alexis513 · 3 years
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The event happened “a million years ago”; but a promise is a promise. So...
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shamylicious-blog · 3 years
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NaruHina Week @nhweek
Day 3 - Hand
those hands will always be together <3
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naruhinamain · 3 years
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☾ Hello everyone! Officially bringing you NaruHina Week 2021. We made this event bigger by now encouraging non-Tumblr users to share their works to the Naruhina Tumblr community. Details are provided as you scroll down below.
☾ April 12-19, 2021
☾ Prompts: April 12: Sunflowers / “Good morning!” April 13: Battle Couple / “Sorry I just sort of fell asleep on your shoulder.” April 14: Hand / “You’re in my head, even when you’re not supposed to be.” April 15: Ramen / “I love the feeling of your hand on my back.” April 16: Loss / “Nothing is ever going to come between us.” April 17: Pregnancy / “It wasn't like this before." April 18: Swing / “How can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
☾ Details and Guidelines: ✭ Open to all kinds of content! Artwork, Graphics, Fanfic, AMVs, essays and anything under the sun! ✭ Please follow @nhweek​ for updates and content ✭ Kindly include #nhweek2021 and/or #nhweek in your first five tags to help us monitor and reblog your submissions. ✭ Just a gentle reminder that any form of ship/character bashing will be reported. Incest and adult/minor are also prohibited. ✭ Please make sure to specify if your content is Rated M in consideration to the younger audiences. ✭ Reposts and content theft will be ignored; please bear in mind to avoid doing so.
☾ Additional for NON-TUMBLR USERS (including anons): ✭ You may use the SUBMIT feature to create a post or share a link/s to your work ✭  You may also leave out your preferred penname or other online accounts including but not limited to AO3, Fanfiction.net, Wattpad, Twitter, IG, etc.  ✭  Twitter users may tag me via my Twitter acct: @quirrrky_
☾ In case we missed out on your post, you may hit up @quirrrky 
☾ For questions and clarifications, please feel free to drop an ASK , PM or check out the FAQs page.
☾ Lastly, enjoy and have fun!
Special thanks to @narutoevents
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ohhipstaplease · 3 years
Eating For Two
After date night at Ichiraku results in a stomach ache for Naruto, he ponders how his wife can out-eat him every single time.
Blank Period | Canon-Complaint | T+ | 1K+ Words | Ao3
For @nhweek 2021 | April 15: Ramen / “I love the feeling of your hand on my back.”
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Naruto woke up in the middle of the night, his stomach feeling a tad unsettled. He tried not to rouse Hinata as he turned on his side, scolding himself for trying to out-eat her yet again during their weekly date night at Ichiraku. He should have known better by now, honestly, but he couldn’t help himself.
Typically Naruto was able to at least keep up with her, but lately, he noticed she was eating a bit more than usual. This of course flew right over his head, and instead fueled his competitive streak.
“Another order of miso pork ramen, old man!” Naruto yelled as he attempted to keep up with his wife.
Hinata, though, completely unbothered, continued eating at her normal pace. Clearly, she was savoring every bite, whereas her husband was simply trying to catch up to the amount she had already eaten.
“You know, Naruto, they say slow and steady wins the race,” Teuchi said, nodding towards Hinata.
“Oh, dad. Let him be,” Ayame said as she prepared another bowl for Naruto, “If he hasn’t learned his lesson by now, I don’t think he ever will.”
Naruto furrowed his brow, “Can I just please get my food without the lecture?”
Hinata giggled, “Naruto-Kun, can’t we just have a nice dinner? It doesn’t have to be a competition every time.”
He bashfully smiled at her and nodded, “Yeah, I know...you’re right.”
Nonetheless, four bowls later, Naruto knew he had gone over his limit once again trying to match Hinata.
She simply shook her head as she wrapped an arm around his waist and led the way back to their cozy apartment. He watched her as she got ready for bed, unfazed by what she had eaten, and sighed. Somehow, he loved her even more for her healthy appetite.
He smiled as she kissed him and said her goodnights, but started tossing and turning the moment his stomach began bothering him. He couldn’t believe she was sleeping so soundly beside him, almost as if she hadn’t eaten her weight in pork miso ramen just hours earlier.
He had spent the better part of a year attempting to figure out where she was putting it all but thought it was better not to ask. Sakura would surely scold him if she ever heard of him asking such a thing.
He knew he was never known for his tact, but since he married Hinata, he’d truly been trying to be more aware of what he said and did. Still, though, it was in moments like this that he wished he still had no filter. He truly wanted to know how his petite wife was able to eat even more than Choji at the drop of a hat.
