#ngl wanted to add photos which it why this
unluckyoscthoughts · 3 months
The tacophy deep dive post
Hello, my name's Ozzy, better known as Vandal or TUV. If u know me from this acc you know my biggest ship and main fixation when it comes to the ii fandom is a crackship involving Taco and Trophy. In the past uh 3 or so years that I've been in the fandom I've gotten got knows how many questions and remarks abt how it makes no sense or that they didn't even know it was a thing. And out of sheer boredom, I decided I'm gonna make a deep dive post abt the ship.
the post will be in the following order
1: characters themselves
2: why i think they could be buddies
3: their flaws, the ppl they hurt and why that plays into one another
4: just general silly shit i wanna add cuz its relevant
Who are these weird little dudes??
Ur not living under a rock you KNOW who Taco and Trophy are, but here i wanna talk a bit about their personalities.
As we all know, taco is very very fucking smart, she was able to hide her actual personality for an entire season of show. While her motive for her behavior isn't known as of writing this post, we know there's definitely some amount of reason behind it.
She's not above playing dirty or flat out killing people to get what she wants, casualties are just a part of it, they're technically immortal so long Mephone is around anyway. Her morals seem beyond fucked, caring about people supposedly but not being against using them for whatever personal goal she may have.
Despite this, if we know one thing about her its that being reminded of her mistakes and what she has done can very quickly set her off or make her upset.
But the basics, in summary, are that she has little regard for others and how what she does affects them until its too late. She's arrogant, yet smart and tactful which makes her such a threat.
And then there's trophy, who in contrast is a lot stupider in terms of his behavior and motives. Again, we don't know his reasoning behind doing what he does, other than just wanting to be better than others.
He's to put it bluntly, a fucking asshole, just for the sake of why not. Making people do things for him purely because he himself does not want to do it, manipulative in his own way. While actual attempted murder isn't something he would do, he clearly isn't above breaking a few laws if u so much as piss him off like with knife and his doll.
Outside of that/after he was eliminated he seems to have calmed down a bit, he likes photography and probably learned to find something else to do other than antagonize people for funsies.
He of course is arrogant as well, but his lack of motivation to do things himself doesn't make him that big of a threat, especially if the thing he's using against you is just normal to others.
why could they be friends? [How they meet hc I guess]
So why do I think they could get along ? Ngl I'm gonna have to put a bit of headcanons in here but it makes sense I promise.
We all know Trophy likes photography right? Well what place on the ii map :tm: would have great photo potential? The forest.
I imagine that one day, Trophy goes to the forest to take photos and whatnot [a little bit before the episode where lb and tt go back in time I'd say.] As he walks around taking photos of things, he manages to bump into taco after she [embarrassingly] falls out of a tree [mirroring her falling when hit with the gemory] and falls in a bush in-front of him. He'd be a bit shocked, cuz what the fuck just happened and wouldn't really respond until she asks if he's just going to keep standing there as she's trying to get unstuck. When he snaps out of it he picks her up to get her out and places her down. Taco, having watched the show closely, knows who he is and initially wanted to use him alongside Microphone until remembering he was eliminated and therefore would be a little bit useless. He meanwhile starts asking who she is, irritating her a lot as she did NOT get shamed on show for people to not know who she is.
The two don't actually bond in this first interaction, that comes a few days or so later when Trophy, again, finds her in the forest. This time he basically just asks her if she can find cool places he can take photos of, which does annoy her a bit but if it means he'll go away sure. This repeats a few times until she, reluctantly, gets attached.
Other stuff ig is i think they could bond over their past mistakes, a bit far fetched but hey, a boy can dream.
Their sins and whatnot
Lets talk abt their sins and what they could bond over in that regard
Taco: killed a few people, manipulation, trying to steal money, probably kidnapping with mepad
Trophy: bullying, blackmail, manipulation
I also think its interesting to note that the people they hurt have a bond with one another. Knife and pickle are buddies, Knife and Mic are buddies and we know Mic cut the bs and pointed out her behavior towards Pickle, its likely those 2 are going to become friends as well. their victims realistically can bond over these experiences.
The people they hurt and the influence they have could play into their conversations. While Trophy has done way less, he still hurt people. Them being able to bond over the past, the things they did and how to handle that guilt would be sweet.
filler i mean other stuff
Here goes other random shit i think would be funny or just mostly hcs/vague stuff that has no real evidence
Justin has confirmed Taco can fit in his head[like the cup part], largely why i tend to draw her just...in there.
i think they bond over a shared hatred of Knife
Trophy likes tea, she likes tea, let them drink tea together
i hc both were extremely ''trapped'' during their childhoods. Taco was babied to hell and back while Trophy was expected to be perfect, causing their respective ways of lashing out. A lack of freedom in both.
This is more an observation but Taco is so fucking short lmfao she can just be grabbed
based on drawings two friends made, i think they'd commit crimes together.
i think Trophy would sneak Taco into the hotel at one point AFTER ii ends to ensure she doesn't have to stay outside all the time.
And thats all for now, folks. So what was i really trying to do with this? well mostly just...rant, i miss being able to talk abt ii2. I might edit this post a bit later, to add more stuff, fix wording, answer questions etc. Tacophy means a lot to me as a ship, even if the only footing it stands on is built out of popsicle sticks and tape. Rarepairs are fun, i've had the occasional person yell at me for shipping this but honestly, its never stopped me. I love seeing people kind of warm up to the idea, even if just showing interest in the dynamic.
If u read this and thought it was neat, pls show it cuz i worked p hard on this. Have a good day :)
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taraxacum-vulpes · 8 months
this game is somehow weirdly addicting 😞 like tell me why i spent wayyy too long on making my model…
who’s your favorite li atm?
and here’s my friend code if you want to add me: 82000082391 !! though i am on the na server so idk if that changes things!
LITERALLY I SPENT SO LONG ON THE MODEL. the default hair options are soooo limited though it's so sad. you can change it for photos though and there's WAY more options which is kinda weird i'm ngl but 😋😋
I DON'T HAVE A FAVORITE RN all i know is that i don't like zayne 🧍‍♂️ i think i'm gonna go for rafayel.
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two-sides-samecoin · 1 year
Every time I see the "fuck him on the floor Friday" post something dies inside me because I think it's super disgusting how the fandom just sees Steve as someone who wants to get violated by others and thinks that's hot. Like haven't those people watch the show, in the scene Steve's feelings towards Jonathan were super negative. At first Jonathan took creepy stalker pictures of him, he never got an apology nor explanation that the photos were good in the end for finding Barb. Then the night before he saw Jonathan who he thinks is a pervert in Nancy's room seemingly cuddling her. It was established to him Nancy doesn't let boys into her room, because she's not like other girls (her words) so this was something serious, aka Steve thinking she cheated on him with Jonathan. Why would he fall in love with this guy at this moment in time, like Jonathan emotionally and physically hurt him but people think Steve's just okay?? Like Steve was so hurt he literally called him names he wanted to hurt him that way. This just sounds like a super toxic situation if you add supposed romantic feelings to it. What is it with the fandom that just loves seeing Steve being beaten by his supposed love interests and like it. I'm not kink shaming but it's a different thing to beat someone bloody than enjoy some light spanking.
all of this!! this fandom has a weird fetish with making steve go through violent actions then make it romantic which is wild. everyone is just romantizing domestic abuse for steve and don’t at all see how this is concerning and just fucked up in general. also the fight scene is even more romanticized because ‘well steve deserved it he said something bad about jonathan’s family’ okay then by that logic jonathan deserves to get beat up because he actively out steve and steve’s friends and girlfriend in danger by taking pictures of them when none of them knew! but if i say that i’m gonna get harrassed by everyone which is wild cuz steve only said words meanwhile jonathan took actions that put steve and his loved ones safety in danger.
like steve genuinely knows that jonathan took picture of him and his friends while they did not know. he knows jonathan just trespassed and took photos of them getting naked why on earth would steve have feelings for jonathan? especially when it’s already established that steve has feelings for nancy so doesn’t make sense for him to have feelings for jonathan at all.
ngl i totally forgot about that nancy said that but yeah it makes the scene so much more serious and makes sense. like steve thinks that the two cheat on him so why on earth does the fandom sees this scene as him being in love with jonathan? yeah everything about the last two sentences! also the way it’s romanized freaks me out because steve is the only one to get this treatment with his significant other. every single other person gets complete happiness yet steve constantly gets just abused and people want to see that as cute like it’s actually frightening
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trulymadlysydney · 2 years
I’m responding to all your notes lmao bc I have no one irl to talk about this movie with!! Also, this is so long omg I’m so sorry 😂
- I never thought about this, but it makes total sense when I think about that small flash back
- Sameee hahah I was like ohh okay
- Great question….I would think so bc how else does he afford to live? But maybe everyone pays him as part of their expenses to be apart of the victory project
- Don’t get me started!!!! Harry with her thighs over his shoulders will be burnt in my brain for the rest of my life istg
- The sex scenes DO add a lot. You know he loves her more than anything. He got them into this bc he thought she was miserable at her job working long hours day in and day out. And he knew that she could live freely and happy in victory. He truly did do it FOR her bc he loves her
- Violet is the cutest but I wonder if she knows some stuff…bc she does seem constantly terrified
- I’m thinking they have weekends free and that’s when the party happened
- Bunny’s nose!!! I didn’t even think of that until now!!!
- I didn’t catch that flashback the first time but today I went 😯
- Ngl the whole thing with Margaret’s son does kind of confuse me…idk
- I noticed that trolley sign the first time and I was like hmmmm
- Blue thing in the sky?? What did I miss??
- The hallway photos!! I love!! They may be a mix of before and after. I noticed at least one looked like he had a mustache
- I need more info on the victory project STAT !!
- I didn’t notice the rings, but I did notice her rubbing her eyes and I didn’t catch that the first time
- No listen!! The whole British thing confused me at first! I was like why is he and Shelley the only ones out in Palm Springs?? And then the end made it all make sense
- The doctor makes me so uneasy. I know he built victory with frank but HOW did he get into this??
- I bet frank is telling him about Alice going to HQ
- Honestly Shelley (Gemma) was amazing in this role
- Dita 😂 honestly watching Harry watch her was so hot
- I feel like he got promoted just bc of Alice and he’s the main girls husband. Just to add drama. I guess we’ll never really know if he did something
- He’s soooo being controlled!! The way frank is acting and the things he’s saying. I didn’t notice this the first time either. But today I was like oh shit. How is this happening??
- I’ve been wondering what that coffee pour could mean…
- Either franks has eyes and ears everywhere. Or he and bunny were in Kahoots. Which would make sense. He keeps her and her children safe and she gives him intel from the women
- GOOD GIRL I DIED!!! I was thinking the same thing about the carrot. Like this is familiar
- Wait how did I not catch frank saying that at the table??
- The flashbacks and how they are so quickly put in are so good and it’s like you blink and you miss them
- Ohh I didn’t think of that…I was just thinking bc it was so common to drink. But that makes so much more sense
- Also a good question lol
- Omg I’ve never seen this tik tok girl but violet is so sweet and must be protected at all costs!!!
- This is the part that’s so fucking weird to me!! They don’t even know each other!!!! But are best friends in the simulation
- I didn’t see that interview but I caught that today and was wondering why
- This whole part kind of went over my head the first time. But today it all made sense to me. And I actually do really feel for him. He was in such a bad place. He just wanted Alice to have a good life. While he still had to live that shitty life from like 9-5 every day. He really does love her….
- Violets husband (Ben??) is very …. idek the word lmao kinda like jumpy or like puppy-esque
- The end of this movie has me at the edge of my seat!!! Even the second time and I know what happens lmao I wonder if the explosions fuck up the guys at home simulators
- Yeah the men and nurses are interesting. How did they get there?? And I noticed today the janitors at Alice’s hospital were wearing the red!!
- So I go back and forth. Part of me thinks she did actually kill him. And him “coming back” right at the end asking her to stay with him. But then she doesn’t and it shows clips of her dancing alone irl. That makes me think she got out and is living her normal life again ALONE. But also, if he did die irl, how did she get out of the bed where she was chained and connected?? Idk…
OMG I love you for responding to all of my notes dlkjafl;ksj I'm not gonna reply to every single one of these but I'll touch on a few of them.
I've noticed the blue circle in the sky every time I've watched it BUT last night I came to the conclusion that it may just be the sun dlfakjsdl;fj idk yet
Frank is for sure controlling Jack's dancing and I hate it lkd;fasd
I do think Bunny and Frank are... not working together necessarily but I think they have a mutual understanding.
I also go back and forth about her killing him. I just don't know. The clips of her dancing irl are shown throughout the movie (kind of blink-and-you-miss-it) but Jack is dancing with her. So at the very end, those dancing clips are also flashbacks. BUT YEAH, I do wonder how tf she got out of the bed in the real world daklf;skj
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
VegasPete and Stockholm syndrome (part 2)
This episode helped me realize what Pete’s exact relationship to pain is.
Really funny to me that Vegas was right when he said that Pete likes it when he’s moody. Because it’s true. (Saw a post on this earlier which I’ll try and link once my comp is back in working order;; But the the way it highlighted how Pete’s fascination with Vegas is a kind of “tragic lust.”)
Pete likes seeing Vegas be pathetic. When the torture first started I don’t doubt the pleasure or motivation Pete had for being defiant specifically relates to the feeling of rebellion against that abusive trauma from his past.
“You can’t break me. I’m not pathetic YOU are.” <- Pete’s thoughts/motives on some subconscious level.
But then of course there’s a shift from the moment he witnesses the dynamic between Vegas and his father. Yeah he’s still defiant but there’s more to it than that.
It isn’t just “you are pathetic” now it’s “You’re pathetic because you’ve been hurt the same way I have.”
I’m not really gonna touch on it because I’ve already read a lot of amazingly written analyses on it — but when they’re at the safe house, Pete is subtle but he’s trying to convince Vegas that’s there’s a third option, and that he doesn’t have to be stuck in this cycle of abused and abuser. All the way up to his conversation with Vegas about fathers’ —Pete’s doing this. The conversation fully bringing around Vegas’ whole shift in viewpoint.
Which set great groundwork for episode 12. And more specifically how this shared empathy also became a shared fascination.
Vegas is fascinated with Pete’s defiance in the face of pain, and Pete’s fascinated with Vegas’ pain and how he weaponizes it against himself and others.
Getting more into the specifics rather than just “Pete’s into Vegas’ being pathetic”
It gets more layered when you consider that Pete specifically likes giving control / being dominated by someone pathetic.
