#ngl i project a lot of stuff onto modern ton he means the world to me
finsterwalds · 1 year
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I love to think about my characters but recently I've been thinking about how they would be today instead of in the fifties, so... there Info about them under the cut! :p
In 2023, Ton is a city planner/architect (like in canon) that works from home until he's contracted to work with Rainer. Lives in Botafogo after months of looking to break his old contract in Barra da Tijuca. He's good with 3D softwares and models apartments and buildings. He has mild anxiety and low self esteem but he hides it well and is quite fun to be around it so you can't really tell from being his friend. Still not over his girl ex, tried to quit smoking but failed again and again. Would love to get a pet but is so tormented by his landlord that he doesn't. His taxa de condomínio is absurdly high but he tries to ignore this... Loves reddit, constantly on the subreddits r/EuSouOBabaca and r/RelatosDoReddit. Just a nice, chill guy but constantly gets into stressful "situationships".
Rainer is also an architect like in canon, but came earlier to Brazil. Did an university exchange in Brazil in his 20s but never came back to Germany because his dad threatened to throw him out if he did, fun stuff... Since then, he has lived with his mom Carolina and her sister Zela in São Cristovão, a real mama's boy. Would like to move to the Zona Sul or São Paulo someday but mentally isn't ready to leave his family behind. He's obsessed with his body and goes to the gym a lot, takes a lot of shirtless pics, passiva toxica style... Totally the type to run at 6am near Copa. He's a bit vain, focused on appearances and not super fun to be around until he meets Ton at work. Still has family trauma from his dad. Loves Apple products and wears these horrible silky suits.
Carolina is Rainer's mom. She lives with her son and her sister Zela that pressures Rainer to marry a good christian girl. She's obsessed with Whatsapp and animal rescue videos. Carolina would love for her sister to move out of the house and live at peace with Rainer but in the modern AU her ex-husband didn't leave her with much so that's how it is unfortunately... She loves animals and Rainer and Zela have to stop her from taking about any living creature in their apartment. Pictured is their only "forever living with them" pet, a good girl named Elisa.
Ton and Rainer obviously don't work on Brasilia's planning in the good year of 2023, but I'd like to think they're still sent there and forced to share some living space :s
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brainrot-buffet · 3 years
Hi! Just here to say I adore your Modern AU with all my heart cause the crew was just taken away from us way too soon </3 I also saw your Claggor x reader work and wondered if you would write a Mylo x reader one too? Preferably in the Modern AU and you can decide if it’s already dating or getting together <3
Oh man. You guys don't know how many Mylo x Reader ideas I have just sitting in my drafts. I make them when I cry about the huge lack of content for him, not to mention how much slander this guy gets. Therefore, this post sounds more like a long scenario told in headcanon form in order to feed every Mylo stan for a while, I mean this is Brainrot Buffet for a reason ;-;
Notes: Fluff, mild mention of Cupcakke
Mylo x GN!Reader Headcanons (Modern AU)
Mylo needs someone patient and forgiving, someone willing to be open-minded whenever he says something not everyone's ready to hear, and takes time to understand why he is the way he is
People weren't so kind to him as a kid; He learned at a young age that the world doesn't give a fuck about you, so it's best not to give a fuck in return and flip it off (this is why middle fingers are his favorite symbol)
He shields himself by becoming a sarcastic loudmouth with an egotistic exterior — AKA a person who doesn't have a lot of friends outside his own siblings
In short, it's gonna take some time for Mylo to truly warm up to you
You befriended him after the two of you got paired up for a group project; Spending a while on it together made him realize that you two get along well, so he decided to continue annoying talking to you afterwards
He'd have an easier time opening up talking to someone just as opinionated and snarky as he is; Bonus points if you're non-judgemental, don't take his words too seriously, and know when to tell him to shut up
Ngl, he was expecting you to stop talking to him when he says something in front of you that's considered "controversial" by social standards (that's actually a good word to describe him: controversial but correct)
One day, he whispered to you that a pretentious classmate's violin playing was shit despite the entire class excessively praising them for their "talent"
Mylo realized what he said too late and immediately froze, mentally cursing himself for potentially losing ANOTHER new friend
Then, he heard you snort, and GIGGLE
You whisper back trying to suppress your wide grin, "I thought I was the only one thinking that!"
That day marks the start of Mylo gradually allowing himself to let his walls down for you
Once he gets comfortable as friends, Mylo doesn't hesitate to tease you every chance he gets; You'll often have friendly banter and jokingly roast each other (He's going easy on you though, he's not as unhinged as he is with Powder)
You both learned how to skateboard together, buy bagels and soda from local delis after school, sneak onto the school's rooftop to draw vulgar imagery and Mylo's face on the walls, have karaoke nights on his laptop in his room, etc.
Constantly sends you Snaps and DMs you on Discord/Insta, spamming you with weird memes or TikToks he thinks you'll like; Added you to the Vander Crew Discord server where he makes you join voice chats with him, both of you staying up late to talk about anything and everything
During class work hours, lunch periods, subway rides to and from school, or when you're doing homework together, he shares his airpods with you so you can both listen to stuff on Spotify
He puts on Cupcakke at max volume just to try getting you to laugh in the middle of class; "D**pth***t" starts playing on his airpods and he just grins at you while wiggling his eyebrows
He keeps tons of pictures of both of you on his phone; Sometimes he'll find himself looking at your pics for a few seconds too long, causing him to get flustered and immediately put his phone away
He'll always bug you to hang out with him and his siblings + Ekko; Gets jealous the moment you start talking with Powder a lot (cuz who wouldn't wanna be friends with her???); Becomes super petty and argues with a CHILD in front of you
Will ABSOLUTELY throw hands if anyone tries to pick on you, and uses his gift of verbal savagery to make people cry if he has to; If you scold him for it, he'd be all, "What??? They had it coming!"
