#next time i take a trek out there i'll probably go in haha
jumukus · 3 years
A3! Translation: Tasuku Takato’s SSR [Straddle a Noble Steed] - Alpha Horseback Archery
Tasuku, Muku, Citron and Izumi joined a horseback archery trial thanks to the tickets Citron received from the neighborhood association.
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Citron: Listen up, guys! I've got something good from the neighborhood association.
Izumi: Something good?
Muku: What is it, Citron-sama?
Citron: Book at this, everybody!
Itaru: You mean, "Look at this"?
Citron: Ta-dah! Four tickets to the horseback archery trial!
Izumi: Horseback archery!? You mean, the one where you ride a horse and shoot a bow?
Banri: Never knew there's a trial for that.
Citron: I'll be going on next weekend. Raise your hand if you can join!
Muku: Can I tag along? I want to try horseback archery!
Citron: I knew you'd say that, Muku! It's decided, then~.
Muku: Thank you! I hope I can hit the target with style.
Izumi: I'm sure you can, Muku-kun. You're good at horseback riding, after all.
Muku: Ehehe. I had fun riding a horse back then!
Itaru: I'll pass. I can already tell I'm going to fall from the horse.
Citron: I knew you'd say that, Itaru! It's decided, then~.
Itaru: How about you, Banri? I have a feeling you'll be good at it.
Banri: Haha, yeah, I probably can do it if I try but I have plans next weekend.
Citron: Oh, that's too bad! I wanted to see you doing horseback archery~.
Muku: Same here! Since I'm sure you will look cool doing that, I want to see it!
Izumi: There's nothing we can do since he has plans on that day. Such a shame, though, indeed.
Itaru: Not you all going, "Oh, that's too bad," when Banri could not join but said nothing when it was me. LOL.
Citron: How about you, Director?
Izumi: Huh? Me? I don't have any plans on that day…
Citron: You should join us, then! We have three people with this!
Izumi: What? I'm not really confident I can do it…
*door opens*
Tasuku: I'm home. What are you talking about?
Citron: Oh! To think you're back at this time, this must be good riddance!
Itaru: You mean, "God's guidance"?
Citron: Tasuku! Join us in horseback archery next weekend!
Tasuku: Horseback archery? I don't understand what you're talking about...
Banri: Citron got tickets to a horseback archery trial from the neighborhood association.
Muku: Since he has four tickets, including Citron-sama, Director-san and I will be joining…
Citron: The last ticket belongs to you, Tasuku!
Tasuku: Well, I don't mind. I don't have plans on that day, anyway. You'll be going too, right, Director?
Izumi: Looks like it…
Citron: In that case, the four of us will be going! I'm looking forward to it!
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Citron: It's finally the day of the horseback archery trial! I'm so exited!
Muku: Me too!
Tasuku: I've already checked in at the reception. Go change your clothes at the building over there and gather here again.
Izumi: Women's dressing room is over there so let's meet up here again once we're done changing!
Tasuku: Okay.
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Izumi: Wow! You all look good in that attire!
Tasuku: Do you think so? Well, that's great to hear…
The person in charge seemed to be having a hard time putting these clothes on me.
Izumi: You're tall, after all, Tasuku-san.
Citron: Oh, horseback archery attire is so cool! This is so exciting!
Muku: You also look great in that attire, Director!
Izumi: Thanks. I'm a lil bit nervous since I'm not really used to wearing traditional clothes.
Muku: Because Tasuku-san wore traditional clothes several times for plays before, you're somehow giving off this dignified vibes in that!
Citron: You look really, really confident!
Tasuku: Thanks. This time I'm wearing a Hakama, though. It's different from the ones I wore in "Die by the Sword" and "Hotel Compass".
It's a little bit hard to move around in this, but it's not like I can do something about it.
Person in charge: Everyone, we are going to start the trial now so please gather here.
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Teacher: We are going to start with a horseback riding lesson. Get used to the horse you're riding today while trekking.
Izumi: Put your left foot here…okay.
Muku: What a calm and good kid. There, there.
Citron: I want to run fast! It reminds me of the long ride I took with Pochi back home!