(Lol why they are both so fked up <333. Lemme study you two under microscopes.)
Can’t help but think this is all about projection.
Like the reason why Vegas has a hedgehog 🦔 and why he wanted to take Pete with him to the safe house is because he’s projecting just how little freedom he actually has in his life. He’s trapped in a closed cage (chained up, in Pete’s case).
Except Vegas has been trapped his entire life. Just someone for his father to take his pain out on. Someone set up to always lose, someone that’s never enough. So taking Pete isn’t just an act of defying his father (who told him to kill Pete and doesn’t know Vegas took him with), but it’s also so he can take back an illusion of control in his own life by taking out his own pain on Pete (similar to what his father is doing to him) — that and Vegas is lonely. He would be isolated at the safe house. He would have no one to talk to. Just him and his books and the silence before his father visits.
…..I’ll be honest y’all I don’t think this safe house HAS guards? In my mind he dismissed them once he got to the safe house cause he had Pete to keep him company. He literally says “it’s fine I have someone to keep me company.” In the episode to men in black suits. And then we don’t see a single guard after that. Not on the safe house premises. Just Vegas, Pete, and isolation.
(Lol back to the hedgehog 🦔 projection….this projection is especially fked up when you realize that Vegas having to watch as all his hedgehogs died one after another is just a visual representation to him of his life—given something by his father, but it dies and he fails and loses love and gets hurt. The love —for clarification— being the hedgehogs.
Him projecting himself and his situation on the hedgehog is just all the more poignant when you realize that since his father gave him these hedgehogs it just makes it all the more a reminder that he’ll be trapped in this cage of a life until he, himself, dies. Hence the vulnerability when he asks Porsche not to torture him if he has to kill him one day. He states it like an eventuality. I guess Vegas on some level knows that it is. That no matter how many times he fails, the door of the cage will open, only to put another hedgehog in. His father gives him something — only for Vegas to be immediately placed back into his cage. Rinse. Repeat. Until he “succeeds” or dies trying.
Side note: Lemme also state here that it’s obvious to me that a lot of time has passed. Or at least a good couple of days. Why do I think this? Because when Vegas comes in that second time after being beaten by his father (at the end of the ep/just before the noodle scene), Pete asks if his father did it again and Vegas responded:
“Aren’t you used to it by now?”
(Or smthn similar along these lines I don’t have the episode pulled up rn LOL)
Now, it wouldn’t make a lot of sense for Vegas to say this to Pete
(as they’ve only had one conversation about his dad, and the warehouse scene before that — this would be like the third time total seeing Vegas come back from being hurt by his father— I wouldn’t be used to that kind of situation having only experienced or gotten wind of it 3 times, and I doubt Pete would’ve either)
While watching the episode I understood immediately what Vegas was implying when he said that. “Aren’t you used to it” means that more than a couple of days have passed, and during that time Vegas’ father has come to the safe house more than once to take his anger out on Vegas. Pete being locked up there with Vegas would then be seeing this toxic cycle of Vegas getting beat for no reason.
Which is why Vegas thought Pete had gotten used to it. Used to seeing him come in with new bruises.
Honestly a really heartbreaking implication. The moment Vegas said “aren’t you used to it by now” my heart dropped to my feet.
But I haven’t seen anyone else comment on this line LOL!!! Anyways this means Pete’s been holed up with Vegas for at least a week, maybe longer. So although it’s unseen, the implied passage of time does at least give Pete breathing space to rewire the way he thinks about and interacts with Vegas. Enough for him to be at the point of asking if Vegas was hurt. [End of sidenote LOL]
Then when you add in Pete relating with Vegas via his own abusive past with HIS father?
(Except Pete realizes and knows why his father hurt him —Because he was hurt himself)
Pete’s story not only helped Vegas realize that it wasn’t Vegas that sucked (but his b*tch father >:OOO ) and this rlly impacts Vegas. And yet, when Vegas sees his Hedgehog die, he leaves the key Pete needs to escape right next to Pete, pretending it to be an accident, because everything he likes or loves end up leaving him in the end anyway, right?
But Pete is SO drawn in and captivated by Vegas’ pain. Yes he wants to comfort him —
…. but I wonder if his strong attraction is relating to the comfort Or control Pete wished he had when he was a kid in an abusive situation.
So it’s like he’s living vicariously through Vegas when he *LET’S* Vegas chain him up, when he chooses to let Vegas have that kind of power over him.
At the same time it’s all kinds of fked up cuz Vegas isn’t really in control? Pete is obv still in such control of the entire situation, *he’s* the one giving Vegas permission. (Which is probably why, of the two of them) it’s VEGAS that ends up on his knees in the end…..(God help me)
Hmmm. Anyways I don’t have a lot of intelligent things to say rn. I just think the two of them have an interesting relationship to pain, and therefore an interesting relationship with each other 🤷🤤.
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kalinawtokilig · 3 years
HQ comforting you (Series)
Heyyyy everyone! Anyone mentally stable not to jump out the window but sad enough to sleep until the next month?
Alright, since I'm in quarantine already having grand arguments with family, I'm going to project my seeping repressed emotions by writing!
Enjoy babes, cause this is gonna be a series of various drabbles, headcanons, of multiple Haikyuu characters being at your side when you feel like everlasting shit :')
I'm starting off with my forever 2D soulmates of Haikyuu! How I'm gonna write this is 5 CHARACTERS each post. Let's start off with the big, bara, Godzilla babe himself-
>How they comfort you:
Iwaizumi Hajime will come home ready to shower and shower you with kisses and cuddles. The best moments with you are having your figure cradled in-between his arms, slightly flexing because he simply adores your attention and craves your compliments. He is ready to be vulnerable with you in the confines of the apartment and he always welcomes you to be vulnerable with him. He will ask you about your day and if you want to vent or rant about something that's been annoying you. When you are done, he'll flood you with soft kisses and proceed to hug you a bit tighter, but not bone-crushing. IWAIZUMI HAJIME understands that you're not made of glass and you're not a fragile flower, but he wants to cherish you and needs you to know that he loves how strong you can be and will appreciate it even more if you let him care for you the way you truly deserve. He has always been known to be the 'Pillar of Strength' by Oikawa, his friends, and his old high school team, he's ready to be a pillar of strength for you. You can cry or punch or kick or scream, he'll be by your side to catch you and help you back up.
Sugawara Koushi will write on post-it notes the reasons why he loves you thus attaching polaroid photos of the shenanigans you pull and the dates you had together. When he's on his lunch break, he will send voice memos of how his day is going and wishes to hear about your day and how you're feeling. When he comes home, you're both tired, BUT he will always go the extra mile for you to run a calming bubble bathe, along with your favorite drink on the small table near the bathtub. SUGAWARA KOUSHI will massage you and crack corny jokes as you both bathe together and once you're done, he will pamper you and tuck you into bed, thus opening the TV to watch a show with you so you can both talk shit about how messy the plot is. Sugawara will trace shapes, hearts, his name, your name, and your name with HIS last name - This man will constantly remind you that you are the reason he pushes him to be his best self and he will be damned if he doesn't help you become your best self- Not because of him... It's cause YOU deserve to be happy and be YOUR best self.
Suna Rintaro will observe the smallest changes or tells in your behavior and the tight smiles that can barely reach your eyes he so lovingly steals glances at to see the playful glint in them, and recognize that you're not feeling your best. Suna would not confront to you about it at first, but he will show through acts of service to tell you that say 'I'm always here for you'. It can be by rushing home early so he can cook for you, if he does come late, he'll order your favorite food from that restaurant or fast food place you really like. Suna will drag you into his arms cause he knows how exhausting putting up with people can be and how emotionally draining arguing with stupid people is - I will tell you once SUNA RINTARO will place your head on his chest so you can focus on the grounding heartbeat, gently massaging the nape of your neck and softly play that playlist he made for you when he realized that he loves you so ever dearly. He'll even ask his little sister to send him those facemasks (even ask her to FT you cause you two click so well) or call up his mother to text him the recipe of that dish you ask him to make because you always pay attention to him, his nonsense, and cater to his needs. He wants to be the person that even though you're about to fall apart, he'll make life a little easier with subtle actions rather than grand gestures.
TENDOU SATORI will go above and beyond to comfort you. He can bake, cook, sing you to sleep, read for you, play a sad anime/cartoon movie for you. He understands how you have your low days and how it can affect your wellbeing. He will understand that you can vent to him, sobbing or 'ugly crying' (which he finds adorable because you still look so pretty crying, pouring your feelings to HIM?!...TENDOU SATORI will always find you beautiful, even if you claim how 'ugly' you cry, or wake up in the morning with drool and messy hair...Who cares? You wipe away the morning glory from his eyes, you take care of him when he comes home tired and slightly sticky from catering his own business, you find HIM attractive and he's always astounded by that!) Tendou can take a day off and be your lovely househusband so when you come home, he'll take care of YOU! This man will remove your shoes, take off your coat, do the laundry, have food ready for you on the coffeetable so you both can watch anime or he'll listen intently to what's bothering you at work! Tendou ALWAYS pays attention to you cause you are his PRIORITY! He knows when he’s hovering and he will step away- he assures you that no matter what’s going on, he’ll be ready to find ways to make you realize how loved you are and how much HE love YOU.
Yachi Hitoka will draw cutesy comics of you and her being the dorks you are, even recreating you reacting to her most embarrassing and clumsy moments. Yachi Hitoka knows how work can be too much, the workload overbearing - she sees it in your posture and the dark bars under your eyes when you finish typing documents and coming to bed, spooning her a bit tightly to remember that she’s here with you. She will wake up a bit earlier to make YOU breakfast and bento box. When you wake up, she peppers your face with kisses and presses her lips upon your knuckles and fingers. When your day off finally comes, she buys a new matching pajama set! Both of you will jam out to music, sing at the top of your lungs cause maybe- the stress you’re carrying will be taken out by doing these activities. She may even suggest going out to eat brunch together, then proceed going to stores that you like and coming home to do a shopping haul! When you don’t have time for that, she’ll go shopping herself to buy the necessities you’re running out of, then extra gifts! YACHI HITOKA will make her own gift as well, something sentimental to add onto the shopping she bought so when you come home and you’re both cuddling, she’ll pull out the gift! Yachi Hitoka will help you FEEL these emotions and she will give you what you need to remind yourself that it’s okay to let yourself loose and be given the care and love.
I kinda cried writing this ngl— I’m having HEART PALPITATIONS 😀😀😀
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: Y’all my heart 🥺 ngl I kinda cried as I wrote this
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter Twelve
“Hi hi are you our grandma?” Rini said with wide eyes, you, Rin and Kauru were outside grabbing the last of the groceries and talking. It was like his mother was frozen in time, they looked exactly like her son when he was a kid, when she was still learning how to raise a tiny human.
She finally realized she was a grandmother because the looks were uncanny. “Yes I’m your grandma.” She replied and she kids ran and hugged her legs. “It’s nice to meet you, we’ve never had a grandma before but we promise to be good grandkids for you.” Rini said and Akira nodded. “What do you mean you never had a grandma before?” She asked the twins, they didn’t see the glint in her eyes. She needs all the information she can get to show her son that she’s not a good mother and he can fight for custody.
“Momma doesn’t talk to her parents. They’re mean and think she’s a dispointment.” Akira chimed in. Obviously the kid met disappointment which made sense. If Rin was a girl she’d probably do the same thing.
“Hey guys guess what grandma got!” Rin walked in, his hands full of groceries. He placed them down and pulled out the pack of the frozen Chuupets. The kids eyes widened and they ran to their dad to hand them a chuupet. “You are only getting one because you haven’t eaten dinner yet.” He said and the kids nodded. After he handed them the chuupet, they ran off. “How’s everything mom.” He looks down to see the shorter woman. “Could be better without your dog and your ex.” She answered and Suna frowned.
“At least try to get along with her? Please. She’s the mother of your grandkids and hopefully we can be together again.” He said hopefully and her eyes widened. “You wanna get back together with her.” She said almost disgusted and Rin sighed. “Yeah mom.” He replied. “You’re gonna regret it.” She hummed and Rin rolled his eyes.
“Excuse me..um...Mrs.Suna..?” You peered from behind the wall you somewhat heard their conversation but that’s a talk for another time, “What.” She raised a brow and Rin facepalmed. “When was the last time you checked the oil of your car? And your brakes?” You asked. “I don’t know. Usually we take it to a mechanic, but we’ve been busy raising someone else’s dog.” She said and eyed her son. “Mechanic? Rin nor Kauru don’t know how to do that?” You asked. “I have a sports car, no way in hell I’m fucking it up.” Rin replied.
“Is it okay for me to change the oil and the brakes? I would hate for you to get into an accident.” You asked. “Accident? You’d probably tinker with my car so I’d crash the next time I use it.” She crossed her arms over her chest. You were beyond confused, “Mom, stop.” Rin scolded and she rolled her eyes.
You left the car as is but made a mental note to ask Kauru for permission to add more oil and fix her brakes.
Other than that conversation you haven’t spoken to her the rest of the day. What bothered you was that she didn’t try to get close to the kids. You sat on the small picnic table in the backyard while Rin was throwing a chew toy across the backyard while his dog, Chewy chased it eagarly. When Rin came to the back yard he whistled causing the dog to turn its head, it stayed frozen as if not believing his owner was truly there. But eventually Rin called him and his ears perked up and he began running and whining at the same time. He tackled Rin and he fell back. Chewy licked his face and Rin was giggling with a big stupid smile on his face, you smiled lightly at the scene and Akira tugged onto your leggings to tell you that Rin was crying.
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion and turned again to see Rin and then you saw it. The way he held on to his dog and a small tear streamed down. “Who’s a good boy? Are you a good boy?” He talked and Chewy’s tail wagged. “Alright bud, sit.” He commanded and he sat obediently. You could hear a tapping noise but it was because Chewy was so excited to see his owner. “Chewy meet your brother and sister.” Rin introduced and you started laughing. “What do you mean he’s our brother? He’s a dog.” Rini pointed out, “Same difference.” Rin shrugged and you covered your mouth to stop yourself from snorting.
“Okay get close and tell him to shake. Then shake his hand.” He instructed, Rini was first and gasped when Chewy obeyed. Earlier they got around to playing but they didn’t know their dads dog—I mean brother was trained. Akira did the same thing and she giggled. “Alrighty, Chewy. Meet your new mom.” He introduced you and you stepped back. “Nope, not my son.” You waved off, “Are you really gonna leave him motherless.” Rin pressed, “Yeah mama, he’s our brother you can’t be like that.” Akira whined.
