 Creative Writing Prompts, from Think Written – a mixed bag of prompts, with some for stories and some for poems; many would also work for blogging.
Even if you’re working on a longer piece, like a novel, prompts can be helpful. A line of dialogue, for instance, might give you just the inspiration you need for your next scene.
#4: Don’t Start at the Beginning … Start at the End
There’s no writing rule that says you need to begin at the beginning. In fact, many writers find it more effective to start at the end.
You can do this in a couple of different ways:
Start your story (or blog post, etc) close to the chronological end – e.g. you might begin with “As I stared down the mountain, I couldn’t believe I was actually here…” You can then jump back in time and narrate the events that led up to that point.
Write the end of your blog post (or story, etc) first. Once you’ve written your concluding paragraphs or final scenes, you’ll know what you’re leading up to. If you prefer not to write it out in full, you could make notes.
#5: Rewrite a Masterpiece or a Famous Story
Choose a famous masterpiece or classic novel (like Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice or Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet) and write your own version.
This is a great exercise because you can do it at almost any level: you could write a short story for children, or you could write a whole novel or screenplay. (Bridget Jones’s Diary, for instance, borrowed heavily from Pride and Prejudice; the children’s movie Gnomeo and Juliet is based, as you might guess, on Romeo and Juliet.)
You can do this with fairytales, too, like the story of Cinderella or Little Red Riding Hood. You might decide to bring the stories into the modern world – or you might switch to a completely different genre, like a Western version of Little Red Riding Hood or a sci-fi version of Cinderella.
Hopefully, you’ll think of some interesting ways to present an old story in a new way – great practice for avoiding clichés and stereotypes in your own writing.
#6: Create a Found Poem from Your Spam Folder
A “found poem” is one created from text that already exists – and some writers enjoy repurposing spam emails for this!
Check your spam folder. I’m sure that, like mine, it’s full of emails with some strange wording and dubious promises like:
I did not need to find a winning product. he gave it to me…
Just drinking 1 cup of this delicious hot beverage in the morning sets you up to burn more fat than 45 exhausting minutes on the treadmill.
Hello %E-mail_address%, I know your very love Engineer Jobs and want have T-Shirt for Engineer Jobs.
It is vital to have a telephone system that has all the specific functions
(All of these are taken verbatim from my own spam folder…)
Could you pick out a few lines (they don’t have to be consecutive ones) to create your own found poem? Feel free to add some words if needed. There are some wonderfully odd examples here.
#7: Write Something Inspired By a Piece of Writing, Music or Art
Inspiration can come in all sorts of ways – but if you’re struggling to find an idea, try turning to other people’s creative works. In my blogging, I’ve often been inspired by other people’s post structures, by an idea of theirs that I want to take further – or even by something they’ve written that I disagree with.
You can use music and art in a similar way: they can be particularly potent sources of ideas for stories. If you have a favourite song or artist, what in their work speaks to you? How could you craft a story using some of those themes or thoughts? Alternatively, look through some photos of artworks, and choose one or more to use as the basis for a story.
#8: Interview Your Novel’s Characters
This is a fun exercise that a lot of writers use to dig into who their characters are: the character interview. You can work through a pre-set list of questions, or you can come up with your own in advance, or you can just start typing and go with the flow!
You might do this essentially like a character questionnaire or checklist, or you might want to write it more like a mini-story, with you as the author inviting your character to sit down and talk.
Depending on the sort of fiction you write, the setting for your interview could be almost anything – perhaps you’re enjoying a casual chat over coffee and cake with your character, or maybe you’re interviewing them as a journalist, or even in court. Or, if you’re into rather darker fiction, you might be conducting an interrogation…
However you do this, it’s a great exercise to have fun with, and you might discover a whole backstory to your character that you’d never thought about before.
#9: Use the Alphabet
This is a fun exercise that can work for almost any type of writing: craft a piece where each sentence starts with the next letter of the alphabet. Here’s the start of one to show you what I mean:
At six o’clock, Josie woke up. Before she’d even opened her eyes, she knew what had woken her: she could hear it, just like she’d heard it every Friday morning for months. Cliff, her neighbour, was out in his garden. Despite all the times she’d gone round and asked him, through gritted teeth, to please wait until at least seven, he was mowing the blasted lawn again.
