#ngl his voice actor popped off
d0d0-b0i · 1 year
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on a date with a cute guy and im so nervous!! what should i say? >//M//<
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bisluthq · 28 days
I enjoyed Sabrina's album more than I thought I would. A little hit or miss, but overall pretty solid!!
I also enjoyed it way more than I expected to. There were a few things I really enjoyed about it: firstly, as always, her voice. Sabrina really and truly has one of the most, if not the most, beautiful voices of the Gen Z pop stars. Secondly, I liked the length. I liked that it was short and... sweet lol. Thirdly, well... let's get to the contents and do a track by track breakdown lol.
Taste - strong opener and my first thought was like "damn what a sick bop" but then I started thinking a little about what she was actually saying and I'm... what a fucking bizarre concept for a song. On the bright side, it's a little bit gay, which I really like, because okay girl yes she'll taste YOU on him - this is not a totally original concept and it's always a bit gay when girls start saying this kind of thing ngl and I'm into that aspect of it - but... the part that truly baffles me... is the "I heard you're back together and if that's true". I was following the whole message, and really vibing with the subtextual gayness, until that specific detail. Sabrina's essentially saying: "Camila, I know I got your sloppy seconds and he dumped me for you but I stole all his clothes in the period we were together and now even though he's back with you, you're gonna have to remember I had him in between you having him the first time and having him now." Which is... kind of a self-burn? Or is it? Is she like reclaiming being the August girl in this song lol? What is she actually saying? I'm baffled by this song, I truly am. Sick fucking vibes though if I turn my brain off and just vibe and don't think about the lyrics at all. I will listen to this song again. But I don't understand what the fuck she's saying lol.
Please Please Please - I disliked this song the first time I heard it, and I still dislike it now. I'm not sure if it's meant to be purposefully funny. "I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker" could be funny? But the whole song isn't really that funny? Also it's about Barry, clearly, with the whole "you're an actor" bit and I'm just like... is this woman addicted to self-burns? (Saltburns? Self-burns? Both seemingly lol). Because he sure as shit looks like he'd embarrass you, and y'all have now apparently broken up, so idk that you got what you were begging for here. I'm also going to be honest, the first time I saw the title I expected it to be an orgasmic thing like "please please please [get me off]" but it's not (that disappointed me the first time too) and idk I just don't vibe with this song at all. 2/10 maximum. Sorry. It's also just not vibey enough for me.
Good Graces - another solid bop. Kinda boring tho. Very standard like hype up gym music but feels deeply inauthentic based on the rest of her album and also her overall vibe because "I won't give a fuck about you" is... seemingly not true like at all lol. I feel like she phoned it in on this one tbh.
Sharpest Tool - this was the first song on this album I REALLY actually genuinely liked. I enjoyed it beyond just "yes it'd motivate me to keep running/rowing/stepping/cycling". I really like this song. I also must say, it sounds like Shawn really fucked her over. I think the confusion and the hurt is relatable and feels authentic and I just... I like this song. I also love the fact that she's like "you're a fucking idiot and I guess that makes me an even bigger idiot for falling for you" because I've definitely felt that way/thought that about some people but I am not certain I've heard it expressed in a song as directly and I just... really dig this song.
Coincidence - okay so I can see how if you're in a situation where someone you're seeing goes back to their ex, which is not an uncommon situation to find oneself in, this would be on repeat. It makes sense on account of how, as Sabrina has now repeatedly told us, Shawn went back to Camila. I do like the continuation of the Sharpest Tool thing where she's like "guess this makes me a bit of an idiot but not as much as you apparently think I am" and it's boppy af but yeah not my fave.
Bed Chem - I actively fucking hate this song. My first problem is that I just can't not see Barry in my head as she's singing it and I keep judging her for that. I know I've judged Swifties for that kind of thing before but I just... it's a pretty accurate description of Barry's vibe, same as Please Please Please, and I'm just sitting there like... "Sabrina, are you seriously telling me you looked at BARRY KEOGHAN AND POPPED OFF LIKE THIS?" Then I think like, actually yes, I can imagine that because despite her trying to make this probably the sexiest and most explicit song on the album it's super fucking unsexy. I hate positions and 34+35 (Sabrina also tells us the thermostat is set at 69 in this song and I'm genuinely asking if either Ari or Sabrina have ever had really good sex because thus far nothing has convinced me that they have) but I somehow hate this song even more ardently. It also sounds like it got lost from a shitty long forgotten 00s/10s one hit wonder's album. I just fucking hate this song. Everything about it is terrible. I wish I could unhear it. Then again, this appears to be a recurring theme for me and things to do with Barry - I wish I could unsee his "big bad mmmm" as Sabrina called it but here we are, I live in this timeline now.
Espresso - I've obviously heard this song before and look, it's cute enough but originally struck me as utterly forgettable. There was nothing to like or hate about it because it sort of just exists. However, the rest of this album has made me kinda reassess this stance because it has some unintentionally hilarious lines. "Too bad your ex don't do it for you," sings Sabrina, seemingly totally unironically, on an album primarily about how Shawn went back to his ex. I also find "I can't relate to desperation / My give-a-fucks are on vacation" very fucking funny, again because of the contents of the rest of this album. Bestie, all of your songs about Barry are desperate as fuck. You can't get over Shawn going back to Camila. When have your fucks ever taken a vacation plz stop lying to us. Also, on the bad sex thing like the whole Nintendo metaphor makes me... unconvinced she's ever had good sex because idk if I've ever been like "woah that was incredible, I got played like a Nintendo." It's also unclear to me from the lyrics who's the one playing Nintendo and while I can see how you could sorta do that vibe on a vajayjay if she's keeping HIM up by playing him like a Nintendo then that sounds like it'd be very fucking weird.