“I just never really liked dogs.” You admitted, “Me neither but he’s my best friend.” Rin said softly. You looked down at the brown dog with curly hair. His tail wagged as his tongue sticker out so adorably. Now you understood why Rin named him Chewy, he looks like Chewbacca. “Nice to meet you, Chewy.” You reached your hand out to pet his head but he jump and rested his paws on your stomach, causing you to lose you balance and fall back. Before you could fall and die from embarrassment, No one other than Rin was there to catch you. “I’m sorry he doesn’t really do that. He’s just too excited.” He said from behind and helped you up. “No it’s fine.” You said and you both stayed quiet.
“So are you gonna continue holding on to my waist or..?”
“Fuck..sorry.” He apologized with flushed cheeks and let go. The kids began scolding their dad’s potty mouth and you hated that feeling in your stomach from when he pulled away.
Rin’s mom looked from the kitchen window and gritted her teeth while scrubbing the pan a little too hard. “Good job, Chewy.” Rini and Akira quietly praised and continued to play with their new brother.
“Finally we can talk.” Rin’s mom said and sat at the head of the table, you and Rin both gulped and Kauru sighed. He just wanted to nap. “Okay I can tell without a doubt that those children are Rintarou’s. And it’s nice that they don’t look like you.” Rin’s mom spoke up and you gasped. “If you’re here just to fight then don’t even open your mouth.” Kauru told his wife and she gave a glare. “Okay first of all. Why didn’t you tell my son you were pregnant.” She crossed her arms over your chest and you cuddled with your fingers. “Well Mrs.Suna...like I said over the phone. We had just broken up and I was hurt and afraid. I wasn’t sure if he would support me in keeping them—“ “Well how could you know if you didn’t speak up?” She interrupted but you ignored the jabs she threw. “I also wanted him to continue on with his career, stress free. I guess at the time I still loved him a lot that I didn’t want him to suffer with me. Or else I could have easily filed for child support.” You said and Rin frowned slightly.
“That’s not a good excuse. Rintarou has missed out on so much because you were selfish. You just wanted Rin to go pro for the money.” She accused with a pointed finger. “Mom—stop!” Rin immediately said and Kauru raised his finger to stop his son. “Karin do you know that for sure?” He asked his wife. “Yeah. All she does is party and drink. I think the kids are unsafe under her care. All of her money is wasted on her fake breasts.”
“Ma’am I can assure you that these are real. Ask your son.” You waved off and she gasped before she could open her mouth to utter more stupid shit you said. “With all due respect Mrs. Suna, you don’t know me. You don’t know how I raise my children, you don’t know what I do for a living and you don’t know what I’ve been through. Please before judging me, see how I treat my kids and how I treat your son. I have been nothing but respectful and the least you could do is treat me like a proper guest.” You argued back but she just ignored you and went through her iPad.
Why does she have an iPad? She flips the device over so you and the two Suna men could see and Rin almost spit out his drink. Karin told Kauru to look away and your mouth hung open as she swiped photo after photo of you in revealing lingerie. In some photos you’re wearing a gag and in others you’re chained up but it’s all modeling for Jamie and her line. You looked at your stomach and thighs and you could see those stretch marks.
Even though the world has seen these pictures, you can’t help but feel nervous when Rintarou is looking at them. You weren’t the same athletic girl from highschool, you gained weight, developed stretch marks, and you hate working out. You know you’re beautiful, that’s why you asked Jamie to not edit the photos of you she posted on the web. Your stretch marks and tummy were there for the world to see. But their comments or praise didn’t matter. The only person’s opinion that matters is Rintarou’s. Which is ridiculous to say but, some part of you still wants his approval and to be with him.
“Is this a good example to show your daughter? You want her modeling and showing off her body like a filthy wh—“ “Enough!” Rin smacked the table and stood up. You flinched as well as she did and you began to cry. “You make it seem like I should be ashamed of myself...”
“You should be.”
“Have you told them why we broke up?” You turned to Rin and he saw the tears streaming down. He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and say that it’s okay. “No..” he shook his head and you sighed. “You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason. Now if you’d excuse me, I need to go, it’s time for their history lesson.” You wiped your eyes and left the table. Quickly you grabbed your bag with all their supplies and you met them outside. “Come on, time for school!” You called with a fake smile and red eyes. The kids understood to not argue and to just obey.
You sat on the picnic table with your two kids across from you and Chewy was laying on the bench right next to you, with his head on your thighs. “Mama...” Rini interrupted your thoughts, “Yes baby?” You asked and looked up from their lesson plan, “I love you, and you’re the best mom in the world.” He said with a small smile. “I love you more than Rini and you’re the bestest momma in the universe!” Akira chimes in and you chuckled. “I love you guys to infinity and beyond, forever and ever! It’s called unconditional love.” You said and their eyes widened. “Unconditional love...” akira hummed and you nodded.
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“Hi Kuroo-san is everything okay?” You asked as you made your way to the patio outside. It was already time for the kids bedtime. “Y/N I’m sorry for informing you last minute but one of the commentators for tomorrow’s game is in the hospital so we were wondering if you could fill in.” He spoke calmly. “I—oh gosh I’m all the way in Hyogo..when does the game start?” You asked.
After going back in forth for tomorrow’s game you hung up after respectfully telling him you weren’t interested in going out on a date. You rubbed your face and looked at the time. The trains have already closed for the day, so you’d have to take your car.
“You good?” Rin asked as soon as you walked back inside. “I need to go in to work tomorrow. Another commentator is in the hospital. Nobody else can fill in.” You said and his eyes widened since it’s a very long drive. “Oh how fantastic, leaving your young children overnight to go work—“
“I’m taking them.” You interrupted the witch and her eyes widened. “What do you mean you’re taking them.” She asked. “They’re my children and I don’t want to leave them with you. I’d rather take them and ask Jamie to watch over them and I’ll come back the day after tomorrow.”
“Y/N...” Suna snapped you out of your rambling and you turned your head to see him. “I’m here now, remember? You don’t have to do this alone anymore. I can take care of them and watch them. I’ve done it before.” He assured. “I’m sorry but I really don’t want them near your mom.” You explained your reasoning. “Tomorrow we’ll be at Kita’s farm all day. They’ll be fine.” He said and patted your head. Without even realizing, you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around Suna’s torso, his face flushed and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. “Thank you. It means a lot.” You mumbled in his chest.
“It’s my job, partner.” He chuckled and you pulled away. “Fist bump?” He asked and presented his closer fist, you giggled and nodded. “Fist bump.” You did the same and your knuckles met. Rin’s mother scoffed and rolled her eyes, walking away to her room.
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You took a deep breath as you crossed lanes on the freeway going back home. You wanted nothing more than to stay with your kids or take them with you, but you can’t control everything yourself anymore. You gonna trust Rin.
You made it home by five am since the drive was eight hours but you made it in seven by speeding and automatically fell asleep in Rin’s bed. You decided to take the pull out bed in your office when Rin moved in and he slept in your old master bedroom. But you were too tired to pull it out so you slept in your old bed. You couldn’t help but notice how the pillows smelled like Rin.
His scent definitely changed, he doesn’t use the old spice fragrance from highschool. He now uses something more expensive and more subtle yet manly at the same time. You definitely needed to know what the scent was so you could buy more for him on a birthday or something.
You woke up at around 13:30 to get ready and leave by 15:00. You showered, did your hair and wore the white button up with the green dress pants and a green blazer on top. You slipped on some hot pink heels and some subtle jewelry and made your way. You called your kids and they said they were having a blast, they really missed you and wished you and their grandma were there and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
While Rin’s mom stayed home, her husband worked and Rin took the kids out, she began thinking about the day before.
“You won’t understand unless your son tells you what he did. Everything I did for myself and my children was for a reason.”
Rin’s mom was obviously confused and still annoyed at you. But then Rin sat her down after breakfast, the kids were outside and Kauru was already gone. He explained what he did with his friends and Karin couldn’t help but feel disgusted. If she would have been more involved in his teenage life then she could have prevented this. Prevented minors drinking, prevented her son getting sexually involved with you, and preventing an innocent girl getting hurt.
In reality you should have thrown a full can of coffee at Rin instead of an empty one. You should have cursed him and made him pay child support. That’s what she would do straight up. But you’re not her, and you explained why you did what you did. And she began to understand. “You have a lot of work to do in order to get back in her good grace.” She told her son. “I know I know..” he said softly. “That’s why we’re starting as friends. And eventually I wanna be with her romanticly and marry her. I want to be the man she can rely on and trust again.” He said and her mom smiled.
“I understand, I’ll make sure to apologize when she returns. And I’m rooting for you.” She said and Rin smiled. “Thanks mom.” She stood up and grabbed her bag, “I’m not in the mood to cook. How do burgers sound?” She asked Rin and he nodded. “There’s a place down the street that’s pretty good. I’ll be back in a few.”
Rin’s mother wanted to repent for her actions and she tried thinking of a proper way to apologize. She went into the restaurant to order and everywhere she saw, it explained that the food was made with peanut oil. But that’s what gave it the flavor. That’s why it’s so delicious. She happily payed for the food completely oblivious that her grandson was severely allergic to peanuts.
She arrived home and rounded up the kids. She gave them a kiss on the head and smiled as they showed her their drawings that she could keep. Rin’s mom passed around the burgers so Rin couldn’t see the bag that promoted the peanut oil being a main ingredient and the kids munched.
When Rini took the bite his eyes widened at the deliciousness. Bite after bite and his throat began to feel weird, as well as his stomach. He took a sip of the lemonade and he couldn’t swallow it properly. He began to cough and Rin patted his back confused and he face turned red.
“Rini are you choking?!” Akira asked scared and Rini shook her head. “My stomach hurts—“ he coughed and Rin’s eyes widened. “Oh shit.” He quickly ran upstairs to his old bedroom and looked through the bag with Rini’s inhaler and other vitamins. He saw the epipen and ran back out quickly unscrewing it. Rini’s face was turning purple and he continued to cough. Akira was crying and Karin didn’t know what to do. Rin fell to his knees and slammed the pen on his sons thigh. “Are you okay bud. Stay with me please.” Tears prickled his eyes. He seriously fucked up.
Rini’s chest heaved up in down as he tried to catch his breath. Rintarou instructed his mom to call 119 and an ambulance soon came and took Rini away with Rin in the ambulance. Akira was stuck with her grandma driving to the hospital.
Karin was so confused at the situation. And she was worried for her grandson. She tried her best calming the little girl who held the green pig plush and the fox plush in her arms. “Is Rini gonna die?” Akira pouted with watery eyes. “Of course not. Everything is gonna be alright.” She assured.
While all this was going down, you were talking and laughing as you talked about Sendai frogs and their intimating demeanor. You felt a weird feeling in your chest and felt like something was wrong. Your purse and phone was stuck in the lounge locker so you didn’t see the 20+ phone calls and messages you received from Rin.
He was afraid and didn’t know what to do. He really wished you were here by his side. He couldn’t do this alone and realized this is what it’s like being a single parent.
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🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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mariesocuniverse · 3 years
Relationships: WayV
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if it werent for the the laws of ncity he wouldve asked her to join wayv and stay in their dorms
Since they don’t live together or are part of the same unit they don’t really spend a lot of time together but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t want to be with Mae
Large parent/protective older brother energy
not as protective as 127 hyungs but you know
Yeah she’s a menace when she teams up with other WayV members but she doesn’t clown him as much as they do it’s cause she saves that energy for doyoung lmao
mae claims she visits the wayv dorm for him but he’s 50% sure she’s just there for the animals
the other 50% is because she wants him to cook for her which he does even if she doesnt ask
hes like those parents who insist on giving you leftovers to bring home to your family
he taught her to do magic tricks bc she was insistent on wanting to learn at least one
okay but honestly she thinks he really cool despite all the clowning she does to him
like singing? dancing? cooking? visual? magic? and he can fly a plane????
one of the reasons she has high standards ngl
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ten has unofficially adopted her whether people like it or not
he has fought with taeyong and doyoung about it she is his baby
if mark and johnny are his brothers, mae is basically his younger sister
if you look at his photo gallery he has a folder dedicated to mae and mae only
any photo or video of them together is basically ten clinging to her like a koala
he looks at her like she put all the stars in the sky but the same goes for mae
she has admitted in an interview that ten is one of her role models because of his talent and work ethic
whenever she needs help with dancing he’s one of the first people she asks
xiaojun once asked him who’s his favorite between yangyang and mae and you could see him malfunction for like six seconds before jokingly scolding him
“yah how could you ask me that type of question?”
fun fact! ten was the person she asked to go with her when she got her first tattoo!
