#nicholas of yugoslavia
romanovsonelastdance · 8 months
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Princess Olga of Greece with her husband and sons.
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icemankazansky86 · 2 months
Top Gun (1986) Olympic Figure Skating Au Rp
If anyone’s interested, feel free to send me a message!
Genre: Sports, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Trope: Enemies to friends to lovers
Writing style: Advanced Literate-Novella
Age requirement: 18+
Games Host Locations Options:
Location: Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, 1984
Location: Lake Placid, New York, USA, 1980
Or we could just make one up and have the Games located in San Diego, CA in 1980…
Characters (Main):
Tomer Ivanovich “Iceman” Kazansky: The Soviet figure skating prodigy and golden boy who earned the nickname “Iceman” due to his unparalleled ability on the ice.
To most who meet him he’s cold and calculating, but there’s more to Tomer than meets the eye.
Place of Birth: Novosibirsk, Russia, USSR 🇷🇺
World Ranking: Reigning World Champion, Russian National Champion
Age: 16
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell: The highly regarded American figure skater with nerves of steel and a bit of an ego (and maybe a death wish). With his boldness and propensity for bending the rules, Mitchell became a Maverick of the sport.
Place of Birth: San Diego, California 🇺🇸
World Ranking: Up and Coming Champion
Age: 17
Ronald “Slider” Kerner: German Olympic figure skater and back-to-back silver medalist.
Place of Birth: Munich, Germany 🇩🇪
Age: 21
Nicholas “Goose” Bradshaw: American Olympic figure skater and bronze medalist boasting no small amount of southern charm. Regardless of if he medals or not he’s always a good sportsman.
Place of Birth: Nashville, Tennessee 🇺🇸
Age: 18
Characters (Side):
Coach Mike Metcalf: (U.S. Olympic Committee)
Coach Rick Heatherly: (U.S. Olympic Committee)
Carole Bradshaw: Girlfriend of skater Nicholas “Goose” Bradshaw
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood: U.S. Olympic PR Specialist
Yekaterina Kazanskaya: Mother of skater Tomer Ivanovich Kazansky
Anastasia Ivanovna Kazanskaya: Older sister of Tomer Ivanovich Kazasnky
Ivan Georgiyevich Kazansky: Father of Tomer Ivanovich Kazasnky
Feodora Ilyinichna Kazanskaya: Grandmother of Tomer Ivanovich Kazansky
Coach Olga Alexandrovna Kuznetsova: (Russian Olympic Committee)
Coach Vladislav Nikolaevich Abakumov: (Russian Olympic Committee)
Coach Nadezhda Chava Lewandowska: (Russian Olympic Committee)
Coach Batya Tzipporah Shulman: (Russian Olympic Committee)
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furordinaricvs · 1 year
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Each year on feast day of St John Vladimir a particular custom occurs where Vladimir's cross is carried in front of procession of faithful. Cross is carried by members of Andrović family from Bar, Montenegro which has been guarding it for generations.
Cross is made of yew tree and encased in silver in Venice when people of Bar were converting to Islam, most likely in XVI century. Cross measures 45cm by 38cm and on the bottom it has a brass orb used for mounting on wooden staff.
When its original owners converted to Islam, cross was taken from them by rival clan of Mrkojević. When they too converted to Islam, cross was given to its current owners - the Andrović family under whose protection it has been to this very day.
Every year a religious procession is held with Vladimir's cross at the front. Cross is carried to the Church of Holy Trinity on top of mountain Rumija. Participants gather a day before in Veliki Mikulići where liturgy is held at church of St Nicholas at midnight.
Participants of the procession are also local Muslims and Catholic. Cross is ALWAYS at the front and is considered bad omen for someone to step in front of it. Participants chant "I carry the cross, i praise God, Lord have mercy". In the past, a member of Mrkojević family who was a Muslim would serve as flag-bearer (Baryaktar). He would go with flag in his right hand and a dagger in his left ready to defend the cross if someone attempted to take it away, especially its original owners.
Over years, number of Muslim participants greatly lowered due to influence of their religious and political elders.
During Socialist Yugoslavia, between 1959-1984 procession wasn't held.
According to the legend, original church of Holy Trinity was destroyed by Ottomans. According to the he other, church has crumbled because "a young man and girl made sin inside it". That's why it was a custom that those who take part in procession, take a stone and carry it to the top. It was believed that when enough stones was brought, church would rebuild itself. Current church was built in 2005 and consecrated by SOC.
