#niagara drone
uglyandtraveling · 5 months
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lsterling · 3 months
Creative Advertising for My Photography Business
Word Association: A Simple Tool for Unique Advertising Ideas
To stand out in the competitive photography market of Niagara Falls, using word association is a powerful way to generate creative advertising ideas. This exercise can help me develop unique concepts for promoting my commercial, real estate, and drone photography services.
How Word Association Works: Start with a central word, like "photography," and brainstorm related words and phrases, such as "memories," "aerial views," "stunning visuals," and "real estate showcase." These associations can spark new advertising ideas that resonate with potential clients.
Applying Word Association: For example, "memories" could inspire a campaign highlighting how my services capture cherished moments. "Aerial views" could focus on the unique perspectives of drone photography. This exercise helps refine and target my messaging to appeal to real estate professionals and commercial clients in Niagara Falls.
Using word association, I can create a series of ads that showcase different aspects of my services, helping my photography business stand out in a crowded market. It's a simple yet effective way to unlock creativity and develop compelling advertising concepts.
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dhaliwalmanjit · 6 months
Best Drone Footage of Niagara Falls
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healeroflightanddark · 7 months
Player Has Joined the Party, Chapter 2: No Idea
Player held his breath, trying to listen to his surroundings. His heart was beating so hard that he could hardly hear anything over it. He didn’t understand how things could have turned out this way. One minute he was in his room at home, and the next V.I.L.E. was in his house. Fortunately the hacker had been able to wipe his computer clean and sneak out the window with the V.I.L.E. hard drive and his old laptop from five years ago before they made their way into his bedroom.
Now Player was hiding in one of the tunnels behind Niagara Falls, trying not to be noticed. The tunnels were closed at the moment, as it was after hours. Player booted up his laptop, looking around him constantly. He didn’t want to get caught by V.I.L.E.
*   *   *
Meanwhile, Team Red had managed to make it to Niagara Falls, though it had been decidedly more difficult than usual. Player was always the one who booked their flights, but something had clearly happened to him so they had to purchase plane tickets the old-fashioned way. They were worried sick about him, especially since he hadn’t responded to their messages after sending out the initial S.O.S.
They were now making their way through the busy streets of Ontario, trying to find their young friend. Carmen knew his address, after all she had sent him the V.I.L.E. hard drives, but the team didn’t know if he would be there still. But they made their way to Player’s house in a car they had to rent from a dealership, which had taken more time than they really cared for. The longer they took, the more likely it was that Player would be hurt.
“Here, pull over,” Carmen said as their car turned down a street. Zach pulled over, and the four of them could see a blue two-story house down the street. Ivy deployed Red Drone to get a closer look.
On the screen of Red Drone’s controller, the team could see through the windows of the blue house. There were four people inside. Two of them were Le Chevre and El Topo, but the other two were a man and woman that none of them recognized. Team Red could hear their conversation.
“You are sure you do not know where he went?” Le Chevre asked. The woman frowned and shook her head. “He never leaves his room. He doesn’t go anywhere. I’m not even sure how he managed to leave without us noticing!”
“I still can’t believe he’s been doing all that,” the man said. “He always seemed like such a good kid! I never could have imagined that he’s been hacking into secure facilities and enabling a superthief to steal things from you! The very idea… I thought we raised him better….”
“I don’t think he’s home,” Zach said. Then, Carmen’s earpiece crackled to life. “Red, are you there?”
“Player!” Carmen gasped. “Are you ok? Where are you?”
“I’m inside the tunnels behind Niagara Falls,” Player sounded scared. “But I think someone’s here.”
“We’re on our way!” Carmen said.
*   *   *
Player didn’t know if his nerves were playing tricks on him or if there really was someone in the tunnels with him. He could swear that someone was watching him closely, but none of the security footage he looked at showed anyone around. He shivered a little. Okay a lot. It was cold in the tunnels, plus he was terrified out of his mind!
He didn’t know how long he had been there for. Had it been an hour? Two hours? Four? He had no idea. He didn’t know how long it had been since he’d last spoken to Carmen either. He was trying to avoid using his laptop as much as possible at the moment. After all, V.I.L.E. had a hacker too, and Player didn’t know if The Troll was involved in the situation or not. Player’s laptop didn’t have as much security as his regular computers, having been last used before the hacker first contacted Carmen.
There was a sound behind Player, and he froze in terror. Someone had found his hiding spot. He tried to stay quiet and still, hidden behind a rock. Then, he heard a voice that made him let out a sob.