he arranged the appointment at the place where he got his and held her hand when she was getting it
Lowkey considered getting matching tattoos but never really took the time to think of what tattoos they’d get
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another top ship among czennies
these two are so soft for each other omg
just one glance at the two and you’re already melting
You can see Yuta screaming about MaeWin whenever the group is together and they’re interacting
And if you can’t see it you’ll probably hear it
MaeWin: casually talking
Yuta: is this what heaven looks like
MaeWinMark is just yuta’s weakness and he doesn’t even bother to hide it
Okay back to MaeWin before I get ahead of myself and make an entire post about Yuta and MaeWinMark
If they’re gathered in a large group their interactions aren’t really noticeable unless you’re actively looking for it
While the others are talking you can just see Mae playing with his hands or winwin giving her a soft smile while patting her head
They talk more when they’re either in a small group or just the two of them
MaeWin shippers were devastated when they got separated so when nct 2020 happened they went feral
Every once in a while they go out for hotpot and talk about what has been going on
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this man right here
they first met when she was visiting NCT U dance practice for BOSS with food and she heard him from the hallway
its one of the reasons why she wasn’t intimidated by him even though hes a giant
she was excited to see what kind of energy and personality he would bring to nct
and she was not disappointed at all
personal hype man
whenever they’re on a variety show together and mae is asked to do something he just yells “FIGHT HAEYADWAE”
of course the same goes for mae but less loud bc last time she kept yelling she lost her voice and couldnt talk for the rest of the show
He just has this energy where if he’s hyped up about something she feels energized to be hyped up well so you just hear the both of them cheering loudly
its always interesting to see because you just see a gentle giant cheering loudly with this smol girl next to him trying to match his energy
he always makes sure she’s comfortable when they’re at a schedule
like we know how he’s really silly on camera but he’s also very observant and caring
one time mae complained about how her feet hurt from the heels she was wearing so he just picked her up bridal style and walked to the van without a word
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They’ve heard abt each other from Kun and ten and greeted each other when they passed by each other in the halls but they never really had a chance to grow close until nct 2020 happened
Mae wasn’t in the Make a Wish unit so there weren’t a lot of chances to get to know each other while promoting either but it doesn’t mean they’re not friends
ten also hogs her attention when she visits the wayv dorms but we dont talk about that
these two arent as close as the others but not to the point where they actively avoid each other
whenever they’re together they just vibe
theres no awkward silence or small talk they just talk about random stuff
“no lucas, i dont hate xiaojun hyung we just dont hang out as often as we do”
“yes hendery we do have each other’s numbers we just don’t talk often”
WayV is lowkey tempted to lock the two of them in a practice room together and do a vlive to see what’ll happen
prime candidates for “It’s Awkward but It’s Okay”
their dynamic is kinda DoRen where they pretend to be awkward around each other as a joke
like they went out together once and everyone as excited bc omg they were interacting
XiaoMae shippers are starved for content and will accept any crumbs that come their way
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the duo people didnt know they needed until they met
its not like people didnt want them to become friends its just that theyre energies match well
these two are such a vibe
you know how there are ppl who don’t see for long periods of times but you still want tackle them in a hug whenever you meet? yeah its like that
kun sometimes wants to separate the two bc of how much chaos they cause together
they’re the duo where they think something is a good idea at the time but ends up as something bad at the end
kun has banned the two from the kitchen bc of a fire they started
HenMae shippers are thriving because of all the stories of the dumb shit they’ve done
lowkey considered doing a series together on nct daily but then the channel stopped uploading vids so it was never mentioned again
one time he was on call with his sister when she walked in and accidentally mistook her as his gf and now they jokingly have each other as bf and gf in their phone contacts
ten nearly had a heart attack when he saw the contact name pop up and mae picked up the call
 yangyang has the whole thing recorded on his phone and refuses to delete it
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(A/N everytime i see this gif i need a moment to pause and try and remember my ideas cause my head goes empty when it comes to yangyang)
okay if HenMae are chaotic, MaeYang are worse
kun doesnt need to dye his hair gray bc of all the stress these two cause him
czennies thought they didnt interact much bc of different schedules and groups but once nct world happened they changed their minds
MaeYang slowly climbing up the ranks of nct ships
during one of his lives yangyang mentioned how he spoke a lot with mae and that she wanted to add him to the 00liner gc
czennies lost it that day bc 1) holy shit theres a 00liners gc and 2) why tf hasnt yangyang been added into it yet
insists that she calls him oppa/hyung even though theres only a one month difference between them
Mae and Yangyang: whispering in the corner of the room
kun: theyre either talking shit about someone or world domination and i cant tell whats worse
he tried teaching her some german once and she now knows like three sentences
“Hallo, Ich bin Mae. Was geht ab? Mir geht’s gut.” (A/N this is the outcome of my three years of german lessons everyone)
and basically all the swear words but we dont need to talk about that
haechan jokes that he’s stealing mae away from the dreamies so he wont be the maknae in wayv 
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a-tomb-with-a-view · 4 years
Full fic rec list, because people have asked
Be warned: chaos and lots of swearing ahead.
Everything by @on-irratia but also I made a specific list of the shit of hers that I adore which you can find here. Here is my list of Bobby fic recs and also my list of Alex fic recs, if there’s anything specific you’re looking for lemme know and I’ll make a smaller list for you :))
Genuinely I love so many fics so obviously not everything is here and this is super tiring so I’m not doing another big, non-specific one for a while, so please feel free to add on or tag authors I don’t have the @ of, there is so much I know I haven’t gotten in here
Sea Shanties Have Nothing On You
Starting in hot with some ralex, its soft, its sweet, I just want a bf/gf to watch me fondly as I lose my fucking mind over a washed in ship wreck at the arse crack of dawn pls & thank. It’s the first of a series, they’re all soft and make me missed being hugged, there’s some boggie, some willex, it’s so soft
Author’s @ unknown
I’ll Bend And I’ll Break But That’s Just The Way I’m Made
The juke? Impeccable. The willex? Sublime. The soft boggie? Amazing. The Reggie-with-an-invisible-disability? So fucking far up my my street. I got to learn something, I got to feel something, loved it
@sweetheartreggie idk why this won’t link
Maybe You Find It Stuck In Your Molars
Genuinely this author slaps and I love all their boggie but this one made me incredibly soft, I loved it, Luke being oblivious, Bobby being mr no feelings until his bf or his best friend needs assurance or love bc he found three needy bitches and said these are mine 💜 and I love him for it
Okay I love Agnes and everything she’s done, obviously, but this is just so bloody fun, and so fucking soft, and it had insights into Bobby’s relationship with everyone and I just thought it was neat yk
Maybe We’re Meant To Be
I genuinely don’t know what it is about this fic, but I just started crying halfway through it. I don’t even mean like my eyes got glassy and my shoulders shook a little bit, which is usually the extent of my feelings, I mean I literally sat there and fucking cried for ten minutes, it’s got some phantoms ot3 and some bobby&willie qpr and I love it sm
I don’t know if the author currently has a tumblr
(You Know) The Rest By Heart
This is some good ole phantoms ot3, we have their friendship with Bobby, their friendship with each other, their relationship developing from three ridiculously codependent friends to three ridiculously corrodent more-than-friends which is incredibly true to form and it just gives the good ole warm and fuzzies
Idk the authors @
I’ve Been So Good (Where The Hell Is The Karma)
I’m a sucker for some good ghost Bobby shit, anf this is the good ghost Bobby shit. We got different times of death, some emotional processing, some boggie, it’s fuckin awesome
Relight The Spark
Ray!!! Adopts!!!! Some!!!!! Motherfucking!!!!! Ghosts!!!!!! That’s literally all I have to say on this one it made me so fuckin soft and ugh just go read some ray&reggie y’all it’s chicken soup for the soul
Idk the author’s @
Breathe These City Lights
Just. Willex being fucking adorable, man. Just willex being the softest bastards to grace the face of the planet. I got literally nothing else to say, it’s soft, it’s sweet, and willex
Dude, Where Are My Keys?
God this makes me so fucking soft, it’s Ray!! Adopting!!!! Reggie!!! Except more like Reggie adopting Ray but Idgaf this is just the actual height of adorable
I’ll Keep Us Together (Whatever It Takes)
God man. I just reread this because I’m literally just going through my comments to find things I’ve commented on to see if I wanna put them in here and good god. It fucking wrecked me again it’s incredible. The willex, the longing, the slight angst? Incredible
Family Matters
Ray!!! Adopts!!!!! Some!!!!!! Mcfuckin!!!!! Ghosts!!!!!!!! Like. God this is so soft and sweet and I would like to be hugged by a father pls and thank you <3
Idk the author’s @
You’re Pulling Down My Walls Like You’re My Only Sun
This fic is just. It’s so fucking beautiful, and it goes into different types of love and different expressions of love, and there’s Alex and the guys and willex and it’s just. It’s rly good kiddos it’s rly fucking good
Call My Bluff/Call Me Babe
*screeches in fake dating and yearning and pining and holymotherfuckingsonofabitch this is so soft*
Idk the author’s @
But I Think I’m Lost Without You
Would recommmend reading the sequel immediately after for the sake of not wanting to cry, but honestly this and the sequel are so so good and I loved the insight into the boys and Bobby and the dumbassery of them not knowing they’re all in love and I really loved the storytelling of this with the photos and the little anecdotes
Idk the author’s @
Umm, I Never Went To Oovoo Javer
This is just fucking funny ngl. It’s funny, it’s sweet, you’ll have a great time, what more could you possibly want? Willex? Well this bad boy has that too
There are many that I’ve undoubtedly missed because I’m not smart enough to keep a note of fics I’ve enjoyed, but I’ll prolly do this again at some point, so enjoy these kids
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delemenko · 3 years
In the event that you stumble across whatever I've got going on here, welcome! I am the person that uses this blog. You can call me pretty much anything tbh.
So, this blog is a bit of a mess at the moment, but from now on, I'll only be posting "original" content here, with the exception of ask games/memes. I want eventually post other shoti here so, I'm gonna break down what you might start seeing in the near future, of you don't already see it.
For right now, I mostly post about Unlike Pluto, but I want to start posting Like Saturn and why mona as well, because Unlike Pluto. There might also be the occasional post about 8 Graves, BANKS, or Tove Lo. Also, I'm always down to play with some song colours, so if you send me a colour (not grey, silver, or magenta, sorry), I'll give you three song lyrics from songs I like of that colour.
The Warriors
Shitposts, Headcanons, Alignments Charts, OCs, Texts From Last Night and stuff like that, and I've got some Fics rolling around through here. Also, those weird ass Hypotheticals I post because I like to watch others suffer, I guess. This also applies to the game.
Sometimes I post about Assassination Classroom (mostly the snipers because they're cool and none of the other characters are interesting) though due to creative differences within the fandom, I've become a bit disillusioned. I might come back to it, but for now, I've literally no reason to post about it. I also post a bit of MHA, and Psycho Pass. Probably another one that I'm missing. But aside from the occasionally OC posts, don't expect much of anything with any substance here.
You followed me for Xenoblade Chronicles? And you're still here? Aww, how sweet. Love you. Unfortunately, I haven't been all that motivated with XBC, and I don't care enough for it's spiritual successors to give them more room on my blog than I've given them. The memes are funny though ngl. I might also occasionally post about my Animal Crossing New Horizons stuff, so if you want to add me on Switch, lemme know.
Original Shenanigans
Haha, I highly doubt you followed me for any original content but I make Trippy Art and I write original fiction. I also take photos of myself on occasion, and make them into collages or gifs, so there's that. Might end up posting that elsewhere though, lest the gif pertains directly to whatever I already post, like the one above.
Other Tingz
I think I made like, two posts on On The Yard, because I think it's swell, and I might be misremembering, but I think I also have reblogged stuff for The Thing (1982) here, which is also a swell movie.
I will not post anything NSFW on this blog. I am aware that underage people follow me, so I refuse to post things of that nature here, as it's for a different setting, and I keep my degeneracy elsewhere. I will not post about political issues, moral or ethical issues, social justice issues, etc. This blog is supposed to be light-hearted and some form of entertaining and while I may comment on certain non-blog related things, I will not reblog it here.
I will generally follow whoever follows me, but I will not follow porn blogs, those weird ass dating blogs, or just blogs that seem suspicious. Typically, I will unfollow you, if you unfollow me, unless I really enjoy your content. You can send me just about anything in my ask box and I'll respond, most likely. This post will get edited as necessary. I'm down for a discussion and I'm here for a good time, so let me know if you need anything. 💕
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Keeping Up A-fear-ance's Thoughts
I finished writing this shortly after 3 am after watching the new episode like three times because I simply had too much energy about it and I have so many thoughts because I simply live for clawthornes and also I tried to break it up with more photos this time sorry not sorry if it's a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
YOUNG EDA!! let me just say I am quite a fan of opening with a flashback like we've done here and the last episode
"we have never seen a curse like this before" Lilith you had shit luck picking out curses huh
"cut it out if we have to" goddamn Gwen let'a calm the fuck down a bit.
anyways we've only really seen young Eda as a wild and confident and happy little child so I appreciate seeing this side of her with the anxiety and fear she's feeling here. I love seeing what the curse stuff was like for her as a kid
Gwen: I raised a perfectly fine kid
Me: no you didn't look at her she's got anxiety
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I'm guessing this is their backyard or just some woods behind their house?? wonder if the portal was placed there by another elder family member.
lmao I can't even begin to imagine what small Eda experiencing the human realm was like for the first time
Gwens giving me "I can't accept that my child is disabled/chronically ill/etc." here. y’know the kinda parent that'll put their kid through hell over something they probably will find a way to learn to live with (which Eda did do)
ok that's it I humbly request to know the story behind the fang now (also the noise she made when she put it in was freaking cute)
new dress! new boots! new dress! new boots!
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..yikes that fridge is empty
"calm down the curse acts stronger when you're stressed" Eda do you know who you're talking to here
confirmation losing limbs is in fact a side effect of the curse!! (y'know since Eda originally said it just happens when you get older)
please I love these sisters they're so sweet and make me wanna go 🥺
"suddenly curious about my past" "always. always curious" Luz says exactly what we all think
witchlet?? sweet flea?? she's got pet names for them 🥺 (although idk how much I'd like to be referred to as any kind of flea sorry Lilith)
ok Gwen is very much not close to what I expected and I'm kinda grateful for that
she's more like super caring but still managed to royally fuck up which was my original head canon for clawthorne parents so uh that's cool. but literally, look at their body language, Eda's pissed, Lilith's sad and making herself small. she's clearly messed up with her parenting on both of them along the way.
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"who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions?" mama clawthorne would be a fucking anti-vaxxer wouldn't she
ok I side with Eda here more than Luz and Lilith. just because Luz misses her mother, or Lilith hasn’t seen their mom in so long doesn’t mean Eda has to feel all grateful for the presence of Gwen, especially if the woman has caused her a lot of trouble over the years
I feel like the fact that its actually both Lilith and Gwendolyn have spent their whole lives dedicated to trying to find a cure could probably have held some kind of weight on Eda at some point. Even though she shouldn't feel guilty or responsible for that, I still feel like it's gotta suck knowing these people have spent so much time on something you know is likely never gonna happen, all for you.
Lilith 😞 her mother really just didn't pay attention to her all these years
hey if this guy does some next level healing magic then why isn't he more well-known, huh? why’d it take so long to come across him?? Gwen do you know what the fuck you're doing cause I think you don't
Lilith just because you're depressed about your mom doesn't mean you have to bring king down too 😠
SUPER irrelevant but is anyone else just bothered by the way Lilith is holding her spoon?? that doesn't seem like a comfortable way to hold a spoon. also is she left handed??
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"knife season came early" EDA WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. is this a boiling isles things or is this a it’s common for people to throw knives at you thing
also I want to be surprised Eda fell for the apple blood signs but I am not 😔 
Luz please trust you're gut on this one and not mama clawthorne
ok now I need to know why the fridge was empty but they had 18 cartons of ice cream this is why you guys don't have food you're wasting it all on ice cream.
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wow never thought I'd see the day hooty became the voice of reason
also, night market ice cream?? are they implying this ice cream is like, edibles of some sort?? Lilith does seem kinda high here ngl. idk man but at least she wants to stand up for herself so good for her.
PLEASE kings just offering her ice cream while she transforms
"first in a series" Gwen honey oh no. you've been duped. I think we can see where Lilith got her naïveté from huh.