He turned his head slightly to find Hinata, awake, peering at him through heavy-lidded eyes.
“Go back to sleep, Hina. I’m okay.”
She shook her head, “You ate too much again, didn’t you?”
“I said I’m okay.”
Hinata reached over to the nightstand and pulled out a bottle of antacid. At this point, she knew her husband well enough that she kept it at their bedside for these inevitable moments.
Naruto chuckled as she handed him two and rubbed his back as he roughly chewed and swallowed the tablets.
“How could you beat me again?” He managed to mutter.
She stifled a laughed, “It’s not a competition”
“I didn’t even know you liked ramen that much until we started dating.”
“You never asked,” Hinata smiled, still gently caressing him.
His eyes fluttered closed, finally sleep appeared to be in reach. Of course, it was only once Hinata took care of him yet again. She was his comfort.
He curled into her touch, “I love the feeling of your hand on my back.”
“I know,” she murmured, pressing her lips to the back of his neck.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, Naruto praying the antacid would kick in quickly so he could finally go to sleep.
Still, though, the question lingered in his mind. He didn’t care if Sakura would yell at him later on for asking it, but he just had to know, “Hinata?”
He took a breath before asking, “How are you able to eat that many bowls without getting sick? It’s just not fair. Look at me, I ate two fewer bowls than you did and I feel like I’m dying.”
She looked at him blankly before she smiled serenely and responded, ”It’s a little easier when you’re eating for two.”
He turned on his side to meet her gaze and asked, “Y-you’re what?”
“I’m...I’m pregnant.”
It took him a second, but when he understood what she was telling him his stomach ache disappeared and the sleepiness subsided. He took her into his arms and couldn’t help but kiss her all over.
There was a rush of emotions that flooded him, utterly floored him. He lifted her pajama shirt and kissed her still flat stomach, placing a hand protectively over it.
“I can’t believe it,” He whispered as he felt tears gathering at the corner of his eyes.
“I have a feeling this baby is really going to like ramen, it’s all I’ve really been wanting to eat,” She said, brushing her husband's hair back as he laid his cheek on her abdomen.
He wanted to stay like this for as long as he could.
“You two eat all the ramen you want, okay, Hina? Just say the word and I’ll take you to Ichiraku any day of the week.”
Hinata laughed, “Okay, Naruto-Kun.”
“When did you find out?”
“This morning, I just...didn’t know how to tell you.”
He tightened his grasp around her and nodded, “I’m glad I asked.”
Naruto smiled to himself and shook his head, “Nothing, Hina. Let’s go to sleep, you need your rest.”
Hinata let out a sigh, “Are you planning on falling asleep like this?” She asked, clearly referring to the fact that he was laying over her bottom half, embracing her stomach.
“Naruto...” She pleaded.
“Nope, can’t move me. Not tonight, at least.”
She didn’t try to fight him any further, simply traced his back as they were both lulled back to sleep in each other’s arms. Undoubtedly having dreams of the future, and the little ramen eating champion that was about to take over their lives.
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quirrrky · 3 years
SWING "How can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?” FT. FEELING GOOD - MICHAEL BUBLE —» NaruHina Week 2021 Day 7 —» College AU A/N: I know that y’all thought of the playground ‘swing’, but my mind screamed differently. I enjoyed doing this one uwu! For the last day of the week, have fun!
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Hinata had always been the shy one, hence it was no surprise that she loathed social events like this where all she had to do was be a corner decoration, while her bourgeoisie batch mates merry the night away at the ballroom. 
It was not to say she wasn’t familiar with privileged events like this. Hell, she was from a rather prominent background and was taught how to mingle in this kind of atmosphere, it’s just that...She wasn’t a fan of any of this. If she wasn’t just part of the council, she definitely would not attend. 
“Your pretty smile won’t like it if you won’t wear it.” She heard someone say and tilted to the direction of the voice. It was the famous university troublemaker, Naruto. 
Hinata sighed. “Oh, hi. I thought I heard you can’t go since you have a part-time job.”
“Exactly! This is my part-time job!” He announced with a full grin. She scanned his attire and noticed that he’s one of the hotel servers for their evening event. 
“Oh,” Hinata paused and continued, “I don’t think it’s alright for you to be talking to me during your job though.”
“I don’t think it’s alright for you to just be standing here all by yourself too.” Naruto insisted with a teasing tone.
She seemed to be taken aback by his persistence. Come to think of it, Naruto had always been like this—always so fearless, bold and dauntless, something she’s totally not. She would always stumble upon him getting into arguments with professors since he would always miss his classes. 