“Player?” It was Carmen! Relief filled Player, and he came out from his hiding spot and tackled her in a hug. Normally he didn’t really like physical contact, but at this moment he really needed some comfort.
“It’s okay! We’re here! We’re going to take you somewhere safe!” Carmen hugged Player back, before gently guiding him out of the tunnels. By now it was dark, and the two were able to make it to the car without being spotted. As soon as they were safely in the car, Zach drove away from the falls.
“Are you alright, Player?” Ivy asked. Player nodded shakily. “I-I, y-yeah, I think, maybe… n-no…”
He didn’t realize he was crying until Ivy hugged him. “It’s alright Player! Let it out!”
The hacker bawled his eyes out, letting out all the fear and stress he’d felt from the situation. It took him over half an hour before he finally calmed down enough to stop crying.
“How did they find you?” Shadowsan asked. He knew that Player was too smart to be caught in most situations. Sure, V.I.L.E. had suspected that Carmen had a hacker even back before the ninja had defected, but his security system was too strong for even The Troll to get through.
Player looked miserably up at the ninja, and a few more tears rolled down his face. “M-my parents… they’re V.I.L.E. operatives… I had no idea….”
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01-29-2023 · 8 months
Ian's Argument
1. Selective enforcement and lack of effective enforcement mechanisms → inherently favor the most powerful states: THE MOST POWERFUL STATES DON’T DEAL WITH SIGNIFICANT INTERNATIONAL LAW IMPOSED CONSEQUENCES
Russian Annexation of Crimea (2014): Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine violated Ukrainian territorial integrity and the right to self-determination. Although condemned by the UN General Assembly and many countries, Russia's veto power on the Security Council shielded it from further action.
Israeli Settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territories: Continued Israeli construction and expansion of settlements in the occupied West Bank are widely considered illegal under international law. Despite repeated UN resolutions demanding their cessation, Israel faces limited consequences and continues building settlements.
US Drone Strikes in Pakistan and Yemen(2010-2020): The US drone program targeting suspected militants in Pakistan and Yemen has drawn criticism for civilian casualties and potential violations of international humanitarian law. Despite legal and ethical concerns, the program largely goes unchecked by the international community.
China's Treatment of Uighurs and Hong Kong: China's mass detention of Uighur Muslims and the suppression of freedoms in Hong Kong raise concerns about violations of human rights law and international treaties. However, China's economic and political clout often shields it from strong international condemnation.
Highlight the limitations of the UN Security Council: Explain how the veto power of major players like Russia hampers enforcement actions. Discuss attempts at reform and alternative mechanisms for accountability. 
Veto power is an excellent demonstration of the imbalances in international law. Why are the most powerful states are the only ones with veto power? Why is it that P-5 countries like Russia, China, and the U.S, still retain the right to veto despite all having breached international law several times?
2. Lack of universal consensus on legal interpretations: The subjectivity of certain aspects of international law, particularly regarding justifications for self-defense or intervention significantly contribute to the ambiguity and ineffectiveness of international law. Cite the ongoing debate regarding Russia's claims of NATO encroachment and concerns about Ukrainian civilian casualties.
The ambiguity surrounding the conditions for justifiable use of force under international law (jus ad bellum) and the rules governing conduct during armed conflict (jus in bello). Terms like "imminent threat," "proportionality," and "civilian casualties" lack universally agreed-upon definitions, leaving room for varying interpretations depending on political interests and perspectives.
Self-defense vs. aggression: Russia's claim of self-defense in response to perceived NATO expansion is contested by many who view it as a veiled justification for aggression. 
The Caroline Incident: In 1837, Canadian rebels used a US-based steamboat, the Caroline, to transport supplies and personnel across the Niagara River to fight British forces. British forces, acting on their interpretation of self-defense, boarded and destroyed the Caroline in US waters, killing one American citizen. The ensuing diplomatic uproar led to the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, which established the "Caroline formula" for self-defense.
Key Elements in the Caroline Formula + Application to Russian Invasion:
Necessity: Self-defense is justified only if there is an "instant, overwhelming, and leaving no choice of means, and no moment for deliberation" threat. → RUSSIA APPLICATION: Russia claims its invasion is necessary to defend itself against an imminent threat posed by NATO expansion and the potential for Ukraine to join the alliance. They argue that NATO's presence near its borders represents a direct threat to its security. 
