#next up I'm going to tackle designing new notebooks!
cosmos-kitty · 4 months
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The New Year shop update is now live! Most of these designs debuted at in-person shows late last year and I was overwhelmed at how positive everyone was about my work, I hope my followers like everything too 💜
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jekacatrina · 3 years
Heroes high enough for everyone
So, now my thing is writing my take on scenes we don't get on screen. This one was inspired by the amazing job Class 1a was doing, and my rage after reading some of the worst takes I've ever read on Bakugou, so this is me defending my boy:
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Katsuki walked into the common room, Todoroki trailing behind him. He found everyone already sitting on the different furniture. Some like the Frog and Raccoon Eyes were sitting on the floor, backs resting against Round Face and Shitty Hair's legs. Dunce Face stood behind the couch, close to Ears. Sparkles was perched on the coffee table, with Glasses standing next to him landing planes or some shit while he told him to get down. 
He shouldn't have been surprised to find all of them waiting for him, since Katsuki asked them to meet them here, but he still felt queasy with their show of respect.
"Bakugou?" Kirishima was the one to bring attention to him. 
Seventeen pairs of eyes turned to him, and Katsuki felt himself tense. IcyHot got closer, lightly touching his shoulder with his in support. He scoffed, shrugging him off, and putting distance between them, but the dumbass got what he wanted; Katsuki ready to get down to business. 
He meant what he had said to them and to Endeavor. Katsuki was the one who knew Deku best, and in a way, the responsability to tell them what they were in for, fell on him.
"Oi! Listen up, because I'm not repeating myself," he showed them a battered notebook. A stupid thing he held onto for his own private reasons. "You saw what Deku was capable of with his limb destroying super strength, Black whip and Float." He lifted a finger for each quirk. "One For All is now a clusterfuck of different powers, thanks to the other users." 
Katsuki motioned for Half and Half, and he went around the room, handing out copies of the notes All Might had written down for Deku, and Katsuki had studied diligently. Nobody needed to know the amount of time he had invested in understanding Deku's new quirks. That was between the nerd and Katsuki.
"We're dragging his sorry ass back here," Katsuki stated, with no room for if's, as Todoroki finished giving everyone a copy. For some reason, the dumbass went back to standing next to him, instead of staying with the rest. Katsuki just spared him a quick glance, one Todoroki returned with his trademark blankness. Whatever. "Now, I'm explaining to you all the things we need to take into account, so you better pay attention, and get it through your thick skulls." 
Katsuki gave them a few minutes to skim the notes before he briefed them on the extent of Deku's control of OFA, including percentage and maneuvers, knowledge he had thanks to all those nights training until their muscles burned. Then, he changed their focus to Float and Black Whip.
"I expect you to pick up the slack, since you helped him control it," he said, glancing at Sero, Round Face and the Frog. All three of them nodded.
Katsuki didn't have a full picture of how the Sixth's Smoke Screen worked, or the true nature and power of Third's Fa Jin, since the nerd got them after he left, but Katsuki wasn't an idiot. He was perfectly capable of designing a strategy with the information he had, and they would come up with different plans, careful to leave room for improvising once they faced Deku. The Second's quirk was going to be a problem, since he had next to nothing on it, but whatever. They had a wide range of quirks between all of them, and chances were at least a couple would be useful. If not, he would step up, ready to tackle anything Deku threw at him.
Katsuki owed him that much.
"What about Danger Sense?" Tokoyami asked, and some of the others looked uneasy. "How are we going to get closer if he can sense us before we move?"
"We don't have to worry about that quirk," Katsuki said, frowning. 
"None of us are a danger to him," Glasses said, sharing a look with Round Face, who nodded solemnly. 
Katsuki didn't add anything, and that said everything, didn't it?
So, they plotted, everyone contributing with their strengths and weaknesses, pointing out gaps in the plans they formed, and suggesting ways around them.
As he shared with his classmates his new move, one that he was sure could neutralize Smoke Screen, Katsuki smirked.
They were bringing Deku back, no matter what.
Katsuki was going to make sure of it.
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my-autistic-things · 4 years
Guess who's making a "how to manage dealing with a massive list of edits" post instead of working on said edits! Me!
Ok so this has taken me FOREVER to really figure out and implement in my life so I thought I'd make a post about it. This is how I deal with getting edits back after sending in a paper (specifically my thesis proposals) to my mentor.
Step 1. Open the document.
This is the absolute hardest step. No seriously. It is. You get the email back, you see the attachment with their initials at the end of the doc name, you know there's edits in there, the email says "here you go! Good work!" That day, ASAP, download that attachment and open it briefly, to scan just how terrifying this task will be.
Step 2. Close it and cry. (Tears are optional but the soul crushing feeling of being on your 5th round of edits is not).
It's okay, deal with it tomorrow. Seriously, go work on something else while you emotionally recover.
Step 3. Mentally prepare yourself to do the edits.
Put it on your to do list for tomorrow. Then when you don't do it, put it on the next day. And the next day. Even when you know it's impossible to get to, put it on there because the stress will build and you'll eventually get to it and Not forget it exists (vvvvv important).