Tasuku: You have a great posture, Citron. It makes sense since you're used to riding a horse.
Muku: The same goes for you, Tasuku-san! You look like a real samurai.
Izumi: I couldn't agree more. It's more impactful since you're wearing traditional attire now.
Teacher: Everyone in this group is talented. Are you all already used to riding horses?
Especially you. That's very impressive of you to sit up straight like that.
Tasuku: Are you referring to me?
Citron: Look at you, Tasuku! The teacher is praising you.
Muku: That's to be expected. Tasuku-san's posture is already good from the start. I think it also has something to do with your strong muscles.
Tasuku: I guess my years of experience on the stage has influenced me in some way. It has become a habit to straighten myself up.
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Person in charge: Next, we're going to practice shooting a bow on the ground. This session will be split in two parts with lunch break in between.
Izumi: Whoa…! I never knew bows are quite heavy…!
Tasuku: It's pretty big in size, too. It's taller than me.
Muku: I heard Japanese-style bow is larger than the western-style one, and it can make your arrows fly farther.
Citron: It'll be hard to shoot while riding a horse!
Tasuku: Oh. I hit it.
Izumi: No way. You already hit the mark!?
Tasuku: You can say it's luck, I guess.
Citron: That's still great, though!
Muku: You're so talented, Tasuku-san! I have to do my best too!
Citron: Me too! I won't lose to you~.
Izumi: (Hehe. They seem to be having fun. I have to do my best to hit the mark as well!)
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Tasuku: It's finally time. I hope we can do well, just like how we did during practice.
Citron: Tasuku, you also got praised for your archery skill, right!
Muku: While we didn't actually ride the horse during practice, you were still impressive for being able to hit the mark most of the time!
Izumi: Not only hitting the target, but quickly fitting the arrow to the bow is also difficult.
Teacher: We are going to move on to the actual horseback archery now. Try to aim for the mark over there. No need to rush.
Tasuku: No need to rush… Like this?
Muku: Y-You hit it!
Izumi: You hit it again!
Citron: Oh, would you look at that! He hit the center spots!
Teacher: It's so rare for participants to be able to do that. I don't usually let beginners do this, but… can you try running?
Tasuku: Is it really okay?
Teacher: Yes. I have a feeling you can do it.
Tasuku: I'll give it a try, then.
Muku: Whoa…! Running through with a horse while shooting an arrow… It feels like we're in a real battle!
Citron: This is true horseback archery!
Izumi: Do your best, Tasuku-san!
Tasuku: Thanks.
Teacher: It's a hit! Well done!
Participant A: Who is that man? He's so amazing!
Participant B: He's so good!
Participant C: So hot…!
Tasuku: ...phew.
Izumi: Great job, Tasuku-san!
CHOICE 1: That was flawless
Izumi: You hit the mark flawlessly despite running so fast like that.
Tasuku: It's actually quite the opposite. I did worse than I expected.
I could have run faster, and I could have done a better job at fixing the arrow to the bow.
Izumi: Really!? It was perfect in my eyes.
Tasuku: For me, I can't say I have shown the result of my practice enough.
Izumi: (He's really stoic…!)
CHOICE 2: It was as if I traveled back to the past.
Izumi: Seeing you shooting a bow in that attire made me feel like I traveled back to the past.
Tasuku: In that case, I might have done a better job at that if we were doing an etude set in Kamakura.
Like, let's say, while I'm on the run after kidnapping you, the daughter of the Lord… I will shoot my bow at the pursuers.
Izumi: That's a great plot!
Tasuku: ...On second thought, seeing you in that getup, I think it's more fitting to have you as a tomboy princess who ran away with me.
Izumi: A tomboy princess… But I'll go all out if it's for etude!
Tasuku: Haha. How reliable of you.
Muku: You were totally impressive, Tasuku-san!
Citron: I made the right choice inviting you here!
Tasuku: I had fun joining this trial as well. Thank you.
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Muku: Today was so fun!
Tasuku: I would never try doing horseback archery if I didn't have an opportunity like this. I learned a lot.
Citron: I should offer my gratitude to the neighborhood association after this!