“Excuse me!” she called, over the fence. For a moment, she thought he hadn’t heard her over the sound of the mower.
(Yes, it’s tricky once you get to X! You might find this list helpful, or you might choose to use a sentence-starting word that merely contains an X.)
#10: Write with a Sentence Length Limit in Place
Can you limit every sentence you write to ten words? (Or fewer!) This might be tricky. It’s a great exercise for bloggers and online marketers, though. Short snappy sentences and paragraphs work well online.
You might want to draft as normal, then edit ruthlessly. Or you could count the words as you type. Whatever works for you!
(Yes, the sentences in this section are ten words max…)
#11: Write Without Using Any Adverbs
This is a common exercise advised for fiction writers: write a whole scene without using a single adverb.
Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives and adverbs. They often (though not always) end with –ly.
Here are a few sentences with the adverbs indicated in bold:
The girl walked quickly to school. (“Quickly” is modifying the verb “walked”.)
Slowly, the fairly tall man stood.  (“Slowly” is modifying the verb “stood”, and “fairly” is modifying the adjective “tall”)
On the bus, the baby cried dismayingly loudly. (“Dismayingly” is modifying the adverb “loudly”, and “loudly” is modifying the verb “cried”.)
Writing without adverbs forces you to write crisper, clearer (and shorter!) sentences, which often have more impact. In particular, you’ll find yourself choosing stronger verbs.
All of these sentences could replace “The girl walked quickly to school” – and each has a slightly different nuance:
The girl strode to school.
The girl hurried to school.
The girl power-walked to school.
Of course, adverbs aren’t bad in themselves – so I don’t recommend avoiding them in all your writing! This exercise can help you, though, to be more aware of when you’re using adverbs unnecessarily.
Pick one of the above exercises to try out during your writing time this week. (If you’re feeling up for it, pick two and combine them – how about rewriting a classic without using any adverbs?) Have fun!
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Original post: 11 Writing Exercises to Inspire You and Strengthen Your Writing from Daily Writing Tips https://www.dailywritingtips.com/11-writing-exercises/
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ohmontague · 7 years
❝ ❀ ☕ ✎ *.:。 Belle Desrosiers + 100 Questions
Basic Character Questions First name? Isabelle Surname? Desrosiers Middle names? Christine Nicknames? Belle, worm (by Maurice), Beauty Date of birth? September 4, 1993 Age? 23
Physical / Appearance Height? 5’4” Weight? Average Build? Slender Hair colour? Medium brown Hair style? Mid-length Eye colour? Brown Eye Shape? Wide Glasses or contact lenses? Glasses for driving (too many years of reading below the cover with a flashlight shot her eyesight) Distinguishing facial features? Large brown eyes Which facial feature is most prominent? Eyes Which bodily feature is most prominent? Hair Other distinguishing features? Wide smile Skin? Pale, clear Hands? Small, lithe fingers. Usually sans nail polish or rings (they get in the way, and frankly, she gets frustrated by constantly having to reapply nail polish) Make up? Simple Scars? None Birthmarks? None Tattoos? None Physical handicaps? Nearsighted Type of clothes? Vintage and French inspired How do they wear their clothes? Neatly, though she doesn’t have time to iron/press What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc): Wears clean flat shoes (boots or flats) Race / Ethnicity? White, Jewish Mannerisms?: bits lip, fidgets, plays with hair, picks at nail polish Are they in good health? Yes Do they have any disabilities? No
Personality What words or phrases do they overuse? “Beautiful”, “classic”, “ridiculous”, “I was reading”/”I saw this documentary”/”I heard about” Do they have a catchphrase? See above (she’s constantly reading wikipedia articles or reading useless trivia websites and can’t help but find everything fascinating) Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic Are they introverted or extroverted? Introverted Do they ever put on airs? Not really What bad habits do they have? See mannerisms What makes them laugh out loud? Bad jokes, physical comedy, satire How do they display affection? Lots of physical contact, looking after people when they’re sad, buying little gifts, “I saw this thing online and thought of you”, saying she loves people Mental handicaps? Socially anxious How do they want to be seen by others? Smart, witty feminist How do they see themselves? Anxious bookish nerd How are they seen by others? Passionate feminist nerd Strongest character trait? Imaginative Weakest character trait? Headstrong How competitive are they? She can be in the right situations Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? She can make snap judgments about people’s character How