Dumb & Poetic - I'm not lying when I say to you guys this is one of my favourite songs I've heard this year. It is so fucking funny, it's so relatable, her voice sounds grand on it, I just love it. Honestly a 10/10 song. This is one of the songs I'm not totally sure is purely a Shawn smackcam - it's obviously inspired by him, but parts of it remind me of us. so it could also be a bit DoB. I think that's partly why I love it, because there are SO many guys like this in the world lmao and this song sums them up so so so so well.
Slim Pickins - RIP Gaybrinas, she just killed y'all dead. Aside from being one of the straightest things a woman has ever written I guess I can see why it'd be relatable to girls and gays who are feeling frustrated with their dating options bc boys are menaces, this is true.
Juno - Sabrina is truly at her worst when she tries to make sexy songs. This song is terrible. It is marginally less dreadful than Bed Chem, on account of how the title and concept is kinda funny to me (and that's intentional unlike with the accidental jokes on espresso, like she's making a funny intertextual reference and it indeed is pretty funny, I'll grant her that) but there's just NOTHING sexy about it? It's also another Barry song, evidently, and another funny thing about it is imagining his "whole package" somehow fitting inside Sabrina lol ngl.
Lie to Girls - like Dumb & Poetic, this feels like it could be an amalgamation of several arseholes she's had the uncertain pleasure of meeting. I also think it's a (mildly) mildly original and legit relatable concept in terms of us lying to ourselves if we like someone well enough lol. I think we've all lied to ourselves in order to justify being with someone we're into or to justify being into that person in the first place. It's not even just girls, everyone does this. It's also just a pretty song tbh.
Don't Smile - I like that she's honest in this song. Yes, girl. We know you're a petty and vengeful bitch. That's been evident on this album lol. It's much more like her based on her personality that I gleaned from this album than "my give a fucks are on vacation" when I don't think they've ever taken one in her whole life ever. I also like Sabrina best when she’s not trying to be a cool girl or a sexy girl because what I get from this album is she’s not naturally either of those things. She is deeply, almost painfully uncool. It’s funny that Olivia had an issue with her being too cool because Olivia naturally is fuck cool lmao and Sabrina is a whole ass nerd and very desperate to be liked and petty and vengeful and insecure and when she leans into that side of herself, she has some cool songs. Like as much as she wants to be sexy and nonchalant and brazen, she actually just hopes that no guy smiles that it’s over with her and it really disappoints her - deeply - when they leave.
I haven't listened to this one because it wasn't part of my Apple Music album but I went into Genius to make sure I remembered the lyrics right to make this post Needless to Say really makes me want to tell Sabrina to keep my lil sis/niece Olivia R's name out her skanky donkey dick sucking mouth. Genius tells me it's about her ex but idk it sounds like a pretty direct Olivia smack cam and she should stfu and stuff another donkey dick in her plastic mouth. (Jk, clearly I kinda like her now and I just wrote a very nice thing about her in the para above, I just like Olivia a loooot more lolol and actually on Needless to Say she is once again being uncool and petty if - as I think it is - it’s about Liv lol and that’s not cool of her but Sabrina at her best isn’t). I also don’t like that she had 13 songs as her deluxe album, feels very Swiftie of her but then again that’s also uncool and lowkey as I say likable re her. She should lean into that more.
IN SUMMATION: This is a solid album. I really like some of the songs on it. It's a solid 7/10 for me. I also respect just how much tea there was on this lol she really fucking is very upset that Shawn went back to Camila lmfao and I... respect that lol I guess.
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With Friends Like These - thoughts
This is late in the rewatch week, but I watched these today and when I watched this one I was on my computer already and I got the rambles- have some of my unabridged, unhinged thoughts on this episode:
This is going to sound real dumb, but I forgot before doing the rewatch how call-oriented the first season was… like in the fourth season obviously they still go on calls, but they start the episode like this is what we’re doing in our off hours!
Oh the awkwardness of running into someone you knew a long time ago;
Although the one way to make this worse; when someone recognizes you and you either A) think they look vaguely familiar but it’s clear they remember you much more than you remember them, or B) when you see someone and you know exactly where you know them from… but can’t think of their fucking name (seriously is there a graceful way to say, I remember you, but also, I can’t think of your name?)
If you didn’t have a fear of big trucks passing you on the road — like I always feel like I am going the speed limit the car is old but we are TRYING and they still pass me-
Those big trucks are so scary-
Oh Carlos is so sweet and so good at his job… and has such a comforting voice… (is this all we see of Carlos in this episode? I don’t actually remember. We’ll find out).
Coming back after I finished this episode- this WAS the only scene we got for Carlos!
Not near enough of Carlos in this episode-
Am I a terrible person if I say I wish this was Tommy?
Also it’s weird in this first season where Nancy (and Tim) are there and just never… talk.
Genuinely curious — does everyone just… know their blood type?
Like fictional characters always know this and I would have literally no idea; is this something real people know about themselves??
“Don’t you have any friends, Probie?” Oh Marjan-
Ngl, TK looks really good in his track pants…
Although that man is physically incapable of having a backpack and not looking like he’s in first grade.
Oh Paul would be so much fun at a card game.
Like someone brings him and is like “oh he’s not playing, he’s just waiting for a ride” and Paul is watching everybody and just texting the person he’s sitting next to, “okay so his tell is this, and when this guy is bluffing he—”
Judd does NOT want Owen joining in these reindeer games.
Judd, if Tommy were here, she’d say, “trust those instincts, Juddy”.
Like I don’t want to not like Michelle, but going back and watching these, it’s like, I wish Tommy were here-
Like I’m glad Carlos has someone to talk to but still-
Grace looks AMAZING-
And she also is surprised Owen is here to play reindeer games-
Because Judd didn’t mention Billy Tyson is coming over, and Billy sucks.
(Okay maybe he doesn’t say that but seriously. Billy sucks so much. I was nervously hovering during season four, waiting for Billy Tyson to pop out from behind some furniture and be his awful awful self).
Owen, baby, sshh, stop trying to counsel men who don’t love their hair as much as you.
