#ngl i threw up when i wrote jeongie
illstaywithstray · 5 years
Reaction to you being sick/ hospitalized while they are on tour
Maknae Line
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Aw thank you sm! I think it’s kinda on my part too since I don’t have a steady posting schedule yet, so I can’t expect people to like and comment haha. I want to try posting regularly after finals week! I’ll post the Hyung Line here.
Chan stopped the music, trying to catch his second wind, “I think we got this part down for the concert tomorrow, yeah?” The chorus of agreement that followed marked the end of practice. Hyunjin wiped his forehead, checking his texts from the past hour. As he scrolled through your recent messages, he noted your unusually short texts. “What’s wrong?” He glanced over at Seungmin, who had just finished showering and was now the only one other than him still in the locker room. “Not sure, y/n’s being dry.” “Oh, yeah, don’t worry about that, the doctor just told her to stay off her phone for a while.” “Doctor? Why?” Seungmin glanced over his shoulder to check if Hyunjin was joking. “Hyun, she’s in the hospital right now. Because of the car crash?” 
Hyunjin finished packing a few basic things while dialing your number. You answered, hungry and confused. “Hello? Hyun?” “Y/n, what the hell?” “What’s wrong?” You sat up straight in the hospital bed, clutching your phone for dear life. “Seungmin told me you got into a car crash? Why didn’t you call me right away? Fuck, I’m getting a plane right now. I can’t believe you didn’t-,” you cut him off, laughing lightly. “Hyun, I just broke my leg, I’m not dying.” You heard him exhale quietly as silence fell over the line. He muttered that you would die one of these days and then sighed louder. “Okay but still, do you need me to come over there?” “No loser, I’m completely fine. I just didn’t say anything because you have that concert tomorrow.” “So? You’re more important.” You sat in stunned silence, feeling your face heat up. “I can literally feel and HEAR you blushing, but for real, FaceTime me tonight and prove you aren’t dying.” “Deal.” 
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Jisung was sitting outside, staring up at the stars, praying and wishing with his last strands of desperation. His eyes kept darting to his phone screen, waiting for a text, a call, or any sign that you were awake. 
Three hours ago, Felix and Woojin had burst in the dorm, screaming bloody murder. Woojin had an unnerved expression as Felix shoved his phone into Jisung’s hands, motioning Woojin out of the room. Sung skimmed a cluster of texts from your friend Jisoo. She had texted Felix about the situation as soon as she had reached the hospital and seen you. The doctor that was tending to you explained that there had been some sort of an accident at your dorm, which had resulted in you falling off a flight of stairs. No one knew the exact events that led to the emergency, or how you managed to get over the railing, but you ended up being severely concussed and were immediately taken to a hospital. Jisung’s heart fell as he read the texts and he scrambled to call Jisoo and everyone he knew back home. The calls continuously forwarded to automated messages, and he sat, defeated, waiting for a reply. A couple hours later, his phone rang, with Jisoo’s contact flashing on the screen. He answered it, practically screaming into the phone. “Jisoo, what the hell happened? Is y/n okay? What’d the doctor’s say? Is she gonna be fine?” He heard silence on the other end of the line, and then your tired voice. “Glad to hear you too babe.” He felt a rush of relief pass over him, “y/n? Are you okay? Actually no, are you gonna be okay? Do you want me to come home?” “Sung, I’m fine, the doctor’s say I just need to rest and take it easy for a while. Don’t worry.” “How can I not worry when the love of my life almost died?” “And you say I’m dramatic. I was just fooling around with Lisa and I said I could do a handstand on the railing, but I think I stand corrected.” “You-,” he fell silent, feeling overwhelmingly relieved but irritated that you were a dumb bitch. “You’re really something else y/n. I’m bubble wrapping you when I get home.” “Ugh, I deserve that. Babyproof the hell out of me please.” “Deal.”