do they react to praise? Depending on the person giving, either blushing or a heart “Thank you!” How do they react to criticism? Depending on the person, she either snaps or sulks (harsh criticism); genuine criticism has fairly varied reactions, depending on what the person’s criticizing and how touchy she is about the subject. What is their greatest fear? It was losing her father; now, she doesn’t know. What are their biggest secrets? She’s socially anxious, she misses her mother even though she doesn’t remember her, and sometimes she doubts the existence of God. What is their philosophy of life? Be kind to those less fortunate to make their lives a little easier and hopefully make the world a better place for the next generation When was the last time they cried? A few nights ago, thinking about her father What haunts them? The spyglass her father gave to her at her graduation What are their political views? Staunchly liberal What will they stand up for? The underdog, her family, her opinions about books, most things to be honest Who do they quote? Lots of poets and writers as well as artists and stand up comedians Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Indoorsy, but she likes the outdoors What is their sinful little habit? Sometimes she’ll go through an entire box of mini cupcakes in one sitting What sense do they most rely on? Sight How do they treat people better than them? With as much respect as she’s given How do they treat people worse than them? With more kindness than they deserve What quality do they most value in a friend? Loyalty and kindness What do they consider an overrated virtue? Chastity If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? Her temper What is their obsession? Books, books, and more books. (Also, travel, making the world a better place, and being kind) What are their pet peeves? Ignorance, people who share memes on Facebook, people who say the movie was better, people who don’t appreciate what they’ve been given, people who assume she wants to get/is married, people who misinterpret classic literature What are their idiosyncrasies? Hates clocks but keeps one of her father’s by her bed; claims to hate Adam but would protect him with her life; self-assured but also incredibly anxious
Friends and Family Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? Very small, now. She’s an orphan because of her father’s death. What is their perception of family? Family is your blood (though this will change_ Do they have siblings? Older or younger? Only child Describe their best friend. (TBD) Ideal best friend? Kind, forgiving, a good sense of humor, passionate about something Describe their other friends. (TBD) Describe their acquaintances. (TBD) Do they have any pets? Two cats, Billy and Charlie Who are their natural allies? Book lovers, social justice enthusiasts, travel bloggers, liberal arts students Who are their surprising allies? Adam
Past and Future What was your character like as a baby? As a child? As a baby, she was fussy and colicky. As a toddler, she loved to explore and often wound up in scraps. Did they grow up rich or poor? Solidly middle class Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Nurtured What is the most offensive thing they ever said? Once accidentally said “Fuck” at age three after hearing Maurice swear after dropping a wrench on his foot. It took him a week to shake the habit from her. What is their greatest achievement? Getting accepted to a school she loved. What was their first kiss like? Hasn’t happened yet What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Called her father an absent-minded tyrant dwelling on the past once in anger What are their ambitions? To be published What advice would they give their younger self? Keep reading. It’ll keep you sane. What smells remind them of their childhood? Grease, fresh paint, lilacs, library books, new car smell, paper towels, the seaside, vinyl couch What was their childhood ambition? To be a spy or else an adventurer What is their best childhood memory? Papa watching old movies with her while they made brownies What is their worst childhood memory? Being bullied as a child Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? Yes. Her name was Violetta and she was a princess-turned-spy in a kingdom where every street had a library. When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? Her novel being rejected from a publisher What past act are they most ashamed of? Being cruel to one of her friends because they’d made a separate friend other than her What past act are they most proud of? Throwing cold soup in a bully’s face because he was being cruel to one of her friends Has anyone ever saved their life? Yes, Adam Strongest childhood memory? Her father working overtime so he could afford to buy her a new bike