Proportionality: The force used must be proportional to the threat faced. RUSSIA APPLICATION: Russia maintains that its military actions are proportionate to the perceived threat, emphasizing limited targets and efforts to avoid civilian casualties.
Imminence: The threat must be imminent, not speculative or pre-emptive: RUSSIAN APPLICATION: The Russian argument hinges on the claim that the threat from NATO was not hypothetical but a present and growing danger requiring immediate action. 
3. National interests trumping legal principles: Argue that in the face of selfish interests and perceived national security threats, states often prioritize their interests above international legal obligations.
Russia's claims of self-defense against an imminent threat from NATO expansion are widely contested. This narrative appears more rooted in a desire to restore past spheres of influence and curb Ukrainian independence than in any genuine legal justification.
NATO expansion has been a gradual process involving former Soviet states, with Ukraine only considering possible future membership.
Russia's opposition comes years after these expansions and appears more focused on preventing Ukrainian self-determination rather than a genuine imminent threat.
Selective Interpretation of International Law: Russia conveniently ignores its obligations under the UN Charter and international humanitarian law regarding the protection of civilians. Its actions prioritize perceived security concerns over upholding legal principles.
UN Charter Violations: Russia's actions directly violate specific articles of the UN Charter, such as Articles 2(4) prohibiting the use of force against another state and Article 2(7) emphasizing respect for territorial integrity. Highlight the absence of UN Security Council authorization for the invasion.
Ignoring Legal Processes: Mention Russia's refusal to cooperate with investigations by the International Criminal Court and other international bodies seeking to hold perpetrators accountable for potential war crimes.
Disregarding Global Public Opinion and Legal Consequences: Despite widespread international condemnation and potential sanctions, Russia persists in its military campaign. This demonstrates a willingness to prioritize national interests even when confronted with significant repercussions.
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Progression - Adding a explosion effect when the drone crashes
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To make the game more interactive for the player and more difficult for the players, I wanted to make it so that if the player using the drone flies into a tree or building at speed then it will explode and will take some time to spawn back in. Using the blueprint above, this code will test to see if their overall velocity is greater than 500 then create a Niagara effect. I can across a problem as the drone will still be visible during the explosion, so I had to disable the transparency of it.
When the player moves from the computer to the drone maker, it causes a issue that leaves the widget active and causes nothing to work afterwards. Instead of this method, I will just make it so that the player has to click on the machine and it will start to make the drone. This should solve the current issue.
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elqutamy · 1 year
Niagara Falls from a unique drone perspective, Epic music
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Niagara falls, Canada and USA,in 3D video "by angel's eyes - iXYt" red-blue anaglyph, rebranding of youtube.com/@anatlaz to youtube.com/@ixyt I offer drone video creators a free-of-charge conversion to 3D video (if large picturesque objects) for subsequent co-op exploitation. For details visit https://syla.top/by-angels-eyes/profitable-drone.html
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theeverlastingshade · 2 years
After spending the last several years engaged with scoring films M83 recently announced a new LP called Fantasy, and shared the first single, "Oceans Niagara". The last M83 LP, Junk, was a goofy, overtly self-conscious pivot from the overwhelming success of "Midnight City" and found frontman Anthony Gonzalez tamping down the project's compositional grandeur in favor of mid-tempo 80s synth kitsch. It was a perfectly serviceable record, but it lacked the sharp dynamics, immersion, and urgency of M83s best work. On "Oceans Niagara", which is easily the best M83 song in over a decade, the group are back in grand, life-affirming form.
"Ocean Niagara" opens to a series of stuttering synth bass rhythms that quickly congeal into a lush 4 on the floor beat as skybound synths quickly envelop the mix. The music unfolds patiently, splitting the difference between disco and post-rock with the sort of ease that's completely against character for Gonzalez, but feels like a natural profession nonetheless. The music continues to swell with dramatic synth strokes for several minutes before quicky cascading into a comedown guitar progression set against bright synth drones. "Ocean Niagara" is a strong distillation of the M83 signature that continues to expand the parameters of the project without dulling its edges.