Sighing in defeat, she tucked few strands of her hair and asked, “Okay, what is it?”
“Hmmm...” Naruto tapped his chin with his index finger as if he was thinking. “Since it was you who saved my butt from Professor Tsunade how about I show you a good time tonight?”
“How’s that going to happen? You’re working.”
“But I owe you! Come on!” He insisted.
“You can just do it some other time, I guess.” She averted her gaze on the floor. What was this she’s feeling? Why was she being tempted to accept his foolish offer?
“Hinata,” Naruto called out her name. This time it was no longer playful. “Just this one night.”
Her eyes signaled that she’s actually about to agree, when he sensed her worry that he might get caught by his attire. 
Naruto smiled and secretly snatched a suit jacket that was slinging at a chair. Hinata was about to call out on him but he winked at her instead and she chose to let it slide this time. After all, this is just for tonight. Just this one night. 
He reached his hand out to her. She looked at it at first then decidedly took and then he brought her to the middle of the dance floor.
"Do you- uh,” Hinata hesitated to ask since she didn’t want him to take it as offense, so she stood in front of him just nibbling her lower lip. 
Naruto chuckled and inched close to her.
“Do you know how to dance?” He whispered against her ear, while he slid his hand until it reached the small of her back. 
She gulped wondering why her heart was beating wildly inside her chest and why was this feeling occurring to her. Michael Buble’s Feeling Good starting to play wasn’t helping either. 
With that, all Hinata could give him was a nod. And heck! Naruto felt triumphant.
His hand gripped on her waist firmly and it made her gasp. He never thought she’d be so adorable like this and she never expected him to be this manly as well. 
They both began moving to the tempo of the song. Their bodies having the same rhythm despite just having to dance for the very first time. It’s funny how she felt so light and fits so perfectly in his arms, while she felt so protected and held.
The beat of the song began to elevate and her back was now pressed against him, while his face was against her neck. 
“H-Hey...” Hinata murmured almost breathlessly and the way she sounded was an even sexier sound than the saxophone.
How can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second? Naruto bit the inside of his cheek and grinned to himself. 
He rapidly turned her around, so they’re now away and she’s facing him. 
The song now reaching its climax, when he rushed through her direction. She was caught by surprise when he lifted her up and lightly spun her around. He placed her feet back to the ground, but surely her head won’t come back down any moment. The time her feet landed and before the song ended—with his hand strong and firm at the small of her back—he dipped her backwards while slowly grazing his lips against her neck. 
All eyes were on them yet their eyes were on each other. They were breathless while staring at one another. The song’s last lines echoing in them.
Truly, they both were feeling good.
And as if the song’s still playing in their ears, Naruto grabbed Hinata and they made a run from the scene. He was unbuttoning the suit jacket he unceremoniously borrowed from who-knows-who, and Hinata was practically throwing whatever rationality she had and was replacing it with giggles and her new found sense of freedom.  
It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new life.
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REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED ♡ Please help me reach other viewers as tumblr tags often don’t work on me. Thank you so so much! 
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
NaruHina Week 2021 Day 2: Battle Couple
No, he didn’t underestimate his enemy.
Although circumstances might suggest differently.
Her knees and feet pushing the air out of his lungs, the fight out of his legs.  His arm twisted in her tight grasp, and the other shoulder dislocated.
His own sword pointed, tip steady and sharp, at his very vulnerable throat.
No, he knows too well to underestimate a woman warrior.  Any woman who can succeed on the battlefield has twice the skills of any common man, and he’s learned that the hard way many years before today.
Fierce animosity sparks behind the lightest eyes he’s ever seen.  Pearly.  Far too pretty on a gently shaped, feminine face…
No, he didn’t underestimate her!
He manages a grin, not a grimace.  “Before you finish the job, would you do me the honor of your name?”
Gentle brows furrow ever closer, and for a second, that cold animosity is replaced by surprised confusion.
For one second.
And she’s twisting his arm even harder than before.  “Who’s your master?  Answer me.”
There’s no way he’ll betray Tsunade, even when he’s more than just a little sore about her not mentioning his target, the head of the rival Hyuuga faction, would be a gorgeous, young--
The sting of her sword pricks into his throat, and his eyes dart back up from the bindings around her chest.  It seems like even the very threat of decapitation doesn’t stop the ingrained habits of his teachers…
No, he didn’t underestimate her, right?