Love Do they believe in love at first sight? Yes Are they in a relationship? No How do they behave in a relationship? Generally the same as with a friendship, but with more kissing. When did you character last have sex? TBD What sort of sex do they have? TBD Has your character ever been in love? No Have they ever had their heart broken? No
Conflict How do they respond to a threat? Depending on the threat, she either lashes back or remains quiet Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Tongue What is your character’s kryptonite? Threatening her loved ones If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? Her first edition of The Great Gatsby How do they perceive strangers? Wonderful creatures of humanity What do they love to hate? Reality TV, vapidness, ignorance What are their phobias? Fire, spiders What is their choice of weapon? A well-aimed dictionary What living person do they most despise? Gaston Have they ever been bullied or teased? Yes Where do they go when they’re angry? Her mother’s grave, just to talk to her mother Who are their enemies and why? None at present
Work, Education and Hobbies What is their current job? French tutor What do they think about their current job? She likes it well enough, but it’s tedious What are some of their past jobs? Bookstore clerk, summer camp counselor, babysitter What are their hobbies? Reading, writing, going for walks, painting, watching old movies Educational background? BA in English Intelligence level? High Do they have any specialist training? No Do they have a natural talent for something? She has a strong memory and can remember almost all she reads Do they play a sport? Are they any good? Ha. No. What is their socioeconomic status? Middle class
Favourites What is their favourite animal? Cat Which animal to they dislike the most? Wolf What place would they most like to visit? Italy What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? The sunrise from the top of a mountain What is their favourite song? “Circle Game” - Joni Mitchell Music, art, reading preferred? Classical/jazz/rap, pre-raphaelite and post-modern, literally everything under the sun What is their favourite colour? Yellow What is their password? She uses the same one for every website. It’s usually a variation on the first letters of words in sentence, with random letters capitalized throughout Favourite food: Pancakes What is their favourite work of art? Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” Who is their favourite artist? John Williams Waterhouse What is their favourite day of the week? Saturday
Possessions What is in their fridge: Typical foodstuffs + iced tea + lots of cream cheese + french pastries + ingredients to bake What is on their bedside table? A stack of books, a water bottle, a journal, her keys What is in their car? Nothing, really. She keeps it clean. What is in their bin? Lots of receipts, letters from nonprofits, Smithsonian Magazine tear-outs, advertisements for cruise ships, packaging from books ordered online, PBS catalogs, eggshells from baking, lots of hair pulled out from her hairbrush, pill bottles for antidepressants What is in their purse or wallet? Gift cards to bookstores (~5, each with about $2 left), her library card, $15 in cash, two credit cards, lots of random pink/nude lipsticks, a hair tie, a mini notebook for sketching, a book if she can fit it in What is in their pockets? A lipstick, a receipt, a random $10 bill What is their most treasured possession? Her father’s spyglass
Spirituality Who or what is your character’s guardian angel? TBD Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes What are their religious views? Jewish What do they think heaven is? She’s not entirely sure, but she thinks for her it’d be like a library What do they think hell is? A place of nothingness and emptiness and no hope Are they superstitious? Mildly, but mostly for fun What would they like to be reincarnated as? A bird, so she could fly away How would they like to die? Either peacefully or standing up for what’s right What is your character’s spirit animal? What is their zodiac sign? Virgo
Values What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Take away their basic human dignity What is their view of ‘freedom’? The ability to make your own choices without fear of retribution or embarrassment, so long as another person isn’t harmed When did they last lie? A white lie to a friend What’s their view of lying? White lies are different than black lies When did they last make a promise? Does promising to return library books count? Did they keep or break their last promise? Keep
Daily life What are their eating habits? Two or three meals + a few snacks throughout the day Do they have any allergies? Yes, mildly allergic to nuts Describe their home. Very comfortable and cozy, with hundreds of books, ornaments from around the world, maps of places she’d like to visit, two cats, loads of plants (roses are a favorite), a small piano, lots of warm browns and soft yellows Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Clutter hoarder What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Shower What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Watch a period drama and drink tea What do they do on a Friday night? Possibly see a show or go to the movies What is the soft drink of choice? She doesn’t drink soda What is their alcoholic drink of choice? Aperol spritz