Also I know the point is for Owen and Billy Tyson to snipe at each other — and they’re truly doing a great job — but also, who are these other people?
This always bothers me in scenes like this, like introduce them! Judd! Please tell me about your homies!
The captions say this woman’s name is Yvette; who is she? Is she someone’s mom? (Cause that would actually be adorable, if she was a mom of one of the fallen 126 and Judd invited her).
But also — am I a terrible person for assuming she could ONLY be someone’s mom?
But then who is she?
(None of this matters. But the part I remember from this episode is this part; and you can probably tell, I absolutely cannot stand Billy Tyson).
And nothing against the actor — he was in a handful of Gilmore Girls episodes.
Sans mustache.
Back to what’s actually happening; Judd is looking TENSE during the back and forth.
I saw this mentioned in a post that Marjan literally never touches the smoothie Owen made her and now that I’ve seen it there, I cannot unsee it here.
Marjan would definitely harp on it if she missed one point until it was changed and I love that about her-
(Like this woman is goals. I wish I could stand up for myself in any capacity like this).
Also I’m not proud of how much it made me giggle when Owen said “they have to let him take it orally”.
Yes, I know he meant the test.
Okay, small tangent (such a lie. This post is one unhinged tangent. If you’re still with me, having a nutritional albeit disgusting smoothie on me).
How does firefightering school work anyway?
It definitely seems like it varies state by state — like cause is Mateo only twenty years old here? (Going off of in season four Mateo burned down the school when he was thirteen and Owen says it was ten years ago)
Because also, if Mateo hasn’t graduated the academy, how is he allowed to be there?
Like wouldn’t it go fire cadet, then probie, then firefighter?
And in New York; their fire academy somehow takes two years, and then you’re a probie, then they can’t hire you until you’re 21 — and I still haven’t figured out if you can be a probie before they officially hire you?!
Can anyone explain this?
Anyways- this shows the dynamic of Judd is the oldest brother, than Marjan, than Paul, then, TK, then Mateo would be the youngest brother…
Like no one is going to say no to big sister Marjan!
“Because with that drawl, you read the slowest”. Well, she’s not wrong…
The end of TK with the book is so cute and I don’t know why, but it is.
Billy Tyson is there… because Owen invited him.
Like everyone can see this won’t end well, showing Billy everything — like Owen is GLEEFUL.
Oh those little girls are so cute.
This is a stupid question — are hackles a real thing?
Like what part of the dog are they? (alternative title; I’m sorry I am an idiot lol).
“He loves them. And Cesar Millan”. Other things I didn’t know, that Dog Whisperer is in fact a thing —that reference does make sense here
The little girl telling TK, “you know you have really big muscles?” And Marjan answering, “trust me, he knows” Bahahaa
Oh the impalement part is icky — but that is a very good dog.
“Sir, you should look away for this”. I appreciate that warning.
Owen practicing golfing so he can out-golf Billy later — Owen why is this a person you want to hang out with?
Like I may have bagged on Michelle before, but Owen, god listen to this woman!
“Good god, how many of these are there?” Oh Judd…
Love when Mateo gives the answer to Paul he couldn’t come up with later; attaboy probie!
I simultaneously love all the S1 workout scenes and am mad that we don’t get any later on —
Like give us a Tarlos works out together scene, ya cowards!
I have to think about that scene for a moment…
Oh the possibilities…
I’m back —
The scene where they wake Mateo up to quiz him is kind of adorable—
And I love Mateo’s studying by listening montage.
I do not know enough about golf to know who is out-golfing who.
Oh, Owen’s about to do something so dumb.
Mateo, you need a hug so bad—
Marjan definitely didn’t know what is riding on this for Mateo.
Did Owen know this??
I suspect he might because he asked Marjan to help but I wonder-
“Soon you’re gonna die anyway. Everybody will”. I like this speech a lot—
And Marjan, I feel you freely admitting you don’t know about the Star Wars references.
“I just didn’t know it’d be chunky”. Not something you often think about ashes, I gotta admit.
Also I sound like a broken record, but three calls an episode!
Did any season four episode even have two?
(They all did and this is more common than I think is probably the right answer lol).
We get to see Grace!
Like there is truly nothing you can put in front of this woman that she can’t handle.
*Sigh* I knew this was coming, and it still irks me (well more than irks lol)
Like I love Owen — he is deeply flawed buy deeply caring character who doesn’t deserve the hate he gets, and I thought this before season four which was a much better season for Owen than season three—
Had to say all of this before I got this out —
Oh I should stop shouting? I can do that—
But seriously, why Owen!
You don’t tell TK, your child, the entire reason you have for being in Texas, that you have cancer. No, you let him figure it out.
But a virtual stranger — who has reason to dislike you — you just tell him that rather than say, “No, I don’t like cigars?”
Other things Owen could have said rather than “I have cancer”
“Well, maybe the other patrons of this swanky club would rather you not, Billy, and they pay a lot of money to come here to not inhale that shit”.
“Well Billy, if you’ve beat cancer, shouldn’t you have your whole life ahead of you?”
“Well Billy, I was watching that 70s show and someone on there referred to cigars as like “smoking a dirty sock only easier” and doggone, I agree”.
All of this would have been preferable to ‘I have cancer’. Owen.
You stupid, stupid man.
I do not love seeing grownups be mean to Mateo; this is like Captain Grumpy at the end of season two.
But Mateo lights up when he gets out and they’re all there waiting for him.
“Some of us will be drinking mineral water either way”. This is so weirdly specific and something I did not know was a thing until I started watching this show, and I also don’t drink anything hard.
Like the bar scene made me curious; if they specifically order mineral water, will places just have that on hand??
I do love that Mateo telling his sucky old captain that they’d all be dead soon, to the confusion of everyone else.
He got a 92!
Aww Owen tells Mateo he’s proud of him <3
TK knows something’s up and is worried about his dad :’(
Gonna say it one more time—
Oh, Owen.