“Does it matter?  I’m dead as of now, anyway.  Either you’re slicing my head off--” He makes a schliiick sound for added drama, “--and my blood gets to spurt all over you, or I stab myself in the guts, rearrange my innards, and spill my stomach on your tatami.”  He visibly muses his options, somehow finding humor in his last minutes alive, and he takes it as a personal win when her nose scrunches up in distaste.
“You can’t do that, this is my bedroom,” she argues, as if he was unaware.
“Then I guess we’ll have to take this outside.”
She frowns deeper.  “Not in my garden!”
“Then where?”  And he can’t help a more genuine smile sneaking up on his lips even as new ideas to complete his mission float about his mind.
It’s all halfhearted plans, though.  He was doomed from the start.  Before any of them could have known.
He can’t kill someone like her.
It was that one second of hesitation that sealed his fate.  He could’ve murdered her.  It would’ve been too easy.  Too simple.
And therefore too wrong.
It’s not farfetched to think he was never cut out for this lifestyle.  He never really handled these kinds of missions well, and killing in cold blood was always difficult.  To separate his mind from his body.  To cut off his heart from his actions.  He could always manage.
On old men.  (Who were fathers).
On young men.  (Who were sons and brothers).
Intel said the Hyuuga head was a man.  Intel told him he’d find an old, cruel man in the main bedroom.
“When I say so, you’re going to get up and walk with me.  One wrong move and I’ll--schliiick--slice your legs off.”  She sounds way too collected for such a serious joke, and it’s...
Just not funny anymore.
Reality is starting to settle in.  The moon lighting up her delicate features instead casts the shadow of death across the room.
At least it seems she’ll grant him an honorable death.
In less than two seconds, she’s got him rolled over, hands locked in one of her arms, and she’s urging him to stand.  “Get up.”
He staggers to his feet, and he doesn’t fail to notice that she makes good on her promises.  His sword is now angled at his legs, ready to hack him off at the knees.
Internally, he’s readying himself for his death, trying to find some kind of empty, zen-like peace.
Outwardly, he’s majorly aware of the skin of her stomach at his forearms, her chest bandages pressing into his back.
What a way to go.  His one and only opportunity in life to feel a woman, and it’s on his death march.
“Walk,” she murmurs, and he’s suddenly way too aware of the fact that her voice is...soft.
Obediently, as he has no other real options anyway, he steps forward.
Blunt pain lances into his neck, the world shifts in a split-second realization, and all fades to nothing.
Maybe I’ll continue this.
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char-lotteral · 3 years
Sol and Luna
Chapter Title: Sunny Evening
Day 1: Sunflowers- Hinata has been feeling a little neglected lately, she hadn't known that these were the consequences of being married to the love of her life.
6:50 AM
Hinata checked the side of her bed, searching for any form of silhouette that hinted a certain someone's arrival.
She swallowed the disappointment and made her way towards her kitchen, practicing the same routine she's mastered for the past years.
Drain the rice, fry the eggs, prepare the table, wake the kids, hand them their lunch, walk them out and bid them goodbye. All the usual.
Himawari helped her with the household chores, sweeping away until it was spotless. Sorting out their clothes, she began with the laundry, the familiar orange jacket immediately catching her attention. She smiled warmly and continued her chore.
9:36 AM
March 23rd.
Their twelfth anniversary.
A smile tugged at her lips at the thought of it.
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myaekingheart · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Hinata, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Yamanaka Ino, Sai (Naruto) Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Surprise Kissing, Post-War, Background Relationships Summary:
Amid the post-war chaos, Hinata fears that she and Naruto are losing touch.
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shamylicious-blog · 3 years
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NaruHina Week @nhweek
Day 2 - BattleCouple
no time just a wip...hope it does his job x)
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shamylicious-blog · 3 years
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NaruHina Week @nhweek
its a wave of NH weeks this month xD not able to join fully this time buuut have fun with the done things x)
Day 1 - Sunflowers
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shamylicious-blog · 3 years
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NaruHina Week @nhweek
Day 4 - İ love the feeling of your hand on my back..
ok..thats it from me.because during my bad condition much reallife work stands still so have to take care of them as long as i feel a lil better
 sorry for the early stop of this NH Week.
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alexis513 · 3 years
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NHweek2021 - Day 4 
I promise that I’ll finish NHweek2021, just will take more time that I thought :P
Love you all <3
@quirrrky , @nhweek
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quirrrky · 3 years
PREGNANCY —» headcanons —» NaruHina Week Day 6 
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Boruto pregnancy was completely unplanned like Naruto and Hinata were enjoying their honeymoon phase ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) when boom! Here comes a baby!
Nevertheless, they were super duper happy esp Naruto...