Procession arrives to the top of mountain before dawn and at first sun's rays a liturgy is held. After it, people return to Veliki Mikulići where they came from. On their way back, people pick healing herbs and celebration is held.
Until next day of Holy Trinity, Vladimir's cross is held in secret location and only two male members of the family know its whereabouts.
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royalsofhistory · 1 year
Can you pls talk about king Alexander I of Yugoslavia & his wife mignon.
Does he was loyal to her? Did they had a loving marriage?.
I tried so hard to find some info but it's so hard!😭
Hi! Of course, I’ll try to, to the best of my knowledge.
I’m not entirely convinced whether the match was one of true love or not, but I do believe the two had respect for one another.
Alexander had fallen in love with Tatiana, Tsar Nicholas II’s second daughter, when he was a child, and he intended on marrying her, but his marital aspirations came crumbling when the Romanovs were slaughtered by the Bolsheviks. To quote Hannah Pakula, “he never fell in love again”. Mignon, too, had declared she was never going to marry amidst the marriage events of her siblings. In spite of Alexander’s heartbreak, he still expressed his wish for “practical matters, such as the consolidation of his dynasty”.
However, the idea of a marriage between Mignon and Alexander came through the auspices of Romanian politician, Take Ionescu, who supported Balkan unity. He spoke to Mignon about the “lonely young man, an orphan with a mentally unstable brother, a poor rich king in an empty palace, who was looking for a queen to brighten his life and give him a family”, which intrigued the ever so kindhearted Romanian princess.
The following passages are cited from Hannah Pakula’s book:
[…] Alexander vas invited to Sinaia for the Christmas holidays, "the time of all the year," according to the Princess, "when it must be most sad to be alone without family." A week or so after New Year's, Mignon took her suitor through the snow-covered forests on a tour of Castle Peles. They were gone some time. When they returned, she was leading him by the hand. The King of Yugoslavia spoke no English. "Mother, we have arranged it," said Mignon, who burst into tears and ran quickly out of the room.
Queen Marie was concerned. Although she knew Alexander had an excellent personal reputation and that the alliance would be extremely popular both countries, he was, in her words, "an outsider of unsure race." Shy, communicative, the King of Yugoslavia volunteered nothing about himself. Marie could not understand how her daughter could have accepted him so readily without knowing him better […]. The Princess herself seemed to have no anxieties, announcing her new status with pride to everyone around and insisting upon telegraphing government officials herself.
I interpret Mignon’s eagerness to become engaged with Alexander as a show of her empathetic nature, but also of attraction. Upon their marriage celebrations, Alexander purchased an incredibly exquisite but expensive set of jewels for his soon-to-be wife.
Now… I haven’t found much information about their actual marriage. It’s a rather vague subject. However, I think it was an agreeable one, but not exclusively loving. His mother-in-law described Alexander as “capricious”, and Mignon as “having developed a dependency on other women”. Please note that it was believed that Mignon was romantically interested in women and she allegedly had an affair with a former classmate from Heathfield School, Rosemary Cresswell, also a lady-in-waiting to her, after her husband's death. In terms of Alexander’s loyalty, there was an incident involving his sister-in-law, Elisabeth, which took place soon after Peter’s birth. Elisabeth was being very flirtatious towards Alexander, a fact which greatly bothered Mignon, but it was never mentioned if it was mutual. I haven’t read about any other cases of “infidelity”.
The only reaction on Mignon’s part after Alexander’s death that I was able to find was the following, noted by Marie of Romania: “She was extremely calm and wonderfully dignified, but her hands were shaking”.
I wish I could further elaborate, but I only possess so much information on the subject you’ve mentioned.
Unfortunately, as you’ve mentioned, resources (especially primary resources, like their diaries which have yet to be published, if they ever will be) on them are rather limited. However, I’ve managed to gather a few, though I’m afraid they might not be very accessible, since they’re not all available in English, but here they are nevertheless:
English language sources:
• The many works of Stephen Graham on King Alexander of Yugoslavia, such as Alexander of Yugoslavia: The Story of the King who was Murdered at Marseilles. You can read it here. Also, Alexander of Yugoslavia: The Strong Man of the Balkans, which you can read here.
• The website of the Royal Family of Serbia, that you can access here.
• The Last Romantic: A Biography of Queen Marie of Romania by Hannah Pakula. You can read it here.