Also, nice snatch Luz 😊
anyways love how this show is basically making fun of moms who refuse to give their kids proper medical treatment or listen to medical professionals here
EXCUSE ME why do we know Gwen's palisman's name before we know Lilith's?????
"I am a mother who'll do anything for her daughter" you're mom who's suffocating obsession with one daughter has left the other neglected and is currently causing her to turn into a full on beast ya dummy
Eda DOES have a right to be upset. it sucks that her own valid emotions that she should get to feel will cause her while body to betray her.
but also why is she SO massive?? also anyone concerned that this is her first transformation and the light glyph trick wouldn't even work??
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Gwen look at what you've done, you've fostered feelings of inferiority in one daughter causing her to feel the need for sibling rivalry that the pure instincts of the raven beast cannot suppress no matter how much their sisterly relationship had improved.
"after Eda was cursed, I joined the beast keeping coven" woah woah WOAH. you're telling me you only joined because of trying to help Eda. that covens existed, before Eda got cursed, and you very much weren't a part of one. combine that with "some words for belos" she has and do I smell wild witch theory still plausible???
anyways at least mama clawthorne is getting some sense into her head here
Morton c'mon help a girl out, that's some dang good art too what the heck dude
ok fine mama clawthorne to the rescue
no pls not raven beast Lilith crying im crying now
Gwen: I raised a fine and self-sufficient child
Me: no you didn't look at her. she's got, SO MUCH.
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GODDAMN THATS SOME POWER. ngl this only adds fuel to the fire in my head that there was some kinda reasoning these sisters were torn apart, that someone felt they'd be too powerful together (and they were probably right)
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"I heard you but I couldn't stop myself, I couldn't do anything" may be just because she's not used to the curse but again part of me is concerned that because she couldn't pull herself out of it even a little bit like Eda did that there's something wrong there. but she also could've been stressed beyond reasonably calming herself down too.
ok but this is sweet
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NOOO im so sad Lilith's leaving :( I literally cried ok
"you lived here?" fine OKAY king that was hilarious even if im sad about this
"reconnect with dad" excuse me where the fuck has this man been in the middle of all of this. curse shit is going DOWN and he's just chilling at home.
I am curious about people's thoughts regarding the whole Lilith regression thing and the fact that she's literally going to be living with her parents again. I feel like it could help nurture that inner child she's been reverting back to and help her out a LOT. but I could also be concerned about it feeding into the regression and making it worse?? idk and this show probably ain't getting that actually deep into psych anyways
"some day my hair is gonna be big enough to do that too" Luz I cannot wait for the day. also mood, I wish I could do that too.
alright who's holding the fucking pen for hooty we need a volunteer RIGHT NOW so we can remain in contact with Lulu
NOT THE ONLY HUMAN? my bets on the real azura rip never mind she said he
Titan’s Blood?? interesting. If the blood of the titan is around I wonder what that means regarding the titans existence, and how long its been since the titan fell.
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ALSO WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?? They're really gonna spring that on us like this??? Camila's gotta notice somethings wrong right??? Unless any differences she just chalks up to the camp?? oh god :(
well, anyways lumity shippers come get yo juice next weekend
anyways im gonna need to add a NOT canon compliant tag on that one Gwendolyn fic I wrote because it definitely do not comply anymore
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elizabethsharmon · 4 years
reblog if you feel disrespected by skam france and demand official apology
below a full list of all the offenses:
Manon going back to Ch*rbage after he emotionally manipulated her to not testify against his brother (who got her drunk, took nudes of her, and kept blackmailing her) because “after all nothing happened = he didn’t r*pe her”
Making Arthur and Alexia a couple in the first place just so he could cheat on her with Noee and lie to her for weeks and then having her break up with him, only for them to suddenly being good friends in s6 and kissing in the last clip (which ngl almost made me throw up)
Bringing up Lucas’ insecurities and abandonment issues but never letting him talk about them with Eliott; posting some damage control posts on instagram instead and pretending like Lucas is fine with Eliott kissing Lola for the film (which he clearly wasn’t, the writers seem to not know him at all)
Wasting time to edit Tiff’s head onto different animals and posting things on that cyberbullying account that no one cared about instead of posting something from the grew + the worst social media ever
Not giving us a proper goodbye to the grew and not really saying anything about their future
Lying to the fans about god knows what we will see in s6 and baiting them to watch even though legit nothing of it happened
Not continuing Arthur’s story in s6 (fine, I don’t really care about that but we were supposed to see it so ???? )
Treating some fans more privileged than the others, giving them spoilers about the new seasons, inviting them on set
FranceTV Slash and SkamLaSerie instas mocking fans in their stories - saying stuff like Lola will cause the break up between Daphne and Basile, “addiction can be useful for flirting” (yikes), creating a ship war between fans in s5 by posting two photos of Alexia/Arthur and Noee/Arthur with a caption “we love them both, we can’t choose”, the host of the live of s6 calling people on tumblr “obsessed” and not apologizing when people said they’re offended by that, blocking people who were asking questions about why the SA was never mentioned again during the live
Liking all the praise but constantly ignoring fans when they were asking questions about writing choices and then blocking them
the rest of 50 offenses under cut cause turns out they really disrespected me more than I thought
feel free to add whatever you want if i forgot about something
None of the girls really apologizing to Imane at the end of season 4 after all they’ve put her through and after they took the side of the racist (who already had a history of drama with Emma) instead of their friend
Taking away Noee’s integrity and making her say “I love you” out loud (which was totally ooc cause an episode earlier she said LSF is her language and she doesn’t like her voice) after Arthur (who was leading her on for weeks) told her they can’t be together
Male gaze in s5 because even though the sign language is a body language, the way camera was lingering on her flat, bare stomach, a few times showing a close up on her boobs during the “song-dance” scene was male gaze
Lack of beautiful, slow-mo, piano music scenes for Alexia with Arthur staring at her awestruck because apparently she’s not worthy enough
Completely sidelining the deaf/hoh storyline in favour of cheating/love triangle plot
Reducing Camille to a translator and randomly making him Mika’s boyfriend because why the hell not
Completely forgetting about Mika and Lisa after s5 (did they ever find that roommate????)
Noee kissing Arthur right after he shared his traumatic story with her and overshadowing domestic abuse with cheating
Absolutely no follow-up about P*trick and domestic abuse after s5 
Having P*trick cheat on Arthur’s mom with Emma’s mom because they’re all one big family
Random crackfic farm episode that didn’t make absolutely ANY sense
Killing Fifi rip [*]
Arthur getting hit by The Car and being perfectly fine the next day
The Boy Squad becoming cheating apologists, Lucas giving Arthur the same advice he gave to Emma in s1 and Yann (who got hurt because of it back then) supporting it
Character regression, especially for Lucas, and the whole boy squad acting out of character
Continuously trying to make Lucas look like a bad guy because they knew we would forgive him everything
Arthur suddenly liking art even though it hasn’t been ever mentioned before and his whole instagram was filled with space related posts
Parallels between Eliott/Lucas and Arthur/Noee
Catherine - or lack of her - aka the queerbait from s3
Completely ignoring character’s birthdays - Basile and Manon (second year in a row)
Not introducing Lola before and making s6 about a complete stranger but still expecting the fans to like her from the get-go and watch the show by baiting the fans with the promise of “unofficial mains” (Daphne and Eliott)
Forcing the Lola/Eliott friendship and selling it in the promo as sister/brother relationship instead of writing it in a way that would make it flow naturally
Making Eliott Otteli Urbex King only to forget the plot after more or less three clips; also having Eliott hide the truth from Lucas for months and then pretending to resolve it in a text to Lola ??? which didn’t make sense in the first place but then it turned out that it was just damage control
Making Lola hook up with much older guys than her over and over again and having one of them s*xually assault just so Eliott could play the hero and save her; never bringing that up again
Making Eliott punch people left and right - anything to protect the ladies, Sofiane punching Ch*rbage in s4 can agree I guess
Making Eliott Otteli Urbex King only to forget the plot after more or less three clips; also having Eliott hide the truth from Lucas for months and then pretending to resolve it in a text to Lola ??? which didn’t make sense in the first place but then it turned out that it was just damage control
Letting Eliott talk about his past and insecurities only so Lola could prey on them later and emotionally manipulate him into drinking
Also Eliott not letting Lola apologize and brushing off her apologies because apparently that was nothing at all and it’s okay to let people walk you over and manipulate you 
Not letting Lucas speak for himself
The whole Lux & Obscurus plot, having Eliott write the film about his and Lucas’ relationship and what his love means to Eliott only to have Lola play in it, not adjusting the script so that it would fit the change and still keeping the Eliott/Lola kiss as a big fuck you to the fandom instead of having it end with a forehead touch and fade to black especially that they haven’t even showed it to us again during the screening of Eliott’s film (but it made all the other couples turned on enough to kiss in that exact moment so maybe it had a purpose) (it didn’t what the fuck was that)
Also acting like Lucas can’t spare a few hours to film it with Eliott cause he has to sTuDy FoR tHe BaC when they were filming it in the middle of a night on Friday, how is that realistic
Not giving Eliott any friends of his own and pretending like he’s a lone wolf even though he’s the biggest sunshine ever and he’s naturally drawn to people; acting like there are no other studens at his film school who could help him film his project so instead he let Lola find random people who knew nothing about filming to help him; having a bunch of random people at the screening of his film and if they were supposed to be his “friends” from the film school then I’m gonna throw hands
Acting like we will see what “minute by minute” really means and “see Eliott like we’ve never seen him before” which never happened
Switching POV for two clips only and they all revolved around Lola because they decided to go with su*cide attempt in episode 9
Also ending that episode with a su*cide note even though the next clip was before midnight on Friday
Giving Lola the worst therapist ever and a really poor attempt at cheering her up from the nurse
Enforcing that “having a loved one” is “the real reason to change” instead of sending the message that you should change for yourself first and foremost and showing that reaching out for professional help is a good thing and can really help you
Acting like ED can be cured by italian cuisine and not mentioning it again for weeks; having Daphne ask Lola not to go to rehab because they have each other and a few clips after that she’s suddenly after her first therapy (love that for her but there’s something huge missing here)
Making Lola’s life a living hell and a misery porn for 10 weeks straight
Making P*trick, Thierry and Lola’s biological dads The Worst (men are trash but it would be nice to see some good parenting on the show)
Giving all the members of La Mif two or three personality traits and not fleshing out their characters
Giving Maya a girlfriend because a season without a love triangle is a waste
Not really developing Mayla well and having their first kiss right after Eliott/Lola cursed kiss as a preemptive damage control to shut us up
Never mentioning why Lola was doing
Wasting a good chunk of the season on Tiff and that insta account and ending it with “she’s addicted to social media”
Giving Yann like one line each season after s3
Reducing Sofiane to the background dancer in s5 and s6
Hating female characters
F/M friendships are only possible if the guy is gay, otherwise cheating always had to be involved
and you know. in general. pretty much everything they did after s3.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, Se03. ep 7 (part 1)
Just to clarify, the only thing I didn’t like abt this ep is tohru, the rest is so good. kyo’s mental state is at its lowest & you can feel for him! ugh!, surprisingly akito’s own lid was so well-done!, Ren & shigure were epicly disgusting & fascinating!, kureno was so well-written, the final scene of tohru & kyo rightfully setting for the climax! Before moving on to the good part,  I’ll quickly go over why torhu’s character was once again the most inconsistent character in the show:
Ep,6 ending showed us a completely broken kyo in full display in front of tohru, best furuba cliff hanger to date hands down, followup: tohru laughing, cooking & wondering if kyo is asleep!!!. Complete detachment & extreme insensitivity to what she witnessed earlier. Not an ounce of wonder if kyo is okay or if sth is wrong with him. Not a single inner thought of “ I hope he’s okay” or “ oh momiji don’t call him, He’s a bit tired” while flashbaking to his traumatized face. Honestly, all they needed to do was a small quick inner thought to connect the scenes. No need to write new scenes. Alas, Tohru’s complete lack of compassion struck me deep. I was told ep6 ending was an anime original scene, I don’t mind any diversion from the original since I don’t know the it, but those writers who wrote a complete new scene didn’t feel the need to transition from it to the rest of the manga? really? It’s hard to believe.
Choosing the kitchen’s happy scene after of kyo’s nightmare is not bad as it shows that nobody either care or know abt his issues, fair enough. However, choosing the kitchen’s happy scene after the PTSD in tohru’s own bedroom & not modifying tohru’s happy go lucky, let’s cook yay face to a realistic concerned expression is absurd! It really takes plenty from tohru as a character. This comes after tohru’s long awaited background ep which returns tohru back to square one.
Just last ep, tohru opened her lid in front of kyo & he comforted her, While she still yet to overcome her fears, she failed miserably in doing the only thing that she’s been doing since se01, ep1, being compassionate & thoughtful. Oh well, adding a light scene in the midst of kyo & akito’s dark sequence is more important than tohru’s character consistency & growth.
moving on from tohru~~~
-Kyo’s suffocation: (guilty or not, it doesn’t matter)
we get kyo’s nightmare really gave me chills & was visually well-done. it brilliantly conveyed the feeling of suffocation, blinding fear, & intensified trauma. The nightmare’s horror vividly showcases kyo’s deepest insecurities & trauma:
It started with his mother’s “ it’s not your fault” sth kyo craved to hear from her very badly. Yet, it contradicted her action: Choosing death over staying with him.
His mother brings salvation: the cat’s cage. The cat’s room parallel’s kyo’s real life at his parents house. In se01, eo24, kyo said, he wasn’t allowed to play outside or watch TV, while his bracelet ”handcuffs”  were routinely checked by his mom. Just like a prison. His mom sentenced him in the new prison fitting for more horrible sins. The cat’s cage for the rest of his life.
While kyo looks panicked & horrified but on the verge to refuse, kyoko appears. “I won’t forgive you” solidifying his mom’s judgement.
They both warn him of the consequences of living & be forgiven: tohru’s death. Go on, kyo. Add one more victim to suffer in your behalf while you roam free. You might think that you can escape the cat’s cage but your hands remain dirty with blood. Others might not see the blood on yoyr hands, but YOU do.
Kyo is torn between being an actual sinner or a victim, between causing intentional harm or unintentional hurt, between being guilty or not. It all doesn’t matter & kyo knows it. What matter is the punishment has been going for years now & he’s tired, broken, lost & just wants it all to end. Death. Slow death in a tiny cage is so fitting for all the pain he caused others, for all the pain he suffered.