Oh, man! He announced it to the whole of Konoha like a message blast
And trust me, it reached Suna in a matter of a heartbeat
Kurenai-sensei helped the couple a lot with the pregnancy know-how
The two bought a lot of books and read them together as pastime, though Naruto always fell asleep
Naruto was more pregnant than Hinata, as expected
He puked with her in the mornings and eat the same diet she’s eating
Oh! He’s also craving the same food she’s craving.
And it all started with the burger Konohamaru brought them one day
The preggy couple became a fan and they binged ate burgers from that period on
There were times when Naruto’s tummy will churn with irrational need for burger while away from a mission (he won’t tell Boruto this bc ramen supremacy)
Then, he thought of his wife and he worried that she might be hungry
And like regular couples, there goes the legendary preggy mood swings
Overprotective husbando mode on! 
Will never allow Hinata to do anything at all! It’s very exaggerated at first that it caused them cute little bickering
Although, they would have small banters here and there sometimes (mostly because Naruto would be super OA about everything) they still seemed so cute
It’s the very first time Hinata acted pouty and childish
At first, Naruto was scaredt
Next time around, he found her entertaining
They’re just so cuuuute
With proper assurance, Naruto seemed to understand...uh, a little?
Well, he allowed her household chores at least with the exception of carrying grocery bags, and other heavy loads (also add the harsh scrubbing)
His shadow clones would always help around (much to Hinata’s dismay sometimes tbh)
He did his best so Kakashi won’t give Hinata any more missions
Hinata ended up bored af, so she beautified their home and took her damn precious time decorating it
Let’s talk about how she made cute plushies while she’s pregnant!
Yes, Hinata thought that her baby might like something cuddly to be with, so she made plushies while waiting for Naruto to come back home from his missions 🐰 🐸
Naruto would always bring Hinata treats and trinkets from his missions too!!!
Even when her tummy was still small, he would cling around her belly, try to listen and would baby-talk the baby inside 🥺
Naruto would be surprised and happy to see his home now well-decorated, cute and all
Now, he’s more than dedicated to perfect the nursery
You might expect that the moment they had Hima would be a lot more peaceful but heck! Think again!
Boruto was a big momma’s boi so he hogged her attention
And he’s one big ball of energetic cuteness
Narudad was stressedt af when he saw his son clinging to the curtain like a cat while hinamom was (happily) trying to carry him, while she’s pregnant
Again Naruto went double panic mode!
However, he can’t even stay mad at his young baby Boruto bc he cute af
Like he’s going to reprimand the baby boy but bby’s gonna crawl and climb his leg, saying “Papa, papa”
Hinata was happy to see all this. Like, this is my family, y’all!
Needless to say, it was a repeat performance of the last time only that they had another harbinger of chaos around to bring joy 
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REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED ♡ Please help me reach other viewers as tumblr tags often don’t work on me.Thank you so so much!  
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ohhipstaplease · 3 years
Since the culmination of the war, Naruto and Hinata had grown closer. His hand always reached out towards hers for comfort, even when he didn’t notice. Even when he knew he shouldn’t. It was selfish, self-indulgent...
He just couldn’t understand why she was always in his head, even when she wasn’t supposed to be.
For Naruhina week 2021 @nhweek | April 14: Hand / “You’re in my head, even when you’re not supposed to be
Post-War | Canon-Compliant | Rated T+ | 1K+ Words | Ao3
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It happened all of a sudden, the stream of tears rushing down his face. He hadn’t even realized he was crying until Hinata reached over and wiped his cheek. He gently grabbed her hand, and in a beat of courage, she interlaced her fingers in his.
Since the culmination of the war, the pair had gotten closer. His hand always reached out towards hers for comfort, even when he didn’t notice. Even when he knew he shouldn’t. It was selfish, self-indulgent...
He just couldn’t understand why she was always in his head, even when she wasn’t supposed to be.
“I-I’m okay” He murmured, hoping he didn’t wake anyone in the Hyuga household.
It was late after all, too late for him to be visiting. But, alas, he couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t eat. He was unable to do anything but play what had happened in the war on a loop in his head. His throbbing arm a physical reminder that he was just not okay, even as much as he pretended to be.
He shook his head, “Just let me...just let me sit here with you. That’s all I need.”
Naruto wanted to let his mind go blank, to take advantage of the wave of calm that washed over him as he felt her skin against his, but he kept wondering why it was that this was the only way he found repose from his scary thoughts.
He thought back to what he had discussed with Shikamaru a few days back.