You idiot.
Also this is why I can’t stand Billy Tyson, he is literally just there to be a mustache twirling villain — like this man could have literally tied Owen to train tracks and it would have felt the same as this.
He literally says this ain’t personal and follows it up with “but I’m taking your job and either firing or hazing/harassing every single person on your team until they quit”.
I do love that Owen is prepared to fight for his team… but
Oh I just hate Billy Tyson so, so much.
Also wow is this long and unhinged- thank you for reading my many incoherent thoughts!
Now I am up to tell my cat yes, she already had wet food today that's why her dish is empty.
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superwholockian93 · 6 months
It's crazy that I'm saying this but I actually started 911 ABC (Fox?) today and watched the entire s1 at a stretch. I kid you not. Like yeah Buck Eddie thing over the years was a long time coming but I think I saw clips recently of the show that looked fun and that one tweet that said it was a comedy and had some trauma inducing moments. Plus, I saw a clip of that Eddie actor in a pink (peach?) suit and my brain went *Pretty* Then, I realised I am currently not watching any American show why the hell not so I started the show and
* Buff people (I think they get more buff by the season or ?) in a blue coloured uniform
* Angela Bassett is a police officer !! not firefighter or whatever the others are!
* Oliver Stark really has a lot of role. Like honestly idk why I thought he would graduate to being one of the main characters in the later seasons
*I like Hen
*What is Oliver Stark's accent supposed to be? Do American guys really talk like that? (genuine question)
*Somehow everybody on this looks good and I'm not mad about it. The men, the women
*I'm not always sure about the acting (last show I watched non-MCU or non-SW was Succession)
*I am ENJoying the show
*There's too much cheese
*Angela Bassett is married to a gay man? Wth She's not with Bobby??
*Wtf was my reaction to the initial reveal about their relationship but as it progressed I kinda liked it
*There's no Eddie? :( (Though I'm sure he's supposed to look more butch and less pretty or I guess that's my impression from other shows)
* 1/3rd through Abby and Eddie's developing relationship I realized I was rooting for them and then my brain went like no no it's Ed and Buck, stop
*I liked the 2 episodes in the middle a lot. One around the full moon and one before that
*LoTs of Cheesy lines. I was not prepared for that
*2 moments that really surprised me: the guy who falls off his own home during Valentine's Day and Hen cheating on her wife
*Anyway back to cheering for Buck and Abby (they really chose an actress who has a great calm steady voice. I really liked her maybe cuz a lot of it was relatable in way)
*Was a bit freaked out when the mother kept saying she saw a reflection on the glass who wouldn't talk to her (and that the guy was actually inside)
*Angela Bassett and her new person getting handcuffed/stuck on the bed and Hen laughing. That whole scene was funny.
*I love Bobby and Hen's friendship. Hen and Buck's. Bobby and Chim's. Bobby and him sort of father figure to Buck? I also like Hen and her wife (not sure what I feel about her wife letting her back in post cheating; will see how that goes) Hen and Angela Bassett. I love their scenes.
*I like a lot of casual what is it called where it is like world building but more in terms of the characters and with each other rather than just the world they live in. I missed that in a lot of new shows in recent years. Or maybe cuz I haven't watched much as such
*I really like how they concluded Abby's storyline (I have no idea if she's coming back but kinda felt like it ended?)
*I liked Clara
*I really liked whene'er Angela Bassett was on screen but sometimes felt a little idk about the cop stuff ngl
*I liked Chim too but there wasn't a whole lot that I can recall. Doesn't he like ends up with Buck's sister? That rebar though woah and that cake xD
*Buck talks and sometimes these random facts and he's a nice guy so yeah he's nice but like I like all of them in that uniform
*Oh that guy who got torn into half gnarly
*Hehe Bobby and Angela Bassett do go out together on a date in the end :D
PS: I saw the posts on the tapeworm guy. I'm genuinely confused why that was the one moment picked for Buck from his "season 1 days". Can somebody explain? Also that scene where he tugs out that worm that comes out with a pop? Gross but funny
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sweetcheol · 5 years
college boyfriend!sehun
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—genre: fluff
—au: college, friends to lovers
—pairing: oh sehun x reader
—song to listen to while reading: fall again — klang
—word count: 2.2k
—warning(s): mentions of sex, sehunnie being the best boyfriend ever, choking on chips ??? (but it’s nothing bad, i promise)
sehun was your netflix binging partner before he was even your friend
okay ... he was your netflix binging partner before you even knew his name
you guys were in an ethics class together
and it was one of those common classes everyone in uni had to take no matter their major, so it was like 60 of you in a huge ass classroom
so you resorted to the only alternative to keeping you awake during 2 hour long, powerpoint based, boring lectures: 
yoy got the best out of your netflix subscription plan
god bless airpods bc you could just hide them with your hair and nobody ever noticed anything
except for sehun
who conveniently sat one seat to the left on the row above you
so he had the perfect view to your laptop screen
and had watched the whole fifth season of peaky blinders with you
of course he never told you bc that... that would have been kind of weird
so he just kept to himself and tried his best to keep on being your anonymous netflix partner
he had even started to buy himself some snacks to munch on during class and was truly living his best life
until you finished peaky blinders ... and were about to start watching crash landing on you
sehun just ... sehun loved that show, okay?
so when he saw the intro pop on your laptop he started choking on his shrimp chips, creating a commotion
like ... even the professor stopped talking and asked him if he was okay, causing everyone to turn around and face him
red-faced, choking him
even you, who had paused the show and turned around in your seat so quickly he thought you’d cracked your neck
and in that moment, sehun did the only thing he could think of
which in that case meant bolting straight out of the classroom coughing like a madman
and just like the concerned netflix partner classmate you were, you had walked out right after him
“yah! don’t run, let me help you!”