Kyo knows (a) suffering in front of tohru is hurting her. (b) Accepting her love will lead to hurting her: confessing of kyoko’s death. (c) Abandoning her is hurting her. (d) kyo knows that he doesn’t deserve her, not after he caused all this pain. (e) Above all, kyo can’t live with himself anymore. being close to her hurt so much.
-Akito’s lid: ( broken home & broken self image):
I must say they did an excellent job of presenting akito’s past! (a) It was a mixture of narration through (shigure & Ren), (b) actual animation of her parents causing her pain & traumatizing her (the scenes of Akira’s last words, her mom’s accusations), (c) Actual animation of the origin of her parents (Ren & Akira’s relationship), (d) akito herself confessing abt her pain in front of kureno. Tohru’s own lid on the other hands was presented through (a) excessive narrative with minimum animation (the grandpa’s endless exposition of tohru’s background quickly wrapped up), (b) no real animation of kyoko actually hurting tohru or how she did it, just again the grandpa narrating that kyoko “went away”. (c) tohru’s own self recall of her past being cut into pieces & divided throughout the ep, once after running from shigure & another in the sheet scene. Tohru’s ep wasn’t bad at all, it was good, but it was evidently shortened & summarized lazily. Oh well. What both eps serve is painting tohru & akito as foils of each other:
Both are attached toxicly to their parent. Tohru: kyoko & Akito: akira.
Both were welling to create a fake persona or an image that keeps this toxic love alive & cling to it no matter what.
Both hurt themselves the most & are struggling to let go of this bond.
Both have parents that hurt them. Akito: ren & tohru: kyoko, altho it is not clear how kyoko hurt tohru but kyoko is more a ghost than a real character.
Both cling to a dead object that represent their deceased parent. Tohru & the photo frame & akito & the box.
Kyoko existed to be this perfect mother with no sins, the character that tohru embodied to “fix” & “ heal all broken kids”. She lives only in memories. Even other characters think of her as this holy being. It is alluded Kyo seemed to know her as a real person who can commit mistakes, therefore, to kyo, kyoko isn’t an angel or a holy being. However, thanks to their encounter at her death & her “ I won’t forgive you” words, kyoko now is a haunting ghost to kyo. Akira on the other hand, existed as this sickly, pale & fragile head of the house, treated with so much aura & holiness. He died but his sins remain in how he raised akito.
Both must let go of their toxic bonds. Tohru of her deep attachment to her mom & akito to the zodiacs.
Both must learn to form healthier relationships.
However, there are striking differences between them! tohru never abused anyone nor attempted murdering someone by throwing’ em from a terrace, or locking them & torment them or stabbing them with a knife!! Tohru’s sin is torturing herself which by consequence tortured kyo, too. Cuz there’s is a theme of a loved-one’s pain is mine as well. Kyo’s mom hurt her own self & ended her own life. This resulted in her son’s years of immense pain, trauma & self-loath & similar suicidal tendencies, se0, ep16 “ I’ will yuki & then kill myself”, & se02, e9 “ mother, if only you killed me instead”. tragic.
Side Notes:
I will say this with a broken heart....... Tohru must learn to let go of.... kyo.  She is suffocating him. Not on purpose. I want them to be together! so bad! they’re so perfect for each other, but also, right now is NOT the time for this. Kyo & tohru’s character issues is NOT abt romance. They have real traumatic issues that are hindering their growth as independent characters. Tohru’s growth might not be well-written or well-presented, but kyo’s growth is still not explored. Next ep is where his lid opened! it must be painful. A person suffering from extreme self-loath & suicidal tendencies shouldn’t be presented so lightly in favor for the love cures all fairy tale! PLZ! NO!
Tohru must learn to not repeat her mistake again & live only for one person. She must let go of kyo in order to gain kyo back. Right now, She can’t have him! kyo is suffocated by his own trauma & adding tohru’s guilt on top of it is devastating. I mean, This could go differently & kyo might accept her love on the spot, & tohru might save him again or sth. I can see this being going deeper or shallower depending on the desired theme. Which of furuba’s heavy themes will be given to climax?
why is momiji doing a rabbit burger? he’s not cursed anymore. I know he’s keeping it a secret, but I thought momiji’s whole growth was abt letting go of the past. he still identifies with the zodiac rabbit?
Ren is hella sexy! & her Japanese VA deserves an Oscar! The way she expresses sexiness, seductive, anger, hate, contempt, sarcasm, delusional screaming, pain! EPIC!
“I thought I was created to receive others contempt” ugh! this hurt, kyo.
Shigure’s line abt looking at Ren to fantasize how akito will look if she were allowed to be a woman, ewww!!!! hella disgusting! imagine sleeping wth someone & fantasizing abt her daughter or vise versa!
Honestly, this ep while not excusing akito’s crimes & abuse of others, it did paint her in a human light. I really don’t want her to end up with shigure. Akito’s whole life is abt misunderstood love. Give her time to discover herself. A guy who slept with her mom is never a reasonable partner even if he loves her for eternity. but oh well~
Shigure indirectly caused Isuzu’s near death abuse by Akito. all in his attempts to free akito from the curse. I love how disgustingly selfish he is.  I remember his “ you mom told you to not interfere, kagura” in se03, ep3. shudder!!! if hiro never met haru that day & confessed to him, if kureno never noticed the maid! Still, he went & visited isuzu after her 4 moths imprisonment in the cat’s cage her hospitals discharge & recovery!
ngl... Shigure & Ren’s sexual tension is the biggest in furuba. Eww!
I’ll talk abt kureno & akito more in part 2. but I felt nothing watching kureno get stabbed lol. this is due to the trailer spoiling it & the ED having him happily in love -_-’.  bummer!.
I love tohru & kyo’s outfit in the ep cliff hanger. lol. Tohru really dressed up to confess.
Tohru read the room! Even if you magically forgotten how sickly & out of it he was in your room earlier, remember this: Kyo always have bad mood in the rain! Then again... he did hug her for the first time & called her by her name in the midst of a rainy storm. se01, e024. >_<!
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hazbinhotelcanon · 4 years
Voxtagram posts - 16 June 2020 to 30 June 2020
These are all the “in character” posts & comments from the Helluva/Hazbin accounts that have recently been popping up on Instagram. Comments from other people aren’t included unless characters interact with them. Since Instagram doesn’t have a chronological feed & timestamps show only the date on posts older than 24 hours, I’ve listed the posts as close to chronologically as I can reconstruct.
I’ve seen tons of fans expressing annoyance/frustration at trying to keep up with these in character Instagram accounts and their new lore and plots. That’s the top reason I started this blog. If you want to see my ongoing logs of the in character Instagram posts, follow @hazbinhotelcanon​!
I’m gonna call these “Voxtagram posts” instead of “Instagram posts” because Hazbin/Helluva Hell's equivalents to our social media sites were apparently named for Vox—Voxtagram, Voogle, VoxTube, Voxcarto—so I’ll use that for the in-universe posts.
Since this is the first “Voxtagram” post, I’ve got a big disclaimer on how “canon” this material is; I’ll put it at the bottom of this post. First, the actual art!
Canon accounts featured in this post: just Blitzo (blitzorodeo) and Stolas (daddy_hoothoot).
16 June 2020
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blitzorodeo Here at the stable!!! #horsethings #itwasonly5$$$$$$$$ #selfie❤️ #😈😈😈😈
17 June 2020
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blitzorodeo I just cant choose what name to give my horse!! They’re just so good! Which is your favorite 🥺😈😛 #namesrhard #icantwaittowriteitdownagain
19 June 2020
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blitzorodeo My horse and I went to the living world. How do you people deal with all this blue
janegumball Blitz, show us your horse blitzorodeo @janegumball 😮👏😢🙌😔 janegumball @blitzorodeo so no horse? Damn... 😔 blitzorodeo @janegumball Push pin (my horse) and i have a special relationship, you cant just ask for pictures of my horse
20 June 2020
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blitzorodeo I got new riding boots!! My horse coupon 2.0 picked them out for me! :0) BT dubs, i changed my horses’ name to coupon 2.0
megan25gothiqueimmortel Youre awesome like always Blitzy blitzorodeo @megan25gothiqueimmortel 😍😍😍 yes i am good thanks 😋💖💕❤️
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Blitzō (@blitzorodeo) on Jun 20, 2020 at 1:40am PDT
Watching my favorite movie with my horse!!
#movienight🥺 #spiritismyfavmovie
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blitzorodeo Maxipad and i can’t get enough of these lil iced bitches 🥰😛😋 BTdubs i renamed my horse to maxipad dont flame me 🔥🔥🔥 #icedcofee #mmmmiloveicedcoffee #donttslktomebeforeihavemycoffree
markzillow655 I feel like Blitz put some drugs in that drink blitzorodeo @markzillow655 its just iced coffee 😬
janegumball What name is on your horse’s birth certificate? blitzorodeo @janegumball 😳 thats a secret 😗❤️
watsurdamage dont tslk to me before i have my coffree probablyfakeblonde @watsurdamage leave him alone, he just wants to enjoy time with his horse watsurdamage @probablyfakeblonde what horse blitzorodeo @probablyfakeblonde 😔
21 June 2020
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blitzorodeo WENT TO THE MOOOOVVVIIIEEESSSS!! 🥴 it was lame, no horses in this movie 😑👎 it suuuuxxxxxxx!!! Anyways my horses new name is nail polish #moxxiehasstinyPP #iatrtheirpopcorm #illreviewthrmovielater
lordskelecat Pics of the horse or it doesn’t exist blitzorodeo @lordskelecat YOU CANT JUST ASK FOR PICS OF MY HORSE!!! DONT FLAME ME!!! 🔥🔥🔥
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blitzorodeo Throw back to last years halloween costume!!! My horse Latex glove said i should post it :0) Oh yea my horses new name is latex glove #iusedlotsofmakeuponmyhorns #andotherplaces;) #donthugmeillloosemymakeuponyou
akira282006 Isn't it in those clothes that blitzo appears in a Hazbin hotel scene?. By the way great costume👌 blitzorodeo @akira282006 i had to look fancy at the stufio 😎
markzillow655 That is awesome looking ngl blitzorodeo @markzillow655 😎🔥
22 June 2020
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blitzorodeo My horse and i found this in Moxxies closet! LOOOL!!! Im pretty sure moxxie cant pull it off like Tupperware can. My horses new name is tupperware BTW🥺😎👍❤️ #bigdickenergyproblemslol #myjorsesnsmeistupperware #stolaseatmyass
radio_demon_husk He wouldn’t know about virginity after all he did sleep with stolas blitzorodeo @radio_demon_husk who the fuck is stolas
yaelgilbert He low-key kinda hot tho. blitzorodeo @yaelgilbert 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
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blitzorodeo GOD DAMN IT!! They gave me fucking HOT COFFEE!! 👿🔥 this is bullshit im about to to full karen on their asses!! BTdubs, my horses name is ICED COFFEE WHICH IS WHAT I WANTED!!! #bullshitbullshitbullshitbullshitbullshitbullshit!!!!
hellishgirly34 Do you like Moxxie xD? Spit the tea! blitzorodeo @licoholics nah he’s stinky.
23 June 2020
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blitzorodeo Having my hotdog that my horse recommended. This guy wont stop talking to me. I changed my horses name to keystroke #thightuesday❤️😈 #hotdogtimeisagoodtime
yaelgilbert You gonna slurp that mustered off your lap or can I? blitzorodeo @yaelgilbert I want a happy meal first
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blitzorodeo In a meeting rn, i love these filters LOL! My horse chose this filter :0) Their name is now snimmer~ #moxxieisatotalbabe #thattaghas100+onit #proovesmoxxieisbaby #:)😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
janegumball Snimmer is a dumb name 👎 blitzorodeo @janegumball 🔥👿👎🔥
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blitzorodeo Feeling cute today, calling my horse on an old clamshell phone! 😈❤️🌟#foundthisoldshotinaboxlol #missusingmyclalmshells
daddy_hoothoot My eyes have been blessed to see my dear Blitzy like this! You’re always so adorable.
bryan_fedrix what's the horse's name now? blitzorodeo @bryan_fedrix THANK YOU FOR ASKING, the name is shrinkwrap
25 June 2020
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daddy_hoothoot Octavia said I needed an instagram account and surprised me this morning. Am I doing this right? #nofilter #wokeuplikethis
blitzorodeo 👎 daddy_hoothoot @blitzorodeo Oh, Blitzy, you know you love seeing this in the morning❤️❤️❤️ blitzorodeo @daddy_hoothoot 😔 not a horse
blitzorodeo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
edwar_17_art Birb father daddy_hoothoot @edwar_17_art I’m not quite sure what a “birb” is but I am indeed a father. And a very proud one at that.
boiled_trash Daddy hoot hoot? Can you be my daddy~? daddy_hoothoot @boiled_trash I’m sorry, I already have a daughter
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blitzorodeo Stolas came over and asked for my horse cook but snowcone (my horse) isn’t interested. 🥴👿😑
blitzorodeo BTW my horse is a master chef 🔥
daddy_hoothoot My, what a lovely pair of legs those are!
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blitzorodeo At the pool with my horse! We both have pool floaties we stole from some kid together 🥺🔥😈
daddy_hoothoot Oh! You’re in the pool? blitzorodeo @daddy_hoothoot ................................. no........................... boiled_trash @karlaanimatesyt stolas is bout to join him karlaanimatesyt @boiled_trash Not it I get there first and stop him! 🤠 It’s our job to protect blitzo >:0!! blitzorodeo @karlaanimatesyt finally i have a human shield jaquiialeworld @daddy_hoothoot Stolas, I know how to make blitzo surrender to you, give him a horse blitzorodeo @jaquiialeworld i already have a horse 👎
wolf.nerd.geek Also Blitzo is so cute that face he is making can you send me a link to this pic please blitzorodeo @wolf.nerd.geek this is my selfie 😑🔥
thorns521 How do you feel about Stolas’s new account Blitzø? blitzorodeo @thorns521 I can never post a thigh pic again... daddy_hoothoot @blitzorodeo Don’t let me get in the way of you showing the world those hot thighs 😉
vinfer8 Who took the picture? 🤔 blitzorodeo @vinfer8 obviously my horse
boiled_trash What does your horse’s pool float look like? blitzorodeo @boiled_trash looks like a dragon 🐉
karlaanimatesyt Wow.... :0 What’s your horses name today? :D I’m interested!! blitzorodeo @karlaanimatesyt pool noodle 😎
nightmurr 🥺💕 you have such a cute little smile i- blitzorodeo @nightmurr 😎
princess_.ee Whats your horses name? blitzorodeo @princess_.ee FINALLY SOMEONE ASSKKED. Its Noodle, pool noodle
26 June 2020
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daddy_hoothoot I spy a cutie 😈🥰 @blitzorodeo
pipunpkin i spy a SIMP daddy_hoothoot @pipunpkin If a “SIMP” means Sexy Imp then yes
watsurdamage Suspiciously with no horse... 👀 blitzorodeo @watsurdamage he went to use the bathroom obviously watsurdamage @blitzorodeo obviously boiled_trash @blitzorodeo where’s his pool float then??? watsurdamage @boiled_trash @blitzorodeo I think they’ve got you there blitz daddy_hoothoot @watsurdamage no one needs to pick on my Blitzy. If he says there was a horse there, there was a horse there.