Miscellaneous What is their character archetype? (Innocent, Orphan, Hero, Caregiver, Explorer, Rebel, Lover, Creator, Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler): Sage Who is their hero?: Jane Austen; her father. What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween?: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Are they comfortable with technology?: Yes, but not super savvy If they could save one person, who would it be?: She can’t answer this question (Adam) If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Her father, but he can’t answer. What is their favourite proverb? A little knowledge is a dangerous thing What is their greatest extravagance? Books. What is their greatest regret? Not telling her father she loved him the day he “died” What is their perception of redemption? Being kind to those who hurt you. What would they do if they won the lottery? Buy tons of books, book a ticket around the world, and put the rest up in a savings account What is their favourite fairytale? Psyche and Eros What fairy tale do they hate? Snow White. Belle has a lot of feelings about internalized misogyny. Do they believe in happy endings? Yes What is their idea of perfect happiness? Lots of people who love them, a significant other, lots of animals to keep them company, and the ability to travel whenever they want What would they ask a fortune teller? Will I make a difference? If your character could travel through time, where would they go? Probably 1960s Woodstock What sport do they excel at? Heh. Belle, sports? She’s decent at archery What sport do they suck at? Anything with a lot of coordination (especially basketball) If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Flight, so she could see the world.
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gravetells · 7 years
Rebecca Zanetti’s Heath Jones from Lethal Lies on baiting a serial killer & getting serious in the sack #excerpt #giveaway
Read on for a sneak peek at Rebecca Zanetti’s newest Blood Brothers romantic thriller, LETHAL LIES, releasing May 16, 2017!
A deadly secret can’t stay buried forever . . .
Revenge. It’s the only thing that will help Anya Best sleep at night. The serial killer who murdered her sister is on the loose, and Anya will stop at nothing to put him behind bars—even use herself as bait to lure him out of hiding. But she can’t do this alone.
Private investigator Heath Jones’s job is to bring bastards to justice. This time it’s personal. He knew the Copper Killer’s latest victim so when her sister asks for his help, he’s all in. But when Anya uses the media to taunt the killer, she exposes Heath’s identity, putting them both in jeopardy. Now, secrets buried long ago are coming to light and the forces determined to destroy him are watching Heath’s every move, waiting to exact their own revenge. And they’ll use anything and anyone to get to Heath.
PREORDER it online at Amazon* (Kindle | Paperback) | B&N | Books-A-Million | Google Play | iBooks | Indiebound | Kobo | GoodReads LETHAL LIES releases on May 16, 2017!
Praise for Rebecca Zanetti’s Blood Brothers series
“4 1/2 stars! Top pick! This is a true thriller that will keep readers frantically flipping the pages as death and danger come at the protagonists from several directions. Zanetti’s brilliance at storytelling is on full display…When it comes to high-octane thrillers, they don’t get better than Zanetti!” —RT Book Reviews on LETHAL LIES
“Zanetti balances the adventure and menace of Zara and Ryker’s lives with a relatable romance. The result is a story that’s sexy and emotional, and filled with a rich look at love in all its forms.” —The Washington Post on DEADLY SILENCE
“Budget your time, readers, because this is one that’s hard to put down.” —HeroesandHeartbreakers.com on DEADLY SILENCE
Read an excerpt
“All the more reason to get you out of town,” Heath said quietly. She shook her head. “No. I’m staying.” Her words were brave, but her chest hurt. No way could she deal with a serial killer all on her own. She could train every day for the rest of her life and not end up as practiced or as deadly as Heath already was, and she knew it. “I understand you have other cases and people after you. So leave, and I’ll handle this myself.” “Those are big words, baby,” he said softly. Her lip quivered, and she bit down on it. “I know. I promised her, Heath. It’s all I have left to give to her.” He paused, understanding crossing his expression. “Ah, sweetheart. Your sister wouldn’t want that for you.” His voice turned velvety and soft. Soothing. Anya nodded. “I know. But she was my sister. We shared blood and part of a