Izumi: Have you seen the photo we took in this attire? It came out great. See?
Muku: You're right! I want to show it to the others in the dorm.
Tasuku: Then, let's get go--.
Teacher: Hey, wait up!
Tasuku: Yes?
Teacher: Thank goodness. You're still here. I actually have a request for you.
Tasuku: What is it?
Teacher: Do you… want to try aiming for the top in horseback archery!?
Troupe Members: Come again!?
Teacher: I'm sure you can be Japan's top horseback archery athlete! Please join my team.
Tasuku: I don't think I can do that. I'm an actor.
Teacher: In that case, can you at least join the next tournament…!?
Tasuku: Even if you say that…
Teacher: Oh, right! There's an annual event called "Horseback Archery Festival".
If it's alright with you, can you take part as a guest at that event?
Tasuku: Well, I don't mind appearing as a guest…
Teacher: Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to your appearance.
Izumi: (Being invited as a guest despite being an amateur… Tasuku-san, you're way too awesome…)
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
I'd like to request a ship for Star Trek AOS and Marvel, please.
[I hope this is okay to do as an Anon :)]
I'm Straight (as far as I know, I don't have much relationship experience).
I like writing, drawing and reading. But music is my biggest passion, you're likely to find me sat in a corner listening to music and imagining some far off land. I play Piano and Guitar.
One of my favourite things to do though, is to go for a long walk in the countryside or gaze at the stars at night, away in nature with minimal light pollution. I love fresh air and the free feeling that comes with wildlife and nature.
I'm a physically active and adventurous spirit as well. Though it has become clear to me time and again that my willpower for most self driven activities is really quite bad.
I dislike, the feeling of being alone, or abandoned, even in crowded places if I'm not prepared to be responsible by myself, I do fret. I'm unbothered by things like Spiders or Bugs and hope to be a Vet one day, or at least work in health care of some kind, whether it be helping people or animals.
My personality...
I'd say im a confident person, I've always had the view "If it's something that isn't going to hurt me, I should give it a try, I'll just regret it later if I don't."
I've been told I'm good with people, speaking up for my shy friends and helping those in need. I'm quite adventurous and willing to try new things all the time!
I am kind, funny, loving, confident, optimistic, creative, fun, adventurous, and caring.
I like the idea of being the only person to see someone on a softer side, whether it be by being able to read them like a book and being able to see their real feelings, or to have a relationship formed over time so they show their softer side on purpose.
I hope this isn't too much, or too little. If you can't already tell, I haven't done this before and have no idea what I'm doing 😅.
I tried to make this at least an interesting read, haha. Well, I better finish up now, I've wasted enough of your time already, Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope its enough to work with. I can't wait to see what you come up with :D
- K
I hope you like them!
Though you did say you are straight, I am unsure of what gender you identify as, but most most of my followers are she/her, I am assuming you are as well, so I will be giving you male ships. I really hope I did not assume wrong, and if I did I apologize!
Star Trek AOS:
I ship you with Leonard.
Leonard definitley comes off as grumpy and distant, but he really appreciates when people can see through it, which would be one of the things he loves about you. He doesn't have to pretend around you, and he is perfectly content with being himself. Which is a super loving softy in reality.
He loves nature as well, and loves going on walks with you. He is not the most adventurous though, so you might not be able to convince him to do some things.
He is protective and sweet, and would never leave you alone in a situation you don't want to be in. He would always be right there, hand in hand with you.
Leonard also appreciates artistic people as well as he is not very much himself. So he truly loves listening to you play piano and/or guitar, as well as sing.
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Next ship under cut~
I ship you with Hank McCoy
Hank is adorable and loving and would love to be around you. He would never abandon you or leave you alone. He is not the most outgoing, but he is more so when he is around you.
He enjoys nature as well and would always be up to going on walks, or even hiking or camping.
He truly appreciates and enjoys your writing, music, and drawing and always encourages you. Plus he gives you a thousand compliments as well.
Your caring and optimistic sides are what drew him to you, he thought you were wonderful and could not get you out of his head once you were there.
You also would probably work with him at the school in the medical sector, or taking care of the pets around the school.
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 episode 7
Notes by me
- unas!!!!