As he laid in the grass, the sun warm upon his face, his observant friend had made a quip about how all Naruto did was spend his time with Hyuga heiress, and whether or not he was going to make a move.
Naruto, being Naruto, furrowed his brow and reassured Shikamaru that he and Hinata were just friends. Even so, though, he just didn’t quite understand what he felt for her. All he knew was that he wanted to be near her at all times.
Shikamaru didn’t bother looking at him as he smirked and said, “You’re like a duckling, Naruto. You imprinted on her.”
“A duckling?” Naruto sighed, “Sometimes I really don’t know what to make of the shit you say.”
“Everything that happened...it was...really messed up, to say the least,” Shikamaru took a cigarette from the pouch on his side and lit it, taking a long drag before continuing, “Hinata was there for you...she’s been there by you through it all. It’s only natural that you look to her for safety and comfort, especially now.”
Naruto took a breath, “You’ve been reading Sai’s psychology books haven’t you? He tried to diagnose me the other day too.”
Shikamaru shook his head, “All I’m saying is what you’re feeling is normal. If being by her side is what’s keeping you steady, maybe you shouldn’t question it. I don’t think you’re in a state of mind to be working all of that out.”
“What would “all of that” be?”
“When you’re ready you’ll know.”
Naruto breathed in and tried to compose himself, but it seemed that this time, the tears just didn’t want to stop flowing. Between what he felt for Hinata and the weight of everything that had happened six months ago, his mind and body were about to give out.
He thought he would’ve been okay by now. His arm was healing, his wounds were nearly non-existent. Battle scars were fading upon his skin, just as they were on hers. So he didn’t understand why it was that when nighttime fell and he closed his eyes, all he saw was death.
Wouldn’t his mind heal as well?
He looked up to meet her gaze, inquisitive eyes asking the question she couldn’t quite seem to muster the courage to ask. Still, she managed to finally utter, “D-did you have that dream again?”
A door opened behind them, startling them both. Still, though, their hands remained linked upon Hinata’s kitchen table, as a teary-eyed Naruto looked up to see Hiashi Hyuga, the head of the Hyuga clan, standing directly behind Hinata.
The elder Hyuga said nothing, simply nodded, and continued on his way back to his room. Naruto swore he saw a glimmer of sadness in his eyes as well.
It seemed to be that way for everyone, regardless of the fact the war had been won.
“I’m sorry,” He whispered, “Your dad must be tired of seeing me around.”
She smiled sweetly and assured him, “Never. You know everyone enjoys seeing you around here.”
“I wish I could come around more often. This is the only place I can really get away from it all, you know?”
“You’re always welcome here, Naruto-Kun.”
Naruto breathed out in relief. Her words the only thing he needed to bring him back from the brink of despair. He needed to remember that he wasn’t alone anymore, he didn’t have to suffer through whatever it was he was going through by himself. Hinata had nursed him through the worst of it, laughed with him through the best. Fought with him, even when he told her not to risk her life for him.
She was his comfort, his joy, his everything. Even if he didn’t see it, even if he didn’t understand it.
“You know, it’s weird,” He sniffled, “Ever since the war, I just can’t stop thinking about you.”
“W-what?” She blushed and looked away, unable to meet his stare.
“I don’t know, you’re just...in my head...even when you’re not supposed to be. I think I’m depending on you too much, Hinata. Sometimes...I can’t even go to bed until I hear your voice.”
“Isn’t that too much to ask for from a friend?”
Slowly Hinata had been getting redder, her face nearly aflame at this point. Still, though, he didn’t understand why. She had always been a stuttering mess in the past anyways, maybe he had just taken her by surprise.
“Naruto...that’s what friends are for,” She managed to say, squeezing his hand tightly, “Whenever you have a bad dream, or a horrible day, or if you just need me to help you run an errand, you can count on me. You...you know that.”
She nodded, “Of course.”
“D-do you ever feel this way?”
Hinata cleared her throat, “I think we all do.”
“Will it ever pass?”
She traced a scar that ran from his wrist to his palm and bit her lip as she said, “I think in time...it’ll hurt a little less. Like these wounds, like your arm. But it’ll heal...at least, I hope.”
“Do you miss him?” He asked, referring to Neji. He still couldn’t bear to say his name.
“Every day.”
Naruto stayed quiet for a second, letting it all kind of sink it. Finally, he managed to tell her, “If you ever feel sad, tell me. Okay? I want to be there for you like you are for me.”
He wanted her to find comfort in him as well. It was the least he could offer. Really, at the moment, it was all he had to give her.