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Changbin sat next to Felix, one arm slung over his shoulder. The rest of the guys watched him wither as Changbin told him what had happened to you. You had been on a crosswalk when a drunk driver had slammed into you. You hadn’t been seriously injured, but you had a slight concussion and your wrist was shattered. He FaceTimed you, needing to see your face. When you didn’t pick up, he texted, dm’d, snapped and called you. And then he texted the majority of your friends. Chan said that you probably weren’t on your phone because of the concussion, so he sat back down, thinking of some way to reach you. Then his phone lit up with a few notifications. He saw your messages on Instagram, Snapchat, iMessage, and a missed call. He stared at the screen in confusion. How the hell did you manage to do all this in the minute he had been away? He opened your snap to see you with bandages wrapped around your head and a caption “I lived bitch.” His phone vibrated again with the notification of a FaceTime call. As soon as he picked up he saw you sticking up a middle finger with the highest look on your face. “Hey Fel, how’s it goingg?” You slurred your words, clearly on some sort of pain medication. “Y/n, do you want me to die of a heart attack? Why were you crossing the road, do you want to die?” “I’m a baD BITCH YOU CAN’T KILL ME.” “ Are you a chicken? I don’t think so. Next time use a car.” “heheh. I’m not the chicken, you are. Yongbok. Bok bok.” He stared at you with both intense hatred and love in his eyes. You snorted, screaming “I love you but ima sleep” and then hanging up. He rubbed his temple, wondering how one person could stress him out so much. He went back and read your message: “come bck after tour or ill hit u with me car next tyme.” He chuckled, typing in his response, “Deal.”
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Seungmin was calm, almost to the point where it became slightly unnerving. His fingers swiftly maneuvered the keyboard as he searched for flights back home. Minho watched him from afar, scared of the monster that he had unwittingly created.
An hour before Seungmin’s strange breakdown, you had texted Minho to tell Seungmin that you had been hospitalized because of your broken legs. Not a singular leg, both legs. The reason why was complicated and too difficult to discuss over the phone. At least that’s what you explained to Minho. He bluntly explained what you had asked him to say vaguely to Seungmin, who had seemed to break. He stared at a blank wall for thirty minutes before quickly packing and looking for flight tickets.
Minho watched Seungmin bang the keyboard angrily. There were no available flights that would arrive in less than thirty minutes. “Are we living in a socialist society? Can’t a guy get a flight?” Minho decided enough was enough and called you, throwing his phone to Seungmin and running away. “Seung? Hey.” “So I heard you broke your legs.” You sighed, waiting for his lecture. “Seung, I’m sorry, we were testing co2 cars and I wanted to ride on them-” “Are you okay?” “What?” “Are you okay? Do your legs hurt? Do you want me to do something?” You blushed, taken aback by the lack of him yelling at you to be more careful. “I’m fine, they have me on pain meds.” “Ugh, I wish I could be there for you. I literally packed all my things.” “You’re honestly the best boyfriend I could ask for.” “I try.” “Come home soon. After the tour.” “Deal.”
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Jeongin doubled over when Changbin told him that you had fainted and been taken to the hospital. He was unable to breathe, his chest tight and vision blurred as he shakily pressed your contact in his phone. “Hello?”
You woke up to Jennie shaking your shoulder. “BITCH ARE YOU DEAD? WAKE UP OR I’LL KILL YOU RIGHT HERE RIGHT NO-” “I hate you.” She sighed heavily, holding out your phone. “Who’s this?” You heard heavy sobbing coming from the other side, and you instantly heard Jeongin’s distinctive heaving. “Jeongie? What’s wrong?” He began blubbering and you tried to sort out the crying from his actual words. “Babe, you gotta articulate. I can’t hear you.” “What happened? Are you okay y/n? Is it serious?” You felt a mix of gratitude and guilt. “Aw, Jeong I just fainted. It was the heat. I’m fine now. They just told me to stay indoors.” “I wish I was with you.” His pout was practically visible through the phone. “Come home soon, with icepacks.” “I’ll end global warming if it means you won’t have to go to the hospital.” “Do it for me then.” “Deal.”
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