- ah yes. Gotta make them connections with food!! What food should we use to make this important alien contact??
Cliff bar
- hey bro Idk where you think you are but we dont shoot people on this show
- haha jk imagine tho
- wait isnt that the unas that stole Daniel that one time
- chaka!!!
- ok!! Daniels hair said swOOP
- Jack pls have a little bit more sympathy
- guilty!Daniel
- literally they wouldnt have let Daniel go if they didnt think there was a new weapons opportunity >:(
- god can the unas catch a break
- I fucking hate these ppl already
- burak can die and I would not care less
- "honesty huh"
"We're traders!"
Daniel saying thier best bet is to be honest and then lying thru his teeth is the height of comedy
- "what happened to him/her?" Inclusive!
- this storyline is the same as that star trek enterprise episode when they enslaved the aliens that had previously enslaved them. Circle of enslaving
- "dan-yel???....." The love and admiration in his eyes .....
- "its bc hes mine" I cant take this Daniel said this unas is my SON
- I want this fucker dead
- Daniel booty out again smh
- when Jack says " come on" and tugs daniels little jacket strap.
- its the big brother vibes that make me go insane
- ok jack! I know its technically not their job to free slaves all the time and stuff but you cant possibly see whats happening to these intelligent beings and not care...
- the dudes personal slave knows sha ah ka???
- "ke ka! Danger!" I just love when Daniel speaks another language its just neat
- they probably are gonna be killed bc of "bad blood" or whatever
- "Daniel you ok?"
"......been better"
- when the one between them hands them the walkie
- "chaka full o nuts whatever"
- Daniel speaking unas for a whole conversation. I'm a little sweaty I'll admit it...look away
- of course they want freedom!!! God this is house elves all over again
- chaka has pretty eyes
- "you injured my father :(" who gives a fuck
- like if they are intelligent enough to take care of your child? Cook and clean ? Plow your fields?? You dont think that maybe they are smart enough to have their own towns and familys and stuff??? Hello????? Are you fucking stupid????
- "I will not continue to do nothing" thats my BOOYYYYY
- stop torturing Jack and Daniel they have enough headaches
- when Daniel gets electrocuted (?) And chaka starts freaking out and the others realize how important he is to chaka and then they start yelling too 💗 unas solidarity
- ok bro!!! Killing ppl randomly is a sign that you should fucking die
- daniels "NO!" Was good tho
- sam: should we still care about not killing the ppl?
Daniel and jack: you know its gotten well past the point where we dont give a fuck anymore
- Daniel yelling for them to stand back and then chaka yelling too gaaahhhh they are so cute
- when chaka looks at tealc and says "frieeeeennddddd" 💗💗💗💗💗
- no glasses !daniel
- "stay and fight and free the others" YES UNAS RISE!!!! RISE!!!!
- literally who cares if they kill all those ppl. Do you care?? Cause I dont
- like.... they were brutally enslaving them. I would high five the next unas that killed their oppressors
- "they deserve a chance" NO SHIT
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: zatted, caged, prisoner, electrocuted(?), light from eyes and mouth, chain on ankle
Jack oniell whump: zatted, caged, prisoner, electrocuted(?), light from eyes and mouth, holding head, chain on ankle
🤓No glasses!Daniel for the last 5 minutes of episode
🎶listening to Juicy by Doja Cat🎶 bc I saw a glimpse of daniels curvy cheeks
🎶listening to You Cant Take Me by Bryan Adams from Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron soundtrack🎶 for Chaka not laying down and letting them turn him into a slave and deciding to stay and free his people💪💪👊👊 "you cant take me, im free!"
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venomous--fics · 6 years
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Pearlie: TYSM for the request! I used Carnage because I am already dying for the next Venom movie so I have been reading up on Carnage.
Relationship: Eddie Brock/Venom x Mutant!Reader
Eddie and Venom had been busy all week. It seemed like crime was only increasing, despite the fact Venom ate nearly all the scum they encountered. Luckily for them, the afternoon was fairly decent so they decided to walk around the city, occassionally stopping for drinks or a bite to eat.
"What sounds good for lunch, V?"