childhood. She took me trick-or-treating when I was five, and it’s one of my best memories. Then when I needed help as an adult, she didn’t hesitate. She came to me right away, like family. She was the first person I really cared about in far too long, and it hurts like hell that I got her killed.” He breathed out, the emotion in his eyes deepening. She swallowed. “I have to do this for her. Either you understand that or you don’t.” “Why don’t you just let us handle it?” She pressed her point. “I could, but you need me. I’m the bait.” Inwardly, she winced at the description. That wouldn’t help her to convince him. “Also, here’s the deal. This could be a long op. At some point, you have to leave and deal with whatever is haunting you from your past. When you do, I’ll just challenge him again, and next time you won’t be around to assist.” “That’s extortion,” Heath said, amusement curving his lip. She grinned. “Apparently I’m getting quite good at it.” Heath shook his head. “You’re putting me in an untenable position, baby.” “No, I’m not.” She shrugged out of his hold. Finally. “I’m not yours to protect, Heath. We’re not together, and we’re not responsible for each other.” The words sliced through her even as she said them. “You’ve been more than clear on that score.” “There’s something here, Anya. Maybe something real and lasting, if I get everything done I need to do.” She blinked. “What’s that?” “The less you know the better. Believe me.” “What a bunch of bullshit. Go back to your ‘This is fake’ proclamation,” she all but yelled. “Your position is one of work . . . and this is just work.” His chin lifted. “You think this is just work?” The tone—low and filled with tension—zinged through her body. Her legs trembled with the urge to take a step back. “Yes.” “Want me to prove otherwise?” His eyes darkened to the color of the sky right before midnight hit. As a threat, as a warning, it was damn good. But she’d gone too far to give in now. “You can’t.” Yeah, she’d just waved a red flag in front of a bull. He didn’t move a muscle. His focus on her was so absolute, she wanted to squirm. “You’re into challenging dangerous men these days, aren’t you?” She kept her stance. “You’re not all that dangerous, Heath.” His smile stole her breath. Then he moved. Faster than she could track, he had her by the armpits and up in the air as he carried her toward the bedroom with such speed that her legs automatically wound around to clasp his rib cage. By the time she sucked in air to protest, her butt was on the bed, and he was flattening himself over her. She struggled, her body on fire, fighting the urge to laugh out loud. His mouth crushed hers, and she stilled. Heat. Fire. True danger. He held nothing back, kissing her hard, pressing her head into the comforter. His tongue worked hers, his powerful body plastered against hers, and his hands dug into her hair to hold her in place. Desire spun so quickly into need she couldn’t breathe, even when he wasn’t controlling her mouth. She shifted against him, closing her eyes to kiss him back. This was what she’d wanted. All of this. He nipped her lip, soothing the slight pain with another kiss. Then he traced along her jawline, kissing and nipping, finally reaching her earlobe, where he bit. She arched against him, letting out a soft sigh. “Anya.” His fingers tangled in her hair, and erotic pain tingled down her scalp. One of his strong arms slid around her waist and then down. His palm spread across her butt, and he ground her against his hard cock. Pleasure swamped her, and mini explosions flew through her sex. The idea passed, somewhat fleetingly, that he wasn’t playing. Not at all. Yet she couldn’t stop herself. Her knees widened, and she rubbed against him. “This feels real,” she whispered.
PREORDER it online at Amazon* (Kindle | Paperback) | B&N | Books-A-Million | Google Play | iBooks | Indiebound | Kobo | GoodReads LETHAL LIES releases on May 16, 2017!
  About the author
Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher’s Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks for several of her novels. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.
Find Rebecca online at her website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | GoodReads
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from Rebecca Zanetti’s Heath Jones from Lethal Lies on baiting a serial killer & getting serious in the sack #excerpt #giveaway
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ronaldmrashid · 7 years
The Safest Cars To Survive A Crash
Did you know that despite all the technological advancements in car safety, car accident deaths jumped to a 50-year high in 2015? Lower gas prices and a better economy are two reasons cited for more driving and more dying on the road. But the other culprit is distracted driving due to our damn mobile phones. We’re texting, searching for new Pandora stations, and surfing the web while driving more than ever before.