“But I mean it, Hinata. None of that hiding your feelings crap, okay?” He chuckled as he wiped his still damp cheeks.
She laughed as well, wanting to reassure him, “I promise I’ll tell you.”
“Good...now...any chance there’s some of that sweet bread you had lying around yesterday?”
“Appetite is back?”
“I’m starving.”
“I’ll fix you something,” She said as she got up and squeezed his shoulder. She’d leave it at that, letting him feel what he had to and treating him like he wasn’t broken.
He would never be able to repay her for everything she’d done for him, but he’d try.
“Thank you.”
“It’s just bread, Naruto-Kun,” She said, serving him a slice on a white plate.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“What did you mean?”
He wanted to explain, but didn’t know where to start. He didn’t even know what he wanted to say, what he felt. He was a jumble of confusion.
“Never mind,” He mumbled, grabbing the bread and biting into it, “Don’t worry about it.”
One day he’d figure it all out. Until then, he’d just keep trying to make it through.
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ohhipstaplease · 3 years
Casualties of War
After the Infinite Tsukuyomi is lifted, and Naruto is being treated—and reprimanded—by Sakura, he finds comfort in being babied by none other than Hinata Hyuga.
For Naruhina week 2021 @nhweek | April 13: Battle Couple / “Sorry I just sort of fell asleep on your shoulder
Post-War | Canon-Compliant | Rated T+ | 1.2K+ Words | Ao3
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He was sure it was the loss of blood, there was no other possible explanation. But all he could think about at the moment was how soft Hinata was. He had never felt more comfortable than he did at that moment, his head on her shoulder, her hand intertwined in his. It was almost enough to make him drown out the sounds of Sakura’s yelling and the pain of his lost limb.
“You’re comfy.”
She blushed as she looked down at him, “Go to sleep, Naruto-Kun, you need to conserve your energy.”
“Not sleepy,” He muttered through half-lidded eyes. The weight of everything that had just happened was hitting him at once. Not mentally, no, that would come later. Physically, though, his body was shutting down.
“Yes you are.”
“I’m not.”
She brushed back his dirtied blonde hair as prying eyes watched them from all corners. Wondering if he was okay, wanting to know why it was Hinata that was caressing him in a manner far too familiar for the relationship they had remembered the pair having.
Sakura, and the remainder of the Konoha 11 for that matter, knew, though, from the moment Naruto and Hinata joined hands on the battlefield they were endgame. Now it just had to click for Naruto.
That moment wouldn’t come now, though. He was so doped up from the medicines Sakura managed to scrounge together that, quite frankly, everyone was amazed he was still sitting up and talking. The adrenaline had to have stopped pumping by now, in fact, Sasuke had already passed out next to him.
“Can you put your hand on my cheek again?”
Naruto lifted their interlocked fingers and roughly placed her palm to his sticky cheek, “Like this.”
“O-oh, I see.”
“You did it before, on the battlefield.”
“Yes, I did.”
Hinata knew he wouldn’t remember this conversation, still, she couldn’t choke out the words she had so bravely said to him before, “...Because.”
She couldn’t do it. She just didn’t have it in her to confess yet again when she knew full well he wasn’t in any kind of state to hear or even understand those words she uttered earlier. So instead she indulged herself and said something she never would have had he been fully conscious.
“You have cute cheeks,” she said playfully, pinching him gently.
He chuckled, “It’s the whiskers, right?”
“It’s definitely the whiskers,” She said, finally allowing herself to trace one with the very tip of her finger.
Naruto chuckled, catching her hand in his once more, “I like this Hinata.”
“W-what do you mean?”
“The old Hinata would never fight by my side. You’ve been such a badass lately, and you don’t get all stuttery around me either. Well, not that often anyway.”
“You think I’m a badass?”
He nodded and roughly pulled her closer, “Don’t tell Sasuke, but I think fighting beside you was so fucking cool,” He paused for a moment and looked into her eyes, “Fight by my side more often, yeah?”
She felt faint at hearing those words, but she tried to stop herself from showing it. She was a badass now, she couldn’t turn back after all the progress she had made.
“Yes, Naruto-Kun. Of course.”
He brought his forehead to hers, bright blue eyes studying her, looking into the depths of her soul.
She forced herself to look at him as well, as much as it pained her to see his right arm was now gone, the bruising around his face, the black eye that was swelling to double its size.
Still, through it all, he was grinning from ear to ear.
His gaze followed hers and he shrugged, “Casualty of war, you know? I guess I just won’t be able to feed myself for a little while.”
“That’s the only thing you’re concerned about?” Sakura mumbled under her breath as she began bandaging him up for transport. She had just finished up on Sasuke, he was snoring peacefully beside them.