and tbh ... sehun had never expected to turn around and come face to face with you, holding a bottle of water for him to sip on
that alone helped him stop coughing
he reluctantly accepted the water while turning beet red in the face
so the two of you sat down on a set of stairs that were near the classroom while sehun drank his water
he was trying his best to zone you out, eyes set on the floor and only focusing on the bottle in his hand
bc that had been ... embarrassing, to say the least
and he had asked you, in the smallest voice possible to please wait until class was over to pick ur things up bc he didn’t wanna go in and then interrupt the lecture again
so you granted him his wish
and when people started piling out of the classroom, you were like well
and sehun didn’t even say anything to u before he walked back inside, took his backpack with him and walked away
so you were like ???? as you stashed your laptop in ur bag and walked back to your dorm
you didn’t see him the next class
and since the room was so big you were like wtf did he sit someplace else
you couldn’t even watch your show in peace that day bc ... what had you even done to him
the lesson after that ... you were resigned
whatever was his problem you wouldn’t mind
but then someone placed a blue thunder gatorade on your desk with a hot pink post it pasted on the cap
“spare airpod ???”
and sehun was sat on the chair next to yours, drinking from his own gatorade bottle while he waited for your response
so you fished the earbuds from your bag and extended your hand, one of them resting on your palm
sehun took it
and the two of you watched the third episode of the show together
the two of u didn’t speak much though
he’d muttered a soft “thank you” when returning the airpod when class was done and that was it
but then he sat next to you the following lesson
and the next one
and the next one
a couple of weeks after that he started giving you bags of chips and cookies alongside the gatorade
until you had finished a couple of dramas
... and the semester
the two of you were quite bummed the last day of classes
bc neither of you had seen the other one in any other classes so you were sure you weren’t in the same major
and sehun had only said “it was very nice meeting you” after the last class was over
and that was it
or u thought
until half-way through the summer, you had finally found enough willpower to clean your backpack
and had found a cute little note on the bottom of it
from none other but your cute, tall classmate
“maybe we could hang out and actually talk sometime?” alongside his phone number
and at first you were like oh a month has gone by, he won’t remember me
but then you wrote a simple “hey, it’s (y/n) from ethics”
and sehun almost ... choked once again when he read it
bc he though you just weren’t going to text him at all
and so the two of you started talking
he was very funny and easy-going, so you became friends pretty fast
you texted all through-out the summer
and ofc sehun told chanyeol, his best friend and roomate, about it
which prompted chanyeol to tease him 24/7 abt how he should just ask you out
and sehun was like “it’s not like that”
but everyone could see it was like that
so sehun was like ... okay i might
and he was like “so i was thinking ... maybe we could go to the movies”
and you were like !!!!!! red code !!!!!! alert !!!!!! oh my gOD 
bc you had been like ... crushing on him ever since the chip incident
and answered him like “yeah that’d be nice” 
a few days after you went to the movies
and were both a mess at first but the date actually turned out pretty well bc you went for dinner afterwards and everything ran out pretty smoothly
sehun was like OOOOOOH YEAH I’M UR BOYFRIEND NOW ... right after he walked you to your door
but you weren’t complaining bc you liked him a lot too
onto the relationship
ngl you are like low-key done with him the week after you start dating bc he is ... a little shit
like if he feels he isn’t getting enough attention he’ll go like “(y/n) that’s so unfaiiiiiiiiir”
but then he’ll start playing around with vivi and you’re standing there like okAY
and if you tell him he’ll get all sassy and go like “i knEW u just can’t live without me”
but then when you spend enough time with vivi and he starts running to you instead of sehun ... he goes like “wAIT (y/n) he’s MY son wtf”
but inside he’s like “that’s OUR son oh my god” 
gets low-key jealous of all the lead actors of the dramas you watch together
like suddenly you’ll turn around and he’s pouting 
but he forgets about it halfway through the episode
even though you two aren’t in the same class anymore he likes studying together
and is always buying snacks for your study dates
he’ll study for like 15 min and then will start pouting bc he wants kisses
wears a lot of hoodies and sweatpants but will also clean up somedays bc he wants to look nice for you
will very subtly leave his hoodies at your dorm
he thinks it’s romantiquè
and you’re very grateful for it bc he’s very tall and thus his hoodies are very cozy
you kinda want to kill him sometimes but he’s definitely the kind of guy that calls you at three am just because he wants to talk to you“i just wanted to hear your voice”
and he’s just laying in his bed smiling like a fool while you tell him about your day
you both end up constantly falling asleep over the phone but neither of you mind
and then chanyeol enters the apartment and sees him passed out on the couch with his phone in hand and your name on his screen 
it’s safe to say sehun’s not going to live it down
i don’t think he’d be a big fan of pda
so in public, you kinda only hold hands
he might give you a little kiss from time to time but that’s pretty much it
oh but in private ... he can’t keep his hands off you
and your butt
he gives the best hugs ever??? and it doesn’t help that he loves hugging you
forehead kisses
so so so many forehead kisses
definitely takes advantage of his height
for that, and for placing stuff on high places so that he has to help you on getting them down
lowkey touches your butt when he’s doing it
okay but when you’re ... doing the do
sehun’s a switch
i feel like he’d either be such a whiny sub or a very ... whiny dom (but he’d still be very soft ngl) 
(i mean he’s the spoiled maknae for a reason)
favorite thing ever is when you ride him and he can just hold your hips really tight and guide your movements so they can match his
moans so fucking loud you’re sure your entire floor can hear the two of you
i’m not sure he’d be a very kinky lover
like i feel he’d be pretty vanilla
but i mean ... he dances ... his hips can ... do things
so it’s not like it’s anything bad, you know ????