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blitzorodeo New icon fr da newme (My horse, typo, wrote that for me)
daddy_hoothoot 😘
maro.drawings blitzo your photos are always beautiful 👌💖 but I need to ask you something .... how much does a domicile murder cost? blitzorodeo @maro.drawings you have to get a consultation if you want a priiicceeeee 🔥
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blitzorodeo So.. Remember, bushes are great places to hide... my horse, dixxie cup, hid in the bush next to me #hidingforgoodreasonslol #itskindafunnybutalsonotbecauseimstuckinabush #updatelateronthebushsituation
daddy_hoothoot Oh dear
janegumball Dixie Cup is a dumb dumb name 👎 horse name 0/10 blitzorodeo @janegumball DONT FLAME MEEEEE!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
sirnasteryg87 is your horse okay? (´;д;`) blitzorodeo @sirnasteryg87 dixie cup is doin just fine, were both hiding in the
27 June 2020
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blitzorodeo ok update, I was able to escape the bushes and I got an iced coffee, I'm fine looooool. My horse (named latex glove) also got one too. I think we'll come here more often to get coffeeeee #tastyasfuckman #iloveicedcoffeeitstasty
daddy_hoothoot Hope you’re enjoying the living world, Blitzy! Can’t wait to see you when you get back! blitzorodeo @daddy_hoothoot yea yea....
maichyartnoodles You look like you are doing an Ahegao, wtf?! blitzorodeo @maichyartnoodles weeb
thesydinator Just add some beta blockers with that iced coffee, and bam: you’re completely hammered blitzorodeo @thesydinator now THAT sounds like an idea 😎😎😍😍
ant_arts_entertainment I love horses blitzorodeo @ant_arts_entertainment this guy gets me
king_leb72 Damn why were you in the bushes blitzorodeo @king_leb72 i have my motives, im a pro
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blitzorodeo This is the piñata that reminded me of moxxie LOL. Tortilla chip (my horse) said to give it to mills, I think she’d love it 🤣😈
daddy_hoothoot It’s cute but not quite as cute as a certain imp I know 😏 😈 angelmadefromhell @daddy_hoothoot Moxxie? daddy_hoothoot @angelmadefromhell Which one of the little ones are they? blitzorodeo @daddy_hoothoot Just remember our agreement and you can call me whatever you want... ill see you at 8 daddy_hoothoot @blitzorodeo Can’t wait! 😘
janegumball You took my name suggestion. If you change it again I’m afraid I’m gonna have to report your account. blitzorodeo @janegumball wtffff!!!!!
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daddy_hoothoot Had myself a bit of a spook. Still not quite used to this phone. #dadprobs 🦉
blitzorodeo Use a filter daddy_hoothoot @blitzorodeo I’ll keep that in mind for next time
hellishgirly34 Stolas, why Blitzo was hiding in a bush? daddy_hoothoot @bluepatata I’m not quite sure. I tried to call him but he didn’t pick up.
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daddy_hoothoot Got to spend the day with Octavia. 💖🖤#prouddad #saturdaysaremadefordads
ballora_x Wait, I have a good question, how can you're daughter hear everything in the Headsets wale she doesn't have ears? daddy_hoothoot @ballora_x we’re in Hell, dear. Living world logic doesn’t apply.
ricardo_silis_garcia_ I came to ask for your daughter's hand daddy_hoothoot @ricardo_silis_garcia_ not my hand to give. Besides she’s far too young for matrimony.
28 June 2020
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blitzorodeo I drew a picture of msyulef as a horse :) im such a a creative guy!! my given horse name from my horse (Renamed to flavor dust) is blitzo2. if you translate it it's whIIIINNENEEE nay bRRRRRR HEEERRGH. #whatsyourhorsiename #stolasdontotinteract
blitzorodeo Im such a good artist boiled_trash @blitzorodeo you’re not a good artist, you’re an amazing one! blitzorodeo @boiled_trash 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍YOURE 👏 RIGHT👏👏👏
daddy_hoothoot You’re always so talented with your hands, Blitzy!
sugar.weaver My horse name is Tiny Whore - or Horse... I'm not fluent yet and they're pretty similar sounds... In horse that's PBBBF.. NNNEEHHHHHEH BPFF! BPFF! (The exclamation points are important to the translation) blitzorodeo @sugar.weaver i liked this 3 times. Your horse name is perfect PBBBF NNNNNEEEHHHEH BPPFF BPFFF, fucking amazing sugar.weaver @blitzorodeo Thank you so much, whIIIIINNENEEE nay bRRRRRR HEEERRGH, but you forgot my exclamation points and called me Clammy Ankles 😔😔😔 blitzorodeo @sugar.weaver i was being informal but ill remember next time 😔
momgimmeoreo How did you learn how to draw, Blitz? blitzorodeo @momgimmeoreo im just talented
beetle.ghosts omg you're so talented blitzorodeo @beetle.ghosts ❤️❤️❤️😍❤️😍❤️❤️❤️😍😍❤️❤️😍😍
andonijean Oh wow! This is a piece of art! I'll give you one hundred of apples for it~ blitzorodeo @andonijean WOW GIMMUE APPLE
aateabee Gosh, I wish my art was as good as yours, Blitzo. I feel unworthy when I look at your art. blitzorodeo @aateabee ❤️😎❤️😎❤️😎❤️😎❤️😎😎😎
aitesound666 I Love you art,will you draw moxxie as a horse? blitzorodeo @aitesound666 i should....!!!!!
karlaanimatesyt Blitzo! >:0 I LOVE YOUR ART, YOU ARE SUCH A GODDESS! Will you ever do more art? :D I would love to see some more! blitzorodeo @karlaanimatesyt wow.... yes... ill post more art 😍😍❤️😍❤️
boiled_trash Love your art, Blitzo! Have you considered doing commissions? blitzorodeo @boiled_trash im thinjing of opening them soon :)
kaldraws8280 Oh you should hang it on moxxies fridge! I bet hed love it! blitzorodeo @kaldraws8280 hed better....
leoleochleoleo you draw yourself as a horse because you like to lay on your fours for the old owl 7u7? blitzorodeo @leoleochleoleo FIRST OF ALL. Im a top, and second, i draw myself as a horse because its my SPIRIT animal >:(
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blitzorodeo Some requests!! You guys really like my art 😋 i worked really hard on moxxies horsiebdrawing. He doesnt HAVE a horse name. Its just moxxie. My red crayon ran out i only had blue dont flame me preps
daddy_hoothoot 💖💖💖💖💖💖🥺!!! blitzorodeo @daddy_hoothoot its from that time you choked on a rat bone 🦴 daddy_hoothoot @blitzorodeo I still absolutely adore it! daddy_hoothoot @blitzorodeo There’s only one bone I enjoy choking on 😏 blitzorodeo @daddy_hoothoot STOLAS
megadoomed Do you take constructive criticism blitzorodeo @megadoomed no
nightmurr AN ART GOD 😳😳 blitzorodeo @nightmurr 😎�� i am really good at art
aitesound666 I think you deserve this 🙌🙌👏👏👏 blitzorodeo @aitesound666 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
useful.crew.too Your drawings and pictures bring me such joy!! blitzorodeo @useful.crew.too 😍❤️
mr_unknown15632 Your art work is amazing not gonna lie, the second drawing looks exactly like moxxie blitzorodeo @mr_unknown15632 doesnt it??????? 🙌🙌🙌
whereareallmyenchiladas honestly at this point put “artist” in ur bio🥺 ur art is way too good to not be recognized blitzorodeo @whereareallmyenchiladas so right
29 June 2020
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blitzorodeo My horse, who i renamed to smart phone, said I should wear sunglasses. I trust my horses opinion :} #sunglassesonfunsout #ifuckinglovewearingsunglassesyoucantseewhatimthinking #galaxybrainzriseup
bootyprince damn u single bb? blitzorodeo @bootyprince always up for a good time 😎
aateabee Where’d you get the glasses from? I’d really like a pair like that! blitzorodeo @aateabee at my local sunglasses hut
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blitzorodeo stolas sent me this picture earlier... not sure what he was trying to do but i think the camera went off after he posed.
daddy_hoothoot Oh! This is embarrassing. blitzorodeo @daddy_hoothoot 🤧
bootyprince send him one back blitzorodeo @bootyprince maybe i will....... blitzorodeo @blitzorodeo NOT daddy_hoothoot @blitzorodeo 🥺
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blitzorodeo just saw Antz... Z reminds me WAAYYY too much of Moxxie... #pleaseshutuppleaseshutup
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daddy_hoothoot I always feel amazing after a good preening 🦉❤️ #fluffyisthebest
blitzorodeo I came back for my left glove thats all 🔥🔥 daddy_hoothoot @blitzorodeo If you want to come by for the other one, we can watch one of those horse movies you enjoy 🐴
blitzorodeo @daddy_hoothoot ............... spirit........ ill bring my VHS but NOTHING FUNNY daddy_hoothoot @blitzorodeo I’ll get popcorn!
30 June 2020
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daddy_hoothoot Movie night with Blitzy! 😈🦉🍿
deparkjimin COUPLE GOALS.! They should get married now.❤️❤️❤️ blitzorodeo @deparkjimin we are NOT A couple! saquesealchingada @blitzorodeo That's what everyone says, what do you say Stolas? daddy_hoothoot @saquesealchingada I... It’s complicated
leoleochleoleo I thought that old man didn't know how to use netflix 0: daddy_hoothoot @leoleochleoleo Blitzy brought a VHS
mistress_of_insanity Are ya watchin' porn or somethin'? 👀🔥 blitzorodeo @mistress_of_insanity 👎👎👎👎👎 NO ITS SPIRIT
natycolrange OhHH we can Finaly see the Horse!! 🌟🌟 blitzorodeo @natycolrange its just a horse figurine, my horse went to the shitter
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blitzorodeo I went to Mcdonalds and Mccucked this human womans wife lol. My horse said it was my charms and my daddy fingers. too bad I'm wild and free babybeeee #ihadamcflurryandlarrrggeeefries #cantfuckintamemeimfree #likespiritthehorse
daddy_hoothoot Oh...
trysteropup Need an imp with daddy fingers in my life blitzorodeo @trysteropup this is my absolute favorite comment
mr_unknown15632 My main question is, what’s your horses name? blitzorodeo @mr_unknown15632 THANK YIU FOR ASKINGGGG!!! Thr name is flame proof, cuz nobody can burn this biatch
hat_flap Hey Daddy Finger blitzorodeo @hat_flap hey baby maker
yaelgilbert At least return her horse frame to her. blitzorodeo @yaelgilbert NO.
probablyfakeblonde STOP STEALING MY SHIT!!! YOULL NEVER BE LIKE SPIRIT blitzorodeo @probablyfakeblonde DONT FLAME ME JUST CUZ I HAVE DADDY FINGERS AND YOU DONT! watsurdamage @blitzorodeo @probablyfakeblonde I mean he’s right blitzorodeo @watsurdamage @probablyfakeblonde cucked again probablyfakeblonde @watsurdamage @blitzorodeo honey please don’t do this, he’s already stolen my beautiful framed horse picture, I can’t lose you too 🥺 blitzorodeo @probablyfakeblonde its mine now, and im wild and free, cant tame me watsurdamage @blitzorodeo @probablyfakeblonde you heard him, like Miley he can’t be tamed
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daddy_hoothoot A pleasant afternoon tea with my wife 😢
daddy_hoothoot Sorry, I meant to put 😌
aitesound666 Ok,a question。Who took the picture?😮 daddy_hoothoot @aitesound666 Butler
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Blitzō (@blitzorodeo) on Jun 30, 2020 at 1:46am PDT
blitzorodeo I tried animating and it’s sucks
janegumball Everyone in the comments is trying to spare your feelings, and you know it blitzorodeo @janegumball i think ur just jealous thet im amazing
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blitzorodeo Loonie and I went out to the city! my horse Dominator got us there! :) #horseinthecityha #betterthanataxiiii #itfuckinfreeeee
daddy_hoothoot How cute, Blitzy! Perhaps someday we can arrange a little play date. I think our daughters would very much enjoy it. blitzorodeo @daddy_hoothoot Loona might be a little too old to do play dates.. daddy_hoothoot @blitzorodeo it’s more of an expression than an actual play date, Blitzy. I simply think they may get along.
bootyprince she looks just like u blitzorodeo @bootyprince the resemblance is uncanine
And that’s all the June posts!!
So! Since this is the first Voxtagram post, lemme include the big ol’ disclaimer that’s going to apply to all of these posts: we don’t yet know how canon these accounts are.
This is why they’re broadly accepted as canon: as far as I have been able to track back (correct me if you know better & have a source!), the first of these accounts, Blitzo’s, was found by fans because Vivzie followed it when it was brand new. Since then, new accounts have been discovered as they follow/interact with each other. Some official artists have interacted “in character” with the accounts. The accounts accurately announced when the “Addict” music video was going to come out, and some art posted before “Addict” used imagery that was also used in the music video. So either the accounts are definitely made by the canon creators or else being made by somebody who’s got inside access to the creators.
But, as far as I have seen, nobody on the Hazbin crew has taken credit for running them. More importantly, nobody has said how canon the blogs are. Maybe every image/word posted by these accounts is 100% accurate/canonical; or maybe the art is canon but the roleplaying in the comments is noncanon goofy fanservice; etc. We don’t know yet. It appears safest to say these accounts are probably mostly canon—but take it with a grain of salt.
So until we’re directly informed how canon the Voxtagram accounts are, Voxtagram posts are going to be tagged “#semi canon” (the same tag I’ll be using for stream transcripts) to indicate that it appears to be info coming from the creators, but it may or may not still be canon/accurate by the time the full shows and comics are released.
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Hi, I love your blog! Can I request a cake, if you’re still doing them? It’s fine if you’re not though.
