princemick · 1 year
valewis + coffee
Lewis pulls away with a small pout and scruch of his nose, he squints a little the morning sun reflecting from the stud in his nose 'your breath smells like coffee'
Valtteri smiles softly leaning back a little, one arm still wrapped around Lewis's waist as he leans against the backboard of the bed, still sleep warm, puffy eyes and shirtless 'it's what happens when you drink coffee in the morning' Lewis glares at him a little one of the soft ones and a little delayed as his brain still seems like it's not completely awake yet.
'you really need to learn to like tea I cant wake up to coffee breath for the rest of my life man'
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princemick-archive · 2 years
Kimi calls for everyone’s attention and all Charles does is look at the boy on the left side of the ring, his face kind and hard at the same time. Concentrated and ready, Kimi introduces the two fighters and something about respect and rules like always. Mick looks his way, a warm grin breaks the hard exterior for a second, a wink comes his way and the bell dings. He sees Mick’s expression close up as he turns his head towards his opponent. - or, Charles is a nurse and Mick a boxer and I make them fall in love and go through shit.
schuclerc // 1.6k words 1/? chapters // boxer au
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princemick · 1 year
makkinen + move
'MOVE MIKA!' ths shout comes out loud and defensive, Michael so close to Mika he could hear him swallow if he wanted to 'no' Michael huffs out a breath and tries to move around Mika who just follows him 'not happening Michael' another huff 'all he did was race Michael' another huff, this one impossibly more annoyed.
'he moved into my space and fucked up my race' Michael has takes a step back, given into the fact he wont get through Mika and to DC 'you won the race Michael' Mika who has recently gotten glasses pushes them up a little still not used to them 'he didnt ruin anything' Michael scrunches up his nose and huffs out another breath, "god how much unnecesarry air can one man hold" Mika thinks.
Michael rolls his eyes 'he's so annoying' he stares at Mika, eyes going a bit soft as he is confronted by Mika's soft smile 'I'm not denying that but that's no reason to fight him' Michael snorts 'isnt it? I'd win' he says it with the cockyness of a hundred man Mika can't help but smile 'hm maybe you would'
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princemick · 1 year
sewis + hello
Seb looks down at his lap, Lewis's face lighting up the screen, a little smile grows grows on his face, hes glad hes sitting on one of the coutches in the back of the little community room at the center 'hello' the soft greating that comes from the small speakers in the phone is laced with the familiar accent. Seb can almost see Lewis's face as he says the words 'so how's ROC? I saw Mick did well'
'do you did watch' Seb picks a little at his pants, he borrowed Mick's he has no idea where his went last night 'ofcourse I watched' Seb breathes in a little he hopes Lewis doesnt hear it 'good, yeah it was fun, Mick did amazing' Seb looks up a little. at the coutch on the other side of the room Mick is sitting with a big grin, Oli on the ground between his legs laughing about something Mika said, Mattias and Val on both sides of Mick. Val is looking at Seb eyes just as piercing and knowing as ever, Seb raises an eyebrow 'that country corss dirt racing apperantly did some good' he heard some trough, some destain lacing Lewis's voice Seb laughs, Val looks away with a small smile.
'I truly dont understand it man, why would he wilingly get dirty like that and then for 12 hours straight' and Seb leans farther into the couch and listens to the 2 hour rant he already heard a million times before.
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princemick · 1 year
sewis + nail polish :3
Lewis has always loved Seb's hands, someone on twitter once called them paws and another called them what was it 'aerodynamic' Lewis's doesn't remember exactly but he knows that he loves how they fit into his, how his one hand can cover both of his, how Seb plays with Lewis's fingers as they lay on the couch on sn off day, Rosco between them.
'can I paint your nails Seb?' he asks one night, its quiet and Pretty Woman is playing in the background Seb looks at him, head on Lewis's chest, laying between his legs, his eyes are so big and wide from this high up perspective, still so young, if you only saw his eyes you couldn't guess his age 'what colour?' Seb's lip quirks a little 'purple?' Lewis smiles and leans down, plants a soft kis right at Seb's hairline.
'purple would look pretty, I was thinking yellow maybe, or green' Seb smiles again even wider, eyes shining even brighter 'yeah those would be nice to, oh we could do rainbow too' his eyes sparkle as they leave Lewis's sight, Seb grabs for his phone, google is open with a nailpolish site open within seconds, Lewis points towards it 'oh I like that colour'
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princemick · 1 year
No do yall know what Eye want to read?