"Hmm." Venom thought, "We could stop at that pizza joint you're always talking about."
"We sure could if you'd like. I'm starving."
"You are not alone on that."
"Pizza it is." Eddie smiled, almost putting a skip in his step.
Despite nothing happening, the two were still on high alert, only relaxing a little once the auroma of pizza was wafting through the air. Eddie opened the door to the pizza parlor and quickly found a decent seat next to a window.
Before they knew it, they had ordered seven pizzas, some with bizarre topping combos. The waiter paid no mind and walked off. Eddie tapped his knuckles on the table, squinting as the sun obscured his view.
Just as the duo was about to lower their guard, a police car was flying through the street and people were running in fear. Eddie stood from the table and ran outside to assess the situation.
"Carnage." Venom growled, "What a dick."
"Didn't you make that d- Nevermind." Eddie clapped his hands together, "Let's go fuck shit up my man."
Venom enveloped Eddie and the two were off in an attempt to stop the beast.
You had your earbuds in as you walked down the street, towards the pizza place. You called in an order for your ritualistic Friday night in. You hummed to the beat and scrolled through your phone for a better song to listen to.
You had no idea of your surroundings until someone ran past you, and nearly bumped into you. You took and earbud out, "Hey, pal! Watch where you're--"
You slowly turned back from him and saw the city being torn apart. More and more people were running away in absolute panic.
"The hell.."
You stood still, unsure of what do to. What could you do? If you used your powers, there was a fear of being detained.. If you didn't help, then people being hurt would be on you.
Before you could even turn away and act like nothing was wrong, you heard a vicious roar followed by a car alarm.
You turned your head up a little and saw a large black mass flying towards you. Without any time to move, you cowar a bit as the mass flew through you.
You opened your eyes and turned around, seeing a creature getting up off the pavement and shaking it's head, growling as bits of rubble were shook off.
You panicked a little and ran past it and immediately phasing through the nearest wall. The creature had seen it all.
After what felt like 2 days, Venom and Eddie were able to subdue the vile Carnage just enough to get him to retreat.
The two were still curious as to what happened earlier with the strange girl and the going through walls.
"We could've been hallucinating from lack of food." Eddie rubbed his face, tired.
"No she was real." Venom snapped, "We do not hallucinate."
"Right. Okay.. But how the hell are we gonna find her in this big city..."
"Perhaps there is still a scent."
"Man, that's weird.. Like kinda creepy weird." Eddie groaned, wanting nothing more than to just get his food and go home.
"We must find the mystery girl, Eddie. Maybe she can help us in combat." Venom grinned rather gleefully.
"We don't really need help, but I do wanna make sure she isn't a threat. Y'know?"
Venom seemed to have agreed and they began their detective work.. As usual.
You finally stopped running when you noticed you were in on the the of town. You turned to look at the skyline.
You slipped up and now you'd probably have to move. Again. Maybe change your name? You looked around to make sure you weren't followed.
Nobody knew you had these powers, and that's fine with you. You wanted to be normal. And you knew deep down that if anyone knew they would only use you.
You shrugged off the cool air and started to make the totally normal trek back home. The gears in your head started turning and you got angry. That black slimey thing... What if IT was the bad guy. Maybe you should track it down and fight it. Then again ... It was probably stronger than you.
You slipped your earbuds back in and tried to chill out. It was going to be fine. You were going to make it home, you were going to eat low quality take out food. And life would be as normal as you remembered.
You made it back into the city and despite cooling down a bit, you were still filled with dread that some form of alien creature knows you exist and that you have powers.
You scoffed as you hit the walk signal button, "Haha as if....What? And it's tracked me down? Y/N, don't be ridiculo--"
You felt a puff of hot air on the back of your neck and you stiffened up like a fence post. You slowly turned around, "Well, speak of the devil..."
It was the being from earlier. You took a step back, "H-hey. Get out of my crawl.. M-man??"
"Where are my manners." It said in a low tone, wicked teeth curling into a smile, "We are Venom."
"Edgy." you blurted out. You tough guy persona started to come out as a defense mechanism, "Can you go."