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newswireml · 2 years
Aerial footage shows partially frozen Niagara Falls – video | World news#Aerial #footage #shows #partially #frozen #Niagara #Falls #video #World #news
Aerial footage shows partially frozen Niagara Falls – video | World news#Aerial #footage #shows #partially #frozen #Niagara #Falls #video #World #news
Niagara Falls partially froze because of extreme cold weather in Canada and the north-east of the US. Drone footage shows thick layers of ice and snow around the waterfall. Major storms brought blizzard-like conditions south across much of the US, including record snowfalls and hurricane-force winds #Aerial #footage #shows #partially #frozen #Niagara #Falls #video #World #news
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kidsofdlsuvillage · 1 year
niagara college japan
japan sushi college
japan drone college
hamamatsu japan language college
viva college japan
college radio japan
nic international college japan
alexander college japan
etc international college japan
pe punishment
japan twitter college
tim allan
turtle lover
focus catholic
all saints catholic college
good samaritan catholic college
emmanuel college
the college catholic
blessed thomas holford catholic college
ryan catholic college
saint mary-of-the-woods college
caroll college
st. patrick catholic college
bellarmine bells
marcellin college
spring hill college
penola catholic college
st. francis of assisi catholic college
st. killian's college
lavalla catholic college
newman college
university of scranton
cainta catholic college
fairfield prep
city colleges of chicago
hws colleges
community colleges of spokane
durham college
st. olaf college
millsaps college
lucy cavendish college
bard college
makerere university college of health sciences
coyne college
unity college
barefoot college international
borders college
george brown college
ventura college
cazenovia college
newberry college
elizabethtown college
gettysburg college
clare college
city college plymouth
the city of liverpool college
allegheny college
tidewater community college
peabody college
fitzwilliam college
purchase college suny
mills college at northeastern
olin college
the evergreen state college
baruch college
college possible
canisius college
dulwich college
skidmore college
oriel college
fanshawe college
schumacher tagalog college
nuffield college
the college of saint rose
pitzer college
uga college of veterinary medicine
uf levin college of law
ontario veterinary college
endicott college
fullerton college
saint vincent college
sheridan college
macalester college
hampshire college
ai marketing college
ashesi university
regent's university london
columbia med school
kalamazoo college
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lsterling · 3 months
Customer Persona for Photography Business
Name: Real Estate Professionals Demographics: Age: 30-50 Gender: Mixed Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario Education: Bachelor’s Degree or higher Occupation: Real Estate Agents and Brokers Income: $60,000 - $100,000 per year Background: Real estate professionals in Niagara Falls understand the local market and are committed to excellent service. They use social media and digital tools to market properties and know the importance of high-quality visuals.
Goals: Sell properties quickly and at a good price. Enhance their professional image. Save time by outsourcing photography and drone footage. Challenges: Managing a busy schedule. Standing out in a competitive market. Finding reliable, high-quality photography services with quick turnaround times. Motivations: Professional: Desire to be top performers and sell properties effectively. Personal: Maintain work-life balance by outsourcing tasks like photography. Behaviour: Online Activity: Use Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to market properties. Follow real estate marketing trends. Purchasing Decisions: Prefer quality services with good reviews, even if they cost more. Quote: "We need a photographer who can make our listings stand out and help us close deals faster. Professional photos and drone shots are essential."
Understanding these real estate professionals' needs helps me tailor my photography services to meet their demands. Offering flexible scheduling, quick turnaround, and high quality will attract clients and build a strong reputation in Niagara Falls.
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earthstory · 5 years
Niagara Falls
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vchannelmusic · 4 years
10 of the World’s Most Beautiful Waterfalls to Visithttps://www.arvinovoyage.com/2020/08/10-of-the-worlds-most-beautiful-waterfalls-to-visit.html
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antediluvianprose · 6 years
Prurient - Frozen Niagara Falls - 2015
dragonflies to sew you up
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theunderestimator-2 · 2 years
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Destroy All Monsters (L-R: Niagara, Ron Asheton, Rob King, Michael Davis, Ben Miller & Laurence Miller) from a photo shoot by David Keeps.in Detroit for Creem Magazine in the summer of 1978.
The band was initially formed by art students Mike Kelley, Jim Shaw, filmmaker Cary Loren & Niagara with an experimental and droning sound influenced by Sun Ra, Velvet Underground and beat culture. After some line-up changes the Miller brothers were added on sax and guitar, Rob King on drums and the presence of ex-Stooges Ron Asheton and ex-MC5 Michael Davis garnered the group more attention than ever before, evolving into a harder-edged act in the Motor City rock tradition.
In 1978, Destroy All Monsters were preparing to release "Bored", their first official recording, when the group began to fall apart. Niagara ended her romance with Loren in favor of a new romance with Asheton, Loren quit the group and the Miller brothers left as well. Niagara and Ron Asheton carried on with various personnel till the mid-’80s.
(via & via)
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