In return, whenever people try to "cancel" Mylo, you're always there to defend him and defuse situations which often means grabbing his ear and dragging him away; His honesty is something you love about him, but sometimes he just doesn't think before he speaks (which causes him to be HUGELY misunderstood by a lot of people)
He's probably already liked you for a long time, but it takes a while for him to realize he's caught feelings and would need someone to directly point it out to him
And that someone was Ekko
Mylo was making obnoxious kissy-faces behind Ekko as he was talking to Powder, and once she left Mylo called him a simp
Ekko: Well look who's talking, I'm not the one making googly eyes at Y/N all the time 🤨🤨🤨
Vi and Claggor back up Ekko, saying they've always been sus at how Mylo's much softer and friendlier to you in comparison to his "badass" persona
Mylo tries so hard to deny it despite his cheeks and ears burning bright red
Claggor comments, "Denial is the first step towards acceptance, Mylo"
After a day of mulling over it, he begrudgingly accepts his fate as a simp
The process of the two of you getting together can be described with two words: Slow. Burn.
Mylo's really curious to know if you think of him the same way, but is aware that coming on too strong might cost him his friendship with you
And again, he's never been in a relationship before, so he knows he's gonna fuck up by rushing and going into this blind
His behavior towards you doesn't really change after realizing his feelings, except for the fact that he flirts with you more often
The way you can tell Mylo is flirting is by observing what he does; His actions speak much louder than his words (which are also loud but you get the point)
For example, you'll be the only person he'll share his food with; He steals stuff from the cafeteria cuz the school lunches barely give kids enough to eat, and does his best to get two things instead of one if he can
Like he'll tap your shoulder and wordlessly take your hand to place a small muffin on your palm, expectantly waiting for you to eat it ;-;
Doesn't know how to comfort you emotionally, but will listen to you rant and take you out to do something with him to get your mind off it, or lifts your chin with his finger so you can watch him wiggle his brows while making funny faces at you
Becomes more touchy-feely with you: Grips your hand whenever you're walking down busy sidewalks, does that thing where he yawns and drapes his arm around you, lets his knee touch yours when sitting next to you, etc.
Develops a habit of resting his forehead on your shoulder, especially when he's exhausted; Also allows you to sleep on his own whenever you're riding the subway or a bus
His love languages are physical touch (giving) and words of affirmation (receiving)
All this guy needs is a genuine compliment or words of encouragement; Feels his stomach turn into mush when you tell him you think he's cute for the first time
It's cuz people always slandered him for his appearance: They call him Vegeta hair, shit for brows, paintbrush, Mylo admits they're pretty creative
Hearing you say he's actually not as ugly as people think reroutes his brain and boosts his confidence (and unfortunately ego) so much
It becomes a little obvious to others that you've developed feelings for each other, but are too scared of being rejected; You both end up pining over one another for a long time (months, years, your choice)
The breaking point occurs one day when you were having karaoke night in Vander's family car
You're both taking a breather and laughing after having finished energetically jamming out to a song when Labrinth's "I've Never Felt So Alone" starts playing on Mylo's phone
He notices what song this is and quickly sits up to change it; He secretly listens to sappy music but has an image to uphold (Fun Fact: He listens to this song specifically because it makes him think of you)
You stop him before he can reach his phone
You: I didn't know you listened to Labrinth.
Mylo: And you were NOT supposed to know, so lemme just—
You: What? No way I love this song! And it's the extended version?? Niiiccceeee
Mylo: Shut up... Thesongwastooshortok?
You chuckle as his response, and silence falls between the two of you as the bass fills the car
You're staring out the window at the colored lights and bustling people inside Vander's bar, ignorant of how Mylo's leaning against the steering wheel, blissfully admiring your face under the streetlight
You look back at him, noticing he's staring at you, yet he doesn't break eye contact
You then ask him if he's alright and if there's a problem with your face
Mylo doesn't respond, a beat passes before he slowly turns his body to you, biting his lip thinking that what he's about to do is STUPID, but this shit has gone on for too damn long and he needs to know now or never
He leans in close, just stopping inches away from your face; Despite the dim lighting from outside, you can see his pupils quickly flicker from your mouth and back up to your own
Mylo: The problem with your face is that my lips aren't on yours.
You are shocked; Pickup lines are a form of humor between the two of you but he was never this bold or looked this serious; In your mind you're like "DAAAYYUUUMMM okay, okay... I can dig this"
So you gently tug on the collar of his hoodie to pull him closer, feeling his quickened breathing against your cheeks as his ears become redder with each second
You: So... are you gonna fix said problem or nah?
Upon hearing you say that, Mylo gets the cutest, wide-eyed look on his face as his mouth hangs agape a little
And that's how you two end up awkwardly yet passionately making out in the car; He apologizes for his nose hitting your eye but you assure him it's alright, pulling him in to kiss him again
That's until Vi and Powder come out Vander's bar to tell you both to get back inside
Powder innocently mistakes the sounds of you groaning in pain after Mylo bit your lip too hard as both of you having a fight
Vander: Mylo...
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