Prince Mick w/ body(royal)guard Lewis promised to Prince Chales w/ bory(royal)guard Seb.
Like, helloo??
OH?????????? yes, god hmhm this is what I mean when I say sewis and schuclerc is my favorite ship double.
like also, imagine the different ways how they got raised like if we say mick is crown prince bc corinna is cool and renounced the crown at a young age (maybe after michael got in an accident and the reality of becoming queen became to big) to become a knight and charles whos the second child. they have such different feelings of responsibility.
charles who is exited because he heard mick is kind and seb was once a knight of the german crown and he only speaks highly off mick and his family and mick whos only sure because he knows this is best for his country but he doesn't really want to get married yet, he will do it and be nice and kind to charles but hes not exited as charles is because he doesn't have fantasies of princes and fairy worlds like charles always had. their realities and lives and feeling of responsibility to their country are completely different.
and eventually mick can't help but fall for charles who wouldn't but hes so overly careful with him and charles has been in germany for a bit and he never got the feeling mick really cared so his exitement has faded over time and their wedding is still on and its so close and mick is so so careful.
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princemick · 1 year
schumilton + cold ? for the one word prompt🥺
'are you okay Lewis' the words come out kinda muffled with how high Mick is weating the collar of his coat, Lewis turns 'no man I'm good' Mick presses his lips together in a supressed smile and takes off his scarf.
when he pushes it towards Lewis he gets a confused look in return 'my coat is big and I think you're gonna turn blue in a second' Lewis's lip quirks into a small smile 'thanks' thankfully the scarf is black otherwise it wouldve horribly clashed with Lewis's valentino pink jacket 'so you're just here to watch huh' Mick applauds as the celebrity guest drivers finish their race. he feels something bump into his hip, Lewis has moved closer on their shared bench. Lewis burries his nose in the scarf and nods into it.
'no wish to drive one of them at all?' Mick smiles as he watches Lewis looking out on the track, he opens his mouth to speak but at that exact time Mick's name is called. standing up he takes off his coat 'it'll keep you warm better' a small blush creeps onto his cheeks and Mick has never been happier about the cold as it hides it wonderfully. Lewis smiles up at him, gap tooth and all as he grabs the coat from Micks hands 'thanks' Mick nods as he moves away.
he passes Seb who just finished his race and for someone who just lost he has a really big grin on his face, eyes sparkling as he looks at the younger german.
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princemick · 1 year
“Remember” + Schuvesti for the prompts :P
'hey, hey, hey Freddie hey look at me' Mick's hands softly grab onto Fred's face, wide eyes connect with soft and open ones red cheecks almost completely covered by micks hands 'you're good, hey I know that Toto seemed a bit stressed but you're okay he wasnt mad'
Fred's mouth opens to say something but his mouth feels like cotton as if all the moisture has been sucked out, his cheecks stain even more impossibly red but no one but Mick sees as they hide away in the little corner in the back of the building Mick grabs a water bottle that Fred didnt even notice he brought with him hand leaving his cheeks.
a small warm smile appears as he hands Fred the bottle with a soft nod 'remember when you showed me this corner?' his smile widens a bit Fred nods softly ofcourse he does it was micks first day 'it was my first day at Brackley and Toto asked you to show me around "he knows it better then me anyway" he said, remember that' he smiles even bigger Fred nods a little
one of Micks hands ended up in Fred's when he went to grab the water bottle Mick moves one finger a little as Fred plays around with them 'you told me that this was the quietest place in the center, no one really comes here' Fred nods again, focus trained on Micks hand in his.