If you are, can you do it for a boy? I’m generally considered tall (I’m 5’7”) and I have really curly brown hair with green eyes and really pale skin. I’m Irish-American and I’m an Aries. My hobbies are; photography, reading thriller or historical fiction novels, writing fanfiction, and listening to music (specifically punk rock or really obnoxiously loud Irish rock). I’m quite shy when it comes to new situations or places and I have an anxiety disorder, so I’m usually quite anxious and generally considered quiet (which makes my music choices ironic). Before people get to know me, people think I’m a b*tch or that I’m cold because I tend to stick with the same people and not generally talk to others unless I’m forced. Even my friends have said they thought I was mean before they actually met me. I can be pessimistic at times, but I care about the people I’m really close with and I’ll defend them no matter the situation. I can be annoying, I overthink everything, and I am insecure about literally anything and everything about myself (from my body to my writing)
I’m generally considered one of the smarter ones in my friend group, usually my friends come to me when it comes to writing essays or having to read a book for class, since I’m good at analyzing things. I’m the friend that usually everyone tries to protect from things, from fear that I might “break” or something like that, which can be annoying but I know it means that they care. Though I would prefer that people be straight forward and honest with me instead of walk on eggshells or keep secrets, because contrary to popular belief, I can defend myself just fine. My friends say I have a hard time letting people in since I don’t want to end up hurt, so I have a tendency to keep people at arms length because I’m afraid to have my heart broken.
I don’t know if that’s enough information or if I over-shared (I have a tendency to do that), but if you are still accepting these kinds of requests, I hope this is enough.
🍰 for @lifewouldbebetteronmars
Hello my Aries sister!!!!
Romantic Matchup
Tsukishima Kei
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How yall met
Ok be prepared to be shocked
But Tsukki needed a tutor
He was having a difficult time understanding the new topic they were doing in class
So the teacher recommended you as a partial tutor
At first he didn't really like you
It really wasn't anything you did
He just hated that he needed someone else's help
And he was kinda embarrassed about it
But as time went on he started to warm up to you
Some could even say he looked forward to your tutoring sessions
So when he didn't need you to teach him anymore
He tried to find excuses to hang out with you
He's just too prideful to say that he likes you and wants to hang out with you
And even though you knew that was probably the case
You didn't want to call him out like that
So you would just hang out with him whenever you could
And the bond between you two grew with every passing day
And eventually you guys started dating
What they love about you
He loves how intelligent you are
Tsukki is pretty smart himself
So if he thinks that your smart
Bb you're a genius
And although he resented your smarts when he first met you
He's come to realize it's one of your most admirable traits
He loves how you care so deeply for your loved ones
He knows you would do anything and everything for him
But he also knows you would do the same thing when it comes to any of your friends and family
Like he's literally seen you telling off somebody for picking on one of your friends
He made a mental note to be careful who he picks on that day
He loves how straightforward you are
Ok so this is Tsukki were talking about
He doesn't really like overcomplicated people or people he can't understand
And you are anything but that
Tsukki can read you like a book
Maybe its because hes spent a lot of time with you
Maybe it's because he pays more attention to you than other people
The world may never know
What you love about them
You love how he doesnt try to “protect you”
Now don't get me wrong
Tsukki would take a bullet for you if it ever came down to it
But he knows for the most part you can take care of yourself
So unless you specifically ask for help hell leave you be
You love that he understands your limitations
Tsukki knows you have anxiety
So he tries to make social exchanges as comfortable as possible
If he notices that your uncomfortable talking to someone
He’ll swoop in and remove you from the situation
He tries to get you to step out of your comfort zone from time to time
He knows just as well as you do that being social is just apart of life
And he doesn't want you do always be dependent on him when it comes to being social
So he just gives you little nudges
Until eventually its like your anxiety never even existed
Favorite things to do together
Ahem anyways
Mans loves to have a good study date with you
It's really just you two doing homework and reading together
But he loves those little intimate moments with you
Late night walks
You guys take late night walks ALL the time
Once again it's nothing more than just walking round and listening to music
But Tsukki finds comfort in your presence during these times
Random Hc
The team was very very shocked when they found out you were Tsukkis gf
Like Tsukki + a relationship = error
Definitely got bombarded with questions when you met the team
He keeps some of the photos you've taken in a little box in his room
He proofreads all of your fanfics
One time it was your turn to pick the music for a study date
He was very shocked when hard core irish rock started playing…
When you guys first met there were a lot of moments when you just stared at eachother like
Because you didn't know how to talk to each other
Sometimes he acts like he doesn't know something just so he can be around you
Aries + Libra
Compatibility 62%
However difficult it might be to reconcile these two natures, remember that this is a primal opposition that represents partners by signification.
Aries and Libra are the couple of the zodiac, as much as any other opposing signs, for they are each other’s seventh house, house of relationships.
Even more so if we acknowledge the fact that Libra is the sign of relationships in general.
Any problem they might have with each other is something to be worked on, because it shows what their personal problem with any relationship is.
When they are madly attracted to each other and fall in love, there is almost nothing that could separate them, no matter the differences.
Wouldn’t we all like to find the middle ground with our loved one? They need to work on their bond, that’s a fact, but their relationship is a promise of a perfect fit of two souls meant to be together.
Friendship Matchup
Tendou Satori
Tumblr media
How yall met
You guys have been friends since middle school
You saw how other people treated him and you just didn't think it was right
So you befriended him!
You guys were attached at the hip all throughout middle school
Then he left for highschool while you stayed in middle school
Then when it was your turn to go to high school you had went to karasuno
So you guys lost touch
But then one day you saw a familiar head of red hair at one of your boyfriends matches…
It was Satori!
You were so excited to see him again that you practically sprinted over to him to reunite
He was so happy to see you again!
Ngl the entire Karasuno team was very confused on how you knew the guess monster of Shiratorizawa
Why you became friends
Like I said you saw how people treated him all throughout middle school…
So even though you were 2 years younger than him
You decided to befriend him
He was shocked by your kindness
And honestly a little hesitant
It wouldn't be the first time someone pretended to be his friend just to stab him in the back later
But for some reason he thought you were different
So he became friends with you
He was super sad when he lost contact with you :(
He always thought about how you were doing
But hey fate decided to bring you two together again
And it was like nothing changed
You both still had the same strong connection you had way back in middle school
What yall love about each other
He loves how out there you can be
Like there was a time where you two just blasted music in a park and just were dancing and vibing
He loves how your able to channel your creativity into your photography
He compliments every picture you take
Even if it's not a good one
He loves that how you look vs how you act are two totally different things
He won't lie to you you definitely have RBF Syndrome
(resting bitch face syndrome)
It almost reminds him how ushiwaka looks
But the difference is behind you rbf is a generally warm person
You love how fun Satori is!
Moments with him are always filled with laughs
Never a dull moment with that one
You love that he does not allow what others say get to him
Oh and on the days they do
Your right there to pick him back up and get him back to normal
Overall you guys love that you can depend on each other
Random Hc
Tsukki felt a little intimidated when he found out satori was your friend
Their rivalry during their game may or may not have had something to do with you…
You guys had homemade friendship bracelets as kids
And he kept his in his room even after you lost touch
Ironically enough he WILL NOT allow you to be insecure
He's like Insecurities we don't know her ❤️
Aries + Libra
A friendship between an Aries and a Libra brings in the inherent polarity of the Zodiac itself.
The constellations of Aries and Libra lie opposite to each other in the Zodiac, at an angle of 180 degrees between them.
This polarity is displayed in their characteristic traits as well. Each sign has qualities that the other sign lacks.
Add to it the fact that Librans have a natural desire to be harmonious, and Aries and Libra form a relationship of great equilibrium.
The polarity of Aries and Libra could be described as self versus other.
But the differences go much further than that. Aries are impulsive, excitable, and willing to jump into things immediately.
Libra are indecisive, peace loving, and prefer a calm, quiet view of everything.
Star signs with opposite polarity often share a zealous relationship with each other.
In general, polar alliances turn out awesome when they are good, but rather challenging when they are bad.
Polarities could twist and knot together if the signs didn’t understand each other well.
However, Aries and Libra are a well balanced pair.
Libra are charming, well cultured, and have pleasing manners that could compensate for the brazen nature of Aries.
On the other hand, Aries are strong willed and decisive, which could compensate for the irresolute nature of Libra.
Aries could help Libra reach resolutions more easily and make them more spontaneous.
Libra could, at times, show Aries that they are not always as right as they think they are.
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eclats-de-diamants · 4 years
Asami Jun “Research 100″ translation part.1/2 ❄
This translation is from her first photobook that was published in 2019. This is an interview segment where she answers 100 questions about herself, what she likes etc... (a bit like the “This or That” interviews in older photobooks)
This post contains the 50 first questions and I’ll soon post the other part with the last 50.
You can buy a copy of her photobook here 😊
Lil’ disclaimer before putting the translation, I’m in no way a native speaker, nor bilingual so there /may/ be errors but my dms are open so if you see something that’s mistranslated dm me and I’ll change it. Also I couldn’t translate questions  29, 34 and 36 sorryyyyy 
 (+ English is NOT my first language so yeah sorry in advance for the grammar mistakes).
Also I tried to add links to some of the things aasa mentions (like music, movie etc…)
The questions are labelled as “Q...” and the answers are quoted and labelled as “A”, if you see /this/ it’s just my notes
enjoy :)
Name: Asami Jun
Troupe: Snow Troupe
Birthday: 11/6
Blood Type: O
Nickname: Aasa, J
Height: 169cm
Eyesight: It’s bad. I wear contacts.
Shoe size: 24cm
Ring size: For my smaller fingers I wear size 9 and for my bigger fingers I wear size 12 (Japanese size)
Charm point: People often say it’s scary, but the ability to convey emotions through my eyes (laughs)
Strength: I’m always relaxed/natural.
Weakness: I don’t plan things
Catchphrase: Motivation, energy, and patience
Birthplace: Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture
  Your favorites…
Q1: What’s your favorite season?
A: Summer
Q2: What’s your favorite event of the year?
A: New Year’s Eve. I like to watch end of year tv programs with my family
Q3: Which countries do you want to visit?
A: Spain and Italy
Q4: What’s your favorite animal?
A: Dolphin
Q5: What’s your favorite music?
A: My fav of all time is “Kibou no Wadachi” from Southern All Stars
Q6: What’s your favorite movie?
A: The Notebook (romanized name: Kimi ni yomu monogatari), I cry everytime I watch it
Q7: What’s your favorite stage genre?
A: “Straight play” I also like small theater stages
Q8: What’s your favorite tv program genre?
A: Travel programs. I love “Another Sky” and programs where they introduce resorts hotels
Q9: What’s your favorite color?
A: Purple and shades of blue
Q10: What’s your favorite (kind of) books?
A: Books that explain history in an easy way. I’ll use them as references for my stage performances
Q11: What’s your favorite scent?
A: Sage wood, wooden scents
Q12: What’s your favorite food?
A: Gyoza
Q13: What’s your least favorite food?
A: Crab innards /ngl this looks disgusting/
Q14: What’s your cooking specialty?
A: I can do really delicious gyozas /not sure about this translation/
This or that
Q15: Meat or Fish?
A: Meat!
Q16: Japanese food or Western-style food or Chinese food?
A: Chinese food. I like any type of Chinese food
Q17: Japanese sweets or Western-style sweets?
A: Japanese sweets. I love Neri-kiri 
/a colourful japanese pâtisserie made of white bean paste and white rice paste/
Q18: Coffee or Black Tea?
A: Coffee. Black coffee
Q19: Salt or Soy Sauce or Sauce?
A: Salt
Private me
 Q20: Are you more of a morning person or a night person?
A: I'm both
Q21: The first thing you do after waking up?
A: I make coffee
Q22: When you take a bath, do you use hot water or lukewarm water?
A: Hot water. But during summer, I take half body baths
/from what I understand she only dips her body till her hips/
Q23: When it’s time to sleep, do you sleep with a light on or in pitch darkness?
A: In pitch darkness. When I’m in the dark I fall asleep in 2 seconds (laughs)
Q24: Until now, what’s the longest time you have slept for?
A: Approximatively 12 hours
Q25: What do you do to change your mood?
A: I drive to places with abundant nature
Q26: How much time do you spend on your phone ?
A: A lot of time
Q27: When you want to contact someone do you prefer to write a mail /I assume it’s the same as texting/ or calling?
A: Mail
Q28: Usually are you more of a talking person or a listening person?
A: I think I’m more of a listening person…
Q30: Are you more sensitive to heat or to cold?
A: I’m more sensitive to heat but I like summer (laughs)
Q31: Do you prefer to be in a group or by yourself?
A: By myself. I’d rather go shopping by myself
Q32: Which qualifications do you have?
A: I have a driver license, an English certification (grade 2) and a diving license.
Q33: What kind of shoes do you prefer?
A: Shoes that are easy to walk in. Also thick heels
Q35: A habit that you can’t stop yourself from doing?
A: Clap my hands when I laugh
Q37: The thing you’re afraid of?
A: Natural disasters
Q38: The thing you treasure?
A: A photo file with a message made by everyone when we starred in a performance together
/Not clear of who she is talking in particular/
  During your day off
Q39: Are you more of an indoor or an outdoor person?
A: If I go out in the morning I’m not able to go home until night (laughs)
Q40: What’s your karaoke specialty? /as in in which song are you the most confident singing when you go to a karaoke/
A: Nakamori Akina’s “Shoujo A”. I like “Shoujo A”
Q41: Where do you often go shopping?
A: In Umeda, it’s big 
/She says “Umeda is big”/
Q42: When you go shopping do you hesitate on what to buy or do you choose quickly?
A: I choose quickly! I think that if you hesitate it means that you don’t really need it
Q43: When you’re on holidays what’s the first thing you want to do ?
A: I want to pass all day driving to temples and sanctuaries
Q44: During holidays are you more carefree or do you plan everything?
A: I’m the type who has a schedule tightly planned.
During your childhood
 Q45: Your nickname when you were a child ?
A: Mossan
Q46: Your favorite subject at school ?
A: History. Because that was where the content related to Takarazuka’s shows came from (laughs)
Q47: The school subject you hated the most?
A: Science in general
Q48: The game you often played?
A: Dodge ball and Kickball
Q49: Which clubs were you in? What did you learn?
A: In elementary school I was in the track and field club
In middle and high school I was in the dance club
I was also learning classic ballet. During elementary school if I was in the track and field club I could play dodge ball /i guess that’s why she entered/ (laugh)
Q50: What did you want to do as an occupation ?
A: Except for being a takarasienne I wanted to be a dolphin trainer (laugh)
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