a huge fan of hickeys
but on more ... private places
like he’ll never leave one on your neck
but your chest is a completely different story
bc he doesn’t leave them so that people can see them
he leaves them so he can see them and remind himself that you’re his
that you chose him
that was really sappy
he’s a dance major
and he’s always asking you to go with him to practices
both bc he loves being with you and bc he likes it when you watch him dance
he’s a tease and we all know it
he’d run his hands over his hair and smirk all the time bc he knows you’re looking at him
sometimes he even takes off his shirt and acts like it’s just bc of the heat
and you blush so hard and he’s just like 😌
but also when he has a show or presentation or something
he gets so so so so nervous
but then he spots you in the crowd and just smile a bit bc you’re there, supporting him, and that’s all that matters
his phone background is this selfie the two of you with face masks on
you had your hair up in a bun and both of you were lounging in sweats
you had been playing around with snapchat filters and accidentally took the sweetest photo ever
so he asked you to send it to him
and he set it up as both his lock screen and his home screen
yours is a mirror selfie you took when you were watching him practice
you were taking a photo and when sehun noticed he came to give you a kiss on the cheek
and it was the sweetest thing ever
he literally sends you each and every selfie he takes
and sometimes goes like “hey does this look okay?”
and sometimes it’s more like “your boyfriend is so hot wth”
and just as he takes so many selfies so he can send them to you
he also likes taking photos with you
literally everywhere you two go
he either takes a selfie or asks someone to take a picture of you
and everyone he asks always thinks you’re the most adorable couple ever
bc the love you two have for each other is like so obviously there
and he gets so soft whenever people tell him that
even when it’s chanyeol who says it
truth is chanyeol loves you because of how happy you make sehun
he once told you when you got back home from a club
and like ... you were kinda, slightly, a little bit drunk
and hearing him say that only made you feel like you were walking on clouds even more
bc if anyone asked you to describe just how happy sehun made you ... you were sure you weren’t going to find enough words to describe the feeling
even though he usually is like hell yeah i’m a cool bf
he gets really sappy at night (and when’s drunk) 
and goes on and on about how much he loves you and he’s happy he found you
bc you always get that look in your eyes that make his heart melt
bc he’s the sweetest boyfriend ever
and it doesn’t help that he’s my ult bias bc i reallyyyyyyyy wanna date college!boyfriend sehun 🤧
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fuzziemutt · 3 years
Finally finished the infamous halo 5 and I'm not sure how to feel about it ? (I haven't read the books and i stand by your game should stand alone from your books plot wise. They hold no weight here even if there's a "book explanation" to something)
There were aspects i enjoyed, the x showing you killed your target, some of the combat elements (tho i wished they'd bring back those chunky gun sounds), showcasing the character's world, and various other things i can't think of (Arbiter armor my beloved) like 5 felt like a much more cleaned up, tight version of 4 and played much nicer (even if i kinda couldn't see anything half the time i felt since everything blinded you)
But there were a lot of aspects especially plot wise i didn't like. Exuberance was odd and i don't know why their voice modular was more i guess human sounding than guilty spark ? Also the fact they just.. Appeared like guilt spark pops up in the library but exuberance felt more like "oh shit we forgot we had to get this other character in" vibes ?
The whole weird "ai are alive too" plot point ??? What ??? You can do ai plot lines and it is interesting in halo as i never thought of it before but it felt so ham fisted in to give cortana a "reason" to go evil in a way even if it wasn't actually giving her a reason. They didn't have enough space to explore it especially as they didn't actually touch upon any of this prior (no. The one "they might even give you another cortana ai" doesn't count). It felt so left field it felt forced.
Cortana's character confused me most of all because she didn't even slightly feel like the same character. The "oh the forerunner tech just got rid of my rampancy <3" and sudden change to "i will bring peace through force" felt also just out of no where ??? (Yes i do like that they're starting to further connect cortana to halsey by how their actions are very similar but i don't like how they're doing it). We didn't also get any of cortana's sass which i feel is a major part to her. 4 she still kept that bit but there was this shift. Now in 5 she's only being manipulative and nice like those are her two moods.
I hold that them "reviving" cortana for 5 honestly damaged 4. 4's end was super impactful as it meant something that she was dying and like chief we couldn't do anything. Yes i enjoy the idea of john realizing one of his only closest friends betrayed him and wasn't that different from the people who experimented on him. It's a good angst moment and a cruel reminder that, again, cortana is based on halsey and probs honestly (in canon, fanon you're doing great i love you) only sees john as a pet in a way. She loves the idea of him and his progress but not actually him. But i don't like them weakening 4 like that to make her the big bad out of the blue.
The weird locke situation idk how to explain it but his constant flipping of sides faster than a fish out of water felt weird like you could say he just sides with who he deems right or whatever given his prior work but idk something here there was too much missing in my opinion.
Halsey. (I can't tell if they're trying to make her seem like the "good guy" or not but it feels like they're trying to justify her actions which i feel they shouldn't. She should just be the culmination of pushing science and progress not because you should but because you can. She can be a shitty person without justification guys, it's okay.)
Also there's this one line said by chief some later part on genesis (talking to cortana) that sounds so fucked up it doesn't even sound like the voice actor but it's the funniest shit i wish i remembered exactly when it happened
There are definitely people who could go into depth on this game wAY better than me these are just my first flung out thoughts after beating it. Something about 5 feels off to me like 4 did that i just can't explain right (especially since i love odst and reach like why are the main series ones different ?)
Overall my review: halo 5 is honestly just a movie with it's 50 cutscenes and "badass" moments taken from you but uhhh it wasn't that bad :v
(Also if you're wondering. That chief vs locke scene was just. Boring ngl. Like i feel it doesn't make that much sense even with the argument that chief never hurts a fellow human but like. It was awkward.)
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erekuri · 4 years
For anyone who may not know who BABYMETAL is, they are a Japanese idol group/metal band with 2 (formerly 3) members. They are popular for the way they combine Japanese idol cuteness with heavy metal, and some have dubbed their style “kawaii metal.” Their music is amazing for real please check it out! 