Mick moves from his crouching position to sit with his legs crossed opposite from Fred, now they're face to face and Fred has to copy his posture and move his legs from his chest to be able to keep his hand in Micks. he breaths out a little 'it's still quiet here, it's always calm'
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princemick · 1 year
schumilton + lipstick
Lewis's hands are soft as they hold Micks chin, his thumb softly rubbing at his cheeck 'hold still' its whispered, the soundtrack in the back switched to the Concering Hobbits song, Mick grins and Lewis pulls away, head cocking to the side a little brow furrowing as he turns towards thee phone, hand leaving his chin 'what kind of music did you put on?' Mick grins bigger 'you asked me to put on my relaxing music'
Lewis now with the phone in his hand, torso twisted, legs still crossed on the bed turns back towards Mick one hand still holding the bright red lipstick the other Mick's phone, a moment of silence, Lewis looking at Mick as if he just got handed DaVinci's code, Mick just softly smiling, half of his bottom lip bright red 'you are so strange Schumacher' Mick lets out a loud laugh 'come on werent you doing something there mr 7 time world champion'
Lewis scoffs as he moved back towards Mick 'you asked for the red mr. its in my blood' Mick grin widens impossibly more as Lewis is back in front of him. Moving forward a little he softly kisses Lewis, quick and soft, unimportant and normal. When he pulls back he sees the little bit of red left on Lewis's lips he moves to wipe it away 'now we gotta start over, this looks horrible, when Anna told me how to do this she didnt take you into account'
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princemick · 1 year
okay so for the modern fantasy au there are four fantasy races plus humans I'm gonna write some lore and assign the drivers below the cut
vampire - you're either born or turned, turned vamps are different to born vamps. have a human aging process until around 18-23 depends on the person and from then on just age slowly, can die of old age eventually.
people who are vamps on the grid: toto, george
werewolf - are born and tend to stay in packs, turn into actual wolves, can do so on their own will and during the full moon they naturally will. every wolf looks different and live about double the amount as humans do, same story with a normal aging process until 18-23
people who are werewolves on the grid: nando, lance, pierre, nyck, carlos
elves - are born and have a link to the magic in the world, not as closely as elves but are more masters of study and are able to read and notice magic more then other races. have the same aging process as vampires.
people who are elves on the grid: daniel, lewis, mick
fairies - are born but elves could study magic with the fairies enough to be able to use magic like the faries, they will lose their long live span. faries are naturally in touch with magic, they are the size of humans and when they want to use their wings they turn as small as a barbie doll. their aging process is just like humans.
people who are fairies on the grid: yuki, alex, seb
humans - pretty self explenatory but they can be turned into vamps, they will then have yellow eyes and will only live a little longer then a normal human, they can go into the sun without the help of magic. they can also study magic with the elves and fairies and become masters in the study and use it if they study enough. normal human life span.
people who are humans on the grid: nico, logan
thats what I got now, pleaseee, feel free to send in asks and suggest stuff or ask me anything or tell me your ideas!! even if you dissagree please tell me!!
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princemick-archive · 2 years
‘you finally settling down? All domestic, pretty little house, pretty little spouse, I can already see the kids running around your feet’ Lewis laughs and shakes his head. ‘well that's a bit fast there Vettel, just looking for a place to stay for, I don’t know at least the next two years I think. I need a little break from it all’ Lewis lets out a small huff and laugh ‘might be getting old after all huh’
(aka, the surfer au with the most rare pair of them all where Lewis a multiple time world surfer series champion wants to take a break and moves to a small beach town that the Schumachers a surfer couple started years ago)
schumilton // 3.7k words // surfer au intro fic
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princemick-archive · 2 years
dewis? I need to hear more pretty please
listen..okay fine I'll copy a part of the brainrot I wrote:
and he feels so alone, hes a 7 time wdc, the goat, he beat it all, he is the best and now hes alone in the apartment and hes still not out and he feels so alone
and during winter break as a 7 time champ life goes on and he goes to the store and he buys the wrong kibble because roscoe actually seemed to like the the one daniel bought last year more then the normal one and he goes home and breaks down and plays with his necklace, the thin gold necklace that now holds the gold band, he never wore it, he put it on a chain to give it to daniel because its still dannys ring and he wanted to give it to dan but he never got to and he sits on the floor of his bedroom, roscoe between his legs ring in his hands. alone, and the clock strikes 12 and hes alone and its 2021 and he hears his phone ding, its on the left bedside table the right one still depressingly empty but with a stain in the wood from that one time dan spilled red wine on it and didnt bother to clean it because he was deep inside lewis so he had better things to do
and then its '21 and they can do a bit more and the season starts and lewis can't help but stare at danny all the time. god he looks good in orange
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princemick-archive · 2 years
Daniel grins, one eye closes, he forgot how sharp the sun is at home but he looks at Lewis anyways who smiles softly and tips Daniel’s cap down just a little, Daniel scrunches his nose up in response but opens his eyes ‘well, let’s hope it goes better then last time huh’ - (aka Daniel thinks about Lewis a lot and how good they are together before the 2022 Australian gp)
Dewis // 1.6k words // fluff
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