• And of course, The story of my life by Queen Marie of Romania. Her memoirs are always very insightful and useful. You can read them here.
Romanian language sources:
• Mignon. Principesa României, Regina Iugoslaviei by Diana Mandache. It’s a very solid piece of work on Mignon, though, unfortunately, the biography has yet to be digitalised and translated into English.
• A ten page article on Mignon also written by Diana Mandache and published by the Romanian National Museum of History Journal that you can read here. It’s in Romanian, but you can use Google Translate to read it, if you’ve got the patience.
Serbian language sources:
• Marija Karađorđević - Kraljica Majka by Danica and Srđan Čolović.
• Marija Karađorđević: Kraljica Plem by Vojislava Latković.
Hope this helps :D
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the-last-tsar · 2 years
Who do you think would have had the highest chance of suitor for OTMAA? (Pre-revolution and war) as well as (after revo if they survived).
Olga nikolaevna= Princes Vladimir Paley or Grand duke dmitri pavlovich romanov (there are some who thinks paley might have been).
Tatiana Nikolaevna= Prince Alexander of Yugoslvia or Prince Roman petrovich(idk about roman petrovich but from what I read he was mostly mentioned)
Maria= Prince Carol of Romania or Prince Louis Mountbatten( carol said he liked her at some point)
Anastasia= Princes Frederick of Denmark or Prince Paul of Greece and Denmark(Tbh, I feel like she would chose herself heheh)
Alexei= Princess Ileana of Romania or Princess Elizabeth of Greece and Denmark.
Who do you think would have had the highest chance of suitor for OTMAA? (Pre-revolution and war) as well as (after revo if they survived).
Olga nikolaevna= Princes Vladimir Paley or Grand duke dmitri pavlovich romanov (there are some who thinks paley might have been).
Tatiana Nikolaevna= Prince Alexander of Yugoslvia or Prince Roman petrovich(idk about roman petrovich but from what I read he was mostly mentioned)
Maria= Prince Carol of Romania or Prince Louis Mountbatten( carol said he liked her at some point)
Anastasia= Princes Frederick of Denmark or Prince Paul of Greece and Denmark(Tbh, I feel like she would chose herself heheh)
Alexei= Princess Ileana of Romania or Princess Elizabeth of Greece and Denmark.
To Olga: From your options I choose Vladimir Paley, but I like to imagine her with prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark. He loved her and even talked to Nicholas about it.
To Tatiana: Alexander I of Yugoslavia, he loved her and some sources say it was mutual.
To Maria: Louis Mountbatten, of course, he adored her! Carol of Romania was a horrible husband to Helen, he would have made Maria suffer as he did to Helen.
To Anastasia: We don't know about her preferences but I vote in Paul of Greece and Denmark.
To Alexei: Princess Ileana.
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krasivaa · 1 year
Hi there! My name is Divna, I am Serbian 🇷🇸 and Orthodox ☦️ girl interested and loving royals. I like sharing my knowledge about history and always to learn more!
my side blog is: @sensibilityoversense
This one is dedicated to my love for history; my favorite dynasty is The House of Romanov, but you also can find:
History of other monarchies
Ancient cultures
Orthodox Christianity stuff
History of Yugoslavia/Serbia
Letters, diaries, castles, palaces and other things royals own
And more!
I love making edits, parallels and wallpapers, as well as writing fan fictions!
Everyone is welcome here, we respect diversity and share good vibes and understanding. (:
My fan fiction about Nicholas and Alexandra on AO3:
Part 1 - here
Part 2 - here
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Who do you think would have had the highest chance of suitor for OTMAA? (Pre-revolution and war) as well as (after revo if they survived).
Olga nikolaevna= Princes Vladimir Paley or Grand duke dmitri pavlovich romanov (there are some who thinks paley might have been).
Tatiana Nikolaevna= Prince Alexander of Yugoslvia or Prince Roman petrovich(idk about roman petrovich but from what I read he was mostly mentioned)
Maria= Prince Carol of Romania or Prince Louis Mountbatten( carol said he liked her at some point)
Anastasia= Princes Frederick of Denmark or Prince Paul of Greece and Denmark(Tbh, I feel like she would chose herself heheh)
Alexei= Princess Ileana of Romania or Princess Elizabeth of Greece and Denmark.
Hi!!! This is a very interesting question and I’m so excited to answer!