Within the past three months, I’ve witnessed four accidents and experienced three close calls. One accident was strange because two cars stopped at a four-way intersection with stop signs, but the Audi Q5 SUV then proceeded to plow into the Toyota Prius’ front passenger door! I was rolling up to the intersection when the accident happened. The woman driving the Audi wasn’t aware of the Prius to her left because she was either in a hurry or looking at her phone.
Take a look at the following crash statistics in America and the world according to the Association For Safe International Road Travel for 2016.
Annual United States Road Crash Statistics
Over 37,000 people die in road crashes each year
An additional 2.35 million are injured or disabled
Over 1,600 children under 15 years of age die each year
Nearly 8,000 people are killed in crashes involving drivers ages 16-20
Road crashes cost the U.S. $230.6 billion per year or an average of $820 per person
Road crashes are the single greatest annual cause of death of healthy U.S. citizens traveling abroad
Annual Global Road Crash Statistics
Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day.
An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled.
More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44.
Road traffic crashes rank as the 9th leading cause of death and account for 2.2% of all deaths globally.
Road crashes are the leading cause of death among young people ages 15-29, and the second leading cause of death worldwide amongst young people ages 5-14.
Each year nearly 400,000 people under 25 die on the world’s roads, on average over 1,000 a day.
Over 90% of all road fatalities occur in low and middle-income countries, which have less than half of the world’s vehicles.
Road crashes cost USD $518 billion globally, costing individual countries 1-2% of their annual GDP.
Road crashes cost low and middle-income countries USD $65 billion annually, exceeding the total amount received in developmental assistance.
Unless action is taken, road traffic injuries are predicted to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030.
I love cars, but I love my life even more. The two easiest things a driver can do are: 1) slow down, and 2) stop looking at or talking on your mobile phone. If you’re a parent, I’d also consider not allowing your teenager to drive or get into a car with another teenage driver.
For those of you who also value the importance of safety, especially if you have a baby or kids, I wrote this post for you.
Car Safety Logic
If you were to put these two precious guys:
into this:
I firmly believe they’d have a higher chance of surviving a car accident than if they got hit in this:
Unfortunately, none of us are allowed to legally drive a tank around town. Therefore, we most look for the largest vehicle possible that’s also practical to safeguard our loved ones!
Safety According To The Insurance Institute For Highway Safety (IIHS)
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is the authority in vehicle safety in America. Here’s what they have to say about what to look for in a car for safety,
Frontal crashworthiness — Look for good ratings in frontal crash tests. Most newer models earn top marks for frontal crashworthiness in the federal government’s 35 mph test head-on into a rigid barrier and the IIHS 40 mph moderate overlap test into a deformable barrier. Many but not all late-model vehicles earn acceptable or good ratings from IIHS for protection in a small overlap front crash.
Side crashworthiness — Choose a vehicle with good side ratings plus side airbags that protect your head. IIHS and NHTSA rate models based on tests that simulate front-into-side crashes. The tests represent different side-impact dangers. Drivers of vehicles with good ratings in the IIHS side-barrier test are 70 percent less likely to die in a driver-side crash compared with drivers in poorly rated vehicles. The majority of 2008 and newer models have side airbags as standard equipment.
Roof strength — Look for a strong roof. IIHS rates roof strength to help consumers pick vehicles with roofs that will hold up in a rollover crash. Strong roofs reduce the risk of fatal or incapacitating injury in a rollover. Ratings began with 2008-09 models.
Head restraints — Pick a model with a good seat/head restraint rating to reduce whiplash injuries in a rear-end collision. Vehicles with seat/head restraint combinations rated good by IIHS have 15 percent fewer insurance claims for neck injuries than vehicles with poor ratings. You can help increase protection by adjusting the head restraint to correctly fit your head.
Electronic stability control — Buy a vehicle with ESC. It’s standard on 2012 and newer models and available on many earlier ones. An extension of antilock brake technology, ESC engages automatically to help drivers maintain control on curves and slippery roads. ESC lowers the risk of a fatal single-vehicle crash by about half and the risk of a fatal rollover by as much as 80 percent.