Had it been any other moment in time, Hinata would’ve moved her face away from Naruto’s. Unwrapped her hand from his. It was inappropriate after all, considering they were nothing more than comrades at this point.
But she had forgotten there was anyone else around, couldn’t hear Sakura’s banter, didn’t acknowledge the looks or stares. And she told herself she was crazy if she thought they were only comrades.
She didn’t know what they were now, but comrades didn’t even begin to cover it.
When she heard Sakura get up and go over to gather more supplies, she leaned in closer to him, her nose slightly grazing his. She was just so grateful that he was alive. That they had made it. She didn’t care about anything else right now, only managed to say, was “I’ll feed you.”
“Y-yeah?” He mumbled.
“And help you with anything else you need.”
“You’re the best, Hinata,” He said, pressing his hand to her cheek this time.
“I’m just happy you’re alive,” She whispered.
He nodded, tracing the side of her face lightly, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you the whole time.”
“I just...wanted to keep you safe.”
“Just like you tried to keep me safe.”
She put her hand over his and squeezed, trying to ground herself in the moment. Had Sakura not been right behind them, she would’ve leaned in and closed the space between them. It was all she could do not to press her lips to his.
From the look on his face, it was like the same thought was crossing his mind. So when Hinata heard him say, “I think I’m going to pass out,” she was caught completely off guard.
“Shit, grab him!” Sakura yelled as she dashed towards them, trying to soften the blow.
Hinata managed to grab a hold of him, letting him lean on her once more.
“Is he really okay?” She whispered to Sakura.
The pink-hair kunoichi smiled knowingly as she ruffled Naruto’s hair, “It’s going to be a long road ahead of him, but with some help along the way I’m sure he’ll be good as new.”
He began snoring slightly, and then loudly. Hinata tried not to laugh, knowing she would rouse him if she did.
But, clearly, sleep was something Naruto just couldn’t seem to hold onto, as he awoke within a few minutes and guiltily looked up at her, “Sorry, I just sort of fell asleep on your shoulder.”
She squeezed his hand and whispered, “You need to rest. You’re safe now, Naruto-Kun. Just close your eyes, we’ll be leaving soon.”
“Will you stay with me?”
Hinata rested her cheek upon the top of his head and responded, “I won’t leave your side, Naruto-Kun. Not ever.”
“Okay, cool.”
She had to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. In a day or two, when he was well-rested and conscious, he wouldn’t remember a thing.
But she would.
Until then, though, she’d protect him just as he protected the village. Just as Sakura said, it would be a long road ahead of him, ahead of all of them really. The casualties of war were more than those they saw on the surface.
She didn’t want to think of that though, not now. Not while she was holding his hand and feeling his heartbeat in time with hers.
They had survived, in the end, and that was all that mattered for now. She wouldn't dare think of those who hadn't. Not now.
Her heart wouldn't be able to bear it.
"Let's get Ichiraku when we get back," He mumbled as he curled into her side.
Hinata smiled and wrapped an arm around him, "I'd like nothing more, Naruto-Kun. I'd like nothing more."
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quirrrky · 3 years
—» NaruHina Week 2021 Day 3
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"Naruto-kun, wait!" Hinata said in between her laughter as she ran after her long-time crush across the field where there were different kinds of flowers.
The war just ended several months ago and the demands of mission were pretty lenient on them lately. She was supposed to have a flower picking session with Ino, when Naruto showed up in her friend's stead, saying he had to accompany her for Ino had to man the flower shop for the day.
If Hinata would be speculating, she would know that this was a set up, but everything seemed to be perfect now to think that way.
"Hinata...so slow as ever~" Naruto teasingly chirped, while he thoughtlessly grabbed her hand further tagging her along to his antics.
Her cheeks reddened yet she didn't have the strength nor the willingness to let go.
They ran faster and faster downhill until they stumbled giggling like preschoolers along the process.
Laying on the grass, they both raised a hand above their eyes to cover their sights from the striking beam of the sun.
Hinata shifted his attention to Naruto's hand. Looking at it right now, it somehow reminded her of the sun. It was warm and encompassing. Its presence–its feeling–wrapped around hers made her feel like he lit up all the shadowy parts of herself.
How she wished she could bask much longer.
"Woah! You're hand is so small, Hinata." Naruto mused. "Like, compared with mine, I mean..."
He reached out for her hand and engulfed it with his like the sunlight embracing a flower blossoming.
She smiled.
His heart fluttered.
Right there, they bloomed.
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