Olga: Dmitri Pavlovich. I think Dmitri because there was lots of rumors that they were going to get married (they were all false) and they spent a lot of time together. They also were in a very good place to get married if that’s what they chose. Dmitri was single and living a stylish lifestyle and Olga was single and eligible to get married. I think that these two were certainly an option before 1916. Dmitri helped kill Rasputin and Alexandra despised Felix and Dmitri because of that and I think wouldn’t let Dmitri marry Olga. Vladimir Paley to me would’ve been a better option because he wasn’t known and had no bad strings attached to him. Olga also said that she wanted to “remain a Russian” so I think she would’ve been happy with him. But he was a child of a morganatic marriage (his father married without the Tsar’s permission) and I don’t think Nicholas would allow that marriage to happen. So I think because of those reasons Dmitri would’ve been the first and more eligible choice but after 1916 I think Vladimir would’ve been a better option even if Olga survived the revolution (her family wasn’t the imperial family anymore so I think it would’ve been ok).
Tatiana: Alexander of Yugoslavia. I think him because I have never heard of Roman Petrovich as an option for her marriage. Tatiana also never stated that she wanted to be Russian so she definitely was considered a lot to be a future queen. Also Tatiana was nicknamed “the governess” by her family and some of her major traits were being organized and super kind and those are good traits for a queen.
Maria: Carol of Romania. As much as I hate to say this I really think that a marriage with Carol was the option that was most likely to happen. I ship Mashka with Dickie (Louis Mountbatten) and Carol is mean and gross and Mashka deserves Dickie but that was probably never likely to happen. In Russia there was a rule that if you were a royal, you can’t marry your first cousins (I said “was” because I don’t know what the rules are today), and Tsar Nicholas II went by that rule. Louis and Maria were first cousins through their mothers (Princesses Victoria and Alix of Hesse before marriage) so because Nicholas stuck to this rule and Maria was his own daughter, I don’t think that she would be allowed to marry him. And Carol did prefer Maria over her older more eligible sister Olga. He even asked Nicholas if he could marry her! Nicky said no (because she was too young) but I think that if Maria were to wait a few more years then they would be able to get married.
Anastasia: Prince Fredrick of Denmark. I think Fredrick because i have heard rumors of them being together. They are very close in age and have sort of a similar personality! Even though Paul is closer in age with Anastasia, when Anastasia was closest to her prime marital age, Greece was going through lots of political and monarchal problems. Even though Nicky is very close with his Greek relatives I don’t think he would send one of his daughters to a country that is going through a revolution (A was with her family during the Russian revolution and I’m kinda ignoring it in this case). Also Anastasia would really fit in with the Danish Royal Family. She has lots of relatives their and they are honestly a hilarious royal family. And when Anastasia was little, her and her family made visits to Denmark and I think that they would welcome her into their family with open arms.
Alexei: Princess Elisabeth of Greece and Denmark. I would choose Elisabeth because her and Alexei are much closer in age than him and Ileana. Alexei was 5 years older than Ileana but him and Elisabeth were only a few months apart. Also as @romanovsonelastdance said, Elisabeth’s mother Elena Vladimirovna was very ambitious in marrying off her daughters into very prominent families (meaning she would kind of ignore the whole hemophilia business).
sorry this took so long to get out!! Thank you for asking me this!!!
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n-rnova · 2 years
Who do you think would have had the highest chance of suitor for OTMAA? (Pre-revolution and war) as well as (after revo if they survived).
Olga nikolaevna= Princes Vladimir Paley or Grand duke dmitri pavlovich romanov (there are some who thinks paley might have been).
Tatiana Nikolaevna= Prince Alexander of Yugoslvia or Prince Roman petrovich(idk about roman petrovich but from what I read he was mostly mentioned)
Maria= Prince Carol of Romania or Prince Louis Mountbatten( carol said he liked her at some point)
Anastasia= Princes Frederick of Denmark or Prince Paul of Greece and Denmark(Tbh, I feel like she would chose herself heheh)
Alexei= Princess Ileana of Romania or Princess Elizabeth of Greece and Denmark.
For Olga I think Dmitri would do a better option than Vladimir Paley since he is a GRAND DUKE, both his parents are royals while he(Vladimir) is a PRINCE via morganatic marriage. To be honest I think if the war hadn't happen I don't think Dmitri would end up killing rasputin along with felix since the war kinda started all the rumours of Rasputin being in control but since that didn't happen I would vote for Dmitri for pre-revolution and war while I think after the war Dmitri would still do? But like 40% possible since Paley would have been dead? Because I am not sure if you only refer for NAOTMAA to live.