Step 4a. Actually start your edits by opening the doc.
Don't set out like you're going to do everything in one sitting. Open the document with the intention of Starting, not doing. This is a mental battle. Yes battle. Having a good strategy will trump any "smarts" or writing ability you have.
Step 4b. Get out a notebook to write down what you have to do.
If you have do a split screen and can write in a separate document, go ahead, but I found that the absolute only way I can make progress is if I fullscreen my doc and have a notebook and pencil to write stuff down. Now you have 1) doc open, 2) notebook in front of you. Yes these are considered a whole ass step bc they are.
Step 5. Go through and accept all the edits and write down things to do as they come up.
Skip that "read your edits first!" bullshit, you won't, you'll just get stressed, then you gotta reread it all over when you actually start editing. Dive right into dipping your toe in. DO NOT start fully editing. Look at each revision and decide if it's a Quick Fix (i.e. click "accept change" in Word) or a Task. If it's a Quick Fix, go ahead and do it. If it's a Task, even if it's just revising a singular sentence, write it in your notebook. Don't worry about an order/priority/anything, just write everything down. If you're doc is longer than a few pages (mine is 26 so...yeah) write down the page number along with the Task.
Step 6. Organize your Tasks.
Now you have gone through your whole doc and there's no little spelling errors, grammar mistakes, or simple edits to make. And most importantly, you have a list of bigger edits to do, start to group the Tasks. This is when it starts to get super individualized (to you, your paper, and your mood). I start with going through and marking with a line anything I am in the mood for, can do, or should do today (or first, and by first I mean "now" vs "ehhhh later").
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Step 7a. Go through your marked Tasks and make more marks.
Only focusing on the initially marked Tasks, start to group them into stuff you can do together. For me, this is any simple info that needs to be inputted or sentences that need editing. My dash next to these Tasks gets turned into plus mark. Note this is the simplest edits I will need to make. You can also designate the initial dash to be its own grouping, but it should naturally end up like that at the end.
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Step 7b. Go through marked Tasks again and do the same thing with a different grouping.
Relooking at my dashed Tasks, excluding my + Tasks, I make more groupings. Now it's more time consuming stuff like finding more resources, or rereading sources to be able to accurately edit the sentence. This new group now get more lines to be an asterisk!
Step 7c. Make even more marks!
Can your Tasks be further grouped??? Probably! If you have a short paper, maybe you only have like two groupings, but maybe you have like 5. Who knows! Get creative with your marks! The Tasks I'm designating as last/a lot of work and comprehension are an asterisk with a circle around them. If it's been a few weeks since you asked for edits, you probably will need to work A LOT harder on paragraph and key sentence revisions if you out those first than if you put them after you've been immersed in your topic for a couple hours.
Step 7d-z. Keep making groupings depending how many Tasks you have. I'd suggest keeping it to 2-5 Tasks per group so it's manageable but not excessive. For this particular round of edits, I have 5 groups and that's perfect.
Step 8. Find the easiest/quickest group and do all those Tasks.
My first grouping I made of sentence edits will be the easiest I think, so I'll do that first! If you're motivated and inspired to do a harder group, go for it! But again, do something that will allow you to start really working without being overwhelmed.
Step 9. Cross off all the First Group Tasks you've done!
Yes this is its own step! Cross them all off! You did a good job! Erase them! Get a Sharpie and black that line out of existence! Yay!
Step 10-?. Keep doing the Tasks in each group until you're out of groups and Tasks!
Step 11-?. Cross off the groups and Tasks! Seeing your progress visually makes a big difference! You got this!
Step 12. Read over any non-task comments your teacher/mentor has made and/or your entire paper. Make sure everything makes sense!
Step 13. Save the doc with the date you finished your edits (or fudge it and say sorry forgot to send it to you lol) and send it back to your teacher/mentor (if applicable; if you only get one round and it's not a proposal or something then you'd just submit it). In your email, briefly go over what you did. This is when grouping tasks really comes in handy because I can reference "oh yeah all these edits were x type of edits" and I can say "I accepted all your in-text edits and made the sentence changes you suggested. Additionally, I added abc sources and rearranged the order of the paragraphs specified." This also avoids your mentor re-reading everything and giving you MORE edits on everything (bc they will; this round my mentor is editing his own words from past sentence edits at various places lol) and just focusing on the key changes you made and need feedback on.
Step 14. Take a nap! Seriously! Reward yourself for doing such a Big Thing and take a break! Don't immediately go onto the next assignment, make sure your brain separates *chunk of edits* from *other simpler assignments* so it isn't mentally a whole block of *work*.
I hope this helps somewhat??? Or someone can reference this when coming up with a way to tackle feedback that works for them. I'm starting grad school next year (hopefully) which will actually be a reduction in long-term research projects lmao but I will be having more Giant papers that will receive feedback. Having a system, or knowing options is so incredibly helpful for me because when I read what other people do I can be like "nope not doing that" and it can help narrow down what would work for me. Most importantly, just break up your work into a lot of different sections! It helps with (poor) executive functioning, motivation, and brings it out visually so you can mentally tackle what you're doing instead of "ahhh ~lots of edits~"
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