princemick · 1 year
valewis + coffee
Lewis pulls away with a small pout and scruch of his nose, he squints a little the morning sun reflecting from the stud in his nose 'your breath smells like coffee'
Valtteri smiles softly leaning back a little, one arm still wrapped around Lewis's waist as he leans against the backboard of the bed, still sleep warm, puffy eyes and shirtless 'it's what happens when you drink coffee in the morning' Lewis glares at him a little one of the soft ones and a little delayed as his brain still seems like it's not completely awake yet.
'you really need to learn to like tea I cant wake up to coffee breath for the rest of my life man'
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milflewis · 2 months
Thank you for alpha coding me, I knew I could trust you
eh it just fit but i always got u bruv u know that
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princemick · 1 year
makkinen + move
'MOVE MIKA!' ths shout comes out loud and defensive, Michael so close to Mika he could hear him swallow if he wanted to 'no' Michael huffs out a breath and tries to move around Mika who just follows him 'not happening Michael' another huff 'all he did was race Michael' another huff, this one impossibly more annoyed.
'he moved into my space and fucked up my race' Michael has takes a step back, given into the fact he wont get through Mika and to DC 'you won the race Michael' Mika who has recently gotten glasses pushes them up a little still not used to them 'he didnt ruin anything' Michael scrunches up his nose and huffs out another breath, "god how much unnecesarry air can one man hold" Mika thinks.
Michael rolls his eyes 'he's so annoying' he stares at Mika, eyes going a bit soft as he is confronted by Mika's soft smile 'I'm not denying that but that's no reason to fight him' Michael snorts 'isnt it? I'd win' he says it with the cockyness of a hundred man Mika can't help but smile 'hm maybe you would'
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princemick · 1 year
sewis + hello
Seb looks down at his lap, Lewis's face lighting up the screen, a little smile grows grows on his face, hes glad hes sitting on one of the coutches in the back of the little community room at the center 'hello' the soft greating that comes from the small speakers in the phone is laced with the familiar accent. Seb can almost see Lewis's face as he says the words 'so how's ROC? I saw Mick did well'
'do you did watch' Seb picks a little at his pants, he borrowed Mick's he has no idea where his went last night 'ofcourse I watched' Seb breathes in a little he hopes Lewis doesnt hear it 'good, yeah it was fun, Mick did amazing' Seb looks up a little. at the coutch on the other side of the room Mick is sitting with a big grin, Oli on the ground between his legs laughing about something Mika said, Mattias and Val on both sides of Mick. Val is looking at Seb eyes just as piercing and knowing as ever, Seb raises an eyebrow 'that country corss dirt racing apperantly did some good' he heard some trough, some destain lacing Lewis's voice Seb laughs, Val looks away with a small smile.
'I truly dont understand it man, why would he wilingly get dirty like that and then for 12 hours straight' and Seb leans farther into the couch and listens to the 2 hour rant he already heard a million times before.
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princemick · 1 year
schumilton + lipstick
Lewis's hands are soft as they hold Micks chin, his thumb softly rubbing at his cheeck 'hold still' its whispered, the soundtrack in the back switched to the Concering Hobbits song, Mick grins and Lewis pulls away, head cocking to the side a little brow furrowing as he turns towards thee phone, hand leaving his chin 'what kind of music did you put on?' Mick grins bigger 'you asked me to put on my relaxing music'
Lewis now with the phone in his hand, torso twisted, legs still crossed on the bed turns back towards Mick one hand still holding the bright red lipstick the other Mick's phone, a moment of silence, Lewis looking at Mick as if he just got handed DaVinci's code, Mick just softly smiling, half of his bottom lip bright red 'you are so strange Schumacher' Mick lets out a loud laugh 'come on werent you doing something there mr 7 time world champion'
Lewis scoffs as he moved back towards Mick 'you asked for the red mr. its in my blood' Mick grin widens impossibly more as Lewis is back in front of him. Moving forward a little he softly kisses Lewis, quick and soft, unimportant and normal. When he pulls back he sees the little bit of red left on Lewis's lips he moves to wipe it away 'now we gotta start over, this looks horrible, when Anna told me how to do this she didnt take you into account'
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princemick · 1 year
all three of us gasped and went 'noooooo' and then realised it wasn't oliver and we collectively went 'oh okay'
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princemick · 1 year
2007 ferwis graphic that’s like. spy genre pls im honour of our lord and saviour spygate
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princemick · 1 year
I really told niamh a whole life story and she just goes 'right .' worst wife in existence fr
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princemick · 1 year
no one fucking show that poll to niamh I will personally go after you
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princemick · 1 year
why's this a reccuring theme
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princemick · 1 year
what if I made a favorite member of the trio poll? aka me niamh or fran, what if I did that and yall could watch my ego inflate in real time
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princemick · 1 year
when niamh says this to a brainrot I know I did something right
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princemick · 1 year
sometimes, Niamh says this about me and then like 2 hours later I prove her right and zi do in fact hate that
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princemick · 1 year
the amount of times I see a reblog from fran or niamh of a post I rbed earlier with as good as the same tags....we spend to much time together fr
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princemick · 1 year
ok so. ur great? idk what u want from me. u know ur a brilliant gif maker and editor and artist and even tho ur a little cracked most of the time u are right in ur opinions. the times when ur not it’s fine bc ur hot. and i love u
pls ur so cute, I'm so glad my hottness makes up for the fact that I'm insane good to know.
tell me what you think of me
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princemick · 1 year
lewis + sci-fi
here ya go babe
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