Car Weight – The safest cars typically weigh between 3,500 lbs. and 4,500 lbs, the range in which a vehicle remains safe in collisions with larger vehicles such as full-size SUVs while limiting additional threats to drivers of smaller, lighter vehicles such as compact cars. Smaller, lighter vehicles generally offer less protection than larger, heavier ones. People in lighter vehicles also experience higher crash forces when struck by heavier vehicles.
Recalls — Check the NHTSA site for recalls before buying, and make sure repairs are made.
I wanted to highlight what the IIHS said just in case you don’t believe in my simple picture logic above. I’m sure there are some of you who object to bigger vehicles because you want to save the planet. But if you really wanted to save the planet, you wouldn’t drive a vehicle at all! You’d only walk, barefoot. You’d also go into a save the planet occupation and live naked in the woods to reduce your carbon footprint.
This article is about saving a passenger’s life in an auto accident.
The Safest Cars To Buy
Under the overarching premise that bigger is safer, let’s go through some various top-ranked vehicles for safety according to various publications.
IIHS – Top 5 Safest Cars For Under $30,000
Toyota Avalon Sedan
Toyota RAV4 Mini-SUV
Nissan Maxima Sedan
Volkswagen Passat Sedan
Chrysler 200
Autobytel – Safest Vehicles For Under $40,000
Honda Odyssey Minivan
Hyundai Genesis Sedan
Toyota Highlander SUV
Volvo S60 Sedan
Volvo XC60
The Car Crash Detective – The Top Safest Cars By Side Impact
Some cars provide a satisfying *thunk* when you close their doors. Other cars, not so much. The thunk sound is what you need to hear when buying a safe car because side impacts are the most likely to be fatal. The simple logic is that there’s more material between you and the car that t-bones you compared to front and rear impact collisions.
The Crash Detective writes, “That’s what this list is based on. Every cm between you and a life-ending amount of energy is a life-preserving cm of survival space. Let’s see who’s doing the best job at it right now. For brevity’s sake, I’ll list the top 10 cars I could find.”
24 cm – 2010-2015 Mercedes-Benz E-Class sedan (e.g., E 350).
22 cm – 2015 Subaru Outback.
22 cm – 2015, 2016 Volkswagen Golf / GTI.
21 cm – 2014, 2015 Fiat 500L.
20.5 cm – 2015 Mercedes-Benz C-Class sedan (e.g., C 400).
19.5 cm – 2010-2015 Mercedes-Benz E-Class coupe.
19.5 cm – 2015 Subaru Legacy.
19 cm – 2011-2015 BMW 5 Series (e.g., 528i).
19 cm – 2012-2016 Audi A6.
19 cm – 2015 Acura TLX.
19 cm – 2013-2015 Dodge Dart.
US News & World Report – Best Luxury Midsize SUVs
2016 Tesla Model X
2017 Audi Q7
2017 Porsche Cayenne
2017 Porsche Cayenne Hybrid
2017 BMW X5
2017 Lexus RX 350
2016 Lexus RX Hybrid
2017 Acura MDX
2016 Range Rover Sport
2016 Lincoln MDX
2017 Volvo XC 90
2017 Cadillac XT5
2017 Mercedes GLE
2017 BMW X6
2016 Infiniti Q60
IIHS – Top Safety Picks For All Vehicle Types 2017
Stay Safe Out There
Gonna be tough to give up Rhino!
You may be the safest driver in the world, but that won’t stop a distracted idiot from t-boning you to the hospital. Slow down, stay alert, and wait to respond to a text message until after you’ve arrived at your destination.
I’ve owned Rhino, my awesome Honda Fit for 2.5 years now. He’s been able to park in 25% more parking spots in San Francisco thanks to his small size. He saves me time and reduces stress. But given that I plan to start a family, I’ve got to focus on safety first, second, and third.
After extensive online and offline research, I’ve narrowed down what my next vehicle will be. If you’d like to share what vehicle you think I should buy or highlight which vehicle has the best combination of safety, style, and fun for a middle-aged person with a new family, please share! I’m all ears.
Stay tuned for my vehicle announcement on April 1st!
  Related: Your Car Insurance Coverage Might Not Be Good Enough
from http://www.financialsamurai.com/the-safest-cars-to-survive-a-crash/
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