BABYMETAL are loved in Japan and around the world, and they’ve met many big names in metal/rock such as Metallica, Judas Priest, and Dragonforce. They have choreography in their songs and their performances are really fun to watch :D
So, I was in the shower when this idea came to me. Since originally they had 3 members, I was thinking that the 160 cm trio of Miyoshi, Hatano, and Jitsui would be well-suited for this. BABYMETAL also consists of a band, so the other 5 spies would be in said band, and Yuuki would be the manager. So it’ll look like this:
Miyoshi (center/lead vocalist)
Hatano (vocalist/rapper)
Jitsui (main vocalist)
Kaminaga (drums/waidako)
Tazaki (keyboard/piano)
Fukumoto (lead guitar/violin)
Odagiri (bass guitar/cello/harp/acoustic)
Amari (secondary guitar/trumpet/saxophone) 
By center, I mean that Miyoshi will almost always be at the center of their photos and is deemed as the ‘main member.’ (In K-pop terms, think of visuals and centers such as Yoona from Girls’ Generation or Kai from EXO.) He’s the member who will usually take the lead in interviews because he’s the oldest, though all 3 seem to have drunk from the fountain of youth lol. Jitsui is the main vocalist, so he gets the most lines as well as the high notes if the song has one. Hatano gets the least, but generally the line distribution is even enough that there are little complaints. He will also rap on occasion (think Linkin Park or Hollywood Undead) but most of their songs are singing-based. Hatano and Miyoshi will also do adlibs while Jitsui is known for his stunning vocal runs. Even though Jitsui is their main vocalist, Miyoshi is the one who gets put in the center of their dance formations more often. 
Ah right, their voices. (Since I am more familiar with K-pop rather than J-pop vocalists, they’ll be my main references here. My apologies in advance.)
Jitsui is the main vocalist. He needs a sweet voice to compliment his sweet face, but it’s also gotta be powerful. Ryeowook from Super Junior would be the perfect fit here, because it’s got this sweet tone to it but also nice and clear and the high notes would sound like a literal choir of angels. 
Miyoshi’s vocal color would be like Suho from EXO. Clear and sweet and comforting. His falsettos are the most flawless thing you’ve ever heard, and the emotion he puts into his singing is on another level. His voice is, in a word, PRETTY.
Since Hatano does both vocals and rap, I’m thinking his vocal color would be like Key from SHINee. With that higher tone he has, it suits Hatano’s appearance and personality wonderfully. Both his singing and rapping are amazing and he likes to scream sometimes to hype up the crowd lol.
(All vocalists mentioned are from SM Entertainment groups,,, damn, I really said SINGERS ONLY and I really like all 3 choices I made omg. MY MIND.)
(In the real BABYMETAL, member Su-metal sings the majority but I am not deep enough in the fandom to know how fans feel about it. I don’t mind too much since the songs slap either way lmao. And I think the balance is nice but that’s just me. However, for the 160cm trio, I had to even it up because I am someone who typically prefers more even line distributions when it comes to idol groups.)
As for their dancing, BABYMETAL’s choreography is a unique one where 1 is center and the other 2 are backup. For my AU, however, I’d make the choreo more like EXO-CBX in that it’s suited for 3 people, while also taking notes from Super Junior (for their earlier metal songs) or Dreamcatcher (for their famous ‘anime-style’ music.) 
Because they’re a metal group, Kaminaga will almost always be on the drum kit, and by God he is good at it. The drum kit he uses is one you’ll see in most metal bands, but he also uses an auxiliary drum kit (which is electrical and has sensors and stuff) for the group’s more experimental tracks. When they want to go something more traditional or epic, he’ll bring out his wadaiko (traditional Japanese drum) and go at it. He’s also the unofficial leader of the band. 
Tazaki plays the keyboard. I personally envision Tuomas from Nightwish when I think of this position, but there are other keyboard players in metal bands out there that are fun to watch. Tazaki is generally a calm person, but when he plays he headbangs like crazy. He’ll play the piano when they do softer songs, and his pretty fingers are mesmerizing to watch. Oh yeah, and the keyboard he uses is a synthesizer due to the underlying ‘pop’ aspect in their music, considering it’s for an idol group.
Fukumoto would be the main/lead guitarist. He’d get pretty much all the solos (though Amari might join in as the secondary guitarist). He’s hailed as one of the best guitarists of all time, and he plays a major role in the musical arrangements of the songs. He’s also a prodigy when it comes to the violin, which he’ll sometimes use instead of his guitar for a more ‘symphonic’ sound. In reality, he’ll switch between them as he sees fit. 
Odagiri is the reliable bass guitar; underrated, but without them, the song just isn’t the same. As the bass player, he helps to balance out the guitars. He plays the cello when they want a jazzier theme or an orchestra kind of sound, and when they go the traditional route, in comes the harp. When the boys want to sing an acoustic version of their songs to show off their vocals, Odagiri will be the one to play the acoustic guitar to accompany them.
Amari is the secondary guitarist, and arguably the most versatile player in the band. He can not only play the electric guitar, but he can also play the trumpet and the saxophone. Their jazz songs would require them to be in the same song, but he can switch between the two easily enough, provided he’s given enough time to transition (otherwise he’ll simply use a pre-recording of one while playing the other live.) When a song requires both violin and guitar, Amari will take the role of the lead guitar while Fukumoto plays violin.
(The instruments mentioned are their main ones, though I’m sure they could all play more if they wanted to. I just don’t have the brain cells to spare for this lol. Maybe some other time I can give more thought to the band, but I’m ok with what I have for now. Besides, most metal bands will have 1 person per instrument or will bring in a whole orchestra, so what I have is farfetched ngl, and yet I like it because the D-Agency boys are just so talented at anything they try hehe)
As stated earlier, Yuuki would be their manager. He is known to all as just “Yuuki.” He is the one who brought the group together, as the trio were originally part of an idol group but were mostly in the back, while the others were notable musicians who had no band to belong to. In his prime, he was an acclaimed songwriter and producer, but he’s also super happy doing what he does as a manager/producer for the 160cm trio and the band. He fought tooth and nail for the formation of this group and is more than satisfied with their explosive popularity. He will often clash with the CEO of their label, IG Productions, because he refuses to let them hold back the band’s growth. 