The black ooze began to move, revealing a rather-from what you could see- cute guy. You weren't prepared for that and you jumped back, "What the fu- What the hell?"
"No please!" the man pleaded, "Not gonna hurt you. I'm Eddie Brock. That was my pal Venom. We uh.. I guess we're the good guys."
You eyed him up and down, "I'm Y/N....I guess." And the dots started to click, "Eddie Brock...That reporter guy?"
"Used to be."
"Used to be a fan- Uhm.. So why are you stalking me.."
"Earlier. Venom and I.. We kinda went through you."
"Oh. That was you." You sighed, "Please. I can't talk about it.. I'm terrified of someone finding out. I'm not gonna cause problems.. Just trying to make a living."
"Understandable." Eddie said, "We can talk over pizza. Totally spaced that I ordered like seven of 'em two hours ago."
You weren't sure what to expect. He just shifted the mood and conversation so far.. And you knew he wasn't a bad guy.
He held out his hand, "We swear we aren't gonna try any funny business.. Ot's nice to see another freak on the street."
"It's a term of endearment to us. You hear it so much that it almost sounds like a compliment."
You looked at his hand, "Alright, Eddie. But you try anything and I'll hurt you."
You reached your hand out and purposefully phased it through his. He was taken aback and you moved past him, "Gotcha."
"Where you goin'?" he asked, turning around.
"Thought you said we'd talk over pizza." you smiled at him, "You coming or what?"
Eddie looked at his hand as he started to follow you. He could hear Venom chuckling, "Eddie. We like her."
Eddie was still looking at his hand, "God that was freaky."
Turning around, you phased your hands through his chest, causing him to jump a little. You moved back, "I'll keep doing it."
"Please don't." Eddie's voice cracked, causing Venom to laugh. Eddie's voice cracked again, "Shut up."
--- (slight timeskip brought to you by my fear of this being too long lmao) --
An alarm went off, causing you to groan and went to slam your fist on it, but in your tired state, your fist went through the table. You groaned even louder and sat up, "Shut up already. We get it...It's morning."
The bedside next to you shifted and Eddie turned over, facing you, "Five more minutes."
You laid back down and shut your eyes, "You said that the first time it went off."
"And I'll say it again." he yawned.
You adjusted your position so you could look at him, "That WAS five minutes ago."
His brows furrowed and he whined, "But I'm tired."
You rolled your eyes and smiled. It's been about nine months since that day they phased through you and then got you pizza as consolation. Everything fell into place after that.
Eddie convinced you that you could use your powers for good, so sometimes you help them during fights. And about 4 months ago, Eddie asked you to move in after your millionth date. He made it seem more like a wedding proposal, however. He just wanted to be with you.
Eddie's hand began snaking over to you, and you decided to make him get up. His hand wound up going through you, and he patted the bed, "Y/N. Babe? You there?"
His hand went through your arm and you laughed, "I'm here. But you gotta get up."
He pulled his hand back and opened his eyes, "You're a jerk."
You sat up and pushed yourself off the mattress, "And you need a shower."
Eddie sighed and rolled out of bed, "Fine."
You went through the bedroom door, but immediately stuck your head back through, "I'll cook some breakfast!"
Eddie slammed himself into the wall and grabbed his chest, "Wouls you stop doing that?! It's still freaky."
"It's been like nine months."
"It looks like I'm talking to a decapitated head.."
You looked at the door and phased your hand through, shaking them like you were doing jazz hands, "Is this better?"
"Wha-Wh-What would you do if one of our friends came in and just part of your body going through a door?" Eddie squeaked.
You were totally unphased by the question and you kept a flat face, "We don't have any friends, Eddie."
"Shower." Eddie half smiled, "I need a shower."
He walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind him.
"I think it is funny." Venom said.
"You also think eating people is funny."
"Their screams amuse me."
"Thank you, V."
Eddie let out a yelp as you were now in the bathroom. You let out a laugh, "I'm sorry. I had to. I'll go make some food."
Eddie nodded as his nerves finally calmed down, "That would be wonderful."
You smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. You stood on your tiptoes and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, "Love you, fraidy cat."
"Love you too, weird..ghost cat."
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