For Tatiana, I think Alexander of Yugoslavia was the possible one considering that his father offered the idea to the tsar while he did exchange letters with tatiana and I even heard a rumour he was heart broken when she was murdered. So I think they would have been the 90% possible match as for Prince Roman Petrovich I think he would have been okay as well though I am not aware of his attitude, if ever tatiana would want to stay with Alix(her mom) since she was the closes I think Prince Roman would do. It just really depends on the situation but obviously Alexander of Y is my vote here even after the revo.
For Maria, As much as I hate Carol but I think he was the most eligible compared to Louis they both are Princes but louis is maria's first cousin something that Tsar Nicholas II forbids when it comes to marriage. And Maria was quite naive before the revo if her father allowed her she would have married him if carol were to ever flatter her of her feet. Pre revo I vote for Carol while After revo I don't think he would still want her while louis is a no no.
For Anastasia, Yes! I do agree she would chose herself ehhehe, but between the two men I don't really know much about them, but I think anastasia would go off well with the Danish royal family Queen Alexandrine even wanted one of the little pair to marry Frederick, Her grandmother Maria Feodorovna would have been happy of the idea and would had wanted it to happen, as for Paul I really don't know. so either Frederick or herself being independent (ehehe).
For Alexei, I think pre revolution Princess Elizabeth of Greece and Denmark would have been the candidate, her mother and grandmother were ambitious of high marriage and since elizabeth is much closer to alexei by age and by family they probably ended up together. Alexei also had said to her when they were 4 or 5 that he loves her but I think it was a childish thing so I won't consider that of, unlike his love towards Lada Ivanovna when he was 12. As for Princess Ileana I think after revo she would have been eligible enough for alexei since she was still a Princess of her own right she would have given them quite a fortune and I also still think Princess Elizabeth would still do since her mother is romanov it will enable alexandra to keep her precious sunbeam close to her but I doubt he would live to marry both.
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greekroyalfamily · 2 years
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66 years since the death of HI&RH Princess Helena of Greece and Denmark Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna of Russia (29 January 1882 �� 13 March 1957). Princess Helena was the only daughter and youngest child of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia and Duchess Marie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Her husband was Prince Nicholas of Greece and Denmark and they were both first cousins of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia. They had 3 children : 1)Princess Olga of Greece married Prince Paul of Yugoslavia; 2)Princess Elizabeth of Greece married Count Karl Theodor zu Toerring-Jettenbach, son of Duchess Sophie in Bavaria and scion of an old and rich Bavarian mediatized family; and 3)Princess Marina of Greece married the Prince George, Duke of Kent in November 1934.She was also first cousin of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Queen consort of Denmark and the grandmother of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, Princess Alexandra, the Honourable Lady Ogilvy, and Prince Michael of Kent. Princess Elena became a widow early in 1938, as Prince Nicholas suffered a heart attack and died suddenly. She remained in Greece throughout the Second World War, dying there in 1957 and she is buried in the Royal Cemetery in Tatoi Royal Estate close Athens. #royal #royalty #royals#greekroyals#greekroyalfamily#danishroyals#danishroyalfamily#queenannemarie#crownprincessmariechantal#princessmariechantal#crownprincepavlos#princepavlos#kingconstantine#princessmarieolympia#princessolympia#princeconstantinealexios#princenikolaos#princesstatiana#princeachileasandreas#princeodysseaskimon#princearistidesstavros #princephilipos #princessnina #princesstheodora#queenofgreece #princessofgreece#princeofgreece #dukeofsparta#kingofgreece https://www.instagram.com/p/CpuKKvLoaa9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thycoop · 1 year
Cover of the day: Day 15: Mint 19th century Montenegrin postal card
I still feel sick, so this post is also a bit late (I usually post at about 00:30 CEST, but it's 16:00 CEST), don't ask me why I always post at around midnight (My sleep schedule is a bit borked)
Today's cover was sent... nev... oh yeah, I'm not doing that anymore! Ok, I'll try again; Today I have a mint cover to show you! I'm not sure exactly when it was issued, sometime in the late 19th or early 20th century, It was issued by Montenegro, that I'm sure of.