Now, y’all may be wondering… where is Sakuma??? 
Sakuma, Gamo Jirou, Yuriko Nogami, and Miyoko Yasuhara are all well-respected actors under the same agency (not IG but another one lol.) 
Yuriko and Miyoko are mostly in theatre, but Yuriko is a recurring favorite in J-dramas while Miyoko is popular in movies. 
Jirou is super versatile, and he’d be kinda like Robert Pattinson in the sense that he will often make fun of the stuff he’s been in. He likes to take on bizarre roles that test his limits as an actor, and his range is pretty much unmatched. He’s recognizable but people will still lose themselves in his brilliant acting. He is more often seen in movies, but sometimes he’ll star in a drama, especially one where he plays a villain/antagonist or a second-lead.
Sakuma is another J-drama favorite, and he has a legion of fangirls; as of late, those fangirls include aunties who love his clean and respectable image. He made headlines once when he shaved his head for a role as a soldier because it was such a shock that he looked as handsome as ever. He loves being in movies with a lot of angst/sad endings, and don’t get me started on how sad some of the dramas he’s in can be. And as a bonus, his characters almost always die and oof it really breaks people’s hearts. Occasionally, he’ll take on a more light-hearted role such as a friendly teacher. 
Sakuma and Gamo are both openly gay, and many fangirls will wish for them to find boyfriends because they want these actors to be happy. They have starred in movies together and their friendship off-screen can be considered ‘iconic.’ Fans ship them platonically. 
Sakuma would also be a major fanboy of the D-Agency band, and Miyoshi is easily his favorite member. He attends their concerts in disguise because he has a reputation, damn it. One time he dragged his actor friends along, and Gamo fell for Jitsui HARD. Meanwhile, Yuriko eventually starts a romance with the bassist, Odagiri, when she wanders backstage by accident on her way to the restroom. (Sakuma is jealous as fuck that she managed to get backstage but he won’t admit it.)
Alain, Marie, Jean, and Johann are all foreign celebrities, who are all wildly popular in Japan. Marie would be a popular actress who travels to Japan to participate in a film (directed by Jean, a highly-respected director) that takes place there. It’d be a collaboration project between a French studio and a Japanese one. Alain would be a famous pop artist in France, and his songs can be meaningful and uplifting or super raunchy and inappropriate as hell, no in-between. He goes to Japan because he’s interested in their newest idol/heavy metal fusion group. Johann is a talented lyricist/producer and he prefers to write songs for other people and avoid the drama that comes with being a celebrity. Alain drags him to Japan because why not?
Back to the band, their debut song would be ‘Reason Triangle’. ‘Double’ would be for a J-drama collab in which Sakuma finally gets to meet his favorite group (???) idk but their discography would also include songs like:
Taking Off - ONE OK ROCK
Fukagyaku Replace - My First Story
Take Off - 2PM
Cosmic Railway - EXO
Signal- TK from Ling tosite sigure
FEED THE FIRE - coldrain
Kyouran Hey Kids!! - THE ORAL CIGARETTES
And that’s all I can think of for this AU. I can’t believe I wrote so much but this idea just wouldn’t leave my head so I had to write it all down. I hope y’all enjoy my ramblings lol. 
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kat-writes-haikyuu · 4 years
Hi there! HQ!! Matchup, please? I'm a straight, 5'3 Gemini ENFP girl who's slightly chubby with tan skin, black wavy hair, and glasses. I may come off as slightly haughty, but I'm generally a talkative and curious person who loves discussion. It's also very easy for me to cry, either because of a movie or when I'm mad or overwhelmed. I'm not good with tangible gifts to show how much I love someone, so I show it through words or actions. I'm also a worrywart and it messes with my stomach (1/2)
(2/2) often. Some of the things I'm passionate about include visual novels, singing, psychology, and just talking to others in general. I love rabbits, pastel colors, and pop/folk/acoustic music. In my friend group I tend to be the more chatty and dreamy one. In relationships two things I prize highly would be honesty and communication. I usually end up falling for people who I deem worthy enough to be my "rock". Thank you so much!
Hi you sound like such an awesome person! 
Anyways I match you with....
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Okay! So ENFPs are super compatible with INFJs! 
So, Suga definitely has a motherly and supportive personality, so he seems like a person that can be seen as a “rock” for almost anyone
He wouldn’t mind that you come off as haughty and would really enjoy talking about your interests, and whatever your curious about at the moment
Suga would go straight into mother mode when he sees you cry, no matter what
After a while he would come up with a plan/routine for whenever you cry
To Suga it wouldn’t matter how you showed your affection, but he appreciates it nonetheless
On the other hand, he would show his affection through little things like a little keychain that reminded him of you, or leaving little notes in your locker telling you stuff like “Have a wonderful day Love” and “Can’t wait to see you later!” 
He probably signs them with a little heart and/or smiley face ngl
When you start to get nervous he starts to assure you everything will be alright, and he will get you whatever you need 
Water? He has a bottle just for you! Food? He has your favorite snacks in his bag! Some air? He will get you outside as soon as possible!
Suga would listen to you ramble about psychology, and whatever visual novel you are reading! He may get jealous if you’re reading a romance one where the main character is you… 
One of his favorite pastimes is listening to you sing! He finds your voice absolutely enchanting and will sing with you, if that's okay! Have you heard his voice actor sing “Under the Sea”
For your birthday he probably would get you a rabbit! It would be gray just like his hair!
Like you Suga values honesty and communication, so he would be honest and tell you when somethings wrong, and he hope that you would do the same, but he would never pressure you to
He thinks you are the perfect cuddle size, and that your glasses make you look adorable!
Thank you for sending in your request! I hope this was okay! Have a wonderful rest of your day!
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