People often forget Montenegro was an independent country before 2006 (including me). So here's a quick recap: First there was the Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro (1516–1852), then there was the Principality of Montenegro (1852–1910), then the Kingdom of Montenegro (1910–1918), in 1918 it was unified with Serbia, then they formed the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (Later Yugoslavia). Then in 2006 they became independent again. THE END.
The indicium is the same design as a stamp issued from 1874-1893, with a value of 2 novi-kreuzer, Montenegro used the Austrohungarian gulden until 1893 and the Austrohungarian Krone until 1906 (When they got their own currency, the Montenegrin Perper). The stamp features the portrait of Prince (Later King) Nicholas I of Montenegro (Montenegro was a principality from 1852-1910, then in became a kingdom in 1910).
All of the printed text on the postal card is in Montenegrin (Serbian) and French, 'Why French?', you may be wondering, well that's because until the 1920s or 30s had to have all text in the countries official language and in French, so foreign postal workers could sort mail more effectively (French was and still is the official language of the Universal Postal Union). The most common example of this are airmail labels (They all also say 'Par Avion')
Here are some examples:
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See? They're all also in French.
Enough talking about French, Here's the cover!
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See that it also says 'Union postale universelle' on the top? That's 'Universal Postal Union' in French (But you could already figure that out)
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romanovsonelastdance · 8 months
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Princess Olga of Greece with her husband and sons.
Princess Olga was the eldest daughter of Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna and Prince Nicholas of Greece. She married Prince Paul of Yugoslavia and her three children: Alexander and Nicholas, pictured here, and a daughter named Elizabeth.
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Queen Marie's funeral on 24 July 1938.
From left to right: Princess Paul of Yugoslavia, the Duchess of Kent, Princess Nicholas of Greece and Denmark, Princess Consort Alexandra of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Princess Elisabeth of Romania, Prince Nicholas of Romania, King Carol II of Romania, Queen Maria of Yugoslavia and Archduchess Anton of Austria.
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The Romanian Royal Family at Castelul Bran.
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empress-alexandra · 4 years
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State visit to Romania, June 1914.
L to R: Grand Duchess Maria Nicholaievna, King Carol I of Romania, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicholaievna, Princess Maria of Romania, Prince Carol of Romania  (later King Carol II), Princess Ileana of Romania, Crown Prince Ferdinand of Romania , Queen Elizabeth of Romania, Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, Grand Duchess Olga Nicholaievna with Prince Mircea of Romania on her lap. 
Sitting in the middle: Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Duchess Tatiana Nicholaievna and Crown Princess Maria of Romania. 
Sitting on the floor: Grand Duke Alexei Nicholaievich and Prince Nicholas of Romania
Original picture
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the-last-tsar · 2 years
May I ask who were the possible royal suitors of OTMA and A lexei
As I know to Olga there was Prince Ioann Konstantinovich, King Carol II of Romania, King Edward VIII of U.K and King Alexander I of yugoslavia. Some sources also speak about King George VI of U.K and Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich. There was also Grand Duke Constantine Constantinovich (he had a crush on her) and Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich. Prince Christopher of Greece loved her and tried to marry her but Nicholas declined the offer.
To Tatiana there was King Alexander I of Yugoslavia (sources said the he was in love with her), King George VI of U.K and Prince Adalbert of Bavaria.
To Maria there was Prince Louis of Battenberg. King Carol II of Romania asked for her hand but Nicholas declined.
To Anastasia, some sources speak about King Leopold III of Belgium.
Boris of Bulgaria, Peter of Montenegro and Prince Arthur (son of Prince Arthur Duke of Connaught) were also mentioned as possible husbands for the girls.
As for Alexei there was Ileana of Romania, Princess Ingrid (she became Queen of Denmark). Others princesses of Norway and Greece were mentioned too.
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krasivaa · 2 years
I was blessed that the city where I live (Belgrade) abounds with "Romanovs"
There is a plaque dedicated to Tsar Nicholas in front of the Alexander Nevsky Temple.
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Then there is the monument to Russian glory...
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...which is located in the Russian Necropolis
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The inscription in Serbian reads: "To the RUSSIAN brothers who fell bravely in the defense of Belgrade on the Thessaloniki front and the rest of the territory of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia" 1914-1918
Then we have the monument to Tsar Nicholas
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There is also a beautiful Russian church here
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And, what is perhaps the most spiritually important, part of Tsarevitch Alexei's shawls that his sisters knitted for him personally! It is kept exactly in that church.
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And imagine what it would look like if you lived in Russia!
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